Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 19, 1840, Image 3

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    J 1 . - L . - ' . 1 . 1
I'lll and rollfllN,
Talcs nml Anecdotes. ,
The last Sunhury Osr-ette soya, we fill no inlc
ret in the success of the democratic party, because
we hnve utilised "tales and anecdotes" just before
the election, and say nothing of the "reign of lorror,"
and "Buckshot war." And yet strange aa it may
appear, Mr. Youngman haa devoted about one half
of hit last pnpei to us. Did lie intend to nply to
the tales or the anecdotes! Was it hi design to
make war upon them, aa L)in Quixotte did upon
the wind-mills t The readers of the Gazstlo have
teen guzzleJ o long wilh pills and politics," that
the editor big ins to think ihry can swallow uothing
The truth is, we can give our Traders as much,
if not more politics than he daes, and have room
enough left for a tale or two, foieign ncw, .See, and
at least score of anocdoies. If he docs not like
tales, we will give him this week an " Irish Story"
to digest. At the some time, we would advise him
to tuke care that his "whig storied" do not prove to
hi in another rope of sand " that some divil may
throw in his eye.
We are pleased to see, that Gatlord Chcrch,
Esq., the able and talented reprrsenlative of Craw
ford county, in llio lust Legislature, has been riomr
nated almost unanimously, for reelection, by the
democracy of that county. He pursued the same
course with our own rcpicsentative, C. W. Hegins,
Esq., in sustaining the credit of the state, and ac
tively supported the fearless conduct of eur patrio
tic Gevernor. His course has liecn promptly and
honorably approved of by the staunch democracy
of Crawford, notwithstanding he too was branded
by the Barnburners and Destructives as a trai.or
and recreant What think you of that Mr. Led
ger 1 He was not left at home, Eli !
The Extra Pay.
Mr. Editor : In your pajier of the 8th inrst.,
2 observed under the editoriul head, some remarks
'with the' caption oMExtra Pay," iu which you
pretend to give the vote upon allowing daily pay
to the members during the recess. Your remarks
appear to be particularly intended to operate to the
prejudice of Charhs W. Hegins, our late member.
You, however, with apparrnt candor aud sincerity,
offer the use of your column to Mr. Hegins, to re
ply to the charges you make against him. Sup
posing that you would extend the same privilege
to his friends, I ahull endeavor to enter into a brief
explanation of an error which you, as well as
other editors have fallen into more perhaps, from
your not having the Journal in your pots, ssion, arid
therefore dependant on other sources for your infor
mation, than from intentional misrepresentation.
The hiw, under which the members reccivid
their pay, gives them daily pay from the lime of
their meeting, until the final adjournment. So that
the daily pay of the members would continue du
ring a temporaiy adjournment, without an action
on the part of the Legislatuie.
The question then was, not whether they would
vote themselves sy.fcr the law already give it to
them, but whether i!iy wottld relinquish that pay
to which they wore vulilled by law. The vote
which you publish, was not up in thut question as I
shall show.
It will be lememlsrrcd, that the Legislature bi
Journrd sine die, on the 16th of April, having failed
to pass the important public bi Is, which the public
interests imperiously required. The Governor
calleJ a special session of the Legislature on the
17lh of April, by proclamation issued the previous
evening in pursuance of which, they met on that
day. The members were all ready to depart to their
homes, and many of them had alieady left Harrit
liurg At soon as they met, a resolution was oiTcr
cd lor a temporary adjournment and an extra sue
si m. That resolution was losi, Mr. Hegins voting
gainst it. After some time spent in ineffectual
attempts made to pass the Mil men ioncd in the
Governor's proclsmaiton, another resolution was in
troduced for an extra session, aud crried, Mr. Ho
gina voting cgt.i-ani it. They met ugaiu ia the
afternoon, after an extra session had been determ
ined upon, when Mr. Drodhoad offered the follow
ing resolution :
" Resolved, That the daily pay f the memlrs
nhall be suspended during the temporary adjourn-tur-nt
of (he Legislature." (Journal, Vol. 1, page
To prevent the passage, of this resolution, an ad
journment was moved and carried, aud upon a call
of the yeas and nays, they stood, yeas 30, naya 35,
Mr. Heg'ms aotmg against an adjournment. Jour
nal, page 1084.) Here, upon the thrc.-kdd of the
mailer, we Cud Mr. Hegim not euly voting against
an extra a ssion, but voting against an adj tuumeiil,
which adj lurnmeiit prevent d tho passage of the
above resolution, showing Lis with to reiiuqu sli
the daily pay dating the adjournment.
f)u the 18:b ef May, alter the Legislature had
again met, (Journnj, page 1671,) the Houso re
solved itself into a committee of the whole on the
jtbtve resolution of Mr. Bioadhead. After some
lime aihQt iu the committee, the speaker resumed
the chair, and the chairman repoited irogresa, and
asked leave to sit again. Leave was granted, and
a motion was mule that the committed have leave
to sit sguin on the Fourth of July. This would of
course, defeat the resolution. This motion was
lost, Mr. J leg Ins voting against it, (Jourual, page
1071.) A matin n was then made that ihe commit
tee sit on the SOth of June, (Journal, page 1071.)
This would a!o have defeated the resolution. Mr.
Hegins voteJ against this -loo. The committee waa
then refused leive to sit again, and the resolution
came hi fire the House. Mr. Nill move. I to strike
Utall after the word resolved, and insert iu lieu of
jt, the following, viz: "By lUo Senate cVc. Tht
the members of the legislature shall not receive per
cUem allowance from the a.'j urnm-ut on the 17th
tf Apiil last, until the 12th of May 1810, nor shall
they receive mil. age allowance for going to Hani
burg aud returning to their plueis of aboje."
IfJJ'J'l J.'L'J'.'
On tliis motion, the yeas and nays were called,
yeas 69, naya IB. Mr. Hegins voting for it, (Jour
nal, page 1073.) After tho resolution was
thus amendoj, a motion Was maJo to postpone in
definitely. .
This motion, if carried, Would haVe defeated the
resolution. It waa lost, Mi. Hegins voting against
it, (Journal, page 1075.) A motion was then
made to postpone it to the 0th of July, which Would
be after the legislature had adjourned. Mr, Hegins
voted against that. A motion was then made to
refer the whole matter to the committee on accounts
for their decision, which was cat ried, yeas 50, nays
40, Mr. Hegins voting against it, (Journal, page
1075.) So throughout the whole course of the af
fair, Mr. Hegina by hia votes, showed his willing
ness to relinqui h his pay during the adj .urnment,
and his roadiness to decido the matter at once. Tho
reference of the resolution to the committee on ac
counts, disposer! of the resolution, and it did not
come before the house again. Gn the last aftor
noon tf the session, the committer on accounts
reported the pay list of the members, with tho usual
resolution, via ;
u ResolveJ, That the speaker draw his warrant
en Ihe state treasury, for the sura set opposite to
their names respectively."
The yeas and nays which you published in your
paper, of the 8th inst., was upon the passage of this
resolution, and not upon the question ol relin
quishing hia pay duiing ilia adjournment. Mr. He
gins, had in every vote he gave, voted in favor of
relinquishing pay during the adjournment. Tho
whole matter had been relorred to the committee on
accounts agninst his consent, and the question pre
sented was, whether they will take any pay at all
Mr, Hegins voted for taking his pay during the
time ha was at Harrisburg.and if the committee on
accounts had included with it pay, which he by
his votes had shown a willingness to relinquish, it
waa nut bis fault for ho had voted against referring
it to the committco.
Good effects of the Sub-Treasury.
The 8ub-Treasury Bill, so much denounced by
the opposition, received the signature of the Presi
dent and became the law of the laud on the Fourth
of July. That feature of "the bill which is so hor
rible in the eyes of the whigs, and which exacts
gold and silver in payment of the public dues, has
been enforced in all tho ahinplastct-riddcn Mates
since the middle of October last. It is by the oper
ation of this section that its opponents say 'he
price of agricultural produce is to be broug!' dewn
to almost notliiua, and the country to bj ruined
w, hneiiforth and forever. To ihs Iiow the
whiira indulge in the vilest misrepresentations, and
what poor judges they are as to what effect any
public measure will produce, let ua take a alight
glance at both the past and the present, and see
whether the change has been far the butter or
We find by reference to the Price Current of
lust October the Piice current of the 4th of July,
aud the Pi ice Current of last week, that since the
enforcement of the luw of Congress refusing irre
deemable piper in payment of the public revenne,
maf sinre the Sub-Treasury became the law of the.
land, flour has advanced in all the eastern cities 50
to 75 cents per barrel; whiskey 6 to 8 cents per
gallon wool 4 to & cents per pound ; wheal 12 to
15 cents per bushel ; rye 6 to 8 cents per bushel,
and we leurn that in Xew Orleans Jlvur has ad
vanced one dollar and a half an the barrel ! If the
Sut-Trcasury will ruin the country, and bring
down the value of every thing, how happens it that
prices have thus advanced since it went into opera
tion! Let the whigs answer this question to tho
people whom they have so studiously labored to
Instead of tho " ruin" which was to follow tho
Sub-Treasury, we bear of an improvement in busi
ness, and a slow but certain advancement of tho
value of property in all parts of the country. If
there are any cases of suffering, they are the result
of the electioneering tyranny of some bank-fed and
bank-governed federal whig the result of uncon
trollable misfortune, or the natural fruits of idhme,
vice and dissipation. The farmer's produce of ev
ery description is fiom ten to twvaity per cent,
higher thin at any period of the foar yeais' whig
auiniiiislralioB of Adams and Clay and foreign
and internal navigation was never more a-;ivcy or
advantageously erupted mechanics and laborers
are hi demand, in m my p'aces, and finj plenty to
no in others, in spite of the efforts of the whig capi-
talis! to arwst eutcrjirise aus throw them out of
employment for eVvtioncering purposes, and the
merchants ale transacting a safe aud profitable bus
iness, and gradually r.coveiing from the diffi:'ties
into wilted fhey were led Vy the ruiueus vaainjUu
of the speculating gentry.
fcwch is the favorable and dar!y improving con
dition of our country under the operations of the
The following resolutions were unaiiim ualy
adopted by the Lincasler Convention, comp. srd of
23,000 Democrats, iu favor of Martin Van Uu
rwj, Uichard M. f olmsoH a A Governor Porlei :
KeelveiL That we cordially approve nf the nom
ination ot MARTIN VAN bl.UUN.f.fNew York,
lor I'risidiiitand KICUAliD M. JOilNeON, ,.
Kentacky, lor Vice President of the Unptd Male.,
as the Candidates uf tlio Democratic parly of the
Resolved, Thai in MARTIN VAN 0UKEN we
iecogni.o the able and Miliiihteuml at it. ainaii, the
experienced and practical democrat, who has al
ways beeu faithful to the cause ol the people. The
Keystone stale will record bvr attachment t the
piiiiaples and policy of his aJmiiUs, ration, by un
overwhelming mj.filv.
Resolved. That in RICHARD M JOH.ON,
we rieoguiso) the war worn teieran, v,'hoo numer
ous scars aie ample cen'fluiics that u his coun
try called, he sought the )-t of u'anger, and w ho
long aervicia in the councils of the na i.m lumihli
abundant evidence 4 his xpiiienio in the civil ad
Uiiuixtratioii of our Government.
Hi solved, That this Convention entertain t'ie
highest nnct lor DAVID It. 1'UK I'fcR, Governor
ol PtiiiusyUaiiia, and cordially ricouiinei d him to
ill Diiuocraty lor a tlo.t.uu tu tt oflicv.
Table of inrt llous.
T.ho following table will be found handy and use
ful as a mttrt of reference. It has been compiled
with great care, and is bplioved to lie accurate I
New Hampshire,
Connecticut '
Rhode Island,
I ouisiana,
Missouri, t
North Carolina, '
Maryland, .
South Carolina,
New Jersey,
New York, .
The electors meet at the capilols of tho respec
tive States in which they are chosen, on ihe second
day of December, and give in their ballots fur Pre
sident and Vice President,
lmjmlar IV at I Aw freUlntiul Election
Prvsidtutial Mt. of L
Election. kcloiB.
November 3 7
13 4
" 2 2
3 0
2 15
. 2 4
19 15
19 15
"10 i
2 10
11 2 11
Legislature. 11
Ootobor 30 30
November 0 8
" 0 21
2 42
" 0 14
10 3
in 1836.
Vail lltiren. White f Harrison.
Maine, 22,900 15,239
New Hampshire, 18.722 6.22H
Msssachusetis, 38,501 43.003
Rhode Hand, 2,964 2,710
Connecticut, 19,234 I8.4A0
Vermont, 14.037 20,991
New York, 10(1.815 13,513
New Jersey, 20.345 26,892
Pennsylvania, 91,475 67,111
Delaware, 4 1 .15 4,738
Maryland, 22.1C7 25,8.ri3
Viiginia, 30,261 23,368
North Carolina, 25.839 22.072
Geoigia, 22,121 21,930
Kentucky, 33,435 37,097
Tennessee, 26,120 .15 962
Ohio, 64 948 105 405
Louisiana, 3.653 3,383
Mississippi, 9,979 9,68
Indiana, 32 481) 41,281
Illinois, 18.097 14.9S3
Alabama, 20 531 15.637
Mi-souri, 11,995 8,237
Arkansas, 2,400 1,238
Michigan, 7,360 4,080
South Carolina, (elects by Legislature )
Tocs i Electoral Colli get, 1S36.
Martin Van Uuien had of electors,
Wni. H. Harrison,
Daniel Webster,
H. L. White,
Van Bureu'e mnj.irily over Harrison,
" Welnter,
- - White,
" " all.
The Hank.
We publish, to-day the following bill, restrict
ing the banks, passed by the House of Represen
tatives on the third of April last, together with Ihe
yeas and nays on the passage of the bill. We do
this fir the purpose of shewing how little reliance
can be placed in the assertions of Ihe Milton Ledger
and Sunhury Gazette. So far fiorn opposing a
reform ,f the present banking system, Mr. Hc,ins
voted for ju-t such restrictions on the banks as the
people desire, and we ask them to read the bill and
judge fm themselves. It will be recollected lhat
this bill passed two weeks lfore the I-gi.-laluie
Cr.-t adjourned; plenty of lime fir the Senate to
have passed the tall, hut did not see proper to do it.
All Act,
For the regulation of the several Banks, Savings
Institutions and Loan Companies of the Com
ni' in wealth.
Suction 1. If any hanking institution within
this commonwealth shall at anytime after the 15th
January, 1811, refuse la redeem auy oue of its
notes or bills, or pay any of its deposits or other li
aUI lies in gold or silver coin, its chartrrhall lie
foif ited ; and it may and shall be lawful for any
pei -on or ersona, er the agents of aay body corjio
rate, who shall have been refused g"ld or silver in
payment us nforesiid, to make an oath or aflirma
lion, lief ro any judue of any couit in the proper
coumy, of ihe fact. This section defines the mode
of priM-icdirg' lo forfeit the char er; aud provides
for t!. appointment of trustees to take charge of
'.'os i lH-cis of tho bank
Skc . Provides that the trustees may use the
corporate name of the bank, for the purpose of
settling ita oaTiirs.
rbe. 3. Provides rhe maimer in which the uus
t es shall ni.i ke a ttlenmut.
kc. 4. Provid s against the fraudulent conceal
ment of any of the funds of ihe bank, t y the ( resi
dent c ifchici or other uPiccr.
Srr, 5. Pioviik's for the refusal or neglect uf thi
tiu-lnes lo eiiTule rheir duty, te.
Six. 6. That the several courts of comraiKl picas
of this rommoime.ilih shall have tint tsiwer and
jur a hctioii ol courts of equity, so far as relates lo
tho manageuii cui.tnd and restraint of banks;
and incase the assets of any banks le iiisullicieiii
to pay Ihe la!ls tuid uthi r debu thereuf, the said
courts aie authorized, and it it hereby made their
duty la render decrees sgaiiist the direelors and
stockholders then of. f.i sucli sum or sums of mo
ney as shall ho sufficient to redeem said hills, aud
liquidate the just debts of the bank.
K.c. 7. Provides the manner and order in w hich
the trustees shill pay the debts of the baud.
Sue 8. That and .ifter the passage of this
act, it shall 11.4 be lawful for any stockluilder of any
bank, savings iu-iiiutioii, or loan company within
this coiiiiiiohw ulih, to vote at any election for di
rectors or nfti ers of the same, except in his or hr
own proper H-rsOu, mid that any ait or acts of As.
seaibly loTetoloie pa.ised, a.ilhoriiiog tl,e stoikhol
ders of s it li lianka. savings institutions and loan
co.npauiis, lo vote by proxy ut sucti tleclious, be,
and it is h. retiy r (icaled.
Sic. 9. It rhaJi not be lawful fir the directors of
any bank, savings institution or loan company of
this commonwealth, lo dec) .re a nd of more
than e uhl per cent. hi milium oil the cap.t il ac
tually paid in, or accumuLlo as a contingent fund
mine llian five per c lit. r aimuiu upon their said
capital , and alt the annual profits arising Com any
of such instil utions, over and above the said einhi
per ce'it. diyidniid, and Ihe sa d live per cent, c ,i
lingent fund, shall be paid annually into the ireasu
1 ry f.r the use of the eoiii'iionwehllh : VrwiJed,
hjuuer, thai when the sjiJ tont.ngfiit fumj t.
cieds twenty per cent, of Ihe amount of the capital
actually paid in, tho txcojs shall bo paid into the
suite treasury.
Sue. 10. It shall not he lawful for any bank
within this common wealth to purchase and hold
any bink or other stork, except their own, or the
slock of this state, or of the United Mutes, and the
amount of auch stock so purchised and held, shail
al no time exceed ten per cent, of the capital slock
of such bank actually paid in.
Skc. II. Thai from and afer Ihe first day of
January next, cveiy bunk within this common
wealth shall receive at pir the notes of all the char
tered r pr-oio paying banks within tho eunc, and no
bank shall pay out at its counter any thing but its
own notes or specie.
Sue. 12. No hank shall isstrA notes in the form
or similitude of bank notes, payable at a former day,
Usually culled or denominated post notes.
Skc. 13, Provides for mon hly statements by tho
Skc. 14. The stockholders of each and every
bank, savings institution and loan comp.iny in the
commonwealth, shall be personal!; Luble for Ihe
tedemplion ol tho bilie and notes, and payment of
the ju-t debts of such bank, savings institution and
loan company'; and such Tonsl liubilily may be
enforced in the manner Tcscrih d in the sixth fee
lion of this act. And it shall be the duty of the pn -sident
or cashier of every such bank, savings insti
tution suJ loan c tnpariy, on the first Mondays of
January, April. July and Ociotiei iu each year, to
furnish 011 oath or HHimititiou to Ihe piO'honotii'y
of their resM'ctive counties, a complete list of itM
stockholders, wi;h Ihe l umber of slmies held and
owned by each, which snid list raid prothonotary
shall file in his 1 flic e without charge, su' ject lo tin
inspection ol all persons, lor the loo which is now
wid fo s search.
Sac. 15. That if any hanking im'ilution, loan
company or savings institution shill, when not re
deeming their notes and liabilities io speiie, dul.ire
any dividend of profits or alleged piolits among Die
slockh Iders, the declaration or payment of such di
vidend shall ipso facto work a forleilu.e of the
Sao. 16. No director or any other officer of any
bank, shail directly or indirectly procure any loan
or discount therefiom, and tia loan or discount shall
lie mttde by any bank, except by the board of direc
tors, a majority of whom shall be necessary to con
stitute a quorum for lhat purpose.
Skc. 17. Provides further enalties against the
viola, i n of the act in relation to sin ill notes.
Skv. 18. The wilful and deliberate false swe iring
by any oilicer or other person, touching any state
ment mado or other duly enjoined by this act, shall
bo diciuid pcijury, ai.d puimJi 1I.I0 as such; but
the solitary confinement in any such case shail not
be lens than one nor more than six years.
Si.c. 19. The provisions contained in the foie
going act, shall not be construed as legal zing the
suspension ofrqe. ie pawncnu by the b.mkt of t it
commonwealth, or any other act or acts c minuted
by them, or either of litem, 111 violation of the law
ot this commonwealth, 01 the provisions coutaimd
in ll.eir act of incorporation respectively.
St. 20. The legislature reserves (till powrr to
mske such alteration, provisions and restrictions
as it may at any time think proper to ensct, for the
regulation of the banks, savings institutions and
loin companiis wiihin this coiiiinouwca'lh, and
shall be liaMe to such taxes as are now in force, or
the legislature may at any lime hereafter impose.
Sic. 21. That ao much of any law as is Mured
and supplied by this said act, is hereby repealed.
And on the quusiimi, shall the bill pass !
The yeas and nays were lequired by Mr. Paik
and Mr. M'Kinslry, and are as lulluws, viz:
Metsrs. Anderson, Andrews, Daily, Uarstow,
Ueuoer, Uonsall, Uroadheud, Uruner, Casel.
Chandler, Cole, Coolbaugh, Crabb, Crispin, Field,
Filliert, Flanm ry, Fleniuken, Flick, Foyel, Ford,
GriHin.GriHiihs, Hamlin, Hsrtshorne, HlililN-t of
Northoniberland, Heltfeiutein, Henry, llerr, Hdi,
Huge of Mercer, lloge of Greene, Holmi s,
stein. Hummel, Johnsl.n. Jones, Kautliiian, Keim,
Kiuzle, K nigmacher, Ku z, l.eidy, Love, Loy,
Lyons, M Clure, M-Iviun.y, M ivinstry, Mng.11,
N- IT, Nill, Park, Peiiitiman of Alb gheny , Penrose,
Kilt r, RolicrU, Siiodgra-e, Snuwdeii. .Snyder,
Slrohecker.Swayue, Wilcox, W ilson, Zeilin, Zoii-uieriiiais-aiid
Hopkins, Speaker 68,
Messrs. Burden, Caruthois, Church, Dar-ic,
Fisher,, Higgins of tiuiilingdou, Henderson,
Huichinan, llutchins. Law, Morion, Smith, Smv
scr, Siiotl and Wa'U 16.
" Pa' said a little fellow the othi r day, " wasn't
Job au ediioi f Why, Sammy!" " Because the
biblu inforais us lhat he had much trouble, aud was
a man ot sorrow nil the days of hit hie I"
ELstuaxcK. " Gentlemen of thejuiy, do you
supposu my client would be ao mean as to steal
two poor hanks of picked coding ! I 'spose uot,
I reckon not. While the wolves were howling on
the mountains of Kentucky, and Napolicn l'jin
paite was matsaereing the armies of LViropr do
you suppose my client w mid lie se mean as to steal
two poor pitiful hanks of picked coiling! I Vposo
not, I reckon nor."
Ti.l' They have a man at the Suil so Vnll
that he lets hiiusoif out at cainp-meciings. fur a
steeple .'
A Ptr.TisiENT (juEHTio. Jf a man is too
jiour to pay for a newspaper, how m .ny dogs can
he affrd to keep,"
RtTHia VHs, The heat was so great a short
time sines at Salem, (Mass.) lhat apples, baked 0:1
0110 side, were picked up in the orchaid.
Go Ir. iu England Ihry aro constructing
a'eam engines vi 900 to 1000 horse power
IsnfSTaiofs. Shaping oil
catching flies for a living !
Uliiket stall,
Ricu itni Kaau Much raia ia turetxuof
wet weather.
Why is a newspaper like a tooth-pick! D'je
g'eo it up ! Bee mse every man should u-e his oWu
11 d not borrow his neivthbor'r.
Coal Trade.
The amount 01" coal rarrifij 011 (be Danville and
Poltaville Knil Road in ttunbury for shipping, du
ring Ihe week emiiog on Be-1. 16. is 228 IVna.
Per last riprnt, 8,30i
LL those ii. del te I to the late firm of Thatch
er and Thump .11, re hcr- t y mtifin I to ca l
ami settle lhrir sccounts, as they will bo Ion in t'ie
hands of a Justice fur colli-cion, witbotit rercrt to
person?. SAMUEL Til A rilll Kit,
fXjTho books will remuin iu my bands un il
the 31st of October next.
Sunhury, Sept 19. 5w
n jlOR trial in the Court of Common Pleat of
Jfj Northumbeiland County, to le held at Sun'
bury, on the fiist Monday of November next, being
the 2d.
1 Joseph Trego
2 Georgn Welsbsnso
3 Christ rV No-bit
4 (ieurge Lawrence
5 Henry W. Snydir
G Adam Shi ler
7 1 1 ami r for Ronxh
8 Kirkpatiick 61 Son
va Marti A. Stock,
vs Thomas Allen,
vs J.icks.iii Ncsbit,
v, R. H. Hammond,
vs Willi ,m M-Carty,
vs Solomon Dunkleberger
vs Solomon Mengai,
vs tf. Lciscnring,
9 Dr. VVm. Henderson vs Henry llr avn,
10 Same
11 Wm, P. Brady
12 Christain Heckeit
13 E. Y. Brhiht
14 Hugh Bo las
15 Joseph Gosa
10 James llilbnurne
17 IVlor KilT r
18 Michael M'Cabj
19 Wm. A. Llnvd
20 John A. Llod
2 - Filbert's adm'r,
22 Wm. A. Lloyd for
John A. Lloyd
23 Henry Fiick
24 Com'th of PcMi'a
vt Miipiiisu fc (Jrecnouah
vs Thomas Grant's odrn's.
vs Frederick Heckert,
Vs J. C. U- Nour-M,
vs Wm. M'Cany et al.,
vs Dr. Robert Phirfips,
vs Dennis Water.,
va lb nry Baidshcr,
vs J.J. t'nul el nl.,
vs Wm. Forsythe,
vs J. m s L e,
vs John Filbert,
vs Wm. Wilson, jr.
vs II. L. Dielleuliauch,
vs Weaver, Lloyd and Ro-
, Inns,
25 John DutiUe vs Roliert Mack,
26 Milton Borough vs J.iro'.i Whecland,
27 Groves for Hart .V Co vs John Leiseuring,
28 J.aiTph Marple's ex'r vs John K-fTer ct al.,
29 Porter for Yoxthoimcr vs Thomas Cowan,
30 Peter Wary vs Joi n H. Purdv iV Co.
rrothonotary s lilllce,
Sunhury, Sept. 17, 1810,
1 11 1 1 i c Sale.
IN pursuance i f an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Northumberland County, will be expo ed tu sale
by public vendue or outcry, on
Monday, the I 'ith day of October,
at Ihe Court Houe in the Borough of Sunhury, a
certain Island in tho River Su-qui'lmntid, in Augus
ta Township, Nurthumlicrland county, coiilairni g
ten air. a in- re or les, late tho estate of Jacob
Seahotz, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day,
when the conditions wi.'l l-e made known by Frc
ihr ck L xiiuh, Adminisintor. de bonis non cVc. of
said ilecc'ciit. JOHN G. YOUNGMAN,
Sunhury, Aug. 29. C'A. O. C.
Total, B.531
JOil.f Bl'DD, w. h.
TO Tllil 11 III.IC,
In suhmiuin to the pti' lie the li-rt nfjin' ers of
the "Americarr," it may be deemed incumbent on
us at ne -es-Ary arid pniier to make a few observa
tions in relation to the establishment of this press,
and the course which its conductors int. nd 10 pur
sue in its publication. Tho ago in which we live
h .a been truly styled tho oge of improvement,
which no power un earth can arrest in ita progiess,
The applicalicn of steam lo ilia various purposes
of an, and tho more recent discovery of smelt
itig iron with anthracite coal, promises to Pennsyl
vania results that cannot bo too highly ceti
maled. The great valley of the Susquehanna is soon des
tined lo b. come the theatre of a new scene of en
tcrpr.zo aud indu-try, which may well excite thu
astonishment of those who are unacquainted with
her inexhaustible depositee uf co .1 and iron.
Her rugtied hllU and solit ry wastes, heretofore
dccoied woilliless, aie now eagerly sought after for
llio coal and iron which thev coi.tiiu. the nnxt
v duable niiueruls in nalur . It h .tf bet 11 said that
England owes her present power and wealth more
10 tier coal a:i rro'.i than to nil other causes com
U.seik if so, then I'enns) lvunia ha within her
ow n lorders internal resources and powcrsof wealth
uisMH-psssed by the whi le Union. 1
Tho Sliamokiu coul legion, connected with this
place by a r ,it oad 20 miles in length, which a few
years since was a aolit try wild, untrodden by the
foot of man save Ihe solitary hunter in pursuit of
game, is now teeming with a busy end Industrious
population. The town of tibaniotift located in the
coal legion, a new vi lag'q coi uuing uboe 1 one
hundred houses, has spiuug wp as if Viy umgic,
since that !crioo
These improvcnr'aiU which are ),ut commrnce
meul if a seiiea of woiks up.-. 1 a large scale not
in progress, recent as ihey are, have already gjven
a new IJii aud iinpeto', to this section of gur pouu-
With these views and under thctse consider.
lions, we, in common with many of pur iiiont cs
leemed fellow cilijieiis, conceived that a well con
ducted journal, if propei y eico)iagi d, rould lie
rendered highly ser;pb.'ble lo the community. The
progress of imntosvim nt and the rapid increase of
population, indeed lequire that the press should not
o.iiy keep pai-e with the spirit of rnterprir.e and in
dustry, bul as a pioneer lead the way and stimulate
to exertion the and wealthy capitalist,
'J ho establishment of a new press in this pi ire
has fn (juentl v U en spoken of, and w as long since
111 contemplation whcncvei a f ivorabjo opportunity
should occur. We believe that criod ha now ar
rived. Our dedgn is to muko the American a per
inaueut and useful jouiUal, convey iug useful aud
interi sting intoimalioii lo all classes of readers
t'oi.d iiL'd wilh the Ulino-l ilicorutn. Us I0.10 and
scntiiuti;is sliall al all limes be audi, that the most
scrupulous pareut may pluce it in I'lolnnJsol any
iMiiuber of his lamily with pi rfecl i.npilniiy, l.o.v
scurrility and violent personal abuse shall be care
lully excluded from its co'umus. And while we
shill always bo ready and prompt in llio expression
of our op.uions upon matters of public policy, we
shall always endeavor to preserve lhat decorum
and extend ill it couitesy towards our colemporaiies
and others, thaioi.egeiilleuicu has a light tocxpect
11 1.111 another.
To the interests of the farmers and ru'tlvalors ol
the soil, tlte hone aud cinaw of our country, whq,
in an agncul ural paint t f view, lorin the basis of
all trade, eoiuuufi'e and inaiiulactures, we slnll il. s
vote a portion of our columns, aud spread K-fure
liieia such mailer as shall Im nolii useful and til
Urtafiiiiig. To the iiuvhanic and all others, wo l ust we
shall tie able to make the American an inte,- sling
and iosuiietivo jourml,
Li politics u a shall, as we have alre.uly ai
tiounced, supp' rl lus general and slate adimiiislr
lions. n advo aiiug the rc-ekcljoii vf Maana
Ya.v Ilcaia and liinimu Mi Jottstoa to the
hiiih stations which they now occupy, and which
ihey have filled with such distinguished abilities,
we shall c 'Utiiiu ouisclvus to inea urea and the
(nincipUs Uon which ihey are gmumUd, lietiiuw
inalioii and luw iiersoii .1 abiiso which lha iai,cor
of political waiHiiu lofir fills lo produiCi', sod
thirl! wa r-g'it lo say is iudulgtd iu I an uluiosi
unluii.ted extent, by the pai'uan prtas of nther
side, ws shall can lully avoid, deviuing it not only
demoialuing to Ihe coioniunity and derogatory to
thf I1I4I1 iliir.i. tr of tin P'PJ, hut unw'o, im
politic and unjus'.
To our I'eirb'-t and prtri.t ic Governor Divi.l .
Porter, who hat IhiM far identified iiimwif witli
the trup iiitvre-ts of thu stain, an I wlios 1 wise aod
alu it y uiojsuies havo rociivid the approl ntioti of
every honest a .d liberal mind, we shall extend our
m at cordial support, We have the refurn pi iced
hiajnama at the head of our column", fully confi
dent tint the honest yeomanry of Ponnayvan';i
will always be found sitttiinint; honraly of purpni
and iutegiity of conduct in a justly valu d pub io
a-, rvaul.
8unrmry. Sept. 19, 1910.
Tlic ri.iladc.phin C:nkcl.
great Inoreaae in tho tu icripti.m liat of thn
Casket since the first of the year, warrants tho extensive ini rovementa on tt.o first of July
next at which lime a nrw volume wi l be c iu
incncrd wiih incrensed vigor. Nothing need bo
taid of the linn basU 011 wlilrh the Caki I ttanils,
it being already the oldest nvicrmnn in tho counts ,
The Casket ia printed wilh a clear and silvrrv
type, upon the finest while paper. The illn -trrti tn
are not surpassed by thoso of any p-riodictd nt
home or abroad ; and beside the monthly s'o.'l pii
gravmga, a qunr eily p nto of colored fi.shi jus I111
latoly been added. The style jf tin sj rmbellish
inents is u leuualle.l, and ill y aro ace 111-
p iuied w.lh an appropriate sketch. No wood r.
disgric the work. N'h dcvir appears i i the .ei'ici
is ef the first order of the art.
The literary c'.ia'r.cti r of the Ca kol is well ku . wr
It ia wholly oiigin d. of t!u ti gins', o.d.r, .111. 1
RANK. Essiy, Tales, Sketches, and 'Travel-,
composo its prominent pro.-e aitulo-; while llm
poetry is equalled I y that of 110 other magazine 01
like chiiacur. Tiie variety for which the Ca ki t
ia celebrated, shall sudor 110 limiiiuti- n but 0:1
the contrary, every exuitiiM hs!l bo made to i i-
ir.aso its interest.
TION have already appealed, an J others a' all f dlow
iu tho couise of tho volume, prescntinc wh--n finish
ed, a complete picture of the manner?, and a h's-
tortcal account of the great battle! nt th it time.
I nun, llio t asket, instead ufbein fiilel with stcklv
seiitimtMitaliiies, aims at a true do inca'.ion of
hunuii uatui'e in every vari.;ty of passion.
The Caakct is published i n tho fi at of tho
month in every quartet of the Union- The mo-it
distant suhsiiheis colisi queiuly receive it 1 11 thai
day, as well 11s those who rei;lp in Philadelphia
In all th pro. c p d ci. es nn s Ij-ive b en tstali
lishel, by whiuli moms tubs ibers ciu obra'iu lh.-jr fiee of poil. ice.
The fashion a aru published iu the Casket qu.iri
brly.or m often As any rcatty m w styles .rrivc fooi
Paris. The engrav ing -1 sn-colored, imd executed
from origin d designs No old, worn Cut plaU'a
are retouched and then published aa the litest
fashions. The tfulh i f our designs may bo test d
by comparing them wi h the litest dese ir.Ln of
dress a from ! i d 11 and l'ari.
TKK.V1S: Tuaxa Dollaiis per nnuu:n, orlvyo
copies fji Fits Published b,
30 Carur's Alley, Phil id.
THE MOST I'OPCL.ili -1l JiEAVMilj)
rEniobicAL of TJii; daw
IStirloitN lasaiitc,
"BTII.L present its ixth ant Seventh Vo
Y V iiinca lo the public during the c nirso of
the yiar 1310. 'i'truis, J3 per annum, iu advance,
or f 5 for two yens, cr two a fcrato Subsciijitions,
or ten copies tor f 20, caa'-. Printed in octavo,
While thick paper, go id type, etc. Each iiutnbtt
contains as mcch matt'f as a volume of a novel,
ho il ustrulions ire of tke fust qu illtj'. Dj iiiir
the past ye.r nearly fif.y ul" the moVt sjpuios
Engravings, itejing lurto if Sarl..i sphn.lid
Mcziotiuts, were euirraved expies. y f t thi wo.k.
Each ni m'.oj-conuius two or m r ; Eogiavir-gs.
New Designs, ct.cuted on s Oil, by t'ie fi .a; Artists,
are ;n progc.Mi for tho coming volume,
1 he bi of contributors eintna'es the names of
most of the principal writers in America, wi h a ra
spcrtable sprinkling of English aut'i.irs. Ordinal
briiclcs have appear d during th.' Lsl yiar fr 14
ihe pens of the fodovying Pr fossor Pigiu'iam,
author of l,a Filtej P.o. John Frot, Philadelphia 5
Pro. N, C. Brooks, Baltimore; Pio. V. V. Wine,
Philadelphia, Author of 'Two Years in too Navy ;
Captain Marry alt, Author of Pper Simple, etc. ;
Gpneral G, P. Morris, NiwYork Le g!i Hunt,
Euglund; Mis. Fanny Kemblu Butl r, Phi!.; Paik
Benjamin, New York ; D. ul is Jcrr.ild, England ;
Jos. ph C, Neal, (Charcoal sketches,) 'The Ameri
can Ho i James F. Oi s, New York ; R S, E liolt.
Editor of Harrishuig lntulligsncar, Pai V. ..;
Ilolfiuan, Baltimore ; Cnailos VV csl 'Thumson. l'lnl,
adelphiaj Judge 'Trempei Dcsdiii, New V"'k ;
John D11 Solle, Edilor of Saturday Evei mg p ),t;
GrenviPe Mellcn, Now York ; P. U. Elder. Editor
of Columbia Spy, Pa; 'The Authu; of "Stanly,''
M s. L. S.gourney,; Miss Collier. no If,
Watermin, Philadelphia! Mrs. Ann Sieoheus,
New Yoik Benson Hill, England, Editor of tho
New Monthly Mag .xine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Pl -adtjphia!
Ju. Montgomery, EnglajjJ; A,
M'Makin, and E. llolJ- u, EJi:ors ol Satljrdiy Com
r er, Philadelphia 5 J. B. auchaup Joties, Bultimure:
J. E. Do, Wa-hii gi .11 City ; Mrs. E, F. ti;r.
Bosion; Dr Thomas Dunn Etulish, l'l;ilad, Ipbi ,
The Steel Plates ie..dy lot the pfi scut v..uu.e,
are Five Etchings by the c lit.ralcd Ciu kshaiik,
A Portrait of Mr. Vandcnholi", the tr median, in tho
duractfi of Adrastus. A Likeness of Xmu
duilioli; as Juli.l. The Gem of Hals on, a:.. Ml
tho choicest sa.cioieiia of Arr.a ican Scaiiry. .
Po.t ait of William Cullen Bryan-, h- Aimricm
Poet. Another of Sariain's em. .vita M.-xuiints,
of equal lauty to his plite of tr., utrs," gjvet)
in thu May number of Uuiloii'a Magaxino-sa pla m
a know lodged lo be superior lo any ulhcr illustra
tion ever given ir) a pciiodical work. O.her En
gravinga of lo s value accuinp.uiy every numlicr,
dJ'Tlie public is rcqueslid loob:rve ihut ill4
..rn, d. apeaiiH iu Burloii's Magazine are ritieu
expicssly for lhat work, anJ are nut !o ted froit
daily or wiekly pajots. Tho Plalea are also es,
penally wigrsvixl, rnd art 1 ot ihe wuriiroui ulu
of Annuals, either English of Amencui.
All letters soul, post paid lo W. E. Buiton, Doil
slreel, opposite ihe Excliangc, l'hil..d Iphu.
,'To aecon;moJalo our country f.jondt vl;o
may with Iu sutwribe for ogr woik uud a;ty tl.
Phil hlpliia pvriisl cal, we will receive a Flyo Dof.
lar Bill, xsiigo tree,!', r ui.e year's siibserip jon tu
Uui ton's M g .f n sud liodey's L .d's Bok (tU
Ihnv doara)ear) pt the Silufd y 1'ouiio'r, !
tha Satuiday Chronicle, w Aleiaiijir'a Witk:
Pabither and Proprietor.
TlfiWl AN P COTTON T VV I ; N ).Z f,r'Z
hy JL B. MA-SEK.
Seprmber 12, 1610-
For sale by H. U. MASSrLt
SrimnilKr 12,1840.