Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 19, 1840, Image 1

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Stinbiiry, 9Tortliunilciiand Co. Ia. Saturday) September 19, IS to.
Tol. I Xo. IX
(HT'Sixtcen line make a square.
must be POST PAH.
Tlic Old Man.
My Grandire is an old, old man,
Tile's wheels move dull and alow,
His cheeks arv wan and wrinkled deep,
Mi hair is white as snow;
Hi eye is dimmed ef all its fire,
His heart of all its glee,
And nought does hn the live lony day,
But moan most piteou-ly.
Thoy say, he's in his dotage now,
But I rcmemliet well,
When helo cousin Tom and me
Would pleasant stories toll :
And as we clambered up hi knee,
He'd lay his pipe awuv,
And, by the hour, live o cr again
Scenes of hi caily day.
One story, 'twas our youthful pride,
We begged he'd Ml it still;
How he with Putnam, side by side,
Fought stout at Bunker's Hdl ;
The wound he got, the blow he gave.
The cartridge boi and can,
Relics still hang ng by the wall
And how the lir.tinh ran.
Grave was his ftce, but oftentiine
No fun hi features lacked,
His social glaet. he dearly loved,
And pteasent j..kee he cracked ;
He held the fashion of his time,
Three conier'd bat and queu,
BUck breeches faster, ed at the knee.
And buckles on hi shoe.
When sabbath brought it heavenly eslm,
Wi'h ettiJ and s.ili mn air,
Leaning upon hit oik n stair,
He .ought the house of prayer;"
Among the elders there he asto,
All holy reverend mi-n,
Devout he listened lo the word,
Devoutly said. amen.
'Ti said, life's de dings ever tend
To petrify the heart,
As dew-drops from the Hparry cave
New prox-rt e imparl :
But strength was in thst o'd man's soul,
Which chHiige could ne'er repress,
And const ncy which soared above
Tbe chill of time's caress.
The wicked ho aye etem!y chid,
But to th- suffering poor
Gave kindly word, and liberal aid,
When crowding at his door :
His deeds were like the dew ol life,
Which blest bo'h old and young,
Hi love, a precious talisman
To heart wi h anguish wrung.
But days have gano and years have flew,
Come hat thitt old man't night,
His eye lack lustre in their gl-nm,
Hi .-cntte.ed locks are white ;
Bo let it be; he aouglit no trust,
No honors placed him high.
Unknown he ever prayed to his,
And unrcmembtretl die.
Piiltficld, Mass.
H. 6.
Here is a beautiful compliment to sunny com
plex ioned ladies, which we find in Moore' new
poem of " Alciphron :'
political form and the flexibility of human society. I
There ate occasions, in which roIith-Bl tfnin con-
sisis, in not fearing what is new, while what is eter
nal is respected.
"The democratic party, not the tnrouicnt ami
e ..; m- .f tlm mLtilln aires.
core democracy oi v"i"",j '
but Ihe great modern dem.icrary, never had a more
faithful or more distinguished rcprecntntie than
Jefferson. A warm friend ot numanny, iiorrij,
and science; trusting in their goodness as well as
their rights; deeply touched by the injustice with
which the mas of mankind have been treaieo, ani
the suffering th. y endure, and incessantly eugnged,
with an admirable discntcrestedness, in remedying
ihem or meventing their recurrence; acceplins
power as a dsngciou. necessity, alm. st as one evil
opposed to another, and exerting himself not merv
y to restrain, but to lower it ; distrusting all dis
play, all personal splendor, as a tendency to esur
petion; of a temper open, kind, indulgunt, though
ready to take up prejudices agninst, aud feel irrita
ted with, the enemice of his party ; of a mind held,
active, ingenious, mquiring, with more penrlrsUon
than forecaee, but with too much good sense to
push thing te the ilree,aud cpUe of employ
ing, against a pressing danger or evil, a prudence
and Ciraneas, which would pcrhap have prevented
it, had they been adopted esrlier or nwre generally.
"Washington did well to withdraw fr. public
business. He had entered upon it at one of tute
momenta, at once difficult and favorable, when ns-
tiona, euirounded by perils, summon all their virtu
and all their widoaa to surmount thi ro. He wss
admirably suited to this losition. He held tho
sentiment and opinious of his age without nlavUh-
ncM or fanaticism. The pssi, I tnstitunons, its
interests, it unnners, insiired him with neither
hatred nor regret His thoughts ad bis ambition
did not impatiently reach forward into tho future.
The society, in the midst of which he lived, suiied
his tastee and hi judgment. He had confid. nee
in ita principle sud its deliny ; but a confidence
enlightened and quuliCed by un accurate instiuclive
perception of the eternal principles of social order,
He served it with bcarlinee an J indejrendencc.
with that eombinHtien of faith aud foar which ia
wisdom in the affdrs of the world, as will a liefore
Gud. On this areounl, esecislly, be was qualified
to gotrn it; for democracy requires two things for
iU tranquility aud its success; it must feel ilstlf to
be truled and yet restriiined. and mustbrtieoe alike
in the genuine devotidnes and the moral supeno-
rity of it leaders. On these condition alone can
it govern itself while in a process of developement,
and hope to lake a place among the durable and
glorious form of human society. It is the honor
of the American people lo have, at this period, un
der-lood and accepted these condition-. It i the
glory of Washington to have been their interpreter
and instrument.
-He did the two greatest thing which, in poli
tics, man can have the privilege af attempting. He
maintained by peace, that ind"penience of his
counlry, which he had acquired by war. He found
ed a fri-e government, in the name of the prmci-
state. Tt was here that hi talent showed most
conspicuous. Beset by frea without, and enemies
within, the country presented to the eye of the pa
triot a most gloomy prospect. Unaided or but par
tially aided by the General Government, we were
called upon lo provide the mean to lopel the in
vader, both by sea and by land. Tbe patriotic
Tompkins was then at the head of this state; and
with an eye that never slept, and a zeal that never
tired, he devoted himself to the aervice of hi coun
try. No maw K!incnr.D m vioaa ifficieut
to riki and cloiic or a halt-clad boliukri:
rna aaavr.
"After the el ea cf the war, and when peace was
once more restored to our detracted country, you
at length see him in the Convention to nviae the
Cunvlitution. Here he was again aurroundrd by
the collected wiadom end talent of Ihe state a
CO' stollatinn ef genius in which none appeared
more brilliant tbna hi-iilf. Haai it was tiat
aa eoRTENKCD aaint tbe abictocrabs; or
tbnsiob ar rn bisbt or snrraASB. Here it
wss, that, with others of the democratic achool, he
prevailed over those who were unwilling to entrust
more power to the people, and happily established
th princip)e,.taat in a government like ours, the
peoiJe are capaMe of governing themselves.
' We next Ik hold him in the Senate of the Uni
ted Hlales, that dignifiid body which was adorned
by bis presence, and which has b en degraded by
his absence. Here be scarcely found n equal, and
acknowledged oo superior. No man discussed
with more ability the important subjects that came
befo them. With a thorough knowledge of the
history of the government, and it various relations,
be gr Aped all matters with a force and coroprehin
S'ou which arlonished, whilst it commanded the
admiration of all who witnead hi giant efTtrta,
Hia speech on the judiciary will b remembered as
long a the judicial dep irliooal uf tbe governinSB
shall eiist, and his splendid effort is favor of tbe
surviving officers and soldier uf the revolution
will not be f-f gotten as long as the Almighty aparee
the honiseJ remnant of that heroic race, and whilst
their descendants cherish the principles of their
immortal sires."
Tho Tragedy in the WildcrncM.
We pieaume that no doubt remains, in any quar
ter, of the melancholy catastrophe that ended the
mortal caieer of Mr. 8impson, of the Hudson's Bay
Company, on hi return from hi Arctic journey of
discovery. Shonld any such doubt exist, however,
it must be entirely dispelled by the subjoined st3t
ment which wa received yesterday by the presi
dent of th American Fur Company, in a letter
from one of tho agents of th it company at St. Louis,
ind which may be considered olticial.
"According to your request I hrg to state tbe'tn.
formation received at Su 1'ctei'a before I left, and
confirmed now by Mensr. William and Robert Lo.
gan, of Red River, who are here with me, regard-
ng the unfortunate arid, melancholy affair referred
to in your tetter. A parly of emigrants left Red
River en tho 2d Juno last, and were followed in
two dajs afterwards by snother party, consisting of
Mr. Thomas Simpson, the nephew of Gov. Sim
sod, Mr. John Bird and old Le Gios, the gu de.
This patty overtook tha other and remained with
them two day. During thw ume Utn Mensrt. Lo
gan remarked that Mr. Simpson did ot appear
right ; 'he could n4 have et, lt afier they en
camped kept walking almost continually. On the
third day, iOtb June, Mr. Simp on' psrty separa
ted, taking with then Mr. James Bmte and Le
Gros's sou, a ooy about 16, and went another
On Monday morning Jame Bruce and Le C run's
s.-ri crwne riding to their encampment, about un
rise, and related lo them that from the time they
had separated Mr. Simpson had kept them moving
F row a third edition of the Morning Post, 1tig. 6.
narrowly avoided being shot ; several ball passed
close to tho Prince, and several of hi follower
wore wounded, and ank to rie no more. Tho ro
We have just received by recial courier the p0lt i,, tht aix have been found ; one poor doctor.
who surrendered, was shot by a Nutional Guard.
fallowing important intelligence of an event which
appear to have taken place lato last night in
BocLoNR,Thurs1nv Morning,')
August C 7 o'clock. 5
Last night a steamer arrived off Bologne, and
landed within three mile of heie about one hun
dred mi n, general and colonels, dressed in uni
for n. Some of them went lo the barracks, and
cried "Live Louis .Napoleon," and distributed mo
ney among the raeb. This morning one of the
generals and a colonel, dressed in grand uniform,
were arretted. On bobrd the steamer there are
some bor-cs. It is reported that Louis Napoleon
also landed. All is quiet at present; all tha inili-
Though the following communication oppou
ed in a Connecticut paper in 1830, ita sug.
gialion maybe new and important lo many who
are at pieseut interosiod in the culture of the peach
From a desire to encourage the culture of tb
I'sach Troo' we offer the following a the xoault of
experiment and observation.
It is g, norally kn jwn that worms, near tae ra.
face of she earth, destroy them by eating the batk ;
the otjeet i, therefore, to find a preventive, ia
tary under arms. The drum are beating to call watr llutl tna " B,8X DeoonQ8 88B ,n beauty
. . v..: r i. Tr e .i.. : I ww.
us. me Aiau-'liui vvuniuv. uio ui.ui-
gtnta have been arreatvd.
BeUUiNE-TR-XSB, Aug. 0.
Thi morning one of those mad attempts at re
volution which have haracteii(ed the French since
the daya ef th first and of the memoiable July,
disturbed tbe inhabitants of this peaceful town from
their slumbers. The facts, a I have collected
tht m, are as follow t
The City of EJinburg steamer, belonging to the
Commercial Steam Navigation Companv, was hi
red by Prince Louis NiipoieKm, cwlensibly for aa
excursion of pleasure along the British coast, for
f uitoen days. In this he emliaiked with fifty -six
It is evident that these worms pass through th
common change and usumo the form of mUlcri,
early in the summer, and deposit their egg ia tha
bark a low as they can find access lo it ; and thai
the worms proceeding from them bogin lo operate
in the latter part of the summer when they hat
beeu fuund tho itc of a common pin. If suffered
to remain they grow to the thickness of a rye straw,
each of them girdlos the tr.e about aa inch, and
the wood from the wounds to the heart dies. IlencA
it is, that a single wound impair the vigor of tha
tree and a number of them will kill it. The point
to be gained, ia to protect the tree from tho millers.
i i i i . , ...
follower eight horse, and two carriage, in the B " ,ral)' mcm0ti' we uave UC-"1 'or
Thames on Wednesday last; this morning about ",Ttr"1 3"' wbi " X' M
2 o'clock, they readied tho coast uf France, off
sometimes forward and soraoiiuw backward, on
tho return towards IlrU Kiver, until me evening oi viullruux lH)Ut thtCe miles from Boulogne.
Sunday ; that on that evmu, when they were r I Th(, luiptis8 of cpin and crew may be imagi
company, Bud, Broce and Le Gros'e a m In-ing neJ ,Q M he wbo,e of be p,,,,-,, coma on
b!y in pulling up the tent, and old Lo Gro occu- jltki ol iu tbo fai Ktrb ut cilixcu. but en
pied at the cart, Mr. Simpson took up a doul le guilUuirt, some a lancers, some as general officers,
bariellod gun, and aftei landing a wbde looking ,onw M aoldier. with an oil skin covering
at them, presented the gun at Bird' back aud shot on ,beir b(Uij wi(b lbe number 40 painted in front,
him down: he immediately Gred ihe other bar el I ihnt lieinn the reaiment which at Sliaaluic had for
at old Le Cos's body, and" -hot bka down. Mr. identified itself so aorio.-dy in the cau of iu lbc "P' P' of slraw' Uin8 Miif
Bird wa. killed on the moment, but Le Gros re. Louis Napoleon. duovered en the surface of the bark, covered by a
mained alive. Their object w as soon made evident. The shis un- Tho proce. should be comn.cflcei
Iiiwi ru. then ..n mm the brook, and Le iw i. and the whole, comoanv landed "m,tt ,ho U" 14 70ua8-r bave ln found ia
About the fiisl of May rcm-ive the earth frem
ihe body of tbe tice, and shift it to the height of 16
or 10 inches, in such manner as to exclude th
ruillors, burying the lower part of it in iho .earth.
We have used straw ecl to the length and aliouj
half un inch in thi:kness, bjund on with tine.
This should bo removed about ike first of Septem
ber, as we havo sometime, found the young worm
Gro s boy moveil on ene side, and Bruce heard I in threo Uipa. Bol'ure the Prince left tbe vessel, be
a rapid growth ths first full oftor it aprucj. Tliue
UIW wot . v , , " , " " ' I ij i. v w.v-. -p . 1 . , .
.... . . I . . , r .w. . , . 1 few minutes in a year devoted to a tree, will nro.
Mr. 8impon aav he bed hot them becaue they ordered the captain to cruwe eft the coast, but to ' wm 'ro
" For, oh believo not them, who dare to brand,
A noor the charms, the womoB of this land
Tho' darken'd by that sun. wnose spirit flows j pip, 0f order, and by re-i slabliching their swsy.
Through every vein, and tinges ss it goes,
'Tie but th' embrowning of ihe fruit that tells !
How rich within the soul of rijieness dwells!"
Wnslilugton, JrflVrHon and Ham
liion. ..
The fullowing sketches of the characters of
Washington, Hamilton and Jeff rson, are ftom the
fien of M. Gtibot. a French author of great cele
brity, and one of the mo.t eminent statesmen of
the age. The characters of JeflVrstm and Hamil
ton, the respective leiders of the democratic and
fedt ral parties, are briefly but cy iistinctly deli
neated. We have copied the extract from the
Democratic Review," an able periodical publish
monthly at Washington, in which tho editor re
view, the late work of M. Guuot, entitled an "Es
eay on tke Character and Influence of Wasl Jugton,
in the Revolution of the United States of Ante
jica." "Hamilton deserve to be ranked among those
men, who have bet uudiotood the vital principles
and ntial conditions of government ; not merely
.of a nominal .government, but of a government
worthy of its mission and of iu name. In the con.
Btitution of the United Slate, there is not an ele.
nriit f Older, strength, and durability, to the
introduction and adoption uf which he did not
giowtrlully contribute. Pet Imps he believed lb
monarchical form preferable to the republican.
Pe.haps he sometimes had doubts of the success of
the experiment attempted in his efi country. '
Teihaps, also, carried away l-y Lis vivid imagination
and the logical vehemence of hi mind, he wa
sometimes exclusive in hi views, aud weal too far
in his inference. But, uf acharattei a lofty as
hi mind, he faithfully served the republic, and la
bored to found and .not to weaken it. Hi auperi
urily coiihiatcd iu knowing, (bat, naturally aud by
.a law inherent in tbe nature of things, power is
Above, at the head of society; thst government
tOiould be constituted according to this law; and
that eve y -uulrary system or effort brings, Miner
jor lat'.T, troublo and weakue- kilo the society itself.
Hi error cons sltxl u adhering too closely, slid
with a somewhat arrogaul biincy, lo the prece
dent of the EngU.h constitution, in attributing
sometime in these precedents the ame authoiiiy
40 good and o evil, to principles aud lo th abuse
of them, aud ia not attaching due importance to,
And repoiiiiy rytficwul cjnfiJeace in, tluj variety of
"When he retired from public life, both tasks
were ccomplisheit, and he conld enjoy ihe result.
For, in such high enlerpri-e, rketabar which they
have cnt mtler but Utile. The sweat of any
toil ia dried at once on the brow where God places
such lauielt.
By If. P. Tallmadgt.
Among Uie opponents ef Mr. Van Buren anJ
Democracy, there i now none more hitler than
Tallmadge, the recreant Beu.itor from Mew 1 ork,
How much ressoa he has to doubt eitlier the inte
gri'f or the ability of Mr. Van Buren, will be seen
frein the following extract from a speerh di-livered
by him on the 3d of Februnry, 1832 It furnUhcs
a full refutation of the (edcrsl calumnies of'en ur
ged aain-t the Pnnidi nt, that he oppned the la-t
war, and the extension of (hn right cfsuff ai-e :
"Who, lot mo ask, is this dislhigui-hed it.div do.
al, whom ll'.eee political aspirants have at
tempted to disgrace and destroy) He u well
known to us all. Tbe ople of this atate are fa
miliar with his name, and with the servic s he his
rendered to bis country. His reparation is dear lo
there, and they will be the last lo suffer it lobe tar
nished by foui a.perMous, however high or howe
vcr low their origin. He is literally eio of the
pcole. He is not of tbalidass which in the early
stages of the GovernmeiU were denominated 'the
rich and well born' an odious distinction which
has been attempted to lie premised to the prrsent
day, and which ha ufleo beeu claimed with an air
of triumph, on the part of thorn who have loktd
wi'h jraloua eye on tbe success of favi-red indivi
dual whom the people hsve delighted to honor.
No, rir, he is of humble origin. He is the artificer
of hi own fortune : nd often in ihe course of hi
political care t, ha he been reproached wit! the
humility of 4iis biiih. The prido and wealth of
family distinction bss sneered at Us advenminrui,
and has attempted to fiown into retirement th
man who native energies rise superior to its
own exertions, but the attempt has beeu iu aaiu.
It wo contrary te the epitit of ur trie institution."
"The war of 1812, between the United Slates
Col. JolinBon.
Wherever this brave vetrrsn and patriot ha
turned hia foots eps on the call of hi Ml.iw cili
tens, he hss been nvrrwbelmoJ with the outpourings
i4 affectionate kirvdae.s It is not polnical efferve.
cence; it is Bot hsrd cider enthusiasm, but a fond
feeling which fellows the limping gait and mutila.
ted form ef the old kind hearted soldier, who is
endeared to them by hi own personal benevolence.
a well as dovoled patriotism. How the Harbison
men envy him the luxury of bis secret enjoyment,
r.iinging from the consciousness of having earned
it by hard service and much suffering! Major
Barbt, former Postmaster General, and aid lo
Gov. Pbelbv at the battle of the Thames, ha
often told us that when he rode from the rear to see
tlie body of bis fiend, (the Colonel,) whom he
uaderstood to have been killed, he met the soldiers
bearing hint back to where the reserve was station
ed, in a blanket. 1'he bio- d was flowing from each
end, Ihe drip from tbe mid-He sot being able to
carry it off. He looked in upon ihe Colonel, thus
literally imbedded in bis own blood, and his face.
w.a instantly lighted with the sini e with which be
a'w.iyt a. lute his friends "I will not die, Barry,
(said tbe Colonel,) I am migtitdy cut to pieces,
but 1 think my vitals have escaped." His ceuruge,
std hi love for his fiicnd, and pride in having
perf. med his duty, leirned from hia coun'enance.
basing vanquished lbe aagoi-h of hi lorn feet and
hiiu-! and the wound through his body wbat
must be his pleaure now, wl en his countrymen
shower their nppl upon him, and ail his toils
and patus are over! 1
I . ...!h.I 1 V. ! m 1 ... nf - .1
.rvt ..! f Cm., snd findin. him alive, asked m.nnl u, come off for them, should they aitnalixe "V"" compared with the vbIuo of this hea!thr
. .. . t : l....i:l: I I . ,r . u I 1 I. I I dolieiMMfllUU
ntm wDetner ne nna noi rmenovu kin unu, mu Q rucci. auiou iuuw ibiuiou . u ucvu
Le Gros answered, yea. Bruce lold Simpson he ,)jie l0 c0ect the names of the Gtneral Moniholan,
was sure 1 Gros was not in Lis senses, aud did Colonel Vaudrey, Colonel Faiaum aud Calonol
not know whst be was Baying. Upo" which Mr. IMalocde.
Simpson repeated live uestioa, and Le Gros an- When kit hal l.tndtd, they marched inio town
wered, no. by the Place Navarin, Ruo de Carreux, Rue Si
Mr. Simpson then proposed to Bruce to return momui, into the Grande Rue, shouting Vive
tn Re I River, and told him he would give him fEmpcreur," the Prmre carry tug hia hat on Ihe
500 to go bark with him and any nothing about I point of hia sword, and waving H in the air. Freim
Jwialhun Drae&l
John L Well.
Wm. II. hnhy,
Ha-tfsrJ, Conn. Sep- 8, 1830.
A gAHi'eman who often intruded in a priming office
where he did ivoiu!scrit,oiieday baJ kis difturn
id out by a eru-ly old fellow, who gave bitn a tre
mendous kick, 'yuu are no subscriber at any rate,'
Th- i rxli-m-Hi took It hint and never more annoy-
ed ihcrtftablibbtuenlty his preface.
A man who had applied for adtsision into tlie
church, say-i the Berkihire Aim riran, wa oleiv-
ed by the psMor, a day or two after, in a tjato of
gloriou iiU.ica.ion, leaning agami a leuce in
fio .t of ihe meeting house. "I am astonished to
seu you in thi condition," aid (he mtnist r,
thought you were calculating to join the church.'
The onwoithy am-licani Uooking up with a maud.
lin fctiiv, and replied "True, I did think about it
and am rallaji leaning that way, now."
If we are to trust to tho s.lcnce of satirist, w
mast believe that there is do reverse of the picUra,
and that women never die of bad husbands. May
not this account for Ihe enhanced rata of policy
. . ..... , 1 .: nt I rt .1 J i L . 1 . l. , V. . PnA
it. Bruce leing nignrenfa nu wnnunn u n Ue ursuue nuc mey hihud ium wj j iu
. . v I . : I I . , , l . J . V. I
sn opportunity lo spra to i.e . -ny ... oe ia nam,., iu .ne .urCU ..u ,ate,y it,mMdtJ oa ,ke ilwtt(lloce rf frmae UvM
dian. they got h-1.1 of two htidk". caught horses. blK,y of ,I0l1,4 of ihe lino (I believe only one com- E j,,, 0B, on, . . .
and set off immedia'cry in of the othr, p.ny) th.t perform duty here, I he .oldr. awa-
. . ... , . r .L . !.. I i . 1 ....I 1 1. I.... Hiirfntnt,lii, li 0n. I
camp. After riding ine greater pan oi inn mgni, i auiru. aiuj .in...-. .7
they reached lbc ether eBCKBiprnrtit, as liefore ta- I ral officers, knew not what to make of the scene'.
ted, a'ooBt sunrise. I They were, however, soon made lo comprehend
A party nf sit immediately took their gnns snd I that a revolution wa on foot, that Leui Philippe
mounted to return to the encampment of Mr Simp- I rvas dethroned, that sll France was roused in favor
. . . . . w ii i i v ..... I ... t- : .. .r . . . i . ...i i, 1 1... .
son. IJI mis psr.y i"i.v j.., v.h oi inoir .nipe-ror livui. .inicti, mu um
by my side, was one. They proceeded in the I pxtstarm to march foathwilh upon Taris.
greatest haste, and soon after 8 clock in the I Ag iorne wel0 prpparjng 0 oliey, their captain,
morning arrived at their destination. j wbo htA n mncd by tho noise, rusheJ in
rhey pulled up about 300 yards from tha en- j tmon(t tnpm ,nj festoied their wavering loyalty
campment, and called out no answer waa given. I b? gh0uting "Vive le Roi." High werda and a
TJtey thn called on Mr. Simpson ly n one, and I tn,u,.J between h tu and Prince Loui, when
till no answer. They then moved r.und to t .o j ,be ,at(er drew , lUtol toJ fifej4 unfortunately
iV. ;,1i koeointr the (sine distance, aud called I . ... .i,,.rj i,. imiw of mior soldier
I ... .u i ,i 1 approach, ehe desired him to throw her the end of
smiru I whn wsa eiide-avottnR to siasate thorn, add the 1 ' ' .
- . . I 1 i v- u -V - r .... I ..... A I. I . I .:
They could not see Mr. S.mpson hut taw a do- whole fim,. lhe .oKlkrg were lukt. . -7.
immediutelv afterward, heard the repo t ol a ..,-,, ,,, nlh:. ng turn, wua ser exp.ring nreatn, boi ,o iouc n oef
" " I tTlllfl. lliBl 1113 VlXllCia v ... .B
.1 . ' 1 Al I
wa to be done there, procipitatcly quilled the Ca
serne, and retired to the port.
By trria time the tewn wa roused, the aMthori
tie were on fool, the drutM weie beating to arms,
sad the Na ional Guards pouring out in a'l direc-
run. and xw the sme near the earl. They thcu
" . K I
,d round t where the horses wer,eaugni tnem,
snd B proachrd a little nearer the cart. They then
find off their gun, intending lo a!ann Mr. Simp
son, but seeing nothing of him, spjiroat hed gradu
slly.vutilat last JSiuclair, one of the party, got
near enough to tne cart to see Mr. Simpsun, and
Cidltd out that he was di ad.
They then all advanced, and Mr Robert Logan
ssw him lying on bis gun, with bis face d iwnwar .
aiancy t
"She who tie beneath thi. stone
Died of constancy alone.
Stranger, approach with step eeorageottt.
For this disease i not contagious."
The point of the epigram, however, i generof,
and both eexra must bear the sting. Men may,
indeed, write on constancy, but hov truly can wo.
man act it ! - During the course of her illness
speaking of a woman who died of tbe plagac,)
he uniformly refused all succour from her huo
band, nor would she suffer him lo 'approach serf
and carrying her cares for his rifely even b yond
the term of her life ; when he found her Ust hour
j corpse, hut to drag her by means of thi C JrJ, Ja
her grave." Datet and,
Lord L ' , more rematkable fox lr's pi-Uetha
his paits, being one) withdrawn from a fmhieculi!
party, and wanting hi servant to attend him, call
lions. 1 be proclamations, one oi wbjcq i netoe, eJ ou, in , Tfrj ,JU j where etn my block,
with a decree, had been lavl.h!y districted long hesdbe,u)n yotu should rs. my LotJ"aasw
every atreel through which they passed, and money B,iJgrt TUemachr.
nivpn ta those who had followed them. 1 bese
oon declared what lhe object wa, and the necewa- I A sailor and two of his sliirnu.te oce wan tod
A distinguithed A PentisylvaiMa,
w hose nose and chin win re both very lung, and
who had lost Lis Iceth, wb.ei.eby the nose and chin
were near together, was told, u I am afraid
your ncwe audcJin will fight before long ; they ap
proach each ether very menacing." I B afraid
He had a wound on tho f.rehead aud all tle UTPt r. dir(.ctiona were given by the Hon Prcfet lo at- j g0 f,0m Portsmouth to Ptcrteldj when onai
psrt of his head we blown off. His csp a white U(k be ,iB,urber of the peace. Within Iwo hours gtaying lhind, desired lh olhor two to proceed oa
ann, partisl'y humt. was found about SO yard off; h ,)art were either prisoner in the citadel, f, hiu he went and hired a borer. When
he had no other wound. The body or Mr. Bird ib( or jjsienied. Tbey natde no stand after lea- caroeta the livery atahl the ostler brought him
wa found covered over w i h the tent, and Iwo ?i)C tbe Caserne, short-backed light galloway, about fourteen hesda
tich M keep it down. I.e nro. wa. nao anu B ne made the way with Ihe egle to the Na- J Ligh Zounda, sars Jack, this will net do for tm i
poleon eolunn, aome with the Prince hastened to j ae j, l0 tnort in tho back. Oh, Sir," replio tha
the sea aide, and eignslled for a boat from the stea- J ottler, "ho ia all tho better for that," '-ILe wig no
mer. Unfortunately for them too many gotnto I j0i j te y0Ui jail mo a hois wish a longer back.
iu end it uiatt The l'rinoe vwtn Uvreo ur four
out taking off their cUhi; and covered them with (WMQ for ,be efcmef and had a nanow
the tei. Mr. impon' portmanteau and iiui i pf being drowned.
trunk were not opened, but taken lo Lae qui i'fl"-1 purjng thoir absence, however, alTars had ehn-
e. and there deposited ta me care ei ui. " m.a... on Ae rteim,.r. m,. Pdilet, the harbor Hewins- Hewins.- says I, "how sta youf
on, tlus Pre-bytentn mis.ionary. until mo mM,eft j,, order if the maor,,had proceeded with UPreity well, thank you, Donelly," .ay hi ay
when James Piatt, who will be then leturning to 1 J(Mn eusl(m houae oC'icsr in a boat, and I- j L. "thai not my name." "Faith j no mo isuuna
covered with U .i kel. and thero wa a ittl no
ten the two binlie. a rf Mr. 6imp.o had kept
walking to and fro all night.
Thv borii d all three bodies aa they were, with-
I havo two store to take up al the turnpike,'
I waa going," said aa Iri hraan, "ovor VfeaU
ruinater Bridge tha olber day, and I n4 Pel
of il myself," replied the gentleman, 'for a great
and Great Britain, found LLm in lhul uf this J many words havo jtatscd byiween lUuj ulriudj-."
Red River, has agteed to tuke then) but to lhe II
B Curapany'e agent llstro.
I have thus detaikj all lb information can eb.
tAin.ascarifully and minutely as poasiVe. Ther
tan remain no dauM on lhe aubjocl, a Mr, Logan,
whom you lte also eeeri n l conveid wlUi, wa
an rye ilue to the, farts.
A.. rvOD;RTox.,
ken possession of it. It wa fortunate for alio Hswins," y hr. 3j wo loakod at each other
Piince they did so, for in returning into th har- j gin, and .bur it turned out to be neither ojutj
bor they found hint almost exhausted, clinging lo
tho buov. ulsut tho eighth of n mila fjom thai An English paper mentions that the Earl M'aiJo,
mbpll! grave and a Captain Dun wherlately atros'.ed will
ixlawa taken on Uid, and with him Colonel eomraittod on a charge of having asau'.iej vutvL.
1 yudr7. In banning trum tb hoT0 th had man nd Btolco b4.