Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 12, 1840, Image 1

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lIENRY D. MASEEH,? Ptratisrisa ah
4 - it. B. jn-ASSEH. Editor, . .
orrtci i mKRT stuikt, Wfati mil.
'THR " AMERICAN' ia'published every Satur.
,li1ey el TWO itOt.LARS ir annum Id bo
paid half yearly In advance. No paper disrontin
' ned ti l Lt r-nragps are paid.
No subscription received for a les period thm
ix tsniT All rmnmoiiication or letter on
busim-a relating- to Ihe office, to insur caitcnlion,
Tnnst he POS T PAID "A.
-f . HYMX.
The following original hymn was sung by llie
Vhildren of the Rev, Mr. Pierpnnt's Sunday -chool.
Boston, on Monday last, in a sequestered pni in which they had rejiaited futa rural eel
cbralioni tii the at ill air rejoice
' i v.B every vouihful Voice
' : k S Blended in nnei
. While we renew iUr strain
. v To Him with joy again. V
V-'VV; Who send the evening rain,
t. '.. And m irning sun.
- V Ilia hand in lieauty gives
Each flower and i hut that live,
Each gunny rill,
Springs! which Mir footsteps meet
" Fountains! our lipa to greet
Water- ! whose tuste is sweet,
On ruck and hilL
Each rummer bird thtl sings,
; Drink from dear nature' springs,
i' Her early dew,
And the refreshing shower
Falls nn each sunny flower,
Giving it life and power,
' ' Fragrant and new.
So let each faithful chiTJ
Drink ot this fountain mild,
From early youth !
Then hull the sung we raise,
lit hoard in future days,
Ours he the plea-am ways
Of peace and truth.
Now let each heart and hand,
Oi nil this y.nuthtul bund,
United, move !
Till on the mountain's brow,
And in the vale Mow,
Our land may ev. r clow,
With peace and love.
Tlic HrtSlol Hanlu r.
It is not in royal circhs and in noble mansions
that the materials of thiilling romance re exclu
sively dep isiitd. Thu uatuial dispos ton of m m
k nd to look upwards the common spriug of our
reverence for the Deity, as well as for exulted hu
man greatness, h is (ought thu writers of romince
to choose the more el vatrd scenes of life for the
creation of the most durable and pi rvading into est.
But the lower regions of life hav also their pecu-
liar attraction in the eyes of the true pot t ui.d genu
, ine painter; and higli-horu damsi Is have wept at
reading, and uien distinguished in the Senate and
the field, ucknuwl ding the Claims of hu
manity, have heard, with sympathy,
' "The short but simple annuls of the pour."
' The middle paths of life have also their romance.
Wot even 'the inveUrate and soul-crushing pur
suit of gain can'whnlly ettmnish f cling; and
-hearts will still I found to throb with le der or
violent emotion, even amidst the clink of inouey
tiugs. for the tides of human passion, like those of
the mighty O.ean, will coutiuue to ow to ul
time; and though Mammon may blunt, he cannot
wholly dradsn, the mailer-power of love.
Edward Walton was a rich banker of Bristol.
Young and handsome, and of an ardent t mpcra
. Hient, in spte of all lis weal h he never knew
Teal happiness. Of a dark and sus4cious charac
ter, of fctrong passions, excessive in hi love as in
' -bis hatred, be w;is a man whose existence hung
upon slender thread. A breath might ruflla it for
: -evrrT Like the moon's sphere, it had a d rk and
ttia 'owy si le ; and it depended upon circumst .n
es altogether fitr;nsic, whether it shone forth
brightly and cheerfully, or ended in lot d eclipse.
Mr. Walton was but recently married to so
t .. nnd cousin of h'.s, the daughter of an Englishman
long engaged in extensive banking transactions at
' Nantes. In a worldly point of view, this was an
- excellent match. Elrci Kotnertau was a charm mg
woman, as well as a weaJlhy heiress; but Elizt
was baleved ly a young Vendcan, named Henri
d: Cormon, the sen of a French noijeman of the
. ancient school, M of srisiociatic piejudict s. Eli
za bad loved him in turn. Brought up from in
fancy at Nantes, her sympathies and manner
were entirely French ; and Henri, one of the no
. . tilest and bravest youths in La Vendee, had hut
K tie diificulty in winning her keart. But hi
s father, a rigid old couitier, was inexoiuhle ; it was
, tiot in his nature to stoop lo a ptuhiun connexion,
even jri consiikration of a large accession of
; ' avealth ; aud the f loposituia uf a niarriage was
; ' tcrcrapluri!y broken off.
'i. This crude negotiation was speeilily succeed d
. j tyy an" arrangement between the NmUcs banker
n4 the elder M . Walton, who were in constant
cdTrrspond n, for the union of the hopes ot their
i' reiriiecuve houses. A mystery hung oirer the ca-
:' reel of the lattei. His character preriely reseui
bled that of bis soa. He was sonibie and suspi
cious to an extreme. He hid been decivtd, some
years beforp, by bis wife, who bad disappeared no
L one knew how ; and, .though suspicions were
f darkly hinted as to the circumstance, Walton's
, great wealth, (ogolier with the loose mode in
i which t'e oners discharije their functions in the
last rentuiy, pre vented h from becoming the sub
ject of judicial inquiry. Young Wsl'on resided
for iwo months -at Is antes, in the bouse iff Mis
Somerton'a father, subsequently to the marriage,
which wai celeb ated shortly after anival. Tj
' 'ying that intorval he heard -at liule of j t,,.
'tnont yet even -that li.'j was not'no wuken
" . 'ark thougUi In the breast of a of his lew.
' yaCfcui. H was u htJoiiiui to ausnect that
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the
she had ev. r loved another ; and it was no small '
consolation to him to le irn that De O irmon had fell J
in an encnunter b tween the troops and" the pea.
santry, which took place about that period In La
Vrndee. The trouldca of that ill fated province
precipitated Walt .n'a departure, and he returned
with hla beautiful bride lo Bristol just as hia father
had made his will, .in I only a few days before,
troubled with strange rind bloody fantasies, which
rendered it necesoiry 1 1 rxelude every domestic
from his chamber, ho bre .thod his last in the arms
of hia son.
After the lapao of a year, without any promise
of the blearing of children, which preyed deeply
upon W ilton's slo .my mind, a piece of intelli
gence was one evening conveyed lo the banker by
a confidenti 1 servant, which darkened his brow
hto the deepest i-cowl which it had worn for many
a day, and inf'isid into his eyes an omiuoua and
baleful light.
Upon entering; his drawing-room whei his wife
was e ted alone, (for Walton little mcouraged
the access of visiters,) he informed her thai impor
tant business summoned him that night to Bath.
Mr. Wsiton was plunged in deep r.rrris for
the remainder of the evening, except at intervals,
when ho gat d pryingly at bis companion. The
distress o his pour wife was evident. A da k sus
picious man, such as Mr. Walton, could not be
mistaken as to these lokma ; and all the ciTrts
which Eliza made to conceal her nfll ction, only
tended to increase his suspici ns. Midnight had
just sounded, and almost at the same instant the
rolling of a carriage was braid.
This is my post chni-c," said Mr. Walton, ri
sing " Farewell dear Eliza, do n 't expect me be
fore Jaht days shall have elapsed."
The banker having again tmhraced his wife,
quickly left the room. Site wit'itd to accompauy
him 10 the outer door, but her husbuid f.irhade. her
i'i a soft but intimidating accent, which cut short
all reply.
'No, my dear Elizi," he said, "tbe air is too
cold; go to bed quicklv ; nay, I insist on it.'
then folding his cli ak around him, he left the room,
and shut the door ufter him.
The hanker had no sooner proceeded a few pa.
ces in the outer saloon, than calling bis servant, he
said to him, in deep anil imperious voice, Jo
seph, tnke my cloxk, conceal your face ; should
any one speak, give no answer, and luke my place
in die post chaise."
Ho then threw a la-ge 'rnuetling cloak ntouml
Joseph's shoul.ters, (rushed linn to the door, and
hastened to a sm II room adjoining the auburn.
He o,ned a chest uf drawers, foin whiJi he took
a brace of loaded pistols, placed them on a table,
and applying his ear to the door, breutaless, pale
and motionless, he stood in horrible agony, not
well knowing what it was h waited for, but pcr
suuded that he w..s about to avenge a cr me.
All in the house had by this time retired to led ;
every thing was as ailent as the grave. Walton
still preserved the same attitude, listening (ho to
speak) to the ilence. which wasonly interrupted
by the ulsation of hia ar eries and the irregular
plpitations of his heart Nu 'deuly the noose of a
Lev lorninrr in its lock, iell uion hi ar. The
door which he heard opening was one of comma
nicalion between the saloon and his wife's lied
m. He seized a pis'ot in each hand, and was
in the act of rushing out. when a frigh'ful scream
wis heard; it fas an sgoniinc, piercini, lament
able cry; but it d d not roccd from Mra. Wal
ton's bed-room; it was from Iwlow stairs, where
his oflievs were situated. Wullon listened Ur a
moment attentively. The acreams increased, and
lecamr mre dis inct ; the horrid cry of " M urder !"
rose ut on his ear. Walton ruthed into the daik
urss; in passing through the s.loou, he struck
with violence ugainst a man who was making to
wards a slaircuse that led to the ollicts. WaltOll
started back fot a moment in horror. .
We trust now retr iceaur steps a IrltUs. Scarce
ly had Mr. Walton left his wife, spattment, when
Ue, whose heart, f um excessive, had alrno.-t
rem. d to lieat. ran to an adioioina room. In that
room Henri De Cormon wus oono ah d !
In this conccalmeut there was neither guilt nor
shame. De Uonn ui had L.' n severely but not
dangerously woundid in La Vendee. Forced to
Uy f om France with of liis countrymen,
be had sought refuge in England, bad sol cited
and litjined, with greit dilEculiy, an interview
with Eliza. That interview look place upon this
very evening; and it was the fi st. An officious
and prying domestic had perceived them tuuolher,
and carried the intelligence lo Walton, who be
lieved the worst, though bis honor aloud a, the
slightest risk of being tarnished. ,
Mra. Walton opened the door with treinMini i
hand, as if feurful of her hus'iand bevug nd witUij
hearing. She seixed Henri by the b.4l)d, uad mo
tioned him le pr.sM.Tve the stric;,,,! 14rOIICe. But
Henri could ol remuiu sde.j keart WIH t00
Eliza 1" said 'ne a oice acarccly audible,
Mah ! what lAM) 1 done ! 1 have all but ruined
I bBence1 in the name of Heaven !"
"But he is gone; you have nothing more to
"Yes, but if he be not gone! Whokuowel
Ob ! that man is impenetrable ! hia heart is a
fcthoUiles abyss. Henri, perhaps it it weakness
majority, the vital principlo of Republics, from which
(Suntmry, IVorf luimbrrlniid Co.
in me, but I tremble : I have fun-eight of some
thing terril le,"
Aa she spoke, her limbs shook, and a universal
shivering came over her. Henri supported her
against his bosom.
"Henil," said she, extending hand to the
dour which led to the saloon, ' not a word 1 I heir
a noiso yes ; there is some one in the saloon."
I heir nothing," said Henri, in a low voice,
listi nlng with the tnortt profound attention.
"Hush! some, one has stopped at the d.v,r
heard it quite distinctly : I heir some one advan
cing with caution. Ve, it still ron'inucs. but
more soft'y the capet smothers the noise of his
f' t. Oh ! I ronjure you, remain in this chamber,
some one isrwa'ching us! yes, no doubt it u one
of the servants, whom Mr. Walton has ordered to
widch me." ' ;"
"No, it is !mpo8iMa, EbzV said Henri. Set
one of the servants' to watch you 1 That were too
cowardly too infamous !"
The noise in thesa'oon had now ceased. Eliza
nn longer heard the slight) st sound in the house;
but her fears temained undiminished. She looked
with terror io the fatal consequences which might
result from Do Cnrmon's nocturnal visit. . How
could she get him out of the house without being
perceived ! But some means should be resorted
to. Not only her reputation, but her duty to Iipt
husband obliged her to break, as quickly aa possi
ble, this perilous eonveis ition.
The ardent youth threw himself at her feet; he
smile! and wept'at the samp time. The key turn
ing in the door made a slight noise. Till now,
Mr. Walton had not heard the slightest sound
The distance which separated him from the cham
her of Eliza was considerable, comprising the ex
tent of a large saloon. But the turn ng of tho
ky in tho lock caught the banker's attentive ear.
It was then that he rushed to the table, took h's
iHstola, ami ran forward in the uaikoess. L.I Za s
door w is 'hut abruptly.
Whin Walton knocked against a man in the
dark, his first impulse was in seize him ; and in his
eagerness he let one of the pistols fill on the car
pet. But the mvBtcrious person wis possessed of
much muscular strength, and with one arm loo
sened bis grasp He th n ran tutu the antecham
ber, flew through a suite of with the rapidity
of lightning, aud passed into a dressii g-io, in at
the head f a winding stuir-cau. AILjhis strug
gling, and II ghl in the d ok, took plac in an in
ktnnt. But while tins was proc-. dim, another
furious and bloody stiupgle wus carried on in a
distant part of the h u e, and drowned the noise
produced by this brief conflict. It was then that
the ciies of "Murder!" lesounded through the
whob' house, and ev.ry instant became mme
frightfully thrilling. The b inker scarcely heard
them, for the blood was boiling in hia arteries, and
hissed and whistled in his ears. Mad with rage
and despair, he discharged his pis ot in thu dir c
lion which the fugitive hid taken. By the Itht
from the flash he saw the ball could not have
stiuck him, for when Walton fired, t man had
descended several steps upon the s air-case, and
onlv nan of his body was to lie seen. In a few
- -j -
minutes all the servants were up, and called out
each other's names in frightful dismay,
Henri (fur it was he) in hia rapid flight upset
chairs, and tables coveted with papirsaud accoun s.
The cries of tho victim, as Henri approached near
er, were becoming feeblei and less d siinct ; but
he could plainly hear the last struggle of the unfor
tunate being, sud was able to see through the door,
which was open, two men contending with deadly
fury. Obeying nn instinct hut that of courage, and
deaf to all but ihe voice of humanity, he rushed to
the door, and there a dreadful spectacle preserved
itself to hia v'fw. Two men were clutched in
mortal conflict on a lied, the clothes if which, nil
coveted with blood, were lying in hep on the
floor- One of these nven, who sppeared to have
l-een surprised in his sleep, was lying on his hack,
aim t naked ; hia Convulsed limbs were drawn
up against the breast of his assassin, who, lean ng
over him, endeavored ie str ehitln him, by twislimr
violently, with b it h hands, the ether's cravat. 'Hie
chest of live reuniberrtimn w as literaT.y riddii? I
with statx; aud the II.mmJ, whkk escaped from
llie divided arteries, ulipying tin) force which !,m
pelted it, spouted at iiilpeiv ils in the faco of the
murderer. Clothes were Ijing in d.ord.rou the
chairs around, and strewed tipo,, the fl ior; a can
dle, which doiihtless hf.j been kuoeked down in :
the strug al , was otill buriang. This mu was
eonl gijous to '.'na bank or' strong box, to arrive at
whUh it Was ulo uiely neeeabsry to pasn through
the room in-question, which served as a sort of an.
I'-chamber to it. It was there that Michael Bland,
the banker' nuxit confidential servant, slept.
Vhi't ibis inan slumliered hisvily, fatigue and
drunkenupss both pressing upon his eye-bds, ihe
robber endeavored to force the docks and bolls of
the door which led fiom Bland's bed room to the
room where the barker's money was depo-ited.
But this long and d H'icult operation could not Ihj
accomplished without noise, and Michael, wl.o'e
ideas were concentrated, whether- he slept or not,
on the precious deposit committed to his cluige,
awoke suddeuly, crying nut "llobbirl" with a
hoarse and feeble voice, as if he wtm hull 'ian
gled by ni;ht-u;are. It was then that the robU-r.
seeing himsell discovered, spiang upon tho drunken
I guardian, bifow tUa unfortunate man, whose ryes
thero is no appral hut to force, the vital piimiplo and
In. Saturday, September 11, is 10.
were nnl yet well opened, could recognise him and I
spread the aluiin through tho houve. The struggle
was bloody aud terrible. Michael did not get lime
to cry out a second time, when already the dagger
had inflictf d several wounds in bis breast. He
was, however, a man of great vigor. With a con.
vulstve c.f.-rt he fui-ed himself on his kneea, and
seizing his enemy by the hair, endeavored to force
him to throw his head bar kwarils, so as to be able
to see his face, and recognize him' in a future pe-1
riod ; hut his inuidcrer, though more slender in
appearance, was not lesa muscnU', and n: twith- 1
standing tho torture which he mu-t have felt, he
still kept the other down, p'ung ng lii dagger in-
ccssantly into thrf breast of his icti-
Henri rushed into the room, spring upon tho
un;,n.l I,; fr.,m (...'einl )v both arms, and I
i, bi.n fmm iho bed. M in on" instant. But the
a-sasin, thouuh less robust, nlf red a Btrong resist-
anee, and endeavored lo regain the daguer which
had fallen on the ground, with the intention of
despatching his courageous antagonist. Raising
Ihe miserable wretch in his arms, Henri dahtd
him wi'h violence against the floor, and placing
hia knee on his chest, held him motionlewe upon
hi buck. Henri's face almost touched the murdei-
er's their breathing, loud, rapid, and I iborious.
as intermincl'd. Suddenly they gave a simulta
neous shout of surprise and dread.
"Max Bloxham!" cried De Cormon.
"Jack Durham 1" cried the muruerer at the same
A word or two will explain this recognition. De
Cormon h id been compi lb d to assume a feigned
name, h s own beina, us ho well know, utterly hate-
ful to ihe hanker. As he spoke Eng ish well, and
was of a romantic and adventurous disposition, he
dressed plainly, the hotter to disguise himself, and I
ti study tho manners of the humbler population,
mixed in all their ru lo spoils, as ono ot thoir own
rank, drank with them m llir ale houses i f an
evening, pushed the stone, and wrested with them
upon Sundays. Up u thejo ocasioos he hid of
ten nu t Bloxham, who was iu the h inkei's em
ploy ment, ond who frequently, without the bankeiV
knowledge, ossoctaUd with the locscsl chaiucteis
in Bristol.
"Wretch ! you are then an asaassin !" exclaimed
Hi-nri, rtlU iiutifjltalhMl. ..........
"In the name of heaven, don't ruin me!" an
swered Blosham, in a supp'icating tone. "I am,
indeed, Very gui'ly ; but have pity on me ! Do
not dishonor my family ! Let me escape, I implore
you, for heaven's sake !"
They rould now hear tlie servants approaching.
"They are coining!" resumed Bloxham, with an
expicssion of indescribable terror. "I beg of you,
by all that's sacred, let me ro ! I beg of you as I
would of (iod pardon, pardon!"
"Unfortunate wretch, 1 take pity on you," suid
De Cormon, icleiiting. "In letting you escaj e, I
am committing a crime; but I commiss. rae youi
youth. I lake pity on your mother. Fly, if it lie
possible; escape tho scllold." Then removing;
hi. knee from Bluxam's chest, he adowc-d him to
eel hp. "Liaten!" sa d he, with earucauiu-KS. !
also have a f ivor to ask of you whatever happens.
tell n one that you aiw me ueie. IVeeu u se
cret, your s.lence mine."
But it was too late to fly : the window, secun d
by shutters and ieon bars, remained to be forced ;
pen. J no noise or steps approaching the adjoin-
big room, was heard. All the issues were shut
Henri, who heard thera approaching, mule a last
effort to open the window, in which he had already j Bloxam to an adj .inii.g sp:rtmenL He double
partly succeeded; but he fell hims-.lf se'zed by two j locked the door, and raiied Bloxam te his legs.
handa from behind, tnd a harsh hoarse voice cried,
in a voice of thunder, at h;s ear, "Come on ! The
murderer's here! hilp me to seize him !'' The in-
mates of the house had now all arrived. Henri
had;u t tune to turn round his head; he saw the
pale and haggard face of ihe banker Ivfore him.
"Shut the doors," he cried lo the servants, the
villian is heie!"
"Yes." continued Max Bloxham, io an agitated 1, "there he is! Y. u must all assist mc, or he
will escape." The banker riwhed towaids the two
young men: ht recognized Bloxham.
''Max, you here!" said llie banker, ia a hoarse, j
ft. 'ilow voice. "Who is th it mailt' "eAe
murdtrtr of Michael Bltiiid was the villains un-
hesit st ug eeply. "I arrived too late." "Whal!
then you ae 'he mutdeierl" said the banker, turn
ing to De Cormon, his eyes fl -thing with rage.
"UiootimirBty wretch : Uo Coimon sai l not a
word,' Astounded utterly dismayed, he knew not
what to say. His chest l.eived and fell rapidly!
and hia nob'ril dila ed with proud and beautiful in
dignation. "Heating poor M ke's cries," proceed
ed liloxbam, "I ran to his assistance. I m not
here abeve a minute." "Infamous villian V excla in
ed the banker, in a voice of thunder, "it was you
that I pursued while ago in the dark; it was at
you that I fired the pistol on the corridor I" "Yes,"
repl ed Bloxham, pale and trembling, "it was me:
I did not know from whence the cites proceeded,
and I ran h'indly h ouh the bocst, to give the
alar n. It was very daik, nd ihe fright in which
I was, aim st deprived mo uf reason ; I ran every
where through the house; you miato k me, no
d ub, for the s-aaasin, and v ou fiiej at me." 'Anil
I did not kill you 1" sa d Walton, s ting him by
the throat and uiasging bin to the door.
Those who kne-ed his scene, coul 1 not c m
ciiite the caure uf the bauker's fury, aud began to
imincdia'e parent of desp .tism, JsrraKso.
Vol. I o. I.
think that the night and a'arm had deranged his
mind. Henri, whom tho audacious accusation of
Bloxham had almost petnlicd, remained still mo-
lionless, his eyes fixed, and incapible of uttering a
- "Secure this man,' said Walton, pointing
to De Curmoi , ai d, leaving the servants stupifio l
with amazement, ho Jrapged Max Bl ixam into an
adjoining room, with irro-istible violence; then he
double - locked tho door, without loobcning his hold
on the alfiighed man.
-Tell me, and do not attempt to conceal any
thing coward 1" said Walton, in a deep and
threatening voice, th it quivered with rage. "Whcte
were you coming from when I met you iu the
dark ! Speak . onceal nothing fioin mc. or I will
dash you lo pieces, and rample you under my lect
1 ou a to iho unit : is it tu.t so i coniers :
Bloxham was thunderstruck ; and j lining his
hands and throwing himself on tiU kneca, '-I swear
to you," ho said, "I am not guilty i it wus not I
hat killed Bland." And he unbraced the banker's
How can I hare pity on you, monster, after what
you have done! No, you shall die, and in the
pietence of yourarcompticp; it is before her ryes
i), ,t r m(.an iit tmmolate you !" and already Mr.
Walton was dnggint him to the stairs lending to
his wife's apaitment. Pale a .d frox-n with fear-
Uioiham offered no resistance, and let hiiusolf be
carried like a cliiiJ.
Mrs. Walton hud partly unlrrssed hir.-c'f, and
was standing at her Iwd-roora door. The fearful
C' ies, nod discharge of firearms, had reduced her
to a state of tho moKt dieadful consternation. She
nreudy divined tho truth, that her hudnuij had
merely feigned hi departure, slid dreaded that n
collision had taken between him and Henri,
jr, which the diacburge of fire-arms hnd been fatal
l0 tl0 l,,tier. She waj not a nervous woman, yet
lnC90 hideous noelurnal occurieuces had dreadfully
agitated her.
As the hanker dragged B'oxh am up tho stairs,
and met 11 1 lady btandiug at the dour, be (lung her
back, with bid left hand, into the middlo ol the
"What menus this brutality !" sbeexel dmed.
"Behold your parsmeur!" was the banker's rc-
The scene which followed it would lie impossi
ble to doacrihe. Piou.ily conscious of her inno
cence, and rep lling woh d'gn'ty the brutality of
her husband yet feeling ihat she hid gravely erred
in giving De Cormon a secret interview, hi r man
ner was one continued s'rugglo of firmness with ti
midity, in which however the former feeling pre
dominated. She repelled w th loathing the impu-
mion that she could ever descend to intercourse
wj;h the vile being at her feet. But tho turning of
the key in the door, the immediate meeting with
tho man in the daik, and the other circumstanti d
evidence, were to a man of tho banker's jealous ami
a ormy mind
"Confirmation stiong
As proofs from Holy Writ."
Satisfied in bis own m nd of the guilt of the pat-
in s, hu levelled the pistol at Bloxham s head.
'Die, infernal traitor!" exclaimed Walton, in
tune of the deepest concentrated lage.
"Spar, spare me, master, aud I will tell you
all. You are in error. U is not a poor menial
like mc, but a gentleman, who has dishonored you.
I l Know it all !
The banker stood for a moment with f ale and
quivering lips. The next instant he was drag?ing
j This villian was possessed of extraordinary cnu
J ning : and having penetrated through De Cor
,' disguise from the first, and hal his suspi-
cjon8 pointed by Borne eager inquiries which De
Cormon had made with regard to the banker's do-
meatus arrange.sperta, and more especially as to
Mrs. Walton, he had contrived to pick hie pocket
of a letter which the latter had written to the for
mer in Trench, and which, ihokigl) it was as a
I t,e, j to him, he knew to have proceeded
from the banker's lady, for he bad seen her hand
writing before, and it was signed "Elit." This
le ler he now d ew fiaiih, aud give to Walfn.
With trembling hands, and eyes almost but st
ing fr m their sockets, the banker unfolded the
letter, and devoured its contents.
'D mn ition !" he exclaimed, "it is the Vendean,
Dead! dead! It was all a scheme a scheme to
accomplish ny dishonor. And he clenched hU
hands slid gnuslvd his teeth in ungovt-rnablo fury
A tudj n thought struck him, and irradiated his
whole countenance wi.h a baleful and demoniac
"Max," he slid, "I pcrf.ctly understand your po
sition. I know that thu story you trump d up was
ut cr y false. But I inquire not now into that.
The Frenchman is uiy bitterest enemy. W must
hang lii ni, and upon your evidence, You per
ceive ("
Max nodded his head in approval. The banker
was an altered roan. His new design tad taken
er.tiie possession of his mind, and he became aud
doidy and almost miraculously calm. He led
Bloxham forward lo tho room, which bad b en the
scene of ihe fearful struggle, aud Ihe polico autho
rities having now arrived, quietly ordered D Cor
nion into custody upon the charge of "wilful mur
der," on Iho testimony of his servant Bloxham.
At the con-luUes hare the Yeudew oft the
I tquara I insertion, ( JO 60
1 do S do , 0 7
1 do 8 dJ 1 ' 1 Of
Every subw queiit insertion, 0 Sa
Yearly Advoiliseinents, (with tho privilege of
alteration) one column $ 25 j half column, $IS;
three squares, IS J two aqusrea, f 8 J one quare,
f5. W iihout the privilege of alteration stibcrkl
discount will be made. ! ,
Advertisements left without directions sa to ha
length of time thef are to be nuh:ished. will be
com inned until ordered out, and charged accord
CTj'Sixteen lines make a square.
banker's countenance glowed with malign int d.
light, mingled with Intense hatred, foi in that fa,
he traced the oviginnl of a miniature whieli he h I
discovered some timo before in one of his wife's e
cret drawers, and d.ifhed Into a thousand atoms.
The trial took place; and the Vcnde-nn w.
found guilty upon the clearest evidence. BUil.a u
gave hia to-timony with all the tact of a m il
complied, an J was subjected to vci
slight cross-examination. De Cormon conli-i i- I
himself with declaring hit innocence ; but u-r
syllable funher woulj he breathe, f.arful of to.:i
pronilwr. j his adored El i.
In the coui'-ie of a few days, this devoted nitit' r -'
uf bivo was executed on the scaffold. Never d I
mortal man die more firmly. 11c felt that his .'..;. a
was inevitable ; and would have sufieied a -li.o a
and deaths, rather than I eu ay her for whom ..lj la
he desired to hve. The consciousness of innntvi, n
supporird him to the last, even when the hs.e o.
r.oo9 of ignominy was fastened around his tht j -; ;
anj he died breaihii her nmne!
The moment the news of this fiightful cou
ni iti. n, which her brutal bus! anJ car nod ii
umpli, reached Mrst Walton's ears, she wnni i v.
giug mad. All the care of the atost eminent p1 y.
siciaus was vainly expended on her euro, il.-r
case whs utterly hopeless. In tho privut i,.a l
housj, in which she was at length confined, '..
was pronounced the most coinplute y incursb i.
Tho mcxorabld banker, at the expiration ol
years of a remorse so te nble, tliat eirih btc n. 4
perfect heW to him, was rob! rJ of the bulk ul h a
wm th by the villian whont he hdd iuade the
strument of his inhuman vengeance; and r
himself with the very d gger wiUt which D ot .:ii
had murdered the unfortunate Bland, aud w n
was adduced in cvidouco aguust the cht
Bloxlmw becoming beastly drunk upon the fi 1 1 1
. f Iti ill got plunder, within a month uf its
zuie, was drowned line a dog, by his owu in vol a .
tary act.
A man who has lately wiuten a book ou tht ex
pediency of medicine, begins by what ha calls .
aiiom. If your constitution is bad, it i not wtatii '
repairing; if good, it ilocs not want repair.
An'iSfS'Jor at a field day, hapjicned to be thrown
from his horse, and aa be lay sprswlinj on !!.
ground, s aid to a friend who ran to bis a-ststarire,
"I thought I ha ' improved in my riding, but I iiv.i
I havo fallen ofT.''
A good man and his sp .ute in the West of Eng.
land, who in orJt r to let their neighbor know tliat
they cared those oHluted with ague a well ts ti.o
jaundice, hung out a aign on which was inscribe)',
I euros goose and my wifo cures the ganders,"
The late Rev. Mr. O. happening one day lr p.
into the church-yard whilst the beadle was busi'y
employed, neck deep in grave, throwing up
mould and lcres to make way for another cuV n
mer, thus accosted him: V!l, Saunders, tli4t'o 1
work you're employed in well calculated to ronka
an old man like you thoughtful. I womjor
dinna repent o your evil ways." The old worthy,
tes ing himself on the head of a psda, and tahi . j;
a pinch f snuff, replied, "I thought, air, ye ha J
kent there wa no repentance in the grave !'
Two Liahmen going to London through St. AU
bans, one of them a4.ed a man by the roaii a'.d
how many miles it waa to London, to which U-
replied twenty. "Arrah," said one of them, ut
shall riot 1 each London to night." '"Pooh," tya
tho other, "come along, it is but ten miles o-pieti
Iior,r.scx o G 1. tits. It vat said of the
great Dr. Johiuoa, who waa accustomed to teaj La
bed, thiil ralhr than get up and blow hi light out,
he would frequently throw hi hoot at it !
Thompson the poet, was found with bHh t'u
hands in his packet tjting appbs ft cm t, tree!
PiMTr Snair. Wou'd you cemprhrj ail
Hi ll in one word, call it Party, or spirit uf
tion. Ijurd Orrery,
Duu nkkjh . Tiie sight of Drunkard it 4
better si rraon aguiust that vice, than the best that
was ever preached. &..;.
FtTVw. Flattery eirmpts both the receive
and the giver, and sdnl .tion is not of mora territa
to ihe people than to Kings. Cttrke.
When illjiew comes lou Isle to be aervicfable
to your neighbor, keep it to ygursz'f. Zimtiitr,
Sscassr:. What is mine, even to my life, i
hcr I love ; but the secret of uiy fi isnd ie tK"
mine. &V J. Sidny,
AmaiTion. Ambition, like love, can abide ne
tinHringi sod ever urgetri on its own sucoea,
ses, hating nothing but what may atop it.
Better to sit in Freedom's hall,
With a cold da np floor and a inould'ring wnlj,
Than bend th nuvk, and bo the kaoe,
Iu the proudest palace of slavery."
Siivxar. Death is natural to man. bet Slajre
ry unnatural, and the moment you strip a niao 0
his Libeity, you strip hi - of all tiV.iuos; y-
convert hi heart into a dark hole, in wHsh t:l 'It
vices conapiie aa'iut him. 2A.
Yasirr. The Vanity of hurqau I us is iike
ilver, constancy paasiuB away and yet cotttt-itiiljr
coming on. Popt. -v
(TJ-Il is a striking coine d jnee, that Qo.
son' Wo of th UnU d S'Rtes B sua a l Mr.
Buren's approval of the Suu-'l'ieisury Em,
transpired on the Focnrney Jrir,
lTp jump'd our devil, ir a rag,
" AnJ tit two hue lo Ut ihe' '
- ft. - .