tranktin fepozitoll. Wednesday. peeember 27,1885. RECONSTIttCTION .7'we'Vee . elms have been delivered in the .popular branch of Congress Nvhich present the impending struggle on reconstruction in all its aspects. Mr. Stevens has spoken in behalf of the policy that accepts the rebellious States as suicides, and depen dent upon Congress for renewed life and government, and it need not be said that he presented his poiitio with masterly ability and the eminent , wader that has ever characterized him in dealing with public issues. Mr. Raymond has replied in vindication of the doctrine that seces sion, bon-ever accomplished in fact, is a legal impossibility 'and therefore the States lately in rebellion have never lost their rights in _the tlniou and under .the constitution they attempted to destroy. Many other speeches will be made on both sides we presume, but - they - will but cumulative support to one or the oW. • of the utterances already given by the dis tinguished members who are fitly recog nized as the leaders of their respective doctrines. —Let'us look practically at this ques tion of-reconstruction. The President, Mr. Raymond and a few other Republi cans, with all the Democrats and every one' lately in arms against the government insist that there has been no secession be cause it is a forbidden crime, and this doctrine is made the foundation-stone for the re-admission of the insurgents into Congress, to participate in the determina tion of the penalties for their own trea son and to work out the results of the v, ar. On the other hand Mr: Stevens ac cepts the formal declaration. of treason that it has withdrawn front all protection under the constitution and laws, and now that it is conquered, he would renew the life of the insurgents within the Union on such conditions only as will give satisfac tory guarantees of future peace and Union, and protect the loyal men of all sections from the crushing evils of the treason they manfully resisted. It is worthy of notice in considering the logical consequences of the two policies proposed, that the one advocated by Mr. Stevens can be carried to a COnsiAtent re sult, while that of Mr. Raymond comes in direct conflict with itself when it reduced to practical operation. Mr. Raymond says that he regards the seceded States "just •'as really and truly Sta tes of the American " Union now as they were before the " war," and in another portion of his re marks, 4en he comes to the admission of these "really and truly States of the American Union," he would " exact from "them" various conditions precedent to their exercising the powers and lights of sovereign States. In one sentence he in sists that they are States without any limi tation of their rights, and. in ,another he proposes himself to define the teritiS and conditions on which they shall ezeicise the tights which he insist's belimg to them. It is clear that Mr. Raymond's lt , gic is sadly defective, or that helloes not be lieve his own: doctrine. To Mistime that the rebellious States cannot impair their relations to the general government -when the President has as 'yet denied them any rights whatever—ruling them with the most despotic power—is an absurdity that can not approach the dignity of an argument. On the very day that Mr. Raymond delivered his speech, the Presi dent notified the Governor elect of South Carolina that he might non- assnnie his duties, because,- "in the judgment of the "President of the united States, the care " and conduct of the proper affairs of • South Carolina may be remitted to the "constitutional authorities chosen by the tipeople thereof, without danger to the "peace and safety of the United States." Thus does the President treat a State that Mr, Raymond declares to be " truly with in the jurisdiction of the constitution." If Mr. Raymond be- correct, then is the President, whom he assumesespecially to defend, a usurper of the most desperate and dangerous character, and air. Ray- mond is merely playing fantastic 'tricks before the Nation to earn the favor of an Executive whose policy he alternately ap proves and condemns in most discordant stains of eloquence. —We have slot stopped to look feito le gal abstractions in the determination- of - this momentous question. The President, Mr. Raymond and Mr. Stevens all agree in the practical duties to be performed. They differ in details—in the extent to which they would carry Mr. Raymond's • I "'conditions," "guarantees " and " exac tions ;" but all agree that these States, or Territories, or Provinces, or _conquered Belligerents, or - whatsoever else they - may be called, must come into the Union with some "indemnity for the past and securi ty for the future." The President de , Jumada in peremptory terms the repudia . tionof the rebel debt, and the ratification of the constitutional amendment, and then very properly submits thekcase to Con gress. Mr. Raymond goes farther and exacts obedience , to the Freedman's Bu reau, and reserves to himself a "rigid sera ." tiny into the character and loyalty of " the men whom th s ey may send to Con : " greats" before he would allow them "to •' participate in the high prerogative of legislatiuig for the nation." Thus would Mr. Raymond vindicate the sovereignty of the States and maintain their constitu tional rights as States " within the juris " diction of the constitution." Mr. Stevens would go still farther, acting, however, on the same practical doctrine, and deny the admission of those States until the just and full fruition of the war is attained. lie would amend the constitution in all - .respects necessary to prevent the fester :ing sore of treason from again polluting the body politic, aild while the President and Mr. Raymond would " exact" a limb, Mr. Stevens i rould on the same principle take the heli2 of the dead, carcass and ( create anew the States which have ,organ ized and maintained revolt, in all the de partments of governmental' power, for , four years-on principles which he regards as essential to justice and freedom. Widely, inep profess to differ ,s,p4l in theory, they agtee in fact when • they come to- theapplication of their tinfories, - with the single exception that they reach different degrees of "conditions" and "guarantees." We deem it idle, there- - fore, for parties to divide on abstractions. Start where they may, they all come in the end to the foundation on which Mr. Stevens rests his views of reconstruction. and the sooner all departments of the governments recognize the fact and go to the practical work of reconstruction, the better. It is for Congress to define the penalties and guarantees precedent to the restoration of the States lately in revolt ; and a country staggered with debt, and bereaved in almost every household by treason's Causeless war, Will demand that "mercy to traitors is cruelty to the Na tion." The conditions and guarantees must be such as will secure Listing unity and peace—such as will afford the amplest protection to Union men of all classes and conditions in the South—such as will make treason infamous, and inaugurate thoroughly Republican Government in the regenerated Union. IMIII FREEDOI! The subjoined official - proclamation of Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, announ ces to the people of the Union and to the World. that Slavery has ceased to stain the fair fame of the Republic. This con sumation, so long and earnestly labored for, alike bY the patriotic'founders of the government and by the faithful men who in later days braved the supreme.power of bondage in behalf of Freedom, comes at last hastened by the madness of its dev otees, and deeply crimsoned with the blood of wanton war ; but it conies in the fulness of complete triumph, with,its nut= lignaut foes confessing obedience to Uni versal Manhood. Sad as have been the sacnitices demanded by this crowning crime of the Nation, all will now rOoice that our bereavements have not been vain. and that the deadly struggle of Treason to overthrow our tree institutions has but made the great Republic of the world disenthralled and the home of re generated Freedom. The following is Mr. Sewards proclamation: WAsiiisoros., Der. P, 156.3. WILLwr 11 .Nru A¢4). Secretary of State of the United States. 1,, 01 ivhota these pr rite may come. grertiog: -F-NoW YE. That ishereas the Congress of the Utti_ted_States, on the first of February last, pas sed a resolution which hi in the words following, namely: "A resolution submittine tr the Legislatures of the several States 4 prope.d.,u to amend the oustitution of the rutted Stares. - "Reso!red by the Senate and House of Represen. toilers of the United States of Americo, in Coa -1 gress assembled, two-thirds of boa timers concur ring, That the following urtiele be proposed to the Legislatures of the uyeral States as an atnendment to the Constitution of the United States, %%hid, n hen ratified ly) three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall he valid to all intents and purposes, a- inirt•of the Constitution, namely : "Airrict.E: xnt. Section 1. Neitrier slavery nor involuntary servitude. except as a punish ment for erinie whereof the party shall have been_ duly convicted, shall nisi {% t kin the United States or cry subject to thew jurisdiction "See. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.' And whertas, It appears tram i ri.,l documents on file in this department that the amendment to the ConstitUtion of the United States, proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified by the Legislatures of the States of Illinois. Rhode Isl a nd, Michigan, Maryland. New York, West Virginia. 3laine, Kansas. 3lassaehusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia; Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Indiana, Louisiana, Min nesota, Vtllllollt, Tennessee. Arkan sas, Connecticut. NeW Hampshire, South (am bun, Alabama, North Carolina and Georcia—iii all 27 States; And whereas, The whole number of States in the United States is And whereas, The before specially-named States 'whose Legislatures have ratified the said 'propos ed amendment, constituteDthree-fourthsof the whole number of States in'tlie United States ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, by virtue, and in pursuance of the second section of the net of Congress approved the twentieth day of April, IRIS, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of the laws of the United States, and for other purposes,' do hereby certi fy thit the amendment aforesaid has become va lid to all intents and purposes as a. part of the Constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Department of State to be Axed. Done arthe city of Washington, the 18th day of December. in the year of our Lord 1865, and of the. independence - of the (Suited States of America the ninetieth. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. A ientac meeting of the citizens of . Chambersburg was held in the Court House on Thursday evening last,-to me moralize the legislature in behalf of the despoiled people of Chambersburg. Col. D. 0. Gehr presided; and J. W. Douglas, Esq., reported a memorial to the legisla ture which was read and adopted. It is a te*tetate, able representation of the pe culiar sufferings of the people of Cham bersburg, and while it does not claim res titution at the hands of the State, it ap peals to the generosity of a commonwealth. whose treasury is overflowing, for tem porary aid to unable our crushed citizens measurably to recover from the destruc tion of July 30, 1864. A resolution of thanks to the generous people of Carlisle, Harrisburg; Lancaster,Philadelphia, Pitts burg and other points, who kindly con tributed to the sufferers immediately after the tire, was adopted, and D. 0. Gehr. J. WDowell Sharpe, Geo. W. Brewer and A. K. 141'Clure, Esqs., were selected to go to Harrisburg and present the claims of our people before the proper committees of the legislature. Speeches__ were made by Senator Duncan and Representative Stam baugh heartily endorsing the movement and expressing their purpose to devoted their best energies to give it success. WE give in to-day's paper the opinion of Hon. Jere. S. Black on _the claims of Gen. Koontz to be sworn as member elect from this Congressional district. It will be fiecu that Judge , Black goes to the root of the issueoind shows conclusively that the prima facie right to the seat is clearly with Gen. Koontz, and he exposes in just terms, the revolutionary proceeding-810 pertain Democratic return judges who dis- frinklin ifteposttonj, nbcr9l:-:-/-1 regarded the law to defraud Gen. liontr; oat of his certificate. It is an interiiiing paper; aid will be read with profit Will parties... WE have seen a letter from Gov. Cur. tin dated in Havanna on the 16th inst., to a friend in this place, in which he says that ho grows better_ every day and that the pain in his spine, which gave him so much distress, has entirely gone. it 1,3 probable that he will protract his visit un til about the middle of January. TIIE December number of the United States Service Magazine completes th e 4th volume of this valuable periodical. It is of peculiarinterest alike to the military profession and to the intelli gent reader of our history, and cannot fail to command a very wide circulation. Its contribu timis popularize it to a degree never before at tained by any military publication ever published in this country, and it must gradually widen the circle of its patrons until it rivals our leading lit erary periodicals in circulation. In the first num ber of the new volume will appear a fine steel portrait and a carefully prepared biography of Maj: Gen. Thomas. Price $5 per anum. .Chas. B. Richardson, Publisher, 540 Broadway, New York. THE War Department computes the number of deaths in the Union armies, since the com mencement of the war, at 350,000, and of the Southern soldiers at 2.15,000. At Gettysburg, 23,000 of the Union army, wire killed, wounded or taken prisoners—the greatest loss during one battle. Grant's losses from the time he crossed the Rapidan until Lee's surrender, Were 90,000. Great as these losses were, they are lees than those incurred in Firopean wars. owing to our superior medical and•sanitary tirrangeyients, and the care of the Government for its troops. Ix Kentucky, the State Senate has passed a hill removing any disability in regard to persons who had engaged in the Rebellion. The House has'also pardoned all who committed treason to the commonwealth. The .Legislature. also de to veto an act which gave loyal citizens a remedy against the injustice done by guerrillas and rebels. Tha State of Kentucky is rapidly " reconstructing' itself. MAJOR GREGG, Chief of Transportation, has gooe on a tour through the military cemeteries et Richmond, llaucille,Salisbnry• and Colombia, S. C., to gather information concerning the possibil ity of procuring, by the friends and relatives, the remains of Pennsylvania soldiers. Col. Cham berlain, BNte Agent at Nashville, has gone on a Rif tour to Alidersonville, and other military crnoarriee in that distnet. WASHINGTON The Negro Suffrage Munn loh—Tote of the City—A Lawyer Fined fOr Contempt of Court—Font., Theatre—Southern Mem bers Gone Hone—An Honest Negro— , The Bill to Reimburse Peaum— . Trial of Rebel °Ulcers—Minister to Mexico. Correspondence of the Franklin Repository. NO. Lvill.] WASILLVOTON CCM December V, I&15. The election of last Thursday in this city, on the question of Negro Suffrage was just as we expected. The vote was against negro suffrage, 6,002; fir negro suffrage, 36. 'The largest vote ever cast here was in IS6o,!,when the total was 6,991. Then nearly all these were cast for a no ted secessionist for Mayor Yawned Barrett, who had to be arrested foropen treason. The balance were cast: for Mayor Wallach, who cannot boast of any particular loyalty when anything detrimental to Southern feelings and Southern institutions is introduced. 'rhere are 'hardly three hundred town., who c ast 5011ocs .0 bast Thursday, who did not vote in ISOO for 13enett and Wallach. The population of Washington city is now estiinatedp,l2o,ooo. They are act ual residents, live heri3 4- and- intend to , live here, but °Wing to the peculiar rules which govern city elections here, the voting majority of - this large population are deprived of a vote. Petitions are now in circulation among these persons thus deprived of voting to taketheir sen timents on the question, and the result will be not legs than 20,000 signers to the petition in fa vorof the bill, all as genuine citizens as thet:),W who voted on last Thursday. We kuow from experience that out of the 6,642 people who voted against suffrage last Thursdas , , that it the question were put "whether or not Jett Davis should be restored to his seat in the C. S. Senate," that there would not be two hun dred votes - nay out of the whole number. The hill will be passed by Congress immedi ately after the assembling again on January sth. Then we will see whether Tom Florence and the 6,602 voters cairmake good their word, that they have every assurance that Andrew Johnson will veto the bilL It is not likely that the President will do any such a foolish thing as to put himself in opposition to the majority in Congress. A few days ago Lawyer Bradley, while making a statement in the trial of Marshall Brown, was stopped by Judge Olin, who charged him with making a false statement, and at the same time knowing it to be such. To this charge Mr. Brad ley replied that the Judge lied if he said so. Then the. Judge ordered Bradley under arrest. Yes terday a hearing was bad, and after a vast amount of tears shed by both the Judge and Mr. Bradley, the Judge pronounced sentence on Ms. Bradley, in order to maintain the great dignity of Judge- Olin and the Court. The sentence was a fine of .$lOO on Mr. Bradley. Mr. B. was the defender of Miss Harris, the murdress, whom it will be recollected he almost smothered with kisses after her acquittal. As Arbemus Ward says, "the scene was very affecting." Judge Olin seated on ,the bench cry ing, because he called Mr. Bradly a liar, and Mr. lividly seated at his feet crying because he call ed the judge a liar. Then how nicely it was healed op to the great satisfaction of the people, only one hucdred dollars fine for calling a judge a liar in open court. , We have all along thought that Ford's Theatre was to be a depository for the records of the lath rebel government. Now it appears that the Sur 'geon General is to get it for some purpose or other. Reason why, it would not do for to have a place for southerners to come to and see the remains of their folly piled up, for it would be too much of a humiliation to theni. ' The Southern members yet remaining in the city held a meeting on Wednesday evening and unanimously resolved to go home and remain there until after next 4th March. What they in tend to do after that they did not resolve. A lady friend of ours dropped her watch in the street the other day—and it being found by an old colored man—an oyster shucker, was actual.. ly returned to the lady by him two days after. Mayor Wallack considers this a piece of honesty unprecedented in the' negro annuls of Washing ton. The bill to reimburse the state of Penna. for expenses incurred to repel the rebel invasion of 1863 has again been referred to the committee on claims, where it will most likely lie hurried until next session of Congress. The bill had been passed by last Congress but from some cause or other Gen. Schenck "coulden't see it," and moved for a reconsideration and a reference as above, which was carried. Winder, Duncan and Lee, the three rebel offl cers, httrged with inhuman treatment of Federal prisoners in their hands (similar in all respects to Wirz) during the late rebellion, are all sent South fo places evidence can be obtained without the large coats attending the Wins trial. They die to be tried by military cod Richmond, Dunianin 1 141 . leigh. We understand that tic* &Ala D. Campbell, of Ohio, was en last sent to the Senate for confirmation mister to the Republic of Mexico. We thees:for infer that Gen. Logan has declined. It is understood here thatth President has re• quilted that the judiciary cot itted Kavide a bill et as early a day as posailyle for the holding of the tt.'S. Court in Richtuoiad,Which court it is represented will try Jeff *is. s. c. HARR f• 4' ' BURG: ' Pat *luta tlou 10 1 1n Gov. Curtin—Hie Health Kuehn Proved—Probable Ad = jourameut of t e Legislature—Met of the Admlnist Vela to Procure a Com plelPu te Lis thatto tof . ur ltartered Vead—The i VS Correspondence of erne:4lln Depositary,' NO. XLI L) , HARRISBURG, December 25, tea. Infonnation was received here from Gov. Cur tin on Tuesday of last week. Ile reached Cuba on the nth, after a pleasant voyage, and much improved in hbalth. The cutter touched at Charleston on the way out, and Gee. CILKIII land ed and sisited the troops stationed there. Re was most cordially received, especially by a reg iment of Pennsylvanians, who made the welkin ring with welcome. He also visited the hospitals and other places of interest. It is not certain when be will return; but it is more than probable that he will be here by the 10th or 15th of Taint: ary. Should be find it necessary to remain long er, the legislature will be officially advised of the fact when it meets, and an adjournment will fol low for several weeks. Under our constitution all bills pitied by the legislature become laws within ten days without the signature of the Governor unless vetoed, so that the legislature. would be supreme should it assume to legislate to the absence of the Executive. Before Gov. Curtin left for Cuba be made ar rangemente for a thorough inspection of the bat tle-fields and hospitals of the South, to ascertain to what extent our heroic dead may be returned to their4tiends for burial. Col. Gregg has gone to Richmond, Danville, Salisbury, Columbia and_ other points, and Col. Chamberlain, State Agent at Nashville, will make a similar tour in the South-west. ' When they shall have performed their duties and made report, the Governor will be able to give infimnation to the friends of most of our marlin. us to their exact whereabouts and the probability' of securing their bodies. It is a most important mission, and the result of it will be that thousands of our brave soldiers who fell in defence of our Nationality wilt be returned to i sleep with their kindred. The organization of the legislature excites less interest than usual, because of the fact that there will be no contest for the leading positions in. either branch. Senator Fleming, of this place,: will be re-elected Speaker, and Geo. W. Moment ly Clerk ; and in the House Mr. Kelly„of Wash ington, will be elected Spe'aker, and Father Ben edict Clerk. The Democrats of the House will probably vote for Quiggle for Speaker and Zeig ler for Clerk. lititt.sck. I= —The widow of stonewall jaeksonix il l Pal- IMOI e --General Nipatrie,k goes to Chili on the Ist of January —Govermlr Curtin arrived at Havana on, the I:3th - in greatly-improved health. =lion. Phillip Allen, formerly Governor of Rhode Island and afterward L. S. Senator, died on Saturday week:- —The Albany Evening Journal Rays: "It ie rdinored thatalott.--ikkrarier-entflrr. -- wom ism wid t mer, is about to marry a daughter of Lieu tenant Governor Bross, of Il =Ex-Attorney-General Black, of Mr. Buchan - . an's Cabinet, has formed a law partnership in Washington with Mr. Lamon, formerly law part ner with Kr. Lincoln. —Two Pittsburg burglera, named 'Howler and Bowser. have been tried in the Cambria county court, for the murderofMisses Paul and Munday, (which oceurre on the 7th ut Juue last,) and r sentenced to be hung. --General Logan's official declinatiOn of the Mexican mission bus just been announced. Ex- Congressman Lewis D. Campbell, 'of Ohio, has' been tendered the position, and will doubtless ac cept it. He is now in Washington. —We learn by the Cuba of the.death of Geo. Cbretien Frederick, for thirty-five years King of Belgium, ruling as Leopold. He Was one of the oldest of the crowned heads of Europe, as well as one of the most sagacious—a very Nestor of royalty—and was allied to several of the reigning families. 41(41 11 'am G. Moorhead, Esq., late President e Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, o has but recently returned from Europe, - was on Friday evening the recipient of a handsome service of Ate, comprising dinner and tea sets, which was presented to him by the board of man agers of that road as a testimonial of theiresteem for his eminent services in bringing forward that road to successful Completion. The affair came off at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, a large party of Mr. Moorhead's friends being present. Hon. Ellis Lewis made the presentation speech, to which Mr. Moorhead replied.. In the course of his remarks he'took Thigh ground in favor of the extension of the interests of Pennsylvania by means of more thorough railroad facilities. —Thomas Corwin, whose death took place at Waghington on Monday - week, though for several years past removed , from naiN-pefitics, was nev ertheless for a long period a conspicuous and suc cessful participant in national affairs. -He was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, on the 29th of July, 1794, being, therefore, over seventy-one years of ago at the time of his death. Educated in the midst of the rude frontier life of the gen- eration suoceedin - g the revolution, he imbibed and illustrated many of the tbaracteriatica of the original and daring people among whoin he was born. To this circumstance may be , attributed that natural eloquence, humor and imagination which made him for many years the most power ful and popular orator of the Western country, and - for a time the dictator and controller of the' party to which he belonged. He filled many im portant positions. ' Admitted to the bar of Obio in 1817, he was chosen to the Legislature from his county in 1822, and from the Warren (Ohio) congressional district in 1831, serving in that ca pacity until 1840:lame he wen; elected Governor of Ohio, which station he held for two years, be ing defeated in 1842 by Wilson Scannop. In 1845 he was elected to thellnited States Senate by the Whigs of the Legislature of Ohio, and was, called from that body in -1850 into the Cabinet, as Secretary of the Treasury, by President }lf more. Here be took a line of departure from the extreme anti-slavery men, and from thatperi od he has been classed among the Conservatives. In October, PEGS, he was elected Representative is Congress from Ohio, le which body he acted as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Being re-elected, be served but a short time, when he was appointed minister to Mexico by President Lincoln. Some of the speeches of Mr. Corwin were surpassingly beautiful. He never took rank among the Clays and Websters of the Whig party, but seemed rather to delight in the graces and adornments of forensic speaking than in solid argumentation. He was a gentlemen of uncommon wit, retentive memory, and high in tellectual versatility. He took the deepest inter est in the questions arising out of the war, and 'Jag, Va. although, as we have ;aid, not in sympathy with the radieal element, was one of the most devo ted and unselfish patriots of our day. er is in J at Ral- 'POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. —California ratified the constitutional amend ment on the letti. —The Southern Congressmen in Washington have had a meeting and resolved to go home im mediately- . - —The North Carolina Legislature has adjourn ed. No laws for the government or protection of the freedtrien were passed. --polorado has chosen for her first representa tivet In the united States Senate John Evens and Jerome B. Chaffee, both Republicans. —A majority of the Virginia Legislature wish to hold a new election for U. S. Senators, but are restrained by a fear of offending the President. The favorite candidates are R. M. T. Hunter and John Randolph Tucker. . —The Clerk of the House of Representatives has received certificates of the election of South ern members only from North Carolina, 7 ; Loui siana, 4 ; Mississippi, 2 ; Tennessee, 7 ; Virginia, 6; and Arkansas, 1. Some of these have - treat re ferred to the Select Committee. —Missisisippi has ratified the Constitutional Amendment with conditions - and reservations.— Her Legislature declares that the assent shall not be construed into an abridgment of the preci ous doctrines of State Sovereignty, nor into a con sent that Congress may abolish Slavery in any State that refuses to ratify. —Provisional Governor Parsons, of Alabama, has been relieved by the President, and directed to turn over the-papers and property of the State to the Governor elected by the people, Secretary- Seward, in notifying the latter, tenders the coop eration of the government iu effecting the early restoration of the prosperity of the State. —Cornelius Cole has been chosen U. S. Sena tor from California for a full term of six years froui thil 4th of March, 1867, when the term of the. Hon., John A.. M'Dougall will expire. Mr. Cole was , a member of the last House, and an earnest and able Unioniiit of the Republican stamp. Mr. lld'Dougall is a Democrat. We be lieve this is the first election of aU. S., Senator whose term commences with the next Congress. --Several Senators and Representatives, who lately had conversations with the President, state that the President does opt intend to force any issue with Oongresm, but tii'obstain from whatev er ought lead to a conflict between the Legisla tive and the Executive branches of the Govern bent. A more cordial feeling is gaining ground and it is expected that a good Understanding will be preserved. !MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. --General W. W. Irwin, President of the Bdard of Military Claims; says-that a large num ber or claims that have been adjudicated by the board are in the office of the Auditor-General, awaiting the post office addres of the claimants, and persons making inquiry about such claims should address that office. ••--Major General Robert O. Tyler has been as signed by Major General Han'cock, commanding 'the Middle'Department, to the command of the District of Pennsylvania, in addition to his du ties as commander of the District of Delaware and the Eastern Shore. His headquarters will be in Philadelphia., General Tyler relieves Maier General Humphreys, who, we understand, Will be assigned to 'very important duty in the South: west. , COFFROTH VS. KOONTZ. Tl‘o following , logal-errettinen‘-alrowfrhy-dion. Jeremiah S. Black. reed before the Committe on Elections in Congress last week, is exhaustive of the question. It presents the facts and the law in a manner that precludes successful controver sy, and as a lesson for the revolutionary return judges of several counties of the district, it has peculiar value. We subjoin the opinion: Thoeleotion laws of Pennsylvania pt.( vide in substance as follows: Ist. Two inspectors and one judge shall be chosen to conduct the election in each district 2. The inspectors, or in case of their disagt'ee inent, the judge shall "decide onthe qualifications At -any person claiming the right:to vote," and the vote shall be received or rejected, adeording to such decision, 3. After ballots are received and.counted, and the nurnbercast for each person publicly declar ed; a certificate thereof ,shall be made mid signed by the inspector and. judge, which certificate shall be kept by ttmjudge until the third day af ter the election, when he shall produce it at a meeting composed of judges from all the districts of the county assembled at the Court House. 4. The judges from all the districts beitig met and organized, by the appointment of a president and two sworn clerks, the votes "as they shalt appear by said certificates to hare been given," must be added together, and thereupon a return shall be made and signed by all. the judges, and attested by the clerks. This return shows the aggregate number of votes in the county given ftc each person, with respect to each of f ice, as certified by the inspectors and judges of the sev eral districts. 5, The'county board is expressly forbidden to reject or molt from their computatma any volt;i which shall-appeir by the certificate tohave been giren, except where the certificate if too defec tive to be understood, and in that case an exact copy of the defective paper shall be certified and appended to the rotnnh - and the original shall be filed in the Prothonotary's office. 6. Where two or more counties compose a congressional district, a certificate of the votes given for the several candidates for Congress shall beAnade out, signed by all the judges, and attes ted brthe clerks, vhich certificate shall be put in charge of one of the judges, who shall produce it at a meeting of one judge from each county to be assembled on the 7th day afte` k the election at a place in the district designated by law. 7. By these judges (one from each county of the district) the votes given in the several coun ties shall be added together, the persomhaving the largest number shall be ascertained ; dupli cate returns duly certified shall be made, one to the Prothonotary ot the county whece the meet ing it.held, endow to the Secretary of the Com monwealth. They are also to sign and send a certificate of election to the candidate chosen. The mode of taking, counting and returning the soldiers' votes is as nearly as possible like.that prescribed for elections at home. It was mani festly intended that no difference should exist be tween the two, wept what was made necessary by the differ , • rcumstances of the cases. The judges of i •n are to be chosen et the camp or hoe :tits' .e the votes are given, they are to certify and count the number of votes given for each person, the certificates are to :be sent by mail directly to the Prothonotary of "the county where the voters belong, anti the county board of return judges must meet a second time to receive and count them. But the duty of the returning officers is precisely the same as it is in.respect to votes given at home. It is declared (Page 996, acts of 1864) that all the provision of the general election law not supplied by, inconsistent with, or inapplicable to the system et 1864, shall apply to elections held under the latter act. It is also specially .provided (page 994) that the return judges at their second meeting, shall include in their enumeration the votes so returned, and pro- ceed in all respects in likc manner, as is provided by law in cases where all the votes shall have been given at the usual place of election." It is plain from all this, that the returning.oi cers have nothing but a mere ministerial duly to perform, with respect either to the home vote or the soldiers' vote. It is true that a judge while he is presiding at an election must hear and de. tilde the questions of law and fact, upon which a citizen's right to a vote may depend. But after he has received or rejected all the votes that are offered at the proper time and place, his judicial duties are ended, and his decisions upon any par ticular case cannot be reversed bY himself, much less by the judges of other districts. His certifi cate, with;that of the inspectors (the whole three are called judges in the act et 16640 isconclusive upon the county board. It would be an inexcu sable violation of the written law, for that board to reject the certificate of the election offie m rs, unless it be so perfectly senseless that, assuming it to be true, the member of votes cast for the several candidates cannot be ascertained from it. Even then it is - not to be rejected, but merely omitted from the eonnt ez necessitate m, and seer forward for the inspection of others who may b e able to spell it out more successfully. But I have not heard tbht one ease of an 'unintelligible certi ficate has ever arisen in the State. It may In t pen, indeed, that judges and inspec tors' will de ids erroneously upon the rights of cit*ru; an soldiers. It is by no means impos sible that e rrupt, fraudulent and false certificates of election may be made by them. But these are wrongs which the county board or the district board of election judges are powerless to remedy. The jurisdiction to go behind the certificate is not given to the body whose business it is merely to count up and add together. In the case of a legislative officer, the constitution Nests that power in the House to which he demand admis eion, and there the law of the 4State - leaves it. In the case of a county officer, the statute gives the authority of reviewing the conduct of the judges and investigating the truth of their certifi cates to the courts. 'I he judges are required not to decide how many votes were given, at the election, for one eandi nate or another, but merely to say how many are certified to them, not to receive or reject returns, their discretion, but simply to look Mall that are produced, add them together, and sign their names to a paper wh ich declares the result. This duty is so perfectly plaint all ques tions upon which there might be ,difference of °Orion, is so completely excluded frotalheir cog nizance, that the law has made no provision fur the case of a disagreement among them. The certificate which they make must be signed by all `the judges. They must act as a unit. A mere majority has no more right than a minority to re ject a part of the returns and then certify the balance as being the whole vote of the county. The certificate of a county board not signed by all the judges who composed it, is utterly void. Such is the letter of the law, and such is its ob vious intent and meaning. The argumentum ab inconrenientc, is of no force against the unequivo• cul words of a written statute,- and if it were, it might be used both ways here ; for althotigh it be true that reckless persons, by refusing to sign, may spoil the proper evidence of an election, it is also true that if the power existed in a portion of the judges to establish by their naked certificate what the othersdeelare to - be false, swell power would be habitually abused in times of political excitement. It was wise in the legislature to require unanimity, and thus make it impossible for either party to defraud tie ether. When the members of a county board divide on a question of anthtnetic, it is rigto, to reject the statements of both. There can be no natural presumption in favor of either, for one is as , likely to be true as the other. . . - - But the election is not defeated by this spolia tion of the evidence.. Rejecting all partial certifi cates as being lawless, and therefore destitute of any claim to attention, proving nothing, and die Itti,ing nothing. we pass backwards until we come to documents, which bear upon their face tile legal appearance of truth, and out of them arises that presumption which constitutes apri ma facie title to the seat. :Date Congressional District is composed of the counties 01 Somerset, Bedford, Fulton, Franklin and Adams, -and Mr. Koontz and Mr. Coffroth were the only persons voted for. The board of district judges (one from each county) generally does, and would always, if properly constituted, furnish sufficient evidence of the electios, for its duty_is to cast up all the votes and certify which candidate has been cho sen by the majority of the people. But in this case there were two district boards, both of which met at Chambersburg on the crime day. They were both without authority. In both of them were members who had been delegated by, and bore certificates from only a part of their county boards. In one of them Sotherset Coun ty was not represented at all. One judge front Fulton county was in both boards, and certi fied the election of.,oth candidates. The body which returned-Mr. Koontz has the advan tage over the other in this, that it counted all the votes given in the district of which there was any evidence. But it must be acknowledged that its certificate does not prove that fact or any oth er, fur this, like the certificate of the opposing party, is of no-effect, null and void. - A little fuller statement of the facts seems nec essary here, to show the composition of these dis trict boards. In Bedford and AdaltS•Ohe county boards di vided, piped separate returns, and appointed dif ferent persons to the district board. Iu Franklin, the county board signed the re turn unanimously, TO on the first day of meet -1;4, ~a,z,i,zio- o loay appointed oar of their number to take it ap to the district board; but on the second day, part of them determined to appoint soother man to represent them at Chambersburg, while the others adhered to their first choice. So this hoard hadoue return, but two men to carry it • In Fallon, the county board was unanimous in the return, and agreed upon the member to whom is should be entrusted. There was no attempt to revoke his appointment, but for sonic reason not known, be made himself a member of both the bodies claiming to be district boards. In Somerset thFe was no division on any sub ject, and the person appointed to take the return to Chambersburg, went there with it, and joined the body which he probably thought the leg,il one, refushYg to unite with the ether. The result was that Somerset bad one undieputed'and regular re• turn, sent by one man, who submitted, it to one board. Fulton bad one return, and one man to take it; but he took it to both places. Franklin had one return, but two representatives, who di vided and went to different places. Bedford and Adams county each bad two returns and two rep resentatives who joined different bodies at Chain bersburg. The Koontz body (let 1130 call it so for distinction) bad five members and was a full board, but two of them had returns only partial ly signed, and had their appointment only from a Part of their county board. One of them had a full return, but a part of his county board bad re voked (if a part could revoke) his authority:— The other two were regularly authorized and produced regular returns. The Cottroth board had but four members, two of them irregularly appointed, and bearing partial returns, one with a full return, but an ir regular appointment, the fourth had been entrus ted by his whole county board, with lawful au thority, and a full return, but he had previously; delivered it to the other board. One county was_ not represented at all. Both of these bodies being illegally constituted, organized, not only without law,-but against law, it is not necessary to inquire which of the two is entitled to the least respect, for neither is enti tled to any at all. The whole trouble grew out of the preposterous notion that majorities are omnipotent everywhere. I maintain that where the majority of a county election board tran scends its merely ministerialduty of counting the votes, undertakes to decide upon the legality of the township returns, by throwing out a part of them, and so provokes a split with those who caunot concur, the proceeding becomes revolu tionary, and the power of the body' to give any certificate at all, is_destroyed. I do not doubt therefore, that the _Governor and the Attorney General were right in refusing all credence to the certificates given by these district boards. We are obliged to fill back upon the other ' evidence presented. In three of the counties, (Somerset, Fulton and Franklin) there was no division in the county boards. In each of them all 'the judges signed the same certificates, showing fairly and fully the whole vote in the townships, camps and hospitals, fur each _candidate. These certificates are with out doubt, good and legal evidence of the result in those counties. But no certificatefrom Adam or l3edford was signed by all the judges, as the law requires. Therefore we are obliged to go back one step further, and see if there be any ev idence behind that point which raises a presurop. tion in furor of either party. The certificates of the election from the judges and inspectors of the several districts, camps and hospitals must be ex endued, and the number of votes for each candi date ascertained from them. If these, as return ed to the county boards °Warns and Bedford added to those which are lawfully certified by the county boards of Somerset, Fulton and Franklin, exhibit a majority for Mr. Koontz, ho is prima facie entitled to the seat, and if not, not. I repeat:thatthe vote should be taken as cer tified by the county boards in all those counties where the boards -were unanimous In the two counties where the boards divided and tailed to make a legal certificate, the vaginal certificate of the judges and inspectors must be resorted to. The duty of the county Muds was to send, these same returns up in the convenient form of an ag gregate certificate, Jut that not being done, a court in the case ir a county officer, and Congress in the case of a member, must take the returns in their elemental condition. A certificate, hoverer regularit maybe, wheth er it coxes from the district board, a county board. or the primary officers of election, is no m o re than prima facie evidence of the facts certi fied. It may be contradicted by proof, bid proof for that purpose can be heard only in a contest where the parties confront one another. The candidate in whose favor a presumption is raised by the naked certificates, has prima facie, a right to the seat, and can lawfully Call on his ad versary to begin the contest, by proving that the returns are fraudulent, refs& or erroneous. I)eceinber 27, 1865. Receiving the unanimously certified returns of Franklin, Fulton and Somerset for true, rejecting the acts of the county board in Bedford and Ad ams as nullities, and looking at the - original cer tificates for the vote of the last named counties, Mr. Koontz appears to be elected. If Mr. Cof froth can show that the returns are false, or the votes against him illegally cast, be haS a right to do go, but he can have no prima facie title based npoa evidence which lie has not yet given, and which is not admialible except in the course of a regular contest. What I have said hereabout the duty of a coun ty board, a district board, or a committee of Con gress to receive the returns as they are certified, does not apply to papers, purporting to be returns, but known or believed to be mere forgeries, noth ing of that kind is alleged in this cue, so far as 1_ know,..or have heard. J. S. BI,ACK. COL., JOIID.ILAT'S Few persons have• any thing like a just con ception of the onerous and responsible duties dis charged by Col. Francis Jordan, datary Agent for Pennsylvania at Washington. Under the laws of our State he is instructed to collect boun ties, back pay, procure pensions, &c., for soldiers and their families free of charge, and he has most energetically and faithfully performed this duty. Le a matter of public interest we copy his report entire: • READQVAIrFFJM MILITAI6' AGSRCT OF PA , Waollington city; Dec. 16, 18Gu. S To His Excellency, Andrew G. Curthh Gocerncv of Prone" Silt:. In compliance with your recent request, I have the honor to submit the following annual report of the transactions of this Agency for the past year, ending on the 15th December, mir4. The happy termination of the war since the last yearly report, and the consequent disbanding of the armies, and breaking up of nearly all the hos pitals, have l greatly modified the character of the labors devolving upon this agency, whilst the amount of work to be done has not materially changed, The duties are so miscellaneous, that any com plete classification of them in any reasonable space is hardly practical, yet an arrangement of the principle ones under the following heads may be found advantageous: I.—COLLECTION OF PAY, BOUNTY a PENSIONS. The act of the Legislature, making it the duty of this agency to collect the pay, bounty and pen sions for our soldiers, mid for the relatives of such as are deceased, free of charge, was approved on the 4th of May,1864. As soon as practical there after, I prepared the books, forms and blanks ne cessary to the organization of this branch of du ties. The first claim was filed on the 6th of June, 1864 ; and a total of 729 applications had been entered at the date of my laskannual report. Since then 1,920 applications have been filed for arrears of pay, bounties, &c., and 1,673 have . been audited, and certificates issued, or money paid, as follows: To fathers of deed soldiers, 385, summating to 887,141 66 To mothers " " 88, " 18,7 16 To widows " " 149, " 31,1 To brothers and sisters of deceased soldiers, 8, amounting to `9,16147 To widowed mothers and wives of prisoners, 14, amounting to 1,407 38 To discharged **Hers, 431, amounting to 81,831 81 IMEI Of the total number of these claims filled this year and last year, one hundred and two have been rejected, and one thousand three hundred and thirty remain yet undisposed of. In addition to the ribose, three hundred and fif ty-three applications for pensions hare been pre pared and filed. One hundred and twenty-six bare been allowed, and certificates issued there for as fellows: To widows 74, amonotin,g to " mothers 4, " "invalids, 48, " Totals., 126 Ot the total number of claims filed for pensions this year, and last year, three hundred and fifty nine yet remain to be finally acted upon, by the pension office. One hundred and ninety certifi cates for 'pay and bounty were received from sol diers and their representatives, and the money collected upon theta and paid over, amounting to forty-five thousand vie hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty-five cents. Thirty-five pension vouchers were'also receiv ed and colfeeted for the parties entitled thereto, amounting:Jo two thousand doe hundred and eighty-tltreo dollars and sixty-two cents. Thus making the total amount collected by this agency, during the fiscal year, two hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-three dollars and seventy-six cents. ' Under the regulations of the departments, claims are acted upon in order of the death of those in whose right the claims originate ; and the total number of applications is so immense that this agency, and others, are only now receivi ing the arrears of pay and bounty in right of those who lost their lives one year ago or more. U.-TRANSPORTATION The Legislature. at the session of 1662, author ized the issue of transportatiOn, in certain easel, at the expense of the State. In pursuance Of Itis authority sundry arrangements were made with the railroad companies, by which the re mains of Pennsylvania soldiers, dying of disease, or wounds, or killed in battle, and for one person to accompany them, might, on application of the relatives of the deceased, be transportAttom Washington to the railroad station nearest Borne. During the past year transportation has been issued by his agency, as follows: For the remains of deceased soldiers, For Persons to accompany the same, Fa other persons. Tata . 894 The clone of persons over bodies transported is accounted for by the fact that in some cases the parties failed to recover the remains, and in other eases the parties wore female relatives, and out ofmoney, when transportation would be issued for two. The transportation for persona not in charge of bodies,4aa nearly all for soldiers discharged from Pennsylvania regiments, some sick, some woun ded, and all without the means to get home. 111.--MISCELLANEOUS. A great many applications, are ttiade, to the agency every day, in person and by letter, by of ficers and men, their relatives and friends. Some fur assistance in settling their accounts with the Government; some for aid in drawing their pay, bounties and pensions; to get transfers, furloughs, discharges and transportation;, to be reinstated after dismissal from service; for Eiecutive par don upon sentence of court martial; to procure removal of charges of desertion and of absence without leave ; to ascertain the fate of soldiers who have not returned home, and generally, for information and instructions upon all conceivable subjects. Due attention to this heavy correspon dence, is no small item of the labors of this agen cy. Our postage account for the last year is five hundred and forty-four dollars and fifty -cents (.9544 50:) and for the last three months the ex rignditare for postage stamps has been almost two dollars per day. The persons employed here are the same as at the date of my last annual report. On the 23d of June last, under authority given by an act of the Legislature at its last session, and by reason of an immense pressure of labors consequent on the large number of troops then going out of ser vice here, I appointed Edwin H. Kinsloe an ad ditional clerk. Oa the 31st of August following, I dispensed with his services, believing I could get along with my former force. My intercourse with the President, Heads of. Departments, and others, has been pleasant, and attended with a reasonable measure of success in my various efforts to serve our people and State; and my knowledge of business routine and friendly relations with the authorities give prom ise of increased efficiency. I cannot close this report without the expres sion of my cordial thanks to your Excellency, and to every department of the State Government, for the prompt and hearty co-operation this agen cy has at all times received. 1 have also to acknowledge my indebtedness to Assistant Surgeon General Dr. Samuel G. Lane, far intelligence, devotion and efficiency in his branch of the service, and to Lient. Col, James Gilliland, my assistant, and to Captains G. R. Mil ler and John R.:Gilliland, raj clerks, for the fi delity and zeal with-which they haie labored du ring the past year: Hoping this hastily prepared report may give you the desired information, I have the honor to be. most respectfully, . Your obedient asrvant, FR. JORDAN, Colonel and Military Agent of Penn'a. MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. 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