TRIMS OF PUBLICATION. THE Fiteauzu Ripourrouir is published every Watiteidaf morning by "TEE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at 60 per min, i ADVANCE, or $3 if not paid within the year. AU subserfPrlan ac cotau'tun be settled ewe mall,. No paper will be seat Out of the State =den paid for in advance, and all each s wbectiptious will Invariably. be discontinued at the expi• ration of the time for which they are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at Fianna ems per line air - first insertion, and TEN CENIS per line for sub. gegen& insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half-yeAr or year. Special no- Roes charged one-half mote than regular adVertisements. All resolutions of Associstimut ; communications of limited of ladisidual Interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding Ave tines. am charged fifteen cents per line. nr Al! t.egal Notices of real kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial Sales, are required by tam to be gale-tiled in the ItEktsneay—ii haring the Lam Esr ant- CVLATtONof any paper publicked in the county of Praia/in. JOB PRECTENG of every kind In Plain and Fancy col ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks, Cards, Piz' aphlets, ten., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest . notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE has just been re-fluted with Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be exectged in the nest artistic =law and at the lowest =tee. TERMS IN VARIABLY CASH. . Mr. John K. Shryock is our authorized Agent receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for the same. All letters should be addressed to 'M'OLL'RE & STONER, Publithem Coal, Lumbet, &c. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! ATTENTION! The undersigned'have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORLNG MILL, a large 'Ripply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all descriptions, from half Inch to 8 inches, on hand. Phan and Ornamental &roll Sawing neatly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posts, Manliness, Bed Posts, eco„ on hand. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at. short notion. HAZELET, VERNON A: CO., febl tf Harrison Avenue, Chambersburg, Pa. G ,E O. A DEIT Z'S GRAIN AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. Delta is buying Hay Deitt isbuyingWooL Deitz is buyiDg Flour. Delia Ii baying Wheat and Rye Diite Ls baying Oats sand Corn. Denis baying Clover and Timothy Seed- Deity is buying Flaxseed. Delta is buying Apples and Potatoes. AND PALING TEE moilizr ?RICE, =I GRAIN AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, North of Rail Road Depot, Delta Luselling Plows Deitz Is Selling Corn Shelters and Fodder Cutters. Deity Is selling 'Ford's Phosphate or Fertilizer. Delia is selling the best Family Flour Deitz Is selling aft kinds of Feed. Deits is sallistr-iis best Stove Coal. Deitz is sellin g Salt and Plaster. Delft billeting Cement and Calcine Plaster. lleitt is selling the best Lime Coal Belts is sellicg the beat-Blacksmith COL beitsds selling fiat; for Plastering• Dolts is selling Foundry Coal Delta is selling off at small grails Heitz is selling Pine and Hemlock Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Sawed and Shaved Shingle's, Plastering LE-Ith; Flooring, Paßlot Rath, Sc. Be sure and buy at DEITES WAREHOUSE COAL - A\s LUMBER YARD, and get a good, article cheap. North of the Railroad Depot L EO. EBERT & SON, Have onnslantly on band, and will faralaii to order all kinds of SEASONED LUMBER, such as 1* and 2 inch Plank, Bawd', worked Flooring, Weatherbaardtw, Joists and Scantling, Pailinga and Shingles, Laths, &c., all on the atoetreesonabie LtEE ANn STOVE COAL We also keep on band a good supply of Lime and Stove Coed, which we will fnrnlnb at the lowest Prices, Clain rout of the Jail, Chambersbarg, Pa. ostlP LEO. EBERT & SON. BUILDING LUMBER.—The under signed is prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lum ber at the lowest market price. R. A. RENFREW, GREENWOOD &MIA, Fayette - Ole P. O. LII E R.—All kinds of Lumber for sale at reasonable rates at A. S. MONN'S Mill, near Quincy, Pa julyl9-tf attormso at Lido. a IL be W S. STENGER, .ATTOR vi • , NEYS AT LAW.—W. S. STENGER, District At torney end Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and amass of pay Office in James Daftleld's dwelling. on the West side of Second Street, between Queen and Washington Streets. "AM QTIIMBAUGH & EHR, 'ATTORNEYS Ly AT LAw.-otDoe orposlte the Post Office. Will at. tend promptly to all business entrusted to their care. P. B.—Authorised Agents for the collection of Petulant, &panty, Back Pay and all other claims against thegove rn. men! sepl4 S EVERETT. Attorney at Law. W. °Mee on Market Street, opposite the Court Moue, formerly oectipied by Jer. Cook, Req. 'All legil business entrusted to hie care will receive prompt atten tion. eep7-tf. JOHN STEWART, ATTORNEY AT LAw OfSca..on Sevond Street, a few doom Routh of the 'Market House. PENSIONS. BOUNTY and other claims promptly collected. fumr3l TJ. NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of flee at his residence on Second street. octl9 - - Tr B. KENNEDY, Arrolits - Ev AT LAW 1 . - OM,* on Market street octl9 Mari* Marto. 'GRAVESTONES! GRAVESTONES! GROVE'S STEAM BIARBLE WORK.% West Quetn street, Chambersburg, is the place to go to buy MONUMENTS, IiV.A.D ASID(FOOT 81 4 0.NES, de. Having erected machinery to facilitate work, I am pared to put up Monuments and Headstones at lover prt. us than any other establishment In this part of the coun try, and win do it All I want Is for you to call and ex amine Vital before purchasing elsewhere. Come, and 101 l will may It is well far us to he here, we will here buy our rilicestonfel [dec6 J. A. GROVE. • VINFROCK'S MARB L E WORKS, SEDMID STEW. BOOTH OP QI:VE:t. '110.14411,AN8E, 'ABA7I,4O7is, 1= Mattis> order In the beet style and of the Latest jalys.6m. • • REMOVAL OF BUSH'S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—The undersigned has re. Moved ids Tobacco Rod Seger Store to 64 • new room, on SECOND STREET, nal door to the Friendship Engine 'Rouse, where be will keep on hand a cotop!eta stock of T oe and OBACCO AND SEGARR-such as Natural Leaf, Nick. Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &o. horn:. C. H. BUSH. A LARGE STOCK 0 F New Styles Fall Goods, Just Received at WHITE'S NEW STORE BOOK Men Zitnrei MEM . ... '!- • ~.": - '.. N. '. - 7'' -. i :-.., ~ _ 4 - 7 : '- '.: I t ,-- 3 . . ,' • + 0- `..! .:- ..;!, .1, , - • X' A .1 _ -- _ - • A _ 1r .":,. . . ._ ' ~, ... , _• . ._ ~ _... ___ BY M'CLURE & STONER. igebical. THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC (NOT - A WHISKY PfiEPAILI'IION.) - 1100FLANDS GERMAN-BITTERS, EM2IMIZI DEBILITY! DESIVATIN Resulting from any cause whatever. PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM INDVCF.I) IW SEVERE HARDSHIPS EXPOSURE, DISEASES OF CAMP LIFE SOLDIERS, CITIZENS MALE OR FEMALE ADULT OR YOUTH 'Will find this Bitters a pure Tonic, not dependent on bad liquors fur their Almost miraeulotnt efferts. DYSPEP'SIA, AND rosE4aEs RESULTL' FROM DISORDER OF THE tiVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS;' =OEM HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. q" This Bitters has performed more - Cures, gives better Satisfaction, has more Testimony, has more Respectable People to vouch for It, than any other ! article in the mar ket. We defy my one to contradict this assertion, and IVILL - PAY Etl,()a) to any one who will produce n certificate published by us that Is not genuine. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, 'W CORE EVEFIT CASE OF CHRONIC OR RERYOUS DEBILITY DISEASES OF THE ELDXEYS. z 7r , - INIA Observe the follow-tog symptoms resetting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea Heart - buns, Disgust for Food. Fulnessor Weigittin the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking of Fluttering at the Pit.of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, • tirr%l and Difficult Breath " tng, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or - Suffocating - Sem &WOOS, When in a ly ing possum Dan- Mall of Vision, Vail or Webs before the Sight. Fe- Ter al - 0 Dull Pain in the Head, - Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, - Plan in the - Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, ike., - audden Flush ea of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Im aginings of Ertl, and Great Depression of Spirits.. REMEMBER, That this Bitters is nue elleuhqic, contains no Rum or 71 hiskey, and cannot make lint nkards, but is the best Ton is in the World. REID WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. W. b. Seigfried, Pastor of Twelfth Bap. tilt ChurZ,h, Phi • flentlernen 1--I have recently been laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a pros tration of the nervous system. Numerous remedies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Hoot:band's German Bitters were rec• ommended by, persons who had tried them, and whose fa• curable mention of these Bitters induced rue to try theta. I must confess that I had an aversion to Patent Iledicin X from the "thousand and one quack "Bitten," whose o , ly airn seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugg liquor upon the community in a ely way, runt the tenden cy of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunk ard. Upon harming that yours was ,really a medicinal preparation. I took it with happy efftlct. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the riervous system, was prompt and grunfying. I feel that I av 4 derived great • d permanent benefit from the use riffrtent bottles. Very respectfully yours; W. D. SEIGFRIED, No. 25-I.Sharkamanun St. [From the Bev. E. D. Fendall. Assistant Editor Christian Cluonmle, Philada.l I have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof land's.Gemma Bitters. and feel it my privilege to recom• mend them as a most valuaole tonic, to all who are suffer ing from general debilita or from diseases arising from de rangement of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. FEIDD.A.LL. From Rev. P. Merrige, I:iustor . of_tbf Passyuak Baptist cti ti, PlAladtLl From the many respectable recommendations given to Dr. hloodand's German Bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. After using se,ve,tal bottles I found them to beg good remedy fur debility, and a most excellent tonic for the stomach. D. MERRIGE. [Prorsteljeti7 Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vinceri and Millville (IC J.) Baptist Churches Havineused la my family a number of bottles of lota Hoollaturs German Bitters. I have to say watt 1 m ic as theri as an excellent medicine, specially adapted to re move the dbosises they are recommended for. They strengtheu and invigorate the system when debilitated, and are useful in disorders of the liver, tom of appetite. die. I have also recommended them to several of my friends, who have tried them, and found them greatly beneficial to the restoration of health. Yours truly. WILLIAM SMITH, 964 Hate'limn St., I'llHada. From the Rev. Joseph If. Kennard. Pastor of the Test Baptist Church.] I have been frettaenfly requested to connect my awns with commendatiwas of different kiuds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my upproprime sphere, I have in all cases declined ; bat wpb n clear piled is vafi. ass Instances, and particularly in my own family of the usefulness of Dr. Goofland's German Bitters, I depart fur once from my usual coarse, to express my full coaviction that, for general debility of the system, and esperially for Lyres Complaint, it it a safe and ralusib/c prrparatzon.-- In some cases it may fall ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those a ho suffer from the above loauses. Yours, very respectfully., .1. H. KENNARD, Eighth below Coates St. YatlistiELPtils, Dec. 24, IBM. Res. J. B. 'Hemet], of the Herman Reformed - Chun+, Kutztown. Berke County, Pa., was eared of Dyspepsia° twenty yearn standing. A. 31. Spangler. Editor of the Culturist No. 23 North -Shah Street Philadelphia, says this Bitters mita zoom• =mended to him bye Medical friend, and nix bottles cored him of complete prostration of the nersotureystem. Rev. J. Newton Brown, P. D., Editor of the Enryclope sliaof Religious Einarledge and Christian Chronicle Minds. ' Rev. Thos. Winter, D. D., Pastor Of Roxborongh Bnpti et Church ; Rev. Levi G Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church. Pem berton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Phillan., at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chew• tee, Pa. : These gentlemen-express. in the etronge,t u•rtnn, their faxmaile opinion of this Bitters. BEWAkr4 OF COUNTERFEITS! Be 6 that the siglature Qf "C. M. JACKSON" is WI the wrapper of each lxvip. • Should yoiir nearest' Druggist not Kaye the arti cle, do not-be put off by nay eg the intoxicatioff Prepara tions that may be offered to its place, but,send to as, and we will forward, securely pitched, hy: express, PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MAIZFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON St CO, [ Proprietors. • For tale by Druggists and Dealer la every twin , a] the Matted States. /Legal Rotices. ALIST OF GRAND ANOTIIAVERSE Jurors drawn for a Court of Oyer and Tertniner, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Cbarnbersburg, on Monday, the nth day of ,Tannary, A, D., 1866 : GRAND JURORS. , , James D Scott, Peters ; Walter Beatty, Chambersb'g4 Culkrtson, Fannett; Andrew, Deafer, Qainey; Samuel Fisher, Antrim; Samuel Grove, Green; Jam Gelwieks, Chamb'g; Joseph Glngerieb,,Peters; Addison Imbrie, Greencastle; A J Miller, Chamb'g; Samuel Niece damns, Washington; David Newcomer. Quincy; Henry Pertslnger, Antrim; Geil G Raptor; 3fereersburg, Geo Rhodes, Montgomery; John H Rhodos, Chamb'g; Hiram Senseny., Chamb'g; Andrew Shank, Quincy; John B Stuart, Chamb'g; Wm W Walker, Waynesboro; Martin B Wingert, Green; Adam Walter, Antrim; Simon Rim- Merman, Antrim. TRAVERSE JURORS-IsT WEEK. John Alexander, Fannet; Jonas Bear. Fannett, Jas W Barr. Greencastle; Lewis l3onebrake. Washington; Peter Beni , tlict, Waynesboro; Wm W Britton, Letterkenny; Jesse Craig. Montgomery, Daniel Coble, St. Thomas; An drew Deatrich, St Thomas; A • Y Dowd. Quincy; Lewis Deatrich, Waynesboro; Maletter Eldon. Quincy; David Flickinger, Metal; Jacob Frick, Petem; Samuel Prey, Green; Prank Gillespie, Chamberslinrg, Stn'l Gaon, Br, Peters; Daniel Gelcricks, Letterkenny; Joseph Gilmore, Leltorkenny; Samuel F Hassler, Guillbrtheyrtus Ham.; bright, green; Jno Gawk. Peters; Jno Quincy Jno S Hassler, Peters; Sane! Ilingfritz, Antrim; Philip Earlier. Letterkenny; Jacob Kaufman, Green; Henry Lutz, Green: Jno D Lehman, Green; Thomas Metcalfe, Charabersburg; James M'Curtly, Metal; Was M'Cormack, Metal: Alex H Nowumn, Clutrubersburg; Solomon New cemer,—Washington; B F Nerd. Chambershurg; Philip Oyler. Green; Simon Overcash, Guilford; Beal Pewell, Antrim; John W Chamberiburg, Juo Saltsmun, Lurgan; Wm Skinner, Guilford; Olivertioallroliks. Quin• cy, Sian'l Stall, Green; Geo Sprecher. Letterkenn, ; Mar tin Shoemaker, Green, Greenberry Whianore. Washing, ton; George Walborn, Antrim; George along. Washing- Mt. FEVERS TRAVERSE JURORS-tlu WEEK Henry• Bear, Washington, Jun Bighrun, Green; Basal Brumbaugh, Antrim; Chas If Dash Chambersburg; Jon. athan Brewer. Warren; Abraham Benedict, Peters; John Coons (of Geo) Fannett; David DI Destrich. Washington ; Isaac Eiker, Quincy: Wm Early, Green, Wall:Her, Fan nett; Jun Forbes. Chambersburg; W I) Funston. Fannon; Ben) Dunk. 'Washington; Peter Feldman, Chambersburg; Jnu S Flickinger. Metal; Valentine Gilbert, Waynesboro, Henry Greenawalt. Hamilton; Jno Green:Walt. Quincy; inn Garver, Waynesboro: Geo $ Heck, Chambersburg; W J Harris, Fannett; Semi I-Locket - smith, Green; Frank Henderson, Chambersburg; Jno Huber, Letterkenny, Jno l' Keefer, Ctauoberoburg; Joe L Lesher, Green; Mar. tin Ludwig. Chambersbmg, Christian Lether. Washing. ton; It P M'Farland. I'eters: Jnolduidunt Quinevi-Dated 3Bller, Washington; Jou littler, Antrim; Wm 3FClure, Green; Juo Newcomer. Soutlmmptint Ephntini Green; Solomon It Patterson, Letterkenti:, Benj Rhodes, Chambersburg; Adam W Ryder. Peters; It IV Rebuck, Southampton; P W Seibert, Chambersbarg; Wm (I Smith Quincy; David F Stoner, 'Washington, Hiram F Snider, Guilford; Jnn H Walker, Metal; Adam B Wingert, An trim; A J White, Chainbersburg, Jacob Young, Mont. REGISTER'S 'NOTICE—AII personsin terested will please take notice. that the following Accountants have filed Oteir Accounts in the Itegt.ter's Office of Franklin County and that the name a ill be pie /tented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation. on Ifnints• day, aerial day ofJanstary, IF./m, to Chamberthurg: 1. First ant Anal account of Jo.. 11. Gilbert, Ounrdian of H. C. Gilbart. . 2. The acct. of Jacob R. Shank. Adnr r ofJacoli Smith, late of Antrim ttrp , decd, - 3. The acct. of Win B. ll'eune, Atli:rind J. 11. M'Cone, late of Merrersbute, decid. - 4. First and final acct. of Maria Vandersaal. Elm-. and David Spencer, Ex'r of Jacob Vatalersatil. late id. South ampton township, &r i d. 5. First and liana arm. of Geo Summers and Jar Esely, Admirs or Conrad Body, into of - Washington trop li. First and thud acct. of Cathariae Shmder. Adm'rx of John Shrader, lateof Montgomery tap., deed. 7. First and final acet. of David 3L Stoner, Eta- of Hen ry M. Stoner, lath of Antrim init., deed, - S. Find and fiat nem. of Abrm, Carluitigb. Jr,. and Adam 'Larger. Ears of Abrm. emanate:it. Sr.. late of Ate trim tlvr , deed. 9. First and final acct. of Geo. Eby, Adner of Jacob Eby, laze of Greencastle. decd. 10. i'n-st and final nevi. Jamb and John S. Deardorff; Adm'rs of El a. Deardorff, dee'd. 11. First Amt. of David J.-Skinner and Jos. M. Doyle. Ex'rs of John Skinner, Jr . dee'd. 12. First and final .leet. of Wm. Orehnan, Jr,. and Abraham earbaugh, of Wm. Ore/Man, late of Antrira„L' crp . deed. 13. he first and final Aect. of Wm. 'Herron, Atli'r of 31,`f;ntatde. late td Fannett twp.. deed. 14. First and final Acct. of Abrin. Elder; Muir. Al len Nesbit, late ofFannett tbp., 15." The find Acct. of David J. Skinner, one of the Ad. mr's of John Skinner, Sr. late of Pannett hrp.. 111 Seetmd Aett. of D. %t. and henry B. Angle, Ex'r. of Jacob Angle, deed. 17. The Aert. of Taeob Heaver, Adm r of Jim W. Ilar lrangli, late of %Vrtynettboro, deed. MX=CreEIRZIEUE . . . . . 11V Dtt 14..4.. 01: 11 artin Eartls...lata Wayratsboro' f 19.. The 11,1 anti final Amt. of John M. and Jay.l, M. Kaufman, Adm'rs of Jacob Kaufman, late of Letterlreo• ay tali.. deed. 20. Firft Aet't. of Catharine Miller and P. M'Garvey, Adm'rs of John Miller, late of St. Thomas Imp., deed. 21. Third and Cloak - acct. of H. Baer and J. S Good. Adnirs of Abram Stoner, late of Washington tsar , tired. 22. First and final acct. ofiJolat Miller, E.i'r of Martha Simplon, lath of Hamilton Imp., deetd. HENRY STKICKLER. Register. A LIST OF THE CAUSES FOR TRIAL atJanwry Ten, 1E66,- Imbrie insm Lynn TA. Hisey. Seleicliter vs. Lehman. Summers Si Zody'sAdnerscs. Daniel Myers. OEM 13omberzer MIE=ENE 1: low ragly. Gaff Sharkey MMMISI EMI IMEI Conner Saylor Royer EMI IBM DIME MEM vs. Barris. Clirkr , v,. Cook & Noel. Filbert ye. liughtli.. Witherspooti r.i. Corry. 41 Tucker VC Fleugle. - 4 Tucker s. liarbaugli. . MITIZI Stenger Di hop Beet Lena & wife dee2o,6a 1111PROCLANIA'CION.—To the Corouer, the Jostiees of the Pence, and the Cons - tablas of the differenta'ronanana, (wants. of Franklin. Greetiig: Knorr all ye, that an mu - Nuance or the lams reeled., under the Land anal moll of thai Hats. ALEX President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, to the Sixteenth Dirtriet earnsiaitine of the eounhen of Sontertet, Bedford. Fulton anal Fraud:lin. and lay a irtale of 11(s otllce of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and G enerul Jail Delis • ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of thn Potter, and W. N. PANTON. 111311. J sit.s O. UAIttiON, Ergs., Judges of the same county of Franklin. You and each of you ore hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Reenrtht, RCNICTIZIMVe9, Examinations. und other RPM embrnnees before thb Judges aforesaid, at Uhnm• bershurg, at a Court of Oyer and 'remitter and General Jail Deb very, and General Quarter Sessions of the flare therein to he holden far the County of Franklin aforesaid on the 3d 3fondny in funerary, In ,ng the rah day of the month, nt 10 n'eloek in the forenoon of that day then and thereto do those things. 55 Inch at your several Olives ap pertain. l ilea undee - my hand at Floonletr•burg. the 19th of De cember, IPti. itleri-tOi JOHN 1/(E111,E11. Sheriff. P A ORPRAN'.`i' COURT, 'HELD A ' at Charutentburg, for Franklin county, Pa.. on the 311th day of October, ISS,S, before the Hun. Alexanthai King, Esq., President, and James 0. Careen and W. W. Paxton Es , A, Associate J wipe of our said Court t On motion of F. S. Stambaugh, Eeit the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal repreeentath es of Jacob Mee. sey, deceased. to appear at the Orphans' Court. to be behl at Chambersbufg. for said toasty, en the 15th day of Jun- nary next, to take or refuse to hike the real estate of said et thE apprtosement valuatom thereof, UT to chow Mtge w hy the gam,- .411 Mad not be mild. aecording to law. novll9 . JOHN IRTIILEH. Sheriff. lA.A. DIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No doe is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Bartalovi, late or 3ferveriibilrir. dee'd, bate been granted to the undersigned All peruitis knotting themselves indebted to &Lid E.O.M. will plis.e Ina/di immediate payment , mid throe haring chums present them properly autheilticeted for settlement. TIIOMAS T. I.tEGEIt. .„ A. L. 'cOYLIL .tatn lice is hereby gi% en that Letters of Administration :on the Estate of Benjamin Miller, late of Guilford too, n. ship, dee'd, have been granted to the underaigned. All persona knowing themselves indebted to mid Estate wilt please make 'immediate payment-p and those having claims present them properly authenthfated for settlement. decd JOHN HFINDER, Man'r. AD3IINISTIIATOR'S NO ICE.-\u- Lice is hereby given tied Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob Frey. late of Quint.) lov. ushtp dee'd, have been granted to the undentlnged. ----- AU persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please Wake illtrnedinte payment;, and thout tinting. claims present them properly Itilthelitteated for pettl,nittet novi2il JONOTHAN JACOBY, Muir. A DMINISTItATORS' tirels hereby given that Letters of Administratiou on the Estate of Esther Long, late of Green township, dee'd, have been granted to the unitentigned. ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will pleasewrutke immediate pa) meut, and those having claims present them &Illy authenticated for settlement. orw22 CHRISTIAN FREY, `Aalin'r ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICET-No tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Palmer, late of Guilford township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate Will please make inunediato payment, and those having elaints present them duly authenticated for settlement. JESSE SEAN, Adm'r. CHAMBERSBURG, „ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1865. FIRST WEEK. vs. Putsgvnve =ME! 12133221 vs, Walk. vs. Kyle, et. za. vs, Bo d. ♦x. Ikmebrake Tritle. an, Ga L vs. Pfuntz, Adin'r3 MEM vr. Seibert. SECOND WEEK. ea Brenner. vt. Martin. =EMI vs. Zimmerman's Ex'rs. Wingert, White& Srrope. MEM 2! YB. ROillan. tc. Stewart. Harnman,L lirewt.ter. K. S. TAYLOR, Prothonotary E Aegal XECIJTORS' NOTIC E.--Notice is kerehr_givilll Letters Testamentslytotbe Watt, ofJazob laak‘f 'Cbstrefbersbarg, dee'd, hare been granted to the andersi g ,,e4. All pe2/ 01 / 3 knovrligithemselcesindebted to said Estate IcRI Idea... make , ' : a :te paydm:Xl-SA those having trrkthem -1150 anthenticHsted for settlement. • • ,•• MARY FIEID, Ex'rx. MIXECUTOR'S N CE: , - , -Notice is liereby given that Lettiristsio 4 biti to the Estate or Juob Wise , late of Lorgan townitdP, deo'd, have been graturd to the undersigned. AS persona knowing themseit',,,,sidebtedto said Estate w uiplease make immediate pa.' r sent ; and those' baring cbtams present them properly atittentiested for settlement. CATLIA.ALNE WISE, Ex.'s's.. dec- 6 0 ISAAC WISE, Ex'r. E CU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is heieby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Elias Young, late of Greencastle, deed, have been granted to the underiiigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate well please make hnmediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. deed!) - MARY ANN YOUNG, Eirx: "PXECUTOR'S N O T I C E.L--Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the,E.E, tate of Phineas Eaelhe, lute of Greencastle, decd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing thenntelves indebted to said Estate Will pleae make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settldment. ' nov•29 WILLIAM KREPti, Elx'r. EXECUTOR'S N 0 T I C E.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate 05 jog. Fonat, late of Letterkenny township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. - _ All personsimowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them fully authenticated forriettlement JOHN B. KAUFMAN, EA'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.L-Notice is hereby given, that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Daniet Small, late ofQuiney township, dee'd, bare been granted to the undersigned, residing In Green town ship, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement, nov22 SAMUEL SMALL, Ex'r. WECUTORS' NOT I C E.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary tattle Estate or Christian Free, late or Green township, deed, bare been granted to the undersigned. All persons' knowing themselves Indebted to said Fatale will please make immediate payment, and those havlng claims present them duly authentkated for settlement. 4 .7O II‘ IIII I M 3 O I2IIE NN L .' Eira Anv2:2 Ilikg ant Sang (Soots: THE NEW STOHE STILL AHEAD ! ECKEL dr... GILBERT Flaring jut retunled from the East with a beautiful and varied assortment of tine DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, they flatter themselves able to sell cheaper than the cheap est for the cash. We do our own work, our expenses are light, and an appreciating public will easily see bow we can sell Ro cheap. Our intention is oat to delude the pub. lie by publishing prices. but warrant 'all goods' to , be cheaper than the cheapest. Our stock includes • Shirting Mnslios, bleached and brown. Sheetings, , All guides . „ Muslin d'Unes. Imperil best All-Wool d'Lanes, plain and printed. Baratheas, Brocade Alpiwca. Minch " " Sil' Crape Plaids. l's.ty and Plain colored Ansames. Shepherds' Plaids, all styles. Lupen's best Fr. Merinoes, all colors. Mourning Goods, all styles. Plain and printed Flannels. • Shaker Flannels Shirting, Sic. Sack Flannels. Gilbert', Opera Flannels, all colors. ' White. Red and Grey Flannels. Red. Crib, and Cradle Blanket& Shawls of every variety and price. Ladies' k Fahey nod Plain Cassimeres--French and American. ek...Ctu.... - Linen Table Cloths, Towels and • • Natalia—every style. Ladies' Corsets—all prices. 'Ribbons, Laces, Baffle& Fiore, Gloves. Handkerchiefs. Pins, Needles, etc, etc.. elc., &e. A treat variety otßosentbars Patent Self-Fitting SHIRT BOSOMS, to which we ask image' attention. MERINO HOSIERY, in great variety. fur Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children. A call Is Imiited to OUR is - EW STORE ON MAIN STREET, nrkarly opposite Oreenawalt's Hotel, and one door South of Isaac Ilution's Shoe Store, and an examination of our stock. glees us pleasure to shoo our Goods—sell or not. HEN' EXBER ECKEL & GILBERT WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any harm, in Lawn, but will always be with the mar ket, pante urn° panic. deoMr E. W A L R A V E N, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, 118.5 now open LACE CURTAINS, . of his own Importation. BROCATELLE .CURTAINS. DAMASK' CURTAINS. • WOOL REP CURTALNS, SATIN LAINE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, MUSLIN CURTAINS. CLOTH, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. Constantly receiving NovEtTrEs In ' CURTAIN MATERIALS, emlimeing the Celebrated SMYRNA •CLOTH and MODE DRAPERIES! WINDOW SHADES in every• Desirable Style, Color or Price! WALHAVEN, novB.llml No 719 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ATIL,LINERY AND FANCY GOODS, ea.s Ist sit style of Rootlets. Hats, and Ladlesi Furnishing doods: MISS BACHE would especially call the nitration of the lading to the NEW STYLE OP PATTERNS Nati*. ceived from New York, and for Which she lathe ogle agent for Franklin Her FELT HATS she is offering lower than can now lie purchased to the City. All the New Styles of Goods, Trtrawleks, de., rept• tarty received as Introduced in ;Sew York and Philadel , phis. SToltE, Screed Strea. opparite the Market House. nor:CI-SO *abblerg . anti Afiriteso. SELLING OFF AT- COST! Tb.. undersigned intending to relingainli business, offers hiS entire shod of SADDLERY, HARNESS, Am) SADDLERY HARDWARE • AT COST. 'This is a tine opportunity fur persons willang any of the above articles, as 1 am determined to close out my buni ness as soon as possible. Remember the place, SOUTH MAIN STREET, op• posite Taylor's Hotel. Chatnbershurg,' dec2Ot t C. H. GORDON. SADDLERY! - REMOVAL!! — JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfillly returns -his thanks to Ids patrons for the liberal encouragement recei ved from them heretofore, and ha would !Mite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at hut-new stand, on Main Street, on the same site occupied by him previous tattle lire, *here he keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE. RY ANI) HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he Is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competi tion. Every article oTered for sale Is warrented to be made of the best mtitcjiiii and by competent workman, which will be [Lilly demonstrated on an examinaton there of. TRIINRS AND VALISES.—Ife would also call the attention Of parietal wanting a good, neat and (sleep and substantial Trunk or Valise le his assortment. aprlll9 CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! The undersigned takes pleasure in annonnhing to the public, that they have hatititt their ethre ON SOUTH MAIN STREET, Chambersburg, a largo stock of Carpets, 'consisting of la. gram, Venitian, Stair, Cottage, Rag and List Carpets, of different styles and qualities. Also, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OILCLOTHS, ' Cocoa Matting, Door Mats, Coverlets, Cotton Laps, Stock fug Yarn and Carpet Chain always on hand. They also continue to manufacture all kinds of RAG CARPET • at returnable rates. 11,7' 'The hi gheat pnoe paid for good t raga oovid•ly Ij. NICK.I4B & BRO LIOR RENT.—A fine BUSINESS Stand un Secood Street, suitable for a Store Room. Akiply to fdeo6.3ti FREY k rovrz, - iteat testate *ales. VIRGINIA% LANDS IN MARKET.- •-- 'ABTEIIR'L. nOaEus, REAL.ESTATE AGENT, 3f/DDLEBURG, LOUDON COUNTY, Having an extensive acquaintance with the people and the Land of the Piedmont Section of Virginia, so celebrated as a fine "Grass Country, 'I will pay particular attention to the'VURCHASE AND BALE OF REAL ESTATE, in this region, betties practising law in the Courts of Lou. don and Faquler. - rir I am authorized to sell some of the most desirable Terms in this part of the. Stet - a, and will correspond promptly With persons wishing to purchase, ortake pleas. ure In showing these lands to them, if they give me a call. I Plots and Surveys furnished when desired. Address, ARTHUR L. ROGERS. Attorney at Law, Middleburg, London Co., Va. REFERENCES.—John Janney, Es4 ku Leesbarg, Va.; Gen. A. Bogert, Middleburg, Va.; J k. Spilmnn, Face James V. Brooke, Esq., - Warrenton, Eaquier county , A. K. Phillipa, Fredericksburg, Va.: Emiels L. Smith, Esq., Alexandria, Va.; Dr, Beverly Wellford. Wm. H. Macfarland, Esq., Riehmond, Va.; Mesert, L. P. Bayne & Co., Messrs. Hamilton, Easter & Co., I. 'Nevelt Steele, Baltimore. Md. (Middleburg, Va., Oct. IL 18U.5-3m. REPOVI. TOltr, Clauxthersburg, copy 3m; send bill to this office for collection, an - azone copy of paper to 3laj. A. ',- Rogers, kfiddleburg,,Vii,—Hagerstown MaiL PUBLIC SALE:;--The undersig,ned will oiler for sabion the promises, in Quincy townibip, Franklin county, on Thurlday, thetaa of December, A.D. Isrz, the following described real Estate: A TRACT of LAND containing I'd ACRES, adjoining Mt. Alto Furnace on the East, Elizabeth Lane. on the Routh, being within a quarter of a mile of the Furnace, whereon are erected an excellent FLOURING MILL with three run of stones; a SAW MILL. and Dwelling Bonne. ACMES morn or less, lying close the Fur. once, adjoining the above described property, 021 101101 are erected a good DWELLING aousE, Barn and other buildings. Land nearly all cleared and under good eel. tivation A stream of never falling mountain water flows through, the laud, and the House is supplied wifit a run ning stream of Spring-water. The above property will be sold separately or in the whole to suitpurchasers. Title unexceptionable. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock 3L, of said "day, when the terms will he made known. 'deck' - J. - 110LKER HUGHES. VALUABLE FARM AT PRI V ATE SALE.—The undentig - ned offers at Private Sale a TRACT OF LARD, situated in Grulfoni township, Franklin county, adjoining lands of Thaddeus Stevens, Henry- George and others, containing. about 145 ACRES. There are over 100 Acres cleared and in good farming or-. der, most of it cleared within thelast 7 years. A small portion of it is Limestone Land, the balance Sand Stone. The improvements are a good two-storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, good Framelitank Barn, Wagon Shed with 2 Cara Cribs, Carriage House and all necessa ry out building& There are TWOOIINGO CHARDS of good Fruit on the place, and a well of never. failing Water near the Rouse, a good Cistern at the House, and also one near the - barn. There are about :30 Acres of excellent PINE TIIIIIER_LAND an the place, among the best Timber to be found in the county, and there is good IRON ORE on a considerable portion of the farm. octl2-3m. JAMES M. RENFREW. MIMMMM QHENANDOAH VALLEY FARMS Ps.) FOE - SALE:=Penniylvania farmers desiring-to buy good LIMESTONE FARMS in the Shenandoah Valley, well watered and in many cases With good impruvements upon them, can do strot the subscriber, at very low rates. .abetter opportunities for buying good farms at low rates will dyer again occur in this Valley. Ileitis; a renusylv.t nian myself, and located here, I cart and will at any time furnish snoh information as persons wishing to buy may daSire; upon their old' ate by letter. N, REFERENCE:EI IX PILLNELIN COUNTY : —Achison Ritchey, Idercersbarg; Jacob Shoot. Greencastle; Jacob Handle!, rode, Scotland; Daniel 'Trestle, John B. M'Lannhan, Vim ILLellan, Cola F. S. Stambaugh, and many other citizens of Chambersbarg. WILLIA3I It. BECK, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. oct2s-tf Winchester. Vwginia. pAR7SI FOR SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Public Side, at Brywn's Hotel, iii_Fuyette-' ville. on Saturday, acad.. day of January. IS6S the fol. lowing Realestate, to ant r. A TRACT OF LAND, situ. ate about one:half mile South of Fayetteville, on the Fuukatown Road, containing about SIXTY-OXE ACRES of highly cultivated Land. The Improvements consist of a ti-stoned BRICK. ANIJ WEATHERBOARDED. HOUSE, Log: and Frame Barn and all other nece,sary Out-Buildings. There is also, on the premises, one of the best producing onenAnts,of choice Fruit; In the coun ty. If desirable, about Acres. adjoining the-above property, can be purchased to enlarge the Tann.— Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., when the terms will be made known by Icler.!.'oj C. A. FUNK, 7VLLIJABLE MILL PROPERTY AT V PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned, agent for the heirs of Matthew McKee, dee d. , effete at Petaate the "'WOODSTOCK MILLS, wanted in Green town ship, Franklin county, Pa. The property contains about 15 ACRES of lend, has a two story Stone end Weather boarded GRIST MILL, SAW. MILL, an excellent two story HalSttroatoVatlerrardedHo:t ,B,.louseaorjmpzeZenilteneel The Mill is in good repair. The Water power one of the best on the creek. Possession given immediately, Terms easy. , sepl3-11JOHN R. ORR, Agent for lief's. ORPHANS' COURT .SALE.-By vir axe of an miler of the Orphans' Court of Franklin countyy, there will be sold at Public. Sale, on Twang, shs 9dqf January flex; a cetbin LOT OF GROUND, situate on the Franklin Railroad, in the borough of Green castle, Containing about 70 feet in front and extending back about 240 feet—part of the lot owned by JacoliStew art, dee'd. deeZtat • MARY ANN STEWART, Adm'rx. /Tit°FARMS FOR SALE. , —I will sell, at Private Sale, ONE OR TWO FARMS in Lurgan towaship. -- Tbey are both productive and desirable prop , ernes. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so by CBllll4[oll thb undersigned is Hamilton towndsip, or John E Maclay, adjoining the tarps. •tf - JOHN ZOOK. TWCi FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub scriber effete at Private Sale TWO FARMS and a LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND Penmsdisposed to pur chase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the Mansion Treat, on the Ealtimore turnpike, one mile East of Favettev Ile. Junegi-t1 JOHN G BIGHAM FOR,,, :ALE.--A two story -B R I WEIZLNG HOUSE, hating six wellfroished rooms and a Kitchen on a Lot with guts! Fence'Vaunted in Borough of Chanabersburg, near North Point deed GEORGE CHAMBERS, MOW WPROPERTY A T , PRIVATE EALE:—.Aooramodi one two story linicK DWELL. MD, in a pleasant part of tbe town, on Main St. is offered at private sale. Inquire at this oltee. COTTAGES FOR SALE----Wo FRAME COTTAGES oo the Carlisle turnpike will be Fold at Private Sale. Apply to • A. K.• HOUSE AND LOT Fat SALE.—A 7Lnue and Lot in a good location on North Muhl street for solo. inquire) at the REPOSITORY aloe. Inovl. gorbarbing pauseo. I - IRE-1011 T D'EPOT, - CLIAMBEASBURG, PA. The Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania and Northern Central Rail Road Companies bariog made arrangements to do a JOINT FREIGHT AND FORWARDING RUMNESS between the cities of Philadelphia. Bald aptre and New York, the Cumberland. Valley Rail Road Company has opened a Freight Depot at the point above named, and are prepared to receive and ship all goods entrusted to them. . Freight to be forwarded by this armnnement rent be left at Penna. Rail Road Company's Depot. corner 15th and Market streets, Philltda.; lifortbern Central Rail Road Company's Depot, Baltimore, and Cumberland Val— ley Rall Road Depot, corner lid Street and. Rail Road, Chambersburir. The palette will lied it to their interest to ship by Company ears. 0. N. LULL. Sups t. N. S. TYSON, Freight Agent, Chambersburg. (dee6•tf IX UNDERLICH & NEAD £OI7IYARDLYO AND COX/lISSION MERCISANTS North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valley linilroad Depot, Cliambersburg, Pa. k Cars run regularly to and ttom,philadelphia and Baltl• MOM. AGENTN7,Peaeock, Zell &Iliad:Haan, iklo. t4:18-Ma. ket St, Philadelphia. Lykeras Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL, (duvet from the mines). Willresbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER, SH.DIGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept &instantly on band. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at the highest cash prices. El. WT:NDERLItIEI S. NEAD. SFI R Y 0 C K' 8 1865. CHRISTMAS 1665. 18447) /1:6 • ISCAL NEW-YEARS. k 66. BOOKS, FAMEY STA7'IONER PHOTOGRAPHS, ' PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, and nvery thing bf . l , iaritg ,, t a it e. tl .7 Book and Fancy ( SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS lI . OLID4_ GIFTS For Boys, for (Brie, fiiVitadies, or Gentlemen. ag"linif We had hoped to receive our—cr4tUlliera drain/till° HOLtbasu in nor new store, but have been db,uppointed however we will do our beet te% accommodate our friends and customers if they.vvill give us a con ut 94r old Atty.' Ounce the fire) OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. decl3-6t S. S. SHEYOCK. WTED .—Several good Shingle Makers,,Starn Makers arid Wood Chopper& Ap• ply immediately to the undersigned' at Chatnhersburg, de013.3t, GEORGE CHAMBERS, Jr, JOl3 PRINTING, - in .every style, doue at tbe Office nrtba PRAITIELIN REPOSITORY. VOL. 72....WH0LE NO. 3 738. ty.arildiy #9,oitorg. L%RK MERIDEN " Come, Mirk Meriden! don't settle down into an oldgrandfather before your time—a pretty wife'sjipretty thing, Mark, and a pretty house is a pretty thing, but hang it! one must hare a lit tle of life." Mark Meriden stood at his desk, giving a last look at his books, While Ben Sanford—the roguish —the merry—the song singing—the Ben of all Bens, was thus urging on hint, the claims of a projected frolic that evening. Now, Ben was precisely the messenger for such an embassy— there was fun in the magic twinkle of his blue eyes, and a world of waggery in the turn of his head, and a pair of broad roguish chinples that went merrily in and out of his cheeks every time he spoke, and lie Mid hold of Mares arm to drag hith away. But Mark shook otr his hand, a p.L finished summing tip a column offigures—hut - the blotting paper into the book; and the book into' its place. wiped his pen, and at last, turning to Ben. said: I thia I n m i l go this time." " Now, üby not ?" said Ben eagerly. - " Became—because," Said Mark, smilingly,. ‘.• because I have an.odd fancy that I should like the pleasure of Mrs. Meriden's company better this evening." -" Hang - - Mrs. Meriden—beg pardon. Mark— hang myself for saying so—but one, don't like hi see a fine fellow like you buried alive i—couir take a real wake up with us." " Thank you, Ben, but I haven't been asleep, and don't need to. So MI go home and see my wife," and thereat herturnitda resolute step home ward, as a well trained husband ought. " Now," says one of, our readers, " who was Mark Meriden t" You would not have asketrr giiod reader, if you had lived in the town, of when his name first appeared on the outside of one of its most fashionable shops, " Mark Meri den," surrounded by those haring easigns of grace and fashion so that young belles need not have their eyes turned oil from beholding it. • Every thing in the tasteful establighineut toff a well arranged business. and Mark himself, ire mirror of fashion. faultless in every article of costume, quick,atteutive, polite, was every day to be seen there winning •4 golden opinions from all sorts of people." Mark's shop became the resort for high ton—the fashionable exchange. the promenade of beauty and wealth who came there to be enlight ened as to the ways and means of disposing of their surplus revenue—to see and be seen. So attentive, polite and considerate was Mark, so profound his bows, so bright his eyes, so unex ceptionable his whiskers, that it might have proved a dangerous resort for ladies, had not a neat, tasteful house going up in the neighborhood been currently reported as the future residence of an already Mrs. Meriden, and in a few months the house, neatly finished, and' tastefully furnished, received the very lady who called herself to that effect. She was as truly refined and lovely woman as ever formed the centre flower in a domestic bouquet, and Mark might justly be par doned for having as good again opinion of himself for haring been fortunate enongh to se cure her. Mark bad an extensive circle of busines:_n pleasure acquaintances, for be had been one social Companionable sort, whose money generlry found its way out of his pocket in very fair pro portions to the rate it came hi. In short, he was given to clubs, oyster suppers, and now and then a wine party, and various othevsocial privileges for elevating one's spirits and depressing one's cash that abound in enlightened communities. 'But nevertheless, at the bottom of Mark's head there was a very substantial bump of a certain quality called common sense, a trait which, though it was never set down in any chart of phrenoloc), way very justly be called a faculty. 'and one, ton, which makes a great difference as the world goes. In consequence of being thus constituted, Mark, %hen he tolled 1 - n113250i in love with, and engaged to, a very pretty girl, began to reflect with more than ordinary seriousness on his habits, aa3s and mamwrs of .life. He also took an accurate survey of his business, formed an average estimate of his future income on tilt , soberest probabilities, and determined to live a little even within Thal. He also provided him self with a little account book, with which he in tended to live in habits of very close acquaintance, and in this book he designed to note down all the savings consequent upon the retrenchment of cer- Min little extras, before alluded to, in which he had been in the habit of pretty freely indulging Upon the present occasion it bad cost him something of an effort to say "no" for Mark was one of your easy "clever fellows" to whom the enunciation of this little syllable causes as much trouble as the gutterals of the Germans. Flow erer, when he came in sight of his -ptklor win dows. through which a bright fire was shining— v. him he entered and found the clean glowing hearth, the easy chair drawn up -in front, and a pair of embroidered slippers waiting, for him quite at their leisure, and, above all, vgTteg he read the quick glance of welcome in a pair of very bright eyes, Mark forgot all about Ben Sanford and all bachelor friends and allurements 14 hatever, and thought himself about the happiest fellow on earth. The evening passed off rapidly by the help of music, reading and a - little email talk of which newly married people generally find &supply, and the next morhing found Mark at early business hours with as steady a band and as cool a head as if there had been no such things as bachelor frolics in existence. Late in the afternoon, Ben .Sandford lounged. in to ogle a few of the ladies, and above all to ral ly Mar on losing ttirgloriousfon of the evening before. " Upon my word. Mark." be began. " we must hat e ou put _up fur Selectman, you are beconnug , so:extretuely ancient and venerable in )our ways; however, you are to be oxenged," he added," cir cumstances considered—female influence f—ah ! well, it's a fine affair, this marriage!" " Better TRY it, Mr. Saudford," said a bright,' saucy girl, who, with her laughing companions, were standing close by while Ben was speaking . . "Ah ! madam, the wherewithal!" said Elm, rolling up his-eyes with a tragic expression. some clever old fellow would be so obliging as to die now, and leave me n fen thousands—then, la dies! tau would see." "tut speaking of money;' said,:qatk,`74 hen - he saw the ladies busy over sow- laces he had Wit thrown on the counter--" w did your'glorioni fan cost you 7" "Pooh !--nothing! only a tgu _dollar bill, Eve nothing in my purse now,.yotikiiow!" "Nothing in your - pursi,it—not,an,citteozntuon incident utter these oceaWittV-aaid,Mark, laugh. ing.-- , „ '' . olo hang Wall," said Ben-=" totytrue! I eau get no remedy for this 'consumption of the purse,' .as old Falstaff says • however the world owes me and so, goai minming!" Ben Sandford was one of that class of young men of whom common report goes, that they eau do anything that they please, and who consider this point so well established that they dobot con sider it necessary to illustrate it by doing =any thing at all. He was n Lawyer of good,ttalents, and would have had an extensive not of losiness had he 'not been one of those kind of people who can never be found when wanted. His latv books and office saw far less of him than certain fash ionakk• places of resort, where his handsome per son and carious social accomplishments always secitred tsr him a stelcome reception. Ben had Amite little properly left him by his lather, just enough, as he used laughingly' to say, _"to keep ,him iu Owes and cologne water," and for the rest he seemed vastly contented, with, his -old maxim, "the world owes me a living," forgetting that the world cats sometime prove as poor a paymaster as the most fashionable young men go ing. • - But to return to Mark. \V Len he had settled his accounts at night, , 4e took from a pigeon hole in his desk the little bunk afore named, and.euter ed as follows: "To one real wake up, $10," Which being done, he locked his desk, and return ed once inure to Mrs. Meriden. _ Days flew on, and the-shop of Mark became increasingly popular, and still from time to time he was assailed by the kind -of 'temptatinn we hose described. Now it was "Mark, mt dear fellow, do join no in our trip to now, "Come, my old fellow, let us hate a spree at :" now it was the club, now the oyster supper—but still Mark wns invincible, and as one or another recounted the history of the scene, he silently committed the amount of expense to his little book. Yet was not 31ark synical or anew 'cial. His refusals though firm were good natur ed, nod though he could not he Alrayenbroad, yet he was unquestionably openhilida at tonne. No house had so warm a welcome—no dinner fa tile Could be M'ore bountifallor more ftoiflY open for the behixif orall gentlethei Optif,diiing out ordet--no tea table presented mcrgenexception able toast, and there was no evening lounge more easy, bOnie like and clieerfillthari Icahn snug par lors of Mark Meriden. They also gave evening patties; Wbee all ivas tasteful and well ordered; • and in fine, notwithstanding his short comings,- ' Mark was set down as a fine openhanded fellow== after all. • At the-end of the year, 11. cast up ; the ac. _ count in his 'little book, an. 'az might i l y aston ished'at its for with all his . eel of •the power of • numbers, be.had,ne idea that the twos and fives and tens and ones, which on greater or smaller - oceations bad found their way into his columns, -would amount to a sum .so considerable:, Mark I looked about him—the world ,was going well— his business machinery movingin exact touch and time—his' htliisie--where' was there a -prettier one I—where ifflace nore.- replete with every home drawleg enmfortl" Had ha lost anything in pleasure the year past 1 Mirk thought not,nrid therefore as he walked homeward be stepped in to thu bookseller's and ordered some books of su perb engravings fur Mrs. Meriden, and spoke to a gardener to send' sothe exdtiei; fur which he - had heard her express au admiration some even eveningi before. „ • That same evening came in Ben Sanford, as he expressed it, "in the very depths or indigo!" for young gentlemen whose worldly matters invaria bly go on wrong end foremost, will sometimes be found in the condition, however exuberant may their stock of animal spirits.- • "Pray, Ben, what is the matter?" said. Mark, ndly, as the latter strefeiied linnaelf 'at length. in an-ann chair, groaning audibly: ` "Ohl a bill.ions attack, Mr.tll--sboeinaker's bills tailor's bills! boarding bowie • bills all of. them sent for Nee- - Years' presents!—hand vin all!" Mark was silent fur.n few moments, and Ben continued, "Confotiad it. Mark ! what's the seas,. of liiingit'a person is totiekoieiypoor ? Here .you, Mark, borndr,the,saitua tswu.with ate, and younger-than Imu by solue,two Seam—yon have a house as snug'as a man !teed ask— . a - wife like an angel—pence and plenty by tiw ruu of gaol luck in money"-rand Ben kicked his slippers against the andiron most energetically. "What his become orEmily - P---- - 7" asked Mark. • "Poor soul!" said Bea, "them she is yet. with all her, sweetness and patience , waiting till such lucklessscapegrace as ITan give - her a hotneand a husband. wish to my soul, for, her sake, I could afford to be married, and have a home of my own. lam tired of this iambling, 'icramb out-of-elbow, alp-shod "Why don't you, get married question l Mark. "Why don't Tto be itire, nee my • tailor's bills 4 fuel, my, board bill for-bread and butter—bey ! Ntould you recommend a poor. girl to try me.— YrArk—all things considered " Said Ben, bitter ly-. ~ Markrefteetell a little.s4hile in silence, and theiTareiv out his book—his little book, to which we have beinie'referred.' - ' • -• ' • ' " Just look-at this •acnonot,i3en," said-he, " know yon hate-figures,,bnt, just for once." Ben glanceilut it im‘patiehtly—laughed when he read over the two or 'three first items, but Ids face lengthened as he proceeded, and Mark detected a sort of whistle of astonishment as he read the aim total. " Well, Mark!" he exclaimed,"whilt aconsid crate tnck this is of yours, to sit behind your counter so coolly netting doivn the' "cost and come too" of all our little frolics really it is ed ifying! How much you must have ebjoyed your superior discretion and forethough and Ben laughed, but: nbt with his usual glee. - '• lay, you mistake," said Mark. ." I kept this account merely to see what I had been in the habit of spendingsmyself, and as 'you and I have s ways been hand and glove in everything, it an swers equally well for you. It was only yester day that I summed up the account, and I assure you the result surprised Myself, and now, Ben, the sum here set down, and as muck more as you please is freely at, your disposal, to clear off old scores for the year, provided you will accept this little book as nislew Year's gift, and use it twelve mouths as I hay& dime, and if at the end of that time you are not ready to introduce me to Mrs. Sandford, I um much mistaken." Ben grasped his friend's hand, but then Mrs. Meriden prevented his reply. Mark, however. saw with satisfaction, that he put the book care fully in his vest pocket; and buttoned tip-his coat with the air of a man buttoning up a new resolu tion. When they parted for the night Mark'said with a sable, "In ease of billieus attacks, yell know where to send for medieine.r.-,Ben answered on ly by a fervent grasp of the hand, for his throat felt too full for him to answer.' Mark Meriden's book'answensd the-purpose admirably.. In less than two yearsllca Sandford Was the most popular lawyer in— s and as stead) a householder as you •thight wish to seet and, in conclusion, as this is tt lady's-story, we will just ask our lady readers their opinion on one point, and it is this: If Mrs. Meriden bad been a woman who under stood what is called " catching r a beau," better than securing a husband, if she bad never, curled her hair except for coinpany, 'arid theakht it a de gradation to know how •to make her house cum fortable, would these things have happened ? THREE REMARKABLE WIDoWB.--Tiliee re markable widows, are living in New Youk. The first is Mrs. John J Crittenden, tall, handsome, and stately, in splendid health, and.always magni• ficiently dressed. The second' is Mfg. Daniel 'Webster, not so well preserredi nor en young, but still a noticeable lady, ILe last is.,Mrs.. Major General rhillip"Keriruey a magnificent woman respect to appearance, with mach natural beauty ands good deal more that is articiab Gen. Kear, ney, it will be .remembered, left two widows— each of whom was designated in his will as his wife. This was his second wife, formerly a Miss Maxwell, daughler,.of•Hon,Augh Maxwell, a for met collector of this port, and a dikinguished merchant.' The first Mrs. Keattiey'vas bliss Di ,ira Cuthbert Ballitt, of Louisville, Kentucky, sister of the present collector of the port of New Oilcans, and an estimable lady. While she was still living, Kearney'saw. and admired3lin and she admired hire. •. The two went to .Europe together, and, after being gone, about a 'year, (Wring tichitqf a snit for flirOre'e rom the first Mrs. Kearney was prosecuted and- obtained by some means, retumed. apd ,were,,married.— When Kearney was killed, his estate was left to his second - Wife;iwith a provision Of 1180,000 to Mrs. liearary, ors 13allitt„and.the, same Hum to each of her children. Mrs. Kearney, .nee Max well; ieliving-here in fine Sfyle.'"he ituid to be very c,tiaritable.,,and takes; great intertsat' in the welfare of soldiers, and their Amines, ,She is beautiful women still, and mucli'eourted and ad. mired.: "' ' ••• ' ItOitrußLE ATRo'cl:ti ES. -A Lawrence (Kan'sas)!lisiiatch the 120 Chien go sajs Flmn ' P. Colwell, will:: bii l just re tutted from and participate& in, the iecent fight at Donner's, Statiom in which about eighty In 'dinds attacked one of ilutti•itiotr,, Coaches and killed six into; I get sinne"tidditionsf pattieulars. Itr.,COIR ell wasengaged in building stations for the company. The, Indians, he informed me, were 'led by 'Bob Bent, a San of the celebrated Col. Bent, after whom Ilint'sfortyst4 named. The,. Indians cut the throat out of one man, after mar- Wounding hiin ; took the chin-whiskers out of another, in scalping styles built a 'slow fire' about another man and burned him to death.— The Indians were mostly Cheyennes, with one Arrapahoe and' tr, o Sioux ehitfs. They aa ere from Powder river; on the may to the Walnut, and were of the gang lately fought by Gen. Conner. Since the above named massacre an attnek was made at Big Creek station. on the'lluttOtield route— The cattle were driven away, and a lieu tenant was chased eight miles, and was severely wounded. ' 'A ,WllOlll FAMIL); , BURNED 111 KEIIosENE OlL—The family of Henry Menden met, with a sad accident recently. It seems that the father had just come home from his work, and his wife was lighting a kerosene lap, when tone of the children Overtnined it, and the oil b$ nom , . means taking fire, au explosion took place, by which the flaming oil was thrown -- over Mrs. Menden and her children. They were fearfully burned, and one bf the children (.foseph) died Tiicsday of his injuries. Mrs. Menden at last accounts was tint expected to live. Mr. Menden, in trying to save his children And wife, bad his hand burned' so much that he i. ;tarring severely. Another child was more or less burned, hut it istiot thought to be in any danger—Buffalo Express, Dee. . THE Daily News has a letrr from a friend at Macon, Georgia, who, tr 4 reference to the re eenteleetion in that State, uxultingly says : " It is a remarkable fact that no man wheys tematically opposed the„South in her late struggle has been honored with 'any otEct3 o( importance since the failure of the Confederacy. 'the reason for this is plain: impossible for amain holding to Massachusetts ideas of government to represent the people of Georgia. Snob men will always be defeated, and they ought tam,''