The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 06, 1865, Image 3

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    December 6, 1865.
.ranlailv • 5 p.o,it,ta)2.
01, 1 u Fu::::a) , .-11 . 3re our lov
ing gossips read ••Our Mutu it nivott - 3,1! I
don't pretend to twak mr opinion Cr Cathedra,
fur ''very 'unthle:".but it doup; won to mot
to end in a jumble—a. "in Point of fact" as
if Mr. Dirkeii?- bad been rent for in a hurry to
go to a far count!), and he had left a little note
for his-p - ithlishers, explaining imperfectly hurt he
intrndul to end it.- For all that, hell worth
"reading, and when Mr. D. "loth ridr fiprth again,
mar Ihe there to gee." While we're on the gul.-
jest, however. I,unist soy that I do not like Eu
gene Wroy burn's char r, w hich is not only
very uniileilsant, but is equally ineonsiNtenl. Not
eve SuiP.y 6,l;ap 'could roucitwe me that
a man like Eugene could eq.) such a monstrous,
villainous, inP.Xcitmible night tramp us he led that
poor det it Headstone, at the time he exhibited
him to his" ft iend nod; and if Wra)buti
did do it, he richly deserves the embhing he re
ceived. Thoughtless, careless, uottldess, hazy,
inearible of effort. almost effete, such a ellar.,cter
could not hate taken pleasmein the stamings of
that miserable it retch Bradle3 Headstone, whose
great fault consisted—what ttc pity in at "mail—
"in ll'aing not wisely, but to well." and all that,
you know — Miss Becher, mihh;• Miss Fox, is an
object ufdes . isiOn all the lime. Old ab
bre% iatiOu of Vriali,doubtless,) was a ietcelttith
nut a fl tw; one of the kind of "Jews that" - 1
ould trtri , (i Alt a preacher 1 mice heard,)
"might desc.-nd trorn heaven mpon the parched
earth." Jew old may you succeed ill
the elotlimg Lust:less, iu whieh you it ill doubtless
be set up by M:. Boffin But I think Podsitap
unat natural. Sloppy and Jenny are likely to he
marilisl, - trhirh should not in ; for she is as much
better than he as Lizzie is than Emame• And
that pun!!! cub -Ilexam is absolutely fur,gotten.
We ' IZY.S lac don't wiite book notices
unless the publishers send us a copy. My ptisate
- opitoon is --30n know this is olds talk, not (• iii
eiAnthat the radwny accident Pickens talks
about in his ••final_ preface" (I knol% its tricks
and its manners.),••di , combober.ited" his ideas.
A friend of mine not long since visited Laurel
and heard the 64101% ieg reinalks made on
Old •Alurtatily by a body who :u•ti•d a, cicerone
to her friend , : - Th . . is a statue of OZil Morality,
or old Mtn , l v forget which. Ile IN as a good
old tyal,t—he dug graves."
There wan a tin:). w hen ()Id Chainliendlurg used
tii - -be twitted %Nit') "the fence that IN an to be pia
ee'S around her, beeallSe She W3Sfillibiled." What
do the fence Auntnittee say•now t It is to be 110-
lira they w ill turn thdir attention to, plant inn treeß
on the Court Ilina.e or Bank pa..edijilt.): in front
of the hOtelS ur pHs ate hou-es, runt \Nixie on
the street. w here these ate no ,tote:. Timeciill
do mole 1111' trees than" 11,10:Wy. If a tire —rory
hotel mount be erected upon the ,ide Or the old
la it la. - Lamed the PI and lice up
to itR appeflation tlo. Inoue..: f tars
.tr.ittLier)) Ina) led))) ft) Ide— ILe nun, ;ad hone id:
The vFL:, , w , w.old i _recall `ll:..torbed by,
Fortii.3% Sionr.) The t
ters late had a tn.g.t0.2.-on th • 4tibj et and Lace
mildly t eimm-t;:avd uob I
p 1 , 1,0 to I olidmt w.ith M114.,A;r.L! ”riniotrot
Onr of dd. I kid lath
er edit a St, lay cdition of a I ,3 - al parer than a
.0.1old $ 1)%. clipper:wad one. - 13 the b)4.• 11.
settled that the ...Treet car-till !esttoye their
Sunday running bet . ore long. frt.'', railroad Cos.
6ite more I s razes or boy more con,:oe
. torAjr drlser6 they will not be 'lac rfered with by
not but the - rexpeet the $:11114 • oleo or hormg 4 . To
work Keyrn day in the week I h.qe they will be
Winter come. noieto or
.observation is or a warm hed and close
room arc lint the best eircinimanees under which
151- to j Idge, but doe: , not alter the fact. so I re.
peat the idea. w inter IA:II soon be here Are we
prepared ., 1 dont mean is our plaltering done,
nor eren i ,is the coed in. There ;ire fnu wail "ft
pl . rparing for winter—getting 1111111- .
114 S in rvadiants for the inelt tinlicy of
not forgetting the;neeesitiei: of ciiri:tow: or to
remember the poor.
iniiimstwiiirarr.llllll(Nr n •
ni) tt,,1.‘2, by any
b041.,,b-u.,111.-44.1.111. 4 •11ed trcra.,
..111, , Tr f :
• I ur'•,, os ,tl.lthl
Ma 1.1 m11.,1 t •.110,
Vestoreli en. It .1111 e hit
Um% %ye mtzr:rthe Inuit;;
tide r, nda
el:t (.11..11.ight ;) lII'S, 111.1 e
C•an • ruc
'limo :Ile. ::11,i—gt .14 Irt it
•_ll. - 110sT serioni tire rearly occur_
.red list Sala rdn) nutruitr , about o'idock—stn:i
ous it wotillit tv'e 1,..en had it got a id , r headway,
notwithstandion there i+ water and a tire appa
-1 within 1:6) yards of where it occurred : but
wty t i is th e 1141. of water when the tire engine has
its thro it or %titres tilled up with pebble stite,,
lift wOO tla• case 1% it h our toll) et.rzine at the
pno. night. - It appears that at Stiller'. Drat;
Store they Were mato, it stone iarni-a
on the‘e, it) a sand bath and bottle used ror
the purpose hetore For snore t
the bottle sudden!) cracked around Lie bottoat,
Ica% Inv, out the hot aleoliol into the sand hat It, and
oc'..r that into th • store, when there was an ex
p,osion, se:M.llm: the hurting fluid ~%er the
. store. Thapte.ence of mho! ot (;;... 10,1%i-on,
cl tk in the otorr, and 1),1i! Bran I. a indt!ititor
w 'do chanced to be in lLe ,tore at the time, it. in
stantly cirstiw. the do. r .'ii I • app')ita a lotehet of
water wit cu urthe Sousa, c'stocked the flame:,
fiat. t% tali the arrivt I of s _l. Cook tut the
went with inure outer quett, to• I ti,••
lorrititez altoind hail route t do contact %%nil
- - a`p trtly empty saltp-tre thaw er, and it is astrt
t.hint; how it bill nod iti Site .!sort space of
two or three minutes. 'Yids he al% ;11'11111;4
drar,Ltists and other.; with Vot :den
hol iii i , rss I/111110S.
• HOG %LING —The tria•• tor T titi o tter
of hog fl, has at ed, ;tad the soiet•
'of the lintel...l lwat,l i ,al,l‘ el • - e
Fiont tally' dawn to iv, ilit,ht the lard tattant•th
with 14,1 1 1•1"0, awl iii.• !.bowl of
t•r's sac, ii • Lt inter,. I pit 1;1 ••very' farni
'yard 'zltol ont-hotise. lizitote;,r t wthns
earnisertuis; appetite' may }tot I
'with consternation at the ditehtl ellstont which it
depoinflating your tare ! It istor this you
been pampered and petted, nod feasted tout fat
ted, only to has, your juguLtr tapped by' i crud
knife and ynnt joi'y sides elloppt•d into sausage
iileat "r . ia -fed down for the sustenniwe
oppressor. sail, fad indre,ll - is )oh r• fate' ()tnr
heart bleeds for} nil. Yet, such is the Lte. of o n .
TO stronger is ehitstantl) tt% - i•rpowering
the weaker, and 'edict; hi tor his 4 , w it ads anta::e.
And the only OntiBfaetioll nc illItt• in contetfipla
tyg your tragic cud, is m the ISaVIIIT Vi144. , 11s
long rafters crow net with eleizant s.mgage and ta
bles groaning with elmiee sliees front your hunts.
WAYNEscoluf Fri:Ms.—We leant from the
fterorr that Capt. W. W. Wall,er mill .lo' ii
E,(1.. bere hren lipplillited nq,•ut.e to e o.
licit stock subat•ripti o for the , extior4oc of the
Gett3 ,httr4 Indio:id to that place, null that t, e.)
bare colored !Too the 1% me It of ratttasr.ine
Her.-S. 1, - 31. Coa^or, ot (leti) -hot a, deli% ered
a lecture vi "Dettiomb,e) "Wltchei ucberaft•' in
the M. 11.2Churelt, on Tuesday 6 emet,hig neck, to
a large and respectable audience,-_
Cue Prenbyteriaus Live reached to build a
new church. and at a meeting of the congregation
a emumittee was appointed to solicit aubacrip•
Ilsj. L. B. Kurtz and W. R. Kreps, of Way
nesboro, bare' leased and taken possession of the
"-States,Union Hotel," Harrisburg, lately kept by
En-...tiolin W. 'fusion
Ct,st•tatT.—Mrs. Cretin, a celebrated amateur
performer. assisted by her fat f fier, Dr. Henry
Diehnati, of Mount St. Mary 2 A-CollegZf, one of the
tno,t distinguished tumicat- performers in the
country. being proficient upon seventeen different
instruments, together with a number of the best
lady and gentlemen performers of Hagerstown,
will give a Concert for the benefit of the Poor of
that place, in Lyceum 1 lall,on to-morrow (Thanks-.
giving) evening. Excursion tickets wilL be issued
from Chambersburg at 73 cents thffftund trip.
Excursionists to take the regular trains going up
and return after concert by extra train.
ST Brum:D.—A log stable on Catharine
sheet, the property of Mrs. Smith, together with
a quantity of hay and corn fodder, was destroyed
by fire on Friday night last. A cow in the sta
id., at the time perished in the flames. The fire
is suppii - sed to be the o.orkof an incendiary, and
suspicion resting on Philip Smith, a step-son of tlm
owner, he having been seen by several pegsous
lea% ing the stable a short lime before, he %al ar
rested and committed for trial.
. TIIVSKSGIVINI; Diil".-40-111017()W 15, the day
,et :Tart by President Johnson and GoN :Curtin
a , a dor of Thanksgiving, and we trust the giires
of the temples of the Most High will be thronged
by a willing and thankful people, who will " bow
the knees of their hearts in awful joy at the foot
of his throne," and thus manifest their faith in
real thank-offerings to Him, front whom all these
n itinual blessings have come to us.
gzi:LiGiovs.—The Rev. Dr. Conrad Hill preach
a. Thaukigit ing Sermon in the Lutheran Church
on tomuirrm% Cfliumlay) morning at 10,1 o'clock.
The Rev. Mr. Schindler:of Lebanon, will preach
iu tae i.aine place. on neit Sunday morning and
Sem'Wes in the Methodist Church to-morrow
inoruin!r at 1U l'cluck. Preaching by the pas
tur, Rec. S. H. C. Smith:,
ANtrritett TRAIN.—By reference to the Cilia ,
table of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, publtsh
e%t amithq column, it will he seen that on and
Mier Monday • next, a third train will be placed
on the road, leaving this place at 5:15 A. M., ar
ming at Harrisburg at 7:50 A. 'M ; returning
leave Harrisburg at 4:30 P. Jl., arriving at Chatn
bersburg at 7 P. M. This a ill he a great action:.
modatiori to the lisitie,.s men of this section.
-4.)"1: learn from the Virginia, (Nevada) Doily
Entirp,thr, that our former fellow-citizen, F
Align E= 1.. has been elected a mem!
her of the. Nevada State Senate. Jr. F. recei
ved the lilghest Note of any candidate on the
Irninn ticket in his district, which is a deserved
'Rm. Du. SituArr.—We learn that
(Table Divine has re,,igned tl.e chair of Pro;esr•or
of Church lli, i and Ilddieal Literature, in the
TheoloMeal SominarS Of the German Reformed
Clan eh, at Mereersbnru. Pa. Rev, Prof Ili;;hce•
has tutu elected to the position made vacant by
1)r 6chatf
WI: are gratified to announce that f for pning
twin:quaff, C.ipt. James R. Cli lur , . has been
brevetted a Lieutenant Colonel, for meritorious
conduct in the Military Telegraph Service.
1; f(9 1) UA T 1 1 at Duffs 31ereantill•
\V. NV. limiter. Pathburg. '
Jana, 11 11. Tayl..r. Ortnsh,". alleghen roust) 'Pa
E.lntil +am I.aneabter City, Pa.
Ilenry Vallldell.lill4lll,, lha count}. 0.
- ,
%Tame- 7g. Eor.lon. 'Fair rreble eounty. 0.
John P. Evans Lawreneevtlle • Pa.
tingles W. 110 ,. . , 4glinbanille,yenango eonnty
.1 11 Beeke , t, Moonntuth. 1
.1. 3ie1',..1,1en. Charlien..llleglleny e , unty. Pa
lA'. k, lItair;v 1 141 , •• 0111,
\Via •141111..tou • Ihmttllle. 0111,,
.1. P. Eiti.'nuller. Minerva, 01,0
I\ - m. 11. fl. Sr a Ct1,t1...
. 1 . . • lea, I'pper St. Clair Pa
‘Ve......y C. IbiMe. Sioppene.,ille Pa
Ste,v.ut Thonli4z•u. New Ca,tle,pa
1,. nthall• \e,‘ l'abtle. Pa.
All ..1 %%h.. pa,•••ell the 1,11.11 m•arelting exatainaton4
ege an •I x‘l,.. will 11., doubt.
h. r. 11,4111g...41 theta ch. s by an lamorable
. • •• hat. 111... ., Ca, h gra.11.1.11.• Al .1 , AR artle•ithe
111.11 ;111 , 1 , 11111( ,4 the College -a•• 11, 4 , r.-41ential of his prop
~t hi. mdu.trt .111.14 la., eleali•lary gep,rtinent
Lunt , Tm.v.: to mir at hand and
?: . 41..7 , 1 their tore. in thee for it gener
al liih,g kg! 1,11,11gY pi. tun.. on that , A pit titre i,
the t o o., iiiiiirooriou thing that could be gis en to relatis,
r flu wl .. tauth is, all to jr. la Zritsit.i:3ll,‘
." , ;I,‘ York Gallery, in J Hoke d Cols Build.
i.orth lay: torn, or th e Ihamood ,
tiis e them 4,11, the:. p,6r tue beet turi i• in the town.
Citviens ileiuring vet, of thrill' Itutood ituifir,i, and
1.11 1 , s in iota or "Amity ,houlit wise them it ,ill. 'they
u ill he seri tit. to come. Cali and bee
YIiCR our frietaN
cough lial,un ha, don, Stir you if it lop. cur
child of ft racking c tzli, a violent :muck of croup,
s.o. totoat 1.1%,0:1/1 , 1 a thrCatellil.g . fel rr, Whieil it C r a
ix ill do, tt .1 stir 1, ienda of it, that tury• u ay al..
It t old rich and i..r, allay it i; the jiieup
g at and beat n igh rt . l.elly in the ,lurld.
epnia uubgebtion. ',du in thent,u.t .w,nring
coulem•y, .ual general, be sure
uae -pepsin Cure.
A BIG tNIoNI).-I'lit. largel3t tazuotul in
,v,14 I% n the M the ltdath of MaLui, in the
Barna. It in the .tee of a I irge lien's egg. The
;4114 111 , 41 . ut it:041% LI has altered. turn two large brigs-at'.
nat . hilly 111111 Tell and armed, anti S.1:2.1,001 tar it. 'I be
4..1 • i ra a pair of Inman train Peter relit..
i• • and t madilt ithe a bargain'' The Gan erniir
S pia,prietor 4,11,61 tin - sale, tilt•
en n ' Mr. - It s ,ituated tn/
vir et the Sp . lis one .4 tLr titteit
I,Jpertii . l4i ttlit . Munit'
V. D..; u.1•11:1 \V.I . :, ...hon.. Pa.
AVIIC St ill Col/ hi: iirentaiiircly Grey or Bald.
ocr A LElo., (Arc lint flit: Il till iti/i rertore the hair
o rte i i ri a k ia l dark rad, .1,1 is rtran and ;oily ...Al
',r Sale st 3111.1. Fi e, Drag. Star,
AT CRESSI.F:Iet , I )111 G S rom..—A new and
xten.l% af Toilet Art lrte., I..reva and •Aotnestle
ure 11 , PW 4 , t 'hem at rota , .4 prtr.,. Galt
stud e vault at.
WE direct the attention of persons n fishing to
piln•liane V', a rbtpert) di till. admtt,emeilt of J. Alimmn
Ia der. E , gl.. in to 411i'• • ”11.rita; n Immher of une
mvdeum eu at frivate
SI'F.rIAJ, attention of file afflicted 41 invited to
tin. ml, ertpoqnvut k appPar, in
tais.nnl sucf•eedlag 1.311( . 8 414 t in. parer. dpoi. I t.
The Organization of Conwre.e.—Olvtost roan
_ Expltodon—A Rermetory Elephant—St,
Dereuilwr 1, 1?r,5.
\I, 1111 I
Eler)body is talking abou.t the organization of
eiincre.. to-day, aril the Republican. are rejoic
ing ioer the protopt action of the caucus in re
nominating 111esrs. Colfax and McPherson, gaud
iu ioistainiog the course of the latter in excluding
the Southern It l oo k s as th oug h
there Woulit be i.oitie "back-hone" in Congress,
and their procee,.:fling; to ill be. watched %ill. ears ,
tfil anxiety.
disastrous explosion took place on Thursday
at the "Penn Treaty Iron Works" in this city.
drum attached to, 011.• oEthe boilers explo
ded, and:the boiler. 3 beet in diameter and seve
ral tons in weight, IA 118 him% n u distance of 200
feet thtotigh the building It nun then blown in
-a southerly direct - Mt; through a mill wall,'then
pa ivy through fence into a stiible, and
then the side tt the latter, lodged in a
%% mid pile. One nan was killed and several
others dangerously woMled.
" tieeing the elephlut " is frequently considered
a Nrly pleasant thing, but it sometimes happens
that Ilia t little oceular occupation is far more safe
and sate factory \ hen "distance lends enchant
ment to time - slew." A case in point occurred in
the western part of our city one night last week.
An elephant belonging to • traveling show, be•
cuine unmanageable, and departing for iithne
trout the usually Euberhabits of the fraternity of
big aniuials, who are always dennieratie enough
to carry their own trunks when traveling 0:1 Lis
olAii hook.
During - the absence of the keeper said elephant
took it into lies head to knock things •• higher nor
ti kite" in the stable where he was confined fir
the night. Stable FtaHs disappeared one. by one
beneath the taitch of his huge trunk one wagon
Was smashed to pieces, a passenger ralway car
was partly demolished. and every horse in the sta
ble was placed in danger of losing his life at nay
moment. It was thought advisable to open the
stabl oo in order to S:11 is other property from
destruction ; this was done, when the huge beast
made his way into Ridge Avenue. and traveled
for about one mile up that road, tea - ring down fen
fes and hNisting .oti branches of trees, besides
committing other breaches 011ie peace.
At last the keeper made his appearance, who
succeeded in quieting the enraged animal• and
conveyed him to his intended place of exhibition,
where he' picked tll/ a man aryl. threw Min against
a partition. Ile aftem arils billie dots ti a por
tion of a stable wall, but cool! afterwards became.
mini and quiet The elephant tveighs five and a
quarter tons. The damage done will reaali about
nine hundred dollars - , VI filch v, ill be p;iid by the
proprietor of the atainial
A eerious riot tool; place in the Seventh AVat'd
yes, el iely col a Urge number of xvliite and
tutored Periolls of bSttl sexes. Fora time there
Ivere indication., that the alibir would re.oilt in
serious conseipienees. and that lams of life would
ensue. A it It peace of the city- and the
Eapctity of the Sabbath were greatly diNtut bed,
but beyond tliese the afl it culminated in nothing
nines serious than the arro•t of mime tmenty par
ticipants iet the disturbance. and sli_dit injuries to
a number of others. t.
-(ya ) Rf - publer'rrot,. in vies of the a%% fu
satta:dt up of the lietnneralie :tt•tho re.•ent
elections. in - tne North, expu•s-e, the yer) seindble
conclusion that to look litr tilt tlier alit from that
party "is to ti , dit a %%lilt a dead one,"
and declares tnat thi• I)enan•tatic pat " pre
ctsclr the old reder.d pat ty wvs at the
close of %I r. tipit t,inc"rip Dan.
sue Va ) Regiat - r is of the rare opinion.
"\\"e have for rumor time incli , ..ed to the belief
that the Donveratte patty of the North can se.
contpliNh nothingfor the :inuth, in their pre,ent
organization. It tbeDeluocratie p.ntc held 4.11 t
any prospect of ever again' being es• Col to the
country, we should advocate the po is of adopting
it as a nucleus to rally upon. but It.: mis•ioa ~eras
to he tilled. It is utterly powerles • It can no
longer ,w‘tql nuke by reel Ili'. I. I.ther or
gunizatlons. It tote but homes pupil,. of a fac
What a world of trouble the malta;;lT of the
defunct colleen' would save thcm•elve+ by recd;;.
liming truths e, hich are so plain tojheir Smaller!!
The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard, of Wetiesda.
contaih4 the feihmiha:
Gov. Holden ha. re•eeiled the foil min, telt ,
gram front th,. Pre•itlput. v‘hich be:ore tl.t
pulti: for hiformation:
IV A. 111%, • Not •.27
. fiurf rune ;
.leei pt toy thanks for the noble nod nflee' , .‘e
ti.:ll.ner you haw diseltemzo,l )i.ur ditty
Co; er t ,or. You «t I 1,.•
Lt the"(;, , writiat itt.• 'll,e read;, of the le, rot
rl ;ion iu North Carolii.a Laic gte.ttly &matted
the pronpeets or tile Stole. in the rentotat,,a, of
, is Lqivettitnental relation , . sl 4 ould the action
and the - spirit or,fite Legi , laturi... be in the •aun•
direetion, it t% ill greatly inerva , e the inisehi, f al
ready done, and might he flital It is hopedfit
:::lion and pit .inanirestril Ly the LegiLittne
%%ill' be no dirri.ited as rather to repair Ilion iii
ereane the ditlieultie , under N 1 Inch the State has
81, - eatly pinee.l it-eir.
(Signed) " Atclumw
A SIRANGII F tc-r.—An exehaugc paper Krvs
the attack oalbe President, ht‘physician feariiig
that the shock t%uuld be too great for biin to ear,
and all newspapers IA ere rigidly excluded I i
Lis room Ou the Sunday folbuoag the as-assin.
:.‘t he could see the tips Id the trees its the
park opposite, jog putts 1,11 the spring Hilmar,
IA hem his e)1.4 eatieht the stars and ,sysp,F. at 1 1 „11
mast on the War Department, on ulncti lie gJz.
ed avki.ilo, then tllllllll ,, to his attendant. said:
'• 'Re I'i 'sidetit i•A dead The confused atttm.
dant stammered and ehm,ged color as Le tried to
sat stay, but the sag.miosts old man •as.i : It he
bad been :dile lie us mild litie been the fir , t t.
van on te.: but he ha- not been Isere. nor Is.s. h.
sent to lissio.‘'ti• Lott I ans, m5t1..11•vr,...4 th e 11 0;4
half mast. - 'llse oldt
g,,I.C 4 111:11/ • z 1111111(1i4.1%•:1
6111 i hall told the truth. 8,1 , 1 1,-
groat trors rour+ing _,n!n.d ch,cl,-. a
th,• , }f,•adiiul truth Rank into I:i•
17 Or COL 1)11!1.f.111;:s . , 1.1.“
Through the energetic a flints of I tetm the,. P.
NV. Lohman and W. 11. Vernomihe sal-, leg
asiclt %ca. 3hrell, I `bout
I;It iv Dahlgreen. it - ho s, a. I. fled )kite on his re
treat from a ranlieg expedit ton ne,m• ti::. city, has
been ,wein ell and ,dored to his friend. The de
teeth rt. , haling revelled infrte.ltion nx Lich It•d
them to ~.n.pect where the ft!-e leg proveed
cd to the I.ol‘e of a Mr-. eat te,.. in ..I.l"htiFtarle
comity, near Chi:trio:l-.lllle, h bet• they found it
menu the person of Mr. N. ,P. Itaflatd, aho hod
been wearing it fn• mime time. he h, . 1.,:q a
.:molar m n •:n(n•r in one of the battles of the ant
['OWE)) IIaN I. it up ;no! :dated th•tt hr
had recalled it as a pre.ent 11'1 , 1IL a !al : 1% lb)
11.1.1 pllrella`ed it for him. It wit he remembered
that a short is ,idea ( h•lrrtl
111:2 is bib is IS upon 111 , little• finger Id
I>ahlgreem that is 11. , cot of ot the_ time of
hi. death —Richmond
TWO S :11 I vd at A tnerteno
ports gni . .I;uestl.:, bring intelligence - to the el en
mg of the'l7th The ni-en , sion I'f the pirate
.11:damn' had he - en cgottnitted. It - Hai-ter Adams
had w.thdra‘‘ gdi:r to ta.gtter to
arbitration, and Earl ltii ell. in a. iong 'letter -fie.
tending his Govertonent iu i ts
. coarse. intinutte.
that lag t% ill nut reler to the •Ighject ag do. Til'
conrse of Captain Waddell bitterly dennutieed
by the Tinges. It think* that {unison- of Ids let : -
ter to Earl ate ttarne, and that our (:nr - -
erintient should either prgewente hint before au
English court, or demand hint nadir the exti
that treaty. head retitle ul l'enianiqn in
Ireland, a inan'ttatned .`ilephen., had been arre -
led. The coarse or Spain in her South mertean
difficulties has.• brew sharply commented upon;
and the great l'o‘t ers lane been called upon - to
interfere and stop her Idoehadin. , operations
The Emperor if A,,,,tria i 4 to be eto%%ned King
of I ilinuary and (:rgttia.
WtditiiNit ANNsti'did4Attiv. , .—One of 1,111"
giver; a toff li,t of rinnutentiii atilt. %tett
titztilherimz St•l1 . 11 The filth atitit%eriialy
to the. ••ttootle11" urtidire, v.heit liirud ,
gifts of x‘ootleti utett.ik. The 111111 Lt the ":i:1"
wethlitig, when of lin %Nitro
The fifteenth Ii the "er)idal - %%,
iof uldeg wan.. lII.' "rill-
II:1 " ii.'ildll)l4, for crochet - ) and ea: t wale gilts.
The t ti.• •-,ther wi en at -
tieleg of iukerv,are are out. niered the Oar ,
The thirtieth anniveri-ary 0. the -line art - wed
ding, the gift' being artieleg of taste ttud ririll
The last i. the "golden" v.edding, v.hen the
entg are of gold, or at tieleg of gtrat ottrinsio
A lII,AvY Genii.—Trwro are at present lir'.
ing in Mechanicsville, Itot%ard towiedup, Centre
County, a married collide
amounts to oror six lunched pomals—Mr. John
Leathers and his wife. • The former weighs "26.2
pounds and the latter.lo2 pounds. This nmaen
Mass of humanity lives , together in the utmost
-harmony, and enjoß excellent health. Mr ,
Leathers weighed 1/111) 1.41 111/1111111i %% - 11(11 She was
married, and has acquired all her sui phis flesh
since that happy time. The couple ale a curios
ity and are worth going to see.
FROSI TUT. SiBLIM!: TO 111 RID)) 11.017 , .
At AnFulda, Georgia, on the tirit of Janicir),
16(11, ghld old fir loili'in-Ciinteiler•t ,
Op May 1, in gold N) *1..A0 111
ChlliArratt • 1111:1`y. 1:1(1 the ‘t• - ,r Id-ted a few
months longer, a single doihr of gold would have
purchased the entire steel, niiL the " recogni
tion" interest. All men ars sincerely loyal on the
" gresabaek" question.
Pe franktin flepositcrm QTAyt
JEFFEnsotst county, Va.. us inclined to rebel
tit. West Virginia At a late
meeting in Charlestown It was resolved that two
persons from each magisterial district of the coun
ty be appointed for the purpoße of canvassing
their districts fiir signers to petitions to Congress
and tie Legi , lature, and at the same time receive
such contributions in money ai the citizens may
be willing to make toward defraying the, expenses
of defending themselves against annexation to
West Virginia.
Tut: Ettlimosp PuisioNs.—Libby Ptison an/
Castle Thundiq:, so well know a hi the history of
the war. Ivill soon be tranAorined into Store
houses again. Castle Thunder will be evacuated
next week, and what few priS'iniers there are
within its WAS will lie transferred to Libby
Prison, which now, occupies about one-fouith of
the building known by tint name. The other
three-hi - urns are already converted into stores,
and are filled with prodnec - ol all descriptions.
Elminr-rourz —On the :311111 ult., by the Rer. W.
E. Krelnk Mr. C) r Smith, of NVa..hin g .t. n eoun ty ,
Mil . Retll,,Al t.. Flat . /. of Franklin enmity, Pa.
WINGERT—.;'fOVER.—On the alt., at the Par
sonage of the 31 E Fhareh. by the Rev. S. 11. C. Smith.
Mr. Laban W. NViin.ert to Mier Prudence !..ittivqr, both of
Franklin eotinty. .
LCi{IER—II.\RUN—On the PI:1, alt.. by the Rev.
Jaeob Smith. Mr. John It Lebber, born', t o 311,
Fannie M. (lreeneaole.
Elk —On the 1 lith nit. at the reAtlein e
of H. W. H en itt, 1I I, la Franklin (in.', 111.. by the
Rea. J. I eleht3 Mr. C. Lager. to 31h... Susan Berger, of—iilll:l:NrwAT.T.—liii the 30thoilt.. in this
Rev. lir II Si. Schnee), 3lr. Christian 31il•
ler hi tileeneivalt. from the itrwilt of
Marten. ;
• .
111tITIAKI:1:—ANDEN. , (1.N.—nn at the
.\h,•r...:11r. John P.
l' ,, thnlox to Mn-, v I 1 Anthre.nt, both of Franidin
R rimr,l:ff-sm thefth fit., by the Bev.
I:. noth Mr. [rah:, 1 Stebter 114. - we Smith. bobt
E \ theE ith !dr, , by The Rev
It. 11. .1 Mt. Geo Deem,. 14 thk phee 3112,1 II
I:. 11. I ..1 Ole
. .
11 I. kIN--11 tie , 23.1 ult., at the
of 1 Ir. Jottooitt't %tier, by the lies.. Wm. A.
Wt..t Mr. to .Nlitot Jennie E. 311:laugh-
Ito all • (Met
El I:l:—PREE9'.—t to the '2 , th ult., by the Rev. M.
' 4 l,pler at lite r,,,leaeet,t the brill . lather, Mr. Wlll. C.
\ t, both 44 Upper titraNburg.
,•;1•1•L I \K.—tin the :Ist at
bi Itet% 1r..,14 Jlr ltehjamiu IV.,lr
ittgo,”.-.41.a:. M . ,. Stt...ot Shank. of th:. county.
. in t place. Ilia Ron. ilaugh
ter of t at r
~.I It - 0,1 1..t1e 11 t Prey in the Inch year of
11 MI, —O.. r:se Ind , 111 Ifili Jar..l,
;to r v., 7 l m n th. ar.l3 119*.
cLaritiNc, currifiNG, cualus • Gt
Clot Linn (7nflun~'
(;11,16,,,r, Clotlitug
Ittponegs Coats.
1/111.'...••• C•41t,1,
CIAIN Bus:ut,i CoatS,
CI,. llama n Coat., Clatttl,
Com ham... , C,ctn, Coaolinlan's Coats,
Cowell man'. Co As, Clatyllaiatis Coati;
(:,14 itlll."l'S CORlill/1111etl Coats,
Walking Clat,—now
11,131:4 —new gyie.
Waltat.g Cut.—new sit) le
. W 1114104 Cotit."—new cry le.
Pants, Pants—varied le..
Pdlas Pdtan—saried styles.
Pats —a dried styles.
Pauts. Patti—a dried sty Ic►
yeeb, Ve.•—ali I leseriptions.
Ve..z tlex,rtpt lons.
\e•t- Vestl-0 descr.ptonA.
11.1 , rl.Ollll rIOTT," CI //TOMO,
PAU LI 0111 M. H.q.' el,o1111‘0:,
I ',Hum. u
1:"1-: 1,1111 M.,
1111•Iting CO.liA, III•10:11L! I ', VA.
C.41:•1, C.I •
(WEIZ CO '.r-111:1: \T V.NRIFTII.
I IN 1:1: 11.1:1" tilTLt.
C ,, AP.--1:1:1 .1 \ ‘411" y.
rov.t.toily r‘uppl:cit Iron Forejzn ,ntporitions
nod Dome,:e 3lanullt tot,rt • xt c arc 1.:410,e1 n, op, r the
ehoict-I,l” ,,, Mvent of P.I. k: .:1L1!.I.
splendid stork of I'm 1 T fill Tor C 117. , r1+.
Anny ring Nas s (Mt•ers, v61,1i gill be Made
.• itt the ,14 , 1 test t•
Rol KIWI, S \1 11..1\',, Sl , V.l' CI mixt. UM I.
61X1 and I ti, Chtstnta ,trtet, l'hdadrip.toa. 1)0,12.J..21(1
A Cornir,- Com; ot: Snrtr. Tints) %T. requires
immediate attentimi and 'lmola be cheeped. It alb., id
fn coatlntle, Icritathot of thr Lung.. n rerthamot Throw
Affertiwt, or aft Incurable Lung Ilisto,rl.otten the ru-illt
.1.11;w:“111.11. ;1: a direet intlue.wt.
tan the part,. situ itacnoili., , e re ef. lee Pronchet,,
thrta. Ottrtrrh, Cow, nnirvr all I Throw 1)1..,, Tn. It,
are ibe 1 milt alit .1). ged n 1 k
V cc ill rind
ita in riearing •• nS •ii
anil tile [l,o_l r.
tom of tire ~..111,,Z11114. 1 lie "Fro, in, are reeinulll o l
all.l iires ti trail tiiNitni•mi,c.,
Irma rni 11 iliriizio•ti . Ilse an ai
ie 01 trio ,r.irrr! thi•ir eair.lri L.
1-4 of initn3 3 • or tlirni iii iris 'O....Calif
In, ar •r:1 ..zi i ti.r fr.,, , tr, all' 11111 S
1.• •- ,1.1.111 ~ .uttrlrx
111.1.11,41: 111 %I. 'fltc , , 'and I.
not :10 r ! •.1., 0,1 I,Q
.041 ru n ‘‘bert• natt 1 , 1.1 , , .t , A
Co,tor. • . : • i to, mt 1.1;01
iZ --Rt`lllitjher tLttt.if
r ILt to*. t.. tlo• hpsise or 1,1,1,-
1 , 505.5.• s's '••• . a “1.1 t -mpri,hig ruse s.!
ss.os3 • f 1.,.
,• s :Ell,' to our NeX l's
• lit .1 , I ittql.t,: !largt sts ols•
:Ts ,•° • n•'. • • oi, .!
1•10;v11, 0 • 11,111.
•z I i ,•I a 11/ u p t.d l ll o 1114/Zlll,U'
• 11. •• .1 • . . . I 1414 I. IZUb
t•i.•• 1. ....I .1, 1e._.1 1 ..1 the•1 rub
It 11(.14 ic .1.10 . 1,1111 , 4 va...a.
.h; 151.• rubbn,r The
ti_• t • .4" , .• ./ •‘• • •.r I r.c...14•1
..1..5.1.• Sr t• ••-,.• t..• r wl .11ew .c)
0.% 5, tl. . 164'1% that the ci
br..l.4ii up., 1.1 • :••• it le) el
I al 11, . t• .5. '
.1114 I thl, • •• "I
• tat
11 1. 11k1.%1 ..1• f. ~r a
in 1111 ...ill. ttni'a
,11.111111 •Vtl , .. 11. Tl.l/ "I-
N. MIA • IX. ~ils 11,1.•1. '1
04.1 ..../0..r• , 11,
.0 1.1. t t• 111`e 1,11
I". 10 Z• 01
igUll .1, 11/1..11,11'/U1 I TPA it f.,r.t at t t,rr.
11 I 1..110 V,111111.1 1m : i . ..1110.114•11 1U
,A 1 1. • .1 " :LA Ite.‘ll 1 I.ili• 11 ,
1`1 ,1 .1' 1 -.1 Tlll, .11 , • 1 {111 r
.1. •I 1 .111‘ . 1,f11,17 V.IN11)
rrh. I lii ma' ~,, .• rut..
, 1.. / .1 , 111,1,1 /11111•1`0,1•1 1, 1, at..t
tr.,,. ,•1r....1) 11..14 63 .1
.S.)N . N01.1:11)1 , 11. U. 1.11 . 1111.: , '—.The rt nt Fr
weele S,o II y for le r. 4 , re ',trent, —1 strop.., re aiPTI
tII.I,I)IV Mid' , reparation, tin belt, Ilian
I', 1' , .. er Being ntlifol their a „ -
tent I ihret t and re.atiti , rend. lin thew a reliable..-per
diet I ',hail -I , e. 'tit Cre the van. of all obantethni, and
..1.1,1 , r , ...ha, et ',ann.. i, indicated h.
the Lill. nlAi n,ll . WO MAI ilottlf , Are litaillOny •o/,l Lind
.11 , 11111.'4 ht the ladies ni the I:tilted States et ery
lit v, 'eon in the ..treitig . e.t tenet. et ' , nine el thelr
gr. a merit- 'File', tee rapllll3 - t.,hiutl the ' , lave It
r )on•elered
knoe, aught of them, ay. the run -I, sale-t, uud ne,t
WO, pl 'Titration to the narhl, fia. 111, Inv .1 all telltale
ehqd,ents, the remota] of all 01,4mo:tote ot hature,
the pretnet.ett heahlt re4ttlarit3 ana •Irette,th Elple it
nee. •tateq.; a heti tle.3 ihtt.l u•••l..vel e•rlaetteC
eh, tt Pt.! nut Ila.y •leelltl out rotthl net Ito 1t...N1
uitliettt ellet t• oulr. 1.. hat itre'•
11:11 Ire hound ateetlkk 1 , 111111 h belt le. nith the
v. thtett •Igtiat tire el J“IIN I. 1,110, is Ithlotil it.e
1 1 1e1ar•,1 by I), .14 QIN I.lll\, 19:4 C 14.1144.1 :.441r444, Ne,
1144% r 44. Conn , wtll 1,1 1,111.11111A1 l'ot 144,4,444,44.1
I) 111,1/1, (1,1111'4111Z 1...t11 10 . 1,1.11 4 4 iling . .lll I IL,
41,1111,11.111 . n 44,04 444.44441.-4-.,
• SWil n tin lag,ts : stjlor e• ( t A (
(;,,eral h./ IT S. 11,1 C. 1.11,• 110,4
1.1.1) :Cllll t. Pt al: lin: Nraatt 11),1 E E .—
tr, rdhr are aa arrentAl .11 ...t•i, ter the
Stcity toad rernhalaelat Core of l id a aj a .lpg
sexanal t.r l ~Ii 1. I \ 1.1, ot II „\" Neonnal
Niantla aed Itreana.. I
- Plapetal anal Nor, nits Delhattc Napa,. e I. lee!. Sextual
I,,u.e' , S. i l / 4 ” ',tugs 1 , 1 Nertsseare
anal they van le. a1.e.1 avithealt d. te. nen bei ran.
ta:11 , 1,1)p.1k I'n • 1%1,1 iiri.t. lie. It pal nneht get them
t a t yanat. drug,:.! the) nel tra....ent• la) toad ...aeon Cl seal
ed pa,t at,ttal oath fell heat attn.,. tarn aa•tart• nerve, tea
teeript .4 the lllolll.y, anal e itt Pt 1 ',ages eta
eta err of )mlO, the A..., quota • gnat um, al). wad ,
In rent- requited Ihr late.tage Atlalte“ U;:
1 , , Is. Box 44,,-'/lartanalo is, Nee Voris.
butlers inn be sawn. al Barnes
Wltel ... ale Aglatapa, Ne,r y a rl. totglaa
MattE V.11.1%5111.1: 'PH lN
I'.!!'. lanai , the blate.l, Brawn ,• Ileadarlae,
Gelthe.s. ()ram r Isre.onta_lliteneael of
Sight. ludose•tion. Ilemee• the Snail:telt and Ilan eha. 111.
Pure G•l% Cat.' in till. drh,Ctl.ard tool 1i1. , 1111a. I 111, hla K
I 11E11 ul. I ry them' '1111.3 pule Bost
• and if )ota eavilta get them ul ) our drought. 'WWI
U,ellJillii.3 Itl 1)1I. 1;111.1.N. 1 . 11•14.1.11/. 4 Id
Ilrenalo ay, I'. :sa7ll, and they nail 1 e sent by re
torn ht post IlAtlers e ati.plard by Itenots
Barnes leal.,.tha .tgents, New 1011, ...tie 410.
ITCH' IT(' ITCll'—Srratch! Srratch !
s rr arrh !--1V 111.1 l ( )ISI NC' T T.lll ear* the Dell in
4e. 11our,
A Iso eon SII 11:III:t It, Um C 1111.131.11•-: runt oil
P.M Vino, or tot: .SKIN. Pnee Lents. bale by
Ity sc.nlwg CO rents to 10E5..7.5 & PuTTF.It. Sole Agents,
NU Washington street, Boston, Mass., It will be forwar
ded by mnil, frog of postage, to gay part of the United
QIAtK say2o-Eira
bersburg, -pa.
- .
liontits ItutActs..—From old and young,
from rich and poor. from higleborn a'd lmcly, rotates the
I'nivereal Voice of praise for FIALL'S VE,;ETALILE
is a perfent and tniraculotu, article. Cares baldnesa
Ma's eh lnd r gross. • A better dressing than any " oil" ar • To
matunt.' softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful
Silken Tn...., But. above all. the great wonder is the
Witlensbich it re,tores Gray. Bair to its Original
Foe it a felt• times. and PfifisTO. CHANGE. the whitest
and Worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty. It
does not dye thelmir. but strikes at the root and tills it
with nett• ide and colorin,•• matter.
It will not take a long,, disagreeable trial, to prove the
truth of this matter. The first application will do good
you trill tee the NATIIILtt• CuLou returning every day,
and before you hnnte It, the old.' gray, discolored appear.
once of the hair will he gone, giving- place to lustrous.
shining.and beautiful locks. • ,
Ask for Hall's Sieillian Hair Renewer; no other article
is at all like it in effect. Yon will find it 'Cheap to Boy,
Pleasant to Try. and Sore to do-you goad.
There are umny imitations. Be sure you procure the
gentlitle..tuanufactured only by It. P. HAIL & Cu.,
Nashua. N. 11. _For sale by alt druggists. augl6.6m.
To I-MMES.—UMW re,qutrr a reliable reme
dy' to restore You, rise Dr. Harvey's Female Pills, a ra,
er.fmimg remedy for the removal of Obstructions, 710 nog
rer.frum tdott Le are airy arise. They are sate and sure
and will restore nature in every case. They an. also effi
-cations in all eases of Weakness, Whites, Pr.,lapsus.
Sohl in Boles containing 50 Pills Price ONE Dow.E.
- Send for Da. 11.0wElls Private 31slieal Ants iser. rid
dressed to females; pages, giving lull instructions,
10 yenta required for postage. It you cannot purithase the
pills of your druggist, they will be sent by mail. - post-paid
torture from obsert ation. on receipt of Our Dollar, by OIL
J. Dal AN. Consulting Pl*sieians,
P. 0. DuX, 5079, 4E2 Broadway, Sea- York.
Dealers supplied by Demos Barnes & Co., Whole,l o
Agents,,New York. ought-bias.
EILS ! USKERS you want Whig
here or Moustaches t Our Grecian ComPsand trill for"
them to gsor on the smootheSt Fare of chin, or hair on
bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, 61.00. Sent by toad
au . im here, clsoely sealed, on receipt o fprice.
Aildre,s, WARNER if. Cu., Box 1.;1S, lisN,klyu N. V.
fob Irely
THE U 1211).“. CII.I.4IItER, an Es ßay of Warning
and Instruction fin. l'oallg Men—publi4ed by the How
and A>aix•i-ttiono, and xent free of charge in entity! olive!
Addre.-4, 1)r. J. SKILLIN not. (111 ros, 116, .011 - A4
svtiation, Philadelphia, Pa. feb-ly.
Cliambersburg Markets.
Cu ksll*.lL'iltUlt6. Ile. ember 5, R.,...5.
Flour—White ' ell 50-Mutter ~
Flour—l:ed, 10 50' Eggs
%V 25
il:a—While .1 90 "it 2 20 Lain' le
Wheat—lted ...1 9'37z 2 10 Tallow 12
Rye 9ti Bacon—lfams. :22
corn - 7:i
Baron Sides.
... .. __ 20
0,0.. I ill
40 Soup Beans
7 :0' Washed Wool._
2 01/' I;uwashed Wool.
9 6.) Pared j'em hen...
lia Cupartni Peaches'
Dried Apples.... Seed
Tunothy Seed
-I`.)tatoe*—Pink }:yea
Phillulelphia Cattle Market.
The Cattle market enntinnee rather dull, at about for
mer-T.oes head ut from 111 a 17, for extra, a fete
choice at 171 fair to 0,04.1 at 14 FilZde., and comma ut
Lout 10a 13e. f. It., an to quality.
1,11- ep-500 . 0 hem) sold at rnon bi p IG. gurus for
good fat bIaNT. and SJ 50'a 4.511 P hood for bmex
Lunn—ltd head Nord at from $7.0/ ii lot for Sprlngem and
5704 lint head tar 7tiloh COWA.
itod,-5 , /hti head armed and bold at the different yards
at trout .9.1.1d13 the WO thn., nett:
Philadelphia Market,'
_ .
Flour—Them is no demaed for exportation and the
home consumers purchase in a small stay only to supply
immediate wants tit-prises ranging front $7.73 to tie g;t for
suis-rflue it or extra,: $lO all 23 for Penna.
extra Lundy and $I I grid tJ. iJ fir fancy hi:s,
to quality No sales of Its o • flour or • Corn Meat hat e
boon reported.
Wite.o.—stales of I:o6'hushols I.t.r to prime Penna. red
at $2 15,32 :111; old ranges from $25) to $.2 35; annul white
Iris Slat to cannot lie illaod over 10 for
Penn.t. Corn Sales of 2)00 levilielseta y ellow at t'Zie.
mi. at 71 to ear. Oats—Sales at -1^
RENT,—_ltim• BUSISESS St:lml
ic See•nd Street. •uitaliNt for a Store liana. Apply
VOR SALI'..—A two -.tot y - - B It; tog nix nett lint . ..bed
na , ll , Oita 11 Krtobea ou II le , t nilh ginol Pent e, ',Mated
iu Itoromtli ot.Chatabornloug. near 5;•711, Puna.
dew, t. Es /Wit , . CII.I3IIIENS.
T A-Y Bl' LL ;IA ed from tht•
the. sal.nortln r Ta Antrnn
three toile. 1.,t ,r(lreunmnrie alma , Oa: of July lant,
A RED MI LEY BULL.; Ltear?”lll u.i part!. Mar marl.
A hla tat leutara ni'l,be gin en fort.. n tarn.
dew: .1? .10115 sTrnsE.
gis.qt th..t I/. titian and Wit.
I A n-azneen otltenry hale talm then - ap.
plieatlon ti t Ile 41o.eltar;., a from %alit trant t/..• January
tvrin. unite. taw..., ~.agrury •diuts n. By
ordez - K. S. TAYLOR,
dean It Prothonotary.
PE.131.1C SALE OF .A F A
farm of W. A and .1 Reid, situate in Antrim
p r r.iahng of . .151/ ACRES OF stATE LAND
toil he .01,1 at Public Sale in front of WALLACH'S 110.
'I El.. I male. Oh Saturday, Ort.tntiorr'idt, at I d t loch,
I' M.
1. HANN/F.1,1a 1:,•, Downie,
An eleetom 1,11 he held at the 11,tuking litiorn on no,
don, do 'W. don IV - Jon dery vex: between the Inmro i&
tiud 4..11,h1.. P. Sl. for SEVEN ',MEC !..•erve
attrmw.- the e•,, , az 3 4 at . . (1. 1C 3IES:iERSAIII
, r
-11: 11 t: 1:S .1\I) II 0 SEII E N
READ Tins.
I - UV Vt•ll•l,rated Aintllolll lora, Nr'll ell et a
I'ItEF: LEV) 1,•111: at D. L. TAT! ,¢•, 11,11 - t. o t I•rt-
E .fg tai o . elw - k ii, all 1.r. , ,L.A.‘s ot the
Ile. et t.I 116,11 - trin il.l.—:attel ttearh the it 11,4 e eet•
eqi ore S, t-it Sottertl.t tit Xt at the %.1111e
plotllleet , 1)1i. JI:NNINGS.
ton es' gi en that Letters of Admin;etratteu
a the I:•t,ce df liettiatom '3l tiler: late tea le
Ildv. L r. rt Fraute.rtn the undersigned.
AU per-,,n, loom tog thetnee4windebte.l to nail E.tate
III!: anatelhate payment anti those irg
I loita. pre.eot 111,11 q,413- atathetmeated for .ettlement.
i; \JOHN BENDER. Adm . ,
CIIA N 1 E 0 F 11 AS E
I: 1 5f r -n E itEmovEn
11 A' AN I) SHOE ST () E
To Main Street, opposite Iher's !lots!.
grave I.',iluetorn fn PIW[S: 4 it.ldlo
2el' Our fr.ends ndl please make a note of the above.
it, Punt On, Cbalut,rdburg, Stute of Penn-
..31v.itti.1 December 0. te.z.:
Tis 0h1.41111111 ,d 011,0 1.e:t1.1 . . , the urnltennt Inns
call tot "Ails ertined Lettere," K ite the date of thin lint, and
pay eve pent for advertieing.
Barton II It .1 Johnston Ell/13
Urn it John Leader Mi‘s Mtiz 'Stouffer A K
I:Pet Ann Leidy Mies Sarhtt ,Turto r Ileneon
(.i. en. Franklin " 31'Nialty Anclie t Vieet Peter
Ildobeidser Ann Delia Fold. it.N
11111,.. A I; Ileily Eliz It Ilertrand"Zoliqur
lionley Sinn I ,hind: Jacob . . (leidel Adana
II C :Sim - ince Jae. Al -
Jon., Itobrrt V :SollenbergerJ W
FE IG II 'l' I) E 0T ,
c n A MIS E It Slt I" 1..\
The Cumberland Valley, Ilenwcylsania and Northern
central Ilaiblt o ad Compauin. ha 1 g 11111(11 , arrangements
11USINES 4 4 betwees the cities of Philadelphia,
lint, and New Yorl, the Cumberland Valley Rail Road
tmuipany•linu opened a Freight Depot at the pout 31)0VI•
1.111.4 and ere prepared to ret um, and .hip all gn
Vro:glit to ho tom tutted It) this arratoa C 4neut mo•T be
It ft at I'.lllla C.I11.11) Depot earner 15th
at al :tholost dreeti._ Vlulatla . Northern Central Rail
Road Rotettan3'n ih•pc,t, Baltnattre wed Cumberland Chh
It Rail Road Depot e •r v.! .stlretd .eel Rail Road,
l'hatoloo,lnag. 'Ho. !tabby ut 01 find it to their interotd to
Itt:ttott.att3 ra r. 0, N. LULL, Smit.
N. S. VSt IN &rt.:lit - Art at, Chatober...hurir,. [awn If
SALE.--'Theo' will exposed
11 'hi Pooh Sttle o toot I 1 o siltur the :Ast of-llcember,
lonos coil the la-end-oot Of Jaen!, Kart,. olec'tl, in Antrim
looy11,1111; tat the road leadonot o r t 0.,,, Chatalnortaottroor to
It r. one.naloo aloaat two room Marton and th,no noileot
trata tileonle.o.Se all thr• fl Hon tog ',NAL 1'1101:-
Mll V rte rive head or 111n:sr,: Hint' head of 11 0 r
iled rattle. not Slooac4 Stn. eto, lloorkatv.v . , llattary
„IVairoano.. NVagooto lied. NVtaroon Ladders, Plantrlts Ilar•
rola • ('multi', atop( 'I lore-olnair Mao 11111, Wheat Fail, (711111
Sheller llooro.o. (tear. total harm-. 0 Tedder Cutter. Slroirlo, San oohl tnnt. Clint Iholloor, ‘Vhetollolorroovr. M
olnar Saddle, ltallitia Screen atool a a arietv of other thing o rto,
ineloaling 11(11 `,1.:1101.1.) AND El ruitxt
'Kum:. too mullet . ..a. to wean...
Sale to catattoont;•e at 10 oo'clooelt :voile° the terms will lie
mottle kuonn io )
drat; • Atinnnistrulrix.
West finer,/ strfa Chambrr,bnre, pa.,
Is the plane to r o 111 Lug MONUMENTS, HEAD
II:, our er,,t,1,., lonery to rot ililutr cork I um pre
par. d to pot 0), :‘[..101111. it. Ulla iletifit.t . o at /Or, itr,
athey , i.lonent in this part of thn cous
in and Itia di, it. All I want Is Sro you toren and ex.•
auntie -prices before, purchasing elsewhere. Come, and
you will say it is well fur us to be here, we "sill here buy
our gm', estouse iksof J. A. GROVE.
gnu abbrniampto.
* VAT': tiro. tory Brick tlotas, ritb
four rooms and' Kitchen, well built and in gaud condition.
Price 31.5011 each.
- -
3 Hrick Ilnuegen. (our anima eaeli. Price $1.200.
1 Tw u.Story Ronne, whit abundance of Fruit Trees and
Grapes. Priee
1 wo.story Brick Elm*. Fruit
T free: and Orapes, with
excellent l trick Stable upSta the ha. Price $1.600.
1 Lot 64 feet front, with Itm k House, well of water in
}ant, new fencing and complete pavement futl-front.of lot.
in one of the west de-iralae - Inwationa. Price 62 WO
2 - liouseet but reeentlytlioroughly rep: ired:lml palate,'
SlOOO each.
t; Building Lot:, 204) feet deep. 32 front, in the Ines:de
sirable part of the town for building.
Any of thwabove properties-willte sold at priyntes Ae
—part rush—the halanee in one and tyro year,
SiOrl Ist April, lent; .1. ALLISON EYSTEIL
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will.
fhr .ale on the pretuh.o, in Qniuc)• townthi%
Franklin county. or Thursday thc2r?th f Deranbcr, A.l).
11=4i:t o the following de..e r d,,d real E,tate :
A TRACT a,LAND e0f11:11,1illg 11 ACRES, adjoi n in g ,
Mt Alto Furnaee on the Eant. Elizabeth Lane, on the
South. being within a quarter of a mile of the Fume,.
whereon are erected an etteellent FLOURING Mll l l.
with three run of stones, a SAW MILL, and Dwelling
A Isolfri ACRES more or less, tying clone the Far.
Dare, a twining the above described property, on which
are eret tell n good DWELLING 11l iUSE, Ham and attire
buildings. Land nearly all cleared and under good 'eat.
to whin A stream of never tilling montimin water flows
thrinc,rh the' h ind. and the llou, t. supplied veldt a rum
lung stream of t..pring water.
The abuse property will be Add separately or itr - 1g
oriooe to suit
Title unexceptionable.
Sale to commence at 11. o'elock 31., of said day, ,mien
the teems will be made known.
J: not r lICGIIES. -
01_71111E1U. AND VALLEY & FRANK:
Aln and after nnalay, December 11. ltra. Passenger
(Sundays excepted):
I,eare IlageNtown
' Gmeneastl.•
Arrive at „ - ri:l7 4.0
Leave at. 1 - 15 1.:15
Leave Shippennburg
" Newrille 6:11i 9:27- 2:21'
" Carlisle 6:50 10:0:1
" 7Alleehanic.burg 7:21 )0.:16
Arrisent llarri%burg 7.:i0 11:10 4:10
A. 31. P.SI.
1-care llarrishurg e-40 I A 0 4:30
" Meehatliesburg nl , 2.20 5.04
" Carlisle 9:58 2.53 5.32
\PSCrille. 1(1:54 3:29 fhtL3
" Shippen.bilrg 4:00 t;: 31
Arrive at Charal,ersbqrg 4.30 7:00
Leave Chatithenbarg 11:40 4:40
" t;reencamle 1"...5 , 5 ,t
Arri% eat 11.ater.lown I::0 . thl 0
Makhor close connections at Ilarri-hurg, w". 111 trains to
aunt from Philadelphia, New York. Pi - ,ttr.hurg, Baltimore
and IVioddiarton. .
The Train leaving . Ilarrisburg at 4:30 l'. 31. runs only as
far as ChamberAurg. (I. N": LULL. fiupt.
R. R. Office; Chaint:g, Dec. Cr, 18fi.a.1 . -
Ill:. J. 11. Sell ,
L1:111 Silt c—l feel it n duty I owe to you, and to all
who are etifftiring under the diheaseh known rt.. ttomituttp.
tail) and Lit er Complaint to let them know n hat great
benefits 1 hair teel iced. front your l'ultuouie Sybil, and
Seaweed Tonic in sat short a time. Hy the bleb,mg of
God it has cured me thus far.
Pr: Sehenek. 1.111 now make my .ta , emetti to you, as
eighteen month, ,ure I ass attocked with
at severe rviogh, and it settled on nay mugs; I could 111/L . ,
retain anyilaattz late, and hollered mith evening fits et,
and night sweats. bay ahsery tutu II team-pit '1 be at Line..
of toy et es t‘ ere very )ellow 11144.4v:5.,tt1y skin ; my up.
petite ail gone. and outride toll:, t 5511:11 I ail{ Cala Vein
ei• irreariaio,r lit it coatis e. 1 ~u. very iris •pir:t.
ed. and land !tat 11 s ielent when I laid
Ilona at night Li,al Rhea I arose in the tournaig that they
u °old rant one of tn. hours.
- I
theft n ottl4l he nearly exhattnteal. and-a a: entirely un•
able to lie en alas' left side. I l'illitsot lire nits' wretch
«al sutferinr, waattlal tvisth tirdo. Every to Kan nay
testy alas or deranged. Ltoeh n.a• my situation
alt this (line. and I v., "tamed to Ins heal hoot the last of
relirtutry. Ihri;L ro Jun, 154...! oat ,lin• to .it op. I had
the hest at mull , al altentlanei iiir v. hide of the tint,-
313 ...zit teas u,trn Last tilt rt vi. kid toe v ery notch.
lat tune hosed a large quantity of Thu,. ell., of
eq•is e I/1.1,1er. •••antatia,:e• nYL Llood. and it nal. gener
ally m n.ompnumd lay to.nue a 1 oil a Parr, d and thick coat
ed rotten,. At tl 1 t rile of 4 oitgliing ca - ball) I notad
Las .• shop doh Amg pains in lit) 1.-it soh and heart. night
anyeats aiale•iti••• 4:1 an) n hide chest: had
notch nay aril Lever pain Inc toy Inn k tool [miler nay -haul
der 1/1•11/1,11,1i11 11.1. 1.• 1111111/ toy 14.4.14 and at 111111-.1.
set el,e 111.0 11 le4ah'il throe. les 11110 ,}1.1.111... MN
az,is lue lap le ttimr. I had and the Ira -a of
them. lay 1114 .li. liir itte..41.•1 at that Into. ,
l'noh nothing, hotskin . ill 1,1 , .1 tai 0,1 la, la tier n e•-
tern pat; of In Jove last me 1111 there for the
E.,1, anal lat•it 1,1,1111e - 111 NI," York. and I
Iva. so reilia.4ll that 1,0111,1..01y ualk a lithe nit!, nay
lavanitufs Alter I hail been ;short tone the
salt nailer :,rise.. 11111.1 e .4e 1101111 lwatur for o time nod
the. 1 Ii all ...zert to call a tilt) Liam for toda kid lour
f li,e ina-a tit t Net, 11110 sin The db•ea.e, nit the
long., and doe on. of trli kinds dirt alt no at ail. Thr.*
s.ant I Iva, past sure. tool that Oat longs were too tar !retie
for any one tan I ore toe. Ent at th., L ah oar toy trot
about the luau, cairn alite to do non it 44113 - thou! In
Non emir, las . I grew nor., •atel: the eorthittlipthin
rlit a net or and ',Wit alienat earlir eel s . ; -Wu t r i e d
al' and es erytlong that I voneal gruhp ut like a at: tag
tortn,v ila•ease-4 owealniition awl liver coo:plaint—
lett iit 1111,1%1111.
In January. I;rai.l I war, brought don n aguln on toy t ed.
and nas Het expelled to live the night out 'My t ios u gn d
st a .,hl airs sale, 141111tohor fr,tols and that Lace toe
op to die. At the lime every one v. ho han me dui trot
think I cc in,l a lit log WOlllllll. The
111.4 nigh? I wa• and la s Ili ranged
lonia of the ton, A lri r,4. 111 t•. flacon. tante to Nee air
Ifni last of the week ;Ord laritiatilit Sunda,.)' ,Nltireary,
In it nu. tru ai count of a great ease per:. rtievl 14) fir
hen. k. She read a tt, toe and It 1,1, :lee 11 Ilhe am
11,1,, 11111 1 .1.1.111101 1111•0'.11/.1 1.1 ••• '1 •• 111111 1•11 .
eatiallaa . I had 14 ,, t 11 HP a'' 11 ..4 't 111 e‘ ;et
a t ; ~ and tablet t. ~•1 . at ad h. in•
4innev le• ed too
ta u The gift lit •
11. .1 on Or.
•trui • , r• •a Ila ;lint
lit) e a u... la rave.: far 10 , a t 11, ulna b
lie clad aml I,anttueil Inv nit:, Ile .0%11,010 ar WI eal
Ire n.i. ley:, u•k•il hint al L.•,•• as, • 11.-i
eial - Cl.llllllll lea tsar 1.1,,• .1.1. Pe.l,-.1 •
11••• 111". ' l ,ll 1110,11 re o 010.1 1 4,/ ill••
stt not, to think ti ere .• 1 110,4, 0 • •.../1 I. /1 to rata t
n 1111:41..1, 1 • 1 10,11•1011.1 t ,01. 1 11 .1. 110,1 1 11 lard, r
'ludo lua• hirebar ,a 1 e Moat ll.dse PM. Inc to carry it the ova. roatter tool
then v a'i lia hoped to llai tai t nla eri he dol.
hot ineaatg 0.1011.11..! 1,..„1,,i
tray err rei • r• Were
rue la iiro•lntaeil (altar le , t Chi • Weil 10
think I ...add taget etiongin itlivetalt
•,11,11101.11/..01,14,:.,ntti. - 11 .1,• v.. env
it her tia• reciter lie ultant,l n•
n,s licit anal Se:Metal Tome at outa ,ig al n a at 1..•
au lieu. at it Alai ate 110 Kenai. 'I he a c
s it-at-'.t
to a., '1 e sfreagth, so that en S , lndo, Ate! IT
1 and a te 1,,p1 3 her a ii, k 1/11111.111. 1 . / .1 11, taps', I, I
11, .0111.11.0 in 3 hush tint eat To 1 1 1. 1/le any
tie., !avidly:lle Bet •1 a do, air anal n .11,01 lino of 111,
,mil se Len nievla hie alas el - itariezold sti tit at
made them feel setrten hat restie , - ,Cart e per., • ere and
Ile on way takiec ina .111:1 i.iia 1 ' , u1.:1,1 t
1 . . a after eight .Le. a 1 laigan to caseati! strengili
.11.1 nith the e, eption of a “.1.1 th..l 1,1 / .1/ 1. ~ 110,
I inn been gaining .41, ngtlt ot 111 0. 0,11
lie. v, and u.l 1.0).au, ,anaa Wine .r .. ni•• ,Etas bon)
nay tßau el.. are repthar. allui nay nil: et alai I
thank God that 1 :an non tet , nn 1 ll'itat
114.Weil ea", I c,ndd. I lu e •i steea - 1 of
the° ightaif Jela no, has 4... geed appetite
told re-t 5411 at nigh, rough Ili es not nimble we to
;getting op or ter:4104%0 I meld ;ato sai.• ti the ulna-t
-ell nith I nledllnptlon t.r Inel tt in Itr S, ',mock
t. no humbug. Von 1 1 r , 43 . * n u bat lie
, it is to it ttle w its ila 411sea•et..- If you
u'il Ire pored. go at inter., and alias nisliteg to know
the laeth as lo rein _stated eana ,tall at ni) re,dente, Ili
West Ileits,on street Neu Vt.rp a it.
Alll . I'AITLOW,
We, the nat.lers , gue.l, rtnurats of NI, York. are att•
.In:tinted tv th 311,4 rarlan . , and ktion 1.1 statement to ire
true. •..o know that she teift7l ter- Si hoot 14.*4.1 . 01t0r,
are Syrup and t' eel' 1 1 . 1.1•11.T11111 1,, 0 • • . 1 ,1 11 ( 0 sepses
that to /has Ruh, h e . 14 10 .011••• her liii•-er,7ll:ell from a pre.
mature tl,tax C.
It. F'.llll 11\\' 117 ‘V. t .t Ito -a, et,
I iNI/1:1,11111,1, t,itl liaraelanieh stmtt.
ails. II lIE v I. N trtti tlreentviela street.
AI. I OI. I STA UNI41:111111.I. street.
.k. F. 11A1:111 1 4. 117 \\ - eat ilon..4.4tf , treet.
I:3111.Y 111.0V1:11 117 \ :lora-ton stAtat
J. I. 1 1 01.44 at I ttag. ,
31 A.1.1:11[4111tt \ ay.
3116 ILLINJANI I I.Al'l l , 111 Antily 111,
1 ant Wel: at ir-I.lllntoil ulna Mr, Mary F. Farli . tut. and
cmilla her hocbaud_iNir It l'arhut they haa lug f o nt few
months past n 114.14414,1 at 111)- c hunt]. and I ant ennvineed
thd: tots Ntnlenteld 1\ lid la lid t 1,1•21 d uwkr titan 1, relied
as trite. - JOHN 1/1) , ,V1.1NG, • 13.
Pastor ta tst. Itta Oct Church. N. Y.
laenek it ill h 1 pr,.,e.....andiy at Ins yrincipal °dice
No 11 . , Nor It Sixth :nest mater of Coalmen-1n Pinhole!.
et) Saalartl,l) Irina It A. 31. tout' 4 I' 31., - No 32
Pret I N• i, I'. 1 - 14 1.1 try Tut.-day. Intm It to 3, NO.
10' 1 , 1111111, It.ot stat , i • oten' \\ 1ed... 1, Y. from
to 3 and a ,tars otiose Isrklay at Iltt Itttainnote street.
I:akin:llra. Ma. All alt ire free, but for a thorough ex
..lnattnn oG. tli• Bate. whit his Itespirotneter, tint charge
11.11, 11 11 .1
1/1.1 1.1 'llO I'lollllll . land "Seaweed T on i, rash
,„. r h a lts , or Si 4;11 per hall tin.a.gat,
I'lll r 4.t - tc.. a pur
nr 111•, .111 DrllggiSl4 anti Ltealers,
NOTlCE.—Ncrtiee liert , l):L
that a Spevi;ll 31eataa.) at •), Kaa.1;1.01.1.), • r
thy 3.1.5 1.31-1'1:1t1.11. 1)11. l'll \IPA NY
he held at tlar 11111... t1a•C1aar,,,y,),;24 /sa)rtit
Strre. Fr/day, Ifred,b, 15.5 p.). 3 ,1.1
1. 31 )) at tvilta.ina . the
l'opital Stock or the tn.), ",Iwili,oua tO ;Me
will ,1. tars..s K 31 C 1. 1 .1: E. 1
J. 31. 1.0311:1105i,
P. 13 831 A LI, T.
J. 31. SELLERS:, i
Officr Prnn,t. Imperial Ott Co., 224 South IGurth
1 1 / 4 11ndelphirt. Nur. attar
5t..1.104de, u ttu cannot attend xhouhi Pend a 1 / 1 813k
itria) to Soto their •toek. a' t iP m ekssary that two•thwthi
of the xtook must be voted for the proposed reduction
to it lute r.Rrt. There mii•t be a witness to the
Know all men by ihrae Presents, That
........ ..... , tlu hervby niqunnt
to 1n,... sulnaitute and moxy ha mai in ... mono and
Itehatt, ti sot, nt the spettial meeting tf the Stm.ho4ttern
of the ITANsIIN tt,Nlk I tn. Uttnt•NSl, 1.• Le
101 l Fthlay the 15tlf tiny -05 .1 on the
roonsition to rettliVe tie ( . ..1 , 11111 Slot. .1 the 1:1,111,111y,
us lulls set ... might ttroottltt nt-In . ...tintlt ine,ent.
\ nmtn hand and seal, this .. of • ..... .
A U. 1E65.
4 S.
Eckel it Gilbert, Maio St, opposite Greenavralt's UoteL
A. J. Allller, flee door west of Brown's floteL
Jacob Siaagler, Main Sc. a few doors South of the Dla
C. H. Crciutler, opposite Post Office.
J. S. Nixon,. S.ecousl St., between Seller's Hotel and Meth.
odiet -Church.
Etter & Eyster, Main St., one door 'South of Dr. Blob
Miller, Hamilton & Co., B.E. Cot. of the Diamond.
Feldman, Main St., opposite Taylor's Hotel.
W. W. Parrott. Market House.
Frey 3: Foltz, Serotur Street.
W. W. Paxton. Market Ilonstft Settond Street.
J. L. Derhert, Second St., near the Washington 'House.
Prey-6.. Foie. Seemul Si, near the Market Hoax.
James M. Hors, Queen Si, opro,ite Hrontra Hotel.
intim pei'cr. Hain Street, opposite Huber & Tolbert's
Ilahl ware Store.
T. J. 11..1,1,350n. Market
A. J. & li. M. Whi:e, Nen. Store Room, Main St.
P. Nleligns & Bro., South Main St.. vear German Reform
ed Church.
Ilaher &Tolbert, Main St.. South or Queen.
Brand & Flack, Mum St.. near the Diamond.
Huber & Lemaiteri-Alarket House.
E. D. Reid, nur..llldu and Wasnington Sta.
_ 110 TELS. ..-
L . 111 1 ,9 . Queen St, near Main—John Flatter.
Bran n'a. ear. Second and Queen—Jacob S. Brown.
National. Allan St, near the plamond—Dtwiel Trostle.
James M. Ross, opposite Broarn's Hotel.
Frey & Foltz. Sevood at.. South of toe Market Mine.
A. J. & IL M. White. :+hat, St., New Stine Room.
T. J. 11,kiresint, Market House.
John Deiter, Main St., oitiototte litTher & Tolbert's Hard
oat° Store.
A.M. P M.
- 2.43
43 3.33
Dm Richards & 3fn , tgomery, ]fain at., near Diamond.
Dr. John S. Angle, Market street. East. of Court Howe.
Dr. Julio Lambert, Maio street, South of Queen.
N. Schlosser, 'Main street,• North or Queen.
Hazlet, Vernon & Co_ Harrison Avenue.
Geo. A. Deitz,,North of the Railroad Depot.
Leo. Ebert & Son. North of the Jail. •
(L. M. & W. S. Stenger, Seem] street.
Stumhaughat Gehr. opposite Post Office.
W: S Everett, opponite Court House.
John Stewart. Second street
T. J. Sill,
T. it Eenuedy, 'Market AVM.
Wunderlich & Nead, Railroad Depot.
J. N. Snider. Market liens,
S. S. Sitryttek, oppeeite l'ust Office. •
Jeremiah Oy4er. Alain street, opposite Huber & Tolbert'.
Jinni's - are store.
C. 11. Gordon, Main street, opposite Taylor's lloteL
Letets \V miller. Mnsi street, ttitposito Ger. Re Church'
C. IL t ;onion, Mttill street, opposite Taylofil Hotel.
Leoi4 Wampler, Mato street. opposite Ger. ne church.
C. 11. BuSh, Second street, near Market House
IL & F Finrr.K•k, Second street. South of Queen.
S.. S. Slir).)el,„ oppomte feat Office.
C. Ilunting Quecil street, near StleurtiL
- _
Mr:. It. P. 11.1,10, Main street, Souti of Wasiington„
If E. Hoke, Serowl street, nextllyor (ts Post Office.
Mi's P. Bat lie, 5... 11}11.1 street, near Queen.
J. L. Ih. Olen, Se4,l)ol.tre , l, near the Walhillgt.oll nOlllllll
I'll9Tooll.lPit f;AILERY.
.Ymanennau North-eat corner of Diamond.
.E.mat. \\ • aaltington /LYSOL
C. IJur.ting. Q teen Street:
W. G. Reed. Fire and Life Insurance.
S. S Slayuck, Fire and Life Insurance. .
David Oaks. Fire Insurance.
John Grove. Fire Insurance.
Mary E. tray, Franklin Street.
P. Ileury Peltier. Secoml Street.
Witieh for Power and sweetness of tone. easy and agree
able touch and beatit) of bat e been by the best of
ja,igvs. pronounced "unrivalled:'
All of their large 7 octave Pianos are constructed after
their new itapr.i l overstrung kit-and Seale, with all the
latent impnnetnent..
Nr4 , -tot lfan t Pi.[
o% at great Ilargainc at prices rang
t-5011...?"i0 for Se Co., I am et,
aided to,ell at their B.tlthaott• prices. For further par.
tleolarsapply C. III:STING, Agent,
jaly2ti-ly Chainbcnsbursr, Pa.
j STEINWAY & SuNs bary nevi ❑pwarl of
- • Tiniery FIRST PRENIII M.
gold and siiv'er medals, iu Wutthingtou. New York, On
r.unati, St. Louis.. Detroit awl other Chief.
held in LONDON. ltti2, at At Itieh 111;t/ Pianos were on Ex
hibition from all parls of tin. world, the Finer PRUE MED
AI. a as awarded to Si ItI•WAY & s , ,Net, for powerful, clear,
brillrunt and sympathrtic torn., with nredlence of workman.
o I.:or further particulars apply to S. S. SIIICITICIE.
Agent fir Steinway & Son'A. Chao, bendoire IL. julyl9
k.)• tile, takes great plea,orar iu aunouneing to the
eiti7ens ut Chambersburg. that he ht prepared to give In.
lornction - on the PI %NI. 0,ßON, or CABINET
ORGAN, and aae,t respeutully solicits a liberal abare'of
their pninantne. Those not in .he possession of Pianos )
can obtain instruction at his Injure. and the urea a Pisan
Residence of .Itptx Rim. Queen street, near Second.,
Terms re,onable. may3l-ly
1 011(1.ANS, forty different nt les. adapted to sacred
mid seeitliar mush.. for 1 1 t , t1 to Sirat eaeh. THIRTY--
FIVE (101.1") or SIM Eli MEDALS. or other first pre=
mite is riwunliNl them. 111,1 mood Catalogues free, Ad-
Bress, MAStiN & 11A311.1N, IlusTON, or MASON
into fll Elc.S. NEIN 1 otig. cern-Iy.
liootp anb 510 co.
ms the pleasure of aunimneing to his old patrons add the
addle generally, that t e l has just men ved from the City
he largest stm k of
ever offered in the county. He has constantly on band •
large - asmirtnient of
Also Women's and Children's Shoes, together with a gee.
oral assortment of
Particular =maim, paid to toontifactoring
as be has employed the mek competent workmen In els
depirtimint.tif his business.
riciiiitistiim.firr making fashionable. easy thiing Boots
is unsurpmsed by any establisl.moid out of the city
ltemenatter the Stand, MAIN STREET,
Opposite Taylor's Hotel.
ith or without Buckles, at I'AXTON'S.
chrap and durable, just reetkett at PAXTON'S.
4aersonal tiropertp *alto.
for sale in natrung Union county, With a large dr.
ciliation and doing a very profilahle business. It loan old
esti - Ili-lied paper, and has good material and a power
Address the publishers of the REPOarrOtw. noB-tf
MAUI-0;10 Itundretrsabkre's of the capital
for %sly, to lots to %%Of Tonit - AmseTs. apply at Site Ro'osl'
Toni' Otliro. aug2346
lIAV l' lt Es SES.—'lltree Hand Hay
Prr4ses, glmia order. for - Sale cheap.
1 , 4 19. tt j (;E1). y DEVI Z. Claurthersburg, Pa.
I lagerst.pau Ibr,td opy 1:I., elsitrxe ItEmsiTuur.
• iu demgrkinsitilms of 6'50, 8:0o, Ctou and friAtod
Iwinire at tin. ntliee - 0ct254
OR SALE.—A full course Scholarship
in the Quaker City ilwinees College orPhlladelphla,
Apply at this °Aga. aeraiStr.