The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 06, 1865, Image 2

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    tradlin stprisifing.
Wednesday, December 6,:103115
Qongress having, failed to, provide . a
irat e whereby the seceded States could
return to their places in the Union. Pres
ident Johnson said to them—nullify your
ordinances of secession, repudiate the r.e
bel debt and ratify ,the amendment to the
'Constitution ; so doing you Ni i tll place
?ourselves in a most favorable attitude to
the nation.
A decent regard' for the honor and safe
ty of the goyermuent would not hay per
mitted him to require anything less of
them., while simple justice would have
wai muted hint in exacting a great deal
more. The fact is, these terms' must have
been suggested solelythy a prudent and
pact otic consiilet Miotifiir the future peace
and unity of the Republic. They require
twi t :indemnity for injuries sustained, nor
'do they exact any penalty for ofiences
coMmitted. The past h, lost sight of and
security for the future only is con tem plated.
Ordinances of secession deny the bind •
lug force of the federal compact. This
was an open question once, but au un
successful rebellion of four years' duration
settled it: This decision must be accept
ed or the history of the last four years
-might repeat itself: hence these (trillim
ces must be declared null and void. The
iiirsuruption q any portion of the rebel
_debt by any - of the States would interfere
with their contribitting to the payment of
the nat humid (Wit, and might seriously int
pair the natidnal credit ; hence this debt
mutt be tepudiated Pninftd experience
has taught us' that Slavery is an element
of discord, that our government cannot
exist half slave and halt tree: consequent
ly the amendment-to the constitution must
_be atloptthl. Thus it is evident that in
- piesetibing this action for the 'seceded
States President Johnson had but one ob
ject in view, and that was to suitor the
govertuntiltgaitist future trouble and
have been well for the
South if sliekhad hone,stly and promptly
acceded to these. terms. The results of
the war were Iso obvious that she could
have done so without :,Atcriticing al* of
—her material interests. or doing violence
in her convictions. fot' Slavery had long
.since expired, and the amendment simply
seals the mouth.of the sepulchre, and the
doctrine of States' rights, as defined by
_ her, had exploded with the last feeble
charge of powder used in the service of
her Confederacv.
Bnt rathei than look at thing, in this
light she perverselg groped about in the
dark, and stambleg and blundered xt hen
ehe should have tvalked erect. By her
own obstinacy and false pride, which are
yet to be repente of, she defeated the
geperous . schente 4 - f the,Presitlent. and has
carried the mattO to Congress, where she
must expect more justice mid less forbear-,,
We judge of the temper and disposition
of the South from the action taken by her
different COM eutions and f.
is to be presumed that they were rep
risentative bodies. The work of recon
struction was especially confided to them,
and the people scent to be satisfied with
the manner in which - thf:Y performed their
The President's terms were submitted
to•them in good faith. and they were a-I:-
ed to accede to them in - order that the
won: of reorganisation Might be perfected
without delay, and their representation hi
Congress be secured. Their action has
not been 'uniform, except so far as it is
characterized by at arrogant and disloyal
spirit. Some have'declined to nullify
their ordinances of. secession, some to re
pudiate the rebel debt. others to ratify - the
amendment to the Constitution. just as
though their compliance was not a matter
of necessity; but of grace. They are evi
_ dently very anxious to have their State
governments reorganized, but it is equally
clear that they are planning and scheming
tolave it done at the smallest possible
There has been a time since the-close
of the war when they would bavecgladly
. accepted any terms the government might
have' offet ed. They were suppliants then.
- and were trembling in antieipat ion=rot the
'vengeance of an outraged government.
But things have changed since, and. em
boldened by our, kindness. they now de
mand Its a right what they would then have
sued for as — a favor. They have become
crafty as well- as bold. They practice
chicanery and fraud. and imagine us too
stupid to detect it. We doubt if a single
State has acceptCd its good faith a single
one of the President's terms. that is. ac
• cepted it with an honest purpose to abide
by it in the future, both in spirit and in
' letter. There is not one of them but
* _professes to have accepted at least Oiie of
these term's, and yet when their action is
looked into, it appears that what they
call acceptance amounts to a virtual IV
', pudiatipu. Take South Carolina for in
- stance, anti consider her course in tegard
to the amendment to the Constitution.
She is neither•better tibr• worse than any
of the others, and can fairly be used as an
example. From this one, luaus all. It
was long before she • would believe that
the adoption of the amendment has nec
essary to her reorganization. She knew
she was in a bad way, but seemed to
think that she conld recover without tak
ing this pill that the President had pre
pared'for her. She learned better hi the
course of time and at length professed her
self willing to swallow it. Instead lion -
ever of taking it as it was prepared she
coated it over with sugar. Thus coated.
it went down, t.nd South Carolina fondly
im Vinod that her ruse had been success-,..
ful, and that her recovery was certairtt,
Brit it tun.e 1 out that the coating de4
stroyed the virtue of the pill, and that she
wa . in:uted rather that benefitted by it.
Sea li C ,ro'i i t professea not,to object to
the amendme:it, because it would drive
Slavery o it o"I ow stem. but becau s se it
would give to Cones the right to legis
late foe the freedmen. The President as- '
sated her. on what grounds we can't say,
that this provision instead. of enlarging
the powers of Congress in this respect, re - -
stricter' them. So having fixed by her own
legiSlation the statusof the freedmen, she
adopts the amendment and asks to tie re
. warded for it. Now thetuAdneit to the '
Constitution provides - fir the eXtinetion
of Slavery. South,Carolina ratified it, but
turns right ai.bund sail adopts a i Slave
Code which establishe,, a system orsetwi
, tale as infamous and-cruel as that :vide('
she hasabolished. Her course is insulting
to the moral sense of the country. Her
adoption of . the amendment is.a. sham: it is
a nick upon the government and a fraud
upon the freedmen. -
\o wonder the pill has no virtue. It
willhe 41 long time hetore the American
people oil! a-sent to such a tecoustrue
lino as this. They demand a fair and
hones. - reconstruction and reject all such
rotten material as this that. South Caroli
na offers. The;. want a fabric large
enough to accomnnulate :di men without
reference to v 01..: and strong enough to
hold them seen: ely. They' have commit
ted the supervision of the work to Cou
greys and we doubt not it will lie finished
That mothii paper.the Patriot unit Union,
vegan ly refiriKluced . through the columns
of the Spirit, is much exercised about the
de,igns . pf Northern and foreign capital
ists ag-Sist the peace and ivell being of
the negiit It charges these capitalists
viith desit in.!' to share with Sonthein
sia~dodders. the solid adcetages ttl ne
gro labor. and terms it a di,lionitt able
project. Its be eels of compassion yearn
largely %t ith sympathy for the poor negto
himself. Ile is now to ha\ c not one, hat
,many maitet s. - The humane attentions'
he formerly received of good food, first
etas:: medical attendance, not too much
win-k.-and a careful serutiny of his moral
condition. are now to be lost to lihn for
ever----as a freeman he i, to serve those
who have no ittpath for him. nor in
terest in his Welfare of longevity.' lat
'short he is still to he a lit-‘‘ or of wood and
a drawer of water, and may well ask wino
has he gained by the \N at for the Afi lean
and his lac -
The stupim..:. tthieh could suggest such
a qui stint' as this is only equalled the
unparhlleled imMulence which at this
late daY, would insult the iiitelligt_!nre of
our people by claiming' for the condition
of slavery a character thr Beneficence and
humanity. superior to that of freedom. A
base assumption which the :mullein peo
ple are the nHelves state
after :4tati• adopts the Constitutional
amendment. and %%bleb only atlvi)-
eatt-d and deft:ipled by the toadies and
t-eaters of the Not lb.
We am however lteartil glad th,tt the
Negro can give in onu Ns-old an answer to
this question. Will lie ' , at kfiletOrY
1.0 hitrlLf. In 6 - silt/talon, and to chri.,,ti
anitS-;:iiiTlThich will ttleutually reply to
and silenee the nit synipatll3 mnufac
tured try the Patriot and ri,i - m t 'and
dri•d i mp el , i n his hultalt. That ,WOl4 t.
-- f
-` -‘ -•- ." I ._ , t o- f.o. tt.e ,- '.ions or
as Coppetheads tote to call it. the ••v,ar
for the Afi lean and his race. - has given
the !African fieedom. and hegiving him
that has given hint everything. It is trite
Le has not immediately realized all the
fruits of ft eedom. but he has now the saute
opporttinit as the white man to weak out
his destiva nett anutteled and unshackh ii.
If he is still to be a hewer of. wood and a
thaw( I ~r 1311•1', ill Las the ,l o tion , 10 i-
Vil , q• Or evert w bite man, of choosing for
, _
w horn Iry rill y. , ': K. w hen he will mid:,
and how hard he‘i'ill' - c 111 k. and of receiv
ing for his own eon:fort the wages he le--
earned in the sc, eat of his 1111,W. If tbo•t
fin' \\llolll he works have no sympath . ‘ for
him or ‘ reg - at d for his comfort. he is not
compelled to stay --apt ivilege it 1% ill hard
ly be eonteneliil he pos.sessed tinder the
041,1 eghne. liting thus to all intents and
opuses his own IllaSter, it is loudly tio—_,
..iirle lii will fail in those humane atten
tions to himself, which Were ,ogflielou , ly
besto‘%ed by his tinnier nut--ter. and the
loss of which are so feelingly tiepin' ed by
our Copperhead Itiends. In all things it
is highly probable. hat lug the money in
Lis poulZet for his labor, he w otrill act very
much like a white man and not deny him
self anything it was within his weans to
pro\ ide. except perhaps that et, re . 1 0 ,1 too:
rid -scrutiny N% Melt in the good old days it
\Nag, flue pleasure as well as the duty of
every masto to furnish to his slave. Ile
will probably neglect the Ind tone of
those laws, now alas no loin er binding,
which made it a penal Mimic! to teach a
slave to read or write. and n ads him ig
norant and degraded as a br te, with but
little more knoN% ledge of theliere or here
after. It c ' lould be hatilly safe for:the
roaster now to exercise (la- beautiful mo
rality which prostituted his female slates
alt will to his lusts. and Which . bes,ide - was
a pr(vtitable morality to his pocket. ' Kite
10-s of this emend moral scrutiny the tie
2ro, iii,i. regret. but WV baldly think he
%%ill. Int the cowl:try we think he looks
back and regret , nothing in the bondage
Wide!' oppressed lihn:how - e% et humane
and benclieunt it way have Leen in the
,stim,,tion of 0111' COppetheall 1)101111.n
Nor does he look to them now for syut
pattLy or enemnagement in his new Coll
dition. All he asks now that they stand
by - . atid let him. at free man. w,; t ili out his
on it salvation, V.itllolo let or IliffillatIlle•
In regard to Nmthern and foi eigu capi
talists erigaging in great enterprise, in
the South and • employing largely' both
c tpit,tl and labor. even if it is negro, we
confess we copilot see anything discredit
able or dishonorable in the matter. Jud
ging limn the condition of the South and
the tone of southern papers it is just what
is . needed. We say God speed to all the
energy and enterprise that capital can
pour hit o the goal'. It is that which will
give employment to both tAhiteand hitter:,
and 'o restore prosperity to a put of our
hind Which in progress is now lOU years
behind us, and but for the curse of Sla
very would l have beeri equal with us. It
is that which will build school houses and
churches. spread learning and piety, and
finally give to - the South that prosperity
which we of the North enjoy. •
Qt he Stanktht Reposittm), (E4mbersbirrg, ip a•
CONGRESS n►ef on Monday last and or
ganized by re-electing lion. Schuyler Col
fax, of Indiana, Speaker, and, Hon. Ed
ward Mcpherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk.
The President's rats&lge_wasyead yester
day, but was not received at' the trine of
our going to press. It kill appeariu our
next issugt„
AT a caucus of the Republican Members of
Congress in Washington on Saturday ttiglit last,
the following resolution %%as reported and 'mani
intently adopted, and IN ill be offered in the IlouSe
- of Representatives by Mr. Stevens
Resarrd, By thetenate and House of Repre
sentatives in Congress asseinbled, that a jnint com-
Meeklimaf jiteen members shall be appointed, nine
of •%‘ honiabitil-be members of the Howe and six
of the Senat who shall inquire tutu the condi
tion of the States which ti rmed the so-culled
Confederate States of America, and report wheth
er any orAlietn are entitled to be represented in
either House of Congress, with leave to report at
auy time by bill or otherwise: anil until such re
port shall base been made and finally acted upon
In- congress, no member shall be received in
either House from riemy of these' said so-called
Coutederate States; and all papers relating to the
repi., , sentatires of the said States shall be refer
led to said committee %%Montt debate.
Mr. Colfa's wtoil000•ly nototnared for
Speaker by the (looms. and Mel'io;rgon for
'ho k. •
Sours C utot.INA adopts the Constitutional
Amendment abolishing slavery with the object of
piing, her Representatis'es into Congress, but.
utah7tit. hes to defeat its opefation by passing a
ta% voile ttiinch is a practical restoration of sla
very in about its worst forms:-leaving nothing
wanting but the nani. One of the strongest ar
*intents that ran bmadaneed fur negro suffrage
is presented in Southern Legislatures. is here laws
ore adopted wre , inng, :in rights trill the colored
people, and they are left without any rosoit but
ph .ir:el brie, and a resort to that w:nild be "in
:mi ilmtion, - and would Ming down upon them all
the poster 4.f our armies. 'Cheer rouditiou is still
one Tn cuininawith , •r.l, wp,01..- of esery one
iltir and ,l-nres lu s4 : e the tzight pre-
\\'onKs II Nnitts.r.i in; —We learn
that the '• holker Farm, - 2..9., hides 501ith. t ......t .1*
Rini-bur:;. has heen ,elected as the for steel
heaN) Anietlean
tin, country..
oi,. %sill be et Int ne i:17.1: and l% in employ man!,
hose. their add lartzely to the
I'Pula:ioa 1.1:arr....h0n.!. and alto that eit au
111111..11ii WI It• v.:1) of Fa:pent).
l'nt. I %.11 n.-1' tp. r own near
imuthod Atopt , t. :Lod is now
quite a, hull, a, it w a- at an) la,t year, and
- the bonbon* t, onward :n7il upnard.
material , ‘vlttell Co to in.,ke a new epaper, are zzo
louli that no one can well afford to publi , ll a pa
per for boo. , than double tin wire received before
the war.
' Dir. TIM; COIN IV A(.ll' rOit l . 01111•S ti. ue
61%. 'A...1 , 1+1:1 1 0.. 1 and the ed
iter and pubh4er. I , a luau et armadant 40litid
parts. aide and fearle , ,,u 111.••44 the truth .
We art ulad that Lr 1zr1)1,47,
Tut: Drnwroet ha , Leru pi i r.•ha, e d
Wm. letittedy, hae .1 the Shippembonz
&nand, and lII' 111litt'll %%11111110 1 ”lunhrr.
th•• 1•111.111,111(11 ,•1111,8 to be tinder the e v r..l of
THE Axikanoit Cmtry r last week on
au ,al,rc.•d •heel and in auentire new drcg..
•• fruit it- , tu•ad to the • foot- , ti,k: - Tl u • I 'ourt
er i• a st..rfing Union paper and null litel It , the
large patroluink. It visj‘ix.t.
—(1,11 :iClitt 1:% , 111V, t. , )1 . 11 . 311 , .t0 "TH.IIII
th • «iut.•r
—Kit Conan in Baal 1 %%oar hi- hair in the
ha- old.iinvil it pardon for (leo.
ho L. hi Fiat biro.
—Frank ‘N
11.1,14,11 I th:11113. on Fritill)
1. I ir ,•141 , 11 t
P /..••••11.1141 NVl,liirtgt”n ti.
;IA II I r l . of Ntalit Carolina. IA hi, ha.
d a w ! .•r..1 1 .1) ul. i. imprw.ito2. and i. able tt3
I imni hi, room
-I . 11:11'1 , ,, Buehler, w. 1.0 poits.z.r oi Harr! ,
f:dletz heir k the (loath of
L r !at r.e in German)
—Tire Rev. - I.)r ..po Witt. for maul }earl pug
for of tl u • N,; Selsool Pre>h}tet•tau Church of
and family tr.ttnlade,
ithia t;.r Iltivata uu S!turtla!, niterntmn, in tin
recenue cutter
Gen. Franklin •lia+ accepted ,wid enter
ed nimn the Mine: of the Pre.idency of tin. Cult
Arms Company of ILattford. Conn.
—Senator Oman :.itehen of a., like') to go
into the Interior Deptirtunlit. M'at.,hington ru
gtont connect kiA name mith that po,fition.
—llon. 8. M. Hai ringtom , Chaneellor of the
State of Delaware, died sudden!) in Philadelphia
'tin the :nth ult., from a stroke of paral3 Pk.
—Frank Gurley, the murderer of Com. Robert
31*Cook, ij to he executed at lluntb‘ ilk., , on
Friday 21, by .o-dee or wur Depart
President Of the rnited Sates has pla
ced n gOVetlllll , 2llt vowel at the control of Gov.
Clirtin, for use during his loptge to Cuba and
—lsaac the fluantei
iner, died on \Vednonlay m Pidladelpilia.toidden
ly and unexpectedly. no Was a name
kill. New Vial.
—A loser, of over sixty - years. attempted to
hang !limit:llM Lancaster She other day, bemuse
a girl in her teens jilted him Ile cut down
before life vas extinet.
—At a meting . of the Ilit.torienl Society of
Vermont, in Montpelier, on the 17th ult , Ilon.
Edvtard :WlTherson %%its eleetedit eorr - c,..ponding
member of the society.
—Hon. S. C. 1..-entlen, of l'onneetient, tma
been appointed to fill the %arancy in the ttoartlof
Examiner..d patents m,•11-4one.1 by the recigna,
lion of Thou. C Thenlo'T.
-1 he Faculty of the 'I henhnzie.ll Sl'tallCtrt of
the E}angeheal Lutheran Cloneli a Get
dvtertniu,d t",•tkl4,w a Prote-sorNhip in he
Called the 1 lot% aril
—The body of 11011. Vretitffil
tor .4 the port of New Notk, who committed sui
cide by 'mulling overbin'ird from a ferry-boat in
to the iitlllSllll riser. hag not yet been reelAered
—.la:oh P,uk•r, lln oetogenaTiati inethlier of
(•ungress film] .Nev‘ 01 kans. , aas-liorii in Maine,
in Deeember, 17711, and is now r , t; >ears old Ile
and is a scar relation of )r. It , •ujamin
itati i.•ea stated that the Preeident ha , par
tlondi;d.lohn Jtjtehell. Till, IR !Hittite. Itlitchel
did nut apply for a pardon, but took the oath
of allegjauce at the State Itypartita lit o hieh «:18
iittlispemidde in procuring a poo port
—H0n.150,51. C. elect from the
Sininghohl, 110. , district, t4ha%od hi, heard
prethinttioy to going. to,igtott. 110 ItA
under a belt-imposed oath not to nhave until ho
had killed twenty-five linghwhaekers. The twen
ty-fifth matt has droppe'd,
—lion. Geo. W. Julian, M. C. from Indiana,
while waiting for the cars in the depot at Rich
mond, Ind., a few days ago, wag kdoeked down
and cowhided by Sol. Meredith, Esq., who was
defeated for Congress fast year by Mr. Julian.
—John Hogg, of Baltimore, on Tuesday night
work attempted to murder a t‘oitian named
Elizabeth Campbell, by shooting her through the
body. She still lives, litit is dangerously hound
ed. Hogg after Warde put the pistol into his
month and killed himself instantly.
—The Lynchburg Va:•-Republican says that
Gen. Jabal A. Early is at Nassau, N. P., engaged
in v,riting a history of his campaigns. We hope
he will not forget his Chanibersburg•-xampaign,
where by his orders hundreds of innocent %%omen
and children were made homeless. ,
_ .
—Marshall and Freeke, convicted of the mur
der of the German on Bo) d's .11 ill, Pittsburg, were
on Saturday sentenced to be hhnged. Mrs. Grin
der was also sentenced to the t.atue fate, for the
murder of Mrs. Caruthers. The time for the ex
ecution of those three criminals has not been
--,On Monday night week the family of Daniel
Walrath,of 31antuqm; llerkitner-co., N. I'., con
sisting of litite4:ll,Nvire and daughter, about twelve
years of ageovere murdered by a party or par—
ties sit:knot% n. Watrath was shot . through the
head, Mrs Walrath's head was mashed in and.
the child's tht:mt wan rut. No clue to the mur
derer,: 11U13 yet been obtained.
frier dn of deli. Itatti are eornplaining
about his " annoances.'• It seems .that he has
bad his hair cut to ice smee his itupriqumn,.o, anti
they report through Not thern orgnns that_ Gen.
Miles took•chae a the •• sheat fag," litl:at
.1 etf. the last time dept 11,) ed-lin "eapillar c y growl 11"
before the officers conhl 41.17, tt Query : tiow
did he make ;Tay %%ilk tt ' As it could tint' be
found, are we to pre,inue tittttullnuea it
7 .-(l,en. Rene _l. 1)e olonel and lireN
Btigo , lo•r (;eti.•:',tl in the I:,.g.noyr coil. .11 the
U:nited Si.tteA ,i;ed a reo days ' , ince. in II
FrallriNco. A jath,.l.. v , a , a
Freneli otlieet nl.o Qi•I'N.C.I the :trill:. the ljt•V
-1,111111111 Ili , br”tber o •fit ~11leer of tile .srebel
artily in the late oar, and vile belieCe that earb
of the brothers ienl a , on in each ahoy. I;en.llt.
lluss4.y tea , more than.eight ears Of age, being
tia• oldest otlieer io the ,ety.ev.
3.lajor General C. IS it ler, IA a. mar
rt t
ed t , n the lilt ,toJi s Euttua l'a—etrd.
heantihil ;old areo*li,lred Baltimore
Theo. na. a larav attendance at this wedding
and reception, among , t whom ‘s ell' General 1 lan
c oek and 4aff, General, Wo.Jal besides many.
Other Officer., Governor Itradford. Mayor Chap
man-, .114:.• Alextunler, John Garret:John II B.
Latrobe, and man)
%sere present.
—The llon. Thomaz , Connn, lately mil.-
kter to MC.% brill: 111 \ l'W 101 k. lately
introduced to one of the Engh-dt raitsi.a.y_une.l
- recently trat ellitar, tll4,pulary heinu.
an Ohioan. Thie term eiidentiv nrirlyd John
Lull, %Om looked for a 11101111.11; a good do,al puz
-71e4.11 hull ever his face tqlthielli) i16U,..;1.1:01. and
..eizinz the hand of Mr. Cumin. ho oxpre“ed hi.
happlae— at maloug aegtauntaNt; , . avdsth,Ti
v.l‘ hi; tribe it a- .rt pt,te
with Of irfillts!—Mr eompb-xion
rather Indian.
-4 lt,vern..r Prank Lubbock, it J:exa,, Lett
Fort It.•lman•.uuthe3adult.. for fits horn.•. lie
that ,inee he has been a pri.inner ht. ha, been
;carded bt. and held familiar inteienin , e
the private , ehlier trent eleven dillerent Nil hers
and. had hr , knoiin uuu•h of them before
the aarastiinee. hiq conheiencel'i (m14_1110% or has 4.
ttilto.i'ed hitt, it, leave t h e Luton. lie belie \
lit ex p.-rienc.• «bile a prh:ttner, if he be;dr.m ed
to tell it. fad to to of.nntesersiet. ti, Tax
toss at .1 'triaging her back homu tikker flail/4AL
—William Barnes., rat eloquent and sincere &I-
I hi of the Methudtst Church, and who bus been
art netite wo key for the good of the cause for
fifty years. drsd in the city of Philadelphia '
last, on to i:m•itotrolt oceaEioned by
a snit hr, , ught agaimt hint by a parent for the
marriage of Lis child. a minor, it ahout his I.:on
sent, alt aith..ut the publication of harm 4. Ac
cording ,tl , th. tenor of a hats bearing date 1701.
th e Wine, of tom nage had t.. be I - midi:hod in pith-
For year , the statute ha!: been, null,
hot a learned judge decided that the law ism. still
m force.
—.rhe otlicial anaj.,rit) - ,7t )Zepuyitan. in
Ohio, OV.:r rgat . Domi.crat. '29.936.
—I: \ -Gov. Aiken lap; been vlecteil to Cont;rt•.R
trout the Charleston (HA riet of South Carolina.
—The I.vgi,hthire .f .11.!..inia hag cleuted
Ntee6r=. N. 11,,t14,.n aid l'arsowl,
s. Senators
—R. 31. Patt,,ll'B ilmj.ority - at , Ow .gdt•ti•d Gov
erii..r.ol Alabama will rang.. I.o%%ceit nic arid
sight.thon<and. •
—The Nol'th earoluta %fat+ ou the . anti-slavery
ordinance t‘: , •.—for, againht. 1,109. On
the anti-seces:njordwauce—for, ; against.
—Thr• Nnith CarniinaNisi:dun! has ratitir•d
the ami'ilincat abnlihlung '%‘ ith but six
neditive tnta•~. Five ipoul ittrtgrs hat u. also Inca
—Galena, the borne of Gen. Grant, has been
i•ecleethed. It 200 majority for the rnie'n
at . the lan , electlon nlji4ity
I tst 3 ear t+ as lilt).
—Governor Ilioniltoo, of 'Texan, has issued a ,
proclamation ordering an election to take place
nu .lanuar : 4 for delegates to the State•eons en
tion. %%Inch k to meet on February 7.
-111 e official majority of :larsliall (Rep.) for
(lorernor of 'Minnesota is 3,41 1 0- -The 14cuate
ttands, Republicans, 14; 14enlocrat., 7 ; the
House, Republican., V: 'Democrats, 13----gi‘ing
on jmnt ballot a Republican niajorily of 4a .
elected Go; roor olGrorzia.
"toil and litike iu Ilw I,lle't'ontiblition 01.' , H6t
tin• repudiation of the repel delit. Thiot 1 . :1e peo
ple of that State rebuke their Convention for
eontplymt,• %% Jill eintovand4, tutu
AloiN% their determination to pi:Fri : 4 111 disloyalty.
—At the animal election foi charter oflirers, at
Matron], Conniti•ticia, On 3ltintla)-, the IZetin.bli
eto ticket seas by majorities ranging from
thirty to four hunc-ea. Milford, fora Nei es of
yr:u••, has been the stronghold of the Ih•mocraey.
Like the protlica) foa,the Cir., and State., that
departed fronil the I 'Mon cam:, are r.•tw•miig to
the fold.
_The Ceti eroor o f ()re:mu has ealhEd an ex
tra BeBsion of the , Legidature., %%Mel' i 8 to meet
on thmeniher sth. Th.. 1 - nioniNtB of the State
aro anxiouB to reeord the ;cite of their State
among thohe x‘ho have ratified the Constitationfil
Amendment, and tint, tlOlB de'alt the final hlam
to Fla‘ery- As the l'oioni,as, control both bran
ches of the Legislature, the I Mille:Ilion kripre
gone coridloiloil.
- 7 Ncw Jersey' politics lime been con;dderably
Gtinrti In the report that the Republicans will
mule:icor to unseat Itlih Stoc•ktnh, who was
declared to be elected United States Senator
from New Jersey last winter. The facts in the
ease are repo' ted follows : By the la‘x h of New
a majority of all the u4 t •rs present must
support a loan in order to elect hall. The %%hole
number of ' , t otes mutt nt the election last winter
was 111, of Which Stockton received 40, plurality,
butilot a majority. - Tho United: , states Senate
will not now be asked to declare that he is rot
entitled to a seat.'
—The politicians of New York city are in a
terrible "muddle" concerning the mayoralty, and
different factions are daily bringing out candidates
to suit themselves. So far, Tammany Hall has
nominated Recorder Hoffman ; the Mozart Hall
and Citizens' Association have pit forth the name
of John Hecker; the Republicans, Marshall . 0.
Roberts, and the M'Kcan democrats, C. Godfrey
Gunther. The Herald tuts speculates its to the
probable result : Mr. Heeler, supported 1.1 the
Mozart wing of the democracy and the Tribans
clique of. the republican party, in addition to the
counnittee.known as the Ciliziais' ASsociation,
will doubtless make a good inn, especially as the
eplif between Tammany and Mozart seems to be
in dead . earnest. Mr. lloffinan, the Taunnany
candidate, will get the bulk of the vote or that
faction. C. Godfiey - Gunther; we suspect, still
draw pretty I:easily - upon the original rank and.
file of Mozart. But den ratie thr
ees and the. floating materials diQed amorst
HeekiXtillintlidr and Hoffman, there is a pretty
fair prospeß uirMiThetts. If 002.1 w: the
liens candidate some years ago , lipped iu belts een
to a dennicratie candidates, surely there inteir be
a giant opening bon for Roberts. with the demoe
rail divided among three candidates.. If the re
publicans unite they can elect 'Roberts, from pi es
ent appearances; oths rut ise the pi Utility of Gree
ley for Hecker will probably glue the, victory to
lloandm. As things now stand the odds are is
fat or of Marshall 0. 'Roberts.
niLITAny iNTELLitalscif.
—The 214, IUIII, 1 th and •313th Pvintqfb.d
nid regiwctd 4tncc beta 01' 1 / 4 1%101 to ill! L111LA1 4. 1%1
—We learn front l'ranc;,A, that I.ieut.
I 'm . " • I. with ~.ist3 Calliornias..dtint. ers,
and ;t Imt‘ll7t.l', meehtly did hattle . x%itls a hand or
titi...! tip•lits-ivel in till. IV:11(
1. One hundred and twenty of
the 1... a One 4,•lilier v. a , hilt
ed and Iwu wounded.
—Tht• iollitary authorities 11,.f I larrisburg . r
Leer. ordered to prepare, nod have 'IIOW !warty
cotopleted. a (.I...hit - Jett report of all the casualties
ocent red in Petta•lvaltia regiments thine
the 6e2,intitutz of ttte ‘Nar. This report includes,
17•.,:n1e- a 11.4 a thine killed in, action, died of
fro-tad,. and died of.di•was,, all dei:ertiott,, , :,
oral& and dt , honorahle resignatiots,
dt-nu4,[ll , and Rhieringo of oflieerz. &c.. in each
reuitnent pre ion, to it: final , unt•der-ant.
data for the repot is obtained froin the inn,tet
out•ll,l, liana, of the s l.ll3ntant I.;.nletal of
fe• Stab and ging . Ftill filled A\ iththe 111ffi1:11
rl.ord , at I'd 4.lnirf and I'hilad&lpfda. It
1,, alread) a , certiftned that the number who
died,4l on , pal ith tlicnumberkilled
i t aetion and died of AN O , IIIIIS, an 1164111` e . L•lit 141
tolliNion on the New•Jerse Central
Seven Killed and Fifteen Wounded
Frolay, lie,• 1,1;5.
The We4tent exrres, frail:, which Lett Hai
at :t o'ch:ok nciming, ran int:t a coal
rain at White lion,e, N. irt the Nei -,141.,vy
Railroad :it ahrint ti cluck thi, martin n,
home n,€seti permnis and tigintaißez flagon
it aprarii that a coal train going
reit a ear ( - it hay I/II the other [nick. hilt [lad
riiken from a freight train..
The express Iran. boOnd WeNt «n<d a and the
or.gineer or the coal tram topped train and
ordered the breakinan to stop the car or throvs
it front thr• track, le‘ it «a , attillg dean the grade
oetty_ rapoq and he desired to prevent an' aeci
,".Whiltpc9:,,lTumg ms train, and
found that part of his train had become uncoup
led. Ile then hicked up to couple the ears, and
while (hog it' the Western expt ess train bound
Ea , t ellllll' rancid curve, and ran in the rear
cft his train.
When the engiifeer of the 'Western - express
tram ered he dbal 'train, it %%al about z=oo
feet from him_ lie resersed Ins ermine Immedi
ately. but could not stop tie train. - lie saw no
liaLmran. Ile did not jump from the - tram. hut
stuck to hi. dogine to the last. NO one on the'
enume al in the baggage ear %%as injured.
Tile Innzgage ear ote , diiceei into tke..tirit" pas
henuer can and ju.t soups as it were Ikl.l thing
:ime the toPs of the iris, :NA-bails. •
(hi the bottom of the baggage cur were toil
piee. fit timber,ttl.ich cattle directly riser the
heat, fra either side nest the aisle. tome
sitting lioNt 111•-• 000. but (lulu,-au serious itepny
ti, shoe silting !text the \\ ludo
A m• ,tlenom alibi, elirectit in the rearof Mr.
saw the roodlol, nod d o d ge d Ins
head dotvi Lehi s ti, top of the seat-bark, by
\\ Mel: he ...aced himself Info' injur).
p,i...swagers to the other p :A 'of ttw'train
,raQtained m. injury 1% leitever.
Saute of the %%minded hot, been brought here.
and e er) atteutura is tulip shun u them 'by the
officers of the rail of the A\ muds are
It %11l \VAR —The Nevi (
leans Cr, : , (1 at give , an incident illtiArating a reit
title of Solitlietn the war. A relic
o f Il i ,. p. ist is .0.11 js at m a n, hearing upon his fare
the of mitny 31.:.11g ' nil? , Mall
,triiiits daily, hearing the maths of tin,-
lot time, atind the ft iyinhi he had known in better.
tear, but %%till, an appearance so changed, lint`
ran hardly recognize in hint the Merentio of the
l'resciitriAlt. the gay. with and elegant gentle
limn, 'Alio "'ii :It ver, leader of
Seedy habiliments, a IWat imtly soil
t%milikl. - .1 b y 11111 i teratt'll all to 111111
that was famill it in the meit.. Inheriting a great
liirittnii, he imirea , ed it large]) by tnitiTiage. nod
from his plioit ,, il/11 at the bar hail nut income qq.
lotto or lilt) tliiimand a lent and yeeiii‘ed a
feebit IL claim lii real t ., Zatt . in
the ;oiler rat( ul the cite ealth he Feat
tered urth a prii,rrlr gentirii , it3 and rii3lll profit
-1!.. %Vat , a at home and
!alit ii , icred to all the ittiagnititicitee-of the air.
vivid Roman' he aim.- i ri,i ng h.
,iiiree that oil, anal whim
I,ll.liiiiir :111)11,111g et t•t• helm.' 1.111.1% II beer Tla•
Ne•l')_tlll4,l.,‘ datir,•l'S 1110%141 'l%,•:‘•
raVeled tuth hectiie 'the %Volk of the
too-t ttji•otal.ll-toed at ti.t thett in New. (illeatt , .
HIV h:11.4)11 lIVEO gallitiTlU to MI'S ..r
-rawattl Stood iittt 1104.1 . i-11111 . filled e ith
Iffitt, and Illo• other tt rth gold, tut the 11.4 , 01
t•II• uuhnnuuttr with hod.
The di : pe+•er 01'
midi, hta t'eiatltee. lle taitt t.t
biS With rut azi,l doe, 11 ,4
11,t train the NNorld tad :1, , ,1;1111 , t it, hl,l , T,nu ti l„u
at Ati'll',A , llt thnatt4lt the %voila it al: a
plea-alit ;Intl tithatte tainater, as if he hal -till ti l t
itwel) fortune it enmgtand. „Stich en,- ti•
ate vet:slam] il t et• the %%at., and lit the •• I?elie t - tt
the p: t'' the . rl :4" Ala,. been happy i t ,-
bliitging 0 1 1 (me of the he.,i leattite,tl the Smith
ern pt•eplit It i< not a tate' Leta .ett a
threadbare man pet-,ittg It) ht, et% it taw h mt e i t ,
piihht•Shioll Ot. ILO t.:lß:j_ll‘; !Ow h td plata.t.
1,.1t ant it.:111t1 11W11 !“ , •11111
ttigtied as 11 hr had jattt ten,. It out the
411..18. 111 ItNer ;-tettthet it rift'' ran he lie
...mutt noble own. t tim , ed by . the xiar. yet . content
in the thetight tt.,t the sarriltee %Nat: made ler
A IZI N 1%1.11 (411:1. - AND 111:11S1L1.1 . nlm
With the assastaliee ui the police, the liimids
u young girl, %Om had foolishly Cllll :111111 1 . 114111
111C140:44 and timid), succeeded yesterday in discu
mitig•lier in this city :she is the daught, t of a
steamboat pilot, lititrg at Netvpurt, appa.itt. (
and left there. vi Maga cianiminicating
her intention tit 11110. 146141.1 t the vi eeks ago.
F44l' let Ii a mouth her parents remained ill an
agony of ettspeme and anxiety, uttet•h i, Ja a•a a t
of %Ono had bec.alic of her, awl natio:Ill) imag
ining, the uor6t that the peenhar eilk111111411:111e043
,agg..sti.d. But itunantic they
ale called-1110 110: matter of fact enough to cal
%%hat pain they inflict ou Mome alw love them.
CMO day it chanced Intl a the l a the!, a
L. 4.4 101010011 4,1 11444.1 arculentally met
ant, ; l ad racoginzed her, lie tilted her that she
14.:14I doing here; and she readily and artful!) ans
wered, V. all an admirable aseuniption ut inno
cence, that the was on a viiit to a friend. But
there uas stimet hing made, he gentleman suspect
all %vas not right_ He made inquiries, asetataio
the had run away, and immediately adds d
her lather of the fact that he had Ael.ll her. Ye,
terdo) Morning a cousin of hers arrived from Cin
cinnati. and. ohtaibicg aid from Chief 'Arne:, weld
forth or z,earclii of her. After considerable-trou
ble, she v, n t filially trarhed to a respect:Ode house
on Fit , : streo, where she hid procured board
under the nante of Manche '1,1310r.
She was very muelt vexpl-and mortified—as
is usual %%fib romantic git rt-s-at people being k;nd
enough to save her from tvm. and bagged the M.
fiver to let her go. Instead; her entisin, who had
been IN atehing for her at the post . ollire, was sent
for and.intiodueed to her. It is soil that she be
haved «ell enough while here, and that she re
turns to her family cs ith an. unblemished reputa
titm. Probably it she tries sum'ar exPiu intents a
few times more, she may not prove so Mrtunate.
It seems she was stage.strurk, and came ou here
to get eonneeteil ith the theatre. She had been
seeking au engagement as a ballet girl. A few month: of expel ienee in tlttt llue of business %%mild
most likely have cured her for life. Tit' sill)
child ‘‘ho has been the came of all this anxiet),
trouble and expense. is only a little over fourteen
.learslof age —PiMburz Dibpatris.
t'ot.r.‘x 1 7 .ximn , ia) icy I'tsNsvLv.wtt
-Ilnn. Mr. (...t.5.,11:1. e;ininnaii rentlSlva.
bin. Union Mute ('lnninitteo, in company ith
abort tv,i•n!t nn•lobri . : ,, of that etninni!tv. , ,
upmi tho lion 1 4 e10* . h.r Coltax I , n Sahli - day night,
and pr....ntvd the re-ohtint.r, 111.1.:1
Mi:1111111i111.4 adopted Icy that - Ctill1:11itt01.,
i...uncintod in hii rperch deliv
ervd in \\";Asi: . ,gton too weeliq ngn.
Mr. Ct. ,, in the course 1/i Li, 1 . 111:111s , , F:1111
ttu•t had ‘NatO.,,, , d 01 Mr. Colf,x in
C • ul.•hao %( itli a ;;re .t 41cal interv , t
an , l,-Npri,sed giatificatiim that, cu
d,n•ed by liis tclhnc-tnrmber~, he t zt d,•stinud
1,. fill the sraker's chair, the
h old:-ehar.4 , 41 v. ith so mach ellkieury and pup
1).1r. ('olfax, in reiel). said: - rhe re.v.ard :.;d role
11(1..ewe• e,f ee,,‘ n ceenstiteient , wet,. a 1 , .% apt lcutl!-
1 awl appreciated 1,) %Own 11,e.
leta'ile.. lA' thr 1 - itieen Nut) eel ;a git'at
Stntf.Jilw tlait /If I'vtin , 3 1 , . - ani,ete.nelored bine ,uide
1n al trainfe.. , laneenseef tli ir;(fereeval, \No::
call , e. of cratilehlo apel ft. lust
I l-.; I,:et- 11. e. timer %then the• seeil attn. roped,-
I:er:\ le) nee tread eel etent , n,ite , ..: al Inie•-;.
and ne,• de lenders it net. eau•e 11,
4.,.ltt,teted ;di the prejmli , groiNitez out of 1:1\
ii•il;, 4k6t. and Ira` draft, it thrilled
he Ite;111,411hil lo)al tnett Chit the , _sett SLtte of
I's•un , 3lraoi.l. ;;arc her electoral ,:e foe those
pot riot 4. I,iaeol.t awl John•oo,
a!! l'ettlys)lvit,i-i., with the ,o 1
joining S:atec; tit Netv .Ter , ey, awl .-..Netv Yoh, re
odeelstrely their afturloneht to the great
cot :.:at e renet% ed 1:11110 to :111 tiro.. , ' who h.:4
qweit r.othlttl 14) the Coloo in it' hour of !well.
the moil five their ::r a re in the erect
~:L Ot )1 111IlV:1 t 11111E4f:1, and the ;tt
L ;1 0 i - wilted it, and it ao‘.l iyia 6:10.1 1 . .. r tie•
Semitors toal 17. , "pre , ei,litli%e: of- the peep:e, ht
and litleiji% to ile• and
4,f mei tonnaei:y, to com
plete the %yolk stow 11,t!eil to their lattafe.
II" 11. at ,iit.4 inflicalion;! ivi• the Font
i-e that the} could sta n d to kiioulder,
toele t ;l2, amd lid - lex:Ms in the path of ant).
THE Sfn ru ANL) Till: N r —The
Vl - 411,i1(4t.:1(N.1%) Daily Di.spati orNovvlhbor
-,;•,) ,
•• o ur exelt r,•ceive.l yo.teri.
mot.. 111.11 the le2iblatur.• of 5..1.1 It Cato
tl ha+ adopted th • anti-,late.r . } 'atnen.buent to
the ri.;',441 States Con , ti:ntion, little op
•We th e 0pi0 , ,,n. is ,tt•
%.•-•.orday, that our el% a. 111•1
11 , 1-11111 e to 11111eet Cl.lirSe
the : 4 4 qllll (.',1ro1i1.:1 10:Z1 , 11011re blit::-11e0L1:11e1114
1;011 ilopre,e , a.:l
•• 111./Wt vet; 1.1'1V% 11`.1nu . the pt,..ple of the South
Ina 3 be to aoeept the ,intatikot at , it they ore
:.11 :,tare that the in, lat•
pr .e.tie.dl) te, d to ..xi,t. We 141.11.141. 1:1% sty
on 111.1,1..11th 431 the %Nor. Every one till 11111111 t
- W111•1 we l%.•111 tub the coni;'...t ne .dl felt
;!..,t, %%di, in-tittitio:; %A - wild I,e per.
11 , 10:111111: hat that v, ith failure. It would he 1111111- t.ith 1110 ti ing.i that Isere. Thi.4, we he
tio 0, is the genet al ,entitnent of the people: 1.1111
tle pre+tun.• 11011 . there Ns ill be but little oppo,i
ion to the adoption of the prdp, amendment!
John , ol: intiniateg..Nery strongly, that
ad , I our-e. it pursued by the state I,e2i,latti re:4.
tend :Ireatly bmarda•the reAoration of the
eit .1 you or mid the , sion t of the sontlol n
del .. gation in IVe hope that course of
lel,olwlllho mink/tea 1.1131 will
iitelvell,llll our "ty— 4.. r e, in rather a hal
' tix,' and it i, not 'aspdett•ltionu
meaty+ of gettin,v outof it. All the,statestuandlip,
tnioleration and jtolinetit of the Southern people
aunt he e - xerei,ed in the elisistl.rotiuti which we
are now : and we can hope for a bet
ter limit.. than pre,ent indication:4 pt Tio•
ship I,: a:4round. but the crew inu-d not de,ert her
nt dellatr
WI ENGL. vi t).—Ai, at le in Vir labt
of 111.-Itro.orr, s:
- In the Ti(oit titan no longer a
or that I.orl-l'.tinier-toil hail - made ti
III:I'd 10 to tt. r n i:h the Federal States.. :fhe
I::nivergir of tile Freurli, hortall,n- long righted.
had there
I t 'o ni.h hint in the C.ildnet.inen to in toon
tri,(11.0,1 tit 4 wider and,oll,
iirvolful. the tit' , -ailes bent to
01Ild joint' riovored a blurt and a , l.
11,Tall-t. a tli•01 vyingly(' fir iietion ( ( l e t ,'
bore e.t(orted it to the oath elte , ..t•e. h.
/111%n tftere,„tt at ti:tt t.;•-•t•
n o ; only M. (il,td•tone, Mr. .1(Itior (o, and
Mr. Villiers, lint :Sir Getirt!(.‘ 'ortm the
ino , t subtle of I,ll:ifiCal and I' ~, j
11.11.i110 4.1 The t.rtiele • :it the t:fil.•
..1 ii , Tre4 Englund had a long .(lit
rag(, to ht•licruli , :tvd lin% It II 211
in the A•l(l.irti fret treaty. The Staten( tl, as
th, it taco territory. chat tlie2. I(ad in [Lei,. vo..
, e—ion the eleare,t proof to Vowed 10 and as
to r eav this oitrr, , ,te, the I•dirlid - ot tSati ad
to Ili' Intro tip t(ti lLr moment nor On.
pinion by an Ao l eliean torte; illl alit it at it
1,0 , 1 1 , 0` , 0-, , ion of. Those, pith tither r, Lid
not, t het elote. unimputta:a wi t :lidded and
—Th.• Trimt outrage 'such (ppm.-
tunil iN I . IIOIIM iu'ver he rlii ! ,-+•tvd t, •
rightm:: drat all,, by a ”iild
h I' lO . I'IttiOCI till' 1% ',Ole nurll. I litil
1.,0rd L'ahnerstoil V.IIS (1,4:1 %l , i.. 1111•1
II", he '.. , outheill:•3ltatt , 11..111,1 hare
jotterenttetzeo, and IIITODO• to tOitt • .t ,
;;.•I,' our be-t
%I A'. G(it -,Nolt Ittl
t•r111,1. rat/ \\ IllloW lin ti.l•
li) '4l
1.11..C111/11 itela 111 / i t , all
(.1.111, ',lt till tint tirelL•lill,l the llkt,
41 , 1(•c::, - .!I ht.
11144 N.lttts ea , : I :t
Ittt.:1!) rttgi . .,tittttl : fir :hi M . \ •91td ; ,:pa
II tilll tr,itty, (toroth... , : • at-ttl it:., r
It ell .1, Olt, I.:IV
•;:t: , ::tetiLr3 re110t . .4. I , nr t.or
bvi!.v, iu favtl• of r+ li.. :4
szit rettit 114 in v ml. t •t , I.( Cott'i:ll
11 , 1111111.• and rile r , .te 1111 . 4,‘‘ a 1.111 . 1111:1 , 1"
It that, a t .
:non. eNN•TINiIeIy disrea
the ~thet di:l...ion , 61 !Lc Stall.. Mit
"1%, -tttc,l•• votiut) in tii
MI 111 a non ar,...1,111:g ni.d that
p n't G 9 v , 11:‘ , 1
Vat. or I.oll,ity
,I•r) nilC,'i rnnutc hviou 1.1.1,,v..0 out. In the
S M. AI tn.Sl r. reit n the
•(,•I‘ed 1716 Note_ 11/ 4.101 1%.-
ja I.!. It ; 1%1/ td IS. .M..r.•
..t I teil lii h., of ii i
.1,, VII I I '2:I•
1.1IMI•lIT, I.' coil npr i for the ot
ILr entiie ott. e.v.t ni .111:41t-t tea 1.11,7
e , lily!, is roc: reduced to tttt.z.o.l. 'the Govo'rrior.
that he ba, 110 di.:1 , 4 lint that a larp,e•
pall of Ibe later , in the rej.•eo.•d c•ortnetiea ae•re
eatizl.4l to the Intavl.i , e if the law had
d eitln. The remedy lie 9 hi a new
rot!i , tration Th.. lax+ ha, been framed for the
leo pee at eNeltuling rebe•la from votina, and the
Governor i. oispoFeil to enforce it literally.
I\•ONDERITI. BAISIE:s;—The Cotianissioner of
Cu•itoms. nho has recently been making every
e;l ,, rt to qttppresA the extensive smniatling opera
tion= %%hie!) h,r a loog tinte r have 'Wen going on
atot,g the c, ina ,t a trontier, has rrei% intelti.
gene, Inns the revenue detvetiveh stationed there;
110 P% deteeted nn ingeoit ma mellow for et -
veying NN ta-hy from Canada to the United States.
'Fhe.itt-tti.on tit' tile i%as attr,cbsl the
ext hinoher ol v.lllllll until habi t ., on a
all to ad tram hound to the jVnited and
thou' -mitieums pet, Ill'ellrell hunt tow fact that
out of 11 , 11'13-two " bles•ed bidden" 1,1 t: 1000 gave
eddence of the itreitre,dble animation peculiar
otjtiven_iles. The "pothers," likewise, seemed
especially anxious to screen their little innocent's
December 6, 1865.
heads. (rani pr)ing,
to their bient4t,, au.l pornottn,:t cm y wat L 4
tie feet and legs, eit•a:cd in tiny and shirk
ings, to be exposed to the giz.. of the paswiig,ini.
The detect ix es - Were 41 the al, l t. alai at !la- lir,t
shitien this' side of the werereveral et the
pw•sesAirs of the ininsive juveniles belt the halt].
one of the ri quested lie] inbtion
of a I 111) L, 11 , thl " her %%dle She ali g hted.
Stniclt mith the unusual oeight if the intant. and
the exressiVe solicitude of the mother, the officer
counivile,tl Walla hug the
wraprings.diseiwered that the iott•riut ea, a tin
ease. twailuned Otter the similtude of n veritable
ith trout thrt.i. to live gallilus of
IN general descent was at once made
on the bogus latalliaA, resulting tiff the of
about thirty and the securing of over one hun
dred gallons of old ri e. •
1.1 RE:-Toitr.a—The fallowing, proclamation has
just been issued by the PteSident of the Uuited
States of America :
Whereas, by the proclamation of the President
of the United States of tho fitteenth day of Sep
tember, IStl3, the privilege of the aril i.lhatteas
corpus teas, in certain cAses therein ser forth, sus
pended throughout the tTnitcd States: and t% here
aq, the reasons fin• that suspension 'may be regar
ded as-tinling ceased in $111111! of the States and
tlwrefore, he it known that T, Andrew
John-i:1, President of the United State., to
hereby proclaim and declare th,it the stivensiiin
atoresnia and all other iirochtinatiotoi and confers
sulteigligg the ',civil. go of - the wtit of Itabons cor
pus in Ito- :Rates a n d territorieti of the United
st a tes ire rccitlieti am! attottileil,ifrrpting it , to
the St.itos of • Virgoti.t. - Kvotooky. Tettitetwo,
North c.a.:ilia, South Carulioh, it.u,iia, Hurl
(l,k, Ala: , ono,,•Appi, Lotti,iota, Ailian-as
tool l'ox7o, the District 01 Colutishi.o. :mil the ter
ritotice. of New Mexico and A rizotat.
In ”itttet , s tthcreut I haresa my
baud egused the real of the rutted Mates to
Dourat the city of Washing:on, thi,, Ist illy
0 December, lz_ 4 05, and or 1., hulependem.e or
the l'oired States Of America the ninetieth.
ANDI:Lw JmiNsoN,
Ie : the Thesident—W3l. IL Si.' IW, •
- Seerehir) of State.
OgyruNitiv.—l'ht Man zrha I:rfasnl lo Haul
Down IGr Amrriran Flag —'l'here died i,terday
at the-A:toted Staite4 Hospital :it the I.lrooklyn
al station (a palace aalllMl ha+^pitak, it,. tt at )
a Li. sailor:who though in Mould,. station, toads
km-elf a ',sting lame. 'William el /LAN a) %% aa,
in 1,0:1, 1.11 old s,.ilor in our n it), liaVing ,erred
',lnc forty 3 ran , : a 4 au enii.ted .ailor, Ar April,.
, lie gas stathated the \Varrentiiii (Petisa-,
c o la) natal station, Florida, ;mil 1% as the num
hom the traitor F. D. Itershaw, , of the old oa
t}, ordiTed to lots er the riiire.l Slat., flag on
the seC4-Poion of the State. Mu'. Cloth ay. in reply
to this. older. answered th it It • nUotildn't .1., it."
The order oat repeated in0re.p.,..ir0012..
ate=wered the old ' . l have sorted
ender that fla g f o r forty year.,and I do it."
"Flur rebel lieutenant did not oy t ot e r
.11r. Cottway tv:is sent North mid here remained
during the war. I lit reeeired It oat he citizens
of S3ll Francisco a gold medal clan y of
hi , gallant act hm of the oeca•ion referred to. and
this he had 011 his per,o '. .at the time of hi. death,
together IA ith letters trout s..ere:aly Nl'ettes p u ll
(;.tend Italleek peai•it.g him hes devotion to
fie %vie. a hativa of Camden, Malay,
and alma: siAt3-three yeat:l if :lg..
filmrat i to :; P. NT.. from
the' 1;411 , 1z:if.;wiral (2.110.1iu Poillock
of di. , card
A% 111 be pri , tqa,at th, itt.,01.11 to do L0..,0r to Ow
gunaut. de
ad.N. Y. Ifir#l4.
I WRING Speaker stir :It Lake
(`ay, ,he reek iced a forma l• float thigh:on
Young. While thel, weo• t,' , gether upon
the •or.i, Brigham 8,1,e,1 the lollop
'lr. collax. w hat hind of a d, legate slid Capt.
11,,,,per make for its in ! dr. Cult::".
r, plied that Capt. 11. was a gentleinan, attentive
and he thought he had hem, a good
delomte for the Territois. Let it be wider-tood
that Capt. Hooper had barn appoi n ted by Brig
him 00 a Me,ionary to Europe, and: was nothing
arraiwenients to leave. Immediately. atter
Cir. olia.x's reply, Brigham put his arm mar
Illooper's si.ollder, and a•ked him , ••Captain,
bowTiumid WI like to go to Congress again f - -.
"Very ninch." Captain, "it you I hink inn
worthy •'' "Well, that is all right," said "Brig
ham:. This Was he presence ul llessrs. Colfax,
Richardson, Brosslind Bowles! From that mo. ,
meta Capt. limper was looked upon its the sue
ecesor .3 n a g ,. although Ids name bad
truer been mentioned in that gannet:lion belbre.
lii, elertinn mum after billowed, but merely tie a
matter of form, the voice of Brigham being the
voice of God with tile people. Judge Kinney,
the (Miner delegate, had endeavored to get an
appropiation 6-I o tit 0 fir Government surveys;
1 Ills was I lie w eight that pulled lion dow ii. Brig-
Itain,wanted no Government barn.) a Iff landd the
Lord had given to his Sahib,.
TOE Ft:ist ‘N • now ap
peal's that James itztevelison, the Itirh Fenian
did battle the English anthoritir. in a hold
teat, for some time pre% ions to his arrest. The
eiitellorldent - 01 (hi, Iris .1
phi) . ed the gentleman of foxtuur-1 he man
of means and i..ispeni..i.ce tastes. lii.teallof
shout the ill prac:,i,rB
or slerpiog in low halgilig he tented
a haild-onii• mansion in the iwittlihoilmoil or the
its, he pin chased ai - s imnitit) of ,plefulid furniltctc
ti , r it.—pa , siitg all the time a. Mr. Pei Let Lson
of a I 'iiitestarit minister of that ill the south
Ireland—he ezimliiett tiardenei s and a wonkier
, •1 - cilk•pvilple ill liewit , i)ing the wounds, erect
zreen house., a moss-laillse, so forth.
this seek he hail pnrdha'aifuJima In 1s ii
tioutlik north of I latit , for his gardens mid
t% aelt.ll 111/ hi/
tl . l* of a loan or prupery: wrd ; 1111N, while the pii
hee mere %%Welling peit t ars, and
).. , :iraot. of eveiy sort, he e•wajwil
'en days to,. It is stated that the irvcistiitte
it Lc n applied to for a It art au: the pace
to 1 1 the In Um`, I Cfll/“ . ti gite lilt t':,,n
-,.(l,•rif:a as H.111(9,1.1: the f.:1,111,,h; of sr, picinu
, 11 ,, V. II a the iletei : tit But snliseipientl) ilia
io ., ;1:11 . 0 35as teamed; to rhi,uul IL,- it arrant
and the pollee ptocirde.i on
TIIE :\IAIITVIti:1) PR r,trd'NT.—Tia. 1.114 num
,l•,•r or the I..oaden Simetator rlitintiks att
ti: a long renew, or I.I9mICA and
"To our rnitaln filta.rd 1 4,1 al wi t .crer
t•NtttAltl iu patios,: that the I't o:ident,
(letlivatiog tt< a nation..l ceinetut t jilt of the
6.itth•-tt , .1.1 4.t Ut4ll3d4lizz Nw•
in %, 11101, 1 , 141.111.• t.l l,'t• I:it:M.(4'lA inn Proc.
ldittatatti he the inn Con : , t•ite, to sacri
fice sl.ll.ery, not at their tt‘A o t 60 :it the
cltitettst• of .1 Ita• ttatiott, t.tttittl,t,tlut the
depth :tar atisenll.ens i.f its viil
:1/zaisi sp . :11.111g or hiAlt.;; l :linel aelcr.ll: eats :
- PctilaitS 1.111(a1.1.,‘ , clia tau , I.iit It
`1,!1 ( 1I3. / ut 4 st 1,4 it lit 1, Is :tin lin
ppreciatetl he the ople at I.ttge.--
I'l.s• (sits•gt•lt Ili , let
zilch;.dtitrat, elttli%erVd ot.i . f the V;;;;1.3.1 ha before hi,,
‘11:11out a 1 , 1:er:4;641%1e:i0n tlint it
t , the ra,1,1e,11 lo.,:t‘n to Ithste
ry. anol vltotilli have. f o r ti e 1111111.11 ,t, t t c „...
it.ttil he !cart, (whim( Lnll , t•tltt.el I,ivL!'4,l a (.tiered
dad .l•tt , l 111 111 , 111.:itt Z.l.littst it. •1.1111
‘Ntct et' 'V.: tacit ra A:tta_. r ctac, 4,1 lire
1 . 1 1 of ;(1.! . .. 1. 3 .1_11% 1.1 ill . . 1•11;13, ;11.11 11l 134.110
l% ripen 111 a itcritid tut rvr :to
tatll , l.lclcl) l'Nelutittil the puiti.thtt t-I
and breat;:ed nu yule :1 • , :t :tat Ittiligkal
it.tarc) alit] jttlitice." •
Wilvitt: IlEct - d, 3IoNi
11. (.16 on, Quarj.vrtiwnier C. S. A., Oro. E.
Tay lr. Quart,: nidsde, t.. S. A., mid Hobert
yr:, ate in rebel on the eahjug tip
o f
Ii l.'s min). were in-Rieloniiiid, obit lad :Joint
sl7 1 Mt in gold belonging to the retie! go% VI 11 . •
t1:0111 - a tits posses,um, Aber lea% Mg Rich-
Ileth, under 'orders runt Taylor and Otb
soli, buried about :322,000 of the amount near
th„ Ilan riv er , i n Not ill Carolina, V. hick they
subsequently dug up and spent freely in and
about Inelimond.- - The Beta beemnine known to
the Government, Tay lo j r and Heth, about two.
weekt ago,-were arrested in Richmond, taken to
Washington and placed, in the Old Capitol. It its_
suppwied that nearly all the money has been spent
by them : but the Ooverument has succeeded in
obtaining possession of about $4,000 of it. The
pri-oaers are still held to await further develop
A PIIILADELPIII.I pattrrtells a 'Story of - a re
imn Wile old man in Northumberland county,
Pa., who is'about one hundred and eighty years
shong andactivethat he %%in walk
five miles to town and back again in h•ilta day,
ithout apparent fatigue.
,lle has in his house
Iwe nt% .tiftir clocks, all going, one a `lade faster
Lhan tine loiter, - so that there is alnio,t a continu
al o reins, s to sell late W . 1114111,
an.l , a% a they are his 'obi) yompany at night. lie
etas- born ho tjertnany, and when a boy tame to
Penns; lvania, haying sold bima-llfur4ho I.assrge
to servitude for seven years. lie is pw a nitai
of wealth.. - _