The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 29, 1865, Image 3

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    November 29, isto
WAVNESI3OII(' fTEMS.—We learn from the
Rdoid that a meeting of the citizens of Wash
idgton township was held on Saturday last, relit-.
tire to the proposed railroad front. Gettysburg to
Waynesboro, and that a committee was appoin
ted to solicit subscriptions and manage the gen
eral interests of the enterprise.
On Tuesday evening week a horse and buggy
was stole] from the Hotel yard of Francis Bow
den. The discovery was soon made and several
"deteetives" started in pursuit mho succeeded in
recovering the stolen property in the vicinity of
Shady Grove, the thief making good Lis escape.— .
The horse and buggy belonged_ to Mr. Co}le. a
Notion dealer from Carlisle.
A man vi [IR arrested on FridarVreuinii %%eel:
with a horse and buggy in his posse:sion which
he had stolen in Frederick Co. Md.
FAT DittliNG:l---Mr. John Fisher, of the Union
Hotel, having wagered that he - could driN e
his horse, in a buggy containing one passenger and
himself, from this place to 31'Connellshurg..a dis
tance of twenty-two mile's, in three hours. on
Thursday last made the drive in two hours, nine
minutes and forty tiro seconds. When Mr. F.
arrived in M'Connellsburg his horse ass in good
condition, and exhibited.scarcely any evidence of
fatigue.' After resting his horse' he drove back in
'three hones. Whim we take into consideration
the condition of the turnpike, the nutnber of hills
on the route and the mountain (over font. miles
to the top,) over which he drove", we doubt
Whether better time was ever nestle.
FATTENING TERKEYS.—AB this kind of poulJ \
try is largely represented in this place.: nd coun
ty, preparatory to their being sacrificed a; an of
fering on Thanksgiving day and Christmas. we
give the following receipt tor fattening the same,
which is taken'from the ,Interienn AL , rieulturist:
For each turkey mix a pint of Indian meal with
one pillnt of unbolted flour:and pdur boiling tt ater
on it. stirring rapidly till it forms thin mush.
]'lace the dish 'where the fowls tali hate access
to tl:e feed at any time. , Let skimmed milk or
water be given also. In ti% o weeks they is ill lie
fat and oily as butter. They will fatten better to
have their liberty in a spacious y and - 's
AN excellent imitation of the,.pew i we of the
fifty -cent fractional currency Il.'been receil ed at
the Tieasury Department. It i considered to
be tit:beg executed counterfeit yet put into cir
-eulatitt. It can.luoa ever. be ea.ily distiriguhdied
from the original by the coluring.'aijd in the
nature: of Gen. Spinner, the, e ha% Mg been
z.initted. The Secretary has di•eided to alter the
general appearance of the present is=ue of ft ur
tionid currency, in order to make it iliUrni. and
to better protect •it from counterfeiting In fu
lure, all new isqle, IA ill be of the greenback eir
TEm PER -INCE`. , - , -RP% . M:Mto rl. delivered
a Temperance address in the Methodist Church
WI Mond.* evening last, at the •conchtsion of
hich a loduved Good Teniplars. to be culled Mc
urry Lodge,...N% as' instituted, a large number of
pprsons connecting themselves pith the a,oeia-
Iter. J. W Wightinan. of treeneastle,
%till lecture in that piece on Tbank,givinc, Act'.
lug, Subject: Litt. anion; the rebat in I t.thl.
The pro - eeeds %%ill be appropriated to slime be
nevolent object.
Mu. DAVID D. DURBORAiI . formed) or this
place, has been appointed United Stites Inspec
tor of 'Tobacco, Cigars and Santrfor the Con
gressional, District of Virginia.
plaec.,.has built a steamboat, which h is luny
nn the• Sliggilehanna between Harrisburg
and libidletriwii.
TTIER E will be preaciring hi the Preibyterhiu
il:lnireb' next Sabbath.
COE'S DYSPEPSIA Crete—There iFt no wed of
an , one's bm-i fig. tin for it 11, beenilemonitni,
ted beyond tear isf rootrad•enon the Coen ...141.1•41 Cur.,
1,11 certainly rune it Con:urallon, tho Mll,t I,lllh,
of ill health. i...urolv cured by the Clan. lie.
eeninyet, pains, or cold in either stomach or bon etc, irmdnt•
it 4 potter,,.
AT CRESSLER'S Dfirei STORE —A new and
exten4Te %tock of Toil.l Articles. for ‘dg, and dorne.d:,,
are now offered. many of thorn nt reducod
and e: se.
A correspondent of the West Chester llepublir
ran urges the nomination of Col, Jordan for Goc
eirnir by the Union State Convention. He says
It !flay not be improper that the inquiry. who
is to be our oext „Governor, should now engage
the attention of the people. -
Although several names have been oecasionalh
spoken of in connection with this office and dll
ferent candidates have been soinewliat urged by
their friends, it has hitlo4to heen deemed injudic
ious to agitate this question as it mi•Mt have din.
traded the attention from the questions of great
importalice involved in the late canvass.
That is successfully over and the principles up
ern which and for which it was conducted arc
shown to be deeply iinbCdded in the hearts of thy
inmple. They have main manifested that the
mere politicians whose influence may have mai
troled them when the subordinate considerations
which shaped parties years ago were to be passed
upon,'have no weight when the integrity of tire'
Union was before them: that after the has
feeu re-cemented with blood, they are not tee be
deceived into the support of men, who, though
now thinly. disguised in-the garmets 1;1 - patriotism.
hale just laid aside the polluted el. thingi.. which
they had been assaulting the Government.
The friends of Col. Francis Jordoo. of Bedford
county, have supposed that, in alif, respects, he
•would meet the wishes of those wTiee desire that
the position in which the len Alit.tion left this
st a te -liould be maintained. Thirintere..ts eel the
Conanonwealth woold be sidiserved and ad‘anced
under au admilostratben of w rich he might be the
brad and the standing which She hal" , had amongst
tier sisters, in pew:, and in war. viotthl emoinue
pre-qmirri.o' t.
cid. Jordon is in the maturity eel life, being
about forty-five years of age.—a lawyer by press•:
Issidoth, - be has for years held a emindafahn ,
- at the bar of Beittiml and Somerset comito. , ,
amongA men fern , ' me au legal acquirement , and
reputation. ,
lie sgrv;td in the Semite of this• State for three
years. ending with 17:47, and was in the foremost
mer l in : then, winch is to be esteemed 110 small
commendation when 01 its other seats were
then filled by Judge Wdkins. Charles B. Perm...,
and Glenni W. Scofield.
the session eef he ably filled tire' post of
I.Thairneto of the Judiciary Committee, the most
important position next to Speaker. Probably to
his influence, skill and eierthillS woro tilall to
that tel any ether Senator, is due tire passage in
that body of the bill for the sale of• the public
Priestseonsideration , , intieh to the regret eef
his - constituents and tire public, called on triter tee
decline 41 re-election and -11 j remained ire the
• practice of his profession until the breaking ant
of-the Southern treason in ir+fit.' Alien without
his solicitation or know ledge he was appointed
Paymaster in the army and served with selt-de
nisi an . Odelity for nearly tifree years principally
in South•eastern States.
the solicitation of Gov. Curtin,about two
ycarsrago he tools charge of ttmli.lilitary Agency
of,this State at Washington. •
. . .
, How laboriously and Sficcesatidly he has filled
'that office the records of the military departments
01 , Penusylvania and ()Utile United States will show.
Rte gratitude of many a soldier and soldier's v,
and mother will testify of the kind attefition
and sympathy with which their desires have been.
met itfthak agency.
Froin the beginning of our struggles with the
traitors, Col. Jordon has left no doubt of his no.
conditional 1i alt) '
His experience, idirlit!, and mailing industry.
cite assurance that the allidrs of state v<nuld be-
ANON, managed under his direction Ev e n
above all: these are to be placed u character for
high morality and purity—at firm and intelligent
Integrity which would secure the Commonwealth
against the wiles or assaults of the corrupt:--
The memory of none of the eminent men who
have occupied the Executive chamber in this Com
monwealth, would suffer anything by association
with the name of Francis Jordan.
Richmond Enquirer ea} 5: A- gentleman just
from Appomattox court-louse informs UR that
' there is nothing left of the apple'tree under which Lee surrendered but a red hole in the
ground. and it IR feared that unless the hole is
fenced in that also w ill be removed by curiosity
seekers.' It is a subject worthy of notice,, too,
that the apple tree alluded to was the largest ties
in the world, being at least forty times the bulk
of the celebiated California oak, which was about
the size of the citadel of Alain. About nine hun
dred. and seventeen cords of this apple tree have
already been distributed over the 'United States
in the shape of walking canes. fishing poles: um
brella handles, policemen's clubs, work boxes,
sewing machines, writing desks, vest - buttons,
corks. charms, lead pencils, pen handles, toddy
muddlers, tooth picks. tobaco pipes, and snuff
boxes. Tfre_ number of persons - felicitating in
these heroic relics is estimated ,at about twenty
eight million, which is equivalent to the number
of rebels kiPed, wounded and missing in the late
war. according to the published statements of
northern newspapers, from statistics gathered at
the time,. In fact this apple-tree enjoys as wide
eirculation as any bogus medicine in existence
aid, but for the fact that General Lee did not
surrender under any apple-tree at all, it might he
appropriately placed, photographically, among
the historic archives of the country. as the great
est tree in all history.
"It is useless to attempt, a conviction of the
truth so long as the stock on hand of the great
Apponfitttox apple tree is-unexhausted: and per
haps, even when that supply gives out—for the
de , truction 'of apple trees in New England. when
the MTne law excitod a prejudiceagainst brandy,
renders such an exhaustion probabighistory will
claim the original us the rightful possessor of the
thine of the locality. and the surrender of Gener
al Lee under an' pple tree will be fixed in the
oath vial records and the pictorial reports from
the Patent ()trice on pinnology and agriculture."
THE 641.NAND0a11.—The pirate Shenandoah
wa. surrendered to the American consul Un the
.10th, who took formal possession, and phi Ced her
tinder Captain Freeman and a crew of hi. (mil'
selection to convey the ship to New York.
, Iler late is;aptain (Waddell) and crew have re
ceKed an unconditional discharge, the British
gm-en - U1 . 1(.1d being 'of the opinion that there are
no legal graunds upon which they. could be de
.Vl - 111N11 3 T6Ii Jl - :3TIF1( ATION
Captain Waddell. in a letter to Earl Russell,
hint is published, says:
In obedience to orders I found ni,) self in the
Arctic and Ochotsk seas, fur removed from the
ordinary channels of commerce.and in consequence
of this awkward circumstance I was engaged in
acts of Wm...mail the 2s,lth of June. I Was igno
rant of the reverses suffered by the Confederates,
and the total obliteration of the government under
which I acted I received the first intelligence
of the downfall of the Confederate cause on the
.2.d of .August, from the British bail; Burraconta,
andalesisted immediately front 'further acts of
war until I could communicate with a'European
port and learn if the intelligence were true.
e.ild not have been sensible that the tales told
by Ann-rican ships were true, but merely upon
the statement of a British captain. I diligently
sought for a preeedent in law n titers for guid
ance in the future control. managetnent. and final
disposition of the vessel. buFfound none. Find
big the authority questionable:cider w hick I act
ed. I immediately reared cruising. and shaped my
eour4l. for the Atlantic. I did not feel justified
de-trot fug the I.essel. but. oir the contrary,
thought the ship should lea err to the Atuerican
.1 therel;lre I.ollght LlVOrpOol to
learn, the news. and, it without tzolnaation, to sur
render the ship. with her guns. stores and apparel
complete. to the British governMent. for •Meil
positionas it AO%lO deem proper.
. NIPIIIIEI, —1 he
National Itrruhliran gives the•fullnning instrue
tionq of the President to (10; . Htiniphres, of
WASHINGTON, NOV. IrAis.—B. 0. Ilum
pions, Governor elect. .lackson. Missisedppi.—
che troops will he withdrawn from Mississippi
when in the opinion of the government peace and
order and the autheent) !lava; been restored
and can be maintained without-them. Every
stop will be taken w tole,. the) are there to enforce
•trtet discipline and subordination to the ch it au
thority. There can be no other or greater asmr
anee given than h:ts heretofore been on the part
of the Pre-ideut or government.. There is no
concession required on the part of the people of
.Nif•si , sippi or the Legislature, other than a loyal
compliance. with the laws and Constitution of the
Voited State:, and the'adoption of such measures
girmg protection to all freedmen or freemen in
person and property, without regard to color, as
will entitle them to resume all the constitutional
re; dienei in the Federal Union.
The people of Mississippi may feel well assured
3,h,t there is no disposition arbitrarily on the part
of the government to dictate (shat action should
he had. but. on the contrary. to simply and kind
h ise a policy thaLit is believed v. ill result in
re,torina all the relations which , hould exist be
tween the Ktatee composing the Federal Union.
It is hoped that 'they a ill feel arid appreciate
the sugge , tion, herein made. fur they are ofli•red
in that ipirit afilch should pervade the boi‘om , of
all dm,. aho desire pellee and bare not and a
hormudi rei.teiration of the Union.
There mint be confidence between the goverli
meat and the State; while the government con
lid, in the people. the people intig hate faith it
the giiserninent Thin must be - mutual and re
ciproeal.or all the Ilan 'wen dohe vi ill be throvii
Sighed. AsimEw Joits , oN.
President of the United Staten.
INPPY :11ErriNG.—An interesting family
of Poles have. ust arrived safely. in this ed 3 . refu
gees from Russian bindage. They comprise the ,
father una mother of Colonel Julian Allen. (a
merchant of Nest York,) also a brother and three
sisters. for whose liberation unsparing exertions
and, a ho, ish use of money have been made. [I,
father held a prominent °trio. under the Ru,sitin
Government. but. being smpected of sympathy
- tor Poland.. thought it best to slip oil nnoliavined
tea tree iSiuntr). One eon, nn 110 V.a..4 implicated
in the rearidntion of 11 , 6.4. is still in the r 4 ilds of
Siberia ;TinothPr was shot, and a third is probably
a captive in some remote part of the Russian Em
pire. This- .who cumin e, and now once more
taste the sweets of liberty. were %%donned here
‘44 ith a greeting which will under be forgotten.
The fidelity of a Ron and brother was rewarded
in the restoration ofiwarts separated ht long years.
111 ',llea and sidlering.—N , fr rod: Journol
SULI :4 II il.Nolllsf E' AmEltlcA.—Tlie
New York Trebain says:—Those who took the
pains to peril, the - speeches recently made by
Sir :Nlorton Yeti, and otherb of the English
party, and who obsened the simple 'won
-4r expressed by them every where at everything:
can appreciate the profound ignorance
of .;‘,en the most intelligent claNsc, in England
concerning everything in Austrrica. These gen
tlemen had large amounts'of their capital inves
ted in this country for year, had it invested in
the Ivry way no hleh of all otherh Vll4 MO:4 -
t , r make Mein familiar with our material cbarac
teri,tic+ and development, and, morew,er, hail
been friendly to us during the war, and, therefore.
all the more likely to be %ell informed about us ;
and )et Christopher Columbus was not more as
tonished by . what he saw upon the contin,lit of
Amerirain 1492 that; Sir Morton Veto and part)
xs."ere ar hot tile) saw in 1,465.
A li,tiu. Ex-11E11E12—A good-natured ex
v. rites to the• editor of a paper in
:s;ottli 'Carolina :
Like you, I am a Southerner—my - lieme.wan
in the South, In kindred, my friends;-my inter
Vet, tee m . all here, and being assured that I teat
right I e•eiterevl the tinny. The logic of told iron,
condensed into ten-int•h nhells and other min en
ient formA for administering, has - provea the con
teary ; hat mg nothing more perkuani‘e than they,
acquiesce, have taken the oath and (endden
change or not) intended to keep m"
Thin person evidently •' aece•pt+ the suoution"
in a genial temper. and then-in nets a ginorexam
Gfir.i) rN PENNNII.IANIA.—The discovery of a
gold aril vein in4ast Providence township,
ord county, as aiding groat excitement in
at locality. On the:strength of the discovery,
two companies have been organized, and are now
at work developing the vein. The general hu
pression is that gold exists irf that township, and
ecru ne,n• the town of Bedford, but whether in
paying quantities or mit, is yet to be demonstra
ted. It is said lead hue also been found in the
- same neighborhood. These discoveries were
made on the line of the Southern Pennsylvania
WILL THE NEGRO WORK I—We are continu
ally informed, says Providence Journal, that the
negro will not work unless be is obliged to. Does
it ever occur to these captious critics that in this
respect &mho shows himself to be "a man and a
brother:" that in this respect, if in no other. he
re4mbles the white man? By being obliged to
work is to be understood having some definite ob=
ject and incentive for work. is quite evident
that neither a negro nor a white man will volun ;
tarily work, when the proceeds of his labor go
into the pockets of.another. It is equally evi
dent that when food and clothing, comfort and
competency, are the rewards of his labor. either
will Mork. We are not acquainted IA ith that en
thusiastic creature, black or white, who Works
for the fun of it.
The Chicagonmes. the -leading Democratic
organ of the Northwest, takes open ground in
denial of the validity of any constitutional amend
ment abolishing "lacer}, unless every State in the
Union consents to it.
—Robert Tyler, son of Ex-Presiden t Ty ler and
Ex-Assistant rebel Treasurer has been pardoned
he the President.
There some speciffitivit movements in Oil
stocks now• and it is expected that stocks which
have good territory and honest efforts to effect
developments . . will Command a good price Most
of the companies whichiv Pre not purely ~ p ecula-.
tire, are moving to reduce their capital to itsicash
standard, and thus operate on sound principles
and i.ave • onerous taxes. The directors of both
the Sterling affirthe Velma. Imperial Companies
hate given the requisite notice for special meet:
ings of the stockholders. The Imperial stockhol
ders will meet at the office of the Company, :1 . 24
South 4th street, Philadelpl ia. on Friday, Decent
her nth. to consider the proposition to reduce
the capital from two millions to one million—
making the par aloe of the •tock five dollars per
share:instead of ten. A circular has been issued
to the stockholders - by The Ihrird of Dneetdrs, in
which they say :
The object of,the meeting is to bring the Capital of the
Compapi don ato the art.yell ro+h root-of the ...v6 of she
Swantdn,. The stisk cost floe dollars per share, to bile
the nominal par s /tine ix ten &litrs per share, thus making.
the capital one million dollars more than the cash cost of
the stock, and imposing onerous taxes upon the Compan3.
'Mille toll Oil Companies were originally orgamred with a
nominal capital double the rash cost of the stotk, experi
ence has paned that all legitimate business operations
should be eondut tett on the actual capital pail m. 'I he
prulheAttl reduction n ill not Mille° the number, of shares
held by an} one, nor will it diminish the intrinsfr, valo oil
any Stockholder's interest. It is mamtestly the interest .4
the Stockholders to reduce the Capital Stock to it. end,
cost of five dollars per hare.
It is desired liv the llottrd that as many Stockbohlers as
can conveniently attend should do so, as site MTh es; will
lie glad to give any information desired as to the e.ait.l.ll.
operations and prospects of the Company.
The Company started operations with no reserved nark
ing capital, of sloth, of fifty thousand shares ~r
estimated at tzt per share, the cash cost 4 , 1 the .1,5 K At
the time the Company was organized, all stock. n ac
tire, and the stock of this Company seas in go. ,1 d. ions,ni
hot the Directors bad propositions to sink net less than tot.
ty n ells. 'on lease. fidt' half the oil. and they thought it Its -;
to develop by: lease. and reserve the working st4s , k to 10
sold' at an advance. for the,bencht of the Stckholders,
Soon after Mocha Ira, pr,cftrated—tlke Moe): et the best
des eloped companies falling from three hundred a, hoe
hundred per cent. alai in the meantime the extrnimliimry
deVolol,llleatb nn nthole made our lessees 8 1, {e joe th e i t
leases to try the fortunes there. Mr. Boni,. aho 14,1
ea•rd ten ;yell+, sunk orate-to the depth of 300 foe , mbi
•re. tad derrd, far most, ii not all, his prop.sed webs
, at abandoned theta all to operate un Polmle
'11111444 and, Vnnozle leased two Belle. and hate,
thinithina few oars I,llllMqlll . 6,loperatittus. They UNe
one well scut dots a about 42)) feet and are stemlo3 Toto
gresfiting wall their a ork. Mr. itlllowell ;sin° 11,.. a It ase
and has bored to a depth of ioo.tutet i lnil ie pregroiiing
with st It se calculated that the third sand no k n Ili hr
reached there at a depth of front -.1)0 to 2))) feet. and et art
sattidenee , felt that the Cherry Ilan property will tie,
op tic eft—tally.
Thet4.'ompaat lca* bees see ontly einbairassed ams ha t
aril m Its openitions for It ant of fusel+. The Ile...creed
Workinv Cllllltal I 111,141 out be sold after Law hoses , had
abandoned thetr aisle-. sit a great sacrifice, ow mg
to th e t o tt sinal deprekomtis of all 011 Stooks, and the salt
revenues of.'the Cynpany were therefore from the sale of
lots in Imperial City - Lots hate been sold there to the
ft(00 efraft• amount of itZttii.ooll and fift7S3,ooo have been ex.
petaled its development.:, •1117e3 rotteltim ry
,Inti necessary rapes,.,'. iu Vettanitt. County Ico-lrunti3•
has been paid for any purpose but such as wan necessary
for the development Ist' the praiser:v. No salaries have"
been paid but to the , leeretary and fiuperintendent, those
whole tune and latter were git en to the CV/IlPany. A bon`
,:30000 are still due ha lot, sold and this fund nut be us•
ed as milt clod, for des elopm ents.
The Compaiiy haul on it. Laytonia property (where
Imperial l'ity ) an olul well. souk in IN)], by
Mr. Pin Illps which 3 tabled 40 barrel* per day, but oil was
worth lest 15 cent., per barn I atei it is a. al...limed, as
Were all lest flowing n. if. at that tins•. NVe thus had the et idenee of the oli‘letate of at least a r.ntti s ells
If net a teett, et col tike.Ml• just an the hunk et the river. ett
w hit 11 the Company tat n nearly three fourths of a mile of
front. A a ell tirere yielding 40 barrel,. per day, a ould
be equal its table to a well of 300 barrels on l'ithole, v. herr
slit oil la snitch lighter. and the c net of trantportation
tnt•n'r. ('ould •utelt a well there In Mr Phillspi
haul its Istli it N 51.11141 snake the Company n river front
worth a million dollar. For these reasons- the Dtreetors
have Ist r,tetl emir des elepniefits at Laytottia, hoping to
develop their Cherry Vert prop , rty 15 , They have'
;cask nsx arils ov he six cr bank, inelisuling the old well.
is ha it has been -nzik /Jeep,. 1551 as yet. ofsc of tlo
late not with the ape. tate., of the C o mpany. 1)1e• liars
given 11 fine pre...• of oil, IL- I 1 hus produced ' , VOW ti n
horn l+ an d, it 1,, cue being salt!, de. per. lie Inreu ton
test ta.asmil thatith t t3 will yet-'let elop this property sut••
'll,44v a luot R en d property. of 1111111 re., to lee situp's,
ha+ not Tel liven 41, 001. , ,L for the reason that the limited
mean, at the Company hate net enabled the Dtrectors
It it well los ateil, and they hope to develop a by
, pring. The Cherry Tree Run land of the Compitay to
ale° very favorably located. contiguone to we 11... and they
expect to be able to,levelop that al.. at no early tiny.
The Ikireetor4 have pushed their development+ as rapid.
1) as they multi. with their Ileerrs Caplial anus ..'Habit'
by the pre.stnition of etoeks. and at tint,,, base ads au. toi
their 0, II 111.1e:6 td keep the .I,k going tut. They are
tan t °tattling ae eS er of the i aille of their 11111k1 and silvan
tie,l•lolr it ju.t ate rapidly they .an arrange to de so.
While all, Daretore anal !stockholder , . hate been
111 the operations of lit ,1/1/1,111. r the Inreetorn
feei aesured that they hay e inure than nine•tentlfs of
the oniletelopetl C1.1111.11',. nod they me a n t ut pert.., ere
nut iringly until they do •t 1; et tl. 111.3 are tin Itirge
Sttielsiteltiet , theutia•ti ei, and hate Inter... thanuvy
wan!" ~,f 4 .1.,).101.17, 111 Z
ny •Here,,.
All Stllekh.l(l. - ‘r, who earl enlist-MI.1AI) .hmild
they earl their judge M . the good Inith
ut tiv• direetni, in the• management e•t the cow-
CItIDEII.--CRIDER.—On the 9th in , — at the r.
ot the bral'•, father. by Hi,. J. Philip lte.hop, 31r. Sole
nu a 11 ('rider to 31i. Kate Crider, both of the, snooty
PRY—WE ‘(,;LEY:—On the ltith lost , near Upton, by
it, Win. F. E 5 at, - , Mr. Wm. Fry to Mies Ly dm Anti,
I[glib, of Mr. leitae Weagley all of lb, county.
Cl NNINGIIA)I 7 ,-CROLL —On tloi 21A ne.t . by air
-ante, Mr Ati.nioni it•0ni,00,0‘.... of Wsuboarton Co. Md..
to Mi... A ante Colt etAntron (owl - 1 , 40v
,11OSS31 I'OWELL-4in the :id hot , by tht
11.-ore ro,intan to 311, Mary Jan, Poe ell,
boil, of il,olity.
t•RlNEß—sicAurzEit.--4 ,11 the _ltorll WO., in Wu}'•
R..S. C. F. Th..‘1,5, Mr. 1 :eir. Caner to
J t,t ttzrr. e
. .
01.1.F.12—MTERREN.—Qa thr itlr i1.4t., by fly R. v.
Mr 1..-eph S. PITA . MTerrea
all V
11.1-10.11M.1N—RI:NI:1)1t7.--On the HOth 111.4., by
the lb, .Le nb I. Oiler at the re,ilb e the bride 4
pari.ll:4 Mr Wm liar - Annan o. :Mt.. , Mary Arm Reae
all it lgriuey tov.ll6lllp.
.21 . . t last. it the rei
dea.... et the orvi. qrnotiler the fte, C 1h0ma..4,
Mr Da, id C ' , it a` l “ . j"...irna
Locaa 14 Way la ,11nr.,*
NI 11.--ith the . .lo'h nt Sept. ether. at
W. 11,1 if meat thy• brit lather. Ity the lies. E. 11. Wii
Non, Mr. D 1,14 K. ill. k to Meet Mar) J. kiather.
CRINEIt..-11 %KT th. 7111 iu.t , by the name, Mr.
.1 te. Crater to 311-e. 3lahnkla I Malt 111Franklineh.
REA6Fat—LEI(;IITNER.—(th the 16th Inst., at the
residence of thr , britte% father t, ta n • lie,. A. M. Whet.
'tone. ° Mr. Uncut Crt Rat, ta L. La Ightner.
In al, 14 - Mere...burg.
SAILIII{—M . IR M.—On tbo 10th inst. *Mbl.llohorg
by The He J. D. El - i.e.] Mr I A ?•2.i lomis,lo,p,
1,33 ruin, both id Franklin 000nt
NEFF—POWELL —On the libh tlio Rev. 3
aos. M r , Len i.. W. Nell of Wnqiingtos uonniy
to Mips Elizabeth Poe, ell of Pronklio county.
WEITMAN—RIDIrLE.—On +l.e hill, no•tnni, 1%1 the
Rev G. Roth, IM,r Goo. Woitoo, t, TI garill.
both of Churnbor.borg.
_ .
EBEB.SOLE-YOST —(11. •INlfiti..".t 1.3 ‘10•5a...,,
Saumul F.1,..r.4..1.• :116.. It...rbara
tlbm '9%111%114,
n, , the ktrite,
Mr. Jolin 1.7. 110• , Serail El. rk hoti...f Mani,
--1 the:!l•4 last ,byH.N. J. lb,.
nler. Mr. John 1.. n of Pa to Mi.,
Mary C.. ehle,t ilanaht, of Mr. Wu. otiatal
PA ItKER—SA Rl' Eli.— On the •21.41 net by tln lies.
(j. 11 . Beckley, Mr. j• W. Pother to Mi.. Kate 11. Kar
per, both I,fOrrphesn.
KOHLER-51c KEA N.—no 11,, :2 , 011 nee ;.t the ree
d. nee of the bride'• feller by Ow 11. ,- E. B. W)I-on, MI
Joint M. Kohler o, 3t ins Kean, .11 of Fay
HEGE_LEfim.‘N --0 a to :Mil 0 .t. Vo the U. S OHO
tel, liartinhurg, by the Rev. Jo" JaeLsoil Mr.
S nee t., MLA Fanny 10,1,4 Frank',
DIEb. -
SHAFFER On the 10th inst , near Welsh F.
Rbeth IS., daughter of Mr. Jacob Mustier, .tg..l i.t
10 months and 21 days
I_Lrellt!Fi.—On the loth inst.. in Greeileastio Ms. Ph
Dean Ettellun. in the 711th year of his age
11C-M111411101:SE. —On the 11th ant., in t reene,sti.
Mary Ellen, daughter of I; and Amelia Ilundd 1, sp.',
aged 3 yearn, 0 months and :Ida) s
8!stl'I'll —On the Otis inst., Mr. Christian Smith, ..4 tins
place, In the 55th year of his age.
SEIBERT.—On the 10th dun., Henry, infant non of Mr.
John Seibert, of this place, aged 'S months and 12 days.
YOUNG.—On the 2d inat. - .-near Waynesboro', Mr. Jos
cob Young, in the ii2,l year of la. age.
I'CLTO\,—On the 19th hilt., near Waynesboro'. Mrn.
Ann Fulton, aged 84 yearn and days.
ISABIILL.—On the 17th ult., at Hilton Mend, South
Carolina, of Conjestive lever of the Brain, Sergeant Lew
is N. Isabel!, of U. S. A., formerly of this phase, aged 07
pours Lad 6 mouths.
DENNT.—On tbelnorning of the 24th inst., in this
place, of pneumonia, 3lbs Alike L. Denny, second daugh- -
ter of the late Rex. D. Denny. In the demise of this ex
cellent lady. not only her more immediate family circle,
but the community, has lost an invaluable member. Her
christian riffles. her intellectual and social qualities. and
her undaunted energy anti activity in every good work.
very naturally drew towards her the esteem and affection
of the wise and the good If ithout distinction of cltis< or
position. Long trill site be remembered and her memory
cherished by lorina; hearths and hearts. Rest thod in
peace '
Is memory of iiergt. George W. Nolan
2d Penn's, Veteran Artillery.
The friends and associate: of Georeit W. Nolan. late of
said Battery; regret that the); have lost in him a man, a
friend, and a soldier, endeared to-them by his unvarying
kindness , . contidenee; faithfulness and bravery; although
he died in the hospital after the fearful vet glorious smug.
gle of arms was over, and in which be bore a distinguish
ed part. He commanded Battery C. of the Provisional
2d Artillery. (which bore a consysenons part in the battles
of the Wilderness ) for nearly three months. Ile is no
worthy of a friend's tear, a miuntry's gratitude, and a sol
dier's honor. as,tbough he had found his death hmidst the
Ain of battle. Ac his companions we venerate his memo
ry. and will cherish it. While we admire his Wines we
trill strive to follow them. We sincerely sympathize`with•
the (nestle who mourn his loss at home, and will, (if it
please Gist that u e return,) manifest our regard for them,
as a testimony of our respect and affection for hint, on all
suitable occasions. By request of sorrowing comrades,
this tribute of. respect to Ids memory will be published in
the Chambersburg papers, a copy of which vi ill be sent to
the bereaved friends, who mourn fir one of whom both
they and we were justly proud.
By request of Battery C. 21 Penn'a Veteran Artillery.
iPhlladelphia papers will please copy.)
• Cl,thing, Clothing t
Clothing% Clothing!
Business Coats, Business Coats
Business Coats. Business Coats,
Business Coati, Business Coats.
Busiuess Coats Busineas Coats,
Coachman's Coats, Coachman's Coat..
oaclnan's Coats, Coachman's Coats.
Coachman's. Coats Coachman's Coat,
Coachman's Coat+, C...tctitian. Coat.,
Wklkitur, Coati—new style.
Walkin st} le
Walkitt: Coat.--new et }gar
Wallow Coats—new >tyle.
Pant, Punt.--varied
Pant—taried sty IP..
Pant, Pants—varipd
Pant., Pants—saried
Vets dem•riptiut.s.
Ve , ts, dewriptions.
1 3 01- . •I",' CLoTIIING.
CIA , 1111 X... Cl..)llllNu.'
Bor.: (' LI, itiv: i1111iNfl,;11
MI ,. CI., 0 1111 , ... 8. , Vs' oTrirCA3.
IN ME ('.it' kTE , I - VA1:11:11
Hun•lng• ('oats, linutzog
liantzna Conte. liuntuag Coats.
I fuming onttc Hunting Coate,
Hsi ing Coat, hLuntiPig t Lath.
I 1 VLIt 0..A1.-41:EA1 VARIETY.
IN{: COAT...-EN .11.1 S n LE.
con•ta.ltly qupplted from Foreign itnpormtions
and Doine,tle Manufacturers. ire are enabled to oiler dip
4tit READY 31Alik: Cl o ran,. at
n q.letul L .tuck of I , o'rr GOOD.; Air Citizen,
Boy., nini Army anti Nat y Orticer9, which till lie male
to burr 0,114 0.
II ( K 11,11.1 & Wll, 10N, 131:0WN
COI and rd , ..; r , f,l7lrgt Serer( Philadelphia. [lll,-...,..`al
A l'oi 1.11. ('ow, 4,1 t StatE TatiolT,teildires
immediate atter:non nhould if allowed
to ron•.nue. Irraario r, j tit. Lungs, a Pennant-0 7 Aront
-Alt% rtewi. urnbl. L+ n, Disease i• often the re,ult.
Titre - ift-elutving it direct intluen.•e
to , i - ti!L parn fire relief. For 8r0,..4.(i•,
157 I*. < Mt , ' re Mr./ T,.. 1..•<
an ate.) te:•h 0,0(1 a ill ci,e,
t•iNt.ttn- k - NI. Pt MAC SPEAKT:Iti Waft:el Trocl,c, u. -
fa: in ...arlag. the voice when taken het. re Dinging and relieving the throat after an ttait4ttat t-n• r
tlon of tia• N..enlortztaus. The Trade, tire ter:tram , rall'a
an 4 d ha iriq s:rian., and hart had t. , iinlon
turn thr..n&e,ut eh. eettntry. Being
1 ea• tute merit. aral having irrared to••tr Is, a
••I L11..11i 3 Er,. e. 10.1 year hwl, them in h
k.ato.u• huts Of the 1,./.1 , 1, awl the inwhes 1/111,1,
T,lllll euJ blqtqr than ethhr arm
01. .nitOWN r BR. u[ 4 , 3 'non “ . d
.•i\ • i the Worthlt,, that may be 'if
b red
where hi the Übited ,ate. in F ,, re`,211
. -. 0 , .rt 3-5 5.711.4 per I.s. nor I-rm,
Vin it Li tartOltiwit !,11, is a ail lumg to keep the I er than Itange•
able ellunite. It is sometime. too aen.... and
ie. 17 - 101e/it In ' , flier ../Se dis.atte , ..l..tent .• •are
to he the eort.equenee Your liver (rant net with regular.
ay if yorl enjoy health ; and la re.,4441 , 4• that regularity rut
4 - 1.4 tion 4.4 I _1,44, 414,r44 444.411410 g 44.• f,4 1C,4,14,
Regulittlng Ink A disordered liver 10.t.1t qui , e
number of curios 4111401 . der41. Th4 . .1,111 4 14E4 4', the anima-
Ilan,. the fever and ague. and tunny other billal. td6i, -
'lone all aeeornpully each, n eontlitton of thing,. Itnsort
i mmediatety to the use of Radway', Ilegttlanag Pi 11.
They never fall Ti, rem o te the ea11,•444 of all such trouble.
They are eotapounded .if the rare4t Inedleautt la. known
to pharmacy ti t ere e...enee of nit', li and it tin
coarser ottl,hln, esore (44)1.1.3 ed by 1)r. Hada ay. Hem
ht, Regulating Pills hat e n peeolindy subtle poser in
thoroughlY to.trelling oat olir,a•e. mid expelling it front
tie- .pliere .ery entharrs. , ed organ. 1 hey do not di.-
ire,. the fielwate coat. at the •tonoo h. .o oe. e.flio
pains. tenesums, and .0 on. by their irrdatlng ofe•ran, t l
to anus latter pill, do. They purge gently, regular:}
nod in illiotg , tralling They feat eno utntkne.x behind
them. They are plea.ant rake, and runt hat '25 rt nt•
box—a 4inantlty rt licit tha3r. la..t you for xtx Iniontlt• and
a It- fond ii.cfub in many "of the ill. that de.ll heir
to ' b,—'den fiver 1".0.1[11111041.4114,8
t .h take a 414,44. r.r to o Your
lit 4.r 44 I. re. 1.44,4111,1 prop. r 'dat,g. You
;I to. • d b . \ .11
• cat _`,
ISt iiViiit i'llttlt title hi. lAlOl', l— Tint Great It -
inch lira, dy for in ra, rat 1111,— . 111...“` 1 /rip: are n mile..
tifteally coati...Hulett final prepararitin, and better than
aTi_ I'lll, Penile,: „r Ni-Trino• 'hillier liquid their ati
tie,. i• tin, t :11A iiiiititwe rt niltirlow them a reliable, iiptiet
ily anti iiiirtain tip•• .he I, the tl:Wie of all elotrotitltiti• end
saliktrio•Tenti el' A i l owe 'I heir ltr niianty I. nitht an d by.
Tlitl knit That iiiititi Hitt tinit'lietilt • aro anion, i . ~1,1 nod
iin.ittneil by thie litrile. tit The I tan 41 St o re. 1,1'1'3 t,nl.
111 l‘ll,lll '1.,. , Tie iitriongiibt terms et nr.t., el their
great merit • 'I I t •r are raplilly 'atone the plaiie et ew ery
ether Fein:tie i•itit iis and :are eon- th reel by all Irhei
linen alitillt et loon :et the .•r re. ...tit .tant! in infal-
Illile iirt paraten to the Ts erlil tet :lie i lire of all teutale
ten/plaint. Tin rt Illt's At ~ .t it, 4.1.-Tillitho, ItimAturo. and
the promittlen el health ractlanty alltliNtretwrit Exltlit it
ilireenens .Tatung nll.`ll they rally be u, d. and f,p)11111i11g
n hi•o and why, they •Ittntlil 11..1, nor amid net be toilitl
in ithout ',oda. In_ eke, to, entrar) Te natitrit'•• hewn law.
rt. - Iln, haunt eateltillt tilltled aritatal eat li lintt 4 lti, n ith the
written sigiotttnre of JitllN I. I.lnN, witliiint h bleb none
are genuine. . .
Prutp_artull li 1)r..1. tits: 1.1 1 , 1:. t Strt•ttu,_Nt r.
ett , e ho tun he M 1 tutttillt d eitht r pt rttottany. tsr
tot titan. lent Ittslttsr, :stamp) vuttut•ttrutng sIP pm tlt-ttit.,
rind 1.1)41.. wetslttt-test
Sold lky It ( l't
I, . S awl (Iv(iath,
A Mo1)1 , 1iN ‘l'Lr.—Prato 111,1 and 3 wing.
t-tun nt h :11111 trtttit 1001 Itttra tit , 1 t
VOlce or Nub.° lIALL Sit tr
io. II Ulf REA Llr
It ht ato rtnet and onritvoitont artielt. 'n
!tt.the+ hair arow. A Itt,t ter dretotiott thait any • ;
" Baden, ltrat , b. dry aud nit ) hair It, Beantdol
silken Trtt,e, Btu, ;art, e all, the vtent n motet Jr the
rtpnlrty ouL a11,.1 r,tor, G,ay Co ltv
a a fen tam, and it % , a,r
n,t t
1101, 1114 11}1• till' hoti but .11 - 11.1.4 itt the t,•••t nml I 11. ,t
ne, Itte and vol,trttnx matter.
It «ill novirtk. 41,tirrevalri.. trial 1. prove
troth of tin:-Efia.trvr. appli,.otn 1,:111.11,good
y "It t ...•r Nlt Ictl. 0 , 1 M: ery tin>.
nut hofilrt tit)ti j r ,ie,l l . it ILA . .111.
all , 11 Vlllll. 41,111.1 t 1 , :al • •• hp.tri)”,
ar l , runuful 1. Is,
A. 41. !Ilia., I [Alf Rl.llett or , re, ether Itrit to
14 at all like if in stir t. San tied t du, 1., 11,1 y,
Pleatont N Try, and Sure to do you Good
ri• are many Imitation.. He sore yet; proem, the
irentilae, matinktetart4l enly It. I' II UI.
N.l.shaa For sale I, angle
(10.11):N1.%%: , I ()writ': It Et I : NA 'I I:
lleur, Sprtifie are warranted in all , elea, for the
_speed) us! meat Care of all dinett-e. ort-ing from
v‘eoooos V1)1_11114'1. INItl-eitt. le' \, Setnatal
N'41111) Idoi•odon- and Seteat,tl I)re.tate. • Gemini,
14-dt al and Nt'eo On, I h•lnlity, GI.. t Sexual
o ehottqy of Pet , At, ,eartt
and tie) la• aa , t a - ttleJat deteetem. Eat It lam cou
ld:m.4a pills Pril, It 31. t ann.t ge . t theta
lit year dratati-d, the)• is ill tie seat anal 4e, and). .eal
post pant tutu tall itearaotions : t lkata o-rtre ,t. are, oat
rei et the motto) , - and panwltlot of laa pays,..4 on too
errer. at )oath, tle• eoleenatae and rea, II), %ow t,rr,
11l vent.. re , inited ter 1 , 11 , ..10 , DIC. .1
C.l{l , lllllllLt 1 . 11y411,11
P. a /t,\ 301..
ettil lit . 4111.11110 , 1 I,t 1),1111l, • i,k • & C..
Yl,rls. e,rn
Nil Vll.l A • 111 N l; MAL—Bryan',
Lcf: 1.111 , 1 y IPH.III, Lr. Dua..), ,, ,
1751.1111 e... Unid.....t.tht Dreamy Ditnnt,n of
Sight, Indtgr voa l'h Si,:.,:' I, and Ihmrl., In•
Nuv. iu Ib. debtlattt.,l 411.4111.14-4 , .1:1' THE 141.11.
lit PLItIL(T .4T411. 'Fr them • Tiwy end) t. .t and it
.Nott 0ttb.1.4 them of your eirair2i..t, ;wild
t.. lilt 0 Pmnab '412
P. 11 7 - n\ :111:1 1 . tt...1 the y v.lll 1.2 re.
tomb of Mait la .1 ,upp1....1 by Drums
16erd •,l 1 Noe k.
II( it! IT t• !—Serateh ! Sernteh!
ao • —NV If 1:‘ \t viii 1 . 1111, thp
‘l,. • Me. .l 11.1 Rib i m.I 11
1.1:1 of III). `..1.1N. Price. JU e•POI, For.cak
tn ri
Moto., , it tt tll be torn ar
tt) moil, tree of poitage, to any part of the United
S.ates. nelelll.6ln
NYUISKERS ! WHISKERS !—DO you want Whiff
kers or Moustaches 1 Our Grecian Compound will forde
tirm to grow on the smoothest Lee or chin, or lair on
Kidd heads. in Six Weeks. Price, SUM. Sent by mail
nucwhere, clsoely sealed, on receipt of price.
address, WARNER it Co., Box 138, Brooklyn N. Y.
feb I:Ay
To LADtes.—lf you require a reliable reme
dy to mstore you, use Dr. Hairey's•Fesaale Pit s, a nes
er•failing remedy fig the removal of Obstructions, no wa
terfront what cause they arise. They are safe and sure
and will restore nature in every case. They are also OE •
caoious in all cases of Weakness, 'Whites, Prolapsus. &c.
Sold in Boxes oontaining 60 Pills, Price ONE DOLLAR.
Send for Dn. HAItvEIIS Private Xedical Adviser, ad
dressed to females ; 10 0 pages, giving full instructions,
10 cents required for postage. If you cannot purchase the
pills of your druggist; theYlyill be sent by mail, post-paid
•ffoure from observation, on receipt of One Dollar, by DR.
BRYAN. Consulting Physicians,
P. 0. BON, 3070. 449. Broadway, New York.
Dealers supplied by Denims Dames S. • Co., Wholesale
Agents, New York. augladimos. •
Chambersbnrx Markets.
Cll.43lnErtslttats, November 22, 1203.
Floor—White $ll 50 Butter
Flonr=lied IC Eggs
Wheal.-L-White. .I 20 a 2 20 Lard
Wheat—Red 210x2 I3'Talloec
Rye 90 Bacon—Hams.....
Corn 75 13 aeon—Sidei....
Onto 40 Soup Beans
Clover Seed..... ... 1 50; Washed W 001...
Timoth) Seed 2 001 Unwashed Wool.
Flaxseed - ... ... .2
20; Pared Peaches....
Potatoes-1210,er.... 55 Unpared Peaches.
Potatoes-4'112k Eyes 43, Dried Apples
Plillndelpbia Cattle
. .
The Cattle Market eootinues rather, dull, but prices re
main about the mtmu'int last quoted; 2500 head arrived and
told at from hid lir. our extra; 14i - 6151e. for fair to good;
and It) d me. 1° pound for common. no to quality.
= Sheep are in better demand ; 4000 head sold at from 7 zb,
74, 4 lb. greet for good fat Sheep, and 6324 head for
stock Sheep.
Cows have again advbnced ) SO head sold at from S4O
to $O5 for Spnagers, and 5302404.) bead for Mitch Cows'.
Hogs are dull oral lower; 4500 head arrived and sold at
from 515 to 016.50 the 100 lbs. nett.
111 Y TF.LE/.P.APIL.]
Philadelphia Illarkets
' Flour—Home consumers buy voting:ly lit $.7 50104 ;15
bbl. for common and gionl . superfine, shi 50ii 9 for ex
tras. $lO 2S a It fir Penu'a extra family, and $ll 05 to
.$l3 50 for faney lots. according to quality.. Rye Floor is
belling at 07 25. In Corn Meal nothing' doing.
Wheat—We quote Min- red at ftit! iltra :M. and old at
3:la, 4 40: which is a decline. white is ~.caree. and ran
ges from $4 ;Oa 3. Rye dull at $l. 40 flir Pa. Corn—
Sales of 3000 bush. old yellow at ink,. and now do. at thl
00.. Onts are dull at 30e.
Whisky Is lietter, and lik) bbl. 7. sold nt W.I.
mew atbevigemento.
... ,
II ANGE O,F • 13 A S 'E, !
FRET zs- F 0 L. T,
To Main Street, opposite Fisher's Hotel.
, . „ ,
fine ticarbllon rriel'S 1? , -4I, t h eap for t .1,11.
747- - Our mend, hill please make a 'note of the above.
~t noss%
I,,fm,na .t his Mire. ib MERCER - in.RG, 3 d,,,,r1
I,rib ..f Dr. MeDon eir.g rrery Saturday, TEETH IN
SERTED from one U. a full .4.4. on Gold. Silver, or Vol
.SatiNfootion guaranteed. no% er3tf
rpWo FARNIS FOR SALE.—I will sell,
A.N Pri, nO,-, Sale, OS!: OR TWO PARKS iu Largan
t,,.. t .p 1 tley ar« i.. tl/ productive 30 de,irable prop
* rt,:. 1 , ,rk.0r. Tri•hlng• to Ties,- the pretniseg-can do so
g..n the u:taer.gliett in Hamilton I..svmhil, or
.I,hit 1: Mach', :oljoinine , he farm-. $
...s tt
-31, 1 , , e herrhy civet) thatllettera oC Adt,,,n,trat,,,
td.tthe Jamb Frey late of Quincy tonn•hip,
d hate zralkied to the 11111dOl t slllgYil.
.XII ,ots a.; them-elves indebtkl t.‘ tqad Estate
v. • had, Immediate pa} la•mt ; and tho,e having
L: 1 , ;.. - J‘` , 0: :1,111 1 , 1;01.1•11y allthellll4,lto.l }tn . ,el2l,lllellt
1,1, dON()TiI NN JACOBY, Adm'r.
F XECUTOWS N C E.—Notice is
, c°ten t h at
Litters Te‘nunentats to the Es
ter, Phineds Eatlitl., late of (Jreeneastlo dee'd hale
lettoi granted to the undersigned. -
pityiti.nk knowing ff. - pt.-ell - PS indebted to said Estate
rill pletiee make unmedinte payment: and these Ithx - Ing
t•lanns pre-eat them prorerl2, authentleated tor settlement.
A - IXE('I. - I . olt'S T E.—Notice is
J.L./h. ,12. out vntlott Letts, Te•tainentary loth.. Estate
otiJoe. 1....11 , 1. Late 41t Letti rkelAty '.rnu. htp, deed, have
cram.', n. the tuotenufned.
lotion Pi indebted to mid Estate
pleoee make immediate payment, and those having
jo.o.elit thorn fhlty ated fir eettleruent.
.(OLIN 11. KAUFMAN. Ex'r.
'l' ,1N ()Hl'll_ NS' COCIZT. HELD
ix_ at Challitier.htlfZ, for Franklin cunt - 3, on tine
:Mttn dal int On•mber Im; - , before the lion. Alexander
HIM! Pr,inlent and James I Camon and \V. W.
P. runs. 1,N.! Juthr.•, , ,i our ~id Court
n1..;.11..; F. S. Sinisobuitith.. Eel the Foitrt Kraut a
rni , e onn tb, Inenr. and legal representatives of Jacob Mee
,in “I'Ptar at the Orphan; Conn. to I,e held
nnt ; Ch.nninlne.rclonar lot t onntit. on the lstin day ofJan next to t.tkr nr reture to take the real estate of saint
tra, , l at t appraonennomr eroof or to,lionr
att. , tt he the auu. should not Inv enld, kenmrdins to law.
WEBL.ER. Sheric.
^ -
cre.o shirt 1.217:1:N STREET, open
EY:•TER 6.11R0.
the promwvt iil,ll).9iin,f, in a ft-,v ‘‘evhs int
i11 , ;1 1 rwtv rin• ,1,-,irno• of ',a, :,12 - r 6. it ...I a
hint h in. it.
WO will tk 11 oar la .t Prams ut
Oar 30 CI. Fancy Dry,. good. ut
Oar 37! OA de Lainc4
Om 37i ' Kr mucky Jeans ....
Oar 33 Marlin
Oar 95 • -Lark
Oar bast 3 3 d. wide unblt , uctied 31ivilin T ut
Oar owct best 33
All in aunt of bargams caw get them rem , e are
ILtertninEtt to 4:pen in theivwv warm with a clean
IP IN if It
-1-41jkin theTaqt'Ottl, at Clianthersburg State of Peer,
Lvlritiia. Novelnl.r 1e65.
- To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant mus
call fur - advertised Letters," gi,e the date of this list, nail
pat one Vent for advertising
Corinth Win Link. Jilt ,Sibley r,"
l' ell S f , tgh tat , Samuel Satoh John
DeForem Frank , 31Vounell 31 If 2 tsnytlerJohn
. .
1)3, 1 5 e0.13.4.141"red' M'Crary John J 'Spears Jllllleb
Embcck W S Mioirk Sarah tSoweri Jacob W
Erue..4 \\" 11'Miller J‘iempli ,atones Elizabeth
Eniummer 11. o ' Id ants James I Trampler Levi in
Gfa3 1.3.... n Ellzabob Walk Jo..epl.
GilPi Sade.l . - Myer* Davld WeAct Win
Hark, E I. Quint). li NV , Walran Geo W
Harlem!, 1) 11 Bigler Uhroq , Wenn, k 1 11
John , tan Salo S o ils k J w 3 i4on Mi....: Sall
Kri. , l 1:,.. W Shaffer WM J W311..0.0n (.1 I
KolCftr J t .111 i NI Shan IV - A
J. W. DEAL P. M.
13''11T N - , SHOE EM l' OR Il' M.
has the plemnre of annontwing to his old patrons and the
publo• u•enerally, that he ban Tact rerefved from tilt City
the lantest toek of
off red in the eom.t2, It.. h.t. eitstantly on hand a
AI.I. Women'• ;unit Mow., together nith a gen•
oral a—vtotent of
lib ITALO AND GI NI OVER SHOE, .attention rand to noonfaetuting
as he baits employed the oto*yompetent wor3ctneu id this
department of his hostne...
14) , reputation for mal,inv f.e.hionable, easy hating Boots
nonorpt,na he tot) estobh.lonent oat of the eit).
oppretre 11117 t.
6.51 • P. FEI7I)ISI.tN
PECI Al NoTicli— ,- -Notive is hereby
gIN en that a Special Meetinar of the Stoekholderx of
n .11 be held at the °awe of the Company, 2'.2.4 South Fourth
Street. PhaLath•lphia ,o; Frulay, Do (uther Eith, ISGS. at 3
it'elork P. M , to eon.,der the propraely of reducing the
Capital hi t .el.; of the Conavooyfrout two millionA to one
- .r. B. SMALL,
re P. „nn. Imp , rin C,,., 2..21 ~ o rith Fourth St..
Iphirt. X., mniq r YI , 165.
Stockholders O Ito cannot .attend should send a blank
proxy 10 1 tote 11.1 r ttlttris. as It I neee.s.try that T m..third.,
of the Mot A 11111S1 be laud for the 111 1 01 , 05,1 reduction
to carry it into effect • Tlore, must be, a nitue., to the
n , gilitt
Know an iron !Jo th.o PrtlOhl,, That .. . ......
of ...... . , do ,hereby appoint '
to be .... sulndititty and prOxy for and iu .... mune and
behalf, to t ote at the special meeting of the Stockholder*
held on Friday, the 15th day of December. 1565, upon the
proposition to reduce the Capital Stock of the Company.
ns fully n. might ur could n ere .. personally present.
\Vanes.. . hand and, Lids . day of
A. D. /Ea.',
1 . 81 - . BENT,
L 8.
. 500
PHILADELPHIA, November 2.'4Lb.
411 Men
Ado abbertiOntetibt
HOUSE, on Second Sr near the Market House.
will be sold at a bargain. ' - E. C. GROVE.
.1,, B %NES, DI: MORE & Co.,
Manufacturers of
suitable for
Weigh Locks. Railroad Tracks and Depots,
Coal. Hay and Live Stock.
Also. all the various descriptions ofDormant and Porta
ble Platform Settles and Patent Beams.
15th Street and Penna. Avenue, Philadelphia.
417 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
265 Baltimore Street. Baltimore. Md. [nov.-4-Iy.
1865. • 1865.
ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to-the city of Erie on
Lake Erie.
It has been leased and is operated by the Peonsylratia
Rail Road Company.
Erie Mail Train
Erie Express Train
ElSlims Express •
Erie Mail Train.... - 32,30 A. M.
Erie Express Train 12:00 P. M.
Elmira Express,Train,2:4o A. AL
Passenger cars run thiough on the Erie Hidland Ex
press Trains without change both way's between Philadel
phia and Erie.
Leave Sew York at 6.00 P. H., arrive at Erie 3:37 A. IL
Leave Erie at 1:55, arrive at New York 1:15 P. 11.
No Change of Ccirs Between Erie and NM York
Elegni! Bleeping Cam on all Night trains..
For inonnvi , ,n respecting Passenger business, apply
at Corner :nab anti Market Streets, Philadelphia.
And h.:. Fright business of the Company's Agents :
Se B. KI Jr., Cor. 13th and 'Market Ste., Philada.
.1. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. •
Wm. Bnows. Agent, N. C. R. It. Baltimere
Geneial Freight Ag't, Philadelphia.
General Ticket AO, Philadelphia.
A. L,-1k..1.ER,
General sop 't, Williamsport
17 Through and Direr 2 Route to Washington, Balti
more. Elmira. Erie and Buffalo.
FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Washington
and `Baltimore, anti FIVE TRAINS DAILY to and
trom the North anti West Xiranch Susquehanna, and
Northern and Western Pennsilvania, and New York. •
On and after Monday, Nor.. 20th, 1865, the trains on the
Northern Central Railway will run'as follows
MAIL TRAIN leaves Elinira.
leaves Harrisburg,
arriveeat Baltimore.
T.1.511RA EXPRESS leaves Elmira
leaves Harrisburg,—
arrives at Haßimers.
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg,..
arrives at Baltimore
HAHRISB'G ACCOM. leaves Harrisburg,
•' - arrives at Baltimore 9.45 P M
SI - NM - RV ACCOXI. leaves Sunbury-, 7,30 A M
arrives at Harrisburg 11:140-A M
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie, A M
arrives at Harrisburg _ 8.30 Plt
ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 1.55 P M
arrives at Harrisburg 6.30 A id
MAIL TRAIN leaves BaltiMore ' 9.00 A M.
leaves Harrisburg,...
' arrives at Elmira 10.45 P M
ELMIRA EXPRESS leis.. Baltimbre,... -.. 10.00 P
leaves Harrisburg ... 2.40 AY
arrives at Elmira. 11.35 AM
ERIE NAIL leaves Baltimore,' 7.20 P It
leaves Harrisburg, " '12.30 A 71
" - arrives at Erie 5. 29
ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg,.....: 12.00 P
rifriv. at Erie 3.57 A X
lIARRISI3G ACCOM. leaves York . - 7.10 A M
arrives at Harrisburg 8.40 A X
SI:NBFRY ACCOST. leaves Harrisburg,...... 4.35 P
arrives at Sunbury. 7.00 P
Mail Trains North and South, Erie Mall North, Erie
Express North, Harrisburg Accommodation South, and
Sunbury Accommodation North run daily except Sunday.
Elmira Expregs Trains North and South nill leave daily
except Mondays.
Fast Line North, Harrisburg Accommodation North,
Sunbury - Accommodation South. and Erie Mail South or
ris e daily except Sundays.
Elmira Express Norte arris es and Fast Line South
leas es daily.
Erie Express South arrives dailv'except Mondays.
For further information apply at the Ticket OSlce in the
Pennaylvania Railroad Depot. J. N. DrBARBY,
General Superintendent_
Li to and from Miladelphia andPittaisarg. and two trains
daily to and from Erie. On) and alter Monday, Nom:n
ine. tIO, Paeseuger Train of the Pennsylvania
11/dined Company will depart from Harrisburg and arrive
at Philadelphia and Pittsburg an follows:
Pllll, a. rtzt.imia. EXPREaS IesVPS Ilattinburg dal.
Ic at 1.-15 A. 11., and arrivet at West Philadelylda at 7.(X1
A. M.
. .
FAST LINE leaved Harrisburg daily (except Monday)
at 8.41 , A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00
P. R. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg.
DAY EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except San.
daav) at 1.30 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at
P. _
•CINCINN.I TTI EXPRESS leavei-Harrisburg daily
(ex. ept smidays) at 4 .50 P. M., and arrives at West Phila
delphia at 1.,20 A. At. Supper at Harrisburg.
ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Mon
day,/ at GSO A. St., and arrives at West Philadelphia at
11. In A. M. Breakfasts at Lancaster. •
. .
MAIL EAST leaves Pittsburg at 11.50 A. M., and ar
rives at Harrisburg at 12.25 A. M., and consolidating with
Philadelphia Express East, leaves Harrisburg at 2.45 A.
M., and arriv es at West Philadelphia at 7.00 A.
Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 3.00 m., and ar
rives at V. est Philadelphia at 8.30 KM. This train has no
conneeinn from the West. .
MOUNT Jt II" ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg
duly- (excel?! Sunday) at 7. A. M., and arch es at Lancaster
et !.40 A. IL connecting (except on Monday.) with the
Fa, Linn and daily with Lancaster Train East, (except
_ _ _
burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. It, Altoona 7.00
A. it, take breakfast, and arrive at,Pittsburg at 12.45 r.x.
ERIE MAIL west, fur, Erie, leaves Harrisburg daily
, xeept :•unday) rd.12.30.A. and arrives at Erie 5.29
ERIE EXPRESS west_ fur Eric lrares Ilemsburg dai
ly ,ex. ept Aundey) et It! (reKm.) arriv'ng at Erie 3.37
daily (except Monday) at 3.10 A. M. Altoona 8.30 A. M.,
take breakfast, and arrtves at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. M.
PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS.Ieaves Harrisburg-dai
lv at 3,40 A. M., Altoona at 0.1011;a - 4., lakes breakfast
ti . rrives at Pittsburg at 2.15 P. 11.
FAST LINE leaves llarnsburg daily (except Sunday)
at 4 30 P. M . Altoona at 0.50 P. N. take ssupper, and an
Hs es at Pittsburg at 2.50 A. M. 0 ,
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily &except Sun
da) tat 1.40 P. M.: Altoona at 5.15 P. ar., takes supper, and
arri‘,.4 at Pittsburg at 200 A M.
caster daily (except Sunday) at 11.20 A. M.. connecting
there with the - Mail west; leaves Mount Joy at ftsl A. M.,
“ . 1 , 1 niN or at Harrisburg at LOO P. M.
SuPt Muldie Div. Faunal:l. R.
II arn sburg, Nov. 29.,
1 r tto American Statesman, sobscription price, only $l,-
511 p.a ILIIIII[II each, and two extra copies to the getter up
.1 the club, '
‘Vhecler & Wilson's best make StG 0 , 1 Machine.
Fort SUBSCRIBERS will antic 81,00 for each ;.nhecrip•
tiop too ants the purchase of either of the above Machines.
soil send a splendid Steel Earns lag of President Lin•
solo, President Johnson. Lieu.. Gen'l Grant, GenrSher•
man, or tlen'l Robert E. Lee, RS prefered,. 19221 inches
for framing valued at $3,00 with two extra copies of the
Statesman to the getter up of the nub•
.ao• of the Splendid St e.. 1 Engravings of the Uniform Se•
ries of
that of President Lincoln, Andrew Johnitin,
I.ieut. Gen'l Grant; Maj.Gen'l Sherman, Sheridan, 'l:bibl
es, Ist'Clellau and Fremont. Admiral Parragut and Porter
each 19114 inehes for framing. worth 02., each, with an
extrn copy of the Statesman to the getter up of the club.
Now is the time to get you one of the finest PRIZES you
....odd select without other cyst than a little effort.
The latent Nen - s, Agriculture,
. Horticulture, Foreign Intelligence,
Historical Sketches,
'Polite Literature.-
Miecellaneoun Item', Poetry,
Wit, Humor, Fun, dco.
It pas been greatly enlarged and is
These splendid Prizes are all neir and a arrantbd parte":
and will be sent by Mail or Express immediately on re
ceipt of the club list and subscription money.
Send'for Copies andget up your Clubs
All renalttaeoee for safety should_ be by Post Ceres
n0v4.9 67 NASSAU ST., NEW YORE.
EQ l [ 4l l & Gnat St-, opposite Greetawalt's note."'
A. J. =et, one door west of Brown's Hotel.
Jacob Spengler, Main St.. a few dour, South of the Diu
C.V. Cressler, opposite Post Mem.
J. S. Nixon, Second St, between Seller's Hotel and Rath.
odist Church.
Etter & ETeter, Mae St., one door South of Dr. Rich-
Miller, Hamilton S. Ca, 8. E. Cor. of the Diamond.
P. Feldman, Main St, opposite Taylor's Hotel.
W. W. Paxton, Market House.
Frey & Foltz, Second Street.
W. W. Paxton, Market House, Second Street.
J. L. Deohert, Second St., near the Washington House
Frey & Foltz, Second St, near the Market Hansa.
James 3L Ross. Queen St., opposite Brown's Hotel.
Jobe Heiter,_3fain Street, - opposhe Huber & Tolbert'.
Hardware Store.
T. J. Hoe Mason, Market Houle.
& H. H. White, New Store Room, Main St.
8.45 F. X.
6:40 A. Y.
2:501. M.
P. Nicklaa & Bro., South Main St., near German Reform
ed Church.
Haber & Tolbert, Main St, Southaf Queen.
Brand &rFlaek. Main St., near the Diamond.
Huber & Evaluator, Market Home.
E. D. Raid, err. Main and Waatuagton Sta
Union, Queen St., neat Main--John Flatter.
Brown's, cor. Second and Queen—Jacob 8. Brown.
National. Main St., near the Diamond—Daniel Trestle
Domes M. ROSS, opposite Brown's Hotel.
prey S. Foltz, Second St., South of the Market House.
A. J. & H. M. White, Main St., New Store-Room.
T. J. Hoskinson, Market House.
John Defter, Main St., opposite Huber S. Tolbert's Hard
wire Store.
Dr Richards 4 . Montgomery, Main It., near Diamond.
Dr. John S. Angle, Marketitreet, East of Court House.
Dr. John Lambert. Main street, South of Queen.
N. Schlosser, Main street, North or Queen.
Hazlet, "Vernon & Co., Harrison Avenue.
Geo. A. Deitz, North of the Railroad Depot.
Leo. Ebert & Son, North of the Jail.
5.30 PK
.5.30 1. ic
2,0 A .1(
A. M. S. W. S. Stenger, Second street.
Stambaugh & Gehr, opposite Post Office: -
W. S Everett, oppositellourt House.
John Stewart, Second street.
T. J. NiII, " • " -
T. B. Kennedy, Market street. •
Wunderlich &Need, Railroad Depot.
.1. IC Snider, Market House.
S. S. Shryock, opposite Post Mace.
7.00 A M
8.45 A X
12.30 P It
5.05 P M
'Jeremiah Oyster, Main street, opposite Huber & Tolbert's
Hardware store.
C. H. Gordon, Main street, opposite Taylor's Hotel.
Lewis Wampler, Main street, opposite Ger. Ref Church'
C. H. Gordon, Main street, opposite Taylor's Hotel.
Levris Wampler, Main street. opposite Ger. Ref Church.
C. H. Bask, Second street, near Market House.
H. & F. Finfrock, Second street, South of Queen.
8, S. Shryock, opposite Poet Office.
C. Hunting, -Queen street, near Second. -
2.11; P. Hazelet, Main street, South of Washington.
.li= E: Hoke, Second street, next door to Poet Once.
Miss P. Bache, Second street, near Queen.
J. L. Dechert., Semad :free!, near the Washington House
Zito.Merman & Hassler, North-east corner of Diamond.
E. Aughiobaugh, opposite Post Office.
F. 0. Ditman, Second street, Washington Hotel.
C. Huriing, Qi/een Streei.
W. G. Heed; Fire and Life Insurance.
S. S. Shryock;Fire and Life Insurance.
David Oaks, Fire Insurance.
John Grove, Fire Insurance.
Mary E. Gray, Franklin Street.
Henry Peiffer, Second Street.
Which for Power and sweetness of tone, easy and agree
able touch, and beauty of finish, have been by the best of
judges, pronounced "unrivalled."
All of their large 7 octavo Pianos are constructed after
their new improved overstrung Grand Scale, with all the
latest improvements:
- Second Hand Pianos at great Bargain*, at priests &ag
ing from *I to 250, A. Ageut foj. K. s rs, &
shied to sell at their Baltimore prices. - For further par.
ticularsupply to 'C. HUNTING, Agent,
july26-ly a Ghambersburg Pa.
STKINICAT , & SOICK have received upwards of
- •
gold attd silver medals, in Washington, New York, Cic
ciceati, St. Louis, Chicago. Detroit and other cities
held in LONDON, 182, at I41;iell 360 Piano were on Rx.
hibition from all parts of the world, the FIRM' PRIZEMED
AL.das awarded to STEINWAY & SONE forpowerfol, dear,
brilliant and ernpothetic tone, toitA ra•crilpiat of vorhnian
ship. -
For,forther particulars apply to S. S. SHRYOCK.
Agent for Steinway & Son's. Chambenbulg. Pa. julyl9
• sic, takes great pleasure in announcing to the
citizens of Chambersburg, that Ile is prepared to give In•
struction on the PIANO, MELODEON, or CABINET
ORGAN, and most respectfully solicits - a liberal share of
their patronage. Those not in ..he possession of Pianos
can obtain instruction at his home, and the use of a Plan•
Residence of JOHN MUT,L, queen street, near
Terms reasonable. • may3l-ly
1 ORGANS, forty different styles, adapted to tiered
and seculiar music; for $BO to $601.1 each. THIRTY..
FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other ffrst pre. \
mlums awarded them. Eluetrated Catalogues free. Ad-
BROTHERS, NEW Y.onx.. seP6•IY.
Lino of graoel.
Ou and after Monday, November 20, 1885, Passenger
Trains-will run daily, as follows, (Sundays eneeptstD:
A.M. P.R.
7:10 5:45
7:45 3:35 -
8:17 4:20
Leave - Hagerstown
• " Greencastle
ob.terourg Arrive at.
t Leave at.:
Leave Shilipemeteteg.
" Carlisle 6:50 10:03 3:04
Mechanicsburg 7:21 10:36 3:37
Arrive at Harrisburg 7:50 11:10 4:10
Leave Harrisburg 8:40. 1:40 4 : 30
" Mechanicsburg • 9:18 , 2:20 5:05,
- Carlisle 9:58 2:51 5:30
" Newville 10:34 3:29 ...__
Shippensburg 41:07 4:00
Arrive at Chambenburg 11:35 4:30 •
Leave Chsunbersburg 11:40 4:40
Greencastle 12:25- 0:30 •
Arrive at Hagertown 1:05 6:10
Making close connectimis at Harrisburg with trains to ,
and from Philadelphia, New York. Pittsburg, Baltimore
and Washington.
The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:30 P. M. runs only as ~,,
far as Carlisle. ___,_, • 0. N. LULL. Stmt. " '
'lt. Office, Chambie - Nov. 20, 1865. t •
• MT. UNION STAGE LlNES.—Through fes a
SZI.M). Good staiges—carefal drivers. Stages leave
Mt. Union daily for Shade Gap at 2 °Week, P. M., rase
•king connection at Shade Gap with Chambensburg stages
on T ues d a y, Thursday, and Saturday. Also, leaves
Chambersburg for Mt. Union at 7, A. M., on these days.
Fifty ponds of baggage, at the risk of the owner, al
lowed to each passenger. No responsibility for parcels or
packages of merchandise. or other thing ranted, unless
the pen= *midis,' it has It entered by the agent ab the
Stage °Moe fa Chambersburg, BROWN'S HOTEL.
H. B. SHEARER, Proprietor.
Mum GAP, August, 91865.1 y
SECOND STREET, 130rrit 07 Quzsm,
Yeanfacturei to order in the beet stye and ofthe lateet
Deers& fulYS•See
9111 E GOOD' 1r ft :a' . 1' •
& FOLTZ wont "go back on gm"
8:25 1:15
8:55 148
927 221