TERMS OF PUBLICATION FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is published every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY 'ASSOCIATION'," at 82 . SO per annum, Di anra.Nefi, or $3 it not 'paid within the year. All subscription ac counts IcI:ST be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid. for in advance, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expi ration of the time for which they are PIO ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at rtFTEEN.evyrs per line for first irisertion;and TEN FEN` S per line for sub sequent Insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year or year. Special no tices charged one-half more than regular advertisements. All resolutions of Associations; communications of...limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged fifteen cents per line. f..4° All Legal notices of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judiuial Sales, are required by law to be advertised in the REPolirroitv—it having the I:AI tcEST CIR- C ULATION ef any pcjperpublished in the epinty,of Franklin. 4013 PRINT O 4 of every kind in Praia eilliTauey rul -ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Skinks, Cards, Pamphlas, &c., of every v ariety . andstyle, printed at the shortest notice. The RaPerstrOuY OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most'artistic manner and at the lowest rates. t TERMS IN. VARIABLY CASH. . jar Mr. John li. Shrynek is our authorized Agent to receive Spbscriptions and Advertisements. and receipt for the same: All letters should be addressedio M'CLITILE S. STUSER,lPublishers. Coal,/Lumber, &r. •CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! ATTENTION! The-undersigned have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORING MILL, a large supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds fur sale, or mule to order. ' Mouldings of nil descriptions, from loaf inch to 8 inches, on hand. Plain and,Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed, Also -Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel nests: - Banisters, Bed Posts, Le„ on hamt. - `A large supply of Dressed Flouring fur sale. and Door Frame:um band or made at short notice. IfAZELET, VERNON & CO., febl tf Hairieon Avenue, Chambersburg, GEO. A. DEITZ'.S 'DRAIN AND AGRICULTURAL AvAruniousF Deitz isbuyivg Hay Dpitz is buying Wt.a,L Deitz is buyingniiin-. Deitz is-buying Wbeat antLßye Reitz is buying- Oats amid Corii -Dells is buying Clover and Timothy Seed DelftisbuyingnauE.ed. Deitz is buying Apples and Potatoes, AND VIE HIGIIEST FMC'S, AT DEITZ'S GRAIN AND AGRICULTURAL wAiumorsE North of Rail Road Depot Deitz is selling Plowa. Deitz is selling Corn Shelints and Fodder Cotten Deitz is selling Ford's Phosplukte or l'entilizer Deitz in selling the beet Family Fleur. Deitz is selling all kinds of Feed Deitz is selling the Lest Stove Coal. Deitzls telling Salt aml PlastPr. Deitz is selling. Cement and Calcine Plaster Deitz is selling the best Little Foal Deity i 5 selling the lost Cuul Deitz it selling Hair fat Ph.tering Deitz is 6elling Foundry Cual Deitz isselllng off at smallprofits. • Deaz is seal 1_44 Pine Andlletnlwk Boards, Plank, Joist Scantling, Sawed and . Shaved Shingle,, Plutering Fly~~ring, Psiling - Rnili, &c. Be sure and buy at HEITZ'S WAREHOUSE COAL A.ND LUMBER YARD, and get a good article etteap North of the Railroad Depot. L EO. E B R SON , 'Rare euastantly on baud, and will furnish to order all lauds of SEASONED LUMBER, BE!! I} awl 2 iuelt Piaui:, Boards, wor) - ed Fluoriug, Weattte:rUlarding, Joist; and, Sean fling-, Palling, and Shingles, I==!EM all 'on the moist reasonable terms. LIME AND STOVE COL We also keep ou band a good supply of Lime uud Stove Caul: tt - hich ire Rill turniah at the !metal Price; Office in rear of the Jail, Ehamlaersbarg: Pa. . - LEO. EBERT .5.. SON. C. TEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign ed have erected and In oration a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, near Gratfenburg Springs, and are prepared to now to order Bills, of WHITE OAK, PINE, lIEMIACIC or any kind of timber desired, at the short est notice and at low rates. One of the firm mill be atthe Hotel of Sami Greenawalt, in Claamberabarg, on Satur day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LIMBER DELIVERED at any point at the LOW EST RATES. An letters ebould be addreamed to them at Gralfenburg P. 0., Adams CO., Pa. deol4-ly MILTENBERGER & BRADY. Small lota of Lumber,-Shingles. &c., from our mills can be procured,at any time at W. Y. IIYSTER & BRUS, Market Street, ehambernburK. BUILDIN G LUMBER.—The under signed. is prepared to now all kindt of Building Lam. bei at the lowest market price. R. A. RENFREW, G REENWOOD MILLS, Fayetteville P. O. liteethi.lv LU 15113 E R.— -All kiwis of Lumber for sale at _reasonable rates at A. 5. MON,N'S 31111, near Quincy, Pa. julyl9.tf attorurpo at Lalu. . _ - Glkt. WS. STENGER, ATTOR . itiT,IS AT LAW.—W. S. S•rvir,FAL, District At• torney mid Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money . Abd arrears 0 pay Office in James Duffield's dwelling. on the West side of Scuola Street, between Queen and Wmdungton Streets. o mug% QT - umBAuGH &- - GErnt. ATTORNEYS K . " jea•Law.—Otirce opv.ito the Post Office. Wilt at tend promptly to all business entrusted to their care. P. S.—Aullwrized Agents fur the colle,,tiomof Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay and alPother claitns againA the govern ment. • xonl4 _ S EVERETT. Attorney at Law. fJ Oftici on Market Street. oppo , ote the Court House; formerly occupied by Jer. Es.J. All legal lansluesss entrusted to his cure will resets e prompt alien. th/n. a sep74 TOHN,TEWART, ATToRNEY AT LAW 0 orece.tm Second fitreet. , a fru' doors South of the Market House. PENSIONS, BOI'N'TY and other (dolma promptly collected. - langln TJ. NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of .1; Ike at his residence on Second street. oetl9 T. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW • , Ottre on Market street. ottl9 WAN T E D.—Agents, MALE or FE MALE to introdntte the best selling 8'20.40 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE - _ in the world. All complete—limumer, Self. Sewer, 'Bin der, Baster, tacker, &c., &e. We let good agents pey for the machines oiler they sell them.—For particulars, addressor call on LATIIROP & sep6.3m Na. 142 South 6th St., Pa. REMOVAL - OF BUSH'S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—The undersigned has to• moved his Tobacco and Seger Store to ids new room, on —SECOND STREET, nen door to the Friendship Engine 'Muse, where he Will keep on hand a complete stock of TOBACCO AND SEG ARS, such FUI Natural Leaf, Mich igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &e. aprils A LARGE STOCK OF New Styles Fall Goods, Jtot Received at WRITE'S NEW.STORE ROO7l, Main Street. MB NOTlCE:—Notice is hereby given that I have lost certificates of 13 Marts of the Capital owck of the Bank of Ckamb&sburg, and that I will apply _ te the Bank for a re.thaue or the same. 0ett..5.64 JAMES C EYSTER. Jtt o ft4itklin: --.J'ArpoiLe;ttot:ti) BY M'CLU itlooto anb *-tationcrp. B OOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! AT SNIDER'S BOOR AND VARIETY STORE, in the Market House, opposite Brown's Hotel. Keeps eonstaetly on hand *- SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, &e. • Bibles, Hymn Books, Photograph Albums, Paper and Linen Wi1:1110TC. Shades and Fixtures, Wall Paper, Fancy Baskets, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels, Blank, Pas S .. and Memorandum Books of all sizes, Gold pens and Holders. - , •Pailket. - Books, = 3.adien Fancy Combs, Zephyrs-Alerman, Cashmere that Shetland Wool, Blank Deeds. - - Arnold's and other Inks, Architect and Pattern Paper, Songs, Dime Novels, Joke Books, &c. Old - Books, Periodicals, Music and Newspapers boatel in any style. Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. AGENCY FOR TIIE SALE OF INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS. novls SITRYOCK'S BOOK - STORE, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Miseellaneons and S.'S. Books. Stationery. Photographs and Albans, Wall-Paper and Window Shades, • Filrehild's Celebrated Gold Pens, N...*Urk and Philada. Dailies, Weeklies and Monthlies, Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods, Bibles and Hymn Books, 1-f - ir Orders of the most complex elescrtption filled on the shorten notice. OLD EDITIONS hooted Inc by Mr. J. K. Shryock at a reasonable eoratnission. Agents for SrfirxwAl's Pianos and MdfCON Cabinet Organs. oet-I TO OUR WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. —We have made SVECIAI. arranzements this Fall to pr,ure ant SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STA TIONERY at i.neh rates, that we can supply our Wit OLE CUsTOMERS at the town passible TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—We are agents for the Arnerlcun S. S. Union and other houses fur the &ITO). of Sunday School Books. S. S. SIIRYOCK. IiVISCELLANEOUS ular attention given to keeping on hand all the new pnblinationi, an is,.ueti. S. S. SITRYOCX. TO BOOR . BUYERS.—Book will find it to their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Prompt attention to written orders. S. S. haiRYOCK. _ _ CHOOL BOOKS .—All the School kJ .1300k.s in use to be hail, at city prices, at ___ SHRYOCK'S. _ TO TEACHERS.—SpeciaI terms to Teachers, fur Selivol'lluuks and Stationery, at - srtßYoeit's. B00Ks! BOOKS !,!,—We have made ar nungPments in the Eastern cities to fill orders by Er press in the shortrat possible lime. S. S. SHRYOCK. BOOKS.—Lib o ries_supplied and re-fit ted n ith varticular advantage, by , S. swaYocK. E=XIC 0! MEXICO!! REPUBLIC OP 31EXIC0 Ttt,nikyear Coupon Bonds in Sums of $3O, $lOO, SSOU, and $l,OOO INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAYABLE IN I= PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAVAULE $lt),tNR) NO to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS on Mt DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yicldiug an interest of TWELVE PER CENT. IN GOLD or SEVENTEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at the presviat rare of premium on gall. TUE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. TILE MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT EVER OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND MIRICUL TURAL LANDS; SIXTY PER CENT. PORT DUES, IMPOSTS. and TAXES, in the States of TAM AULIPAS and SAN LUIS POTOSI : and the PLIGHT ED FAITH of ,the said States and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED for the redernp that of Curie. 1140nd4 and payment of interc,t. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE CIO in U. S. Curreney Rdl buy, a 7 per et. Gold BOWL of e5O S. Curreney will buy a 7 per of. Gold Bond of _ el® S'ling in U. S. Currrncy Rill buy a 7 per et. Gold Bond of. 6300 1 &;o0 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per et. Gold Bond of. e].(q) LET EVEEY LuVEE. OF REPUBLICAN INATITI.TIONS Cirr f utdii forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN CORLIES & Co., and J. N. T irt"r, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y . Subseriptioni also received by Banks -and Bank ere generally throughout the United Btatsi novB-4t -_ ~~j~~ician~ TAIL J. S. ANGLE. OFFERS lIIS PRO IJ I. sort leer to the citizens of Chambers. burg and s . ieintty. Will attend proinptly to ail calls in line. Can be found nt hts office, in MARKET STREET. too doe", Boot of the Cosset House. in D. O. belles build ing, t t r at the National Ilotel4Trobtle'r.) %t hen not Profes Rionally engaged. d. at night, will and noe at the Na tional Hotel, nuvls..ly J. C. Rum/Aims. H., U. JNO. MONTGOMLRY, M. D. p ICHARDS 'ds MONTGOMERY have ab , Wiated Lbt:tuselr.eC in the Practice of Allevairre, unit Inane (144,,...i an omen. in Dr. Rirbards'.uelv, building, on :Amu +truNt. a tow doors South of the Mamma . . . _ . All perhoos indebted to either of the above, will please mdke earl,}' settlement of the saute. Cang-24dfl DR. JOHN LAMBERT will resmne the PRACTICE. OF MEDICINE, and tenders his see. vices in the various brunches of his profession. Can be tumid at his residence, on MAIN 511:EKT, at any thee n hen not profevoonally engaged. novls TAR. S. HUBER Offers his profess lona' services as Yhynician and Surgeon to the citi• zero; of Grololage and t ieimty. atik23-6m ,forWarbing Mouoes. ~ WUNDERLICH , & NEAD FOItWAIWING AND COMMSSION MERCIUNTS North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valley R.iilroad Depot. Chamberrhurg. Pa. Care nut regularly to and from Philadelphia and Balti more. AGEN'l'S.—Petteock, Zell & Hinchmun, No. 8118 Mar ket St., Philadelphia. Lykens Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt¢OAL. (Surat from the mint'.). IVilkt4tlntrre and G rove FOUNDRY COAL, LUBBER, SHINGLES. BALT . , PLASTER and Hanisick (I.IOIENT, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR, GBAIN and PRODUCE 01 all Lisids' per ./g t sed a t the ,Highest 11141 prices. Sept% Cl. WUNDERLICH & NEAD. 719 entiOt p EMOVED. .—DR. SCHLOSSER HAS office to the SKOlin FLOOR of his res• idence, en Main Strut, nearly opposite Wallaee's Dry- Good. Store. flaring been the first to introduce the Vulcanite Work in this county, reducing the price lily one-ball, nod placing teeth iv ithin the reach of the poor us well ns the nth, he wjll continue to avail himself of every improvement' and study the interest of all who may call au him. novls IMIEEM PUBLIC NOTICE—The Stockholders of the Afonongaheta Valley Telegraph Company, are hereby notlitsd that a meeting of the said Stockholders will be held in Monongahela City, Washington Co., Pa., on Saturday, December 915, A. D., lerz, at t o'clock, P. M., at the home of Mr. C. IlAttykr, for the purpse, ananigst other things, of increasing the Capital Stock of said Company to an amount equal to the estimated cost of making such extensions to the said line astray be propoe• ed andagreed upon ut said meeting. oca-1.5.31 JAM 4 L. SHAW, Secs. E & STONER. S. S. SITRYOCK Sinancial. 13u,Uu0,uuu LOAN Emu MEM I= ONE BOND Legal floticto. APPEALS ! APPEALS !!-NOTICE.-- The Commissioners and Assessors of each Tam :drip and Borough of Franklin county will meet at the fol lemeg t i mes i n The Commix inners' Office, in the Borough of Chambersburg, for the purpose of hearing the Appeals front County, State anti Militia Taxes for the year December 11th. for Green. Quincy, Wasbiugton, Way nesboro and St. Thomas. •-. . December 12d, for Letterkenn3 - , Southampton, Ifrunii tim, Panneti and Metal. December 13th, for Antrim, Greencastle, Peters andWf - ti• ren . December 14th, for Guilford, Montgomery, 3lercersburg, Lurgan find Chambersburg. . HENRY GOOD, , JOHN AlthtliTILONG, Attest: .d)A.NIEL—SKINNER. GC°. FOREMAN, Clerk, quer:224H] Commisgoner, NTOTICE OF INQUISITION.—To Hes ki ter Mammert, widow of Adam Mummert. reAding in Franklin county, Pa.; William Murnmert, Washington - county, Md.: Elias, Daniel, George. Samuel, Catharine and Mary, (intermarried with John Stine.) all of Fmnklin county, Pa.; llarriqt, (intermarried with Hugh liuger,) Knoxville, Knox county, heirs runt legal remsentu tires of Adam 3fummert, late of Fettr,township, Frank lin county, Pa., deed., That by virtue of an tinier of the Orphans' Couft of Franklin county, to me directed, I will told an Inquisition on the Real Estate of said decedent, on II ednesdny, the 19th of December next, at 11 o'clock, when and where you may attend if you Mink proper. -nov22-3t JOUR DCF.BLER. Sheriff, T. 0 TIC E OF INQUISITION.—To Elizabeth Lehman, David Lehman, Daniel Leh man. Catharine 0. Rife, Salomon Lehman. Jacob Leh tuna, Elizabeth Lehman, Naney Lehman. Samuel Leh man, David Lehman, and Benjamin Lehman. Rein: and legal repre.entatives of Samuel Lehman, late of li men ton ra.hiti, Franklin County, Penna., dee'tL That by virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Franklin County to me directed, 1 will hold au luquisi lion on the Real Emate of said decedent, on Saturday. thr 16th day of December next, at 11 o'clock, where and itheu you mar attend if you think inroper. JOHN DIEBLEIt, Sherilf. AUDITOR'S E-The limier- A m e t o r appointed by the Otphati‘ C01111.,r Franklin count•, penn'a, to distribute the balance in the hands of Margaret Seibert, Administratrii, and John I It, het. Adruiulstrator, of Wm. Seibert, late of the Berocgli of Clumbershurg, deed, to and among the iledgors of - said deceased, trill attend to the duties of bin appoint:neat at his of tee, opposite the Court House, in the Borough of Chambersburg, on Saturday, the 9th day of DI, ether, 1293, at la eeloch, A. M., when and where all persons in terested are requested to present their claims. nos ISM AN S. CLARKE. Auditor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.-No lice is hereby given that Letters of Admo•tration on the Estate of Esther Long. late of Green Wn nAlp, deed, have been granted to the ltadersigmea. Ail persons toms mg theme...lye, indebted 'to e.i,dt,tate will please make Immediate payment - and tlav, haying claims present them fully authentieiged for settlement_ nos`:CHRISTfAN PREY, Adln't DiNIINI . §TRATORS' NOT I C E.- -N0.1.1_ .1.1_ fiee is'yhereby Os en that Letters of Adnoolstnition on the Estate of Jame.. Palmer, late of Guilford ton nship, deed. hate been gralite/Ln/ the undersigned. All persons knotting tiemselTes Indebted to ,otl Estate will please make iminedotte payment, and Mo-e has no: claims present them duly :utthenticated Mr-settlement nev:!sl. JESSE, KEAN, Adm r. DMINISTRATOR'S tree is hereby given that Letters of A4bnini,tratioi on the Estate of Adam Smith. •,f F., late of .11•,;t;tf••mu•n -t'tw rnship. dee - a, have been e'rante,l to the Innlers:s.rood All pers,l:o knowing themselves italebteil to .s.MI Estate aitl please make immediate payment . anti Ile se Ira. lag claims present them properly untheutivated for set: NIANDRILLA S3IITH Att.Cry. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE .--No tire is hereby given that Letters of Admoo-iratom on the Estate of James C. Sh:rdds, late of Fount It ship tiee'd have been granted to the andersigned, All persona know:ng themselves indebted to said Estate will please make itameatate pay meat and tine, la, claims prmeent them properly - authentleated for netlilblehl Inlvi 5 WM. A. SMELDS Adm r . -ATEINISTRATOWS _ NOT ICE:—No in.T•O hereby ON en that Letters of Adudiustra:wo o n the E s utj e o f H e nry F. Stovar. late of Way neshorn devil, have been granted to the underhlgned. • All persons knot, ing thernseh es indebted to said E,i.tte will please make immediate payment and those has tag claims present theth properly alallentlealedfor settlement. novls HENRY STONY:DOUSE. Adm'r. /t D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No• L 1 five is barely /given tlmt Lettt,s of Adminlitratior. on the 1.:-.tate of James NVi,lagy, late of Faunett town• ship deed have been granted to the gmlernigmett All persons knowing. them..elves Imlebte.l to said INtate will please make immedlate payment • mai :limn. be mg , .claims pre t ent jbot,, authenm,lo,l for settlement. ItrP` GEfl Anmr. /VIIIIINISTIZATOWB NOTICE.—No tier is hereby given that Letterset Administration on the Estate, of George W. Stammers. late of Greeneas tle. deed, have been granted to the undersigned. MI persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those Navin}, claims prevent theta properly authenticated for st ttlement to the-Administrator, residing at Waynesboro. not, tT DANIEL j‘..D3l-INISTRATOR'S NO'T'ICE.—No tier is he s reby that letters of Adinonstration on tile Estate of Jacob Heart late ( hambertamrg dee'd, have been granted to the malet±itsled. All Perkins indebted to rind are rt..turnti-41 to make immediate payment. :fad tltobe has mg . I !Aims is ill phase pr,ent tlytm prop,rly autlivutloated tor -ettivtnent. aorl hi' - C. M. C.l,,ltNEl"l', Atha r. A D,miNisTßATows N()TICE.-No -1-.1 tire is hereby given that Letter; of Adtruntstranou uu the E.otate of Tin,lnw.4 Johnston. Iwte of .Metat town ship, deed. have been granted 1., the undenigtni. • All persons knowing thene..o,n , Indebted to said Estate trill please make intmednite payment: and tho.o , luring claims present them properly anthelitirated for MARY 31 Adtu'rx. auwIISAAC WRIGHT, Adtn'r • A D3IINISTRATOR'S tiee ii hereby given that Letter+ of Adminktratm on the Estate of IfezeMalt Facto late of Pete, town ship, deed, lave been granted to the under,gnyd. All pomitts knowing thett,elve.; indebted to sail nil' pleane make immediate payment, :oat rho.,Yiut,, claims present thempmperly authenticated for ..et;lentent. hoe 1 VETTI• A. EASI•tN A DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE - No -11 tire is hereby given that Letters a AdminiOration on the Estate of John Calomel, late of Green MN notal, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. • Allzwrsons knowing themselves inflAwod to said Estate will please make nntnedmte pdyment. and tome Lacing claims present them properly authentieated fur -ot etil noel ROBERT BLACK, Adm'r. p f k DIiINISTRA'FOR'S NOTICE.-No 11_ tit,' is hereby given that letter; of Aaainearntior, oa the Estate of Samuel Yeah le. late of Warren brteaat, dee'd, have been granted to the under,icaed. Ail I,rno. kn,, vioß .111,111seh e. indelat d to ;aid Estate xvill ',lease make inantniod. , pu ) .00 and 111,e 11.n - m¢ elanns present them properly anthentieated for N ett ietaeot. noel SOLOMON COOK. Adak r. E r CUTOR'S •N o'l' I C E.—Notice. is erehS given;thilt Letters Testamilitary to the. Es tate 0 Vantel Small, late of Quiney town-hip, dee'd, hal e been giblet to the undersigned, re.iding .o lir'emu ton., ship s All nersmei knowing, themsel, es indebted to said Estate still please midis immediate payment, 'soul ,tlm.e having Claims presentihem properly authenticated for settlement. nos-?d SA3II - El. SMALL, Ex'r. ..LAp.XECUTORS' NO IC E:--Notice is hereby given that Letters Testimientar.i it'll, Estate 01 Christian Freet. late of Green tntvicLip , let .1, lut e been granted to-tin All pereann mnving theu”eivii. indebted I:Nlate trill pte~~se make immediate pa) went. and hat :1 , 14 . Claims pre,etit them duly authenticated it,T nettli•nit'llt. .101 IN F nos.? JOiEs: MON'S. " VXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.--Notice „Li hereby given that Letterx Te4tatnentarytothe E•tate of Alexander Piper, late of 'Emmett toan.4l,ip, dee'd, hang been granted to the undersigned, ... • All renons knowing thernselv, Indebted to .aid Estate will please make_unmediate payment; and the, havreg. ealmApm,litthtmiTroperlvaahentientedfor , ettlemeld. ISIOV if iItANK LIN PIPER. Ex'r. Versonat Vtoptrt» ruo EDITORS:—A UNION NEWSPAPER 1 for sale in a ntrong Cnion eonatv, n ith It large eir• calAtion 1111 1 1.0.111 f, IL s cry profitable I;usine,s. It is an old established vain, and has ond material and a power press. Address the pnblishersuf tile lii 1•.,t rout'. nue If 1 0 (1 SHARES BANK STOCK FOR v SALE —oat. -hundred shares of the capital Stuck W . the NATIONAL BANK of WIAMBERSBUBG for sale7in lots toNatit pareht,ers. Apply at the Bri'llnl -1011,1" Office. ang9:l-tf HAY P RES SES.—Three Hand Ilay Presses. in good order. for Sale cheap. julyl9-tf ] GEO. A. DErrz Chanibersburg, Pa. Gagerstown Herald copy 2t, charge .11i:Pig•tingY. - S. 7-30 BONDS FOR SALE. IN 4...) • in denominations of $5O, SICK), eat o and $l,OO. Inquire at this oftlee. Eyett!.s.tf FOR SALE.—A full course Scholarship in the Quakes City Ituairteis College of Philadelphia, Apply at this tars. ti estate *alro. "O`TIAGES FOR SALE.—Two FRAME COTTAGES on the Carlisle turnpike will Le sold at Private Sale. Apply to A. K. kI'CLERE. HOUSE AND. - LOT FOR SALE.—A House and Lot in a good location on North Main Plreet for ealo. Inquire at the iternerrouT oftro. (novl CIIAMBERSBURG. PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1865. VIRGINIA LANDS IN MARKET. - - ART Irint L. ROGERS. REAL ESTATE AGENT, " MIDDLEBURG; LOUDON COUNTY, Having an extensive acquaintance with the people and 'the Land of the Piedmont' Section of Virginia, at celebrated as a tine "Grass Country, I will pay particular attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, iu this region, beides practising law in the Courts of Lou don and Paquier. . I am authorized to sell some of the niont desirable Farms to this part of the State, and will- correspond prittaptly with per...ons wishing to purchase, or lake pleas ure in showing these lands to them, if they give me a cull. E.. 1 Pints and Surveys tarnished when desired. Address, ARTHUR L.ItOGERS, Attorney at Law, Middleburg, Loudon Co., Va. Itt:FillEXcEN .Tanury, Esq., Leesburg. Ta - Hen. A. Rogers , Middleburg, Va. ; A. Spilumu, Esq l James V. Brooke Warrenton, Faquier etainty, Va.; A. K. Phillips, Frederieliburg, Va.; Francis L. Smith, Esq., Alexandria, Ca.; Dr, Beverly It. Wellford. Win. H. Macfarland, Esq., Richmond. Va.• ' Messrs. L. F., Bayne st; Co., Messrs. Hamilton. Easter Sc. Co, I. Haven Steele, Baltimore. 31d. 'Middleburg, Va., OeL 11, 1 , 3454.1ra. Ite.posufficY, Chambemblirg, copy ; send bill to 'this once for collection, and one copy of paper to Maj. A. L. Rogers, Middleburg. Va,—Hagerstorrn Mail. VALE ABLE IRON WORKS FOR V SALE.—The nadersigned, Trustee appointed by the Orphunb' Court of Franklin county, will offer at Pub lic Sale, on the premi.es, no Mtinceday. the 2144 ;my, of Pe ember vent, the. hoe nails - Med list r of property known no FRANKLIN IRON WORI“. qit nate in St. Tinninnx t o n I,llip. Franklin eoanty ,nkl. late the E , tote of Or, Benjamin Ithrenner, deed. This propvrly io %ituoto :t )Bloc uurth of tun n of holm-, andeolit.the. I •).13 IIiRES A NI) oo and alloy nue°. There - is , tory :••13.1N E DNVELLINO IIi.)I,SE, a FUR. N A E, CaNtine. Shed. Wheel thnice, TIVEIA LOU 'FEN ANT 1R IUSES, 1,11111 other Ito pro, Pment , thereon There ai.o abutttlate eof ruin), ble bn.wn heniante IRON ORE upon the and unfit the land is , ell -VON end ith thus row luting Ch.-aunt :tea Oak • rinther and convenient to other toitil. Lunt 'rho Furtetee t. thor m (..inlitlon to he put in Blast. Also—Another tract of' FARM LAND, partly litne• storie, t 4 , ltruedi:lteiv adj.inifig . the alio% e. euriluinute; I3ti ACltkit4 and 31 VERCILES, neat inea,nre, with Bank tarn mid Gth. r impnoselnenh thereon erected. The other 11114i4,VIdeli halt 44 Funutee Trttet is owned WtllLain Meaner. and will lvg sold at the gall.' 11111 e. Sale to rommete.e at 1 e'tqeelt, P. M., It lien term, xi tq Lv nuttle WM. 1). DIXON. Trtz,tett. me.l3-5t • WM. Plilt EAN En. PUBLIC SALE.—There will be expos ed to Pablo. Sale; on the premise., in Quincy town ship. Franklin molly, Pa • on friday thelst of Perm it, 1et"..5 the following described Real }]state, viz; A TRACT OF LAND eontaining 21 ACII.F.S and ti 7 Per eh, neat inea.sure adjoining lands of Jona'n Bear, John Summers, Conrad Zody and Snail Matte. On this (met there is °reeled a laro• STONE GRIST MILL du Lit tle Antietam Creek about 4 miles from Waynesboro and it miles tram Quin°, and in one or the most favorable 111. callous in the (-omit; There in rag° a DISTILLERY, 2 BRICK D)vELL/SG and other buihhugs on the prVlllize 4 'all ill good repair. Ti:ttms . One•third of the purchase money to remain a inui on the z ^d 'daring the lifetime of the widen, •ille to reveive the interest thereon =emi-annualiy, to he computed Inns the asst of Aptii when possesnion tali be given; death toe pruteipte sum to go ti the heir, of Pfootz, dead. balance—sae.thira Is; Apra, 1-110, and the remount, lit ltU7, ;gill interest from Ist April. 1-di, All the unpaid purchase inane} to seellred per..: ads, 1,1 tit 11 o'clock, A. M. JOUN HELLER Trurtee JACOII F. 11L11111. turaian pl7lll_lC SALE.-BROWN'S HOTEL. -T1,,. 00/scriber svi/hinz to n nrc fnon-t-he Hotel ba. 01 oter at Pttbhe Sale. 4)11 the preral - ses, in the ),nr.oich Chambersbarir, or To.-syhty, to IYrh Juu •1 I h re mho, valuable I'ROPEHTY. 1 kitstel ' otuate so n the ..1 Ara streets. The lletel iscfmvreTlll2l.l.: Sin MN' 111:1t;li ouol well arnwite.l lez inetudithz t flat 1 trze Inannz, Room a Bagelnent. well calculated far father re-taaran , or hot r,an, with one 14 the la , t Ale Vaults in Clininbart- Baru. • el. , gant STABLING, Wo,lJlu, and atilt, out lutt:iiilats - >himble for a Hate] llhtai i. idtuaN d in Ow at, .st buquesc part e - U . the Town .hla—A two sum, BRICK DIVELLINI. eatuate ou t0u. , 11 greet, atly,ining tho 800 I. Loa' of GIhOVND situated hear Clmber , 1 tirj on the road leading: Wayth,boro, roma:nine; ACRES and Itit2 PERCIIES. bounded ht lands of We. Wall.tee, Wm. M'Lellan and other,. v4` 'flit• above de Bribed Read I:,tato tviil be ,abttrttltuft re , .`,C, and the tern,: it u ot 1,11" v, un .lay of note. Sale b..namenee at 10 u'elock. JACOB Bnowx. VT A 1.17 LE PROPERTY AT PRI VATS 111:0, 1101,,,, TOTITIINKIIII nun nnLVlnn...,.o eyn rtk. ezvalk. 3 %irk donee,, four rooms ear.b.-- Prier ;,.."1 , .00, TTo-Story Huge, with abundance , of Fruit Tree, and Grapes. Priee $1.9.f.10. 1 Two-story Briek ilon,e, Fruit Trees and Grapes, nitli excellent Brick Stable upon the hit. Price $l,l-,,10- 1 Lot 6-1 feet front, with Brick h on.A, well of it ater iu caul, rice and unapl.te paVrlllellt run fro , ll , if 111 i.llr of the curt ile.siralile location+. Pri , e s22.o(xi lion.,es Intl recently thoroughly- rk paired and painted $1191) 6 Moldlng. Lat., t?,00 feet ileep.l-3. , front in the mact de tirahle part of thetown f. Imilthng. A at the abovi, N..perte+ will be sold nt pr i.tte to —part ea...ll—the balanee iu one aml. IV.llyo,n, lit Aprll. 1-66, J. 'ALLISON EYSTEIt. nut L1.7.-k LE FA IZ)I AT PRIVATE SA L 1: —The underaigue.l °net,. at Private Salt , a TRACT Dl' 1..33:1), t•ttn:rte,l to Gatltortl tuts n-hip Franklin roanty Lod. of Thatltlea. Steven , , :eorge and others nontattanq ulnalt 1.19 ACRES. There erUlu A.Tl'4 clean 11 kl/ta Ernst fanning . or der, n n •,t of it eleared a ltlan the tact 7 - yea,. A nall par:lon . ..ol it i, Litntstoue Land. the t.lttne &iml Stone Tin• nnpn,tt at. tit 4 ::r• a 14,44 ,'..toned 11 It 1 C K 1/111:1,1.1 - Nf1 7101'•SE 0,..1 Bniner , bank Barn. IruLroll \tills . 2 0 4,1 Cr l . - l'at - r1.1V..• I lou , e and all nee, ry ens huddle Ec Then , are Wll OVN tr 0 . 11- 1:111.31111:1 slit .11 the place, said s well ill net iT IWILUg %Kale!' I,ertilla. If WI,. a ut-,al C:sn rzt at the ❑ott,c and ,a-n one near the ban. 'I here are :thaw 30 Acre* of ellent l'13:1: T131111:11 LAND an the linen, the la,l/1"latla, to In c.anal in the e••nutg awl there ti good IRON OBE Oil a etanaderattle port.. of the I.trul. 0,11- .Int .1.1.31 ES 31. 111:3:1,10.13'. [l.anra-b•r 1.:1117I1 r Ili-en 3 it.o, and send bill to (tit, ATERY PROI'EIITY Xl' pRIV.UI'.I: SA I.E.—FARM ,4A /) STEAM .1 KR I . 011 .the (11011111ersiMri: and I3edh,rd'Carn piktt in full.. In ACRES LIEU SLATE LAND. the larger part cleared. utater e.6.A1 tent, and in a lugh.tate of etthii. talon wilt n attired a young 11...lr ing Ctreitaril, large go,i, BRICK. 11V 1 SE atal . Bank Barn at nth running eater at eaelt A varlet) ol fruit! :out shade tree , 4urr, anal the threlhog hoube; go.ml and convenient out Intilding, The Stettin T.tnnert known ;ts is 'Tannery." it ot large earaetty—buthling, auction loners nen:. large double tine butler, and engine t outplete, Ontrn.,, et tan I all under toot and von..tt to l e d In ino,lern 513 le. ulth all the late hoproventetthu a ons enient to erad ra,l - pout. and one of the best 'twang... iii the eollrfr?.. A1..0 is connection, are THREE C;(4)1) DWELLINt: It iI'SES, :2.000 Aert, of Mountain Land eey of :wee-, and nob fink and other timber If da - b ‘red 'Tannery, Cr, ISM lA' 5041 ;0..10• Cur tilt th.• mrril.Lll.ll, ten. , St . abtm.4 It. AI r Is. 4 .It] il.rrhunis the l'ulten Ti? i,7,IIENAN DOAI IV A LI, E Y _Ali S FoR ,le-iligg to bay good unEsroNE FAIENIS in the Slienataleal, Valley, e. eft g atetha arid iu than} Ith geed iny , nn etheats area them. can 410 SO of the salerrther, at t pry Imc gat,. Ne better opportunilig, for htu lug goinl larws at hth rates su Alin er again ire' Cri 111 thk BeiMz a P. ~,ykan ian thyself. and located lucre. I tall andl%lll,ll /thy lime larg,l3 :gell ,11fOrIllallOt 4.4 pt.r."ll , lll•bing to hull /11a3 1114,11 their talare.k.gng tile by letter. at, L., IN l'l[.l \-COUNt i :.-Aelli..aakltitt.hey, javol., Shot ; Javal llarvl t el- Ate, svotlan.t ; I iantet Jolla 13. .N1'1.1401.111 NVia, :11 . 1x11...a, Col. F. S. si‘unb.. w h, null .no t ..11149 elaaalfer.lakrg'. ILLI.k3I 11. 111:CK Attorat* at Law atmt 1:4,1 E•tat, Agent. ),:t*.;:, tl Wl, 1..4,, 1 irgnad. ATALIJAIII.E MILL I'llol'Eit'll' 'A'l V S LI; —The 1111111,1g,11,1, agent h.r th ben, of tt McKee. dee'd, ono ti rs lit Private ale the (n)IniTLA.;li antinte,l in trot n town •h:p, I'runktin ount, I' ,, 'I he. property vent,ino.lLlnot tr, o t In. sto D Stony ;mil NVeather ho.ndeklA ,LIMY NULL. t,A V; :MM., lilt ICK II( y NVeatherlloanled MIiII, r I[ollSe. and Other 111311%1,611,1'1% there, .• fk gmhi rt p.OO. It,, ,tutor you or .114timll let,t IA the t reek. t•ti hinnedbttel. 'Vet-tot 0.1. y eopF.l.tt J(.111.N R. °lilt, Agent for Heir's. PsAIA:.—By order of the or, j_ ph.tus . Court. the undo reagno4.l wU3 eelt car 1-, ray, the eth Jay of 'Mel 1.,r 1:443. ut one d. leet. P, M , wt the Ilrend..,, the alliOlVtaa ilef.f•l'llnedltoalE , qate o f Magdalen, linter, of Lotterkenn, township, dot ea,ed about 1 EN . urgood .tote of enalvation to, it 11.7 there,. erected a good NVEATILERISOAItDEDI.I.OUSE, Nrr, HAM and other out inulding, o nth LI Smell ul goeil Water. 1 . 30111141e1l by .K. 111111111.0, Ge o . W. Be.ore and other, 'Verne, load.. known on the dorof ado. note JO/ IN B. K.11:rr11 AN, TrA-toe, 1,V111 1:1 A 8 B1.. ' 0N -4 ,2 : A1 12 1 111i L e I c r 2:ed i ...a ° l l . l abl b' E Public Sale, in the \ %inapt a Marion: ol; mturday ffrt - i A Lot of Groom!. cont.ttrang ONE ACItE, more or legr. The initu . ot elitents are a tao-story LOG 1,101:SF.; and Back Building, a oh a store and mare Ilium attached, There is a Well td 1:00(1 Water on the preini.es. tho mine time ;nal place, a LOT of OROC ND containing TIIREE ACRES. Sale to rommeno, JO 1 tfrlock, P 31., 1,11 7 the ter - Ills Will Ile 11,11011. =EI f(iWO FARMS FOR SALE.—The sttb „lL Rail),offers at Private Sara TWO FARMS cud. a LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND. Persons disposed to mu , chase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the Mansion Tract, on the Baltimore turnpike, one mile East of Fayetteville. junel2l-tr JOHN G BIGIIAM. A SMALL FARM FOR SAL E.—The subscriber offers at private sale, Ids FAILIt and a Lut of blonntain Lund. - Persons disposed to purchase will please call on the underslicued, residing in Fayette. villa. isop4l C. A ~FUNK. cai 05tate ,Satcs. =I JOIIS ZAIWEIt, JIL tralagiu gepooital, TILE BLIND EON. To the Editors of the Frank/in Repository In yonr,paper of the 11th of October you pub lished a pica of poetry on a "A Child Asleep," and in a late number "On a Sleeping Infant." The enclosed lines en "Th 9 Blind Boy," by Rey. Dr. Hanks, I think are equally "touching" and full of tenderness. If you think so, and it they are not too old, please find a place for them. It Was a blessed Sunuaer day,' The Ilcurers bloomml—theltir was mild, The little birds pon.r'd forth their lay, And everything in nature smird. In pleasant thought I wandered on Beneath the deep wood's ample shade 'Till suddenly I came upon Titre children who had thither stray'd Just at an aged birch tree's foot A little boy and girl coedited, Ifis hand in hers she kindly put, And then - I saw the boy was blind The children knew sot I was near, A tree conceard me from her view, But alt they said I mall could bear, And I could bee all they might do. "Dear Mary," said she poor blind boy, 'Mud little bird sings rerylnig; Say, do yon see hint in his, joy. . And is be pretty as his song!" Eth‘atril, yeb," replied the maid . the bi - rll on yonder tree;" The poor boy Figh'd awl grutly said "Si.ltvr, I a-611 that 1 could, see.- "TThe flower., you sic are Very fair, - And bright green haven are on the !reel, Anil pretty Dints ninging there-- Iltpwbtaatifill fur 1110 n bust:es! 'Yet I the fragrant Itowei•s eau swell, I eau feel Ate green leafs shade, Ind I am hear the a, , teb that :As et From tti,e dear birds that God his ina‘b Gul to me is kind, 'though sight, alas ! has uot given But tell me. are there any blind .11n..11g, the_ehildrea up in Heaven i'' klmiret4 Edward, there all Bat a ay ask me a thing ao 04t1 !" Ilary, lids so good to me, I thought rd Ida to look at God." tire kiln ittwa,e its baud bud laid On that dear boy, so meek and mild; His,syidow d mother wept and pray'd That OW would spare her sightless child. `lle felt her warm tears on his-face, And said : ' UL never weep fur me, glarig to a42right—Might place, Where ]fart' .ays I Gad Anil ate ! And you'll be there deur Mary, too: Itut motto:, it hen you get up there re - a Edward, mother, that you -I'ou bum never ~ a nv you here." 4,01,t, nu muru r but .stve,.4l3 muird Uuttl the !mat blots u.l.- cis en -11-ttzt Gott t. ek ttp ttutt blind 00(1, And uretid Bret bit iyes in Heaven. TILE BROKEN SOW: OR, The Bride's First Sorrow flight was darkening into night, the first faint star of esening gleamed from the far blue heavens, aid the hush and repose of nature seem ed tot, holy to he broken by the strife of Lamm p a .sions: yet lo iw painfully did the quiet of that evening scene cootra.4 \\ i t IL! he passionate grief of a young heart. mourning .4-er its first sorrow. Ellen Sinclair was a newly wedded bride. She wits but sesenteen ; the joungest daughter of her fitther's house, and the spoiled pet of the whole family, her fife had passed as one long day of sunshine and flowers. She had been wooed by one she had know n from childhood, and with the consent of their mutual friends they acre united. The day atter their marriage the bridal pair left her father's house for the residence. of Mr. Sinclir; in one of the interior counties of Virgin ia. A few happy. weeks - passed - when Sinclair proposed to toe 'bride to visit a gorge in one of the neighboring mountains, from which the rising sun frequently presents the singular aspect of the looming of the mountains—the same phenomenon at Bich is wituessed in the straits of Messina, and known by the more poetic name of Fata Morgatia, or the castles of the fairy Morgana. Ellen was delighted with the proposed excursion, and search ed every book in the house winch afforded any : inlormatiou on the subject. This excursion, which promised so much pleas ure, ended in despair ay, death. They reached the desired spot iii safety. The twilling was fa- , vorable to their wishes; the ascending iapors caught the rays of the rising suit formed themselves into the most igeorgeous and fantastic scenes. Ellen IA as so much absorbed in this wonderful and magnificent spectacle, that she forgot the caution that :_fiutilair'had given herat the moment of mounting her spirited steed. lie turned from her side an instant to speak to the servant who followed; the- mw,ement startled her horse ; the • rein wag lying loose. on his neck, and feeling him sell-free from . a guiding hand, lie dashed oft at full speed. Sinclair and the Servant followed, but were unable to overtake her. Fortunately she tort a gentleman ‘•ho succeeded - in stopping her perilous career. Sinclair checked his•horse too suddenly, that he. might express his-hanks to her preserver. The animal threw hitu with great vi olence. He was conveyed home in a senseless state, and surgical assistance hastily summoned, but the force of the fall had inflicted some inter -I=l injury whith baffled the skill of the physician. It was beside his bed, in that calm twilight, that the y o ung wile knelt with scarce a hue of life upon her feature. " Oh, Ellen, my beloved, calm yourself—this sorrow unmans me," murmured the dying man, passing his hands caressingly over the head which was bowed upon his pillow. The deep sullocated•sob was the only repl.Vo his words. "It is hard to die," he 4:initialed, "when I was looking fury; ard to years of much tranquil happl ness,with ;you, my sweet. Ellen ; but it is the will of Heaven, my best beloved, and we must sub mit" , " Oh, Henry, my own Henry, you must go down to the (mid, cold grave, where I can see you nu more—nevermore hear the tones of your dear voice.. It Will break my heart," was the almost inarticulate reply. "My poor Ellen, this is a hard-trial for you,, but you are, too young to, grieve always. The thought is torture to inn, but even 3ou may lore again—may tired another!" and his voice was nearly staled With painful emotions. " Neter, never! Oh, [(miry, how can you bar low my •soul at this awful moment with such a supposition f Wed another ! 'Give the wreck of my buried affections to autither! Oh, nOOO ! the thought tt ould kill me." " I doubt not yhu think so now, love ; but time wovks strange changes in this world of ours. We know not what v. e may do. 1. wish to exact no promise front you. The thought is bitterly painful to me, but should your present views change. Ido not wish that the reproach of a bro ken vow should mar your peace: of mind." " Henry, hear fuel" said Ellen, in a solemn tone. "Should I ever so far forget my faith to your ashes as to lend my ear to the language of love, to the voice of affection for another, may your Mnn on my bridal evening come to the, and reproach me for my faithlessness." A bright any - fie passed °ler the face of the dy ing mail He murmured— yllepeat those words again, my Ellen ; they take front death its sting—in Heaven you will be all my own. Forgive my 'selfishness, dearest; but I hate so loved you I cannot think another shall e, in"— , His voice ceased to articulate, and again• the deep tones of the young mourner thrilled the air, with the repetition of those awful, wdrds. Aa thei passed her lips, she felt the Mind that clasp edler's relax its grasp—a *faint fluttering—con sciousness seemed to hover a moment on his fea tures, and in another instant they were the' calm and passionless repose of death. Ellen Sinclair buried herself in the seclusion - - Of her own abode. A calm end gentle undaneho ly succeeded the first violence of her grief, bu , she betrayed no desire to mingle with the world VOL. 72,...WH0L D NO. 3 734. Clad in the deepest mourning, she was seen no. where bat at church; and those who looked at Ler felt deep sympathy for one so young and so bitterly bereaved. Vainlyhad her own parents sought to draw her from her solitude. Two years passed away and after many fruitless efforts they at length succeeded in obtaining . a promise of a visit from her at the annual re-union of the family on Christmas, for that season is still held as a festival in many parts of Virginia. Ellen was once more beneath the roof of her father, and many and painful were the emotions which struggled in her bosom when she looked around and remembered that the last time she stood beside her native hearth, she was a gay and happy bride. Those who looked on her could not avoid re marking the change which two years bad wrought in her appearanae. The girl just budding into maturity had expanded into the beautiful and self.possed woman, with a quiet grace of ban ner, an air of pensive reserve which was ex tremely fascinating. Her parents were worldly-minded people, who could not bear that their fair daughter should pass her life in the solitude to which she had doomed lies, 11. They surrounded her with com pany. sought to amuse her mind and draw if from the terrible calamity which had destroyed her dawning hopes of happiness, and they succeeded .efficiently to implant in her mind a distaste to the idea of returning to her late abode. Week after week passed, until months were numbered, and she began to think it her duty to remain with her parents. She was their young est child, and the only one without ties which se vered them in a measure from their paternal roof. UM "Ellen, my darling," said her father, when she spoke of retdrning home, " you will not again for. sake us We are old, and you are the only child who is tree to remain with us. You must live_ here---4 cannot think of permitting you to return to that lonely home of yours." " It is lonely," replied Ellen, " and I fear that after breaking through my usual habits, I shall find it difficult and wearisome to resume them. Yet, my dear father, if I must cOnsentgo remain, there is one request I must make." " What is it nly daughter—are we not ever nihidful-of_your - wishes "Ali, yes, my dear father, more mindful than I deserve. But (and her voice sunk to a low, agi tated whisper) there must be no looking for yard to a second marriage for me—no attempt to alter my views on that subject. I had made a vow to the dead, and it must be held sacred." " What !"exclaimed her lather, " was Sinclair ungenerous enough to exact from you a - promise not to marry again—young and unexperienced as you were, too?" "Ah !, no, father, wrong him not—he was too kind, too noble. He asked no promise—l made it voluntarily—and as the words left my lips, his spirit departed. Oh, no, my father, never ask me to break that vow—it is a hallowed one." " Well, my darling; let it be as you wish. I shall prefer keeping you with, us; but at the same time,.if you should - ever meet with one you can love, and who is worthy of you, it will be very silly to suffers few words, uttered when you were scarcely conscious of their meaning, to prevent you from makief the home of au honorable man happy. Why, child; you are only nineteen. Do you suppose that the death of one person, how ever dear, can chill your feelings into ice at that age 1" I must. then,iin sincerity of soul, pray to be delivered from temptation," said the young wid ow w.ith.a faint smile, "for I shall never marry again." As time passed on, Mra. Sinelaireould not help Acknowledging that she was far happier than in her mountain solitude. Her spirits were no lon ger wearied; she no longer felt that life was a -burden she would gladly lay down. She needed the excitement of society, and the social and high ly cultivated neighborhood in which her father's residence was situated, aforded every facility for its enjoy-pent. 'The third year of her widowhood was drawing twa close, when sharecoved an invitation to the marriage of a favorite cousin, who would take no refusal. Ellen replied that if the bride would ex cuse her sombre dress and pensive face, she would attend, and the concession wat hailed as au omen of future success in drawing her into that world she was so peculiarly fitted to adorn. There was a motive for these efforts of which Ellen little dreamed. She regularly attended the church near her father's residence, and her moth vo had several times called her attention to a re markably handsome man who sat in the pew near ly illmosite them; but she had not remarked that his eyes frequently' wandered from his prayer book to her own fair face. His height and the turn of his head had reminded her of Sinclair, but there the resemblance ceased. The broad brow, finely chiselled features, and clear dark eye ofthe stranger, were all unlike the youthful bloom of him who had won her yining" affections. She frequently heard Mr. Peytowspe ken of as a man of distinguished endowments, Who had spent several years in the South of Europe with au only and beloved sister, for the benefit of whose health the journey had been vainly under taken. -The circumstances had nearly passed from her mind when she Was introduced to him at the wedding as the Intimate friend of the groom. M ton had fallen in love with her from his cas ual view of her at church, and the eulogiums of his friend's affianced bride, who looked on Mrs. Sinclair as as a "bright particular star," had deep ened the impression. The circumstance of the marriage threw a romantic interest around her history, and when be looked on theyouthful brow with a shade of passiv€ pensiveness that seemed to breath a hollowed charm over her beauty, he telt that she was the only woman he had ever known before to whom his heart could bow with the bondage of affection. Yet how speak df love to one who yet wore the deepest mourning—who never joined in the mirth of the light-hearted It would seem al must like sacrilege to breathe to her ear the wild Fission that filled his heart, yet its very hopeless ness appeared to add to its fervor. But ere long a new hope dawned ou bun. El len was surrounded hr the gay and joyous of her own age. Her disposition was naturally buoy ant ; her spirits rose; the cords she had believed forever snapped, ugam, thrilled to the touch' joy.' When the bounas of grief were once, sev ered the action waseomplete. She still reveren ced the memory of her tinstlove, and if her heart had whispered that she could ever be lidthless to his ashes, she would have shuddered with super stitions horror at the thought. The possibility of breaking that, solemn promise had lever occur red to her—but time teaches many strange les sons. Peyton lingered in the neighborhood, a con stant visitor at Wycombe, but his attentions were not sufficiently marked to attract the observations of others, His own family ware too desirous of the match to hazard the final success of the lover by alluding hi any manner to his passion for her. Peyton won his way slowly but surely. The fair widow began unconsciously to regret the vow which had ascended to heaven with the spirit of her dead husband. At length he spoke of love, nail she listened with awe to thesittpouring of a spirit which was too noble to be trifled with, and too highly appreciated to be given up without a pang. .• He drew from her quivering lips the history of her vow, and divested of every feeling of super stition himself, he could not conceive that few words uttered in a moment of excited-and agon ized feeling should stand between him and his hopes of happiness. He did not understand the impressible and iinaginative temperament of the beag who listened to his reasoning, willing, nay, anxious to be convinced against the evidence of heroes feelings. ller parents agreed with the lover in his view of, the case, and urged, on all sides, her own heart a traitor_, Ellen yielded to their wishes and be trothed herself fo Peyton. - As the day; appointed for her marriage drew neAr, the words et her vow appeared to beever ringing in her ears. With restless and fearful spirit she saw the hour approach which was to witness her second espousal. Preparations' were made fur a splendid bridal, All the members of her family assembled under the paternal roof, and every effort was made to divert her mind from dwelling on the phantasy that possessed-it. The appointed' evening arrived, and the care - moray which made her the bride of another was peiformcd. Several hours passed in dance and =song. It was near midnight when Ellen found i herself standing on the portico, in the bright:moon- I light, with Peyton by her side. The gay throng within were still dancing, and the sound of merry voices mingled with the burst of music that swept by on the dewy and fragrant air. Ellen started, as Peyton spoke beside her, for the first time in several hours the recollection of _her fatal vow intruded on her mind. "What a glorious ni,ghtl" she reniarked. never saw the moon shine with grestersplandoe '3lay it prove a happy omen to us, fair Ellen; replied Peyton, and, as he spoke, be turned to a white rose bush, which had wreathed itself round one of the pinata of the portico, and culle4 save• nil of its half-blown flowers. While he was thus employed, Ellen was gating abstractedly on the fantastic shadows. wide by the trees in the yard. Suddenly she grasped the railing for support, and looked with eyes tascina• ted with terror on a white shade which seemed to rise from an open space on which the moon's radiance was poured without obstruction from the surrounding shrubbery. The shadow arose slowly, and gradually assumed the waving outline of a human form wrapped in the garments of the tomb. It approached the spot on which she stood, and the features of Henry Sinclair, wearing a look of sad reproach, were distinctly visible to her as the shade glided between herself and the newly wedded lord. With a faint cry she would have fallen,had nut Peyton turned and sprang forward in time to re ceice her senseless form in his arias. Long, long, was it before she recovered from her death-like swoon. She then related what she had seen, and clung to the belief in the reality of the spectral visitation with such tenacity, that reasoning with her was useless, and it failed to calm her mind. Before another day had dawned she was raving in the delirium of a brain lever, and ill one week after her ill-omened . marriage, she was laid beside WM whose spirit she believed had summoned her to join him. The incidents on which the foregoing pages are found are literally true. That the supernatural visitation was the offspring of an over wrought imagination And superstitious mind, a real cause of monomania, there can be little doubt. The vagaries of an excited imagination are producing results on Mormons and Millerites quite as inex plicable to sober reason, as the catastrophe of the Broken Vow. A FRIEND just returued from New York tells us a pretty godf:l story of an Illinsisian who was stopping at the same hotel. On Sunday, the wee. tern man, being desirous of hearing several of the most famous pulpit orators of the metropolis, went in the morning to Dr. Chapman's church, but heard a stranger preach from the text: "But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever." In the afternoon he went to Beecher's Plymouth Church, and heard the same discourse, from the same preacher. Going the same evening to Dr. Osgood's church be found the same clergyman and the same theme: "Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever." The next day, the patient hear er of the thrice-told discourse was crossing to Brooklyn in a ferry boat, when the alarm bell in Bark agitated the air with its great shocks of sound, and a man behind him inquired why that bell tolling. Looking up, he saw the now famil iar couafenanee of the preacher, and was prompt to reply: - ,tll think Simon's wife's mother must be dead; heard three times yesterday' that she was sick of a fever." ANECDOTE.—Rev. Simeon Permlee, well known in Northern Vermont, and for many years a settled minister in the town of Wmdford, used to relate the following, respecting one of his par ishioners, who '}ever was known to engage in any religious conversation, so strongly was he at tached to things earthly. Mr.Parmlee called oner day to have a short talk with him. He wished to have the minister walk overhis well cultivated farm, which request was complied with. After looking -at his stock and crops, he waited for an opportunity to change the subject to things of a religious nature: At 'last the minister thought the time bad arrived, when he said, " All these things ate good enough o in their, place, but thou lackest one thing." " Yea,,yes " said the farmer, "a good tart, arid I'll have it, too." The minis ter gave it up. HAVE WE ANY SIXII • AMONG Us I—Many years,sinee an old German citizen of Pendleton county, Virginia, when about to lead his fair "frow" to the hymenial altar, purchased a broad cloth coat in which he was married. His wife presented him with many children, among whom were eight sons, every one of whom was married in the same coat in-which their father married their mother. The youngest of the eight sone had seren sons, every one of whom was married in the same wedding eoat, and after the youngest ._ son of the seven, or the youngest grandson of the original, owner of the coat, had led his blushing bride to the altar in his venerable grandfather's fashionable wedding coat, he sold it for the sum of ten dollars.. - A WEDDING .IxerDENT.—The story is told of a temperance man being at a wedding, was asked to drink the bride's health in a glamor wine which was offered him. He refused to partake of the intoxicating liquid, and said when he drank her her health, it would be in that'which resembled her most in purity, and he knew nothing better than water, pure water. He—then drank to her health in a glass of Grid's beverage—sparkling water. The ladies assembled on the occasion immediate)y stepped forward, and making a re spectful courtesy, thanked him for the beautiful' compliment he had just paid the fair bride;when it was resolved that all intoxicating drinks be banished from the room. A HAPPY RETORT.-A man was brought into court on the charge of having stolen some ducks from a farmer. "How do you know they are your ducks?" HEM ked the defendant's mime!. "Oh, I should knOw them anywhere,'.' replied the fanner, who_priibeeded to describe their pe culiarities. "Why," said- the prisoner's counsel, "those ducks can't be such a rare breed—l have some very like them in my yard." "That's not unlikely sir," said the farmer, "they are not the only ducks I've had stolen late "(Sall the next witness." A Pow ERFri. AnGtimENT.—A Westertifpetta logger once broke forth in the following indignant strain " Sir, we're enough for ye, the hull of ye. He and my client eith't never be intimitated nor tyranized over ; mark that. And, sir; justpu sure as this Court decides against us, we'll file:,a writ, of progrander, sir, and we—" Here he was in terrupted by l'ae opposite counsel, who wanted to know what he meant by a progrander. "Mean 1 why, sir, a writ of progrander is a—a—a—it'i a —wal, I don't just remember the exact word, but it's what will knock thunder out of your one horse court, anyhow" HAD HIM THERE —A friend of ours Who is clerk in a New York mercantile establishment, relates a colloquy in which a sprightly youth in at store came out second best. A poor bop came along with a machine, inquiring: " Any knives or scissors to grind 7" "Don't think we have,'replied the young gen tleman, facetiously: " but can't you sharpen wits t" "Yes, if you've got any," was the prompt: re• tort, leaving his interrogator rather at a loss to procure the article. GOOD FOR GEN. HOOKER.-At the farewell supper given by Sir Morton Peto at Delmouico's io New York, Gen. Hooker - made a hit in a speech. The host being a distinguished Englishman, a good deal had been said about friendship and peace with the mother country, but the General took occasion to say that be did not wholly agree to it. He wanted peace and would fight for it our nationalfonor 'was more precious than peace, and he was for honor first, and that, too, at the hands of all nations. There was a good applause at that, and the General sat down. A SON of Neptune, who war in the habit of quarreling with his better half, was one day 're monatrated with by the _minister of the parish, who told him be and his wife ought to Ire on more amicable terunt,'as they were both one.— "One!" said the old salt, shifting his quid; "if you should come by the house sometimes, blast my tarry top-lights if you wouldn't think we were about twenty. A FOREIGNER who had heard of the Yankee propensity for bragging, thought he would beat the natives at their own game. Seeing some large watermelons on a market-woolen's stand, he ex claimed, "What!" don't you raise larger apples than these in America?" The quick witted wo man immediately replied," Apples! anybody might know you were a foreigner, them's gooseberries!" A* old Dutch tavern' keeper had his third wife, and , bmg asked his views .of Matrimony, replied " Val deo, you see, de first time "I marries fur love—dat wash good; dun I marries for beauty— dat wash good too, but dm' time I marries Tor mortisb—and dis is patter as both." THE' sweetest singer and the sweetest perfume of the day are Adelens Patti and Billion's "Night Blooming Carom." Both are American ! The fair singeer enraptures everybody--the perfume is in demand-everywhere.- About the year 1684, the LogisiatureV,Peon. sylvania passed a resoltdion that "mo member thereof should come to - .the Ilensti.harefoot, or eat his bread and eheeee upon the steps,"