't Lints of grAtiti. PE NN S 'l7 LIT ANI A RAILROAD WINTER TIRE TABLE. FIVE TRIM DALLY to and from Pliladdphia and Pittsburg. - On and after Monday, October 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railma i Company will depart from Harris burg and arrive at Pt ladelphia and Potshard as follows: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPRESS TR AIN leaves llarrisbarg &I- V 111.2.45 A. Si., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. H. . . . FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except 'Monday) a: em A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at P.!.40 r. 11. Passengers take breakfast at f r sucaster. MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg doily (exce - iit" Sue. slay) at 1.30 r. sL, arid arrives at W.st Philadelphia at 5 • PITTSBL'Re AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris. barg.dalij" (except Sundays) at 11.55 P:31.. and arlivelat Wag Philadelphia at,4.20 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves liarrlsburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. m.. and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. M. This train has no c...cnreion front the Wee. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION T RAIN leaves liar rieburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. m., and arrives at Lancaster yt 9.11 A. M.: connecting (except on Monday) svi tit the Past Line east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Ramie. burg. daily (except Sunday) at 12.75 A. M.. Altoona 0.50 c. st., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg -daily- (except Monday) at 2.25 so it.: ..Altoona 8.15 A. 3t., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 40 P. X. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.- 25 A. 3L, Altoona at 8.15 A. St., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundav) at 4.00 Y. 31.: Altoona at 2.10 P. 31 , take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 2410 A. M. MAIL THAD: leaves Hamsburg daily (except Sun day) at 1,40 P. IL: Altoona at 7.55 P. IL, take.supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 r 51. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west leaves Lan- Suter at 11.20 A. at., (lamenting there with the Mail West.. leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A. St., andarrices at Harrisburg at LOU P. IL SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg,'whieh arrives at Harrisburg at 620 P. 31.., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay ch - er nn tilll.ss P. 3f. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 §ttp't 3Uddle Dlo. Penna. R. R. NORTHERN CENTRAL R4ILWAY • FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Trams Daily to and from Baltimore" and Washington City. Connection, mode with train, on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittginra and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the Nerth and Weet Braneh Susquehanna. Elmira am! Al of Northern New York. I.nt and after Monday, Ou. 17th, lent, the 'Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway willeurive at aml depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore an tldlown EMIMIE I MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10:25 A-. 4. • leaves Harrisburg 1.20 P.M. • arrives at Baltimore .5:40 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury - daily (ex cept Sunday) • leaves H a rrisb a rg (except Monday) arrives at Baltimore .. .. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIONN ...... Harrisburg SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. bury.tlailv (ex. Sunday)... PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily(ex..Sunday) 9:05 pad BORT WA R MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday). . . ... • leaves Harri sburg. arrives at Sunbury • • 4:05 F.M. EXPRESS TRALN leaves Baltimore daily... 9:30 P.a. arrives at Harrisburg 1:50 Lg. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) arrives at Sunbury ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Suntiny.,) at.. 7:30 F.M. leaves, Harrisburg daily (ex cell Sundays) at " • , arrives at Sunbury at HARRISBCRG ACCOMMODATION leaves Ilialtimoredally(ex.3londay " arrives at Harrisburg at. 7:30 P.m. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves liar. • risburg daily (ex. Sunday). 4:00 F.M. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail •aml Express trains run through to Elmira. For furlber information apply at the Otrtee, in Pennsyl vattia Railroad Depot. ocL.GIII J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Supt.,' 1:365 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and 'Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the ity at Erie on Lake Erie. It has'beeri leased and is operated by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. TINE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG LEAVE EASTWARD. Erie Elan Train Erie Express Train .. Elmira Express Train Elmira Mail Train.... LE. \ '"E WE!, IWSRD Erie Mail Train- Erie Express Vain... Elmira Express Train Elmira Mail Train... . . Passenger ears run throlieli on the Ede Mal and Ex press Trains without change both nay's between Philadel phis and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 7ifirdp. x.. arrise at Erie 3:40 A. M. Leave Erie at 2:05 r. arrive,at New York 12. nowt: No Change of Cart Between Erie and Veer, York. Elegant Sleeping Cans on all Night trains. For Information respecting Passenger brisinebs, apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets: Philadelphia: And for 'refight bissitess of the Company's Acents : B. KINGSTON. Jr, COT. 13:11 and Market Sts....Philada. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. _ . WK. BROWN, Agent. N. C. R. 8.. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Ag't Philadelphia. H. W. G WINNER. General Ticket ARt, Philadelphia. • A. L. TYLER.. , General Supt . W illiamsport. oath GIIMBERLAND VALLEY FRANK LIN RAILROAIIS.—CHANGE OF IiOURS. On and after Monday, Oet ,, ber .it teal. Pas,c wee Trani will ran daily, a foliows, (Sunda. 4 etcopted): FOR CHAMBERSBURG ASiD BARIUM:MG Leave Hagerstown. GrEen,7a.stle. 541,rriTe at Chamberaburg Leave at.. EiMM ,0 Carlisle 6:30 10:10 2.46 " Mechanicsburg 7:00 10:4,1 3.16 Arrive at Harrisburg 7.30 11:15 3:45 FOR CHAMBERSBORG AND HAGERSTOWN : ~ A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Harrisburg - 8:05 1:40 4:15 " Mechanicsburg. 8:47 2:20 4.30 . " Carlisle 0:27 2:30 5:15 " Newville 10:0: 3:34 " - , l3ltippensbtux , 10:61 4:04 Arrive alChambersbarg.... 4s 11.04_ 4:35 Leave Chambersborg 11:10 9:45 " Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hagertown 12:35 6:15 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; and with trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P. M. runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL. Supt. R. - It Office, .Chamb'g, Oct. 31, 1864 US. MAIL.—CHAMBERSBURG & MT. UNION STAGE LlNES.—Tbrongh fee-on ly 50. Good staires—crireful drivers.;Stars leave .... 11 Mt. Union daily for Shade Gap at 2 o'clock: P M.. ma• king connection at Shade Gap aitliCharnbers t rg stages on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Lso leave's. Chambersburg for Mt. Union at 7, A. M., on 114 est , day!. Filly pounds of baggage, nt the risk of the owner, al. lowed to each passenger. No responsibility for parcels or packages of rnerchaalize, or other thing tamed, nate.% the person sending it has it entered by the agent on the waybill. Stage Office in Chambersburg. BROWN'S 11 , 11FIL IL R. SHEARER, Proprietor. SHADE GAP, August, 91N5-iy .::: usirg. KNABE.dc CO'S GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS Which for Power and sweetness of tone, easynnd agree. able touch, and beauty of finish, have beett by the best of ludges, prononnced." unrivalled." All of their larde - 1 octavo Pianos are construeted after their new improved ovoid:rung Grand Scale, with all the latest improvements. Second Hand Pianos at great Bargains, at prices rang ing from SI7) to '250. As Agent for Knabe & Co- lam en abled to sell at their Baltimore prices. For further par ticulars apply to C. HUNTING, Agent, july26-ly Chambersbarg, Pa. S TEINWAY PIANOS.—MEssu.s. STET' AY & SoN6 have received upwards of THIRTY FIR.ST PREMIUM, gold and slyer medals, in Washington, NPIT, York, Cin eitusati, St. LOUIA. Cideairo, Detroit and other - cities. AT lIIE FAIR held in LON - DON, 1e69.. at irltrelt f2CO Planes were on Ex• hibition from all Darts el the world the Fltist AL was awarded to STIiINNI A 7 & Si . iNs, for pownful, dear, brilliant and sr:pat/taw tone, with czallence of workman• skip. For farther partirulais apply to S. 8. SIIRYOCK, Agent for Steinway & Snort thauthersburg, I'a. julyl9 CHUNTING, TEACHER OF MU „ SIC, -takes great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Chambersburg, that he it prepared to gice in struction on the PIANO, MELODEON. or CABINET ORGAN; and most respectfully Solicits a liberal share of. their patronage. 'rho.e not in Lbe possession of Pianos can obtain instruction at ha Inoue, and the use of a Plana 'Residence of JostS MyLL, Queen greet, near Second. Terms reasonable. may3l.ly T HE MASON & lIAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, forty ditferem styles, adapted to sarrod and seeuliar. music, 111 r erefto - $6OO each. THIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER mr.DALs, or other first pre miums awarded them. Illo4tatml Catalogues free. Ad- Brim, MASON ,& HAMLIN, BOSTON, or MASON dROTtiEIIS, NVAV Von& sep6-Iy, TO DYSPEPTICS.—Having been afflie .A. ted for a number of yeali with Dyspepeia, I wan advised to try DR. WISRART'S MEDICINE for that disease. I derived great benefit and recommended it to quite a number of my Wails and . who were also mach benefited by it, and who, testiniQnials can be bid lf nec essary. I have been appointed by Dr. Wishart as Agent ltrr the Bale of hie Medicine, wholesale or retaiL W. G. REED, ncer23 ItePolitorY office, Ousmbersbazg Pa. e etobes- anti, 'Etit:-41/Age• • V,IGHTNIN4 RODS GALVANIZED.- 1J ETTER d. EYSTER are putting up Lightning lind.o of Galvanized Iron (all the rods are twisted from the top to the ground) which is far superior for durability and protection than the common straight Black Iron Rids.— The Gairaniztd rod bring a more perfect conductor and comes cheaper, aim) Lightning Rods repaired in good style. and examine the Galvanized Rods before having any Wile black rods put up, Store Room on Main street. - ODOK STOVES AND TIN AVARE.-- N.J AU Patterns Af Cook' Stores, Parlor mad Wood Stowe (for•bnrnin¢ viio4ail or coat) Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper arid Brass Wore of all kinds constantly on band and for sale cheap. at ETTER. & EYSTER'S, Main Street, opposite Es,tor Stones. VEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS:-ET -11 TER & EYSTER are selling very best quality of KlrOArlit Oil and Lamps. also Lamp Shades. of b.II pat terns. Chimneys. IVieks, Burners. Lamps of ail kinds altered and repaired at short notice, at their Storießovin on liffnTri Street.._ (10PItit WORK.-ETTER EYS v,7 TPI: are prepared to make any tize Copprr Plfler, Tromp, Pip.. Britrrril' Kettl,i, in fact anything. made of Copper and ot lite t. 41r ~,t Price. All kinds of (lop er repainng done, an, Cork all guaranteed. 'UTTER EYSTER ARE PREPARED 11/ to do all kinds of GA SiPITTING. PLUMBING and BELL HANGING al short notire and work guaranteed to give satisfaction. VTTER EYSTER ARE PREPARED _LA to put up ITEATERS of all kind, with portablo and Briek Ctuinit , CooKIN RANGE, of ull kintit, with lint Muir Tani, and very convenience you may u.int Call and :1e in licfvre inalsiug an) urrsn,ziaiwut, n ith t..hor QTOI7,ES, TIV-WARE, 31ELLER. liAmmToN & Co., hat 0 removed to their Mammoth Stu% c =I EICH3 2.50 7.00 t. 51 here they are prepared. to neeominodate all who map want anything- in their line. They keep for sale, at reduced prices, all the best pat terns of ia:rm BUZ COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, ''or wood or confand NIKE PLATE STOVES. 9tx 1:35 P.M. They are ready ah. to put HEATERS in,6 CZYM ring WARE, SHEET IRON WARE. 6ce. of every kind and made of Lest material. can Le Lad el MILLER. I; 1,3111..T(1N a. COV. new store at lea; ITN, • 3:15 A.M 5.:K1 A. 31 3LILLEIT H.UIILfUS & CO. pa up SPOUTING,' GALVANIZED LIGHTNING RODS, an do Jobbloz by priees that ennnot be compolned of. 1 35 1.3 r .1L "STILLER. HAMILTON az CO, HAVE jnst opened. nn the S. E. Corner of Diamond. u large and well selected assortment of HOUSE FUR.VSTI ING ROODS, sneli as Cedar Tubs, Buckets. &e., Ens. kets. Sifters Coffee Mil's Knives and SWen.s. &e.. ler 5,11 e low for sash. They hare a 19,1(11441 stock of Koroseae Olgitivautp., Lanterns. Lamp Shades, ellm.yr. Ricks anti Bitrners of lost quality and at cheapeni prices.. - Lamm repanTti quickly and tt ell. ME ATILLER. HAMILTON & CO., HAVE a Iran - , stock of BRASS. ENAMELLED AND PORCELAIN KETTLES for gale cheap. They have Lard Colo. Coal Ilo.D. Shovels, Tongs, Toilet Ware, kr., very land and at greatly reduced totes 6-45 P. H. fi:00 A. 3t. A. H. 1.53 P. 31. _LA TILLER, 11A3IILTON A: CO.. i_ bought their large stock of g‘gals before the ad vance in proxs Ea,t, for caoh, and can and will eell at short profit.. Titer tnsare work done, front a Tin It to a Tin COIP: eh , d;exa a ra 11 and see lot raarne/voa. BEEE2 1'2.00 P. 31 I. t• t. FOR comyo It T, CONVENIENCE. ✓, , 011 , )111) . Durability, me THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, oC EUROPEAN RANGE! nIF. LEST ItANGE: EVES!. LS V} TEA. ROM) ItY CLUSP.. SHARPE & THOMPSON. N 0 .:2119N. Second Philadelphia. Iron Founders, and Manufaezurers of Stave , f, Ileatera, Tinned and Er,nmelled Ware.. &A.., tanern.6in. EZ.qattlies an ,a)eunttp. A y ATCH E S. CLOCKS, JENVELRY,,VA Has :nz lnf.f t•ponrd a a e 1 s is rte d ....,rttnent of g.,•tpis n Lr.e, t`: t M. P M 7:00 '2 45 7:37 13 e. 1 7 4 :20 Oppositethc Post OffiA, on Srcond Strcri n here nv 0,1 and I hope =any new eurnonerr n:1: • darbee bn,he bonr, 31y ,ht coels hat 1.35: IPl' .114 a very blublenly en the .10th of July Imt, I n cete e:ied to in, nu P::10 12:55 \ 9.00 I:3i Entire. New Stock of Goods whirl] are of the late-t stele: and parterrs,,co.s , bting of Goki and Siher (I.lf.urteld and ArnericanY Gents and Ladies' Watehe3 Je - nelry of fine aril medium qualities. ' - . Silver Thimbles, Napkin Musts, Fruit and Rutter Knives. Gold Pens of the quality, Po, ket Cutlery, Razors, Strops and Brushes, Silver Plated Simms, Forks am! Butter Knives, Jett (Pats. . Pocket Books. _ - Lathe.' Panel, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Betiding and Pocket Combs, Lead. Pencils, Morocco Satchels, Large and-Small Willow Muskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - -a. • ' Banjo, Taml,orine-t, Aemwdehres, Flutiane, &C. The assortment of CLOCKS in large and of every va riety. I have un hand the HENRY REPEATING RIFLE, which can be fired fifteen times in that many seconds. ! Everylmtly should have one for self defenee. The public are inited to call and examine them. ' PISTOLS on hand And orders filled for any kind that may dm-'anted. Cartridges of all titer kept on hand. From long experience lona adapt Speetacics to the tight of the olden well as middle aged. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver nod Steel Frames al ways on hand. Having the agency for the sale of the celebrated BUR GLAR AND FERE-PROOF SAFE, manufactured' by - „Farrell, Herring & Co., I will fill orders at the manufac tures price. All information in regard to them given. The public are Milted to call and examine the stick. Wmehes, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at low rates to bud 1:., dee! EDWARD AUGHENBAU9 GOLD,'SILVER & PLATED WARE. . F. I DITMAN, SecTand Prrrt, to Wrsellington Has Just returned fn m the Sty n ith a Luce and etc dp stork of goods, to ahicb lie invitoi all to POMO and el4lll - before purchasing el,culn re. Hi, nt7s4. coasi.ds of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the Litcht n , 3 hes, Gold and Silerr Chains, Itreast•Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, • Sleets Buttons, Studs, etc., SILVER WARE, Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Rutter Kills Pc, Ca4ol , I baro inhh4i toy stork a large assortment of thirty hour and elght day I I.IICES, all of a birth will be sold Goods a arrmit.,l an Pio csenueL j - ir Thankful in my many friends and customers for thenr liheml patronage would most re9 , ,thaly aNk of them a rontin LULU° Or bdlf".„, angl64f - F. G. PITMAN. X ll A I (4t.,e B r:Eh l s —l ollS A V, ; . 1- ' f .1. l:14 . 1 . ,) (2 O . HAGERSTOWN. 31D., • NVould reveetfully inform their friends and the puldie grnerully that they have hid returned from the cite, n ith Large mock of New and Beautiful Gaols,—coneaina o FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: SILVER alai I'LATED WARE. SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES. KNIVES oral CASTORS ;—Seicsors, Pocket Knives, Itazorr, Itazor.Straps.—Hair, Tooth, and Nall Itrnshes,—Porket Books, Combs of every Mad, Leather Satchels, and a General Variety of FANCY GOODS.— A Large Attsortment of SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES.angst•lhn a HENRY _HARPER, STI ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and superior SILVER PLATED WARE. 0c.t.11.31.n. A PPLES.—E. 1). REED having procured lA. (man the trst °reloads In this County a variety of choice, select, hand•pieked Apples, with whlehhe is pre• pared to eupply the town, preferring the supplying. of his evoitouve to shipping Apples East. - (novlB =I ,Nearly oppos'ite old Bank, ObutaXiend. T HE r'A K - C T Y BUSINESS COLLEGE - ' N. E. COR: TEN TIT AND CHEST:MT SruEEfc PIIIL.A DI: LPIII.I The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busines.s Or Commercial College inlhe country•. The only one in the city possessing a Legislative Char ter, and the only one in the United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduate. in the Comniercial - Connie under its- rr , rporate eeoU'y an thcrrity of lair. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal education e.r.d eaten sive experience in business, and 'affording.unegtmlled ml vantages for the thorough them etical and practical edu cation of young men for the various dutieg and employ meats of businet:s life. THEORY AND PRAC'fICE COMBCCED by a system of ACTITAL BrSINESS TRAINISG original and pre-eminently prartieal, giving the student in the shortest time a complete iusight into Mesolithic, de tails, customs and forms of business in general, as conduc ted in the best-regulated commercial mind financial estab lishments. TII EORkITICA BOOKKEEpiNG Upon n new plan, ivith an original Cxposition of the science of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institutiowexclusiyely for his owe use, saving-one half the ordtscary labor of the student, and giving him a complete knowledge of the praetice of tl,ie best account ants, t TIM COMMERCIAL COURSE ct.. . - - Book',Aping, Commercial Arithmetic, PrumansAii, Thai . 11613 COTT[PpondenCr, o.ll7l.lllerciat Law, Lectueres an - 13;oinr, Affarrs, Commercial Customs. Forms and Actual Bu.no.s Practice. BRANCIII:S A I,r,ribrit. and the II i[;hi•r Miatlientutk, Plionngraphy, Or Lamental Penmanship, thr Do...cling . Coun terfeit .hooey, Entrineertnix. Sun e!. tog, Nu . rizntion :old tilttraphititr. TELEGRAPIIINC The arrangenaugs for Telegra - phitni are far tc iolvanee if any thing ofthe Lind us or olicoed in iliac Telegraph Line is eoononted with the Institution with, tWenty brauelt ottleei in t .11,114 parts - of the eiry, where public business is uansueted. and in which the stadents of this Institution arc permitted to pro, tile. No regular of fice pntetiee can be had in asp other sehoot of instruction in the Colllltry. I\ll/1011t Al high 110 one van obtain .1 1 1.os:tin:I prntdieal operator. s'tiung, men are cautioned against the deeeptil e representations of those who, without oily such Lteilities; pretend to touch 'Telegraphing. ESSIMEE • lll3tlllltioll Is 11 , IlT I!JjoyIIIZ larq,t e\ Sr be•T•llleti Ilroll t,91111;11,l ial s. ln./I 111 Over five hundred Ctudents wet,, iu utterolauee the 11,1 ear, and .I‘er seven Inttalred daring the pat ye,t^ The Lest etas , e 1 •Ittents ta,.y In‘ari :Lip till its asst Nations :Ire first elass. DICATION A D ACcOMMoDATION'4 Tie in tin , rented t of :he cu}; and as ceeetumed,r ions, for evn t, t :ef:n convenience, are 111131111 , 11-.1,1, All the rouni, ha% e htted up in the very best sty . .., a ith BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING uor,r:; ww=mmwslmgamm==m MiIIBME I;.\ SIC or 1)1:0 AND is•up„ , , ~u ppotm Eue,s-c„zr,l, irlitooaraph, tnaei lowa a (in u:naina' lava Ina * ll tb 1) , 1'art,,," .'• 'lu 101.. N(., 311. N ri .Ir,re the ery be-t • r I'RACTIB, ii )R xce guarantee a rottr., m.tructmn I,VIe led, while the reps term anti standing of the In , t;tt,orti among hub:ne , s men nuke it , en.h•rs,nien . the 1.--Fr port to sot 0050 tint: IttiVAC, emenr. out g n tPring any Commerrtal Par or.• on thLusTRATED CIRCULAR S.: cATADA:i L , •ortealni romtpl , ti• inter, ,, r N..•ar 8:e U , hrer, utta L. I'.-11:13\\6 , , A 1( T. C SEA RCIL .. , pa 1.1! Tre../ur P=E11111=111111!11 OCrits' guntisl}ing 43oobFi t NEW L( - ) T ttE (;()t).I)S t' T t a • . • it_wt-t.. Cl/LLAii.. 1 1, 0/ 1 .1 1 - 1 S 1 N'LLS at - (4 0 0 I) HATS AND CAPS CHEAP VI at f C LOVES. HOSE. SCARFS. NECK ‘.I- TIE': and raney at S. - UNDERSHIRTS AND DRA NV E R S, IL) a !age lot. at • wOOLEN JACKETS FOR t , 2.oii lit • RI oSs.% CULL AND SEE THE NICE CASSI- Nj R 1: Ii 11.04 Just opent..l.lt 1:1)W. Boots anhi *bOts. REMOVED.—The rindersi;, , ned Ims the of bif,nittl: Lie add eust.,on, anti 111.1.•,.. Ile generally, that he ban rin..le , l lie 1;4 )( & h 1101; STORI: it NM' Frkk L'uildi fig ri nu Main Street. one in r tenth of , I 1„.,.1 ere he is nntv I qq•ning II larze.l., , ;rim. nt of 8.,. cud Shoes ever brought . P. 14 mu), every suriet3 of Youths', I.llo:i'S' 3li,',lll4iTs which for of i.l finish n,,.1 near, eltralet be sarp . a2 , e(i.pn rorin.y. bleb will be sold at priers insult tho firm 0. Ilarirvg hosed T u t : LATEST STYLE (IF LASTS. he ry pr p.trr,l to 'nal, Customer w o rk at shor` w notico, by workn,n in the r.O nity. Wstli r,,nitnodanne, ho 1,01,10 ti) mom a lilt, t: •....• ei a riiaatre--without a ,h,ire min „:„•,„ , iti•ott common calamity, to lire and let live. rartit,lar ililerrinn paid to all4ard, rll It,pa TEIII3IB. CABII, AND PlilCffB t mr(frum' wrrir - • =1 lie Itag ttl.o .at h.md arid h, el , Ptp. 'Prlttikq Vti lusts. Carpet Sacks, Lim:lt atal Ittyer Cur.ar4, Eavelopel, St , of Pt N.. 11 —All iter.m.. Lnowintf, idetot• t.:ditind make Irmi.tli ith•lni , nt, I 1... enabled t, meet my tamer T "" ENTS' GLOVE I II)GA1 TER wi t h mod—,.;t PAVI FINE STUCK OF HEM" BuoTs, ~, „ MEI )11.4 1014,111 p \ :co \ RTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL' hums s: TwiNEs. The underentzned having porrhased Fi:tnres of the Rope and Manniagior3 o:t . .1. P. tiny dee'd. req, rtfally anto.unt ea to In r Era nd. a • A l , he former pats m, of the nt, that •1, to entry on the bnaner., in ail it, vyrnnt, hraneK,",_al 01,1 on Frunklin street elmlnher.hu.re 1440-re then tit le• ed to rereite the eitli , tltrai or7F:-Tt,T,f pr yin 21.11 hot., eay.s nod onalitie. or ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, ,AC' lalways kept on band or made tinnier of thi• lies? mat srial, arid turnised at reasonable rite, In e.musezi,,,,,,, ,h e above business, site is also prepared to oi,irafrumktre liAllt 111"Sli AND tall) It D MATTRAS:-E ,, , , . ' :as well as Dorsi , Malik, is :eel liisN. I. 1,14 riowtitt.tl 1 ity and style. Persons in want o f ,opiquir into' , ,j. the above line are regnestedm all, er send their orders, which will be attended to promptly. i derill•ly MARY E GRAY. 44c.i ..fr_itOltu___lA.9o 9 l*;_'!4, l lo - gT, 1 0. 1 4; 1P74.: Radmare ..uttern, Scr. HARD W ARE. & TOLBEnT nearly opposite their tbi, plaee of business, with an extensive stock of tinnily-are, Cutlery, &e., vitta,isting in part of Iron. Paints, , • Nails, ON, - Spll“..t, Turpentine Steel. . Tar, Ilinus`s garnish. •, - ,t , F.l.s. ..f - ,": - Itlasting. 1' trader, , 1.1 rtpbcs, Grand atones, stt'tort.".., t;',. tlar \l';v.•. Tuilses. 'Poe et Knit-es, sputie.. - 6,.0., 5 , -u. Spreial 1.:01:t . , j, j•all t?. 1 , prepared. h. forui,h in any plant;ty, at Wllo:P,aie. 1 everstling . in their line. - : _ .. can and ecamit.t. mu gack. i - quill 0 COACH AND SADDLERY IiARDWAItI:. The sukstziber inhaza, hit inevda and the public, that it. e t •'a z, to carr, on the above bn±iness, at las old eland, .4%!1.1111 street • oppow, the C'reratan Re formed allure', t:11_12.1131:1Z5III:Itli. , PA, 11,1 s -ins . t:, Saddirro, and Coach -1111.1 m Oto Store itteeara general e_ wrtment of goods sn,:ed t.. t.a•tr ..everal risimrement. suell ad - Fair and Country Hoz4tias, Pc.teat Le.dher, Sedtlie Tree, and. (lir:bit:lg. Gig Trees. Fo.ll .kirdert, Pinned and Japanned; Goat Han, S:mipi'•_ We ;nod Vorsteil Frain We lower than Cotton: Eames, Bits and Siirrap&. Plated. Tinned and Japanned Coach liandlos, 111,7 Curtain Frames; flub Bands; Bridle Front‘; R oue tics. Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated:tau W.A.KI , :br Ramo, BUCKLES—BR 15.4, SILVER AND JAPANtS`ED... all Styles and Patterns: Ivory and Wooden Marlingute Maga, Stump Jolnts awl a variety of other goods suitable 11,r the trade. ALL OF PLATING, See., dune with - neatness and ti , si 1,10-141 LEWIS WAMPLER. " A I ) HARDW ARE! maNn s I'L ‘C:K. „ 11,a1 co 7 , Intb r t.IP 11.111(.11 v,'etwafit bnrued. nw ‘I r regn .and other I.D.ra an.. I: .`, ~,.; ..31. I.t 1,111 York and 'Phi', lane le.: pnwhazwainacli heAPP: ,tl.l I,4ti ing been T Ir..e. '''a t•ltt t e. , ii Ittt•!osti,t figure., ~, 11) 111. I I:lt .11LM,;! . . `,Ve htti - e wt 11.1-.(3 1, , To, iron .nticreqt kink, which WO trill 1 , 13 1 , , ,4 N,.0.1 a 1,..14.0 to the city A 1... roe ;Live- it() 6,—e offer a from 6to 104. 33(1,1 r Lt. .1.1311 Y. a ,4 Fat •-• • 12:17n, Pooh et Knives, &c., Jab:, reve.ced t.. 11 NI, - York when we of f er ery ser2t4 ft ARIII A G i MA GOODS at BRAND & FLACKS. HOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 5 MIIIS eaelt and many I nnr In In 14 was in tho 1111:, 1;41.(11 emu be ma.!. a. L;,pKI n• new ' . at URAND &FLACK'S. (IEDAR WARE.---Crll nt die Store in ti ArPy, 111:ANI) & FLACK. G 0 1) ( 0' S ! Ai 1 - 1:111 * ;SMALI. and no a i.t.the, at the ON/I.w and ()id 1111. '.t/11., la: .1. .NAIN ANt./1 1 :•,••1•II\ COFFEFS._ 111. , ltio Java and 3larie.a3u Colleen. • and Ground Cutlets. 4.1 .4 I? • S'tcar , tress' trade, from the bin! Doable Itefinrd 1.0. 1110,11 it 1.?. vent 5b.„,•,,c. • _T FA a. • ~• , Pt or. 'Loa and eicrillsek Ten 111 1' • vo , t i\prup._ • , Ott /: .1 . l'rAe•• I ed. f tic 1 liau.= '4'm - ranted tuarti a'sn•t. Ilecf r .e•ri and gbectldeva. rctli Nbalai ,1 1 told 2 "hbre Mark , •rel by ail Laitc, tf, 4glit tIB and .inglo P/E S . a , ••1 a arranted pnic. eA ,V F n is i t 17 17' S.. Iboo Peat ('burns, Iraq: Berrie, Ay. an,, J. Ili , . ( 1, , , r,e , Pitons ;cid Apricots preset - red - I'n brabdr. d 0, oil Trallfth*S. /CKLES Jar. 1,••J - or unreal. Also Strong Cider er...11 H • ~,, • T . Tr. ..`r• ti year., Nut:. A,. 11 , 1:41, t •1 i•at , j 4-11 - A . I ",, I‘: War , ' 6..,” "101 I.l4rawill Ware.C.l.l! at , l \Vtilan . all ,thich tang been holigla . on the 1 , •,1 Urn.- and is ill be said, at a small sine *abr. , by t0r,1.2.1 , D. REn). RK IT . lii,. US E rm j ; , -T l•ttn(lersigied i 11 , !II.• tr,V.l•r! • nv.t...(1 by th , 1t1,111.1 nil 1111 rt: 4,1 t• •ur, J• 1 r ..• 1 , tbr bbrrto patr,raze ber.•••• , •,• - • ••• • , ;hp- r. :le:- ,'” eornr , Pl•• in us.rry asir, cy i•ll, e„,,,,,mr 01 11 .1 - - 11, • L. r.• c, •, r i . c1 , 1 ,0 :r phrry.r • "1 NS a kr,ll - 11 smith' -II it •I.o' • It , ink t 'OW 0 . , ittlt . titts 1...1 'IL ~ r:• .1,1 - 't bin-et tb. it • I TI •• • • :••-• ,, al ~•• •. lilt A I.I.MA:ktER I " P "R T E -S ~ L WINE.; AND LIQC-ORS. - .•rr,r • 0,1 [1,4. SCr, , try A. J.n ) 1,[1,,1:11:1)1;17 • - LAI MAN, 'ti UP It RLO It OT. I) M I) I: 11l NV I N .\'.l• L.l I OLD PORT WINE, E.u•h .rlt.•d ttj 1, yot , ,,r tcr< tr) th the hljtials dth: O'LD RYI MEM !!'('.IT3PETS ! :11IZ (Ott! oN ' , Ol I \;'N I . 1",. lane + 1.er.,1 , 0rg . a I,trp.• ”I , nn .tingfd In TI • .t l.i . 1 ul„a. t , U ry, •\\u 'l' \ z I , n; 1 an; .tu•t I ('L .1, tj, It,, d. I= wo” 1111‘ ml.'()lZ"l'.lN't" ) 1: I'IrIILIC.- -The I I '..tnp.Lny tore, 111,011itt1..0 •r SI I I cii v I 111 \ I.- • sill:Wad: or 1.1 , r I t )1 11'111 \I: In titt• ..thoo. • ; ti,.r . 1 o i,„ „ , .„ 1 1.1 I I Itl ti IWO a lot t, , *1 • lo,;I:or „11l t r.n. 11 ur 14 1 I) I: 1Z E T - ••11J t ' i•:1 tir rd .; • Vath a 13.1.0- n.or.: K.l I VI a m.u. wtth a 'Ulan bitittire of 1 +t ANLS .11,1) I `.1;11:1:LI.1N of 1110 1 .1 , t I`.t. 0 B PRINTING, in ery style. doue ♦ at t h e Ott 'o 0 the FRAM:U.4N REPOI4ITM2Y Hare opened. their store 'street.. BpilSrr ant eantractur;, :Li they are , Ornartes, &r: iltquors. LAUM 7.1; A DJ: =I itivENE, GARDE.vi" -SUPER [01:. COGNA(' BRANDY VINTAC;E 4 Yr 1 I=l PIENERIE IS= FINI: iIitANDN \ (p.,1101:- . N. I: £ (U.S' onorvro TV . ol:rrip us ' L.11":11.1: 1, 7 SALL:WV& CO., N I , 124 ,Ynnr}.gi•,rh P/17T.141,/phia WI( ISKEY ll= \ r,ll. 0 D v. It o 'I Z II ISK T: =II IV E I: I: 1" S \V 111 S K F. A =I 1: P. A DINt; 11.. - INE S. LAI . II.AN LT.AI)}.. CO \ ggf •' ! array PSritrdrdyhm I: A i; r Ai; I' El t r rorp , t rro. it ?:, i I,hi: 1 blicatiotts. REVIVAL BOOKS AND TRACTS. POWER FROM OS HIGH 30 pp.. 18mo. piper, 6 cents, The gift ef the Siftri,t 7 is the richest blessing Heaven has to bestow. The ungodly will be aroused iota their fatal slumbers when the Church (which belongs to Christ) realizes that her strength lies in having God wiih her. It the Chnrch.were tilled with this power, the nations would feel it, and vast multitudes would be converted to - - WORDS TO WYN - NERS OF SOULS Paper covers, 12 cents; cloth, 50 cents. 102 pp., 16mo. Mailed free of postage. This work was prepared byits learned and pious author during the revivals which. in 19a, were eo powerful in Great Britain and America. Its earnest appeals are well calculated to awaken ministers and teaclers to a new and profound consideuttion of -the responsibilities of their cal ling, and a fresh consecration of themselves tolxist and his service. It will he valuable in promotingthe zeal anti fidelity of those to 'whom has been committed the solemn yet blessed. work of winning souls. BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD; A- . !; , ('D THE WAITING SAVIOUR Two most valuable little books, oy Rev. Dr. KIRR, ad mirably udapted fur general circulation among Mb UtILVIEI I=3 Ea.% 48 Inge;, paper curers, G mots ; cloth 45 rents CALLS TO THE SAVIOUR 180 pp. 45 eduit. We know of no book intho compass of English theok,g teal Iltera,e which we would wish more to put iuto the hands of the inquirer after truth."—[UnitedPredbyterian. CHRIST', THE CHILDREN'S GUIDE 36 At. Paper coverJ, 6 cents ; cloth 2t). children greatly need to bare u Guide, ulto shallset them nght in the beginning. And there is no sure Guide' butslestis ^ CORE TO •JESUS 6.1 pp., Irma Paper covers, 6 cents: cloth 30 cqnts By lievz.NEwßAN EAU- Over 200,000 copies of, this benntifni and shnple little ,book, have been circulated QI.TENCII NOT THE SPIRIT pp.; lemo. Paper racers, 13 cents. HOW TO COME TO CHRIST 24ino. 31 Itpr , 5 cents BAXTER'S CALL TO THE UNCONVERTED I.)fi pp. 12 cents ASSORTED TRACTS Of different sizes, in pnrkagee, at low prices, admirably adapted tot circulars. N. BROVGHTON, , JR., DEPOSITARY, NO. CORNIIILL, -BOSTON' • • Ft, state by nll prominent Booknelhrs. novg it - Vats, (tap ant ,furs. FURS! VURS I I FUR-S!!! _WHOLESALE ANDIIRETAIL. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. PHILADELPHIA. Have mar open their large and splendid stock of IthIES FUR CAPES, COLLARS, )lUFFS.. , CUFFS. GLOVES, AND HOODS. • Also the fittest asshrtment of FANCY FUR ROBES, CA MUFFLERS. and GLOVES ever before otfered b . ) them. all of is Melt are nn-ranted to be as represented. -7 7 , , r,STIIPPING FURS BOUGHT. 0et4.1-4m. GO` : - TO DECIIERT:S ,BUY YOUR HATS AND CAPS He will sell you a Better Quality More Serviceable and Finer Looking Hat than can be bought elsewhere. VRESH ARRIVAL.—Now is the time r,, teeny your Fall and Winter Goods, and W. W. PAXTON S m the Market Mouse, is the place to get them eleap and good. A very fine assortment of • Men,' fine :111(1 coarse Boots,"Bahnorals and Gaiters, iLadiwe Glot e Rid, Monier° and Coarse Slows nod Gaiter., Ah.es and Cliddrous' Shoes and Gaiters of even- style. Also HENS' AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS at prices to suit al., TIII3 best tiunie•nuske of Hats to be bail. A tine its,,ortinent . • ~= Trunk. Carpet Baas. - Valises, Canes, • Umbrellas, &e., eonstintly on Land. Call Mal examine our stock before purchasing. In the Market House, on Second street. F -A LL S TYLE OP • HATS AND CAPS. ' DECIIERT b jiht rePeired the FALL STYLE OF HATS, • ' which he is Selling Cheaper than the Cheapest, Call and get bargains. 11" ADIES FANCY FURS, At JOHN J FAREMA'S Ohn EFIATSUMIED FUR MANI'. FACTORY. No 718 Arch Street, above 7th, Philadelphia, have nmv to mr_storr of my own Importation and Mann one 411)6 lameeet and most brautifia selections of FA.NCY FURS, for Lad a,' and Children's Wear, in the VII,. Also a hue a.,ortmmit of Gent's Fur Olin es and Coflars. - 1 n 111.11111,411 to di.po.e of my cools at very reromnable prise., tool I would therefore Nolioit a t'all from my friends of Franklin voanty owl N u Indy. Itenteinla;r the Suite, .Nnmber andStrect ! JOHN PARMA. -71 e A r ch street, above 7th, south dde, Philadelphia. I h.„... „„,,,,, t „ er n or connection r all au miller Store in Plehidelphia. sep27.4m. ME= 1111 IE PATENT RESORT HAT SHAPES AND COLORS un S,011(1 Streit, near the Wththington AF I N ‘ ' T S ' t S it .l • t IN o 1 CHILDREN'S REN:S PAXTON'S. TBE"SHERIDAN RESORTE HAT 11;oe artiele, at PAXTOIsVS. p BM( )I',AL OF SH'S TOBACCO \NU $1 STORE.—The undersigned has re l., Tobacco and isezar Store-to his new room, on iND STREET, ne,rt door to the Fri6tdship Engine House, where ho will Loop OTT hand a complete stock of TOBACCO AISD SEGARS, such as Natural Leaf, Mich cimol,inir Tobacco, Pipes, die. apriri C. H. BUSH. FOIt at LOW ['awes, at DECIIERT'S ,Eituss acribeb‘teit - to. • R 1J ILLI;R, 15E1 I RUG' STORE, one door west BROWN'S' HOTEL, ha 3 a WELL sauct&l) srOcK PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and all the best PATENT MEDICINES, 'KEROSENE OIL, LAMPS, PERFUMERY SOAPS, &c. West End of Brown's Hotel DRUGS! DRUG'S!! C. H. CRESSLBIt, successor to HUBER. & CHESS. LES, has opened in his nits room, on Second street, oppo. site the Post Office, where every effort will be made to Sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived is respectfully! solicited. A fair stock of Brigs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Mao a desirable assortment of Perfumery, - Soaps, Pocket Books, /lair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, - Tooth Brushes, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, and Fanov Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every deecription of Rand Lamps, Stan,d Lamps, Ranging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kithira use, Parlor use, Stare use and Office use THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Family Dyes of all Colon. - Everything In is-Dr4gists line orhusiness.' arPrescriptions receive special attention, 'and are compounded with care on skill. C., H. CRESSLER, Second Street, opposite the Post 0111 m. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY liecht's Croup Syrup, • _ Velmbold's txtract Baehr; Ayers' Sarsaparilla, • Ayers' Cherry Pectoral, Winslow' Soothing Syrup, at SPANpLER'S. R - O -C-K O, A T SPAIiGLER'S. lot URNETT'S COCOAINE JL.P at SPANGLER'S. CHAMGAS'SKINS, AT SPANGLEI9B. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, AT - SPANGLER'S. Af'F i ALISTER'S OINTMENT, S.3,ANG.LER'S. PURE LIQUOR'S AT SPANGLER'S. BURT AND COSTAR'S RAT ENTER ALLNATOR, at SPANGLER'S. COSTAR'S BED-BUG EXTERMINA TOR, at SPANGLER'S. eIORN STARCH, FARINA AND CON centrated Lye, at SPANGLER'S. Eirt) attb gang ettobo. D GOODS AND NOTIONS. ECK.EL GI-LB-El7', I= NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, Nearly Opposite to Greenawalt's Hotel, Have just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goals and Notions of all kinds, which they have selected with great care to adapt them to this market, , it.ti.s • -and whir.. will he sold at the lowest - . CASH e. Their list includes All grades of Calicos; best,All-Wool d'Laioes, plain and printed, Muslin d'Laines, , Amelines, Baratheas, - Brocade Alpacca, Bata Alpacca, Silk Crape Plaids, - Panay and Plain cord Amazes,. Shepherd Plaids, all styles, Lupen'sbest French Merinos, all colors, Mourning Goods. all styles, Plain and Printed Flannels, Sack Flannels, Gilbert's Opera Flame* all Colors, White, fled, Grey and Yellow Flannels, Ladies Cloaking Cloths, all kinds, - - Shirting MII9IIIIII, bleached and brown. . Sheeting MuslinS, bleached and brown, Fraley and Plain Casslinem, Freud' and American, Sattinetti. Tweeds, Jeans, Vestings, Sc.; Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every style, Ladies' Corsets, all prices, Ribbons, Lanes, Raffles, Hose, Gloves, Spool Cotton, Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, • - • Pins, Needles, &a., &e. ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OP BALSIORAL AND IIOOP SKIRTS. I,temember; Po Old Goods at ECKEL GualEart's Nav Stop. Call and examine. ang:3o T E. A' MASONIC HALL, 219 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, has now open LA,CE CURTAINS, of his non Importation, BROCATELLE CURTAINS, 'DAMASK CURTAINS, WOOL REP CURTAINS, - ' SATIN LAINE CURTAINS, 'NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, MUSLIN CURTAINS CLOTH, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. Constantly receiviing NOVELTIES in - CURTAIN MATERIALS, embracing the Celebrated SMYRNA. CLOTH and MODE DRAPERIES WINDOW SHADES in every Desirable Style, Color or Price I WALRAVEN, cove-Smj_' No 719 Chataul Street, Philadelphia, - trILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. -MI Just receivedafine IineotPATTERN BONNETS. Also a fine stock of ladies' FURNISHING GOODS. The latest styles of everything in ladies' wear. Stock now open at prices defying competition. LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSIERY—A heautifhland elegant assortment just received. h. ery style of TRIMMINGS for Ladies' Dresses, con stantly on hand. [oetlB.3rai MISS P. BACHE. lIIKFROCK'S MARBLE WORKS SECOND STREET. SOUTR OP QUEEN. - CHAMBERSBURG, PA. MONIJNENTS, HEADSTONES. ho.. Manufactured to ruder in the best style and of the Late! Dennis'. julys.6m. Nc4vinifet 1-srirlB6s' :ROMs. 'S HOTEL—This Hotel, situ edcorner of Queen:and Second Streets, R at°Wl4 on the op ,.'tee the Bank, C,ottreßoom, and County Offices, and in e immediate neighborhood crStores, Shops, and other places _of business, is conveniently situated los , °gantry people having business in Clrambosburg. The Building has been grtatly enlarged and "refitted forth° aecommoda. , tiara of Gwen. - - , , . _ TILE TABLE Mt alwiye be funHislied With die beet the Market can produce. THE DAB. wilLbe impplied with pure awl claim _ quors. - THE STAilLtis large and attended winks good and • careful Ostler, Every attention will be rendered to Mike Goads eom• fortable while sojourning at, data BoteL . . , febl JACOB, S. DROWN, Proprietor—. IFTNION, HOTEL—This old and. well 1 1) established Hotel is now open for the accommodation' Of Guest! The F,'n,prietor bacimgleasedthe threestoxy blockof bull- • dings on queen Street, in He rear of his former stand, 11 prepared to tarnish GOOD ROOMS for_theArayeling and transient custom. HIS TABLE . will sustain its former reputation abet* _supplied with - the best the market can produce. - . • HIS BAR, detached from the main building, will al. , ways have choice and pure Liquors. odGo warm STABLLSG for fifty horsei, with careful ostler. Every affection will be made to render guesti comfort able while sojourning at this Hotel. - janlB JXO. FISHER.' Proprietor. "NATIONAL HOTEL.—The subscriber would respectitifly annotince that habit' so - far com pleted his Hotel building na to be enabled to open it for the accomansintion of the public. The building is en tirely new and built on the most approYed plan for com fort and Minverietsce. - The BAR will always be supplied with the hist of t gliore. _up has also erected In eonnectiou.with the Hotel a large and Arivenient STABLE. and is now prepared to famish Stabling and Provender for any number or Home& Attached to the Stable (undercover) are a pair of HAY AND STOCK SCALES, to which the especial attention of Farmers, Drovers and Butchers is invited. julythi DANIEL TROSTLE-. - 11 AVID H. .HIITCHISON eras become the Croprietor of the UNITED STATES 110TE -- neairtlie — Rallroad Depot nt HARRISBURG, PA. This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished throughout its parlors and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. , The traveling public will find the United States Hotel the most ‘conveniant, in altpartieulara of any Hotel in the State Capital, on amount of its access to the railroad, being immediately between the two great depots in this city. Glarrialmrg, June TI, 6341, STATES. UNION HOTEL,, OPPOSITE the Lebanon yalley and Pennsytranin Railroad He , pots, Harrisburg City, Pa. This souCeident and pleasant Hotel is now kept by the:undersigned, late of the Indian Queen in Charnberstearg..and he invites the patronage of his old friends andthepublie generally. Tennsrnederate. - oeta-tf JOHN W. TAYLOR. Etitriutrt. A NERIC-AN LIFE INSURANCE ArD A;1 TRUST CO., Corner - Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, $500,000. - Paid-Up Capital, SZO,OOI. • - Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MU TUAL Pomoga - dtaing the year ending December 31st, le6l, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi dend of 18410 vu Policies issued during that year _to be paid, as the annual 'premiums on said Policies are re ceived. OFFICERS" --- PrZriaente—Alezander Whil / Secretary and TrearurerJohn S. Wilson. Actuary—John C. Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTRES.;—Alexander _Whintlin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Hon. lames Polloek, Alberti C. Roberts, P. B, Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon.-Joseph...Allison Samuel T. Bodine, Jelin Al kman. Charles F. Henzlitt, Isla° Hazlehnrst. WTI. G. REED - ,.Cluunbetsburg, Pa.,. is the authorized ' Agent of the American . Life Insurance and Trust Oita.. puny, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. this. J. C. luca.trtts and W. H. B . GtLE, Medieel =miners. REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. bi'Clare, Rev. S. J. Mo. -, eons. J. S. Nixon, Chambersbnrg, and Wm. H. Marshall,. Cashier of the Hagerstown Banlq'. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please call on. or by addressing the undersigned they will be waited on an any .. pcet of the Couhty or State. - tnerS3 W. G. REED, Agent. 1 - 82 9 CHARTER PERPETUAL.- FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY OF PHILADELPHIA, - ASSETS On January 1, 1265 EIMM ACCEPTED SURPLUS. LNYF,TED PREIERNS ;INcoxp. 1011 1865 I 83,000,000. 85,121,950 17xErrnx.n, Cum, Loss .I , Am SCE 1.13 W PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON raMM‘IM'V'M DIRECTORS: Isaac Lee, . Edward C. Dale, CLarles N. Backer Tublan Wagner, _ Samuel Grant, - Geo. Pales, - - . Jacob R. Smith, ' Alfred Fitler, ~ 0 come W. Richards, Fres. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES _N. BANCKER, President.. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. r -, ' JAS. W. M'Actasna, Sec'y pro. tem. - T- - . DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent.of the . Com ,pany in Chtunbersburrr, who will furnish all inforniation necessary to applicants.. maai•tf. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AmmtleA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL e 500,000. Office Mil Walnut Street; Phila delphia. Tha prompt payment of Claims for LOSIIPI during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has been in exi , itence. entitles them to the confidence of the This company will also insure against loss by WAR or INVASION. Persons wLshing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chambensburg. As Agent for this Company. I am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, returning the full premium paid on application at my office. W. G. REED, Agent. REFEREWES—.7. D. Grier, .7, Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin, Cot. A. K. M . Clure. febB, OUR' AGENT.—Mr. Join GROVE, gf Chambersbarg, is the General Agent of the Frank lin County Mutual Insurance Company. inne7) Cott ing. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK. THE OLD CLOTHING EISPORSIDL nie.,llLuaut Chambersburg, Pa. The undensigilild, after a temporary atatence necessitated by the destruction of Clumbersburg, has again returned and opened oat In full blast In the Market House lfetween Wallsoe'aDry Good store and Huber & Len:matures Gro , cery store, a large assortment of 'PALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every desiurlption and quality. This stork consists of Ready Made r ClOthini Such is Over 'Coats, Dress Coati, Pasts, Vests, Under - Shirt., Drawers, &c., also GENTLEMENS' FMCS - ISM - NG GOODS, such as Cravat, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Col lars, Umbrellas, &c., &e. His stock ofCloths for customer work consists of Prtinch, -English and Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skinand Fancy Cassimers. Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassini er Vestings which will be made up toMder in styles to'suit the taste of customers, on short notice, and reasonable totes. Haring engaged a practical Cutter from the East, lam prepared to furnish clothing in the most fashionablestylen, and as none but experienced workmen are engaged per -pons may rely upon getting their work wel!done at my Store. , Thankful" ha. the patronage heretofore bestcnred, I re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. octl9 J. T. HosimsoN: lifirE AGAIN INVITE TEE CITIZENS of Mercersbnrg. and all who are disposed - tabny 6001) AND CHEAP GOODS. 'to oar large. stock of Goods, just received from the markets of New York, Phil adelphia and Baltimore. Oar Stock-comprises, Satinets, very low. Clunk: ea. and Cloths, Ready. made Clothing. Boots and Slims. Hats and Cups, Shirts and Drawers, Jackets—both Wollen and Cotton, Collars and 'Gas. In addition to our large stock of Gentlemen's Wear ; we have added. a complete assortment of - LADIES' -FURNISHING GOODS consisting of Aferino Jackets, Hoods, Sahibs, HoSe:-150th Welkin and, CaTon, Gloves of' all kinds, Cloak Trim. mings, Buttons ., and Threads, in fact, a complete assort ment vif grit* in their line, to which, we call their estott• ia)) attention, as wewill sell cheap for cash. We areprepared at all timesto maks up - GENTLEMEM'S WEAIi r in the latest and most approved Style as we Lave in our employ. a Skillful Cutter and workmen. and which enables Ilf; to guarantee a complete At • _ _ _ JOHN R. ST/NE & CO MEurrnsunta. Nov. 1. 1P85—.5t0. NEW CLOTHING HOUSE. Quick Sales and Small Profits- - • itThe undersigned has opened, in Isaac Hutton's .new Ming on Hari SIMEET, a huge and splendid stock'of EADY-MADE CLOTHING which has been out and made up under his own supenision. Ho has on hand a l argo m oc k of Piece goods consisting of CLOTHS of all kinds, Black Doeskin Fancy and ptaue Cit.swwwru of the of the latest styles, which will be made opts order In the bent manner to snit the tastes of all and at the lowestpoie bible prices Ile has also - a full stock of GENTS' FURN/SIM4 GOODS, such as Underatarts, Drawers,.oser Shirts, Buckskin Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck-ties, Suspenders, Collars • Hose of all kinds, Umbrellas, Hats & Caps, &c. Ife i nasnres all that his - is the place to get the worth 57f yourcanoney, as he buys for cash and Is enabled to sell cheaper' than any other store. Remember the place. South Alain Steed, nearly opposite Greenawalt's - 110UL Sign of the Red Flag. - JOHN METRIC rfA:RRI A-0 MANUFACTORY.—Tfie undersigued - Would fespeet.mlly inform the public that he has resumed the Carriage making business at the old stand of Peiffer & Foltz, on the corner of Market and sea. and Streets where he is prepared to make to order any kind if CARRIAGES desired. He will idsokeep on hand and for side all kinds of vehicles, sneh as BAROUCHES, CARRIAGES; BEGGIES, &c. He will alsosive particular attention to repairing -Vehi cles and - as be has none but the beet of workmen -in Als employment be feels assured that his work will give sat isfaction. Ills prices will be found to be as law if not lower than at any other shop. LIVERY.-8e keeps on band a lock of go.d . al e and driving Homes and Oaf thigeff aliment Halt for hire at namable rates may 3 1863 P. Y PRIM& ME ZZI ersa,p7 p 4 494.000 971,1)00 ,ONI,WB