TERMS OF PIIBIJCATLON. THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is published every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at $2 50 per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $3 u , not paid within the year. All subscription ac eoools man be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for in adrance, and ell such anbiteriptiOns will invariably be discontinued at the exprz ration or the time for which they am paid. ADVERTISEMENTS ate inserted at EXIIMS CENTS per . line for ant insertion, and caaTs per line for sub. sevent 'autertions. A liberal disco:ll2oS' made to persons advertising by the quarter, half-year or 'year. Special no. tices charged one - half more than regular advertisements. All rebel tams of Associations: communicatimut of limited or Individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exoe pah ig two h oe s , are charged fifteen cents per line. " All Legal Notices of iTery kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial Sales, are required by lam to be advertised in the REPOSITORY—it baring the LAt tOEST CIIt- CtLATtoNof any kterpublisked in the county of Franklin. 'JOB PitLYTESO creamy kind in Plain and Fancy col ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Rand•biUe, Blanket Cards, Pamphlets, dm., of every• variety and style, printed, at the shortest notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE hasjast been reltted 'with Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS Lti- VARIABLY CASH. igir Mr. John IL Shryock is our authorized Agent to receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for the same. All letters should be addressed tc.;4lft WCLURE & STONEY., Publishers. Coat, kumint, &E. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! TT E T 0 The undersigned have nary on hand, at their 'PLANING AND FLOORING MILL. &large supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order., Mouldings of alf - descriptions, from half inch to 8 inches, ca band. Plata and Ornamental Scroll Serving neatly executed, Also—Wood Turning in all its hrunchtis. Newel Posts, Banisters, Bed Posts, &c,, on hand. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at abort notice.. HAZBLET, VERNON & CO.. febr tf ' Harrison Avenue, Chambemburg, Pa._ G ° • A. DEITZ'S GRAIN. ANT) AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE Delta is buying Ray Dei# is baying WooL Deitz is buying Flour. Deitz is buying Winent and Rye Deitz lett:tying Oats eland Coin Doils is buying Clover and Timothy Seed. Delis is buying Flaxseed Deits is inlying Apples and Potatoes. AND rATIS6 Tire HIGHEST PRICE, AT DEITZ'S.. GRAM AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, Nary' of .Rail Road Depot. Deity le eelling rows. Delta is selling Corn Shelters and Fodder Cutters. Deitz is selling Foliclis - Fhoiphate or Fertilizer. Delta is selling the best Family Fla.ur Deltr. is selling all kinds of Feed. , e ' • Deitz is selling the_best Stove CuaL Deits is selling Salt and Plaster. Dein" in selling Cement and Calcine Plaster. 'Delta Is selAnq the best Lime Coal Deitz is selling the best Bhteksmith Coal Deity is selling Llair fur Plastering. Delta Is selling Fonndey Coal Deitz is selling off at small ptlits Deitz labelling Pine and Hemlock Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Sawed and Sliaved Shingles Plastering Laths, Flouring, Palling. Rails, &c. Be .are awl buy at PEITZ'S WAREIMUSE COAL AND LUMBER YARD, and get a good article cheap. North of th'h Railroad Depot LEO. EBERT & SON Mere constantly on band, and will famish to order all kinds of SEASONED LUMBER, sue* aa 11 and n treat Plank, Bawds, worked Flooring, WeatheTboardingi Joists and Scantling, Paihngs and Shingles, all on file moat reasonable toms. LIME AND STOVE COIL We. ulso keep on hand a good snpply of Lime• and Slav, Coal, which we will furnish at the lowest Prices Office in rear of the Jail, (lumbersburg. Va. ocalB L2O. EIIEBT ee. SON 'QTEASI SAW MILL—The undersit,m- L 7 ed have erected antrin operation a Steam Saw MAI at the South Mountam, near Graffenbiug Suing's. and are prepared to caw to ordor Bills, of WHITE OAK, PINE, HEMLOCK or any kind ut timber desired, at the short est notice and at low rates. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sam'l (4rtenawalt, in Chambershrug. on Satur day the 24th inst. and o each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the palpate of contracting for the delivery at lum ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low- EAT RASES. AU letters should he addressed to them at Graffenbutg P. 0.. Adams Co.. Pa. elecl4-ly 3IILTENBRRGER BRADY. Small hits of Lumber, Shingles, Se., from our mills can he procured at one tune at W. F. EISTER 6, BRO'S, Market Street, Chawile rsburn- UIL DIN G LUMBER.—The under B. signed is prepFedto , Latc all kinds of Building Lam ber at the lowest market ;vice, R. A. RENPREIV, , GREENWOOD MILL% Payethsville P.O. dectts.ly _ XI ,ITMBE R.--All kinds of Lumber for salt. at reasonable rates at A. S.' MONK'S Mill, near teuiney, Pa. , • julyl9.l! attornegs at Raiz). GW S. STENGER, ATTOR ,. AT LAW.—W. S. SU:NUM:, District 'A.3. tornei re kid Agent fur procuring Pensions, 'Bounty Money and ears 01 pay Ofllge in James DuMeld's act - ailing, on the West ode of SeCton# , -.Street, between Queen and Washington Streets. atte24 - QTUMBAUGH & (7=EIIR. ATTORNEYS 17 AT LAW.—Odlce opposite the Pad Office.at. tend promptly to ail hturtness entrusted to their care. - P B,—Authorized Agents for the collection of Pensions. rurnidy. Back Pay and all other claims optima thee overn. meat:" epPi Wito Street o n lCti rro., e a il t e L c a o w urt . House, tormPrly occupied by Jer. Cook, Esq. All legal business entrusted to ills cure will receive prompt atten tion. • sep7-tr. TOIiN STEWART. ArronsEr AT Law ey m oo on second Street, a fen• door South of the Market !rouge. PENSIONS, BOUNTY and othorrlotrus promptly collected. [aug3l. TJ . NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0 _ . J lice at hie !vacua on Second stroet. octl9 ~8. KENNEDY. ATTORNEY AT Liss • Offiem on Ithrket street. oetl9 lorivarbing illouseo. WUNDERLICH 7 -44 , N ,, EAD .roaNARDEco Am, commuzioN - 3..triltCluNto North Second Street. emeesite the Cumberland Valky 'Railroad Depot, Charuberabnrx, Pa Cars ran regularly to and Irma Philade , libia and Haiti. more. AGENTS,—Peacoek. Zell & Hinehman, No. POB Mar ket St., Philadelphia. r . ,yeas Valley, Broken Egg and Nnit COAL, (anent from the mines), Wilkesbarre and Pine (trove FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES. SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly on head. PLOrlt, GRAIN end 'PRODUCE of all kinds yenta:A.lam the highest cash prroes. Bept9,i.Z. WIJNDERLICH & HEAD MIIE-PRESIDENT AND MANAGER:B of the Chambersburg Turopike Road Company have Ali. day, Non . 6, (Iv-lured Semi•Annunl Virtdrnd atone and a half per etnt. on the Capital Stook of raid ihmtpany, payable on and after Nov. 15th at Nixon's Diu g Store. (nort3-30 'J. S. NIX9N, Treasurer. TOB PRINTING in every lityle done at 'ile• oft* afire Yakima? Itiworrrolay. - ,-.._.._ *--- , _ . . .. '‘, , _ , , 1...._,: t . 0 ., :, . . . .h t . )3„,_ t 0 (..„,,,,,t : ~ _,,„ ~,,, ~,,..1 1. : _ . . , BY 31'CLURE & STONER. :Ural Ostate Mateo. VIRGINIA LANDS IN MARKET.- ARTHUR L. ROGERS, REAL ESTATE AGENT, MIDDLEBURG, LOUDON COUNTY, VA., Having an extensive acquaintance with the people and the L-and of the Piedmont Section of Virginia, so celebrated as a line :'Grass Country. I will pay particiatir attention to,the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in this region. beides practising law in the Coils of Lori , don and Faquler. ate authorized to sell some of the most desirable Farms in this part of the State, and will correspond promptly with persons wishing to purchase, ortake pleas ure in showing these lands to them, if they give me a Me Plots and Surreys furnished when desired. Address, ARTHUR L. RO(IF.R.S. Attorney at Law, "Middleburg, Loudon Co., Va. ItErmIENTF.5.—John Janney, Esq., Leesbarg, Va.; Gen. A, Rogers. Middleburg. Va.; Joha A. Spilman, Esq , James P Brooke, Esq., Warrenton, Eaquier county, lia,; A. K. Philhpa. Fredericksburg, Va.: Francis L. smith, A lexanaria, Va.: Dr, Beverly K Weliford. Wm. If, Mnettriand, Esq., Richmond. Va..: Messrs. L. P. Bayne Co, Messrs. lfamillon, Easter & Co.. 1., Nevelt Steele, Baltimore Md. (Middleburg, Va., Oct. 11, 1.3n.)-3m. Chambersburg, copy am; send bill to this °tree for collection, and one copy of paper to Mal. A. L. Rogers, Middleburg. a—llogrrsonca Mail. A DJOURNED SALE OF TWO VAL -41 CABLE FARMS —The undersigned will offer at Public SW, on the premise., on Thuredny. November Pith, IS;). the following Heel Estate viz About 150 ACRES 14 good Lime Stone and Slate Land. situated in Peters town atip. about 4 rules from Greenewale and :2 miles from Up ton, adjoining laud s of duo Coffee. Patton and ;Ahem. The improvements are a two-stored „STONE HOUSE. STri.6.l3 Balm Wagon Shed, Corn Cr Wash House and other oat-bnildings. This farm has been well limed and is in a high state of milli\ ation. There is also au ORCHARD of good Fruit on the premises and a Well of never failing. Water at the dwelling. This tract is aim; well set with 4 1.1 thriving Timber. Also—On the same day wilt be offered at Public Sale. on the premises, thelollowing Real Estate. to wit : About 2612 ACRES of Freestone and Slate Land, situated in PP ters tow nship, adjoining lands of duo. Coffee, Patton and others. and about one mile from the first described land. The improvements are a W E AT HERBOARD ED HOUSE. Stone Bank Barn, (partly new) Wm:Tin Shed. Cora Crib, and other out-buildings. The Conococheafrue Creek runs through the lam, and has the most desirable MILL SITE in the County. There is also- a Well of good Water at the house. This farm is wall Timbered apt' in a good state of cultivation. - Sale to commence at the first described prfilierty at 1 o'• clock, when the terms will be made known. 0ct2.14t PETER BEOPO H. PU B L I C SALE.—The undersigned subscriber, agent of Christian rivet will sell by Public Sale, on Saturant,: Me ISth of Nortnther, 18ti1, the following described Real Estate', VIZ: . TWENTV.TRREE ACRES, morn or less, of feat quality Limestone Land, bounded h}• lands of Jacob Garver, A. P. Oyler and oth er lands ot said Freet, with the Ptiblio Road leading from Greenvillage Iv the Saw 31111 of 'Milian's-Etter, passing along,the east endlartkbeing less than one mile from the Scotland Station on the Ctunberlttnd Valley Rail Amid. The improvements consist of a commodious L 0 0 HOUSE, Rough-cast, with Kitchen and Cistern attached, with a Double Log Barn, with Sheds and Orin Crib at. melted. Hog Hume, and necessary out-buildings. all con. veniently near, together with an Orchard of choice, full• bearing. Apple Trees of about i4OO, and 70 other choirs., fruit. 4 years planted, with Peach, Pear and Plum trees, being the best orchard in the neighborhood. with a Well of never-fading Water near the buildanrs, the whole be ing well fenced. Sale to snamence at 11 o'clock 4m said day. when the terms will ho male known by JACOB GARVER. 0c125-4t Jolts DITLIS.R. Auctioneer. EXE"TOR'S SALE.-13v virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, the undersigned trill offer at Public Sale, aa Th a c.sth,y , (to rod day Of Norterabrr. at I °lock, P. M„ the following de. ed Real Eztati., late the __E Andrew state of Ereitzer, Aiitritrt township. deed. situate two miles from rreencastle. .rn the public road lending to Chambersburg,, viz: Thp FARM containing about FIFTY ACRES of LIMESTONE LAND, in a good state or cultivation.— The improvements consist Of a vonifortable FR A ME HOUSE. Bank Barn: with all necessary buildings in con nection therewith a SAW MILL and CLOVER MILL, driven by Muddy Run. which passe' through the property: TWO TENANT HOUSES and Blackaunith Shop. The farm and improvements named will be sold together If not sold on that day the entire property will then be ArTntetl at public outcry to the highest bidder, for the term of one year from theist day of April next. This :5 a very valuable property. e Persons wishing to view it will please call on ADAM KILEII7,ER. residing on the same. or on the subscriber. novl-4t BENJAMIN SNIVELY. Eir. PUBLIC SALE.—By virtuo of au order !2 f the Orphans' Court of Fainklin't.uuty, to the lin direcced flsr II:insole of too will/NV.3g deACribt4i Real Ebtater belongtug to the tumor children or .}kilos Shirty. deed. there will be cold at Public Sale. on Fridint, the' at* don of A °runner. 'els, all that certain TRACT OF LAND, situate to Antrim ton-uship, bounded by the Greencastle and Lettembdry road. lauds or Giles Easton, John .M'Cozinpl, ,cml other contamion• 1:.3 ACRES, a fair projection of which Is in Timber, -4'he improvements genus! of a STONE BOUSE, a qa of Batik Burn, it Young Orchard, a well of never failing water, A., Also—A lot or Piece of Groiaid near Greencastle, cum tainlng 5 ACRES and 147 PERCHES. bsomded by lands of Dr. Charles Michaels, Wingeral and others. - A/so—The undivided,oncithird part of a HALF - LOT DR GROUND, in the blirotiall of Greencastle, situate 06 East Balthnore street, adnaninf lot of N Martin. The farm will be s‘iltlat 10 o'clock. A M., 111:1 mid ddy. and the remainder of proper-r.. - sr 1 P. 31.. when the terms will be made known by ( SAMUEL El, SNIVELY, Gaarditut 00LEN FACTORY AND_REAL ESTATE FOR SALE —The under,igricil offers tit Private Soli• the property' well known 00111) S WOOLEN FACTORY. situated in Green town. hip, Franklin viittnty, ra one Milo torth of Pncettew Me. MI the Cold Simlig Rum a ni.verling 4rFaiii. with Fdtll• ehmt 'wad and Lin her drn ing any htmlt of nhwhitiery.— The F'er•tory a two Storied ri-ant. Building. with ti.-Fet. Laths, &e., = nig Maebiue and every thing neee•sary tor the ha.ines,, There Is ti-u a Coloring lion., eons . enient to the ALua ACRE.Snf LAND. I:0 At cps of winch in 11114 let fence. the balance is IN ell set with mon; ebe.tnnt timber The Improvement, are a two Storied 1{01"(i 11.0AST DWIJ,I.LS(i, near the facto*, t 2 Tenant Llon-ca, IlTugoa Shed, Stable and other out buthlilurs. The Puctory to well known and han at .present a geed ran of ete,tota. For further partieffiar: , apply to or till are, MICHA EL GM D, FayOteville, P.O. (tool. FACTORY Aug. , PUBL IC SALE.—The undersigned, Trumee appautP4l by the Orratanw Court 01 Frnk- lin county. Pa.. to sell the Real Estate of Jonothan wrig/ t t Lae at Loudon. tlee'd. all exjwe,' to POOR. Sale. at the Hotel of JAME. , 3111.1, - EN, In Ltaulnn on Saturday, the bth day of .Norrmbrr, A. D., letis, the following des eribed Real Estate: No 1. A TRACT of LAND, eontaining abut .uNE ACRE, with a one and it half story WEATHERBOA DED HOUSE, Large Frame Ntable, FMI: Tres aml other improvement, thereon erected. Stivatel ou the tlfropil‘e of a mine went of London. Nu 2, A one and a half t.tory WLATIIERBOARDED HOUSE and LOT of (IROI.IXD, situate in the town of London. No .1. A Frani! WEATHERMARDED Roust: and ,O'l 01 GROUND bounded 1.3 1010 of David Voore and t/WM satiated in the town of London Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, N% to n. n•rmn dl be made know u by novl43t MICHAEL BUSHEY, Trustee. 7ALUABIa FARM AT - I'RivATE SALE.—Thennilersignod alters at Private Sale. Mo FARM. ,irnateil in Largan ton ndiln. Franklin county, Ita., adjoining. lands of John E. anti John M Clay, Daniel Cimpinger. Jmerili Mowers, and near the 0.40- guanott creek, and about 5 miles from Shippmisbarg, eon %lining 260 ACRES of good SLATE LAND. well limed. 70 Acres of this tract is well TIMBERED. '27i Acre, in MEADOW and the ?edam e in a high +tate of ettltit.roto all In excellent outer and well fenced. The above Farm toil be equally divided and sold separately. The um mements on the line tract are a two-doled 100 WEA• TRERBOAIMED HOUSE, new Bank Barn %feet long, Wartm Shed, and all other necessary anti convenient out buildings. There in a Well of never failing Water at the door. There is a good TENANT }Wt-SE uu the seeonif tract with a Well of Water convenient to the Rome, and till Lecesoary out-buildwir. There is au Ortbard of choice fruit on both of the above tracts. Persons v,ishin g . to vlew the Far ,so by callinv on tbe sobtwriber, lis int; in Ilamilwn omll,ldp, or on Jolla NClay; adJointng the Farm. ort 11 lit Jt.tllN ZOOK. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE v SALE—The endersiglll.ll ttfierp at Prh ate Sale a TRACT OF LAND, situated in t balforil totrwthip, Franklin eounty, adjoining iamb, ,if St., ens, Henry iteorge and others, ei 'attaining abont 149 ACRES. There are "ler IVO Acres cleared oral in goal farming or• der. most 11 it cleared st ithin the last 7- years. A small portion of It to Limestone Laud, the tralanea Sand Slone The improvements are us good. to B It! C K DWELLING 1101'SE. good Fatale BaPk Barn. Shed nub . 2 Cora Cribs. Carnavi House and all neveNia ry out buildings. There are TWO YOVNC CHARDS of went Fruit an the place, arida well of never• failing Water pear the House, a good Cistern at the and also one near the barn. There are about :Al A, res of excellent PINE '113111E12 LAND an the place, among , RIR best Timber bi he found in the county, and limns is, gum] IRON ORE. on a cm/Aden/We portion of the Ifa,rm into 3m 3AMES M. RENFRI-7,W,, Laoca.ter Evnnturr inert 3 tho, und.tohl Nil to th office.] FARIT AT PRIVATE SALE.—The scriber offers at ['mate esde, the FA RI! !dimmed i n F ran klin ma n iv, One met a half miler ooutli of Scotland, (aid, h is on the C. V. IL It_,) on the road leading from. Greens illage to Fayetteville. The farm eontains tC( HUNDRED AND TW EN'r Y ACRES of expellent land:, under good state of gulticarron. well fenced, with rurming water on the farm. The iniproseinentr Me ahr te4Tury FRAME W FAITH:RBI /AIM HOUSE, Wash House, Smoke Hoare, a lorge (.1 tl•smo) Dank Barn Wagon lobed, Carringe House. O Or. A Well of Water at the door and au oRCIIARI) of most exeellent Fruit, celebrated for its animal product of large quantities and good quality. The farm will toe sold on good, terms and on indtepotapie Nile given on the lot of April, 1661 i. Persons deslrlng to ran do PO 1)I, tailing on the sob... Tiber, residing thereon. ULBECCA W. SHARP, aorn-4t Scotland Pa. • ASMALL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The lutist - fiber offers at Private Sale, a small Property in Hamilton township. Pruntalu county, Pa. d+ miles Nortb-west of Chamborsinuic on the Keeler road, containing THREE ACRES of land, tin which to erected a two-story ROCiall-CAST HOUSE and Log Stable, nod a Well of good Water near the door. There in a fine young APPLE ORCHARD on the premises. For further particulars call cm the subscriber, residing thereon. (eetffs-4P) WM, cossErrs. eotatt *airs. • QIIENANDOAII VALLEY FARMS 1...) FOR SALE.—Pennsylvania fariners desinng to huy LIMESTONE FARMS in the I.,ltettanduah watered and in many cases with good improvements up4n them, CAM do Ott of the suMenher, at very i o n cot es . Netanter oppdrtnnities fnrhaptur cowl farms at Inc rides nil] ever again occur in this Valle}. Being a Iteum*lva 'llan myself. and located here, I can and :It at any time famish such informatton person-s b; hay may desire, upon their addmsbing toe 6y letter. lIEpEItESCFstSFttoNiIN T —A cthsou Ititehey. 3 fercersharg ; Jacob Spm,tt, orecncmale , Jacob Hatchet- rode, Sogland ; DaniecTrostle, John B 31 Lanabau. Wm. M'Lellan, Col. F. S. Stambaugh, and untuy other citizens of Eliawhershurg. WILLIA3I li. Attorney at Law and W h eal Estate Agent, octindf Wutelie;tter, PLTBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.— Tbe undersigned Executor, ut the last toll! and test-ante:a of Henry Brett er. late of Warren totvash.p, tt 11 1 ulfer at Patti:o Sale. oril'ar-gday. the :2: 7 :11. day nj Yoranthar, tebs entire pretni,e.±, the to4tving rteso2i lu4l, Beal Estate, to Wit A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Warren township. Franklin County. Pa., adjoining lands of Frederick Fritz, Joseph Phneeeie and tatters, centahthez thdn CREt and 13 PERCHES:, with a two storied STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn and other intynu tements thereon ereeted. . . Sale to cuminouve at 10 o'clock. A. M.. on sail qa) heu•the terms IN ill be made known SIMOS lIREIVER Reis DENTON BREWER, ll= IT_AhtiAIILE MILL PROPERTY AT V PRIVATE SALE —The undersigned, agent for the heirs of Matthew McKee, dee'd., Om at Pm ate Sale, the .. woo Ps 'Toc K . MILLS, - situated in Green' town Jhlp. eranntin county, Pa. The property etnitains about 15 ACRES ni turnip ha% a twn slur}. Storie and Weather boarded 11111:1T MILL, SAW ItULL, au exeellent two story BRICK HOUSE, nro story Weatherboartied Reuse, Miler's Horne and other impt ON ements thereon erected. The :gin is in good repair. Pie water you ~ one of the hest on the creek. Possession given immediately. Terms racy. sepp.tt It. Oltk, Agent for Heir's. ifAVELLING SALE.---The t'wo 'Story BRICK DWELLING 1101 SE. ut rtisent wearied by Dr. Ilanaltuu, on Fifth Avenue, is offered tor sale. The lot in 51 feet front tont .•.:su lest in depth nih huge Log• Stable. eintena and other improvementstitereon erected. Possessem given anmedmtelv. n0v1432 JAC - 013 rs. MILLER. TTIWO FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub a atTeri at Prlynto!Sale TWO F.A.RXS mad a LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAM). rerbou.sdtspa,ed pur chase Rill please call on the undernetl matting art tfie Mantaan Tract, on the turnpike., one 1:,,J of niyetteville, junetlltt JOHN 0 lOW /AM. A SMALL FARM 10R SAL E: —The subscriber oilers at prisnutsale, hht vAint and a Lot o 1 Mona= Land. TO'S, ) to pan base Rill please call on the undersignenL resat g ia. Fayette. vile. 15ep127.3114 P. FINK. , VALUABLE TOWN PRO - E_RTY FOR SALE.—A number of floe LW; E 110( sEs at Private Sale. Inquire of SAM u.u. sEmEarr. n0v.143t 00TTAGES FOE SALE.—Two FRAME COTTAGES hn the Otrhsle turnpike will Le bold at Private Sale. Apply to A. K. IrcuplE. - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—A 11. Howe and Lot' in a good Inca:ion on North 3h street for sale. Inquire at tin. Rin.c.irops o luce: I n , I itost,totin anb h-mtravelr. - STRAI'ED OR STOLEN.—A SotiirEL MARE Cour, throe years old next. spring. with a White streak down Iner face anti Brooked bind legs, Str, wi or was -mien t rota tine onis tnre held ot Col. W.ll. Boyd, on Moroi* nndlit A inberal ren and will be ;Odd fer tidy nntorAnitnen that one I..ad In her reeovsry. ro o-1-3t - • - CAPT. W. ii. BOYD. VOT LcE.--N is hereby given. that a vortiticate ID my !MM., for Fifty t,f stock in the Bank of Chrendlernburg, tom dvbtroye.l by tire an the :10th of J ul2, , 1w:1, aant that applkation ha, been matte for the is.,leef a now rert:fieato Chamlig, 0et..2.5.4t - MARY M. SHOEMAKER. NTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that -LI I hot o toot eradicate:. of 13 4," ,y the C a pit a l stork of :he Book of Chombershor t r, and that I will apply to the nark for a re-iestte 4,1 the sat,. = Xr lierel)y given that 1.1 I had cortifiratec for :231? .132re+ of the enpit..l t•tock of the Rank 4.2 Uhatal,erooorg. 1,11,1 4.111, .20th 0 July,lP44, and that I will aptq to the Bank for . re.i.tie (4 - the 4imN. tt, I ht . ', 4, .1. Al,l-ISt EYs1 . 1:1:, - N. 4, r - uTicE. ;tying ir‘ the tire, oil the:lolll,4' Jn!‘ 100-4 Ccr,qfi , art Sdlol,Ship to IlirklllfoJ ef dirgr, " fln . trn !Kars. applte.ith,rl a ilt he made for anew eerttficate. 1.I.; SIIOE3IAKE Janis. =MIME TO sETI, KETrELus ONE VOL. InsToßv TIDE REBELLION. The onhe won, every pause of which ha. , her , ' Pr , Pared for the press :.inee tee close of the w.tr, The popul.trity tot this sr nrk parallel One oe•ie , ',:i Agent ha. the west returns 0 Eft 1 1 0 SulKeriptionF per day on the oversee thrrnizsla the week. The cante, has but jtut begun ret n e hat e OVER 50 000 At tit. rate we tire now 14 . 11111 C one liet will be oVER .20 tidri the then ear. So flatterinir is the preeie.et. ur .beret paper fur 47,010 VOLT' AEC before a hook ism homnl. 11 . IA the work people want. ConrAet, and Errialole Pro, i?;it only about half they:et. %,tIo r Ili,hrnes m I , lllpl . tholl to the amount of reading', 4 ,, .r Agent , tT'Pt , a " r)".4" , ‘ evil tsire in the toiblie exclianze the 'I it.. Col work for tl The work is now read) for (lu-I' V7V. Agate , . not = 3t f L. STEBBINS, Raiford Cons, ;. ‘ 1 1 „ - u ,l ': 1 ,- ' ., ( 1 ) :) . FAmii., 5v.. , , , ,r43 MAt BINE in the world. 111 roybi.lrts—}ltoornor gelf.Sewer. 11,, der. Baster. 'fucker. s.e., Jr. IVe let for the timehines after , lie) -ell them For tore ui.ir. address or call on 111101. 0 Cn, No 1 ll' Smith Wit :NI, Phil .1 P.t • i 4 0 0 - I'ER 111ONT,11. clearbr t.xpen • Pei All 11Z,Itt V.illkto•a t., npr..ent t firm Cana . . rm in each township in ilie United N.,.1:!.-- ;mil tiei ila :: For jal I , flar., 1.11 , 11., ..t amp ' - , :iTEP/lENS ...1 Ci P., new 1-1t2.3.1,11mii1w.i.i., New 1011. 13cr5onat I:3ropettn cAalrs • . ..... . .. ... r 10 EDITORS. -7-A UNIoN eat in astrong rnion rowdy a laru - o eir. rotation and doing .a Nrrt• prt.tro.ble at. old C•tabli-led :ma ILLS C".l ni i riot itch .1 rovr. r Addro,s!he paid nosdi 0 0 SHARES BANIi SI'OCK FOR SALE.—one tonnirtli -liar., ,d tia• eap,tsh .1,, ofglw NA.TIQNA.I, BANK. id Cli M BERSIII•IM for .ate. in lot, to 'sit pareluve.r.oApps..lt .I.usz.,.;:i 11 LIAY PRES SES.-- I glirce Hay Prt,...d in Food order. fir Salo cheap ' • julyl 941 J I :EO. A 1)EIT:4, wry Pa. 111-mltt elq, .21 eilan4t . /LEI , ant Li a n T 5. 7-30..130NDS FOR SALE, IN 1 1.. J • iu douotninationz of $. - ,0 S:i00 ana €.l 041. Inquire at ti.b.4.,,thee. w,t23.tt 'LOUR colirse Seholar.o4 en the Quaker City litiSlllls. C . 0111 4 ,, ot Plalodelpll.l. Apply at aria tar, oott:s 3 cntist 5. R. EI3FIZSOLE, DENT I KT, will H. be found at 3104 olheu lu MUD he,ht if. dun N u n, „f D r 51,14,,,c,4r,, rq rila SFIRTEIHrom one to a fall let , nt Ooid. hih or, r emwe Sat,fltoti,n. z.l.:rnot4 .1. mo:* 31, lAR. H. R. - FETTERIIOFp. sun( iJ DENtInT. Utttcr oue door We',t of tm• 'rel.:graph Greenu.oll,. Pa. All vr-ork entrugteil to him will he promptly ;Mewled to and warranted. mum F; bm flit: N. SCILLOSSER'S DENTAL OF JLI MEI on Senond Street, oni, 'Nunn. S. tl of tl. liarkot 11013Ae. nuir2l 131)))5ittait5. • . J. C. /tICITAIMS, .1%. Nit'', M TIP ICHARDS & 711()N'IY;(1),IERY 'have , AA) associated tbeteseh es in the /Wm, r or Aud,r,, , ,, and lune opened an ottlee in 14. Richard, or, h.nid.t.kr, on Main kirent;ii fen. doors All indebted to Ober of the a 1nn..., a:;1 1 InalZe early settlement or the sawn. I;tor.n 1;1 I)R S S 111:MElt otrers his profes.- ionnl nervires icc Ilty,iroto on 4.1 Surgeon to the etti- Zoos of GroeordlagP nod ,teztlity. nog'«t tutu 11QEDDING AND FEATHER WARE IIOI:SE,--No 94 iVorth Tenth Strat._abure Market, =I ESMI FEATIIIIRS,. . . .Iti.l'l 'I 111SSES. - BLANKETS. , . BEI) QUILTS. Am , So. .. " TUCKERS' Cetchratea SPAT,''; BED. L'cor,t. article in t[ Bedding. line, At the lowest market privet sep`2o-lirn AMC% lIILLBORN. CRAMBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER ii. 1565. DNIIN I sTIZATOR'S NOTIC 11 tie heroi. given that Letter: or_Adnni t o,t t uti on on th e E.,:nto of dame? 1.22. , of l'au,:t t o wn. shix 4l , , V d. been =anted to the goetl. ti person? kroor,:nx thoftwolvo., irriohtol to ca , lFl=tate will V... 1, 'mho havotitate vaytoont . twkl rto,out tl,ota pro; -rio aulltonl s y et.. i fo novt“ tiKu. \V. 1.1.NN. A DMIXISTIII'UOR'S NOTICE.—No L ti c e.s hereby non - en that Lettran at Aduoutstrafian on the E...ttite of George IV, Snatta4'. ' 4,4 " of 7 ;rQ' 2 n , " - tle, dee'd have been granted to tire undersigned. All persons 'keening thattataht a indebted to ,aid tWate will please make immediate payment and those having (quints pro , ent them properly' atalleat bra ed for , attlement. to the Administrator. residing at Wayne.t.bortt. ware DANlta, :SllUl:llZari. Adair. 'A DIIN I;qII.ATOR'S OTICE.--No berois gee el. that let;.., of Administration on the - I:•.tate Jateth Ileark late , if Chambersburg, decd. hate been granted to the tiroter,igned. A!I prrmini: indebted to coil F....take are regnosted to make immediate paymeni • tend tho.e hoeing ehlims trill 1.1( ,e• pre ..ent than tisipirly it bier tii,ttlsimenti. noel tit- - Cr, M., Arittir. A DmINIKTEATows NoTicEN - ix. tie r, in hereby given th.it Letter, of ...Administrunon on the E•ta'e of Thom, iffilinnton. late of Metal 'been• nhtp, doe'd, hate beat granted to the itudermglied. I , Prsenre knoll mg tie indebted t o Estate will please make immediate paynient; and- those having Voi,ent them proper j• anthent.eated fig rit.ttlement. MATO" .14 /1 1 NSTO.N. noel ISAAC witiwrr, AA D.M.1..;16'r lIATOR'S tiee 6 hereiw given that Letter , of Atl.win6tratien on the Estate-of lit7takiah Easton. Late of Peteis town ship. ilee'd. have been muted w tno ituderiaigned.-, All p e ranma . im,e re.; indebted to Ifstnie will please make iwtheillaie . x.nyinent ; anti thoie having claims pratent the tn property anthenneated for - ; lowent. nanzl 11 firi - 1 V A. EASTON, Adon'rx. A 1)AlINI STRATI ) '- 'NOT IcE.l._.:N 0 _ hurt he in ru that I,ntr., , of Adnan.dtrAtinn no the r•ratn or .Inh,, CahanPl ~ t flrn. :ownship, drc ii, have been granted to rim ainaler.oga eat 11A 110b.,1 aid r,tote cciti plenty and,. irrinnoin,to , nnot and the damn peerone utmn 1,74,1, !IV •, f or not I . 1:1 r Itt:irr 111.0. a. Adair, NOTICE.L—No i- 114 e e 1111,41 V :104, that Letter= of Adminain ,h e n on the lianate of :,:1111.11 , I Yaa.ak.Le—l.,• , ,,i Warren tat tv-hip, ahh - 11• have been at to ill, 111 , 110,1zuid. All 14.11.11 h linen Inc thennavivia, 11.1Vbted to cold Rotate will la'aa,e, anak.• oar anti thee IlaNjpg immix pro-eat them paarPrlv anihenticated for settlement. not I . tittl.nMON COOK, Adui r. A D3IINISTIZATOWS NOTlCE.—No tier. i% hereby that Letter. of Adtaini,trathal on the Eltatet Adam 1 tonodle, late of Wmthimrton town:Mit% deb a ha,..14,,, ~,,alaea to the undendErm%l. All Penmm b ovom thein , olt e.intlehteit to mot E%tate wtll plea, matoo inonodooe payment: and the, hating elainot pre.ent them prop: rly anthentiented fot settlement. 1 , 31. GOSsERT, DMIMSTRAI'OIt'S NOTIOE.--No, horehy rtn , en that Letter% of Admon.tmtem. en the E-nve of John Cass:man. late of (711mnber.burtr. Este been _named to thoomd, man e d. Al] per-,m , kno,vioz thenfselves ahlobzed to Fah! E%tate will plea-, make Immediate payment and tho,e hating theta ynperly nuthentleah%l !nr -ettlemenf. oetle - 111,41E.W4Adan.e. - DmiNNTß•\Torr.; - rr en'that Later u,un tal , hvd. hate hen granted 1" Tilt under,igned All knowing them-r - ls - ,, :a aid Eslat, mak,e immediate paymota: ; 1‘,5.1 tl. ii,u lag prs , ut them properly authenll/ :,,r 31.11tV CJ EDERTI K lohe WIINISTRATOTS NoTicE. h , herehy given that re , he .E-Ltle of Jai liurn4 t, ii,',l been grant,_,l to the t0,,1er ,,, aa1e,1. Ail penromi knowing tit `,`• make fainted:a , eloi Inc prt.ert them proi,orly mat, noo Tea for eat. I 7, , - FA NNIE K ET): . a li I XECUTOR'S NOT 1 -.Not ice is ,t 1 her. Lp given that Letters Te-; ttit e'-; .err Ml , tt oftArex.etider Viper, late Faunett tot% n-I,tp, e,c e berrizranted to the antlentoted. 4 ,41 1 poisons knowin g thee-1 , 4 , 1s iteleleeti to •etitl r:tate WitlAtleitse make tonattliate p..tyno•at , eatt •L, elalfilit!present there rrnrertv ttetioo , seett noel I'IZANKLr. virint Exr. I liezan life by runiiing away from home. Bob lean. we are told, was driven into his earlier by tic,- ilium of ;ate and the peck of a turkey. At tirea started in life r. lib to, other cause and capi tal than an old sword, which he was adroit eoougli to polio .41 lot tic' divine weapon of tZt'i!! 1 111•110 owed his political career , to w.,•,ta,gins -meltings—and there heard "Words 11 born." that turd his soul, and determined his ~ I w,, m 1:1e. Sld inning away front Mune mom lion a minor mortification. cawed by car r) ing a pretty girl over the brook. Donald Lean and myself were gooq friends at tonne, ti car , of age, and the both regarded with a lilt b• mole than frieiniship pretty Helen.Gra ". our oldest curl at school." We romped - Middanced togtAller, and this lasted for such a length of time that it is Nsith feelings of bewilder mem , that I look hack upon the mystery of two ' lovers hi•jii dinning frieuds. But the titne.came, as tun:;, ;cacti jealousy lit her spark in my boyish and hlo,s it Into a. commuting flame. do I I member how and when the "green e)eil- peipmrated this incendiary dead. It was oh. a cold Odlober evening, when Helen Donald aid were returning, with our parents, from ; a 1., i4lthoring hamlet. As we approached a ford where tin- v. aterrau suntew hat higher than ankle 1/..1p. we prepared to carry flelen across, as we or,• ncenstomed to, with hands interwoven, •• chair fashion:" and thiis carried our pretty pas ' noi'rer over the brook. .lust as we were in the innidle ;dr the 55,1,1—which was cold enough at the time to have frozen anything like feeling out I of I)(,3's iv., bard) than ourselves—ii faint pang of jealousy nipped 111) heath Why it was, I knew ; not. Mr we had carried 1 lelen fifty times across the brook - ere now, without emotion, but this ~ r, u nrg 1 thought or laucied that Helm gave Donald an twine preference by`eastina her arm around hits neck, tcbile she steadied herselt on ; ill, side by holding the cuff of in) jacket. 1 so flames eau burn so quickly or 11 ith so little , fuel as jealous) Before we had re-sated the op. polite bank, I tNtS_WIShIng Donald at the " but toot 01 the sea. - Leung naturally impetuous, 1 burst out.vvith-L " need na hand so gingerly, Helen. as if ye I cared a la . - I can aye carry ye lighter than Dotpld call hid( oh ' e." Arprised at the vehemence Of my tone, our • queen interposed with an admission that we Were I both strong, and thitt she had tin idea of sharing Itny rowels, lqut Donald's ire was kindled, and fir utterly chnted that i wll.l at all qualified to compare j i,.l it'll bun in fetes of moral courage, Om siicE topics boys are generall) motion., and by tilt' I we reached the opposite s ite, it was se t_ tied*that the point should be determined by our carry lug Helen atiross the ford in our arms.' Helen was to determine who had carried her met Kehl), and I settled with myself privately in advance. that the flute who obtained the prefer euce would really be the person who stood high- I c,t w la-r cilections. The reflection stimulated ti.e.to esrrt every effort, mid I verily believe to 1 this day. that I could base carried Donald and. Helen on either arm like feathers. But I must not autielpate. - 1\';• mtfered till the, rest of the platy to pass , you along, and' then returned to the ford. I iSfacits (tab ii‘iatiourri). hited Is ail the litato,t case, and carried her hie an infaiit 1,, the tniddlo of the water. Jeal- S - -- - - - oust had itisplied a iiattner love, and it was with H Y (11' K S 111)( ) K 4 4 leehusts nuktewti before that I embraced her ortliairt: Titi; 11v:11011111 torn., and felt theln - es-sure of her cheek Stiaidnery rinamti ninsclS'l - I agaitto mine. Ail went swimmingly, or rather I\ •'I hq".. - w lis . for a amide. But alas, in the very ,lied c.,..tmaet .1, cpcsl part of the lord, 1 trod - on a treacherous lot Of Wis.'. t% rested. 1 supimse..on smooth um Frames - wormias suet alto (!, I SI tail..(leer, I rolled. ,hearing Helmt with me, ana II! 0.1, oar ltd SAP 11, WAIL mirly soaked from head ttii :sir ° r m., , o r t lt.is EDI !lON ',Antra 11111';'11.-. J. K.. Sl' I.x I I at scribe the taunts of Donald, or the " - I more itemising silence of Helen. Both believed , q . " . "5 , dial I had fallen flout mere weakness, mid m) tiqr.te, • ,1; mini-armed his superior ability, by bearing - - po 911? Avik j •LEsm,j,:, fief arms for a long distance on her home- I. —we 1,a,,• 111.,ar !, rano - 7, ••• w "rd Path. wo 1, 1 1 1 11 '"""lied t 11 1) bowie; ,„,. , „„i nieces, - th. HUI: dr) 11.1 butter humored, attempted - to '1 1 , es; En N' at ....h. rxte.. ,lt.ci ne , .m euri r wu•n.l - euuoihatr we. Ilia lln OW rVi'd I W :LS !ski!. LI • . I i mortified bevnial redress.. ••• suhlt , I packed icy a few things anti ran Y 0s U N A acre. away .11) Loy .si. mind, ' , ensitive aud irritated, l• I -1..N:142,!..01',11•01 - 1111.` 4egatim, V. 11101 it had received. hou.ey del ila•meeia, ) .1 iVroraptiid MO to a cow se Which, furttiliately, - • i led lite id-haler aistilts Iliac usually attend such 1,1 - 1S(11,1„1NEOL - S _1) 4 1111,•_ ; inez;tl,,r,;ic, d went to Edinburgh, where I found :c:i niece.':, kind heated, childless -than, , a'. hr. is no gi,olly gave toe a place in 10 , house, and Stu _ t plosed tiltWOd in up rlio 11" O K r 1 E 111 " k 1 ` 11 : 0, n - l ou bun. I I,42e,LlCie lice patina—went abroallt "'" "'"' " '" ' l ", 4 `-'"'" "I" ""'' "‘,"•." 1 re-ined four years on the continent, and finally plan h.e ;; on •s, s sirl t r ot ! N. returned to Scotland, rich, edueated, short, ev - - • - er) t hing but married. HO O L 13,0 OK. .—All t Lt' Se hoot renbig. while at a hall in' Glasgow, I was kJ is in use to be had, tit (.31y tit t tried. by a yolitiu lady of unpretending aPpear sitttvilcl:-.4 Mice, l , ift cniarkable heaut,) and brightened r o T II . - Special ten is. to .! exple ili(llosiled a mind of lutll'•• than ordiva- Trastin,s, 5t,,,i,,,,,, y t ry power. I ;vas - introduced, butt - the Scottish :dig 1 CI-- S. I nacit-i had long been untaindiar to toy ear. and I 11.,),.00K5! BOOK.SII—We have at le ar- • , Lout,' 1.1 . 4,4 catch hers. It was Helen something, _LP ratig'erlll?llla in the E.140-n. Ctlie.4 Is fill llrdwrs b I in the nice, too, that seemed familrar--something prrsr th.f.shortratpoprible t sic, S S1111YOk:K. suggestive of Pleasure and P. ' t: xi( o! litenty-yrar Coupon Bonds in Su,n of 1-00,_. ! $5yli, and iNTERK6T IA EN Mk tux. IN rITE curl - or NEW Vt)P.K. = :k7ii,thlo,llllo to ~ a !d at SIX TY rA"rs in 1 . s. ("urn are , tlot..1;c111 .131 r..; TW rENT GOLD ri:NT IN cl-niti.m. V, at the pre.a at Lite of I ,,mtm, i n grid VIIE I 11:' , T INTFI; _ , •'l' t.:IZEA:iy mosT ll Ta 1 P IP.LI: INVESTIIEN't DI NIEN6I.I'I'IIAI 1/1' .:1111,1 NI, AXI .1.01111.11.2,- . n. I , INII I'l.ll t. UI 11;., 11114 'Sr. r ,„ ~„ \ AI*LIP.V.I awl S.\ N - I , •, rii,:yrr -1:1) ih. ,i1:1,1 Mat, \ \ ENT nre ALb PLEI)44:I) , t„ ttl tilt Se lienvli and pa) tnlttrt,.. mrr li r. Currt.lwy wii. 1.11 , tokaol - ....... • In ti -f' ntTenoy Imy o 7 1 , , Gobi • .0 0 Carrn,..3 .t .! ; ..... r S. rurrt . .l!3 'Ary (.7,nm - -Bova 01 ll= Crl , ll l :tr. , r1C:.:4 1 1 , 1,41 rli 1 1. .1111 IN C( , J. .1`; 11 IF IT, 1;0010,3 VIII %IVO .11,,,.1,11 , ts N. 1. N111) , ..rrii51,,... nn., ers genrrnll3 throltgllout t`le F nite.l 1 - Legal ROtlffs. Sinaitrial. At F.. X C `3o.oou,ilitl LOAN' MU I= =BE rni 11ir f)(1L LI r: Ri,‘ Ion!) =I '11.11: SI:1'1'1:1'1Y =I =II t,ramtliu Nqui,oitorg. ON A SLEEPI'%4 INFANT To ih , Ed;,, r s Fmmtlin RtposizorY The touching lines on "A Child Asleep" in your , parer of the 11th of October, awakened the plea; cant memories of flirty years'ago. Onevr: ho now :holds a distingnished judicial position udder our government was 'asleep his cradle, and the. sweet of infant purity sparkled on his lip, and %%as th occasion of, the following lines. It is one.of nature's kindest arrangements, that we treasure highly, things which are created by those we love. • It May be for that reasioniam not mi tt impartial judge, but I have ever thought Mein wonderfidly beautiful. Long years bygone them -leers in icrint. If they please raft- fancy, Meiii& Editors. yid! you send them out on'the - al again. tt. W. A. Dela Marle's, ton thou hit dreaming, I know it by the smile That on /11S faUe .Is . thou : llo4A sleep an }tile. trolilo that 7 oiuhl bee. ' The picture bright and !sir, Young Laney makes for thee, now. As thou art sleeping . there. - Periop , :hy mother's sin ging 1., totinallte: itt thine earl; - • " Or htr I , oot smile i, bringing A e tor 1113. Thy Laney neril not Ncauder, - ' Thou ueed%t not areauttu see, Thy luothwCe• heart firEnV ' forlOr Or elo,er to OW, Fir threugh liter ragged going. Wherewe'r l le .1 ~tray, ittr ti inning simile snli glowing. Dear eight n di oh thee play ; N‘rr has the earth another, A ler er or a tre a d. Tl.w Lk thy nuNing utufor, Will love titee without end. Dui :r 11:y thonahts ,oa lite that Feel:lb:39 Itoaant hepe Is telimg That there, or The visn:n trn..t not. boy, The ,thannvikaLlek__l:irLaing, F:T bngllti rt rtrr 00 orjoy Mast be :1,4:::::yed by waking. .11,d if thou 1•01/11 q iii know. sa Not al., ay4right k seeming,— Our v nes tkts;'deoper vrow - \latv dreaming. les, I Lutild tell thee, child, (if than-.out things the dearest, Thai on try days have :sinned, Vet st tug we the severest. Ilia thine own Oars of youth, As-co-atoll they impel thee, :hew tit,• hed truth, More ,- , cor than I ran tell thee. Then dram dream 6. and smile. iii:l[ll 4 A ely, dem- one s If 4j,,11, llnf Wleir r PI e it , •»• here to I beer tine El th, 4 1 1.E,4 d on steep, ravi...t thou anze;> round thee viguls keep y :dug thy 11011 I BEGAN LIFE VOL- 72.•ArHOLE NO. 31731 - But we became well acquai ted that evening. learned,, without difficulty, "her history, She was from the country, bad been educated, her parents bad lost Their property, and she was now a governess in a temily of the city. - I was fascinated with her conversation, and was continually reminded, by her grace and re finement of manner, that she was capable of mov ing., with distinguished succes.i in a far higher sphere than that which fortune seemed to have assigned her. lam naturally neither talkative nor prone to confidence; but there was:that in this young lady which inspired both, and I con versed with her as I bad never conversed with any. Her questions of the various countries with which I was familiar, indicated a remarka ble knowledge of literature, and an incredible store of information. We progressed in the intimacy, and as conver sation turned on the reasins which induce soma ; ny to leave their - native land, I laughingly remark ed that my own travels were owing to falling with a pretty girl into a ford. - I had hardly spoken these words, ere the blood mounted to her face, and was succeeded by quite a remarkable paleimsa. I attributed it to the beat of the i)olll—laughed—and at her request, proceeded eive the details of my ford adven ture-with 1 Merl Graham, painting in glowing colors the amiability of any lure. Her mirth, during the recital, became irre pressible. " At the conclusion she remarked: " Mr. Roberts, is it possibleiou have forgotten me 1" - I gazed an instant—remembered—and was dumbfounded. The lady with whom I had.be come acquainted was Helen Graham herself. I hate, and so do3you, - reader, to needlessly prolong a story. We Were married—Helen and I made our bridal tour to the old place. As we approached in our carriage, I greeted a stout fel low working in a field, or perhaps a small farther, by ..mquiring some particulars relating to the neighborhood. , He answered well enough, and I was about to give him a sixpence, when Helen staved my hand, and cried out in the old style: Hey, Donald, mon, dins ye ken 'y'er old friends 10 . • The man looked up in astonishment. - It was Donald Lean. His amazement at our appear ance was heightened ita style; and it was with the greatest difficulty that we could induce him to enter our carriage and answer ourmunerous queries as to old friends. Different men " start in life" in different ways. I believe &rat mine, however, is the only instance on record, of a gentleman who owes wealth and - lumpiness to rolling over with a pretty girl in a stream of water. AsWERARRAILBLE CHARACTER "Agate," of the Cincinnati Ga:ette, who eras with Judge Chase in his recent tour through the South, describes as follows an old negro whom the party met at Key West, and concerning Whom a brief paragraph has already been in print. The character thus graphically sketched might be well orked up by a capableuevehst: "Presently there came hurrying up a stalwart negro, with the physique of a prize fighteq body round as a barrel, arms knotted :with muscles that might have belonged to a race-horse's leg, chest broad and deep, with room inside for the play of an ox's lung. So magnificent a physical development I have Rover seen before or since. The head was large,/but the broad forehead was very low. Above it rose the crisp. grizzled wool, almost perpendicular, for a height quite as great as that of the exposed, part of the forehead; and the bombs above the ears and at the back of the head were ofa corfesponding magnitude. The face was unmistakably African, glossy black, with widely distended nostrils, thick lips, and a liquid but gleaming eye. This was Landie himself—an old wan—'now in my sebentry-tree yeah, sah,' he said, himself—yet the strongest man on the island, the richest of the negroes, the best farmer here, and with a history as romantic as that of any In dian wherriong and story have combined tom& famous. “He W. 6,1 a native of Maryland; had bought him self for three thousand two hundred dollars from his master, and had earned and paid over the mo ney ; had removed to Florida, and been engaged at cork on a railroad, where he had already ac cumulated what for him was a handsome compe truce, when hie little house burned down, and his free papers were lost in the fire. A gang of un principled vagabonds at once determined, there being no acceisible evidence of his - freedom to be produced against • thew, to seize him, sell him in New Orleans market, and pocket the proceeds. Re frustrated their attempt by whipping the while party of six; then hearing that they were to be reerdhreed and were to try it again, he de liberately proceeded to the public trpiare, accom panied by his wife, cut the leaders of his ankle joint, plunged a knife into his hip-joint on the oth er bide, and then sinking down on a wheelbarrow, finished the work by chopping off with a hatchet the fingers of his left hand!'Meanwhile, an awe struck erowd of white meu gathered round, but made no attempt at interference. - Finally, bran dishing the bloody knife. Landie shouted to the crowd that if they persisted in their effort to-sell a freeman into slavery after he had onceotit an extortionate price, bought himself out of it, his right arm WaS Yet strong, and lie had oneblow reserved, after- which they were welcome to Bell him fur whatever he would bring. "That the , essentials of thin story are true there is unquestionable evidence. The fingers on his left hand are- mutilated, and the sears on the hip and ankle are still fearfully distinct, while be sides there are still white eye-witnesses to testify o the main facts "Lambe's powerful constitution brought him through ; he w as confined to bed six months: then he began to hobble about a little, and at the -cud of the year was able to support him.,eft, "Ile showed us through what he proudly called his plantation. Ripe sapadillos hung from the trees; and a 'partieularly large 'sour-sop.' was pointed out as specially intended for' our dinner. He had a httle patch of tobacco; green cocoa nuts rested at the top of the. palm-like stems; and tamarinds were abundant; the African 'coy - enne pepper berry was hanging un little bushes, and one or two of the party who had been pro miscuously experimenting on Landie's fruiteame to grief when they reached it, and were heard complaining that their `mot.ths were afire:— Plucking two or three little berries of Eanother kind, Landie banded them to the Chief Justice. 'Take, dem home and plant' em in your garden, and you'll hub y ou own coffee aftah hile:"ltut coffee won't grow, Landie, where I lice.' Don't know 'bout dat. soh. Dat's joss what dry told me }wall; but you se,e, it does. 1 didn't know rea son why it shouldn't, and so I try. Now youjuis • try too!' "Finally he asked fur a picture of his guest, and the Chief justice handed hint a one ,dollar greenback. Old Landie, - bareheaded - and with his shirt thrown loosely back from his brawny bosom, stoopod down, spread the bill out on one knee, and gazed front it to Mr. Chase and back to the bill again for some momenta in perfect si Inure. 'Now I knows you,' he broke out at last, !)ou's Ole Greenback hisself. You mod come heili 'My yeah-from now and I'd know you just de same, and tell you all about sitten' in dis yeah piazzy heali.'" • TRAMP. TRAMP, TRAMPr• Americans are peculiar in one thing; they will sing a song to death; In our brief _existence we can recall many inst a ncel of the kind. We re member how often "Old'Dan Tucker" was taun ted with being too late to come to his evening meal ; how little nil`" we gave "0 :Susannah," (we owe Susannah a weighty debt,) and how en trancingly we alluded to the eyes of "Dearest Mae," those orbs that rendered mindnight entire ly superfluous. Fora long time, "The Poor Old - blave" was allowedlittle repose; although behind ostensibly "gone to c`rest." "The Old Folks at Home" were ruthlessly torn from that quiet and seclusion which theVeige imperatively demanded, and forced to do duty in every minstrel and con vert company in the land. "Old - Dog Tray," the faithful old pup, was fur a long time drawn by the tail through all manner of brass instruments; wound up to an agonizint;pitch by piano keys, mid made to bowl plaintively in four voices. The Malin" had to "toll on" by day as well as night, constantly performing the unremunerative task of guiding "the traveler on his way," appa rently regardless as to whether the "nightingale's song was t line" or not. "linute;Steeet-lloine," has been so successfully divested of all its attrac tive features that many people have been satisfi ed to become wanderers ihr the remainder of their existence.' "Gentle Annie' Was a great bore for a time, and although we were constant , ly assured that "Thoti wilt come no more, gentle Annie," she still kept coming. Then there was no eyd to those winds that `Bl,Whitter ,acroas the-wild mo o r." We got very Kick of so batch "blowing" - iover anode, Othello, the Moor Of Venice wasn't blowea over - more. "Nellie was a lady," sang everybody.— Well, shernight have been, but , Where an asser tion of that nature is_ made so often and so per sistently, we are inclined to question the founda ton for the assertion. We have heardkuuig la dies singing, "Who will care for mother now 1" while theirmotbere were Wlearying themselves out in the kitchen over the fatally washing. — Then there is "John Brown's body." ,Itistend of ' being permitted tolie quietly "mouldeiing in the ,_grave,'" it was -kept "marching on," with enough - - knapsacks "strap ped upon his boa" to supply regiment with at necessary article of camp and • 'garrison equipage. "When this cruel war is, over" had a pretty good run. The heartiest con ' gratulations that were induced by the termination of the war aroszt from the bet that people ,got over singing when this cruel war is over, etc.,- 'ow the popular tongue-is singing and whistling "Trump, tramp. tramp, the boys are marching. - We are in great danger of being tramped to death With it. Yon hear it in the workshop and in tin.' billiardsaloon. "Beneath the starry flag. we wiil -breathe the air again." We had been holding our breath or. else breathing ehloroforni up fo this period, We suppose, but now "we breathe the air again." Thin air is breathed by a great ma ny people about now. What next 7 we wait the reply of, the popular song writer.—Rural Ain.. • Yorker. A DEAF • CRIER.—An old court-crier, who bad - grown grey in the cause, and as &at as a beetle, was in the h• it of calling the names of witnesses (which he *nerally managed to get wrong) from the second story window of the courthouse, in such a stentorian voice as to be heardwith dis tinctness for a square ()emote. On one occasion, in the course of a very serious and somewhat im portant suit, the presence of a witness, named Arabella Hanks, was needed. The crier, like a parrot. sat nodding on his perch, when he was aroused from his slumber by an order from the Court to call the witness. Looking anxiously at - the Judge with his hand to his ear, in order An catch the sound correctly, he Said : " What, your lordship 1" " Call Arabella Hanks." said the Judge. Still in doubt, the poor crier arose from his seat and said again, with a much puxzledlook— What, yotir lordship?" "Call Arabella Hanks, crier. and dekiy the bu siness of the Court no longer!" said the Judge much provoked. The old crier, thereupon, with a countenance whichindicated both doubt and desperation, pro ceeded to. the window, and, in his loudest voice called out. " Veer Belly Shanks! Yaller Belly Shanks! Yeller Belly Shanks! comeinto-court !" Itig. needless to say that the seriousness of the court room was conclusively- dispelled ; and quite was restored only to be again disturbed by the laughter caused by the crier, who in answer to the Court pa to whether or not the witness re plied, said, - b-lin, your lordship; and I don't be : here there is such a person in the county, for I've lived here forty years, and I never hc'erd of him before !" WHERE TttsY GOT THE NOTION —lt is well knoWn that the negroes at the South hare very generally the idea that a division of lands is soon to take place ; some of them look for it at amid mas, and some at*bisiw Years. A paper printed at Galveston, called Flake's Balldin, thus ex plains the origin of this idea: " During the war, when designing politicians wished to fire the Southern heart anew, they-told the people that if they did not succeed in secession their lands would be divided amongst their slaves, and the whites'of the South would be placed be neath the blacks, atid become hewers of wood and drawers of water. Politicians said so from the stump to audiences in which there were ne groes; their presence there can easily be under stood by all who are acquainted with the South ern States; they were.there as carriage drivers, waiters and ladies' maids. They heard these things and repeated them to others. The news papers contoming the fame assertions were car ried into the different homesteads and their con tents read and dismissed before the uegroes.— Many of the whiteslnade these assertions and re garded it as rank treason to contradict them. 1--.4.'ome of the nearoes.wers tholish enough to be lieve them. After reflecting sensible men will not be surprised that some of the nearoes enter rain these false ideas." Ax UNFASMONADLE OLD If 1.1 LL 0 w.—The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Ga- Lite tells the fbllowinganecdote of Gen. Spinner, the Treasurer of the - United States: “The simple , hearted old fellow is unfashiona ble, in that he cannot forget that there has been a war. A t repentant Alabamian reached his hand across the table to him the other day, at dinner "Don't you -remember me, General t. I need to sit with you in Congress down to 1660,” lel re member you well enough. You stayed here a good while after Th6o, walked through all our camps, and saw altogether too much- before you lett. If you were going to be a traitor you might have had the grace to go a little earlier, so that your old friends shouldn't be compelled to suspect you of being a spy.".. "lint, General, no man re gretted this thing more than I did !" "Why in the name of manhood, didn't you stand up against tt t But no, y... 0 bad to go with your State, and get office under the government of traitors! and now you come up to this mud-sill, Andy Johnson, to be pardoned. - I'd ham , you, that's what I'd do with you, old Irtend as you urel" As lately Ssithe 341 of April last, Vice Presi dent Johnson tfits-addressed a public meeting in Washington : • " I am in - favor of leniency ; but, in my opinion, evil-doers — should be punalied. Treason Di' the highest crime known in the catalogue of minter, and for him that is guilt§ of it—for him that is willing to lift his impiouii hand against the authori ty of the nation—l would say that death- is too ea sy a punishment. My, notion is that treason must be made odious. and traitors must he punished and impoverished, their social phwer broken, and they made to feel the penalty of their crime. Hence 1 say this: THE lIALTER TO INTELLI GENT, -INFLUENTIAL TRAITORS - A CUARACTER.—At Harper's Ferry, the oth er day, Sir Morton Peto and his fellow capitalists from England excavated an old fellow trout one of the cellers In the town, who had held his ground during the war, refusing to be frightened away by either cannonading or explosion. " i dun know," the old fellowsaid. •• as the wars done ow much harm. -Five )enrs ago IW:is the poore4 man in Harper's Ferry ; two years °Rol was the richest, everybody , else lowing run away. I Wasn't worthnothiug then: I and worth nothing - 110%7 so Do square. Judge (to Sir Iklorton) have you any terbakker about yo A. PUZZLED Intratmis.—Mr. O'-Flaherty un dertook to tell how many there the par ty: "The two Crogans.were one; meself was two: Mike Finn was three, and—and—who the dit il was four 1 Let me gee;(counting his fingers) the two Crogans sere one, Mike Finn was tiro, me self was three—and—and—bedad! there was four of us, but, saint Patrick couldn't tell the mime of the other.- - Now it's meself that has it. Mike Finn was one, the two Crogans was two, meiell was three—and—and by my sowla think there was but three of us, after all." "How do you like the eharaeter of St. Paul asked a parson of his landlady one day, during conversation about the old saints and apostles. ! he was a good. clever oki soul, I know— for he once said, you know, that we must-eat 'what is set betbre .us and ask no questions fOr conscience' sake. 1 always thought - 1 shouldlike him for a boarder!'" THE other day Feveral gentlemen were discus sing the alaiming or( yalenee of theljrimes of IN ife desertions, women eloping with other men, eke., when a well known Teuton, oho litcd beets hetet' lug with great attention stepp t ed-up. and in an excited manlier said: If my rife ram away wit anoder rnan's rife, 1 viii shake him out 01 her preeehes, if she be mine owu fader, I via.' HoW - long Eve, the first woman, lived, we not know: It is a curious fact that, in sacred history, the age, death and burial of only onelAo. man, Sarah, the wife of Abrahant,' is 'diitinctly noted. Woman's age ever since, appears nut to have been a subject for history or discuss.*, SOME cute Yankee has invented a palpitating , bosom fur the ladies, which is set in motion by a concealed spring. A. well-spring of affection in the heart is a much older and more valuable in vention. It don't neea ivinding up; except' twice a year with a new bonnet. • Mits. Slittur.s 'says the reason why 'Bit chil dren of this generation are so bad, is owing to the wearing of Balmoral' boots instead of ()Id tasbioa• ed slippers.' Mothers find it too totielirrimble to take offtheir boots to whip children; son they go unpunished. - -