tintolof ftikbei• Y L 141 A RATIOIOAD PWninit TIME TABLE, FIVE TREYS DAILY to - tixd from xi/441Am and Pittsburg. o n and after - My/Way, October 31ie, 1E64, the Passenger Trains of the ,Peipsyleaaialtailrbal Company will depart from Harris burg and arriva at PLilmielphia and Pittsburg as follows: • - -EASTWARD:- THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dai ly ai 2.45 A. IL, said arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 PM/TUNE:leaves Harrisbarg_daily (except 'Holiday) stew A. X, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 P.M. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. TRAIN leases Harrisburg daily• (except -San ; day) ntLao P. It., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 3.. EITTSBIIIia AND :ENID FriPRESS tearful Harris. brag daily (exeept Sandi:me) at 11.5.3 P. M., and arrives at Wont Etaladelphlaat • HARlD.s.Btiltex ACCOMMODATION TRALN,ll , ayes Nartislain daily.(exeept Sanday) at COO F. and ar. ti`ifAiL.Weilt Philadelphia at :WO ir.2.t. 'Da,. train ken no curtnicknfroscrlic Went. - cOLDNIMAACCO3IXODATIONTII.A.I - Ni leaves liar. rishurg digly (except Sanday) at 7 A. St., pad arrives at 1 .41. Roaster at 9.15 M. connecting (except on Monday) with the Fast Line east. ; WESTWARD: • ‘: PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris. . burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. St., Altoona 6.50 A. 31., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12,40 HALTLWORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg _ daily ,(ezeept Monday) at 2.25 A. 3L: Altoona 0.15 A. It., , take breakfast. and arrives ut Pittsburg at 1.40 P. 36 THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily ut 13.• try A. 31., Altoona at 8.15 A. If., take brral.rast and arrives atTitistrarg nt 2.40 r. H. „ PAST LLNE leaves Harnsbut: , daily (except Saylor) at 4.09 P. 31.: Altoona at 9.10 P. 31., take-supper, and ar.. rbres at Pitubarg at 2.00 A. N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Itvrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1.40 P. Altoona at 7.531'. 11., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at L. 30 r. 31. :MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west lenve'a Lan. gaiter at II.M A. SI., connecting there with the Mail west; . ( leaves Mount Joy at I L5l A. Si., and arrives atlfarrisburg at 1.00 P. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' ' 'THE HARRLSBITEG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittabrag, Ishlch arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 P. stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lav over um 111 11.55 P. B. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, " nov9 Stet Middle Div. Pennn. It. R. -TORTHERN CENTRAL RA ITM Al - FALL r,„,,,, r •,.,il /rm. Balter.rmaid3ricahingP", omus...timis made with trait,. It 011 smi from Pitfrhttrit the Wtv.t. 'PR A LU,.t - t.mx tr tar ..trth p uoi Wito tintuvlt-Sfrfrimth..ool. Ettetim 44141 , . ..P ,T voyt u. o ,S,fro• York, Wier Illuaday, (hi. the .V...,..mtgrr tains of the Northern Central Rada aye ill arrive at and 'depart from 'Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN-Itavea Sunbury- daily (except It?e2s .. • " leaves Harrisburg. 120 ••• 'arrivet at 5:40 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (or.- eept Sunday) • leaves H arri s b urg(exiitpt Monday) .". • • actives at Baltimore H,A.RHISSUAG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg HILY_ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (ex. Sunday)... PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves • ••Edilittry daily (ex. Sunday) 9:03 p.m. NORThWARD. MAIL THAW leaves Baltimore daily (except I ..„ , Sunday) helt) A.M. leaves arrisbuig 1:3.5 arrives at Sunbury., 4:05 P.M. 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily... 9:31) . ' arrives ac Harrisburg 1:50 Ist. ' leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) . arrives at Sunbury. - gxpntss TRAIN leaves Baltimore dallylexeept Sanday - s) at. _ • leaves Harrisburg daily (ex "tupt Sundays) at ' A. " arrives at Sunbury at. AARRISBIIRG ACCOMMODATION Baltimore duily(ex. Monday arrives at Harrisburg at. ••BUNBURY ACCOMMODATIONIeaves Ear ' • • • • risborg daily (ex. Sunday). 9:00 P.M. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through ttititut to and from Erie and all intermediate points. - Mail sad Express trains run through to Elmira. For farther Information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl taiga Railroad Depot oirt26'69 =I J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Snpi. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line rtnverscA the Northern and .Nurthwest eountles of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lste Erie. at has been le-isoclinal is operated by the Pennsylvania " Ran Road Cur:Filmy- OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARR-ISM - 11G LEAVE FAS - MAUD. . • Erie Mail Train - Erie Express Thin ... Elmira _Express Train m ita Mail Train.... LEAVE WESTWARD. A. M. 12:00 P. 2:40 A. 31. 1:46 P. M. Erie Mail Train...,.. Erie Express Train... Elmira Express Train Elmira Mail Train... "Pawner ears run through the Erie Mail and E.s• press Trams without bhunge both ways betweeu Philadel• p,hiaand Erie. NEW CONNECTION. `k ease New York at 3.00 V. 3f., arrive at Erie 3:40 A. 31. Lease Erie at 2:0.7if arrive ut New York Lt! noon. • No Mange of CO, Iletuorn Eric and Nrlr York. Elegant Sleeping Cars an all Night trains. For Information reApeeting Passenger business apply ut Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Aml for Freight business at the Company s Agents S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Car. 13th and 31arket Sta., I'lalada. J. W. Revaumns, Erie. WM. Ritows, Agent, N. O. R. R.. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight AO, PtiLdelphia. 11. W. &WINNER, General Ticket Ag't, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER., General Sup't, Williamsport CED CMEERLAND VALLEY & FRANK- Ung RAILROADS.—CH.4NGE OF HOURS.— fSu after Monday, October 31, 1864, Passenger Trains ' will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): PPR CHA3IBERSBURG AtiD HARRISBURG: Leave Ragerstown Greencastle Arrive at setamberabrirg Leave at. Leave Willywastmrg Newville..... MIME! " Mechanicsburg 7:00 10:42 3:16 Arrive pt Harrisburg 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOE prtAMBERSBURG , AND HAGFRSTOWN :. A.M. P.M. P.M. leave Harrisburg 8:05 1:40 4:15 " ' Mechanicsburg B:4r 2:20 4:50 "• Ca , 947 2:58 5:15 o•" N e 10:02 3:34 10:33 4.04 Arrive at Cham=n4 `7 . 11:00 4:?.5 1 . leave Chauthersburg 11:10 4:45 ••••• " Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive' at Hagertown 12:35 6:15 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New Yozk and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 9:15 P. M. inns only us far as carliele. • 0. N. LULL. Supt. B. $. 0111 e?, Chamb'g, 0et.31, 1864 S. MAIL.—CHAMBERSBURG • MT. UNION STAGE LUCE S.—Through hire on •ly $3,50. Good stage•--careful drivers. Stages leave Mt. Union daily for Shade Gap at 2 o'clock, 4.. M., ma. king connection at Shade Gap with Chambersbarg stages on Tutesdayi •Thursday, and Foitunlay. Alin leaves Chambersburg for Mt. Union at 7, A. M., on these days. Fifty pounds of baggage, at the risk of the owner, al lotted to each passenger. No responsibility for parcels or -packages of merchandlze, or other thing carried, unless she person sending it has it entered by the agent on the Stage Office in Chambmsburg, BRowN't+ 1107 - H. R. SHEARER, Propriotor. SHADE GAP, August, 9 1.8435-1 y UOiCal. MIUMMME GRAND AND SQUAIIE PIANOS _Vlach for Power and sweetness of tone, easy nod agree able lona, and beauty of finish, have been by the limit ,d judges, pronounced "unrivalled." All of their large 7 octave Pianos are constructed after their new improved overstrung Grand Scale, with all the latest improvements. Second Hand Pianos at great Bargains, at prices_valtr log from $5O to 250, As Agent for Swaim &Cot.; nth en abled to sell at their Baltimore prices. For further par t Scalars apply to C. HUNTING, Agent, - July26-ly Chambersburg, Pa. p • TEIN WAY PI AN 0 S.—MEssßs EITENWAY & SCUis have rooeh'ed upwards of THIRTY FIRST 1-11.11.11117 N, gold and silver medals, In Washington, New York, ells. .Chundli St. Louis. Chicago, Detroit and other cities. AT DIE WOULD 'S PAIR held in 10,ThON.186:1, at which 26121 Pianos were on Ex. hibition from all parts of the world, the MST ritr.l7.F, Mkt,. , was awarded to STEINWAY & Raw, torpovurful, brilliant and spapatlirlic tone, with etctilence of workman. skit. For farther particulars apply to S. S. sintyooK, 'Agent ftir Steinway & Cliarnbersburg, Pa. inlyl9 CHIINTINO, TEACHER OF MC . • sw, take+ groat pleasure in annouuring to the ritlasnoi of ebtunbersburg, that Le to prepared to gDsiann otruetkon on tbe,PIANO, MELODEON, or CABINET VIVIAN,. and moot respectfully solicits a liberal obnre of their patronage. Tia t se..not in the 1.5,..101l of - Pinta* run obtain inotriction :Alibi home, mai the Inc.t of a Piano Residence of JOFIN Queen street, near Second. Terms reasonable. tnayttlily TirMON & HAMLIN CABINE'r iGANs, M forty different styles. adapted to sacred and seardiar 'amain, for 880 to 81.01.1eueli. TIIIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first pre mhtton awarded them. Illustrated Carilingsvei free. Ad ,Hress, MASON & HAMLIN, BoTrox, or MASON , dROTHERS, NEW Vold:. septi-!y, :111USCARORA FEMALE SEMINARY, ACADIBIIn, JUNIATA (lora', Pt. The winter misled of thin Institute will commence on Wednerday, No - iseniVer, lie The uodondgned haying olitainwl possention of the above Institute, Invites the patronage of all young ladies -who wish to obtain' a thorough edmattion. Bent arkerinta. gas given is all branches. Parricide, opportunities, a jar. ' eled in Marie, Pointing - anti Langualts. Competent — toddlers will take charge of the different. departments. 'Address CAUL F. KOLBE;proptietor, septlifir Academia Juniata-County, Ye *Wits -ant ;ElulSaxe. LIGHTNING RODS GALVANIZED.— ETTER & EYSTER - arc putting up Lightning Rods of Galvanized Iron (an the rods are twisted from the top to the ground)ithich is far superior fur durability and protection than the common straight Black Iron Rods. The Gs/ran/rod rod king a more pccfcct conductor and comes cheaper. also Lightning Rods repaired in good style. Call-and examine the Galvanized Rods before having any of the black rods pat up, Store Room on Main street. 000 R." STOVES :IND TIN WARE._ 411 Pattern., of Cook kkor - u, Pertor and Wood Stores (for burning wool or coal.) Tin, Skeet Iron, Copper and Bras, Ware of all kinds constantly on band and fornale cheap, at ETTFiIi. .Main Street. apposite Eyeter Store. LrEIiOSENE OIL AND LA.II2S.—ET TER ..: EVATER are selling' very best quality of Krro.ene Un and Lamps, Wt.° Lamp 3:tmdes, of all pat terns. Burners. Lamp of all kiadi altered and repaired at—short nothe, ut their tare Room on Maio Street. iOPPER WORK.-ETTER. & EYS v.) TEit tire pre-pnrPti to make any size Copper Still', Worm+ PipeY. Brewer,' Kettle., in inetanythitn: made of Copp, and at the N Pry lowe,. Price, All kind of Cop 1 , Pr rerairine done. 1 It work allznutanteett. TTER EYSTER ARE PREPARED Li to 1, all kinds at GAS•FITTING. P1.1.731111Mi and BELL HANGING :it %bort nottee Altvl tsant vaaranteed to 2iie satistiwtion. h:VS•I'EI! .ktiE ITEVAI:1:11 I • t r } .O •t l r ER,: Mil of Alt ..4 • -• • •.I,s )It (' ONI .1? olt , CONVENIENCE ~..11)..bui13 , 1,, • Tnf oisos'A LONDON 19.1'1911:NEn , . Et EOPEAN RAt;E! MIME 2:50 ZUO lof ttII.I . SE S11.112PI: S THOMPSON, No. &Tv ad St. Philadelphia. Iron Founder., and Mannfavturen, of Stoves, Heaters, Tinned and Enamelled Wareq, Sr„ &e. 7:00.1.31 EiEB4 4g14:110 mg. . NJEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK I.li Tilt OLD CLOTHING EMPORWM. IN ntE MARKET Hnt:HE, Chatrdier.dolere, Pa. 3:15 A. 31 553 &It The understalled, utter a temporary nb,enee uevessltated by the'de.truotion t f (`ltatnhersburt.r. lies ,paiu returned and opened Dirt e t ill blast in the market House between Wulluee'n Dry littler Letumtels Grv, very store, a Inter 7:30 0.3 r ANDSVIN TER Gi)01):F., o every 4,..t r.iptiou anti 1...LZ• • Th. Jtlle eou.alzt., w licdtly Clothiug each Over CeAts. Drys:, t'eder Drawers. &e., altv , 3.00 r 7:50 GENTLEMENS' lIINISHING GOODS, such as Cravats, Susi.endere, Gloves, Shawls, Damikereluefe, Col lars. Umbrellas; aa'....te. His stock of Cloths fur customer 'mirk collAlltS of French, English and lkhaestie manufacture. Black Dim Skin and Fancy Cassia - ler, Black Satin, ligtwast silks, Plain and Fancy Caticimer Vectines xrhich n ill be made up to order in styles to suit the taste of customer, oil short nom e, and reasonable terms Having engaged a prima:al Cutter from the Ear.t Imu prepared to furni.h clothing in the nuatt.o.loonubles;vleit, and an moue but experien,ed workmen are engaged per eons may rely upon getting, their *ork well done at my Store. Thankful fan the ratnwge heretofore bectorred, I re apeetfull it a' ganainuance of the same. ISM GREAT EXCITEMENT AT )(ER CERSEMIG —Having just opined a LARGE STOCK 4 4l' 4.1)01) , iu the curlier room formerly cocci. pied ire the Messrs. Brewers, consisriag in part of Black Cloths, Cusaimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Vestiugs, Se., which we are prepared to sell either by the piece or yard; and haviug engaged a Skillful Cutter acid' workmen. we are prepared to make ay COATS. I'AN'I'S and VESTS t a the latest and mg approted gybe, tun] ut the very lowelt CASH rap.. We shall keep eonstautly on hand a large stock of IVIAOE•1T CLOTHING, manufactured by our 41,1) W1.r1.:i1,1 I. 11 it• ,1111 . 11 line tee defy 1 0111p...1162n, , regards dia.:lb.:4ly dadi cheap:less. - - vr the I..tale , ui• 11., ec/ large Hue of Black tacit FalleY '..- Clotil, ,alit.lihe for Chunky backs, Sc. 6.45 P. 31 6.00 A. NI SU A . M. 1:31.1 .Akvtn large staek nt "BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND C.IP:,, anti u general ,Lssortment of Geurlenten'a Farni..hinz Good:, ~Iteb oo nne Col Low, tuder.Shcrb, Drawer.% &e. All of the abto e gooils we will sell a:. low .Ir , thy Can be bought in .11.iy market in the Union fee toct4.6tuul JOHN 137NT)LNE & CO. MIT ant gang Goobs. MEIRE=I 1: 1' 1. G 1 1 1; 1' 1; 7 A.M :00 2:4:: 7.37 3:n P. 17 ' - 9:30 12:5.5 99X1 1:223 9:32 2:00 Nearly_ Opposite to Greenotralt's Hotel fns e Just opened with an entire new stock of Dry (leo.ls a.! Notions oral] kinds, which they knave seleeted with gretd earn to adapt them to this market, and which will be sold at the lowest _ CASH RATE- , . Their limit ineindet All grades of CaHints, Idtpen's bed All• Wool diLaineo, plain and printed. :stadia Amoline; • Baratheas, Brocade Alpanet, - - Black Alpneca, - -‘• Silk entpe _ Fancy and Plain (4,1'41AT-inure*, Shepherd Plaids, all styles, MN. 6;30 10:10 2:16 Lupen's best French Merinos', all colors, Mutirning Goods, all styles, Plain and Printed Flannels, Sack Fluane Gilbert 's Opera Flannels, ull colors, .Wbite, Red, Grey and Yellow Flannels, Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, all kinds, Shirting Milslins, bleached and brown, Sheeting 3litglins, blmichskl nod browtrf Pancy and Plain Dasslmeres, French and American, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Vestings, &es, Linen Table Cloths, T,uweLs and Napkins, in every style, ' Comets, all prices, Ribbons, Laces, Thirties, 'fuse, Gloves, Spool Cotton, • Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Pim, Needles, &c., &e • AII3O. A GREAT VARIETY OF It.L3IOIIAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. llem”,ober, No Old Good, at ECKEL & 011.aEnICS .ww a CAI and evainine. nag3o ILIANERY AND FANCY GOODS. Just received a tine line ot PATTERN BONNETS. Also a line st.A of lathes' FURNISHING GOODS. The fittest styles of everything in ladies' n ear. Stork now open at priers del') is r competition. LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSIERY—A beautilul mid elegant assortment just received. Every style of TRIMMLNGS for Ladies' Dresses, can. staidly on Land. Intl t ramj MISS P. BACHE. MILLINERY A. FANCY GOODS._ mr t .. E . (IROVE hits opened:her mut Fancy Store. on &rola Stmt. pearly uppeMte the Market Mouse. to wide), the attention of purchasers is respectful. larlt.4l °ern iA RRI A GE MANUFACTORY.—The I tnelenonlool would ri•speetnilly inform the public that Irc has rehuined the Carriage making business at the old stand al Politer .5; Folio, on the ooruer of Market and See- and btre(q.,%%brre he is prepared to make to order any kind of C.lltl2lAff ES desired. lie will also keep on hand and tor vole all kinds or e hie such as 13A1 OUCHES, CA ittuAu4s, BUGGIES. La. He so,ll,d‘orgivo particular attention to repairing Vebi clo:, and he ao , now: hit the bent of a orkmen In his employment he tods a:o.ured that his work still to e sat isfaction. HIM pria•n Hill Iw tinnul to be as low if 001 lower [hall ut oov other .dbol, fAtERY.—IIe Leop on Land a ■tack of goal saddle and .lrio ing !lone: , and Carriages of different Liti.l for Lire at wavnualle ratvx, nut) 3 I . • r 11() DYSPEI"FICS.—Having been tunic- JL tpd fora number of yearn frith DySrerall}, I W 11.3 try DR. WISH ART'S 3tEDICINE for flint &Imo, I derived great benefit and recommended it to nude a 1.11111, of my friends and who rifle Ono much benefited by ft, awl whose testimonials can be had if nee es,ary. I hese been appointed by Dr, Wishart as Agent for the Sale of his Medicine, wholenalannretail. MOM APPLES.—E. D. REE u having procured from tint bent orobartis in This county a variety of choke, sti:4t, hand•piekkd Aiplon withwblabheispre iared to supply the town, preffulipicthe xunplyitig of Oil ,pter,orii ter Ali pp. 114 A pplen Enat Innr IN =ME I=l J. T. lIOSKINSON AND. NOTIONS OM NEW STORE, I=l _ . P. HENRY PEIFPER W. G. REED, ItApratitory oftk e, ChlN.l.uhurg Matchui anttathieltp. .WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ( 1 / 4 c. WATCHES, Jost opened a well selected assortment of goods in my line, directly - Opposite the Post 0.07. - e. on-Second Street, • where my old and I hope many . new customers will me during business hours. My olif stock basing been tb ri dared very suddenly on the Az of July last, I was cons. polled to buy an Entire New Stock of Goods, which are of the latest styles and pattern, consisting of Gold and Silver (Imported and American). Gent's and Ladies' Watches, • Jewelry of fine ands,edium qualities., Silver Thimble Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Gold Peas of fine quality, Pocket Cutlery,' Razors, Strops and Brushes, Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Gutter Knives, Jett Goods, Pocket Books, Ladles' Purses. Nall and Tooth Brushes, • Residing and Pocket Combs, Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels, Large nod Small Willow Baskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ' _ Fifes, Banjos, Teraborines, A oznittleous, Flutinas, Sze. The assortment of BLOCKS in large and of every va rie ty. I have on hand-die HENRY REPEATING RIFLE, which can lie fired f ifteen times in that many Seeenda. Everybody should have one for self defence. The public are luvited to call and examine them. PISTOLS on band and Orders filled fur any kind that may be wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on hand. From long experience I sun adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver and -Steel Frames al ways on hand. tinning the agency for the sale of the celebrated BUlta GEAR AND FIRE-PROOF SAFE. manufactured by Farrell, Herring 4: Co., I will MI orders at the mannfar , one , prise. Al' information in regent to them given. Puhli , iity emit ed cull nod ',minus the tint k. ""A• •..i oo Orr r.Teirr 4 t o r , ro l 'r malt the Mlle/. ,I-ell 1 1.1 ) . "`ll.\'l-.I PLATF.D 11 . I.liE kT F G. DITMAN, (71 11 . 11A1/Igiall Ilord just returned froth the city with a large ,nail Cheap -toek of goods, to whi e h he invites all to Ofaile and exam• ire before elsenlaere. Hi. stnek ( . 011i,i4q of JOLD AND SILVER IV-11'('Il Er, of the latest styl,s. I:4t and tolver Chains, Breast. Pins. Ear anti Finger RingA, Sleeve llama., Studs, etc., SILVER WARE, Table end Toe Spent., Forks, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Castors, ar I have added to my stock a large assortment of thirty hour and eight day CLOCKS, all 6t which will be sold low. Good. warranted as represented. r Thankful to my many friends and customer, for their liberal patrottage, would unet respectfully ask of them a continuance of the nu/alit — F. G. DITMAX. WEB 1 , ./) tat A M R cite S CES. 1A ,0 1 RSTO £ 6- ' 1",.) HAGERSTOWN, MD., Would respectfully inform their and the public generally that they havejtut returned from the cities with a larrre stock of Sea and Beautiful Llo.xls.—eonsktieg FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO2 , : : SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES and CASTORS ;—;Seitsor, Pocket Knlces, Razors, Racer-Strap. ,—Bair, Tooth, „.tail Brushes,—Pocket Books, Combs of every kind. Leather Satchels, and a General" Variety of rAN.II7 G:tODS A Large Assoitmeut of SPECTACI,LIS TO SUIT EYES. aag9•Cra 11 E\ V A R TICII I: STIIEE' Er r PI A IILAD R ELI :I II 3 I.\. E ‘ FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE. and nuperiur SLLVER PLATED WARE. ," OLltut. • . Boa aii/lvtatuatter.g. B OOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! AT SNTDER'S BoOK AND VARIETY STORE, in the Market House,' oppnrite firamn's Hurd. Keeps constaetly on hand SCHOOL AND 311SCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, Sc. Bibles, 113 tau Books. Photograph Albums, Popor and Litirn Window Shad. , g od Flturt.s, Wall Paper, Fancy Baskets. Ladies' and (i-fslth.nten'. Satchel", Pass.lllla lielrlOrallauru Books or all sir-s, EIMEMM Pocket Penaks. Lode,' Fa lacy Cowie, Zeplayn—Geranati, coehmere Shetland Wool. Mkaid, Deeds, A r111.11.1:'• oral other _Wee ;tees and Patten, Paper. Swum Dime'NoveLs, Joke Bo o ks, L.% 7- e Old Books, PPril,dieltlA, Ramie and Newspapers bound in MIN' style. Illirrek nooks made to order. Paper cabal to any pattern. - lar AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS. oetlB IHRYOCK'S BOOK STORE, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. School, Miseellaneons and S. S. Books, Stationery, Photographs and Alburns, Walt Paper anal Window Similes. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold I'ons, N. York and Philada. Weeklies and Monthlies, Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods, Bibles and Hymn Books_ . Orders of the mot complez Ascription tilled un the ghtirtrot notice. OLD EDITIONS hunted np by Mr. J. K. Shrvoek at a reasonable etimmisiion. Agents for STEINWAY'S Pianos and MASON & HAIILIN'S Cabinet Organs. oct4 TO OUR WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. —We have'made SI'ECIAL arrangements this Fall to proenre our SCHOOL ROOFS and SCHOOL STA TIONERY st_suell rates. that we caa supply our WHOLE SALE CESTOMEIIS at the lowest possible prtees. S. S. SHRYOCK. 0 SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—We are agents for the, American S. S. Union and other houses for the supply of Sunday School Books. S. S. SHRYOCK. lISCELLANEOUS - BOOKS.—Partic ular attention given to keeping on hand all the new publications, as issued. S. SIIRYOCR. T() BOOK BU YE R B.—Book buyers will find it to their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Prompt attention to written orders. S. S. SHRYOCK. cICHOO-L.BOOKS.—AII the School -17 Books iu use to be had, at city prices, at SHRYOCK'S. • r 0 'rEAC HERS.—Special terms to Teachers, for School Books and Stationery, at SHRTOCK'S. ROOKS! BOOKS! !—We have made ar rangements in the Eastern cilia to fill orders by Ex• pre in the shortest possibletfine. S. S. SITRYOCK. BOOKS.—Libraries supplied and iv-fit tairwith particular advantage, by S. S. SHRYOCK. Boots ant *toes. REMOVED.—The undersigned has the pleasure of informing his old customers and the pub he generally, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE to the New Brick Building of George Ludwig, on Main Street, one door south of Greenwvalt's Hotel, o Pere he is now opening the largest assortment of Boots aad Shoes ever brought to thecounty. His stock embno ees every variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS & SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be swim - 14rd in the county, and uhich will be sold at juices to suit the times. Having purchased TIIE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he IS prepared to make Customer work. at- short notice, byithe best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and ac. conamslating, he hopes to, merit a liberal share of pat nututre—without a desire to monopolize. an his molt,, is, in our common calamity, to live and let live. Particular attention paid to all kind. of Repairing. TrAnts CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. OUT EXTORTION He bus also on band, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va. lises, Carpet Sucks, Linea and Paper Collars, Paper, Line Ink,tands, Steel Pens. &0., &c. may 10 P..FELDMAN. N. B.—All 'venoms knowing themselves indebted will please call and make Immedlatesettlement, that I may be enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City. THE GENTS' GLOVE KID GAITER, with or without Buckles, at PAXTON'S. A FINE STOCK OF HEAVY BOOTS, rl dicap and durable, just received at PA XTON'S. WHOLESALE AND RETAILt ROPES & TWINES. The undersigned having purchased the entire Stock abd Pi:times of the Rope and Twine 31anulactory of J. P. (Ira=, dee'd. respeettnliy announces to her friends, and the former patrons of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on the inlllifleMS, in all its various bromine', at THE OLD STAND, - on Franklin street, Chambernburg, where she will bn,plean. oil to receive the calls and orders of the public. A Ifkradil, sizes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on band or made to order of the bent Material, and furnised at reasonable price& In connection w tth the alone business, abs is also prepared to manufucture HAIR, HUSK, AND oTHErt. MATTRASSES, as well m Horse Blankets and Ply fie to of superior gnat ity and style. Persons in want of superior articles in the above line are requested to call, wrsend their orders, which will be attended to promptly. ded2l.ly MARY E GRAY. TRUNKS; VALISES, CARPET-BAGS CANES AND ilrifitn.LLAS, the best mum Gicture et PA VIDN'S ocsinitictiu Utpositemp, elpmbtributg, arbbiare Cutlett &c. 'NR E H R A H uB ez To ',BERT nearly opposite theityld place of badness, - with an extenbire stock of Hardware, Cutlery, he e0n...1.4112g In part of Iron. Paints, Nails, Oils, • Spikes, • Turpentine Steel. Tar, Hinges, Vainisb, - . Planes, . • Glass, Files, Blasting Powder, • Brindles, Grind Stones, , Shovels, Cedar Ware, Rakes, . Pocket Knives, Spades, 6.e., ike. Special attention is called Builders and Contractors, - as they are prepared to furnish in any quantity, at wholesale, • everythingin their line. Call and examine our stock. COACII AND SADDLERY II A It DWARB. The sulweriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the above business, at his old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Its• formed Church, CHAMBERSSURG, PA. Having enlatged his business, Bark-liars and Coach• makers will find iu his Store Room a general assortment of goats suited to their several requirements, such as Fair and Country Hooking, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and farthing. Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower thsiz Cotton: Homes, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts; Ruseaing, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Barnes. BUCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, 'all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of other goodssuitoble for the trade. , ALL KINDS ell , PI.A TINE. Ste., done with neatneiot and d • !,10 , , , f4i LEWIS W AMPLER. C E HAItI)%V A K E : P.llkNlk Ilud a tem x... 1• ontlel tlat. In, .‘11,1: 11 11 i., 1k Sotli , or , itiad• wire: lithdtlei,'tki, bites jug( meeicril 'trout Newt orb said Philadelphian ierylarge lot of goods, purchased touch cheaper than they are generally sold. They having beep burned out, therefore we offer Iron. Naffs. 'leeks, hinges, Screws, Bolts, Oils, (}lads, Point, 3e,,- .. ll!tbelowet-t figure, TO BLACk:43IIIBS_A:ND FARMER:3! We have on hand about 10 Tone Iron of dillereut kinds, which we will sell le,a than it can be bought in the city. Also we lutveloo kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer tit from 6 to 10 dollars per keg. Knives and Forks. Svissors. Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, JuSt reeelved from New York ullich we offer very low. .148 CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakors Findings, Saddlers' Findings Ed MUSD & FLACK'S. ,HOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT kJ 25 cents eai h and ninny other article. which was is the fire, which can be made in, poll as-new at BLAND .1 . . FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE.-;—Call at the Store in the Alley. BRAND & FLACK. GOOD GOODS! AT VERY SMALL PROFITS and no mistake, at the Ohl Ilem:se and Old St.:nil., ON Tilt: CORNER OF 11.11 N AND WASIIC ti ro;\ act: C O - F EE S. Prime Rio, Java and Maricabo Coffees. Rousted and Ground Coffees. SUGARS. Sugars 01 every grade, from the bent Double Refined Loaf down to 121 cent Brown Sugar., TEAS. Fresh Gunpowder Imperial, of fine flavor, Old and Yount , - Ityvm, and superior Black Tea. SYRUPS. Lovering's No. 1 Bright Yellow Syrup. Golden Yellow Syrup, at :IL cents per quiart. New Crop Now Orleans Baking, 3lulasses.._ E A 'TS. Prime fresh 'City-cured 'Jams, warranted Stood a good. Dried Beef Rounds, Bacon. Sides and Shriulders. 'F SH . Fresh Shad and Nos. 1 and 2 Shore 3Leekerel I,Ltlus barrel. Ladles, quarters eighths and single pain& SP/CES. Whole and Fresh Ground Spice S, warranted - puret. C E D R- r -s-. Pine - Apples, Peaches, Cherries, - Black 'Berrie - Jut Tamarinds and Jellies for the sickly. Peuehes r Cherries, Plums and Apricots preseried in brandy. Canned Oysters and Tomatoes. . = PICKLES,' - By the Dozen, Jar. Keg or Barrel. Also Strong Cider Vinegar.' Fresh - Jer.ey Crunberries sod Dried Fruits. Cnrrantr and Dried German Pears, Nuts. 6.e. A M 1' S Kerosene Lumps, Chimneys -Shade.< sold Wicks. Pure Relined Coal Oil, Se. Mt.-Ware- Queens-Ware, Stone and Earthen, Ware- Cedar and Willow Ware, Se., all of whirdi two Leen bought uu the lowt terms and will be sold ut a small ad % ante by [octll] ' E. D. REID. .—T M ARKET lIOUSEhe undersigned respectfully infirm their numerous customers and the public generully that they have re-opened their Gro cery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Company, in the 3larket house, and take this method of returning their thanks for the liberulputronage heretofore extended to-them. Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES,. consisting of Ham, S' - }ritps, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To baccos. Brushes, Brooms, Buckets. Cords, Twines, Glass ware, Queensware and everything heretofore kept at their former place tit business. They lm ih allrays keep a blliti• cleat stock on hand to be enabled to meet the dermatitis of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken iu ex change for goods at cash market prices. Don't forget the place, (Market Ihatse,) three doors from the corner, on Queen Street. [ang:3ll , HUBER & LEMASTER. MPOR T R S OF WINES AND LIQUORS. LAUMAN, SALLADE S CO.; NO. 12 tiOL7II NINTH ATREET., Between Chestnut and Walnut Sreerti, GEO. M. LAUMAN, A. M. SALLADE, J. D. Brrma, Each bottle sealed with green wa4c with the initials of the SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE Each bottle sealed with yellow war with the initialsof the Firm. ISPOP,TED 137 LAUMAN, SACCADE & CO., „!-_. No. 1:28 South Ninth. Street, Phibulelphta. OLD RYE, WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, WARRANTED. OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST•WHISKEY, WERRT'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, - ' ANTL . - KEA•DIN WINES. . L411.1 . 31Abi, 8 LADE 4k CO., ' No. lai South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. uoM-Iy. P T.DELACROIX, No. 37 South SECOND Street, above Chestnut; PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS ! CARPETINGS! Having received by' late arrivals ; all the newest and most attractive Styles of Carpetings,—l AM PREPARED 10 oEFER at the LOWEST Blacks. WHOLESALE RETAIL-- John Crossley & Sou's Englilb Tapestry Brawls; Low ell & Hartford Throe-Pt) and Extra Super harsh; Car pets, with a large assortment of medium and low priced CAHMINGS, WINHoW Simms, Ott CLOflts, Lc. J. T. DELACROIX. Na. 37 South SECOND Street, between Chestnut Sr au S - 1 . 6.3ta Market PriILADELPHIA. TMPORTANTi TO THE PUBLIC.--The ± Grover & Baker,Seining klaebioe Company manunor tore, In addition to their celebrated GROVER & BAKER STITCH MACHINES, the munl perfect SHUTTLE or LOCK-STITCH MACHINE, in the market, nod afford purchasers the opportuult) ul nelecting, after hial amt,ex iuninution of both, the one bent suited to their wants. We cull special iiitmitom to their new Nu. MANI' PACTURING MACHINE. which in adapted to every iiaricty of sewing, from the thinnent munlin to the ligisHest leather, and AA in nark equally well with cotton, linen or silk thread. Par sale by oellS4ho • H. E. HOKE. Chambeisburg. 8-6 PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS. HOWELL . BOURKE, - MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS and WINDOW SHADES. • North East Corner room' Asp mumer 8114 , 0 , , PHILADELPHIA. _ N, B.—Always in Store, a large Stock or L INEN g „,l OIL, SHAD Save opened their store oa Main street, Groceries, Liquors. RIVESE, GARDRAT dr. CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF ]die, BTM. IMPORTED BY LAUMAN, BALLADE & CO FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND AN ASSORTMENT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. VERY FLOE AND DELIC (YE OLD PORT:WINE, Mats', Caps cuar "Igo. FURS! FURS!! - FURS!!! WHOLESALE AStp RETAIL. - CHARLES OAKTORD & SONS, CONTLVENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their large and .plendid stoek at LADIES' FUR CAPES,. COLLARS, MUFFS, 7- -CUFFS, GLOVES. ND Also the finest assortment of FANCY F UR HOODS. ROBE, CAPS, MUFFLERS, and GLOVES ever before offere S d by them, all of which axe warranted to be us represented. 1 :17" - SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. ,e23-4m, G 0 TO DECHER 1,9 S BUY YOUR FIATS AND CAPS He will sell yen a Better Quality re"Servireable ant FOR LEAS 110NtY, than cau be bought elsewhere. 14 - 11tES1:1 ARRIVAL. — Now is the time to imy your Fall and Winter Goods; rind W. W. PA:ill/N - 8, in - the - Market house, in the place to get thent cheap arid goad. A very tine assortment of liens' fine and coarse Bouts, %littorals and Gaiters, Ladies Glove Kid, 3lorocco and Coarse Shoes and gaiters, Misses' and Children? Shoes and Gaiters of every style. Also • 3IENS' AND 1301 4 5' HATS AND CAPS at prices to 'suit all. The best Houle-make of Hats to he had. A tine, assortment of • Trunks; Eartoe Btopi • 'Valises Cane;,. Umbrellas, constantly on hood. Call and enimine nor-stock bofore poroh;,inv. In !LI- \Larks lion.. on ' 4, -..01nt 0,41 • I ,` A 1. "I' • Y 17: HAT:. ANU t DEULIEIRT Las Jug received the PALL STYLE OF HATS, IMETE Selling Cheaper Man the Cheappn. Calrsizid get bargains. LADIES FANCY FURS. AT JOHN 'FAREIRA'S - 01. a EsTAßllsiteD FUtt FAcTOttr, No. 718 Art* Street, allure 705, Philadelphia, have now in to store am,' 01111 , Importation and Matsu. fiustare, one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS, fur Ladies' and Childrvult Wear, In the City. Al.o' a tine assortment of Gent's Fur Glovei and Cotten.' I am enabled to dispute of my goods atvery reasonable prieee,• ; and 'would therefore *oiled a call from my friends of Franklin county and vicinity. !, , ,,V"ltemember the Name, Number and Street I - JOHN FAREIRA, ild'llreh. Street, abureith, south side, Philudelphiu. 1 lore no partner, uur euuueaiun th ith duy other Store seirjr-4m. PATENT'RESORT HAT CIEM SHAPES AND COLORS = DECHERT'S on Sewed Street. near the Washington House MEN'S B 0 'S, AND CHILDREN'S iIATS of every style tope Pad cheap at I'AXTON'S. T HE "SFIERTi/AN RESORTE HAT," raise article, at PAXTON'S. Bents' „furnishing Goats. VELVET CAPS FOR ONE DOLLAR, ,- Rims% A NEW LO'!' HATS AND CAPS, JAL at ROSS'. A i rEN'S AND BOYS, GLOVES for _Dri ly rrn4e, Washing and Dress, at BOSS'. CULL AND GET A NICE NECE K TI (Latest Style) at ROSS'. A CHOICE-SELECTION OF GENTS WEAR Jost from the Eastat ROSS". UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. a large let, at , ROSS'. • / VT THE SIGN OF THE RED SHIRT ,C 1: is the place to buy cheap: lilletird. ,0 D I N ,E ! IODINE! IODINE! IODINE! e DR H. ANDERS • O'S lODINE WATER'! Chemists and Physicinns have long sought to dissolve u about a solvent, so it could be token into the system in apace state • knowing full well that if this could be done, they would have an antidote for many diseases now rensidered incurable. After fifteen years of scientific research and experiment, his most important discovery - was made by Dr. H. A.N. mins, a Gernum Chemist and Physician, and a member of he Medical Faculty of Nosy Fork. SARATOGA SPRINGS Contain only a fraction of the quantity of lodine there is in thin preparation, yet the virtue of the water is due prin cipally to this element. Its effect upon the system is indeed wonderful HER EDITARY DISEASES, "burn inthesystem," are erad icated by its use. CHRONIC DISEASES, no matter of how long standing, (deb yield to its subtle influence. An. similating at once with the Blood, it ritalises and purifies that vital fluid, sending strength and rigor to all parte of the body: 'rue must wonderful success hag followed its use, in all flours of disease originating In A BAD STATE OF TILE BLOOD, EMITEI SCILOFt. I A MS LE= ALSO, IX COXSUMITION HEART, LIVER AND 'HITNEY DISEASE:, RITEIMIA3I,M, Tim REv. GE°. fifolok,, ne RitooELYN, Editor of the Bible Eraminer, publishes in that magazine the remarkable cure of his son by the sue of Dr. Anders' lodine Water, triter all other remedies had been tried in vain. Ile says r- - " Gratitude to God. and a sense of obli gation to Dr. Antlers !..‘; Co., Lave made us insert the fol. loaiug: My only son, George F. Store, now thirty-seveuyears old, loss been afflicted fur some ildZetr years, more or less with painful swellings and iitilaumnations in various parts of his body; oftentimes, seemingly, he was near to death; ben a respite fora scacun, toll only for a return of the die• ease with nose t iulefice. For the past three years helms had au dish; sore on his locust, and bitterly one near his oullar bone, with ulceration in his throat, that was rapidly increinthig, so that dissolution appeared inevitable. In thin coudfflon he applied to DR. ANDERS S. CO. fly the use of-the lodine Water the ulceration in his throat die,- appeared in a shok time. Continuing !Muse, in less than two months he was apparently herded, and Ills general health nutch improved:" Mr. Storrs has since fullyrecov. emit. This eertilleate IN FULL, and many others, with a treat the n.iture and uses of lodine, mill be sent FREE to Any poison sending Ss their name, Prim $l.OB per bottle, or 6 for 64.00. Sent by Express to all parts of the country. DR. FL ANDERS & CO., Physleinni , and Chemist - a, 428 Broadway, New Yori IV. Sold by tb-noriPbl generally • ang42-Griblo. Drugs anlyintirictues. Finer Loiiking Hat DRUGS! DRUGS!! C. H. CILESSLER, euceanor to .11SVar.it eIt,FSS. Lett, 1.1.4 opened in his new room, on Second street, - oppm site the Post• Office. where every effort will be made to ',Wain the populatity the old establishment bad acquired • A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived in respectfully -solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals. and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of I - Perfumery, Stops, Pocket Books, Muir Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes„ Coumetics, Dentifrices, and Fancy Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS.z.-Every description of Hand Lamps, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps imitable for Kitchen use; Puler-use, Store use and Office use. , THE BEST-COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Family Dyes of all Colors. Everything in a Druggists line of business. rp'Prescrlptions receive, special attOndon, and are compounded with rare and skill. C. H. °RESSLER, Second Street, opposite the Post (Mice. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY Ileches Croup Syrup, Helmtwld's Emmet Buohu, Ayers' Sarsaparilla, Ayers' Cherry Pectoral, Winslow' Soothing Syrup, at SPANGLER'S. R OCR. ROSE, AT , SPANGLEWS. BURNETT'S COCOAINE, at • SPANGLER'S. CHAMOIS SKINS, AT SPANGLER'S. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, AT SPANGLER'S. Itir'CALISTER'S OINTMENT, .I.YI at SP.ANGLER'S. PURE LIQUORS SP.kN2 AT GLES. TEtURT AND COSTAR'S RAT ENTER ..Li/ MINATOR, at SPANGLER'S. OOSTAR'S BED-BUG EXTERMINA TOR, at SPANGLER'S. CORN STARCH, FAUNA AND CON eeutrut4.4 Lye, at SPANGLtIVS. VINE PEIZFUNIES.—The stock can't be excelled. SOAPS.—Partienlar attention is asked to the assortment altered at NIXON'S. ATEDICINES.—Fresh, and of the very ilk best quality, sold at Naftbl'S. CALL AND SEE NIXON'S STOCK of 'Panay Articles. 'PNEW "MACHINES"—Nixon is i! potting up Ids CATTLE POWDER inexeel . lent style new label. The Powder has nosuperior. Every farmer or person owning a Hone, Cow, Hog or Sheep shottid have it. • • fIiMEIII,--If you mint u good Tooth Brush and something to keep the teeth clean, call at NIXON'S. E 7, TxsemMt'idozen reTE. th T ß O hea is offered T at f M • • NIXON'S. SINCE CHAAIBERSEURG WAS first laid out until now there has not been such a stock of fine Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs and Toilet Articles as NIXON offers. VINE POMADES, AND BRUSHES, at NIXON'S. VOEING LADIES CONTEMPLATING J. marriage should call' t NIXON'S for Toilet Articles QAD DLERY! REMOVAL!!- K 3 JEREILAII OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recei ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his lino, to give him a call at his new stand, on Main Street, on the same site occupied by him previous to the fire, where he keeps constantly _csa hand every variety. of SADDLE RY-AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competi tion. Every article offered for sale is wanented to be made of the best material and by competent workman, which wilt be frilly demonstrated on an examination there. of. TWINES AND VALISES.—IIe would alao'call the attention of persons wanting a goal, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assortment oprill9 CANCLIIS, SALT RIIEUM, =22 Di SPEPsIA, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, FEVER AND AGUE, dc c., SADD LER S' HARDWARE.-C. H. GORDON has just purchased in the East alarge stock of SADDLERS' HARDW4RE, corisistlngof Buckets, Rings, Bias, flames, HAM/Mynas. Tacks. Rie. ets, Rosettes, Swivels, Pad Screws, Gig Trees, - Black trimmed und-full-plate self-adjusting Trees, Patent and Enamelled Leither, Saddlers' Hair, Patent Leather Col lars, Ornaments, Girth and Rein Web, Cock-eyes. Thread, Trunk, Nails, Neck Protectors. Am, dm., which he invites Saddler's and others to call und examine, and which will be sold at low rates. CH. GORDON HAS ON HAND A . large a.ssortment of Saddles, Harness, Collar, Br', dies, Haltom, fancy Hottad Bridles, Wagon, Carriage and Linen Nets uf all kinds, from *LW to 457,1 X); Curry Combs, Horse Cards, Mane Combs, Brushes, Home Boots, Cow Hides, and many other articles not necessary-to euro morale. REMOVAL.—C. H. GORDON has re moved his SADDLERY SHOP to the stand occu pied by him previous to the fire, on MArr STREET, a fear doors South of Greenatralt's Hotel. JOB PRINTING, in every style, done at the Ogle. of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. - ! a MILLI4R, HO NEW DRUG STORE, one door west BROW N'S 1111 T El ECM _ , )IfF.Lt,bk:LlierEl) STOCK, PURE DRITCIS, CILF.SIICALS and all the beet PATENT 3fEbICINES, ' KEROSENE OIL, . LAMPS, ' SOAPS, .54c. West End of Brown's Hotel „Sabigerg ant) Marneoo. NilygieltbeA.-As44o. T BROWN'S IKIICEL.—This Hotel, situ ated on the come? of Queen and Second Streets, fasi!e the Bai *Coartitano,and County Oakes, and fa the Immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shope, and other places of -badness, Is conveniently situated: for country people having badness in Cbamberslmrg. Theladiding has been greatly ahlarged and relittedfor the accommoda tion of Guests. THE TABLE will gyn. punished with• the best he Market an produce, ~ THE BAR trill be supplied with pnre and &mice Li. ... quors. . ._ THE STABLE is large and attendiid with a pod and sareful Ostler. Every attention will be rendered to make Gnosis *du tortable while sojourning at Ms Hotel. relit JACOB &BROWN. proprietor. UNION HOTEL—This- old and well established llotel is now, open for the accommodation of Goeste The Proprietor having lensed the three-story block ofbull= ngs on Queen Street, in the rear of his farmer stand, is 'prepared to [tartish GOOD BAWLS for the traveling and transient custom. HIS TABLE will sustain its former reputation of being supplied with the best the market eau produce. HIS BAR. detached from the main building, will al ways have choice and pure Liquors. Goud - warm STABLING fur fifth• horses, with careful Even- attention will be Made to render 'guests comfort able while sojourning at 114 Hotel. jaule JNO. FlSHER,'Froptietur. i :-.7% -.1 t'l VATIONAL HOTEL.—The,subscriber M out respeetfull.y anuunnee that hihas so far arm pieted his Hotel buildmg as to be enabled to epee it for the accommodation of the public. The building is co • body new and built onibe most approved plan for com fort and morel fence. The BAR will alwava be supplledwithibe best-44