ititts-oV &abet.' I= • 1211,% N 1 4 P VA - N I A RAILROAD - talartimlAßlJ - E. FIVE MINS DAILY ,fkii ma Pittsburg. Ore and Vier MalsdN,',Oecobcr 310. UK the Passenger Trains of the Pernia Rama Company mill depart from Harris burg and arrive at Priadelk_hia and Pittsburg as faros: • - EASTWARD: aIassociati I EXPRESSTRAPN leaves ILanargdal ta24s A. AL, arraterrlves at West Made tda at 6.33 16 /%Bl' Lnik, leaves Hanisitnng daily (welt Mail") ) at B.9:o4lK.; r and nnives at West Philadelphia at 12 . 40 P. IL "Pass_enters take breakfast at Lancaster. MAU:TRAM haves Hanidbarg daily iereePt Sun' &Witt L',3o P. at., and arrives at West Philadeiphla at 5.• • - • PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS lenven, bargdatly (except gundaye) at 1.1.55' if, and a,mves at WestM.%delpMa at 4.20 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIONTRAIN, leaves HarrraibtAr dalty (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. If., and or. •= , „ ent - Pluladelptda at 9.30 P. M. This train has no. the West. COLUMKTACE(DDIODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily Sexcept Sunday) at 7 A. at, andarriVes at Lancaster at 9.15 A. connecting (except on Monday) with the Past Line east. WESTWARD: IPITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leavesllarrie burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. at., Altoona 6.50 A. X, tate breatfaSt and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.M, BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily' (except Monday) at 2.2.5 A. at.: Altoona 0.15 A. at., takelsreakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. at. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.- 25'A.-at.,' Altoona at t. 15 A. M., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg* 2.40 P. M. . PAST LE.M leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P: at; Altoona at 9.10 P. at., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. M. MAIL TRAIN' leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) 411 %{ 0 P. M. Altoona at 7.55 P. IL, take supper, and actives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west leaves Lan caster at 11.20 A. at., connecting there with the Mail wed; lame Meant Joy at 11.51 A. at., andarrivesat Harrisburg at 1.00 P. at . -ti; SPECIAL NOTICE THE HAREDBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM from PittaWrg, which arrives at Harrisbrrrg at 6.30 P. M., dope there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over nn• tll-11.55 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 • Snp't Middle Div. Penna. R. R. ATORTHERN _CENTRAL RAILWAY _IN FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Trains Daily to and from Baltimore and Washington City. Connections =ride with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West PO U EPPRALNS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern New York and after Monday, Oct. 17th, 1R64,-the Passenger Trains of-the Northern Central RaDtsky will - tirrive,at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows : - SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10:25 A.N. " - . leaves Harrisburg UN P.M. arrives at Baltimore 5:40 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex. ' cept Sunday) 11:45 P.N. leaves H arrisbur g (except Monday) 2:50 A.M. - P --- arrives at Baltimore ... . .. ~.. _7:00 A.M. HAERISBITRH ACCOMMODATION leaves' Harrisburg S BißuitY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. bury• daily (ex. Sunday)... PIIMADVLPRIA EXPRESS TRAIN leases Sunbury daily (ex. Simday) 9:05 P.M. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9:01 A.M. ss leaves Harrisburg 1:35 P.M. arrives at Sunbury EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily... 9:30 P.M. " arrives at Harrisburg 1:50 A.M. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. cept Monday) arrived at Sunbury —563 ERIE EXPRESS TRAM leaves Baltinahis daily (except Sundays) at. 7:30 P.M. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury at. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily(ex. Monday 3:00 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg at. 7:50 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATIOXIeacee Hat. risburg daily (ex. Sunday). 4:00 P.M. • The Erie •Exprees andPhiladelphle xprees are through traiS to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For e:Ertl:et information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot • 00t20'64 J. N. DdIARRY, (44. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL NOAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennqlrania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Pennsylvania itattpood Company. TALE - OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG LEAVE EASTIVABD = ErieEx Train... Elmira •m'm Train Elmira Mall Train.... . LEAVE. TVE5re . ..... ,, Erie Mail Train ....- .. 1:20 A. M. EriaE.wa l rairt 12:00 P. st. Elmira, Train : , 2:40 A. It, Elmira Mad Train - . 1;95 T. 3L Passenger eras ran through on the Ede Mall and Ex press Tralns without change both ways between Philadel phia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. . Leave New York at 7:00 P. 3L, arrive at Eile 3:40 A. , 31, Leave Erie at 2:1:$ P. M., arrive at New York 12, noon. Nci Change of Cars Benreen Erie and New Y'ork. Elegant Sleeping Can on all Night trains. • Far information respecting Passenger business, apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets. Philadelphia. And for Fieight basiness of the Company's Agents : S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Car. 13th and Market Sts., Ph - dada. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. Woe. Boows, Agent, N. C. R. R., Baltimere. H. 11. HOLTSTON, General Freight AO, Philadelphia. FL W. GWF.SNER. General Ticket AO, Philadelphia' . A. L. TYLER, General Snp't, Williamsport. octll CUMBERLAND VALLEY & FRANK LISi OF HOURS.— OD and after Monday, October 31,1864, Passenger Trains wairrta daily, as follow-s, (Sundays excepted): FOR CHAMBERSBURG AM) HARRISBURG: asave Hagerstown " Greencastle Arrive at. Chatoberaburg Leave at. IWEia A.M. " Carlisle 6:30 10:10 2:46 " 'Mechanicsburg 7:QO 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Harrisburg 730 11:15 ' 3:45 FOR CHAAMERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: A.M. P.M. P.M. _ECG. L4O 415 8:47 2:03 4:50 9:27 2:58 5:q5 1002 3:34.' .10:33 4:04 .11:00 4:35 .11:10 4:45' • .11:55 - 5:35 .12:35- 6:15 Les!. Hanle:tars ' Merl.lanksburg " Carlisle " Nearotil. Anisre at Cbambeisbuzg Ulm Chaulbersburg... Onsemeastle Arryeat Itagertawn _ Making ebiise connections at Harrisbu rg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P. x. runs only aa far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. Omoe, Chamb'g, Oct. 31, 1.861 US. MAIL.—CIUMBERSIIURG &' . MT. UNION STAGE LlNES.—Through fare on ly 83,50. Good stages—careful drivers. Stages leave Aft. Union daily for Shade Gap at 2 o'clock, p: M. ma king connection at Shade Gap with Chamberslmrg stages no Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Also leaven Chambersbarg for Mt. Union at 7, A. AIL, on them days. Fifty pounds of baggage, at the risk of the owner, al. lowed to each passenger. No msponsibility for parcels or packages of mercbandize, or other thing carried, unless duiy-bi parson sending it ban it entered by the agent 01, the loraE. moo Office In Chambersburg, BaOwles HGTEL, H. R. SHEARER, Proprietor. &UDR GAP, August, 9 1895.1 y . il exits anti *tational. V.HRYOCK'S BOOR STORE. 'F.-7 OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. . School, Miscellaneous and S. S. Books, Stationery, Photographs and Albums, - Wall Paper and Wtridow Shades. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pena, . . N. Fork and Philada. Dallies, • . : . , Weeklies and Monthlies, .-, Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods, Bibles and Hymn Books. gir Orders of the moat coryles cfacr,prion tilled on the OLD EDMONS bunted up by Mr. J. K. Shr.yock-at a reasonable commission. . Agents for STEINWAY'S Pianos and MASON & Cabinet Organs. oct4 ello OUR WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. —We have made strew. arrangements this Fall to procure onr SCHOOL BOORS and - SCHOOL STA. TIMMY at such rates. that we can supply our WHOLE- SAGE CtstOltEßS ac the tweet possible prices. 8. 8. SHRYOCK.. TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—W4I afro hmutirfor, the American S. S. Union and other o n r i t e supply of Sunday School Books. S. S. 81111YOCK. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.—Partic- AN-L utaiiittention given to keeping. on hand allthe now publications, mimed. 8. 8. 131,11tY001i. 910 BOOK BUYERS.—Book bgyers .L will tad it to their ativaptage to dive nos 6eilitetore purl nuing elsewhere. Prompt attention to written . orders. • S. S. SHIWOCIK. C ROO L BOOKS, ..—All the School `Hoots In use to be bad, at ats;ptteeth at SEULYOCE & EAO HE .—Special terms to Teacher, for School Boots and Station at SIBIYOCK'S. BOOK.gI.BOOKS!!—We have made ar nifi in do Reuter), cilia to fill orders by Ex press =honest possible time. B. B. 81111,YOCK. BOKS.—Libiaries supplied ankre-fit ted with particular advantage, y b • Et. 8. BERYOCK. EX:FROCK'S Di A R B I,E WORKS, - Faixnm STREET. Sown] OP QUEEN. • • ". CRAMBERSBURG. PA. • !dONIINENTB, HEADSTONES, dr.o., lissohatund ileeiSsA to order la the 'beat style sad et the Li/AK -1d51404 ,Stobesir , aelgiitAarate. NEW S T ORE. TINWARE, 'STOVES, 4C BLELLERy HAMILTON & - CO. Ifave opened their new store on the South-East Coiner of the Diamond, where they can supply customers with ftrgt rate articles at very cheap prices. SETO GREAT REpIICTION IN PR:10ES!! MILLER, HAMILTON & CO. TINIVAR,E & STOVE DEALERS, Late redrieeti th ,, prices of their goods 25 per cent They will put on the best quality TIN ROOFING, (finding the Tin, &e.) for $lO per_maare. If the owner 'lnds the Tin th• y will put it Bn,. pthlerod. for $ 00 per square. People would do well to call upotttbera before making contracts or purchases elsewhere. Particular attention will be paid to SPOUTING, JOB BING, &c, at the cheapest mtes. LIGHTNING RODS. of beet Galvanized iron, put up strongly and cheaply M., ii. & CO., haw a fine atsortzaeat of JAPANNED, AND ENAMELED WARE, als), • BIRD CAGES., ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, &C. all of which they offer at short profits . Give them a call and see for yourselves. fumy 10 FOR C 0 MF ORT, CONVENIENCE Economy and Durability, floe THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, EUROPEAN RANGE! TILE REST RANGE EVER MEWED, SOLD BY CEASE, SHARPE & THOMPSON, No. 209 N. Second St, Philadelphia. Iron Fonndirs, and Manafaettirers of Stoves, Treaters, Tinned and Enamelled Wares, 67e., &e. [aug•M-6m. 7:00 7:30 A.M. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK THE OLD CLOTHING EMPORIITIL The undersigned, after a temporary absence necessitated by the destruehou of Chambersburg, has again returned and opened out in full blast in the Market Douse between Wallace's Dry• Good store and Huber & Letuaster's Drio eery store, a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every description and quality. 315 This stock consists of Ready Made Clothing such as Over Coat& Dress Coots, Pants, Vests, tinder Shirts, Drawitrs. also 12:35 A.X. 3:5 A.N. GEN,T4F.MENS', FURNISHING GOODS, such wi Cravatt,,Simpeniteni, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs. Col lars, t Milarellasfec.. His stock of Ctiths fur customer workconsists of French. English and Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimers. Black Satin, Figtared Silk's, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestings which will be made up to order in styles to snit the taste of customers, on short notice, and reasonable terms. ' Having engaged a practical Cutter from the East, lam prepared to furnish clothing in the most fashionable styles, and as none but experienced workmen are - engaged per sons may rely' upon getting their work well done at my Store. 1665 Thankful for the patronage heretofore be,towerl. I re spectfally - solicit a continuance of the acme. CM MEW PHILADELPHIA CLOTHING BAZII. AR 6:45 P. EL 6:00 A. M. ... 2:50 A. M. - 1:39 r. u. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! The andersigried has Just returned from the East with assortment of the latest and choicest styles of PIrE GOODS - such as English, French and Scotch Cloths, Cassimeres, - &c. Also, a large assortment of REA DY-MADE CLOTHING on hand at all - time, • _ . Great attention paid to CUSTOM woll.K. Clothing made in the latest city styles and at short notice. We would also inform the public that we have just re ceived a large assortment of HATS. CAPS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, such as Paper and Linen Col tars, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs Hose, Suspenders, and ell article In the Gents' Furnishing line. Please call and examine, at JOHN DIETER'S Popular Clothing Bazaar, South Main Street, nearly op posite Greenawalt's Hotel. sign of the 'tiled Flag." N. B.—Clothing Repaired, Scoured and Cleaned at short notice. se ` GREAT EXCITEMENT AT MER CERSBURM—Having just opened n LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, in the corner room formerly mem pied by:the Messrs. Brewers, consisting in part of Black Cloths. Crtsdrneres, Satinets, Jeans, Testings, &e.. which we are prepared to sell either by the piece or yard, and having entraged a Skillful Cutter and workmen, we are prepared to make np COATS, PANTS and VESTS ,rt the tut and meet approrui gyre, and at the very lowest CASH rates. We shall keep constantly large stock of MADE-IT CLOTHING, ma or own workmen, and in which line we regards durability and cheapness. For the Ladies we have a large line o Cloths. suitable for Cloaks, Sacks. &e. Also a large stria of BOOTS AND SI, TS AND CAPS, and a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Gnosis, such as fine Shirts, Collars, Neck-Ties, Under-Shirts. Drawers, dc. All of the above us;sids we will sell as low as they can be bought in any market in the Union for Cash. loett-fiii JOHN It. STJNE & CO. A.M. P.M. 7:00 2:45 7:37 3:35 8:17 4a3 8.30 12.55 9:00 9:32 2:1X) I .° P IODINE!. lOD I N E - DR. H ANDERS & CO's lODINE WATER! Chemists and Physicians have long Bought th tlitaulre lodine, without a solvent. so it uould be taken. into the system in a pure Ftatc: knowing full well that if this could be done, they would have an antidote for maoyllieeasen now ceneidered incurable. After fifteen years of scientific research and experiment, this most important discovery wan made by Dr. H. AN DERS, a German Chemist and Physician, and a member of, the Medical Faculty of New York. • SARATOGA SPRINGS Contain only a fraction of the quantity of lodine there is in this preparation. yet the virtue of the water in due prin cipally to this element. Its effect upon the ovatem in indeed wonderful HER EDITARY DISEASES, "torn in the system," are erad icated by its use. CHRONIC DISEASES, no matter of how long standing. often yield to Its subtle Influence. As similating at illiee with the Blond, it rttali=s and purifies that {nalfluid. eending strrogth and rigor to all porta of the body, The mint wrindertul success has followed Ito are, in form. of disease originating in A 11\D STATE OP TILE BLOOD, NUM AS HrLfrrt DANCEP.S, I ". SALT RHEUM. M1'1111.1,, ALAo DYSPEPSIA, HEART, LAYER AND FEMALE DOMI'L KIDNEY DIFEINI.6, FEVER AND Aid E, RHEUMATISM, &., SC., It has effected remarkable cures. THE REV. GEO. STORES, of RitHOELIE," . , - Editor of the flible liennuner, publishes in that magazine the remarkable cure of his MD by the use of Dr. Ail,ll.llS' lodine Water, after all ether remedies had been tried in vain. 110 says: "Gratitude to 13041, and a sense of obli gation- to Dr. Anders & Co., hate made ne insert the fol lowing "...My only eon. George F. Stoll's; now thirty-seven yearn old, has been afflicted for some dozen years, more or less with painful swellings and inflammatimis in various parts of his body ; oftentinirsi, seemingly, be was near to death; then a respite for a season, but only for a return of the dire ease with more sioleuee. For the past three years helms had an open sore on his breast, mid bitterly one near his collar tone, with ulceration in his throat, that was rapidly increasing„ so that 'dissolution appeared inesitible. In this condition he applied to Do. ANDERS & Co. By the use of the lodine Water the ulceration in his throat dire appearedln a short time. Continuing !tense, <n less than two mouths be was apparently healed, and his general health much improved." Mr. Shims has since fully ream,. aced. This certificate LI FULL, and many others, with a treat. tee on the nature and uses of lodine, wilt be sent FREE to any person sending us their name. Price $l.OO per bottle, or 6 for &100. Sent by Express to all parts of the country. ' DR. It. ANDERS & CO., Physicians tied Chemists, 426 Broadway. New York. tr Sold by Druggists generally ang2.6mat. 18 65. PHILADELPHIA HOWELL & BOURKE, • ItANtiFACIVILEITS OF • PAPER HANGINGS and WINDOW SHADES. North East Comer FOURTH AND bfADICET Streets, PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always la Store, a large Stook of augl6.:ha LINEN and OIL SHADES. TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET-BAGS. CANES AND UMBRELLAS, of the beet atm. PLISTMI. BR ISS, Clotbing. lx IKE 'MARKET MOUSE Ckambersburg. Pa. J. T. HOSHTNSON. Barbital E , IODINE! alattbvi aub aibiettg: WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. &c in my Hav ne ing just y direc opened a wenelected aasortment of goods li, tl Opposite the Post Office, on Second Seseetc where my old and / hope many new customers will find me during business hours. My _old stock having been re duced very suddenly on the WM of July last, I was oorn pelled to buy an Entire Neap Stock of Goods, which are of the latest styles and patterns, consisting of Gold and Silver (Imported and American) Gent's and Ladles' Watches, Jewelry of fine and medium qualities, Silver Thimbles, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Gold Pens of tine quality, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Strops and Brushes, 'Silver Fisted Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives, Jett Goods, Pocket Books,Ladies' Purses, wall and Tooth Brushes, Redding and Pocket Quails; Lead Pencils, - Morocco Satchels, - Large and Small Willow Baskets, MUSICAL INSTVMENTS. Violins, . Flutes, Fifes, Banjos, Taraborines, Accordeons, Flutinas, &e. The assortment of. CLOCKS is large and of every va riety. I have on band the HENRY REPEATING ax.F . L4I, which can be fired „fifteen times in that many seconds. Everybody should have one for self defenoe. The publio are invited to call and examine them. PISTOLS on band and orders filled for any kind that may- be wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept On band. From long experience lean adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as well as middle aged SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver and Steel Frames al % ays on hand. Having the agency for the sale of the tielebrated BUR GLAR AND FIREPROOF SAFE, Manufactured by Farrell, Herring & Co., I will fill orders at the manufac tures price. All information in regard to them given. The public are invited to call and examine the stock. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at low rates to snit the times. decl4 EDWARD AUGHINBAUGH. OLD, SILVER & PLATED WARE. N.:11 F. G. DITMAN, Second Szrect, in Washington Hotel Building, Has just returned' from the city with a large and cheap stock of goods. to R bic 11 he invites all to come and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. His stock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the latest styles, Gold and Silver Chains, Breast-Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, etc„ SILVER WARE, Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Castors, &c. Elu - I have milled to thy stock a large assortment of thirty hour and eight day 'CLOCKS, all of which will be ".../Id law. Goods warranted as represented. Thankful to my many friends and customers for their liberal pats-maze, would most respectfully- iisk of them a continuance of the same. augleetf • F. G. DITMAN. AR•STIALL & CO (SUCCESSORS TO F. J. POSEY.) HAGERSTOWK. MD., Would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have just returned from the cities with a large stock of Neg. and Beautiful Goods.—consisting o FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: SILVER end PLATED WARE, SPOONS FORKS. LADLES, KNIVES and CASTORS ;—Seissors,,Pocket Knives, Razors, Razor.Straps,—Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes,—Pocket Books, Combs of every kind, Leather Satchels. andA General Variety of 'FANCY GOODS.— A Large Assortment of SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. aug9.tim ELI HOLDEN, INVITES THE AT tention of every readerof this paper, which includes many thourand of his old patrons and acquaintances, to Ws unusually large oar beautiful variety of AMERICAN A lifn — d W_VITIIES, CLOCKS, and eletraut designs of JEWELRY, SILVER WAItE, dc. ELI HOLDEN, 7(k; Market Street, Philadelphia. I=l HENRY HARPER, •:;:o ARC!! STREET PHILADET.IIII.I. WATCHES, - PINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and superior SILVER PLATED MARE. octll-3m. oA44ical. KNA B E & GRAND AI4.DD SQUARE PIANOS, Which, for Power and sweetness of tone, easy and agree , . .able touch. and beauty of Brash, have been by the best of. judges, pronounced •' unrivalled." All of their large 7 octafe Pianos are constructed after their new itamOved °carat/ring Grand Scale, with all the latest improvements. ' ' Second Hand Pianos at great Bargains, at pnees rang ing from e.". 50 to ,2.50 As Agent for - nabe 5: Co., lam en ahled to sell at tholr Baltimore prices. For further par• oculars apply to -= C. HUNTING, Agent, Cbambersburg. Pa. TEINWAY PIANOS.-MESSRS S STEINWAY t: SONS bave received upwards of THIRTY . FIRST PREMIUM_ gold and Ailver medals. in Washington. New York. tin catnati, St. Louis, Chicago. Detroit and other AT THE WORLDS FAIR held in LONDON, 1862, at which 260 Pianos were on Ex hibition from all parts of the world, the FIRST PRIZE MED AL n as awarded to STEINWAY & Sons, forposeerle/. that% brilliant and empathetir tont, with eirellente of trorkentn• For further particulars apply to S S. SIIRTOCK. .Igent for Steinway dr Son's, Chambersburg, Pa. in 11.1 9. fl HUNTING, TEACHER OF Mu . SIC, -takes great pleasure in animuneing to the citizens of Chamberslairg, that be is prepared to we in striation on the PIANO, 'MELODEON, or CABINET ORGAN. and most respectfully solleits a liberal share of their patronage. Those not in she possession of Pianos eon obtain instruction at his home, and the use of a Piano Residence of JOHN 31F11.. Queen street, near Second. Terms reasonable. may3l-ly THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, forty different styles, adapted to saensd and seeuliar mask, for Sta(l to 8000 each. THIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first pre miums awarded them. Bfudroted Catalogues free. Ad- Bretz, MASON & HAMLIN, BOSTON, or MASON BROTHERS, New YORK. - atternego at- 11.411). GM WS. STENGER, ATTOR • NEYS AT LAW.—W. S. STMGER, District At torney and Agent fur procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears of pay Office In James Duffield's &wailing, on the West side of Second Street, betcreen Queen and Washington Streets. angf.'4 QTUMBAUGH & GEHR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.,-,-Oillee oppasitii the Post °Mee. Will at tend promptly to all haamess entreated to their ear.•: P. S.—Authorized Agenta fia the oonernon of Pensions, Bounty Tlaek Pay and all other ebilms against the govern• ment. aepl y W . ( S )rne E e V on E 3 R ia E rt, T et T s . A e t t to Q i;ne t. a th t e L c a n n; rt . House, formerly occupied by Jer. Cook. EN. All legal eutrueted to his care will receive prompt atten tion. sep74. JOHN STEWART, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mare on Second Street, a few doors South Of the Market House. PENSIONS, BOUNTY and other claims p-omptlyeolleeted. (aufr3l T. J. NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of . See at his residence on Second street. octl9 B. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW T • Office on Market street. octal ~fjv~ician~. J. C. RICIIARDR, M. D. .ISO. MONTGOMERY, M. U. ICHAIWS & MONTGOMERY havo c 1(, associated themselves in the Practice of Mega:ins, — tot have opened an office In Dr. Richards' new tatqlding, 4n Main street, a few doors South of the Ifianatifii. All persons Indebted to either of the above. will please make early settlement of the same. ittagttl ttl DR . J. S. 111 ADRER OFFERS' HIS services ati a Physician and Surgeon to the elti7ens of St. - Thomas and vicinity. Promptness at all hours Residence opposite the Post Office. DR. S. S. HUBER offers his prattss ional services as Physician and Surgeon to the citi zens of Greenvillage and - vicinity. 'zo4g23.6rn Benlioto. DR. H. R. FETTERHOFF; SURGEON DEVITST. Mice one doer West of the Telegraph Office, Oreenenotte, Pa. All work entrusted to him will be promptly attended to and warranted. mayl7.6m* DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FICE on Second- Street, one square &nth of the Market Reuse. - -7 'met TUSCARORA FEMALE SEMINARY, ACAIMILi, JUNIATA COUNTT, PL—The winter session of this Institute will commence on wane/day, NO caliber, Ist 1865. The andenigned having obtained possession of the above Institute:lnvites the patronage of allyoung ladies who wish to obtain a thorough education. Best advrtnta• gee given in all branches. Particular opportunities afros. dad In Music, Pointing and Languages. Competent teachers Kit take charge of. the different departments. Address CAUL F. KOLBE; Proprietor. sep27-Ct Academia, Juniata County, Pa. NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that I - had certificates fur 258 shares of the capital stook of the Sault of Chambersburg burnt on the Wth 01 July, 1864, ;aid that I will apply to the Back :be a re-issue of the acme. f0ct4.60 .1. ALLISON EYB7IIIII. 411 p, Audi* lispasitarki„ qatatteudang; Pa. G ELWICKS & .BURRHART Lace on haul the LARGES STOCK OF MERCHANDISE In town, and sell goods - WEOLESALE AS CHEAP sa any house in Flilladelphia. GELWICKS St BURKHART' CAND I TS thre ufm AND ev aN d ffe lP r ti ro o ON f AliY, i and sell strictly at cirr PRICES. OIL! OIL ! 8 ~.,O B J R L !A RTO L!, KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS as cheap as it can be bought at Pittsburg with freight added, and cheaper by 3 to +cents per gallon with freight added than it can be bought in Philadelphia. Country merchants, notice this fad: You can do better in Oils with this firm than either city, as we buy In Urge quantities ezpres•ly for wholesaling. GEL W IC K. BURKHART Lave just received a line of superior FRESH GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, G ELW IC K S & BURKHART have a large atipply . of PRIME HAMS, "GELWICKS-6r. -BURKHART . keep a great variety of . SPICES AND FRESH BAKING ARTICLES. fae Alf Spices are grouted on their 'own: mill and pre. pared in their own store, pare - and fresh, no adultcratnm, G ELWICKS &.- BURKHART keep a brae ctock TOBACCO - AND SEGARS, GELWICKS 43t BUIIKHARI keip aln irnmen.e gtoek ?if NOTIONS AND YAM MISS - I,ept in all canntry storelrand will , 4 , 11 thelv cheap as city tioutA, GELIVICKS -- & BURKHART have a large stock of COFFEES, SUGARS; SYRUPS, MOLASSES, • FISH and SALT, at wholesale price, ( - I_ELIVICKS & ,BURK - HART VA expoetilair busines.4 to pay them by selling. a largP. amonot 01 _awl- and not by large profit. • - GELWICKS & BURKH:A4T have received a large lot of PRIME CHEESE, and a variety or CRACKERS fresh from the_bakery. G ELW ICKS & BURKHART'S Wlailsale and Retail - 4ROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY 14 an .Frond Greet, between Queen and 3Earket,ats., iIIAMIIER,III.IM, PA. uODGO 0 D S ! AT VERY SMALL PROFITS, and no mistake, at the Old House and Old Stand, p);u.) COFFEES. Prime Rio, Java and Marinates Coffees Roasted and Ground Coffees. Sngtu, of es ery• grade from the best Double Refined Loaf down to 12 cent Brown Sugar. Fresh Gunpowder Imperial, of fine flavor. Old and Yonmg Hyson, and superior Black Tea SIRCPS. Lovering's No. iright Yellow SYruP. Golden Yellow Syrup, at 23 eento per quart New Crop New Orleans Baking 31olesseis. MEATS:. Primo Crests City-cured Prams, n nrranted sound &good Dried Beef Rounds, Bacon. Side.; and Shouldars. Fresh Shihl and Nos. I and 2 Shore Mackerel by the barrel, halves, quarters Pighths and single pound. SPICES. WllOlO and Fresh Ground Spices. warranted pare. C NYED FRUITS., Pine Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Black Berrie; &c. Tamarinds and Jellies for the sickly. Peaches, Cherries, Plums and Apricots preserved iu brandy. Canned Oysters and Tomatom. PICKLES By the Dozen, Jar, Keg or Barrel. Also Strong Cider Vinegar. Fresh Jersey Cranberries and Dried Fruits. liaisons, Currants and Dried German Pears, Nuts. .Le. L A M P S. Kerosene Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks. Pure Refined Coal Oil, Sc. - Glass-Ware, Queess•Ware, Stone told Earihern Ware. Cedar and Willow Ware, die., till of Which has bees bought 013 . the best terms and will be sold at a small zul. Tauce by E. D. REID. MARKET HOUSE.—The undersigned respectfully inform their numerous customers and the publie generally that they have re-opened their Gra. cery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hock and Ladder Company, in the Market House,- and take this method of returning their thanks for the hbeml patronage heretofore extended to them. Their mock is complete ra every variety of 'FAMILY GROCERIES. consisting of Ham, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To. baccv,e, Brushes, Brooms, Buckets. Cords, - Twines. Glass ware, Quermsaare aol everything heretofore kept tit their former place of business. They will always keep a suffi cient stock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands of, the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in change for goods at cash market prices. Don't fou=r the place, (Market How.) three doors from the , t .rner, on Queen Street. faugill J lill3Elt i LEMANTER. ArpO'R z E R S WINES ANgLIQUbES. LAITIIA:s; SALL,ADE & CO., • No . SOUTH NINTH STHEtT , &twa, C6lltltit (Old Ira . Plrt Stria. Phundaphip OF.n. 3f. Lo"mts, A M. s 4 4,Ant J. D, ?Arrow., F. 3 1 ,6 bowle waled with green wax with the irtitittial of the SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WISE • OLD PORT WI'NE, Ea eh bottle eeeled with yellow wax with the initiate of the OLD RYE WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, Jr•-"t, WARRANTED. OBERHOLTE WHISKEY, -- FOUST WHISKEY," WERRT'S WHIS,KEY, TAPPET'S WHISKEY, AND READING WINES. SALLADE & C 0.., N 0.128 &mg Ninth Street, Philadelphia. oda, Y. =NM= ATE'. F. o LIC ARTIFICIAL: LEGS._ .LT nit.,2•6ll J ll . ° l ' V wliSTa,.. ; ',; 6 algrot ul e y t , New York. TOB 'RINTING in every style done at 0 a m .* as of the FRAM= S➢PQaITOI7T. OtOterits, &C. 1=E213 = at a reduction on former figures and will egii them rlinierale ar city prices. =BB= FEIBEI !MEM Eicituno. RIVESE, GARDRAT d: CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF ISaR, firm. - 13IPORTF,t , RY LAUMAN, SA LLADE & CO PINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND AN AFROILTRENT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE OSBORNE & CO:8 OPORTO. ___ VERY FINE AND REIJCATE Firm. - [SPORTED BY LAUMAN. BALLADE ik CO., _ No. 14x7 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia RIO; er.4 o G . TO DE 6 -- IT ER T'S BUY YOUR RATS AND OAPs He will sell you a Better Quality, MOM Serviceable and Finer Looting. Bat FOR LESS MONEY, than can be bought e - hare. - FRESH ARMVA.L.—Now is the time to buy your Fall and Winter Goods, and W. W. pArrovs, in the Market House, is the place to get them churp and good. A very fine assortment of Hens' fine and coarse Boots, Balmorils and Gaiters, Ladies' Glove Kid. Morocco and Coarse Shoes and Gaiters,' • Dllmes and Childrens‘ Shoes and Gaiters of every style. Also , MEN'S' AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS at pncesfo suit alt, The best Home-make of Hats to be had: - A fine assartmerit of ' - Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Canes, - Umbrellas, &a, constantly on hand. Call and examine our stock before purchasing. In the Market House, on Second street. Ei ALL S - T . YLE • - HATS AND CAPS. - . DECHERD Las jut received the • FALL STYLE • OF HATS, which he la Selling Cheaper than the Chrapre. - Call and get bargains. • LADIES FANCY _FURS, AT JOHN l'AgErßA's OLD" ESTABLISHED FUR - MANIi- FACTORY, No. 718 Arch Street, abort 7th, Philadelphia, hate now in my store of my own Importation and Manu facture, one of the lar.treet and most beaus/jut selections of FANCY FURS, for Ladies' and Children's Wear, in the City. Also a line asiortment Gent's Fur Gloves and Collate. lam enabled to dispose of my goods at very• reaoonable prices, and I trout,' therefore solicit a call from my friends of Franklin county and vicinity. a Remember the Name, Number and Street ! • JOHN FAREIRA, • 715 Arch Street, abova:th, south side, I have nopartner, nor connection with any other Store in Philadelphia: ' . - ' ' - aele7-4m. T LIE PATENT RESORT HAT ISM SHAPES AND COLORS, at LOU' ETICF.S, at DECIIERT'S ou Second. Street. near tbe Washington House -mEN'S BO Y'S AND CHILDREN'S HATS of every ntle to be bad cheap at PAXTONS. TfIE,••SHERIDAN RESORTE HAT,' a nice article, at PA XTO.N'S. ME ftlebicat. BALTIMORE LOCK 1-10SPITAL.—Drf JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Install. tire, offers the most certain, speedy, and, only effectual remedy in the world for (Sleets. Structures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Imtenor-, Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Affections oft t "dneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vOla lability, Diseases of the Head. Throat, None of z ri '-eidn kond all those serious and melancholy disorders aris ing from the destruttire habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens :to the, mariner Ulyssus, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible! YOUNG MEN! Young Men especially, who have become the vicums of Solitary Vice, that drczaful and destructive habit which and annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men.of the must exalted talent and brilliant' intellect, who Might otherwise have 'mica need listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence. or waked to ecatacythe living lyre; may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE! Married persons, or young men contemplating marriage being aware of physiosl weakness,organie debility, deli'," 1131tieil, ike., should Immediately consult Dr. Johnston. He who places himsolf under the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS IMMEDIATELY CURED AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED This disease is the penaltyibost frequently paid by thou, who hays become the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of thedryadiul consequences that may ensue. Now, a ho that undemtauds the subject will pretend todeny that the power of ProcAtition is lost sooner bythose falling intoimproper habit than by the prudent. Besides being de. priced of the pleasure of 'healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mimi and body arises . The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental jiwers weakened. nervous debility; dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, .iyintoms of consumption. . Office No. 7, South Frederick Street, seven doom From Balhrnure street, East site, up the steps. Be particular in obeerving the name and number, or you will mistake the 'Place. A EVRE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Na Mir(' ory or Nauseam Drage. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College to Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London. Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing, cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness; with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, Were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE! 'When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find he his Imbibed the .eed of this painfM disease, it too of ten happens that an ill•timcd sease of shame. or dread of dis. con cry, jitters him from applying to those who from educa • ilea lustlxestinetabilitycan atone befriend him. delaying till the constitutional symptom,' of this horrid disease make their appearance, such an ulcerated sure throat diseased nose nocturnal pains in the head 'and limbs. dimne . s of sight, deafness, nobs outhe chin, bones and arcs, blotches oaths head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the 130110 fall in and..-thenidetirt of this awful disease be, Comes a horrid object of corstmeseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suisixPitfs by sendink him to "that bothrne from w hence n. iffreller returns." To such, there. R um Eq. Johnston .111eCTVA =elf to preterve the most inviolable secrec,•,,andirom exterisfye practice in the first Hospitals Europe ~ and America. he can confidently recommend, safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate etc. tim of tiii‘hofrid disease. a melancholy fact that thousands Gill victims to o,,,stirrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant ...tendons who by use of that dreadful polsiin, - Mercury, ruin the constitution, end either send the unfortunate to an untimely grace, or make the residue of life miserable. = Dr. J. addresses those who have injured themselves by pffrate and improper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melaneholy effects pro. diked by early habits of youth, vizi—Weakness of the Back anika..lirdis, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of 'Muscular Pens er, Palpitation of the heart, Dye pepsin. Nervous Irritability, Derangement of-the Diges tive Functions, (leuernl Debility. Symptoms Of Cowl:app. I.lon, &c MENIALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are,lnticli to beodreaded: loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Deptes• sion of Spirits, tvil rsirebodinirs. Aversion ‘ , S e oeiety, Self• Distrust, Love Solitude , some. of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages can now Jude what is the cause of their declining healtb, lm•sing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOHN:iII/N*B INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and Important remedy, Weakness or the Organs is ,•peethl3 eurml, andfall vigor restored. , Thousands of the most nen oust and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, Al] impediments to Marriage, Pb) steal DisquallB• ration. Nerved, lmtability. Trembling. Weakness or Ex• hatottion of, the roost fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Jobbutnn. YOUNG MEN, who har e Injured theniselee" by a certain practice. indul• ged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from el it companions, or at sehool. the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if nit cared render marriage Impossible, and destroys both nand and lesly,should apply inunediately What a pity that a ',tam man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents. ?Mould be snatched from all prospect" and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a ern.. taco oecret habit , Suit persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are the mostun cessary requisites to promote commbint happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes d weary• pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens jo the view; the mind beromes shadowed nail despair, and filled with the melancholy rellectiMi, that the happiness of another be comes blighted pith our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET = TOtSTRANGERS.—The many thousands eared at title Institution in the last fifteen years: and the numerous im portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by there porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. • N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthlessquack' advertising themselves as Physicians. ruining the health of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston strews it necessary tL say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his Di tomes hang in his .dike. ewe TAKE NonuE.—All letter' must be post paid, and contain a postage stump for the reply, or no answer will be sent. i mar lEely. T°DYSPEPTICS.—Having been afflic ted for a number of years with Dyspepsia, I was advised to try DE. WISIINIIT'S MEDICINE for that dhtease. I derived greet benefit and recommended it to quitea number of my frien,ls and who were also much benelitted by It, and tt hose testimonials can behndil uem emery. I have been appointed by Dr. Wishart as Agent for the Sale table Medicine, wholesaleor retail. W. G. REED, now 33 Repository otßoe, Chambersburis arAgi anP'Pelitineo• R' II i, liILLi;R, 1321 NEW DRUG,' STORE, one door weer OHOWN'S HOTEL, I=3 WILL. RELECTED .ATOCK PURE D-RUGS, CHEMICALS, and all the best PATENT MEDICMES, 47 KEROSENE OIL, LAMPS, PERFUMERY SOAPS, &.e. West End of 'Brown's Hotel 'TIRUGS! -- D - RUG : S!! if' C. H. CBBSSLER, successor to HEYSER & CHEM. LER, has opened in his new room, on Second street, Arm site the Poet Office, 'where every effort will be made tp sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm! re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Pocket Books, flair Brnishes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Br:ohm Cosmetics, and Fancy Articles in peat variety. KEROSENE - LAMM.—Every description of hand Lampe, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kitchen use, Parlor use, Stare use and Oilloe U.Se THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Family Dyes of all Colors. Everything in a Druggists line of business. • • • • - • TPrescriptions receive special attention, and are compounded with care andskil.L C. EL CILESSLES., Second Street, opposite the Yost Mee. • KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY Hecht's Croup Syrup, Helmbold's ED,ract Bucha, Ayers' Sarsaparilla, Ayers' Cherry PeetoraL . Winslow' Soothing Syrup, at SPANGLER'S. ROCK `ROSE. AT • SP ANGLER'S. 111QURNETT'S COCOAINE at SPANGLEft'S. CHAMOIS SKINS, AT SPANGLER'S. NI ERCHANT'S GARGLDIG OIL, AT SPANGLER'S. 'CALISTER'S OINTMENT - SPANGLER'S. PURE LIQUORS, AT SPANGLER'S. BIIRT MW COSTAR'S RAT EXTER 111INATOR, at - SPANGLER'S. COSTAR'S BED-BUG EXTER?UNA TOR, at ' SPANGL,ER'B. CORN STARCH, FARINA AND CON eenttated Lye, at SPANGLER'S. PERFUMES.—The stock can't J: be excelled. SLSON. SO.ATS.—Particular attention is asked to the awrtment offered at SIXOY& ATEDICINES.—Fresh, and of the very beat quality, boldat 2,IIXON'S. CTALL AND SEE NIXON'S STOCK ) of Fancy Articles. THE NEW "MACHINES"—Nixon is now putting up his CATTLE POWDER in excel. lent style new labeL The Powder has no superior. Every fanner or person owning a Horse, Cow, Bog or Sheep should have it 91EETH.—If you want a good Tooth Brush and something to - keep the teeth clean, call at NIXON'S. rp HE CHANCE T 0 SELECT FROM seventy dozen of Tooth Brushes is offered at NIXON'S. SINCE CHAMBERSBURG WAS first laid Ant until now there has hot been such a Stock of fineliAlumery, Soaps. Brushes, Combs and Toilet Articles as NLCON otters. FEN E POMADE'S, AND 'WISHES at NIXON'S. VOTING LADIES CONTEMPLATING 1 marriage stmald calf at-iNIXON'S for Toilet Articles *abblery gilt( Ramos. SADDLERY! REMOVAL!!-- JERENIAIT OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons-for the liberal encouragement recei ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and thj'community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his new stand, on Main Street, on.the snare site occupied by him previous to the fire, where he keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to ml! the same on terms that defy competi• Lion. Every article offered for sale is warrented to be made of the best materiol and by competent workman; which will be fully demonstrated on an examination there of.' TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also call thi attention of persons Wanting a good, neat and cheap sod substantial Trunk or Valise to his assortment aprillo ADD LER S' HARDWARE.-C. H. GORDON has just purchased in the East a large stock of SADDLERS' .11ARDWARE. consisting of Buokels, Rings, Bitte, Ramos, Bridle Fronts, Tacks, Riv ets, Rosettes, Swivels, Pad Screws, Gig Trees, Black trimmed and Ball plate self-adjusting Trees, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Saddlers' Bair, Patent Leather Col tars, Ornaments, Gitth and Rein Web, Cock-eyes,-Thread, Trunk, Nods, Neck Protectors, d:o., &c., which he invites Saddler's and others to call and examine, and which will be sold at low rates. CH. G DONstip HAS ON HAND A • large assortment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bri dles, Halters, fanny Round Bridles, Wagon, carriage and Linen Nets of all kinds, from 81,60 to 87.11); Curry Combs, Horse Cards, Mane Combs, Brushes, Horse Boots, Cow Hides, and many other articles not necessary to enu merate. REMOVAL.—C. H. GORDON has -re moved his SADDLERY SHOP to the stand won. pied by him previous to the Ste, on MAIN STREET, slew door Small of Greenawates Hotel. TOO PUNTING, fiVe - very style, done aim /was raAntalts ExPoszrosnr: ORM*Pr. B, i )4400i4 BROWN'S HOTEL.—This Hotel, situ ated on the corner of Queen and Second Streets, op •site the Bank, Court Room, and Coruityptices, and in the Inmediate neighborhood of Shutt, Shops, and other places of ttroudness, is conveniently situated for country people having business in Charabersbergt. ,Tbe Building i no b een greatly enlarged and refitted rot the aecommoda• Son of Guests. THE TABLE will always be ferulabed w to the best e Berke eau produce. THE BAIL will be supplied with pure end WAN Li- THE STABLE is Mtge and attended witha iota!' and Ostler. , , • Every attention will bexendered to make Guests nom ?table while this Hotel Led • JACOB S. BROWN. Pr:pintos. , TTNION HOTEL.—This old and well k..) established Hotel is now open for the accommodation of Guests The etorhasingleased the three-story block of buil dings on Queen Street, In the rear of bkr former Mend,- is prepared to harnish GOOD ROOMS for the travollas and transient custom. . „ ' HIS TABLE will sustain its former mintation of being supplied with the best the market can produce. HIS BAR, detached tram the main bnildine, Will al ways have choice and pure Liquars. . Good warm STABLING for Afty horses, with careful ostler. - Every attention will be made to render peas comfort able while sojourning at ibis Hotel. - JanlB ,TN - 0. FISHER, Proprietor. NATIONAL HOTEL—The subscriber would respectfully annonnee that bebas so far com pleted lila Hotel building as to be enabled to opetrtt forthe accommodation of the public. The building igen- tirely new and built on the most approved plan for ocun fort-and 'convenience. • • • . -• • . The BAR will always be supplied with the bed of4li• anon., . He has ' also erected in connection with the Hotels large and convenient STABLE, and is now prepared to thrisish Stabling and Provender for any number or Hones. Attached to the Stable (undercover) are a pair of HAY AND STOCK SCALES, to which the especial attention of Farmers, Drovers and Betel:kens is in.tled. July fl DANIEL TROSTLE. DAVID H. HUTCHISON ass become the Proprietor of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG, PA: This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished throughout its parkas and chambers, and is now ready for thejeception ofguests. 'The traveling public find the United States. 1104, the most convenient, in all particulars, of any Hotel lit - . the State Capital, on aecount of its access to the milt ad; being immediately between the two great depots 1u this city. - ' [Harrisburg, }nue 17, 63-tt QPATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE Li the Lebanon Galley and Pennsylvania Railroad De. pots. Harrisburg C.ty, Pa. This convenient and pleasant Hotel is now kept by, the' undersigned, late Of thq Indian Queen in Chambersburg, and he invites the:patronage of his old friends and thepublic generally. Terms moderate. octs-tf JOHN W. TAYLOR. *nsurante. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND, TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. Authonzed Capital, 8300,000. Paid-UpCapital, $550,000. Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MC. ICAL POLICIES during the year ending December - 31st, 1863, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi. dead of 1660 on Policiesfissued during .that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies are re ceived. OFFICERS. ' Dentifrices, • President—Alexander Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilron. Actuary—John C. Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whilidin, J. Edgar Tbotason, George Regent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts, P. 13. Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon: Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman. Charles F. Henslitt. Isaac Hazlehnrst. . . WM. G. REED, Chnmbersburg, Pa, Is the authorized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Cam• pally, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. Dm , . J. C. RICRAP.D.9 nod W. IL Roux; Medical Er-, aminers. . . REFERENCES—Hon. A. R.. rehire, Rev. S. J. NM. cons. J. S. Nixon, Chambersburg, and Wm. M. Marshall, Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank. Persons desiringinformalion or wishing to innate will please call On, or by the undersigned they isiil be waited on in any part of the Couhty or State. marra W. G. REED, Agent. 182 a CHARTER PERPETUAL.- ty FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. , On January I, 1265 MEM ACCEPTED SURPLTIS. DiVESTED PIMIINM UNSETTLED Cr 4rwq, I INCOME FOR 1865 - $8,416. $3,000,000. LOSES PAID SINCE lei i ' e 5,121,950 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Sanchez., Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales, Jacob R. Smith. Alfred Filler, George W. Richards, - Fras. W. Lewis, X. D. CHARLES N. RANCICER, President EDWARD C. DALE, The President JAS. W. M'ALmsnat, Seely pre torn. DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Com pany in Chambersburg, who tclll furnish all informatiOn necessary• to applicants. = = mare-tr, INSURANCE' COMPANY OF NO.R.TII AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perixtthil. CAPITAL e. 500,000. Otllce Mt; Walnut Street, Phila. delphia. The prompt payment of Claims for LOsses during the penal of nearly seventy. years that the Company has been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the This company will also insure against loss by WAR or INVASION. Persons wishing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned W. G. REED, Agent, Cbambersburg. As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, returning The full premium paid on application at my office. W. G. REED, Agent . REFERESCES—J. D. Grier. J. Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin, CoL A. K. M'Clure. febB nIIR AGENT.-Mi. JOHN GRovE,.,of Chambembarg, is the General Agent of the Frank. tin County Mutual Inburance Company. junell Gift Distribution. A PRESENT FOR ALL BONA FIDE GIFT DISTRIBUTION !! 8100,000 IN SUBSTANTIAL PRESENTS 100,000 BOXES STEEL PENS 100 000 FREE GIFTS. Each purchaser. besides receiving F 1.3.3. value for his money - in Pens. is awe to receive a valuable gift worth' from 30 cents to $5,000. The People's Pen Company, in order to introduce their superior Steel-Pens to the Public in the shortest possible space of time, offer the fallowing splendid inducements. We wilfsell at retail 10,000 - box. es, each box containing one gross - and a certificate enti tling the bolder to one share la the allotment at the fol lowing desimbio and substantial gifts. 100 Acres of Land in Cattntartgus county, New York, in the vicinity of Petroleum Wells, $lOO 100 Acres Pine and Hemlock Timber Landon Lehigh River, Pennsylvania. 5,000 5 U. S. 7 240 Coupon Boridx. 0500 each. 2,500 10 " " 100 " 1,000 10 " " " 50 " • 500 50 Orders on a First-class city house for a com plete snit of fashionable Clothing, $100..1 5,(90 50 Ladies Rich Silk Dress Patterns; $75. 3,750 Chiekering c or other good maker, Round Corner Rosewood Piano - -7 octaves—ssoo 2:500 50 Wheeler & Wilsou'e Double Stitch Sewing - Machines, ........ 9 ... 2,500 00 Gent's Fine Gold Bunting Case Watches, $l5O 3,000 0t) Ladies' " " " " " $lOO 2,000 50 Gents' " Silver " - " " 40 2, 000 100 Ladies' " Gold Lockets, large 012, 1700 11k) " " " small 1,000 Sets Fine Gold Jewelry, Breast Pins, and • -• • • Ear Rings, $l5 1,000 Ladies' Fine Gold Finger Binge, ed-- ___ I,OIXI Pains Ladies' and Geata' GaIA. and Stone, Sleeve Buttons, --. .,, 5,000 1.10 - 1 Sets Lady's and Gent's Gollli Sttlds, $3. 5 , 000 1,000 Photographic Albums, 8'2.50 • 0 , ,-* 9 10.000 'ficketx of Admission to Barrdtm's or Bry- ant's, 30 cents., 3,000 15,030 Packages Assorted Stationary, 50 centa, • 7,500 5,00 Pine Briertrood Pipes, (our own importation, ) 75 yenta, 3,750 10,000 Seta Pearl and Ivory Sleeve Buttons, 30 eta 5,000 51:1,000 Sheets Fashionable Music, 30 cents, 15,000 4 528 Photopraphic Portraits of President Lincoln _ and Tad, 50 cent., The allotment will be conducted in the most honorable and upright manner. Every bolder of a certificate will receive a present worth from 30 cents to $5,000. They guarantee to distribute every article In the list. - Oar Pens are splendid specimens orAmmiatu industry. are finer'goods than Mil be bought elsewhere for the same money, and willstand upon their merits. Price, $1.50 per gross, 144 pens, for either of the following kinds No. 1. The People's Pen Co. %sinew Pen. Na 2. Gillott:s, (303.) No. 3 By mil, flea, to any address, on rceeipt of prioe. W e can refer to parties of Standing to this and other cities, ,as to honesty, responsibility , etc., eta. The allotment of vita Rill be public, and all purchasers invited to be present Address THE PEOPLE'S PEN COMPANY, Business OBoe, a , William street, New York. C. C. NEWHOUSE, Actuary'. These Pens are also on hand for examination and Sale at the of of this paper. auf.C24M, BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE I HOUSE I—No. 44 North Tenth &rya, abort Market, PHILAng,LPIIIA. BEDS FEATHERS. MATTRASSES, BLANKETS, BED QUILTS, .TECKERS' Celabratad SPRING BED. Eieii artiola to the Bedding Una, at the lowest market WM* sap26,3m AMOS JIMMINVI. litgdS. ASSETS 62,501= 04 $400,000 971,0® 1,086,239 LIST OF GIFTS. 15,000 6,000 Popnlarpea,aume as Lady's EjiirOite.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers