tradlin usitorg. Weduesdar, Ortober 18,186!3. ` _SEAS , PEA 1./ I% k LVANIA 1 _ Pennsylvania is still true to her noble fame, to her heroic soldiery, to the mem ory- of her martyred dead, to the Repub lic rescued from treason in the field and then threatened by the treacherous friend , ..ship.of its der lly foes. The same Democracy that proclaimed the war a failure but one year ago, turn ed upon its own consistent record and. sought to deceive the patriotic' people it could •not make faithless to their govern ment. It endorsed President Johnson, with the hope of making him perfidious in case of their success, and demanded that the authors of treason and war and our widespread bereavement, should be res tOred to the power they wielded for our -destruction. They appealed to every prejudice that hatei even.justice to the victims of sla very, and impelled thousands to vote •against their own best interests lest they should be degraded by negro equality ; but the profound, patriotic convictions of the people have preyailed, and once more Pennsylvania thunders -that to. faithful Men; and not to traitors, shall the power_ and_ destiny of this government bean trusted. , The Union party occupied no doubtful position. It had no concealment—no do4ble 7 dealing. It met the issues man .fully-and trusted to a just cause and the intelligence and virtue of the- people for success. Theißplatform is explicit as to the true policy of - the Administration, and although assailed virith- 7 311 the ingenuity find Malignity that, accomplished Demo itraric leaders• could _exercise. it has tri umphed solely because the people beliey ed it Right. - . —There is Pennsylvania—behold her ! Her voice is one of admonition to her Rulers, to the South, to, the Democracy, =lone that bids loyal men be- of good cheer and hope confidently for the full fruition of the causeless, bloOdy war with Which treason appalled the Nation. Let the doubting 101ik to her sturdy sons— ever slow to accept but equally slow-to surrender—and go forward in renewed faith that the Republic lives! rovi>kt:)3100.)%:4*01,1:01 Hon. Jere S. Black is revengeful—fear fully,. relentlessly revengeful. He was once great when he was himself. When lie drew in the sweet, pure air of his moun tain home, and administered justice to trespassers, violaters of the peace and small felons, he was mighty, and serene in hie greatness. Bat sad days dawned upon him. Ambition seized him and he becarite the toy of politicians. He gazed - with longing eyes on a seat in the United States Senate, but gazed in vain. He reached the Chief Justices* of the State only to feel that it was an empty bauble, while the _honors for which his heart yearned were still denied him. At last, in an evil hour, he was called to the Bu chanan cabinet, and from thence may be dated the decline of all his hopes. :Jiffs towering genius was perverted to `the strange treathery of Democracy, and in stead of leading it to fidelity and great ness, he trembingly, blindly followed it into the very valley of death. In his high official trust, charged with the expo sition of the powers of the government, he persistently denied its right to pre serve its own existence, and while the hearts of millions of loyal men were chil led to despair by his war upon the very government whose life was in his hands, there Was joy in every perfidious house hold at his official suicide. In the fulness. of time, his official trust ended, and bone dawned upon our National life. Long and blOody was the struggle that follow ed to dethrone the treason him and his party had created and made mighty ; and throughout that terrible contest, with the very existence:' of the Republic at times trembling in the scale, not one word came from the lips or pen of Judge Black that did not cheer the traitor in his murderous work. He seemed to Late his country when it triumphed, and his affections fol lowed treason—apologized for it, exten uated its crimes, plead its cause, and ev er chilled the hopes of faithfal men. He. seemed revengeful then—revengeful upon the institutions which rescued biro from - obscurity and made him great; and now, since his country has triumphed in spite of himself, he is revengeful still. His mind, once clear, logical and gigantic, whether in defeice of falacy or fact, seems nowL- " Like sweetbells jangled, out of tune and harsh." He wanders in chaotic madness over the issues arising from conquered rebellious States, and ends in revengeful maledic tions upon the very traitors whole cause he loves to defend. Bat once during the late Campaign did the Democracy allow him to peril its suc mils by his lingering obliquity of .inexor able events. He tried to fast 'ii the fatal fangs of his heresies upon the Democratic State Convention; but they beard him pa tiently and in silencb and sorrow voted him down. Determined that his smoth ered vengeance should have some play before the campaign closed, he rushed to Williamsport and dealt out vituperation and revenge in mingled accents until he . dispelled the last hOpe of Democratic sue «cess in that region. There were hopeful .Boutocnttic legislative candidates there, • whohad been beaten by nominal majori ties A * veer ago; but they were crashed by 'Jeremiah's billinagate and the power of the Union partS , as if between the upper .and the atetiser mill-stones. . The Unica/ party, which has controlled 14.3'1(441 States during Our Years past, -Ind to which all rational oPportentsyield a decent respect, was denounced as an or canization that *ieurisedilie Constitution "and bla.sphemed christ . ianity—habitually "slandered the beat men of' the country "and sung hyinrOof praise to the memory "of a common thief." Such is the party, says the revengeful Jeremiah, that has been "preying" - upon the Nation for four years past. It has, according to-his emi nently chaste and dignified address, done nought.but evil; has oppressed the meek and virtim#sons of the South; butchered their warriors and desolated their homes, merely because they, fired upon our flag, plundered our mints and arsenals, and made war upon the - constitutional govern ment. For treason he has every plea of defence—for loyalty he has everyvile ep ithet the pot-house lounger could whisper in his ear. But when he exhausts his blackgnardisru on loyal men, ho tarns - with unmeasured vengeance upon his own friends and demands that death shall go fOrth to every Southern home that can furnish its occupant, and leave none to tell the history of the departed. His is vengeance intensified. After sweeping a flood of vituperation over the North, he turns upon the South with that hatred that can only be the offspring of unrequi ted love, and none seems so favored as to escape the fearful sweep of his jut gment unto death. He swears— "The' much is paid, yet still it owes me muck; And I will not abate a single groan!" In `phrenzied hate he proclaims that there is but one government that the De mocracy can sanction, "and that is the "old Constitution:" "We would give "them this," he thunders, "because we "are sworn to administer no other to any "community • s * and any policy not "sanctioned by it must have perjury for "its corner-stone." Again he declares that "if the paramount authority of the Coa "stitution in the Southern- States" was not the object of the war, "they confess "that-they have obtained $4,000,000,000 "and a half a million of lives. upon false "pretences." In seasons of victory most men relent upon their foes, and ina,g,na, nimity is a virtue that Nations are free io boast of: 'out Jeremiah knows only re - - venge—dire, deep, deadly revenge. He seems- to have but one cry— "l'll have my bond, and therefore speak no more !" It is denominated in the bond Which he demands to the uttermost—in the consti tution which he pronounces perjury to dis _regard, that "treason against the United "States shall consist only in levying war -"against them, or in adhering to their ene mies, giving them aid and comfort;" and Congress in obedience to the clause re qniriug it to -"declare the punishment of "treason," has long since pronounced it "DEATH !" While many cry- peace and forgiveness, Jeremiah would "pour the "set milk of -concord into hell" and drive all unity fromearth. It is denomi nated in the bond that traitors shall die, and he would find consolation only in a whirlwind of death from the border States to the Gulf. To do aught else he pronoun ces "perjury"—yea more—it is inneting the soriows._of the bereaved in the North and stafuping their untimely graves as the fruits of "false pretences." They must therefore die—the bond so demands it, and Jeremiah can be only as its last fibre of flesh is devoted to the scales.— He presents no one to plead as did fair Partin of Old ; but flesh and blood and life must be the appalling atonement, as he shuts the "gates of mercy on mankind!" Woe to the sad child of the sunny South, since Jeremiakhas decreed his fate, for henceforth heniustflee from hom9elnged by death for there he shall find— "The u Wl:leat beast more kinder than infirm' !" We turn from this crimson 4 +pter of our future history as the revengeful Jeremiah paints it, with feelings of relief. Not alone to the once lordly Southern does he breathe his vengeance, but the sable slave, excites his keenest hatred and arouses his fiercest denunciation.— He cannot doom him to the gibbet, for the law does not so provide for the crime of accepting his freedom by the overthrow of treason. But the black man is untu tored ; our laws forbid that :the slave should write his name or read the inspir ed word, and now that he may acquire both and make himself measurably a - man, Jeremiah hates him and feltriihim. He protests that the white_ a.ce shall not be " humiliated by sneaking behind the ne " gr . !) and getting Lim to govern us."— Perhaps not. There are many who might well take refuge by ," sneaking behind" the manhood of the negro, and he must be a degraded shoat of the race indeed who could not thus shelter a great law giver who trembles at the liberation of a degraded race, lest the bondman shall win the right to a voice in the government. Whatef6r may be `the future of the ne gro he has made a record which in histo ry will - shame the perfidy of men like Judge Black, who knew better but did it not. ,In the language of the idartyr Lin coln—" there will be some black men who " can remember that with silent tongue, " and clenched teeth and steady eye, and "well poised bayonet, they have helped, " mankind on to this great consummation. " while I fear there will be some white ones "unable to forget that With 'malignant •,hea r t and deceitful speech, - they hare "striven to hinder"it But Judge Black's revenge does not atop with the rebel and the negro. He seems to hate President Johnson and spares him not in his geaeral titude against man kind. He did not traduce the President, for that would have been a kindness; but he declared that Mr. Johnson "does most "heartily concur" in all his vituperation against his party. , "When I give you this "assurance," continues Jeremiah, "you "are not to understand me as speaking "from rumor, or report, or common fame- 7 .. "I know N% hereof I affirm." This was the most malignant of all the malignant va garies of the speech, for in the doctrines enunciated , by. Judge Black there is not one to which the President has given his sanction. We-charitably suggest to the revengeful Jeremiah that his vengeance should have some sort of bounds. Ho won't spare the Democracy, nor thi South erners, nor the negroes, nor himself, nor the President; :but we beg of him to leave some pmnnnarrlt of hi, kindness—say Cap- ME Min Werze, for instance, or J. Wilkes Booth, and LA him make his record that these he loved while he remorselessly per secuted all the rest of the \ human race ! THE VERDICT OF 1885 Maine, New - Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut held their State elections prior to Tuesday of last week, and the Union. nien gained in Congress men and swept every State. Pennsylvania elected a Union Auditor General, Surveyor General and about 37 majority on joint ballot in the legislature. The State ticket is chosen by froth 15,000 to 20,000 - with a very light vote. In Ohio the vote is very light ,and the Democratic candidate, Gen. .Morgan, be ing much less objectionable than Vallan> digham, the Union majority is reduced to about 30,000. The Democrats made an exhausting-effort, and elect as near noth ing as possible. In lowa the Democrats nominated a General also and endorsed President John- SOn, toping tberely to deceive many Union voters, but they are defeated by from 20,- 000 to 25,000. In California there was ono state ticket to elect, but two-thirds of the members of the legislature chosen arelJnion thus set tling another coppery as Senator—Mr. McDougal. In old Virginia the rebel-Democracy have elected sexera I members of Congress, but as they won't get in, its no odds, as Toots would say. No where oat of rebel don has Democracy vegetated this year ! TREY will have their fun down East. One of their standing annual jokes is the nomination of a Democratic State tieket iu Massachusetts. and this year they have perpetrated the joke of a gubernatorial -nomination ou Maj. Gen. D. N. Couch, once the clever commander of tiie Depart mentof the Susipiehanua, with head-guar terkin Chambersburg, according to gen eral orders, but occasionally on the wing in point of fact. We congratulate the Democracy of 34apsachusetts on their sub s:mad& advancement as manifested in set letting a candidate for Governor who proved his loyalty on many sauguinarS - Yields, on the stump, by his votes for Cur tin and Lincoln, and by his manly en forcernent of law and order among the lawless" copperheads of North-eastern Pennsylvania. As the Democracy of Massachusetts is a yery small institution and extremely' youthful in success, it is naturally impressible and goes right and right wrong and sometimes a little of both without serious inconvenience and mate rial damage to its prospects. This year it has a good candidati and a good plat form considering its parentage. and it • may come within fifty thousand Of suc cess, which would be a clever gain on last year. We also crigmtulate our old friend Gen. Couch on the prospect of not being elected Governor this 3 - ear. if he will keep at it, however, he might be ele'cted sometime in the next forty, years, as he might be struck by lightning some fine frosty New Year•suorning. Marcus Morton tried it thirteen times and fin ally made it by one vote, and be thereaf ter atoned for the stain to Massachusetts by loining the Republican party. Gov. Boutwell also made it over Gov. Win tlipp, who had became so sublimated - as to deny that the world moved, and he was accordingly left behind ; but BOutwell made haste also to wipe out the blot of Democratic success by joining the Repub lican party, and now is one of the first New England Republicans in Congress. We promise to be with Gen. Couch at his inauguration as Governor—when he is elected, and if military will be deemed in order, the home guards of Chambersburg, with whom we have occasionally marche d and frequently fled, will be on hand to grace the imposing ceremonies. THERE seems to be no limit to the fa tality that follows the ambithin of the Woodwards. Chief Justice WoOdward was defeated for U. S. Senator when reg ularly nominated and his Party in power was subsequently rejected by the United States Senate when nominated by Presi dent Polk as Judge of the Supreine Court of the. United States, and again rejected by the people in 1863 when presented for Governor. Weary - 4 defeats with the father, - and desiring in some measure. to retrieve his memory; the Demoeracy, of Luzerne, hie•' home, nominated his son Stanley for, the Senate this fall, and the people of that strong Democratits county have rejected him by 235 majority, while the rest of the Democratic ticket is elect ed. Verily Alm sour grapes which the father has taken has set his children's teeth on edge. WE give elsewhere' in to-day's paper thaparticulars of a terrible accident on the PerinsYlvania Railroad ..nearlancas ter on Saturday last, by which nine per sons were killed and quite a 'number -wounded. Among the killed we are pained to record the names of Col. Wm. Butler and wife of Lewistown, Mr. L. Butler, of , Carbon, Clerk in the:Surveyor General's' office andloftiierly member of the Honse, and Mrs. Br, wife of Colonel James P. Barr, Surveyor General of ale State and Editor of the Pittsburg Post. Col. Butler was one of the ittost promi nent citizens of the interior of the State and held the position of Whiskey Inspec tor.tuider Gov. Curtin. Some eight or ten persons from Chambersburg were on the train, but all escaped entirely but Mr. John K. Shryock, who received a slight flesh wound in the leg. - HoN. J.EItE S. ill. ' 2l.CK:4l.o'n't seem to he of a forgiving disposition. The Demo cratic party has labored industriously for its own sake to consign Buchanan and Black to forgetfulness, and only at the .late State Convention refused to accept his heresies. Some men under such cir cumstances would try to forget their own history; but Jere is revengeful, and lie plunged into a most vituperative speech in Williamsport before the late election, and left the Democracy just about no ma jority in Lycoming where they hail 900 last year. We forgive Jere if the Democ racy Will! franktin ittpaettorn, eliantbtraburg, pa. lii,spite of the most unscrupulous efforts to defeat him, Morton McMichael is cho sen Mayor of Philadelphia by over 5,000 majority. Although he has given the best energies of his life to defend the great in dustrial interests of Philadelphia and the country on all occasions, he was assailed persistently and bitterly as the foe of the laboring classes, and while most of them disregarded these falsehoods, still a few were deluded to vote against their best and ablest- friend. It will be a matter of congratulation among the Union Men of the„State that Mr. McMichael is chosen to the Chief Magistracy of the great-empo rium of the State. He will discharge - the grave duties assigned him with dignity, ability and fidelity, and maintain the high character of Philadelphia for devotion to order_and law. Wit. B. MANN is their steady through nag in Philadelphia, when the Union men want to give the Democracy an extra lla gelation. He has 8,080 majority, the largest ever given to a local candidate since 1854, and of course is the highest man on either ticket. He is chosen' to the fourth term of the District Attorneyship, and was the wheel-horse to carry various crip pled candidates through. In thus honor ing Wm. B. Mann Philadelphia does but honor, to herself. We would be glad to know whether one Isaac Newton Brown was really running against him, or, being the son of his mother, did heyefuse to serve his country in office, as he refused to serve in the field ? If there is any other Brown who has ever been ' done, Browner than Isaac Newton, we" sliould be glad to hear of hiM. W1LL1.1.31 IPLELI.x.x is defeated fOr As sembly, and the result is one of uncommon significance.. Xo opte is more respecttd as a citizen—none niqe, blameless in charac ter, none conceded; more integrity of par pose, and no one in ten years past has had so many reluctant votes cast against him. He could have gone to„ the legislature al most any time during the last fifteen years while acting against the Democratic party. and now. when he accepted the nomina tion rather - Lc serve others, an he believed, thanto serve himself, he is defeated. Such a result teaches hew earnestness of -con viction prvatil, just now dyer all personal considerations, and how devoted are the people to the fithilment of the just teach ings of war. BEDFORD gives Omit one-fifth the lAtmocratie majority it gave last October, ail as the Gazette insists that the soldier vote was pretty much all fraudulent. the revolution - must - have been fairly worked out by the Union men at home. The-Ga zette helped wry much by its floods of coppery venom which impelled many-men to revolt and vote the Union ticket. if the Gazette wants the particulars of- the revolution in that county we affectic6,ete ly refer it 1.6 Mr. fan cessiza, who, as we learn from ,several coppery journals, is chairman of the Union State COmmittee, and sometimes resides in Bedford. Tim "mule ticket" came out about nowhere in Dauphin county—the regular Union candidate.; going through by over 1,200 and Col. Allman figures at the tall end of the candidates. We commend the perusal of the letter from 'Horacei'to all who are particularly desirous not to know what the local fight in Dauphin county was about. He seems to have had much trouble on the subject and learned just nothing about it. • We must beg the am bitions politician. of Harrisburg to let our correspondent alone hereafter, or one of these days his letter may date from the Instine Asylum. WE think that Mr. Cessna has been re: miss in not furnishing the Aye with re-: •liable election returns. On Wednesday morning it announced that the result "in dicates the election of the Democratic Can didates," and on Thursday morning it,de dared that "a day or two will probably show who is victor." Cessna should send one of his obliging Secretaries at once to the Aye office and give it the information, that the Democracy were not running can didates this year of any account. Wilclass Mr. Duncan, as Senator elect, alth gh there is reasonable hope that Mr. M'Conaughy is chosen. Duncan has 91 majority on home rote in Adams— where some Union men helped to strike down their own candidate and fellow-cit izen, and M'Conaughy has 57 in Franklin. If the 77th Regiment, now in Texas, has voted, it will settle the matter in favor of M'Conaughy. We prefer, however;le err on the safe side, and if correction is to be made it will be au agreeable task. [fox. Join; CESSN'A has more than met the expectations of the loyahnen of the State in the energy and skill with which he directed the late contest. His address es were plain and to the point—stating the issues sb that he who runs could read, and his organization was as thorough as effort could make it in a sluggish campaign. He may well be proud of his victory, and his own home has crowned his laurels by giving the Union ticket the best vote it has cast since the war commenced. INFORMATION is wanted of the soldiere, recognized by the Bedford Gazette "as among the bravest and most gallant men who went out to fight under the flag of our country," who addressed the people of:Bedford in support of the copperheads. They seem to have forgotten to vote them selves or they have made a Mistake in their tickets. The Gazette will please leave the information with Mr. Cessna. Is 1861 Franklin rejected Mr.'Augustas- Duncan for Associate Judge by 100 or so; 'this year Adams has rejected Mr. Wm. 4 -1 Duncan for District Attorney,. and Mr. Calvin M. Duncan is probably rejected for Senator. If there are any More Dun cans, we beg the Democracy to hand then], along! ,QuINCY gave Duncan a little of the hair of the dog that bit Sharpe on Convention day,'and the antidote seems to have been as deadly as the disease. Last year Quincy gave ne—this - yehr 85. Tim Pittsburg Post treats as a " most remarkable feature" of the late election "the extraordin e ary vitality exhibited by the Democratic party." As it has carried about next to nothing and but little of that, for people who like that sort of Vi tality it is,: we presume, just the sort of vitality such people like. Row many more such exhibitions of vitality would it take to leave but the blotted history of Democracy ? TirE legislature ismore decidedly Union than last year. The last House had 24 Union majority, and we gain one here, one in: Adams and one •in Armstrong, which makes the Union majority in the House 30. The Senate will have 7 Union majority if Duncan is chosen, and 9if 31'Conaugby is elected. The Union ma jority on joint ballot will not be less than 37z—enough for all practical purposes? THE "Young Guard" is becoming am bitilAs of her old-time fame. For three years Adams elected the whole Demo cratic ticket by majorities of from 300 to 500 ; but this year the Democratic State ticket has but a nominal niajority, and the Union candidates for Assembly, Pro thonotary and District Attorney are elec ted. We welcome the "Young Guard" back to her early love. TrtE official returns from forty-two counties of our State show a Union gain of 20,340 as compared with the vote for Auditor Genera] in 1862, when Slenker, Dem., carried the State by 3.382. The twenty-four counties yet to be officially heard from will, in all probability. add 5,000 votes more, which will make the to tal .:ITnion majority for the State ticket 22,000. - trtE defeat of Col. D. Watson Rowe, although pretty certain to be remedied by the...nimy, was a most ungracious act of oui scratching Union voters. -No man has deserved better of the Union party. He has vindicated their cause heroically in tb_e - field and eloquently'at home, while his opponent had the letr-t possible claims upon Union men.. TIM Copperheads do not like the President's speech to the colored inen of Washington, and some of them begin to fancy that they have been too hasty in endorsing him. The correspondent of the New York Times says: " The President's speech to-day caused mach grumbling among the Copperheads here, who are making a show of endorsing his policy. Expec ting something from which they could extract consolation for their present political' sacrifices, quite a number were on the ground: bid when the PreSident gave utterance to the sentiment tied " he who was the 1110,5 G virtuous and the most intelligent would be most exalted and occupy the -highest position, without regartrto color," these snakes were so ungracious as to hiss, and when His excellency went so far as to call the black veterans before him " his countrymen," they turn ed, on heir heels and left in disgust. The colored people cheered the President heartily, end receiv ed his remarks with enthusiasm." UP to Friday week, President Johnson had signed two thousand six hundred and fifty-eight pardons, more than, three-Afths of which were granted within the past ten days. Thesbr.siness averages from fifty to one hundred and fifty per day, and yet the number issued does not equal one-sixth of the applications on file. Among fhoso recently pafdoned is L. Pope Walker, the first Confederate Secretary of Wsr. It hi stated that the Cabinet have declined to recommend the par don of any of the excepted classes except those known as the twenty thousand dollar class. All other applications are filed away separately by the Attorney General for future consideration. THE colored population of Washingotn had a grand jubilee last week, the occasion being the public reception of. the First District of Colum bia Colored Regiment, ::which recently returned froM the South. The 'Command marched to the .Executive Mansion, and were addressed by Pres ident Johnson, who thanked the troops for the services they had .rendered.. He - said this was the country of all within its limit, without refer ence to color. In concluding he gave them some wholesome advice,' inculcating the importance of honesty, industry and virtue, and the necessity of showing b. their conduct that they are worthy of -freedom. Tiu follow* resolution, adopted by the Con vention which nominated our _ State ticket, has just bee endorsed by a majority ,very nearly as large as that given to Lincoln last year. Read it: 3. That the mild and generous method of recon struction offered by the President to the people 'lately in rebellion, in the judgment of this Cden tion, has not been accepted in the spirit of honest loyalty and gratitude, but with some evidence of defiance and hostility as to impel us to the convic tion that they cannot safely be entrusted with the political rights which they have forfeited by their treason, until they have proven their acceptance of the results of the war, by incorporating them in constitutional provisions, and securing to all men within their borders their inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Arr., wolcomo back to the editorial chair of the Hagerstown Herald John Arent*, Esq. He is one of-the ablest of our political editors, sail as worthy as he is able. We wish him abundant Success, and doubt nqt that he will receive it. Up to the present time 1,578 National Banks have been chartered by the Treasury Department. These banks have an aggregate capital of V98,- W - 4,813, with A circulation of $174,1&2,631). The specie captured with Jeff: Davie ie estima ted at more than $109,000 in value. HARRISBURG Return of Horace—Ms Welcome—Conlin, ston on the Mule and Atfti-Mule Ques tton—Cooped and Voted—Defeat of the Male Ticket—Struggle for the Post Of flee—The Next Legislatare;d:e. Correnpondenee of the Franklin Repository/..'" NO. xixtu.) HARIIISISLIZG, -October 14, 18&t In obedience to orders from the Senior requir ing me - to proceed to this place and report in writing to head-quarters occasionally or oftener, I am here in person, in. good condition, with abundance of stationary and steel pens, and you will please kick aside your personals, politico's, &c., and let me in as of yore. Since my last epistle chronicling the adjournment and dispersion of the legislature, I hard had enough vicissi tudes to crowd a volume: I ran the oil regions through, had takes in various wells which. Produ ced anything but oil and gold ; sported in the fake region where I shook hands with Cochran of Erie and bought another mule at a government sale; scaled the White Mountains in search of the fugitive health; plunged into "old ocean's grey and melancholy waste" because it is fashionable ; took a flying trip over the green prairies of the West, and finally got back jiiia in time to Save the Re publicans in the State by one or two of my most, eloquent speeches delivered in rural school-houses. I am now a fixture for the fall and winter season, and yorir readers will bear from me oftener per haps than they will care to read. Having been absent from the capital for some Months, I was confused and worse confounded when I returned and made some effort to get the hang of local polities The first friend I met was BM brother Bergner who _tprOktiiatellilfrasped -me with both bandit : and pat the momentous query— was I mule or anti-mifle? - Not knowing that - I belonged eithe r-immediately or - remotely - 30 that philosophical - elais 'of creation, I supposed that Bergneriad been shut up in the Insane Asylum during my absence, and had just escaped ; but he looked sober, rave and rational and pressed up on me muleortuti-mule. I tried to expostulate, to insist that I ad not been transferred into one of the long-eat* gentrY and didn't mean to be ; but still with distended' eyes and increased grasp of my , hands, he answered only—mule or anti-_ mole ! Noticing great drops of sweat coursing their way down his .finely chiseled' ftme, I beg ged him to be Seated, and inform me how many mules he wanted; how may be had to deliver, what time he had for the delivery, what margin he had on the contract, and who all were in with him ; but his eyes beamed back indignant flashes as he thundered—"no horse mules—that's played out—votes! rotes! VOTES!—mule votes, are threatening the harmony of the party, the harmo ny of the Post office, the harmony of the next United States Senator, the harmony; in short, of" all mundane hoes !—are you mule or anti-mule 7 4, Bewildered, and agonized I begged to have ten seconds for reflection. "Reflect," said the perspir ing brother, "but are you mule or aittimanle We separated from each others' embrace, and bent our steps in our own ways, when Bomberger greeted me with his blandest. Mile and uttered the pregnant imp:dry—mule or anti-mule. Ere I could answer, Kunkel with -cool, measured step was by ray side and grasping me by the button hole, whirled me around the corner and thundered in my ear, with frightful gesture—rmile or anti mule I—how goes the RErosiToax 7 I begged him to allow me to breathe, to umerstand that the RErostreav had nut gone any where in par ticular since it was burnt out when it went down town, and that there wasn't a mule of the regular species either at the flitting dr about the estab lishment to the best of my knowledge and belief. "Tie well" he responded in deep, funereal tones, and would have added more, but Cameron just then stood between us, lifted his bat to your cor respondent higher than ever before, and begged me to honor him by an immediate visit to Lochiel where we should have a feast of mules and a flow of wine. We took the flow, and had the feast— mules for soup, mules for fish, Mules for the hea vy courses and mules for desert. In vain did I plead that I wan no contractor—that I didn't know a mule from a Winnebago, - and that I "wot rot eP' the pressing issue of long ears or short earl. But still the came interrogatory Vita then dered,in my distracted ears—mule or and r inule I begged for explanation, but mule or anti-mule wet, the only explanation I mild get, as it came in plain, vexed, and cork-screw interrogatories.— In a fit of phrenzy I rushed out hatless, and Cameron after -me, bearing on a banner this strange device—"Excelsior—antimmle." Pant ing, weary, confused and well nigh crazed, I reached my room, sent for sixteen waiters and begged of them to tell me what great discord socially, politically, financially or otherwise the mule had prodiced in Harrisburg. Where upon I was informed that there was a mule ticket—a cross of Alleman and Heck running against the regular Union nominees for the legis lature, and that one or the other of the tickets would probably be elected. So the problem was solved—there Was a mule ticket and an anti-mule ticket, and one ran one way for Senator and the ether didn't. I did not recover my equanimity in time to vote intelligently, but ,was cooped while some oysters had temporarily flew to nay head, and vo ted mdependently as somebody put me through, innocent of mule or anti-mule; but I must have gone anti, for the - antics hive it by something like forty thousand—more or less. The general impression is that the mule ticket is beaten-main ly for want of votes. I am grieved to-learn that pretty Much every body, most of their relations and a ceasiderable slicet4 the rest of mankind ; have signed a peti tion in favor of Gen. Knipe for Post Master.= , Knipe going in would not be a matter of serious moment, but brother Bergner don't relish going out, and there's the rub. The tale of the mule fight is therefore trausfered to Washington, and my impression is that if Bergner goes out Knipe will go in, and that if Knipe stays out, Bergner will probably stay in. In this I maybe mistaken, but if so, there are many more sagacious men cruelly deceived. —The legislature is largely Republican-- in both branches, and the State is sufficiently Re publican to dernorfttrate thatthereis not enough of vitality left in the Democracy to enable it to make a respectable contest for Governor nest year. Kemble will, of course be re-elected State Treasurer; Fleming, Speaker of the Senate and Hamersly Clerk. In the House the Speakership will be contested by Kelly of Washington, Glass of Allegheny and 'Kegley of Butler, two of which will pretty certainly be defeated. The west will most, likely in the end concentrate on Kelly, who is an able, dignified andin all respects a competent gentleman. Y presume that there will be no opposition to the re-election of Father Benedict as Clerk. HORACE. Preparal4orm for the Xeetinii o f _Umairria —The Friamph (Writhe Union Patly—The Pardon Bnainess—TheWerzeTrial—The Freedmen. Correspondence of 'The Franklin Ettpository. . NO. L..] WASELNOTON Cfrr, October 14, 1865. We return to the city and find it about the same as when we went away. Everybody is bu sily engaged in preparing for Congress, and all expect to reap a rich harvest, as there is every prospect of a -crowded city. The hotels are al ready full, and quarters for the winter are being engaged very extensively all over the city. - Owing to the enornionilnflux of Southerners, and their engagement of rooms for many months ahead, we opine that the city will be even more crowded than last winter. In fact there is but few rooms, conveniently located and well furnished, now to be had, and the prices asked are enormous. To rent a good, comfortable house, is out of the que; tion. Eke late glorious triumph of the Union party in Pennsylvania causes much comment among all classes here. The friends of the Administration and of the departed Lincoln did not look for such a glorious victory. The Copperheads felt sure of carrying the day, and consequently feel sore over such a disagreeable defeat r they met last Tuesday. WeHean also see upon the faces of many of the Southerners a doleful grin over it. Lately they have been very bold and defiant. They go right up squarely to the President and demand a pardon as a matter of right—a thing they nre entitled to at once. If the President does not heed their request they 'openly insult him. But a few days since a noted rebel, not meeting with success in his endeavors to secure a pardon, marched boldly up and addressed the President thus: "I thank you, Mr. President, for my pardon; I am now a good Union man; have taken the oath and am one of you; but Mr. Pres ident did not Stonewall Jackson give us bell in the Valley 7" The man was shown the door, but not until quietly applauded by many Of the same sort of Southerners standing round him. The pardon business is still continued and , there is grounds on which to base a statement, that a general amnesty proclamation will-in a short time be issued. Whether Jeff Davis will be included in it We do-.not know, 'but we do know that should such be the case it will cause much disappointment among the people all over the country and there is much dissatisfaction al rAady btvaust be baa not been trim lanreinee WASHINGTON Ootoiw 18, 1865. Should the'gtr'Vermneat not &sit Ord a . firaitor's death to some of the imporbsnt ringleaders of the rebellion, we feel safe in predicting that unless , ' Davis, Lee and many others of the same class elekr the country at once, they will meet with` the rewards due them at the bands .of some sol dier who is now dragging out a miserable exist ence caused by inhuman treatment received in the Andersonville prison pen, or by some fatheT made childless, or some child fatherless by this Cruel war commenced and carried on by these leaders to whom the Government at the present time seems as if about to extend pardon and for- giveness for all their past sins and misery caused throughout the land. _ The Werze trial is nearly ended. On next Wednesday the Judge Advocate will deliver the arguments for and against the prisoner. -Baker the prisener's comisel to-day abandoned the ease, leaving the Judge Advocate .to saer up both side!. It is estimated that the- coat of this trial will be over one hundred thousand dollars. The number of Freedmen under charge of Col Eaton in the Washington District is 34,308. It. would be a good idea to try and get a portion of these people sent to some place where their labor is in demand. There is nothing in the world for, half of them ttio here, The demand for their services in very 'large, but the Freedmen Vain very few eases leave the district preferring to remain and trust to chance and Uncle Sam to get their Sticker and subsistauce. 'We think that as long as there is so much demand for their labor at-other points it is very the Freed men's Bureau providing them with quarters for so trifling a sum and encouraging them to stay when the fact is so palpable that there is no work here for them. Unless it be for the old * the sick oi`orphan children the Bureau should not provide quarters at any price and compel them to accept the office of farmers elsewhere. s. c. THE LEGISLATURE. The following is a complete list of the members elect to the legislature of 1866. _ The only possi ble variations may be in the Clearfield, Elk and Forrest Assembly district, where' there was a triangular fight, and we have no returns, but we guess that Dr. Early is chosen, and in this Send turial district, where there is some hope that the army vote ma defeat Duncan and elect SCCon aughy. Last M.r the Senate stood 19 Union to 14 Democrats—the new Senate, conceding Dun can's election, wilytand W:1 Union to 13 Demo erats—a gain_ot - one in Luzerne county, where young Woods ardis bsaten. The Union majority in the Senate is therefore certainly 7, andmaY be 9. In the House the Union majority was 24 last u Adams, one in Perry tieh makes the majority tot. We subjoin the list ;ied with a star (*) were those marked with a deg reviously year, and we gain one and one in Armstrong, a 30, and 37 on joint bal of members. Those ma members last year, and ger 0) were members p SEI4I 1231 17. B. Ghampneyr., John M. Dunlap, U. 18. A. HeistandGlatk,l D. 19. Calvin M. Duncan, D. 20. Geo. W. Householder,U 21. Louis W. Hall, U. .irk Haines, U. 22. Gen. Harry White,fU. 23. Wm. A. Wallace,* D. 24. John Latta, D. 21.JL.Graham,•U. Thomas/ Bighorn, U. 1 20. Wm. Hopkins, D. 27. Rev. R. A. Brown, 128. Thomas Hoge, U. '29. Morrow B. Lowery, tr. 1. Jere. Nichols, U. - 2. Jacob E Ridgway,*U. 3. C.M.,, Donovan, D. 4. Gbbrge Connell,* U. 5. W. Worthington. U. Horace Royer, U. 6. Oliver P. James, D. 7. Geo. B. Scholl, D. S. Heisler Clymer, D. 9. Wm. 3L Randall, D. 10. H. B. Beardsley, D. U. George Landon,t U. 12. L. D. Shoemaker, U. 13. Capt WarrenCowles, U 24. John Walls, D. 13. D. Montemery, D. 16. D.lleming, U. ' RESENTATIVES HOUSE OF. REP 1.-Goerce W.-Ghegan, U 2. W. K Eaddiman,• U. a Samuel Josephs,• D. 4. WM. W. Watt,* U. 5. Joseph T. Thomas,* U. 6. James Freeborn, • U. 7. James Subers, U. F. James N. Kems,• U. 5. Geo. A. Qsigloy,* D. 10. ElislmlV. Davls,ll.l. 11. F. D. Sterner' 11. 12. Alexander Adair, IJ. 13. Jalites Donnelly,* D. 14. Francis Hood,! U. 13. Geo. Dellaven, Jr.* U. 16. David A. Wallace, U. 17. Edward G. Lee,• U. 18. James N. Marks. U. Oberleer. Boyle, D Greene. Thomas Rose s ! D. Huntingdan'Affjlin and At - _ • =ate. Ephraim Baker, U. James M. Brown, U. • /rain= and Westmorland J. J. James M'Elroy,• U. George E. Smith' U. Lancaster. Maj. B. W. Eibenk,• U. Capt. Chas. Denims,* U DaY John M. Sk tnanU. Lebbnon. Capt. Jacob Wily, U. LeigigX Nelson Weiser,* D. James F. Mine,* D. Ai/Wanly. Alfred Slack,* U. Jahn P. Glass,* U. G. Y. MlCee,* U. H. B. Herron,* U. J. D. Hank - a, U.- David Shaffer, U. bourne. ' Anthony Grady.* D. Daniel F. Seyb , ..,* D. David 8. Kam,' D. Lyconaing, Union 4 Snyder. S. C. Wirgard; U. Copt. D. A. Irwin, U. Dr, Isaac Itothrock, memer, Lamm= 4 Butler. Josiah M'Pberrtn, U. ' San:tool M'Sinley,* U. John H. Negley,• U. - Henry Pillow*, U. Montgomery. Dr. A . D. Marelay,* D. Ed. Satterthmatt,` D. 1E222 Lieut. Philip S. Houck, U. Armstrong. Lieut. Frank. Methling, U. Berks. Frederick Harmer,• D. Henry• B. Rhoades," D. John 311.3simer,* D. rrem Joseph G. Adinm,* U. Bradford and Sullivan Lorenzo Grinnel,. U. G. Wayne Kinney, U. Burks Lather• Calvin,. D. - P. W. Deadman,* D. Northam - punt. Oliver R. Myers, D. T. D. Barrington, D. Korthuotberktad. Charles W: Tharp, D. Per and _Franklin. Col. P. S. Stambaugh, U. Capt. Geo. A. Shaman, U._ SektyßßL - Dr. K. Robinson, D. John Crosland, D. Peter J. Collins, D. - Somerset, Be4ford Punon. Al'ixses A. Boss,* U. D. B. Armstrong," U. SusquchawFut and Wycnainy, J. T. Cameron, U. Peter AL Osterhoat," U. Tiars and Potter. Dr. Wm. T. Humphrey ; U John 8. Mann, U. Venortge and Warren. W. L. Whann, U. CoL U. Allen, 11 Waskiagron mid Beazer. James R. Kelly'," IL Joseph B. Webda,* U. M. 8. Quay,* U. Wayne end Pike: William N. Nelson,* D. York. James Cameron,' D. A. S. Lawrence, D. Ca Cyras L. Pershing; , D. Carbon and Monroe. Allen Craig, D. - Cnure. Fredl: Kurt:, D. Chester. Nathan T. Sharpless,. U. N. A. Pennypeker,' C. W. B. Waddell,* U. Clarion and Jo - arson. W. W. Barr,* D. Cloaricld Rik and Forrest, Dr. R. C. Early,t L D. Chaos Cameron, ¢ ArKean. E. B. Eldred,* D. Coitenibia and Monwur. W. B. Jaooby,* D. Crawford. J. C. Starderant,44.7. Geo. B. Bonus,* U. Cumberland. Pbnip Long, D. ' Dauphin. Henry B. Hoffman, U. Dr. J. Seiler, U. Delaware. Ellwood. Tyson,` U. Erio. CoL D. B. AL'Creary, U. CoL 0. & Woodward, U SUDDEN DRAT/.—On last Tuesday evening personage well known in this State by the assum ed name of D. Mocracy, died veryauddenly. He had received severe injuries last fall by coming in contact with several soldiers, but it was supposed that he had entirely recovered, as for weeks be fore his death he was in apparent good health, al though keen observers noticed a demoralization of his physical system, Re was noted during his eventful life for the number of changes he made in his name and clothes. For the past four years ho sported a suit of grey, but at the time of his death had on a blue coat, although it is asserted that his much loved grey coat was worn next his skin. It is thought by some that his sudden death was hastened by his being - smothered under a number of bltje coats. An inquest on his remains was held at the Y. M. D. C. room at an early hour on , Weduesday morning, and 'after the jury had retired to the Inidligencer office, they returned the peculiar verdict of " died from A want of votes." This verdict was only arrived at aftereensidera ble cyphering, and the reading of several tele graphic despatches from different parts of the State, where the dead man Was well known-41- though D. Mocricy was but the assumed name of the deceased, it is hard to tell what his right name was, as be had different names in different locali ties. A great many well informed persons say that his real name was C. Sesh ; others are as positive that his proper name was R. E. Pudiate.' We have frequently beard him called Aunty Nig ger, a soubriquet given him no doubt on account of his old womanish appearance. The news of his death will be heard with regret by 'a large number of his relations living `` down South," but the public at large will not share in this regret as he was always of a quarrelsome disposition and never satisfied unless feeding at the public ca. He will be buried in the large cemetery at the head of Salt River, a place to which he made an annual pilgrimage for the last four years.--Lan caster inquirer. THE counterfeiters of unimportable foreign perfumery pay but a poor compliment to Ott sa gacity and taste of American ladies, if they ex pect them to buy their simulated "extracts;" when Ration's "Night Blooming Ceretis," the finest article - of its kind in any country, is obtain able everywhere. THE report of Brevet Brigadier Geri. 'Thomas, Adjutant Generalof the Army, mane to the Sec retary of War, shows that be organized in all over 80,000 colored troop in the Valley of ther MiPpir!ippi U=3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers