In MISS Olf 1,11:11P4CATION. THE FROMM REPOSITORY ia published every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at 8250 per annum, lB ADv.Aseg, or SS if not paid within the year. AU tiebseriptian ac counts lalsT be settled annually. Na paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for in advance, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expi• ratiou,of the time for which they are Said. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at MITES earns per line for Ifist Insertion, and TEN casla Per line for sub sequentinsertions A liberal discount is made to persons advertleing by the quarter, half-year or yetteSpecial no• tires charged one-half more than regular advertlienierita. All resolutions'of Associations; COMMllnleatiOna Of limited or fudividual Interest, and notices of Marriages and berths exceeding Sue linen, are charged fifteen cents per line. rir All Legal Notices of every kind, and all Orphans' Cairn gad other Judicial Saks, are required by law to be advertised is the SE,POSITOIrr—it having au LAILGEST CIFC CUIJIF/ON of any paperpubtished in the county of Frank/in. JORPREcTING of every kind in Plain and Fancy col ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks, Catis„Paraphlefa dze,'of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The EF,POSITOBY OFFICE has ire been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and everything In the Printing line can be executed In the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN VARIABLY CASH. Inr Mr. Jinn 8. Shryock is our authorized Agent to 'receive Subscriptions and Advertisements. and receipt for the same. All letters should be addressed to 3PCLURE & STONER, Publishers. Coal, Lumber, Str. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! --- A T TEN TIO The undersigned have non- on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORING MILL, a laige supply of Sash,'Sbutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all descripnous, from half inch to 8 inches, on band. Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.; Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posts, Banisters, Bed Posts, &o, on band. A large supply of Dressed Piping for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at short notice. lIAZELET, VERNON & CO., fetd tf Harrison Avenue, Chambersbure, Pa. LEONARD EBERT A: SON, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kinds o! Coat and Lumber, and are prered to famisb Bill Lumber to order at short tue tias, all at the most reasonable terms. Our stock of Lum ber consists of Waite Pine 2 inch Plank, 4 " " 14 " select Plank. " Plank. " I select and Culling Boards." " I " Boards, 0 slow inch,) " Best River Shingles, Worked noting, " " " Si " Joist and Scantling, alkostes, Hemlock Joist and Scantling, " • Boards, Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling, Failing and Plastering Laths. We have also always on hand a good supply of all kinds of Coahfor Stoves and lime-burnlng. Also a sure. rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that call. Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. ' riPCIEce on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chanabersbarg, Pa_ i LEO. EBERT & SON. j01y27-tf. STEAM SAN MILL.—The undersign ed have erected and in-operation a Steam Saw Mill at.the South Motatain, near GraffenburgSpringa,,and are prepared to saw to order Bills. of WHITE OAK, PINE. HEMLOCK or any kind of timber desired, at the short est notice Sail at low rates. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sam'l Greenawalt, in Chambersburg, on Satur day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting kir the delivery of lum• bee LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low r.ST BATES. All letters should be addressed to them at Graffenbnrg P. 0., Adams CO., Pa. decl4-ly - MILTENBERGER & BRADY. , Iti - OP Small lots of - Lumber. Shingles, &c., from our nn ls can be procured at any time at Vr. F. EYSTER d SRO'S, Market Street, Chamberbarg BUILDI N G LUMBER.--The under signed is prepared to saw all kinds of Itnildg,-I.ltm ber at the, lowest market price- R. A. RENYKEW, GasExwoop MU.L.s, Fayetteville P. O. deter-I.y LIIMBE R.- •All kinds of Lumber for sale at reasonable mos at A. S. MONN'S Mill, near Quincy, Pa. fulyl9-tf Varbtoare Olutterp, Str.-1 II A R D W ARE BOBER k TOLBERT Have opened their gore . . on Main street, nearly opposite their old place of business, with - in extensive stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sc. consisting in part of Paints, Oils, _ . I rola, Spikes,— SteeL 13 . 3 uteL rlaaes. Ellasting Powder, Grind Stones, Cedar Ware, Pocket Knives, Files, Brushes, Shovel, Rakes, Spades, Special attention is called Builders and Contractors, as they are *pared to furnish in any quantity, at wholesale, everything in their line. • Call and examine our stock. COACH AND - SADDL-ERY HARDWARE. The imbscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be continues to tarry on the above business, at his old stand,.-en Main Street, opposite the German Re formed Church, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Raving enhiiied his business. Saddlers and Coach. makers 'will find In his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited tri - their several requirements, such as Fair and Country Hogskius, Patent Leather, - Saddle Trees and Qirthing. Gig Trees, Tull Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hale, Straining Web and Worsted Rain" Web, lower than Cotton : Hamel, Bits and Stirrups, Plated. Tinned and Japanned Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hob Bands; 13rldle Fronts; Roseate', Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Hamei. BUCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Stylel and Parietal; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stamp,Joints, and a variety of otbergoods suitable for the trade. ' ALL FINDS OP PLATING, &c., done with neatness a I despatch. [decifl LEWIS WAMPLER. ,OHEAP HARDW ARE! BRANDS FLACK Had a few goods under the pavement, which were n ot busied. Such as Lacks, Hinges, Screws and Other Hard. ware. Beside!, they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a very large - lot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally mld. They having been burned out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Serena, Bolts, Oils, Glass, Paint, &c., at the !ov; est figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! f have on fraud about 10 Tonslron of different kinds, which-we will sell less than It can be bought in the city, Also we have 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at from 010 10 dollars per keg. CUTLERY. Knives awl Forks, £3lussors, fkizors, rocket Knives, Spoons, &c, Jost received from New York which we offer very low. serek3 CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shdemakers' Fiadrogs, Saddlers' Fading* at BRAND & FLACK'S. SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 25 cents each and many other articles which was in the flee, which can be made as good as new at BRAND .Sr. FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in the , BRAND &FLACK. 13oots ant ,Stoco. p EDIOVED.—The undersigned has the o.uro of Worming his-old customers and the pub is generally, that be has removed his ROOT & SHOE STORE to the New Prick Building of George Ludwig, on Main Stteet, one door south of Greenawalt's Hotel, al-ere he is to opening the largest aseortment of Roots and Shoes ever brought to the county. Hu stock embra ces every variety of Youths', Lndies' and Men'e BOOTS & SHOQ3, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be surpassed in the 000nty, and which win be sold Murices tosuit the times. Having purchased THE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer work at short notice, by the best workman in the County. With a disposition to be obliging and oc. oommodating, he hopes to merit a liberal share of pat rouage—vrithout a desire to monopoilse, as his motto is, in oar common calamity, to live and let live. Particular attention paid to ail kinds of Repairing. TERMS CASH, AM) PRICES UNIFORM, WITH ,. Or!' EXTORTION_ He bakelao on band, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Vs. Uses, Car. Sacks, Linen and Paper Collars,' Paper, Envelopes, Inkitands, Steel Pens, &c. tnatiO P. FruntAN. N. B.—All persons knowing 'themselves Indebted will please call and make immediate settlement, that I ma y b e enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City. THE GENTS' GLOVE KID GAITER, with or without Buckles, at PAXTONIL A FINE STOCK OF HEAVY BOOTS, A cheap and datable, just received M PAXYON'fi. REMOVAL BU S S TOBACCO AND SWAB STORE.—The undersigned has re. moved his Toharcoond Segor Store to his new room. on SECOND STREET, serf door to the Friendship Engine House, where be will keep on hand a comp':ete stock of TOBACCO AND SEGABS, Inches Natural Leaf, Ma lvin and gzoking Tobacco, Pipes, &o. alwils C. R. BUSH. ' ."'",': ---. .i 1 ft . t' • ' ; ,t' 14, C I O ; 'f :s r.ii 1 0 •t • f . . , A . ._ . ,14 --. .. . . _ _ BY ECLURE & STONER. ilea estate *atm. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. —Will be offered at Publics Sale, on the premises, on Tuesday, Meal's of October next, a TRACT of LAND situate in Antrim township. Franklin Co., penna., , two miles &mith of Greencastle, on the Williamsport and Greencastle turnpike, adjoining lands of John Shank, Charles Farmer, Jacob Shank and others. containing 900 ACRES, more or less. There are about leYl Acres of this land Limestone of the best quality, under cultivation, the balance Slate land and 1n Timber. The Improvements are a Log and WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE and. Stone Kitchen, a Log Barn and other necessary improve- ments. A good ORCHARD of choice Fruit on the prem• ices, two Streams of Running Water through said Farm.— This land would stilt well to divide, as the turnpike di vides it nearly equally. If this Farm is not sold on said day it will then be rented for one year from the first day of April next. Conditions made known on day of Sale and possession and a good title will be given by the Heirs on the Ist day of April, 1866. Any person wishing to v'ew said farm pill call on John Loughlin, fear miles North of Greencastle, or on F. 11 Pact - ling living on the premises. ALSO.—At the same time-and place, the following val uable FARM, MINERAL AND OIL LANDS. viz. : A tract (4650 ACRES of Land In Berkley county, Virginia, 4 miles North of Hedgesville and 4 miles South of Cherry Run Depot, on the altiraore & Ohio Railroad; 150 acres of which is clear, and the balance is all under good heavy timber. Good buildings and a new Saw Mill; inexhausti ble beds of IRON ORE, and good Water Power, excel lent Potters Clay; good Fruit of all kinds. The Springs on the premises show every indication of Oil. These are some of the features which must recommend the premises to purchaser. The tract-is divided into three parcels, and will be sold entire or in parts. FRANCIS Si PAWLING, oct4 Greencastle, Franklin County, Pa. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL I'ES TATE.—Thefe will be erposed to sale, by way of Public Outcry, on Friday, the 27th day of Ocraber, A. D., 1865, at the late rashlance of William Van Dyke, in Mont gomery township, Franklin county, Pa., the following de scribed Real Estate, late the relate of said testate, viz: No 1. A FARB of 175 Acres of first-rate land, part Limestone and part Slate, in a high state of cultivation, on which are erected a Log Weatherboanted DWELL ING HOUSE, Stone Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Smoke House and all other necessary out-buildings. There is also a fast-rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit growing on the premises. There is also a never-failing supply of water for all purposes of the dwelling and the farm. With this there will be sold at the same time some a) Acres of WOODLAND lying about half mile from the farm. . Na " A FARE ! of 184 Acres of good Slate land, House and other necessary buildings thereon erected. On 'the premises there are growing a late quantity of line Lo cust trees, fit for posts. With this there will also be sold, at the same time, some twenty odd Acres of Timber Land adjoining the farm The number of Acres is given gross measure, but it is intended to have the land surveyed be fore the day of sale. so that the sale can be made per acre, strict measure. - There also be sold on the same day and place by the Undersigned, toe following Personal Property, via: a lot of Locust posts, about 150 1 Wind mill, 1 Feed Cutter, 1 Grain Screen, Scoop Shovels, 2 pair of Butt Chains, Breast Chains, 1 Buggy, 1 Track Wagon, 1 Hickock Cider Press. , Sale to commence at 12 o'clock„,3f. on said day, r. hen the terms will bo made known. JOHN PATTERSON, • WIL,LIA3f BOYD. ectll-ts Ex'rs of Wm. Van Dyke, dee'd. I TIRGINIA LANDS IN MARKET.--- ARTHUR L. ROGERS, REAL ESTATE AGENT. • MIDDLEBURG, LOUDON COUNTY, lint mg an extensive acquaintance with the people and the Land of the Piedmont Section - Of Virginia, so celebrated as a fine - Grass Country., I will pay pat-fictior attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in this region, heldes practising - law in the Corals of Lon don and Fazinior. Er I am authorized to sell some of the most desirable Farms in this part of the State, and will correspond promptly with persons wishing to purchase, or take pleas ure in showing these lands to them, if they give me a TO" Plots and Surveys famished when desired. Address, ARTHUR L. ROGERS. Attorney at Law, Middleburg, Louden Co., Va. REFEREccEs.—John Janney, Esq, Leesburg, Va.: (,en. A. Rogers. 31idd1eburg, Va. ; John A. Spilman, Este James V. Brooke, Esq., Warrenton. Paquier county, Va.; A. K. Phillips, Frederickabarg. Va.; Francis L. Smith, Esq , A lexandna, Va.; Dr, Beverly R. Wellfond. Wm. H. Macfarland, Esq., Richmond, Va.; Messrs. L. P. Bayne & Co., Messrs. Hamilton, Easter S. Co., I. Nevett Steele, Baltimore. (Middleburg, Va.. Oct. 11, 1ND . ..3m, REPOSITORY, Cbambersburg, copy 3m; send bill to this office for collection, and one copy of paper to Maj. A. L. Rogers, Middleburg, Va.—Hagerstown Mail. TWO VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on. Thicrs, the 19th of October. 1865, the 11 , 11ocring Beal Estate to wit About 1195 ACRES of good Lime Stone and Slate Land, situated in Peters town ship, about 4 miles from Greencastle and 9 miles from Up ton, adjoining lands ofJno Coffee, Patton and others. The improvements are a two-stored STONE HOUSE, Swim Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib • Wash House and other out-buildings. This farm has been well limed and is in a high state of cultivation. There is also an ORCHARD of good Fruit on the premises and a Well of never failing Water at the dwelling. This tract is also well set with good thriving Timber. Also—On the same day will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Real Estate, to wit: About '262 ACRES of Freistone and Slate Land, situated in Pe ters township. adjoining lands of Jno. Coffee, Patton and others, and about ode mile from the first described land. The improvements are a W E AT HER BO ARD ED HOUSE. Stone Bank Barn, (partly new) Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other out-badings. The Conuctscheagne Creek runs through the farm, and has the most desicable HILL SITE in the COULIty. There is also a Well of good Water at the house. This farm is well Timbered and in a good state of cultivation. Sale to commence at the first described property clock, when the terms will tie made known. PETER BROUGH. Turpentine Tar, Varnish, SHENA.NDOAH VALLEY LANDS!! ____ aprill2 REAL ESTATE AGENCY AT HARRISON - RURGf VA TOWN AND COUNTRY' PROPERTIES - FOR SALE. We have now for sale very desirable Farms. located in the counties of Augusta, Rocklngham,`Shenandaah, Page. Pendleton and Hardy. The Farms cfaitam from 40 to 500 Acre 4, and we are privileged to sardivide large tracts of land if desired by the purchaser. • - Many of the Perms are within • an easy drive of the county town in which they ern located...thereby securing an early market. The improvements are generally good, and on the farms are springs and running streams of water, as well as plenty of the very best timber. - It is stalleirmt recommendation for these lands to say that they lie Is the very heart of the Shenandoah Valley, which has a world-wide reputation foefertility of soil and beauty of scenery. la , For description of properties and terms, apply or address us at our office, in Harrisonburg. Rockingham 'Conn , Pa. [july26e3ml J. D. PRICE do CO. -MBL IC SALE OF• VALUABLE um AND OUT LOTS.—The undersign• ed will offer at Public Sale, ,Pri the premiers, nn Friday, the 20th of October. A. D., leek, the following Valuable ➢GILDLNG AND OUT LOTS, to ail: No. I. The lot of Ground, upon which the undersigned formerly resoled, on East Market Street, adjoining Lot of Wm. Fl.ll'Dsivell and Seller's Hotel. The material (including stone and brick) now upon the Lot, gill be sold itli it. No. 2. An tinsiznpraved Lot in the Borough of Cham bersburg, fronting on Broad street, 32 feet and running hack. 140 feet, to a sixteen feet alley, opposite Shepler's Saw Mill. No. 3 An unimproved Lot on Broad street, adjoining the alms e. with the same frontage and depth. No. 4. Two PASTURE LOTS, each containing ONE ACRE. running from Broad street to the Cumberland ley Rail Road No. 3. A PASTURE LOT,on the Charnbenshurg and 111mrishitrg turnpike, Just beyond the old gate Berme, con taining ONE ACRE. The Out-Lots will be sold whole or subdivided, to suit purchasers. and are under good Peet and Rail Penee. Sale to ormunenee at 'l l o elook, on the lot that above mentioned, at which time the terms will be made known. octll JAMES M. BROWN. PUBLIC SALE.—The .Bubseriber in tending to quit farming. will offer for sale, on Thors• day, the `with day of October, at 10 o'elock, on the premises, his FARM in Antrim township, Franklin Co.. Pa., hi miles North of Brown's Mill and 2 miles eat of Marion Station, on the Franklin Rail Road, the public road from St. Thomas to Waynesboro passing through said farm and bounded by lands of Andrew Davison, Daniel Grove, Sarah B. Beatty and James Davison, containig about 208 ACRES of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND, about 55 Acres of which is prime TIMBER, the balance. is in a good state of cultivation. There has been pet ap lately 1000 panels toot and Rail Fence. There is a large quantity of Locust timber growing on said farm, a good part of wfuc.h is now ready for use. The improvements are a large STONE HOUSE. largo Bank Barn, C o rn Crib, Wagon Sheds, Carriage House, Smoke House, Spring House, &c.. and an ORCHARD of grafted fruit. A further destrlpt ion is rinueeeseary, as any person upon examination will llnd this one of the best located and val• noble tams in•the county. Terms made known on the day of sale. Persons wishing to view said farm will please call on the undersigned, residing on the premises. sopa/ WM. C. EVE:NIGHT. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale, his FARM, situated in Dugan township,Frenklin county, pa., adjoining lands of John E. and John M'Clay, Daniel Clippinger, Joseph Mowers, and others. near the Cowl°. guinett creek. and about 5 miles from Shlppensbarg, con. tarring 2 ACRES of good SLATE LAND, well limed. 70 Acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, 115 Acres in MEADOW and the balance to a high state of enltivation, all in excellent order and well fenced. The above Farm 4 - 01 be equally divided and sold separately. The im provements on the one tract are a two-storied log WEA. T HER BOARDED HOUSE, new Bank Baru 72 feet long, Wagon Shed, and all other necessary- and convenient out buildings. There is a Well of never ailing Water at the door. There is a good TENANT HOUSE on the second tract with a Well of Water convenient to the House and all neoessary out-tnuldinga. There Is an Orolutrd of choice fruit on both of the above tracts. Persoas wishing to - view the Farm can do so by calling en the subscriber, 'icing in Hamilton township, or on John E, adjoining the Farm. novll tit JOHN ZOOK. COTTAGES FOR SALE.—Two FRAME COTTAGES oeibe Carlisle turepae will be sacral Private Sale. Apply to °MAI' A. K. M'CLURE. Ural Ostate *ate. ITIRUSTEE'p SALE.—Theinidersig,ned, -L - Trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court of the Counly of Franklin, will sell at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 21ut day of October next, the following described Real Estate of Christian Royer, late of Antrim township, deo'd, situate on the Chambersbarg and Greencastle road about one mile and a half from Greencastle, containing FIFTY. FOUR ACRES and EIGHTY-ONE PERCHES, neat measure, bounded by lands of A. Flemming, Jno. Xis seeker, Jacob Grove and others, having thereon erected a good BRICK DWELLING, a Bank Barn. Spring house with a Well of good Water near the door. a pod Hog- Pen, all new and in excellent repair. There t also on the premises a YOUNG ORCHARD bearing choice fruit. The property is in good repair. in a fine state of cultiva tion and near market, making it a very desirable prop. erty. Persons wishing to view the property can do so by call ing on the undersigned, living adjoining the farm. Sale to commence on said day at one o'clock. when at-' tendance will be given and the terms make known, by sepl3 CHRISTIAN ROYER. Trustee. WOOLEN FACTORY AND REAL ESTATE FOR HALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale the property Hell known as GOOD - S WOOLEN FACTORY, situated in Green township, Franklin county, Pa., one mile north of Fayetteville, on the Cold Spring Run, a nes er failing stream, with suffi cient bead and fall for driving any kind of machinery-- The Factory is a two Storied Frame Building, with a set of Carding Machines. Fulling Mill, 2 Power Looms SPin ing Machina and every thing necessary for the busimiss. There Is also a Coloring House convenient to the factory. Also-38 ACRES of LAND. 20 Acres of which Is under fence, the kralarre is welt set with young chestnut timber. - - The improvements arc a two Storied • ROUGH-CAST DWELLING, near the factory, 2 Tenantliouses, Wagon Shed, Stable and other out building, - The Factory is well known and has at present a good Fun of custom. For further particulars apply to or ad dress MICH.VEL GOOD, Fayetteville, P. 0. Goot, FACTOII.I% Aug. 23.3 m VALUABLE ,MILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned agent for the heicaof Matthew McKee, dee'd, offers at , l`nvate Sale, the " WOODSTOCK MILLS," situated in Green town ship, Franklin county, Pu. The property contains about 15 ACRES of land, has a two, story Stone and Weather• boarded GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, an excellent two story BRICK MOUSE, two story Weatherbeetded Hansa Miller's Horse-and other improvements thereon erected. The UM is in good repair. The water power one of the best on the creek. Possession given immediately. Terms easy. sepl34 JOUR R. arm Agent for Heir's. Ar ia sub ir rbeßrOintel7dßing.TYtomFoOveßv,S.4kLt...t..—,:rt 11(Pri vate Sale his valuable MILL PROPERTY, situate in Southampton township, Franklin county, Pa., otfemile east of Orrstown and four miles West of Shippensburg, comprising 54 ACRES of land, with a Stone and Flame GRIST MILL, running two pair of Burrs. a new SAW 'MILL, anew two storied BRICK DWELLING and otlt , er necessary buildings thereon erected. Persons desiring to purchase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the property. faug , 2 4 3ml ' JACOB METZ. 91W0 FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub scriber afters at Private Sale TWO FARMS and a LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND. Penions disposed to pur chase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the_ Manakin Tract, on the Baltimore turnpike, one mile East at Fayetteville. jurieldif JOHN G 81GH4317 -7 A SMALL FARM FOR SAL E.—The snbscrlber offers at private Kite, his FARM and a Lot of Mountain Land persons disposed to purchase will please call ort-the undersigned_ zeaiding is Fayette. ville. isepr-arni U. A. FliNt. - larg Sam (Bubo. D R Y GOODS AND NOTIONS I:CKEL Sc GILBERT EOM NEW STORE MAIN STREET, _ Nearly Opposite to Greenawalt's Hotel, Hoye just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Notions of all kinds, which they have selected with great care to adapt them to this market, an d which will be sold at the lowest 5 C.1.5.11 RATT_.. Their list includes All grades or Calicos. Lupen'a best:All-Wool tastiurs, plans and printed, Muslin diaines, Amehnes, Barathens, 13meude Black Alpaca., Silk Craps Plaids, Fancy and Plain coldArmures, Shepherd Plaids, all styles, Lupen's beat French Merivs, all colors, Mourning Goods, all styles, Plain and Printed Flannels, Sack Flannels. Gilbert's Opera Flannels. all colors, White, Red, Grey and Yellow Flatmels, Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, all kinds, fiJtirting Musluis, bleached and brown, Sheeting Muslin>, bleached and brown, Fancy and Plain Cassimeres, French and American. Sattinetts, -Tweeds, Jealii, Vestings, - Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every style, Ladies' Corsets, all prices, Ribbons. Laces, Runic>, Rose, Gloves,. tq x ,..,1 Cotton. Veil-, Collars, HandkerehiOf-. Puss, Needles. Ac, A , '. sLsO. Y ( iILEAT VARIETY rip BALMORAL AND 1100 P SKIRTS.", ItZ , " Remember, No Old Go ode ECKEL Q GILBERT'S New Store Call and examine. ang3o it ILLINERY & FANCY GOODS.- Mrs. E. GROVE has opened her Millinery - and Fancy Store, on Second amt., nearly opposite the Market Home, to which the attention of purchasers is respectful ly invited.. _ . Legal otices. EXECUTOR'S N 0 T I C E.— -Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentarytothe Estate of George Shepler, late of Mercersbarg, deed, have been Kt:tatted to the andrrtigni-.1. All them.t.lre.intirbtotl tti said Estate trill please make anmedlato payment; and li n er having claims present them properly authenticated for mittl.tinent. kpl3. ELIZAIIETII SIIEPLER, Ex'rx. A UDITOR'S NOTICE .—The under signed, appointed by the Orphans Court to dictri• turteebalance in bands of A, H. Walker Exreator of Nan cy Geddes, deed. will attend to the duty Ms appoint ment, at his office. In Cluttnbeniburg, at 10 o'clock, on the :nth of Ortobrr, tit 5. oct4-Jt E. J. EONBRAKE, Auditor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! ROPES 4. TWINES. The molersiznerl haring purchased the entire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope and Twine Manilla' tory of J. P. Grey, deed. respectfully onnounLes to her friends. and thy former patrons of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on the business, to all its various branches, at TUE OLD STANII, on Franklin street Chtimberslamg, wile ache will In plea. ed to 'welt e the calls and orders of the public. All kinds, sizes, and 'pralines of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, sk.C. r always kept on bard or made tworder of the best material. and furoised at reasonable prices. In connection with the above business, she is also prepared to manufacture !LAIR, IIDS, AND OTHER 3LITTRASSES, RA well ae Horse Blankets and My Nete of , inperior qua' ity and style. Perrone 1n waur ideuperier articles in the above lion are requested focal], er scud their orders, whieb will be attended to promptly. MARX II RAY. eIARRIAGE, MANUFACTORY.—The VV undersigned would respectfully inform the public that be hat returned thjearriage making business at the old stand of Beiges & Foltz, on the corner of Market and Sec ond Streets, where he 14 prepared to make to older any kind of CARRIAGES desired. lie will alto keep on Land and fur sale all kinds of vehicles, such as BAROCCIIES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &e. He will also give partieular attention to repairing Vehi cles and as he has none hut the loot of .workmen in his employment he feels assured that Ids in ork will give sat isfaction. His prices will be found to 'he as low if not lower than - ixt any other Atop. LIVERY.—He keeps on hand a stook of good *addle and. driving Homes and Carriage, of different kinds for hire at reasonable rates. may 3, 1865 P. HENRY P.-EIFFEL T T. D E L ACRoIx, 10 • NO. 37 South SECOND Street, above Chestnut, - • PHILADELPHIA. CA RPETINGS ! CARPETINGS ! Having received by lute arrival'', nil the newest and moat attractive Styles of Earpetings.-1 All PREPARED So OFFER at the LOWEAT PlgcSs, WIIOLEMLE & RETELL-- John Crossley & Son's English Tapestry Brussels ; Low ell & Hartford Three-Ply and Extra Super Ingrain Car pets. with a large assortment of nuxlium and low priced EARPETING.9, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTIIA, J. T. DELACROIX. No. 37 South SECOND Street. between Chestnut & nrigl6.3m Market, PHILADELPHIA. penions knowing them t•elres Indebted to the late firm of J. & 3. M. Heart, are ieveetfully requotoll to make Bafflement without de lay, and those having efaims . will preheat them for settle ment. The Mots are in the hands of the undersigned, one of the late Arm. rx411.3t1 J. hi. HEART. CIIAMBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1865. LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT October Term, coromenclof r 36th Dabber, lotZ. FIRST WOES. Wettgley as. Bonebreak. Commonwealth - vs, Stomp. Imbrie , -., All. • Palsgwere. Zentmyer - vs. Buyer. Woolridgo vs. Brown. Lynn SS. Betsey and wife. Brown vs. 'Worley, et al. Gaff vs. Trifle. Stambaugh - vs. Smith. Bomberger . - vs. Walk. Stover vs. Harris. McCarty - vs. Cowan. Hays - "r.v; BnEmbath. SECOND WEER. Stenger . - vs. Raman. Wanamaker. . vs. Regan's MC. EMZI lionghwout vs, Wunderlich k,Nead. Tibulle vs. Clarke. i , Filbert CS, fingi*S. ~,..' Skinner vs. Bitner. Willie . vs, Huber. Saylor ,vs ' Brenner. • Rodgers ' vs. Keyser. Tuckcr . vs. Harbaugh. Tucker vs. Finagle. Skinner Ns. Hillier. Wilbelm-... vs. Iteisber. Miller vs. Hartle. Shockey vs. Sbnekey's Adiaf.r. [EI Harper Kyle v& Metre Ex'r. Royer v.. Marta. et, al Garrett Rest oet REGISTER'S NOTICE—AII persons in terested will please take notice, that the following Accountants have flied their Accounts in the Register's Office of Franklin County and that the Rune will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, on Wednes day, the Ist day of Plereember, 1865, to Chambersburg: 149. Final Arct. of Daniel Skinner, Guardian of .1. 3. Evitts, minor chat!. of Den'l Evitts, deed. 150. First and final Aoct. of wititatti Stitzoll, Adm's of Samuel Davis, late of Peters twp., deed. - 151. First and final Acct of A. P. Oyler, Adm'r of Sam uel Hawk. dedd.. Ififl. First and final Acct of Margaret Seibert. Adm'rx and John Huber, Adm'r of .Wm. Seibert, late of Clam ber,burg, dee'd. 153. First Acct.: of Robert A. Renfrew`and Wm. - Mc- Clure, E4'ns of Samuel Thompson, late of Green tscp., deed. `- 1:A. Account of Sal% ely Strickler,l Guardian of Wm. F. and Ann E Kunkel. 155. Second Acct. of T. B. Kennedy, surviving Ex': of James Beatty, late of Antrim tap., deed. 156. Second Acct. of Walter Beady, Adm'r d. b. n. e. I. n. of Catharine Beatty, late of Antran two, dee'd. 157 First and final Aecti of James B. Oct, of Elizabeth Potts, late of Southampton twin., deed. (011 HENRY SI'RICK LER. Register. PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, the Jushres of the Peace, and the Constables of the different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting: Know all yr, that in pursuance of the precept, to me di rected, under the hand and seal of the HON. ALEX KIXO, Preeident or the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Sizteeath District consisting of the counties of Somerset, BedfoUl, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his office of tlke_Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv cry *rile trial of capital end other offenders therein and in the General Court of Qaarter Sessions of the Peace, and W. W Pax roN. and JAME:, O. CAILzON. Eggs., Judges of the came county of Franklin. Youand each of you are hereby required to be and appear in 3 our proper persons pith your Records, Recognizance,. Examinations, anti other Remembrances before theJ edges aforesaid. at Claim bersburs.r. at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sc,n101:11, of the Peace, therein to be holster, for the County of Franklin aforesaid on the lame Monday in Orrobrr. bong the 30th day of the mouth, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to do Brosse things, whit h to your several offices al>7 pertain.. - 'Given under my hand at Chambemburg the :Id of Oc tolier,, 1063, • [Oct-4) SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. By DIRECTION OF THE COURT, the Sheriff publish. , the following —At an Orphans - Court, held at Chambersburg, for Franklin County, Fit, on the 14th day. of Angust, 181:1, before the Hon. Alex King, Esq President, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton,= Esq'e, Associate Judges of our aced court: On motion of Messrs Kennedy & Orr, Esqs.. the court grant a Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives of Jonathan Wright, deoeued, to appear at the Orphans' Court. to be held at Chambersburg, for said County. on the 3001 day of October next, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the Appraisement Valuation thereof, or show cause why the sumo should not be sold, ancording to Law. - . . In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto setmy hand and affixed the of said Court, at Chambetslaurg,the 17.411 day of August, 1165, W. MITCHELL Oink. Attest: SAMUEL BKANDT, Sheriff, oct4 3i. BY DIRECTION OF THE COURT, JUR the Shertff publisher, the following .—At an Orphans' Court held at Chambersburg, for Pmnklin County, Pa., on the 14th day of August, 1865, before the Hon.-Alex Ring. Esq., President, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Esq's, Associate Judges of our said Court On MOllOll of R. P. 31'Clure. Esq.. the Court grant a Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives of John Cover, de ceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Chambensburg. for said County, on the 30th day of Cklo her teen, to take or refuse, to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the Appraisement Valuation thereof, or to show cause why the same should not be sold, as to Law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court. at Chambersbum. the. liith day of August, ISCri. W. H. MITCHELL Clerk: Attest: SAMUEL. Bltt\DT, Sheriff. uct4.3t. BY DIRECTION OF THE COURT the Mend publishes the following i—At an Orphans' Court, held ut Charribersburg, for Franklin County, Pa., on the 14th du) of August, 1265, before the Hon. Alex King, Es p., President, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Far{ s, Associate Judges of our said Court On 'notion of J. W. Douglas, Esq., the Court grant to Rule on titers and legal Representsffsves of Margaret Deviney, deceased. to appear at the Orphans' Court. to be held at Chambereburg, for said Comity, on the :3001 Say' of Octo ber neTt to take or refuse tirtnke the Real Estate of said deceased at the Appraiseinent Valuation thereof, or to sloor cause the seine should not be sold, according to Late. In Tektimony Whereof I have hereunto set my Land affixed the spat of said Court. nt Chambersbnrtr, the nth day of Aliquot, Levi:,. W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk. Attest SA3tl:l*.i. nitANTII 'Sheriff. oet4.3t. BY DIRECTION OF THE COURT the Sheriff publishes the follirivingl—At an Orphans. Court, held at ( hambersburg, for Franklin County. Pa., on the 15th tli* of Angitd. 18G5, before the Ron Alex. King. Esq., Presitleat, and James 0. Carson and W, W. Paxton, Esq' s, Aseoeiate Judges of our mid Court On motion of Geo W. Brewer. Esq., the Court grant a Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives of James W. Me. Coy. deceased, to appear at the Orptians'Court, Afield at illuuntiersburg, fur said County, oft the Mitt da f Oc tober next, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate sal' deceased at the A ppral tement Valuation thereef, nr to show-cause nby the some PllOlll.l not he told, aceoriling to Lam. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto rot my hand and affixed the seal nt said Court. nt Cbambersburg• the 13th any of Au,sonsL \V. G. Min:lMM, Clerk- Attest • S ow. EL Titt.ANDT. Sheriff. • oett AT AN ORPHANS' COURT, HELD at Chambershurg. for Franklin county. Pa, on the 3d day of October, IPb.ii, before the Judges of our said Court petition of James L. filack. Executor of John Heineman. late of Guilford township. deeeaSed. the Court grunted a rule on the heirs at law. and legatees of the raid John Beffieman, deem/wit to show rause on the first day of next term of the Court, why euid Executor shall not be de,ehergell from his mid trust In testimony whereof, hue e hereunto set my hand and affixed the oral of the said Court at Chambersintrg, Pa , this 4th day of Octobrr.lK474 null-3t W. G MLTCHELL, Clerk. I \T 0 T-I C E OF INQUISITION '--John Erma.—To the Ileirs and letrs.lßepreaen tattees of said clet'd —You are hereby waffled that by irtne a a Writ of Inquisition, issuing ant of the Orphans' Court of Franklin Co., l'a. and to me directed, I trill bold an Inquest on the foal Fitdate of .aid deeetleat, site• ate in the 13orotiolt of Chuma , ,Tharg., Pa., on thei!Oth day if 0110 , ,, A. 1). leos at 10 •,lock. A. 31.. when and were you may attend if yon think proper. ,s•t • SAMUEL 1312ANDT, High Slientf. NOTICE .OF INQUISITINN.—Magda- . lent! Rider's Estazc —To the Heirs and legal Rep repentati, e, of ,ald dee'd VOll are hereby notified that inter of a Writ of Inquisition, Issuing oat of the Or phn,' Court of Franklin Co.. Pa. and to me direetetl, I a ill hold un Indnost on the Real Estate of said deemlent, nititate in Letterkenny tosan , hip. Franklin ('o, Pa. on the •ji a dog if Ortober. A. 11., MIS, at 10 n'elliek A. M , a ben and ahem you nuts attend if ou thinkja4per. • oel4 3t SA3IIIEL 'BRANDT, High Sheriff JACOB LORTY V. ELIZABETH LOBTY.—In the Court of Common Pleas for Frank lin County, Pa., Subpuma In Divorce to No. 90, January , ISii:i returned whit hnbet- Alias Sub in More.' to No. 27, April T, 1865, returned nthil habet. Notice is hereby {risen to Elizabeth Lorty. the &fen lout abuse natroNl. to he and appear before the Conn of Common Pleas of said County. on theffth Monday of Do. Owr next, to answer the complaint of the plaintiff above or be proceeded against according , to law, 0rt4.9 I SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE.—No- L 1 tic° is hereby given that Letters_urATiministration on the Estate of Michael Burkett, lal oT Quincy township, decd, hasp been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please mako immediate payment; and thaw having claims present them property authenticated for settlement. sep..T - D. C. BURKETT, Adler. ADMINISTRATOR'S No tice in hereby given that Leiicrs of Administration on the Estate of Peter Burr, late of Hamilton township, have been granted to the undersigned. ' - All persons know tug themselves indebted to said Estate trill please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. plat; 'ETEPHEN BELT, Adrn't ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,--No twe le hereby given that Letterset' Administration on the Estate of Johnston J. Campbell, lam of Fatinett township, dee'd, have beep granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to saw Estate will please make immediate payment; and these having claims preientthempropulyouthentioatedfursetßement. sepl'a A. W, CAMPBELL, Adin'r. itegat fiotircs. Hfghe N Funk NIL Kyle and wife. SEEM vs. Wingerd, White Swope Ts. Hammond. 1;:. 6. TAYLOR, Prothonotary. granidin fgavitgal. STATES OF THE REBEL STATES Hon. Thaddeus Stevens made one of his bold est speeches in Gettysburg on the 3d inst., in which he discussed the status of the Rebel States with a degree of originality and pungency peculiar to himself. There is nothing new in his position : but his arguments are ever fresh and logical, and his keen satire on timeservers is worthy of his palmiest days : A. great war between the " Confederate States of America" and the United States, has been won by the Union, at the cost of foui billions of money, the loss of nearly half a million of lives, and the ruin of many loyal citizens. The enemy renoun ced allegiance to the Constitution, and declared themselves an alien enemy. We so treated them on many a well fought Eel& Nomanly foe would ever again claim shelter under the rejected Con stitution, until admitted under it by a new com pact containing conditions corresponding to the alt ere d circumstances of the two belligerents. No wise conqueror would admit such claim, if meanly made, except upon terms such as victors impose, of full indemnity for the past (as far as possible) and full security for the future.. In the important question of dealing with the vanquished enernyTwe must-remember that they, are no com mon foe wagng"War at the command of their lawful rulers, but the whole body of the army and people (with a few loyal exceptions) are traitors, rebels and perjurers—are, in abort, wan ton and cruel murderers of our best citizens. What, therefore, might seem harsh towards a common enemy, is mercy when dealt to them. Two modes of dealing with them are now before the people and to be decided by them 4 this election. One proposition is to treat the Rebels as never having abjured the Constitution or left the Union in fact; but as merely trying to resume their supposed right!, illegally to be sure, but still within the 'Union, as " erring brethren," and, therefore, entitled at their option, to cease this "family strife" and resume their places with all their rights ; that in doing this they are to con sult only the Executive of the nation, without any regard to the sovereign power—the Legislature. The terms are, a few oaths, a humbug State Con stitution, made without autbority of law, by less than a third of the people, and never submitted to the people fur ratification. „They are then to be taken within our fraternal embrace, receive a free pardon, ariPhave all their forfeited estates - restored to them, and come into full communion Congress, and in all the offices. They are to pay none of the expenses or damages of the war, nor contribute to the support of our disabled sot diem and bereaved citizens. This plan has the-full approbation of all the Rebels and rebel sympathizers of the whole Cop perhead party, of such Republicans as are natur ally parasites, and or such public journals as "PUBLISH BY AUTHORITY." - - The Union party of Pennsylvania have adopted= a different plan. The State Convention resolved that the estates of the leading Rebels should be confiscated to pay the national debt; inerealte the pensions of our soldiers; pay the damages done to loyal men, and relieve the burden of taxation, now heavy, and likely to be increased. This prin ciple k approved by Maine, Massachusetts and all the Union Conventions which have yet spoken. The taxpaying loyal people are' unanimously in favor of it. All who spinputhize with our wound ed soldiers and their bereaved, friends; all who ish to see the damages done by rebel raiders paid approve of it. But it has been opposed by every Copperhead Convention yet held (or to be held, I suppose.)' Every Copperhead paper in the nation ; every opponent of the war, and slanderers of the soldiers, condemn it. While every Copperhead paper, convention and petal ciarr.Aouts the praises of the first named scheme with a unanimity unparalled in political contests. Between these schemes you are to decide. Our leading journals seem bewildSired. I took up one lately that says reorganization is easy. The fundamental principle it lays down is " that the Rebellion must be considered as havingdestroyed no State, nor any State Government; they were only in abeyance," and he says the President acts upon that principle. Let na see where that would lead us to. I have said, elsewhere, that our national liabil ities. when all shall be ascertained, will reach four billions_of dollars. Certain temporizing Re publicans say that the amount is• exaggerated. Let us see. By the last report of the Secretary of the Treas ury, the ascertained amount, excluding the cash on ,hand, was over $2,850,000,000. The amount due the Army and Navy would no doubt swell it to at least three billions of dollars. I think that the unsettled claims against the Government for damageS. goods furnished.- and services rendered, will reach at least five, hundred millions of dollars. The pension list will soon require $30,000.000 an nually, whose capital is $500,000,000. Here we have already four billions. But there are various other liibilities—annuities to Indian tribes; bonds to the Pacific Rail Road not less than $100,000,- WO. ct ccirra.- This, to he sure, will not all be on interest for two or three years to come. Our legal tenders cannot be funded before that time. But, in the mean time, that which is on interest bears much more than six per cent. Seven-Thirty is the low esrpayable in money. The gold bearing is be tween eight and nine per cent., (reduced to legal tenders.) To pay the interest and ordinary ex penses of the Government, and the increased cost of the Army and Navy will require :44500,000.000 annually. Our present revenue will be, in com mon years, abour:$300,000,000, leaving $200,-, 000,000 to be raised by taxation. This whole debt was forced on us by the rich Rebels of the South They organized a regular governmeet defied the United States to battle; compelled them to raise and maintain a million of men; and a navy of seven hundred vessels. Those who cre ated this debt have been conquered. The law of nations says; the taw of justice, and of the God of Armies says, that they shall pay the expenses and damages of this wicked war. The Rebels, the Copperheads, and a few bewildered stagger ing Republicans say, " let them back with all their privileges, without fine or forfeiture. To consolidate the Union we must leave the bomici daltraitors in its bosom, and treat them kindly, lovingly, and mercifully. Touch not a dollar of their property; but allow loyal men to groan un der the burdens they have heaped upon them."' This is not the 'Pennsylvania platform. It says " confiscate the property of the rich Rebels, and apply it to pay the debt, and to_indemuit the loc. al men who have beet' ruined by them; and add something to our wounded §oldiere' comfort." And yet I perceive certain Republicans, who sit on velvet cushions, fill high places, and grow fat nn Federal patronage, join the whole throng of Copperheads and traitors, and beg that mercy and loving kiodness shall be bestowed on the vanquish. ed wretches; and especially on those who sue for pardon; because they are worth more than $20,- 1100 each ; tied that none of their vast eittlites shall be taken from them, whiltiour loyal poor, made luniseless by their incendiary torch, laiust wander in poverty and labor by the day, to feed and del ter their sfiffering families! - The shabby Republicans to whom I have refer. red, take that course because they pretend it is thelPresident's plan. All 'admit and applaud the patriotism and honesty of the President. It is true that the applause of the Copperheads, and their unanimous approval of what they call his views, have made the h yel pause. But they need not be alarmed, nor need the rebels exult at what they deem the President's plan of reorganization. I do not find that he has definitely chosen either mode. He tells us he is trying experiments, us it is his duty to do, to see which works beat. He cannot for a moment pretend, ner do I understand him to pretend that the Executive has anything to do with reconstructing the•nation. His duty, as Commander-lit-Chief, is to do what he is doing, hold the conquered belligerent under military rule until the meeting of Congress. Not one of the Confederate States is yet released from military supervision. The President cannot make laws to, govern them, nor can their own Legislatures, tor they are subject to the conqueror. Congress, and Congress alumni, can reinstate or readmit them. But the President has an important duty to per form. He should be prepared to recommend some scheme to Congress. To know what is wis est to advise, he is try MOM. expenment of al. lowing the captives to fabricate forms of State Governments, and pass' municipal laws. It he finds that they are weaned from their slavish ideas and lewi!learned to law: to God's decree of equal rights, he will recommend Congress to admit them to the communion of Freedom. If, as aeons like ly, Irma the specimens we have had, their old pre-, judiees prevail, mid they will not bow to the do: (Teo of Heaven, and honestly embrace the Dada. 4 ? VOL. 7t....WHOLE , NO. 3,728. ration of Independence, he will no doubt advise Congress to keep them still in a state of pupilage.. The theory on which be is allowing the South to patch up State governments; shows that be eat.: not expect thedi to be permanent. He directs' his Military,Hovemors to allow the people to take the old Constitutions as the substratum of a new organization, and so amend them as to meet the expectations of the North, by abolishing slavery. The Governors direct who shall vote and when the Conventions shall be held. Now those Con. stitntions whick-are to be reformed, point out the modes of amendment. The Constitution of TenneSsee provides that "whenever two-thirds of the General Assembly • shall think it necessary to change or amend this Constitution they shall recommend to the electors to vote for or against a convention," et cetera. The Constitution of South Carolina now being furnished by Provisional Governor Perry, says; "No Convention of the people shall be called tin.: less by the - concurrence of two-thirds of both branches of the whole representation." The Con stitution of Mississippi requires a two-thirds vote to amend; so of Louisiana, Virginia, and all the other States. None of the present cobbled Gov ernments base gone through this process. I think about a dozen townships and fifteen hundred vo ters acted thr the eleven hundred thousand people of Virginia. What new law has authorized this mode of amending or creating new States? The President can pass no law, and Congress has not met since the conquest. It is evidently an "ex periment;" a job for these captives to learn on while held in military subjection. Ido not over look what the President has occasionally said to them. Itis a very allowable Christian gratifica tion for him and his thief minister whom these then have persecuted, and placed rewards on their beads, and attempted to assassinate, to see them rouged by fifties at his foot-stool, begging his par don, and to lecture them in a patronizing way; and listen to their submissive answers, and see them clap their delicate hands in constrained ap plause; to tell them not to be alarmed at the rad icals, that they are under his protection, and un der the shield of the Constitution whichthey had never abjured; that he loves them like ri father; and wilt love them all the more for this little "fa mily feud:' It is easy to see that this is all irony, cutting irony, Which they well deserve: If Wl:tenet irony to the living traitors it is mockery to the loyal dead. With what feelings would our returned soldiers listen to those in authority, soothing, en couraging, patronizing those who hid just been seeking their lives? How could you standing among the thick graves of the immortal battle field of Gettysburg, listen to such language if it were to be literally understood? How more cru el than steel would it enter the hearts of fathers, brothers and kindred of those who had fallen by Rebel hands, to see the Chiefs of the Union fra ternizing with and embracing the-murderers of their kindred, while their garments are yet drip ping with their fresh blood? Those who know the remarkable intellectual character of those, eminent wen perceive, if they do not enjoy, the rich irony of their speeches, so delicate, and yet so subtle that the trembling supplicants accept it literally, and have gone home to boast of their success, and plot new treason. You will now see how important it is to carry this election,: The Union platform says: "The Rebel's property shall pay the damages done to loyal citizens; double the pensions of our soldiers, and'pay a part of the National Debt." The Copperhead , platform says: "Touch not a dollar of the one-. my's property but let them back, unpunished, in to the Union that they may aid their loving Cop perhead friends ip controlling the Nation." This is the distinct issue. If we succeed it will so strengthen the hands of the,Unionl e fembeof Congress as to enable them to overcome all oppo sition, and reconstruct the Government upon the principles of Justice, which is universal liberty. How are we to prevent the pro-slavery party from getting a majority in Congress until all whole some legislation shall have been completed? Be gin. at the opening of the text session of Con gress, by declaring all the Confederate States in a territorial condition: and refuse to admit a mem ber from any one of them. Af it is conceded that any of them are States capable of representation, then the Kite question will be the personal, quali fications of individual members; and one after another will find their wayinto both branches of Congress. - That would eutitle the States to vote for President and Vice President; and the suc cessor of Andrew Johnson would be a Secession Copperhead. Then comes the assumption of the Rebel debt, or the repudiation of ours—a condi tion worse than peaceable separation—for I can conceive of no condition worse than National re pudiation. 11 eat is conclusive evidence that the President considers the present adjustment of States as temporary and experimental only, is, that the Su preme Court has decided that the declaration of the condition-of States belongs exclusively to Congress. TO present arrangement was made under lie decrees of the President and his Mili tary Gnikerntirs. If this could be deemed perma nent, it would form a precedent, on which future Presidents might build a throne, and usurp a crown. The President is too much of a plebeian to indulge in such absolute ideas. The people of the border counties, Franklin, ,i.dam"s, York, Cum berland and others, have been robbed of their personal property; and one whole town laid in ashes by the Rebel armies. Let the Union plan be sustained, and all their losses will he paid, and your taxes greatly lessened. Let it be defeated and the Rebels will. be allowed' to retain their property, and you will look in vain for the pay ment of yours. How can any one standing amidst these plundered citizens, and almost in sight of the ruins of Chanibersburg, sustain riparty, which says to the rich Rebels, "Keeplonr estates, and let those whose property you destroyed, work on in hopeless poverty to the grave!" I was lately in Philadelphia; and heard of a case, (asample of many others,) which stirred my blood, cold as it is. A rich Rebel owned city , stock amounting (with interest,) to more than one hundred thousand dollars. It had been wiz-, ed under our confiscation _laws. it was ready to. he paid into the United States Treasury, when a pardon came, which restored itto its Rebel own er. _lf such things meet your approbation, sup port the Copperhead ticket. I observe, it is said that so anxious are these - erring brethern" to escape the action of Con gress, that they are being pardoned at the rate of hundreds a day ; and as no human endurance could stand such rapid labor, a machine has been invented to do it mechanically, and three hundred are pardoned daily by machinery. Ido not see why a machine may not do this work as well as human intellect. Thus they hope to escape un- I punished. But I think they will be mistaken. so tar as their property is concerned. Idu not be ' liece that the President's pardon can restore property confiscated by Congress, and vetted in the United States. Congress did not seize it as the property of traitors, but took it as enemies' property. Such is the express wording of the law of July, lea. The first four sections apply to traitors. A pardon would guard against con viction for treason ; but it has nothing to do with belligerent rights: Property once- vested in the United States-cannot be divested by an act of the Executive. . - We are commanded to administer judgment in mercy. lam for mercy, but not until justice is satisfied. Many are ostentatious of their merci ful feelings. Some, I suspect, mistake timidity and softening of the brain for tenderness of heart. With us are all the best warriors of the na tion—Sherman, Hooker, Hunter, Howard, Sheri dan, tlia.talented Butler and the gallant Hart rantt. Ido not speak of Grant, fur so silent is be, that nil we know of him is that he is an uncon querable hero. Against us are Jeff. Dacia, Judge Black, Jeff's namesake of Doylestown. James Buchanan, Capt.: Ware, Dean Richmond, Geu. Lee, Gen. M'Caus. land and their followers. It would be but justice that those On the fron tier, who stood as a bulwark between the enemy and the interior, should be indemnified by the State. Such was the opinion of Alexander Ham ilton. The Union candidates, alone, can obtain compensation for the border people.. But, above all, damages done by the enemy sould be paid . by their property: They are usually provided for by treaties of peace, Ity Compelling the vanquish ed belligerent to pay those datuagesias theta-, penses of the war. As the " Confederate States" had no bead, with .whom we could - consent to treat, it rests with Congress to impose the terms of peace. One of thew terms the Unkmparty of Pennsylvania contends shall be, '' that the estates of the Rebels shall pay for the , property which they destroyed in Pemisylvaniaandether Shate! l -7-• It is the certain and true mode, possibly the only one, by which indemnity can be had. This Is opposed by the Copperheackl •Go with us, and enable is to carry out oar views in Congress, and all will be paid the damages which were inflicted by the Rebels; ettittrouWedsoldiere will be made comfortable t.aud ocas zatiopal , debt ,gtestly-rtit- !MEE anee4ifthelizepsty4' those Nadi , Cauaed,i4- Defeat' Ars - and - yeti put the Rebel in 'polivtirii our deed citizens will be unpaid; an all win be oPPregised, through ages - to come,.by increasing • Gov. Idoirroar AXD:RECANSTEUCTIONi - -Gov. Morton, of Indiana, made a-speech recently at Indiana, In which he - talk Wong.' ground in • favor of President JohnstOoill gramme for therestoration of theSontherntStl4e&. . We give : the following extracts „ " As I laid heft/re, only one in five hundred NM' reod7 — mill 3 2 of them, until within the tut- feW; months, never off the plantation: most of them never out of the county in -which they , and were born. Can you conceive that& body ofr.wm whiteor black, who have been in this t;onditteh. and their ancestors before them. ate qualified- tot be immediately lifted from their present state into the full exercise of political' power, not only to govern themselves and their neighbors, Put to take part in the -Government of ' the United Stites? Can they be-regarded as• intelligent • orindeptn- . dent voters The mere statement of ,the fact furnishes the answer to' the questions. • Toltir that such men,-and it is no fault of. their. it is simply their misfortune and the crime of taii tioti=.-to say that suth men, ust emerkirigstrom this-slavery, are qualified for the exercise of po litical power, is to make thestiongest idirvery , argument , ' 'ever heard. It is to pay:the ItigktsT , compliment to the institution of slavery. "What has been 011 r practice for, manyoyelual We have invariably described slavery as degra ding, both to the body and the soul. • described it as - bringing human- bein ..p.deivu to the level of the beasts of the field. We have di-. scribed it as crime, depriving the slavesnof ihfel lectual and moral culture, and of, all the gifts which God has made gi r o most precious. 'lf ive shall now turn around -and sayr,thatAia inntitu- „ tion has been a blessing to the negro instead of a curse that it has qualified hiin for the right of suffrage and the exercise ,of political, power, it. ; a shall stultify ourselvis and give the Ira to dude Vei larations upon - tic here obtained political • power." ' " Ciom'n Reads, SpeakpF pf thc. North Carolina State Convention, made an im presnive speech on taking the chair; of *Ea this was the peroration: _ • . • "Fellow-citizens, we are, going ; hom?.,, Let painful reflections upon ourlate separation and pleasant memories of our early union quieken•i our footsteps toward the old mansion„ that lye . may grasp hard again the - hand 'of - fritmilikiti." which stands at-the d00r,., end•ilaheltered•:bY kha homestead which was built upon a rock and has weathered the storm; enjoy together the-tong; bright future-which ; awaits us. ..;With the guid ance of infinite wisdon and the care of a rcierelfg Providence,: which •is earnestly invoke for, :then Convention and for each individual member, I in vite you to the calm consideration and wise solifuL tion of the important questions which are to re sult in the peace, prosperity and happiness of-our selves, and in the prosperity, strength and:grand- . ear of our nation." A Fix FOR A YOUNG GENTLEMAN.trMIO Mobile, (A1a..,) Tribune says: A very nice,young gentleman; whose names 4e do not deem:neces. vary to ventilate, recently invested,a small sum, in chickins,Which he 'undertook to take home on the Dauphin street cars After proceediue:a' short distance, the attention of, all.ilsaeogers i a - large proportion of whom were . - dive called to him by one. of• his parch loud and continued eitikel. In vain tfied - to quiet - the bird; the ladiesi ate , and palled'- down their veils; the gentlemen on board "haw, hawed," and our young friend, in 'hie ignora'nee of "the situation," blushed. ,Gruwing sgin,ewha4 resltess at being the cynosure of ail eyes, he cast a look into hie lap, and behold—there wealth egr.- , He immediately quit the car and pursued hisway homeward on foot. 'lmaglne'his " . FENIANS FLocuitigt.wo., ,At).—Ther Cork correspondent,of Sounder's News Letter, writes that since the termination of.tbe American war every steamship which arrives off Cork harbor on her homeivard voyage from New-York an& Beis ton, lands on these shoreslargeinumberaof young men who badierved in the Republican armj of whom carry on their persons revotveri, rifted guns, daggers• and short swords, which theY, openly expose in their perambulations through the city. These arrivals'are ever ready' to In; trade their conversation on all whom•thc#ychance to meet, boasting of the preparations reakittg. l in America hy the Fenian Brotherhood for the inva sion of Ireland. This fact is well knowtiatTrab- ' lin Castle, arid astonishment is . 43xpreseeii thatac tire, measures arezot adopted to check tbe spread of the evil. I- A DASHING young woman named Nellie Otis, alias Burtis, has been arrested in Boston for the larceny of $7,400 in money and' gaiernmeriC bondi, from a man in New York Cli3 FEaBY nights last, The woman arrived in Boston on kioaday,, and created considerable excitement amonethe' sporting fraternity, exhibiting s3,ooocata tithe, visiting- the races' rind paying for bottles,of wine and other liquors. She plac,ed $3,000 in the bands of a young man to keep Tor her, and upon refusing to return $2,700 of it;she made al% complaint at the Police. Office. The manww_ found, and $2,500 returned, as was supposed, to the'rightful owner: The man front'-"whom-tiler money. was stolen in New Yorkthero made his apt pearance, and recovered less that one-half of the $6,400, but refuses to prosecnte'tbe woman: ' THE Albany Ererring•JortrnaL re 14144 the lati .1 a diatinguithed Southern statesmen: now oieiG~ ng at the North) aa saying,: • • "We are loyal—the great masa of us-rfar more, loyal than some of your own people. You can far better afford to trust us than you can yohirmble- - rable copperheads. %They acv the viltet offsoottr- 7 ings of the earth. Had it not, been for them we should not 'have rushed into war. Ana' yet they have the , impudence to come to Ms: claiming to be our • friends, •advising .us• to 'be stiff-neeketdand • asking_us to strike ,bands with them and fplin a new alliance.' The vipers! 'They have 'cheated . • - us once; they Will.never• &cattle again; WErtad • rathertrnst the vilest abolitionist that Ryer howl, ed. and hounded us down, than the best of them." A PAPER. called the New Nation, T publistaid at Richmond; Va., talks in the followingstan'idthy style: " The • unconditional preservation-of .the Union, the perpetuity of a republican forth of government; the unconditional, Universal freedom of all men, the eqOal rights - of loyal Atherican - citizens before the law, without regard to race or color, 'the establishment of syStems of general education throughout the. whole length and breadth of our country ; for the, bpne6 of all clues. es, irrespective of race or color, the rigbte of pro scribed Union' refugees' and persecuted Union men everywhere, the interests. of ,a high order of civilization, oppressed humanity, and pure .Chris -tianity will be constantly; fearles'sly and faithfully advocated and defended by the New Natiini.". THE following good .hit at the "Moseby,gang" of Copperheads, who put soldiers on their tickets, is from a dashiug' - Poem in praise' of Kilpatirek, who is - gallantly stumping New Jersey , totntho Union ticket: "Unscrupulous and shrewd are they,, • Who wear the blue outside the grey, , - And shout out patriot hoeannahst, You cannot see the bloody bars, For they are bid behind• the stars, - They bear aloft our loyal banners! A SON' of Neptune, who cane' in the habit 'Of quarrelling With his better half was one daft tt monstrated with by the minister of .the„paristr, whO told him he and his wife ought LO'lwe.. on more amicable terms, as they' were' both orie.l " OW" said the old salt, shifting his, quill, fl if you should come by the house sometimes,„ blast My tarry top-lights, if you wouldn't think we were about twenty." . HALLEcli's words, "None know thee but in love thee, ilone name thee but to praise," idathe fairly applied to Phalon's "Night-Blooming:Co. reus." No one who once Weft the perfume ever relinquishes it, and rosy lips are never Weary of commending and re-commending it. Sold ievery: where. . Gov. OQLESBY of Illinois, Insis-lßsueid e i d. dress to the Governors of the differeatStatetigal Territories, to be submitted,by them to thoiLeg islatuzes and people of their States, oelling more active and , elEcient cooperations in the matter of raising funds for the Lmcoln monument. ON the tombatone's over tho raves of a buil band and wife, are'the following linen: .; , "W'ithha thL4 grave do Da, Back la back, my wife and 1, When the last trump the alt shall fill If she gets . up,,pijust he A rueuslitk of a newspaper.outNeitAthe fiat issue of his journal, returns thaula to,thaie who loaneadm the pecuniary theatiliAndtO Elea• wi&that there is no law a'the state taloa* isiprisaninentior debt. •