~~fir.~;~:.t a cgy~••..v~j.ats~~rx~-.1~...5:...;+c , ~ - s..~.r«w . xr.Y'~,::~xy.l.:::z- r s~ c >..r •~.: , n.w~.~et~,.c _ SE Linen of -ftiabel. .1101 . ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD .1 WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRINE DAILY to and Pm Plilarklpkia and Pittsburg. On and after Mnsigt 'Ortober.3lst. 1264, the Passenger Trains of the PermsYlearila Rallroa i Company will depart from Harris hmyr and arrive at Pt:Jaaelphia ¢nd Pittsburg , as follows: EASTWARD: naiedI4IYISPItEI3BTRAni leavesSarriabtsrg dal. ly as 2.43•: Y., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 FAST LSETE loves Harrisburg daily (except Alonday) at 8.00 1. x., and arrives at West PhiladeWa at 12.40 P.M. Passengers take breaktut atLancaster. KAM TRAIN leaves Kaariatang.- daily (except Sue day) at Lag P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5. 35P.M. piTTBEERd .A 1,1) ERIE EXPRESS leaven lialTIS• burg dally (exeePt , ,StirulaN at 11.55 It., and at rives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 ' HARRIS-BURG ACCOMMODATION ilarriggragli(except Sunday) tit 4.00 r. 31., and ar rivoi at bleat PLladelppbia at 9.30 r. 31. This train has nt. emlner...faa front the - Wig. COLA:MEDIA ACCO.3I3IODATION MAIN leaves Ear risburgtedly (except Sunday) at 7 e. M , biaditnives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. connecting (except on Monday) with the 'Fast Line east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. st., Altoona 6.50 A. IL, takelmsakfast, and arrive afrittsburg at 12.40P.M. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily .(except Monday) at 2.25 A. • IL: Altoona 5.15 A. IL, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P, 3L THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily- ai 3.- 25 A.X., Altoona at 8.15 A. take breakfast and arrives at Pittaburgat 4.40 P. M. FAST L.= leavei Harrisburg daily (except Sun . dity) at 4.00 P. M., Altoona at 9.10 P. M., take sapper, and ar• rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. At. MAIL . Teaft:s Idasyttsbuti - liallYAeteePtSlin' day) at L4O P. IL: Altoona at 55 P. M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. at - .' - MOUNT JOY ACCOHMODATION'west leaves. La ncaster at 11.20 A. M., connecting there with the Mail west; letivell:MDlßM Joy at ILSI A. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 PM. • SPECIAL NOTICE THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at a3O stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburglay- over na til 1L55 P. n SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 . Sop% Middle Div. Penna. R. R. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY VAtx TIME TABLE.—Four Trains Daily to and frnat lEttatimore and Washington City. • Connections made with trains on. Pennsylvania 1140.1, to and from Pittsburg and the West F 0172. TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West:Munch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of... Northern New-Turk:- Irfertnittrtfter "Monday, Ott. TM; ISIL the Iwsenger Trains or the Northern Central Railway.will arrive at and depart from Harrisburquid Mtliriere as 'follows .SOUTIIWARD.". MAIL TRAlNoleaves Stmbury daily (except - RundAy): 10:25 A. 31. leaves .Harrlsburg • - 1:20 r.st. if arrives at Baltimore 5:40 Pit. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex ' eept Sunday) " leaves Harrisburg (except ~ Monday) " - arrives at .... HARRISBURG ACCOIS.I3IODATION leaves Harrisburg SUSBURZACCOMMODAT/02 , 1. /eaves San bury daily (ex. Sunday).. - 7 PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS-TRAIN leaves: I= Sanbutv . daßy(e.i.sundm) 9';05 P.M NORT . RWARD.• • MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai]y (except , . Sunda)) leaves Haivisbarg. arrives at Sunbury EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltithore daily arrives at Harrisburg leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. - . cept Monday) " • arrives at Sunbury ERIE EXPRESS TRAM leaves Baltimore daßy (except Sunday-s) leaves Harrisburg dully (ex cept Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury' at. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore clailv(es..Montlay :10) rM. arrives at Harris b urg at. 7,50 P.M. SUNBURY , ACCOMMODATION leaves Ear- ristrarg daily (ea. Sunday). 4:00 P.M'. The Ede Express and Philadelphia Express are buunah trains to and from Erie and aR intermediate points. 'Sail and Express trains run through to Elmira. Par farther information apply - at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot 0ct26"64 7. IC. DUBARRY, Gen. Sort. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.--This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to tfie city of Erie, on Labe Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by them. Its entire len,gth was opened for passenger and freight business, October 17th,-1861. TIME OF 'PASSENGER. TRAINS AT FIARRISBCRG Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation • LEAVE WESTWAIID. Mail Train . 1:15 A. 3c LockEfaven Accommodation. 1,40 P. M Passenger Can xnn through on Mail Train, without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Ede. - Elegant Sleeping Cors on Mall Train both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven. and on Elmira Express Train both mays between Williamsport and Baltimore. - For information respecting Passenger business apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia: YAnd for Freight business of the Company's Agents 4 S. B. EcNtsroN , Jr.. Cur. 13th and Market J. W.!Enolike., Erie. . Wx Blto,." Agent N. C. IL 8., Baltimore, Md. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. H. W.. GWINNER, Gen. Ticket Agent, PlaiLidelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Mareger,lianwort. febt3,6s nIIMBEELAND VALLEY & FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS.— - On and after Mondny, October 31. 1864, Passenger Trains will run daily, as Rams. (Sundays excepted): - FOR HHAKBERSBURG AIsD HARRISBURG Letme Hagerstown.— ' — Greenctistl - e... Arrive at Cliambersbarg Leave . at. Leavc't Shippensbarg • 7 - Nesrine " Carlisle 6.30 10;10 2:46 Meetkaaiesbarg 7:00 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Harrisbms! 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR I:I4IIEBERSBURG AND ELAGERSTOWS: - X3l. P.M. P.lr. Leave Harrisburg. .8:4:Z 1:40 4:15 Mealtanicsbntrg 8147 2:20 4. Carlisle 907 2:58 1:15 . "-. New3lne 1Q:02 3:34 • " Shippensbarg .1 10:33 4:04 Arrive at Chambersburg ' 11:00 4:35 Leave Cbaxabslsbarg 11:10 4:45 Greencastle 11:55 5:35 3 Anive at Hagertemn 12:5 6:15 ... .._ Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all point' West The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P. M. runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL. Supt.. B. B. Office, Chamb'g, Oct 31,18E4 Books antic ,Stationerg. ROOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! AT SNIDER'S BOOK AND VARIETY STORE, - in the Market House, onnazte Brown's Hotel. Keeps conFtaetiy on hand SCHOOL AND 31ISCELLAIMOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, &e. Bibles, Erna Books. Photograph Albums, ' Paper and Linea Window §bades and Fixtures Wall Paper, Panty Baskets., Ladies' and Gentlemen's §atebels, Blank, Pass and Memorandum Books of all sizes, ' Gold Pens and Holders, Pocket Books, Ladies' Fancy Creel's, Zephyrs—German, Cashmere and Shetland Wool, Blank Deeds, Arnold's and other Inks, Architect and Pattern Paper, Songs, Dims Novels, Joke Books, , - J Old Books - , Periodicals, Music and-Newspapers board in any style. tir - Bionlßooks made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. • A(ENOY FOR THE SALE OF INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS.. - scl4o,..hadmana BOAR STORE, K. 7 OPPOSITE TEE POST OFFICE. School, Miscellaneous and S. S. Books, iMatfernery,Pisotog - naplis and Albums, • Wall Paper and :Window Shades. Fairchild's Celebrated Scold PEW. N. York and Philada. Dadias, Weeklies and Monthlies, Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Good., Bibles and Hymn Books. rif Orden, of the most complex description filled on The shortest aotjc OLD EDITIONS hunted up by Mr. J. K. Shry-ock at a fable commission. Arias for BTEISWAVB Pianos and 3iASON & Cabinet Organs, oct4 _ FrO.OUR WHOLES.AL.k - C USTOMERS. —We hare made STEM!, arrangements this Fall to yammer) our SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STA• TIOYERY at such rates. that we can sarply our WHOLE CICHTONEES at the Zoweat pftsible prices. . rllO - 81IN - DA - Y - SCHOOLS.-=-We are mentalor the American 8 reign aria other houses for the supply of Sunday School ito4km. . - S. a. RirttYOCK. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.—Parti& attegtion given to kePping on hand all the nett imblkatious, as isanel S. Si. 811.12YOCK. . T O BOOK BIIYERS.—Book buyers will find it to their rolvantagi to give ue a call before ;, purchasing elsewhere. Prompt attention to written orders. ' S. S. SEIRYOCK, C HO OL BOOKS .—All the School 1,„ 1 .1 Books use to be had, fa cituricies, at • SARYOCK'S. O TEAC HERS .—Special terms to T" Towle* for School "Boar and ' Stationer • a sußA)exPs. ROOKS ri3OOKS ! !—We have made ai txeann~~ge~m¢ents in thaZasuriz. Cilia to fill orders by prdc t6sshortai pessibietime. , S. SElllYag, 110011.8.=-Taraftes supplied n.nd refit ted with particular advantage, by S. S SHE VOCR iltobeo an)) -me. T 'G RODS GALVANIZED.- , ETTER & EYSTIat, ars soutthaguP Littinith4, Rods of Galvanized Imo (all the rods are twisted from the top to the groom!) which is far Superior for durability and protection Menthe eommon Straight - Bina Iron Rods.— The Gelrani:cd rad being a mon pi:licit anulucior anal , comes cheaper, also Lightningrods repairelingood style. Anil and examine the Galvanized Rodabefore having any 1 - of the blank rods put up, storeroom on Iran greet 000.1t 1 STOVES AND TEN WARE.- All Patterns of Cook Stores, /arks and Wood Stoves (for burning wood or Boar)- - Tin, Skeet 'ran, Copper and Bross Ware of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale cheap, at ETTER & EYSTER'S, Main Street. opposite En4er & &os.' Store. LTEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS.—ET= Iv TER & EYSTER arese sing very best quality of Kerosene Oil and Lamps, also Lamp Shades, of all pat terns, Chimneys, Wicks, Burners. Lamps of all kinds altered and repaired at short notice, at their Store Room on 31ain Street.. • COPER WORK.-ETTER & TER. are prepared to make any size Copper Stills, irortoo, piper, Brewers' Kettles, in faell anything made of Copper and at the very, lowest Price. All kinds of Cop p errepniring done, and work all guaranteed. -. LITTER EYSTER ARE PREPARED J.LI to do all kinds of GAS,PITTLSG. PLUMBING and BELL HANGING at shOrt nodes and work guaranteed to give safisfacqon. T'TTER & EYSTER ARE PREPARED LA to put np HEATERS of all kinds, with porktble Odd Brink Casing, COOKING RANGES of all kind& with IM Water Tanks and every eonyedienee you may want.-- Call and see a+ before making any arrangements wit', other parties. N E S T 0 • E TINWARE, STOVES, ere. HILLER, HAIITLTON & CO. Have opened their new store on the Soath•East Corner of the Dieounut, where they can supply ,kustorners with first. rate articles at very cheap prices. sepri GREAT REDUCTION 2:50 A. M . 7:00 A.M. IN P R I C E S!! FrINI 7:30 A.H. TINWARE & STOVE DEALERS, • 9:20 1:35 P.M. 4.05 P.3r. 9:30 1%34 1:50 ..4.11. bare minced the rives of their goods f... 3 per cent They will put on the best quality TIN ROOFING .117 (firatrig the Tm, &e) far .910 per square. If the tat her finds the Tin 1% ill pnt it on, soldered, 'Ka. i 1.2 00 per = 12722 12 tm. People wonitl do well to call upon them before raaltMe contracts or purchases elsewhere. Particular attention will be paid to SPOUTING, JOB RING, &c.. at the cheapest rates LIGHTNING RODS, of beg Oaliarkzed Iron. put up atru❑gly and cheaply. IL, t{ 5, CO., have a fine assortment of .PANNED, and also, BIRD CAGES, ICE CREASI FREEZERS, 1:40 A. 1:30 P. li. all of which they offer at short prate. GiCe them a call and "ft for ycarselves. [ma El FOR "C 0-1,1. F 0 ;It T , CONVENIENCE, Econtany and Durability, flu. ' THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENtR:= EUEOREAN RANGE! • - • Tilt BM LANGE EVES MVENTED, SOLD BY • CHASE, SHARPE & THOMPS'ON, No. 203 X &road Sr- Philarlphia. Iron Founders, and. Manufacturers of Some, Heater., Tinned and Enamelled Wares, Se,. &e. tauten. -6m. EW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK. _L THE OLD CLOTHING EMPORIUM_ MARKET Chambrrsburg, Pa. The undersigned. after a temporary absence necessitated by the destrra lion of Cluanbersburg, has attain returned and opened out in frill blast in the Market House between Valiace's Dry Good store and Huber Si Len:taster's One eery i-tore. a large assortment of PALL AND IVINTER GOODS, of every description and quality. This stock con.sists of Ready Made Clothing latch as Over Coats. Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers. &c., also OESTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, such ' Cravats, Susf,mdens,,Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Col - tars, Umbrellas, &a... His stock of Cloths for customer woitconsists of French, English and Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassaners. Black Satin, 'Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassaner Vestings which will be mute up to order in styles to snit the taste of customers, - on short notis.e, and reasonable terms. • Raving engaged a practical Cuttkr from the East. lam prepared to famish clothing in the Must fashionablestyles, and as none but experienced workmen are engaged per sons may rely upon getting their work well done at my Store. -Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowest I re speetfully solicit a continuance of the same. attl9 - J. T. HOSKINtON. A.M. 1'..1f. 7.00 9,15 :17 3:35 Q:l7 4:20 P2O 12:55 9:00 1: 2 9:3'2 NEW PHILADELPHIA NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! The undersigmed'hasnst returned from the East with a grunt assortment of the lateit and ehoiee,t steles of PIECE GOODS, such as English, Freofh and iinoteli Cloths, Cassitneres, &e. Also, a large assortment of REA DY-MADE CLOTHING on bawl at all times. Great attention paid to cusTom WORK. Clothing made in the latest city steles and at short notice. We would also inform the public that we have just re ceived a large assottment of HATS. CM'S and GENTS' . FURNISHING GOODS, such as Paper and Linen Cel lars, Neck ties, Handkerchiefs. Huse, Sasprrulers, and e'ery article in the Gents' Furnishing line Please call anal exanunevat JOHN DIETER'S . , . Popular (lat hing Bazaar, South Main Street, nearly ore pe2ite tireenuwalt'a Hotel, Riga of the "Red Flag." N. B.—Cloilling Repaired, Scoured and Cleaned at %bort fiIIEAT EXCITEMENT AT SEER rEßsßEßG.—Having just opened a L A RGE STr f;0011S, In the corner room formerly facto 1;4 1 \i,•ll. Brewers, consisting in part of Black Cu,slmorei, Satinets, Jeans, Veetinge, Se., which e are ptergrett to sell either by the piece or yard; and having ens:need a Shiliffil Cutter and workmen. we are prepared to make up' COATS, PANTS and VESTS in the Infest and most apprerred style, and at the very lowest CASH rates. We shall keep constantly on hand a large stock of 3IADE UP CLOTHING. manufactured by our cop workmen. anti In which line we defy competition, .to, regards durability and cheapness. tribe Ladles we }Las. a large tine of Black and Fancy Cloths, suitable for Clunks, Sacks, &c. Alto a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. lIATS AND CAPS, and a general assortment of Gentlemen's Eurnisidna Goods., such as fine Shirts;'Collars, NeeksTd.s Ilnder•Shirts, Thutrets,'&e. All of the above goods We ill sell as low as they can be bought in any market in the Union for Cash. fort4.6rdol JOHN It. STINE & CO. 1109!EktTRET AILM6lvs. - - The undersigned having purchased the entre Stock and Pl.:tuxes of the Rope and -Twine Manufactory of J. P. they, deed, respectfully announces to her friends. and the termer patrons of the establishment, that she will iiintinue to curry on the business, in all its various branches, of 'HIE OLD STAND, on Franklin street, Cluunhersbung, where she will be pleas. ed to receive the calls and °niers of the public. All kiwis, sizes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., S. 8. 8111:YOCK always kept on band or made to order of the best material, and turnised at reasonable prices. In connection with the above business, she Is also prepared to manufacture HAIR, HUSK, AND OTHER MATTRAsSEs, • es well as Horso Blankets and Ply Nets orsuperier gnat ity and style. Persons In want of superior articles in the above line axe requested to sail, er sand their orders, which will be attended to promptly. deem-ly MARY E GRAY. T ey No. 37 South SECOND Street; above OwAunt, PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS ! CARPETINGS ! Having received :by late arrivals, all the newest and most attractive Styles of Carpetingir,—l AN PREPARED TO OFFER at the Low ear PRICES, WIIOLESALE & RETAIL— John Crossley & Son•s English Tapestry Brussels ; & Hartford Three• Ply and Extra Super Ingrain Car pets, with a large assortment. of medium and low priced CAUPETBiGS, WINDOW SlaDlirs, OM CLOTHS, &e., J. 'P. 'DELACItOLA. No. 37:South SECOND Street, between Chestnut nzlc9r - o-i Ainrk.t PHILADELPHIA MILLER, HAMILTON 5:. CO BRASS, AND ENAMELED WkRE, ~ WATER cooLmts, Cot ing. CLOT,EING BAZAAR. rOi:lr,ii 4 a4 ' _3 6 ‘ l 4ll*4; - :,,pa.i.,.. Mattes nit jewel rg. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c. I ,l:laving jest opened a well selected assortment of goods liimy line, directly Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street, ' D where my old and I hope many new customers will and me during hosinesslours. My old stock having been re• diced very suddenly on the :Mb of July lost, I was norg , ; . pelled to buy an Entire New Stock of Goods, which are of the latest styles end patterns, consisting of Gold and Silver (Imported and American) Gent's and Ladles' Watches, Jewelry of fine and medium qualities, Silver Thimbles, ntphin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Gold Pens of fine quality, Pocket Cuilery, Razors, Strops and Brushes, ' - ' Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Rutter Knives, Jett Goods, • Poc)tet Books, Ladies' Purees, .-- Nail and Tooth Brushes, Redding and Porket Combs, Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels, • Large and Small Willow Baskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Banjos, Taniborines, Aecordeons, ,to. The assoPtment of CLOCKS is large and of every vu. rie havilon hand the ILENRY REPEATING RIFLE, which an be fired fifteen times In that many seconds. Everybody should have one for self ilefenee. The public are Invited to"call and examine them. PISTOLS on hand and orders tilled for any laud that may' be yarded.: Cartridges of all sizes kept on hand. From lOng experience lean adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLE'S AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver rind Steel Fmtnolal iays'ouland. flaying the agency for the sale of the celebrated BIM GLAD. AND FIRE-PROOF SAFE, manufnanred by Farrell, dewing & Co., I trill flu enters it the manufac tures prim All inferudixion in regard to them given. - The public are invited to call and examine the stock. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at low rates to emit the times. decl4 EDWARD AUGIIINI3ATIGII. G OLD, SILVER & PLATED WARE. '. G. LITMAN, Second Strta, in Washington !rota Building, Has jgat mutinied Irons the city with to large and cheap stock of guilds. to 0 hnh he invites all to COMO and exam ine before putelutsing else. hero. Ills stock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the latest styles, Gold anti Slicer Chains, Breast•Pin.s. Ear and linger RiOgs, Sleeve Buttons, Stud*, eta, • • • SILVER" WARE, Table and Tea Spoons, Furls, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Castors. Sr. I have added to my lock a large assortment of thirty hour and eight day CLOCKS till of which will be sold low. Goods warrauted too represented. Thankful tee toy muay trends and customers for their liberal patronage, would nest re,peetfully ask of them a continuum.• of the rams. marl C•of F. G. DIT3IAN. Al- ARSIf A LL C 0 cr,sor. , , TO F. J 1.0$1.1%) HAGERSTuNVN, JIU, Would resptiethilly inform the, friend, and the public generally that they have bed r. taried from the citiei with a large stock of New and Iteanhiol iiood4.—,or,sistog o FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND JEWELRY OP EVERY DESCRIPTION: 'SILVER and PIA YET) WARE, SPOONS. FORKS. LADLES. KNIVES and c.\*Tolzst—Scitors, Pocket Knives,' Razors, RazonStraps,—Halr, Tech, and Nail Brit‘hca.—Pocket Books Comb , of every bind. Leather Satchels, and a Genera? Variety of FANCY GOODS.— A Lam. Asrortlneut of SPECTACLES To SUIT ALL EYES. ' enguAlm ELI HOLDEN, INVITES THE AT iention of ei..ry reader of this lupe', which includes many thousand of Ws old and acqualiatatrms. to Lis uniavuolly , aim Immuiful s aro r ANIERICAN & Imported - WAIT II ES. CLACKS, al:it elegant designs 'O:JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, Sr, ELI lIOLDEN, 7CN Market Street, PhEadelphia. CM Austral. K N A B E & CO'S GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS, Which for rower and sweetness of tone, easy and. agree able touch. and beauty of finish, have been by the best of judge' s pronounced " unrivalled." All of their large 7 octave rmpos are eenacruered a ft er their new improved .verstrunr Grand Seale, - with all the latest imptos emente. „-• seomd Baud 1.,a40,at :teat BarglilllF, at prices rang mg from e.,7.0 to 250, A...‘ 1.. r K.labv.S.: Co., I ant en aided to:4211 at tlO 'Dalt:tour° For titr.hpr par- =mu= EINWAY PI A. N S.-3lEssus. :4-ri V A. h.t .a! up, anis or THIRTY FIRSP PREMIIIII., gold and medals, no Washalgton Nra- Stork, ein• emnati, 3n Lois Cilatazo Detns: and other , cities. . . ,_ • • _IT Ww:Li? held itr LON r??•\ - , I•ral . , at ??.???,??? Pumnit were 'on Ex b,t :OD ail I.ul' I,f lb, ‘vorla. AL was :it‘arded to SIELVA Al tr. $1.0%.t.. for porc - rful, Clear, brilhast and synpad.cie tcf.:Jr czcllltlet of workrilan ohip. For furtlker %attic litars apply to S. S. SITRYOCK, Agent for Steil/Way & Soo . , thambe:sbare; jut2l.9 el HUNTING, TEACHER OF • SIC, takes treat pleasure in annul:racing. to the :tixen4 of Chaiabersbnrc, that he is prepared to give in• t•rroetlon on the PIANO. :11ELODEq tN. or CABINET I.AN. and most respectfully Ilberal share of their patronage. Those not In .he poss,sion of Pianos ran obtain instruction at hio home. act the use of a Piano Residen( e ofJCsSIS MCI h queen sl,eet, near Second. Terms reasonable. tuarsliriv THE MASON & lIAM LIN CABINET ORGANS, forty rlitTerr 131. Ftylelt. adapted to sacred and Feentiar mug, for S. , ?t/ to rlattO math THIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first pre- IIIiIIST29 awarded them. IllnGtmtedeatalogues free. Ad. Bress, MASON 457 HAMLIN, EorAms, or MASON 11R9THERS, NEW YORK. kep6:l,,e, fttebital. D I'N E ! I `) IODINE! IODINE! lODINE' DR. 11. ANDERS & co's lODINE WATER! .4themists and Physicians; Lave long .aght, to digsolye lodine, n ithont at:solvent, s" tt could be taken into the system to allure gate: knot, inn , hat voji that It this could be done, they moult have an antidote for many diseases now cernsitlered tnextrable. After fifteen yearn ...elelltlfie research and experiment, tins Most impottand discovery woo nude by Dr. H. AN DEILS, is German Chamist and Physician, and u member& the Medical Facnlty of New York.. SARATOGA SPRINGS Contain only,a fraction of the quantity of lodine there is in thn, preparation, yet the ; .rtut, tg the v. ater is due prin. elpally to thin element. Ito effect upon the ,vstPm is indeed w ood, r n,l HER. EDITARY DISEAti . ES, " torn u, the system," are read jellied by its tLce. CHRONIC DISItASEti. no mutter of Inn' lung stading . , often yield. to it, subtle itiduence. As- Sitnilation at imoe - with the friend, it rindir.ra and purer that vital eradtny strength and ragar to all partkrif 51, body. The tno‘t n onderitd, etwee:;bas followed tin me, in nil forms of diFeabe origination in A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD svcif Aq nucCL% GI SI PIRLIS, MEM CostltrnoN, DY.PEP,Pi, 1/E.tur, LIVE,II ANP P 31.tt-h KIMEY IMEASES, FINER ANIIAta , E, 1111EUVIATI , ,m, It has effected remarkable cures. THE REV. 6EO. STORRS, Of' RHOOKLYN, Eaitorof the Bible .E.cann ner, pnbtiebes in that magazine the remarkable cure of big son by the use of Dr. Anders lodine Water, after all other remedies laulheen tried in vale. He says: "Gratitude to God, and a sense of obit. gallon to Dr. Anders & Co., have made us insert the fol. lancing : "My only can, George F. Storrs, now thirty-saves yearn old, has been afflicted for some dozen years, more or less with painful swellings and inflammations in various parts of his body; oftentimes, seemingly, lie was near to death ; then a respite for a Mason; but only for a return of the dis ease with more violence. For the past three years he has hart an open sore on his breast, and latterly one near his collar bone, with ulceration in his threat, that was rapidly increasing. so that diegolutiea appeared inevitable. In this condition he applied to Di;. A sufths & Co. By the use of the lodine Water the .ulceration in his throat duo appeared in a short tune. Continuing it., rue, in less than two months he was appariettly healed, and his general health much Unproved." Mr. Storm has since fully recov ered. 'Me certificate IN stns, and litany othurb, with a treat ise on the nature anti tell of Italian, will be Sent Fict:E.to tiny person sending us Ulna name. Price $l.OO per bottle, or G for ,i 5,00. Scut by Express to all parts of the country, DR. U. ANDERS & CO., Physician. and Chemists, 428 Broadway, New York. Pr Sold by Druggists geurrally JACOB E. I{IDGWAY, • BANKER, No. 57 S. Third Preit, two doors abort Chestnut, East side, Philadelphia. Stocks bought and sold en (20111111i,Si011. . Loans negotiated. Compound interest Note, bought and sold. Government Loans bought and sold. uncurrent Motley exchanged. United States Reeetthe Stumps constantly on hand, or ders,by mall promptly tilled. Discounts on following amounts 2 per cent on $25 ; 3 per .nt on 8100: 4 per rent on Falsl and upwards. .4 , Tr20 4 t GELIVICKS &BURKHART Dave an baud the e • , LASOES STOCK.43F mossortAKoisc in town, and sell goods • WHOLESALE AS CHEAP 6 any house irk Philadelphia. ELVVICKS -4 &:- BURKHART innuntlicture eve iy description of CANDIES AND CONFECTIONARY, OIL! 0I L!- OIL! 01 . .14! GELWICFS E BURKHART KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS rv,theap US it •au be bought at Pittsburg with freight ltddrth mid ellimpor by 310 -I ininti per gallon with freight aildo i d than it can be loinght In Philadelphia. - EV" Country Merchants. notice this Ext. Yon can do batter in Qils with this firm than either tity, as we hay in Inge quantities expressly for wholesaling. GEL W ICKS BURKHART hove just received a line of superior , FRESH GREEN AND BLACK - TEAS, AT LEDULED GELWICKS & BURKHART _twin a large sapply of PRIME HAMS, at a redaction on former figures—, G ELWICKS Sr. BURKHART gnat variety of SPICES AND FRESH IldKliVa ARTIcLEs. far All Spices are ground on their own mill andre- Pared In their ntrn More, -pure land frerh, 710 adulteration. G ELwicKs&i3uRKHARt - keepslarge stock of ; TOBACCO AND SEGARS. aELWICKS 111:11KIIART keep an in)11/l.s , •• tock of 'NOTIONS. AND VA:RIF:HES kept in all country .toms, dna n ill .ell them nn eheap A. eity kte,k. iCK SR K . HART fal e a Liszt, stook .4 - COFFEES SPGAIIS. sYRITPSt MOLASSES, FISH amt SALT. at lelfolesstle prices. ELWICKS & BURK'HART% N.. 31 expert their 'Fluvial,: to pad• them by selling. a largo amount td' rooi•, and not hy large profiti. G ELWICKS & BIrItKEUgRT 'have rettived a large tot at -," PRIME CHEESE,;-)- and a variety 4 , 1* CRACKERS fre‘b from the heOtery., G ELWICKS R. BUR eI HART'S Whololln and Retail qiztOCERY AND CONTE ONERY 11.1 017 St,Mill Strut, 1. - ..nrown Quevn atal - Market AtA., - ItAMBE.ItittI'ILG. PA. MUM= =l= MARKET HOITSE.—The undersigned Tripectluity inrurm their numerous cOstoment and. the public generally that :Ley have rewened their Gro cery Store m the room formerly ocrupled by the Bookend Ladder Company, in the Markel House, 'and tramtbli method of returmffir their thanks for the liberal patretunde heretofore extended to therm Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY'fGROCERIES, consisting of Ham, Syrups, Salt. Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To baccea, Brushes. Brooms- Beekets Cords, Twines. Olaxs.- ware, Queenstrare and everything heretofore kept at their former pffiee of business. 1 hey will always keep a suffi cient stock on hand to be radii, d a, went the demands of the community. COUNTRY Pitt MITE taken in ex , change for goods at tools market prows. Don't fordet the plane, (Market House,) three doc.rs from the corner. on Queer, Street,- iang.ll,l HUBER & LEMASTER. IMPOR ; TER OF WINES AND LIQUORS. Beer= 4:17-.hoitTot Walnut Soya.", phi/eadpkia. GEO: LA t73LIN, A. M. SAELKDE„\ J. D. Bitnia. 5 r Each bottle sealed se.th green wax with the initials of the SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE PINE SHERRY, CLARET AND: ' 110 CE IVLNES AND AN A,SOIMIEN r OF FINE BRANDS or CHAMPAGNE OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. VERT }IN: ANT) nr./acATE OLD PORT WINE, Each bottle :elated 'With yellow wax Irvh the initials of the, Firm. OLD RYTII WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, wmutANno. OHERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, WERRT'S WHISKEY,' TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, A'P REAIqNG WINES. SALLADE & N 0.128 South Ninth Strut, n0134y. C S. MEM; • atttirnivs at taco. M. Iv S. STENGER, ATTOR-; G NETS AT LAW. W. 8. sit-NeiER, nibtriet At torney and Agent for procuring reaSiollE n Bounty Monity and arrears of pay Office lu James Mae'Ts d'weiling, on the West side a Second Street. between Queen hint Washington Streets. kyug24 STUMBAUGII & GEHR, Arl OitiiEYS AT LAW.—Oftlen opposite the Post Office. Will at tend promptly to all bustnegt entrusted to their rare. P. S.—Authorized Agents for the eollection of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay and all other claims againit the'notem ment. sepl4 Mr I,EVEe on 3 R ra E os T , T, 4 . 4 :, t Attorney o,l a e th t L e c az i.t . • gouge, formerly occupied by Jer. Cre I.nq. Alt legal busincass entrusted tb les care nil! receive prompt atten tion. sep7-tr. TOID.i STEWART, ATTORNEY AT Law el Mire on Second Strei t, a few hairs South of the Market House. PENSIONN • NTT nod otherclairos promptly collected. (aug3l NILL, ATTORNEY AT Lew. Of • Bee nt his residence on Second street. octl9 TB. B. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW • °Moe on Market str,t. ootlg - - TO DYSPEPTICS.—IIaving been aftiic tedfora number of years with Dyspepsia, I WWI advised to try DR. WISTIART'S MEDIC NE fur that disease. I derived great benefit and recommended it to quits a number of my friends and who were also math benefitted by it, and whose testimonials can be bad if nec essary. I have been appointed by I.) r. Wishart as Agent forthe Sale of his 'Medicine, wholesaleor retail. . _ _ W. G. REED, noer.l wrivattnlT nPore ( 7 1.11111 , P1 , 1 , 1117 Prt @mercies, PLC. and bell Strictly at ern" PREMS MD= and willE4lli them ither.enle at city Priem. IL igitor. CAIMAN. BALLADE & CO .AO, 12' 4 -OFTJt RIVEGE. AAIDILAT 6: CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE (F 1,438, firm. IBPOBTF.D BY t LAU - MAN, SALLADE J. CO. INMETED itr L.ktMAN, SALIADE & CO.. No. 15 4 South Ninth. Stress, philadelphia DTI) anb amp eteobo.'. Y GOO D S AND NOTIONS. ECK EL AGILBERT, AT THEIE NEW STORE; MALN' STREET, - Nett?ly Opposite to'Greettateizleo' Hate Just Opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Notions of all kinds, which they have selected with great care 'to adapt them to this market, ' and which will be sold at the lowest CASH imams. 'Their list Me/tides All grades of Calicos, Lupen's test All-Wool dinines. plain and printed, d'Laines, Ainelines, Baratheas, _ Brocade Alpacca, Black Alpaca; Silk Crape Plaids, Taney and Plain cord Armures, Shepherd Plaids, ail styles, Lupenls best French :Merinos, all colors, - • • Mourning Goods, all styles, Plain and Printed Flatmlls„ Sack Flannels.' • Gilberthppera Flannels, all colors, White, Red, Grey and Yellow Flannels, , Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, all kinds, = Shirting Sinslins, - bleriebed And brown; Sheeting Muslins, bleached and brown, Fancy add Plain Cassirneres, Freodh and American: Satibietts, Tweeds, Jeans, Vesting's, ato:, Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every style, , Ladies' Corsets, all prices, , Ribbons, Laces, Ruffles, Hose, Gloves, Spool Colton. , Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Pins, Needles, Sc., rte. ALSO. s 4 GREAT VARTEIT OR BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. P' Remember, No Old Goods at ECKEL dr. Gththerra Ness Store Call and examine. aus3o Vats, eapo anb Futo. GO TODtCHERT'S Di'Y YOU: RATS AND CAPS He yon a Better Quality }tore Seryiceatile and Y FOIL LESS RONEY, than eau be bohght elsewhere. 15.1!1\'AL.—t'ow is the time ~ to boo yolr Fllaidvlnt ,andv ! l. I'AXTON'S. in the Atarket House is the place to get them clefrp and good. A very fine assortment of _ . 31/ns' Sue and coarse Bow., 13almorals and Gaiters, ...,Ladies' Odom Kid. 310asten and • •-".•'•••:. Coarse Shoes and flatters, - 3lisses' and Cl:Dimas' Shoes and (Miters of every style. Also SEENS'AND BOYS' MATS AND CAPS at prices to suit all. The best -Home-make of -Hats to be had. A Sae assortment of , Trnnks, Carpet Bags. ,' .. . - Valises, Canes,. ... . _ Umbrellas, Az., 1 • 40tuttintly on hand. Call and examine- onr stock before purchasing. Inlthe 3farket House, on Second street. • F A L L S T`Y L E . OF HATs'AND CAPS. • DECHEBT Les jibt. received the FALL STYLE OF HATS, which he. is Set Chcaper thalt,tie Cheapest._ Call and get LS' ADIEFA lEN NCY FURS. AT JO 1-..-kitEIRA . :: OLD ESTADISSIIEW FUR lidatX- Ftriulty, -Co. 7IS .4rolt Street, abore hat 0 LOW h in store of mrewn Importation and. Mann• facture, one of the Tareaq ana most bruntiful selections of FANCY FURS, for Ludic and Cbildren's Wear, in the Clt3. Also a fine assortnient of Oe'nt's Fur Gloves and Cultars. . I am enabied to d:-pose of my goods at very reasonable prix rS, :Intl I would therefore wilco a call from my friends ml Franklin county and icinit3 - . 1,1 - 75 - - Remember the l't - utue, Number and Street t JOHN FA-REINA, 7z e Arch Street, above 7th. smith side, Philadelphia. I ban.. no partner. nor - connection 'with any other Store in Pltilnd,•lphi.t 5er.27.4m. T UE PATENT RESORT "HAT CM SHAPES AND COLORS, at LOW PIII(t3, at DECHERT'S on Second Street, near the 'Washington House. ATEN'S BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S .0.1. 'ETATS of even• style to be had dealt at PAXTON'S. . . T HE "SHERIDAN RESORTE HAT," a nice article, at - PAXTON'S. Gento' ,funtisting Onto. WANTED.—Gentlemen to wear the nice warm NED RTS and DRAWERS told by ROSS. INDER SIDRTS AND DRAWERS OF etery variety. at QDIRTS AND DRAWERS SELLING, Verr ttitettit ROSS'. DO" YOU WANT SOMETHING TO make ,yin comfortable? •Call and pa a gt..ed SHIRT of ROSS. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE e SIGN of "RED SHIRT." DOSS KEEPS A'L'ICE ASSORTMENT 4...0 of 73A TS and FANCY GOODS. ftARRI AGE MAIctFACTORY.—The tvl arTdersigned wead respect rally inform the public that be has regained the Carriage making business at the old stand er PeitTer & Fultz, on the corner at ldarket and Sec ond Streets. where he is prepared to mak a to order any kind of CARRIAGES desired. Tie will also keep on band and for sale nil kinds of vehicles. such to IIfiatOIMIIES, CARRIAGES. BUG011:13, . • lio wdl also give particular attention to repairing Velal. Iles and us he has none but the best of workmen in his employment he feels assured that his work will give sat. isfaetion. Bit pnees will be found to be as low 11 not lower than at ties other shop. LIVERY. — Iie keeps on hand A stock of good saddle and driNing Horses nail Carriat;es of different kinds fur bite at reasonable rates. P. HENRY PEIFFER may 3, }r4l3 FIN FROCK'S 111A1R.B L E WORKS, • sr.con, STREET. SO 1 :111 OF QUEEN. OHAIMERSBI TUG. PA. MONUMENTS, HEA DST,ONESofte.. Manufactured to order ill Ale hot it style end of the Weld ll= • •JF Ettligo - Ant AieltbitlatOi _ • RII ! it ff G - -I Dc, H. CRES§VR.Rilliacessm to - Hems & CltsgS t.Es, has opemedialais new tritti, on Second street, oppo- site the Poet "Otlice,'Where . es:rifort will be; made to sustain the potmlariiy the Mistunent hadatvired: continuation of the liberal patronage which ihe firm" re ceived is resPectrally solicited. -A fair stook di:Wags, Chemicals, and Patent Medicine's is new offered. - Also a desirable assortment of . . Perfumery. . - . - Sours, - Pocketßooks,_ - , - Hair Brush - es, , , - Maillrnsbeil, . , . . . .Toith Brushes, . Cosmetics, , Deniiirices . . and Fancy Articles in great Duty. KEROSENE LAIIITS.—Every description of Eland Lamps. Stand Lamps,illmiging Lamps and Sidotrunps Imitable for Kitchen ast; Parlor nie, Store - rain' and Office ma. . „ , Flue? Looking Hat THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE , MARKET Family Dyes of alredcrls. `Everything in a Druggists line of busim.s. Prescriptionk reeeice special attention. an& are oxnponutl.l kith care and skill. C. 33. CRESSLER, Second Street, opposite the Post Mice. IT ENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1 Heat's croup svrup ; trelmbold's katmetßachu, 'Ayers' Sarsaparilla. Ayers' Cherry PPetoral, VW - sashay' Soothing Syrup, 4 - at SPANGLER:S. ROCK RI , OS . p3p-AGLEtis.T BIIRNE.TT,'S . COCOAINE at SPANGLIMS. CHAMOIS •SKINS, -AT SPAIgGLIKIVS: AT ERCH&Nt'S. GmmuNsujr„ M 'GALISTER,'S OINTMENT SPANGLES3.I3: p u LIQuo I,L4L-E.T RUM AND COSTARIS:BATIXtER JJ3II2iATOI2. nt SPANGLEIVS. OOSTAit'S BED-BUG EXTERMENA vv TOR, at SPANGLER'S. CORN STARCH, FARINA - AND CON centratiA Lye, at SPAIitiLER'S. FINE PERFUMES.—The stock can't be excelled. . SOAPS. 'Particular attention is asked to the ashorirrieut offered 'at NIXON'S. lurEDICLN4S.—Fresli, awl of the very 111 best quality, sold at ' NIXON'S. CALL AND SEE NINON'S STOOK , xj of Fancy Artielei. mm I.TEW “M...iCIIINES"---Nixoli is _IL- now putting up his CATTLE POWDER in exoef: lent style new tube]. The Powder has sen_sperlor. Every farmer or person Owning a Horse, Co"w; Rog or Sheep should have it 91EETH.—If you want a good Tooth j_ Brush and something to keep the teeth clean, call at NIKONS THE CIIA).10E TO SELECT FRO 3 recenty dozen of Tooth Brushes is offered at c,IIIOE CRAAIBERSI3URG WAS K) first laid mai until now there - has not been such a stook-of finaPerfomery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs and Toilet Azticlei :SLSON oder& , VINE POMADES, AND BRUSHES VOLTNG LADIES CONTEMPLATING I marring° should call at NIXON'S for Toilet Articles *alitterg ,ttntr pantess. ciADDLERY! REMOVAL!!*-- ).J.AMEXIAII OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to tit patrons for the llberal etumnyagement recd. ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community. g enerally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his miss stand, on Main Street, es the same siteaccupled by him previous lathe fire, where he beeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY ANI) HARNESS of his own, manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the mane on terms that defy competi-' tion. Every weals offered for safe is wartented to be made of the best materiel and by competent workman, which will be Nib-demonstrated on an examinationthete-, of. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—Ho would Ede° caf tht attention of persons wanting a good, neat and cheap m a. substintial Trnnk or 'Valise to his assortment. aprill9 p:ADDLES' HARDWARE.-C. GORDON has Just purchased in the East a large stock or SADDLERS' RARDWARE consisting of Buckets, Rings, Ritts, llamas, Bridle Fronts, Teaks_ "Riot eta, Rosettes„StrireLs. Pad Screws, Gig - Trees, Black trimmed and fnil.plate seltafflusang Trees, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Saddlers' Hair, Patent Leather Cot. lars. Ornaments, Girth and Rein Web. 0)a-eyes, Thread, Trunk, Nalls Neck Protectors, &a, &c., which he incites Saddlur's and others to call and examine, and which_ wilt be cold at low rates. C. G ORDON., HAS - ON RAND N_/. large assortment-4 Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bri : dies, Halters, fancy Roam! Bridles, Wagon, Carriage and Linen Nets of all kinds, Alan SL6O to $7,00; Carry Combs, Hon. , Cards, Mane Combs, Brushes, Hone Boots, Corr Midas, and many other articles not "necessary to errs. merete. REMOVAL.—C. H. GORDON has re moved his SADDLERY BHOP to the stand °mu. pied by him previous to tlas fire, ma MAIN STREET, a few da's South of Greenawalt's Mote/. TOB PRINTING, in every style, done olit the (Mr. of the MAW/WM RAPOSVNYRY. R 1 M I R, at bit NEW , DRUG-S-TORE, one dooi west BROWN'S HOTEL,: = 1,),1TR.E „AR IT GS CHEMICALS and 4_ the best :PAITN7I.IEDILsTES, Exuma= om LAMPS, PiItiVUEE - Y SOAPS, &c. West Est& of Broteni's Hofer.. Or otet~. MEI J3RO*rN'S- HOTEL.—This Hotel, situ ated on the miter of Cadeett and SeCond Streets, op posite the Bank, Comt Room, and County Offices, and in rhohnmediaSeneightothood- of Stores, Shops, and other *WS ot huireess, issaTeialeretly sin:mated for country bradnani itiebambatalitug. The BABA; ,Ea‘b e e la glastly.enlaxgesi and retied for the aceotamoda- . tkat of ()nada t WI t can Produce.LSivinalvitys be furnished with-the. best hekianke Tim Tanta-be dappled with pure and choke 1,1.. THE BTABRI Is - large iShdattepiled with a good and Esimattentian will be rendered to teak; Gnash' ecr.m , . Actable while aolotinkiat at ibis SM. febl JACOB S. BROWN', Proprietor.. 'HOTEL - .—This' and well Aestablished liatelianaw open for the accommodation Ad Gaeta sTheProptieterhavingleasal the ihree-itnrj-blockof diugg en Qmsen Strew:, in thereat d his formerMandli prepared to farnishPOOD ROOMS for the traveling and transienfcastem. — -- gig TABLE will sastain its former-reputation of being auwlied with the best the market can ppatinee. EAR; detached- trent theAnnin building; will al• wars hare choice told pure LicAuors- Goact Warm STABL ING for fifty- horses, with careful ostler, - • . Every attention will bo made to render guests corefbrt• able while sofonnileg at thii Hotel. - puslli , - XNO. FISHER. Proprietor. ;NATIONAL ,HOTEL.—The subscriber :l would respectfully annonaca that hehas so far CO' plated his Hotel - building as to be enabled to open it . the the acoommodidion of the public. The building hma tirely .new and ballt on the most approved plan for com fort and converience. The EAR will always be supplied with the bast of it quote. He has chin ericted in eenneetionithilm Hotel a lame And convenlentSTAßLE r and is now prepared to furni.h Stabling and Provender for any number or Horses. Attached to the Stable (undercover) sin a pairof -HAY AND STOCK SCALES, to which the especial attention of Fitment, Drovers and Butchers is in jaly26 - HASIBL.TROSTLE. - DA.VID H. - 'HUTCHISON ma become the Proprietor &the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG, PA.- Thispopular and - eommodions Hotel has becanewly refitted saulthrnished throughout its parlors and chambers, Sad is now ready for the reception of guests. The traveling . publie - will land the United States-Hotel the meet 4xmvement, in all particulars, of any Hotel hi the State Capital, on aocortut of its access to the railroad, being immediately between the two great depots in this tits. [llarrishurgjune 17, 63-tf, QTATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE f.J the Lebanon 'allay and Pennsylvania Railroad, De pots, Irarrlsburg Clty,Pa.. This convenient and pleannt Haat L note tap* by the undersigned, late of the LANA Queen M Chrnbersbarg, and he unites the patronage of I.la old Minds and the public - generally. Terins moderate. . • . - JOHN W. TAYLOR. - 4iisuratur. AMERICAN LIFE rNsußxxcE AND; n0.. - Vr co.. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. Incorporated 1650. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, .9510,0110.. Paid-Up Capital, 5230.000 L Philadelphia., yet). 4, 1864. The Trustee's - hove this klay declared a Itividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums ceceiTedlipon 11:.st.Potatits dminecthe year. ending December 31st, , 1863. and in force 'at that date, the above amount to be • credited to said Policies, and,have also ordered the digl dead. 011860 on Policies issued durine that year to be paid, as the• annual premiums on taid. Policies are re. ceiced. - OFFICERS. PresittentL-Alexander WhithEn. • Beeresary and Treasurer—John S. - Wilson. • Actuary—John C. Sims. - , BOARD OF TRUST.e.bBl.—Alexandern Whilldin, ~I. Brlgur Thomson,- George lingem, Hon. Jams _ Paunch, Albert C. Roberta, P. If. Mingle. Samuel Work, Willinto J. Howard. Hon. Joseph Allison. Samuel T. Bodine, John • Aikman, Charles F. Ileaulat, Is.coo G. REED, Chambersbunr, Pa o is the Agent of the American Lire Insurance and. Toast Lout. pany, and is always prepared It, tarnish panu•blets or any information wanted, and to take lacurances. .1388.-J. C. RIMIS.Rns and W. li. Bull,F. Narita Ex aminers. _ REPERRNOES—IIon. A. R..ll'Clure. - Res. $. J. ?Tie. coils, J. S. Nixon, Chainbershu4 and Win. tL Marshall, Cashier of the Hagersto*u flank. Persons dedriuginforrnation or .wishing to insure please call on, or by addressing the tublenigned they will be waited on in any part of the Coahty or State. • mat e 3 - - IV. G. REED, Agent, ' 1829 CHARTE R PERPETUAL R-. F.RANELLY FIRE INSURANCE c PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS On Jiumarq 1, 1865 ter® Strß:Pr.tl3. DiTiMMD PEZMILIC3 ' trzoinifir Cutts, I INeom pOIIIBE3 " PAID 4 , t 3,000, 121; 000, . iele;.3 PAID SUCCE I.Bn. 8.1,950 PNAPETITAL AND TE3LPORART POLICIES ON LD3E.RAL TERM DIRECTORS: - 'Charles N. Bucker, ' .Iteme Lee, Tobias Wagner, FsAran' C.-Dale, , . Sftmnel Grant. Gee. Pale, Jacob R. Smith, . Alfred Filler. - George W. Richards, . Fras. W. Leiri., N. D. CHARLES N. RANCHER. 'president. - EDWARD C. DALE. Vit e President .14s. .W., IWALLisrtn, See)- pre. 1,11. . . DAVID OAKS Is the authorireLl Airro‘t of the COM- pallY in Chambershurg,. who will furnish all informatlon necessary to applicants. marZ-tt pTSITIUNCE COMPANY OF NORT '. AMERICA- IncorNratedrltl. Charter Perpr4rtal. CAPITAL 8.500,000. Mee 232 Walnut Street, Phila delphia. Tho prompt payment of Claims f,i-Illoses during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has beep- in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the pubfle. This company:wild also insure against loss by WAR - or DrVASION. Persons wishing to icsare will please call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Charubersburg, AS Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering p destrOyed by the Rebels =the lithh or July, returning the fell premium paid on application at my °Mee. . - W. G_ RE,ED, Agent. - RE.Esurzczna---J. D. Grier, J. Atix.n Eyster, Major J. E. Austin, Cot A. A. M'Clare. febB OUR AGEIiT.-31r. 301/N GROVE, of dhambersbarg. is the General Agent of the'F 4 ank• lin County-Ilnimal Insurance Company-. - ' june7) Gift. Mistribution. A PRESENT FOR ALL ! BONA FIDE GIFT DISTRIBUTION ! ! 6100,000 IN SUBSTANTIAL PRESENTS 100,000 BOXES 'STEEL - PENS. 100,000 FREE GIFTS. _ Each purchaser,' besides receiving MI, value for his money in Pens. is sure to receive a valuable xift, worth from JO cents to 50000. The People's Pen Company, in order to introduce their nu - Pester Steel Pens to the Public in the shortest possible space of time, offer the following splendid inducements. We will sell at retail 100,000 box es, each box containing one gross,and a. eertitimite enti tling the holder to one chore in the allotment of the lowing deSirable nrecsateitantial gifts. • LIST Oh GIFTS.. 10) Acres of Land in Cattaraunus county :Now York, in the Tictnity lietro!cum Welts. BS,IIO 100 Acres Pine and Hemlock Timtu;r Land on Lehigh River, pennsvlcanil 5 17.13. 7'9.10 Conpon 'Bonds. $5OO each.. 10," " • 100 10 ., „." " 50 Orders on as First-class city house for a com plete sult.of fashionable Clothing, $100... 50 Ladles' Rich Silk Dress Pattern,r, 5 5 ' - 5 Clinkering's- or other good - maker, Round - Corner Rosewood Piano---7 :50.1 ?,500 50 Wheeler & Double stitch Sewing Machines, 850.. -. • - • Gent's Fine Gold Iluolto 8150 3,000 20 Ladies' •• " " , • • - $lOO 2,000 50 Gents' " Silver " " 40 2 ,000 - 100 Ladies' " Gold Lockets, large , 100 " mesa j • '"" 1.000 Sets Pine Gold Jewelry, Breart nes. and •Ear Rings, $l5 l 000 1,000 Ladies' Fine Gold Finger Rings, ar, ' 6,000 - .1,000 Pairs Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Stone Sleeve Buttons, 5,000 1,000 Sets Lady's and Gent'd Gold Studs, 85 5,000 1,000 Photographic Altrams, 82.50 - 2,500 10,000 Tickets of Attmission to Barnum's or Bry ant's, 30 cents. 3,000 /5,000 PackagesAssortekStatiormry, 50 cents,— 7,500 5,00' Fine Brierwood Pipes, (our ownirnportation,) 75-cents; 3,750 10,000 Sets Pearl and Ivory Sleeve Buttons, 50 cts 5,000 50,000 Sheets fashionable hfratle,•3o cents, 15,000 4,l Photopraphle Portraits of President Lincoln and. Tad, 50 cents, 2,204 The allotment will be conducted in the most honorable and - upright manner. Bverybolder or a-certificate wfil receive a present worth from 30 cents to 85,000. 'They gnarantee to distribute every article in the list. . Our Petri ase splendid specimens of American industry, are finer goods-than can be bought elsewhere for the tame money, and trill stand upon their merits: Price, 81.50 per gross, 144 pens. for either of the following kinds: _ No. 1 . The People's Pen Co. 'Business Pen • Popular Pen, came as Gplottis, (301) No. 3. Lady's Extra Fine., By mail, free. to any address, ou reeeipt of price. We can refer to parties of atandingya thi, and other eltrasf to hopost - Viespoosibilits, etc„ote. ete.The allotment of • g will be public, and all porchoser Red to be pre at. Addresk THE PEOPLE'S PIiNCO3IPANY, BusineasOffice, 6.lWitham street New Fork. C. C. NEWHME, Actuary. Theee Pates are also on hand for examination and gale at the offoie of this paper. aukr2,6m BEDDFNG AND FEATHER WARE- ousE I—No. 44 Nara Tenth Shyer', a/mix Market, =I BEDS. FEAT/MRS, - , MATTRASSES, BLAYKETS.' - • - BED QUILTS. _ TEEMS' eclat:gated:SPßlNG VET), ...Ev er y article In the HeMilmelme. at the ]sweet Marketprices. •eree-'im AMOS crILLTIORN. BE $400,000 on,ax) 1,101,..%3 3,000 9300 1,000 500 2,500
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