The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 11, 1865, Image 1

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    ,irEirts 9r. inumf444llolir;
etery Wednesday morning by. t , TIIE-ILEPOSITORY,
ASSDDIATION, 4 at $2 50 per aunts, Lti Apr iNcs, or
83 if not paid within the year.' Art subicription ae
triunes Mtn be healed annually. No paper will be sent
out of the Statelinlese paid' for in advance, and all ouch
subetriptions will inAriably be discontinued at the expi
ration of the time far which they are paid. -
ADVEILI ; IB£.IfENTS are Bute rte,...1 at FIiTEEN tENT2I
per line for first insertion, and TEN cores per line forsub
seqneet !amnion s . A liberal discount Is made to persons
adverrh &why the quarter, half-year or Yezrejl 3 Pecial
tieei charged onelatlf more than regalar advertisements.
All resohnlonsof Associations ;commtusications of MMted
or indPvidnal intel4it. and ntitiees of garritipisand Deaths.
exceeding See lines, are charged fifteen cents per line.
All Legal t,of escry kind, and all Orphans'
Court and other Judicial Sales, are required by Law to be
advertised in the REPOSITORX—it haring the TAMEST CIE
CULATION bf 4 , 4 paper irablieded in the county of Frank/in.
JOB PRPNTING of every kind in Plain and Fancyeol
ors, done with rvess and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks,
Cards ; Pamphlet &e., of every varlet . ) and style, printed
At the shortest notice. The IZEreisiToiti Orrin: has juet
been re-fitted with Stearn — Power and thife: , Proses, and
every thing io the Printing line-can he executed in the
most artistic manlier and nt the lowest rates. TERAIS IN
dr Mr. John IL &aye& h out authorized Agent to
receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, amt retie pt Po'
the wine. All letters should be adacessed to
M'CLURE & STONER. Publishers.
Qtoal, Lumber, &r.
The undersigned have now on hand, at their
a large supply of Sash, Shavers, Doom and Igind, for sale,
or made to order.
Mouldings Mall descriptions, from half inch to d itches,
on hand. -
Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.
Also—Wood Turning in all ith branches. Newel Potts,
Banisters, Bed Pools, &e,, on hand.
A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale.
Also—Wiltdow and Door Frames on hand or made at
short notice. RAZELET, VERNON & CO.,
febl tf Darrison _Avenue. Chanbershurg, Pa.
We have on band ail kinds of Coal and Lumber, and
are prepared to furnisH Bill Lumber to order at short no
tice, all at the most reasonable tenns. Our stock of Lum
ber-consists of
White Pine 2 inch Plank,
11 " select Plank.
" " 1k " Plank.
" " 1 select and Culling Boards,
4 " " " Boards,
" I Siding (6 inch.)
" Best River Shingles,
Wlrked noting '
" Joist and Scantimg, nil sizes,
Hemlock Joist and licantlitig,
Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling;
Palling and Plastering Laths.
We have also always on hand a good supply of all
kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-baning. Also a -supe
rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub
lic arc invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to
give satisfaction to all that,call.
Coal and Lumber furnished on the ears to any station
on the Franklin' Railroad:
PT'°Oftice on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard,
Charnbersburg, Pa. ' - . , LEO. EBERT & SON.
QTEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign
ed bare erected and in operation a Stearn Saw Mill
at the South 3tountain, near GrulTenburg Springs, and are
sprerii to saw to order hills , al wuri•E PINE :
lIEMLOGE. or nay hind at Callow at t,o rhort
est notice and at low rates. One of the Urn) udlbe at the
betel of .Saml Greenawalt, in Chambersburg, on &Oar
day the :24th In.t. and on each alternate Sarnidavherear
'ter for the purpose of cinanwthig the di iip ery of lure
her,, LI:31BLIt DELIVEItEIi at any point at the LOW
EST reATF.S. All letters should b addressed to them at
Undlinaburkr I'. D., Adam. Cu : Pa.
Small lilts of Lumber. Shingle:, from our
mini can ins lirrxinriul at any rime at
MarkfA Strert. Chamber.burC
13t13: I L D - I :N G MBEM----The
signed is prerare3 to saw ail kinds of Building Lum•
ber at the lowest market price. R. A. RENFELIIW
GREENWOOD MlLLS,FayetterillP P. 0. der^.-ly
LLUMBE R.--All kinds of Lumber for
sale at reasonable rates at A. S. 11IONN'S Milt near
Quint-5., Pa. . • -
itlcttblvart - entlrrp, Scr.
Haye-opened their store
on Main street,
nearly opposite their old place of boldness,
With as extensive stock of Ilardwa.-e, Cutlery,
cun.isting in rut of
Sp . lses,
Steel. -
Grind Storo•..
Ceiba. Ware,
P 4 eliret Kruveg,
&a, &c.
Special attention le called
Bitildets and Contractors,
1.9 they are
prepared to furnish in any quantity,
at wholesale, -
everything in theinline
Call and examine our stork.
The subscriber resTectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he contiLues to carry on tho above business,
at his old stand, on Main Street. opposite the German Re.
Farmed Church. CHAMBERSDERD. PA.
• Having' enliliged hie businms. Saddlers and Coach,
makers will find in his Store• Room a general assortment
of goods suited io their several requireuients, such as
Fair and Country Hopkins,
Saddle Trees and Girthing.
Gig Trees, Full Plated. Tinned and Japanned;
Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain
Web, lower than Cotton:.
names, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned
Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Huh Bands;
Bridle Fronts; Roseates. Sadvels and Ornaments; Iron
Plated and Wood Gig Barnes:
all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale
InStump Joints:and a variety of othergoedssnitable
; trade.
• ALL BINDS OF PLATING, Se., done with neatness
and despatch. [deelt] LEWIS WANPLEB.
(1 HE AP 11 A R "D W A R. E!
}lad a few goods .under the pavement, wlich were not
burned. Such as Locke, Binges., Screws and other Bard-
Rare. Besides, they have just received from 'Sew York
and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods. purchased much
cheaper than they are generally sold. They bac becn
burned out, therefore we offer Iron. Hinges,
Screws. Bolts, Oils. Glass. Paint. &e.. the '.avest figure.
rciasLicismiitis AFL FARMERS!
We have on band about 10 Tot* Iron of ibllerent kinds,
which we will sell less than it can be bought in the city.
AL, we hive 100 kiTgs of :Sang and Spike 4. we Utrt . r at
from 610 10 dollars per key.
CL rLEr.y.
finives and Forks, Sc!.sors, Rarer", l'oeket Knivps,
Spoons. dm., just received from :',4w York which we offer
very low. p2e,
( A 11 , 1 t I AGE MAK E RS' GOODS
Shoemakers' Ilucliagq,
Saihrers* Finaings
►~]'Ui cents trut•li and man) other art Odes t, W,ll nus in
the tire, .which cat - be made as geod as new
tEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in
-1300t5 anti *boco.
RREMOVED.—The undersigned has the
pleasure of informing hista customers and the pub
lie generally, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE
STORE to the Nem Brick Building of George Ludwig,
on Main Street, one door south of Greenawalt's Hotel,
where be L now opening the largest assortment of Boots
and Shoes ever brought to the county. His stock embra•
cos every variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS
& SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of
wear, cannot be surpassed in the , county, and which will
be sold at prices tomtit the times. Having purchased THE
LATEST STYLE OP LASTS, he is prepared t o ma k e
Customer work. at short notice, by the best workman in
the county. With a disposition to be obliging and an.
oommodating, be hope+ to merit a liberal share of put•
ronagessithout a desire to monopolize,' as his motto is,
VW common nab mity, to lice and Mt livO.
Particular attention paid to all kinds of Repairing.
GUT EXToirriON'.
lie ms also on hand, and for gal.-, cheap, Trunhs, Vq
Carrot Sacks. Linen and Paper c.nar„, Paper,
Emelepee,inlc•btande, Steel Ycna, &0., ,Sce
may Ilk, P. FELDMAN.
N. persons knowing lbenrsell es indebted will
please ennead make immediate settlerrient, that I tray be
enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City,
wah or without Buckles, at PAXTON'S.
cheap and durable, j au-received at PAXTON'S.
AND SEGAR STORE.—The undersigned has re.
moved his Tobacco and Segar Store to his new room, on
SECOND STREET, oat door to thr Frarndship Engine
Housa_where he will keep on hand a complete stock of
TOBACCO ANASEGARS, such as Natural Leaf, Mich
igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes: &c.
. .
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. A11 ,_. )
Ural estate *ales.
—Will be offered at Publie Sale,-on the premises,
on Tuesday, the 3lst of October ncrr, a TRACT of LAND
situate in Antrim township. Franklin CO., Penna., two
milei South of Greencastle, on the 'Williamsport and
Greencastle turnpike,- adjoining lands of John Shank,
Charles Farmer , Jacob Shank and others, containing lOt)
ACRES. more or less. There are about ISO Acres of this
land Limestone of the best quality, under cultivation, the
balance Slate land and in Timber. The Improvements
Stone Kitchen, a Log Barn land other necessary improve
ments. A good ORCIIARD ofchoice Fruit on the prem
ises, two Streams Of Ennui ng Water through said Farm.--
This land would snit well to divide us the turnpike di•
video it nearly equally. If this Farin is not sold on said
day it will then be rented fin- one year from the first day
of April next. Conditions made known on day of Sale
and possession and a good title will be given by the Heirs
on the Ist day of April, ISOc. Any person wishing to
Vow said farm will call onohn Loughlin, four miles
North of Greencastle, or on fr J N. Pawling living on the
ALSO.-At the_same time and place, the (atoning val.
tract of 650 ACRES of Land in Berkley county, Virginia,
4 miles North of Bedgesville and 4 miles South of Cherry
Ron Depot, on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; 150 acres
of which is clear, and the balance is all under good heavy
timber.. Good building's mid anew San- Mill; inexhausti
ble beds of IRON ORE, and good Water Pon er, excel
lent Potters' Clay; good Fruit of all kinds. The Springs
on the premises chow every indication of Oil. These are
some of the features which must recommend the premises
to purchasers. The tract is divided into three parcels,
and will be sold entire or in parts.
By 'virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Washing.
toy County, sitting as a Court of Equity, the undersigned
Trustees trill offer at Public Sale, in front of the Court
House, in Hagerstown.
On Tuesday, the I 7 th day of October, 1565,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. :111 the following described valuable,
farm, situate in Wahhingion County, Maryland, about 1
mile :North-West of Cnnningham's • Crospßoads, contain
ing about
about 30 ACRES of which are in good TIMBER ; the im
provements on said farm are a good two story
a large new Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Car
riage House and other Out-Buildings.
There is a fine Orchard of choice Fruit Trees, there is
also upon the premises a large Spring of never failing wa
ter. The land is in a good state of cultivation. Persons
wishing to examine the premises will call upon Mrs. Sarah
Witmer residing thereon. The craps now growing in the
ground on said farm are reserved frem said sale.
The,terras of sale as prescribed by the- decree are as
to,wit :—One-third of the purchase money to b e
paid on the day of sale, or on the ratificatiou thereof, and
the balance in two equal sunset instalment= thereafter
with interest on the deferred payment= front the day of
sale : the purchaser to give his. her or their notes with se
curity to he approved by the Trustee, fors=the deferred
payments. Upon the payment of the purchase money,
the Trustees are directed to execute a deed therefor, free,
clear and discharged of all claim of the pa'rties to the
cause. ABRAIIA3I
oct4 GEO. W. SMITH. Jr.., I
Jfaif and Chambersbarg Itscoscrour
town 'Herald.
SALE.—The tindfirsigno will offer at Public, Sale,
or the premises, on Thursday, eh, 19tH of October. 1563,
the tollotving Real Estate to wit About MO ACRES of
good Lime Stone and Slate Laud. situated 111 rereri
p, about 4 miles from Greenonsile and 2 miles from Up
ton, adjoining lands ofjoe Coffee, Patron and others The
improvements are a too-stored STONE 110USE:Swiss
Barn, Wagon Shed,_Curn Crib, Wash House and °their
out•buildings. This farm has been well limed and is Ut a
hitchmateut oultit atior, There to also an ORCHARD
of good Fruit on the premises and a Weil of never failing
Water at the dwelling. 'Fla. tract is also well set wills
-rood thrisiug Timber.
Also—i In the same dab 0 ill be offertil at Public Sale.
on the pre.mises, the f/Alewing Real Estate to uric: About
262 ACRES of Freestone and Slate Lamb situated in Pe
ters totinshiti, adjoin:me lua is of Jim. Cotlee, Patton and
others. and about one Mile from the first described laud.
The improvements are a W E ATHEF BOARDED
"LOUSE, Stone Bank Barn, (partly new) Wagon Shed,
Cora Crib, and other out.buildings. The Conoeocheague
Creek raterethrough the him, and has the most desirable
MILL SITE in the county. There is also a Well of
good Water at the house. This farm is well Timbered
and in a good state of cultivation.
sepl3-tf JOHN Ft. 01113, .-Igetitlg Facies.
PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order
of the Orphan? Court of Franklin county, the under
sig.ned will offer at Public Sale.-on Saturday. the 14th day
of °crabrr neat, on the prembes, a valuable HALF LOT
OF GROUND, situate on the south side of Exit Market
street and between Main and Second street:, in the bo
rough of Cliambersburg, eont.nullig T' fret in front and
dR feet in depth. late !lie property to J ,, lut M. de•
C4 , llllllellt e at 10 lee:, A. M., u Leti
terms trill be made known.
Sale to commence at the first described property at 1 a'
clock, when Meter= will be made known. PETER BROUGH.
We have now for sale very desirable Pifrms, bleated is
the comities of Augusta, Rot:kinghum, ShMulndoab. Page,
Pendleton and Hardy. !
The Farms contaiu front 40 to 500 Acres, and we are
privileged to sub-divide large tracts of lnud'if desired by
the purchaser '
Many of' the Farms are within an easy drive of the
county toma in which they are located, thereby securing
all early market .
Turku tine
1 irdah,
The improvements are generally marl. and on - the farms
are springs and running. streams of water, ws is elhas plenty
of the very best timber.
It is sufficient recommendation for these lamb to say
that they lie in the very hear' of the Shenandoah Valley,
ishich has a world-wide reputa - lon for fertility of soil and
For description of properties and terms, apply or
address no at our other, in Ilarrisonhurg. Rockingham
County, Va. 0u1y26-ilml J. D. PItICE & CO.
PUI3 LI C SALE.—The- widersig,ned
will offer at Publia Sale, en Friday, the 13th of Oc
tober. 1865, the following Real Estate:to wit: A TRACT
OF LAND, situated in Green town.hip. I mile N. East
of Greenvillage. near the Shippensburg pike, containing
one diandred and Thirty Eight Acres and Eighty-Four
Perches. About Fiffeeu Acres are in good Timber, the
balance is Cleared and nadera high state of cultivation.—
the land having been well limed once of twice. This
tract is alsowell set with large thriving locust, more than
sufficient to keep the farm in - fencing. The improvements
are a large two-storied STONE HOUSE ; a two-storied
Log Tenant House; large Bank Bard—part stone and part
frame; Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and all necessary out
buildings. There is a well of excellent water near the
dwelling, and a cistern at each of the houses. There are
TWO GOOD ORCHARDS ou the premises,—one young
and thriving, set with choice fruit. This fermis one of
the most productive in this county and is conveniently
situated to market by the Chambersbarg and Shippens.
burg Pike. There 15 also a Cider Mill and Press on the
premises and a Lime Kiln with sufficient covering to pro
tect it fru= the weather.
rjr Bale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. X, when the
terms walla made known.
sere7.3t WI LIAM CLARK.
pIIBLIC SALE.—The übseriber in
tending to quit farming, will offer for sale, on Oars
da7, the 264 day of October, at 10 o'clock, on the preMlies,
his FARM in Antrim township, Franklin Co.. Pa.. 21
mile; North of Brown's Mill and 2 mile; east of Marion
Station. un the Franklin Rail Reffall, the public road from
St. Thomas to Wayne,droro passing through said bum and
bounded by loads of Andre, 11., Daniel Gro t e,
Sarah B. Beatty and James Davison, eontainig abortACIMS of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND,
about 55 Acres of widen is prime TIMBER, the balance
a good orate of cubicle.... Them has been pot Of
I.Lte'y 1000 rxlnels Post.and Rail Fence. Thew: ot a lartre
pewatty of Locust' timber growing on said farm, a good
tart of which is now ready fir use. The 'Wormy* n.entg
are a large STONE MOUSE; large Back Barn, Cum
Urd , Wagon Sheds, Carriage House, Smoke House,
Sprang Hove, dcc., and an ORCHARD of Kedged fruit.
A further de+cript coo in unnece,:ary, as any per,on upon
examination Will find this-one of the ito.d located and 1 al.
wattle farms in the county. 'l'enns made known ou tire
day of sale.
i'erions wishing. to VietT *aid farm plea call on
tli,• undersigned. re,ril,nir on thr premise,
IYUBLIC SALE-.--The undersigned will
j_ offer at Public Sale. on the premises. on Monday,
toe Illth day of October, letZ, the following valuable Real
I - -fate to wit. A Tn.Acr W LIMESTONE LAND,
situate In St. Thomas tyawnsbip, o we ! th ree m u,
id the Towu of St. Thomas. and one mile West of Brandt's
Church on the roml leading trim Critters dill to Gillt ifs
Tavern, adjoining lands of Isaac Etter. Beim of Henry
Heckman and others, containing about lt./5 ACRES.—
Thirty Acres are in choice 'rioter, the balance is cleared.
having been well limed. and is under find rnitit ation.
improvements are, it - one-anthalmir storied Log and
Wilathernoarded DWELLING IIOUnE, Log Barn,
Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other necessary out-Build
legs. There are two Welts of never-falling Water on the
premises—one at the House and the other convenient for
watering Stock. "There is, also: an ORCHARD of excel
lent Fruit on the premises. Five Acres of the obese Tract
contains thebest Limestone IRON ORE in the county,
which will lie sold separately, 'or with the Farm, to suit
re , Sale to collimence at 1 o'clock, P. M. when the
terms will be made known by „
oct4-ts' JACOB L. WOLFE.
V SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Public Sale,
on the premises, on Thursday, the Ha dug of October,
at one P. when 013 terms will be mado known,
t heir FARM, situate on thermic' leading from Chambers
burg to "Rough's Mill, about one nude from the former
e, containing ONE 111 NDRED AND SIXTY
ACRES, about twoditirds of the eery beat quality of
Lunestotte land, the latlauee Tumbling Stone and. Slate.
tutprotements consist of cc good two story BRICK
u ydrflarge Stone and Brick. Bank Barn, near
ly new, 'Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, aild all necessary out.
"buildings, a Well 14 excellent Water and Cistern at the
doer. and an ORCLIARD of choice Fruit en good bearing
Ai o--at the Fame time mid plum, will be offered A
TRACT, OF TIMMEM LAND, situate iu Hamilton
towm.hip.l opposite Wallis Mill, Lontaluitig about FIF
Persons wishing to view the premiaes can do so by cull
ma an Peter Brindle, residing therein, or either of thelfue
uersigned. 'SAMUEL fIREENA WALT,
' sepl3-5t FL IL WFUTE.
. -__ ____
subscriber intending to move West. offers at Pri
vate Salo his valuable MILL PROPERTY, situate in
Southampton township, Franklin county, Pa., one mile
east of Orrstown and four miles West of Shippensburg,
comprising 54 ACRES of land, with a Stone und - Frame
CRISP MILL, running two pair of Burrs, is new SAW
MILL, a new two storied BRICK DWELLING and nth
or necessary buildings thereon erected. Persons desiring
to purchase wilt please call on the undersigned , residing
on the projterts. runc , 2lml .r yiNeyn M NTZ
Greencastle, Frauklin Coupty."-Pa.
Vaal 05tatt *at m.
FFIRIISTEE'S SALE.—The un - dersig,ned,
Trustee, appointed by the Eliphans' Coed of the
County of Franklin. will sell at Public Sale, on Saturday,
the 3lat day of October our. the following de.enbed Real
Estate of Christian Royer, late of Antrim township, dee'd.
situate on the Chaniersburc and Greencastle road. abort
one Mile and a half from Greenea , tl6. containing. FIFTY
measure, bounded by lauds of A. Flemming, Jon. lits
seeker, Jacob Grove and (chem. Lavine. therolin erected a
g,sal BRICK DWELLING, a Bank Barn. Sprom house,
with a Well of gust Water near the d,n,r, is good Hog-
Pen, all new coil in-excellent repair. There is also on
the premise; °YOUNG ORCHARD bcaring chuic e fruit.
The property is in good repair. in a fine state of cultiva
tion-geld near market, making a is very desirable prop
Feist:cis wishing to view the property eon do so by call
ing undersigned, livme adjoining the farm.
Stiletto - com y mence on said day at one o'clock. wiwn at
tendan-e-e'will be give', and the termsmake known. by
sepl3 , CHRISTL-1N ROYER, Trustee.
PI7I3LIC SALE.—The subscribers will
offer at Public Sale, on the 12th day of October, 1565,
a VALUABLE FARM, situate in Montgomery- township,
Franklin Comity, one mile Smith of Welsh Run Store,
containing 124 ACRES OF LIMESTONE LAND, about
15 Acres of which-in covoreil with Thririoff Tinthrr, the
remainder is in a gold btatO of cultivation, and ha, on it
many fine Locust Trees. The improvements are a NENN
BARN. and al) otlrer nett , ssitrk'otibbuildings. A never
failifig Well of Water near the dcor a good Orchard of
Choice. Fruit Trees.
At the same time awl place. will be sold a TRACT OF
TIMBER% LAND. containing. 21 acres of Good Timber,
situate about Tunes from the abut e farm.
Persons wishing - to view - the nbove properties Cando go
by calling on George Young, residing on tho farm.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. on said day, when
terms will he made known by
JOHN H. 31'1)0WELL. Chambersburg.
sepflihts J. WATSON CIIA-lil Shipp7Nburg.
Have for sale some CHOICE LANDS in Amman, Rock
brldge; Fanquier and Albemarle counties. ' Vs. There
are two or six FARMS in Augusta, averaging about 900
Acres each, with good improvements; a very valuable
farm of about 900 Acres within three miles of Lexington,
in Rockbritige county, well improved; about 3,900 Acres
of the finest Grass and Wheat Land in Fanquier county,
on the MaDI:Ma Gap Railroad. which will be divided into
farms to suit purchasers; the celebrated BLENHEDI ES
TATE, in Albemarle rounty, containing about SOO Acres,
with improvements of the first kind, nod it large Mot of
loud abounding with Iron the and well limbered on the
Central Liallnsul in Augusta county, testis a Furnace
thereon, now in full ops-ration. and other
drurable. Entire peace anti perfect order exist in the
counties al St hi -is these lands lie, Add., ss
sepletlt' ALIEN do CO., Staunton, Va.
OO LEN rACIOtI , - LNLlEALW EsT\rloncTThe.naeredGffers
at Private. Sale the property Nye 11 known as S
IN 00 LEN FACTORY. pitnated in Green tome:top,
Franklin county, Pa.. one mile north of Fayettevilie, on
the Cold Spring Run. a never failing stream, with - riall
eient brad and full fur driving any kind of machinery
The Factory isn two Storied Frame Building, with a sct
of Carding Machine;. Fulling Mill. it Power Looms, Spin.
log 31achme and every thing neceroary for the husine,,.
There is al,o a Coloring 11,ita.e convenient to the factor,.
Also---5S ACRES of LAND. dl Acres of which is vita,
fence. the balam wiltyming chestnut timber.
The improvements are a two stoned ROUGH-CAST
DWELLING. near the factorf. 2 Tenant Houses Wagon
Shirt Sim Ole and other out budding,.
'l'ne I , ,,kry is n vll krsrl at present a Owl
no of'co,nota. For fnrillAr I , ,irt:Pllirrq apply to or ad-
dress. (;001), Fayette, rile, T. 0.
v PRIVATE SALT:--Thin Imtl,nniznid. agent for the
heir. cl 31.nntinew Mt Kee, nice d. nJer, in Private Sale,
the' Wcit nUSTO( K MILLS, ,n Greell town
ship, Franklin county Pa. 'I he in:openly contains abinnit
15 ACRES of laml. luau a tn. ntc, y stone - and Weather- ,
boarded GRIST MILL. S..VIV MILL, an excellent two
story BRICK HOUSE, ton stinr• Weatherboarded Hotune.
Miller's House and other unproNi. vents thereon. erected.
The Mill ie in gockl repair. -The ti ater power one of the
best on the creek. •
Possebsion ffiV(n itutnediLtely. Terms eaSy. -
pUBLIC SALE.—By order of the Court
Common Pleas, the maler4gt.d. Commatee of Ja
cob Buwermumer, fable ,itL 0 . 1.1011,
on Thursday. the 19ris. day of Oet.,bcr. 1,41.5 the fotlee. lad
de.mbed Real Estate. viz.: aLc Cr GROUND. mut
ate in Park street, in.the - herough of Memersls.m; Frank
lin county, Pa., Ines Mg thereon en trial a glee! ERICK
DWELLING HOUSE and other hopes
Terms made kuown on day of
LYMAN S. Con.ltctt.,
scriber otters at Private Sale TWO FARMS twit
LOT OF MOUNT ALN LAND. Person, div,,-ed to pur
chase will please call on the undersigned, nettling on the
Mansion Tract, on the Baltimore turnpike, one lode ti eat
of Fayetteville. junolill-tf JOHN G BIGIIAM
subscriber offers at private sole. his FARM and - a
Lot of Mountain Land. Persons thsposed to purelt,,e
will please call op the unders:dTted, in Fayette
ville. Isere:n . 43:ll) U. A. FUNK.
FRA3II: COTTAC,ES ~n the C.tilLle turnpike will
bonl at Private Sale. Arpl. to
- net:-tf A. K. 31 . 1: LURE.
als PEP, )10N111.—Agents wan
_ ted iu ei co County and St,ue. to 'ell tiro
BARI LETT SeiviNG :I!%CRI\E, i‘ne fill, Iteett-ed
under rat. um of Bowe, Wheeler lien or &
Baker, and Stager & Co. We u-11,1 pay a monthly
and expeuscs. or allow n largo commission on tales ror
particulars, illustrate& catalue, territ..ry. eaeto, a
stamp anti address P.I.fti:111:01:111.:Itri, tulle A gents for
United States, 2.",1 Summit at., Toledo, Ohio. [au4l6
temshiin. to sell the " PHOT(AtRAPH FAMILY
RECORD," the greatest. tt ork out. Au ucti‘e egent ann
make ea) a week selling it. Every family wkll btu, the
"Record." Old canvassers, ouldiers. ladies and others ttat
of employment send stamps for terms. &e., to BARTLE.
SON & CO,. till Ciositt 01 4strcet, lade iphVl
'\T AN T E D.—Agents, MALE or FE
, MALE to iota to thr ..•131ng i.. 1) q)(1
in t lit. I,llrld. Alt S,•II•Se 1:11.
Bauer, Tnekor, Sc., So. NN't I. t g".l :gent, pay
for th. mat:blue, utter tbe;, Fir I,rnollars
,^.d Ire, or eall mt LATHROP
s 01.1; 3m Nu. il2 .youth ht., Phil./ Pa.
IT'LL WANTED.—At rlicaWl/illrr
I. allot, to rut a good WI ~ :t the Shorn, for one
year from the Int fdApni Ite , ommehdat,At
Aathr.s.. to,tl.lttl ABY. Sr.. tiLotta,l P.
3Legal.)oiici .
VXECUTO - ES' NO TIC E. Notice is
121 hereby glven that Lett ,Teaanientar3 to the I:•tdto
of Dr. Sarum.] I). Cnibeit , ail—late nt l'hantlw•rbnrq,
hair been grid ta_the
All persons lino, tog illetrs.elVeb indebted to said E.,tate
will pirate make tilonvdliitv payment; and. thete hat fig
prows' them properl ititthrnfierited tot'settlement.
E. Cll. ftElt r IN )
.1 P. 11 I.BERT,ON
septh ' T. B._
TiI.NECITT()E'S N 1 1'1' I C E.—Notice is
JIAI h,r I,y giv en t hat Lot tore •1 eh:tauten:try 0 the E.t.cht
oi Co tag , Slph r. late et U. n he , ourg I:
granted to the mulephigned.
All persoto knowlng theneoiv I...lndebted to , aid Estate
will please make unnueliate pav meet , ;hod 'done has",
elaints preheat them properly ;tuilletttieated t,,r
thee is hereby given that Letters of Atinunistrathon
no the Estate of Johnston J. Campbell. late of ' , Lnett
township, deed, have been grunted to the underjghed.
Al] persons knowing themselves indebted to,s,hal Estate
will please make immediate payment; and filoae ham trig
claims present them properly nuthentieeted fer settlement.
sepia A, \V. CAMPBELL. Adler
Sothiarbing li)ouscs.
North Second Street. eppe...i , ite• Lun O d., r!..0.d
Railroad Depf,t, Clanher. , bore.
Corn ran rex,nilarly to and Irmo Phil.eletinn and
AGENTS.—Peacock Zt 11 & II lelanaa, No. Cu. , Mar
ket St., Philadelphia
Lykens Valley, Urnhen Egg and Nutt COAL. 01:1,0
from the mines). Wilkesbarre and Pine Groso Poi 'NDRY
Haae.,elt CEMENT, kept constancy m hand. PLot'll,
GRAIN and PRODUCE•of ail hind; parthast d at the
highest cash prices.
Rept9. G 3. IVlNDEnticrl & NEAD
Certificate tin. I2FA extra di‘idend of 1P:Id, in the
accumulated capital of roan Mutual Life helm - Ala , Co.,
lamed in the numb of J. L. Suesserott.
Application has been made fur A nest certificate.
sepni.rd SAMUEL S. silnyorm, Agent.
Something new: Send for a pamphlet
img`2 4l ml J W WERTON, 7nP Broadway, New York.
October Term, commencing 30th October, I RI:,
WeauleY . 'FIRST WEEK. senci:—
vs. Bouebreal.
Cormilen,eaith . vR. Stump..
Imbrie VS. PalEgruse.
Zeutmyer VA. Royer.
E 51213
Stll7llkillgil Smith
11..3 •
Steuxervq. Roman.
WaLonLiker ve. Regan's we
Stevens- vs. Hughes.
Ilouchn env ca . Wunderlickk S Scarf
Saylor vs. Brenner. 1
Thotigers N a. Keyser.
Tucker t.,. Harbarigh. .
Tnek,r vs. Finagle.
Sianuervs. Miner. .7
'sVllllehn - v.. Reisher.
hiller vs, Hartle.
Shoekey vs. Shockey's Adm'r
Glass vs. Kyle and wife.
Karper *
vs. Cook, et. eL
Kyle 1 , .. Class.
IVlthersponn vs. Cnrry's Ex'r.
Royer vs. Marta, et. al.
t.) terested will please take notice, that the following
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's
011ico of Franklin County and that the same will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, on It'edneir
day. the lot day of Aare:326er, 1005, in Chambersburg:
149. Final Acct. of Daniel Skinner, Guardian of A. .T.
Evitts, minor child of DanTEvitts, dec'd.
ISO. First and Goal Acct. of William &Run, .I.lm'r
Samuel Davis, late of Paten twp., deed.
151. Firetond Anal Aoct. of A. P. Oyler, Adair of Saul
net ITawk, deed..
. , .
Er. 'First stod final Acct of Margaret Seibert, Aaufts.
and John Haber. Adm'r of Wrn. Seibert, late.of Clam
. .
Fir4t Acct of - Robert A.-Renfrew and Wm. Me
Clare, Ex'rh Samuel Thompson, late of Green lwp..
Af , count of Snivel: Strickler, Guardian of Wm. r
and AL, E. Kunkel.
Aeet. 4 , f T. B. Kennedy. stlrVlNing. Ex'r
of .r.nnes l3e.rtc late a Antrim tap.. dee'd.
154. S(.o‘nd'Aeet. of IV:oer Beatty, Adar .1. b. U. r.
t. n oI t'atharane r.e.tny late of Antrim twp. der` d.
Fir-t :10,1 film( A- t. of James B. Oft, Adru'r of
E;tz.att , t'a Pot', I.lto of SOttatiftptOit twp., deo.l. -
pI:O('LAIIATION.—To' the Coroner.
11 , of the Pewee. and the Constables of the
it iti,•.ent 'Fos, tiihip. in the County of Franklin, Ureeting
Eta, I` 114 in pursuance of the precept, to me di
reeted, tinder the hand mid seal of the 11.0,i. ALEX
Pr, (4:1 Itt ,re,tat Courts of ConmenTleas. in the
ts sie. rill Pit- of eonsistinx of the counties f Somerset,
Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his office
f tyer and Tenniner and General Jail Deliv
pry the tr of eapital and other offenders therein anti
in the e L •,eral Court of Quarter Se ions of the Peace, and
tc \‘' P.i.Nyt , t and ,11.tnr.s 0. CAL!,ON. Fsr t.. Joilges of
the tonnti. of rreulslin. Von and each' of :OM urn
;-,:a to be and appear iu roue proper pen,,ins
ttitu pew Records, Reeoirniztmcks Examinations, and
tither I toutembvn nces before the J ealae; aforesaid, at C ham
lieF.:eirx at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and aineral
.lel U,very, and General Quarter Setsion.s of the Peace,
thi rot, ta ln holden try the Connq of Franklin a1.,-.41 . 1,1
t..t Monday in Ortohcr, rag at :kith dirf of thr
na,itth. at 10 In the fermis, of that day ;1,, and
thrift do those things whielt to s enr oil, ri ap
Given under toy hand at Chambeishurn. the :hi of oe
toher, 18(3. [Oct-1 . 1 S.-VMI: El, BII.X!;: lA% -
the Sheriff publishes the tOlhorina. :—At an Orphan,'
Court, held at Chambersburg. for Franklin Conaty. Pa.
on the ldth day of August, 1e65. before the lion. Alex
King, Esq., President, and Jainos 0. Carson awl \V. W.
Parton. .Esq's, Associate Judger of our 's.odeourt
motion of Messrs Kennedy & Ore. EST; , the court grant a
Rule on the Heirs and legal Represontartves of Jonathan
Wright, diceased, toappear at the Orphans Court, to be
held at Ohambersburg, Mr said Counts on the 30th day of
October nezz, to take or refuse to take the R..:tlE.t...tate of
said deceased at the Appraisement Valuation thereof, or
to show cause why the stale should not be soh], sweurchng
to Law.
In Te,tirnorky Whereof, I have hereunto get Inv hand
and affixed the teal of said Court, at Chnnihonlairc. the
13th day of Aught, 1E133. W. Et, MITCHELL Clerk.
Atte4t.: SAULTI. BRANDT. vets
th, Shensi publishes the following —At an - Orphan:
Court held at Chambersburg, for Franklin couniy, In..
.in the 14th day of August, 1i65. before the Hon. Alex
King, E5l , Prerodent. and James O. Carson and R'. W.
Asiiociate Judges of oar said Court On
motion of R. P. 311;lare. Esq., the Court grant a Role on
tLe Heir. and legal Representatives of John Cover, de
'rased. to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held ut
chs.:l,4burr., far said County, On the 30th day of Oas
t', 11,11. to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said
do. r vied'at the A pprakement Valuation thereof, or to
:how win', n by the same should nut be sold„weerdit,gi
Tiistiinsity Whereof, I Ware hereunto set my hand
eel :mated the .at of said Court, ttt Chrunbersburg the
ltdh day of August. leo. w. G. MITCHELL. Clerk.
SAmeld, BRANDT, Sheriff.
the :Nhertll pnbt ishe. the following :—At an Onphan,'
Court. held at Cluunbem - hurg. for Franklin County. Pa..
on the l itt dal of August, ItOh, before the lion. Ales.
Rng. Pre. dent, and James 0. Carson and W. W.
PaCtoi, Ab.,0C1.1.20 Judge of our said Court
11101;011 ofJ. Dough,' E.q . the Court grant a Rule on
the Heir-. and legal Reprt,, of Margaret Deriney
to appear at the Orphan' Court. to be toll m
Charnhersburg for said COMM. on the 30th day of Oao
bl7 next. to take or ramp to take the Real Estate of coal
deceased at the Appramentent Valuation thereof
_IT to
- show raune why the mute fdlould not be o t,l. neeording
to Law. -
lute%tiltemy IVle r, of I have herenuto st.t my 'hard
affixed the seal of said Court ellan:bershurg, the 111th
Iti) of August. Ifti,i. W. (1. MITCIICLI.. Clerk.
Attest : SAMUEL BRAM , r to riff. 501 31.
the Sheriff publethes the folios tag :—At an Orphans.
Court. held at Chambernburg, 11 , r Fruuklin Comity Pa.,
on the rah day of August. ießi, before the Thin Alex.
King, Eq., President. and James 0. Carson and W. ,W.
Paxton, Esq's, Associate Judges of our raid Coot: On
motion of Geo W. Brewer, Esq., the Cone grant a Buie
1 , 11 the Heirs and legal Representatives of James W. Me.
Coy. deceased, to appear atone Orphans' Court. to be held
at Chambersburg. for said County, on de :10th dau of Or
minx oem, to take (m refuse to take the Real Estate of oaf.'
deceased at the Appraisement Tahlatidh thereof. or to
show ante why oho tonic should not be sold, according
Iu 're-tummy Whereof: I have hereunto ..etly bawl
.end affixed the seal et raid Court at Chambersburg, the
Atokt, 186.1 W. G. MITCHELL. Clerk.
Att ,, Zl • S t Nor, Sheriff
"persons interested n f ill
1.110• lo.two. thet at the la , d Term of Court bold in
Chatnifor,hurg, Franhlin enmity, Fe., au the 1 fa. it
tiered and decreed after a report 'of the inran.t) of
hi= -.A Al 1:e having been presented awl approved bC hail
Court. t h at Jo.o pl. Speck, ol Strasburg, County nod State
"foro•ahl rhould ttenePfortll, upon giving good and Nnf
licu n t sevority to the Connponwealth fur the faltlitul per
e his, have full putt er to tEare.aet all
relating TO tile management or disposoion of hi. , or
her 0r pto , ollol e , tate, inns full nod ample all - 140110r
N.,11,1 do if ife was sane, ami, gut o
her Inll eont.ent therete.-
, K. S. TAYLOR, Proth'y.
- • 1 / 4 " iITIcE OF I NQITIsrrIoN!_./ohi,
Eetate.—To the. Helmand legal Repr, -en.
of s aid de, :11.-1.7.1 are INTeby nutaied that Lc
o . a Writ of Inqui-itlon, i•caing not of the Orphan.'
( 40,r ,rf Pr.inkitt, Co., Pa -and to rue directed. 1 will
hold an Inquest an the. heal I::..tale of ..aid decedent. sou.
at, In III.: 80,11.411‘,1 Ch.tudo.,,rg. Pa. , On thr 21 , :h day
of O,!„/,r A I L. 151,2 at 111 „ clock. A. 31, Ohen and
1,..‘ .111.3 thank pn.per.
0.11 BRANDT Itch
-irtt Rtrier's Eo.f.atc.- - r,. the Ile:rm wad legal Rep.
,entatis es ,rt saltife'4l. You Ilf ticenl that
It:, %lune of .1 W Itnini,rota, e..kung out of' t the I hr
rham.' Court or rranklin Co. l's and to tie tell, I
trill hoht,an Intitteat on the Real Eqtato ot said tlieedent,
situ. to iit Letterkenny tun n‘llip Franklin 0.4 Ph.. on the,
..21q day of Oriobrr, A. D.. 1863, at to 40'eloel:L.I. M.,
lien and where y..,u may attend if t,.0 think pm,.
LORTY.-11‘ the Court of Cnmmon•Ple.o for . Prool,
lot County, l'a , Sul - Rena in Divorce 0; No. ie. Ju...ry
1 4 17.1. returned nihil habet. In Dii,or, to
No. 27, A pril?f, returned nihil
Notive t o hereby given to Elizabeth LI aty the deh•n
lent above named, to be and appear before bin Court .0
Corninon Pleas of said County, en Iltepith Mooning of Ua
tuber next, to answer th'• eoloplaint of the ',h o wdy a f,,,, N
o , • 1, 0 ',weeded nuainst aeeordiox to law.
SA311:1:1, ituANDT. Sheriff.
tree II her•Lt'Fiveu that Lotter,. of Allinuilqtration
e. tho Emtate 11,1 Burkett, fah , of Qum, n.hip,
(te'th Lai e been zramto4l to the nallerhrutli.
.V I per,(ns Vr log tin itt4eh et. Indebted to ,thlEatite
%, make ito . inediate payment , And tho, having
kin property authenticated for iettlegurnt.
I). C. ittAtKETT,
hereby given that Letters of A dministratiotp
on the Ebulte of Peter Burr, late of Hamilton township,
d lime been granted to the undersigned.
All penens boo log themselves Indebted to odd Estate
toll pa a, :Duke 1111 in vaiat e payment; and those baring
pre+c nt theta properly authenticated for settlement.
septZli STEPHEN 'BELT, Muir
..nzue,l, appointed, by the Orphans' Cithrt to distri-,
Late balance in bands of S. 11. Walker, Executor of Nan:
cy Octldis, doc'd, will attend to the duty of his appoint.
went, at his (Alice, in Chtunbersburg, at 10 o'clock, on the
thDthof October.lb43s.
1 , 14 :it, £ 3. BONBEART, Amlit,
RePi Routes.
vs. BrOwn
ve. ileisey and wife
. W alk
vs Harris
vs. Cowan.
vs. Brumbarh
v . Funk
vb. Clarke.
vs. Huber.
Wingerd. White & Swope
vs. lianunond.
K. S. XAYLOK. Prothonotary
ttauhtin squitorg.
What care we fur failing leaves.
Song girds
Garlands dying
On the wind that lowly griever?
Come. nay bird, and sing to me
Cheerily, so cheerily
Thou, sweet spirit.
nest inherit • ".
Life to make the'auttuna time
Change to summer's richest prime.
What care we formists that Hie,
Valleys shrouded,
Skies o'erelotuled,
Chilly evening's faded dyes?
Come. c ar eyes and look on me
Te derly, so tenderly
Thou, bright spirit,
D4st inherit -.
Life to make the o . l lttliika time'
Change to summer's richest prime
What though friends tike Bannon leave.
Scent to Mil us,
Or:issail u;— ' . ,
Not e'en then rny - spitit grieves. _
dome, strong heart, my help to be—
, - Steadily. so sleadily I
Thou, foirapiri;
Dort inherit
Life to make the autumn time
/ Change to xammer's happiest prime.
The New York World has published a series ,
of interesting articles giving the chametir and,
achievements of various rebel leaders. They are
writtelkby one, of Lee's late staff officers, and.
Must be accepted as 'coming from one of the
stronges't rebel proclivities. One of his last con
tributions is on the übiquitous Moseby, the great
guerilla chief of the Virginia border—the man
who periled the safety of every heu-roost, horse
stable, money-till, grocer; and dry goods store,
corn-crib and larder within his range, and who
delighted in stoppinkrailroad trains and robbing
every passenger indiscriminately, regardless of
age, io‘x or circumstances, of all monies, watches,
jewel:, and other valuables. Of thus, accomplished
free-beoter the Worlds correspondent thus graph
ically and kindly-writes, and we give it as a mat
ter of general interest to our readers, who know
ing Moseby well will appreciate his history:
This man, figuring in the popular eye as a rut=
fiat) and low adventurer, was born and bred, and
is. in a manner, a gentleman. His family is tim
id high standing and intelligence in Virginia. and
he was educated at the University of Virginia.
v. here he studied the h.w. He commenced the
practice, married, and would probably have pass
ed Omagh life as a "county court lawyer - had
not the war taken place. When,Virginia seceded
he imitated other )oung men, and embarked in
the struggle as ze private in a regiment of cavalry.
Here he exhibited eiu auk and act - ix itY, and ey 111-
th:illy became Ist lieutenant and adjutant. 'When
the miserable "reorganization" sy stem of the Con
federate States Government went into operation
in the spring of 1c11.2, and the men were allowed
to select their officers, Moseby—never an easy or
.indulgent officer—was thrown out, and again be
came a private. lie returned to the ranks; but
his energy and activity had been frequently exhi
bited. and Gen. Stuart, who possessed a rernark
able talent for discovering conspieutms military
merit of any sort in obscure persons, speedily sent
for him. and from that time employed him as a
scout or partisan. It is proper to warn the rea
der here that a Walt is not a spy - . Noseby's duty
I-ea,tttate the real,l of cnim.try occupied
by the FederaffOrceg, either alone or in commaiTa
of a small detachment of cavalry; and by hover
ing in the woods around the Union camps, inter
rogating citizens, or capturing _picketg or strag
glers.acquire information of the enemy's numbers,
position, or designs If this information could Ie
obtained without a collission, all the better—but
ii necessary. it was the duty and the habit of the
scouts to attack, or when attacked, hold their
ground as long as possible. lii other words, there
war inaugurated in the country occupied by the
Federal forces a regular system of partisan war
hire. tbe object of which was to harass the invad
ing tome, and in every way impair its 'llicieucy.
It was at this time that I first saw MOseby, and
his appearance was wholly uhdistimmished., Ile
was thin, wiry, and, I should say, aliMit five feet
nine or.b-n inches in height. A slight stoop in
the,neek was not ungraceful. The chin was car
ried well forward; the lips were thin and wore a
somewhat satirical smile; the eyes, under the
brown felt hat - were keen, sparkling, and roVed
curiously from side to side. He wore a grey uni
form, with arms but two revolvers in his belt;
the sabre was' no favorite with him. His voice
was low, and a smile was often on his lips. He
rarely sat still ten minutes. Such was his appear
ance at that time. .No one would have been
struck with anything noticeable in him except
the eyes These flashed at times; it) a way which
might have' indliced the opinion that there was
something in the man, if it only had an opportu
nity to "come out."
i am not aware that he gained any reputation
in the campaign of ISW. Ile was considered,
hoiveser, by General Stuart, an excellent scout
find partisan: and the General oriee related to the
present writer, with great glee, the manner in
ui hich MoSeby had taken nine men, deployed them
over several hundred yards, and advanced, firing
steadily upon a whole brigade of Federal eavalry,
which hastily retired, tinder the impression that
the attacking force was.heavy. Such things were
common with Moseby, who seemed to enjoy them
greatly; but in the spring of ISe2 the tables were
turned upon the partisan. General Stuart sent
him from the Chick:Monthly to carry a confiden
tial message to Gen. Jackson, then in the valley.
Ile was resting at one of the wayside stations
on the Central Railroad. while his horse was feed
ing. when a detachnient of Federal cavalry sur
prised and raptured him—making prize also of a
private note trout Stuart to Jackson, and a copy
of Napoleon's "Maxims," accompanying it
was carried to the Old Capitol, but was
soon exchanged; and chancing to discover on his
route down the bay that General Burnside was
going soon to reinforce General Pope in Culpep
per, he hastened, on his arrival, with that impor
tant intortuation to General Lee, who telegraphed
it, doubtless, to General Jackson at Gordonsville.
It - is probable that the battle of Cederlinn, where
General Pope was defeated, was fought by. Jack
•oll in consequentfe of this information.
'My object, however, it not to write a biography
of Cillonel Moseby. It is fortunate that such is
not my design: for a career of wonderful activity
extending over about three .}ears could not be
condensed into a brief paper. I shall speak of
but one or two other incidents in his career—and
one shall be his .orprise of Brigadier General
Stoughton 'at. Fatrnix Court House in the winter
of lf:tit2. This tam excited unbounded indigna
tion on the part of many-excellent people. Let
us see if it was not a legitimate partisan opera
tion. It was in_Nevember,l believe, that Mose
by received the information leading to his move
ment. The Federal forces at that time occupied
the region betweettXredericksburg and Alexan
dria, and as General Stuart's activity and energy
were just-causes of solicitude, a strong body of in
!Mar), cavalry, and artillery was posted in the
neighborhood of Fairfax Court - House and Cen
treville. Colonel Wyndham wits in command of
the cavalry , and acting Brigagitli-General Stough
ton, a young officer I runt West font; commun
. tied the whole district. with his headquarters - al
the small Bingo of Fairfax. Moseby formed the
design of capturing General Stoughton, Colonel
Wyndham, Colonel Johnson, anti other officers;
and sent =Teats to the neighborhood to ascertain
the li re,. there. They brought word that a strong
body of infantry and artillery was at Centres tile;
Colonel Wyndham's brigade of cavalry at Ger
mantown, a mile front Fairfax; and towards the
railroad station another. brigade .of infautry.—
Fairfax thus appeared to be inclosed within a
coidoh or alarms, rendering it wholly - imPossi
ble_seven to
,approach it. Those who know the
ground, as Many of my readers doubtless do, will
easily understand how desperate the undertaking
appeared of penetrating to the town. and safely
carrying oil' the Federal commandant. It was
one of those schem e s, however, whose veryhold
nets is apt to cause them to succeed. Men rare
ly guard against dangers which they do not dream
it impossible can threaten them. Moseby.doubt
leas hated his calculations upon this fad at any
rate,he decided upon the movement. and with
VOL. 7Q;... WHOLE NO. 3,727.
' I
twenty-ninequen set out- one dirk and! -drizzling
November night for the scene of operations. -
The partyliad to steal off with their captures,
if any were made, orcut their ray through, and
on. that black night no unifonni was discernible.
Moseby approached Germantown by the Little
River turnpike, but fearing Wyndham's cavalry,
obligued to the right, and took to the woods skir
ling the Warrenton road. -Centreville was thus,
with its garrison, on his right and rear, German
town on his left, and Fairfax, winged with infant..
ry camps, in his front. It was now raining heav
ily, and the night was like pitch. , , - The party ad
vanced by bridle paths through the woods, thus
avoiding the pickets on the main avenues of ap.
proach, and the incessant patter of the rain
drowned the hoofstrokes of the horses.
A mile from Fairfax thegleam of tents greeted
them, in front, and finding the approaches barred-
in that direction, they silently obliqaed to the
right again, crossed the Warrenton road, andgra
dually drew near the town on the southern side. I
Again the wet and rain served them. Their ad-
ranee was undiscovered, and at last they were
close upon the place. An infantry picketwas the
only obstacle, and this was soon removed. The
sleepy vidette found a pistol at his breast, and the
picket was compelled to surrender without firing
a shot. The way was then clear, and Moseby
entered the town at a gallop. His object was to
capture the Federal officers known to be in the
place, burn the public stores and carry off as
many horses as possible
His party. was accordingly-divided for these
purposes, and Moseby himself proceeded to Gen.
Stoughton's residence. It was afterwards said
that a young lady of the place, Miss Ford, tairt
plied him with infomiatien, tend led him, person
alty to the house. This, Col. Moseby stated to
the present writer, was entirely a mistake; he
received information neither from Miss Ford nor
any one else except his own scouts—nor did any
one accompany hitriln his visit to Gen. Stough
ton. He found an orderly at the deer, who was
taken charge of by one of hisiown men, and then
mounted to the General's bedchamber, the occu
pant of %tieh was fast asleep. - At Moseby's un
ceremonious " Get up, General, and come with
me !" the sleeper started erect, and demanded,
"Do you know who I am, sir I" apparently indig
nant at such want of ceremony. "Do you know
Moseby, General?" was the reply. "Yes," was
the eager response, " have you got the ras
cal?' " No, but he has got you." And to the
startled " What does this mean, sir ?" of Gen.
Stoughton, Moseby replied, "It means that Gen.
Stuart's cavalry are in possession of the court
house, sir, and that you are my prisoner." This
disagreeble state of affairs slowly dawned upon
the aroused sleeper, and he soon found himself
dressed, mounted, and ready to set oat—a pris
oner. Several staff officers had also been cap
tured, and a considerable number of horses.—
Cols. Wyndham and Johnson eluded the search
for them. Deciding not to bum the public stores
which were in the houses, Moseby then mounted
all his prisoners—some thirty-five, I believe, in
number, including about half-a-dozen officers—
cautimisly retracing his steps, passing over the
very same gronnd, and stealing along, about dawn,
under the mufzles of the guns in the works at
Centreville. so close that the sentinel hailed the
party, swam Cub run, struck - southward, and at
sunrise was safe beyond purlint.
The skill and boldness exfiibited in the concep
tion and execution of this raid conferred upon
Moseby just fame as a partisan officer; and the
regular organization of hiscommand commenced.
He was made captain, then major, then lieuten
ant-colonel, and colonel, as his force and- his ope
rations increased. From the solitary scout, or
- partisan operating with a smell squad, he
had grown to be an officer of rank and distinc
tion, intrusted with important duties,and event
ually with the guardianshipof the whole extent of
Country north of the Rappahannock, and east of
the Blue Ridge. The people of the region speak
of it with a laugh, as " Moseby's Confederacy,"
and the name will probably adhere to it, in the
popular mind,for many years to come. Let us
pass ttrthestgatter days when" Colonel" Moseby
gave the Federal ,_force se.,mlichirmble...)
nroosed - so much Inffigfififfon in - General Custer,
General Sheridan, and others, whose men he cap
tured, and whose convoys he so frequently cut off
and destroyed.
Moseby was born to be a partisan leader, and
as such was probably greater than any other who
took part in the war. He had by nature all the
qualities which make the accomplished ranger;
nothing could daunt him . ; his activity of mind and
body—call it, if you choose, restless eternal love
of movement—was something wonderful; and that
- untiring energy which in the secret of half the
great successes of history, drove him incessantly
to plan, to scheme, to conceive, and to execute.
He could not rest when there was anything to
do, and scouted for his amusement, charging pick
ets so/us by way of sport. On dark and rainy
nights, when other men aim at being comfortably
housed, Moseby liked to be aiming with a detach
ment of his men to surprise and attack some Fed
eral camp, or to "run in" some picket, and occa
sion consternation, if not inflict injury.
The peculiar feature of his command was that
the men occupied no stated camp, and, in fact,
were never kept together, except on an expedi
tion. They were scattered throughout the coun
try, especially among the small farm houses in the
spurs of the -Blue Ridge;- and-here they lived the
merriest lives imaginable. They were subjected
to none of the hardships and privations of regular
soldiers. Their horses ;were in comfortable sta
bles or ranged freely over excellent pastures; the
men lived with their families, slept in beds, and
had nothing to do with "rations" of hard bread
and bacon. Milk, butter, and all the household
luxuries of peace were at their command; and
not until their chief summoned' them did they
buckle on their arms and get totorse. - -
While they were thus living on the fat of the
land, MoseVy was perhaps scouting off on his pri
vate account somewhere down towards Manassas,
.11exandria, or Leesburg. If his excursions re
vealed an opening for sucessU operations, he
sent off a well mounted courier,'who travelled ra
pidly to the first nest of rangers; thence a fresh
courier carried the summons elsewhere; and in a
few hours twenty, thirty, or fifty men, excellently
mounted, made their - appearance at the ,prescrib
ed rendezvous. The man tvho disregarded of eva
ded the second summons to a raid was summarily
dealt with; he received a note for delivery to Gen.
Stuart, and on reaching the cavalry headquarters
iv as directed to return to the company in the reg
ular service from which he bad been transferred.
This seldom happened, however. The men
were all anxious to go upon raids, to share the
rich spoils; and were prompt at the rendezvous.
Once' assembled, the rangers fell into column,
Jloseby said "Cumo on;* and the party set for
ward upon the appointed task—to surprise some
camp, capture an army train, or ambush some
detached party of Federal cavalry on a foraging
expedition. •
, Such a life is attractive to the imagination, and
the, men came to have a passion for it. - But it is
a dangerous service. It may with propriety be
regarded as a trial of wits between the opposing
commanders. - The great praise of Mosebi waa
that his superior activity, and g ood judg
ment gave him almost uninterrupted success, and
invariably saved him 'from capture. An attack
upon Col. Cole, of the Maryland cavalry, near
Loudonileights, in the winter.of 1863-4, was his
have re
ers to ,
only serious failure, and that
stilted from a disobedience of "arders,` lie had
here some - valuable officers and aferfkilled.
He was several times wounded, but never ta
ken. On't he last occasion, in 1861, lie was shot
through the window of a house in Fauguier, but
managed to stagger into a darkened room, tear
off his stars, the badges of his rank, and counter.
l'etta person mortally wounded. His assailants
left him dying, as they supposedowithout discov
ering his identity, and when they diddiseover rt
and hurried back, he had been rem*d beyond
reach of peril. After his wounds, heffilways re.
appeared paler and thinner, but more active and
untiring than ever. They oily seemed to exas
perate him, and make bun more dangerous to
trains, scouting parties, and detached camps than
The great secret of his-success was undoubted
ly his unbounded energy and enterprise. Gener
al Anart came finally to repose unlimited-confi
dence in his resources, and relied implicitly upon
him. The writer recall an instance of this in
June, 1863. General Stuart was then near Mid.
dleburg, watching General Hooker, who wag
about to move towards Pennsylvania, but could
get no accurate information from his scouts.
puzzled, and doubtful, the General walked
up and down, knitting his brows and reflecting,
when the- little figure of Moseby appeared, and
Stuart uttered an exclamation of rellefsand satis
lciction. -They were speedily in private consulta
tion; and Moseby only came• out again to mount
his - quick grey mare and aetout,.ina heavy storm,
for the Federal camps. On. the next day he re
-turned with information Which put the entire env
et's Camps, ascertabied everything, andsafely re.
' This had been aerie
_uniform, with
Jan Fist Olin his belt; and I believe it was on this
°Cession that he gave a obanichitistic evidence of
his cookosa, He had captured a Federal cave!.
'l7mart7'anu they were ruling ou *ether, when
suddenly thlatruck &column of the:Union:car.
airy passing.hieseby,drew his oil cloth ,arotuid
him, coded hie pistol,.and said to hisCOMPluion, -
"If you matte any 'or utter.ti word An Alan
me captured,. I wi llow
your brainaroCand
trust to thispeed of my horse to escapoZ ieep
; quiet, and we 'Wilt ride on without troubling apY-
Indy" His ;prisoner took the hint,-;behevulg:
doubtless that it was better to be a prisoner than .
a:dead man ; and after riding along carelessly ° for
some distance as -though he were C ue Of the - tv:11-
m, Moseby gradpally edged off, and got away
safely with his prisoner.
Ore .Nernoris OP Bwarxr.—lt by no
means surprising that different nations should
have venom ideas of what constitutes beauty,
when even no twopersons of the same nation tan
.quite agree on the point, one preferring onestyle„
and the second another style.
The French, even to this day, as fainalhe
reale sex is concerned, admire snub noses.- • Na- .
poleon preferred along nose, - which, he said; ki he
always found associated with a long bead. An:"
cleat -Persians Considered un aquiline note
symbol of majesty. Bed hair is abhorred by the
modern Persians, and admired by the Turks.
'The Itonum: ladies of old coveted ilerptoned
locks, and their successors- in Italy, of our -*aim
daY,, are possessed with a taste equally surprising.
Teeth dyed red have, by nations in central Asia,
been considered - beautiful, While in parts of Wes
tern India black teeth are preferred bythe na
tive, belles. If by us :an ebon compleuonis not
accounted quite the highest style of heathy, there
are people to be found, numbers who entertain'a
different inTrension. When the slaves", in the
West Indies were emancipated;, at a dinner4Kit
en by colored people, to commemorate the event,
the health of Sir Lionel • Smith; the governiirOf
Jamaica, was proposed by an enthusiastic negro,
who, lavish in his praise - of his excellency l con
cluded with the assertion, by the wayof attar,
that "If Sir Lionel had'4• - a white - face - hefted, at ,
least, a black heart!" It is said that when Job
Ben Solomon, an African prince, was fa E .- beard,
he had an interview with Dr. Wathi, - Whd, 'With
more curiosity than politeness, inquired ;bow it
chanced that he and his countrymen were,blick,
seeing they had deeended from Adam, a - White
man. The answer was prompt: "Adapt white
man! Vow • you know datt We tick ; Adam
black man, and we ask you how you ceine white."
BOMA.ICE ON" THE RAIL -prefty, little bit,
of romance developed itself in one of the State
street cars of Chicago, a few-days ago. - Anforig
the passengers was a pale, quiet little -woman,
plainly dl•ess - ed, and very pretty withaL -, Pres
ently a one legged•aoldier labored into - the car on
his crutches. The seats were crowded; and 'the,
soldier 'lra to stand. The young lady got. up,
Pulled theidue sleeve and pointed to the seat she
had vacated. ' For the first time, as she tabled,
she had a fell view of Ins face, and neither - of
them paid any more attention to the - deserted
seat. They started at one another a minute, and
then, in'apite of the awkward motion of the car,
embraced and kissed each other with hysterical
-terror. •At first the passengers were somewhat
astonished at so public a demonstration; but' all
of them soon joined in congratulating thildefight
ed couple upon learning that the two ~persons
thus suddenly brought together were man and
wife, long separated by the vicissitudes •efliar.
The soldier had been desperately wounded in
Tennessee and taken prisoner. He was snpposed
to have been killed,.and before he was restored
to freedom and able to write, his wife or widow,
as she simpered herself, removed to Chicago, and
so his letters never reached her. Tha,proor fel
low, as soon as he could travel, set out Tor home,
with a desponding heart, to learn why his letters
had never been answered. He reached clam%
on his way thither, when tbegenerons impahle of
a kind little woman to a maimed soldier, brought
her back a loving husband, and threw4nm in the
bpen arms of a wife who had long mourned him
-as among the innumerable Mat who 'hare laid
down their lives for the salvation of their mul
- Ets'r Yot.l.3tn LeDiEs.—ln order to - be - a
young lady, it is necessary to lay aside all reserve
and .refinement-verything that savors of, wo
manly weakness ; to have no troublesome serif
=reedy aeoord-an- appreciating
smile to the broadest joke. There must be no
feeling of dependence on the stronger sex: ; but,
by adopting, as far as decency permits, matictiliiie
attire, masculine habits, and masculine modes of
expression, accompanied by a thorough:knowl
edge of Mang, and a fluency in using it, these la
dies show themselves to be above all narrow-min
ded prejudices. There must bon° thinking about
other people't feelings; if people will be thin skin
ned, let them keep out of their way at all events.
Should "mamma" raise her voice in a feeble re
monstrance, the fast young lady impresses upon
her that "she is no judge of these matters. In
her old school ! days, everything and ernry' one
were slow; but it is quite changed
short, to sum up, to be a fast young lady, =nodes- -
ty, delicacy, refinement, respect for superiors,
consideration for the aged, must all beset abide
boldness, independence, irreverence, prnsqueneas,.
and, we fear, two often heartlessness, must take
their place. A Foc.—A few years ago, there lived lathe
town of •••••-• 7 ,a son of Judge B. whom .we,
will call Joe, who frequently imbibed morn than
he ;could comfortably carry. There alto resided'
in the neighborhood. a planter named W.; who
kept a saloon. Now IF . was a great practical
joker. On one ;occasion, Joe came into W.'s et.
loon, and rather early in the morning got very
much intoxicated,and filially fell asleep m his chair.
Jori was very near sighted, and always wore,
specs. After he bad slept some time, W. took off
his specs, blackened the glasses, put Onto back
again, lighted. the lamps, aod then awoke Joe, him it was about 12 o'clock at night and
he wanted to, shpt op. Joe , started' and remark
ed,that he had slept some time W. thetylaid :
"Joe, it is very dark, and, if you will bring it
back again, I will lehd you a:lantern."
W. lighted a lantern, gave it to Joe, and balpttlk
him up stairs, Joe went off' home (up the mail?
'business street.)' in the middle of the day, with
his lantern, everybody looking at him, and wan
dering what was the matter. -
A FIVE year old chap was assigned the duty of
"rocking" his little brother to sleep. After a-few
minutes of fruitless effort to soothe the restless
infant to slumber, be called his mother's aftation
to the state of the case with this remark;'"ltin;
this fellow wort go to sleep-1 think hemante
something." A-11•14neEitioos as to what the baby
wanted' ,were only answered by a blush and a
downcast; looh,,but in a few minutes after, While .
the infant was in the enjoyment of what be really
did want, little five year old explained hiantelf by
the interrogation, "Ha! didn't I khan' what he
wanted f"
, 'TUE CREDiT SYSTESI.—A beautiful' girlatep
pie into a shop to buy a pair of mitts.
"How much are they?'"
"Why," said - the gallant but impudent clerk,
lost in gazing upon her sparkling eyes and ruby
lips, "you shall haie them for a kiss."
'Agreed," said the young lady, pocketing the
mitts,while her eyes spoke daggers, "and as I see
,give credit here, charge it on yonr boots,
and` collect it the beat way you can!" 86 saying
she hastily ttipped,out.
AN ill-looking fellow was asked how he could
account for Nature's forming him so ugly. "
tore was to blame," said he, "for when I was
two mouths of age I was conaideredthe handscina
eat child in the neighborhood, but my untie . ; to
revenge herself upon my parents for some fan
cied injury at their hands, one day neappedme
away for another boy, belonging to a friend of
hi;r's, -who was rather plain looking."
-A philosophical cabman in Mobile, thus speaks'
Of the section-over which his wheels make their
tracks "If you. rah over a youngster down here
in this here wird," said he. "the folks don't say
nothin—lease=' they hive got more children than
wittlesfor 'en—but you jist run ovens, gtititi'or
a sow, or a pig, and blest if a mob - ailethirterriu
-in two !Multi!"
Witter Narr I—Tile newest thing outis “plurn.
bere for heitow-cheeked damsels. The plumper
is made o f porcelain, pea-shaped sin form; flat on
one side - and bulging out on the other. They fit
on the inside of the cheeks, ,giving a round, plump
appearance; hence doubtless their name.
•" PAPA, why don't you give•the' telegraph a
dose of gin V -
"Why, my &lid 17-
"Cause the papera say that they ge.onk of or.
der, and mamma always takes gin when the it
out of order.", "
A WESTERN paperneyv-- 0 6 ,4 eciVentellffirdk
by lightning . and in
village e yincinn t . Wm. tindis.besu l