The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 04, 1865, Image 2

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    trattitin epositotg.
Wednesday, October 4,1885.
VOL. F. O. STIPRRAILGH. of Franklin.
CAPT. JOHN DIEHLF.H. Chambersburg.
W. JOHN ELANSLER, St Tluotrau,
ENIAIMEL Mani, Chamberabarg.
/AMEX H. CLAYTON, Washington.
BARIUM W. NEVIN. Southampton.
other and an important election is at hand;
one which appeals to every voter for de
liberate, intelligent, unprejudiced action.
Indifference on the part of any citizen at
such a time is criminal. The right of suf
frage is an inestimable privilege, but it is
a great error to suppose that it is a privi
lege that the good citizen can exercise or
not, as he feels inclined. The duty to ex
ercise it whenever occasion offers is an
imperative one, and that man who fails ,
to do so, through indifference or neglect,
disregards an obligation he owes to his
There has never been an election, under
our present system of government, so un
important as to release the citizen from
this oblfgation. The interests of society
or the State are always either to be pro :
. moted or prejudiced by the election or de
feat of one or other of the contending par
ties. It is impossible in the .nature of
things to have'suich matters so evenly bal
anced that the citizen is left without a
preference. If weighed in the balance
one or other of the tickets will strike the
beam. There is always sure ih be some
congderation that will incline the balance.
Never were parties farther from an equi
poise than they are this Fall. The oppos
ing candidates have not equal claims upon
you, - nor can the sentiments of both com
mend themselves to the honest judgment
of the same mind. The issue is one made
up of individual qualification and merit,
vital principle and moral effect. You
are familiar with the oppoSing parties and
yen - ',mow their respective candidates.
' Yon know that one side is represented in
this campaign by men who have been
faithful to their country in her greatest
trial, some of whom have deserved the
.gratitude of their countrymen by services
in the field and others by faithful adher
ence to her cause at home; and yon know
that the other side asks preferment for
men whose course during the time of In
' tionaltroubles indicated a sympathy with
our enemies, and whose efforts were given
more to retard, than to help on the work
-of conquering rebellion. Can you hesitate
as to which of these you will give yiiur
support? Would it not be base ingrati
tude to open the doors of preferment to
men who turned their backs upon the go
vernment when it was in datiger, and to
close - it upon those who in that crisis ren
dered her what assistance they could?
The ticket the Union party presents to
you is unexceptionable. The State ticket
bears the names of two of our moskemi
• nent soldiers, who have gathered their
• honors where the danger was greatest,
- : while the District and County tickets are
composed of the names of men all of .Ivhom
have given evidence of their patriotism
. by services on the field or by faithful ad
herence to their countiy's cause at home,
and who are well quiilified to discharge
the duties of the offices for which they are
" candidates.
Then again, have you the honor and
credit of your STATE and NATION at; heart?
If you bare, will you aid that party that
seeks to establish them both on an endu
4ing basis of peace and' prosperity, by
reaping the rich fruits of the nation's tri
umph, that endeavors to maintain their
honor and integrity by enabling them to
redeem every pledge of citizens and sol
diers, and that is pledged to advance the
interests of labor everywhere ; or will you
support that party whose whole purpose
is to give victory to the conquered, to de
stroy your national credit and bring you
agaiuunder the power of the spirit of SLA
vERVI You have to choose for yourselves.
The Union party never made you a
pledge that it has not faithfully redeemed.
Your memories are treacherous indeed, if
son have forgotten how often the Demo
cratic party have broken the word of
promise to your hope. The latter now
seeks power through the aid of the very
menwho were most active in inaugurating
rebellion, and promises to restore them
to the supremacy that Democratic sub
serviency gave them before the war. Its
sympathies are just as much with these
men now as whet► your capital was be
sieged or your State invaded ; and for a
poor mess of official pottage it is willing
to barter off the grand results of the war,
which were purchased at such a fearful
cost. and to .sigrendar, into.. the hands of;
the vanquished'thi4l4idiss eon queror. Shall the4ower of this govern
ment pasis into thei'hands'of men Who ac.:`
Imowledged allegice to such a party I
If you permit it, your troubles have only
commenced. If you wish to secure peace
and prosperity to the Republic Yon Masi
commit its government into the hands of
its friends, and exclude from place and
power all who symyathize with its enemies.
SOLDIERS ! OUT cause appeals to you
for your active, undivided support. DE
MOCRSCY has no cla' s upon son. It has
merited your stern • rebuke. Remember
how it attem=pted to disfranchise you when
you were braving the dangers of the field,
and how it used every means to Weaken you
and stregthen your enemies. It nevelt°.
joiced when you achieved a victory nor
wept when disaster overtook you. It op
posed every effovt, that was made to
strengthen your ranks, and denounced
you as hirelings and mercenaries. •
You triunthed over your enemies with
field and earned a nation's thanks. The
price of that victory was the lives of your
noble comrades, the ghastly wounds of
others and the heroic labor of all. Will
you now permit that enemy, aided by the
cupidity and subservience of the DEMOC
RACY, to reap the fruits of the victory
yon gained I You saved the REPUBLIC
by your bullets, assist it now with your
ballots. You acted well your part as sol
diers, let the same love of Country, and
devotion to freedom characterize you as
citizens. One and all, stand firm.
You made for yourselves a glorious rec
ord during the last four years of danger
and trial to the Republic. You contri
buted both blood and treasure in patriot
ic abundance to the defence of your Gov
ernment, and suffered uncomphin' ingly the
fortunes of war, that the Government
might live. You performed your entire
duty with a fidelity which willbe remem
bered and extolled by those who come
after you. Will you falter now when
there are no hardships to , be endured,
no exactions are demanded / Will you,
by supineness and indifference, permit
the old enemy yon have so often van
quished to triumph in this contest I We
trust not. Victory is within your grasp.
Exert yourselves to the end that a full
vote may be polled and all will be well.
A large majority of the voters of our
County are pndeniably with us and noth
ing but disgraceful lethergy on your part
can give success to your enemy.
We entreat you to do your whole duty
as citizens, and to exert yourselves as
men having a due regard for the honor of
your Stati! and the general welfare of the
UPON our friends in the various districts
of the county, let us impress one matter
importance : that, if their own district
is disorganized, apathetic, or indifferent
in its preparations for the campaign ; if
they find themselves not prepared or not
able to do as well this fall as formerly,
they must not expect the balance Of the
county to compensate their want - of ener
gy and faithfulness. Generally speaking,
you can judge of the condition of things
elsewhere by the situation at home. If
Your own district is well organized and
thoroughly awake to the issues involved;
if you know of several changes in it favor
able to the cause, or of conversions, or
reasons for an increase of. vote, you may
safely presume that these are general in
dications of popular sentiment, and•not
confined to a single section. But if
hear that a neighboring district will do
well, do not, upon any account, rely upon
it to do your work. Emulate its gallantry,
and perform achievements as great or
greater. Let us urge it - upon you, fellow
citizens, that you look at home, in your
own districts, and prepare to do better this
fall than ever before.
. "The Colonel is as desponding in regard to the
result in the State as he is in relation to the
county."—: Spirit.
JUST about as near the truth as the
Spirit usually gets—that is just in direct
antagonism with it. This journal has
steadily urged the Union men not to be
defeated by supineness. There are more'
Union voters in-the State to-day than last
year, but we want no doubtful Verdict
when we, have an overwhelming majority
of the, honest vote of the State. Davis
and Linton will fall 20,000 to 30,000 below
Welellan's vote. Give us a full vote and
the last vestige of Democracy will be
wiped out.
LET it be remembered that the Demo
crats of this State who are now 'bedaubing
President, Johnson with fulsome praise,
and who also through their late address
to the people, claim that the only way to
sustain hint is to vote the Democratic tick
et, but a few short months since, denounc
ed him as a "boorish tailor," and that in
Slarch, 186-1, by a strict party vote, the
Democratic members of the Legislature
refused to grant him the Hall of the House
of Representatives at Harrisburg, in which
to tell the tale of his persecutions and suf.
ferings, ' i t Tennessee, and to advocate the
cause his country.
WHEN tile rebels invaded Pennsylvania
in 1863, Mr. McConanghy devoted his
whole time and energies to aid the Union
army. Mr. Duncan was a delegate to the
Democratic State Convention, anti voted
to condem\i his own - govtraent, but nod
a word of denunciation was given toihe
re,hels who then - occupied one-own soil.
Vote for McConaughy.
WnEN Col. Elder fell at Frederick:4-
,11,,0we led the cothmand: most
herole4ly 4igam* at the enemy, and agaltr
et Chaneellornille. Vote for Rove. -
Clit franklin latpositorp, 414anibtroburg,
REBELLION, treason, and-eivil war are
siiinbltlinked-vith the name of De
mocracy. Under Democratic ascendancy
the conspiracy was conceived and matur
ed. Under a Democratic administration
it ripened. By Democratic chiefs it was
directed. By Democratic politicians it
was defended and excused. By a Demo
&sale Contention was declared trium
pliant—and by Democratic papers and
speakers the theories -from which the re
bellion sprang, are still justified and ad
TEM Spirit says that "CoL McClure, a
leader in the State, a man of character,
position and influence, could not induce
the Republicans in the legislature to pass
a relief bill.", Well, if McClure, with all
his "character, position and influence"
could not do it, what sort of a figure would
Duncan cut in managing a Republican leg
islature t The Senate will be Republican
in any_event. Could Duncan or McCon
&Thy best control its action
R. ALEX. STEW ART, of - SilippellSbllTg.
is e Union candidate for Senator in the
York aid Cumberland district. He is one
of the mo,eintelligent and faithful Union
ists in 916 section of Pennsylvania, and
we trust the Union men of Cumberland
and York will rally earnestly to the sup
port of their ticket. They cannot hope
to succeed, but let them do their whole
duty by giving to DrStewart such a vote
as will demonstrate Mc increasing power
of the loyal sentiment of the district.
THE Harrisburg Patriot is echoed as
follows in relation to this journal. :
So up - and be doing Democrats ! One of the
West and shrewdest of your opponents admits as
aboreaour power to carry the State."
We do admit that if the Democrats poll
their - whole vote, and the Union men poll
but two-thirds of theirs, the State might
be lost. If there is anything particularly
able or shrewd in that, we are justly en
titled to it.
Carr. DCEBLE It fought gallantly at the
,head of his company until lie fell seriously
wounded and disabled for life, and when
at home he voted to enable his brave
comrades to have a choice in their rulers.
Where was Mr. Boyd. Ile neither fought
with the soldiers nor voted for them.—
Vote for ambler.
FA_auzits! you who hold thousands of
dollars of government securities, would
you - have your government credit impair
ed, and your bonds depreciated in value?
If the Democrats A - the North and the re
bels of the South attain power it will he
the end orgoveruinent credit. Vote the
Union ticket.
"WE can't pay oiu• debt," say Demo
cratic grumblers.• Why not then take the
property of those who wantonly made the
debt and let it fall upon those who created
it ? The rebels made war and loaded us
with debt—let it be theirs to pay! Then
our governmpt credit will be free from
peril. •
Tim - vote of ever- wounded soldiery
will have a great influence in deciding
whether the pension he now receivs shall
be continued to his death. lb Member
wounded soldier, the Democratic leaders
have bat one step more, the re
pudiation of your pensions. Give them
power and they will repudiate.
TIIE Democrats hypocritically profess
devotion to President Johnson to throw
Union men off their guard, and persuade
them that the issues are unimportant, so
that they may win a victory by default.
Let there be a full Tote Rolled. and it will
be the death-knell of the Democracy.
MR. STENGER did not vote to allow
our soldiers the right to cast their ballots
for civil rulers. Col. Rowe fought with
them in the field and voted for them at
home. Let the soldiers remember their
friends, and their enemies on Tuesday
NonTunra: Democrats and Southern
rebels are seeking to regain power in the
government. They had power in 1856-60
and gave us treason, secession, war and
four thousand millions of debt. Vote the
Union ticket.
COLON - KJ, Silt;3rnAt - tin hastened to join
Grant at'Shiloh and aided in taming the
tide of victory on that blood. field' When
at home he voted as he fought—for the
soldiers and the Union. Vote for Stum
McCoNAuunY has the character, the
ability and the experience to command
respect and success in defending the in
terests of the border in the Senate. Vote
for McCoMiughy.
=IN not a single county in this State, as
far as our observation goes, where the
Democracy have "a sure thing of it," liar e
they placed a soldier ou their local ticket.
864 the kS'pirit pronounce d President
Johnson a "boorish tailor." Now it asks
voters to vote the Democratic ticket be
cause its friends support the President.
Mn. M'CoNAtratrr voted to confer the
right of suffrage upon our gallant solPers.
Mr. Duncan did not. For whom will the
soldiers and their friends vot for Senator
THE Inge is not 'whether Negroe's shlla
vote, kit:whether blood-stained rebels in
the Southern States shall vote and rule.
Vote the Unbin ticket.
GEN HARTRANFT recaptured Fort
Stf;adman last spring, and he will re-cap
tute-the Auditor General's °Mee on Taes
text. Vote for Illartranft.:_
COL. CAMPBELL gallantly led his regi
ment or his brigade in nearly all the san
guinary battles in Virginia. Vote for
Cot. ST,UMBAI:d4.I was among the first
of Gen. Buell's troops to . reinforce Grant
at Shiloh. Vote for Stumbaugh.
ITl.nox men! vote early
ALLL'HASSLER entered the service and
won a commission by his soldierly quali
ties. Vote for Hassler.
CAPT. SnrarAN volunteered, as a private
and won a captaincy by his heroism in
the field. Vote for Shuman.
CAPT. DCFAILER fell - while leading the
fearful charge at Fredericksburg, and is
disabled for life. Vote for Dcebler.
1.7-xtoN men, vote early, and see that
the entire Union vote of your district is
_IV"oe the Union ticket.
LET no sluggard Unionist forget to
vote on Tuesday next. Vote the Union
TUE National credit must be maintain -
ed. Vote the Union ticket.
UNION men! see that every Union vote
is polled in your district. , •
llNtox men! see thfit soar neighbors
POLL a full vote and the Union ticket
is safe.
A few wegks ago a Mr. Robert M'Ganghy pub
lished tr card in the Gettysburg Compiler, in which
ho charged Mr. M'Conaughy, the Union candi
date for Senator in this distrist, with professional
dishonesty.iin withholding from him a patent deed,
which he had employed Mr. M'Conanghy to pro
cure for him. Below we publish a card from Mr..
M'Conaughy in reply. It needs no eminent from
us. He stood in no need of a vindication' with
men who are acquainted with his professional
character. The charge brought against him may
have been conceived in malice, or it may have
been prompted by a misapprehension of the facts,
resulting from Mr. M'Gaughy's own ignorance;
and made public through Democratic lose of
scandal and abuse. Mr. M'Conaughy has charity_
enough to ascribe it to the hitter. It is, not the
first time that a kind action has been re-paid with
base ingratitude :
Mu. EIYITOR AND Tim RUC :—ln 1857, , at
the request of Robert M'Gaughy, I,sent forward
a Certificate of location of 1.20 acres of land in
Case county, lowa, to responsible Laud Agents at
Council Bluff's, with request to see after the title
and,pay the tax for Mr. M'Gaughy. The Certifi
cate, as the Agents informed me, was duly record
ed in the County where the lands were; and they
paid the taxes for 1857, and Mr. M'Gaughy re
paid me $5,00, the amount of the taxes and the
Agents' charges. More recently Mr. M'Gaughy
inquired after the paper. I advised him that his
title was perfectly good, and was on record ; and
upon turning to my Agents' reports, I there found
and so informed him. that the Agents had every
year since 1857, paid his taxes forhiru on his land,
out of my monies in their hands, which I desired
him to repay me, but which he has not yet done.
During the confused s ears of the war this matter
(as also my own land matters) almost escaped
my attention. But .dace, I wrote requesting - the
Agents to see after and send forward Mr., Mo-
Ganghy's Letters Patent, for which the Certifi
cate had to be surrendered. It has been held,
that the recording of the Certificate of location
makes the title perfectly gooit'and I so informed
Mr. M'Gaughy. I also, since, wrote the Agents
to procure a certified copy of the Recorded Cer
tificate, as an evidence of his title—than-which
he need have no bette; and which he will no
doubt receive,
In all this matter thave not been compensated,
but, on the other hand, taxes to the amount of
between $3O and $4O have been advanced for
Mr. M'Gaughy out of my funds. It is no fault of
mine that the desired jumper has not been sent for_
ward. What I did. 1 regarded as a matter of
accommodation to him. It luas well meant. He
has fallen into had hands, and has been iniposed
upon when not in a condition nf mind to fully un•
derstand the objects and motives of the writer of
his communication, and has been wade to attempt
to do an injury to a friend, which will fall short
of its math. and which he should, andl hope will,
regret. D. WCONAuCtiY..
It is admitted, on all sides, ttiat Maj: Gen.
Meade's great victory at Gettysburg, saved Penn
sylvania from utter devastation, and no doubt res•
cued the other Middle and Eastern States from in
vasion by au infuriated horde of drunken rebels.
The battle of Gettysburg was one of the most
brilliant achievements of the . age, and the glory
which Meade won on that occasion was shared
by every gallant soldier Who' fought under his
command. Yet, in the facir .- of these !facts—con
vinced that .Meade's victory had saved the homes ,
and firesides of Pennsylvania from' desolation,
blood-stain arid polution—it was reserved for the
Copperheads in the Pennsylvania Senate to oppose
and defeat a resolution rendering thanks to Gen.
Meade and his army, for their great service on the
battle-field. The following extract from the
Legislative Record for 1864, page 24, places the
Copperheads in their true position of ingratitude
to the soldiers :
Mr. M'Candless. I offer the following resolu
tion :
Res°lrcd. That the people' of Pennsylvania.
through their representatives, tender their pro
found and heartfelt thanks to Maj. Gen. George
0. Meade and the Army of the Potomac•, for re
lieving our native Stato from the tread of the
rebel hordes, and hurling them back from tho im
mortal field of Gettysburg, and while we thus
teuder our thanks to the noble living, we revere
the memory of thu immortal dead who sacrificed
their lives on the holy altar of their beloved coun
On the question, Will the Senate proceed to a
second reading of the resolution ?
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Don
neon and Mr. Stark, and were'aft follows, viz:
YEAsL—Messrs. Champneyg; Connell, Dunlap,
Fleming, Graham , Hoge, I loureholder, Johnson,
Lowry, Isl'C:undies's, Nichols, Ilidgt ay, Turret,
Worthington and Penny, Speaker-16.
NAYS—Messrs. Beardslee,- Bucher, Clymer,
Donovan, Glatz, Hopkins, Kinsey, Lamberton,
Latta, llPSfitrry, Montgomery, Reilly, Smith,
Stark, Stine and ,‘Vallaee-16.
So the question was determined in the nega
Can any soldier support the candidates of a
party thus ungrateful for victories won by the sac
rifice of many hundreds of noble lives
Deliberate and evidently Preeoncerted efforts
were made to assassinate Gills. Grant and Sher
man on the 27th ult. .While Gen. Grant was re
turning from Indianapolis at an early Min r on that
morning, a switch at the end_ of a curve at Guil
ford had been turned intentionally . , and the car
in which the General rode was thrown from_ the
track, and dragged swine distance, but no one was
injured. Abdut the same time a train on the
Ohio and Mississippi road, carrying Geu. Sher
man, was thrown from the track this 'side of
Lawrenceburg. No Due Ns as injured.
•The Philadelphia Etching Telegraph thus per
tinently inquires where rebel savagery is to end
and what is its true ihnedy :
"We publish elso4 here a despatch from the As
sociated Press which proclaims to the world the
fact-that the day of assassination has not passed;
that the ied hand of murder is not yet satisfied;
that the great men of our nation are not yet 'nee,
but that they hold their lives in their hands.=
Yesterday two simultaneous attempts were made
to effect the murder of Lieutenant-Gem Grant
and Brevet Lieutenant-General Sherman. While
they were travelling outwit different roads, two
endeavors were made to secure their destruction)
With them would have perished all the occupants
of the trains, and hundreds of lives would have
been sacrificed.
"Will this diabolical spirit never be qUelled?—
Willjustice never be administered? Thelalse
leniency which is being shown encourage!' to acts
of murder and mssnination the cowardly:ruffians
who, defeated in open fight, nand -seek in dark
ness their. revenge. - .Let - tho. scoundrels who
made these attempts be captured, convicted, and
hung at once, without the king tedium of legal
technicality. If an eittunpb3 is made perhapslhe
mania will be subdued.
'•ln this connection we ask, Will any of the late
Rebels be punished 1 A general forgiveness will
endanger the life of every American whose talents
have raised him to a position of fame. Shall the
Venetian terror and the Venetian proverb, that
with elevation comes assassination, become Amer
ican Shall late Rebels become Borgias, and we
tamely submit ?"
The Werze Triail—Leading BebelsSmn=
mooed to Appear before the Commis.
Most—The Raab for Pa rdons—Rebeis
Applying for Appointments—Complex
ion of the next Congress—ProvostNar
"hal Offices Abolished—Expiration of
the time Probibittag theßemoval of
Bodies---The Christian and Sanitary
Correspondence of the Firm:Win Repository.
Nothing new in the Werze trial has been
brought to light during the past week. Though
'the defense have used all sorts of strategy and
summoned all sorts of witnesses to their aid, no
thing yet has been educed very favorable to the
prisoner. Tbus far the main point of the defense
has been to prove that Werze only acted as di
rected by his superior officer, Gem Winder, and
he is responsible and not 'Worse. This has been
done to some extent, but not sufficient as yet to
clear Werze of any of the inhuman cruelties prov
ed against him. We learn that rebel official doc
uments have been discovered of great importance,
tending to give much light on the moduli operandi
of working that diabolical prison pen. Letter'
pre,sseopies of original letters and documents fix
the crime of many of the worst cruelties there
practised on high rebel officials. Yesterdiy sub
poenas were issued and an officer dispatched to
summon before the Court Gen. Lee, Joe John
ston, Howell Cobb, Robert Ould,'ex-Governor
Mown, of Georgia, and other noted rebel leaders.
The testimony of these persons will'be looked for
with interest, and will no doubt be very lengthy.
Yesterday the White House was again besieged
by applicants for pardon, both male and female.
Such a vast:number of applications had accumu
lated that the President ordered a stamp fac-sim
ilie of his signature, by which means he can rush
through pardons at the rate of a thousand per day
should it be necessary, and it will undoubtedly he
necessary if all applications and I., , ranted, which
from present appearances is quite likely. These
Febels fire generally all prepared to swear any and
everything, first to get a pardon and then to get
an office. Several rebeltoldiers' applications for
clerkships in the Departments have been received
and a few it is said have been appointed. Hun
dreds of noted secesh women are seeking clerk
ships in the treasury department i
The complexion of the next Congress is a mat
ter \of considerable gossip among the southeners
now here. In the Senate 25 States are now rep
resented by 33 Unionists and 11 Democrats. Ac
cording to division that existed before
the war the House stands 140 Unionists to 41
Democrats. Should all the Southern States now
without representation, whose Senators and mem
bers are yet to be elected, choose candidates op
posed to universal suffrage, and shduld they all
be admitted, the Senate will stand 47 Union
ists to 27 Democrats; and the House 150 Union
ists to 92 Democrats. This is consoling Informa
tion for the copperheads. Prominent Democrats
who are here figuring with the southerners say
that there will be a majority of' ten in favor of
admitting the southern members who will come
here prepared to take the test oath. It is very
doubtful if any of them be admitted under any
consideration whatever during its coming ses-
The Provost Marshal officers of Alexandria,
Fairfax Court House and Fort Albany have been
abolished and the records of the same turn over
to Col. Ingraham.
To-day expires ty limitation the oer oP the
Government antherities prohibiting the disinter
ment and tetnoval North of the. bodies of the
Union soldiers who are 'Mined in the different
cemeteries in this vicinity. A great m'ny bodies
null un denbtedly be removed by relatives and
friends during the fall months.
The Christian Commission closed business yes
terday turning over to the Freedmen's Bureau
the stock of goods remaining on hand. The
Christian Comndssion has been a noble and,a great
institution. With haudreds of thoUsands of dol
lars less than the Sanitary Commission it has
done much snore and efficent work. Itis held in
much more esteem by the soldiers. The Sanita
ry Commission is also about to close its labors.—
It is not so liberal with the goods remaining on
hand, preferring to sell them off at auction and
raising a cash fund, It has now over $400,000 -
in money. It is a query what will be — dtine 'with
this surplus money on hand. As the war has en
ded it is no use keeping up a lot of high salaried
The Secretary of the Treasury has gone to In
diana on a two weeks leave.
Our city is very dull. No trade or business of
any kind in operatian. And yet the Hotels are as
much crowded as if Congress was in session
There is scarcely a room to be had. Four-fifths
of all the guests are SoutlMmers and many of
them 'have engaged rooms already for the whole
winter. C.
From the Perry Freeman
This gentleman, one of the Union Legislative
candidates of this (Perry and Franklin) district.
made a flying visit to our Borough on last Satur
day. Time did not permit him to visit many pla
ces hi Perry. He caniTrom Harrisburg by Rail
road. made a brief call at Duncannon, and passed
through Newport, Bloomfield, and Landisburg on
his return. lie would have been pleased to have
rnade)t he acquaintance of our Perry people, in gen
,Aut it was considered that, between this and
thesileetion, he could be of nowe - advantage to the
_gduse by giving his personal attention to Franklin.
Stambaugh has very agreeable manners,
and a frank honest look, which win him the con
fidence and respect of people where he is known.
He is a good man. There is no mistake in that.
He is a lawyer in good standing at the Chambers
burg Ban He is not alaney soldier, or a paper
officer. He has seen active service. in the field ;
was one of the first in the field in defence of the
Union, and only left the service when obliged to
do so by ill health. As Colonel of the 77th Pa.
Volunteers, ho was distinguished as an officer;
and, as we recollect the report, commanded a Bri
gade at the Battle of Pittsburg Lauding, in so skil
ful a manner as to elict the highest praises of his
superior officers. As a man, he is moral, honest
and honorable ; as a soldier, he was brave and pa
triotic: and as a politician, he comes up fully to
the Jeffersonian test of qualifications.
Thu Union ince of Perry will heartily give him
their support; for his conduct and services, both
civil and military, merit their support.
Capt. Shuman, his colleague on the ticket, is so
well known in this county, that it were superflu
ous to make any extended remarks in relation to
him. Cite Shuman and Stambaugh your firm
L; Lancaster County, where the Democrats
have not the remotest chance of election, they
have eight colliers on their ticket; in Barks,
where they are sure of electing, they have not
nominated a singlemne! Snch hypocrisy towards
the colliers is more insulting that the late Demo
eras elflike of our gallant boys in blue. If the
Democrats think the soldiers are such greenies
pa to be caught by such miserable chaff, they
will probably have their calculations spoiled on
Tuesday next. - Soldiers will not sell themselves
to Democrats at the cheap price of a nomina
tion for an office where there no prospect for an
election. ,
THE banks of Virginia are in anything but a
satisft,ctory condition. They own too much rebel
paper. The Exchange Bank of Virginia, which
has branches all over the State, reports $150,000
in specie, and $6,700,000 in Confederate Bonds;
the bank of Virginia, $ 300,000 in specie, and $ B ,-
000,000 Confederate bonds.
We give below: lewithy 7 itigument - from: - .,the
pen of Mr. Cessna;Chiiitnan of Ihelliiort ben.
tral committee; (iii de' cfflutitatfaait3' . " 44 the
Act of Congress disfranchising deserters. The
crowded state of our columns compels us to owit
certain pc:Ail:36ot it, bat we have tried to pre
sene the lint of the argument unbroken.. It is
just itiett I p6per as 6 Would etOectrfrOmlifiable
lawyer like Mr. Ce a, and ass fair examination
and interpretation fa law that has too long been
defied, it will commend itself to all impartial
minas : ,
"On the subject of elections, the .Constitution
of Pennsylvania provides :
"SECTION' L—ln elections, by the eitiress every white
freeman, of the age of twenty-one years, hash* resided In
this State one year, and in the election district where lie of
ten, to vote ten days immediately preceding such election,
and within ttro years paid a State or County tax, which
shall have - been assessed at least ten days before the elec-
Lien shall enjoy the rights of an elector; bar a citizen of
the United Stfurco who had previously been a qualified vo
ter of this State, and removed therefro. and returned,
and who shall have resided in the election district, and
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitl t atitafter zeal
ding in the State six months ; Provided, t white free
men, citi:eno of the United States, the ages of
twenty-one and twenty-two years, and having resided in
the State one year, and in the election disteict ten days, as
aforesaid,' shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not
have paid taxes."
It is important here - to observe that it is not all
white men that are entitled to vote, but whitefree•
men. Throughout the entire section the words
" citizens of the United States" are used in the
same connection, and it is apparent that the word
" freemen" used in this section is equivalent to the
word citizens.
In the case of the State of Tennessee vs. Ain
breve, 1 :Dleigs' 8..337, the Supreme Court of the_
United States held that the word " freemen" used
in the Constitution of Tennessee was equivalent
to the word citizen. This is, of course, conclu
sive on. this point.
Durin4 the progress of the war for the suppres
sion of the rebellion, various laws were passed to
raise au army sufficient for the purpose. It was
found that some persons resorted to different dis
reputable...ways to avoid the draft, and otheri
serted the' service. To prevent a repetition of the
former, and to punish the latter offence, Congress
enacted a law partly as follows, viz;
"An Aci to amend the several acts heretofore passed to
proride for the enrolling and tolling oat of the national
forces, and for other purposes." Approved March 3, 151i5.
" SErr. 21. 'Tftat in addition to the other lawful penal
ties of the crime of desertion from the military or naval
service, all persons who have deserted the military or naval
service of the United States. who shall not return to said
service, or report themselves to a Provost Marshal within
sixty days after the proclamation hereinafter mentioned,
shall be deemed and taken to have voluntarily relinquish
ed and forfeited MEM Ricans OF LT117.4.;%51111., and their
rights to become citizens; and such Deserters shall be for
ever incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under
the United States, or of curcising any rights of citizens
thcorof ; and all persons who shall hereafter desert the mil.
laity or naval service, and all persons who, being duly en
rolled. shall depart the jurisdiction of the district in which
be is ebrolled, Or go beyond 'hell/ills of the United States,
with intent to Avoid any draft into the military or naval set
s ice duly ordered. shall be liable to the penalties of this
section. And the President is hereby authorised and re
quired forthwith, on the passage of this act, to Issue his
proclamaticin setting forth the provisions of this section, in
which proclamation the President is requested to notify
all Deserters returning within sixty days as aforesaid,
that they shall be- pandonßl on condition of returning to
their regiments and companies, or blanch other organ-
lions as they may be assigned to, until they shall have
served for a period of time equal to their original term of
In pursuance of:that Act of Congress, Presi
dent Lincoln issued his Proclamation.
If this Art of Congress fit, constitutional, and
applies to those persons who; before its passage,
had been citizeas of Pennsylvania, and are guilty
of the offences described m the Act, then it is per
fectly clear that such persons have forfeitedtheir
rights of citizenship, and cannot vote. We hold
that the Act of Congress is strictly constitution
Prior to the passage of the Act of 1860 (Penal
Code).a convict, who had served his time in pris
on, could not vote.
The first article, eigth section, of the Constitu
tion of the United States, among other things,
declares: •
CongreAs shall have power—.
"2. To ley-and collect taxes, duties, imposts and exci
ses:to pay the debts, and provide for the casunan. defence
and general wetfore of the United Staten.
"3. To establish an uniform rule of naturalization.
"19... To deClare war.
'l3. To raise and support armies.
"15. To make rules for the government and regulation
of the land and naval faeces.
"16. To prdvide for calling forth the militia to execute
the laws of the Union, streettEss slienttnEctioss and re
pel irtramione.
"19. To make alt laws which shall be neeessary'and
proper for carrying into Crtett62ll. the foregoing powers,
end all other powers vested by this Constitution in the
GoVernment of the United States, or In any department or
°Mee thereof."
Prior to the passage of the Act of 1865, which
imposes the penalty of loss of citizenship upon
Deserters, Congress had passed several Acts for
the "raising of armies" and to "suppress insur
rections," and had also made "-certain rules for
the regulation of the land and naval forces."—
Chief among these was the Act of March 3,1863,
usually known as the "Conscription Act," a part
of the provisions of which are hereinafter inset , .
The constitutionaPpower of Congress to pass
this Alt, and:their general power to raise armies,
are fully vindicated and sustained by the SII
-preme Courtier Pennsylvania in the Philadelphia
cases reported in 9th Wright, 295 and following.
In-these opinions the liability of drafted men to
the rules and regulations of war are clearly set
forth. The constitutionality of the law cannot be
doubted. We are equally clear that it applies to
citizens of Pennsylvania, and that a person can
not lose his `'intizenship of the United States" and
retain his citizenship of Pennsylvania. 'We find
in the Constitution_ of the United States :
ANcE TILEREOF; sad all treaties made, or which shall be
made, under the authority of the United States, SHALL BE
THE sUFRE.WE LAW OF THE LAND; and the Judges In eve
ry State shall he bound thereby, anything in die Conati-
Ittl101; or km.. of any State to the =lran , notritiattout.
The Supreme Court of the United States have
ruled as follows:
';Since the adoption of the Constitution no State can, by
any subsequent law, make a foreigner, er any other des
minion of persons, citizens of the United States, nor enti
tle them to the tights and privileges secured to citizens
by that instrument" 19 Row., 393 - ; also, 9.1 Law Rep.,
It is a well _established fact, and indeed a con
stitutional command, that the system of naturali
zation shall be , general, and no State can regulate
the subject to suit its own views. It it not pos
sible that any person can be a citizen of the State
in which he lives, and not be a citizen of the
United States. Nor is it possible that he can be
a citizen of the United States and not be a citizen
of the State in which he lives. The opinion of
Attorney General Bates, given November 29th,
1662, on the question of citizenship, sustains this
position. He says :
" The phrase ' a citizen of the United States,' without
addition or qualification, means neither more nor less than
a member of the nation. And all such are, politically and
legally, equal—the child in the cradle and Its father In the
Senate, ire equally citizens of the United States, And it
needs no argument to prove that every citizen of a State is.
necessarily, a citizen of the United States; and to me it is
equally clear that every citizen of the United States is a
citizen of the particular State In which he is domiciled "
" Every citizen of the United States is a competent mem
bei of the nation, with rights and duties ender the Consti
tution and laws of the United States, which cannot be de
stroyed or abridged by the laws of any particular State.
The talcs of the Stale, if day conflict with the law of Cote
Nation, are of no force. The Constitution Is plain beyond
cavil on this point. Art. 6. ' This Constitution and the
laws of the United States which shall be made in ppm.
ance thereof, and all treaties, etc., shall be the supreme
law or the land, and the Judges in suer, State shall be
bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of
arty Starr to the contrary notwithstanding.' And from this
1 assume thatevery person who is a citizen of the United
Stater. whether by birth or naturalization, holds his great
franchise by the /awe of the United States, and abate Cote
control of any particular Rare. Citizenship of the United
States is an integral thing, incapable of existence hi frac
tional parts. Whoever, then, has that franchise, is a whole
citizen, and a citizen of the whole finnan, and cannqt be
(as the argument of my learned predecessor seems taSur
pose) such citiren in one State and not in another."
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania agree with
Judge Bates in his definition of the word " citi
zen." in 1 Grant, p. 424, Judge Woodward says:
"So Toi the wont citizen' well understood, as it is now
und ers tood, to mean a human being—a natural person, ca
pable of acting, contracting, suing and being sned without
legislative aids—a person of whom allegiance is predica
ble. and who may be guilty of treason."
In 7 Penn. Law Journal, page 115, Van Metre
rs. Mitchell, Judge Grier decides:
" No State legisintion can interfere with the protisions
of an net of Congress; or protect from punishment ant one
who may incur a penalty prescribed by snoh act"-
Let us now ascertain who are " Deserters" con
templated by the act of Congress taking away the
right of citizenship. The inquiry is rendered
simple by a reference to the act itself and the law
regulating the " military and naval services,"
from which desertions are alleged to be made.
This act was known as the " Conscription Bill,"
and was in part as follows:
"An Are for enrolling and calling out the notional force*,
and for °can' purpreer, approved March 3d 1863.
SE= a—That In each of said dishicts there duel ben
beard of enrollment, to be composed of the Provost Mar
shal. as President, and two other persons, to be appointed
by the President of the Vetted States, one of whom shall
be a licensed and practising physician ll, and entgemin„..." •
SECT. l2..—After ordering a this section
"And the persons so drawn shall be notlfted of litela - M - e
within ten days thereafter, by a written or printed notice,
to be served mmonally, or by leaving a coy at tie hut
place of rertrakfairlartlesin to appear sti deft:gated.
rendezvous to report for duty."
October 4,,1865.
" Szer. 13. • • t And at=susapre=towitho Mo
after due service of notioe u
foroishiog oubotitoie. or Paltrecthe required stun there.
for MALL BE DEEMED A mums, and shall c r uetTecied by the Prcernst Marshal, sad sent ta the n
muitary post for trial by curt-mut/al. unless upon proper
Sowing that he is not liable todomlliwry duty, the beard
of enrollment shall ro ll ers him from the draft."
On the 24th of February, 1864, Congress passed
another law, which reads as follows:
SECT. 16.—" That copies of nay record 'of a provost
Marshal, or board of enrolment, or of any part thereof,
certified by the Provost Marshal, or a ma/anti of said
board of enrolment, shall be donna and takes as evidence
is any ciri/ or military court in like manner ea the otigi
nal record; provided, that if any person shall knowingly >-
certify any false copy.or copies of such record, to be used
in any aivilar military court, he shall be subject to the
pains and penalties of perjury."
How are Deserters to be known? It will be
seen from the 16th section of the Act above quo
ted that copies of papers, duly certified by the
Board of Enrolment or by the Provost Marshal,
shall be evidence. Under the system regulating
elections in Pennsylvania, the judges and inspec
tors compose the tribunal by which must be de
termined all questions (prima facie) touching the
right to vote of all persons claiming the right of
suffrage. From them an appeal lies to the tribu
nals provided for the trial of contested elections.
But the board of judges and inspectors must first
decide. They must determine whether the ap
plicant is over or under years of age;
whether he is white or black; whether he has or
has not resided within the State or the election
district a sufficient length of time to entitle him
to vote. They must also-determine whether he
is sane or an idiot or madman; whether he is a
native or a foreigner, and. if &foreigner whethor
he has been naturalized, and any other question
which may arise
_under the law. All this they'
do by examining witnesses and hearing evidence,
as directed by the law or as indicated by their
own good sense. There is nothing in this new
duty, growing out of questions of desertion, mary '
difficult than these duties. If the books of the
Provost Marshal or enrolment board show an in
dividual to be a Deserter, and he claims to be iint
nocent of the charge, he will have no trouble in
producing papers or witnesses to show that- at
the time of the draft made in which he was drawn
be was serving the country as a volunteer, or
that having deserted he returned under the proc
lamation of sixty days' amnesty and was pardon
ed, or show some other legal defence. It will be
observed that the person who left his district or
his country to avoid the draft, and who was subse
quently drawn, and had notice left at his last
known plate of residence, is as much a deserter
as he who ran away after having been duly mus
tered into the service.
The authorities already produced appear to be
conclusive of the subject. But there is still an
other view of the question which is equally deci
sive. The right of expatriation has been recog
nized by the laws of nations from a very early pe
riod in history. It was regarded as one of the
firmest foundations of Roman liberty, that the
Roman citizen had the priiilege to stay or re
nounce his residence in the State at pleasure. It
is conceded that this doctrine has been different
ly held by different nations. It has been definite
ly and conclusively settled in the United States
that the right of election (choice of allegiance),
exists in every citizen. This view is taken by
Chancellor Kent. 2 Kent; 39, &e.
The doctrine is thoroughly discussed and fully
established by the Supreme Court of the United
States in the case of Inglis vs. Trustees of Sail
ors' Snug harbor-3 Peters, 305 ; and also in the
case of Shanks vs. Dupont—same book, 395. In
these two cases all the authorities and decisions
bearing upon this question are fully'cited and ex
plained. Indeed, it is now the well-settled•and
and undisputed law of the United States, that •
the citizen may surrender his right of citizenship,
orinay withdraw or change his allegiance. Oar
naturalization laws are founded entirely upon the
soundness of this position. Pennsylvania zulop- -
ted this view of the law at an early period of her
history. In the case ofJackson vs. Burns, 3Binn,
85, Chief Justice Tilghman, in delivering the
opinion of the Supreme Court, said: " The prin
ciple of the English law, that no man could, even
for the most pressing reasons, divest himself of
the allegiance under which he was born, is not
compatible with the Constitution of Pennsylva
By an examination of the authorities it will be
seen that the only objection to the umversality of
this doctrine of change of allegiance, arises from
a want of consent in the Government. In the
case now under consideration, the Congresiiof
the United States having passed the act forfeiting
the right of citizenship, consent of the Government
is thereby given, and the question is rendered free
from all doubt. In discussing the right and pow
er of an individual to surrender his right of citi
zenship, Senator Wallace, now Chairman of the
Democratic State Central Committee, when 'op
posing the extension of the right of suffrage to
soldiers, declared:
- "It Is a mid that so meritorious a data as volunteer sot.
diery should not be disfranchised. TO this I answer that
neither the Constitution of 1790 nor that of 1838, Mewled
this privilege, eadthat the act of the soldier in taking upon
himself duties that are from their nature, Incompatible
with the right of suffrages, deprives him of this privilege.
Ha DISFRANCHISES HIMSELF when he Mitt to bee either&
and takes upon himself the duties of a soldier." Legisloe
free Eecord-of 1864, p. 339.
From this it would appear that all parties con
cede the right and power of the individual, volnn.
untarily, to surrender his right of citizenship.. If
ha lost his right of voting by going into the service
of his country, as here asserted by the Democra
tic Chairman, it is contended that much more
justly did he lose that right by-running away from
that service. " •
Nothing is better settled than the rule of law
that when one party to a contract refuses to ful
fill his 4:1pol - oboes, the other is not bound. The
man who sells his neighbor a horse and refuses
to deliver him has just as much right to colleel
the price as the deserter, bounty-jumper, Western
or Canadian refugee has to demand the right of
suffrage, after refusing to obey the call of his coun
try- in her time of need.
A single objection to the views here presented
needs to be briefly met. This Objection is raised
by . the friends of Deserters—for even they have
friends about election times. They argue that
these persons cannot be deprived of the right of
voting without:a teal- - without process of law,
&e. In answer to this position, we say that the
Act of Congress itself is "process of law."
The conscription bills of 1863 and 1864 establish
the board of enrollment as a tribunal to hear and
determine all questions connected with the draft,
exemption. &c. Their powers and duties are
fully and clearly set forth, and carefully and ex
tensively defined. There is much of the "process
of law" embraced within their provisions. When
a debtor is sued, the writ is often served by a co
py left at his residence with some member of his
family; judgment goes by default, and his property
is seized and sold to satisfy the . demand. The
conscription law provides the same method of
giving notice, and the results of his failure to re
port in time are clearly set forth, and fully made
known to him by the law.
It is however confidently maintained, that the
terms of the Constitution, relied upon by those
who sustain the cause of Deserters, such as "trial,"
"due process of law," &e., do not apply to cases
of this kind. This defence could not be set up by
the citizen against the Crown in England. nor
will it avail him against his Government in this
country. The very same section of the same ar
ticle of the Constitution of the 'United States
which authorizes Congress to raise armies and to
provide rules for the regulation of the army and
nary, authorized Congress to lay and collect tax
es, duties, &c., "and to make all laws which may
be accessary and proper for carrying into execu
tion these powers." When the power is given •to
COngress to lay and collect taxes and to raise ar
mies, this power is not to be defeated by allowing
to the citizen privileges which would effectually
defeat the end proposed. The citizen cannot in
terpose against the proceedings of Corigresa adop.
ted for either of those purposes, his right of
"trial," or the plea that his personal rights or his
property are being taken from him without "due
process of law." This appeals to have been the
unanimous opinion of the supreme Court of the
United States in 18 Howard, 272. The whole
question is there fully examined and reviewed tiy
the Court, and both the opinion and judgment
fully sustain the view here taken. The decision
.of this question must be conclusive of the pee
tion. On this point Judge Woodward says:
"I am to take the Instrument In the sense in which It is
received by the majority of the Supreme Coaster' the Tini
!al St aten. Among the Judicial tribunals of the country,
if not in hater de eats and places, that Court is the
eapretne and foal arbiter of questions under the Federal
Cotutitution. The respect entertained for members of
that bench makes that dutymf following them as a e°s*
ent u thenni question, easy and pleasant, which the thear9
of the Goren:inlaid makes impmailye." 1 Orvit 42 4.
The Constitution and laws of the United States
and of Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court , of the
United States and of our own State; ioramon
sense, common honesty and common justice seem.
to agree in the power, the rightand justice of the '
Act disfranchising Deserters.
Joan Cassia,
Chairman Union State Central Committee.
—The South Carolina convention *adjourn
ed, after repealing the ordinance of secession
equalizing representation and taztdioni giving
elections to the peOple, endorsing the Adminis
tration, and preparing to protect the negroes: A
committee Was appointed to visit President John
son about Jeff. Davin. The gubernabxlarand
patine election•takes place onthe 15th of Oa
Wart the ColigreuZlNGv,atabeT.. - Au ex
tia meetajn 1 -