_._~~ec~ott~ ~~tioct~in~..t~r:~ _ .13 It OCLAMATION!-GEERAL ELECTION,—Whereas, in and by an Act of the General Aisembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylv entitled t "An act relating to the Elections of that Co m m. monwealtb," passed the 3d day of July, Anno Domini 1839, it Its made the duty of the Sheriff of every county within the Commonwealth to give public notice of the General Eleetieni, and in such notice to enumerate— -Ist—The Offleen; to be elected. • 2tl—Designating the places at which the election Is to be held. Therefore 1, SAMUEL BRANDT, High Sheriff of the County of Franklin, do hereby . make known and give this PUBLIC NOTICE to fhe Electors of the County of Franklin, that ON TILE 51 TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, (being the 10th day of the month,) a General Election will be held at the several Election Districts mtablished by law in said county ' at which time they will dote by ballot for the several unicorn, &e., hereinafter named One parser) for Auditor General of the State of Penn sylvania. One person for Surveyor General of the Snstehf.Fsitt• sylvania. One person for Senator to represent the Senatorial Dis trict, ostnposed of the counties of Adams and Franklin. Two persons for members of the Honse of Repieoenta• fives of the general Assembly of Pennsylvania, to repre ! sou tthe mantles of Franklin and Petry. • iThe person to ill the office of Sheriff of the county of Franklin. One person to lilt the office of Treabore; of the count) of Franklin. One person to fill.the office of District Attorney of the county Of Franklin. One person to fill the office of County SuPreyor of the county of Franklin. One person to fill the office of County Commissioner for the connty of Franklin. One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor for the county of Franklin. One to MI the office of Auditor for th'e county of Franklin. th r r i zecru to fill the office of Coroner for the county of The said Eleettcms till be held throughout the County al follows _ I •At the Court House In the Borough of Chambersburg, I . for the North Ward of said Borough, and part of Guilford -towttahip. ), At the House of I). L. Taylor, for the South Ward of said Borough. • At the Public House of John Gordon, athe West Point ), of Chambeniburg for the township of Hamilton. At the• School House in FayetteNille, for parts of the townships - of Guilford and Green, At the Public 110111 M of Christian C. Foltz, in Greenyil • Inge, for part of Green township. At the WeStern School House. in thdtOwn of St. Thom as, for the township of St. Thomas. At the School House in the town of Fannettsbhrg, for the township of Metal. At the School House, in the town of Roxbury, fur the township of Lurgae. At the House of John Haney, for part of the township of Fannett. . _ At the School House, in the town of Concord, forpart of the township of Fannon, anrL .At the liar alone School House in Morrowstown dis trict, for the other part of Fuunett township. •At the House now occupied by Geo. Anderson In the village of Quincy, for the township of Quincy. At the Western School House in Waynesboro, for the township of Washington: At the House of John Adorns, in Greencastle, for An trim and part of the townships of Peters and Montgomery. At the School House, on the laud Michael Cook in War ren township, for the township of Warren. - At the Strasburg School House, for the township of Let terkenny. At the House of James Mullen, in the town of London, for part of the township of Peters. At the Log House on the farm of Jacob Elliot, for the Welsh Han District being part of Montgomery township. At the House of Thomas McAfee, in Mercersburg, for parts of thetownships of Peters and Montgomery. At the Dlottat Rock &hoe] House in Southampton town ship for part of the township of Sonthanipton. At the Eastern School House in Orritown, for the other part of Southainptort township. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN—" That every per son excepting . Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any aloe or appointment of profit or trust- under the United States or of this State, or a City or Incorporated District, n bother a commissioned officer or otherwise, who is or shall be employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary Department of this State, or of the United Staten, or of any Incorporated District. and also, that every mem ber of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any City,. or Commissioner any Ineconnited District, is bylaw Incapable of hold ing or exercising at the time,•the office or appointment of Ju4e, Inapector or Clerk of anv election of this Ctimmon weal, and that no Judge, Inspectors or other officer of ouch election, shall be eligible to be then voted for." And the said Art of Assembly. entitled "An Act rela ting to Elections of this Commonwealth." passed July 3, 1t139, further proyides, as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the res pective places appointed for holding the elections in the District in which they may respectively belong, before 9 o'clock, on the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint one Clerk who shall be a qtudified voter of such District "In case the person who shall have received thei second highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on the - day of election, then the person who shall have re ceived the second highest number of votes for Jftdge at the nextpreceeding election, shall act as Iropecttir in his place. And in ease the person who has received the high est number ofvotes for Inspector shall not attend, the per son elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in hie place, and in case the person elected Judge shall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in his place ; and if any vhcancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hots after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election. the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been eleeteth present at the time of electiOn, shall elect one of their number to fill the vacancy." Particular attention is directed to the Act of Assembly passed the 27th' day of February. 1849, entitled "An Act relative to voting at Electious in the Counties of Adams, Dauphin, York. Lancaster. Franklin, Cumberland. Brad ford. Centre, Green and Erie," viz: " §l. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre., palliatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsf reale in Gen eral Assembly net, and it to hereby enacted by the author ity of the tame—that it shall be lawful -- for the qualified voters of the Counties of Adams,Datrphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cumberland. Bradford, Centre, Green and Erie, from and after the passage of this Act, to vote for all can didates for the various offices to be tilled at any election on one slip or ticket: Provided, the office for which every . candidate voted for shall be designaSedi_es required by the existing laws of the Commonwealth. § 2. That any frond committed by any jpersoory Ming iu the manner above prescribed. shall be peraishedias sim ilar frauds are directed to be punished by the existing laws of the Commonwealth." For the information of the electors of F,ranklin county, I jitiblish the following, being the ith section of the Act of the General Assembly of the session oflBsl, entitled, "An Act to provide for the election of Judges of the several Courts of this Commonwealth. and Weep:date certain Ju dicial Districts. "§ 4. That the election for Judges shall be held and conducted in the several election Districts in the same manner in all respects as elections for Representatives are or shall be conducted, and by the same Judges, Inspectors and officers, and by the provisions of the Act pf the Gen eral Assemblyeentitled "An Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth, approved the 2d day ofJuly, 1E49, and its several supplements and all other like laws as fax as the same shall be in force and applicable, shall be deem. ed and taken to be the election of Judges: Provided, That the afore said electors shall vote for Judges of the Supreme_Cotirt on a separate piece of paper, and for all other Judges required to be learned in the law on another separate piece of paper. " It shall be the duty of the several Assessors, respect. ively, to attend at the place of holding every General. , Special, or Township election. during the whole time said " election Is kept open, for the purpose of giving informa tion to the Inspectors and Judge, when called on, in rela tion to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters In relatiob to the assessment of voters as the said Inspectors, or either of them, shall from tune to time require. ,"No person shall be permitted to vat any election as aforesaid, than a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided in the State at least one year, and in the election District where he offers to vote at least ten daysimmediately proceeding such election, and , within two years have paid a State or Connti tax which have been assessedat least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States, who has previously been a qualified voter of any State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election Dis trict and paid taxes aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months: Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the 'United States, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, who have-resided in the election District ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to . vote, although they shall not have paid taxes.' "No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable Inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners, unless. File, he produces a receipt for pay. meat, within two years of a State or County tax, a ssesse d agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence either on his oath or affirmation or the oath or affirmation . . of another, that he has paid such a tax, or in failure to produce snare receipt, shall make oath to the'payinent thereof; or, Seeoml. if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and 2.2 yearn. shall depose on oath or affirmation, that he has resided tu the State at lenst, one year next before application, and make his such ' proof of residence in tIM District as is required by this Act, anl that he does Verily believe, from the accounts given him, that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this Act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote shall be Inserted in the alphabetical list, by the' Inspector, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "'tax" he shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word "age" if Le shall be admitted to vote by reason of age, and In either case the reason of such vote shall be called oat to the Clerks, who shall make the like note in the list of voters kept by them. ' "In all eases where the name of the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by.the Commission ers or Assessors, or his right to vete, whether found either by verbal proclamation thereto, or by any- written thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to examine such persons on oath as to qualifications, and If he elaims to has e resided within the haste one year or more, hie oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one wit ness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided within the district far snore than ten days next immediately p r eceding said election, and shall also himself swear that his bona Hde resideuce,An pursuaneeof his lawful calling, is within the District, and that he did not remove into the said District for the purl use of voting therein. 'Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall ma k e d ue proof, if required if his residence and payment of taxenras aforesanisliall be soluntted to vote in the town.. ship,ward, or district lu which he shall reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent an officer of the election under thisaet from holding such elec tion, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall Interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the ere cutlet, of his duty, shall block or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any window where the sum, maybe holding, or shall use 'or proctive any intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the design to influence unduly, or overaw, any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or t o retain the freedom of choice, such person on oonviction shall be ffned in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and to be imprisoned fora time not less than one or more than twelve montlus and If it shall be shown to the court where the hied of such offence shall be had, that the pertsm so offending was not a resident of the city, ward. district or township where the said offence was committed, ant not entitled to vote therein, then 1.11 Collvitiblll he shall be sen tenced to pay a fine of not less than ono hundred nor More than one thousand dollars, and to be imprisoned not leas than sty months nor mare than tWV, ~ I f any person.or persons shall make anybct or wager upon th e result of any election within this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any sneli bet or wager, or printed advertisement, 'challenge or invite nay person or pe r sons t o make such bet or %affe;upon conviction thereof, Ise or they shall forfeit three' times the amount to offered to bet. " If any person not by law qualified, emu fraudulently Forte Si an election in this Commonwealth, or w ow othe f. wine (tontine atoll ate out or his proper or _. N. If C~l¢ctwntiaimafion: any person knowing the want of such a gnidification shall aid or procarc such pesos to vote, the person, On convic tion, Shall be Rued in any sum not exceeding two hun dred and beimpriscined fox any term not exceeding three months. "Itany R erson shall vote at mire than one election dis• triet, or otherwise fraudently vote more than once on the someday, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the In spector two tickets together, with the Intent Illegally to vote, or advise and procure another se; to do, he or they shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more.than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not less than three nor more than twelve months, "If any person not qualified to vote in this Common wealth, agreeably to law, (exceptthe 8011 S of qualified •tit. izens) shall appear at any place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets o(of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any munVt exceeding one hundred dollars for everysuch offence, Od beimprisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months." Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first section of sa it act, "Every General and Special Election shall be open between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon and shalt continue open until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed," Pursuant to the provisions contained in the seventy sixth section of the act first aforesaid. the judges of the ,aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certilleates of return of the election of their respective dis tricts; and produce them at a meetmg of one judge front each district, at the Borough of Cbambensburg, on the third day after the election, being, for the present year ON FRIDAY, THE ltftH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, then and there to do and perform the duties tequired by law of said judges. Also--That where a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend such a meeting of judges,- then the certificate orretnra aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of veld ,district. who shall do and netform the duties required of said judge unable to attend. Given under my hand and seal at Chambetsburg, this 30th day of August, /8 0 3. SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Chamlig. flue°. stobro anb LIGHTNING RODS GALVANIZED., 1.4 ETTER & EYSTRR are putidng up Lightning Rods of Galvanized Iron (all the rods are twisted from the top to the ground) which is far superior fordumbility nod protection than the notunum straight Black Iran Reda— The Galcanitrd rod bring a more perfect conductor and comes cheaper, also Lightning Rods repaired in good style. Call and examine the Balvanized Rods before having any of the black nits pot up. Store Room on Main street. (100 K STOVES AND TIN WARE.- kJ AU Patterns of Cook Mores. Parlor and Wood Mores (for burning wood or coal.) Tin, Shag Iron, Copper and Brass Ware of all kimls constantly on hand and for sale cheap, at ETTER oc EYSTEWS. Main Street, opposite Eyster & Bros: Store. LT EROSENE OIL AND LAMPS.-ET -11 TER & EYSTER are selling very best quality of Kerosene Oil and Lamps. alsii Lamp Shades, of all pat. terns, Chimneys, Wicks. BUrners. Lamps of all kinds altered and repaired at 4.irt notice, at their Store Roam on Main Street. C. -E OPPER WORKTTER & EYS TER are Prepared to make any size Capper Still', Irorr.,'Pipes Bream.' Kruk", in fact anything mole of Copper and a: •h.• • Pry lowest Price. All kind+ of Cop p er repairing dol., owl work all guaranteed. ETTER & EYSTER ARE PREPARED to do all kinds of GAS-FITTING. PLUMBENG and BELL HANGING at short notice and work guaranteed t o give satisfaction. "FITTER & EYSTER ARE PREPARED _ILI to put up HEATERS of all kinds, with portable and Brick Casing, COOKING RANGES of all kinds, with Hat Water Tanks and every convenience you tony want.— Call and nee us before snaking any, arrangements with other parties. GREAT REDUCTION IN PR MILLER, HAMILTON & CO. TINWARE & STOVE DEALERS hare reduced the price, of their good: 2.5 per cent. They will put on the best quality—TlN ROOF'LIcG, (Ending the Tin, &c.) for $lO per stputre. If the owner finds the Tin they will put it on, tohleted, for 82 00 per I=2 People would do well to call upon them before making contracts or pur c hased elsewhere Particular attention will be paid to SPOUTING, JOB BING, &c., at the cheapest rates. LIGHTNING RODS, of best Galvanized Iron, put up strongly and cheaply M., H. & CO., have a fine welortment of JAPAN - NED EMU AND ENAMELED 'WARE, and also, BIRD CAGRB. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, , WATER' COOLERS, &C., all of which they offer at short profits. Give them a call and see for yourselves. [may 10 F OR COMPORT, CONVENIENCE, Economy and Durability, use THOMSON'S LONDON KITCRENER. , EUROPEAN RANGE! THE RF..T RANGE EWER vvENTED, SOLD BY CHASE, SHARPE & THOMPSON, .N0.5;09 - 2V. Second Se., - Iron Founders, and Manufacturers of Stoves, Heaters, Tinned and Enamelled Wares, &c., &e. (angf-'1..6m. 1300t5 anb ,5 tat iz nitp. B OOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! AT - SNIDER'S . BOOK AND VARIETY STORE, in the Market House, opposite Broun's Hotel. Keeps emistaetly on band SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY,. Sc. 31) mn , Books, Photograph Albums, Paper and Linen Window Shades and Fixtures, Wall Paper, Fancy Baskets, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels, Blank, Pan and Memorandum Books of all sizes, Gold Pens and fielders, Pocket Books, Ladies' Fancy Combs, Zephyrs—Berman, Cashreep and Shetland Wool, Blank Deeds, Arnold's and other Inks, Architect and Pattern Paper, Songs. Dime Novels, Joke Books, &c. Ear Old Books, Periodicals, 31.1i.5e and Newspapers bound in any style, ' Blank Books made to order. ` Paper ruled to pattern. IV' AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS. sepßt.3m•lmuna T HE OLD BOOK STAND OF S. 5. 81-IRYOCK, Has been removed to the new banding' opfx?slte the POST OFFICE, where a full assortment of SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC Can be had at exceedingly Low Prices. 'NALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, a larg and new stock. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pens, hilly warranted. Orders taken for goods, which will be Expressed in Mr, shortest possible time, The New York and Philadelphia Papers received daily for which weekly subscriptions will be taken: First Class Novels, Magazines and Periodicals receives as i soon as published. We can sell Photograph Albums chieuper has they cat be had elsewhere. Atomic sent free of portage to any pert of the county. Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on bona Our arrangements are such that we can supply any or ders satisfactorily and with dispatch._ Mu. J. K. SIIRTOCK, is now located hi New York, which Jumbles us hi undertake the most complex commissions. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style, hunted op at a reasonable commission. _(nov2) pINFROCKS MARBLE WORKS, SgCOND 87REET. 801.7111 Op QUERN, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &-e., Manufactured to order in the hod style and of the West Design*. .Fhn iitaal, - kiiiiiber; - '&r.. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! -A - T T .E T 0 liT! The undersigned hare now on band, at their PLASM* AND FLOORDa MILL, a large supply of Sash, ShutteN, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all description', from half inch to 8 inches, on hand. Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Peaty Banisters, Bed Posts, &c„ on band. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at short notice. HAZELET, VERNON A: CO., fell tf Harrison - Avenue, Chambersburg, LEON RD EBERT & SON, COAL AND LU3IBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are prepared to furnish Bill ,Lumber to order at short no tice, all at the most reasonable terms. Our stock of Lum ber consists of White Pine 2 Inch Plank, " " if 'i. select Plank. " " If Plank. ' " " 1 select and Culling Boards. ' " f " Boards, " " f " Siding (6 inch,) " " Best River Shingles, "" Worked Flaring, " " " Siding, • " Joist and Scantling, all slam, - Hemlock Joist and Scantling, " Boards, Yellow Pine Boar 4 Joist and Scantling, _ Palling and Plastering Laths. • We have also always on band a good supply of all kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-burning. Also aeklyn• rim article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The fhb lie are invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that call. Coal and Lumber famished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. r3POtrice on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersburg, Pa. LEO. EBERT & SON. july27-tL STEAM SAW- MILL—The undersign ed have erected Mad in operation a Steam Saw Mill rtt - the South Mountain, near Graffenburg Springs, and are prepared to saw to order Bills, of WHITE OAK, P.USTE, HEMLOCK or any kind of timber desired, at the short est notice and at lout rates. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sam'! Greenawalt, in Chambersburg, on Satur day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low- Esrr 'Lima. All letters should be addressed to them at Cralfenburg P. 0.. Adams CO., Pa. deof4-ly MILTENBERGER & BRADY. ri - _ Small lots of Lumber, Shingles, from our in6ls e no to' procured at any time at F. EYSTEII. & BED'S, Markel Street, Chambersburg. SMALL, BENDER & CO., York and Gold.gbarough, Pa., ,LIT BER DEALERS • AND MANUFACTURERS OF SASH. DOORS. SHUTTERS, BLUcDS, POOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 4e., Keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas. onable Lumber, viz:—Joist and Scantling. Weatherboard ing, dressed Flooring. Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings and Fencing. White Pine and Oak -Bills. sawed to order at the Armrest notice. All communications should be addressed to YORK. PA. - [sepriS•ly BUILDING LUMBER.—The under sigueti is prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lum ber at the lowest market price. R. A. RENFREW. GUEEJmoun. MILLS, Fayetteville P.O. der2B-ly LB E R.--All kinds of Lumber far JA sate at reasonable rates at A. S. IIIONN'S Mill. near Quincy. Pa. • p11y1.9.1f lIIMMI Gift Distribution. A- Py - ESENT FOR XLL'! BONA FIDE GIFT DISTRIBUTION !, 8100,000 Lv SUBSTANTIAL PRESENTS. ~-100,000 BOXES STEEL PENS. '1" 100,000 FREE GIFTS a:uch purchaeer, besides receiving Flit.t, value for his money in Pens. is sure t 6 receive a valuable gift worth front 30 -tents to 53,000. The People's Pen Company, in order to introduce their superior Steel Pens to the Public in the shortest possible space of time, offer the following splendid inducements. We will sell at retail 100,000 box es_ each box containing one gross and a certificate cull. tling the holder to one share m the allotment of the fi 01. lowing desirable and substantial gifts, 100 Acres of Land in Cattaran,gus county, New York, in the vicinity of Petroleum Wells, F 5.00 100 Acres Pine and Hemlock Timber Land on Lehigh River. Pennsylvania. 3,000 5 U. S. 7 '2-10 Coupon Bonds. $5OO each $.,50U 10 " " s, HX) " 1,000 10 " " " ~5 0 " • 500 50 Orders on a First-class city house• fora eon, • plete suit of fashionable Clothing. $lOO. 5,000 50 Ladies' Rich Silk Dres; Patterns, $7O. ..... 3.750 5 Chickering's or other good maker, Round Corner Roa-tvod Pion..-7 ramives--$5OO 2:,00 :A.) Wheeler & Wilson's Double Stitch Sewing 31aehines, 850, ..... 2,510 Sil Gent's Fine Gold Bunting Ca.. Watches, $l5O . 3 (SX) " " • " $lOO 2,000 '5O Gents' " Silser " " " 40 2,000 PM Lathe,: " Gold Loekets, large $lO. 't 1 71 ., 1)0) " all 7 ' 1.000 Sets Fine. Gold Jewelry. react Pins. and Ear Rings, air, 15 000 1.000 Ladies' Fine Gold Finger 1 pc, etl. - 6.000 1,1.01 Pairs Ladies' and Gei.ts' G d and Stone Sleeve Buttons 5,000 1.000 Sets Lady's and Gent's Gold Stud', $5... 1 000 Photographic Albums, 52.50 1101)0 Tickets of Admission to Barnum's or Bry ant's, 30 cents 3 UOO 15.000 Paekagee Assorted Stationary. 50 cents..... 7,500 5, lel Fine Brierwood Pipes. tour torn importation,) 73 cents, 3.730 1.X. 1 0 Sets Pearl and Ivory Sleeve Buttons, 50 eta 5,000 10,000 Sheets Fashionable Music. 30 cents 15,000 4 528 Photopraphlc Portraits of President Lincoln and Tad, 50 cents, 2,264 The allotment will be conducted in the most honorable and upright manner. Every holder of a certificate will receive a present worth from 30 cents to $3,000. They guarantee to distribute every article in the hot. Our Pens are splendid specimens of American industry, are finer grads than can be bought elsewhere for the same money, and will. stand upon their merits. Price, $1.50 per gross, 144 pens, for either of the following kinds: No. 1. The People's Pen Co. Business Pen. No. 2. " Popular Pen, same as Gillott's, (303.) No. 3. Latl,y's Extra Fine, By mail, free, to any address, on raeipt of price. =W e can refer to parties of standing in this nod other cities, as to honesty, responsibility, etc., etc. The allotment of gifts Kill be public, and all purchasers invited to be present. Address THE PEOPLE'S PEN COMPANY, Business Office. fa: William ...trees, New York. C. C. NEWHOUSE, Actuary.' These Pens are also our hand for examination and Sale at the office of this paper. atigtl-6m ,Sabblefp anb .3oarneso QADDLERY! REMOVAL!!- JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encour4Otnent vest from them heretofore, and he would intlie them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his new stand, on Main Street, on the same site occupied by him pre, hills to the tire, where he keeps constantly on band every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to eel` the same on terms that defycompeti tion. Every article catered for sale 14 warranted to be. made of the best materiol and by competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated on an examination there of. TRIJ;sI{S AND VALISES.—He would also call attention of persons warding a good, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assortment. aprill9 ADDLER S' HARDWARE.-C. H. L.l GORDON has just purchased in the East a large stock of SADDLERS' HARDWARE consisting of Buckets, Rings, Bitta, Hemet, Bridle Fronts, Tacks, eta, Rosettes, Swivels, Pad Screws, Git Trees, Black trimmed and full-plate self-adjusting Trees, Patent. and Enamelled Leather, Saddlers' Hair, Patent Leather Col lars, Ornaments, Girth and Rein Weh, Cock-eyes, Thread, Trunk, Nails, Neck Protectors, Sc., Se., which lm invites Saddler's and others to call and examine, and which will be sold at luxe rates. H . : - GORDON HAS ON HAND A IL/ • large easortnienf of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bri dles, Halters, fancy Round Bridles -Wagon, Carriage and Linen Nets of all kinds, from 51,60 ,to 67.00; Curry Combs, Horse Canis, Mane Combs, Bnidies, Horse Boots, Cow Hides:and many tither articles not ne . cesiotry to rim. morale. • REMOVAL.—C. H. GORDON lute re x%) moved.his SADDLERY SHOP to the stand orm. pied by him previous to the tire, on MAD: SutEET, a few doom South of Greenawalt's Hotel. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY.—The undersigned would revectrully inform the public that he has resumed the Carriage making business at the old stand of Peltier & Foltz, on the corner of Market and Sec ond Streets, where Ire is prepared to make to order any kind of CARRIAGES desired- Be will also keep on hand and for sale all kinds of vehicles, such an BAROUCIIES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. Fle will also giVe particular attention to repairing Vehi cles and as ho has none but the - best of workmen in his employment he feels assured that his work will give sat: isfactlon. . .. . His prices will be found to be as low If not lower than at any other shop. „ LIVERY. He keeps on bawl a stock of good saddle and driving Horses and Carriages of different kinds for hire at reasonable rates. may 3,1865 P. HENRY PEIFFER. 1865. PHILADELPHIA HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTUIIEIOI OF PAPER HANGINGS and `WINDOW SHADES. North Eaa tre7I . IIVrPOCITIII AND MARKEr Stre,d., PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in Store, n large Stock of augl64lrn LIKEN and OIL SHADES TTIRIINKS, VALISES, CARPET-BAGS 11 CANER AND UMBRELLAS, of the belt mauu &Owe. at PAXTON'S elje frankti4, Utpasitoru, elynnbtrobucg, pa. LIST OF GIFTS 5.01 - V '2,500 (Stott-rico &r. • - „ . : G EL'WICKS & ,BURK.I,IART Dave on band the LABQES STOCK OF MERCHANDISE tawn, and sell goods WHOLESALE As CHEAP as any honse in Pbiltydelphht. a ELWICKS & BtTIRKHART manufacture even. description of CANDIES AND CONFECTIONARY, and sell strictly at car PRICES. OIL!, OIL! OI•L! OIL! GELWICKS & 13EEKHART EMZEM - _ KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS 1:!,s cheap as it can be bought at Pittsbnrg with freight added, and cheaper by 3 to 4 cents per gallon tin freight added than it ran be bought in Philadelphia. • 1 ... V" Country Merchants, notice this fact., You can do better in Oils with this Jinn than either city, as we buy In large quantities expreskly for whort,aling. GELWICKS & BURKHART have just received a line of superior ,FRESH GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, - I= fI ELVIICKS & BURKHART Lave a largeirnif PRIMEs , at o reduction uo runner figures. -GELWICKS 'd. BURKHART keep n great variety of SPICES 44\D FRESH BAKISG ARTICLES. Or All Spices are ground on their own mlii and pre pared in their own store. pure and 11.11, no adratantrion. G ELWICKS By f R i KHART TOBAMitiegSk:GARS, and mlll5Ol them:44a lerah' at City Prices. GELWICKS & BUIIKH ART: _ keep an immeTts . e stock of - NOTIONS AND yARIETIES ' kept in all country stores. and pill Sell theta a cheap as city Muses. (1 LWICKS & BURKHART have a large stuck COFFEES, SIiOAES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, FISH and SALT, at wholesale Fire.. GELWICK.S & BURKHART export their business to pay them by selling a large :mtant of zoosk. :not not by large profits., aELIVICKS & BURKHART bat, renc-ired a large lot - . PRIME C li , EESE ' and a varivts CRACKERS fre4t from thebikary. aELIVICK.S & BURKHART'S Wbolesare and Retail GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY +4 , on Second Siren, between Queen and Market stn., MI:1:1L , 111 al:, Pt. F ACTS! PACTS!! FACTS!!! E. D. REID having ju,t returned from the Eastern titles, is DMA opening a large and general assortment of FRESH GROCERIES. City Cured Hams and Dried Beef, Prime No. I and 2 Shore :11aPkerel, in barrels, lutlf•barreb., quarters and ,hits. Hut re-de-Grace. Smoked and Salt Herring. Pit tiled Shad (vt ithnut I tones). Conned Fruits and Jellies, Oranges. Lemons, 11. , nuanas, Moe Apo, • Prunes, Figs, German Peani, Raisins and Nuts, And last, but not least. the hugest and best assortment of GLASS AND QUEENSWARE out of the Pity of PhiLldelphi , FRUIT JARS of all the improved patent patterns. Also, CORK-SEALED GLASS AND STONE JARS, besides one thousand five hundred articles not above named. and alt of which will be sold at a small advance, at the Fatally Groeery on the South-east corner of Main and Washengton strata, Chomberabireg. Casrmitifor Country Produce. June2l . E. D. REID. M AR respe K , E tfu T ly i ii ,,f. OUS , rm th E ei . , — .. T . li e. e ustmeidiseturmsiegur,, and the public generally that they have re-opened their Gro cery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladde'r Company, in the Market House, and take this method of returning their thanks fur the liberal patronage heretofore extended to theta. Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES. eunsisting of Ham, Syrups:, Salt, Vackerel, Coffee, Sugars. Teas, To baecos..flrusbes, Brooms, 'Buckets. Cords, Tw fines, Glass ware, Queensware and everything heretofore kept at their former place of business. They will always keep a suffi cient stock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex change for cowls at cash market prices. Don't forget the place, (Market House.) three ou rs from the corner, on Queen Street. (aug:3ll II BER & LEMASTEIL SR C PRECHER'S GERY STORE.— t The undersigned has the largest stock efFAMILY GROCERIES In town, which he offers to thmkatilie at the lowest CASH PRICES It is nut necessary td enumerate, as his stock is large and complete. '' Highest prices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange for goods. faug:ll J CYRUS SPRECHER. jr YOU WANT GOOD GOODS AT the lowest price .11 at me Family Grocery of E. D. REID, opposite Dr. Suesmrotes. iitquars. IMPOR E'R S OF WINES AND LIQ.U_ORS. LAUMAN, BALLADE & CO., No. h 01.71 1. NINTH STREET., Between Chestnut an.d.,o:alnut Streets, Philadelphia. GEO. M. LAtaLt.N, 1 A. M. SALLADE, J. D. Birrao, • RIVESE, GARDitAT & CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, ' - VINTAGE OF 1935, Each lsittle sealed with green wax with the initials of the - firm. 136'ORTED Hi LAUMAN, SALLADE CO & CO SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WLNES AND AN ASSOILF3IENT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE . OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. VERY ME DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, Each bottle coaled with yellow'wax ith theicitialsoithe Firm. "- INPORTED IST LAUMAN, SALLADE &CO., No. 1.23 South Ninth Strort,Thilartelphia. OLD RYE WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, WAIMANTED. O,BERHOLTE WHIST EY• FOUST WERR'I"S WHIRKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, AND READI E WOES. LAUMAN, SALLALIT S CO.; No. 18 South Ninth Strert,Thiladelphus. tuhrt4y. ATETERINTARY.-PETER YosT 11'011111 respectfully inform the Public, that he hint-renwed to within two miles North of Chambersburg, about a fourth( mile from Lehman's Mill, where he is prepared to attend to all calls upon him for the treatment of DISEASED HORSES AND CATTLE. He 'till beat home on Weil. tiestlays and Satunlays of each week, and is fitly prepared with medicine and instruments for the proper treatment bf any kind of Mock. itErcItENCE.S —John Huber, Rev. 31. Snyder, Henry METALLIC ARTIFICIAL LEGS.- Ebersole, John Ebersole, Samuel' Whitmore, David Hos- S omething new. Send for a pamphlet letter, Samuel Lightner, and others whose Stook he luta angt,Mml J. W. WF.STON.7bII lirondsvay, New Turk. t snecletsfully treated. sernlo-tlt Eirg anti Smut Gobs. t)R Y 'GOODS AND NOTIONS ECKEL 4- GILBERI MEM NE-W STORE, MAIN STREET Nearly Opposite to• Greenawalt's Hotel, liave jest opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Notions of all kinds, which they have selected with great care to adapt them fa this market, and which will be sold at the lowest - C.i.Sll RATES. Their lint includes gmidets of Calicos, best d'ltaines, plain and printed, Muslin ill.aines, A tnelincs, Baratheas, Brocade Alpactea, Black Alpacca, Silk Crape Plaids, - Fancy, and Plain curd Arm , ures, Shepherd Plaids, all styles, Lnpen's best Freitch Merinos, all colors. Mourning Goods, all styles. Plain and Printed Flannels,. Sack Flannels, Gilbert's Opera Flannels, all colors, ,White, Bed, Grey and Yellow Flannels, Ladies' Cloaking Cloths,' all kinds, Shirting Muslins, bleached and brown, Sheeting Muslin, bleached and brown, Fancy and Plain Cassimeres, French and American, • Satthietts, Tweeds, Jeans, Vestings, &e., Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every• style, 'Ladies' Cornets, all prices, Ribbons, _Laces, Ruffles • Hose, Gliis es, Spool Cotton, Collnrs, Ilandkerelders, Pins, Needles. Se.. &e. • .11,0, A GREAT VARIETY OF BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS r t ,dr - ' Remember, .Vo Old Goods at EcKEL 5-GILBERT'S ,Yrtr and examine. aug3o R EM 0 V AL 4 . WM. WALLACE & CO. have removed their Dry Good Store to the stand occupied by them previous to the fire, on the • Corner of Main and Queen Streets, and are in receipt of at large lot of Goods, bought at reduc ed prices, at the late New , York Anetions, to which they tactic the attention of the public. To persons in want of Dry Goods we say now IS the time to buy. To the ladies we offer a large assortment of Dress Goods: Elaik and Fancy Silks, • Poplias, Baratheas, . Plain and Fancy, Delaoes, &c. We have a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oil Clothe, which we will sell low. %V' Call soon and get bargains, at j,12X1e3 WAL WALLACE & CO'S. .-Marblvare eittietp, &r. ..... ' , ARDIV ARE 4.4.7 . HUBER & TOLBERT Have-opeuett their store on Main street, nearly opposite their old place of business, with an ertensive stuck of Hardware. Cutlery. consb•tior in part of ' Iron, . Paints. .. Nails, Oils, Spikes, Turpentine SteeL Tar., Hinges, Varnish. - Glass, • Planes, Files, Blasting Powder, Brnshes, ra, Grind Stones, Shovels,. Cedar Ware, Bakes, Pocket Knives, Spades, ' ' &c., &c. ' Special attention is called Builders and Contractors, as they are prepared to furnish in any quantity, at. wholesale, everything in their line. Call and examine our stock. apr'il l° COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARId. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues to earry,on the above business, at bit old htand, on Main Street. opposite the German Re• named Church, CIIAMIICILSBURG, PA. Raving enlarged Lis business, Saddlers and Coach makers will finale hls Store Room a genera) assortmen of goods suited to their several requirements, such as Pair and Country Hog-skins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girthing. Gig Trees. Pull - Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair. Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, loner than Cotton: Hawes, Bits and Stirrups. Plated. Tinned and Japanned Coach Handles, ni!w styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts; Roseate:, Swivels and Ornaments, lruu Plated and Wood Gig' Humes. . . . _ _ BUCKLUS—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles - Ind Patterns; Ivory :md 'Wooden Martingale Rings., Stump Joints. awl a variety of other goods suitable for the trade. ALL KINDS OF PLATING, &e., done with neatness and despatch. [devil] LEWIS WAiIPLER. fIHEAP HARD W -ARE! BRAND Si FLACK Had a few gisnls under the pavement, which were not burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard ware. Besides, they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been •burned out, therefore we offer Iron. Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Oils Glass Paint Sic., nt the lowest figure. I==ZMMII=3= We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds, which we will sell less than it can be bought in the city. Also we baysi 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at from 11 to 10 dollars per keg. CUTLERY. 'Knives and Forks, Sens ors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, &e., jiist received from New York which we offer eery low. sep2B rfOlk— CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Findings, Saddlers' Findings nt BKAND & FLACK'S. SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 2i cents each and many other articles which was in the Are, which can he made as good as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. OEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in the Alley. BRAND &FLACK. .1 C. RICIIARIK M. D. .1510. MONTGOMERY, si, p. RICHARDS & MONTGOMERY have associated themselves In the Practice of Medicine, and have opened an office in Dr Richards' new building. on Stain street, a few doors South of the Diamond. All persons indebted to either of the above. will please make early settlement of the same. ling24-tfi DR. J. S. MAURER OFFERS: HIS services a..s4.Aysician and Surgeon to the Citizens of St. Thomas Lthiesieieity. Promptness at ail ihonnt. Residence optioidat the Post Office eprill9-6m DR. S. S. HUBER offers his profess Tonal ntirvie€, as rhytdoidu and Surgeon to the eiti zees of Greenvillago and vicinity. nize23-Gm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , ROPES & TWINES. The undersigned havied the entire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope and Twine 3fauufactory of T. P. Grey, dee'd. respectfully announces to her friends, and the former patrons of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on the business, in all its various branches, at THE OW ' - on Franklin street, Charnbershurg, wherr she will be pleas ed to receive the eel's and orders of the public. All kinds, nisei,. and qualities of _ • ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on hand or made to order of the best material, and cUrnised at reasonable prices. In connection with the above huslaess, she Is also prepared to manufacture HAIR, HUSK, AND OTHER MATPRASSES, as well as Bosse Blankets and Fly Nets of superior guar ity and style. Persons in want of superior articles in the above are regneded to call, er send their orders, which will he attended-to promptly. dee:n -ly MARY E GRAY. QTR AWBER PLANTS MAY BE 1 , 3 planted now and until the let of October. The ear. tier planting through August and beginning of Septem• bet, will bear good crop; next season. W e can b aNdy good plants now of the following varie. ties. all of which are worthy of euttis talon: . . At 50 ets per dozen : sl,bo per 100, 07 per 1000, Alba ny Seedling. Austin Shaker, 13ayne's Favorite, French's Seedling, Hooker, Iona: Triumph de Gond, Trolopes• Victoria, Vieomptesse, Ilerieart de Thttry. The Gdlotr• ing-at rii4,so per dozen plauts 53,00 ; 100 plants 55.00: New Jersey Seralet, Agriculturist, Colonel Elsworth, Ritley's Goliath, Russell Prolific, Fillmore. The last six. not ready before Ist of September, must be ordered is time to 'secure a supply. Address B. L. RYDER, • West Franklin Nurseries, London, Franklin county Pa itturitSin. Elrugo anlf D L L L R, IMO EMI RUG STORE, ne door went BROWNS HOTEL EEC ll= PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS awl all the best PATENT MEDICINES KEROSENE OIL LA IPS, PERFUMEEY SOAPS, IS.a. West Eq of Brown's Hotel I}DICAL DISCOVERY Hecht's Croup Syrup. Hell:Oral's Extract Bache, - Ayers' Sarsaparilla: Ayers' Cherry, Pectoral. Soothing. Syrup. at SPANGLER'S. R OC_K ROSE. kT SPANGLER'S. BURNETT'S COCOAINE, LP at - SPANGLER'S. CHAMOIS SK-INS, AT SPANGLMS. MERCI-14NT'S GARGLINs}9-Agkß2:si.T 31 , :CALISTER'S OINTMENT, SPANGLER'S. P LIRE LIQUORS, AT SPANGLER'S. BURT AND COSTAR'S RAT EXTER MINATOR, at ' SPANGLER'S. COSTAR'S BED-BUG EITERMIINA iJ ut' SPANGLER'S. • CORN STARCH, FARINA AND CON .J. Lye. at • SPANGLER'S. DRUGS! DRUGS!! CRESSLER, successor to HEYSER & CRESS LER, has opened in his new room, on Second street, oppo site the Post Office, where every• effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drags, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of , Perfumery, • - Soaps, Posket Books, flair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, • Tooth Brushes, Cosmetics; Dentifrices, and Fancy Articles in great tariety. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every description of Hand Lamps, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kitchen use. Parlor use, Store use and Office use MrlFlM=atMEMn7==7r'NM Family Dyes of all Colors. Everything in a Druggists line of business. LlTe. , Pre.scriptions receive special attention, and are cotnpounded with care and skilL C. H. CRESSLER, Second Street, opposite the Post Office. Atuotral. TrNAB E & C S GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS Which for Power and sweetness of tone. easy and agree. able touch. and beauty of finial, have been by the best of judges, pronounced " All of their large 7 octave Pianos are constructed after their new improved overstrung Grate Scale, with all the Jatest improvements. Second Hand natlus at great 'Bargains, at prices rang ing from 5.50 to 250. As Agent for Knabe dtt. Cu., lam en aided to sell at their Baltimore prices. For further par• ticoMrs apply to C. HUNTING. Agent, july26cly Cbambersburg, Pa. STEINWAY PIANOS.-MESSRS STEINWAY & Soxs have received upwarda s of THIRTY FIRST PREMIUM, gold and gayer medals, in Washington, Nen- York. Cin emnati, St. Louie. Chkagitepetroit and other AT THE WORLD . B FAIR held in LONDON, 1662, at Whlch 200 Pianos were on Ex hibalon from all part. of the World, the FIRbT PRIZE MED AL was awarded to STEINWAt & SONte, for powerful, clear, brilliant and sympathetic tohe, with creclliales of workman• ship. For further particulars' apply to S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent for Steinway S Sous, Chambersburg, Pa, julyl9 O . HUNTING, TEACHER OF MU v. SIC, takes great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Chambers.burg, that he is prepared to give in struction on the PIANO, MELODEON, or CABINET ORGAN. and most respectfully solicits a liberal share of their patronage, Those not in the possession of Pianos - can obtain instruction at his home, and the use of a Piano Residence of JOHN MCD„, Queen street, near Second. Terms reasonable, may3l-ly HE MASON Zt HAMLIN CABINET •ORGANS, forty different styles adapted to saered and seculiar music, for SPA to *WO each. THIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, ar other first pre miums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Ad - Dress, MASON & HAMLIN, BOSTON, or MASO N BROTHERS, NEW YORK. septi•l 13Doto ants *boo. REMOVED.—The undersigned has the pleasure of informing his old customers and the pub lie generally, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE to the New Brick Building of George Ludwig, on Main Street, one door south of Greenawalt's Hotel, wi - ere he is now opening the largest assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to the county. His stock embra ces every variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS & SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be surpassed in the county, and which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Having purchased THE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer work, at short notice, by the best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and Sc' commostoting, he hopes to merit a liberal share ofpat ronage—without a desire Co monopolize, as his motto is, in our common calamity, to live and let live. Particular attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. TERMS CASH, AND PRICES WITH.* EXTORTION lie has also on hand, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va• uses, Carpet Sacksc Linen agd Paper Collars, Paper, Ens - elopes, Ink-stands; Steel Peas, &0., may 10 P. FELDMAN. N. B.—All persona l knowing themselves Indebted will please call and make immediate settlement, that I may be, enabled to meet my former lifibilities in the City. - THE GENTS' GLOVE KID GAITER with or without Finales, at PAXTON'S. A FINE STOCK OF HEAVY BOOTS, cheap and durable, just received at PAXTON'S. JACOB E. RIDGWAY . , BANKER, V. 57'S. Third Street, two doors above Chestnut, East side, Philadelphia. Stocks bought and sold on Commission. Loans negotiated. Compound interest Notes bought and sold. -Government Loans bought and sold. Uncurrent Money exchanged. ' United States Roveune Stamps constantly on hand, or ders by mail promptly tilled. Discounts on following amounts; Zper cent on $23; percent on Silk; 4 per cent on 6%300 and upwards. sep9.o-4t. 'BEDDING AND . FEATHER WARE 1J HOUSE t —So. 44 Nara Mak. Street, abare Market, =I BEDS, • .. . ... FEATHERS, MATTRASSES. _ BLANKETS, BED QUILTS, dte., ice. Er TUCKERS' Celebrated SPRING BED. Every article in the Bedding line,..at the lowest market prices. R.OO. .3m AMOS HILLBORN. September ` M • ' • ICIENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WLNTER TIME TABLE. FIFE TAINS DAILY to and frank Plit adelpbto and PAlsintrg. On and ajteir Monday, October 31st, 361, the Passenger Trans a the Penanylvanio.Rtdiroai Company will depart from Harris. burg arid arrive at PV.ladelphia and Pittsburg an follows': EASTWARD: • - • THROUGH EXPRESS THAR; lea Tee Harrisburg dai ly a... 143 A. X.., awl arrives at West rtaatelptkla at 6.13 A.N.- PASTLDigleaves tfarrisbarirAlaily (ascent Monday) at 8.00 A. M. and afrives at West Philadelphia at 1240 P. at. Pavengers take breakfast at Lancaster. - - t - 3LkIL TRAIS' leaves Harrisburg: daily (except Sun day) at 1.31) P. IL, and arrives at l West Pldladepbla at , „ - r. : , PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS learns Hayti* burg daily (except Sundays) at 11.55 P. it., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. IL ' ARRISBL'RG ACCOMMODATION TRAM% leaves Harrisbnig daily (except Sunday) at 4.170 P. M., Mid at, rives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. 31. This train hentwo connection from-the West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATIONTRADT learestrar risburg daily (except Sunday) at 7A. so., °Aldan-Ives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. It: connecting (except on Monday) with the past Line east. - ' WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris• burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. tl. , Altoona 6.50 A. M., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.IL BAL'TIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg.— drub , (except Monday) at 2.t1; A. H.: Altoona 8.15 a. rd.,' take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. M. THROUGH EXPRESS lea, es Harrisburg daily at 3.. 2.5 A. 31., Altoona at 8.15 A. 31., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at :MO P. 31. FAST LINE leaves liamsbarg daily (except Sunday) - at 4.00 P. M.: Altoona at 9.10 P. M., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. IL MAIL. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily(except Sun day) at 1:40 P. Et.: AltoceVa at 7.55 P. M, take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west leaves Lea caster at 11.50 A. it., connecting there with the Mall west; leaves Mount joy at 11.51 e. M.l and arrivesat Harrisburg at 1.00-e. M. =l= TRE_HARRISBURGACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, 'which arrives at Ilariisburg at 6.30 P..14' stops there, passengers for Epsi ofliarrisburg lay ()Verna. til 11.53 P. 3f. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 Supl3liddle Div. Penna. IL Rb NTORTIIER.; CENTRAL RAILWAY f,'ALL TIME TABLE.—Pour -Trains Daily to and from Baltimore and Washington City. Counections made with treason Pennsylvania Railrocul, to :ilia from Pittsburg. and the West. - FOUR TRALNB DAILY to and Gum the North 'Mut Went Branch Busy:lab:lung, Elmira and all or Northern New York. - 'in and after Monday, -Oct. Nth, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will atrive'at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows S 0 u AV A R - MAIL TRALN leaves Sunbury- daily (eietpt • • Sunday) 10d leaves Harrisburg • ' 1:20 P.M. arrives at Baltimore SAO P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves - Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday) 11:45 P.M. leaves Ha rrisb u rg (e-teept Monday) arrives at - Baltimore • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg . - SUN - BURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. bury atilt..(ex. Sunday)... 'PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAlNleaves Sunbury doily (ex. Sunday), .9i)).5 NORTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) . . 9:20 A.M. " - leaves Harrisburg - 1:35 P.M. " arrives at_Sunbury 4:05 Pit. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily..- 9:30 P.H. _ o arrivesat Harrisburg 1:50 AM, _ leaves Harrisburg daily_ (ox. 'S . . cept Monday) '1•35 A.B. '' arrives at Sunbury 3.53 JUL ERIE EXPRESS TRALK leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at.. . 7:30 P.M. " leaves Harrisburg dolly (ex, -- cept Sundays) at ' ' 12a3 A.M. ,e arrives at Sunbury at. 3:`55 A.N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily(ex. Monday $:00 P.H. arrives at Harrisburg at. • 7:50 P.H. SUNBURY ACCONI3IOHATION leaves-Hex ,.. risburg daily (ex. Sunday). 4:00 P.K. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mai), and Express trains run through to Elmira. , For further information apply at the Office. In Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. 0ef.26'54 J. N. DuBAM;Y, Gen. sapt. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern arid Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Coin. pany. and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight inisiness. October 17th, 1864. TOIE GP PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG LEAVE EASTWARD. Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation LEAVE WESTVattD. Mail . Train Leek Hce. en Acmmmodation Passenger Cars run through on Mail Train, without' change both ways bitween Philadelphia and Erie, 111111/ Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Train both ways between Philadelphin and Lock Haven. and on Elmira Express Tratn both warn between Wllitarnaport and Baltimore. For infortrurtion respecting Passenger traiiineas apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And fur Freight business of the Company's Agents S. B. BLNGSTON Car. 13th and Market Sts., POs. J. W. BET.s.toLlia, Erie. ' Virx. BROWN. Agent S. C. R. IL, Baltimore, Md. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. GWINNER, Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Manager, Williamsport. =I CUMBERLANIIVALLEY d: FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and after Rondgy. October 31. 1864. Passenger Trains will run daily', as follows. (Sundays excepted): FOR CHAIILBERSBUTIG AIND HARRISBURG: Leave Hagerstown " Greencastle / Arrive at Claambersbarg Leave at. Leave Shippensburg - • Newville. - A.M. " Carlisle 6:30 10:10 '2:46 " = Mechanicsburg 7:00 10:42 :us Arrive at Harrisburg 7:30 11:13 3:45 - COR CIIAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Ilarrisburg ' Mechanicsburg... " Carlisle " Newville • Shippensburg.... Arrive at Chambersburg. LeaveChatribersbrei's.... Greencastle - Arrive at Hagertawa Making elt;:e connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia. New - York and Tttsburg, and with trains fur all points Went. - The Train leaving Ilariisbnrg — at 9:15 P. IL 112112 only as far as Carlisle. 0. Iv. LULL, finpt, IL It. Offlre, Chamb'g. Oct. 31, 1864 *ttsurante. AALERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. Incorporated 1650. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, 851)t),(4)0. Paid: Up Capital. 89.50,000; Phiadelpbia, Feb. 4. 1864.• • The Trustees have tide day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiumS received upon MC TUAL Pordcitti during the year ending December :Rat, •12G9, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the diet. demi of 11.14.1 on-Policies Issued during that ya • sir to be paid, ad the annual premiums on said Policies are re ceived. OFFICERS. - • - ,Prezieicst—Alexander Witt lldin. Secretory nod Transom—John S. Actunri—John C. Sims. 130 MW OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander WhiMu, J. Edgar Thomson. George Nugent, lion. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts. P. 13. Mingle, Samuel Work. William .1. Howard. lion. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikumn, Charles F. lleazlitt, Isaac Ilazlehunst. W3l. G. REED, Chambersburg. Pa., is the authorized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com pany, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. DE.4. J. C.ltictußDS and W. B. BOYLE, Medical Ex avnt'', REFERENCES-11On. A. K. IrClare, Rev. S. J. Nl6- coils, J. S. Nixon. Chanaberstutrg, and Win. M. Marshall, Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank - IPersous desiring information or wishing to Insure will please call on, or by addressing the undersigned they will be waited on In any part of the Cuuhty or State. W. G. REED, Agent. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL.- FR.4NKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS Ou Junuluy 1, 18G.5 $400,00(i 971,000 INCOME FOR 1865 93,000,000: MEE ACCEPTED.SCRI'LL'S DiVESTED PitEMIUMS 'PASF;TTLED CLAMS, LOSES PAID SOcCE IS9 PERPTUAL AND TEMPORARY POLiCIERQN LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS : Charles N. Bancker, Isaao Lee, Tobias 'Wagner, -Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales, Jacob R. Smith. Alfred Filler, " - 'George W. Richards, Fras. W. JAW% M. D. CHARLES N. BANCEER, President- EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preladent. JAS. W. 3rALIISTER, Sec pro. tem. DAVID OAKS is tho anThorized Agent otitis Com pany in Chambenbarg, who will furnish all taliapiauthm necessary to applicants. mBrt.3.lf. .PIS - URAXOE CO3IPANY OF NORTH Incorporated MIA. Charter PerpetoaL CAPITAL $:,0" 0,000. °thee 9, 2 Walnut Street, Plaits 'delphin. The promrt payment of Claitmrfor LOWE timing the perhxl'of nearly seventy yearn that the Company. has' been . in existence, entitles them to the confidence of Oh This company will also insure 2p:dustbins by WAR or INVASION. Persons w,shing to insure will please call onot;ddres, Cr the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chambe tag, • As Agent for this Company, I am prepared tofflancel all Perpetual as well as Tern covering ptapetW destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, retimling (be _ dill premium paid on application at my aim. ' G. REED, g RrPERENCES—J. D. Grier, J Allison Toter, 'tn ent. ., M ajor J. C. Austin. Cnl. A. K. ArClure. re !it 2:50 31 7:00 A DI 7:00 A.M. 7:tl 1:40 A. 3t. 1.30 P. gt 1.4 Q P. X £3l. P.M. 701 2:45 7:37 3:35 8:17 .W.l P:3O L^:ss 9:00 109 9:= 2:00 A.M. Y.M. 8:05 1:40 4:13 8:47 2:20 4:50 9:27 2:58 5:15 10:CQ 3:34 10:33 4:04 .11:00 4:35 .11:10 - 4:45 .11:53 - . 5:35 -12:33 6.15 $2,501,7 04 ...85,121,950