Oiettiou "ft animation. • 10111_00LAMATION!- - -G.E.N.E.B.,4", ELECTION.—Whereas, In and by an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pe Dania entitled An act. relating to the Elections of this Com. monwealtb," passed the" 3d day of July, Anno Demist 1833„ it' ts trade the duty of the Sheriff of every county -within the Commonfealth to give public notice of the 'General Elections, and in such notice to enntnerate-- _ . ' /at—The Officers to be elected. .I'4—Designating the places at which the election la to Therefore, - • • - I, SAMUEL BRANDT.Jfigh Sheriff of the goanty of Franklin, do hereby Make known and give this:PUBI,IC NOTICE to Me Electors of the County of Fraiitkliri, that ONTHE fd TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, (befog the lOth'day of the mortal,) a Genertft Election will be held at the several Election Districts established by law in said wonty, at which time they will vote by ballot for the several officers, &c., hereinafter named: , One peroon for Auditor General of the State of penn sylvania. One ,person for Surveyor General of the State of Penn sylvania. One person for Senator to represent the Senatorial Dis trict, composed of the counties of Adam's and Franklin. Two persons for members of the Donee of Representa tives of the general Assembly of Pennsylvania, to repre- Fen t the counties of Franklin and Perry. One 'person to fill the office of Sheriff of the county of Franklin. One per Son to fill the office of Treasurer of the county of Fronklin.. ' One person to fill the office of District Attorney of the county - of Franklin. One person to fill the office of County Surveyor of the county of Franklin. - • One person to fill the office of County Commisslcmer for the county of Franklin. One person to till the office of Director of the• Poor for the county of Franklin. Otte person to fill the office of Auditor for the county of Franklin. One person to fill the office of Coroner for the county of The said EleCtiims trill be held throughout the County as follows - At the Court House in the Borough of Chambersbrag, for the North Ward of said Borough, and part of Guilford towbahip. At the House of J. W. Taylor, for the South Ward of said Borough. • At the Public House of John Gordon, at the West Point, of Chambersburg for the township of Hamilton. At the School House in Fayetteville, for parts of the townships of Guilford and Green. • At the public House of Christiah C. Polls, in Greerivil lage, for pouf of Green township. At the Western School House, In the town of St. Thom• as, for the township of St. Thomas. At the School House in the town of Fannettabtag, for the township of bletaL At the School House, in the town of Roxbury, for the township of Dugan.- At the House of John Harvey, for part of the township of Farinett. At the School House, to the town of Concord, for part of the township of Pannett, and. t r. At the new Stoue School House- Morrowstown dis trict, for the other part of Fannett wnship. At the Honio now occupied by se°. Anderson in the village of Quincy, forthe township o ner. At the'Western School House in Waynesboro, for the township of Washington. At the House of J G r- .. Wallach, in Greencastle, for An trim and part of the townships of Peters and Montgomery. 'At the - School Howie, on the land Michael Coot in War ren township, for the'township of Warren. At the Strasburg School House, for the township of Let terkenny. At the !dense of James Mullen, In the town of Loudon, for parlor the township of Peters. ' At the Log House on the farm of Jacob Elliot, for the Welch Run District being part of Montgomery township. At the House of Thomas McAfee, in Mememburg,-,for Parts of the townships ofTeters-and Montgoinery. At the Mount Itoek School House in Southampton town ship for part of thetowmhip of Southampton. At the Eastern School House in Orrstown, for the other part of Southampton township. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN—"That every per son excepting . Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any take or appointment of profit or trust tinder the United States or of this State, or a City or Incorporated District, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, who is or shall be employed - tinder the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary Department of this State, or of the United States, or of any Incorporated District and also, Oust every mem ber of Congreas and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of say City, or Commissioner of any Incorporated District, is by law incapable of hold ing or exercising at the time, the office or appointment of Ju4e, Inspector .or Clerk of any election afthis Common wealth, and that no Rldp. Inspectors or other- officer of snekielection, - shall be eligible to be then voted for." And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act rein ting to Elections of thli Commonwealth," passed July 3, 1e.39, further provides, as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the res pective places appointed for bolding the elections in the District in'which they may respectively belong, before 9 o'clock, on the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October, and each of saitllnspectoni shall appoint one Clerk who shall be a qualified voter of such District. " In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes -for Inspector shall not attend on the day of election, then the person who shall have re ceived the , second highest number of votes ft:Vie:lp at the next preceeding election, shall act as Insqp,.. or in his place. And in case the person who has received the high est number of votes fur Inspector shall not attend, the per son elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place, and in case the person elected Judge shall notattend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in his place ; and if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law fur the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the time of election, shall elect one of their nnmberto fill the vacancy." Particular attention is directed to the Act of Assembly 'passed the :Nth day of February, 1249, entitled "An Act relative to voting at Elections in the Counties of Adams, Dauphin, York, Loce,,,ter. Franklin, Cumberland, Brad ford, Centre, Green and Erie," viz: §l. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by theauth6r ity of the same—that it shall be lawful for the qualified %Men of the Cotratimt of Adams,Danyhin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradlonl, Centre, Green and Erie, from and after t h e passage of this Act, to vote for all can didates for the various offices to be filled at any election on line slip or ticket: Provided, the office for which every candidate is voted for shall be designated, as required by the existing LINTS of the Commonwealth. " § 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prescribed, shall be punished rid sim ilar frauds are directed to be punished by the existing laws of the Commonwealth," For the tnformatton of the electors of Franklin county, I publish the following, being the 4th section of the Act of the General Assembly of the session of 1851, entitled, "An Act to provide for the election of Judges of the several Courts of this Commonwealth, and to regulate certain Jn dkial Districts. 9. That the election for Judges shall be held and .conducted in the several election Districts in the same manner V on . respects as elections for Representatives are oriball ducted, and bythe same Judges, Inspectors and officers, and by the provisions of the Act of the Gen eral Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the electioos of this Commonwealth, approved the 24 day of July, 1849, and its several supplements and all other like laws as far as the same shall be in force and applicable, shall be deem. ed and taken to be the election of Judges:. Provided, That the aforesaid electors shall vote for Judges of the Supreme Court on a separate piece of paper, and for all other Judges required to be learned in the law on another' separate piece of paper. It Ora be the duty of the several Assessors, respect ively, to attend at the place of holding every General. Special, or Township election, during the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving Inforna lion to the Inspectors and Judge, when called on, in rela tion to:the - tight of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters In relation to the assessment of voters as the said Inspectors, or either of them, shalt from time to time require. "'NoPeram shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid.ihan a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years ormolu, who shall - have resided In the State at least one year, and In the election District where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately proceeding such election, and within two years have paid a State or County tax which abaft have been assessedat leastten days before the election. But a citlien of the United States, who haspreviously been a qualified voter of any State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election Dis trict and paid taxes aforesaid shall be entitled'to vote after Vesidinkin this State six months: Provided, That the white free/rem, citizens of the United States, between the ages of twenty-erne and twenty-two years, who have resided in the election District ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall nothave paid taxes. "so person shall be permitted to vote whose name's not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants famished by the Commissioners, unless, First, be produces areceipt for pay meat, within two years of a State or County tax, assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence either on his oath or affirmation or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or in Winn to Tr:educe such a receipt, shall make oath to the payment thereof; or, Second, if be claim a right to vote by being art elector between the ages of 21 and '2 2 years, shall depose on oath or affirmation, that be has resided in the State at least one year next before application, and make his suds proof of residence in the Distract as is required by this Act, and that he does verily believe, from the accounts gives Lim, that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this Act, whereupon the trams of the person so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by the Inspector, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax"' he shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word "age" if he shall bo admitted to vote by reason of age, aadin either ease the reason of such vote shall be called oat to the Clerks, whip shall make the like note in the list of votary kept by them. "In all cases where the name of the person claiming to vote Is not found on the list furnished by the Corrunission• era or .Assestars, or his right to vote, whether found either by verbal proclamation thereto, or by any a ritten thereon or not,_hs oblected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to examine stair persons on - oath as to qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the State one year or more, Iris oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one wit- ness, who shall be a qnalified elector, that he has resided within the district for more than ten days next immediately preceding raid election, and shall also himself swear that his bona tide residence, in pursuance of Lis tartlet calling, is within the District, and that he did not remove into the said District for the purpose of voting therein. 'Rem person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall mo l e d u i proof, if reciniml. of his 'residence and paynerat -of taxes, as dffiresaid, shall beadmitted tovote in the town. shin, ward, or district in whirls he shall reside. " If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent an ;officer of the election under this act from holding such elee. lion, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer', or Am % tempt , i m p r op e rly interfere with him In the axe cation of his duty, shall block or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any window where the same ma y b e holding, or shall use or metiers any intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the design to influence unduly, or overrate', arty elector, or to present him from voting, or to retain tbefreedoei of choice, such personae convictive/stall be fthed in any suns net exceeding five hundred dollars and to be imprisoned for a timenot less than one or more than twelve months, and If it shall bo shown to the court where the trial of such offence shall be had. that the person so offending W BB not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where the said offence was committed. ant not eutitled to vote therein, then on conviction lie shall bo sen tenced t o pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than one lbouSand dollars, and to be bnprisoned not less than h vii mouths= more than two years. -'" If any person or persons stall make . any bet-or wager opal/the result of any electron within the Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any sash bet or wager, or minted advertisement, challenge or Invite any person or persons to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof, beer they shall forfeit three titnesthe amount so offered to bet. "If any person nut by law qualified, shall fraudulently Vote at an election in this Commonwealth, or being other wise qualified stall vote out of his proper district, or if (Stettin ifttitilititation. any person knowin g the want of snobs queliffcation nball aid of proems Each person to vote, theperson; on oonvie tioa be fined in any turn not exceeding taro han d:red and be Imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. "If any person shall vote at more than one election die. trict, or otherwise frandently vote more than once on the someday, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the In. Spector two tickets together, with the intent illegallt tb vote, or advise and procure smothers° tad), cet stun, on conviction, be fined in evade not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not less than three nor more than twelve months. "If any person not qualified to vote in this Common. ,weal,thlnee.cahlY 4 e law, (exceptthe sons of qualified ,tit. teem shalt appear at any place °refection for the purpose of issuing tickets or of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months." Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first Booth= of said act, " Every General and Special Election shall be open between the hours or eight and ten in the forenoon and shall continue open until seven o'clook in the evening, qhen the polls shall be closed." Pursuant to the provisions contained in the seventy sixth section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificates of return of the election of peir respective dis tricts, and produce them at a meeting or one Judge from each district. at the Borough of Charabersinarg, on the third day after the election, being, for the present year ON FRIDAY, THE 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, then and there to do and perform the duties required by low of said judges. Also--That where a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend such a meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge at by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of laid district, who shall do and netform the duties required of said Judge unable to attend. ' Given under my hand and seal nt Chambersburg, this 30th day of August, 1865. • SAMITEL BRANDT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Chamteg. ung3o. Eirg anb „fang Goobo. D R Y GOODS AND NOTIONS ECKEL sr GILBERT, LEE= =,- N-EW STORE, MAIN STREET, Nearly Opposite to Greenawalt's Hotel, ilayeStst opened with an entire new stock-of Dry• Gods arid Notions of all kinds, which they have selected with great care to adapt them to this market, and which will be sold at the lowest RATE'S. Their red includes All grades of Calicos, Lnpen's beat All•Woal d'Lainesi. plain and printed, Muslin d'Laines, Ame Hues,. Bandheas, Brocade - Alpacas, < Black Alpacas, Silk Crape Plaids, Fancy hnd Plain cold Armnres, Shepherd Plaids, all styles, Lapses beat French Merinos, all colors, Mourning Goods`, all styles, Plain and Printed - Flannels, Sack 111111111.1., Gilbert's Opens Flannels, all colors, White, Red, Grey and Yellow FlaunelS, Ladies' Cloaking Clotlss, all kiuds, Shirting Muskat , bleached and brown, Sheeting Mullins, bleached and brown, Fancy and Plain CasSifneres, French and American, . Sattinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Vestings, &c., Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every• style, Ladies' Corsets, all prices, Ribbons, Laces, Rallies, Hose, Gloves, Spool Cotton, Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Pins, Needles, &c., &c. ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OF BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS Remember, No Old Goods at ECKEL Giu3Egr's Nesz Stoic Call and_ examine. amp° R E,M 0 V- A L ! WM. WALLACE & CO. have removed their Dry Good Store to the slamd occupied by them previous to the tire, ,gri the- Corner of Main and Quten, &Stets, and are in receipt of a large tot of Goods, bought at reduc ed prices, at the late New York Auctions, to which they invite the attention of the public. To persons in want of Dry Goods we say now Is the time to buy. To the ladies we offer a large assortment of Dress Gads : Black and Fancy Silks, Poplins, Baratheas, Plain and Fancy, Delanes, &c. We have a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, which we will sell low. Ls 7" Call song and get bargains, at june2d WE. WALLACE & CO'S. • anb Caps. G 0 TO DECHERT'ti and BUT rmit HATS AND CAPS, He will mil you a Better Quality, Hare Serviceable and Finer Looking Ilat FOB LESS MONEY, than can be bought elsewhere. FRESH ARRIVAL—Now is the time to buy your Fall and Winter Gads, and W. W. PA XTON'S, in the Market Howe, is the place to get them