The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 13, 1865, Image 3

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    ,eptember is, 1865.
gpluid* ':gt grisitox.
GOSSIP WITH OUR Fittrams.—Amid the bus
tle and labor of re-building the unfintunat town
of Chambemblrg, the same (the re-building) to
be paid at some future time by old Uncle Samuel,
who will certainly aid the al in the same spirit
t hat he pardons the disloyal, many amusing scenes
occur, some tragico-comic, and others cornica-tra.
&e. I saw a fight between two negroes on a scat:
141. One of them received two blows on
head from a brick and a hod, which, had they
been on any other part of his body, would assur
edly have caused his dtath. 4t another timo, au
old Virginny darkey seeing a brick cart stallild,
called out to the driver, "Take you' beast out of
deal shaft's, and rn tote in you' cart fusel"
Pond memory brought the light "of oth ays"
most 'vividly to my recollection on seeinerie
liming, inscription in, granite on Col. McClure's
Barn: • <
JULY 30Tu,
REISI:11.1 . A. U. , 146.1,
Whb knows but that at some future day when the
site of our busy tows may be a howling wilder
ness, an aged darkey, of the then dominant race,
brim full of science, and with his name endowed
with a long list of letters, such as L. L. D. P. R.
S., etc., may sit upon the rums of Mr. J. A. Eys
ter's cistern and sketch the tablet as it lies half
buried in the rich mould of the Col.'s barn-yard?
Macauly has nothing whatever to do with the idea:
ittlnKrrummrs .% SAND HEAP, ItY DIRTY
• "We have classic authority for stating that a
whetstone differs greatly front a-,knife, )et that
the one is useless without the other.
" With a profound consciousness that we are
gist ak polite as - we might be, and yet that we
have a keen appreciation of the, virtue in others,
and tilt we can readily detect the spurious arti
cle whether in man or woman, we purpose to
jot down our ideas of politeness. Children, Its a
rule, learn the art from _their : elders; and as the
perfection of art is to conceal art, so the training
is more ordessefti.etive in proportion to the dis
,i7retion of the teacher. Exceptions do not prove
a rule unsound, and even an axiom may be so
distorted, - ha to appear to contradict itself. Thus,
though education the rule, yet some fortunate
individuals seem to be born polite, though the
fortune may be traced to certain advantages pos.
siqised by the parents. Many a one fames and
polishes his associates without ever opening his
mouth on the subject of good manners, carrying
all with him, just us a huge steamboat does its
passengers, its motion discovered only by the quiet
thuvb thaLmarks. its progress; while of con
trarysome may reprove and adnionish continually
without effect, like a blundering 'boy haggling at
a shingle—he tries to wake a sward or a gun. and he whittles it into a shapeless bit of pine, or
else cuts it all away. Polite means—we do not
propose to be learned-li' olished.
.We can put a
polish upon putty, which at the first knock loses
its smoothness &shapeliness ; brass can be made
4o glitter like ditto gold, but the slightest touch of
acid - leaves an - Unsightly stain ; glass to the unin
itiated resembles the pure diamond, but bring the
two in contact, and the former is scored, scrat,t
ed and defaced by its pure antagonist; plaster,
with some, will-pass for the solid marble, until a
chkimt bli4 will undeceive the roost superficial
critic The application of
_varuish is vastly im
proving to wood. but it makes the grain so much
the more distinct, that bad tissue had better be left
in its original ruggedness. We define politeness
to be the polished surface of a true gentleman or
lady-and none other, and we furthermore think
that the lacquer over the heart 'of au injioster
makes his want the more perceptible. Gold is
gold, snit-marble i warble, whether- in the mine
or at the jewellers. Polish them, and they are
move pleasing, but their natures remain the same
The professor of any other politeness than that
which takes its origin from the heart is in constant
danger of-acting the fables of the ass inthe lion's
skin, or the daw in the Byerfi plumage of the
peacock. We have more than once heard fond
northers-exhort their hopefuls to be polite before
company; to 'be particularly polite to Mr. and
Mrs,Such-a-one; not to be rude on rertainoceasions;
to be very_carelid how they beha'ved away from
horne t on the street, at the window, etc. We can
heartily respect, though we may not admire, a
rough exterior, for the sake of the true heart be
neath; but save us from the thin-Awned preten
der who_ spatters us on the first encounter. Some
one has compared the true gentleman to the heavy
trip-hammer that can crush a man or pat an egg
shell in its combination of strength and gentleness.
Politeness that is but skin-deep will not wear—
when we least expect it, the bad blood will show
itself through ever so slight a scratch. -
"Teach a child to be obliging, in honor to prefer
others, to consult the comfort and happiness of
his associates. and with a very little mingling in
good society he will ; he polished by simple attri
4.ion, scarcely conscious of the process. For ex
ample, if we learn to wish to' give the easiest chair
to a visitor, we can never forget to do so, but if
we are taught that we should do so, we may for
getthe rule. Daily we see what are called well
bred people guilty of outrageous breaches of eti
quette, owing to innate selfishness ; because the
unfortunates know nothing practically of the gol
PMuch_has been said and written orlate about
the unladylike conduct of women in omnibuses,
cars and imblie conveyances, that they ac
rept a slat from a weary gentleman without even
a glance of acknowledgment. Surely no gentle
man could remain seated witlca lady standing be;
side him, nor could a ladfaccept a. seat from a
gentleman less able to stand than she. We have
been stout, burly men fill tiro seats, while a deli
cate lady stood along side, shaken like a reed by
the wind - , by the rough motion of thb car, and we
have observed a finnale occupy timer, seats with •
her_lnmps and flounces, a maimed soldier in front
balancing his tottering body on crotches the while:
Would any man with a soul above stewed oysters
4411 d ale permit his mother, or wife. or sister to
stand while he sits? And yet even the poor ill
clad woman who stands by you may have a loviMi
brother or husband. Tien let us pay a deserved
tribute - to the rough, quarrelsome Irishman . ; who
is ever ready to vacate his seat in flivor of any
thing that Wi:ars petticoats.
"Au esteemed friend by the bye, one of the best
hearted and most polished men of Our acquaint
-mice, informed as thut he dated_his appreciation
of IsTaitintess from an interview with Stephen Gi
rard,the Philadelphia milliugaire. lie had been
sent by his Father, a distinguished shipping mer
chant, on an errand to Mr, Girard, and entered
the Frenclnntaa office with his hat on. In
the midst of the delivery of his message, he was
interrupted with, "My son, take off your cha
peau."--Off came the youngster's hat, and the
message win delivered. Then the rich , old man
patted the abashed messenger on his curly head,
adding, "My hectic fellow, politeness not only
mists nosing, but it is a capital to start a large bu
siness en. Mind, I did not make yolOake off
your chapeau to ze rich merchant, but to ze old
gentleman.'; Among 'the many pithy sayings,
suckio "Economy is wealth," the young may do
well - to-treasure up the saying of Mr. Oirard—
"Polits is capital." All men like to be treat,
ed politely, whether they reciprocate or not.—
Cultivate.the heart first, and then the outside;
just as (excuse the comparison) in building a cis
tern, the wall mast be solid and perfect, or the
most careful cementing is purposeless; No young
man Ali agreeable manners can be called poor!
and, young ladies, a word in your rosy ears; a lit
tle less attention to your deformed and deforming
waterfalls, etc., and a little, just a little care with
your manners will secure you husbands, even,
though they be widowers. Of all the anecdotes
related of the great Napoleon, the following has
made the greatest impression on our mind: "In
St. Helena he was one day walking with an Eng
lish lady, and upon meeting in a narrow pathway
some coolies heavily laden, the lady indignantly
ordered them to turn out. "Respect the burden,
madame," mildly, said the former arbiter of Eu
luckliy for his readers, a land slide in
terrupted the current of our philosopher's thoughts,
and discornpded him to such a degree that he
could not resamelit ; otherwise he would have
written the fill of the paper.
clasais of the German Reformed church has pur
chased the old Marshall College property at Mer
cersburg, with the intention of reopening a school
of high order in that place. The fineimildings and
five acres ofground have been bought at a low price,
and will be paid for by shares of stock, a large part
of which has already been taken, by citizens of
this county and of Washington county, Md.
It might easily be shown that this is a good pe
cuniary investment, but the prime object of the
school is not to make money. The main design
is to supply n pressing demand for the facilities
of ckristian education along our borders. The
stockholders thus far are men who have chil
dren and grand children to educate, and feel the
necessity of having some safe retreat where this
mattfr, so unavoidably neglected during the war,
may be properly attended to. The enterprise is
therefere "backed" as the saying is, byrthe sub
stantial old elders and other members of the sev
eral congregations of the different churches, who
are urged to it themselves not by any spirit of
speculation, but by a telt want of some such help
to fit their children and wards by character and
education fur usefulness in life.
It is the purpose of the board of control, to
whose care all - the interests of the school are en
trusted, to secure the services of a Corps of the
best men they can find—not selected from - those
who may desire to make the position a stepping
stone(to wealth or worldly preferment, or from
such as may happen to be disqualified for the ac
tive dutitsi of the other professions; but men who
will be satisfied with fixed competent salaries 7
and who in the fear of God, and for a love of the
work will consecrate their energies to the respon
sible trust committed to
The course of studies will be well settled,
thorough and complete, but above all the mere
intellect will not be cultivated to the neglect and
therefore at the expense of tlie best affections of
the heart. It is hoped that the spirit of healthy,
cheerful piety will be infused into every educa
tional operation, so that the religious element
will be the underlying controlling one, or in other
words, that the law of the school will be " the
law of life and grace as it is in Christ Jesus our
Lord" and not mere pamphlet laws, enforced ar
bitrarily from without by an occasional lecture
from a grim visaged monitor.
Such a school cannot want patronage. There
are scores and perhaps hundreds of parents with
in a radius of a hundred -miles of Mercersburg
who are anxious to have just such an institution,
and the healthfulness and quietude of the - place,
and the associations of the past, together with. the
christian culture and educational advantages of
fered, will attract many students.
It is expected that the first session will com
mence about the last week in September. Rev.
E. E. Higbee, Prof. of Theology at Mereershurg,
is President of the Executive Committee.
Tus OPPOSING TICKETS.--Thp State, dis
trict and county tickets of both parties are now'
complete, excepting the formalty of Mr. Don
-can's nomination fur Senator,. which in well as
sured. The following is a complete list of the
opposing candidates:
Gen. J. F. Bartnaaft, Marry I Col. W. W. 11. Davis, Bucks
Surveyor General. .
Cut J. M. Campbell, Camb l Col. Juu.P. Linton, Cambria
Davidill'Cunaugky,Adams C. M. Duncan. Franklin
Ceh F: - S. Stumkangb, Fran Wm. 3FLlellan, Franklin
Capt. G. A. Shuman, perry' Capt. D. L. Trouler, Ferry
. _
Capt. J. Da , bler, Chamb'g I Stunl R. Boyd, Chamb'g
Muj. J. linsAer, St:Thou:as I Jos. M. Doyle, Ponnett
Dislrk! Aliorn4.
Olt D. W. Ilowe, Autry IW. S. Stenger, Chamb'g
Emanuel Rub; Chumlig 1 Hugh Auld, Chamb'g
Daniel Skinner, Fannett C. D. Lecher, Antrim.
Director of the Poor.
Clayton, Wash I Samuel Seerist, Quincy
Sanil W. Nevin, rioutlin tJ. A. Sellers, St. Thomas
Dr. C. T. 3tactay, Green i Dr. W. A. Uttnter, Setter'y
There being no judicial candidates to be voted
or, the entire ticket will be voted on one slip in
his county.
Conferees of Adams and Franklin counties met
at' Graeffenbarg Springs on Friday, Ist Mgt., at
I o'clock, P. M.
The Conferees from Adams were Maj. Robert
Bell, A. S. limes and Wm. S. Cart. The Con
ferees from Franklin were Cot - Geo. B. Weistling
and W. S. Everett, 'Esq. .
The meeting:was called to order by the appoint
ment of Mu 3. Bell as Chairman and W. S. Ever
ett as Secretary. •
On motion the Confereef.vpresent were allowed
to east the entire vote of said county. The Con
ference then proceeded to put in nomination can
didates for State Senator. Win. S. Cart 'lamina
tad David M'Conaughy, Esq., of Gettysburg.
On motion of Wm. S. Everett,
Peso/red, That the nomination made be ratified
as the unanimous choice of this conference, and
D. li'Conaughy, Esq., is hereby declared the
l'nion nominee for State Senator for this District.
On 'notion adjourned. ROBERT BELL, Prest.
W. S. ErEttETT, See y.
of the stockholders of this company was, held in
Shippensburg on Thursday week; and a perma
nent organization effected by ele`cting Col. James
B. Orr President; Judge Ruby Secretary, and
Jas. B. Orr, Henry Ruby, Dr. Jno. Montgomery,
Major Henry Snyder, John Wunderlich, John
Greason, Thos. P. Blair, Dr. John A. Mil, Wm.
31 Marshall, Jacob Bomberger and James O.
Koontz Directors. Tlie hind on which they pro
pose to make developments is In the vicinity of
Concord in this county, where there is a spring
that gives strong indications of oil.
RESTORED.--We are glad to learn that Dr.
John S. Angle, late Aast. Surgeon of the 123 d
Penna. Volunteers, who bad , been dismissed the
Service on technical grounds, has been restored
by an order from the War Department, and is
again elifible to commission in the military ser
vice tit any time. Ho was a good officer, and the
act of the government was but an act of justice
'YUMINIA LANns..—Persons who wish to ex
amine .or be advised of Virginia lamb for sale,
can:do tro better than to address Allen & Co.,
Staunton, Va., who are established Real Estate
Agents, and gentletnen of high,character. They
have a large amount of laud on hand fur sale on
liberal terms.
AcemENTs.—We learn from the Greeneestle
Pilot that Mr. Geo. Bartle and Lieut. Wilson
Burk were injured on Thursday week by horses
running away. Each had ribs - broken,
Mn. FRANK BOWDEN has purchased the Ho
tel property of Maj. Kurtz in Wayneaboro, and
will take poneseion on the 2nd of October.
A VALUABLE tract of land about two miles
West of Chambersburg, will be offered for sale
by Mr. M'Elwain oti Wednesday next. This is
a desirable location for persons wishing to 'engage
in raising vegetables and *uit for the Chambers.
burg Market.
OMITTED.—By some oversight the District of
Letterkenny was omitted, in announcing the
members of the County Committee. Capt E. K.
Lehmen is the member from Letterkenny.
A CARD TO INVALIDS.—A clergyman, while
residing in South America as a missionary - , discovered a
safe audsimple remedy for the Unroof Nervous Weakness,
Early Decay, Diseases dale Urinary and Seminal Organs;
and the whole train of disonlers brought on by baneful and
vicious. habits. Great numbers have been already cured
by thisnoble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and I will tend the recipe fur pre
paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
any one who needs it, Fp rof Charge.
Please Inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your.
self. Address JOSF.YII T. IiMAN,
Oct 19.1 y) STATION' D. thist.F. HOCsE, Nelo York City.
WE: advise all who want to buy goods to retail
again to call and examine GELIVICK'S and BURKHART'S
large stock of merchandise before going to the city or be
fore buying elseware, as you can do as well witlttbis firm
on all goods and on some articles bettor than in the city.
- -
Go to LEIDY & DONOVAN'S new Confectionery
for nice fresh Cakes, Candies,-Fruit, 6.e. Store mom in
the Market House, neat door to Ithskinson's Clothing
extensive stock of Toilet Articles, foreign and domestic,
are now offered, many of thyt at reduced prices. Call
and examine.
WE advise all who want good pure white Ker•
()gene Oil free from smell and smoke, to go to GELWICKS
and BURKHART'S, either at wholesate or retaiL
REMEMBER Gelwieka and Burkhart keep every
thing and Pell cheap. .
—The Democrats of Venango have nominated
James P. Hoover for Assembly.
—The Union Mne of Mifflin county have nomi
nated James M. Brown for Assembly.
—The Union men of Sullivan have recommen
ded Augustus. Lippincott for Axstntoly.
—The Union men of Wyoming have re-nomi
nated Peter If. Osterhout for Ass'embly.
—Lieut. Col J. A. Vera is the Democratic:
candidate for Assembly in Beaver county.
—The Democrats of Northumberland county
have nominated Chas. W. Sharp for Assembly.
—The Democrats of Lehigh have renominated
Nelson Weiser and James J. Kline for Assembly.
—The Repiblican Convention of Wisconsin
has nominated Chas. R. Gill for Attorney General.
—The Union Convention ob_Montonr have re
commended Col. Charles W. Eckman for Assem
—The Union men of Clarion have recommen
ded Dr. IT. M. Wick for Senator and Wm. 31.
Clover for AswrdblV.
—The Union Corkentioa of Clearfield recom
mended Col. John Irwin fur Senator and Lieut.
Liddle for Assembly.'
—The Union men of Cumberland have nomin
ated Col. Joseph Ege for Senator. and Cu!. T. B.
Kauffman fel- Assembly.
—The 'talon men of Warren have nominated
Col. Harrison Allen for Assembly. Joseph A.
Neill is the Democratic candidate.
—Capt Brown having declined the nomination
for Assembly in Clinton conuty, Sergeant T. F.
Vornbfuer has been nominated. -
17. 1 Union men of Bradford have nominated
Ho . Ged. Landon for Senator, and Lorenzo
Grinnell.and G. Wayne Kinney for Assembly.
—Hon. Winthrop W. Ketchum is strongly urg
ed by the Armstrong Democrat, as most fitted to
succeed Gee. Curtin, at the expiration of his
—The Union men of Susquehanna have nomi
nated Hon. WM. J. Turrell, late speaker of the
Senate, fur Senator, and J. T. Cameron for As
—The Democrats of Luzerne have nominated
Stanley Woodward for Senator, and Anthony
Grady, Daniel F. Serbert and David S. Keen for
- -
—The Union men of Potter have nominated
Hon. H. W. Williams for Judge, Hon. A.G. Olm
stead for Senator and- Jolm S. Mann for Assem
bly. A most excellela ticket.
—The Democrats of Wayne county have re
nominated Rev. Wm. M. Nelson for Assembly
and selected two sets of judicial conferees—one
favorable to Mr: Crane and the other in favor of
Judge Barret.
—General Kilpatrick has taken the stump in
New Jersey fur the union State ticket. The gal
lant Generitl,annotinces that he came from South
Carolina to fight the Copperheads, agl he means
to do it with a will.
—The Union men of Fulton county have .nom
inated-Nicholas Ott for Sheriff—the first man who
entered Fort Steadman when Gen. Hartranft re
captured it—John C Fletcher for Jury COmmis
sioner and William Hanks for Commissioner.
—The Minnesota Union Convention nominated
Geo. W. R. Marshall for Governor. Resolutions
were adopted favoring the granting of political
rights to all persons of whatever color or race,
denouncing the French occupation of Mexico, and
demanding their-expulsion.
—The Democratic legislative conference In
Clearfield, Forest and-Elk met on the Ist inst.
and the conferees from Clearfield and Forest
nominated Dr. Thos. J. Boyer and the Elk con
ferees refused to participate or ratify the nomina
tion. They favored the nomination of Dr Early.
of Elk.
—The Vermont election resulted in the success
of Gillingham, the Union candidate for Governor,
by over 15,000, a unanimously Union Senate and
nearly an entirely Union House. The vote is
light, and the Union majority, in proportion to
the vote polled, later than last year. Democra
cy don't seem to vegetate among the Green Moun
tain boys. - •
.---The Democratic Senatorial Conference in the
Cumberland and YOrkdistrict met in Bridgeport
on Tuesday of last week, but failed to effect
nomination. York supported Hon. A. Heistand
Glatz and Cumberland supported Col. James
Chestnut. After r a number of ballOts the Confer
ence adjourned t>) meet in Carlisle yesterday.
—The Now York Democratic State Conven
tion has nominated the following ticket: Secreta
ry of State, Major General Slocum; Comptroller,
Lucius , Robinson; Attorney General, John Van
Buren; Canal Colurnissidne , C. W. Armstrong;
Treasurer, General M. K. P trick; Inspector of
State Prison, A. J. M'Neil; Jerk of the Court of
Appeals, C. 0. Payne; Judge of the Court of Ape
peals, long term, Judge John W . Brown—short
term, Martin Grover.
—The Union men of Lebanon have nominated
Copt. Jacob 'Sicily for Assembly. Col. Mark was
elected delegate to the neat State Convention.
A resolution requesting the various officers hold
ing positions under the government by appoint
ment to resign in favor of soldiers Was adopted.
Hon. J W. Killinger, thetollector, publishes a
card endorsing the resolution, and stating that he
had previously resigned in favor of a veteran sol
dier. . .
—Sterling Price, of Missouri, has gone to Bra
—Generals Marmaduke and Besturtgard have
applied for passixirta to go -abroad.
—Gen- R. E. Lee has accepted the Preeidedcy
of Washington College at Staunton, Va.
—Gov. Curtin returned to Harrisburg on Thurs
day last, from the Delaware Water Gap, much
improved in health.
tlx franktin tiepositutp, 414ambersbutg; Pa.
—Gen. Schemelfennig, whose valor at Charles
ton will ever be remembered by the American
people, died in Berke county on the fith inst.
—Among the late arrivals at San Francisco
was Major-General IV. S. Roseerans, the hero of
Stony Creek, who went to California on private
business. He was met at the boat by several
United States army officers and escorted to the
Occidental Hotel, where be Will stop four or five
THE ladies, in their sovereign capacity as
judges of emotional enjol moot, have decided that
no perfume in existence produces the salon deli
cious sensations as are experienced while inhaling
the exquisite fragrance of Phalon's " Night-Bloom
nre erens." sold everywhere.
WINGERT—LERMA:L-0n the sth inst., m Cham•
bersburg, by the Rev. J. Dickson. Mr. Andrew B. Win
gert to MI. Liizie Lehman, both of this tsinnty.
WINGERT—LEHMAN.—On the Ith inst.. in Ship.
pensburg, by the Rev. J. Hassler. Mr. Joseph Z. Wingert,
of the vicinity of this place, to 3Ess Fanny K, Lehman, of
the a ieinity of Upper strashurg.
ROPES KIANE.—On the'ib of Time, be the Rev.
P. Dyson, Capt. Benj. F. nodes to Miss Georgie D. Kline,
both of this place.
RIFE—CULBERTSON.--bn Fridoy, June 1855,
at Amoy, China, by Rev..l. V. N. Talmage, Rev. Leon
ard Itife, of the Hutch Reformpd Mission. to Miss Helen
A., eldest daughter of the bto Rev. M. S. Culbertson, of
Shanghai. China, formerly of Chainbersburg, Pa,
SIIKETZ—DIVIRL.—On this sth inst. ' by the'Res. S.
McHenry, Mr. Philip S. Sheetz, of Chambersburg, to Miss
Bllen Diehl, of Marion.
HECKMAN—STONEIL—On the 7th instant, by the
same, Mr. Henry Heckman to Miss Annie Stoner, all of
St. Thomas township.
KILLINGER—Zs.:IGIT —On the sth inst., at Pleasant
Retreat Parsonage, by the Rev. Jas. 31. Bishop, Mr. Hen
etiah Killinger to Miss Lizzie A. Nigh, both of tbis co.
MILLER—HAGER.--On the 7th inst., at the house of
the bride's mother, by the Rev. J. Evans, Dr. John E.
Miller to 3lbs Rate it Hager, both of Hagerstown,
nILLER —On the 4th inst., Bettie E., infant child of
Jacob B. and Mary Millet, aged about 9 months.
CURING DIPIITIIIIRTA.—Dipbtberia is an alar
tninF disorder, whether it afflict a child or an adult, and
yet it can be cured at once by the applications& Amin ny's
Ready Relief. Try it and you will be convinced, howev
er skeptical. Hiptlitheria is a malignant sore throat, with
same addition nod really fatal features. Besides tine an
guish occasioned by the - tiapid ulceration of such a deli
cate part of the system. the mernbran ich so speedily
grows over the throat, threatens a y death from suf
thantion. There is inn time for frith gin such a crisis.
The ablest medical men stand appall e , They know nut
what to do with a feeling of certainty, and yet the patient
must have instant relief, or expire. Then steps in Rad
way's Ready Relief, like a protecting angel, and bids the
sufferer live. It is applied to the throat, externally.
The patent revives. He breathes with more case. He
feels the marvelous medicine Inspiring his entire frame
with new vigor. He rapidly improves under such ap
propriate treatment, and, to a short time, walks forth, de
spite all predictions to the contrary, ,rescued from the
grave. Could anything be more sure or morauiniple I
Yet Railway's Ready Relief costs only fifty cents a but,
tie—about ball the soon you would have to expend for - the
first presviptionn s• - raten out for you by your medical at•
tendant. This is saying a great deal for the virtues of
Radway's Ready Relief but nut a word more 111:111 it con
sciontionsiy deserses. It will promptly cure Diptheria:
will any thing else t
As au evidence of the romarkable powers of Railway's
Ready Relief:lll the treatment of Diptberia. Sore Throat.
Hoar...awns hulttett7.a. Coughs. Mal Colds, the reader is
requeuted t.• read the following letter. Let this important
fief be borne in mind—Railway's Ready Relief never
fails in withdrawing the inflammation to the surface. Let
it he applied to the throat as-directed, tin • u•nt unit
surely recover.
The folio:rung is ate out of many that we rereii-ed
in thit winter lot ISIS-9, during the pu.valenre of :Ms di,
ease,at Albany, It. Y. Mr. Gnu:brill I,l ' Albany, writes:
" Three of My children were seized with apreuliar kind
of Sere' Murat, which has prevailed to a serious extent iu
this eity, id w hich a great many children have died. It
commenced in my faintly with a sore throat. headache,
hoarseness. sore lips, sore th a fever IN cilia set in,
and the skin turn to a 3 elbow tint. I knew how good
your Ready Relief and Pill. were for the general run if
complaints and determined to risk the live.; of my chit
-deco yn their merits, My trust was well founded. I gas e
each of them four pills, and rubbed their bodies from head
to foot with the Relief. My children were as well as ever
in twenty-four hours after taking your medicine. I be
lieve, had my neighbor, micsi the same means, they would
taro saved the lives of their children."
Eadway's Really Reber sold by all Drltzcists' unl
country merchant:, utl. ut Dr. Last :lye °filet!, t.l" 3laidcu
lane, New York. sepl3.2t.
Ben's Speeifie Pills, are warranted in all care. for the
Speedy and Permanent Cure'uf atl di , eIIWS aming* from
sexual excerses or 'Vol:run. t. INI.IRIZETIoN, Seminal
Loss, Nightly I:miss:oils. and Sensual Dreams; Genital,
Physical and Nervous Debility. lmptnenrr. Gleet, Sexual
Diseases, em, Sia. Ac, change of Pat is Seressery
and they can lesnsed without ,latoo.leu Each box con
tains 60 pills Prim ONF:DoLLAIT., If you cannot get them
of your druggi.t, they w ill be rent by shall recurely seal
ed, post paid with Sutl instrut bob, tiu,t Insure a cure, on
receipt of the motib.l, : of 100 pagea on the
errors .or youth, the ronqoultonet , arta rrlc, dy, te nt free
10 cents required tor;l.wt..gc. DLL J. littlAN
COlthsUiting Physieiala
P. 0. Pet 507 1 . 4 2 Bssalway, Very York.
Dealer; owl be sapplied by Drumsßares Sr.
Wholesale Agents, New York. aug:lferim
To LAoins.—lt you require, a reliable reme
dy to restore you. use Dr. 1-lierrcy's male Pills a new
er-failitez remedy for the removal of Obstrction,s, so, sm sr.
texfrom what cause they arise. They are safe and sure
and will restore nature ircevery case. Thew are also effi
cacious in all eases of WO;tIi,IONS, Whites, f'rolapsus,
Sold in Boxes contamitur 60 Pills, Price ONE DOLLiii...
Semi for DR. RAIINEI'S Private Medical Advi+er,
dressed foinales ; 100 pages, riving full instructions,
10 cent. required for imstage. If )ou cannot purrlinse the
pills of your drnrroit. they trill be sent by mail, postpaid
secure from observanan, on receipt of Ono Dollar, by DU.
J. Bin .o.;. Consulting Phys.:inns,
P. 0. Box, :075, 4.12 Iln.lway, Nen. York-
Denlen supplied by I iemis Barnes 5: Co., \Chnle>nle
Agents, Now York. auglii Gum.
To DitumiAuos.—Old Doctor Buchan's Drunk
ard's cure permanentlr eradicates the taste fin strong
drink, nod cures the coat eases of drunkenness in less
than eight weeks,. -
Thousands of reformed inebriates [IOW lire to bless the
day they were fortunate enough to commence the use of
this valuable remedy. Price No Dollars a package.
Mathsl to our address on receipt tit an order, by SAMZS
S. 5111 Elt, 425 Broadway, New York, Sole Agent for
tLe Muted States. aug943t.
Emwos or youTit.—A gentleman who suf
fered for 3 ears from Nen oils and Genital Debility.
Nightly limrssihns and Seminal Weakness, the result of
youthful indiss rehou, and came near ending his days in
hopeless misery, null, for the sake iif suffering man, bend
to any one atlheted, the simple means used by him which
effected a fare in a few weeks, after the failure of limner
outs medicines.. Send a directed envelope anal stamp anal
it mil cwt}oat nothing. Address, E ',Gag TRF,mALNE,,
Station D, 1: - :Jth St., Neu. York City. 16-lbn
and Instruction fur Young Men—published by tbelrour
and Asaoriations, and sent free of charge In sealed eavel
I)pes. Address, Dr. J. 5K.11.1.1N HOUWITON, Howard As
sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. feb-ly.
Cbambersbn rg Markets.
em.i.mmEmsMtlim, September 12, 1865.
10 00 Egg,
2 10, Lard
2 00, Tallow
Clover Seed..
Timothy Seed
Plaxxeed ...... 1 50' ltarrd pee,b,
011(ini3red Peaeltes
Potatoes--Pink Eyes 50 'Dried Apples....
I llc, A rit.i
Philadelphia Cattle Market., September 12, 11,65
Beef Cattle—Abunt 1900 head arrived and .1,1 at from
Ilia lic for extra, the latter rate for choice; 11 drdc. for
fair to good ; and 11 u 13e. per lb. fur common, as to quali•
liog,-IFIAI Load sold at iho difrorent yards at from $l6.
50 to 17 5)) the 100 Ito. alt.
Gov.,—Ws head nold ;It from 070 to $7O for springers.
and XO-1 :rs p ho.ul for coot mid ealf, no to qualay.
Shawl---.llPont 51100 head mold at from 7e. to lie. Et iYr
gro,. for .1;00,1 lot Sheer, 01100 I,Y Load for stir, k Shoop,
and $1 et 33U P tool Itor Lambo, as to italit).
tar vlrma.+l7.l
Philzulelphla Marken+.
l'itit.APEmmt.t, September 12.
Flour market dull Small rales superfine at fF76. 7,541 ,
extras at $7,7ad8.25 North NV. , %lern extra Loftily at 69;
Penna. ditto at 610,f25,3 10,15 Rye Flour lum at :1;'!."i
and Corn Meal al $1,75,
Wheat 'se tting at ry2,05 , u,2,10 for new met 62,15/4.2,W
for old red; white rows front to lilt. Corn dull at
95 etc. for y Rye cam ruands 61 it 1,0.1. Oats dal
tUt to 50 11n
Clov e r Howl &MO.,' to Szt er.e Timothy wzmt,tl at
$3 , and Mare St,d, at $3,2,5
Whisky genii shm ly at i' , 2,21r for o ,
Philadelphia Stock -Market
StoPks spratly. Pa. fives, 90; Morris Canal, e.!, I,lllltr
Iteadlng 531, Penna. It. IL, Gilllll, 'Ex'
clam in New York par. _ 4'4
. _
slew abbertiseinntts.
L 1 tice is hereby gr, I'o that Letterl el Adminitgratittn
ON the Estate. of Joluegon J Campbell, lute of Fannett
dee'd, bare been granted to the tuttler,igned.
All persons knowing thent‘elve.s indebted to mil Estate
will pima, make intratoliate payment ; and those has ing
dainty prebenttloun properly authenticated thrbettletnent.
A. W. CAMPBELL \ tln 'r
„ .
PRIVATE SALE.—The under,igned, agent for the
heirs of Matthew MoKee. decd, odors at Private Sale,
the " WOODSTOCK MILLS," ittiated in Green town.
slap, Franklin county, ru. The property rontaiun abogt
15 ACRES of land, loin a two story Stone told Weather.
boarded GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, an excellent We
story BRICK ROUSE, o story Weatberboarded House,
MillerVllonee and other intprovementh thereon erected.
The Mill le in good n pair. The a :tor post er one of the
best on the creek.
Possession given immediately. ''ems easy.
JOHN R. ORR, ANant for Pelee
S 5 Snip Bean,
Wa ,, hed
2-00! Unv. ashed Wovl
.... 4 0(1
iteW abertisenttnto.
pTIBL I C -SeIIOOLS.-Thi3 Public
Schools fat the Borough of Chambersburg, will oPeh
pn Monday. the ISM day of Srprember. Scholars trill to.
port to their former Schools, except those from Broad
Street School, who will report to the Secretary for as.
The attention of Parents Is ealleato the following Act of
Assembly, passed on the 27th day of April, 1F.25:
SEcTioN 5. Act N 0.42, Page Ci, I'amphlet Laws for
1:4r5. That the WOrtiS " above the age of Bee and un
der twenty-one years." in the: twenty-thinl section of the
act of the eighth of May, A.D., 1h54, relative to the regu
lation and continuance of n system of education by COM
mon Schools, be M. changed as to read between the ages
of six and twenty-one years."
. It will thus be seen that no child under nix years of age
can be admitted into the Public Schools of this Common
It is to be hoped that Parents will observe this Act of
Assembly, and thereby save the Directors tho unpleas
ant duty of rending home all children tinder six, years of
alre. By order of the Board of DireetouL
sepl3 J. N. SNIDER, Secretary.
Hat and Cap, at ROSS',
1 at - ROSS'.
IN "Re & Shirt," ojvasite 'Brown's Hotel,"
_Lk). good fitting Collar. -
A large lot at ROSS'.
and 'Keiebiers at ' • ROSS'.
and runny Ganda, at ROSS'.
Shirts, ROSS'.
men! of - Gents Wmr.
.1.1 while you can be suppliettliy ROW
styles at - ' ROSS'.
_EL t•u‘ite Brown's Hotel.
OO Bushels best qtiality PLASTER
ER'S HAIR., at TEN CENTS per lansbel,
Roxbury - , Franklin County. Pa.
6, cale by
k pia ht
- x - r 0 1.0 E.—The subscribers to the
-L Chamber, barg Library Association will meet at the
Prothonotary's otlice, on Saturday, the if gh inst., 7 o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of organizmg the association.
itereby given that Letteri Testamentarytothe Estate
of George Shepler, late of Mereersbnrg, deo - d, have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persns' ,
knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
u iii pluase make untnediate payment; and thisse having
Plains present them properly authenticated for.settlemerit
set l;i ELIZABETH SIIE.PLER, Berx. •
received and opening at
A. J. & 11. M. WHITE'S
(IENTS' Prilmsunc`c, coons,
jrist received at
VALUABLE FARM.—By order of tbq
Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pd., will be sold
at Public Sale. on the premises, on irrdniMay. the 4th V
Orrober. 1565, the PAR]f belonging to the Estate of Nan•
cy K. Cars4m, deed. situated two miles South-West
Mercer:burg, containing 137 ACRES of fitiibrate
adjoining lauds of Adauf &M. Hoke and ethers. On the
premises are a nOver-failing Stream of Water, Bank Barn,
STONE 'HOUSE: Wagon Shed and corn Crib. Also, a
fiat-rate Apple Orchard. More than one-half of the Fen
cing is Locust Post and Chestnut Rail.
Ake. Id•the ,tute time and place, TWO TRACTS OF
tau and three mile,“d' the farm.
Terms. as preseribett by the , Court: Oue•half on the
first tiny of April. IFtdl, and the balance itt three equal an•
stile intytuents, with interest.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Perst - ins wislong to view the premises oan call en the
tenant or Janes 0. Carson, of AfercersburEr.
sept.l3.4t. THOMAS CARSON, Ailm'r.
SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Public Sole;
on the premises, ou Tkorsday, the 12th day of October,
at one I'. M.. when the terms will be made known,
their FARM, situate on the road lending from 'Chambers
burg to Brough's Mill, about one mile from the former
'place, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY
ACRES, about two-tldrds of the very test quality of
Luriestone land, the balance Tumbling Stone dud Slate.
The improvements consist of a good two story BRICK
HOUSE. a very large Stone and Brick Bank Barn, near
ly new, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and all necessary out
buildings. a Well of excellent Water and Cistern at the
door; and un ORCHARD of choice Fruit in good bearing
Also—tit the same time and place, Acill . ba offered A
TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, situate in liamilton
township, opposite Walk's BIM, containing about FIF
Yerllollg wishing to view the premises can dose by call
ing on Peter Brindle, residing therein, or either of the, an
sepl3-ig H. M. WILPFE.
SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale,
his4PARM, Situated in Lm - gan township, Franklin coon.
ty, Pa., adjoining lauds of John E. and John M'Clay,
Daniel Clippinget, Joseph - Mowers. rd others. near the
Concslog r.t
ninett creek, and aboutsrites from Shippens•
burg, containing 065 ACRES of WA SLATE LAND,
well limed. 70 acres of this tract - is well TIMBERED,
2.7 acres in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of
cultivation, all in 'excellent order and well fenced. The
shrove Farm will he equally divided and sold separately.
Thu Improvements on the cue tract are a two storied log
feet long, wagon shed anstall other necessary and conven•
lent out-buildings. There is a Well of • never failing Wa
ter at the door. There is a good TENANT HOUSE, on
the Second tract with a well - of Water convenient lathe
House, and all accessory out-buildings. There is an Or
chard of choice fruit on both of the above tenons.
. .
Personitiiishing to vinn- the Pane can do so by calling
a the milywriber, In Ilturtjltou towrltip, or on John
Tl'Clay, attlomingthe Farm.-
the ntx,se Panri is not wild by Private Sale, on or
before l'hursday, the sth • day of October, it will on that
.la - oIT prod at Public Sale, at 1 o'clock, P. M. if not
sold on that day, it nil be rented. Possession given on
the I , t April, icsti. (sept.-sti JOHN ZOOS.
in the Post Oflice at Charnbersburg, State of Penn
sylvania. September 12th, 1865.
To obtain any of these Lettere, the applicant meat
call for "advertised Letters," give the date 0111135115 t, and
pay two cents for advertising.
Barton Belch Goldsmith J
Bearer Jacob Golden Capt J C
Ilitiingor Jos 9 - Hartz Miss Susan
Boyer 9 Hall William
Brown James ilez Mies Etri - nia
liumbaughliirsA2 Hess Abner
Burkholder Abra Hemphill Alex
Clover Jacob Horner William
Cunningham Win Hooper Clement
Damn J Hooter Sarin It
Irvin Gi , •orge
Jitekßon CLnrlea
Jones Cliurles
Denton Jni, fl
Dick Capt J L
Doyle Juo B
Duffield Junes '2
Lindtoy Mr%
Ili:annoy Miss B
Mulut Evelio° col
Erhard Mib4 Aliee
George Hiram
Gill Mrs Ebro%
1 NEAL ESTATE.—Ieh! pursuance of an order of
the Court of Common Plgys of Franklin county, I will sell,
nn the premises, in Letterkenny township, Franklin cana
ry, on Saturday, the 30th day of Sqtembor, 1865, the
FARM owned by John Stickler and Abraham Salim,
d,•e'd containing Two Hundred and Forty-Nino Acres
net One Hundred and Fifteen Perches. This land is in
emsl order, and has on it a good DWELLING ROUSE,
a mind Barn, and other convenient itnd necessary out
:budding,. There is a large and never-failing Spring of
excellent Water between the House and the Barn. Tbis
„property is a most tie,irable one, and the titleindisputa.
flr A small Dower interest, due to the Widow of
Abraham Sahm, le 'd, will remnin in the Farm. The
halaiwe or the Pureintse Meney NI 111 ho paid as follows :
dl 000 on the day of sale, and the remainder en the lot of
pprd,looo, when pesse,sion and a Deed will be given the
purchaser, To persons wishing to invest 'money, in land,
this is a desirable olninee.
Penna . 's wishing to view the property prerelosa to the
dad• of sale, wilt be accommodated by calliug on John
Shebter, at bit residence, or on Susannah Sabin, on the
a' Sale to commence ar 1 o'clock; p.m.
rfigb Sheriff of Franklin County, Pa-
ft,!l! c,i4bertioements.
The undersigned willover at radio Sale, on the
premises, on • Saturday' do 7th day o a f October, ISdS, the
following Real Estate, via: about 181 ACRES of extol
lent Slate Land, situated in Hamilton township, one mile
4 .4tg
_from Cliambemborg,_ on the S burg Road. The im
provement ore a Loe.uottan, Rain tualrotber out
buildings. Thetas a well of water at the houseand
oboire rttlit on the premises. ' is a desirable tract of
land, being highly improved and, ell fenced.
Sale at t o'clock; when the tenns will be made known.
PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold b 3• Pub
lie Sale, on the premises, en 'Wednesday, the 20th
inst., at 2 o'clock A LOT OP GROUND, containing
about U ACRES, situated ttru mud a'belf miles west of
Chambersborg, on the Turnpike. A large part of the
ground =teamed a year since. The flue vanety of Apple,
Peach, Cherry. and Pm Treea in tbrivin,g condition,
and its I.ln/stimitY to town, make it a desirable location for
any one diersed to engage in raistng vegetables and
fruit far the Chambershaeg m ar k e t
Terms made known on - day of Sale by
sepl3.2t • A. WELVIALK
at FREY & FOLTZ'S cheap Store, 2nd Street, 5 doors
South of the Market Muse, -
W IRE -B HATS ' of ,every shape and style for
Young men, Old men; Rich men, Poor men-; Big Men,
Little men ; High men, Low men, and at High prices or
Low prices. Also,
Every ascription of FUR, WOOL, BEAVER AND
FELT HAT S. Call and examine mu. new Stock of
LEG GOODS. By following the direction of the big bills
pasted everywhere, you cannot mil to find the House.
5 doors South of Market Bonen.
The undersigned will offer at Public Sale; on the
premsles, on Friday, the Zth, day of 'September, IeSS, the
following Real Estate, to wit about 21 ACRES of excel
lent LINESTONE LAND, situated in Guilford town
ship, at New Franklin, adjoining Heirs of ,Ino. Renfrew,
Flares and Sno. Duffield, and others. The improve
ments are a two-storied LOG HOUSE, Weatherboarded
Kitchen, LOG BARN, in good repair, and other nec
essary out-buildings. Their is also a variety of FRUIT
TREES on the premises and a cistern at the house, and
one at the Barn for watering stock. Thik, is the most
Productive land in Franklin- county, and , is only offered
for sale on account of the owner living in the West.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the terms will be
Made known: [sepl3.3Vl ELIZABETH FEEL.
MRIISTEE'S SALE.—The undersigned,
Trustee, appointed by the Orphans', Court of the
County of Franklin, will sell at Public Sale, on Saturday,
the 21st day of October new, the following described Real
Estate of Christian Royer, late of Antrim township, deed,
situate on the Chamberaburg and Greencastle road. about
one mile and a half from Greencastle, containing FIFTY
measure, bounded by lands of A. Flemming, Jl2O.
seeker, Jacob Grove and others, having thereon erected a
good BRICK DWELLING; a Bank Barn, Spring house,
with a Well of good Water near the door, a good Hog-
Pen, all new and in excellent repair. Thera is also on
the premises a YOUNG ORCHARD bearing choice fruit.
The property is in good repair, lea fine state of onitiva
lion and near market, making it a very desirable prop-
slahlns to vie* the property can do so by call
ing on the undersigned, living adjoining the farm.
Sale to commence en Riad day at one o'clock, when at
tendance will be given and the terms make known, by
septa , CHRISTIAN ROYER,- Trustee.
dersigned will sell at Public Outcry, on the premises,
on Wednesday, the 4th of October nor; a TRACT OF
LAND, situated in Guilford township, Franklin county,
adjoining lands of Thaddeus Stevens, Henry George and
others, containing about 149 ACRES. There are over 100
Acres cleared and in good farming order, most of it clear
ed - within the last 7 yearn. A small portion of it is Lime
stone Land, the lcilnuce Sand Stone. The improvements
area good two-storied ERICK DWELLING HOUSE,
good Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed with 2 Corn Cribs,
Carriage House and all necessary out buildings. There
are TWO YOUNG ORCHARDS of good Fruit on the
place, and a well of excellent, neverlalling Water near
the House, a good Cistern at the House, and alsoone near
the barn. There are about 30 Acres of excellent PINE
TIMBER LAND on the place, among the best Timber to
be found iu the county, and there is good IRON ORE on
a considerable portion of the farm. Possession will be gi
ven on the Ist of April neat, or as soon as sold if desired.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when the
terms will be made known by
sepl343t . JAMES M. 'RENFREW.
XI/ TATE.—In pursuance °Mlle last will and testament
of Daniel Conrad, late of Peters township, Franklin coun
ty, Pa., there will be exposed to Public Sale. on the pre
-raises, an Saturday, October 7th, 18th, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following propertY, to wit: The FARM of said dece
dent, lying-along the Cove Gap Road, 3. mile tram Cove
Gap, adjoining lands of Wm. Wolford and Geo. Cromer
on the west, David Unger's - heirs on the north, and others
on the east, containing 187 ACRES, with the allowance,
of Sand . and Clay land. About 140 acres are cleared and
in a pretty good state of cultivation; 18 acres in Meadow,
and more Meadow Land can be made; the residue covered.
with valuable Timber. The Improvementslionsist of a
good two-storied Log and Weatherboard DWELLING
HOUSE and Kitchen; Smoke House and Granary, with
Cellar under it, In - the yard near the Dwelling; a good
Frame Barn, and all necessary out-buildings; %good Cis
tern, and a Well of Water convenient to the house. There
is also on the premises a fine young - APPLE ORCHARD,
of choice trees, with a variety of other Fruits, such as
Plum, Pear, Cherry, &c. A fine large stream of water
runs through the limn, to which particular notice is called.
The stream posses through the barn-yard, snaking It con
venient for watering stock. A lane extends through the
farm connecting with all the fields.
The above farm will be divided to suit purchasers, if
not sold in a body. If not sold on said day, it will be of
fered for rent. Persons wishing^ to view the property can
do so by calling on the premises.
sepl3-4t - DANIEL CONRAD, Executor.
SALE—ADJOURNED SALE—By virille of an
order of the Orphans' Cont. of Franklin county, the tinder
signed, Administratorof the estate of Rev. Joseph Clark,
deceased, will sell by public outcry. on the premises, on
TEMBER, AT TEN oZtocK, A. M., the (Whining describ
ed property ;
I. The Lot and Dwelling House of the late Rev. Joseph
Clark, situate on Broad skeet, Chambersburg, and run
mug to the Cumberland Valley Railromi. the lot con
tains about one acre, and in good condition, with trees,
fruit, &c., planted and growing Well. The House is a
Info - story-and-a-half cottage building, constructed of
Brick, in the best style, well Anished and admikisbly ar
ranged throughout It is one of the snort commodious and
comfortable dwellings in Chambersburg.
2. A Lot containing nearly one acre, adjoining the dwel
ling !noise on the south, fronting on Broad street and run
ning to the Railroad. It adjoins the Planing Mill on the
north. " .
3. A Lot of Ground' adjoining the mansion property on
the north. fronting on Broad street and running to the Rail.
road, with a xm4lt two-story BRICK HOUSE thereon
4. A Lot fronting on the Railtoad, and adjoining the lot
last above described, with a small frame house thereon
5. A Pasture Lot containing about one acre, fronting on
Blond street, adjoining lots of T. B. Kennedy and others.
Possession of the above properties will be if i v e u
on the let of April next, excepting the unimproved lots,
of which possession will be, , given immediately.
Terms trill be made known on day of sale by
A. K. 31'CLUBB:-.
sepl3 Adm`r of Jcieph Clark, deed.
Pr A. Z.tratAN, Auctioneer.
.1. The undersigned, Executor of William Christ,
deed, will offer at Public. Sale, on the premises, on Fri
day, the tith day of October, 18 , 65, the following desirable
Real Estate, to wit A TRACT OF SLATE LAND,
situated in Antrim township, lying between the St. Thom
as Road and the Rorki leading to Nave's Saw Mill—about
two and a•half miles from 'Greencastle, two and a•half
miles from Stitzel's Mill, and two miles from Rankin's
Mill, (natant log 187 ACRES, Pert)" Acres of which are
well Timbered; n large portion Meadow, and the balance
in a good state of cultivation. The Improvements are is
Two-Storied LOG ROUSE, Log Earn, and other Our.-
'Buildings. There is a Well of good Water at the Dwel
ling, and good running Water from Springs through the
Farm for watering stock. There is, tilso,_a young Or
-client of choice Fruit Trees on the premises.- •
LIP' Sale to commence at d o'clock, F. M. when the
terms will be made known.
Also—there wilthe offered, art Saturday, October 7tk.
!AM ACRES OF SLATE LAND, siruate in Montgom
ery township, on Dun's (lap Road, about seven allies from
Mercersbnrg, adjoining made of Jacob - Martin and others.
Fifty Acres of the above Tract are in Timber; a large
part in good Meadow, and the balance In a high state of
cultivation. The improvements are a large, tut-storied
er Ont-Buiidings. There is an excellent Spring of Water
near the Dwelling, anti a large Orchard of choice Fruit
Trees on the premises, such as Apple, -Peach, Pear,
Plumb, Cherry, &c, This Farm is well adapted, and ad
vantageously located for raising Stock, &e. Licking
Creek runs through this Farm, and has on it, belonging
to the Estate, a good SAW MILL.
Er Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. when the
terms will be made known.
sepl3.4t, . GEORGE S. CRUST, Ex'r.
PUBLIC SALE!—Tke subscriber will
sell, by Publiegale,nt Welsh Run, onc•fourth of a
milelrom Bowie's ore, on: Friday, Me f...2d 4 0 8 , nJ Sr/I
/ember, 1065, the followihg PER.SVAL FIGH'EfrfY, to
1 Horse ; 2 311Ich Cows, both of which are fresh; 1
Fat Hog ; 1 Sleigh and Tongue ; 1 Wheeibarn, ; 1 set
a flue Harness; strings of Bells ; 1 extra Saddle;
Bridles and Halters; Forks, Rakes, Shovels; Sc. Also,
IIAY BY, THE TUN ; Corn by the lnultel ; Potatoes in
the ground ; 3 barrels Flour ; sae and a-half hands Vin
egar ; Lard by the Pound ; Applebutter by the gallon; 1
new Stir-Net; a lot of Bags. so. Al.t . a quantity- of
LUMBER, Flumes and Boards; %CM Palings; Wood by
'the cord ; 500 cwt. °lead; Axe, Saw and Buck, Se, &e,
Also, a largi and well selected variety of Household
Goods. embracing, in part, 1 set of rine Chandter (Walnut)
Furniture, including Marble-Top Dressing Bureau and
Wash Stand, Bedstead, Wardrobe, Itoektng and other
Chairs, and. a full 'set of Chamber W.'; ; 1 Sofa; 1 Secs
rotary; 1 Centre Table; 1 Extension Din i ng
T able uc ; k l .
;Cherry do. ; 3 Bedsteads; 3 flail It at ,
er's patent Spring for Bedstead; 1 sot of Cherry Cane.
Bottom Chairs; 1 set Walnut do. 3 Rocking Chairs; 1
pair Venitian Blinds; 1 pair of Oil do. ; 1 set of Book
Shelves; 100 yards new Carpeting; 30 yawl Oil Cloth
do., two yards wide ; 40 yards of Como 'Malting ; one ex
tra Cook Stove and `Fixtures ; I Parlor Cued Stoves and
Pipe; 2 new Ten-plate Stoves With Dean and Pipe ;1 ex
tra Kitchen Cupboard ;1 large Iron Kettle; two Kettle
Racks; a lot of good Crocks, Barrels, Tubs, Benches, and
Ta b les , end a great variety of KiO•hen Utensils, nut nee•
essary to - enumerate.
Sale to commence at } '
clock, A. 31., precisely ,
on said dui': when the terms will be made known.
More J P
Potts James
Sankey Cyrus
Sley Charles
Sharp Mrs Rebee
Shout James
Smith jno U B 2
Snider MiseMaryJ
Snively Upton 1.3
Snyder Thomas
Stewart Win W
Thacker Miss Liz
Tanner Milton
Wentling Jacob B
Wise S W
lgini MN Mary
Weans Daniel H
J. W. DEAL, P. M
At the same time will be offered my FARM. consisting
or 130 ACRES of excellent LDIESTONE LAND, In a
hint gate of eulttvatien. Thirty acre , or the aboVe are
well Timbered, The Improvements are .1. No. 1 DWELL
ING HOUSE, Malt in modern style, In o stories high,
with ten large rooms, Slate root, with nu excellearvllar
nailer the whole house; a new Frame and Steno Darn:
60 ft. long, with 4 large stables, two feeding moms, and a
mom for Farming implements; a good of water; two
large cisterns winch held from '73 to 100 hogsheads of 'Wa
ter ; Ice house and other buildings. The can
have immediate posseNsion. with the core fodder on the
farm, and other conveniences
eepaot DR. JOD N S. ANGLE.
~,,- ~...
-. A* ,P. bcgtanAn‘tif,,
NoinICE --Whereas my wife Mary Eliz
lux& %Goa has left my- bed and based *MOM
Jost ceose,l hereby etudes all pelletal bast llattoshit or
trastlbg, te e , el l my =omit, r pill pay no debts of '
her Coub'ssdng. Issepl.33el JOHN -GLEE/301t
The undersigned, Administrator with the will an
nexed of John Spitzer, deed, will after at Public, Sale,
on the premises, on Friday, the `.nth of September, 19WN:
the fallowing Re z a Estate at said deed, ocmsistinger TWO
PAR3iS, situ tee in Dublin township, Runtlegdea emm
ty, Pa., lille-half mile East of Burnt Oaths:
Tract No. 1, contains 179 AMES'of Land In &elucistate
nrcultiyation. About 35 Acres is well
The Improvements are a DOUBLE LOG DWELLING
MUSE, Log Bap, Large Promo Stable and Core Cribs,
\Yeah 'louse Spring Reuse and never failing spting near
the door, and an Apple Orchard.
Tract No. 2, E_scining above, containing one hun
dred twenty ACRES of Land, in good staid of cultivation.
About Ta Acres is well TIMBERED. The improvements
Spring of Water near Dwelling, and aw Apple Orchard.
The above properties will be sold seperately or to
gether, to snit purchasers.
Thkabove Panne lie within one mile edam late surrey
or the Southern Pella& Railroad.
. _
Possession given on the first day of Apr neat
Saloatune o'clock P. M. Terms made known at Sale.
JAMES CREE, Administrator
seplaati with the will Annexed ofJohnSpftter, deed_
SAW MILL FOR SALE.--The Administrator of
the estate of Rev. Joseph Clark, deed, will join the own
ers of the other undivided interests OF ALL THE REAL
LER, CLARK, & CO., and expose to sale, sotto to girt
full and ornspfere poismion and title, on THURSDAY,
M., on the premises, the following REAL AND PER
Ist. A LOT OF GROUND in Chambersburg, close to
the Cumberland Valley Railroad, with connecting track,
on which is erected a Frame PLANING AND SAW
MILL, with all the necessm - machinery for manufacturing
all articles usually manufactured in Inch establishments,
and a good steam•power capable of driving all the =chi
inery in the mill and a in good otter.
All the worked and nn-worked LUIERRIL AND
MATERIAL of all kinds on hand at the MILL This eat;
braces a largo assortment of cut Lumber and Logs, mak
ing a complete stock for supplying everything In the line
of business.
3rd. A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining the mm proper
ty', fronting on Broad street and running to the Cumber
land Valley Railroad, containin about one acre.
4th. A TRACT OF T LAND, purchased froin
Mr. Geo. W. Immell, adjoining lands of Jacob Wales,
Jacob Lehman and Samuel Mellinger, in Guilfdrd town
ship, about three miles from Chambersburg, containing
20 acres and 95 perches, Fart of this tract is covered with
very tine Oil: timber.
sth. A TRACT OF LAND purchased from Michael
Diehl, situate in Antrim townsbtp, adjoining lands of M.
Diehl, Col. D. 0. Gebr and Mrs. Beaty, containing Aileen
acres. This tract is covered with very superior OAK TIM.
BER and is very valuable.
6th. A TRACT OF MOUNTADI LAND, situate to
Hamilton township, adjoining lands of Mr. Snyder and
others about 8 miles West of Chambershurg, containing pa
acres. This tract hag been but a Within a few yeah,
and is now growing up with fine Chestnut timber.
ith.„ . EIGHT HORSES, three Wagons, Gems, Chains,
Bth. ,A LOT OF GROUND fronting on Broad dret
mid riming to the Railroad, adjeiningpropetV td' de
m:lent on the North, with a doubkt - MO.STORY
FRAME House good stabling, corn-crib &0., thereon
erected. The house is afnite large enough for two families.
9th. A LOT OF GROUND fronting on Broad street,
and running south to an aitley, with a TWO-STORY
BRICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected.
rEP Possession will be given of all the aboveproperty
immediately upon the purchaser or purchasers complying
with the terms of sale.
f The entire business portion of Chambersburg was
burned by the rebels, and is now being rebuilt rapidly
and in very good style , It offers the best opening for en.
terprisi:ng reeehantes or buil der s to condusi the business of
a Planing and Sam-Mill of any toms in the State. -
T EBBS OP SALE,—Ten per cent. of the purchase money
must be paid when the property is sold; the residue of
oue.half of the purchase money must be paid when pos.
session is given, or secured . by notes acceptably endorsed
at sixty days and tour months, and the other half to be
paid in two equal annual payments with interest from
date of sale; and to be secured by judgment on the prop.
erty. A. IC M'CLIIRR,
Adm'r. of Rev. Jos. Clark, dec,d
A. K. M'CLURE, Agent.
F. A. &MILAN . , Auctioneer.
Legal itatices.
Aid terested will please take notice., that the foll owin g
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Iteg's
Office of Franklin County and that the same will be pre
sented to the Orphans%Court for confirmation, on Tuesday,
the 3d day of October, 1865, in Chambersbruw:
144. The acct. of W. W. Britton and John R. Waist,
Adm'rs D. B. N. C. T. A. of Jacob Iteesp, late of Letter.
Penny twp., decid.
145. The acct. Of John Adams, Adm'r of John Gilbert,
late of Washington twp., d
146. First and final acct.?herd. F. Mend, Guardian of
*S G
*Samuel . Cro ft , minor oh of Rupley G. Cro ft , late of
• Chatataushurg, dec'd.
147. The acct. of Thomas Pawling. Guardian of Mary
C. Mitchell, minor child of Geo. Mitchell, of Antrim twp.
148. Final Amt. of Wm. Allison, Adra'r. of ames Alli
son, late of Antrim township, dedd.
30 1 ,6 11. EiTBICKLER, Register.
tice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration
en the Estate of John Shirts, late of Mereembrag, deed,
have been granted to the undersigned,
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated Ihr settlement:
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
on the Estate of Adam 3thtmert, late of Peters township,
deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and Those having
ch‘imspresontthem properly , authenticated for settlement.
-4.1 hoe is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on,the..Estate of Teems Stewart, late of Antrim townsbip,
decd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselvesindebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
ang3o t MARY ANN STEWART, Adm'rx.
hereby given thatLettera Testamentary totheEstate
of Dr. Samuel D. Culbertson. late of Chambersburg,.
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
Alf persons knowing themselves indebted to maid Estate
will please make immediate payment; -and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
sep6 T. B. KENNEDY.
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es
fate of George Briggs, late of Peters township; have been
granted to the undersigned
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
angl6 JOHN HOLLAR, Rx'r.
personal trod *deo.
at Chccuipions Bazarr, No. 11% Race Street
Will be sold each Wednesday and Scuardaytkoneghost
de wag' of &Amber, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
Tkese Mules are nearly allfirg Class, and In good Cep
dition, being sold only for want of use.
Every facility will be afforded, fur an examination, on
the oars of bajeta.
Terms Cult in Government Funds. •
Capt. and A. Q, 11..
whirl - Is doing a good business, is offered for sale. • For
particulars address
SALE.—One hundred shares of the FOR
for sale, in lots to enit purchasers, Apply at the htkrOet
svitr Oftlee. aug234f
HAY P R E - S S E B.—Three Hand Hay
Presses, in good order, for Sale cheap. • -
jelyl9-11 (.4EO. A. DEITZ; Chambersburg, Pa.
Hagerstown linraid copy et, charge REPOSITORY.
FOR SALE.—A full course Scholarship
lathe Quaker City Balsam& College of Philadelphia
Apply at thie office. Feeig•
Itosst, *tolen anb *trawls.
..LA Certificate No. /283, extra dividend of 1859, In the
accumulated capital of Penn Mutual Life humrance Co.,
imued in the name of J. L. Sne
Application him been made fur cert.:llllmM.
septtl.tit SA3WEL S. fIRPOCR, Agent.
ESTRAY.--Came to the premises of the
subscriber, on the pike 1 mile west of lowa, In . July
lum. ItED COW. The owner is hereby notilledtacome
and prove property and pay charges or keeping, sr she
will be dealt with according to law.
STRAY BULL.—Came to the prexeises
of the subscriber in Metal township, two miles south
'ot Fannettsburg, about the middle of May bud; o'BULL
CALF, about te, mouths old. The owner is e*lstneated to
prove property, pay (barges and take him espy.
aug3dall ' JACOB w HALL\
. A rr. UNION STAGE LlNES.—Throughtaruutt
ly 5i.;50., Good stages—cared drivers. Stags' /or"
Mt. Union. daily fur Shade Gap at 2 o'clock, P.-K, mu.
king connection at Shade Gap with Chatnberslultgatagea
n Vuefday, Thursday, and Saturday. Alto.. - Naves
Charithersburg for dft. Union at 7, A . M., on these =rt. 1 ,
-Stage Officer in Chambersbure Baturra
R. R. gIitAXER, Proprietor;
Siam: GAP, Mgt*, 9181734 r ••• - •
Stemsiliget , form-07 WSW..
amumEters, FMADSTOATA &e , ”
Doll ManneseiwirYD erred in tbe beet dyfe' tted of the W t wi