tin' of eraliel. pENNRYLVANIA RAILROAD WENTER MEE WU& Frvz THINS DAILY CO alla frma lu a ie r ido caul Pittararg. Con;and after Monday. 0 n t, 0 6 4 , 7 :310, 1864, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania BaltroalComrcmy will depart from 'nazis burg arid =ire at Pllladelfb_la ared Pittsburg as follows: ASTWARD: THROHGEIEXPRESSTRALN leaves Harrisburg dai ly at 2,0 A. AL, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 X. S PAST . UNE leaves Harrisburg day (except Monday) at UP a. N., and mires at West Philadelphia at 12.40 P. M. raAfipllgPlS take breakfast at Lancaster. MA/1 TR&LY Imes Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1.30 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5: 35 P. M. PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris• burg dala (except Sundays ) at 11.55 P. M., and arrives at West P delPlua at C.% A. It. 'HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. st., and ar il", at West Philadelphia at Pai P. H. This trate Am Ito Bonner ion. the Wert. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leavesHar. Ashur); daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. It., and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 .e. connecting (except on Monday) with the Fast Line atm. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris• burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 A. M., Altoona 6.50 A. at:, take breakfast, and afrivo at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRALS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 125 A. 31.: Altoona 8.15 A. M., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. 3f. THROUGH EXPRESS leave.sliarrisburg daily at 3.. 25 A. M., Altoona at gar, A. M., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. M. PAST LUST leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) - id 4.00 P. X: Altoona at 0.10 P. M., take supper. and ar ri s es at Pitnibrug at •2.00 A. M. MAIL TRALlVleaves Harrisburg daily (except San day) at L4O P. M.: Altoona at 7.55 P.. 34.. take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMIODATIONwest leaves Lan. mister at 11. 2 .1) A. 31., connecting there with the 'Mail west: leaves Mount Joy at 11.31 A. It, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. 3t. . SPECIAL 7s.:OTIOE THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 P. Itu stops there, passengers fur East of liarrisharglay orer un til 11.55 P. )L SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov9 Sari't Middle Div. PeDlla. R. R. XTORTHERN CENTRAL :RAILWAY FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Trains Daily to end from Baltimore and Warhington City. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to anti from Pittsburg and the }feat. POUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Braneh Susquehouno, Elmira and all of Northern New York. :he and after_ Monday, Oct. 17th, 1064, the Passenger :Trains of the Northers Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (eicept Sunday) /0:25 A.N. leaves Harrisburg P.ll. arrives at Baltimore .1:40 EX PRESS TRAlNlcaves Sunbury daily (ex -rept Sunday) leaves liar r sburg (except ‘,t Monday) ' 2:50 A.3L arrives at Baltimore 7:00 AAL HARRISBURG ACCO3LMODATION leaves - Harrisburg SUNBURY Accommonatios leaves Sun bury daily (ex. Sunday)... PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves - Sunbmw daily (ex. Sunday) 9:05 P.M. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) leaves Harrisburg;. arrives at Sunbury 405 PAL EXPRESS TRAIN leavesl3altimore daily... 9:30 arrives at Harrisburg 1:50 A.M. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. cept :Monday) arives at Sunbury• ERIE EXPRESS TRAD.: leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at.. •• leaves Harrisburg ,built' (ex cept Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury at . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimoredally(ex.Sloaday 3:(S) P.M. arrives at Harrisburg at:.... 7:30 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATIONIeaves Han risbarg daily (ex. Sunday). COO P.m _ The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points, Mail and Express trains ran through to Elmira. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl• canitt Railroad Depot. -ort°ti•64 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—Thi< great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. J. N. DuBARRY. Gen : Styr If has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by theta. Its entire length wan opened I'm pass,nrer and freight business, October 17th. Id 34. TIME OF' PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG = Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation LEAVE WESTWARD, Mail Tr4iii ' L Lock Haven Accommodation, Passenger Cars run through on Mall Train, 'without change beth ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Carson Mail Train both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven. and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. Tor information respecting Passenger basiness apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents 4 S. B. RD:GgiON , Jr., Cur. 13th and ilaiketla. J. W. RgssoLns, Erie. W3t. BROWN. Agent N. C. R. R.. Baltimore, Md. H. H. HOUSTON, ^t Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. GWL , ,7 4 .:ER, Gen. Tiehet Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Manager, Williamsport. MD CUMBERLAND VALLEY 6,7, FRANK RAILROADS.—CLUNGE OF gOURS.— On and after Monday, October 31, le4, Passenger Trains will run daily, as followe , ..(SundaY6 exeePtea,. FOR CHADHIERSBURG A.:;;D HARRISBURG Leave Efagerstevra ..... " Oreeneastle / (Arrive at (Thambersbarg Leave at. Leave Shippensburg Newville Carlisle fall 10:10 •x:46 Meebauitzburg , 7:03 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Harrisburg 7:30 11:15 3:45 , FOR CHAMIBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Harrisburg . " lifeckuutiesburg.. Carlisle " Nearville " Shippinsburg.... Arrive attbansbentburg Leave Cbanabersburg Greencastle . Arrive at Hagertenm Making oldie eonneetions at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. The Train leasing Harrisburg at 4:15 P. St 1 / ,sans only as tar as Carlisle. .. 0. LULL. Supt. R. B. °thee, Chamb'g, Oct. 31, 18f4 _ *abblerti anti Ramesss. QADDLERY! REMOVAL!! L) JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement revel. ved from them heretofore, and be would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing bolas line, to give him a call at his new stand, on Main Street, on the same site occupied by him previous to the fire, where be keeps constantly on band every variety of SADDLE. RY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and be is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competi tion. Every• article offered for sale is warrented to be made,. of the best materiol and by competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated on an examination there of. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also call the attention of persons wanting a good, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assnrbnent. npring ADDLERS' HARDWARE.—C. 11. 1:01VIXIN has just purrltased in the East a large stock or SADDLERS' HARDWARE comistwg Rackets, Rings, Rifts, flames, Bridle Fronts, Tact, Itle: eta, Rosettes, SwireLs, Pad Screws, Gig Trees, Nam, trimmedund lull-plate self-adjusting Trees, Patent awl Enamellal Leather, Saddlers' Patent Leather Col lars, Ornaments, Girth and Rein Web; Cock-eyes, Thread, Trunk, Nails, Neck Protectors, &e., which he invites !Toddler's and others to eatl and examine, and which will be mid at low rates. 11. GORDON HAS ON HAND A large assortment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bri. dies, Halters. flux, - Round.,Bridles. Wagon, Carriage and Linen Nets of all kinds. iron sl,oo to $7.00; 'Curry Combs, Horse Cards. Mane Combs, Bnisties, 'Horse Boots, Cow Hides, and many other articles not necessary to eon. inemte. p g MOVAL.—C. H. GORDON has 're- XL, mmlabiß SADMERY Siff )1' to the stand oxen• pied by him previous - to the fire. on 3 L STP.P.ET, a raw doors Sooth of Groenattalt's Hotel. 13oots anb *tots. REMOVED.—The undersigned has the pleasure of inf. elning ble oaf enwtomers and the pub lie generally, flout be has room., etl his BOOT Sr. SHOE STORE to the .IVcw &irk Bat!ding of Orange Ludwig, on sfulb Street, one door south of Greeoawalt's Hotel, at- ere he is now opening the large./ w,grtment of Boots veld Shoes ever bronglat to thecouot3. His stock embra• err every variety of Youth:, Ladles' and Men's BOOTS S. SHOES, which for style of finidt and durability of near. cannot be surpassed in file malty, and which will Le told at mices to suit the times. Hal ing purchased THE T..ITEgT . RTYLE OF LASTS. Ice is prepared to make Customer work, at short notiee, by the best workman In the county. With a disp.Stion to be obliging and ac. rommodallotite Lupins to merit a liberal share of pat ronage—without a drears to monopolize, as his motto is, in ury ember; calamity, to live And let lire. Particutor - attentioapafd lo all kinds of Repairing. T imms CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. OMMMM He hate also on hand, and for ode, ebenp, Trunks, Va .lLses, Carpet Stlh, Llnen nod Peter Collars., Pape Envelopes, Inkdennds Steel way 10 P. FELDMAN. N. B.—All-pornous lcsmyinir tlaqnselvee indebted win pleaee "ealland make immediate , Lettleinent, that I may be enabled to &get my former liabilitien in the City. THE GENTS' G LOVE-KID GAITER, with or without IluoltleA, ut : PAXTON'S. FINE STOCK OF HEAVY BOOTS, 4,4, 1 ,„ n d ,i, m4 }4.. In.r rmn.irooi at PAXTONI4 Brno ant latbitiAtic. HOW IS YOUR TOE.—Gota kote Corn hove you 1 No pence day or night Try u certaiu thing once.` You will he ready to double the price in an hour after thdng it. This article is only sold'uith a guar ant. that it will give ease quirk and remove n Corn o r Wart without pain. Prepared and sold only at NLXCIV Drug Store. 7.0 C LAX 7:30 A. 31 IF. Y 0 lI_IL.-IVE THE REBEL ITCH . : Or the Seven-Year Or any kind of Pelt, Tetter or RinglOorM, Pimple , or rely Ertiptiout., Use NIXON'S OINTMENT. `lra) t. 51 1.35 P.ll. 3.15 A.M. .1.53 A.M. IXON HAS ALWAYS ENI)EAVOR ,A. I 'b to have the hest of everything for his email:nett+. Hence Ilia Large roles 01 fine Perfumery, Soap: hair Oils and Toilet Articles. • lEEE 12:L 1.11 3 25 N. M ALMOST INSTANT RELIEF AF FORDED to those who suffer m ith Corns, by call ing. at NIXON'S. VARMERS,- STOCK OWNERS, AT- T ENTION!-o,e -Vitant'S Kam- and Cattle P,acd f and yon will see the improvement very 5000. . _ BRANDY AND WINE FOR 3LEDI to apply tor drinking. pur pare. At 1:40 t. 1:30 1•. M. 1:15 A. N 1:40 F. A. A NEW BRQOM SWEEPS CLEAN." new Flairl3nish ought to eleati well. Hymn want a good Ifoir llrre.h. go 6., NIXON'S.. V ENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY _IL Reeht's Crnup Syrup, Heltnbelara Extract Buchn, Ayers' Sannwarilla, Ayers Cherry Peetorahw Winslow' Soothing Syrup. . at SPANGLER'S. R .0 K ItOSE AT BIIRNETT'S COCOAINE, at SPANGLER'S. A. 31: P. 51. 7.00 ::45 ,7" 3.35 q:l7 4:9A) CHAMOIS SKI\S.•AT SP.A.NGLER'S. _ 8.30 1155 9:00 1 :12 00 711ERCHANT'S (lARGLING OIL, Al - SPANGLER'S. - IT'CAtISTER'S OITME r NT, iv .1 at SPA-Vial-Mt A.M. P.M. P.M. 8:05 1:90 4:15 8:97 2:20 4:50 9:27 2:58 5:15 10:02 3:34 - 10:33 4:04 11:00 9:35 11:10 , 4:45 11:55 5:35 12:35 6:15 PURE - LIQU-ORS, AT SPANGLER'S. -1113 RT AND COSTAR'S RAT E3TER -1) at` SPANGLED. S. COSTAR'S BED-BIIJ EXTERMINA TOR, at SPANGLER'S. 10Pit STARCH, FARINA AND CON eentrateti Lye, at SPANGLER'S.. DRT.J I GS! DitUGS!4 C. H. cr:E4:sLEn, , ......for to HEY.ER & CRESS LEE, has opened so Ids new room, on Second street, oppo. site the Post (Mice, where every• effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicitieskt now offered. Also a desirable assortment of Perfumery, Snaps, Pocket Books, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, and Fancy Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS..—Every description of Hand Lamps, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps, suitable for Kitchen use, Parlor use, Store use and Dike use THE BEST„COAL OIL IN THE Id AIIKET. Fa t ally Dyes of nu Colors. Everything in a Draggiste bll.ol , ev. Prveurirnowl receive special attention, and are compounded with care and skill. C. B..CRL'SSLER, - Second Street, opposite the Post Office. - Sortuarbing lipuots U rr I''', I ' M P ARI E 4N R G ALNDIC-COIDIISSI&ON 3I N ERc E Iit A NT6 D 'Nora, Stwond Street, opposite the Cumberland Vallty Railroad Depot, Chambersburg, Care run regularly to and from Philudelptit ainl Balti more. •• • AGENTS.—Penertek. Zell & Hinehman, No. SOS Mar ket St., Philadelphia. - L 3 ken.; Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL, (duvet from the mince). Vrilke-lotrre nod Ppte Grove FOUNDRY COAL. LUMBER, gIIINOLBS. SALT, PLASTEIt and Hat.eoek CI.3IENT, kept eta,tantly on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kill& parelmed at the bigheNt east. price.. Septll, WRIt.MERLICII & READ. entisto. DR. 11. R. FETTERHOFF. SURGEON DENTIST. DEASP