The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, September 06, 1865, Image 1

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every Wednesday morning by "THE 'REPOSITORY
ASSOCIATION," at 82 50 per annum, Dt ADVANCE, or
83 if not paid within the year. All subscription ac
count. )(DST be settled annually. No paper will be seat
out of the State antes paid far in advance, and all such
subscriptions will invariably be tiisc'entinned at the expi
ration of the time fur which they are paid. -
Devline for first insertion, and TEN cENTs per fine for sub
sequent insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons
advertising by the quarter, ludf.yegr o r-year. Special no.
'.tices charm}.. one-half more that; regular advertisements.
- All resolutions of Associations; o ,,, i munications of LiMited
or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths
exceeding fine linen, are charged fifteen cents per line.
All Legal Notices of every kind, and all Orphans'
Court and other-Judicial Sales, are required by Lam to be
advertised in the REPOSITORY — it haring the LARGEST cta-
CULAT/ON of any rpoperpubliahed in the county of Franklin.
° JOB PRINTING °revery kind in Plain and Fancy col
ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills. Blanks,
Cards, Pamphlets, her., of every variety and style. printed
at the shortest notice. The REPOstrottT OPTICS hnsjust
been re-fittedwith Steam Power and three Presses, and
every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the
most artistic manner and at the lowest rites. TERMS IN
Mr. John K. Shryork is out authorized Agent to
receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for
the same. All letters should be addressed to
IPCLURE & STONER, Publisher&
Vita Notate *airs.
y SAW MILL FOR SALE —By virtue of an undo
of the Orphans' Court of Franklin comity,the undersigned.
Administrator of the Estate of Rev. Joseph Clark. decd,
will expose to sale by public outery, on the premises of
the Planing and Saw-Mill, on THURSDAY, THE SEV
ENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER nert. at one o'clock on
Said dav, the following valuable property
Ist. the undiVided ONE-THIRD INTEREST in a lot
of ground in Chnmbersburg. close to the Cumberland Val
ley Railroad, with connecting track, on which is erected a
Frame PLANINc.' AND SAW-1111.L, with all the neces
silty nutch man &act tiring al / article:uctmllyman
ufacturedin such establishments, and a good steam-lower
eapableiof driving all the machinery in the null and a
saw-mill—inll in good order.
' aid. The undivided one-thinl interest-kr:AI the worked
and nnworked Timber and material on Land.
3rd. The undivided ode-thinl part of a Let of Ground.
adjoining-the mill property, fronting on Brood street and
running to the Cumberland Valley Railroad containing
about one acre.
4th: The unditided one-third part of a Lot of Ground
fronting on Broad street and myng to the Railroad, adjoin
ing property of said decedent on the North. with a double
TIVO-STORY FRAME Rouse, good stabling. corn-crib
&e., then= erected. The house Is quite large enough for
two families.
sth. The undivided one-third of a Lot of Gnanul fmab
tog on broad street, and canine south to an alley. n ith a
6th. The undivided one-third of a tract of TIMBER
LAND. purchased from Mr. Geo. W. Immell, adjoining
land, of Jacob Nieklas. Jacob Lehman and Samuel Mel
linger, in Guilford towuship, about three miles from
Cluuntiorahurg, containing 26 acre, and 65 percher. Part
of this tract is covered with very fine Oak timber.
7th. The undivided frue:third part of a tract of land pur
chased from Michael Diehl, situate in Antrim township,
adjoining lands of M. Dield, Col. 1). 0. Gehr nod Mrs.
Beaty, containing fifteen acres. This tract is covered with
very superior OAK TIMBER and is very valuable. -.-
Oth. The undivided one-third interest of a tract of 3loitn
lain Land, situate in Hamilton township, adjoining hinds
of Hr. Snyder and otheriabout 8 miles West of Chambers
'tang, containing 27 acres. This tract has been cut off
within a feat years, and is now growing, up with fine Chest
nut timber.
9th. The undivided one.tblrd iuterest in eight, borbes,
three wagms, gears, chains &e., complete.
tar Posaessum will be given of all the above property
immediately upon the pruchaser or purchasers complying
with the terms of sale.
Or' The entire bosiness portion of Claambensburg ATM
burned by the rebels, and is now being rebuilt rapidly
and In very good style. rc offers the best opening for
terprising mechanics or builders to conduct the businessof
a Pinning and SCre•.sfill of any terra in the State.
; IV" Terms will be made knon n on day of sale he
A. IL. ht'CLURiI.
Adair of Joseph Clark, dee'd.
The undersigned, owner of another UNDIVIDED
ONE-THIRD of all the abps e described property. Hill
also offer his...lnterest for ante at the same time and Oars-,
and upon same terms, and possession will be gis en to the
purchaser or purchasers immediately on compliance with
the terms of sale. The remaining undivided one-third is
owned by a practical and expenenced mechanic in the bu
siness. and the new purchaser or purchasers can go at once
SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Franklin county, the undersigned. Administrator of the
estate of Rev. Joseph Clark. deceased. will sell by public
outcry. on the premises, on THURSDAY. THE SEV
ENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER nest the followlng de
scribed property
I. The Lot and Dwelling House of the late Rev. Joseph
Clark, situate on Broad street, Chamberobarg and TlM
fling to the Cumberland Valley Railroat. The lot con•
tains nlxtut ene acre, Ind In good condition, with trees,
fruit, Arc., pinnted. and growtog well c , The House is a
e sturraleti-altalf cottage building, constructed of
Bnek, in the best style. well finished and admirably ar
ranged throughout. It is one of the most commodious and
comfortable dwellings in Chatnbersburg.
2. A Lot containing nearly one acre. adjoining the dwel
ling house on the south, fronting on Broad street and run
ning to the Railroad. It adjoins the Planing on the
3. A Lot of Ground adjoining the mansion property - on
the north. fronting on Broad street and running to the-Rail
road, with a small two-story BRICK HOUSE thereon
4. A Lot fronting on the Railroad, and adjoining the lot
last above described, with a small frame house thereon
i. A Pasture Lot containing about one acre. gluing on
Broad street. adjoining lots of T. B. Kennedy and others: -
re Possession of the above properties; will be given
on the lst of April next. excepting the ununproved lot:.
of which possession will be given immediate)}•.
Terms will be made knowtion day of sale by
' S. K. 51'4:1,111E.
Adm'r of Joseph Clark, deed.
SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale.
all that certain TRACY.. OF LA.ND situate near Cear•
foss' Cross Roads, on the road ligading from Hagerstown
to Mereersbdrg, in Washington - County, Md., containing
more Or lead, about one hundred and•en acres of
which In cleared and in a good state of cultivation nod
the balance covered with a FINE BODY OF TIMBER.
The improvements consist Of a comfort:all°
(under witieli there is an elegant Spring of Water ,) A
*IVAN CRIB, and all necessary aut•buildings.
Tlidialliod is a mixture of lime and slate and is most lie
sinibleTitimfid. being winking five miles of Hogesotoo n
and ellifot access to market.
There are two never failing Springs of Water, at the
Dwelling House, which run through most of the fields on
the farm, making it one of the best stock raising torsos in
Washington County.
Possession given on the first of April next.
For full particulars roll upon or address the subscriber,
residing on the premises. JOSHUA NEWCOMER.
Chambensburq REPOSITORY and Lancaster Examiner
copy times and send bill to this ofilce for collection.—
Hagerstown Hrratd. - athrtD-4t.
We have now for sale very tlesirable Farms, located
the counties of Augusta, Rockingham. Shenandoah, Page,
Pendleton and Hardy.
The Farms chntam from 40 to 500 Acres. and we are
privileged to sub-divide large tracts of land if desired by
the purchaser. •
-Many of the Farms are within an easy drive of the
&nay town In which they are located, thereby securing
au early market.
The improvements are generally good. and on the farms
are springs and tanning streams of water, Unwell as plenty
of the very best timber. '
It is sufficient recommendation for these lands to say
that they lie in the very heart of the Shenandoah Valley,
Which has tcworld.wide reputation for fertility of soil and
beauty of scenery•.
0 , For description of properties and terms, apply or
address us at our °thee. in Ilarre.miturtt. Roelsittgltam
Count' , Vn. Litilr ,-3 ati J. D. PRICE S. CO.
PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be offered at
• Public Sale. on the premixes, on Thursday. the sth
day of October, lerz, at 10 of clock. A. , th e iolloWlllg
desirable Real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, sit
nate in Montgomery township. Franklin county Pa ,
within two and a.half mites of Mereersborg. undone•
fourth of a mile frflm the Pike !mating to twee:m..4le.
bounded by lands of Dr. J. W. tickler, North Myers and
others, containing 110 ACRES and PEPXII ES. The
above_Farm is in n high state of eultivatlon, and has there
on over five hundred intnnelsof good Post-and.Rall Fence
The Improvements are a good BRICK HOUSE, with a
good Log Kitchen and Dining room attached; a good
double leg Burn. Pltedilisd all round, with two Floors
Brick Gpusary :.Carriage House; Wagon Slaml a siSmoke
House, There is [O , O. on the premises, a well of
never.failiw Water. with Pump in it. near the Dwelling;
running \litter convenient for stock ant a goal thriving
Orchard of grafted Fruit. A small portion of said Form
In is good Timber. There is a good Water Power and
Milll-Seat s on said premises. Also, about 17 Acres of good
- TIMBER LAND, about onelotirth of a nine from said
Farm, which will be sold with or without the above, to
ler Persons wishing to view the premises, previous to
sale, can do so by calling on the undersigned. residing
sawl66:As Ez'or of John Witherspoon. deed.
Will be sold by Public Outcryon the 30th of Sep
ACRES of °nivel and Slate land. situate In Hamilton
towtishlp,Pranklin county, l'enna. about 5 miles South.
West of Chambersburg. This farm is well Watered, hay.
ing Water in every 'field and hell calculated for raising
stock. The improvements are a LOG LOUSE• (Weatb•
'-etbeitrded,) Log Barn, Wagon Shed, large Hay Shed,
Spring House, Smoke House and Wad. tionse, with a
Well of never falli Water at the door. OD another part
atlas farm there lea Log Haase, part Weatherboarded.
MndLog Barn and Wagon Shed. This tract of land is
asain a good state of cultivation and all under good fence.
Hack (;reek runs through the Sum, where improved
Flood Fences alsop 'There 18 Ise twerity-ave acres
of TIMBER, and a good Tenant Honse. There Is
ttpon the farm i5O FRUIT TREES, Jae commencing to
both it is welt suited to divide Into two farm. This
farm joins lands of John 31iller, David Glpe, John Grove,
Jacob Picking and others, and will be sold without re.
serVe. Persons wishing td purchase will please nail and
view the pretnlw.s. JOHN SARVER.
raulaut elltpoLA nom
latal Gotate *ate's.
.'. scriber offers at Private Sale the following valuable
Real Property. to wit : A TRACT OF LAND, situate
in Hamilton township, on the Warm -Spring Rood, about
n miles from Chtimbersbarg . , containing 200 ACRES,
more or less, of good Gravel Land, adjoining lands of John
Martin, George Fisher and Christian Bitner. The im
provements are a two-storied BRICK HOUSE, Brick and
Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. Carriage
House and other out-buildings. There is a Well of good
Water at the Dwelling and Cisterns at Barn and House.
About 25 or 30 Acres of the above tract is well set with
thriving young TIMBER. There is a large young OR
CHARD on the premises now in fall bearing. A. large
Garden adjoins the House. and martins IE3 Dwarf Pear
Trees, 36 Dwarf Apple Trees, and 45 fine beuring (choice
variety.) Grape Vines. There is also a Tenant House,
Stable, Blacksmith Shop, Lime Kiln, Dm* Kilu, &c, on
this tract.
uate in St. Thomas township, about 2 miles from St.
Thomas. well set with young Chestnut.
If the oboes properties are not sold previous to the 6th
day of October, they will irri that day be offered at Public
Sale, on the premises, at I o'clock. P. M.
Persons disposed to view the above premises, trill be
shown the same. by calling on John N. Snider or Michael
Raft, residing near the first named tract.
—The subscriber. offers the following Real Estate,
consisting of Two Small . FARMS, situate in Lurgan
township, Franklin county, Pa., on the Roxbury and
Middleapring Road, and adjoining lands of 3l'Clay,-Roser
and others. The first tract contains 68 ACRES and odd
perches of first rate YELLOW SLATE LAND, the
most of which has been well Limed, Is well fenced and in
a good state o (cultivation. This tract contains about 16
Acres of Timber land. The improvements are a good
LOG DWELLING ROUSE, and Double Log Barn, and
other outbuildings an exbellent well of never failure wa
ter with pump In it, near the door, and a young Orchard •
of choice Apple Trees in bearing order. Also, an abun
dance of Peaches and other fruit trees.
TRACT NO. 2. adjoining the above, is the game quan
tity and quality of land ; about ene.htil fis well limed, and
under good fences, and contains 16 ACRES of timber.
The improvements are a new Two Story BRICK HOUSE
and Frame Barn. and other out•buildingt, good water
and a choice variety of Fruit, embracing Apples, Peach
es. &a.
The above properties will be sold seperalely or togeth
er. to suit purchaser.
" - - 7 0.' Terms will be made easy.
For further particulars call on the subscriber, reciding
on the premises, or address him at Roxbury, Pa.
atur23-4t JOHN THRT:SH.
SALE—The undersigned offers at Private Sale,
his FAR?[, situated in Lurgan township, Franklin noun
ty, Pa.. adjoining lands of Johh E. and John liNlay,
Daniel Clippinges, Joseph Mowers, and others, near the
Conodogninett.crsek, and about 5 miles from Shippets
burg, containing 268 ACRES of gmol SLATE LAND,
well limed. 70 acres or this tract is well TIMBERED,
25 acres in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of
cultivation, all in excellent order and well fenced.: The
above Farm will be equally divided and' sold separately.
The Improvements on the cue tract are a two storied log
feet long wagon shed and all other necessary and conven
ient out-buildings. There is a Well of never failing Wa
ter at the door. There is a good TENANT HOUSE . =
the Second vat with a well of Water convenient to the
House, and all n out•buildings There is au Or
chard of choice fruit on th of the above tracts.
Persons cribbing to view the Farm can do so by culling
on the subscriber. living in Hamilton township, neon John
E. 31 . Elay. adjoining the Farm.
ang.l6-Jm - - JOHN ZOOK.
ESTATE.—The undersigned offers for Sale, at
Public Outcry, on the premises, in Milford township, Jo
niatnEonnty, Pa.. three miles from Milllintown, on the
road leading to Johnstown, on Tuesday, the 1.92 h, day of
September, 1e"63. the folios in g Real Estate to wit : A
TRACT OF LAND, situated as above stated, and ad
joining lands of ]fuses Kelly, William Stewert, John P
Kelly and others. containing about 2'23 ACRES, about
173ef which are cleared and under good cultivation, (being
goad Limestone land) and the balance being TIMBER
LAND. The improvements consist of a two story STONE
DWELLING HOUSE, * Bank Barn, Corn Crib, and oth
er out.buildings. Also a TENANT HOUSE. There is
a good spring of water near, the House, and also:fanning
water in the Farm. The tract is one of the best and most
pleasantly located Farms in the comity.
Any person desiring to view the above property can
call on Mr. Joseph Funk, residing on the premises.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. 31, of said day, when
attendance will be given and terms made known by
atur 4 .l.ts WM. R. POMEROY.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Frnuklin coon
tv, the undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on Saturday,
the 16th day of September next, on the primises, near the
town of Mereersburg, the following real estate, belonging
to the estate of John 81.,.. late of 3loragomery town
ship, deed, viz :.
A TRACT OF LAND, eitrmte In Montsnmen• htnen•
ship. adjoining the town of Mercersburg, bounded by lands
of Mrs. Eliza McDowell, Miss Reynolds and Wm. Boyd,
containing 10 ACRES and 96 FERCHES, more or less.
Also—A TRACT OF LAND, situate in said township,
also adjoining the town of Nteroetsburg, bounded by lands
of the heirs of David Unger, deed, Wm. Beck and the
Corner road, containing 3 ACRES and 53 PERCHES,
more or less. having thereon erected a one and a half star.
led Weather-boarded DWELLING HOUSE, a Log Sta
ble, and other buildings.
Sale nt I o'clock. P. SE, when the terms will be made
offered at Public Sale, on the premises, on Thursday
the sth day of October, 1865, at 10 o'clock, A, 31., the fol•
lowing desirable Real Estate, viz: A FARM, situate in
Montgomery tlwniship, Franklin county. Pa., about three
miles from 3lereersburf;, on the mad leading to the Corner,
bounded by lands of Daniel Miller. Abram and Noah My
ers, containing 12.3 ACRES OF SLATE LAND, nearly
all of which has been fresh limed, and on which there is
about floe hundred pannels of good Post-and-Rail Fence.
The Improvementi are. a gvfoti COG DWELLING
HOUSE: good Log and Frame shedded Barn ; Wagon
Shed and Corn Crib ; a well of never•faiting Water in the
yard, and a fine young Orchard of choice Fruit. About
twenty acres of the above tract is excellent TIMBER.
Persons wishing to view the premises, preyious to
sale, can do so by calling on the undersigned, residing
about one-fotwth of n mile from them.
atm. 19.18115. ts JAMES WITHERSPOON.
A L T t E
ti A iia N e.i D p ß e4 E . A ffe L n,
at Private Sale the property well known as GOODS
WOOLEN FACTORY, situated in Green township,
Franklin county, Pa.. one mile north of Fayetteville. on
the Cold Spring Run, a never failing stream, with suffi•
cient head and fall fur driving any kind of machinery.—
The Factory is a two Storied Frame Building, with a set
of Carding Machines, Fulling Mill, 2 Power Looms Spin
ing Maclane and every thing necessary for the business.
There is also a Coloring House convenient to the factory.
Also —5B ACRES of LAND, DO Acres of which Is under
fiffice, the balance is well set with young chestnut timber.
The improvements are a two Storied ROUGH.CANT
DWELLING, near the fai:tory, 2 Tenant Houses, Wagon
Shed, Stable and other out buildings.
The Factory is well known and has at present a good
run of canton). For further particulars apply to or ad
dress MICHAEL GOOD, Fayetteville, I'. 0.
Goon FACTOfiI, Aug. 23-3 m •
P UBLIC SALE.—There will be offered,
- at Public Sale, on the premises, on Thursday, the
2let of Septembetytext. a dealrabie FARM, situate la Pe.
ten township, Franklin county, Pa.. two miles west
of Mercensburg. and one mile east of the Cove Gap. On'
the Turnpike leading to MConnellshurg, containing 21$-
ACRES, more or less, about 30 Acres of which are Tim ,
ber land. The improvements consist or a large BRICK
lIQCSE. Bank Barn, Tenant House, and all necessary
out-buildings. There are two wells of never-failing Wa
ter and a good Young Orchard on the Farm.
Persons wishing to view the premises can do so by call
ing on Joseph Briggs, near the farm, or the undersigned,
in Loudon.
If not sold on the above day it will be' offered for rent.
nap° Ex'r of Geo. Bnggs. deed.
nr On the came dn.;'" I be offered all the PERSO
NAL PROPERTY of iheEa l id deeetorlL Salo to (tom
menee at 9 o'clock.
of an ordtr of theOrphans' Court of Franklin county,
Pa.. the undersigned. Adfninistrutor of J. B. M'Cune, late
of the Borough of Mercenshurg, deed, will offer at Public
Sale, on the premises. on Thurrday. the 21e1 day of Stp
tembrr. at 1 o'clock, P.M.. the following described Real
Estate of said deceased, Cl 2: :
. . . .
A LOT OF GROUND, known nn pion of said Borough
as Lot N o 5L sitruitis on 3lnin Street, and having thereon
Log Stable and other buildings, together with su ffi cient
ground for an Alley leading from sald lot to Califon:dried.
The property is in good condition, with Fruit Trees of an
excellent quality thereon.
Also—The LbT known as No. 116, on Buck street. on
whirls is erected a DOUBLE LOG DWELLING DOUSE
arranged for the aecommodution of two families. of chid properties to be given on Ist day of
April next. Terms made known on day of sale, by
uug3o W. S. ffitUNE, Adm'r.
PUBI,IC SALE.—By order of the Court
of Common Pleas, the undersigned, Committee of
John Noel, will offer at Public Sale, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
no Saturday theltith day of September ' 1r4;5, the following
de.eribed Real Fatale: A LOT OF GROUND. situated
on the North West Corner of .the Diamond. and Market
Street, in the Borough of Chatnbersburg, Pa., hounded
by lot of Win. Oelw Inks on the north, by lot of l'eter
Bnough on the West. by Market Street on the south and
by the Diamond on the Rout, having thereon a large
quantity of good building Stone. 'This lot of ground is
that upon which the lintel stood. 'Perms made known,
on day nfsale.
aug3o-at JOHN ARMSTRONG. Com.
PRIVATE SALE. —The subscriber offers at Pri
vate Sale,'the LOT OF GROUND situated at the cotter
of Main and Queen Streets, long occupied by Iluber &
Tolbert as a Hardware Storrs.
The lot fronts 64 feet on Main Street and 140 feet on
Queen. and is one of the oldest. and most desirable busi
ness locations in etanmbersburg. It trill be sold with the
material on the ground. in the mast advantageous terms.
No money required for Fire years.
ang:3o-It B. WOLFF.
T)UBLIC SALE.—WiII be gold by Pub
ii.. Sale, on Thursday, the 715 day of September, at
house of JOHN S. BROWN, in Fayetteville, nineteen
ACRES andal PERCHES of well improved land, In a
good state of al:lira:don, situate about one.half mile south
of The village. on the Funkstown road, adjoining lands of
John Crawford, C. A. Funk, and David Greenawalt,
- 10 , " Rale to commence at 10 o'clock, on Bald day, when
the terms will ballade known by
ilea (9Eitate *airs.
fpRUSTEES' SALE.--There will be ex
1_ pored to sale, by way of public outcry, an Thursday,
Scion - tab , 'lSt's, on the premises. the following described
Real Estate, situate ID Quincy township, Franklin county,
Pa., containing '6O ACRES end allowance. adjoining Le.
Sanders. Robert llillvaneY and Samuel Bear, aboutl2o
Acres of which are clear and 12 Acres good Meadow--all
fenced and under good cultivation. There is a good two
story STONE DWELLING HOUSE. Stone Spring
Honse, Stone Bonsand other buildings thereon erected.
The Land is Limestone, and lies 3 miles North of Waynes
limo, on the road leading to Chambersburg. Little Antie-
tam Sows through the tract, and the cattle hare access to
water from every field but one.
TERMS :—One-half of the purchase money to be paid
Ist April, 1866, balance iu two equal annual payments,
bearing interest from lot April, 1566.
of on order of the Orphans Court of Franklin Co.,
Pa., I will expose to Public Sale, on the pretnineN, on Fri
day, the 22nd day of September, 1E65 at 1 o'clock. P. H.,
all that TRACT of LAND, situate in Guilford township,
in said county, adjoining lands of Wm. Reed, Jeremiah
Harmon, Frinlyk Geltru- and others, on the road leading
from:Marion to Greenwood. about if miles East of the vil
lage of New Franklin, containing about 130 ACRES neat
measure. This tractis all Limestone, with a Log Weath
erboarded DWELLING HOUSE, Wash House, Log
Barn, Frame Wagon Shed with Corn Cribs, a well of
never failing water at the house, with cisterns at house
and barn. There are about 25 Acres in growing Timber,
with two Orchards of good fruit.
PUBLIC SA T,E.—By virtue of an order
of the Orphans' Court of Frafiklin county, Pa., the
undersigned agent for Mrs. Ann 3f. Shatter, widow of IV.
H. Shatter, dee'd, will expose to Public Sale, on the
premises, in 31mitgomery township. on Saturday, Septem
ber 9, 1865, A Tract of good SLATE LAND. containing
about 20 ACRES, four Acres of which are Wood Land,
bounded by lands of Plum._ N% hitmore and others. There
is on this a property a 'LOG HOUSE. Log Barn, a Spring
of excellent water, convenient to the buildings, an Or
chard of choice fruit, Grape Vines, dm.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, on said day, when terms
of sale made known by
ABRABAM wurrmont,
Agent for Ann M. Shatter,.
augt6 • Adm'r. of W. IL Shatter,
PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be exposed at
Public Sale by the widow and heirs of Frederick
Smith, dee'd, and Jobn Zock, Guardian of Catharine
Smith, having obtained an order of the Orphans' Court of
Franklin county, for the sale, at 2 o'clock, P. M., an
Thursday, the 14th day of September, 1865, the followhig
described DOT OF GROUND.' situate on Went Market
St., in the Borough of Chambersburg, Pa„ bounded on
the east by lot of Alex. Fritz. on the North by Market St.,
on the west by lot of Burkholder's heirs, on the south by
a pupil(' Alley, the said lot of ground, belonging to the
he of Frederick Smith, deceased There is a good weir
of Water and a large quantity of brick. Terms made
known on the day of sale. •
aug3o-3t J. P. SMITH, Ex'r.
undersigned, as Administrator of Joseph hi'Kown.
dee'd, offers fur sale a valuable FARM of the finest Lime
stone quality, lying A miles South of Martinsburg, W. Va.
This Farm contains FAO ACRES of land, of whieh 1513 is
cleared. The improvements are a good, sabstantial
DWELLING HOUSE, good Barn, an extra Corn Crib,
Ice House, &c. The Farm is under good fencing and in
a fine state of cultivation. There is an excellent Spring
within 30 feet of the house, and also Running Water thro'
the farm. The titles are good.
Refrrence: G. W. Hoke Martinstmrg, W. Va.
Sdy communications addressed to roe, at Mill Creek,
Berkeley county, W. Va.. will be promptly answered.
aug3o.3tw JOHN M. M'KOWN, Adm'r.
PUBLIC SA L E.—The madersignea.
will offer at Public Sale, on Saturday. tOe 9th day
of September, next, on the premises. a very desirable
SMALL FARM, situate in Antrim township, near
Brown's Mill, adjoining lands of Capt. James M. Brown,
Joseph Fuss. and Simon Shank. containing 30 ACRES
of excellent LIMESTONE LAND. with a two storied
LOG HOUSE, Log Barn, and other necessary buildings'
thereon erected. There is a never failing Spring of good
water near the door and a thrifty young Orchard of choice
fruit, in bearing order. on the property.
Sale at 1 o'clock, I'. M., ou said flay, when the terms
will be made known.
a ugl fi-4t ROBERT A. M'CLEARY.j
PUBLIC, SALE.—By virtu6of an order
of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa. the
undersigned acting for Catharine Harkins. Executrix of
Patrick Campbell, late of the Borough of Chambersburg,
deed, will expose to Public Sale, on the premises, in the
Borough of Cbambersburg, on Saturday. September the
16th, 16 9 9 nt 10 o'clock, A. 31 , A HAL F-L 0 T of
OROUND, 32. feet front and 250 feet deep. situated on
East Market St.. South Mile, between Seller's Hotel and
Franklin Rail Rued. Terms made known be
JOHN R. ORR, Agent and Atly, for
Calls. Harkin's, Executrix of Patrick
nugin • Campbell. deed.
oil/ be exposed to sale, by way of Public Outcry,
on the premises, in Metal township, Franklin county, on
Saturday, the Md day of September, 15(11. the following de
scribed Meal Estate, situate In said township, adjoining
lands of Daniel Ahl, George Seis. Judge Kennedy s heirs
and others, containing 92 Acres, more or less with about
30 Acres clear with. a LOG HOUSE. mid Log Stable
thereon erected. Terms to be made brown on the day of
sale. Sale to commence at 1 olploek. P. M.
RIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTAT E. P —The undersigned offers at Private Sale. about 70
ACRES of highly improved wheat Growing SLATE
and GRAVEL LAND. sit tate about miles from Chan,
bersbarg, between the Turnpike and AViland's road, ad
joining lands of Charles Evans arida S. Reisher. There
ma" large LOG BARN on the premises and a Well of er
cellsnt Water. Much of the above tract is watered by
Springs, used for meadows and pasturage. The whole
is well fenced and in good condition, and will be Fold in
whole or in parcels to suit purchasers. Poasession given
immediately. aug9-11 D. S. RELSHER.
subscriber intending thinowc West, offers at Pri
vate Sale his valuable MILL PROPERTY, situate in
Southampton - township, Franklin minty, Pa., one Mile
east of Ornstown and four miles West at Shippensburg,
comprising S 4 ACRES of land, with a Stone and Frame
GRIST BULL, running %pm pair of Burrs, a new SAW
MILL, anew two storied BRICK DWELLING and oth
er necessary buildings thereon erected. Persons desiring
"to purchase will please call on the undersigned, residing
on the property. faugd-ani JACOB METZ.
mwo FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub
scriber offers at Private Salo TWO FARMS and a
LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND. Peramisdispased to par.
chase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the
Mansion Tract, on the Baltimore turnpike, one mile East
of Fayetteville. June2l-tf JOl-11i G INGHAM.
K N A B E & CO S
Which for Power and sweetness of tone, easy and agree.
able touch, and beauty of finish, have been by the best.of
,fudges, pronounced "unrivalled."
All of their large 7 octave Pianos are constructed after
their new improved overstrung Grand Scale, with all the
latest impon, orients.
Second Hand Pianos at great Bargains, at prices rang
ing from $5O to 230. As Agent for hnabo & Co., I am en
abled to sell at their Baltimore prices. For further par
ticulars apply to C. HUNTING, Agent, Chamberaburg, Pa.
EINIV A I' PI ANOS.-3fEssus.
J STEINWAY & SON have received aravardi of
gold and silver medals, in Washington, New York, Cin
camati, St. Louis. Chicago, Detroit and other citiee.
held in LONDON, 184 at which 240 Ilan. were on Ex
hibition from all parts of the world, the FIRST PRIZE MED
AL was awarded toSTED:wAr &SOSts, forpowcrfia, Clear,
brilliant and sympathetic tour, with excellence of workman•
For further particulars apply to S. S. SIIRYOCK.
Agent fur Steinway & Son's, Chambersburg, Julyl9
.SIC,, - fakes great pleasure in announcing to the
Omens of ehamberoburg, that he is prepared to give in
struction on the PIANO, MELODEON, or CABLNET
ORGAN, and moot respectfully solicits a liberal share of
their patronage. 'nibs(' not in au. pmisessiuu of PlllllOl
MD obtain instruction at his borne, and the use of a Piano
Residence of. 10111: AlL'Lt s , Queen idreet, near Second.
Terms reasonable. may3l-1 y
asrsklated themselves In the Practice of Medicine,
and have opened an office In Dr. Richards' new building,
on Main street, a few doom South of the Diamond.
All persona indebted to either of the above, will please
make early 'settlement of the came. [augti4tfJ
services as n Phyperida and Surgran to the citizens
of St. Thomas and vicinity . Prurnptoem, at all hours.
leadenee opposite the Post (Aire.
TAR;' S. S. HUBER offers his profess
tonal Services as Physician and Surgeon to the eiti
zeus of Greenvillage and vicinity. auw2.l.tini
DR. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt
ly to all professional calls. Office in the Vestibule
of the New School 'House near the Jail. I ang24.
North Eng Cotner FOURTII AND MARKET Streetg,
N. H.—Always iu Store, a large Stock of
ogl6-3m - , LINEN and OIL SHADES.
TO 13 PRINTING, in every style, done
•ir at the Offtee of thew FRANKLIN RAPORITORY. _
. . . .
Administraur of Sereuliah 3lurtin.
tvaitlin fitpaitrra.
View of the Buticllmts of the •Seven.
'Hilled City"—A Visit to Petersburg—
The Hospital, Cemetery and Forts-1-
Scenes on the Way 'Home—Ashland—.
Frederieltabtutg—lt eml ni scene es of
the Pennsylvania Reserves.
Correspondence of the Franklin Reixoitory,
RllintuSD,alth, 1865
I left you fatigued in a maze et speculations,
from which you doubtless hoped to emerge and
find your persecutor gone,--evanished in the
cloud he had gendered., But, 'You are come
for," ns poor Tom Walker was. To your com
fort, however, he it spoken, for the last time.
Pont' you feel very much like the gentleman who
pricked Eolus' ,windbags, or the boy who pulled
out the spigot of the cider barrel ?
I would like you to go ' with me through the;
streets of the modern "Seven-Hilled City," ant
approve the good taste and evidences of Coratint
displayed in the residences and their surround
ings. Excepting in the few business streets and
corners the houses stand off from the pavements,
and the yards in front are gracefully onnueente4
with evergreens and shrubbery - . Thi , style of
the buildings is prevailingly elegant. Before the
secession this city must have been nue of the
most delightful in the country, and still hears
testimony to the refinement and comfortable ease
of its inhabitants. I would rejoice to have you
visit with me the places of note within its pre
eincts under the Confederacy—the palatial habi
tation of Jeff. Davis—the plain, modest house of
Gen. Lee, (the most treacherous, the most dan
gerous, the moat apologized-for scoundrel of them
all,) the Governor's mansion on the capitol
grounds, now in the possession of Gov. Pierpont,
a charming spot for the home of a man of good
conscience. I would take you to the Post Office,
to have a talk over old times with Dr. Alexander
Sharpe, the Post Master, cousin of J. Sl'Dowell
Sharp - b; but in no Wise related to our dia..
tinguisheff townsman inpeNitical sentiments; "big
Aleck," you remember we called him in contra
distinction to his kinsman, an honest and true
boy: in his case the child was "father to the
man." We would admiri together the many
imposing churches,_where rebellion wan so flu
ently prayed for, and where the divine origin of
human slavery was so often savored satisfactorily
to everybody but the slaves themselves and the
world outside of the Confederates and their un
natural allies. We would ride out to the rebel
hospitals, seated on the hills around about the
city: but you would be struck with the inferior
amalgamate of Stuart, Lee, Florida and other
hospital barracks in comparison with the general
hospitals of the United. States. There is no
doubt that the rebels did not give'the care to the
sick and wounded that we did, mid they never
kept their hospitals as clean and comfortable.
At one of their general hospitals, which fell into
our hands full of patients, the Surgeon in charge
told, me that of a great number of amputations,
all but one, that of a negro boy before me, died:
so badly had the operations been performed.
From these hospitals you can get a good view
of the Union line of defences north of the James.
I do not know how many lines there were, three,
I was told, sweeping continuously from the river
above to the river below the city, in a hemis
phere. They are truly formidable. During my
stay - at Richmond, I visited the Penn'a Regiumuts
stationed in the vicinity, and in one of my rides
went to a camp within ore mile and a half of the
battle field of the first of the seven days—Mechan
icsville. From a hill close by that village. upon
which the lamented gallant Capt. Easton had
placed a battery, I saw with him, in June '62 that
spires of Richiriond. A few. days afterward, I
met him on the second battle field, where he now
lies, a brave, noble sacrifice an the bloody altar of
his country.
I do not doubt that the Johnies would have
preferred Grant's coming in front of their north
ern works—it was not magnanimous iu him to go
between them and their supplies, and then de
stroy the only granary they could draw from in
the Shenandoah Valley.
But I must let you trust to your memory for
the recollection of these points of interest yon
have so often had described to you.
My business took me to Petersburg. The
Richmond and Petersburg Railroad was incom
plete for a couple of miles at its northern ex- -
tremity; so we had to reach its station beyond
Manchester in an omnibus. - The cars indicated
the fallen fortunes of the Confederacy; they were
in the last stage of dilapidation. Many of the
windows were glazed with wooden panels, the
oil-cloth lining of the ceiling existed in patches,
and the seats were roughly planed benches.—
The distance to be - travelled was twenty miles,
the fare two dollars. The company was mixed,
hardly, if I may except myself and a Philadelphia
undertaker ou his way to a hospital burial ground
to recover the remains of a soldier, rising to the
appearance of gentility in any of its members.—
A few seedy secesh were returning with their
"rights" to the despoiled homes they had weary
years ago relinquished: and sat dejected and
silent._ The road was in good order. It runs
through a dreary country. The soil is sandy and.
gravelly, abounding in huge pine and othertitn
ber, with much undergrowth. The buildings are
scattered and mean and, cheerless, with no signs.
of improvement about them. It was but occa z
sionally I saw any inhabitants, and they had •no
home-look about them. Indeed this appeared the
characteristic of everybody I met in my journey;
all had a lust and purposeless seeming.
The all-pervading earthworks were visible all
around—guarding the rail road, and funning off
towards the river on the left, and I know not
whither to the right. Towering above them all,
from our lines looked down another of the observ
atories from which the rebel movements were
watelfed. Huts were standing at various points,
army roads were growing over with grusS and
weeds, and ever and anon little hillocks told
where brave but misguided warriors _had lain
down the weapons of rebellion forever.
- - An-hour-and-a-half's ride brought us across the
Appomattox to the depot at Petersburg. The
tokens of Grant's shelling were abundant; houses
were torn to pieces, and a general upset prevail
ed. The terminus of the road, I was informed,
had become' an unhealthy locality, as being with
in Ulysses' easy range; and a side-track sheered
off some distance above; for the greater security
in eon% eying reinforcements and supplies.
' A MN arm of young negroes vociferated around
the train as it stopped, with propositions to take
our baggage to an infinite number of hotels, the
nomenclature of most of which were ideal and
grotesque. They clambered at the windows,
writhed between our legs, and darted like hor
nets for our baggage. "Here's your boy to take
your baggage"—"here's your boy to showy ou the
Rip Rap hotel"—"here's your boy, to shine your
boots," here's your boy to do anything you could
1 1 suppose a boy capable of when exhausting his
capacity, came from .thia swarthy mob of "imps,
hardy, bold and wild," clad in blended union and .
rebel uniforms, not always reduced to suit the.
stature of the wearer. I began to think of wish
ing for the advent of an overseer—but that august
personage has vanished - with his location, to take
his place in the romances of coming ages with
the bold barons ohe medieval times. -
I was rattled ov r the stony streets of the ven
erable and dingy town; and deposited at a large,
barn-like hotel, adjoining the depot of the Weldon
It. R. It was kept by a clever, yarmounter, who
had been in our service, but who has cast hie
fortunes with the Petersburghers, and, although
a Republican, gave indications already of the in
fluence of his ueighbors, and had his ideas of re
constructing our "erring brethren" modified ma
terially by the visions of Southern patronage in
the reviving trade lie looked forward to es in
creasing his revenues.
-I-was shown through long and carpetless isles
to alismal chamber, whose door I soon kund
was without fastenings. I retired with some
misgivings, my modicum of security being based
irpon the supposition that I did not look as if
might be a paymaster or contractor. Imagina
tion was busy conjuring up the forms of rebel he
roes who tenanted this room aforetime, and I
sank into dreams enlivened by the roar of artillery
and the deadly rush of squadrons. Next morn
ing I visited the Fair Ground Hospital, a rebel
establishment, now occupied by our forces, and
under charge of an accomplished Penn'a Surgeon.
— Ca l i r
o were ina
It is located upon the ground formerly used for
agricultural fairs, is pleasantly situated, and well
administered. Many rebel wounded were still
s t h o e u r t e h ,a y ti:fi l e v tl hoo an h d ad do b hi ee g n oi n ell s . erc O i n ee e
since the war Commenced, denounced the seces
sionists bitterly, and had his sentiments. re-echoed
by his !neighboring associates. Adjoining the
grounds is the burial place. Numbers of rebel
dead repose in its unfenced area. The graves
are intermingled in great confusion. crowdecLand
packed in all directions, theslarger number un
marked. Among the named graves are those
oloffieers and men of the Cpnfederate army, and
the remains ot human beingd who were recorded
by their christiau names as the slaves of such and
such a master: Jim, the slave of John Jones!
What mocking! No ranger slaves, "Death, the
honest pier man's friend," had anticipated our
beloved President, and the shadows of the life
long fetters disturbed not the repose of the weary
,limbs in these humble tombs.' Apart from this
promiscuous huddle, the resting places of our de
parted soldiers were decently ranged and honora
bly marked. Here I found my travelling com
panion from Philadelphia re-coffining the relics of.
,one who bad died after he had seen the rebellion
fall—the only son df a poor mother, worse than a
widow, for she had married again unfortunately;
who had managed to gather enough of means to
bring back to her all that was left of her heroic
boy. While here, l'saw severahaegro men, car
rying ou their shoulders little coffins ot rough
wood, with_ digging implements, to bury among
the thickly packed moimds, of the Potter's field.
Surgeon Bartine, after showing me through his
well ordered hospital, took me in his conveyance
to the lines. A short ride, a mile and a half per
haps from the town, brought to to the ‘‘ork. To
the right' of the road running through them was
a deep - hill—this was excavated posteriorly, into
large chambers, where squads of troglodytes had
dwelt securely While shot and shell were sweep
-overhead. This position was in line with the
range of guns that demolished the lower part of
jhesity. Front this point wherever! we could
see frowned the stupendous lines of earthworks,
massive embankments fronting each other, run
ning parallel, now approaching within pktol
range, and then diverging to again approximate:
and thus they continued for miles keeping up the
chain Of fortifications, we Mw north of Rich
mond. At' hort intervals, immense forte,-heavi
ly armed evidently, jutted out, surrounded - by
deep ditches, and bristling, as (lid the entire lines,
with abattis, and clievaux-de-frize—the former
species of entrenchment characterizing the union,
the latter the rebel works. Between the lines
ran the rifle pits, at a convenient conversation
al distance. In these the pickets were 'stationed,.
and to them from the respective lines extended,
winding in every conceivable - direction like! huge
furrows, intersecting trenches, constituting safe
passages to the confronting pits. Through them
the pickets would be constrained to steal, stoop
- ing, or even crawling. It seems inconceivable
that-a man could stand erect and live a moment
at any point along this long line. Behind our
tielt of works, stretched a beautiful sweep of hills,
and they were...crested with formidable earth
works,- insulated, but commanding a wide range,
even to the city itself. Upon one of these forts,
had been a battery of powerful guns, facetiously
called the "The Petersburg Express," which at
brief stated intervals, sent its deadly messengers
to Vie-devoted city- in the neighborhood of the
depot, doubtless for the purpose of interrupting
communication or destroying supplies, us intimat
ed above. I was pointed tint n lonely large brick
building, towering amid the o reek (it surrounding
houses, fronting this battery, which has escaped
unharmed by the tempest that raged around it.—
This edifice had been devoted to vice, which ever
holds its maddest orgies in the lap of, war, and
whose bellish carnivals are most flagrant in cities
beseiged by the plague of arms or pestilence.
We (hive into the heart of Fort Steadmau. It
is a structure of extraordinary power. In its
many bomb-proofs were the wrecks of the bunks
of its late occupants, with the rubbish of cloth
ing, cooking utensils, and the et ceteras that dis
tinguish abandoned maws. You have not for
gotten, as no American will ever forget. the fear
ful carnage that reigned here whet , the desperate
rebels stormed and carried it; and when a gallant
Pennsyldcniau, General Itattranft, by his master
ly combinations, and the superhuman valor of his
troops, re-possessed it. The rebel hues are but a
sling's throw from this fort, and befriending dark
ness soon brought them unperceived to its walls.
How it was lost and won will be a theme of mar
vel forever. Huge oaks stand iu and about the
fort. Their trunks are sieved with balls, and
their thick boughs were crushed by the heavy
guns. As we were seeking among their holes fir
a bullet to bring back as a relic. we discovered,
in the track of a minie, a young tree - frog, with
Ids sober, philosophical phiz turnedtowards the
intervening field where death had rioted—and 1
should not wonder!, if he were congratulating him
self that he did not belong to that absurd race of
cannibals, Man, who,
"Only mars kind nature's plan,
And turns the fleree pur:uit ou man
In a bomb-proof cabin, - which must have been
the quarters of an officer of rank, a tidy gentle
man of color was presiding over a restaurant.,
and had on hand as choice a supply of liquors as
is claimed by pretentious landlords, 'whose bars.
are furnished with the best the mark r et affords."
This Ganymede informed us he had been a chat
tel pertaining to a rebel officer, and lead escaped
when Lee occupied Chambersburg, to be recap
tured, again to abscond.
From Fort Steadman we moved along thelines
to the crater. We stepped into its deep, cup-like
depression, greatly filled up by the subsidence of
its sides. The surface of the ground was still
rich in battered bullets and shell fragments, al
though thousands of visitors now gleaned its
shores. Human bones were lying exposed, doubt
less of the. negro troops that fell there and were
barbariously allowed to remain unhonomi by
Sepulture—or else so shallowly interred that the
rams had washed off the light layer of superim
posed clay. In one corner of the crater. negroes
were buried en masse,'and very superficially,—
confederate keeper of a but of refre , lnnents,
at the verge of •the - pit, and a dealer imrelics
picked up hard hy—such as bullets, shells, bayo
nets, bones, and other interesting memorcub• of
battlefields—was ataious to give man idea of the
number of "niggeri2' killed there, by exposing a
heap of skulls he had recently :,tress n w itb a lion
lamma of mother earth. We, however, declined
his polite attentioret.
The shaft of the mine ran from a fort.of ours,
which did not seem three hundred feet from the
erator, and was, at its deepest marh about twen
ty feet, passing through a strata of stiff red clay.
out of which our Yankeefied rebel acquaintances
had fashioned pipe bowls resembling the clay
pipes of the Indian, and which required no baking
to complete for use. Wfilin I speak of distances
Gaffer, I judge with nu umducated eye, and, of
course, am making mistakes. Lhave not time to
verify the measurements assented, and 1 think a
better idenis given by describing appearances
than by mathematical adjustments. Yon clonal
conceive. From the crater, our attention was
directed to long greenbelts of rank weeds stretch
ing in front of the respekitive lines. These mar
ked the course of ditches, in which were buried
the bodies of those who were slain ill the fierce
struggle following the explosion.
I felt but little comfort in examining this seem.
We blundered disgracefully, here. Time :nine was
a miecei.s mechanically. The military operations
were stupid in the extreme., Instead of an as
aura triumph that would have broken the rebel
line and captured Petersburg, ;t became alorri
ble slaughter pea, and brought us only disaster
and disgrace.
We terminated our survey of the lines at Fort
Sedgwick and - Fort Mahone, known more gener
ally by the diabolical epithets of Fort Hell and
Fort Damnation. You would have taken them
for twins in the sumo sy stein of works. I thought
I could have thrown a stone from one into the
other. Their rifle pits were utmost within hands
slinking distance. I saw a, pair of musket halls.
tired from opposing guns, which met in air and
were fused together, and was told that they IA ere
not untrequently picked up betAv een these Torts
You know the histiny of these works. Fort Sedg
wick was a grand construction, and of great eA.-
tent. Its impenetrable bombproots would have
quartered a village. Oue of them had been used
as a stable.
Here, too, as at Steadman and the crater, a
caterer to the creature comforts has erected his
bazaar, and exposed his sign. Visitors to these
points of interest must be very numerous, to jus
tify the stock kept on hand by these restorationers.
ILis was the most dangerous neighborhood I
saw. I should not have'been willing to insure at
a high rate the life of a honey bee that paitured
in the valley of the shadow of death that lay be
tween these satanic works
It was related to we that on ono occasion, out
of compliment to some visiting foreigners of dis
tinction, the Dins of Fort Sedgewick were opened
VOL. - 7 7 2,4110LE NO, 3,722.
suddenly upon the enemy, who returned the fire,
killing our officer of the day on inspecti ee , and a
number of our men. Fort Mahone wa.- carried
by storm. After the battle, a gentleman told me
he counted eighteen dead rebels lying .und it.
A. few straggling soldiers,. whOe (let hmenta
are on duty near by, some
.wandering n.!groes, a
bevy of young rebels, from 8 to 12 year: of age,
returning from hunti ng , and the above mentioned
restaurant keepers, were the only living objects
we met in our afternoon's ride. A few months
ago how populous was this region ! How full of
awful energy ! Thousands of flags were gaily
flapping in the breeze, elegantly, dressed officers
were moving about in all the pomp and circum
stance of war, bayonets were, gleaming, huge pie
ces of ordnance were yawning, bands were die
coursing inspiriting melody, thousands of eyes
were intently watching movements is front, horse
men were galloping over the landscape, musketry
was rattling and cannon reverberating from every
hill-top and along these long drawn lines. To
wards it the thoughts and hopes and fears of man
kind were turned with an interest hitherto un
known. To it Here addressed loving cornmimi
cations rune ~\,ry hill and valley throughout tins
great country. In behalf of the hosts assembled
there, pray era were going up to the Eternal throne
from every hovel and every palace in the land.
At the voice of ene mighty, modest man, all this
ceased as by enchantment. 'go-morrow the ar
my will move.}; spake that- potential voice, and
the hour of agony came, and soon there was but
one flag flying over all these embattleinents, and
we bad again but one country; and this strange
loneliness and silence fell upon this awful theatre.
- The lines of earthworks strong and endnrable
as they seemed to be, are already becoming worp,„
and are giving way; but for maul years they will
remain a monument of the madness and overthrow
of the most accursed revolt known to mankind.
I spent the evening at Petersburg, taking tea
with a family of ladies who had the repute of be
ing loyal, and who certainly so demeaned them
seltes on this occasion. One of them alluded to
the reduced condition of her wardrobe and to the
dreilry appearance of their town;' and yet, she
roguishly added, the Confederacy promised to
plow up the streets of your northern cities. Who
does not thank God that the issue was as it has
been? That on the hills of Petersburg power and
justice were in harmony 1 That might and right
kissed each other 1 That peace and good will
were established by the bloody arbitrament of the
s*ord? This-was a struggle in which therecould
be no compromise. Evil and Righteousness met
in a death-grip. God gave us the victory.
An intelligent gentleman of Richmond said to
me that he was happy the Confederates did not
embrace the favorable terms Mr. Lincoln offered
them on the River Queen. That then the turbu
lent rebels would never have been satisfied ; : that
many of the Southern people would have thought
themselves betrayed, believed that they could have
achieved theirindependence if they had fought on
—that the North would have yielded for fear of
bankruptcy, or have been defeated. Now, he
said, they admit their defeat, that they were un
equal to the fight. Tim power and majesty of
the government were sustained, and they have
nothing left them but submission.
Petersburg is an old settlement, very uninter
esting in its appearance. Its main street has
quite a pretentious business air, and looks as if it
had been transplanted from some Northern mart,
and "payed out" here. Its stores were opened
but traffic was languid. The marks of shells
were apparent in a number of houses in the lipart
of the place, and the glass had been_shattered in
many a sash; but there was very little damage
sustained saving in the lower portion, near the
depot. I have no doubt that Grant ; could have
leveled it at any time he saw fit, but he desired
to destroy the army, not the eity., The people of
Petersburg have accommodated.:themselves to
their condition far better than hate those of Rich
mond. The ladies came upon the streets and sat
cheerfully at their door-steps, and are said to en
dure the society of Yankee officers without much
aversion. The first evening I spent there must
have been a holiday among the colored folks, as the
town was thronged with lively ladies in black,
bedecked with most elaborate care.
I retnrneilArect to Richmond, and had as a
fellow,passeliger the celebrated rebel Gen. Ma=
bons, one of the ablest midmost spirited of their
chieftains, after whom the double-named rival of
Fort Sedgwick received its more polite appellation.
He is a Meager, delicately framed .personage, by
iiu insane as formidable in aspect as he was in fact.
I left Richmond for home, about 6A. M., on
the Fredericksburg railroad, in a better class of
cars than that I described. We breakfasted at
Ashland, a beautiful little village, a couplrsof
hours ride from the capitol. It is Tensity . seats d
among towering groves, and seems to have been
a place of slimmer resort for the" elite Of the city.
It is' called in honor of " The Mill Boy of the
Slashes," a name dear to every American heart,
who was born and reared in the neighborhood.
We passed on our way up the road many places
famous in the war, and the burned stations and
fragments of destroyed bridges marked the course
our dashing cavalry raiders had travelled. We -
lett the cars about two miles from Fredericks
burg. and took coaches at the point where the
rebel right rested in our fight under Burnside; and
drove over the very ginned , where the Penna.
Reserves had made the grand rharge which car
ried the heights. I could distinctly trace out ob
jects I Was familiar with ou tlaist eientful days.
The elegant and massive mansions, before which
we haklain, are now in ruins.- One of them, a
tine stone building, under the stately trees in fried
of which the chivalric cavalry Geu. Blyard, the
most promising officer in that branch of the ser
‘ ice, excepting Buford, was killed, has beet'
horned. When we first crossed the river to the
attaek, we bivouacked on the fields- in front -of
this mansion. Its owner had suddenly evacuated
it, and of course it was visited by.our boys. It
was huperbly furnished, contained a tine collec
tion of books, and its cellars were amply supplied
with wines. Some of the boy - A looked longingly
upon the cob-webbed bottles. "willing to , nound.
and yet afraid to strike," and kept their thirsty
lips from their tempting. -contents, in dread of
being Poisoned. One philosophiral gentleman re
flected awhile upon this probability , and by a pro
el'AS of reasoning, complimentary - is part to their
rebel owner, and logical, knocked off the neck
of a bottle and poured the refreshing liquid into
his natural laboratory for analysis. His cautious
brethren waited the issue in his case. and after
becoming convinced he was " all right," returned
to solace themselves, but only to find the experi
menter had " taken the whole stock." This build
ing was used as a hospital after the battles of
Fredericksburg and ehaucellorsville.
Near by was a house in which dwelt, while
e were on the South bank of the Rappahan
noek, a lady whose husband .was in the rebel gel ,
eke. Her delicate situation enlisted the sympa
thies ot our surgeons, who rendered her all the
assistance they could, during our few days' SO
PURI there. After we were repulsed. we estab.
fished our hospital on the north shore, directly
opposite her dwelling. Her child had an attack
of croup soon after the rebel lines e nc l ose d h er;
but she could get no aid from •the rebel doctors,
and was compelled to invite our medical across
the river, under a flag of truce carried by rebel
priN ates.
Our stage route led through the nerthern sec
tions ot Fredericksburg. It was greatly shattered
br Burnside's bombardment. Many 4.f the hous
es are demolished, and but few escaped serious
damage. Two fine churches are badly broken,
their very spires 'rent by frequent shells. In this
immediate neighborhood an incident oceured dur
ing the occupancy of the city by Gen. Itm nolds,
in the spring of '6!.?. Sume rebel ladies insulted
our boys by placing confederate flags at their
windows. These were ordered to be removed
under the penalty of violence. The boys then
run up n n A mer i ca n banner on the pole in front
of the house. A New York officer, with indis
'erect gallantly took it down. riot impended:
Gen. Reynolds heard the fuss---,as he saw and
heard whatever happened—came dashing down,
dispersed the crowd; and ordered the boys to put
up the flag, and to shoot whoever dared to tear it
down. This story was the common talk of camp,
nd I believe it to by true. Gem R. was at that
time Gmenior of Fredericksburg, and so favora
bly did his administration impress the citizens,
:hut n hen afterwards he IA as a prisoner iu Lib
by, the Mayor and a delegation of prominent . in
habitants, went down td Richmond- and petition
ed the authorities to release him.
We crossed the Rappahannock on a pontoon
bridge at the place McDowell hid his first bridge
three years before, and over winch ourbrigade
had marched. We wound over the hills Where
the Army of the Potomac quartered in the event
ful winter of '6 1 243, jolted on the curdoroy bridg
es, threaded the ruins of their huts, crossed the
lace-work of old army roads, and finally reined
up at the landing at the mouth of Potomac creek,
a short distance below the famous landingatßelle
Plain. The Lacy house, where AVVIdI and other
generals had tliefir helids4plarteras the Phillips
hem% when wa.):yeret there aiicltOdratnefiveift.
now in ruins from ire, the White (NV ebnrch‘
the village of log cabins we occupied in the win
ter 0V62—'63, when we were "embargoed by the
Snow-storms at Belk, Plain," and other familiar
objects, met our view. The Laey house was a
venerable - homestead owned by a Judge, whose
name has escaped me tit thins - Ming. His daugh
ter was his only child. At his death, his widow
inherited a large estate and many negroes. When
she came to die, it was her intention to emanci
pate her slaves by will. The crafty son-in-law
persuaded her that she had better leave the choice
of freedom to the slaves, as many of theni might
prefer remaining with their young mistress to go
ing abroad in uncured-for liberty, especially as
many of them were old and infirm After' the
good old lady's death, the villian discovered that
the Virginia laws allowed no such freedom of
choice to the slaves, and they remained in bond
age to his wife
A wonderful change has taken place in the coun
try between Belle Plain and the Rappahannock.
Nature, with her mysterious regenerating power.
hats been diligent in erasing the marks - of war.
Bushes have sprung up where the tread of men
and the track of wagons bad bared the surface,
and grass and high weeds have mantled the land
scape, making it scarcely recognizable to one who
had be pp accustomed to its naked litre.
Oh, blessed, generous nature, how long will it
be before thou healest the broken hearts and ob
literntest the scars which this cruel war bath
made! Thou bast hidden in thy green'livery the
sunken graves of "the brave who-sank to rest.
with all their country's wi.hes blest ;" when wilt
thou wrap in the kind veil of forgetfulness the
hitter passions of contending brethern, their re
sentments and heartbuniings, and bind them to
gather as harmoniously as thou haat blended thy
itianiinate objects? May the God of nature sof
ten our hearts to thy gentle influences, and may
His divine precepts of have and forgiveness rule
iu our bosoms!
At the landing we went on board the fine Steam
boat, -Reyport, and, puffing up the Potomac,
reached Washington about 5 P. M., passing on
our way many strong forth, and Mount Vernon,
whose grounds and buildings were plainly discer
nible from the boat. As we steamed by this sa
cred spot, the bell of the boat was tolled solemnly
in remembrance of the hallowed dead that repo
ses, blessed of mankind, on that gentle hill side.
If it were not sacriligious, can we not be indul
ged the thought that the illustrious father of his
country, rejoices amid the' beatitudes of Heaven,
in the salvation of his country in her recent ago
ny; and has welcomed to his fond embrace, the
savior of his nation, the glorious martyr, the bra
vest. the gentlest, the noblest of his successors ?
Now, you are emancipated. I have taxed yours
and your readet's patience, if indeed they have
followed me in my ramblings. You remember
that the Scotch have a superstition that the war
locks indulge the cruel habit of dragging sleepers
from their dreams and riding them rough shod
over crags and glens, restoring them to their beds
ii the morning jaded and exhanstecL Such a
phantasy preyed upon the great mind of Hugh
Miller, when his over taxed brain gave way be
fore its vast achievements, and "Science self des
troyed her favorite son." You will compare to
this the dreary• journey I have dragged yon through,
and will shake me off as gladly as Sinbad shook
off the old man of the Mountain.
Moral: always be sure of the damsel you invite
to the piano, or the scribbler you ask tvyrite.
Major General John P. Hartrantt, Union can
didate for Auditor General of Pennsylvania, has
been serenaded at Norristown. Benj. F. Hancock,
Esq., made a capital speech of congratulation to
the General, closing as follows:
GENERAL : You have been promoted and bon
ored, and deservedly so. The Government has
appreciated your services and bestowed upon
you offices of honor and distinction, for which
we congratulate you. But these military honors
and distinctions are not all. Your native State
desires to show you, by electing you to the re
sponsible office of Auditor General of this great
and loyal Commonwealth, that she appreciates
your services. - -
General, I, on behalf of those assembled here,
congratulate you on your triumphant nomination
for the office I have just named. Of the many of
this populous State well qualified to fill the office,
the Union Convention that nominated you have
pronounced you the must worthy. We rejoice
in the selection, feeling perfectly satisfied you
will fill the office as you have filled nil the others
-with whiCh you have been honored—with credit
to yourself and benefit to the public ; yes, mote.
with marked distinction.
General, when in the field we found you wor
thy of our sympathy and - support ;in the present
campaign you may rely upon our well as
our votes, as we are fully satisfied with the deci
sion of the Convention that you were the most
worthy of those whose names were presented for
the office. We beseak for you the votes-of every
loyal voter in the State, and may you be elected
by a majority worthy of the eminent services you
have rendered.
To which Gen. Hartranft replied in the folhm
ing words:
311 FELLOW-ml7,Uss: I thank you most
sincerely for this compliinentto-night. It assures
me that you endorse my past public life, and that
I hold your confidence and support in the public
contest soon to be 'inaugurated. I also thank
you, Mr. Hancock, for the kind mention of my
military history. Of this' I will not speak nor
detain you but a moment
As a soldier, I feel it my duty to give my hum
ble aid to the great party which has during the
rebellion so nobly supported the Government in
the struggle Inc its existence and national honor.
It put forth its strong urns and assisted the Got -
ernment in filling our depleted ranks. If this
had not been done we would still be digging in
front of Petersburg, or perhaps been compelled
to accept a dishonorable peace. To do this in a
righteous cause would haw beet a disgrace to
every soldier. HUIe soldier i,true to himself h e
most be true to the Union party. His pension
list, his bounty fortis early enlistment, his right
of suffrage, his protection tintingh life, all appeal
to him,
I need not say that every eflbrt should be made
now to protect and micioirge labor. You well
understand that it i< the wealth of a nation. And.
while this is so, also From patriotic considerations
;see that the returned soldier is honorably emplo3
ed. It is the highest titter that eau be bestowed
upon him or his country. He will then soon for-
get his ramp lite and become an industrious and
prosperous ell izen.
The militar) power of the rebellion is crashed,
I May say, forever, and the nation looms tip amidst
the ruins more grand and pimerfill then it ever
seemed before. Ilia remember the spirit of re
bellion is still alive., and nett be more carefully
guarded. Let it be shorn of all politiod Power,
for in that is concealed all its strength - mid danger.
I hope soon to see the immense firtines of the
North and South engaged in civil tind peaceful
pursuits, all adding their energy to, restore our
happy, glorious country its former wealth and
prosperity. Allow me ;unlit) to. return my thanks
for % your compliment.
Ueueral and Mr. Hancock were repeated
ly otersupted by applauki and cheers, and the
impromptu meeting shortly - after dispersed.
A WomAts " WAT l Enr.u.t.s."-3lrs. L. Ma
via Child writes a letter to the Independent. in
the course of which she uses the following Inii
gunge in regard to the latest fashions in hair:
" Thinking of the great and blessed work done
during these last four years, by women in the
Sanitary Commissions, the hospitals, and the
school houses fir the emancipated, r serried to
see a bright light dawning on our future carrel.
But the vision receded in the distance, when I
looked from my window and saw a bevy of dam
sels sailing by, with hen-coops in their skirts, and
upon their beads a rimless pan of straw with it
feather in it—utterly useless for defence against
wind of sun.
"To make this unbecoming head-gear still more
ungracetia, there descends from it something
called by the flowing name of waterfall,' but
which in fact looks more like a cabbage in a net,
tricked out with heads and wampum. If I hod
met them in Western forests, I should have ta
ken them fur Ojibbeway SIIII.IIVS, hut their dress
was a /a mode Pathienne. This tyranny of
France, is I suppose,.one of the things that must
be endured, because it cannot be helped, till our
brains are further developed. In process of time
I h o p e th e Empress Eugenie will sleep with her
illustrious a ncestors, and that no other fantastic
queen of fashion will come after her to lead the
c i v ili z ed world such a fool's dance. What a set
of monkeys we are in feathers and furbelows,
dapeitig to the tune
,of , that imperial show
man !"
_ .
GRAND:ttorltuts.,—A correspondent 01 the
Lewiston Journal says he n tettieguithe following
conversation between tiro urcruns : Says
one, "Ain't you got ivy gnunitnother 7" ."No."-
"I yer," responded.thi! fiFlk" they're "
Let yer do as you plettite:,givyer 'pa' web
atus'Layer can eat, sod the Mote yoti:stitiel.
the better they like it" ' r? . •