VON sit Valid. 11011 E? ICRYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER.TIXE TABLE. FIVE TRIM DAILY to and from Ilitmlithfo and ritrAWF. lla and after Mon any, Ottobet• tiet, ltdl4, the l'es4enger Traits et the Penntylvdnia Railtdai Company Ain depart from Hants. burg and arrive !API ladelpbitt and Pituburp a fellers: EASTWARD: TTllloThait TRAIN learritiarnsburir ly m 2.45 A, AL, atid strives at Wert P'666delphla at 6.55 1. 31, PASTIVE leaves Dartisbarg daily (except Monday) at F.OO A. M- Bad 'mires at West Philadelphia a 12.4 0- e. Si. Paster gers take breakfast at Lancaster. ..tdATI., TRIM: leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun ,- stay) at 1.10 P. M., and Arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.• 3.5 P. N. • • riTTSTMEG , AM) ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris• burg daily (except Sendays) at 11.55 P. Si., and arrives at We..t Philadetphlaut 4.:10 A. St. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION' TRALN, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. It., and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 0.30 P. X. This train has no cone/quids from the treat. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAM' leaveellar• risbora daily (except Sunday) at 7' A. it., and arrives at Laneaster at 9.15 A. IL: connecting (except an Monday) with the Fast Line east WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Tfaitis:., burg daily (except Sunday) at 1.11.35 A. 51., Altoona 6.50 t., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40P.M. 'BALTIMORE EXPRESS - tRAEi leaves Hardsbarg (except Monday) at 2.25 A. If.: Altoona 8.15 A. X., take breakfast. and snivel a Pittsburg at IAO P. 51. - THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at `Z,S A. Altoona at 8.15 A.M., take breakfast and arrives At Pittsburg at 2.40 p. Dt. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Suinday) at 4.00 P. m.: Altoona at 9.10 P. )1., take supper, and nr. noes at Pittsburg at 2.00.1. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun. day) at 1.40 P. DI.: Altoona at 7.55 P. IL, take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. 11. MOUNT JOY ACCOSIMODATION west leaves Lan. rim - terra M, connecting there with the Mail west; leaves M.6unt Joy at 11.51 A. X., and arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 e. at. SPECIAL NOT/CE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM from Pittsburfr t which arrives at Hartisburg_st 6.30 .tops there, passenger for East of Harrisburglay over un til /2.53 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOMCG, novif - Snp't Middle Dtanmagi. R. R. ,NTORTRERN CENTRAL • RAILWAY A. _FALL TIME TABLE.--Four Trains Daily to aet from Baltimore and Washington City. _--...Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and fona Pittsburg and the West. ' POUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and tWest Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern Sete York. - _sa and after Monday, o,•t. lath, 1804, the Passenger 'trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves 'Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10:25 A.E. • leaves Harrisburg 1:...1) P.M. arrives at Baltimore ' 5:40 P.K. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex• rapt Sunday) 11:45 P.M. leaves arrisburg (except , Monday) 2:50 arrives at Baltimore 7:00 A.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves ' Harrisburg 7:00 A.M. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sum• bury' daily (ex. Stuaday)• • • PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAIN leaved Sunbury daily (ex. Sunday) 9:05 P. 92. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9:W A 3/. leaves Harrisbmg 1:35 P.M. • arrives at Sunbury 9:05 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily... 9:30 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg 1:30 A.M. • leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 315 A.M. arrives at Sunbury 5.53 A.m. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at.. leaves Harrisburg dully (ez rapt Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury at. HARRISBURG ACCO3I3IODATION leaves Baltimore daily(ex.Monday 3:00 P.M. • arrives at Harnsburg at. .... 7:50 P.H. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Ha rrisburg daily (ex Sunday). 4:00 p_st. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run,through to Elmira. Fur farther information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl• vaults Railroad Depot oet.W64 J. N. DrBARRY, Gea. Sap!. fHILADELPIIIA AND ERIE RAIL ROA/J.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest eountiei of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Este. It tips been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by. them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and height business, October 17th, 1064. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RARRISIWRG LEANT, EASTWARD. 1130 P. R. Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation Man Train Lock Haren Accolimodation. Passenger Cars run through on Mail Train. without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. , Elegant Sleeping Carson Mail Train both trays between Philadsdphla and Lock flaren, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For Information respecting Passenger builness apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And far Freight business of the Company's Agents B. B. KINGSTON ,Jr., Cur. 13th and Market Sta., Phila. J. W. RrrNows, Erie. WM. BROvai, Agent N. C. It. It, Baltimore, Md, H. FL FIOUSTON, - Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. IL W. GWINNER, Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Manager, Williamsport. feb€.6s - - OEI3II3ERLAND VALLEY & FRANK- LIST RAILROADS.—CHANGE OP HOURS.— On and after Monday, October 31, 1F64, Pawner Trains will ran daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): FOR Mt NIBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: Leave Hagerstown Greencastle / Arrive at Chambersbum Leave at.. Leave Shippvalbarg New-ri11e..... Carlisle 6:30 10:10 2:46 " • Mecharrinsbarg 7:00 10:42 '3:16 Anive at Harrisburg T:3O 11:15 3:45 FOR CHAMBERBI3IIIIO AND HAGP.P.STOWN : A.ll. P-If. P.X. Leave Harrisburg . 8:05 1:40 4:15 " Mechanicsburg 8:47 2:20 4:50 " -Carlisle 9t.27 2458 5:15 " Newsille 1002 3:34 * " Shippensbrug 10:33 - 4:13t1 Arrive at Chambersburg '"- ' 11:00 4:35 Leuve Chambetsburg . - 11:10 4:45 . " Greencastle 11:55 5:33 - Arnve at Magertown 12:35 6:35 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsbnrg, and with trains ihr sH ponds West. ...The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P, M. nnts only as far no ("whole. 0. N. LULL. Suit. It. R. Otlice, Cbamb'g, Oct 31, 1864 *Mktg anb 'Maness. ci ADDLE ! RE MOVAL!!- JER.EtIAff OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recei ved from them heretofore, and he would Invite them and the community gopezwlty , who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his new stand, on Main Street. /a the same Bite occupied by hint pthvlaus ruche fire, where he keeps constantly an hand every variety of SADDLE.' RY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to set the same on. terms that defy competi tion. Every arVele offered far sale is warrented to be made of the tett material and by competent workman, ',hint, will be fully demonstrated on OrieXalainatioe there, of. TRINES AND VALISE.S.—He would ale° can the attention of persona wanting h good, neat and 61245 p grid nntotanttal Trunk or Valise to his assortment. isprill9 ADD LER S' HARDWARE.—C. H. uonnoN has just purchased in the F.tot a large "t"ek or till.DOL,Bitri' lIARTMARP, etinnistittir ut tekets, Rings Blth. Hams". Brittle Erna?", Tacl.4. Itiv• ebt. llntetite", Swivel', Pad Screw". Gig Tree", Black trimmed and foll•plate yelfladboding Tree" Patent and Enamelled Leather. Saddler"' Bail, Patent Leather Cob o r n a n,e h t., Girth and Rein Woh. COrk•eye". Thread. Trunk, Nails, Ned Protectors, Sze., he, which be invites •"addler's and others tee call and examhie. and whi c h will be bald at leer rates. • Cfi G ORD ON HAS ON HAND A large as.rrtirtent of Saddles, Raman, Collars, Bri• dies Halters, faney Round Bridles. Wagon, C a rri rt ge tad :Linen Nets of all kinds, from B a li!) to $1,00; Curry c•tudts, Horse Cards, Mane Combs, Brushes, florae Hoots. r 'ow Hides, and many other articles not neeesSary to Emu. oerate. R EMOVAL.—C. H. GORDON has re -1.1) mused his SADDLERY i4l - 10P to the eland emu• pied t him prerions to the fire, on 3IMS STREET, a caw .i . oote South of 0 reenatrait'n lime:. 3300kfi ant( „Stationery.. T' E OLD BOOK,S TA ND OF S. S. SiIRYOCK. Dos been removed to the new building npposite the Poe; taTtra, whero a full asis/rtment of SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOORS. gTATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC. Can be had at exceedlnaly Low Prices. WALL PAPER and W/NROW- SHADES, a tars and new stock. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pens. fully warranted.. Orders taken fir goods, id:deb will be Erpressed in tht .lifvtegt yoggble time. The :sew York and Philadelphia Papers received dell) for whieh weekly subscriptions will be taken. First Class Novels, Idageziues and Periodicals rec e i ve( ,e‘soon as published. - We Can sell Photograph Albums cheaper ban they cal too bad tine Where. 31usie seat free of portage to any part of the county. Flaatea, Worsteds and I•'ancy Goode constantly on band. o a r arrangements are such that we can supply any or ders satisfactorily and with dispatel, 3111. J. K. SHOTOCK, is now located lo ' Ne;i• Tali:. which .uablee us to undertake the moot - complex cominiselorui. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style , hunted op at &reasonable commitegoa. ifV115,17 3101iEY WANTED.--BRAND FLACK resNailly request 01 persons knowing bemeelves indebted to them by tees or book accounts to nail and make immediate settlement. 'The nem e ity of this notice {.ll apparent to; every one, and we hope these In debted teal moot( at crane. ang444l amp anli D MILLER.' 1 NEW n RUG -STORE liflOWN'S HOTEL has a NVF.I.I. SRLECTEII *TOM' PURE DRUGS. CIrEMICAL§ and 141 Ala be At I'ATENT 31;EDICMS. KEROSBNE OIL LAMPg, PERFUMERY West End of Brown's lintd HOW TS YOUR TO-- sore Corn have you peace day or night. Try a ',wain think once. Tau will he ready to double the price in an hone after using U. Tl)is article is only }old with a guar Outer that it a ill glee ease quick and. Omove a Corn o r Wart without path. Peeparedand oily at NIXON' S Dritg Store. 7:30 A.lc IF 'V 0 IT HAVE THE REBEL ITCH, or the tieltql•Year Itch. - Or any kind of huh. , Tetter orltingwonn. . Pimples or Usfir Enipboro. 136€-NEKOX'S OINT3IENT. NTIXON lIAS ALWAYS_V,IS' DEAVOR- N Ell to hare the best of everythigg fir his customers. Hence his large sale* of En. Perfumery, Soap,. Hair tlilr and Toilet Anieles. 7:30 P.M v.:35 A.N. 3:25 A.M. A LIIOST INSTANT RELIEF AF 11 FORDED to thoae who stiffer with Corns. by call ivcwt NLIOX'S. ARMERS, STOCK OWNERS, AT TENTIoN¶—t-geivizmess Horse and Cattle Powder and you will see the Imprnvernent rosy soon. BR AND Y AND WINE FOR MEDI CITE.—dI ‘S , I he useletos to apply for drinking roar At NIXON'S. VIS A. M. 1,40 r `•A NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN." ,LIL—A now Hair Brush ought to clean well. If you mot a gu. 41 Hair Bru•li. go to DRUGS! DitU.GSII C. IL CRESSLETt, successor to Iltvsta - & Caems. LEE, has opened in his new mom, on Second street, oppo site the Post Office, where every effort win be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re solved is respectfully. solicited. A fair stock .of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of Perßunery, Soaps, Pocket 'Books, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brasher, Teeth Brushes, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, ear P M 7:IXI 2.45 7.n 1.35 817 4:20 • and Fancy Articles in great variety, KEROSENE. LAMPS.—EverY description of Hand Lamps, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kitchen Iralor use, Store we and Office we" 8:30 12:35 9:00 1:7.8 9:X. 2.00 THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE MAREET Family Dyes at an Color& Everything in a Draggista iine of businen. I . V'Prescriptions receive special attention, and an compounded with care and skill, C. H. CRESSLER, Second &tree °prow 'he Post OMee. attoriteps At Lab 3. Glt. & W S. _STENGER, ATTOR . NESS AT LAW W. S. BTESGER. District At• val l ey and Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears ca pay Office in James Duffield's theetilng, on the West side of Se, .45.1 Street. between Queen and Washington Streets. ana-24 1-2.EORdE EYSTER, ATTORNEY AND COVSSELLOR AT LAW, has resumed the prac tice of hi: profession in Charnbersburg. Office, for the present, on Main Sired, near Washington,—the wee as that of the District Precast Marshal: Residence on the south side of Washington street, midst* between Second and ,Main. augle.3e, STUMBAUQII GEHR. Arroways "ArLAW.--Offlee opposite the Post Office. Will at tend promptly to all business entrusted to them care. P. S.—Authorized Agents for the collection of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay and an other clalmsagainstthe govern- ment. sepl4 • S EVERETT. Attorney at Law. • °aka on mokat.strett. opposite the Court Hooke. formerly Uncurled by Jar. Cook, Esq. All legal business., entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten , tion. sep74f. TORN STEWART, Arrommy AT LAW Offire ott Secoad Street. a few doors South of the Market Waite. PENSIONS. BOUNTY aad other claims pvmptly cuneeted. fariga WIL IiOCKENBERRY, ATTY. AT . Lan, Office opposite Conn Rouse. Chambers burg. Basineas promptly atteroMl tn. Innel443m mq J. NILE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ace at Inr reenter:et. on Second tr t T, 4 11: KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW e )fl co on Market greet. nett 9 13ooto anl ,S'4OEO. P EMOV ED.—The undersigned hashe _Lt pleasure of informing his old customers and thtl,pubT he generally, That be has removed big BOOT & SHOF, STORE to the Nets Brick Betiding of George Ludwig, on Main Street, one door south of Oteenawalt's Hotel. sar err he in TOW opening the lament assortment of Roos cod Shoes ever brought to the county, His stock embus. mer, every var i e ty of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS 6IIDES, width for ets la of finish, and durability of • , wear. ezmoot be stuietssed In the county, and which will he sohl at riot to suit 'hollows Hat ingpurebased 'I')IE LATEST STYX,E OF LASTS. he to prepared to make Customer work. it short notice, by the best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and its comnziolnilng, be !roper to merit a liberal share of pat nunage--withont a desire to monopolize. as Ms motto is, -In our common calamity, to live and let live. Particular artenriirn paid to all kind, of Repairing. TERMS DASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. D'l,7 EXTORTION. -Ho hes Om on band; and for sale, cheap, Trunks, V a . lises, Carpet Sacks, Linen and Paper Collars, Papa, Envelope", Ink•stands, Steel Pens, &e., &P -iney 10 P. FELDMAN. N. 13.—A1l persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and make immediate settlement, that I may be enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City. T HE GENTS' GLOVE KID GAITER with or without BUcklet, at PAXTON'S. ,i FINE STOCKOF HEAVY BOOTS, LI. arap and filtrable, just received at PAXTON'S. JJl'. DEL ACROIX, • No. South SECOND Street, above Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. CA P ! CA RPE TINOS ! Having received by late arrivals, all The newest and m oat attm ' l ""' Styles of Carpetings,—l PltZPAltfil) TO OFFER at the LowEsi Paßieta. WHOLESALE& RETAIL.— John Crossley a. `ton's English Tapestry Brussels; Low rll Mulford Tlirce-Ply and Extra Super Ingrain Car pets, with a large assortment of medley/land low •priced IlitltlT.TlNCiik INlttm AllAtillg, OIL Ct.DTIIS, J. bELACROLL No. =South SECOND at eet, between Chectnut. 6: uglo.lini Market. PHILADELPHIA., CM lE2=l= SOAPS, &e oe )9 Mattbeo anb ,BATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, lca— Haring ittsropened a treat ..elected assortment of goods my line; directly Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street, wmy old and I hope many new customers still End re Erring business hours. Sly old stock having bemire , very suddenly on the nOth of July last, I was com- I pelted to buy an 'Entire Nan Stock of Goods, which are of the latest styles and patterns, cousistiag of Gold and Silver (Imported and American) Gents and Ladies' Watches, Jewelry of fine and medium qualities. Silver Thimbles, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Batter Entrns, I Could Pena of fine quality, Pocket Cutlery, Rains, Strops and Brushes, JettSilver Plated Spoons, Forks sad Butter Knives, 4oads, Pocket Books, Ladies' PruseN Nail and Tooth Brushes,- Redding and. Pocket Combs, Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels, • - Large and Small Willdiv Baskets, Mi,ISICAL INSTRUMENTS, Flutes, - - • Fifes, - Banjos, Tamborittea Aceordeons, Flutinas, &c. The uportmout of CLOCKS Is large and of every- riety. I have on hand the HENRY REPEATING RIFLE, which can be tired fifteen rimes in that many seconds. EverybOdy should have one for self decoct.. The public are invited to call and examine them. - PISI OLS on hand and orders tilled for any kind that may be wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on hand. From long experience l can adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSESin Gold, Silver and Steel Frames al ways on hand. Having the agencv for the sale of the celebrated BITR. GLAR AND FIRE-PROOF SAFE, manafactuied by Farrell, Herring de Co., I will till orders at the manufae tares price. All information in regard to them given. The public are invited to rail and examine the stock,. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired at low rates to snit the times. deel4 EDWARD AIiGHIRHAUGH. GOLD, SILVER & PLATED WARE P. G. D/ MAX;. - - . Seeoltrl Stever. in iranhington Hotel BM Wing, Ilas just returned frotn the city with a large and cheap stock of goods, to which he invites ail to come and exam ine tiefore pnrchasing efsen here. His stock consists of GOLD .IND SILVER WATCHES. of -the latest styles. (told and ,Silver Chains, Breast-Pins, Rae and Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, etc., SfLTBR WARE, Tnble and Tea Spoonk, • FOrks, Napkin Rings, Batter Knives. Castors, &c. have added to my stork a large assortinent.of thirty hour and eight day CLOCK'S, all of which will be said low.- (ideas warranted as represented. Vir" TitaTiktul to my many fnends and custotners for their liberal patmnnae. would most respectfully ask of then, a contain:wire et the scene. attain-ft F. G. DITIIAN. M.AR SHALL 64 Co (SUCCESSORS To F. J. POSEY.) H.AGERSTOWX, Would respectfully inform their friends and the pubhe generally that they hare fast reamed from the cities n MI a large stork of Nen . and Beautiful Goods —consisting FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRLPTION: SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES. KNIVES and C.ASTORSi•—Sciasors, Pocket *sires, Ihmors, Raser•Straps.—Hair. Toot.. and Nail Brushes ; Pocket Books, Comhs of every Leather Satchels, and a General Variety of FANCY OODS.— A Large Assortment of SPECTACLES TO ' CIT ALL EYES. aug9.6m ELI HOLDEN, INVITES T E AT ,JI_4 tentioti - of every reader of this paper, • hich includes many thousand of his old patrons and Nivaintanc:es, to his unusually laree nne beautiful carte •of AMERICAN & Imported WATCHES, CLOCKS, uod elegant deigns of JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. st 4.. eLI HOLDEN, ese - Et-ls . Syreet. Philadelphia. , alto' tur /Pr um Goolir,. ENTLEMEN'S FfRNISHING ROOM, FIAT AND CAP STORE STUFF?, Opposite Brown's Hotel JAMES M. ROSS Respectfully calls the attention 4if the public to hie full and elegant mock of GENTLE3fEN'S FURNISHING GOODS A.VD HATS 4XD C IP . just opened at his now room on Queen Street. sign o' the "Red Shirt" directly opposite Brown's Hotel. Among his FURNISHING GOODS Rill be toned a fall line of Shirt, and Drawers, Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, Meek Ties, Handkerchief?, Carta Suspender:. ALSO—A. FULL LINE OF HATS AND CAPS, enhancing every style and size. suitable fur all ages, and to valet, he itiritets particular attention, EXIIRELLAS AND CANES: A beautiful and good assortment, selling Tern rrry low ALSO—.dl. LARGE LOT OF NOTIOXS, Consisting, in part. of Chess-Hards. Checker Boards. Do minoes. Soaps, Perfumery: Pomades, Knives, Pencils. Pocket. Rooks. Combs. Tooth picks. Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shoo Brushes, &c.. which are offered to the" Public n - ith the assurance of pleasing all who may favor me with atrial, Call and strumtne my stock. Goods shorn free of charge Don't forget the Place! Sign of the RED SHIRT: Queen Street, appoeite Brown's Hotel._ Sato, an eapo. ARRIVAL.—Now is the time to boy your Fall and Winter Goods, and W. W. PAXTONS. in the Market House, is the place to get theta cheap and good. A very tine assortment of Sena fine and manta Bons, Balmoral:, and Gaiters, Ladies' Glove Kid. Moroeco and Coarse Shoes and Gaiters. 31 isses' and Children,' Shoes and Gaiters • of every style. Also MENS' AND BOYS' HATS AND GAPS atltriees to suit all. The best flomkmake of Rats to be tad. , A tine assortment of Trunk,., Carf.et Bags, Valisev, Canes, - 1 - mbrellto, yonstn.tly on band. Call and examine nor stark before Parehasing In the Market Haase. on Seeond street. NEN'S B Y-' S AND CHILDREN'S 1, HATS of et ery Style to bo had cheap at PAXTON'S. THE-SHERIDAN RESORTE NAT," a nice article, at PAXTON'S._ ' Eirg at° l'anglAßoubs. It E SI , 0 V WM. WALLACE & CO hare retnrwed their Dry Coed Store to the stand oeenpied by them previous to the fire, on the Corner of Main and Queen Streets, and are in receipt of a large lot of Gods, bought at resbm• ed prices, at the late New York Auctions, to which they invite the attention of the public. To persons In want of Dry Geodg we say now Is the time to boy. To the ladies we otTer a large assortment of Dress Goods Sleek and Fancy Silks, Poplins, Baratheas, Plain and Fancy, Deletes, dcc. We have a. good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, which we will sell low. :, Call soon and got hatpins. at luneirS W3L WALLACE di CO'S. ffortvarting pousto. , W U FO N RW D ARR E IN E' d A L ND I C C oM I I.SI & OR M N Ruc E Iid. A NTP North Second Street, opposite, the Combo/13Pd Valley Railroad bow. Chatabersbiirg, Pa. Can rue regularly to and bum Philadelphia Rod Bahl. more. AGENTS.—Peacrock, Zell & Mittman, So. Wlt .Mar ket, St., Philadelphia. Lykens Valley, Broken Egg and Non COAL, On ect from the mines), Wilkesbarro and Pine (trove POLP.s.TpttV COAX, LUMBER, MINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly ou hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at the highest Cash prices. Septd,et. " WL'NDERLICIi JB PRINTING, in every style, done ex the Me of the PRJANICLEN REPOSITORY. itbe frattldiu iftepoottainj; iliambersburg, pa. Groterits, C. GELWIORS BURKIIART have en band the LA110.1:S STOCK OF 3 1 EllazIANDISE in town. and sell goods Ir.MOLE:73LE AS CHEAP as am !muse in Phlindelplio. GELWICKS BrRKHART manufacture every description of CANDIES AND CONFEMIONARY, and sell strictly trf,raTT races. 0-1.. L! OIL? OIL? OIL'.! GELwicss •az BUIMIART WIIOLESALE _ _ _ -•-• • - KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS as cheap as it can be bought at Ihttsburg.with freight added, and cheaper by :3 to 4 cents per gallon with freight added than it cau be bought in Philadelphia. bg Country 3lerchants, notice this fact. You can do better in Oils with this flan than either city, as we buy In large quantities expressly titr WholesalinW• GELWICKS ct BURKHART haVejlat received a line of superior FRESH GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, REOrCED MMES. /- GEl'wicKs 6: BURKHART have a large enpplv of PRIMk.; RAMS, at a reduction on former flglirei. (pLW , ICKS A: BURKHART keep a great variety of SPICES AND FRESH BAKING ARTICLES. All Spices are ground nn their can mill and pre pared in their own gore. pule and &rob. no aliulteration. G ELWICKS & BURKHART keep a large stock of , TOBACCO AND SEGARS, and will sell Utem wholeads at rityprieu. C 4 EL IV/ CEIS & BURK-ILiLRT keep an linmeuse stock Of • . NOTWNS AND VARIETIES kept in all country stores, and sell them as cheap as oity horises. GELIVICKS & BURRHART haVe a large %icyCk Of , COFFEES, SUGARS, 3101:Assts. an,i. SALT, at wholesale Prices ELNVICKS a, BURKHART: expeetihPir br,ine,s to pay them by stelling - ,EI baits canount of g 00,14, ant not by large G EL WICK S Sc. BURKHART hake reeeived n la lot of PRIME CHEESE, ESE, and a va-iPty of CRACKERS fresh from the bakery. GELW ICKS & BURK HART'S Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY -is an Seem/ Sind. between Queen and Market'sts. cuilthr.n. , -Tntil PA. F ACTS! FACTS!! FACTS!!! E. D. REID • having &list returned from the Eastern cities, - la sow opening a..large and general assortment of FRESH GROCERIES.' City Cured Hams and Dned Beef, Prime No. 1 and 2 Shore 'Mackerel, in barrels, laalf.barrels, quarters and kita; Havre-de-Grace. Smoked and Salt Herring, Pickled Shad (without lames), Canned Fruits and Jellies, - Oranges. Lemons, Darannas, Pine-Apples, Prunes, Figs, German Pears, Raisins and Nuts, And last, but not least, the largest and best assortment of GLASS ,sID-QUEENSWARE - out of the city of Philadelphia. -FRUIT JARS of all the improved patent patterns. CORK-SEALED GLASS AND STONE JARS, besides one thousand five hundred articles _• not above named, and all of ' which will be sold at a small advance, at the Family Grocery• on, the South-eau corner of Main and Wasittagren streets, Chambersburg. Mr' Cash paid for Country Produce,. june2l E. IL REID. ARKET HOUSE.--The undersigned li respectfully inform their numerous customers and the public generally that they have re-opened their Gro cery Store In the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Comixtlay, in the Market House, and take this method of returning their thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Ham, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To baccos, Brushes, Brooms, Buckets, Cords, Twines, Glass. ware, Queensorare and everything heretofore kept at their former place of business. 'they will always keep a suffi cient stock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex change for goods at cash market prices. Don't forget the . place, (Market House.) three floors from the corner, on Queen Street. [aug3l] HUBER LEMASTER. ITECHER'S GROCERY. STORE.- kJ The undersigned has the (awe stodk of FAMILY GROCERIES in town, which he offers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICES. It is zed necessary to enumerate, at his stock is large and complete, L Highest priees paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange for goods. (abg3l J Cy RUS SPRECHER. T. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE kw'• GROCER .!ND COMMISSION' MERCHANT MS MARKET STREET, (North side, above Fifth street) Philadelphia. e.ug24-ly TF YOU WANT r _GOOD GOODS *AT the lowest vices, call at the Fatally Gmeery of E. D. REID, opposite Dr. Suenerott'a. I PORT E R s O F WINES A. N.,,D LIQUORS. LAumaIi r SALLADE & CO., :513.13 sOL - rll Nrctit Betz en Ca staidand Trahair p¢imddpik. GEO. 3L A. M. SALLAIR., J. D. BITIVI, A L hottio sealed with green wax with the Initials of th firm.' IMPORTED BY LAIJMAN,IIALLADE St CO. SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCH WINES AND AN AiSORTSIENT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. ' OSBORNE & CO.'S oportra VERT ETNF, ASP DELICATE OLD PORT WINE," Each bottle cealed with yellow wax With the bthialeofthe Firm. - LNPORTED DY LAUMAN, SALLADE OD., - &.(5., No. 128 South Ninth Strut, Philadelphia. OLD RYE WHIS4E,Y, . OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. WARRANTED. OBERHOLTZ WHISXEY, FOUST WHISKEY, WERRT'S TAPPErt3 WHISKEY, AND READING WINES. L ' A.U3L3IN, SALLADE, & 0,0., Na. 123 South Ninth Street. Philadriphia. toAnbly. ILiquoro. RIVESE, QARDRAT & CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, vivrAoior eift Distribution. A , PR E S'E NT FOR _A'L L I BONA FIDE GEET DISTRIBUTION ! ! 8100,000 fl SGESTANT/AL P,EESENTS 100,000 110XES STEEL PESOS. 100 000 FREE GEM'S. _-.--- Each parchaser, besides receiving Fru value roe his money in, Pens. is sure to receive a valuable gift worth from 30 cents to 55,000. The People's Pen Company, in eider to introduce their superior Steel Pens to the Public in the shortest possible space of time, offer the following splendid inducements. We will sell at retail 100,000 box es, each box containing one gross and certificate enti• tling the holder to one share in the allotment of the fol lowing desirable and substantial gifts. LIST OF GIFTS 100 Aires of Land in Cattaraugus county, New York. in the vicinity of Petroleum Wells, $5,00 100 Acres Pine and Hemlock Timber Led on Lehigh River, p6iinsykania. 3,000 .5 U. 6.7 2.10 Coupon Bonds. ' $5OO each. 2503 10 " " " •' ' 100 .. 1,00) . 10 " " 500 50 Orders on a First-class city bonne for a com plete snit of fashionable Clothing, $100... 5,000 50 Ladies' Rich Silk Dress-Patterns, $75. 3,750 Chickering's or other good maker, Round - , Corner Rosewood Piano.-7 octaves--Bsoo 2,500 SO Wheeler & Wilson's Double Stitch Sewing Iderhines, $5O 2,500 :3 0 Gent's Fine Gold Hunting Case Watches, 8150 3,000 20 Ladies' " - " " " 8100 2,000 50 Gents' " Silver " I " " 40 2,0 00 100 Ladles' " Gold Lockets, large 810, 100 " " , small 7, 1.000 Sets Fine Gold Jewelry,. Breast'Pini, and Ear Rings , $l5 , 15,000 1,000 Ladies' Fine Goldringer Rings, $6 6,030 1,000 Pairs Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Stone Sleeve Buttons 5,000 1,000 Sets Lady's and Gent's GUM Studs, eq. 5,000 1 ,000 Photographic Albums, $2.50. - 2,500, 10,010 Tickets of Admission to 13arnum's or Bry ant's, 30 cents., 3,000 35,000 Packages Assorted Stationary, 50 cents,..,. 7,500 50 Fine Brierwood Pipes. form ownimportation.) -- 75, cents, 3,750 10,000 Sets Pearl and Ivory Sleeve Buttons, 50 eta 5,000 50.000 Sheets Fashionable Music, 30 cents, ... -1 S2ri Photopraphic Portraits of President Lincoln and Tad, 50 cents, 2,264 The allotment will he conducted in the most Bonorablo and upright mannei. Every holder of a certificate will receive a present worth from 30 cents 14 $5,000. They guarantee to distribute every . article in theljat. Our Pens are splendid specimens of American industry, are finer gads than can be bought elsewhere for the same money, and will stand upon their merits. Price, 81.50 per grass, 144 pens, far either of the following kinds: No. 1. The People's Pen Co. Business Pen. No. 2. " Popular Pen, same as Gillett's, (303.) " - " • Lady's Extra. Fine. By MA free, to any address, on receipt of price. We can refer to patties of standing in this and other cities, as to honesty, responsibility, etc., etc. The allotment of gifts mTt bi..publie, and all purchasers Invited to be present. Addfess THE PEOPLE'S PEN COMPANY. Business Ofsce, M William Street, New York. C. q'NEWHOUSE, Actuary. -• These Pens are also on hand for examination and Sale at iOe of this paper. ang2-611k Attica , 0 D IODIAT"E! IODINE! IQDINE! DR. FI ANDEDS & CO'S. -'` . _IODINE WATER! Chemists and Physicians have long sought to dissolve lodine, without ajolvent, so it could be taken into the system in Apure state ; knowing full well that If this could be done, they would have an antidote for many deleases now ea:addend incurable. Atter fifteen years of seientitlo msearch and experiment, this most important discovery was made by Dr. IL AN- Elkus, a German Chemist and Physician, and a member of the Xedical Faculty of New York. sartitTOGA SPRINGS Contain only a fraction of The quantity of iodine there is In this preparation, yet the virtue of the water is due prin cipally to this element •US effect upon the system is indeed wonderful HER; EDITABY DISEASES, "born in the system," breezed. icated by its use. CHRO.%C DISEASES, no matter of how long standing, often yield to its subtle influence. As similating ad (ewe with the Blood, it siza2hes wad purifies that vital fluid, sending . strength and tiger to all parts of the body. The most wonderful somas has followed its use, in all forms of disease originating In A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, stett. AS SCRUM - LA, CANCEMA Ul.CEttt. SALT SIIEVIL Srmuus, • , Enrairachs, alatt, ill CONMIPTION, DYSPEPSIA, HEKET, I;,IVER. Ali FEMALE COXYLIstrIPs KIDNEIODISEILSEB, FEVER AND datiE, REEt3twfunt, &., &0., it has effected remarkable cures. TEE REV. GEO. Slog.ag, by Ra.oolll.Ts, Editor of the Bible Examiner, publishes in that magazine the remarkable cam of his son by the use of Dr. Anders' lodine Water, after all other remedies had been tried in vain. lie says: "Gratitude to God, and a sense-of obli gationto Dr. Anders &Co., have made us insert the fol lowing " My only son. George F. Storrs, now tilirty.BEVell years old, has been afflicted for some dozen years. more or less with painful swellings and intlzunmatlorts in various parts of his laxly; oftentimes, seemingly, he was near to death; then a respite for a season, but only for a return of the dis ease with more violence.. For the past_three years he haa had an open sore on his breast, and latterly one near his collar bone, with ulceration in his threat, that was Tepidly increasing so that dissolution appeared inevitable. In this conddiou he applied to Da. AnEne & CO. By the use of the lodine Water the ulceration in his throat dis appeared In a short title. Continuing its use, in less than two months he, was apLarently healed, - and his : • • „..:;• health much improved, Mr. Shan has since thlly erect. This certificate LV FM, and many others, with a treat ise on the nature and uses of will be sent FREE to any person sending us their name. Price el,OO per bottle, or 6.fin 65.00. Sent by Exp&Ai to all parts of the country, DR. It ANDERS & CO., Physicians and Chemists, 4a3 Broadway, New York. Sold by Droggiala generally sur2-6moa. Ciotbing. NEWQUA R RTES AND NEW STOCK. THE OLD CLOTHING EMPORIUM, IN TUE ?SAME?' HOLTSE, CASMberiburg, Pa. The undersigned, after a temporary absence necessitated by the destruction orChambersburg, has again returned and opened out in Atli blast in the Market House between Wallace's Dry Good store and Huber & Len:taster's Gro cery store, a large assortment of PALL AND WINTER. GOODS, of every description and quality. ' This stock consists of Ready Made Clothing such as Over Coats. Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, d:e.„ also GENTI,EASENS' FURNISHING GOODS, anch as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Col lets, Umbrellas, etta, &c. • His stock of Cloths for cristomer work consists of French, English-4nd Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimers, Black Satin, 'Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestingawhioh mil be made up to order in styles to suit the taste of customers, on short notice, and, reasonable terms. Having engaged a practical Cutter from the East, lam prepared to tarn% clothing in the most fashionable styles - , and as none but experienced workmen are engaged per sons may rely upon getting their work well done at my Store. Thankful for the . patronage heretofore best Owed, I re speerfulty solicits continuance of the same. MEI T HE NEW PHILADELHHIA CLOTHLNG STORE! JOHN DIETER Would respectfully inform the citizens of Chambersbnrg, and the public generally, that he has opened A NEW CLOTHING STORE, On Main St., in Isaac Hatton's new &nailing. opposite Haber d Talbert's. - Hie stock embraces a complete assortment of new - and desirable Goods, which be offers to the public at very low rates,. He also baa a fillkie of GENTLEMEN'S ruitnsursc; GOODS. Er call and examine for yotoelves.,../et P.kRTICIII.AR ATTENTION PAID TO CUSTOM WORE, anti satisfeation guaranteed, tinly264 Mentioto. T A R. H. R. FETTERHOFF, SURGEON DEk - rtsf. Office one door West of the Telegraph Office, Greencastle, Pa. AU work entrusted to him will be promptly attended to and warranted. usayl7•6ln. DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FLOE on Second Street, one square ,South of the Malice Hence. swat LI.LLIES' PATENT WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON. FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. VAULT DOORS, AND LODES. Every safe of ihis manufacture is from one inch to foto inches thick (according to sire,) of solid iron, chilled by casting on to a network of Wrought iron bars, and is fug. tened by Villas' Combination Lock, which beano Eeynor Rey bole, dm* rendering it secure against burglars, and Inside of thin Iron wall is attached the best fire-proof known. The great thickness of Iran in these stunk renders theta secure In a tire from being warped or drawn but of shape by beat, or from being crushed by the fall of walls or utnbers or its own fall. The Vault Doe= are It Inches thick and 0 inches thick of chified and Wrought Iron and are fastened by Utiles' celebrated Lock. Send for circu lars or price lists to the sabscrfber, who is solelent fop centrist Pennsylvania. OEO. W. PARSO 'B, - marc.4l-6m 110 Market St., Ilarristnarg, Pa. Atebeo Stitt- are. LIGHTNING RODS GALVANIZED:— ETTER ETSTER are putting up Arktuing Rod* of Galvanized Iron (all the rods are twisted from The top to the ground) which is thr snperior for durability and protection than the common straight Mack Iron Rods.— The Galvani:a rad being a more perfect conductor and comes cheaper,.also Lightning Rods repaired in good style. Call and examine the Galcanmed Rods before haring any of the black. rods Oat Stem Room on Main street. - - COOK STOVES AN,iD Tilt WARE.— AU Patterns of tik , sumac Parlor and wood. sores (for burning wood ar rre. Sheet Iron, Capper and Brass Ware oral] kinds ounitnntly on hand and forsate champ, at ETTER & EYSTEIrS, Main Street, opposite Eyster & Bros.' Store. Tr EROSENE OIL A.ND LAMPS.-ET IA. 3 W. & MISTER art selling 'ray best quality of - Kerosene Oil and Lemma also Lamp Shades, of all pat terns, Chimneys, Wicks, Burners. Lamps of all kinds altered and repaired at short notice, at tbmr Store Room on Main Street COPPER WORK..-ETTER & EYS TER anrprepared to :make any size Capper Stills, Worms, Pipes, Brewers' Kettle*, la fact and made of Copper and at the very lowest Price. All kinds of Cop perrepairing done, and work all gnaran!eed. ETTER &'EYSTER ARE PREPARED to do all kinds of GAS-FITTING. PLUMI3Lni and BELL HANG INO at abort notice and work guaranteed to give satisfaction'. - VTTER & EYSTER ARE PREPARED 1.11 toput up HEATERS of all kinds, with portable and Brialt Casing, COOKING RANGES of all kinds, with -Hot Water Tanks and ever• convenience you ay want.— Call and sea us before "malting any arrangements pith (Aber parties. GREAT REDUCTION / _MILLEN, HAMILTON & CO., TINWARE, & STOVE DEALERS, Aare zednaea the picas of their g00da . 25 per coot They will put on the beet quality. MT ROOFING (finding the Tin, du:.) for CO per square. If the owner finds the Tin they will put it on, soldered, for $2 00 per N E square. People would do well to call upon them before making contracts or prechases elsewhere Particular attention will be paid to SPOUTING, JOB BRAG, ,fi.c., at the cheapest rates LIGHTbMift RODS, of best Galvanized Iron, put up istraegly and cheaply & CO., bare a tine asiatalentof JAVA.NNED BIRD CAGES 811 of which they offer at short profits. Give do= a call and see for yourselves. Inlay 10 .FOIr C 0 lit FORT, CONVENIENCE Economy and DtrabiUty, use I.MTDON.EITCIEBNER., Iran Pounders, and Manufactures of Stoves, Beaten', 'rimed and Enantalled Waxes, fang23-6na. ratlibrire euttag, &t. HTT,A - RDW ARE • HUBER .Sc TOLBERT Rave opened their atom - On Main street, nearly opposite their old place of business, with an extensive stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &0., cetuditing in part of Iron, Painta, Nails, Oils, Spikes, r E Turpentine Steel. - • Tar, Hinges, Varnish, ' - Planes, Glass, Files, Blesrdng Powder, Brushes, Grind Stones, Shovels, = Cedar Ware, Rakes, Pocket Euless, Spades, Special attention is called to Bader* and Contractors, as they are prepared to Dinah in any quantity, • 'at wholesale, everything in their line. Call and examine our stock, COACH AND SADDLERY nARDWARE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the above business, at his old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Re formed Church, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Having enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coach makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of 004 suited to their several requirements, such as Fair and Country Hopkins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Ciirthhig: Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Bair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotton Hemel Biter and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Conch Handles, newstyles; Curtain Frames; Hob Bands; Bridle Fronts; Roseates; Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Glg Haines. BUCELES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns ,• Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of othergoods suitable for the trade. ALL KINDS OP ?LATINO, &a, done with neatness and despatch. Ede.ol4) LEWIS IVAMPLER. J. T. HOSKINSON CHEAP HARDWARE! BRAND & FLACK Had a caw goods under the pavement, which were not burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard. ware. Besides, they have just received from New York and Phliadelphiaa very large lot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been burned out, therefore we offer /non, Nails, Hocks, Ifinges, Screws, Bolts, Oily G2asayaird, &eqatthe.owektfigure. TO BLACI6BOTILS Arkn FAR-liißgt - We hare on hand about 16 Tons Iron of diaerent kinds, which we will sell less than it can be bought in the city. Also we hare 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at front 61010 dollars per keg. CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spam, &0., just received. from New York which we offer very , low. sep2B CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS Shoemakers' Findings, Saddled rindin Ast BRAND & FLACK'S. SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 23 cents each and many other articles which was in the are, which can be made as good as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in the Arley. BRAND &FLACK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL;. ROPES & TWINES. Themndersigned having purchased' the entire Stoek and Pi:tared of the Rope and Twine Afanufactary of J. P. Grey, deo'd. respectfully announces to her friends, and the former patrons albs establishment, that she will continue to carry on the business, in aft its various branches, at THE OLD STAND, on Plaaklin street, Chambersbarg, where she will be pleas ed to twelve the calls and ordersof the public. Allkinds, M'7-411.ana dilates of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., -always kept on hand or made to order of the beet material,. B.d 82..481 at reasonable primal, Ia conuectioxi with the above business, she Is also prepared to manatheture RAIR. Hb9K, AND OTHER ISIATTRASSES, at well as Horse Blankets and Fly Nets of superioignal ity and style. retsotut in want of superior articles In the above line are regnested to call, crania their olden, which wilt be attended to promptly. de4141 OB PRINTIIQG in every style done at j,/ the oseokatt 4 Fnuocunnovernmor.., IN PRICES!! MI BRASS, rTnnt/!ry sad also, ya ~: a : ~ Y: aagatt' WATER COOLERS, AC. EUROPEAN RANGE! • THE HEST &OWE ME MINTED, BOLD BY CHASE, SHARPE d THOMPSON, Na 209 N. Second a., Pkileulelphia. MARY F. GRAY. August 302'1861. Zrego, 'Fins anb ifttptto,_, WEST FRAN.ELIN NURSERIES.- LARGE AND CHOICE FRUIT TREES A PREVAILING ERROR CORRECTED- The The Idea has become current, that Ryder tom solcton t his nurseries, in parefrout the circumstance of havingsold at auction a ytwoon of stock last spring, the sole of width , were intended only to reduce the. surplus stook of -sonie leading items, anti give all an opporranitytosew for them. seh•evand all who were in attendance at thesevemlanc tints well know that the stock on hand is very large and of superior quality. &keret pretending nurserymen, solic iting orders through this meaty haveendeavored tomato, this idea bear upon the community ; that this establish ment is sold out and the business discontinued. Suchard shadier falsehoods We been indulged in by local an. traveling tree speculators for the peettllar benent Of them selves. The public are hereby informed that the business is and will be continued as heretofore, and all orders how- ol i o large or small, will be fined entire from our own grounds. We Vo‘r e hall stock of every Preat Tree, Plant, or Grape Pine described in our catalogue, anti con• eminently are not dependent on othet wineries for slap- - ply. nor compelled to send tit several hundred miles for Trees to fill the orders of mar customers. - - We arc prepared to 811 orders entire from our own grounds and twenty per cent cheaper, considering the quality of the stock, than any other establishment in the county. All persons who wish to purchase are invited to call personally and examine stock. Early attention to this will be of vast interest to those interested, as we can show grentvexiety of butt through the fruit season. Fruit for sole at the nurseries in large or !Small quantities. - Pest Office address, London Franklin CO., Penna. RYDER, Proprietor. West Franklin Nurseries, on the London mayors p o i -••••„road, road, june2B-3ra • FRANKLIN NURSERY.—Desirous of clearing part army grounds, I otter forsale, 30,000 ARPLE, TREES. These Trees are grafted with the best and most appro. ved varieties of Apples, and are grown =good sandy' loam. They have an abundance of Sine Ahrens roots andt can be removed without risk. They can be finished from fire feet to nine feet In height); with proportionately heays stalks, and are well worth the attention of persons wishing to plant orchards. I will sell them at front 610% 614 per 100, according to size and quality of Tree, when ordered in (patine° of 100 and upwards. PEAR, CHERRY and PEACH TREES for fall plant. ing aLso on band. - - EVERGREEN and SHADE TREES in variety, with a general assortment of SHRVAHEP.K, - GRAPES.-1 am prepared to receive and fill orders far Grapes for fall planting, Such es Concords (the best dark now cultivated,) Diana, Rebecca, Delaware, T. Kale; and all the latest varieties offered. A. moderate charge to cover expenses for packing. All goals delivered in Chambersbnrg Cr at the Haft Road if desired. Orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. J. HEY SER. - Agent, may3l4m Franklin N =seri, Chambersburg PS. 117 E S T FRANKLIN NURSERIES.— TREES, PLANTS, VINES, &C . . The subscriber would call the attention of all prisons who ha se not a full supply of Fruit on theirpremises, to the large and well selected assortment of nun Trees, Vines, ere.., now offered for the tall trade - Our stock is very large and comprises the best varieties known to po mologists. Our collection of Fruits of every class Is by r far the largest in the county and second to none in the State. We Invite allikho wish to purchase Trees to any extent, to come and see and leave their-orders at the earliest pos Bible opportunity. We guarantee that no one will regret the visit, as we are prepared to show more variety in the fruit line than any similar establishment in the country. Fruit can be seen g o ing at any time through the fruit season. Fruit for sale at the nurseries of all kinds in sea son. Address, aL. RIDES, Proprietor. London, Franklin Co., Pa. WestFnmklitt Nurseries; on the Loudon and Cove Gap road. 4• inne2B-3m QTRAWBERY PLANTS MAY BE planted now and until the Ist of October. The eer- Her planting through August and beginning of Septem ber, will bear good crops next season. We can supply good plants now of the following =ie. ties, all of which are worthy of cultivation: At 50 cts per dozen; 81,00 per 100, S 7 perlOCO, Alba. ny Mulling, Austin Shaker, Bayne's Favorite, French's Seedling. Hooker, lowa, Triumph de Gana, Tntilopee Victoria, Vicomptesse, liericart de Thury. The follow. ing at $1.50 per dozen; 50 plants ea,ou z 100 plants 85,00: New Jersey Scarlet, Agriculturist, Colonel Elsworth; Hitley's Goliath, Russell - Frolitle, Filrmore. The teal al= not ready before Ist of September, - must be ordered in time to secure a supply.. Address,. B. L. UNDER, iVest Franklin Nurseries, Loudon, Franklin county Pa. SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES v.)IN vAßlETr.—Large sized node Tzees for street planting. Orders for - those should be sent in early. They can best be seen and determined upon while the foliage is upon them. [june23.3ml H. L. RYDER- iinsuxante. ANIFRICXN LIFE fl' SIIRANCE AND 'TRUST CO., Comer Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia- Incorporated 1250. Charter Perpetual. Authorised Capital, 8303' Paid-Up Capital, 1M0,1.160. Philadelphia, Feb. 4,1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend -of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MU TUAL POLICIES during the 'year ending December 31st, 1663, and is force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi dend of 1860 on Policies issued dnririg that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on mod Policies are re ceived. ' OFFICERS. • Presidras—Alexander Whilldin. Secretary and Treasurer--John S. Wilson. ,das,e C. We. BOA OF TRUSTERS.—Alexander Whilldiu, 1. Edgar Thomson,George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock; Albert C. Robers, P. B. a ptz Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Samuel T. Bodine, John Allman, Charles Role It, balm Hertel:amt. - WE. O. REED,Mambersburg, Pa., is the authorised Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com pany, and Is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. Das. J. C. Rzcauars and W. IL BOYLE, Matkia drainers. RE,FERENCES--Hon...L K. M'Clure, Ray. S. J. I , Uo. colls, J. S. Nixon, Chambersburg, and Wm. M. Marsha, Cashier of the Hagerstown Sank.. Persons dashing Information or wishing_ to 1/1/9.1 . 0 will please call on, or by addressing the undersigned they will be waited on in any part of the Conlity or State. main W. G. REED, Agent I .B29 CHARTER PERPETUAL.-. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PRILARELPIIIA. ASSETS On aantuirY 1, 1865... CAPITAL....., ACcErrap Stntimus. bivsarzo PaP-Vans I- Iscostr. poll 1243 83,000,00 a. $5,121,927 • truemps> Giants, 88,416. Loas PAID Saco 16 PERPETUAL AND. TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LINERAL^TERMS. . DIRECTORS: Charles N. BanCter, . . Isaac Lee, , Tobias Wagner, EdwardC. Lisle,...: Samuel Groot, Geo. Estes, Jicob It. 13mitb, Alfred Title; George W. Richards, Fras. W. Lew* M. D. CE,ARLES N. BANCKER, President, EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Provident JAB. W. WAWsrEit, SecO, pro. tem. DAVID OAKS is the antlanized Agentof the Coln pang in Chambersburg, who ! nill furnish all information necessary to applicants. • leat23tt. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated r 94. Charter Perpetnel. CAPITA/. SW' 0,000, Office2M_Walarn Street, The promptpaymentof CliiinefolLomis during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has been to existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. This company will also Insure against loss by,4CAR or INVASION. Persons wobing to insure will please mill on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, cbambezetug, As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cannel all Perpetual as well as ; Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on tberinh of July, returning the full premium paid on application at my Caoe. W. G. REED, Agent. RZFF.RESCES—J. D. Grier, S. Allison Erne; Esq., Maier J. C. Austin, Col. A. R. ArGiure. - fehB OUR AGENT.—Mr. Join; GROVE, of Chambersborg.-4 the General Agent of the Frank, tin County Mutual Insurance Company. June 7) - edam ant *coats. TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE--Haring re•built my Tobacco and Cigar Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington *Main streets) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite all to call andsexamine my stock, consisting of CHEWING TOBACCO* - Congress, all - Cavendish, 'Twist, al kinds, Rose Twist, - Flounder,. old. Virginia. Nan, - Roney Dew. Michigan Fine Cat_ Ste., &c. - Anderson Shorts - Solace Talisman, _dart's Delight, , Plantation, -- - Sunny Side,' ace. KW - 888 Scotch - Connie. SMOKING:- Big Link, an ills Oanshaldi, _ Grant, fftel. J.- A...JACOB& Raypw, Large Hand, Cut and Dm Lynchburg. Jameeltiver, ?dead, imp 2 1 RENIOV AL OF 1311 S S, TOBACCO 1.111 AND SEGAR STORE—Tbeandersignedhas red moved his Tobaeco and Seger Store to his new room, on SECOND STREET, non door to zee Prismiship House, where he will keep On hand a complete in= TOBACCO AND SWABS, rubes Natm• Lea; m a n• igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. aprilsC. H. atm. - _ To DYSPEPTICS.—Hang been at3lie ted for a number of yews with Dyspepsia. I ins oa t -j o s s ; to try DR. WISRART'S MEDICINE for that disease. I derived great benefit and reoomreend r ed lUD quite a number of my meads an d who were also numb benefited by it, and whose testimonial ran behaditne** ~.a rs. !have been aßpointed UT Dr. W... as Agent fur the Sale of hie Medicine, whofesal . e or retail. W. G. REED, Repository race. Chambersborg Pa. ace.rM PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The Penturylrimia State Agri*Usual Society will hold its Exhibition do Septaxber...th, 27th, :'nth end 29th, 1969, at WM/A/WORT, Lycoadng county. Penonybranle. - Any information denim!. by perms desiring to exbibit, applicaThins fur premium ,tat or postern, or brtnembetteof the Society: will, be given by OA. andendgbeiV•oelt. BOYD RAXILTON, president, julys A. BROWER =rant, .14,D:1107,404 ... 8400,000 1,0435,%18