C August .90; 063, traultlin tpooitorg. LOCAL ITEMS. - GOSSIP WITH Otra Fititsps.—Have any of my fair readers ever been groping through a dark room, with both hands outstretched, to make sere to intercept any articles in the way, and after . using all, this instinctive caution, strike her classic nose (nuns) against an open door If so, does she remember what they said and how they said it ; how she felt,and what she thought Thus felt your goioip list Wednesday. nal was it ? lufandum regina juhes, etc. Hereafter I shall confine myself to my own immediate concerns, and shall leave the dear public to itself. I shall leave the world, the busy throng of deceitful men 4 1 (and women) and bury myself deep (as Napoleon gays in the song) in the wild, wild wilds.of-Frank lin county, far from mortal eye. How beautiful to my heart are the words of the pious Cowper, " 0 fora lodging in some vast wilderness." So, I dash away a tear (vide "The Soldier's Fare well."). Adieu. ' The above was written last week, and true to • my vow, I left immediately and What deep into the country, fully a mile and a half from town", where no blackened walls or dusty brick piles dis turbed my eyes. Even when hunger came upon me at-noon-tide heat, I resolutely refused toveturn to the-habitations of man, but sought the country nearly an eighth' of a mile deeper, oral demanded something to eat from one whom I had known in happier days; and lunched on a half pie,.`four peaches, bread and butter and honey and five glassess of fresh butter-milk. It humanized me, and I thanked the donor for her hospitality, re frained from kicking her 'dog, and lett for my former haunt. When eventide bad come, and the shades of evening bad hidden the countenances of the human species from my eyes, I returned stealthily to town and slept in the arms of my dearest friend, Morpheus by name, till Rosy fin-, gered morn gilded the "spire of the German Re formed steeple; and decided to take part in a contract for the digging of a cellar in the country. I bought me a pair of gloves made of rotten sheep skin, lined with Canton flannel, and resolutely set to work, with some German friends, to use the pick and shovel, carry out stone, and trundle the • barrow (they wouldn't trust me with the pow der.) We commenced at half-past six. By seven o'clock I had a blister on the palm of my right hand, that the handle of the shovel made. Eight o'clock found me with another blister a little higher up, from using the pick. At nine I bad a blister on my left hand (I posi tively declare that I had not once gone for - water yet, trough my companions had almost made a line as-though at a fire.) Ten o'clock struck my ear almost the same moment that a spell of stone struck my cheek, much to the amusement of my co-lablirers. At eleven, if the back of my hand had been like the front, I could have taken off the skin Ile a glove. Twelve o'clock, and I dropped -. 7 -the shovel. Intent as ever upon ethics, I dis covered-that the only difference between sailors and quarriers when they meet with difficulties is that the former blast their eyes, the latter the rocks. Once the thought arose in my mind that my comrades must be returned veterans, as they • were all familiar with the drill; but I rejected the idea as incompatible with their running with all their might as soon as one of them would cry "fire !" By six o'clock I was in condition to ap preciate the_affecting words of Uncle Edward, "Lay ddwn the shovel and the hoe-oe-oe;" and as I took time to examine my gloves, I found them not worth a—stealing. Next day I gradually learned the ropes; and though my hands were very sore, and "the epine of my back" quite stiff, yet I got along better than the day before. I'll tell your how I did it—whenever we fired a blast I walked - away in time and as far as I could; I went frequently for a drink of water, some fifty yards off, and` took time to it; I always thought three times before I shoveletince; when I used - the pick, I counted ten betweeir every blow, thus 'insuring-regularity, which is the very life of ma chinery; wheal bad occasion to employ the bar row, I spat on my hands deliberately; and when I took a chew of tobacco I felt in all my pockets where the tobacco was not, before I inserted my hand in the pocket where it was. I have consid erately omitted to mention my various mishaps in the shape of pebbles in my shoes, dust in my eyes, pinched fingers, etc., etc. I must close this hurried. talk, and go to work, or I'll be docked a quarter of a day. oif the curve is the line of beauty,l will have one of the most beautiful backs .tike artist world ever saw, and the Mlle. Venus will have to put on a whatyoumayeallit. • A young lady writes me word that she " can't make out one word of my poetry." I reply that "that's what's the matten=no more can I her singing. Next week. I'll tell you bow I succeeded in pileing brick, and what I made by it. Now I'm r off, though I do feel like Miss Jenny Wren. But let me tell you, it is better to pick gravel for a man, than a quarrel with him. LIST of white and colored soldiers from the Bo rough of Xercersburg, who died by disease. killed in battle, and starved in Southern prisons. 1. George Etlmiisron.: ' 116. L. Myers.d 2. George DrMlsn.ll 117. Jno. tekman.d 3. Samuel liembaker.a 18. L. Potter.c 4. John htoisnrey.§.l9. D. Carson.d 5. Greenbury NConley.: 120. Samuel Iteitzel.cl 6. Tomei Mosley.: 21. Tao. Chamber, (col.)1j 7. 14ebans Conner.; ;21 Henry Imes (ool.)T: 9. Jno. S. Dlck.ll p. Wm. Jones (col.)f, 1 Samuel Whaters.§ l 24. Thos. Stoner teoL)EP 10,, P. A. Itice.t 72., Cbim. Jackson (coL)b 11. Henry Creagerli 1%. Jas. Smith.c , 12. Wash. Brinkley.* X 27. 43tant Johnston (eol.)F 13. George Boss - maul; ;28. Rob. Lions (eol.)11 . 14. J. J. Goola ._ 29. Wm. Christy ( cot}!;ls. Was Sklunor.ll 130. E. D. Illeiren. • i.. E2LPLANATION. *Killed-at Fiedetlekstatrg. iliKilled in Battle (unknown) ?Died in Libby. ;spied in ilispitaL Milled at Gettyetnirg. billed at Bat. Wagoner. U " •' N VIII Ran. (tried in Pri.on. §Starredat Andertanville. i dDied in Service. ,A JURE Bon: voi CHANCE.—We incite at tenth u to the advertisement of A. K. Sl'Clure, Administrator of the Estate et Rev. Joseph Clark deed, and Henry Shepler offering for sale the undivided two-thirds of the valuable Planing and Saw Mill property of Shepler, Clark & Co., with 'Old timber lands, lumber on hands, tenant boae • es, teams &e. The Mill bas an excellent custom and with the vast number of improvements going on in Chambersburg, its business could be in _creased immensely by an active practical firm. We known of no other business opening in this section of the State at all equal to this. It is wor thy the attention of business men generally. DEATH OF A SOLDIER.—We regret to chron icle the death of Mr. Emanuel C. Deitrich, for merly of Ads place, a member of thwlth Penna. 'Rep, which took place at Harrisburg,. week be fore last. Mr. D. was suffering Cron Chronic Di arrhea, and was returning to his borne at Patter son, Junipp county, accompanied by his wife, and expired as above stated. His remains were brought to this place for interment. POLITICAL.—The Democratic County Conven tion met ie this place yesterday, D. K. Wunder lich, Esq., presiding. The following nominations -were made up to the time of our going to press : Senir. X Duncan, Chamber4barg. Assembly—Wm. Dl'Lellan, Chamberaburg. l / 4 Treasurer—Josecd. Doyle, Fannett. dAulf—Sauniel d, Chambersburg, ..I.Hatria Attorney— m. S. Stenger, Chumberaburg. THE owuere of the Marshal College Building have void it to the Mercereburg classes of the German Reformed church, who purpose estab hiking a High School. Ma. GEO. WEarz, who was a rssident of Quin cy township in this county until IMO, died on the TM hot. st the residence of his eon in Orogon, 144 $0 years. Da.,SALTUEI. D.- - CuLBERTson, omit , the lead ing Physician or& 'aunty, and one of our oldest and most respected citizens, died on Friday eve ning last RELIGIOI7.4.—Ber. J. Aspinwall Hodge will preach in the Presbyterian phurdh next Sabbath. A CARD TO TrivAttos.=--A clergyman, wtale residing in South America as a Missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness,. Early De cay, Diseases of the Emery and Seminal Organli and the whole train of disorders brou&l, on by baneful and vicious habits. Great °ambers havebeea already cured by thisnoble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the aflHoted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Preeof Charge Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your self. diary's JOSEPH T. Isms, oat 19-Iy] STATION D. BIBLE 1101:8E, Ness York City. WE go to Clippinger" & Thompson's to get the truest pictures. Mr. John W. Odiome , late of Gate kuust's Imperial and Morgan S. Baluster's Excelsior Gallery, is operating for them. Mr. Odiorae, from past arperienee of nine years, deems himself competent to make pictures equal to any made in' the fast mass Gal leries of New York, Philadelphia or elsewhere, therefore they can assure their patrons to give them satisfaction in all cases. Dont forget the place, Sign of the Red Flag, Second area. june7-3m WE advise all who want to buy goods to retail again to call and examine GELWIcKs and BUltratAlreS barge stock of merchandise before going to the city or be• fore buying elseware, as you can do as well with this arm on all goods and on some articles better than in the city. AT DRESSLER'S DRUG STORE.—A new and extensive stock of Toilet Articles, foreign and doUeatie, are now offered, many of them at reduced fairs. Call and examine. WE advise all who want good pure white Ker osene Oil free from smell and smoke, to go to OiLWIC63 'and BUEEIWOT's, either at wholesate or retkiL REMEMBER Gehvicks and Burkhart keep every thing and sell cheap. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. —The number of regular battles fought during the late rebellim is 252. —Twenty-two Pennsylvania regiments are still in the United States service. —The white troops in Virginia are to be im mediately reduced by 5,000 men. --General Merritt, with 9,000 cavalry, was re cently at San Antonio, Texas, en route to the Rio Grande. —The work of inteiring the Andersonville dead was finished on the 16th, by Capt. Moore, Acting Quartermaster. —lt is stated that the twenty-four regiments composing the Veteran Reserve corps will be consolidated into six. —Tae rebel General Slaughter has published a letter to exculpate the Imperial forces in Mexico from the charge of having arrated the ' "confed erates." —All the colored troops in the service will shortly be mustered out. So says the Washing ton correspondent of the New York Tribune, "on, good authority." —Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock has been breveted n' major general in the regular army, to date from the 15th of March, for " distinguished ser vices dining the war." J._ —The Secretary of ttter Navy is effecting redhe. tions at a rate that will soon narrow down the effeetise force of the Navy Department to a total of not more, than 10,000. —The War Department has just issued an or der mustering out of service seven major generals, thirty-five brevet major generals and forty-three brigadier generals. We regret to see in the list the name of Gen. Charles Z. Campbell. —The " Special Provost Marshal " of the War Department, just returced from a tour through the South, confirms the reports of utter destitu tion there, and says the people are willing to sub mit cheerfully to the authority of the United States. On the first day of May lag, there were more than 1,000,000 soldiers actually in the service of the United States. Since then, at least 500,000 have bean mustered out and paid off, while about 200,000 more are either on their way or waiting muster-out at the various State rendezvous. —General George H. Thomas has been appoint ed Major General in the regular army, in pßice of Fremont, resigned. Gen. Schofield becomes Brig adier General, in place of Sheridan, promoted. Gen. Terry becomes Brigadier General, in place of Meade, promoted. Gen. John A. Rawlins is appointed Brigadier General and Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant General commandingdhe ar mies of the U. S. CONVERSATIONS WITH PRESIDENT JOHN SON.-A Washington correspondent of the St Louis Democrat snyac , It is but a short time since a distinguished Sen ator called upon the President. A delegation of conservatives had just left him. Turning to the Senator he said : " I wonder if thosepersons, who but now passed out, imagine that I forget the pow er and the party to which I owe my elevation There' was not a man in that delegation that wouldn't have united in offering a reward for my scalp a few years ago, and now they talk to me as if I owed everything to them. I guess they'll find I have a memory." Again: A well known editor of a prominent northern journal, said to the President: "The Demieraty say you will yet be found with them. That you have always been a good Democrat, and wilt always so remain." "Do they," responded Mr. Johnson. " Well, sir, you are at liberty to tell all such gentlemen that while, as President, I shall endeavor to drop any partisan character, I certainly am not pre pared to do more than pray for those who despite fully use me. I think they stand in need of pray era, and it's all I can do for them." " Mr. President, we are discouraged," said a committee of Freedmen to the President. "Rich mond is as much in the hands of the secessionists now as it was before Lee surrendered. Nominal ly free, we are yet the worst of slaves, and we see no hope of redress unless you aid us." "Gentlemen," answered Mr. Johnson, " you must exercise patience. You are free, and the vainest Virginian shall yet not only acknowledge your freedom, but your equality, diva are true to. yourselves." " But the local and State laws of Virginia, Mr. President"— " What of the local and State laws of Virginia? Until these F. F. V.'s come to their senses, I rath er think United States bayonets will be about the only: laws they shall have. Go back to your homes, work hard, do your duty, and I will see that the lowest among you is secured in his right and title to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness." To the many "democratic" admirers of Pres ident Johnson, who maligned Om so bitterly as a "renegade democrat" when he was a candidate, but who now claim that he is with them, that "be always was a good democrat, and will always so remain" we commend the following extract, from a speech made by him in the Senate of the United States on the 2d of March, 1861. It is thd kind of democracy we trust he ever will re main possessed of: Mr. President, when I was interrupted by a motion to clear the galleries, I was making a gen eral allusion to treason as defined in the constitu tion of the United States, and to those who were traitors and guilty of treason within the scope and meaning of the law and Constitution. My position was, that if they would show.me who were guilty of the offenses I have enumerated I would show them who were the traitors. That being done, were I the President of the United States, I would do as Thomas Jefferson did in 1806 With Aaron Burr, who seas charged with treason; and, if convicted, by the Eternal God they should sups the penalty of the law at the hands of the executioner. Sir, treason must -be punished. Itsenormity and the extent:and depth of the offence must be made known. The time is not distant, if this Government is preserved, its Constitution , obeyed, and its fuzes executed in every department, when something of this kind must be done. AN AFFECTING STORY SPOlLED.—Sergeant flutniston, who it was sapposed expired on the fieldmf Gettysburg—who woo the hero of the cel ebrated Gettysburg Photographs, of a very fine poem by James G. Clark, and of innumerable af fecting newspaper articles— returned to hio'home and -family, at Tortoni°, Cattarau,gns county, New York. recently, iititfig been confined, ax the Olean Times learns, as a prisoner in one of the Southern prison pens, and britlately'released. The Gettys burg incident as related, it will be remembered, was substantially as follows: A lady passing over the Gettysburg field after the battle discovered the lifeless form of a soldier, who had apparently expired, with his lint gaze riveted upon the miniature likeness (still firmly held in the Stiffened hand) of two little children, the loved ones at home. The likenesses were se cured, but with no clue to the names of either the soldier or the subjects of the -pictures. The pictures were, we believe, copied' by the illustra ted papers and finally identified as those of 'the children of Sergeant Humiston, of Portville:- We are informed that the family of the now resurrec ted Sergeant have been considerably beaiefitted pecuniarily by the sale of photographs, through the great publicity given to the affecting incident. Is not the Sergeant unwise to relinquish so envi ous a fame and spoil such a touching story by re turning to this Mc 7 - Precisely how much of fact, of mistake, and of humbug are mixed up willa the whole affair we are-at present unable to determine. MARRIED. GRIMISON—GARDNER,—On the Md inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, in West Chester, Pa., by the Rev. Curtis F. Turner, Mr. Thomas Grimison, of this place, to Miss Annie M. S. Gardner. LAUFERTY—STINE.—On the 23d inst., by the Rev. R. Strouse, Mr. Lewis Lanferty, of Three Rivers, 3lich., to Miss Rachel Stine, of Clutmbersbrug. LEENTNGERMITCHELL.--On the 24th inst., in this place, by the Rev. P. S. Davis, Mr. Reuben Leinin ger to Miss Emma A. Mitchell, all of this county. ROBERTS—ROLAND.—On the 21st Inst., at the Si. E. Parsonage, Mercersburg, by Rev. f. Benton Akers, Mr. Elisha Roberts, of Hancock, Md., to Miss Nancy Ro land, of Mercembnrg. CTINNEWHAM—TAYLOR.--On the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. H. S. Clarke, Mr. David Cunningham to Mrs. Ann E. Taylor, both of Quincy township. WALDRON—IIELPERRICEL—On the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. Gerdemann, Mr. William - Waldron, of Vir gilds, to Miss Barbara Relferrich, of this place. PRESTON—DICK.—On the Bth inst., by the same, Louis Preston, of Montgomery county, Pa., to Sarah Dick, of Scotland. DIED WOLFE—On the 15th inst., at Welsh Run, Florence, daughters of John and Elizabeth Wolff, aged 13 sears and 2 months. A'AEODERN MmAcLE.—From old in. young, from rich and poor, from high-born and lowly, comes the Universal Voice of mho for HALL'S VEGETABLE SICIL IAN HAIR RENEWER. It is a perfect and miraculous article. Cures baldness. biakeshair grow. A betterdressiog than any " oft" or "pm matnm." Softens brash, dry and wiry heir into Beautiful Silken:•Treesas. But, above all, the groat wonder Is the rapidity with which it restores-Gray • Hair to its Original Use it'e few times, and Paksvo, CHANGE, the whitest and worst.fooking hair resumes its youthful beauty. It does not dye the hair, but Strikes at the-root and tills if with new life and coloring matter. It will not take a long, disagreeable trial, to prove the truth of this matter. The first application will do goad; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and before you /mote it, theold, Fay, discolored appear. ante of the hair will be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beautiful locks. Ask for Hall's Sicillian Hair Renewer; no other article is at all like it in effect. You will find it Cheap tolloy, Pleasant to Try, and Sure to do you Good. - /There are many ler - citations. Be sure - yon procure the genuine, manufactured only by It. P. HALL & Co., Nashna;N. H. For Sale by all druggists. augl6-6m. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING.—DO You Wish to be Cured? so, swallow two or three hogsheads of "Baehr'," "Tonic Bitters," Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Anti dotes," &c., Arc, &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD Docroa BUCHAN'S ENG LISH SPECIFIC PILL--and be restored to health and vigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary to their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. DR. Buclia.Ve ENGLISH SPECIFIC Plus care in less than 30 days, the worst cases of Nerrousness, Impotency. Premature De cay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary•, Sex ual, and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUT LER, No 45 Broadway, New York, General Agent. P. S.—A. box sent to any address on receipt of price— which is' One Dollar—pne free. :.;,17f' A descriptive Cir cular sent on application. - julyl9-8t VALUABLE RECIPES.—Editors of the Franklin Repository.—Dent: Stu—With your permission, I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by re turntmail, to all who wish it (free) a recipe with full di rections for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove. m ten days, Pimples, Blotch es, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smerftl; and beautiful. I will also mail. free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces simple directions and information, that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, era Moustache. in less them-thirty days. These recipes are valuable to both old and young, and as they are mailed to all who prize a clear, pure Stkin, or a healthy groth of hair. All applications answered by return mail, ;Without charge. Respectfully 3-oars, Taos. F. CLIAPMAS, Chem ist and Perfumer, No. 831 Broadway, New York; ang9.6t GLAD NEWS FOR THE UN F OR T T E.— Bars Spedfic Pill:, are warranted in all casest for the Speedy and Permanent Cure of all diseases arifing from sexual excesses or YOUTENEL baascitETtos, Seminal Lass, Nightly Emissions, and Sensual Dreams; Genital, Physical and Nervous Debility, Impotence, Gleet, Sexual Diseases,-&e., dc. &0.. No change of Ms is Necessam and they mm be used without detection. Each box con• tains 60 pills Price ONE. DOLLAR. If you cannot get them of your druggist, they' will be sent by mail securely seal ed, post paid with full instructions, that insure n cure, on receipt of the money ; and apamphlet of 100 pages on the errors of youth, the consequences andseructly, sent free ; 10 cents required for postage. Address DR J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician,: P. 0. Box 5079. 442 Broadway, New York, Dealers can be supplied by Demas Barnes .& Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. - angl6•Gm TO LADIES.—It you require a reliable reme dy to restore you, use Dr!' Harvey's Female Pills, a nev extolling remedy for the removal of Obstructions, no mat-. ter from what cause they arise. Tbey are safe and sure and will restore nature in every case. They are also effi cacious in all cases of Weakness, Whites, Prolapses. kr. Sold in Boxes containing 60 Pills, Price ON-a Dou.An. Send for Dit. HARVEY'S Private MedicatAdviser. ad dressed to females; 100 pages, giving full instructions, 10 cents required for postage. If you cannot purchase the pills of your druggist, they will be sent by mail, port paid secure from observation, on receipt of One Dollar, by Dk. .1. BRYA..i. Consulting Physicians. P. 0. Box, 5079: 442 Broadway, New York. Dealers supplied by Demos Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. augl6-6mes To DRUNRARDS.—OId Doctor Buchan's Drunk ard's Cure permanently eradicates the taste for strong drink, and cures the worst cases of drunkenness in less titan eight weeks. Thousands of reformed inebriates now live to bless the day they were fortunate enough to commence the use of this valuable remedy. Price Two Dollars a pacage. Mailed lo any address on receipt of an order, by d.oriA S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway, New York, Bole Agent for the United States. acigaut. ERRORS OF Youru.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from Nervous and Genital Debility. Nightly Emissions and Seminal Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man, send to any one afflicted, the simple means used by him which effected a cure in a few weeks, after the failure of numer ous medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and it will cost you nothing. Addr6.l3B, EDGAR TILE/SAME, Station L, St.,! New York City.' augl6-ins A GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure. (free of charge). This remedy is simple, safe, and cer tain. For full particulars, by return mail, please address Jolts D. OGLES, 60, Nassau St., New York. June7-3m. LOVE AND MATRISIONY.—Any Lady or Gen tleman sending me an addressed envelope and stamp, will receive full directions for gaining the affections of the op. polite sex, and whit will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wee th, age or beauty. Address, Nets. 31.AltIE LEMOILI, liarlem P. 0. New York City. an,gl6 THE BRIDAL pIIAMDER, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Men—published by the How ard Asnociatiotw, and sent free of obarge in-sealed enrel opes. Address, Dr.iJ. Holl°llloll, Howard As• socintion, Philadelphia, Pa. feb•ly. REPORT OF THE „MARKETS. Chambersbarg Markets. !CFLAMBEHJIBURG, August 21, 1665. Flour—White $lO 00 Butt'er 2 Flour—Red . ' 9 001 Eggs 1, Wheat—White--; . 2 0011Ard Wheat—Red ' . 1 801 Tallow Rye ' 96!Bacon—Hama. Corn ! , 60jBacon--Bldes. . . . Oats ~. • 35 Soup Beans 150 Clover Seed ' 800 Washed/W001......... 80 Timothy Seed .... ..!.. 200 Unwashed Wool-- 50 Flaxseed • 1 50 Pared Peaches 7 00 Potatoes—.fiercer._.. 60 Unpared Peaches 400 Potatoes—Pink Eyes 50 Dried Apples 150 IST- LEGILIPI Philadelphia M ll. arkets. t PHILADELPHIA. Alward 1865. Flour—A few hundred. barrels Northwestern extra fam ily were dispLeied of at 8289 25, and a , small lot of fresh ground Pennsylnaila at 81050x11 00. The sales to the home consumers take a wide range, say from 87 to 12 50 for common superfine, and fancy brands as to quality. In Rye Flour and C 029 Meal nothing stony imixatance We quote the former at eca 6 2.i, and the latter at 84 75 per barrel. Wheat—sales of'2ooo hush. old red and amber at $2 aoa 4 hub. ; while may be quoted at 84 358250. Rye it held firmly at 8/ .P bush. Corn—Sales 1600 bu yellow a 13 1 coal W. Oats are in active request, and new sell free. ly at 520. p bush.;; old are dull, and may be quoted at 60 12 05e. In whisky very little doing. Small sales of Penneyl raffia and Ohio at 82'24'8,2 ' ll/1Y TELEGRAPH' Philadelphia Cattle Market. PHILADELJGLIA, August 29, 1861 Beef cattle continue dull, sad prices are without any material change; about 2400 head sold at from 151z164e. for extra, 144b45e, for fair to good, and 101v13o. for common, as to quality. Sheep—Prices are rather better. 5000 head arrived and and at CdiDno. tr It., gross, for fat Sheep; $3 50 - d4 40 P bead for stook Sheep; and $4'506 4) . head for Lambs. Cows—About 100 head sold affront 00360 for Spring. en; and $4O up to $9O head for Cow and Calf. Hop—There In, no change to notice. 2000 head sold at the different yards et from 6154.7 Ma. net, as to quelltr, ljx. litAkiik. - 114)00itotgi ilguatleotatul, • . „ WHISKERS ! 'WHISKERS yon *ant Whig kers or 'Moustaches r Oar ,Grenian Coprpiwnid gilt force them to grow on the smoothest ince or chin, or • hair on bald heads. in Six Weeks. Prire, eLOO. Sent by Mal anywhere, clsoely sealed, on receipt orprice. Address, WARNER. &CO., BOF. na 4 Brooklyn 1. Y. fob 1.54 yr - Jeri althertisements. LADIES' IVORY BUTTON GAITERS . Call and get them at FREY & FOLTZ'S. ROCK BOSE, AT . SPANGLER:S. TEN STYLES OF WIPP. BRIM flats, setting cheap, at FRET' & FOLTZ'S. BIIRNE:TT'S COC;OAINE at BP ANGLER'S. RMY AND NAVY SHOE BLACK ing at FREY & FOLTZ'S, _ CHAMOIS SKINS, AT SPANGLER'S. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT ritEr & FOLTZ'S, 5 dome South of the Market House. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, AT SPANGLER'S. LADIES' PATENT COMBINATION Gaiter. Call am! aeo them at FREY & FOLTZ'S. M'CALISTER'S OINTMENT at SPANGLER'S. • P LIRE LIQUORS; AT SP.VNGLER'S. BURT AND COSTAR'S RAT EXTER 31INATOR, at SPANGLER'S. COSTM/.'S BED-BUG EXTERMINA TOR, at_ SVANGLER'S. CORN STARCH, FARINA AND CON centmted Lye, at SPAMLER'S. STRAY BULL.—Came to the premises of the subscriber in Metat township, two miles south of Fannettsburg, about the middle of May last, a BULL CALF, about IS months old. The OW net is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. ang3o-3t* JACOB WILHELM. IZ - ENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY 11 Recta's Cronp SyrnP, Helmbold'ssh - nuct Ayers' Sarsaparillit Ayers' (Therry Pectoral, Winslow' Soothing Syrup, - at SPANGLER'S. NOTICE:—AII persons are hereby noti ' fled thalircaught TRESPASSING on the lambs of the undersigned, for the purpose of Hunting or Fishing, they vrilrbe dealt with according to law. . , ABRAHAM ELY, EZAI ANDER: ABRAHAM HUNSECKER, GEORGE GRoV ABRAHAM HUBER, ABRAHAM CROFT, ~ ' x JOHN HUNSECHER, HENJAHLV HUBER, .:" GEORGE SPRECHEB, JOILV S. EYSTER, ~.. JURY A. DICE, [aug3O-3t A.DIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Shirts. late of Neremsburg, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All pemons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please rdakeimmediate payment; and those having claims present them properlyauthentieated for settlement. CATHARINE SHIRTS. Adm'rx. JOHN RITCHEY, Adair. ang3o ,GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS! What the people want—complete History of the Rebellion in one volume, splendidly illustrated with Steel Plate En graving& It contains reading matter equal to two large octavo volumes. Agents are selling as!rnany on the same ground as have been sold of all other histories put together, PRICE FOUR DOLLARS. Addrds.s ang363t L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Cl. OFFICE OF THE CHERRY RUN AND PITTSBURGH PETROLBT3I CO„ .No. 175 Th FOLISTEI STREET, Pdtaburgh, August 1 . 261 - Theannual meeting of the stockholders of this cam. pony will be held at its office, on Monday. Sepumber.Mh, IRS, at 2 o'clock. P. M., for tbe purpose of ELECTING OFFICERS for the ensuing year and transaction of such other business as may be brought before it. A full attem dance is requested. ang3o.lt. PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold by Pub lie Sale, on -Thursday. the 7th day of September, at the house of JOAN S. BROWN, in Fayetteville, ripVeen ACRES and 27 PERCHES of well improved lan - in a good state of cultivation, situate about one-half mile south of the village. on the Funkston - a road, adjoining lands of John Crawford, C. A. Funk. and David Greenawalt. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day, when rho terms wilt be made known by aug3o.2.t JOSHUA KENNEDY. ORPFIA NS ' COURT SALE.—There O will be exposed to sale, by way of Public Outcry, on the premises, in Metal township, Franklin county, on Saturday, the 73d day of September, 1865, the following dm scribed Real Estate, situate in said township. adjoining lands of Daniel Alil, George Seis, Judge Kennedy's heirs and others. containing 92 Acres, more or less with about 30 Acres clear with a LOG HOUSE and Log Stable thereon erected. Terms to be nuule known on the day of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 11, JOSEPH MARTIN, Administrator of Jeremiah Martin. aufe3o 3t_ T HE PATENT RESORT HAT on Second Street near the Washington House PUBLIC SALE. By order of the Court of Common Pleas, the undersigned. Committee of John Noel, will offer at Public Sale, at 1 o'clock, P. 11., on Saturday thel6th day of Septeinher, 1565. the following described Real Estate A LOT OP GROUND, situated on the North West Corner rf the Diamond. and Market Street, in the Borough of Chambersburg. Pa., bounded by lot of Wm. Gelwicks on the north, by lot of Peter Btottgb on the West, by Market Street on the south and by the Diamond on the East, having thereon 'a large quantity.of good building Stone. This lot of ground is that nponwchich the lintel stood. Terms made known on day of sale. ang3fffft GOVERNMENT AT AUCTION IN PHILADELPHIA, of Champions Bawir. No. 1126 !tare Stmt. 100 MULES - - IVUI be sold each Wednesday and Saturday throughout the month of September, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. 3f., These Mules are nearly ail first Class, and in good con dition, being sold only for want of use. Every facility will be afforded, for an examination, on the part of buyers. Terms Cash In Ckn - erument Funds. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, Capt. and A. Q. 3t.. ..100 5t PUBLIC SALE.--Will be exposed at Public Sale by the widow and heirs of Frederiek Smith, deed, and John Zook, Guardian of Catharine Smith, having obtained 'xi order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, for the sale, at 2 o'clock, P. 31,, on Thursday, the 14th day of September., 18115, the following'. described LOT OF GROUND, sittiate on West Market] St., to the Borough of Cluunbersbdig, Pa., bounded on the east by lot of Alex. Fritz, on the North by Market St., on the west by lot of Burkholder's heirs, on the south by a public Alley, the said lot of ground. belonging to the heirs of Frederick Smith, deceased There Ira good well of Water and a large quantity of brick. Terms wade known on the day of sale ang3o-3t VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned. as Administrator of Joseph WRown, deed, offers for sale a valuable FARM of the finest Lime stone-quality, lying 8 miles South of Martinsburg; W. Va. This Farm contains 180 ACRES of laud. of which 150 Is cleared. The Improvements are a good, substantial DWELLING HOUSE, good Rare. an extra 'Corn Crib, Ice House, ,Scc. The Farm is under good fencing and io a fine state of cultivation. There is an occellent Sprier within 30 feet of the house, and also Running Water thn,' the farm. The titles are good. /Werner: G. W. Hoke Martinsburg, W. Va. Any communications addressed to me, at Milt Creek, Berkeley t4mnry, W. Va., will be promptly answered. aug3o.3t. JOHN H. IiVEOWN, Adm'r. 20a2P . 20 POSTPONED , SALE.—The subseril>e'r will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, an Tues day. the sth day of Stvember, TWENTY-TWO BUILD ING AND PASTURE LOTS, These lots are situated in Hamilton township, near the Line of the Borough of Cluttnbernbtirg, and are among the must beautifully lova ted grounds fur Building ptuposes and Pasturage now in market—some of them having running Water at all sea ms. Several of the Lets are on the highest ground around the Borough, and command a slew of all the' 'Val ley. They are surveyed In ONE AND TWO ACRES. Terms of Sale: One-third cash on lst October, 155, when a Deed will be made; the balance in two equal an nnal pfLyments, with interest, secured by Judgment. Sale-to commence at 2 o'clock, when the terms will he made known by [aug3ol JACOB HEYSHR. LETTERS XLI in the Poet sylvania August: -11,V"To obtain ti call for "advertisel pay two cents for r Bettis \William Bennett Arthur Brown Mrs Sarah Byers Mrs Barb A Bums Simon II Carlin MlsMollieA Crider John T Cummings Mis M Detrich Jacob H Deems Geo H I Doyle T B Duffield James B 4 Paurer Mrs Heart' JOHN F. GLOSSER. See 'y MAPES AND COLORS, at LOW Due at DECIIERT'S JOHN ARMSTRONG, Corn MULES J. P. SMITH, Ex'r. REMAINING UNCLAIMED OMee at Chambersburg, State of Pena -29, 180. ny of them Letters, the applicant Mast Letters," give the date of this lint, and ivertising. Fmker Andrew PI Galloway Wm Grave C C Grim Mrs Marg Horner Wm HurnalbaughThar , Kriner Thomas Lidny Josiah Long Adam a Loner John Marshall Charles Mason Martin MiShMiss Louaa Minnich Charles Newmond Miss Shields Marshall Shall Frederlek Shnekman., S C Smith Henry Swope Capt Thobran Mrs WT Walt Mrs Mate. Wharton Wm Wile liilss,Marg Wilson Matthew Winegar' Henry MAL. P. M. abbertistments. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY T PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber offers at Fri. Tate Sale, the LOT OF GROUND situated at the corner of Main and Queen Streets, long occupied by I:tubers& Tolbert as a Danlware Store. The lot fronts 64 feet on Main Street and 140 feet on Queen, and is one of the oldest and most desirable busi ness locations in Chambersburg. It will be sold with the material on the ground, in the must advantageous terms. No money required for Fire years. wag,3o.4t PUBLIC SALE —There will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, on Thursday, tire Olsr of Septenther nazi. n desirable FARM, situate in Pe ters township, 'Franklin county, Pa., two miles west of idercersburg, and one mile east of the Core Hap, on the Turnpike leading to R"Connellsburg, containing:2ls ACRES, more or less, about 30 Acres of which are Tim ber land. The improvements consist of a large BP.ICE: HOUSE. Rauh Earn, Tenant House, and all necessary out-buildings. There are two wells of never-failing Wu ter and a good 'Voting Orchard on the Farm. Persons wishing to view the premises mu do so by call ing. on Joseph Brim, near the fiurn, or the unders.gned, in Loudon. - If not sold on the above day it will be offeredTeEireut. - JOEL'S' HOLLAR' , a_ 1100 Ex'r of Geo. Briggs: deed. On the mune_ day will be offered all the PERSO NAL PROPERTY of the raid deceased. Sale to coat mence at 9 o'clock. _ G 0 TO DE_CHERT'S BUY YOUR BATS AND CAPS, lie sr - n1 aell yOll a Bettcr Quality, More Serviceable acd Finer Looking Hnt FOR LESS SIONF.T; than (.an be bought elaewhere. nitPHANS' COURT SALE.-By virtue N...; of an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., the undersigned, Adnilnistrator of J. B. liVeune, late of the Borough of Bercersburg, dee'd, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises. on _Thursday, the Mat day of Sq. taatbar, at 1 o'clock, P.M., the following described Real Estate of said deceased, viz A LOT OF GROUND. known on plan of said Borough as Lot No. 51, situate on Main street. and having thereon erected a DOUBLE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Log Stable and other buildings, together with sudicient ground foran Alley leading from nod lot to California st The property is in good condition, with Friiit Trees of an excellent quality thereon. Also—The LOT known as No. 116. on Back street. on which is erected a DOUBLE LOG DWELLING HOUSE arranged for the accommodation of two families. Possession of said properties to be given on Ist day of April next. Tertiss made known on clay of sale, by attg3o W. B. .11TUNK, Adair, A L L S T' HATS AND CAPS DECHERT has jetbt received the- FALL &true OF HATS, which ho is Selling Cheaper than the Cheapest. Call and get bargains. ?VIVO FARMS FOR SALE.—The .".sub scriber offers at Private Sale. the following valuable Real Property, to wit: A TRACT OP . LAND, situate in Hamilton township. on the Warm Spring Road, about 3i miles from Chambersbarg, containing 200 ACRES, more or less, of good Gravel Land, adjoining lands ofJohn Martin, George Fisher and Christian Bitner. The im provements are a two-storied BRICK HOUSE, Brick and Frame Bank Barn, WmrsurShisl and Corn Crib: Carriage - House and other not-bOdings. There is a Well of good Water at the Dwelling and Cisterns at Barn and House. About 25 or 30 Acres of the above tract is well set, with thriving young TIMBER. There is a large onng OR CHARD on the premises, now in full bearing. A large Garden adjoins the /1011.5 e. and contains 160 Dwarf Pear Trees, :36 Dwarf Apple Trees, and 45 fine bearing (choice variety.) Grape Vines. there is also a Tenant House, Stable, Blacksmith Shop, Lime Kiln, Draw . KileJr.c, , on this tract. Also--About 14 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LANIk sit uate in St. Thomas township.'-ialmut ii miles from St. Thomas, well set with young Chestnut. It the above properties are not sold previous to the 6th day of October, they will on that day be offered at PUllhe - Sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock. P. M. - Persons disposed to view the above premises. will be shown the same, by calling on John N. Snider or Michael Mitt, residing near the first named tract. _ _ _ JOHN N. SNIDER JACOB E. RI:TT. anglo.s TO CITIZENS AND STRANGERS, [Read this through brfore you cast tkepaper from you.] ft The attention of everybody is respeetfully invited ro the fart that we huye just returned from the &Leclerc cities with the large4aeloction or . HATS t EMI BOOTS AND that was ever brought to Chambersbnrg, and to the all important fact that we purchased our goods at such ex tremely low prices, that we flatter ourselves _ we can sell A BEITEII AImELE AT A LOWER PRICE than any other establishment in Franklin cotusty. We have Hats and Caps of even• description—both plain and fashionable--and nobody after basing examined the stock and learned our prices, will go away dissatisfied. Our line of HATS embrace-P. ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES and an enumeration would be useless, as we are satisfied we can please every one who wishes to purchase. FOR YOUTHS AND CHILDREN thestock is uallndted and of the malt beautiful de4ians. Of our stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS *--, 1 it will only be necessary to say. that we were very care fel in oar selections. and Can as*are all that we eon make a M—from the tiny foot of the suckling Labe to the heavy pedal of the sturdy yeoman. Another fact we would impress upon the minds of our friends: '‘Ve have telected with great care, a varied as. sortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, which Ire offer at prices to defy competition. Tlit , btock conglitts of • COLLARS-PAPER OR LINEN", Nerk-Tim, Ruumilies, Suspenders, liaae,Handka-chiefe, Canes, Umbrellas, are I 0. • Aged men, middle aged men, yating . men and boys will please remember this. We are sole Agents, fOr Chambersburg, for the celebrated PATENT METALLIC SOLES AND HEELS an invention Which every man should possess. The price per net is only 7t cents, which places them within the reach of all. Give us a call, examine our stock, and we will offer such inducements thAt )ou will buy. before lea‘ing the Stidr. OUR MOTTO is the old and hackneyed one—" Quirk &les dud Mort Profits"—but we wish It to he distinctly ntiaerwesl that we have adopted it, and will "stick OUR STORE is on SECoNti STUF.lll,.fire doors Soo:dui' the Town-Clod; where the "Reit hangs. FRET'S FOLTZ. D R Y G 0 D S AND NOTIONS ECKEL S, GILBERT ICEEIM NEW STORE, MAIN' STRF,E, Neatly Opposite to Getenatralt;s Motel, 'llavO Just opened with an entire new 'stock of Dry Goods and Notions of all kinds, ivhich they have selected ith great care to adapt them, fa this market, and a Lich u - ill he odd at the lon c,t CASII RATES. Their list includes All grades of Calico's. - I.upen's litot All-Wool It'Lithies% plum and jointed. - Muslin Illinines, Amelines itaratheas, Brocade Alpacca, Black Alpacca, Silk Crape Fancy and Plain cord Anaures Shepkenl. Plaid., all.~tclrs I,upeu's best French Merinos, all colors, Mourning Gssul4; all styles, Plain and Printed Flannels, Sitck Flannels, Gilbert's Opera Flannels, all colors, White, Red, Grey and Yellow Flannels, Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, all kinds, Shirting Muslinseleached and brown, Sheeting Muslins,,bleached and brown, Fancy-and Plain Cttssitneres, French and Sinerieran, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Vestiags, Linen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, in every style, Ladies' Corsets, all prices, Ribbons, Laces, Rnßies. • = Rase, Gloves, -Spool Cottolq , Veils, Collars, Ilandkercattfs, Pins, Needles, &e., I ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OF - BALMORAL AND 110 DP frRERTS. Qom' Remember, No Old Goods Eti ECKEL & aLLIIEBT'S Non Pore Call and examine. I eneln gudirws .tcneito. VALUABLE P TI.B mat ms PRESS OF ,T. B. LIPPMCOTT CO & WORKS Or JAMES MADISON. Lettcrs and Othrr Trrilings of James Madison. FOURTH PELIMIDENF OF TITEATNITED STATES. nc, FOUR VOW3IE.S.—PRICE, 6 , 16. NM FIRST FULTLISRED. . . . . . . ..,... On the Mict of May, 1838, Congress passed an art air 1 ProPriating S''.ooo top n from Sirs. -Madismi allthe unpublished 'MSS. of her h d. , . The works thus purchased ve been embodied in the four columns now offered to th publie,pleit contain let tore of Mr. Madison from 1769 1636, t th er with some important additions, among whi ch are Ir. Madison's cel ebrated "Examinations of t British Doctrine." etc., written in 1806; hi s pamphlet ntitled 'Political Observa tions," published 1 775; some ' ys," chiefly political ; the "Virginia Proceedings of 1798," „ etc., etc. ; together Madison'swith Mr. Madison's "Statemen in Relation to Secretaries Smith and Armstrcmg;” his Apologise of "Jonathan and Mary Bull;' his "Memorandum of Bollmon'elmerriew with President Jefferson concerning Burr's Caturomer" his “Letter on Napoleon's Return from Elba;" his "Note for the Princess," now Queen Victoria; and his "Advice to my Country." The whole edited under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress ' B. v,our HOURS AMONG THE GOSPELS; -OR WAYSIDE TRUTHS FROM THE LIFE OF OUR LORD. Br REY, N. C. Emu, a D. One Volume, F2mo. 81.30. PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM WELLS. What Petroleum is, where it is found, and what it Is used for; where to sink Petroleum Wells, and how to sink them, With a complete Guide Book and deserip. Bon of the Oil Regions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. By J. H. A. BONE. Second Edi tion, reci.ed and enlarged, 18cno. 75 cents. THE sr.kitRONVGRASS PAPERS of: LIVING IN TEE COUNTRY. Nero Edition. 12mo. 81,75. BY FRED. 8. CoZMNs. KITTO'S BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDIA NEW EDITION. A CYCLOPEDIA OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE Ongmally. Edited by JOHN KITTO, I). D.. F. S. A. I Third Edition, greatly enlarged and improved, edited E by WIL LINDSAY ALEXANDER, D. L. F. S. A. S., eto. In three volumes. Royal Bra, S 7 per vol. Elegantly printed and beautifully illustrated with Maps and Engra- Vila gs. Volumes I. and IL just issued Volume 111. nearly • dy. Published in connection with ;Iterc.rs A. &C. :LAgg„ of Edinburgh. 7.11 COWAN'S HISTORY OF INSECTS - - Curious Facts in the History' of Imiects, including Spi ders and Scorpions.- A complete collection of the Le gends, Superstitions, Beliefs and ominous Signs coffee. ted with Insects; together with their uses in medicine, art and as Food ; and a summary of their remarkable in juries and 'appearances. By FRANK COWAN. One vol. Ithuo. WICKiRSaOI'S SCHOOL .:CONOIiY A treatise on the Preparation, Organization, Employ ments, Government, and Anthorities of Schools. By Jas. Pyle Wickersham. A. M.. Principal of the Pennsylvania State 'Normal School at Millersville. 12mo. SI. 50. RIM From Prof. E. A. Sheldon:, Seerrtary Bawd of Education, Oswego, N. L Please accept my thanks for the copy of "School Econ omy' sent me tome time since. I have examined it with much mire, and am highly pleased with it. It is the best work of the kind I have had the pleasure of examining. Please send by earliest express three dozen copies for use in our Training School From the Pennsylvania School Journal. We can cordially commend the tank to the framers of the future character of our youth, as the best means yet presented, in Its own department, to prepare them for their momentous labors. WICKERSHAM'S METHOD OF DISTRITC- Or that part of thephilosophy of education whisk treats of the nature of the sersral branches of knowledge and the methods of ttaching - thess, By JAMES PILES WICKERSHAM, A. M., Prineipaaf the Penna. State .tiorenal School, atMillersvine. From John S. Dart. L. L. D.. Principal State Normal Prof. Wickerdgan's net - book will need no recornmen "dation for those who have been fortunate enough to have become acquainted with his former is orb on School Econ. may. In the Methods of lostrnotion. the author has gone into the very root of the whole matter of teaching, and has produced a work which must take its place as one of the permanent and accepted' teat-hooks of the professicn. The anther has several important qualifications for making a first rate hook on this subject. In the first place he is no mere theorist. but he has had a large and successfnl ex perience in the many things of which he writes. Second ly, the native bent of his mind evidently is to choose on all subjects-a wise end•practical mediocrity, instead vf ing off into wild and untried speculations and crotchets. Thirdly. he has a happy facility for grasping a subject in its totality, and yet- not losing himself in vague general ities. While including in this conqvnt volume a subject ad almost boundless- extent, he gives in each part the real gist-of all that cats be said about it of any practical ativan sage. Lastly, though this is its a measure implied in what has been already said. he avoids all circumlocution and goes uniformly straight to the heart of his subject, saying what he has to say with the utmost directness, and stop. ag achen he is done. )lAYHEW'S HORSE 31ANAGEJIENT. The illustrated Horne Management, cottaininsideserip: tire remarks upon .Anatomy, Medicine. Shoeing, Teeth, Food, Vices, Stables; liken - bac a plain account of the sit nation. nature and value of the various points ; together with Comments on grooms. Dealers, Breeders, Breakers, and Tisanes, also on Carriages and Harness_ Embel lished with more tban 400 engravings from original de signs made expressly for this work. By EiTCYARD MAT ithw. M. R. C. V. S.. anther of the '' Illustrated Horse 11.5 tor," and other works. 1 vol. See. --.43 Front de New York Tribune. R D Whoever owns a Ithrise, whoever intends to buy one, whoever has the keeping of one, whoever derives either pleasure or profit from the horse-kind, should have the information to be obtained from this book. SHOES! MAYHEW'S HORSE DOCTOR The Illustrated Horse Doctor; with nom. than 400 pic torial representations of the various diseases to si Welt the equine nice is subjected: together with the West mode of freatm_ent, and all the requisite prescriptions written in plain -English. By 'EIiWARD R. C. V. S. 1 vol Ovo. Every gentlenlin who potwesses or cares' for Horses would do well to keep this hook in his house- Mr. May. how's treatment of the worn discuses to which horses are liable v very clearly laid down. and the met hod of keep. ing horses well and to a prolonged old age is that of na ture, and common sense. an~3o--?tom iLrgat ottreo. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration 00 the Estate of -Adam Sitimerk late of Peters . townsbip, dec'd. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them property authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM MC-MEET. Z A di . nre. ungl6 SAMUEL 3tumEAT. A DMINISTRATOR'S 11 flee is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob Hollinger, late of Washington townshiP, dee'd, have been gvAnted to the undersigned. All persons kiniwing themselves nolAted to said Estate mill please snake ituniediate pay turns ;and those havin,,r , 7 Claims present lhein - pmperty authenticated for settlement. aug.2.6t . CONRAD RUTHS Adnir. ADIfINISITATOIt'S .NOTlCE.—No tice is hereby given that Letterset Administration on the Estate ; of' Samuel Lenherr. late of Greencastle, dec.'s!, have been ;faulted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; anti those having claims prestint (Lem properly authentirlded far settlement. attg2 E. L. RANKIN, Ashler, AIDILNIS'I'IIATOR'S NOTICE.--No tire is tereby given that Lettersef Administration on the Estate 4.;f Wm. 11. Shatzer, late of 31untgornery 'township, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate still please make muuediute payment; and those having claims.present them properly authenticated for settlement. Accounts to be, presented to Abraham Whitmore, residing in said township. nue AA, D.NIINIS THATOR'S See is hereby given Mai Letters of Administration MI the listate of Samuel 11. King, tato of Montgomery township, deed, -have been grouted to the insdersig.ned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please snake immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly asithenticatedTor settlement. july26 - W3l. ADAMS, Adrn'r. A DMINISTRATOWS Il tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration, on the Estate of 3lagdalena Rider, late of Letterkenny township. deed, hose been granted to the undersitcrad. All persons Intoning themseh en indebted to said Estate will please intik° unmethato payment; and those having Maims present them properly unthentitatted for seals-pant. July% JNO. Tl, KAUFMAN, Atlinr. A DMINISTRAFOR NOTlCE.—No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jeremiah Martin,-late of St. Thomas township, de s sal, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payinent, and those having claims present them properly authenthatted for settlement. j nly - JG JOSEPH MARTIN, Admlr. V.XECLITORS' NUTIC E.—Notice is L A I hereby gismo that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of George Briggs, lute of Peters tow nship, have been granted to the undersigned Alt persons knowing themselves imichted tom:ll4Eo.de will please Mail immediate payment and those having claims present them properly authentaatted for settlement. augld JOHN HOLL AR. Eir. RYDER'S NEW FRUIT B. L. RYDER, Bari \ ng leased the room formerly occupied byS. A. Cook, on &mud street , opposite tiro m mte , von be on band es cry TUESDAY' AND F4tIDAY MORNING, o t or me t al 'supply of PUMA - MS AND OTIIEIt FRTITS, during the &attics- Amason. Orders for Fruits for conning, left no about t , will receive prompt attention. PURE CIDER,VINEGAR. of our own umunfactork fur sale by the quarter STRAAVIIIIRRY PLANTS! Orders for fitrnwherry Plants, of the host A orietiot,mill also be telzev on the above mentioned days, by the dozen or thousand. Calf, aci d an fetniphs, angi.M4it. C U Affl_E RI, A. N.D VALLEY INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, _ 1 MECIIAMCGDUEG, PA. 1 REV. 0. EGE & SOS. - Duties Reloaned September Ist , Charges, 8112.50 per. 5 months sesslon, in advance. Sem 1 for q cirtukr. itilr 444. t*. IBM MI=M Schaal, Trenton. From the London Globe. J. B. LIPPINCOTT'Sr, CO, Publishers, Philadelphia ANNA 31. SHATZFR, Admex *fts: ` QAtt OP GOVERNMUT-PROPER- Omar.; nosibira , burg. ro., ArkgstrlA 113 M By direction of the Secretary of Worand-Quistimnwt• ter General, will he sold, at Pnbße 4*ft, to the high est bidder, at the Goremitumt Ifflareboatre and Canal, At thiSP/ftee, ea Wednesday - and Molder, , Stk - aad 7 t 9 • ortat 130/d. the following Goverment mpertv : 8 WEBS, 7 5 A 31 BIT L S; 3°GB6b A3tht: ' LANCE HAS N E S S, - 9 Foar-liorge - MOM / Two. hone - {"Va1 . ,14 Wagon Corers, Ifißlding Saddielk Wagon Sea, sWagon Whips, 1 Letter copying/Wu. 3 Manure Fotha, Wts Grain goal, Bra Eanliht Rope. 5 STades, 9 ght!,,Tria, 30 Ness Pans, 15 Camp Kehler, 2 Pick axes ' 4 ' l ' 4l ' 4 l awl many other articles not here enumerated. -- The above named 8 Sheds include the barraels, and sta bling at the Past,, and contain a large amount of lumber, valuable far bnilttag: fencing, &a. The sale of the. Ambniances, Wagons and Harness pre. sente en opportunity to obtain Veldeles and harness, at a veil' low price, and wlilo//: map be made valnableby re fitting. Sale to commence at!b o'clock 31. Ternis .4 cash, iu United States currency. W, 31. WOODS, .9.1 Captain A. Q. 31. L PEC__IAL or. GOVERNMENT MULES AT PHILADELPAIA. The United Stales will sell at Public. Motion.' CRA'AIPION'S CITY BAZAAR & TAMILSALLS, Race st., barmen 11U4 - and During the Month of August, 900 MULES. - - These Mules - ere all serviceable, mid sold only for num of use. Buyers the Invited to examine them ahoy time, and every facility will be given for a thrirongh inspect:hut. Roomy sheds are protided for protection from sun end rain. • 100 'MULES Will be Soldon* EACH WEDNESDAY and SATLfI. DAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF AUOVST, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. 31. TERMS CASH. IN GOVERNMENT FUNDS. By Order oPßrig. Gen. EKES:. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, Captain and A. Q. M. iiioro-Ziti Oaks, No. Market St, Miura. LOOK HERE.= - The BOOK AND PE RIODICAL STORE-at GREENCASTLE, Pa., which is doing a good business, is offered for sale. For particulars address - July 124 f FETTERHOFF 6•. ATHERTON. 1 CJ S 0 ' SALE.—One hundred , 'U.- STOCK FOR Stock of the NATION.AI!B..III of 0/1.7.4:1210= for sale, in lots to snit purchas.cm. Apply at the REPon. Tula Office. aug‘23-tf Y PRESSES.—Three Hand HuiH Presses, in onler, for Sale'cheap. julyl94l GEO. A, DEITZ. Clunnbersburg, Pa. Hagerstown Herold copy 2t, barge REPOaTIVIIT. OR SALE.—A full course .Scholarship JR: in the Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia Apply at this cam taants. 8150 PER MONTH.—Agents wan ted in every County and State, to sell the BAuntrr SEVFLVG 3SACIIME, price $25 ; Hilly licensed. under.patents of Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Graver Ze Baker, and Singer & Cp. We will pay a monthly salary and expenses, or allow a large commission on "des. For particulars, illustrated catalogue, territory, &0., enclose stamp and address PAGE BROTHERS, sole Agents for United States, 221 Summit st., Toledo, Ohio. (auglti-3m wANTED.—Tw o Shingle Makers and two Wood Chopers, ..to whom Constant em• - playment and good wages will, be given. Apply at the office of , [angil6-3t) STUMBAUGH do GEHL TEACHERS WANTED.—Two Teach ers nreton needed In Greencastle—one for the high SchooL Application will be received until September 4th. Address IX WATSON ROWE, See'y. aueM-2t ilietricat. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.-Dr JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institns lion, offers the most certain. speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Gleets, Structures, &mina Weakness, Pain in the Ccrcelitutlonal - Detrillty Impotence, Weakness of the Bark and Limbs, Affection of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Net •- vow; Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Noce skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders MA tug from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret 'and solitary practices are moreletal to their victims than the song of the Syrena to the mariner 'Ulysses, blighting their most brilththt hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &v., impossible- -= YOUNG MEN!.7 Young Men especially, who have become the victims of Solitary 'Vice. that dreadful and destructive habit which aril annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of yoang men of the must exalted talent and brilliant iutelfect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the his ing lyre; miry cull with fall confidence. 4:II3,RIAGE! Married persons, or young men eontemplating marriage, being aware of plivsleal neakne.e,organic debility, dekr. mattes, &e., should immediately cot.ult Dr. Johnston. He who places himself under the care of Dr. Jobs:tetra may religiously confide in big honer as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his shill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS EII3LEDIATELY CUBED AND FULL VIGOR RESTOEED This disease Is the penaltymost freqaentlypaid by those who have bf.come the victims of improper indulgeaces. Young persons are too apt to commit,excesses from not being aware of the dreadfulc-onseottences that may ensue. Now, who that understand s the subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent. Besideebeing de pnved of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serions and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical taxi mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, syrutonas of consumption. (tikes. Yo. 7, South - Frederick Street, seven doors from Baltimore street. East side, up tbesteps. Be porteultir in observing the name and munber, or yon will mistake the; place. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS Mercury . or Ya 21.56911.1 Drugs, DR. JOHNSTON, 3letuber of the Royal College to Surgeons. London, Kradnate troth one of the moat eminent Colleges of the United Stutes, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the 'hospital's f Landon, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many ttvabled with ringing in the head and ears wßeif asleep, — great nerrousueas, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and Inielifalneas, with frequent blushing, attended:sometimes with derangyntent of mint". were eared immediately. C TRTAIN DISEASE! N•heu the misguided sod imprudent votary of idealism find be fats imbibed the sea ti of titislatiufildiswse, it Woof ten luippeus Unit an seas" • if shame, or dread of dis covery. deter , him train applying to those who faun eslnca• tionaLd respectability ea it alone befnetid Limn, tu)ing till the contai t talons] sympithas ot this 111 , 11ii111L4'..-1,-Ifla se their sPreatance, such as ulcerated sore throat. diseased nose um:tumid pains in the head and Bonn dimness of sight, deafness. nobs on the chin, bones and blotches oaths head, face'and extremities, pnairressing with frightful in pidity, till at lust the palate. of the mouth or the benes of the nose fall in and The victim of this awful disease be- comes a horrid object of comutisseration, till death puts a period talus dreadful salleriugs, by rending hits to "that bourne from whence no - traveller returns." 'russet'. there fore, Dr. Job_uston pledges Maisel(' to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the rust Hospitals of Europe amt Amerimit, he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vic tim of this horrid disease. It ix a melancholy flat that thomands fall victims to this horrid diseatv owing to the utMlclinalnesa of ignorant pretenders trim ,hy use uf that dreadfld poison, Metetni, ruin the contaltdnon, and either tend the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or nade the retidue of life miserable. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE" Dr. J. addresses than. c. 11110 bat e injured themselves by private and improper indalgmmes. These are some of the aid and meLascludy effects prb• dared by early habits of youth, list—Weakness of the Rack and Limb, Pailns in the Dimoess of Sight, Loss of 31mieular Power, Palpitation of the, Heat, Dys pepsin, btervons Irritability, Derangement of the Diges tive Funetionl, General Debility. Symptoms of Consmtv tion, Sc MENTALLY, the fearful effoas on the mind are much to be dreaded: loss of Memory, confusion of Mean. Degree men of Spirtta. Evil Foreboclinga. Aversion to SoctiV, Self.lliittrust. Love of Solitnde,'Timitlity, ttc., are some of the evil effects. . . Thoithauds of persorei of all ages Call note Judie What is the cause of their declining health, lowing their 'cigar, becoming N - 1 oak, pale. have .11g1.1110 appearance about the eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIGOItATING REMEDY IMM3M=I',MMM liy this great nod impertant remedy. lilteakaeta of the Or d uus is speedily col ed vigor iralored. Ttiosbanda of the lioed ben - tins two debilitated, who had lost all hope. has e been immediately relieved. All impediments to 3larriage. l'hyderl or Mental DisquaLitl , ratma, Nervous Irritability. Trembling, Wesdaiess or Ex haustion of the most teorml hind, speedily eared by Dr. Johnston. Y 1' MEN, who have injured themselves by a certain practice. indul ged in whim alone—a habit heiplently learned from evil companions, or at scluml. the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, am! if not cured reader inarriage imposelble, and destroys both mind nod tady,sdattdd apply immediately What a pity that a young man. Ilk hope of his casuistry. the darling of his parents, should, be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path ofnatinse, and indulging in a cer tain attic! habit. Such persons, before c ontemplating. MARRIAG-E should reflect that a sours' mind und IRdy an` the mosille c" ,. .-turY requisites to Promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey ❑rough life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the pro-pest hourly dart:ens to the view ;,,the wind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection. that rite happiness of another be comes blighted with our ow.. OtITICE O. 7 SOUTH. TREDERICK. STREET LULMORT. TO sar..m4Erts—The inanythertaandsewred at Mk Institution in the lust tiftheayears; andurtrnammi, ire partant surgic•at Operations pedmnica by Dr. J., I= l by the reporters of the papers, and ninny other makes or w hivh have appeared 'again and_ again before the public, is a sullcient ga4rantee tolhe uffiletert. S. There are so mapy ignorant sad wracks. , quart, ideeitielog themselves as ftysielany, raining the health tint hr , , 1 " ,f:;; 44e t0 th a os al e a u fai tureg ete'4 lthinted pi'j nl&his r d ept7:ti l e t n ""uv 1:11plaa Itanz in blantien. - WT,AAP.Nt.r . rum.—Ainettt , rantati be i , : 6 _ . vrald. and contain a pillage shurrpibr the reply, i`r 1... et wilt be tont,' roarl64y. M E S T ontetbing lU -t dt ete, s:n eutthSm~ J. w.nWEPI47N.- 113 g 21 r?.."a* Vl* '"- . S la I. E