TERMS OE PEBUCATION. THE PIiANELDI REPOSITORY is published •every Wednesday rooming by "TEE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at $2 SO per annum, &ADVANCE, or SR if not paid within the year. in subscription ac counts 341.7 r be scaled 'annualiy. No paper will be sent out of the State toles% paid for in amine, and all such subscriptions will Invariably, be disocnltinned at the expi ration of the time for whicii they are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at In- t LEN CEEI per line for find insertion, and TEN CElad per line for sub- eequent insertions. A liberal discOunt is lade to persons advertising by the quarter, half-year or year. Special no tires charged oneltalf snore than regular advanisements. All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines, are chargedfifteencent° per line. :eV .1/1 Legal Notices of every kind, and alt Orphans' Court and other Judicial Saks, are required by Imo to be advertised in the REPOstioni—it haring the LOWEST CIR. erugtiost of arty paperpubtished in the comity of Franklin. • JOB PRINTING of every kind in Plain and Fancy col ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Rand-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets', SLc., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The REODsfrOltY OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing la the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the loeest rates. TERMS IN. VARIABLY ,0 0 ' Mr. If tin ShryOck 1 our authorized Agent to 'twelve Subscriptions abd Adve ism: nests, and receipt for the same. All letters &rad bo addressed to M'CLURE di,. STONER, Publishers. Coal, Lumber, %tr. CAITENTERS AND B U ILDERS ! ATTENTION! Thq- undersigned have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORING MILL, a large supply of Sash. Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all descriptions, from half inch to 8 inches, on hand. Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posts, Banisters, Bed Poits, &c„ on band. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or lade at short notice. HAZELET, VERNON & CO., febi tf Harrison Avenue, Chambersburg. Pa. NO TI.CE : TO FARMERS 100 TONS OP.TI3IOtHY HAY Wanted by GEO. A. DEITZ. :CO WALNUT LOGS Wanted by GEO. A. DEM_ 100 ASH LOGS Wanted by GEO. A.-DEFth 100 LARGE CVLERRY: LOGS . Wanted by GEO. A.• DEnz. •„ WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, sad all kinds of Produce bought by GEO. A. •DErtz, at his Warehouse above the Railroad Depot. STOVE AND LDIE COAL for eels by the ton or half ton. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD by the cord or ball cord. OAS. AND HICKORY WOOD, sawed and split for stare use, by the eord or half cord. WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS, ' of Oak, Walnut and Pine, always on hand. WINDOW AND DOORFRAME STUFF, and all kinds of LUMBER, such as Oak and Pine Plank ; Oak,Wabint,PiheandElenalock Boards ; Flooring Boards, Joists, Scantlinp, Shingles, Paling, Laths, dm ' HEST OF ROOFMG SLATE 'always reflood, and roofs put on by the best Slaters, who have dratuppedals for their superior workmanship. s tk. CALL AT HEITZ'S WAREHOUSE, above the Railroad Depot, aed bey cheap. (deal LEONARD EBERT 6z SON, COAL AND LUMBER MERCK-ANTS. We have on band all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are prepared to furnish Bill Lumber to order at short no tice, all at the most reasonable terms. Our stock of Lum ber consists of White Pine 2 inch Plank, " " select Plank. " " " Plank. " " I select and Calling Boards, " Boards, 11.-" Siding (6 inch,) " " -Best River Shingles, " Worked. Flaring, •'' " " Siding, " "- Joist and Scanting, all sizes, Hemlockioist and Scantling, • Boards, Yellow Pine Boards. Joist and Scantling, Palling and Plastering Laths: We have also always on hand a good supply_ of all kinds of Coal for Estrus and lime-hurning. Also a supe rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lb.? are Invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to - give satisfaction to all that call. Coal and LuMber furnished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. (Office on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersburg, Pa. LEO. EBERT is SON. july27-tf. STEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, near Gratlenbarg Springs, and are prepared to saw to order Bills, of WRITE OAK PINE, HEMLOCK or any kind of timber desired, at the short est-notice and allow rates. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sam? Greenawalt, in Chambersburg, on Satur day the 24th inst. and on-each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lim ber: LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the LOW EST RATEs: All letters shonld be addre.v.ed to them at Graffenburg P. 0., Adams Co., Pa. deel4-ly MILTENBERGER L BRADY. Small lots of Lumber; Shingles, &c., from our mills can be procured at any time at W. F. EYSTER S. BRQ'S, - Market Street, Chambershurg. SMALL', BENDER & York and Goldsborough, Pa., LUMBER DEALERS .LIZ 31.\.1 I:Faun:Timis OP SASkT, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 4c., Seep constantly on band'a well selected stock of seas onabieLumber, vizi—Joist and Scantling, Weatherboard ing, dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings and Fencing. White line and Oak Bills, sawed to order at the shortest notice. All communications shonld be addressed to YORK, PA. BUILDING LUMBER.t—The under signed. is prelstredto saw all kinds of Building Dam ber at the lowest market price. R. A. REN - FREW, GREENWOOD MILLS, Fayetteville P.O. dem-ly LTJAEB E -All kinds of Lumber for LA sale at reasonable rates at A! S. MONK'S MB, near Quincy., julyl9.lf 'Rats, anb (Cap. FRESH AItRIVAL.—INow is the- time to buy your . Fall and Winter Gooas. and 'eV. PAXTON 8, m the Market House, is the plaee, to get them cheap and good. A very Sue assortment of Mew' One and coarse Boots, Salmorals and Gaiters, - Ladies' Glove Kid, Morocco and . Coarse Shoes and Gaiters, Mimes' and Children' Shoes and Galleys of every style. Also HENS' A-ND BOYS' FIATS AND CAPS at prices to suit aIL The best Home-make of Hats to be bad. A Eno assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags: - Valises, Canes. • Umbrellas, &a., • constantly on hand. Call and examine Our stock before purchasing. In the Market House, ou Second street. MEN'S BDY'S AND CHILDREN'S HATS or every style to be bad cheap at PAXTON'S. THE “SHERIDAN RESORTE HAT," a nice article. at PAXTON'S. Mutational. rfIECE.HAGERSI'OWN FEMALE SEM ISARF.—The next Session of this Institution will edintnenee on the First 'Wednesday (6th day) of Septc7O- Imr nett, under Miss Mack, as Principal. assisted by Mrs. Halm, and Miss Doolittle in the departments of Mimic, Latin, Drawing, &. A. liberal patrepage is solicited.— Terms the same as last year. By ovar of the Trustees, D. WEISEL, President. Mail, Hagerstown, Odd Fellow, Bounsborce, REPoerro• Cluunbersburg, Union, Martinsburg, Herald, Cumberland, Lutheran Observer, Baltimore, Er. aminer, Frederick, copy 3 times weekly and once every two weeks to lint of September, and send bill to Judge Weisel, Hagerstown. . aug2-4t CU3IBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, MEcrlatiatnnutta, P.A. REY. O. Ear. Jr. Soy. Efaties Reamed September Ist. ' Charges, SUL.' 50 per. 5 months session, in tAtiore. Scarf - for a circular. jolyakitt. TT. ABLACROI - X, .„N0.37.80ntb SECOND Street, above Chestnut. PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS ! CARPETINGS flaying reeelved by late arrivals, all the newest and most attractive Styles of Carpetings,—f AM ITEPARED TO OFFER at the LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE & HETAIL.— John Crossley & Son's English Tapestry Brussels ; Lov ell &Hartford Three-Ply and Extra Super Ingrain Cur pets, with-a-large assortment of mediam and tow priced cAmeratia% :WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, J. T. DELACROIX. o37Bontb SECOND Sueet, between Chestnut 16an Market PHILADELPHIA an; • VOR SALE.-4 fall course 'Scholarship Lathe Quaker City Basilicas College of Philadelphia Apply at tia etbre. berg. ).:11,,tr ;_fraitlititt.. .W1)/t1;--4.0ttt BY M' CLURE & STONER. Veroonat Prom%) *ales. GREAT SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. _ 2, 000 A NIM ALS TO BE SOLD DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST, in the States of New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio, - Indiana. Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, and the District of *, Colombia. QIIARTF.II3LASTEII GViEI7.IL'S OFFICE, WASIIDIGTON, D. C., July _4,1863. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below, viz : E1271/123 New York city, Tuesday and Friday of each week, 200 Horses each day. New York city, Wednesday of each week, DX Mules each day. Elmira, Tuesday, August 8, 200 Morsels. Elmira, Tuesday, August 15, 500 Males. Albany, Friday, August 25, 500 Mules. Buffalo, Wednesday, August 30, 500 Mules. PENNSYLVANIA. - Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 200 Horses each day. Philadelphia, Wednesday tied Saturday of each week. 100 Mules each day. Pittsburgh, Thursday of each week, 150 Mules each day. l'ottsyille, Tuesday, August 1, .00 Mules. Idiftlintown, Friday, August 4, IMO Mules. York, Friday, August 4, 200 Horses.. Netrville, Wednesday, August U. 100 Horses. Newyille, Thursday, August 10, 100 Mules. Reading, Friday, August 11, 200 Horses. Shippensburg, 'Wednesday, August 16, 100 Horses. Erie, Thursday. August 17, 200 Horses. Shippensburg, Thursday, August 17, 100 Mules. Williamsport, Friday. August 1 6, 2.0* Horses. -Indiana, Monday. August 21, 200 Horses. - Chambersbarg, Wednesday, August 23 100 Hdrses. Chandiershurg, Thursday, August 24, 100 Mules. Milton, Friday, August 25, 200 Horses. Carlisle, Wednesday, August 30, 100 Horses. Carlisle, Thursday, August 31. 100 Mules. 01110. Columbiana, Tuesday, August I, 100 Horses. Salem, Wednesday, August 2. 100 Horses. Alliance, Thursday, August 3, 200 Horses. Canton, Saturday, August 5, 200 Horses. Cleveland, Tuesday, August 8, 1000 Mules. Massillon. Tuesday, August 15, aIK) HOrses. Crest Due, Thursday, August 17, 500 Mules. Cleveland, Monday, August 21, 200 Horses. INDIANA. Fort Way - he, Thursday,. ei r m t i -1.• 4, 11000 Moles. Wilmington, Tuesday, of each week,'2oo Horses each day. Wilmington, Friday, of each week, `2OO Mules each day. IS'EIV JERSEY. . _ Trenton. Thursday, August 10, '2OO Mules. Trenton, 'Thursday, August 24, 1200 Males. MARYLAND . Baltimore, \Wednesday, August 9. and Wednesday of eseb week thereafter. 20) Horses each day. WASHINGTON, D. C. Each week day, 9.00 3lnles. GIESBORO, D. C. Each week day except Wednesday. `2.00 Horses. An opportunity to purchase a superior class of saddle and draft animals, at far less than theh• true value, is now offered to the public. Though the majority of there are sound and serviceable they are no longer required in the , army, and must be sol Many of the mules were bought in the beginning of the war t when young. accompanied the armies in all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar from being so long our roupded by the soldiers.. Animals will he sold singly. Sales to commence at I 0 A. M. Terriush, in 'United States currency. JAMES A. EKIN. , Brec. Brtir. Gen. in charge, augQ-11 Ist Div. Q.ll. G. 0. SPECIAL S I A L E OF GOVERNMENT MULES AT PHILADELPAIA. • The 'United Stales will bell at Public Auctlim, CHAMPIPN'S.CITY BAZAAR & TATTERSALLS, Race st., between 11th and 12th, Pkiliutelphia, During the Month of August, .1.5€45, ' 900 MULES. These Males are all serviceable, and sold only for want of use. Buy ern are invited to examine them at any time, and every facility will be given for a thorough inspection. Roomy sheds are provided for protection from sun and rain. 100 Mums Will be Sold on EACH WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 . o'clock, A. M. TERMS CASH, 3 _\ GOVER2MENT FUNDS. By Order of Brig . . Gen. ERIN. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD. Captain and A. Q. M. ang2-st] Office:*No. 721 Market St., Philacea: QALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES.- ASST. QCARTEIL3i:t.STEIFS OFFICE. Cluanbersburg, Pa.. Atige