August 'l6, 1865. i t'vrottlin vpoittftg. LOCAL ITEMS. GOSSIP - WITH OUR FRIENDS. —My dear old friend, MN. Grundy, visited me this day and gave me her views upon a subject of momentous import ance to the ladies. While the Words of this re markable female are fresh in my ears, I haste to place them upon paper, for who does not knoW " scriptri litera Grundica mallet." " Gossifi," says she (it is - wonderful how affable the old lady ia with those she fancies.) "what is to become of us housekeepeduidess something be done with our girls !" i ' Like Mr. Dick, of immortal mem ory, I ejaculated, "Do with 'em ! make 'em work." "That's just it—but how are we to. make them work 1 . They won't work. Theydon't know hose to work, They are .%w-fid." The impressive manner in which the old lady raised and brought down her umbrella, as she said awful, made my .hair stand on end. "Would you believe it," she continued, " I engaged a new girl for last Monday morning, bright and early, and she came about ten o'clock prepared dinner with the help of my daughter Sally Ann and myself: and then I didn't see her again till five o'clock, when she came sailing in, dr6sed - in a new pink dress. as stiff (the dress) as starch could make it. I wanted some chickens killed ,for supper, hut I couldn't think of asking her totkill chickens in a new pink starched frock, so I killed them myself, and told her that I was afraid my faintly NMI too large al ready, that I couldn't cdok for them and her tits, Week before last ; l. had a girl who wouldn't wash on Monday because it looked like rai-: : su I told hir to pack. .Sfrs. Jones told,ine that that was nothing to her, girl, who waildn't Wash at all, be cause she said it made her hands so skinny and Mrs. Smith declared to me that her girl refused to weed in the garden, because it made her fin gers too stubby : " for the melodeon." "You Sur prise me,"lsaid, " I thought front the nice house keeping, that our ladies get along first-rate with their " "Bless your innocent heart." cried 'the dear woman, much you know about it You .are a gos,ip. , Why there ain't a lady of my acquaintance who is not at dagger'it points With her help, unless site lets her have her own 'say in everything. I know many a man xvfot would risk a quarrel with his wife any day rather Nut with his cook, fur the with won't leave and the cook will, - if you give her, as she calls it, any •of your• sasTt? Why. poor Mr. imithers was con fined to his bed two weeks by Sophronisba Tat's (his hired help) throwing a pot of scalding roflee over hint for saying that it was as weak as dish water. It is positively dreadful. I know sev eral gentlemen who carry revolvers to pridect themselVes from their maids. And our children are in hourly danger of being murdered for 'poking their noses' where they oughtn't to." Thus my old friend ran on, until I managed to get in edge wise: "But, my dear Mrs. Grundy, dou't you think that the ladies are sometimes to, blame? My mother has the same help that she had thirty Years ago, and we children have grown up to look upon her as a very important part of the family. •We all love attd respect her, and look upon her as our mother's First Lieutenant. We were taught not to give her any unnec - e . ssary trouble, and to acknowledge her as supreme in her depUrtment. Impudence to her was a high misdemeanor and punished accordingly. tven now I would no more think-of treating her with disrespect than - would an aunt. The result is—as Mr. Micaw bet would felicitously express it—IIAPPINESS." was going ott- at a great rate, and would be at it yet, I presume, but would you believe it, the old lady ;mapped me off with "Gammon!" and flounced out of the room like a shirt on a clothes line, vowing that she would not talk to me again—far a week. I have been once again to New York, have passed over the you-know-what railroad—only two hours betSfad time—have been to a clam-bake at Coney Island, have heard and seen the break ers roar and dash " on old Long Island sea-girt shore," andll that; and am once more in C. Laws Deo? s as the collegiates have it. lady visiting Chambersburg, infortued ins that the REPOSITORY did not say nearly enough about the building in C., that she was surprised to see so. many handsome stores and dwellings going up—in fine, that in the words of the histor ical Quben of Sheba, " the half had not been told her." The fact is, I have had a good. deal of talk with the gentlemen who are re-building, and they seem so hurried, and annoyed, and troubled, and harrassed, and irritated, and perplexed with the undertaking, in addition to the consequent finan ciering, that to notice the improvements seems almost like addiiig insult to injury, and suggests forcibly the old proverb, "Fools build houses. and wise men live, in them." However, ittruay not be oul Orpla - ce here to give some w holesome sug gestions of Mr. Knowall, who has been throueh the mill: - Ist. If you pay hands so much a day for digging a cellar, it is important that each hand does a day's work.. Stone and not clay requires I) 2d. Staid makes better mortar than loarm:4 2d. Some lime is better than War lime. 4th. The same remark applies to brick. do that when one man ea)s to his friend, " brick," the compliment is indefinite. And when one has a brick in his hat, the danger to his head is materially lessened by the Eoftaess of the brick. sth. "A man's a man for a' that" don't :make one bricklayer exactly as good a workman as another. 6th. Green corn is preferable to green lumber. 7th Mat roofs; have disadvantages as {N , e 1 1 as advantages. Slate and tin cost more than oak shingles for roofing, but are by some considered better andJpore permanent. Bth. Lightning '-tids are erected for the prima( of conducting the:lightning from not to the build • 9th. A leaky citorii is not as cohvenient as sound one 'IOtIA No man ii really the owner of a house until he has paid for it. WELCOME HO:TE TO SoWiEns.—A corres pondent furnishes , us the folhT; int; report of the proceedings of the soldiers' Welcome held nt Dry Run on Satuday last a ‘seek: Agreeable to the notice. in your-papir of last week, a "WEL6NIE HOME" to the returned 'soldters and Suitors of the Valley was given pea Dry Run, and ccy are pleased to say, it was a , 'complete suecessi giving entire satisfaction to all present, and fue l mweeding the most sanguine -:, 'expectations of any. Notwifhstandini that the earth was well ' drenched with rain the- evening previous, and that the-morning ivas still threatning with rain the clouds dispers4d at the appearance of Sot, and the day procMl to be the most favorable, shedding a lustre ire all its various scenes All morning persons every description—young and old—were seen gathering froth 'the surrounding country, in all kinds of vehicles, singing patriotic airs, and all seemed to Wear the same expression : on their countenatices—that they would gi% e a - hearty *welcome to' the war-worn veterans. . At 11 A. M., the procession was formed at Dry Run in the following order, under the imme diate direction of the Chief Marshals, Col. It. W. M'Allen and Maj.,4B: M'Curdy, than whom, two more worthygentldmen could not have been cho sen. Col. M'AllkM is well known in his connec nection with the army, and - Maj. M'Curdy, though foo far advanced hi r years to share his fortunes in this I;',;r, is known throughout the country as a I:unitary genius, and, as a man of integrity, is wor thy of more honors; from his country than- merely chief inarshalship onisue,h an neension as this: kids ORDER or THE PROCESSION, Chief Marshals. Band. The Clergy and. Speakers. Officers and Soldier , of the different armies of the U. S. Officers and Sailors of the U. S. Navy. Soldiers or the War of ISlff. Committee of Arrangements. Ladies on foot. Gentlemen on foot. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Corporate Authorities of Towns. Loyal Leagues. Literary. Scientific and Industrial A.F.stwiationS. Fire Companies. Citizens in Conveyances. The following named gentlemen were the As sistant Marshals, who perforated such noble ser vice in forming the procession, and throughout the other ceremonies: Major Win. F. Johnson, Captains J. H. Walker and A. G. Stark; Lieuts. Vim. 11. H. Mackey:S. 0. M'Curdy, and J. IL Witherov,; Messrs. W. S. Montgoniety„J..3l Ran kin, Skinner, Wm. G. Kirkpatrick, Brines Gaston, J. W. Shetter and Joseph Doyle. As Soon as the procession was formed the corn: mand "Forward march" IA as given, and the mass moved in the direction of the grove—the band playing, and banners, with various inscriptions of welcome wafting to the breeze.' "Xpon our arri val in the drove it was announced that the dinner was in readinesq, and the procession moved to ward the table, where the soldiers, for the first time. tasted' of the welcome Which was in store. And here your reporter lacks language to attempt a description of the sumptiTous repast. Such roasts,*such cakes—all the luxuries of the age— mdescribable—l desist! It would have graced an assemblkge of Kings and lords. Some t,3vo thousand persons partook of this Mast and 4 there was sufficient left for as many more. After they were served, none had reason MEI Viands of ValiOlN kind: allure the taste, but all were content that they had done justice to a craving appetite. This is not the -first dem onstration of the kind by the citizens of Path Val ley. How often were the hearts of their soldiers made glad. «hilN fighting the battles of our coun try, by Thanksgiving dinners and boxes of till kinds of delicaeidS forwarded to them; a pretty sure indication that they were not forgotten.— The Valley prides itself in the Latin adage "Limn Viviums, vivatuus" (while we live, let us live.) And, now comes the most interesting part of the programme. The committee of arrangements were fortunate iu procuring able speakers for the occasion, men of whom we expected much, and by n hom we were nut disappointed. At 8 P. M. the people were assembled around the stand by music from the band. The chair man of the committee then announced the follow ing gentlemen as officers of the meeting. Presi dent, Wm: A. Mackey: Secretaries, Capt. John' 11. Walker and Saml. Holliday ; Vice Presidents, Robt. McCormick, Dr. Isaac Clugston,-William Skinner, Win. G. Kirkpatrick, Jos. Rider, -.Tos. Doyle, Wm. P. Jolinson, Robt. Brown, Brines Gaston and G. W. Taylor. The President then called the meeting to order and requested the following speakers to make their appearance on the stand. viz; Col. 1). Wat son IRON e. G. W. Brewer. Esq., Rev. Win. A. West. Rev I J Pomeroy, Rev, J. 11. Jones, Rev. Mr. Holmes and. 0. E. Jones, Esq. We re- Bret to state that for sotne unaccountable reason (.4. W. Brewer, Esp., was not present. ORDER Or EXERCISES. , X115.1e. Prnyi-r by 111 - ießev. Woo A. Wert. Introiluetory Rennirlis=by the Ree. A. Wept Music. by Col. D. Rowe. Address by 0. E. Jon,. Es.i. Aildreiqi by the Rev. J. J 1 Pomeroy. Benediction by the Rev. J. B. Jones. Music. A word in regard to the speeches. - Mr. West, wishing to give place to speakers from a distance, curtailed his remarks more than we could have desired, but 1% hat he said was to the point. Be ing so well acquainted with - the'''many incidents in the hiNtery of the soldiery of the Valley, he had the advantage of the other speakers in eliciting facts so interesting to all. how vividly and how eloquently did he depict the scenes passed through by some one or other of the heroes of the Valley. Col. Rowe is well known as an orator, and on this occasion he did unusually well. Having braved the dangers of this war in the same organization with many from the Valley, he timid justly testify to their valor in battle. In fact, one would infiu trom his discourse, that patriot and mountaineer were synonymous terms. He was listened to in, the , must protimail and unintemmted manner: The oration of G.l E. Jones reflects, a credit on himself w hie]] an older orator might have been proud of. Mr. Pomerny's address was delivered with much pathos, and although the audience had become restless by fatigue; his r unparallelled eloquence retained their,undivided attention to the close. He had been an active participant in the war since its beginning, and as such could tell the citizens of the Horny trials of the soldier, whom they were welcoming. The speaking throughout was `a feast of reason and a flow of. thought. — The exercises At ere concluded by three heaty cheers for the Union of our country, after which the "old folks" and many of the young hastily dis. liersed, but a goodly number remained on the the ground till the sun disappeared in the Wes tern sky—seeming determined not to cease their pleasures while the day lasted. It seemed almost impossible that such a day of general rejoicing could have an end. It was even extended far in the night by sonic perhaps till morning. It w. be a day long to be remembered by all that had the 'exquisite pleasure of being present. The citizens in .the vicinity of Dry Run by their earnest °flies to prevent the landlords from get- ting license to sell spirituousliquors, deserve high commendation for the sobriety and goodly feeling which existed among the different classes there represented. One could scarcely believg that a day like this could have passed without a drimli en fight, but so much li9r unlicensed inns. 3lneli credit is due to the Committee of Ar rangements for their 1. , 15e selection of the beao tiful and most central grove, for their choke m speakers, and for themiannerin which they con ducted the manifold duties belonging to their im portant offices; 'and much credit is also - due to the Indies for the part they acted, in preparing the beautiful banners and the delicacies for the table, and I have no doubt that some of them at least shall be rewarded by the very brave boys they were honoring. .„The:ith of August, 1d65, shall ever hold a sa cred place in our memories. Nixtv, the indefatigable, has issued the first number of The New Omnibas, a neat, spicy lit tle sheet of four pales, for unive`fSal circulation among the people. It is to be published monthly or semi-occasionally, and is devoted mainly to gi‘ing the public information relative to the dri e s, medicines, paints, oils, cattle-ponder, ointim*its, pills, bakkkpowder, c,, n hich he Mann Met u res and sells. In addition to his own advertisements, he gives a directory of the leading plates of busi netis and hotels in Chandiersburg, and goes on the motto of "live and let live." The Omnibus us got up in the best style of modern typography, and will be found a welcome and valuable institution for ready referoie in a family in these day s of cramps, cholics, chills, &c. Pnomoi t io.—llajor John L. Ritchey: of the '2o9th Penna. volunteers, has been promoted by brevet for special_ gallantry. For, his licroo duct at Fort Steadman the President has breveted him Lieutenant Colonel, and for his gallantry at Fort Sedgwiek he has been breveted •Colonel. He was severely wounded, but has almost entire ly- recovered! His promotion was eminently just. as.Frauklin co,uuty has no soldier,of the war who bus deserved better to share the honors ofvictory. G x t E e cAsTLE ITE.3ls.—Prof. J. Mong Hughes is about to establish the Phrenakosmiati Institute, as a first clAs select school. The first National Think of GreeneaStle has received a por tion of its circulation. The three Sunday Schools united iu a Harvest lime at Bushtown on the 30th ult. Dr. H. G. Chritzmman, «ho entered the army as Aest. Surgeon of the sth Cavalry and was subsequently promoted to Surgeon of the Brigade 3rd Division of the -.2d Corps, has return ed and Welsh Run to practice his pro fession. EMI DRo? LETTERS.—An item has appeared in many of the newspapers, stating that but one cent postage is required on drop letters. In order that the public may not misunderstand this mat ter, we would state that inhere there is no deliv ery made by the carriers, only a one cent stamp is required on drop - kiwis, but where-carriers are employed - tu deliver mad matter at the resi dhce or business places of citizens. as in"' the cities, a two cent stamp must be - affixed to let- WAYMISIIOIta ITEMS.—The ladies of the M. E. Church had their Fair and Festival last week. and was liberally patronized. The line of the through telegraph from the Atlantic to the Pari- Ale will pass through Wayne•buro. and the poles have been contracted for in that vicinity. Ile corn crop in the vicinity of Waynesboro "will ex ceed that Of any season for many) ears," sa3s that Record. Monterey Springs have beenyaruhased bv Mr. John Knude for $lO,OOO PlLOT.—tip , REVIVAL OF THE rILOT.—We welcome to our table again the Greencastle Pilot, the publication of which was remuned on the 10th inst. by B.E. &W. W. Crook's. It is of imperial size. neat ly printed, sprightly in its original and selected articles, and neutral in politics. We hope that it may meet with entire success. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION.—The Democratic delegate elections for this county will be held on Saturday, the 26th inst., and the Convention on the Tuesday following. The Democrats of Perry will hold their Convention` on -Monday. the 4th of September': WE' go to Chppinger Thompson's to get the true , iletures. Mr. John 4 11". t ttlioruf. late of Gige kute.t*: Imperial an& Morgan & Iteies,hir's Excelsior Gallen - ,-is operating, fir them. Mr. thliorne. from past experience of nine years, -deemit hine.elf competent to make pictures equal to any mallet in the fir s t enn.s Gal leries of New York. Philadelphia or eisen here therefore they can assure their patrons to give them sat.sfaction in all cuses. Dont forget the plare, Sign the Red Flag, Second Stmt. Jane:-3m GELIVICKS & BURKHART have feturned from Philadelphia and New York with a new and very heavy lot of gash.. It is their determination Lt make this busi ness pay them by selling great quantities of goods, and not by large protits. We advise all who melt to boy goods cheap and to have the.largest And most varied stock to make them selection from, to tall with this firm before buying eisewbße. • THE LIGHTNING FLY best ar tivle otTr known to kill nil pets conoin and cheap; only 10 rents n sheet 3IILLEI: , IntI,, tirtiLLE, next i'St of limo 11 . . HOWL BEDroftn SPRlNGS.—Betiford Water, fresh lrom the springs, for salt; by the halloo, at.CRE&SLEICS Drug Stot, Deliewus Sods Warr, with choice `,Yrups, WALL Papers, Paper Hanging 4 and Window Shales. Se.. Si,. adv. in this Heweil i Bourke, 4th & Market 11.. a B. are Mauutai to rep. of good, in their line. One thetaa C.ARPETINGS. Sliadi'S, Oil ("hdlg. 6, - . C•, )f at Super;or Quality and at pnoe, m tb. , T. :37 S. 72nd St.'lri;lll FLYA NCE A.VD TRADE. There are fifteen hundred and four National Banks now in operation, with an aggregate capi tal of over three hundred and si.xtptive The "Western States hate four hundred and tWen ty, distributed as follows : Ohio 135, Indiana 70, Illinois 77, Michigan 30, Wiscopsio 34, lowa 38, Minbe'sota 10, Kansas' , Missonri 11, Tennessee 9, New York has tiro hundred and mne banks. Massachusetts has two hundred and six, and renil6)lv4nia one hundred and ninety-.even. The first quarterly statement of the First Nation al Bank of Shippensburg presents a line of dis counts of .$15,965 ; deposits to file amount of $39.789 113, and a c eirculatien of $60,000. It has about $123,000 0 fgoverninent securities inclu ding the bonds to secure Circulation. The issue - of five, cent fractional currency has been stopped by order of Secretary 31'll ullock and it is expected that tbe public, through the Trea..- firer and sub-Treasurers will be supplied with `two and three cent-coMs to meet the wants of tlfe r community in lieu of ties paper issue with drawn. 3IuIRRIED STILLEV—K.ERLIN.--On the 11th he.t , nt the res, deuce W Col. Ettson, in St. Thong.. by the Rev. J Ben son Akers, Mr. Emanuel Staley. of Mt. Carroll, Norchum berland ea., Pa., to Mir% Mar} Ellen . Kerlin, of St. a. FREET—FOREMAN —On the 10th inA., at the La theta P 1117.1 1 .114,. m Stru,buriz by the Rev, 11 Snyder, Mr. Christian R. Freer to MI.. Bybee. a Jane Foreman both of SI rashurtr. • NEIL.—On the 4th inst., near Spring. Run, Ana', Neil :wad 29 years, C month: and d,,ys. Thus another of our soldier. fallen after _ ho- enlist try's struggle M. ON er, and he had been hort..mbly s barged, lie a wife and three emldren mourn has death. . . AVALKER.—On the 31. t ult. William Glllan I , Lian ebild of John and liamlttat t •1 0w11t6 4 and tri tlay4 REPOI?T OF 7111; 3IARKETS thambersbum- Mark t 9 Flour—Wintp :25 Butter 7 75 1:4;•‘: Wheat—White :,-() Lard • Wheat—Red 1 NI 'fallow • Oat 6 .... 35 Soap Boan. I 5 , Clm er Seed -. 00 Waedled IVool Tnnoth) Seed 0 0) l'nwa,died Wool 54 Plaxl.eed I .0) Pared Pe , neQ 7 0 Potatoe , —Herder.... ,9, rnrared Peach,. 4 0 Potatoes—Pink Eye. 5)) Dried A 114.1e4: I :JI 11,1,1:..:11‘1 . 11 1 Philadelphia Cattle 311arkel. Pint thrt t, Anzu,l El, Tho nfroritax reach I rolwa.l. of lira t Cattle, I Ite,t whi...b,,r,ro (Inpoted of at fully farm, raa, rannitaz a 12it 13,f0r eammotnl.l - e715! fan to goml,: and it.;/ It, t taunt Ihr l elute qunhtc, and the market 01,..m1 br,k. Cows_—Abont WO bead al., ,dtered and , Apra gars broaLML& each. tad POW and a a toquality. Ilmr--.lbont 17 , 00 head arm ~ 4 1, Ibi ioo ;1,4 011d32,011. Sherj, Were rather better. and the otrorlng's light, real it m. WOO bead, :al oil nila.ll a ere taken at tia 7e. i; Ih brought fr•la f 1,11.11, co to mutht • I - [HY TPLEGILIPiI.I Phllnilelphin Markets The,. is a firm tevling w bread,tair. but nut mugh There 1. N..ry linle N1111111,,,Z. 11111111111 i lor rlottr only : - ,01) buds sold lor , 4,1,t0r1s 1,11.1 i. 111111% for trial. groan I. Rye flour it .teady.a anti ,vine input at .$5.50. • . . -. IVllent i,g held higher. Sale. of Nev. 1t. , 41 at i... '216 et '2 I .tati old- at . .2.15i,2::(). Small .de, of Ity.- :i; 7.-. I I: Coro is ht. 1.1 firmly v,ith ..Lle, of p•Ilow .0 - `....1. 1.) it. ...: M=== =IMIEM Hy TELEGRAPH Philadelphia Stock Mnikcl. , PadAPE' re; %, stoekcAtal. t'd>; 11 0 1 Th C.ul:d. 7 , , 1 ,,,, z," livuding. . Penna. 11. It.; 571 ; 41,111 l I 111. Es longP 'New York par. 003 abbertisernunts. EVERYBODY GOES TO PREY FOLTZ'S 11,r Hattt. o t ittt, and shoos wA - I'E 1) .—T w o Shingle • Maki ~,Kt t w o wont ch v ers, to %%bolo constant i•th• ploymentlind good cages Will en. Apply at the oflee of fatarlb.ltl STr.MIIAI:OI 11 EYSTER, Aq"rOIIN EY AND vl COUNSELLOR. AT'LAW, has re.o.uned the unit, ties of his profe , •ion in Chambersbura. Othen, for the present, on Aram. Street, near Washington,--the Caine to that of the Distrnt rro,lst ntr,lnd. Restdenee ou the south side of Washinghel street midn aty bill', yell Second and Shun. autelt64lr, E XECUTORS" N 0 't I C E.—Notiet. is hereby gis en thut Letter; Te4aineutar3 to the Es tutu of George Briggq. lute of Peters towlthip, biire been granted to th e un dersigned All veineus knowing themsell es indebted to said Estate Vin Please make immediate payment; mid those having claims Present them properly authentieetid for settlement. DOLLAR x'r, ct.l)e ,franktilt tlepositotp, DIED MI:=1 MEE= flt abbertiStMettto. THE GENTS' GLOVE KID GAITER. with or without Buckles at PAXTON'S. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.—No- the it hereby siren that Letters of Administration, am the Estate of Adam Murnert, late of Peters township. decM. haN e been :ranted to the undersigned All peboo knowing thorn...elves indebted to sid4 agnate trill plea,e umke immediate payment : and th4..e baring nt them properly authenticated ,ffi emen t. NV 11.1.1 AM MUMERT • amid S.\ MUEI, MI:MERT, Adm N. ANEW LOT OF F ANCY:C ANES for '• Fancy Mon - at , FREY & FOLTZ:S. d 1 IV PER lONTlL—Agents wan j[. ;!," fed in every County and ,State. to sell the BALII.Err SLIM , fully lweru•ed under patent , of Firms. Wheeler & Grover & laker. and Sinner 6, Co. We a ill pay IL monthly salary nd exp e wte s or allow a lame commission on sales. For *articular , Illustrated cataloame. tern tort'. curtsy a ..tanri, and addre , , PAGE MU /TIIERS. Aole Agents for United 5tat,...., htnurui:.-t... trino. Innzln.:lln FINE STOCK P - lIEAVV BOOTS, .111mblo jr,t rocAveit A PA XTON'S. "yUBLIC SALE.—The tuidersigued lull Inter at Public Sale. an Saitirdrtg, u m 9th d a y nI Sqlrivily.r. hint. .o'l the 11,1/161, a nary cy,irablo : , ;31 . .1 LI. r ARM. i•ilinito in Animal township, pear Brown's Mill, ohoinitth. law': of Capt. 'Tmps 31. B rr d u , I'll%, Mat Slll.ll .'hank I•ollt.linlng* :10 ACRE S of exeeth•nt umEsToNt LAND. with a two ',writ,' LOG 111 )1 . : 11; 1.1,g. Barn. anti (Almr nere , saryintiltlimpt thoreoarre. led . ThPry 11, r•r Liiilll2; Sprint; of ninnl niter the door:mil corner Ordoirl of !toil e Imn lo Intoinv the propert y . p. •dia dap. :b. term .ll be nidae nufr,ll7--It 1:1)11ERT A. .3r17.E.1 A N UMBRELLA TIIAT WO 'T SIFT th!i rain. anti a STRAW 11.\T that Wait •`qt Lae .11 011 you. I:111 be found at BEAT sALE OF LUMBER AND T cll.\ 1, at po,lie DErrz•s wAvx• tit and IA - NIDE l• N Alt I, Ch.unbenbure... Pa., elle y-100 001 leo of I'ln?Board. and Plank; I, I ! - ,llnl Innl. P 1 k. 11010luek 110ard0 and .1 , 1,4: Plain Floorinz Mard: 100001 Plaoter, 1,01110: 70.00) Pine Slmigle. Palmas 11111)0 and other Lumber. and a lan k , I t ol LINIE COAL. , '1 ern, 'male knot, non the tine of Sale Ten dap% gv. i, for the Lumber and Coal to lie removed. Ten per vent. of the purehnse money to be 1,1,1 on the day of Sale. Salo to eonnovaee at-1-0 tt'olta k, A. 31 ant( Wel I;EO. A. DEITZ, "SHERIDAN RESORTE HAT." II ri ir. :a PAXTON'S. A MUST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. I,tt rr.te "Jr ta .1 gent, ' , antler, and Ladior.—W e att. 111111. m; :.I,iuzle machine touch mmbine., the beat and cbeapeol pertable \Vine and Cider Pws.Q. the thTest Clothe: wringer and the most powerful Lifting Jack in the world. It 7, the only pre:, adopted making Apple Champaign. whit h is nor regarded is of the mail important dio coverics of .the. ace Ag, otd agent m noted in every et1(10• ty, to whom We will hold out ouch indueemento a, to in. ware bet4re Christman. Thelrst one making awl, cation from any county shall hare the exchnate agency. Pull particular: termg, etc., by Circular. Addreo, lIALL. REED S- CO., No. 55 Libert y ,N V. FRET & FOLTZ HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE, a i d " that's what's the matter. Fire dours abort ate Market Honor. SALE OF .GOVERS3IENT HORSES.- Asr OFFIrE. Chnuthrrsbnr.K Artnlo; By direction of thp Quartonna•ter Genernl nin 1,, Puldie Anon., to the hinho.4 •1:e emwent Corral, at thrb plare on Mon. day r 7 Affp,t. 1e6.5. ti SERVICE.tBLE HORSES. Ji CONDE3I...f:I) 11111t3ES. An oppon ninny is now offeronl to the !nubile to innrediooe 'n of Sa•ictle and Itratt Ifer,e..„it t non tie, trine value. A larzr matzber of the,, hor-r• It,. Le en .0 nine at tidn. Ida, for tire ear , o^ thore entrely nound. Ilor,es null singi ! , I , 111 , 11 . e111 . 1. at 1 , ot.tWk. A. 'Af. C.k•ii, in Unitr-dts;ate , carr , ra-c. tr:l-:2* W. M WOODS C ar t. A Q M. TRUNK'S, (aI:PET-BAGS mits AND I ,1131D:LI.A` 4 the m om, facture, nt PA X 1 13UBLIC SALE.-L-liy virtue of an onfer J.. of the Orpitaa. Court et Frankl , n rountv. Pa. for undersigned Atren't for:\ In. Ann M. , h4liZer. nid , m W. H. Shatzer, tire'ti 0 itl 1 , Kp0.0 to 14,1,E, , s. t hl, 1111 010 premises, in 3htntztuot Swurriov S,pr , bee P. 1.65, A Tact ;.t.04k1. sLA l'E I.:l\T , (11114.1111'w about 2'o ACRES four Nen it n Pelt tee Wod, Laud. Ixtuntled by lan& of Plum V, 11:411111re And ober. There 6on this a property a Li C HOUSE Ice Ilarn. a Sprine. of excellent water, rout elitist to the Itailth,t , .411 nr. chard of choice trait, Grape-Vino, so. Sale to CM. Menet` at I "o ail clay, a-13,1 tvrlas of sale W ill 1x wade knoull by - 13.10.1(.31 W ['ATMORE. .%).r. , Ana M. Slart,..r. l 4 W. H. 511.1170 r, .111 , 1 t; THE HATS ARE THETINEST. THE - lb,ots the best the Ladle , ' 16aitor, and Shoe: the prettio,t and] nee , the hp, CY. t.T i F01.17.:5. ARRIIVAL---Now is the time to litzt 1"41 , 1 .111.1 W, I'AXTONS tibt. plat ho,p and Aro,(l. fine meet of ET= - • LUdit, ' /1111. 31.1r1r, t) and Uk,r, ,I• 1 4, .Ind Oath., Chi!drer,* 'SW', 111.1 .1N1) Jys . LtA'F AND - CAPS at price-, to suit aIT. 'rho be.t Home make of Ha , . to L. h.nL, A tine tvo, , rtnlent of Trunk= Carp,l Laic Ell!!= El e.. t•nn.-%antly , n‘ han,l. Call and e Kamm. ou'r•toek let r. Iknn.n.t-nr In th, , 31.nlint ILAN°. a, heron, .41 • ALEN'S BOY' S AN!) CHILDREN'S It it ATS or every style to be tad rherty at PAN TiIAIIM Al' PUBLIC S E.—Will be "tiered at Pullin' Sale. lin the premises, an Tht4,,lay :10r tiny nj Oriobt:. 1P , 03, at lU o'clock, A. 31., tic o,i -bn desirable Real F. , :tatii viz: A FARM. situate 'Montgomery town.hip Franklin county. Pa.. about three miles from 31iirctintiorg 4,n the rittal loading to the Corner, hounded hy lush. of Daniel Miller Alitatii and Noah 313 - era, containing liri•ACllliS OF' SLATE LAND. nearly ail of teen tre,ll tonsil, and on a bleb there is bent I N e 11.1114,d paIIII01.• of 010. Past-and-Mal Fence. The Iruprolet.eitits are a good 1.01 i DWELLING , Lo t ; and frame ,bedded Barn ; Wagon :shed and 01111 Crib; a a ell of iteNer4tiiling Rater-in the - 3 aril, and a Lne young (unhand - oh titmice rota. Aliont to ent3 :Lep, of the above trnet.i. exCellent TI3IIIER. wishing to view the pretni,e, pret iott• to by ealline on the undemgned, -residing about I we.fiirtly,fa mile form ang 111. J AMES WITIIErt.SPOON. ATALITABLE All3l AT I'l7 BLit; sALI:,—The no,ier4g.ned. I:xevutoe, of Jacob rren ,lrrti. twit efler at IMlthe Sale, on the detni•es, Saturday. r/,Y,l dine yr Se 'ltem 'lrr 11,1. thiVALI A 111,1`. 1 ..‘117,1 belonging. Is the itetr..of said decca,t.d no n.ll, ni linilloloi ton. - tethir, !tales trout I:llrunberthartr; near tie 11 at ne.thoro' rnd, containing shut egeell, to LIM I:Sit)NE LA U],-,-iu a good state of cnt titat ,as The noprovement,, az e a liV,sl.Tled BRICK DW El LING 111 rUSI:, \Vooh llou, and Smiths his ser. IL Sti,a.• Earn Log its nant Ilon,e, and other uei Loud 'l - here an excellent Well of g. 01141 %N.:t ier and (1-torn at the dour and an I Irehard ni chuier Frail on the ,Ithout 9S At'RES of the land 1., euvered bet rate 1 I:Mill:1Z. Sale .n 1 "lath. I'. M. TA•rtns made known at the sale. = HENRI' SNIDER or PHARES 3EFERREN, ECM ETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED J in the P,t .a chauawrawrg, stalf• Pella •ylvania. Altg.n.4 15, 1-61. :7irt To obtain tiny of the.e Letter•, the applii ant mast &all for "aih•ettnind ;rive the &de tit tit:bit:it, and pa 3, two rent.. Mimes III , •11,1 j Sn i der t Leo w Miner Jolin ' Hunter Dav l ,l Snyder Hiram (litter A:lo I: stlet Wllll,lll k:2l 'KnAllivan Jan., Kre kr bier)! 1-:kl.t11 S,lOl flitter (12nd Brim a.l IV Lehman Elimbpth I'l4 T Cttnl,ll,l , 11 Mol'"r11(1.-ore Triti• M.. , 11 E E :11,rrroIN Jack-m T0n..,, Wll ,4•1,•r• Clark Da, id3lllM er, Salll.l Wall,nr” Mns..Etna .111i.m.1.0),11,.r0 WArnor Frallk ( re.u..vr 31, Ruh) Prt,t I; \V E I S6t,tl.lll;t..ree Wol,ger Sattilict laiu 11,IN NVil. .Fx 171 i; t Mr. Xt A V R (') (;!) mtiith .1. NV. DEAL. P. M OE= A1.1'.1.111.E -Al' PRIVATE LE tintlenntned oiler, at I'm:Ito Sale, n %itaal , l iu !alma, hmu.lup Franklin Man i:, Pa., alljUITIIIIL! lamk of j•.lnt F. nut' John Srelny, l/tina I Sim and .01.1 . 4. near the t'otonloL7ntatit err.), 4 , 4 abooti tnileq from Slorpon, burg - . vont:6low o' It Ls git Rxi SLATE LANII, a ell litoett. 70 0en... , traet ~ TiNtilEEE:i. .5 no EAI.Nt mot the balance in a hurl. .1.00 Of tilhvatson. all In'. ellen! 'utter and tell fret cei Tht. above Finn. a:01 he nit,l unit mad 4 eparatt•ly. The Intynnetat.at4 on the t into tire n tutu .torlo,l to NV13,VI'llElt130.11l1 ) E1 ) lIOUSE, my flank Ilarn fe, t lona ,41.,r1.1.11,1114111L1 , 1 all other iteeesta.ry eollA It'llt 141 hontluttr.. - ' l . bere is a %Voll of net, r to ut the ~••r. -There in it 4 . 04 , t1 TENANT Ili 11 SE on the Si 4. nod 11,111 Guth a 1%01 of Water 1,11s1 . 11:0111 TO the /1011,, .111.1111 l 11.4, 4 ,1ry ont•latiltline• There iq ,11, ot g•hon e fruit on Nab 4 , 1 the altos e traets. per.ine..n new the n, L i•iinz on tile mg; in finntilton tint John 31Clay. Um Fano. ainzlh Z(10K. GOL1). SILVER I'Lll'El) WARE. I DITMAN. Sle.4 t. at Ilitelmigton Bard - ' ri toned Vino the city 14 ith a large rnd rhea! , lie nll to collie and won, a r wl.,•fore parelia,ing elmtwhere. Ills shx k eon 4St. of (101.1) ANL) SILVER WATCHES, Of nit' latest styles. Gl1:11 and Stint, ttinon4, Ear and Finger Ring., tlleeve Batton., S I I. V Elt WAIt E, and Tea Spinals, Forkq, Napkin Ring..„: l llntier RD, C..tOr.. Se. I boot. nilded to nil Ktoek a large assortment of , t bole boor and eight day CLUCKS, all of tehteh w ill be botillOW. (loodb warranted as represented. 'nankin] to my many friends and enstinnere for their liberal patronage. would most respectfully ask of them a continuance of the fame. atteiflaf F' n iIITMAN. nbersburg, pa. PUBLIC SALE.--Will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, on phni-sday, the sth dim of October, 1065, at 10 o'clock, A. IL, the following desirable Real Estaie, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, sit. taste ito Montgomery township, Franklin county, 'Pa., within tiro and a -half miles of Mercersburg, and one fourth of a mile from the Pike leading to Greencastle, bounded by lands of Dr. J. W. Heisler, Noah Myers and others, containing 110 ACRES and PERCHES. The above Farm is inn high state of cultivation. and has there on over live hundred pannelsof gistd Pnst-and-Rail Fence. The Improvements are a good BRICK HOUSE, with a goMI Log Kitchen and Dining room attached; a good double Log Rum, shedded all round, with two Floors ; Brick Granary; Carriage House; Wagon Shed; Smoke House. Sc. 'There is alsd, 013 the premises, a well of never.failinglVater, with Pump in it, near the Dwelling; running Water convenient for stock, nail a good thriving °retinal of grafted Fruit. A smallportion tif said Farm is in good Timber. There is a good 'Safer Power and Mill Seat on said premise,. Also, about 17 Apres of good TIMBER LAND: about one-fourth of a mile from said Farm. which will be sold with or without the above. to suit purchasers. - Peron, tviihing to view the premises, previous to sale can do by calling on the undersigned, residing thereon. JAMES WITHERSPOON, angl.6.6sts. Ex'ar of John Witherspoon, deed. ATALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—By virtue of au outer oh Orplums' Court of Franklin etinnty, the nntlers'utned, Administrator of the estate of Rev. Joseph Clark, deceased, will sell by public outcry. on the premises, on THURSDAY, THE SEV ENTH DAV OF SEPTEKEER next, the following de• berthed property : 1: The Lot Mul Dwelling Rouse of the late Rev. Joseph ate no Broad street, Chambersburg, and rum , niturto the Cumberland Valley Railroad. The lot con tains about our arm, and in good condition, with trees, Cart, Se.. planted and 'growing well. The Ronne in a large ntorymadm-half cottage building, constructed of Brick, in the bent style, well furnished and admit-4[llly ar rnged throughout- It is one of the ma - 1 commodious and comfortable dwellinirn in Chambersburg. Y. A Lot containing nearly one acre, adjoining the duel. ling home on the nouth, fitiinting on Broad street and rum Mug to the Railroad. it - adjoins the Planing Mill on the north. EEI 3. A Lot of (:round adjoining the mansion propiirty on the north. fronting on Broad greet and running to the Rail road. 1, :tit a small two-story ERICK HOUSE thereon erected. 4. A Lot fronting on theßailroad, and adjoining the lot last above described, with a small (mint house thereon erected. 5. A l'iuture Lot containing about one acre, fronting on 11r ,d street, adjoining lots of T. IL Kennedy and others. Possession of the above properties will be given on the lit of April next, excepting the unimprovW lots. of whieh yossexston wilt be given immediately. Tenni will be made known on day of sale by , A. K. mutl6 Adair of Joseph Clark, deed. HOW IS YOUR TOR.—Got a sore Corn have you No,peuee day or night. Try a cert n thing once. You wilhwyeady to double the price in jun hour after wing it. - Thir art ale is only sold with a guar untee that it tt dl giv4 cute quick and remove a Corn o r Wart it Omit pain. Prepartaland sold only at NIXON S Drug Store. Y I U HAVE THE REBEL ITCH or the seven-year itch. - (Ir any kind of Itch. 'Fetter or EinElcorrn. or l'uly Eruptiong, 1 NIXON'N )INTMENT. VIX.ON 11'1S ALWAYS ENDEAVOR EAT to have •lie beet of everything for Ms customer, 11.1, hi, large of hue Perfumer Soap;, hair Oil. :oaf Toilet Article. A LMUST INSTANT RELI Ey AIL FoRDED to th...p . who nits Coma, 1r call ing :tt NLXOS t. "1. 4 1 All M 14R S, STOCK OW N ERS, AT TI:xm IS.'-l>r'.\ iron's I for, and (•atle ron-d, :and 411.0•0 ib,• irni,rovernoro very ,non. pRAND I . AND 'WINE FOR MEDI IA 11l he u , el,-, to apply for drinking' par r NIXON-S. ANEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN." , , .1.3,-A nets Harr ra1,41 oagia el wrn. If vou - n mt t 3"c4,,',41 hair Bru4l, .7. V. t NIXON'S. T IGIITNING RODS GAIXASIZED.- I rrrER h EYSTER ure puttitur up Liglit..4 fialviiniied Iron (n il the rod, nrettris - te.l from the t o p to the anat.!) traieh is superior for durability and protei - ' '' n than OW eOllllllOll S ' tralgilt 1311.44: Iron Rods.— The i,ntrani:rd rod bring a more perfect conductor and come , rL..nperj akin Liclitninz, Rods rispnimd in guild Ntyle. Cali and exataine inc Gal, F1L117 , 11 Roth. before having any of the Work ntd. put up Snire Room un Main street. GCOOK STOVES. AND TIN WARE.- AU Pattern: , of Cook Storrs, Parlor and Wood S:orc.. (f .1 Luridly; xv0..4 or eual) Tin Shea Iran, Copper and Bross Ware of all kinds vonctantly 'on hand cod eheap. at ETTER a:, EVSTER'S. Maio Street, opi,site E3,ter Store. L7EIIOSENE OIL AND LAMPS.---ET TEL' & EYSTER. are selling ♦ ery best quality of licraene Oil and Lanips. .tilso Lamp Shades, of all pat ti•not. Chimneys. Burners. Lamps of all kinds altered and n•pafrrd at short 1111111,. at their Store Room on Main street. DOPIER WORK.-ETTER ,EYS: TER are prepared to make any 147. e CPPyr SedlF. il'anvre Kruk... in fort anytionir inatle of Copper mat at the very lowect Price. All kind, of Cop p errepairinz done, and a ark alignuranteed. VTTER EIWTER ARE PREPARED k:4 to do all kind: of GAS-FITTING. PLUMBING and lIANOING at .1:::rt notice :Ind work Guaranteed to cite •ttltit,factioll. VTTER. & EYS'PER ARE PREPARED to put up HEATERS of all kt nels, with portable and Itnek Ca.har; qooKING It.m.E.s of all klnds. with Hot {fitter Tanks and every oeuvenkmee you may ',rant,— tall and nee 11l before making' any arrangements with other rallies. • • VALUiI:BLE STEAM PLANING AND SAW MILL FOR SALE, —By irtue of an order of the Orphathet'aurt of Franklin count3-,the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Rev. Jmeph Clark, dee'd. will expo, to Kale by piddle out-cry. on the premices of lire Planing and San -Mill, on THURSDAY, TIIE SEV ENTH DAV OP SEPTEMBER next, at one o'clock on ;aid day, the following valuable property • Br. The undivided ONE-THIRD INTEREST in a lot of ground in Chambersburg, close to the Cumberland Val ley Railroad, with t onnecting- truck, on which is erected a Frame PLANING AND SAW-MILL, withall the neces sary machinery tor manufacturing all artieleAusaally man ufactured in melt establishments, audit good steaMpower capable of driving all the macidnery in the mill and a m good order. - end. The undivided one-third interest in all the worked and =worked Timber and matenrd on hand. ilrd. The until% bled onii-third part of a. of Ground. adjoining the mill property, fronting on Broad street and running to the Cumberland Valley,-katilroad, contaming about one acre. Vb. The utulivided one-third part of :a Lot of Ground fronting on Broatistreet and runing tetlie Railroad, adjoin ing property of said decedent on the .Kurth, with a double TWO-STORY FRAME House, 'toed stabling, corn-cub de., thereon erected. The house is qb jut large enough tor two families. sth. The undivided one-third of a Lot of Ground' faint ing on broad street, and nailing south to an alley, with a TWO-STORY BRICK la WELLING HOUSE thereon erected. nth. The undivided one-third of a tract ut TIMBER LAIN IL pun-based fain Mr. (iiO. W. 11=01, udnaming -lands of Jacob Nirklos. Jacob Lehman and Samuel Mel linger, in Guilford township, about Rive miles from contain lug 20 nen, anal 95 perches. Port of this {met is covered with very line Oak timber. lb. The midi, ided une•thirl pan of a tract Or land pm , vhswit from ;Michael Diehllt smile in Antrim ton-cedar, adjoining l land% /if Hiehl, Cal. D. 0. Gehr and Mr. Bt sty, mintitising fifteen sere < This tract iv covered will very sup,or ( /AK TIMBER and k very valuable. ;Lib. 'Pie /mint . iftd one-thin interilit of a tract of Moan tam Land, situate in Hamilton township, adjoining land. of Mr. Snyder and °thereabout 8 miles We•it. of Chamber burg. containing •27 acre.. This tract tins been Fat of within, a few year, and is now growing up with One Chen nut timher. 'fbv undivided one-third Interest in eight horse , throe iVageus, gears, chains eantplete. Poiefewion wdi he given Ida!l the above property ininiediately upon the purchaser or parch:L..4n, compl with the tonne of Ktie, The entire basiness portion of Chambersburrr nuts battled be the rebelti, and in now being rebuilt nipidly and in very good Style. It en nen, the beet opening for en -17 n 7 7,4, 1 6, ,rhoniesLr bud ato conduct the butrittelsof o Planinie of any tared ire the State. ill be made known oniLtv of sale by A. K..SI'CLURE, Adair of Jo..eidi Clark, deed. ME e'lr hetuttlersipol, owner of anoth'er DI VI MX) V:c'E.TIIIRD of all` the above described property, will also offer his interest for sale at the same time and place, anti urea tame terms, anti possession will he en to size purchaser or purchasers immediately on compliance with tlio, terms of tale. The remaining undivided one-third is orated by a practical and experienced mechanic hi the lap estatt, and the ndw purchaser or purchasers can goat once Into a VERY LARGE and PROFITABLE BUBINESS. lIENRY SHEPI,EI2. Rein ab b ertisement s . itebi abbertisentents, TUST RECEIVED HEN'S AND BOY'S cr HEAVY BOOTS. for "beavy mark," at - FREY & FOLTZ'S. STRAY CATTLE. trityed from the premises of the subscriber nearßewGnil ford- about the4sth of -June last, THRE LIESO "OF CATTLE, one n',SPotte.l. Steer, the others Red Ire ore, each about a year al. A liberal rerrard Ibe paiLfor the return of the Cattle, or for such info "on as I lead to their re covery.-lang943l] 8. W. SOLENEERGER. 1865 • WALL PAPERS. ,HOWFLT, & BOURKE, XLC.TUFACTUREFS OF • PAPER ILA_ LNG S. and WIN - DOW SHADES. - North East Corner I.ot-am AND MARKET Streets,, N. B.—Always in Store, a laygaStook of augl6-31n ' LINEN and OIL SHADES. T T. DELACROIX, 37 Soath SECOND Street, above Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS ! CARPETINVS Having xeceived by late arrivals, all the newest and most attractive Styles of Carpetings,—l AM PILEPARED 71S OFFER at the LOWEST.PRICES, WHOLIit•ALE,*& John Crossley & Soul; English Tapestry Brussels; Low- ell & Hartford Three-Ply and Extra Super ingrain Car- pets. with a large assortment of medium and low priced CAI:Pk:IO:G,, WINDOW SHADES, OIL. CLOTHS, &e., - J. T. DELACROLX. NO. 37 South SECOND Street, betsveeu Chestnut & mugl6-3m Market, PHILADELPHIA. Ural Gotate *deo. A DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE.z- Will be sold by Public Out-cry on the 30th of Sep tember ne:M, TWO HUNDRED A'ND SEVENTEEN ACRES of Gravel and Slate land, situate in Hamilton township, Franklin county, Penns, about 5 miles South- West of Chambersburg. This farm is well Watered, hav ing Water in every field and well calculated for raising stook. The improvements are a LOG LOUSE, (Weath erboanled.) Log Barn, Wagon Shed, large Hay Shed, Spring House, Smoke House and Wash House, with Well of never failing Water at the door. On another part of the farm there is a Log House, part Weatherbearded. and Log Barn and Wagon Shed. This tract of land is all in a good state of cultivation anti all under good fence. Back Creek runs through the farm, where improved Flood Fences are put up. There is also twenty-five acres of TIMBER, and also a good Tenant House. Thire is upon the farm 150 FRUIT TREES, just commencing to bear. It is well suited to divide into two farms. This farm joins, lands of Joists Biller, David Gipe, John Grove, :theith Picking and othera and wilnie Auld without re serve. Perseus wishing to purchase will -please ea II and view the premises. fang2J JOHN sAHN-Eit PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned offers for Sale, at Public Out-cry, on the premises, in Ilifford township, Ju t:Mtn County, Pa., three miles from Mifflintown, on the road leading to Johnstown, on Titcsd.y, thel2th day of September, 1865 ' the billowing Real Estate to wit A I'IIACT OF LAND, situated as above stated, and ad- joining landi of Moses Kelly, William Stewert. John P. Kelly and others, •containing about ''3 ACRES. about which are cleared and under good cultivation, (beisig good Limestone land) and the balance being TIMBER LAND. The improvements consist of a two story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, Corn Crib, and oth er oat-bnililings. Also a TENANT HOUSE. There is a good spring of water near the House, and also running water in the Farm. The tract is one of the best and most pleasantly located Farms in the county. Any person desiring to , ciew the above property can call on Mr. Joseph, Funk, residing on the premises. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M.. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by augil-tu , {VAL' R. POMEROY. BUILDING AND PASTURE LOTS AT PUBLIC SALE.The subscriber will offer at Public Sale. on the premises. an Tueadaq, Anrust2t - td erlork. P. M., 22 BUILDING AND PASTURE LOTS. These Lots are situated in Hamilton township. near the Line of the Borough of Charnbersbnrg, and are among the mest beautifully located grOunds for Buildhig purpose. and Pasturage—tionteof them ha, lug running wa ter at all seasons. Several of the Lot , are on the highest groural around the Borough. and command a view of all the Valley. They are surveyed in ONE AND TWO ACRES. There will be an alley 20 , feet wide running between the centre block of Lots, so as to give easy aes gess. and abroad lane the entire front from the Strasburg mail to the road from the Paper Mill to Eberly's. - - is' Terms of Sale One-third rash on lot October, ISt - i;1, when a Deed will ,he made: the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, secured by Judg ment. For further particulars. apply to the undersigned. JACOB ITEYSER. FOR SALE.—A valuable FARM of 130 ACRE S of excellent LIMESTONE E A N D, 30 Acres of which are in good TIMBER, situated of a mile from the Welsh Run Poet Office, Franklin county, Pa., noel about 7 miles from the Franklin Railrmul, inn high state of cultivation, witYA No.l improvements, consisting of a new double two-story STONE HOUSE, 50xf0 ft.; a good new Stone and Frame Balm' 47x80 ft. ALso, an excellent Well of Water and two large Cisterns, which hold from 75 10'100 hogsheads of water. There is also a tine young Apple and Peach Orchard. Ice Horse, &e. It taco very near shops of all kinds-on-a mills, which makes n good market for grain. Title good and clear of all in. cumbrances. I...wession given immediately. Apply to the owner. on the' premise, inneol-11 Dr. JOHN S. ANGLE. PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. —The undersigned offers at Private Sale, about ACRES of highly improved wheat Growing- SLATE and GRAVEL LAND, situate about 2 miles from Chain liersburg, between the Tnrnpike and - Wiland's road, ad joining lands of Charles Evans and D. S. Reisher. 'There is o large LOG BARS on the premises and a Well of ei cellent Water. Much of the" above tract is watered by Springs. used for meadows and pasturage. The whole is well fenced and in good condition, anti will be sold in whole or in parcels to suit purchasers. P06.5084111 given Immediately. ang9-tf D. S. REISIIER. ATILL PROPERTY'FOR SALE.—The subscriber inteudiug to move West. offers at Fri a ate Sale his valuable MILL PROPERTY, situate in Southrlmpton township Franklin county. Pa., nee mile east of Orrstown and four miles West of Shippensbrug, comprising 54 ACRES of land, with a Stone and Frame GRIST MILL, running two pair of Burrs, a new SAW MILL. a new two storied BRICK DWELLING and oth er necessary bnildings thereon erected. Persons desiring to purchase will please call on the uralersigned. residing on the property. Lstue24.lMl JACOB METZ. .1 - )RIVATE SALE:—The subscriber of -11 at private sale, a very desirable TRACT OF -LAND. sltuate in Guilford township. about 3I miles - from Chamber-burg, on the, 'Waynesboro Road, containing EIGHTY-THREE ACRES of first quality I..mestone Land, about. 7 Acres of which are covered with oveellent Timber. The Improvements are a STONE DWELLING HOUSE. Stone Bank Barn. Wagon Shed. Corn ( rib. and other ont-buildimm There is 111. Well of good Water and a cistern at the House, and a cistern at the Barn. There are two Orchards on the premises. 'DAVID If. BONEIMEAK. p EAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—The kt, nals.eriber offers at Private Sale, a small TRACT OF LAND, situate in Letterkentfy town , bip. nbout four miles front Chambersburg, on the Lou •.t ?load, and about one mile West of Reeky Spring. t olnalning ACRES, more - or less of SLATE LAND. Persons de sirous .11' purchasing, are requested to call on the under signed. residing on the phemises. . - tUSfINbIII MEM TWO FARMS FOR SALE.-Tli sub seribor offers at Private Sale TWO FARMS anti a LUT OF MOUNTAIN LAND. Person , . chase will please call on the tualmNiamea. rr.idiug on the Mansion 'reel, on the -Baltimore turnpike, one mile East of Fayetteville. JuncF. , l4l JOHN ki ; lIA M. Cobatai auk :*tgars. TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE.—Slaving rahnilt thy Tobaceo and Cigar Store on South Main street. (corner of Washington & Main streets.) Iwo siituires from the Diarnoml. I would invite all to call and examine my stock, consi.stinii of " r CITETc'ING TOBACCO: ~ C oagre, s , all kinds. Cavendish. Twist. all kinds, Thee Twist, Flounder, : i /Id Virginia,, Navvy - Holley DPW, Michigan Fine Cut, Ace., Sc. Anderson Shorts Solace, T.ALisrunn, Hart's Deihrlir, Plantation, Slllll4 Side, &e. SNUFFS i _ Rappee, Scotch , Coagre. SMOKING Large Hand. • Big Lick. Cut and Dry, Danville, Lynchburg.Garabaldi, James fiver, Grant, Mead, SigeL ..ep .5'.1. J. A. JACOBS. p EMOVAL OF BUSH'S TOBACCO li.) AND SE:GAR STORE—The nnOrsizned moved his Tohneen and Svgur Store to his nour room. on sECON I) STREET. next door to the Friettdehip Eegion Honor, w here he will keep on taunt a complete 'look of TOBACCO AND SEDAES, such as Natural fwd. Mieh iesTin and Smoking I,Attieen, Pipes, Le, aprils C. 11. BUSH. Pb~sirian~. 3. C. MICIIAMDS, M. D. JNO. moNTGomEICY, IL ICIIARDS MONTGOMERY have 111) associated themselves in the Pra , :rre nl Ninth-int, alai have opened nn awe to Dr. tieb ,rni: new building, ou Main street, a few doors South t'l.• Diamond. Ali Persons indebted to either of the above, will please Mahe early settlement of the same, tangt2 , l-tf) DR. J: S. 31-NURER OFHERS HIS services as aPhysidan and Suro-an to the citizens of St. Thomas and vicinity. Prompte. wat nil boom Residence opposite the Post °Mee. nprill9-Gm Di. AV. BOYLE will attendprompt ', ty toOtt professlonalsalle. Unice in the Vestibule of the New - School House near the . latlir2,4• PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL socrvry.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will bold its Exbibition on stsprembs7 38th, t...con and 290, 1E65, at WILLIAMsPOIZT, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. A n y information desired by persans t i t ...iriv t o ex hibi t, a pplication); for premium list or posters, by members of the Society: will be given by the undentlemett, or A. IiOTO HAMILTON, President, liarsb.burtr. julju , A. BROWER LI /SO AKFIt y See'y. INOTICE.=—The Board of School three tors GI Guilford tocruship will meet ou ..Sat.rdaY. EIGHT E N the 26,01 doy SCHOOL T August, for the EACHERS'. - purposes of employiur ntvel:2l -, PETER Ni•FERRENT WEST HU BY MAGNETIC TFLEGRAPIL EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE FRANKLIN. REP Ike the Western 'Union Telegraph Line—tli Railn - nul Depot. Latcrl from the Atlantle,Cable. Cce. - rucr, August 14, t Via. Am: Bar, An ) The schooner First Fruit, from Cardin, arrived in Havre de Grace, N. F., this morning. Site,makes the following report On the 6th of Auguit, at 4 o'clock - in the morning, saw the steamship Great Eastern and the British war steamer Terrible. At 6 o'clock in the morning saw a beacon budy marked Great Eastern No. 5. The Great East ern and the Terrible were then about five miles south-east,from the beacon buoy. The weather was quite fogey at this time. The First Fruit than laid her topsails to the mast and pointed her ensign. At noon the Terrible came near the First Fruit and received information from her of the bearing of the beacon buoy, The Terrible report ed that the cable was parted on the 2d of August. The position of the beacon buoy, by the account of the First Fruit was in Lat. 51.40 N., Long. 36. The weather here this morning is quite mild, but a thick fog prevails. •Legal otircs IN I" AR TIT I 0 .N.--Jolm Slieltter Sawn Sahm. widow, and Jacob Rife; Ommlian, of Abraham Sabra, Anna Mary Salim. Suean E. Sahm, and Jonathan Sahm, heirs at lam, of Abraham Salon, deed. In the court of Common Pleas of Franklin county', Pn. No. '2l. Apnl T, IPS4. Frew de partitiour faciendrt. June 1855. The court order and decree a rate of the Real Es. .fate. Notice is therefore given by the undersigned, that in pursuance of said orderand decree, be will expose to Pub lic Sale, on the premises. on Saturday, the 2d day of Sq. amber Ttar, the following described real estate, viz: A' TRACT OF LAND, Amato in Letterkenny township, in said county, containing 249 ACRES and 115 PER CHES neat measure, bounded b lands of Jacob Rife, Michael Dice. Daniel Slichter, John Brake, Frederick Deck, John Deck and others. The improvements are a two storied LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a Stone Bank Barn and other necessary outbuildings. TEENS—The sum of one thousand dollars to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance on the lat day of Au. gust, 1269. (angel SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No• Lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of. Jacob 'Hollinger. late of Washington township. deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knotting themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them property authenticated for settlement. augiblit CONRAD RUTH'S, Adion'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tire is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Samuel Leriherr, late of Greencastle, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said•sstate will please snake imniadinte payment; and thoie having claims present them properly anthenticatedTor settlement. ant E. D. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Wm. 11. Shafzer; late of !dontgomery township, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Esfato will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. Accounts to be presented to Abraham Whitmure, residing in mid Lew-whip, AMA M. SIIATZER, DS S OL UT I 0 N . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has disposed of his Inter est in and withdrawn from the partnership of SILEPLER, CLARK & CO:, conducting the Plaining Mill, - &c., in Chambersburg. The business will be conducted for the present in the name of Shepler, Clark & Co.; who will cline up the accounts of the firm. july 193:663rfit JNO. P. CULBERTSON. Airbixat. BA_LTDIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Dr. JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu tion, offers - the most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy , in the world for Glee,ts, Structures, Seminal Wealmnsa r Paid - in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, LAffectiont of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspilpsia, Ner vous Irritability, Diseases of the Head. Ttms.n Nose or skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders rais ing front the destructive habits, of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret and solitary preetiees are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Sylvan, to "the mariner Illyssus, blighting.-their - mint brilliant hopes or anticipations, rengeringmarriagc, be., impossible. YOU.IG MEN! Young Men especially, oho have become the victims of Solitary Vine, that dreadful ant:ides:l - net - ire habit which ant annually sweeps to au untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted tateut awl brilliant intellect, - who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy the living lyre; may call with full confidence. MARRI - A,GE! .31arried - persons, or young men contemplating 'marriage being aware of physical a eakile,a,organie debtlity, defor mities, Sc., ehould immediately consult Dr. Johnston. lie who places himself undei tho care of Dr. .7ohnston runs- religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely 'npon his akillas a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS IMIEDIATELY CORED • ' AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by those who hays become the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses front not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. sow. who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pon er of Procreation is lost sooner Vibes° fulling into improper habit than by the prudent. Besides being de prived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy,to mind and body wise. The systemifecomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart. indigestion, a roasting of the flume, cough, svtntoms of constunption. Office No. 7, Solidi Frederick &red, secen doom, from Baltimore street East Nide, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS No Mercury or :Nauseous Drugs. DR. JOIINSTON. Member of the Royal College lo Surgeons. London. graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States; and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of Loudon, Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were et er known. Many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness. being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness. with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN -DISEASE-I'- When the misguided and imprudent - Mary of pleasure find he has imbibed the seed of thispamfuldiseage, it too of ten happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of din cot Fry. deters him from applying to those who from educa tion and respectability can ahem befriend him, delaying till the constitutional* minutes of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased now nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness. nobs on the chin, bones null =IS. blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful en pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in and the e ictint of this atrial disease be comes a horrid object of commisseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings. by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller rename." To ouch, there fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most invadable secrecy: and teem his extensive practice in the first Hospitalsed Europe and Amerket, he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy care to the unfortunate vic tim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy foot that Thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders who by nse of that dreadful poison, Blereury . , ruin the constitution, and either send the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life tni+ernble. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr. T. addresses ILuso who have injured themselves by private and improper indalgenee-a. These are sotae of, theraid and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, via :—Weakness of the Bach and Linbs. Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Lest of Murcular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dya pelvis, Mt-trona Irritability. Derangement of the Diges tive Functions, General Debility, Sy mptiaus of Connally, doe, AT: 31ESrALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; Joss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodimpt, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude. Timidity,- Fcc., are some of the evil effects, Thousands of persons of All Dv+ eon now judge n - hilt ix the muse of their declining health. hosing their 'rim becoming, Pale. bore .inguler Appearance nhout the ey to. cough, and symptoms of Coretuutption. Dr. JOHNSTON - A INYIRORATING REMEDY roll. ow:Amu wEmixEss. By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily sued, aadfull vigor restored. Thoasands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had 14t all hope,, base been immediately relieved, All impedanents to Marnaze, YLr sical or Steutat Disqualitl- C3tion, Nervous Irritability 'I retaining, Weakness or Ex haa,tha, of the root tearful' kind, speedily rural by Dr. Julmstoti. TOUNG MEN, who have injured them-elves by a certain practice. Mauls red in when aura"--a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt sehool. the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render marriage impossible. and destroys both mind and laxly, should apply 1 in tnediutely What a pity that a young man, the holes of Ilk country, the darling of his parents, should he snatched from all, prospects and enjoy meets of life, he the consesitsienee of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in n tain secret habit. Such persons, helere content - plating MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are•the most ne without these, t h e J our ney through life tenet a weary cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to this view; the mind becomes shadowed with (lespair„and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of -another be comes blighted with our turn. OFFIC E No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET BALTIXOILE. TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands cared at this Institution in the hist fifteen years; and the numerous im portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.. Witn"ged py the reporters of the paperN and many other persons, n otices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is astittleient guarantee to the aillicted. N. B t :There ate so many ignorant atiktrortbL ol lAretar-ka. advertnaMg themselves as PhysielaisS;roning-rg* nealth of the alfeady aillletasl, Dr. Johnston deems It necesitary to say to those-unacquainted with hlt rePutallont that hia- Diplomas bran in his °Mee. ' •I. • LW TAXI, NOTICE: 4n letters pos t aiw contain o postage stamp !kir the reply, or no &timid. NMI he sent (mar MB SEEM