Augtist 9,-1863. trAntlitt 41qtioitere. LOCAL ITEMS. Gossip Wane Oust FRIENDS.—An old friend mien& as a communication, which is strong enough " to stand alone," and needs no praise or com ment. Bead, dear gossips, and be as pleosed ! as your . Gossip; " I have often regretted, my dear Gossip, that your revolvings have not sometimes brought you within the orbit of this capital. Here you would find abundant materials for your cogitations; and , yohr readers would be regaled by the hunioious, the pathetic, the burlesque, the heroic, the demo niac, " and all that (Hoeft Pope deserve thanks for this convenient, comprehensive phrase 1) Yon should have been here through the days of the re bellion, the days of Abraham Lincoln. To what depths of sorrow, to what heights of joy, you would have carried your patrons ! But the days of the rebellion are over, and the proud traitors who defiantly threatened to flaunt their trium phant flag in the grais.grown streets of our North ern cities, are flocking to this metropolis with craven apologies in their hand, begging abjectly for pardon for crimes which they are struggling to shift upon the shoulders of others. Their sym pathisers have ceased to rejtdce in rebel victories and to console themselves in prophecies of South ern independence, and now solace their humilia teilsensibilities at the necessity of performing loyal work of supererogation, by whispering their in dignation at our armies, our generals, our Presi dent and Cabinet. Of this subterranean sort of abase Mr. Stanton receives full measure. He is as much-hated by these coived scoundrels as if he were one of the cardinal political virtues, as Liberty, Equality, Justice. A noted criminal iii Western Pennsylvania, after he returned home from a tour of service in the penitentiary, relieved Ins incensed feelings against the, who sentenced him, by declaring that his honor was very unpopular in that institution. On the same principle, the Secretary of War is very unpopular with "Cop perheads;' now the only rebels left. "It is sublime and thrilling to see the es 'delves of returning pence. The vast parka of artillery clustered like dead war-dogs around the arsenal, in whose sheds immense mounds of muskets are silentli: - rusting, are its most eloquent emblems: The broad Potomac no lonOr bears transports groaning with the " men in blue." whose faces ,are turned toward the dark horizon of treason and its wharves are no longer familiar with the embalmer's box, containing the remains of honored. heroes, on their way to their final resting places in the silent burial grounds of the loyal North. Far off in the distance are forts dismantled and tenantless;. and the flag that still waves over others floats only as " the sweet metaphor (d . peace." Clustered among the hills that " green wall" the capitol, are the calm and quiet en campments of thettroops who have gathered here from all parts of The Union, which they have in dissolubly cemented with their blood. Among them, the pen has' resumed its sovereignty over the sword, and is busy in making out the muster rolls to send the impatient veterans to the happy homes-that they freely forsook to defend among the morasses and mountains of the distant South. ...4 5 few months ago, all the thoroughfares to this city were crowded with full regiments, bounding • with health and high hope, on their way to the bloody battle-fields in the front. Now they swarm with the bronzed and too often broken and muti latedTletachments, hieing with joyful hearts to their hearthstones, and leaving no enemy in their rear. 'Day after day, the morning air is made jocund by the music of the regiments marching down the broad Avenue, on their homeward route. This scene is so familiar as to attract scarcely mere than tip/ming notice. Do hot suppose this isfrom any indifference to the claims of the4e veterans upon public homage, or want of ap. precr 7 ation of the greatness of the cause in which so many ofi;li m eir companions fell. No, no. It arises-from th Met that almost everybody has been-in-the army, and military displays have been so common,—and besides there have been frequent welcomes of these returning troops already.' The most delightful result. of peace, however, that we witness is the closing up of the hospitals. The vast trains of ambulances, that for four sears wound darkly through the streets. are po longer met with; the military hearse and martini dirge are iree - Ti and heard but seldom. The groups of crippled men are growing more rare and-'thinner about the hospital barracks. Many of lase hos pitals are disused, and the long streets of tent wards about the general hospitals are all taken down. As you walk through the pavilions of these extensive Buildings, 3 ou will see deep ranks of clean, unpressed beds, with but seldom a bed -iiddeninvalid, while their former occupants are gathered about in squads, whiling assay the te- , Atone hours in innocent games of amusement, or chafing* the delays in mustering them out of the sepias - The operating room is groWing obsolete, and --- tW dead-house is but casually occupied. These - 11103one establishments will soon cease to exist:7-We hope they may never be required again l-ID the middle of last April, the general hospitals of Washington and Alexandria contained 18,768. beds. Besides these, there were ninny other hospitals here, as Quartermasters', post, reg imental and freedmen's. The latter is . a very cammodious institution, under the charge of a scolored Surgeon, who, I was told, is a " Cana dian." At Alexandria the government has a military hospital for colored troops exclusively, which is called L/Juverture, in honor of the illus trious Haytien patriot. This hospital is most ex cellently managed, under the control of Surgeon . E. Beiifley, U. S. Vole., the Medical Director of Alexandria, an officer of high professional attain ments, and a humane and courteous gentleman. Colored-Soldiers are also admitted, recently. to other hospitals, and side by side we lase seen the "donithiant Anglo-Saxon " and the - inferior species" bearing the bloody honors of the same butt-le-field: "The antipathy that existed aforetime, in other sceneff, obtains not here; and the quiet. patient, suffering African receives no insult from the gal lant white volunteer who lies uu the cot. I have repeated to myself the familiar phrase of the Pastoral poet, "mina= ne civic colori," as I contemplated this variegated strata of brave men mangled in the convulsion of their common country; and 1 felt no pride et caste impelling me to dissociate the black man from the common brotherhood and assign him a place as an elevated link in the development from the Simeid tribes_ "Nature allows no distinction of color as mark diversity of origin, and Revelation teaches no such monstrous doctrine. Graphite and the Dia mond are both pure crystals of carbon; and of one blood are made all the nations of the earth. "The United States stood alone in the civilized - -world in its scorn of the colored man it so revolt ingly oppressed; and, while mankind everywhere else sought to developo to its full capacity the whole body of humanity, we strove to blight the unfolding of the mental and moral possibilities of the people whose value as slaves was enhanced and secured by this degradation. "What privileges we should award to the , color ed man, who has served us so wondrously well, in our recent life struggle, I am not prepared to declare ; but it is clear that the law of God com prehended in its divine workings the interests of this now despised creation, and human legislation and human ethics, though they may rashly cast themsekes against the thick bosses of the Al- Mighty'e buckler, will not contravene the irresist. ible decree of Oumiscence. Can you realize, Gaffer Funnyman, the new position this Republic has assumed? Its Arcadian epoeh, its gentle hours of childhood, have passed away. It stands, full panoplied, as the champion - of liberated hu manity. will ~ Its charity has begun at home, but sPread itself by its own mild force, and we doubt not ultimately by its armed power, wherever there is a soul in bondage. We do not circum scribe our destiny to the geographical area we oc cupy; we are not content to , sit down luxuriou.,ly: selfish under our own vine and fig tree, happy and content in the assurance that none dare molest us or make us afraid, when ourkmdred round about us are abject and abused. I fancy that mankind is an entity, a grand, divine organization, which re-acts throughout its whole system when any of its members are disturbed; hence, it is our profit to labor to ameliorate the condition of the " broth 'erhood of man." "The troops I have alluded to have performed a gigantic share of this holy work. They are now ',Tattering to their separate homes, and already the harvest fields in the smiling North haie been reaped by world-heroes whose brows are laden with yet green laurels gathered' upon fields of carnage. . "There-enlisted men of Hancock's Corps. and the Veteran Reserve regiments, (formerly the Invalid Corps) are still on duty here. Such of the members of the latter organizations as be longed to regiments mustered out of service are under orders t 9 be discharged. These men have done an immense amount of duty of the most ar duous kind. It is composed of soldiers who have been disqualified for the field ,by wounds and digeases received or contracted in the service, and many of them are more properly the objects of cfire than fit subjects for duty. It has been a strangely disliked organization, so odious that the pecir fellows belonging to it seek every• pretext to get out, many of them entreating to be sent back to their regiments even when these were in the field. It was a common occurrence for men to burst into tears when assigned to this dreaded Reserve Corps. It was intended to be and is re garded by the authorities as a Corps of honor ; but the fact of many malingerers having escaped to its fold of safety, and on account of the severe duty it entails, unrelieved by the pleasurable ex citement of danger and ,the rude merits of the camp, it warr!mon brought into disrepute. This Corps will probably be the lastwhite volunteer organization broken up. After it we will have the colored troops and the regulars. 'The streets of this city will soon be almost free of soldiers, but this class of our citizens will not be such a novelty as in years gone by, for the safety of the government and its future influence among the nations will make necessary a large standing ar my—we are now in our military epoch, which will exist until all the people of the earth are free. "And now, my dear gossip, I will relieve you by say ing farewell, a word not always fraught with sadness, " a sound which makes (not you) linger; yet farewell!" FRATER. WA,IfINGTON, July. 11th. T INA IMF. NCO:MRS.—The Revenue Depart ment at Washington has recognized the proprie ty of publishing the list of inclines returned for taxation, so that each man may judge of the in tegrity of his neighbor in assuming his just share of the exactions necessary to sustain our National credit. Believing that it can do no harm—that it can offend uo just man and that it may prevent dishonest returns to avoid taxation, we herewith publish the entire list of taxable incomes in Chambersburg, Guilford, Green, Southampton, and Lurgamand in a future issue we shall give the incomes of the remaining districts. All whose names do not appear on the list, have made return that their income dock not exceed six hundred dollars: COLLECTION DISTRICT NO. 16—DIVISION NO. 7. cit 0111ERSDLItG AND GUILFORD. cn Amp Arnold T. II 1S200; Armstrong John , 9.001 Adams Jame 5......... 1451 Austin JC 160 . Bender Wm F 7, Btsbor Henry. 1 600 Burnet Chas .... 640; Brough Peter, 20001 Brandt Samuel 1000; Ilrotvn Jacob S.. 900' Culbertson S D. 1.933; Chambers Wtn L .... 657; Chambers Geo. 2.035. i Cook Thomas 2.50 Cook S A. 2.70 Culbertson Edmund... 319 Croft David. ''33 Chambers Benj 107 Culbertson J P.... '..0 Conrad I' W 501 Duncan Aug. ED DtIIIC•M C 31 400, Davis P S 370 Deal J W 300 Eyster Georg, HI Earley 'F J Everett W 5........ 173 Earley Barnet. , ... ... 10 Eyster Mrs Geo S 100 Ebert Leonard Jr 200 Enter C S 300 Fuller Christian 3.2.5 Fuller Jamb. 200 Feltman Henry 100 Forbes John • 1461 Grier J El 170 Gale Hastings 591 11reenawalt 31(u•e5.... 200 Gehvieks John. 1001 Gilmore WB. 7 2 5 Guthrie Wm D 0/0 Hlteshere l Wm H 1131 Henningerlacob 160. Hoke Jacob. 2,F00 Hoke 11 E 1 300 Kennedy Thos. 5,000 Kimmell F M. 0 .600' Kennedy Rev J 150 Kuhn Emanuel., 20 Krteehlnium l'eter.... 900 Laneliamuel (I 1417 37 turringei, ' 167 Gold Watchek, ' Linn Samuel M. Little D B Link J0hn..... Lewis Reuben.. Lull 0 N. M'Culloh A 1t... Metcalf Thor... 311lowell Jno.. ,Messersudth G H 1,307 Mull John. 469 'Miller Jon (Inn-keeper 300 Matthews AA 18) i Miller C F. 200 111'Dowell W if Sliellan Wm. Newnan A W. New,' It I , - Sill T J. ~... lOrr John 1L... Oaks David.... Platt Gen F.... I Paxton W W.. Reid E D. Badetraugh Caroline... 7,0 Lieges John. 191 Ithodarmer Jere.. ... 100 Reineman Aug... ... 112 Reside J -A. 232 Reed Wm ti: 400 Stiunlgiuglt F S 333 Stenger W S 100 sZterrazt John _ 530 Sumer H S 1W Sehneek B S Tet. Stenger Gee W . 40 Shepler Henry. 300 !Smith S R C 97 IStiessetntt J I 1,300 Strickler Henry- 93.5 Seibert P W 425 ISharpe J MI) 1,726 Seibert Samuel 600 Seaseny Dr A H - 1,755 Taylor Chao H 760 Naylor D S 400 'Wolff Adam 400 'Wentz George 150 ' I Wertz Da-yid 100 'Wood T B 4 500 Wampler Lewis...... 450 Wunderlich D K.... . 1.40k1 37 Pianos, 210 oz Silver Plate. GI:ILFORD TOWNSHIP. • Miller Jno of J 1 049 Miller Christian. 378 Maxwell W J 1166 'Miller Samnel 13 "Myers Jaeob..... ..... 98 51 1 Knight John 3111 Myers Slicha 423 'Myers 'Noah IT 489 IM'Knight C H 1 331 I Met. John N 71 MePerran Peter 62 511Grath Wm , :109 Miller Catharine 966 3PClttre A K 6 025 Overensh Giro 5r.... . 179 IPalmer Daniel... .... 121_s+ Ilelehard Jacob 9',1 "Heed Wrn S 69 Iltyder Henry 71 Koss Gen 1 050 t Small 1.. B .. - 6131 ;Shelter Solomon 'XS7 'Sheller Chtistittn..... 11,2, Sowers Hiram 113 ;Small David W. Ill) ,' Snider Jun of J 111 'Stouffer Christian.... • 903 /Snider Jacob of T 215 ISollenberger Sol W... 500 /Stoner Martha 3fr5.... 539 Steiner Samuel 28 Strickler Jacob 2,538 Snider Jacob C 220 Skinner Wm.......... 625 Stouffer Daniel 115 Snider Henry of .J.... 413 Stouffer Jno of J..... 1,696 'Stouffer Almsbarn...... 229 Solenberger Noah NV., 903 Stouffer Jacob 472 Vink Peter 66 Wingert Abraham M. 464 W [tiger( Joecith ..... 912 Witherspoon W N.... 34 Witherspoon David:— 940 Wingert Cleo S 253 Yockey Daniel 182 Yockey Jun It . 400 .2 nano+. . Bums Samuel 16 61711 Dyers Fred k S Baldwin David :1 1 51 liar boar Jam es Bitner hrb.fian. ...... 1,2001 Crawford Joseph 390 f Crawford James 5761 Cfsiver Jere 1611 Crawford John 341 imardorir Jacob 1691 Duffield Pharez. ...... 1,119 Downey John ..... 316 Deitz George A 374 Dull Abraham 1.414 Eberly Jac, 11 293' Eberly Jacob... 3181 Etter Jaeolf 110 Ebersole Daniel 442 , Eta Nob. 2,304 1 Elten.ole Jaeoly e. 09 Fr" John 1319 Frederick Samuel..... 266' Freilenek :2 , 16; Frederiek Elizabeth. 166. linesman SamueL.... 172; .Galbreath John 151)1 George Jere W 1921 Glpe Andrea- .74 11 eh, lekk Frcsi'k 1 1291 /lege Michael 155/ Herman Jere Y 226 liege Henry B . 9 liege Henry 011 'Herman Jeremiah.. 1,166 liarchelrode Christian 117 Heintzelman Martin— 13.3* 3 Ile) st• r Jacob ;ton. Ilepter Daniel ]lout Abraham 30 Kaufman Samuel.. . 97E Lecher Michael 659 Lehman Christian.. 199 I-esher Christian 306. Lehman John 1051 Lehi ig 100 Lehman Jacob 749 , Leslur Daniel S .... 2115 1-14 Carriages., 3.7 (fold 15 ab,hes, 1200 OZ. SUN i r 'Wan 16TH COLLECTION DISTRICT-DIVISION NO. 13 (AMEN, SOUTILIMPTON AND MAHAN. I=l 13,1,0,rid g r saht... e°7l Garver SUMP 1 46 - Brindle George 1,116 !Garver Jacob • 1 749 Bishop Rev. James M. 2.96lllanchelrodeJacob.... 6,490 Brechbill Abraham ... 102' liambright 1mam..... 102 Besore Franklin 613 Ilambright Cyrus 504 Barr John W ..... .... 59 Harbison Samuel..... 797 Bixler Jacob 98 limit Levi 1,037 Bittinger Jacob F..— 205 Harcbelrode J0hn..... 370 Blaek Robert 93 Hughes - David. 310 Carbangh Abraham... 207 H o ll an d A vc 197 Clugstnn J a IMO I•ellmall John 776 Cooi Upton 131 'Dasher Daniel... .. ~ 7&2 Dot wilor John D 216 Landis Christian ... - 453 Dice (lounge 35%1, Lehman Peter ^ 816 Etter John IV 121 i Lohman Samuel TJ•• • • 744 Etter W;lllatn... ~., 843. Lehman Jacob 1.1..... 1,053 Etter Wm H..... ... 90111.ohman Daniel 264 Etter John 631 Lehman John D 253 Ebersole John T.... . 2631 Lehman Daniel 364 Ebemole Jacob 1t.... ,33311.e0hnr John 1 , ..., v. F ry Chr:t-tiail ... - .-I '.!'.o , Lutz Ikon: ...... ~ , 70) Fry Jacob .. 1.410 M'ltroy Bubort,..„, “ 7,k.- i Fry Samuel 151 Martin Jo+vph 1t...... 1411 93reenawalt Harry .... 1, 1.4 Oyler Andrew P.._ . al Orove 13eujamin tA::. , 0 verbalizer Christian. 381 °utile Miley. 960;Rohror John 999 Ohm. Jamb ... . ... 136 ;Ronfium Rohm* A... 4611 Shively Jacob 170 Solleaberger A W.... 159 Sollenberger Daalel-- • 243 SolleahergE+ Is-saeL . - - 676 Secrot Jacob 41 i3touror Henry... Wftwer Jouph SOII.7IIIAMPTO Bomberger_Renben... 179 i Bomberger Clarittian.. Breekenridq-e C A.... 351 Cline Wm. 133! Cressler Frederick.... ..V1 Crewler John. 765, Nevin Samuel W 1.97 Cressler Joseph. 1,953( Newcomer John 1,490 Engle AM. 31910verholtzer Christian. 619 Eberly Jac0b......... 41 Wiry John (Judge) 200 Fogelsonger Wendel.. 2411 Plasterer Conrad. 293 Fogelsonger John R... I,OrZ Plasterer John 34 Fogelsonger David M. 9.96; Spencer David. 509 Grier John 151 Staver Emanuel 250 Gabel Michael 97, Sollenberger Jacob S. 100 Horst Peter. 2021SmIth Was L 505 Ilaya David 4.36' Shoap Jno 74 01Shoemaker Adam.— 254 551 I Smith Joseph. M 9 :6f {Wingert Abraham.... 692 1371 Zook Samuel 790 319 Zerfoss Samuel 55 Johnston R C... liarperJno h:000tz Joseph.. Keefer Deariel... Landis Christian LiT(..IN TOIVSkiIIP. Clippinger Elia 4 127 !flock Abm ...... .., .. 153 Clippinger Ben r v .... 148 ,II nui slier Adam 94 PickesJoslah..: .... 179 , Lindsay nos 94 Hoover Henry 0 353; Stiller Jacob P 88 Hoover Abraham 30 ;Munn - ins B 68 Hoover John. 1818kinner Morrow It. ... 438 Hoover Martin W 111 j Bentman Samuel S ... 65 Excenstox TO BROWN'S MILL—We under stanii 'that the Chambersburg Cornet Band in tend giving a Grand Pic-Nic Excursion to Brown's Mill on the Franklin Railroad, on Wednesday, August 16th the excursion train leaving the De pot at half-past eight o'clock in the morning, re turning at seven in the evening. T6those who wish to et away for a single day frdin the noise and heat of the town to the cool shades and geni al quiet of the country, this is a rare opportunity. The Band will enliven the scene with their in comparable music, there hill be orchestra and vocal music at intervals,While every convenience for fun and enjoyment will he afforded. And then the dinner—such a dinner.. Old Wardle himself could not 'supply a better one,-nor Mr. Pickwick and his friends enjoy it more thorough ly than the hungry denizens of the town will en joy the "good things" the Band have in waiting for their appetites. Ticket for a lady and gentleman, including fare and dinner, will be only three dollars; for a single gentleman two dollars, and dinner tickets alone one dollar. The excursion tickets to and from the Pic•Nic will be good for all trains on that day, and can be had of any member of the Band. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES.—The following candidates are announced for the several Demo cratic nominations in this county: SHERIFF. • Wm. Reber, Southampton Wm. ?Celine, Green. Wm. Forbes. Getterkenny I Sam'l R. Boyd, Chamblg S. P. Harbaugh, Hamilton 3lattheic Winentan. Letter. Geo.W.Wolfe,Mercershurg I = Joseph M. Doyle. Fannelt SERVEYOR Hugh Auld, Chambersburg No candidates have been announced for Sena tor or Assembly; but it Is understood that, C. M. Duncan, Esq., will be the nominee for Senator. We believe that Mr.qiharpe declines 5t 're-nomi nation for Assembly. The ticket will pretty cer lainlybe M'Clure for Sheriff and Doyle for Treas urer. Harbaugh would probably succeed for Sher iff but for the fact that he and Doyle are both Catholics and the Democracy will not award two nominations to melt of that faith. A 'HASTY VISIT.—We learn from the Hag erstown Herald that Geo. Shearer, formerly of MOnterey Springs and - Clagett Fitzhugh, 'late of the rebel army, drove into that place last week and stopped at the City Hotel, where, they regis tered their names in large letters, as follows : Major Geo. Shearer, Confederate States Army : Capt. C. Fitzhugh, do. After takinda drink at the bar they proceeded to call upon t racquain- , tances of former days, but they were speedily whited upon by two members of the vigilance committee and politely informed, that if they consrilted their personal safety, they would leave town as soon as possible. Acting on this mild suggestion they. took their leave, and have not since been seen. 77.9. 249 600 300 ,700 300 STRUCK BY LIGHTNER - G.-A ham on the farm of the Misses -Beatty, four Miles East of Chant bersburg was struck by lightning on Friday week, and destroyed by fire with its contents. The barn contained the entire erop of the farm just har vested. The loss will probably amount to $2,500. Mr. Jacob Wolfe, the fariner of the Misses B. was in the barn at the time and was leverely shrieked, but we are pleased to learn sustained no serious injury. 4.:100 400 900 900 491 .150 60) 750 20 MR. GED. A. MENGEL formerly one of the proprietors of the ruilty Spirit, has become oue of the proprietors of the Bedford Gautti. We hope that. he may direct his efforts to reforming the Democracy of Bedford county a little, for it must be confessed that they need it badly. We hope that in the course of a few years it may be safe for a Provost Marshal or returned soldier to dwell in that region. THE Post-office Department officially announ ces to all letter-writers that they must prepay their letters,:or they will be sent to the Dead Let ter office. The former law, allowing unstamped letters to pass throtigh • the mails on the payment of double postage at the point of destination, was repealed by the last Congress. FRANKLIN COUNTY SOLDIERS.—Brevet Brig. Gen. D. B. M'Kibben is now in command of the military sub-district of the Black Water. Lieut. Col. it: P. Winger is commandant of the post of Petersburg. and Capt. B. Everett is Provost Marshal. PRomoTioN.—colond B. IlacKibbin, '2l4th Pennsylvania Voltinteers (Ellb Union , League,) has been breveted rigadier General United Staten Volunteers and breveted Colonel United. States Army. . Itnontou.s.—There will In preaching in the PrethS terian Church next Sabbath. WE. go to Chppinger & Thompson's to get the true.t picture.. Mr. John W. Odiorne. late of Gute• lnist'R Imperial and Morgan & Renisstar's Excelsior Gallery, is operating for them. Mr. Odiorne, from past experience of nine yearn. deems himself competent to make pictures equal to nuy made iu the find mreis 'erica of New York, Philadelphia or elsewhere. theretide they can asylum their pawns to give them eati.f.e•tion is all ewes. Dont forget the place, Sign of ,the Red Flag, Second Street, ' GELWtCK6 & BURKIIART have returned from Philadelphia and New York with a new and very heavy lot ed goods. It is their determination to make this bus, nesi pay them by selling groat guarttliies of goods, am! not by large profits. We advise all who wish to buy goods cheap and to have the largest and nowt aried stock to make their selection from. to call with th , s firm before buying elsewhere. THE LIGHTNING FLY KILLEn.—The be ar ticle ever knoviii to kill oil' these. , posts. certain and cheap, only 10 eenta‘a sheet; at hIILLEtCo Duro neat door wee of Vrown's lloteL BEDFORD 'SPR.nGs.—Bedford , Water, fresh from the apringat. for gale by the Gallon, at CRESSILER'S Drag Store. Also Deliciatz Soda Water, with choice Go To Gehvieks and Burkhart's fur confee tionary, they manufacture; have always a fine as.artment and sell cheap wholesale and zeta% FINANCE AND TRADE. The Press of the inst. says that from prea. euOndications there is no good reason to doubt that the oil business will speedily recover its wont ed prosperity. Every one interested in the oil trade will readily recall the vicissitudes through Which the trade has passed since its inception in 1859. In 1860 there were great flowing wells in VenangO county—such as the Sherman and No ble Wells—which yielded from two to three thou sand barrels per. day. The oil became a drug in the market, and sold as low as twenty-five cents per barrel at the wells. 'As the JIVA of petrole um were rapidly discovered the article increased in demand and value, ate'd speculation in be came extensive, until in;lB6:imid lAtid. it became 410 anhtiu tlepositotp s , 41.1.4amintsbutg, • pa. almost a mania. Early in the spring nf this year, disastrons freshets overflowed. a greater part of the most valuable oil territory along the Alleghe ny river, which caused a great reduction in the yield by the filling of the wells with:water. This put an end for the time to speculation, but the owners of the oil lands have not been idle. New wells have been struck almost daily on the vari ous tributaries of the Allegheny, in Venango coun ty, and the yield is uow almost equal to that of the moat prosperous era. Old wells that were overflowed, and others that were thought to be exhausted, have been resuscitated, until now the supply is equal to the demand. Boring for oil and the transportation of the same has been a gfeat expense to operators, from the scarcity of labor and high prices of everything. This will in some degree be remedied in a brief time, from the increase of labornow being furnished from the army. The cost of sinking wells'm ill not be so great, and small capitalists will soon be enabled to enter the field. In fact, the indications are strong that we will have this summer and fall such an activity in the nil trafie as ne have never had before. 'Wingert Sticbael R... 430 White S E 302 Wallace John P - f2OO ! 'Wingert Seery R 406 Yeast John 130 Zook Jacob 1'34 ri TOWISSI3EP. i Meteor John.... , Myers Daniel.. Matog Marital! !3lyent Jacob.. . 101 :147 41,004 3fiths Win The receipts from Internal Revenue for July foot up $20,000,000. Estimated receipts for the nest two months, 860,000,000. After a few days suspension of business conse quent upon the death of the late Cashier of the Carlisle Deposit Bank it has again opened its doors, and is despatching business as formerly. Mr. J. P. Hassler, the former Assistant Cashier has been elected Cashier. This is a wise and just selection and one that will give universal satisfac tion to the stock holders and patrons of the Bank. The total amount of the acknowledged tind,reg istered public indebtedness on the 31st of May was $2,635,205, 753, and it is now represented to be $2,757,253,275, or an increase of $122,047,522 during the lust sixty-ono days. The annual inter est on the public debt, as it stood on the 314 ult., was $139,262,468, of which $64,521,837 is pay able iu coin, and $74,740,630 is payable in lawful money. The debt bearing no interest is $357,- 906,969. Balance in the Treasury, July 31, 8116,- 7.19,932 50. A dangerous counterfeit of the one-dollar trea sury notes issued by the General Government, has made its appearance. Excepting a few mi nor discrepancies, the spurious note is an exact fat simile of the bill. The general appearance of the bill is also very good. The green ink is Of a somewhat lighter shade than that used kru the genuine, and Some parts of the note look scratch ed and blurred. The figures- "I" on the scroll work on the lower light corner of the note are printed in green; in the genuine they are white. The face of Chase, in the counterfeit, is badly ex ecuted, but otherwise the work is well done, and the note'well calculatl.4l to deceive. Counterfeit fives of the national banks, well executed, are in circulation. The color of the paper is a little puler than the genuine. They are, however, easily detected by °beetling the position of the letter "T" in the word "This" in the latter, reading "Thie note iii.ecured by bonds of." The "1T" in the genuine is over the left per Lion of the letter "i" in "United," while in the counterfeit it is farther to the left, over the mid dle of the "n" of the same word. CARLISLE.—On the 26th ult., at Three Springs. I law tingdon county, Pa., Mr. Samuel Carl,le, formerly of this place, aged 27 years. BRIGGS.—.On Friday, the 4th inst.. In Peter:, town. chip, Mr. Gee. Griggs, in U1°134411 year of his age. BLENTRINGE.I4.--On the latinat., near Fayetteville, Mr. Henry Bleathinger, aged about. NO yearn. A GENT LENI.k.s: cured of Nervous Debility, Premature tfccay, and the erects of youthful indiseretiou, willbe happy to furnish others with the means of cure. (free of charge). This remedy is simple, safe, and cer tain. For full particulars, by retorts mail, please address j o int H. OGUEN, GO Nassau St., New York. june7.3m. REPORT OF THE MARKETS CIIA_MISEILSBUIGO, August 8. 18i;.5. Flour—Whi, 4 5 8 ,25'.11utter , oo Fiour—R.dr l 7 75. , Eggs 15 Wheat—White I 00 , Lard 110 Wheat—Red I 5 0 , Tallow 8 Rye Bf,; Bacon—Hams. aleg Corn GO I Bacon—Sides 20 Oats 35; Soup Beans 225 Clover Seed e 50 ; Washed Wt.! 80 Timothy Seed ti t/O. Unwashed Wool 50 1 50. Pared Peaches. 7 00 Potatoes—Mercer. ... 1 35 , Capered Peaches .1 00 Potatoes—Pint Eyes 1 00: Dried Apples 1 50 tßr TELEGRAPH.] Philadelphia- Markets: PHILADELPHIA, An tt, 1.?65. Flour—Sales of 0700 bills. at $7 for superfi e, 25 fur for extra, Oa 50g0 :41 for oI l stock and fred ground ex. tra family, and $ll fur hley. In Rye Floar and Corn Meal no sales. Wheat—Sales of 2,000 bus. red nt $1.90A!, white is held nt 62.10 it 2.20. Rye Is steady at $1.05 for new and $l.lO for old. Corn is firm lAXIO bus. yellow sold at 97e_ Outs are unchanged , sales of new nt We. and old at 6S'a 70 , . Whisky sells slowly at e2_zi a '2,25 A NEW LOT OF FANCY CANES Fancy 31t.u." at FRET & FOLTZ'S. NTOTICE.—The Board of School Dime toFi or Guilford township will meet on Saturday, ar 26th day of August, for the purposes of employing EIGHTEEN SCHOOL TEACHERS. aug9.2o PETER '3ITERREN. AN UMBRELLA THAT WON'T SIFT the rain. and a STRAW HAT that won't " gobaek on you," eau be found nt . FREY & FOLTZ'S. LOST -8S REW AR D.—The under .l-4 rignt.dh3t on Enday, July 7th. A. D. 1d65, about noun, on the Wayueabotn . road, at tho edge of the bo- rough, a Leather covered PASS BOOK. of no value to any one but the owner. Five dollars reward will be paid for its return to] WILLIAM SKINNER. EVERYBODY GOES TO FREY & FOLTZ'S for Ham Caps Boots and Slaw& U.S.HAIL.-TITAIBERSBURIir S. 'UNION STAGE LlNE.S.—Thrugh litre on• ly easo. Good stage.--eareful drivers. Stages leave 311, Union daily for Shads Gap at 2 o'clock. P. M., Ina king. connection at Shade Gap with Chanibembarg stage. on Tneeday, 'Thursday, and &dankly. Also leaves cliambersburorfor Mt. Color. at 7,'A. M., on these slays.' Stage otur erdn Uluanberr,ltnr, BnowS's I)RIVATE SALE 'OF REAL ESTATE. I. —The undersigned offers nt PHs ate Sale, :Lout 70 ACRES of highly improved wheat Growing SLATE itnil GRAVEL LAND, situate about 2 miles from Chant. bersburg, ',einem! the Turapike'and Wilanirs road, ad. joining lands of Charles Evans and D. S. Reisher. There is it large LOG BARN on the premise* and a Well of en. Water. Maid, of the above inlet is watered by Springs, used fir meadows and pumurage. The whole is well fenced and in gissd condition. and will be sold in whole or in parods to suit purchasers. Possession gi‘en immediately. augfldf D. Si }WISHER. ARS/IA LL & Co., 1. (4vcctssons 1'05P.17,) • HAGERSTOWN,. MD., Would respect fully inform their fnendm and 'the public generally that tiny have jirmt returned from the Cities with a Loge clock of New and Beautiful Goods,—consisting of FINE GOLD AND sinvErt WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES and CASTORS i—Scissors, Pocket Knive•. Riwerm, Razor-Strum—Hair, Tooth, and Nail licumhen —Pocket hook Comhs of every kind. Leather .amtu General Variety ilf FANCY GOODS.— 'A Large Amendment of SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYE:, augiktim TRAW REBA PLANTS MAY BE planted now and until the Ist of October. Tho ear lier planting through August and -beginning of Septem• ber, will bear good erops nett season. We inn simply good plants now of the following varle t:es, all of which are worthy of cultivation: At :Ai etc per dozen ; $l,OO per 100, 8? per 1000, Alba• ny Seedling., Austin Shaker. Itayne's Favorite, French's Seedling. Hooter. lona, Triumph do Gaud, 'Pt:Mopes' Victoria, Vicompwiso, liericart a, Tinny. The fallow• log at $1,50 per lain ; plants $300; 100 plants 5500: New Jersey Scarlet, Agriculturist, Colonel posworib, Ritley's Goliath. Rowell Prolific, Fillmore, The lashsix not ready before lot of September, must be ordered in limo to secure to supply. Address, 13. L. RYDER, Welt Franklin Nurseries, Loudon, Franklin county Pa. ang3.2m. . _ ETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED L 'fn the Post ()Mee at Chambersburg, State of Peon. svls anin. August S, ,_* -- Rj - . To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant must gall for "advertised Letters," give the (late of this list, and pay two cents for advertising. Brown Mrs Rachel' Holtman Albert [Smith Charles ElrayMissJonona JeffersouParthenia (Guilford) Bikes, Priscilla Jamison E eliueSullivan Miss Eva Calllmaa Angeline Kentllg S W IStrilie Davit!. NV Elliott Mrs Eliza j Mother John 0 J 'TysonMatthew 'l' Fisher Samuel j Motit gonier)li Poll, Tate James L Frazer Mous Elie,l .MOrrld (liven 'Wilk Josuth Gorden IL F ;Myers MN Sairail(: ill.rdieY Frank Eli NorthbritlgolllsW2, Zither Wallet," °mailer Wm Oliver Mrs Susan ; FOREIGN Gaye Win Richardson Won 11101 Geo ISO= Retackeran George Smith HarertretJ I J. W. DEAL. P Sc. DIED Chnmlbersbarg Markets. ft C1I) abbertisments. IL IL SHEARER, Proprietor. SHADE (IA?. Auglo,t. s 1r46.1.1y Otto 2.l:nfertionnento. PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber oil fers, at private sate, a very desirable TRACT OR LAND, situate in Guilford township, about ai miles from Chanthersbarg, on the Waynesboro Road. containing EIGHTY-THREE ACRES of first quality Limeidone Land. about 7 Aeres of which are covered with excellent Timber. The Improvements are a STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Stone Rank Ram, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other out-buildings. There is a Well af gooti Water and a cistern lathe House, and a cistern at the Barn, There are two Orchards on the premises. aug9-41.. DAVID H.BONEBREAT. p lIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned offers for Sale, at Public 001-cry, on the premises, in Milford township, Ju niata County, Pa.. three miles from Miftlintosvn, cra the medicating to Johnstown, on Tuesday, the 12th day of September, 1505, the following Real Estate to wit : A. TRACT OF LAND, situated as above stated, and ad. joining lands of Moses Kelly, William Stewert, John P. Kelly and others, containing about = ACRES, about 75 of which are cleared and raider good cultivation, (being good Limestone lapd) and the balance being TIMBER LAND. The impfovements consist of a two story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, Corn Crib, and oth er out-buildings. Also a TENANT HOUSE. There is a good spring of water near the House, and also running water in the Farm. The tract is one of the best and most pleasantly located Farms In the county. Any person desiring to view the above property can call on Mr. Joseph Punk, residing on the premises. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by augil.ts WM. R. POMEROY. TITST RECEIVED MEN'S AND BOY'S 0 HEAVY BOOTS, for "heavy work,' at FREY A: FOLTZ'S. BUILDING AND PASTURE LOTS ulll - AT PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber will offer at Pliblic Sale, on the premises, on Tuesday, August 22d at ii o'clock, P. At., 2 2 BUILDTNG AND PASTURE LOTS. These Lots are situated in Hamilton township, near the Line of the Borough of Chambersburg, and are among thegnost beautifully located grounds for Building purposes arid Pasturage—some of them having running wa ter at all seasons. Several of the Lots are on the highest ground around the Borough, and command a view of all the Valley. They are surveyed in ONE AND TWO ACRES. There will be an alley 20 feet wide running between the centre block of Lots, se as to give easy ac cess, and abroad lane the entire front from the 'Strasburg road to the road from the Paper Hill to Eberly's. . Terms of Sale: Otie•third cash on Ist October, 1864, when a Deed will be made w the balance in two equal annaal payments, with interest, secured by Judg ment. For farther particulars, apply to the undersigned. aug9-3t JACOB HEYSER. VREY & FOLTZ HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE, and "that's what's the matter. Five doors above the Market Hoes& 00• Three and part Four years old, 000 APPLE TREES, e averaging 7 feet high, comprising upwards of 50 of the best Summer, Fall. and Winter varieties. These trees are remarkably vigorucia and well grown, having been scientithmlly pruned, they have all smooth heavy trunks, with low well formed open heads, favorable to early fmit ing. All persons wanting a superior quality of Trees that will well repay planting, are invited to come to the nur sery andsee these trees. Farmers in Pennsylvania, Mary land and Virginia, will be greatly benefited by' joining together to purchase in quantities, thus obtainingthem at -wholesale price. - Come and see the trees at once and send your teams for them by the middle of October. Yoa'will thus secure a choice article without the risk of having dried them to death by careless tree pedlers. Price, 520 per 100, - 51.50 per 1,000; 510.00 for 10,000. The nursery is within easy access by turnpike from Chambersburg or Greetrastlp, pa., or fromolearspiing aml Hancock by familiar roads, Fruit Treesuf every kind, Grape Vines, Strawberry Plants &a. Letters of inquiry promptly - answered, and descriptive catalogues mailed to all appbcants.- Address i „B. L. RID,tIL Proprietor, West Franklin Ntuihries. London, 'Franklin Co., Pa. Nurseries on the Loudon Pa. and Cove Gap road. rf Martinsburg (Va.) Union eopy 3t and send copy of pa per and bill to advertiser.] aug9.3t , THE RATS ARE THE FINEST, THE 8008 the best, the Ladies' Gaiters and Shoes the prettiest, and ',flees the lowest, at FREY & FOLTZ'S. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT v PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber, Executor of Ja ob Burkholder, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Thursday. the 7th day , of September, 1E65, on the premises, A TRACT OF SLATE LAND, situate in Lurgan township, Franklin county, three miles West of Newburg, mid-way between the State and Mountain Roads leading to Roxbury': bounded by lands of M. R. Skinner, Michael Rohr, John Hoover, Tobias Wingert, David Long, Esq and others. containing - about 190 ACRES of which about 30 Acre, are covered with GOOD TIMBER, the residue is cleared (a portion.' Excellent Meadow) and - ender good Cultivation. The Improvements are a Double LOG HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other Buildings. Also a Tiinant House and Stable. There is an Apple Orchard and a variety of other Fruit Trees, and a Well and Spring of never-falling Water on the premi ses. all combining to render this property a very desirable home. The Land is of good quality and of sufficient depth of soil to be susceptible& improvement by liming, and with a little expense and care can be made as produ, live as any land in the,. neighborhood. Also, on the came day, will be sold nu the premises a TRACT (IF TIMBER LA.3.11), situate in the same township, about 2 miles from the said Farm (near the Mountain road) bounded by lands of A. ot. Dehaven, C. Hensel, Abraham Hocli and others, containing 16 ACRES and 11(1 PERCHES, striet measure. This Tract is easy of acres, and well sec with Chestnut, Bock Outs awl White Oak Timber. Persons desiring to see either of the said Propertlelt axe requested to call en Daniel Bu rkirolder. residing oil the farm, or the undersigned, residing in Newburg. The sale d the Form a ill commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and that, of the Timber Land at I o'clock, P. 01., on the said day, when the terms a ill be made known by artotts DAVID WHERRY, Executor. Veroonat Vropertp *ales. E A T SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. 1 00 ANIMALS TWEE SOLD DURING THE MONTH OP AUGUST, in the States of New Tork. Pennsylvania. Obn., Indiana, Delawaref Maryland. and New Jerry. and: thp_Disrart Colitmbia. a QUARTERMASTER GENERAL , OFFICE. \VasaMaros, I 7 C.. July 21, It - 41.5. - Will be sold at public auction, to the big:lte , d bidder. at the time and places named below, Vi 7 : NEW YORK. New York city, TtWAN' and l'riday of enth week, ^t7o Fforses each day. New York city, Wcdnesday r:f el:eh week. :200 Mules each day. Elmira, Tuesday, August Et'. t'oo Horses. Elmira, TM ...Oily, 'Angst 15, 545) Mule, _ Albany, Friday, August '25, sfo Mule, Buffalo, Wednesday, Antruht 10, :AI moles. M;MM E=UiiiMMS=l Philadelphia, Wednesday and Satard.,3 week. 100 Mules each clay. Pittsburgh, Thursday of each )%,•. k 1:0 Mules caish day. l'ottsville, Tuesday, ~August 1, 200 Slulec. Mifflintown, Friday; August 4.200 Mules. York, Friday, August 4, 200 'torsos. Xetri, ills, Wednesday. August 9. 100 Newsille, Thursday, August 10. 100 Muir,. Reading, Friday, August 11, 200 Horses. Shippensbarg, Wednesday, August 16, 10/ Muses. Erie, Thursday, August 17, 200 Mosses. Shippensburg, Thursday, August 17 100 Mules. ' Wilhamspdrt, Friday, August 16, 200 Horcs. Indiana, Monday, August 21, 200 Horses. Cluunbersburg, Wednesday, August 23 100 liiirses. Cluunbersburg, Thursday. August 24, 100.3fufrs. Milton, Friday, August 1.5. 200 Flosses. Carlisle, Wednesday, August 30, 100 Carlisle, Thursday, August 31. 100 .Mulics. OHIO. • Columbiana, Tuesday, August 1. 100 llorses. Salem. Wednesday, August 2, 100 Horses. Alliance, Thursday, August 3, 200 110r,5e , ., Canton, Saturday, August 5, 203 Horses. Cleveland, Tuesday, August 8, 1000 Mules Massillon, Tuesday, August 15, 590 Horses. Crestline, Thursday, August 17, 500 Mules. Cleveland, Monday, August 21, 200 Horses. , INDIANA. Fort Wayne, Thursday, August 24, 1,000 Mules. MWM Wilmington. Tuesday, or ear+ wook, 200 Tlonsia ekteh day. Wilmington, Friday, of each week, 200 Males each day. . . 1 NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Thursday, August 10, :MO Mukw. Trenton, Thuriday, August 21, "JOO )toles. MARYLAND Baltimore, Wednesday, Augng 9. and Wednesday of each week thereafter, t-XlO Horst, each a 0 2.. •iWABHL*iGTON. 11. C. Each week dfty, 200 Mules. , GIESHORO. D. C. , Each week day except Wednesday. gts; hvNe, , An opportunity to purchase a superior class of saddle and draft animals, at far less than she ;r true .elite, is now otfored to the Though the majority of them are sound and service ,ble they are no longer required in the army, and must be sold. Many of the x mules were bought in the beginning of the war, when young; accompanied the armies in all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar from being .4) tong Ear ruonded by the soldiers. Aminals will be sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms—Cash, in United Stites currenoy. JAMES A. lihrlN, Brev. Brig. Gen: in charge, ane..4t Ist Dlr. Q. M. 0. 0. SPECIA - L S A-L E OF GOVERNMENT MULES AT PHILADELPAIA. The United Stales will sell at Public A netion, CHAMPION'S CITY BAZAR & - TATTERSALL' 4 , RR , n., brttrern 11th and 12th, Philadaphia. During the Month of Anguyt. 186-„ 900 MULES. Theso Mules are all serviceable, and hold only for want of use. Buyers are invited to examine them at any time, and every facility It ill be given fora thorough itutpvci ion. Roomy sheds are provided for protectino vow 'ma - and ra'. 100 MULES 'M be Bolden EACH WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF AUGUST, cominerwing at Id o'clock, A. TERMS CASH, TN GOVERNMENT FUNDS. By Order of Rog. Gen. r•KIN. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, Captain and A. Q. H. coit,e?.-Stj Office, No. 721 Market St., Philnd'a. .00h. 1 - 1/ALL—The BOOK AND PE RIODICAL STORE at GREENCASTLE, Pa-, width Is doing a good busoless, is offered fur sale. For ig..rtiouttua address july 12tf PETTERIIOFF & ATHERTON. HAS ' PRESSES. Three Handllay At Presses in good order, for Sale cheap. julyl.9-tf ) GEO. A: DiIITZ, Chembersburg, Pu. FragPrninwn tiered ropy Bt, ebnrsre Rpponrrnov . IL' Rata* I)EGISTER'S personsin terested will please take notice, That the following Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's Office of Franklin County and that the acme will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court for cenfirmation, on Trrninin they, deltic?, day of dnghar. 1865, , in Chambersburg lin Fourth and final Aect. of Jacob Shank, Guardian of Mary E. littechbill, minor child of Christrn Brechbill, Late of Antrim asp., deed. 10 .. Finland final Acct. of James D. Sport, Advil' of Jacob Shatter, late of Peters twp. deed. L 122. Second and final Acct. of James L. Black, Ex'r of John Heffelman, late of Gailkod tap.. deed. In First and final Acet, of Henry R. Varnish, Guar dian of Columbus D. Davis. 124. First and final Acct. of 3. W. & W. C. Duffield, Trustees, &e., of Wra Duffield. First and final Acct. of Henry Christman, Guardian of Harrison Christman, minor child of Jno.Chriettattn.dec'd. 129. First and final Acct. of A. K. M'Clure, Admk of M ar y arKeehan, late of Chambersbmg, dec'd. 127. First and final Acct. of Thomas Fegan. Admk of Henry Wallace, late of Fanned tap., deed. 125. First and final Acct. of Wm. Herron and W. G. Kirkpatrick, Adm'rs of James Kirkpatrick, late of Antrim two.. dec'd. 129. First and final Acct. of Geo. Sellers, E x - , o f n ag . dalena Greer, late of Hamilton tap., deed. 130. First and final Acct. of Joseph Culbertson and Pe ter Shearer, Admks of Hobert Culbertson, deed. 13L Account of Joseph S. Stoner, E x' r or Agent of Michael Stoner, late of Waynesboro', deed. 132 First and final Acct. Of Win. Noonan, Admk d. b. a. c. 1. a. of Paul Geddes, late of Metal twp., deed. 133. Acct, of Edwin Emerson, Guardian of Annie B. Witmer, minor child of J. B. Witmer, lateof Antrim twp., dec'd. 139. First Acct. of Geo. Yoe, Adair of Peter Yoe, late • of Peters tvrp., deed. 131 Second and final Acct. of Theodore Mllowan, Adm'r of Dr.. Daniel S. M'Gotran, dec'd. 1311. Acct. of Jacob B Crowell, Adm'r c. k a. of Wm. Bream]. late of Greencastle, deed. 137. Fiat Anil final Acct. of John IL Walker, Hit of Mary Geddes. late of Metal twp., deed. 139. FlrSt and Huai Acct. of Wm. S. Harris, Adair of Josiah Elliott, late of Fanuettsberg, deed. 139. First Acct. cf Wm. S. !lams and J. H. Witherow, Adm'rit of John Witherow, Esq., late of Metal ttrp., deed. 190. Find Acct. of Joseph M. Doyle, Adair of Conrad Ectentode, decd. 191. First Acct. of Joseph Douglas, Adm'r of Johu Mc See, deed. _ 142. First and final Acct. of Jacob D. Coldsmith and Win. Boyer, Adn'rs of Samuel Cohlsmith, of Green tn-p., deed. 143. First Account of John Wanamli er and Wm. Wal lace, Administrator of Nelson Wang er, late of Chain. hersburg, dee'd. HENRY STRICS.LER, Register. julyl9 ALIST OF. GRAND AND TRAVERSE Jurors drawn for a Court of Oyer and Terminer, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Chambersburg, on Monday, tke.l , lth day of Anguat, A, D. 1865: GRAND JURORS. . D K Wunderlich, Chamb'g; Wm Adams, Montgomery; Lewis H Bonebrake, Washington Jos Id. Brewer, Mont gomery; Jacob Brewer, Jr„ Montgomery; Jacob Burk• holder, Lurgan; John Cromer, Guilford : M'Clitin Culbert son, Green; Jos Deekelmayer, Cliamb'g ; Andrew Davi son, Antrim; Frederick Foreman, Montgomery; Aaron Flank, Washington; D F Gordon, Washington; Jas H Gordon, Waynesboro'; David ficetlich, Waynesboro'; G H licirbaugh, Montgomery; Christian Lesher, Washing ton, Andrew Pomeroy, Lurgan; Geo Rodes, Montgom ery; A F Schaffert, Greencastle; Fredis Smith, Peters ; Samuel Stouffer, Chamb'g; Henry Walter, Washington Martin B Wingert. Green. TRAVERSE JURORS. Wm Auld, Montgomery -1 C A Breckenridge, Southamp ton: David C Byers, Lurgan ; John Barnhart, Antrim; Philip Berlin, Hamilton; Jonathan Brewer, Warren; Jas cob Brewer of Joe, Montgomery; Henry Bear, Washing ton Andrew Burgess, Peters; James A Cook, Quincy Jesse Craw. Montgomery; Henry Ditch, Antrim; John Dcebler, Chamb'g; Wm Divelbiss. Peens; Daniel Eber sole, Guilford; Wm Elliott, Montgomery; Thos C Ful ler. Southampton; Christian Frey, Jr, Green; Freirk Fritz, Warren; Michael Good, Green; John Gillen, St Thomas; Hasid Grossman, Guilford; James Gillan, Chamb'g; Cyrus flambright, Green; Jacob H Holsing er, Guilford; Samuel C Hoovar, Letterkenny ; George L Knepper, Quincy; John Lantz, Jr, Quincy; John Me- Laughlin, Peters; P F M'Cune, Southampton ; Jeremiah Miller. Metal; Wm H Killer, Washington; Daniel My ers, Washington; David Newcomer, Quincy; Jnoßoyer. Antrim; Geo Shepley, Mercersburg ; Israel Sollenberger, Green; Geo Sprecher, Letterkenny ; John A Sellers, St Thomas; Michael Stake, Fannett ; Henry Small, Jr, Guilford; Ferdinand Senseny, Peters ; Peter Stenger of J, Pam.; James Spongier. Southampton; Andrew J While Chamb'g; Upton Washabangb, Chamb'g; John B Whit more, Antrim ; Geo W Zeigler. Greenceatle. Unlyl9 PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting: Knots all ye, that in pnrsuanee of the precept, to me di rected, under the band and seal of the HoN. ALEX KLNG, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Sixteenth District consisting of the counties of Somenset. Bedford, Fulton and Franklin. and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delis• ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and W. W. PAXTON. and JastEs 0. CARSON, Esgs., Judges of the same county of Franklin. You and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in vourproper person with your Records, Recoguizances, Examinations, and other Remembrarare the Judges aforesaid, at Chum bersburg, at aCo of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, an neml Quarter Sessions of the Peace, therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid on the lid Monday in August, being the 14th day of the month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then nod there to do those things. a hich to yenr several offices ate pertain. Oilen tinder eny hand at Chatabersherg, the Nth July, ism Linlyl.9J RANCEI. BRAIWT. EiNetiff. • 'TN P ART ITION.—John Sliehter vs. Sl.can Satan, widow. and Jacob Rife, Guardian, of 'Abraham Sabra, Anna Mary Salim, Susan E. Salim. and Jonathan Sahm, heirs at law, of Abraham Saln, deed. In the court of COMM.] Pleas of Franklin county, Pa, No. 21. April T, 1561. Pricy de partition faciendes. June 6, The court order and decree a sale of the Real Es tate, Notioo . therefor.• glret) by the nadersigned, that in pursuance of oI ortisr and decree, he expose to l'ub he Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Mc 2d day of Sop o-mber wort, the following described real estate, tin A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Letterkenny township, in said count", containing 249 ACRES anti 115 PER CHES neat r;leasure, bounded he lantLs of Jacob Rife, Michael Dice. Daniel Sliebtor. John Brake, Frederick Deck. John Deck and other-. The improvements are a two storied LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a Stone Bank Barn and other necessary outbuildings. TERSls'.—Thosum of one thousand dollars to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance on the Ist day of Au gust 1e416. thue2l SAMUEL BRANDT. Sheriff. NTOTICE.—The following named per I sons hat e filed petitions for TAVEILti LICENSE, tb the Clerrk'v Oilier, r to be presented to the Court at the next term Ct.rnmeneina on Monday, the 11th day of August next S. •C. G ['COMM alt. Chambersbura. D. L. Taylor. Chamberstaira. D. C. Brant . GreeneasSe, James Coffey. Dry Ran„ Samuel Stal, er. Roxbury. July% W. G. 3iITCITELL. Clerk. 110PEOTHONOTARY'S N O TI CE.—The following amounts will been forenermation at Au gust Term, viz Theirst and final act•cant of John Garling, committee or Michael Plum, a lunatic:. 'The ',operate ac omit of Henry X. Honebteak, commit tee of Jacob Wolf, a ltuurtic.. The separate account of Joseph Douglas, committee of Jocob Wolf, a lunatic. it. S. TAYLOR, Prothonotary. DMLNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice it hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate .1f 'Jacob Hullingr: late of 'Washington township. deed, hare been granted to the undersigned. - . ill persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ertate will pleasemake immediate payment; and those having claims pn•,ent them property authenticated for settkttnent. ang-2-6t i2,ONRAD RI:711S. Adm'r. A D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—No tiee to hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of :Samuel Lenherr, late of Greencastle, deed. ;ante been granted to the undersigned. All per knowing themselves indebted to said Estate writ make immediate payment; and those having eitittol present them properly anthenticated for settlement. aun2 E. I). RANKIN, Adm'r. DMINISTRATOR'S _Lt. 71. - is hereby given that Letters of Administration un the Estate of Wm. H. Shatter. late of MOlltgi4llCey Merrell fp. have been granted to the undersigned. All pm-sons honing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having 0 25 .. present thmerprep,Ely authenticated for settlement. Aeeellate to he pre:puled 110 Akaallall/Whittallee, residing in said tetraship. ANNA hi. ,SIIATZER. Admr's.. A DMINISTRATOM?_; hereby given that Letters of Administration 00 the Estate of Samuel B. King, late of Menhkualery township, doe'th have been grand to the und All perEnns knowing thsues.lve• indebtedta= t ato will please make immediate pa) went; and thas' iraving claims prftent them raperly anthentieutethforseulement. julf2s AE/AllB, Adtn'r. A D3IINIS,TRATOR'S tier is hereby given that Letters of tstrainisttatian, on the Esmte of .Magdalena Hitler , kite of Letterkentiy township. 414.1.'1 have been {mated to. dissundersigned. All polott knowing theunsultes,indebstd to said Estate ill please make immediate payment and those hating nurse present thorn praperlyaltitenrfe,ded for settlement.' inty9.6 JNo. KAUFNIAN, Admt. A DAIINISTRATOR'S ticeis hereby given that Letters of Admildst.ratimi on the Estate of Jeremial• Slartin, Ilito of St. Thomas ton uship, have been gmuto.l to the undersigned. All persons knowing dioneelves indebtesito Enid Estate will please make - immediate payment, and these having eloanaPreteut them properly aathentiesnel for settlement. JOSEPH ItTIN, A dm'r. t DMINISTRATOIrs NoTlCE.—No tiee is hereby nit en that I,etter , of Adminignadon ••u the Mate of 'Andrew Et. M'Clure, lab:-of Panned township. dee'd, have been gratin d to the undersigned. Alt persons knowing thetnNeh ec indelne.l to &dd. Estate ill please make immediate In} - meat t ant those basing them properly authentieni,i for settlement. Julyl9 JOSEPH N. DOYLE.% Adnit. EXECUTOR'S lc 0T I C E.—Notice is ,by giVen, that Letters T,stameetery to the Es- Tut,: of Frod'k A. Schofl, late:of Gro‘ neeetle, deed, have teuu granter' to the nedendped. Alt persons Imowing themselves , iadolded to said Eirtzto mill please make immediate payment, and three havieK elates present them properly stuthentiented for settlement. JulY3 RtIBECCA AMANDA Islll - 1.1.. Fa'rx. ISSOLIT'fI 0 N.—N()tic4: he hereby g iven that-the nndershrned has el I s t.e ~f his inter , est In and withllramn frtnn the par - net - dui •,f CLARK A. CO., conducting the Pluinlne: Art. s.e., In Chlunbersburg. The business ss PI C 4 eendulded for the yresent its the nasr,t• Shopler. t lark & Gs, mho tall close up the notounts sf the rum July 1911 4 6544 JNu. P. Cl-1,111:11Ttil iN. ETALLIC ARTIFICIAL LEGS.- Samothistg new. Send for a pontailot. auel.Arn) Y. W. WESTON. 701; TiffeeteraY New• York. toota-11#11 AbotiL rpo LL WHOM IT: ANY CONCERN. JAccm Burro:vs sow'. tSHOS .. e undersigned takes this methoder returainghis thanks to his numerous customer o; and the public gtaoray, for the very- Mere] patronage htsretolbre extended to him, and hopes, Mills present misfortme lneomrocat with near ly everzbudoess man in taw; that he will still continue to be remembered. He hat the pleasure of informing the public that he has opened his Store ill the Bastment or/ Mannakan's Delling, on Second Sind, four doors NOrth of the „lifethedist Church, Where he larePored to offer a general &nutmeat Of Men's, Woolens and QM dren's Boots and Shoes, embracing his own emit* men &same, which, for exeellece of style and.dmobility are superior to and of his former stock, and will be offered at pnces to nit all. He is in Weoklyßeoeipt of Goods from Philadelphia, which for beauty cad excellence cannot be surpassed South of the Susoneharent. CeSTOMER. WORE of every variety - done with promptness. , —As he employs none but smenor workmen, be feels instiEed in guaranteeing all work made at his es tablishment. Don't forget the place, Fou r Doors North of tke Methodist Church, &fond Stre&, End. -Side.— TSUNNS, of the latest style, from approved makers, al ways on hand, end for sale at a very small advance on original cost, Tangt.4l JACOB MUTTON. T EMOVED.—The undersigned has the JUL pleasure of informing his old c , ustomens and the _pub lie generally, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE to the New Brick Building of George Luehrig, on Main Street, one door south of Greenan - alt's Hotel, where he is now opening the largest assortment of Beats and Shoes ever brought to theconnty. His stock embra• ces every variety of Youths', ladies and Men's BOOTS & SHOLS, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be surpassed to the county, and which will be sold atprices to snit the Sines. Baying purchased-THE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer-cork" at short notice, by the best workman In the county, With a disposition to be obliging and Sc. commodating, he hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage—without a desire to monopolize, as his motto it, in our common calamity, to live and let live. Particular attentive paid to all kinds of Repairing. TERMS CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. (IC'.l EXTORTION. Be has also on hand, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va. lises, Carpet Sacks, Linen and Paper Calm Paper. Envelopes, Ink-stands, Steel Pens, &e.: be. may.lo - P. FELDMAN. N. 13.—A1l persons knowing - tbemsel;es Indebted gill please ealland rnakeinnnedlate settlement, that I may be enabled to meet my comer liabilities in the Cit. Mutational. mui HAGERSTOWN - FE3TAT,v, syn. MAIM—The next Session of this Institution will commence on the First Wednesday (fah daylof 'Swum her oat, under Atlas Mack, as Principal, amisted by Mrs. Halm, and Miss Doolittle in the departments of Music, Latin, Drawing, & A liberal patronage is solicited.— Terms the same as last year. By order of the Trustees. L. WEISEL, President. Mail, Hagerstown, Odd Fellow, Boonsboro', REroarro rs, Chambersburg, Union, Mattinsburg, Cid/ion; Cumberland, Lutherde Obserrer, Baltimore, Ex aminer, 'Frederick, copy 3 times weekly and once emery two weeks to first of September, and send bill to Judge Weisel, Hagerstown. - angel-4t CUMBERLAND VAL-LEY IN."STITI3TE, • - FOR. YOUNG GENTLEMEN, . MEctts RS.v, 0. Eon & Sox. Duties Resumed September Ist. Charges, $112.50 per. 5 months session, in advance. Send for a circular. juisa6.6r. enlisto. DEN TISTRY.-REMOVAL.-W. B. HAYCOCK, SITEGEON DEMIST, has removed his office to the room lately occupied by Nixon's Drag: Store, on SECOND STREET, half way between the Methodist Church and Seller's Hotel, where he is prepared to per form all operations in Dentistry with care and attention. Prices low and satisfaction guaranteed. julys-7t. , TIR. H. R. FETTERHOFF, SIITRGY.ON DENTIST. Office one door West of the Telegraph Office, Greencastle. Pa. - All work entrusted to him will beipibmptly attended to _and warranted tall-17.6re DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FICE an Second Street, one square South of the Market House. anit2l fact ital. iptALmoRE LOCK HOSPITAL.-Dr. JOIELVSTON, the founder of this Celebrated last Ku . offers the most certain. speedy, and, only effectual remedy in the world for Gleets, Structures, Seminal Weaknm; Pain in des Loins, Constitutional Debility', Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Witineys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Net , VOlll3 Irritabili ty, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Hens or skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders Eris. ing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. :These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticirsitions, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. YOUNG MEN! Young Men especially, who have become the victims of Solito.ry Vice, that drendtul awl destructive b.abit which ant annually sweeps to on untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates wittithe thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacythe living lyre: mny'adl with fall confidences - MARRIAGE! . • Married persons, or young men contemplating marling' being, aware of physical weakness,organic debility, defor mities, &c., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. Fie who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WE.AI3I.±AS IMMEDIATELY CURED AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED This diseaseis the penaltymostftequertlypaidby those who lava become the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are Spa apt to commit excesses from not being - rware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, whothattualimtandsthe subject willproteudtodeny that the power of Procreation Blast soonerby those tiuiug into improper habitthan by the prudent. Besidesbeingdo prived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepoin,.palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the fraanvough, eymtoms of consumption. Office No.. 7, :out. Frederick Stmt, seven doors from Baltimore street, En* side. up the steps. Bo particular Inefeerving the name rya mmibet, or you wil , mi , take the place. A CURE WARRANTED DS TWO DAYS. No Morcurg or :Mumma Drugs DR. - JOHNSTON, Member of the 'Royal College to Surgeons, London, gruduate from nne of the most EIMULII3tII Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Parts, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has erected some a the meet astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the head and cant when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness, with fregnent blushing, =ended sometimes with derangement of mind, were euredimmodintely. - A CERTAIN DI.SE/S.E! When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find babas imbibed the seed of this painful disease, it too of ten happeasthat an ill-timed semauf shame, or dread of dis covery, deters him from applying to these who from educe tion and rospectahLlity can Wane befriend him, delaying till the ccutstitutionalsympterusofthis' hortiddiseasemaketheit appearanoe, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased no-Se nocturnal pains in the head and limier, dimness of sight deafness, nobs addle chin, bones [lndiums, blotches on the head, Sams ad extremities, progressing with frightful ru pidity; till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nese fell in and the victim of this awfld disease be. pomes a horrid object of commisseratien, till death puts a period to hladreadfal sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne from wheaten° traveller returns." To such, there fore, Dr: Johnston pltsigta himself to preserve the moot Inviolable secrecy; and ikons his extrusive practice In the first Respitals of Europe nod America, be can confidently raean ,„ mea d a s a e a n d speedy cure to thenufortunate vic tim of this bortiddlsease- It is a melacadieazz fad that thousands Lill victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders Arlo by use of that dreadful poison, Memory, ruin the cOnstitution, and either send the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life lacerate. 12= Dr. 3. addresses those who have injured themselves by p r i r a. k , and improper indulgences. Times are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro by early habits of youth, viz.:—Weakness of the B a ch and Limbs, Pains in the' Haut, DiMUNIII of Sight, Loss of Minutia Power, Palpitation of the Heart, I)ye peps, NervousTrritability, Derangement of the Dhow are Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump • non, do. MEN - ratty, the fearful effeetaoo the mind are mach to be dreaded; loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Avetsion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude,'Eltnidity, &0., are some of th 6 evil effects. Thousands of pc . rsons of all ages can now Judge what ds the cause of their declining health, lossing their vigor. becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about tie• eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RF•WRI)y FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. • By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is Speedily cured, andfall vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost:all hope, have been Immediately relieved, AU impediments .to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disquardi cation, Nervous Irritability. Trembling, Weaknesses ligs haustion of the mort feadal kind, speedily - curd by Dr. Johnston. YOUNG MEN, who have injured themselves a certain pasties, haul* ged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from mit companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even whim asleep, and if not cured render manialfe imPnesibia, tordvlestroys both mind andb a dy,shonidapptytmmediatoty What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoytnenti of life, by the cunievence of deviating Mira the Milli of Datum , and indulgheC in a eer tai,„; hnhtt 5 u ,...h persons, before contemplating MARK/AGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are dienatotne emery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, t he Journey through life becomes a weary pitgrima g e. the prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind becomes enadOwed with despair, and filled with the me l anc holy reflection. thM the happiness of another be *ewe blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREPEHICH isTnErr • .11ALITHORZ. • • " TO STHANGEHS.—Thejaany thoussodscured at this li.titrition in the' last 'fifteen j'ears; and the auulhrollts hn yortan (surgical Opesatious performed 01; 14, "witaent'd by the reporters of the papers, and whey lather ipersaas, notices of which have appeared agstis'itad again before the public, is a autlivleut guarantee t.r the &Mated. N. B. There ate co man) ignoraut 8 . 2 d worth:lore fithkeXs advertising there Aces as Physfeisue, ruining the health of the-.llrecely afflicted, Dr. JO" , kin deems it amens* to say tv thoeskunactinainted whh his t-potation, that hr Diplomas bang to hls - atEoe.. TAKr, Nonog, 7 4.llitetters mnstbq pelt pgd, lust contain a postage stamp the reply, or ao answer be sank (MK WV.