August 2, .1865. graultlin I.,,epositorg. LOCAL ITEMS. Gosstr WITH Om Prim:rm.—Our to looks very busy. Josiah Smithers says there is more building going on here in proportion than in New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston and Chi cago put together. Perhaps so, but I doubt whe. Cher that is a sign of commercial prosperity. As Mrs. Micawber would express it: "It is my opinion, after consultation with my Pa and my Ma's family: that if a house costs $5,000, and the home vanishes, and another house takes the place of the first house—it is miopin ion,ll repeat, that the aforementioned investment of $5,000 has gone—say to the dogs—it is there fore selfevident to me that somebody—say Aor B or C has lost five-thou-sand dol-lars." • A reverend gentlemen, well known in C., was placidly assured by• a conscientious co-laborer, some time after the fire, on the loss of his ser mons, with, "My dear brother, it was doubtless all for the best—it may be a blessing in disguise— you will possibly write better sermons than those you have lost. "Sir," returns the touched Rove rend, "why don't you burn your sermons, then?" Even Mrs. Snivel whined to me only yesterday, "Ab, I don't need to be taught to feel anothir's woe; but stall find I can bear anothrr's woe bet ter than my own." Strange, but true ! ; We had oar celebration on the 30th as had keen announced. For some unaccountable reasot6he local reporter of the REPOSITORY has failed to give the details thereof—some say it was the beer —and your gossip has no energy left to enter into the minntias of that.eventfnl day. Suffice to say, the day was all that heart could desire: and with the exception of two,legs and one collar bone bro ken, and the smothering of some two or three lit tle fistes (7); of tr i lbies, m the scramble at the de pot, no accident occurred to mar the festivities of the occasion.' I mist not, however, omit to state that a pub lic meeting was held, in the evening, in one of the unfinished Hotel stables lately erected, at which, REM, con., the name of the old town was formally changed toNeapolia. A classical teacher present explained to the meeting that Neapolis is Greek for New-City. It was with a twinge that the sa cred name of Chambersburg was Wrenched from the penetralia of the heart of some of us old fo gies; but reason told us that the vox populi was in this case right, for why in the name of con science should a nue city, erected orr the site of ari old one, be called by the antique name 7 A Young girl who had lost her wedding finery by the rebels, and who had begged in vain that her things should be spared, spoke up in meeting, remarking " that if we changed the sane perhaps the gov ernment wouldn't know who tovay the losses to, ,this winter." This remark put the assemblage into a good humor, but had no other effect. Per sonally I resisted to the last. Poetically speaking I was placed upon a dentist's chair, and informed that "it would soon be out." In: went the for ceps. I held on with both hands to the arms. Ugh! Oh!! Doctor!!! There you are, three prongs curving toward a common centre. 0-17-T. The agony is over. In the next gazetteer we "Neapolis is a flourishing city, built upon bore rowed capital on the site of the ancient borough . of Chambersburg, burnt by the rebels, July 30, 1E64. The new city is a great improvement upoja the old effete affair that once stood where the arisen Phienix spreads and flaps its gorgeous plumes in the sparkling beams of the oriental, meridian and occidental sun; containing. many three story buildings and a few of four stories. The Conococheague has been made navigable for ships of sufficiently light draft, and the Falling Spring has been propped up and turned into a canal, connechng with the Chesapeake and Ohio at Nirdiameport. Th. 01,1 families that used to occupy t - Cvoltlpry hiwses, are either dead or run off; and a new system prevails, symbolized by the pater fiunilias sitting at his dining table picking his teeth with a fork." I wonder if. our paper ever goes to Europe ! How entertaining the gossip would be to foreign ers! and with what intense anxiety would the Heirs, Monsieur's, Signors and Sheikhs rush to the steamers, seize the welcome sheet and glance down the welcome column of the "gossip" to see how Ch— Neapolis is coming on. May we lice up to the expectations of the world! By the bye, was the generosity of the American Bible Society to our forlorn town ever acknowl edged in the REPOSITORY ? I neler saw it, and Mrs. Smith says she did not.' Let as then, by all means, do so, now sm:there ! Last year Mr. Tor rence, of Philadelphia, representing the American Bible Society, presented us all with Bibles, neat and beautiful; large and small Bibles. Thikind nese of the gift was only equalled by its delicacy. The Bibles were given not as a charity; but in to ken of sympathy. A christian gift to a stricken community. My Bible shall never be replaced by - a better edition, should I become rich as the Rothchilds. Mrs. Grundy was down the road a piece last week to see some of her brother-in-law's cousin's relations, and-on z her return, was so pestered by boys and hobidedetioysist the depot, who insisted upon taking forcible possession of her baggage, that the old lady knocked one down with her car. Pet bag, and then marched majestically to Mr. Andrew R. Cook's omnibus, in which for twenty five cents, she and her carpet bag .(and if it had been a three story trunk. the price would have been the same) were taken to her own house com fortably and quickly. I think with Mrs. G. that a four wheeled omnibus is preferable to a two legged boy. When we get our new depot (and :they are working at it now) " Well, just wait—that's all! THEATNION C9NVENTION.—The Union dele gate elections will be held on Saturday next, and the Convention will meet on Tuesday following to nomidate a ticket. We have received several communications asking what the proper basis of representation is for the several districts. There has been no action as to representation since 1859 when the following resolution was adopted by the Union County Convention: Resolved, That at the Delegate Neeting of 1560 each Elseatitta District shall send 3 Delegates, and for e ach 100 votes exceeding 300, they shall be entitled to an addition al Delegate—.counting the whole vote cast in each dis trict. Surveyor General's vote of tube the basis of Itepresentation for three years. It was manifestly the intention of the Convention that there should be a revision of representation at the expiration of three years ;" but it was not done. Whether there shall be any change made is a matter solely for the Convention to deter mine, and we presume that the Presidential vote of last year wohld be the proper basis should a change bemade. In order that the matter may be understood, we append the aggregate vote of each district for President last year—inchiding the army vote—so that should a revision of rep resentation be deemed desirable it can be done intelligently from this table. The following is the total vote for President in 1864. Metal PM Mereersburg ' 386 Ornsterma Peters. = ChdnCY 523 Southampton 130 Sulphur 5pring........ 46 St. Themes. _ 340 Washington 633 Warren Xll7 Welsh Run. 253 lathim ' , 958 i Nartb Wax]- 4801 C 1428 4 1 SontliWards. we concim-d 103 Fsgettoville 450 CkeemvEllap .......... 300 oultfori. 394 Ilamilton. • 976 totterkeany XS Largan - w,6 London lB7 •solution of 1859 tic vote d, so Oat Union men in t be overslaughed. -13pAhoterma ofthe re of both partiea is counte minority district. conno GjugsT SW. OF HORSES LITD One of the iiezitpl. t 8,10141 Goi r i u k n t home end moles thit hto .y 44 IR eater 'Used in our pacer today. The sides will be bad in New York- Pennsylvania; Ohio, Indiana, Dela ware, New Jersey, Maryland, Washin i gton D. C., and- Giesboro, D. Si The largest 'number of sales given for wpy one State is for Pennsylvania. which embraces as the places of auction -Phila delphia, Pittsburg; Pottsville, DEftlintown, York, Newville, Reading, Shippensbnrg, Williamsport, Indiana, Chambersb7g, Milton, and Carlisle. Sales will be made in Ohio at Columbiana, Salem, Alliance, Canton, Cleveland and Massilon. We invite the attention of farmers, and all who are. in need of sound and serviceable saddle and draft animals, to the advertisements in another lump. THE LIGHTNMG FLY KILLER.—The best ar ticle ever known to kill oil' these pests: certain and cheap; only 10 cents a sheet; at MILLER'S DRUG STORE, next 'door west of Brown's Hotel. BEDFORD SPRlNGS.—Bedford Water, fresh from the springs, for sale by the Gallon, at DRESSLER'S Drug Store. Also Delirious Soda 'Water, with choice syrups. Go To Gelwicks and Burkhart's for confce tionary, they manufacture; have always a fine assortment and sell cheap wholesale and retaiL FINANCE AND TRADE. The 7-30 Treasury loan is all taken—six hun dred millions, of dollars. 'The general agent Com menced ce4eiving subscriptions to the last series— three hundred millions— on the 15th of May, and in about ten weeks, l .to j the 24th of July, disposed pf about one hundred and eighty-fire millions of dollars—an average of eighteen and a half millions of dollars per week, or more than three millions of dollarsver day. The United States Govern ment, in the history of its three thousand millions of debt, is an exception to all rules governing the financial matters, and it proves that the amount of the debt has not yet touched the national cred- it : and that the expenditure of the money does more in the development of thtoational resources to elevate the standard of public credit than the amount of debt does to depretis it. Some of the causes of the successful negotiation may be found, first, in the great wealth of 'resources in the Uni ted State; second, in the patriotism of the peo ple to maintain their country whole and perfect at whatever cost, and third, the happy thought of blending the two powerful incentives by populari zing the loan through the power of the pree. Since the government loan has been disposed of securities of all kinds have been in increased de mand, and stocks of all kinds advanced last week on the regular boart. In Oil stocks especially there was a decided advance, and there is little doubt that it will not only be maintained but that they will continue to advance. it is now pretty well ascertained what companies haie good ter ritory and are honestly developing their lands, and the stock of such companies will, unless all indications fail, command greatly enhanced pri ces this fall. Of the companies in which this section' is im mediately interested, there is favorable intelli gence generally. The Hopewell has a fifty barrel flowing well, struck on the 19th ult., at a depth of 318 feet, on the Allegheny river in Scrub Grass township. If this well holds out, as it promises to do, it will pay a very handsome interest on the entire capital of the company, and vastly increase the value of its lands, , The old Sterling well, be longing in part to the Sterling Oil Company, which was flooded last spring, has resumed, and increased from ten to sixty barrels in ten days, and at last advises was still steadily increasing: It will pretty certainly attain in a short - time its bid yield of 160 bbls. per day. The same com pany has sunk a new well on its own land on Cherry Tree Run, which will be tested either this or next week, and it gives the most promising in dications of a splendid well. Another well is being sunk by the same company in the same locality. It runs two engines of its own day and night. The Imperial Company is pushing its develop: ;nerd , . R. vapidly as Possible. On Saturday last one of its wells on the Allegheny was tested and commenced flowing with every indication of a good and permanent well. Three other wells, owned entirely by the company, are nearly com pleted, and will be tested in a few weeks. In ad dition to these, some twenty wells are under lease and in various stages of progress on the Cherry Run property. Mr. William H. McDowell, for merly agent of the company, is noW sinking a well on lease on that territory. The Burning Spring and Ruple Farm Company of West Vir ginia, struck a well of 130 barrels recently, of a fine quality of oil, but its yield was interrupted last week by the crumbling rock, which will be . remedied in a few days. We have no late ad vices frem the Cherry Run and Pitt burg; but it has valuable territory and the fault must be with the direction if it does not prove good stock: The Sheridan property is now flanked by profitable wells on both sides. A twenty barrel well has been struck on the Cherry Run side, quite close tq that property in the rear of Plumerville, and several large wells are quite close to it on the Pit hole side. It must in a little time be very valu able land. There ;re other companies whop stock is held in small• quantities in this section, but we have no information concerning them. The faithful developments of the honest and sub stantial companies will doubtless give an extra ordinary impulse to these stocks this fall. Such at least, is the opinion of the city journals and business men generally. CONCERNING deft: Davis, an authentic account says :—He is in better condition to-day than lie has been in five years. It will be remembered that a hacking cough seriously affected his throat hnd lungs during his last days at Washington. It has gone entirely. He has been blind of one eye for many years, and the sight of the other was exceedingly poor of late. The power of his eye is greater now than at any time in ten years. He wears at times the famous green goggles, but there is not the need for them now that there used to be. His hair is changing color, his cheeks, always sunken, are now covered with a light beard, making him look fatter and sounder, his physique is in good repair, his limbs are firm, and his step square. Of his mental condition itis more difficult to speak. Heis as eager for books, for mind food, as he is for the substantials needed by his body. Naturally nervous, years of ill health have made him irritable. Other years of absolute power made him impatient, and trouble seems to - have made him querulous. Still he sleeps like a top. He retires early, and some times never turns till morning. If the people who write labored editorials about the "treat ment of Jefferson Davie," could contrast his ap pearance with that of thousands wile barely es caped starvation and death at his .hands, they would he compelled to keep quiet or change their tune. MARRIED FOX—EYSTER.--On the Nth ult., at the reAidenee of the bride's tairenta, by the Rev. S. Mlienry, Mr. Chulkley Fox, of Conshohocken, Montgomery co., to Mimi Oho-lotto E. Eyster, of Chamberabarg. HAULMAN—RUPERT.—On the 21111 ult., by the same, Mr. George Haulman, of St. Thomm, to Mi. Mary E. Rupert, of Hamilton township. DOSHL-GELIVICKS.—On the same day, by the mine, Mr. Cyrus W. Doak to Miss Look, M. Gelwieks, all of Gunton! township. DOWNEY—DUKE.---On the sth alt., by the Rev. P, Dyson, Mr. Patrick Downey, of Middletown, New York, to Misn Jane M. Duke, of Chambeieburg. DIED HENNEBERGER.—On the 16th ult., in Newri Mrs. Julia Ann, wife of ,Mr. Peter fienneberger, in the 57th par of her age. SNYDER.-0a the '2sth ult., in New Franklin, Frank. lie McClellan Snyder, aged I year, 9 months and ii days, "Ilmsh I my child, lie still and slumber." PARKS.--On the filth nit, in St. Thome.% Mrs. Nancy Parke, aged 64 years, 6 months and 5 days, WAFEE.—On the 25th ult., in Idercershurg, Mr. Mark M'Afee, aged about 62 years. FLEIIING.—On The 11th ult„ nearjaree_ncastie, Pa., alter a lingering illness, Shwa:. Fleming, mile of Areld. bold Fleming, - Esq., aged Ti years, 5 months and 4 days. she was nfty•three years a member of the Presbyterian Church, faithful and consistent in all hertealk; and during her illness, which was of a lingering character, she mani fested that quietness of spirit and that submission In the h an ds of God which result alone from a ripened f a ith, ihs• band and children mourn bet loss, but she still lives among them in the wiluxing,pamrer ale holy example, and better a tmoleosahgee,,,whlther they are sure she hat been gath ered to rest Wit reEnillnetil for the reoplvcf9.3. 3 w. R. IkWltitil BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. By'lhellre4era Union. Telegraph Line—Office at the Railroad Depot. F ata l Affray-A Deputy Provost. Marshal Shot. • BEDFORD, Pa., August Ist, IM. Jacob Crouse, late Deputy Provost Marshal of Redford county, was shot dead in the street to day by John P. Reed, a lately returned Canadian refugee. His brother, Mengel Read, _who has been in the rebel army, was also engaged in the affray. They hare been arrested and lodged in jail. Great excitement prevails in consequence of the affair, A CARD TO THE SUFFERING.—Do You, ifig to be Cured? If so, swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Anti. dotes," &c., &c., &c., and after yon are satisfied with the result, then try one box of 01.. n DOCTOR BUCIIAN•S E\O• LLSTI SPECIFIC Plus—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. Thew are purely vegetable, pleasant to - take, prompt and salutary in their effects on The broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Dlt. Bucitateb ENC,1.11,11 SPECIFIC PILLS cure in /e.c.f than 30 days, the worst cases of Nerrovsnass, Impotency, Premature De cay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sex. sal, and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, - postpaid, by mail, on reeelptof an order. Address, JASIF.S B. BUT LER, No - 4.29 Broadway, New York, General Agent. P. S.—A box sent to any address on receipt of price— which is One Dollar post free. A descriptive Cir cular sent on application. julyl9-8t A CARD TO .TRVALIDS4-A clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Wealmesg, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organni and the whole train of disorders bromzlit on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to bene4t the afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre- paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your self. Address JOSEPH T. INHAN, OCt 19.1y1 STATION D. BIIILE Horsy, New York City. To COSUAIPTIVES.—SufIepers with Consump tion, As a, Bronchitis, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, will be cherfully famished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of which the Kew. Edward A. Wil son, of Williamsburgh,- New York, was completely res tored ti? health, after hating suffered several years with that dread disease, Consumption. To consumptive suf ferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. It will cositnothing, and may be the means of their perfect restoration. Those desiring the same will please address Rex. EDWARD A. Wu-sox, 165 South Second Street, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. fly -2-6 t. MATRIMONIAL. —Ladies wad Gentletnen: If you ovish to marry you can do so by addressing me. I will Mad you, without money and withoutprlce, valuable information, that will enable you tomarry happily and srpeedly, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This In. formatson will cost you nothing and if you wish to marry, I will oheerfally assist you. All letters strictly - confiden tial. The desired. information sent by return twit, and no reward asked. Please inclose postage or clamped en velope, addressed to.yourself„ Address, BARAB B. LAM BERT, Greenpoint, Kings Ca,, New York mayl24.3m. GELWICKS & BURKHART 111 We IfotUrnederolll Philadelphia and rent York with a new and very heavy lot of goods. It is their determination to make this busi ness pay them by selling great quantities of goods, and not by large profits. We advise all who wish to buy goods cheap and to hare the largest and most varied stork to make their' selection from, to call with this firm before buying elsewhere. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of Warming and Instruction for Young Men—published by- * the How and Asaociations, and sent free of charge in sealed envel open. Address, Dr. J. Ssn.r.mi HOUGHTON, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. WHISKERS! WHISKERS i—Do you want Whia ken or 3foustaches I Our Grecian Compound will forte them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or Sr on bald heads. in - Six Weeks. Price, Sl.OO. Sent by mail anywhere, clsoely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 138, Brooklyn IF. Y. feb 15-1 y „ • A GENTLEMAN cuffed of Nerrowa Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youthfUl indiscretion, will be happy to furnish others with the insane of cure, (free of charge). This remedy is simple, safe, and cer tain. For full particulars, by return mail, please address JOHN B. OfillE-N. 60 Nassan St, New York. june74m. REPORT OF THE MARKETS. Chambersbarg Markets. CHAMBEREntIIG, August 1, Ef7,3: ... SS. 25, B utter no ... 775 Eggs 15 . 100! Lard 10 1 50, Tallow- ........„ 8 an. =,--Haws_ *dues. Flour—White. Floar—Red ... Wheat—White Wheat—Red .: Cara OW* - 35 . t Soul! Beans.. clOTer,sved e oarivahled W 001.... Timothy Seed 2 00113nwashed Wool-- Flaneed 1 50 1 Pared eaches. Potatoes—Mercer. ... 1 3.linipared Peaches... Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 00 dDried Apples BY TELEGIW . H.I Philadelphia Cattle Market PurLADEmitik, Aug,m,t 1, 1E63 The Cattle Market is dull this week, at about former rates. MX/ bead arrived, and sold at from 15 for extra, 13ff 14/e. for fair to good, and 11 ff,l2r. per lb. for common, its to quality. Cows are ratber dulL 120 bead sold nt from ei33Ze:is for springers, and =ff. 75 p head for row and calf. Sheep are in fair demand. About emo head arrived. and sold at from 6a , 6ile. 4' lb. gr., as to rendition. Lambs are selling at $.4 p head. Hogs—Prices are ratlrer better. About 2000 head sold at the different yard., at from :5 the 100 lbs net; the latter rate for prime nun-fed. 11/T TELE:GRAPH I Philadelphia Marketts. PHILADELPHIA. August 1, 1865. The upward movement in breadstuffs has been checked There is less demand and paces are-drooping. Sales of 1,000 bids. of Flour at ea 23 for extra and S.S. Gill for North-western extra family ; fancy fat.. range Or. 210 to 210 50. Rye Mut is Ban ut $5 50. Wheat has declined 10 ets. per bushel stiles of red nt 0.- 12 and inferior at 81,E0. Small sale. of Rye at sl,osit 1.• 10. Corals dull at $2,U2¢ 1,0.:. Oat, are San at 05 for new and 701 Fide for old. IlrltMET sells slowly at 2 2.5. Ira TELF.cauu•n.l • Philadelphia Stock Markel. PIALADELNMA, August 1. Stocks dull. Penns fixes, 59; Morris Canal, 7SI; Lang Island,—, Reading nil I'enna.ll. R., :111 ; G01d14 . 4; Ex change in:ince York par. Rau abbertiormtnts. TTNION COUNTY CONVENTION. LJ The Union voters of Franklin county are requested to meet at the usual places for holding Delegate Elections on SATURDAY. THE sth DAY OF A UCUST, be tween the kola's o f two and eight o'clock P. M. mid elect Delegates to meet in County Convention. in Chembergiurg on TUESDAY, AUGUST nth, at 11 o'elosik A. M , to nominate a County ticket to be supported by the Union men of the County. T. JEFFERSON NILI-.. Chain:ruin Union County Committee. Sec'y. ' july•26 VORTH WARD.—The Übion Voters of the North Ward will hold no eleetion at the °Wee of W. S. FivlntErr. Fisq , opposite the Codrt Howie. on Someday net, between the hours of ti and Y o'cloek, P. M.. for the purpose of electuag and inktrueting Delegates to the County Convention. nog:: 'l'. J. NI LI, Chnirmito Co. Como. SOUTH WARD.—T Union men Unio men of the South Ward Win hold an election nt the Public Ileum, of S. F. GREENAW LI, on Saturday ',ca. between the hounk of 2 and 8 - o'clock, P. M.. for the purpose of electing and instructing DelCptes to the County Con% en. tiara, fade) T. J. 'IM Chairman Co. Com. ANEW LOT OF CAKESFANCY for '• Fancy Men," at FREY 4: FOLTZ'S A N UMBRELLA THAT WON'T SIFT _Li_ the rain, nada STRAW HAT that Won't '• go back onynu," can be found at FREY & FOLTZ'S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- —No tire in hereby gis en that Letters of Admial.tration on the Estate of Jamb Hollinger, late of Washington totrnahip. der'd, have been granted to the andersiita"d• All petonos knowing themselves Indebted to sari! Estate will please make immediate rapnpnt ; and there ha, log elairns pre,ent them property authenticated for hettteinent. mart! tit CONRAD RUTIN, Adair. JUST RECEIVED MEN'S AND BOY'S HEAVY BOOTS. tar'' heavy work," at FILkW. 6 FOLTZ'S, ADJIINISTRATOIZ'S NOTICE.---No tie° is hereby- given that Letters oPAdminigration OC - the Estate of Samuel Lenherr, late of GreeneaNtle, dee'd, Lave been grunted to the undersigned. All person+ knowing theinSeives indebted to .aid Estate will please make imunvlinto payment; and thong La, log claims present them properly althentleated for klitnetnent aug2 L. I). ILANKI.N.2A Auer. tIREY ct FOLTZ HAVE ONLY - ONE PRICE, and "that's what's the matter. Fire doors dbere the Market How. BEAT, ESTATE FOR SALE.—Tho subscriber offers at Private Sale, a small TRACT OP LANE, situate, fn Letterkenny totreshlp &boat= i rtd., 'miles 'from Cbarnbersburg, on the Lane ' and about one mile West of Rocky Spnng, Altainlng 36 ACRES, more or less of SLATE LAN 1 Persons de sirous of purchasing are requested to call on the • under signed, tl- 13 r A iding on' the Pee .BRAEMI S. STOUPPE " W ELCOME HOME."—On Saturday next, the citizens of Fannett and Metal town• ships will give a "WELcoRY. 11011 E" to the returned sot. tilers and Balled of the Valley, In the grove near DRY RUN. Appropriate add:cares will be delivered by G. W. Binwer, Esq., Col. D. W. Rowe, Rev. L J. Pomeroy and other prominent men, and a atunvauona dinner will be aryl for the occasion. • A band will also be in atten dance.Atordial Invitation is ortefided Wail the braru and their Merida reridint in said townships, RDIMAUCORAUDIC, Corm W. R. -MADItEr one 4 11)e ~ f roT*l!P• '4 l )CallbT l b i tql pa. EVERYBODY GOES TO PREY& FOLTZ'S for Hata, Caps. Boots and Shoes. A D"' 'ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.--No tice is hereby gin that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Win. Shatter, late of Montgomery township, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and thosghaving claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. Accounts to be presented to Abraham Whitmore, residing In said township. augq rpm HATS ARE THE FIVEST, THE 1 Boot); the best, the Ladies' Gaiters and Shoes the prettiest, and Times the lowest. at FREY & FOLTZ'S. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The 1.11 subscriber intending to move West, offers at Pri• vate Sale his valuable MILL PROPERTY, situate in Southampton township, Franklin county, Pa., one.roile east of Orrstowm and. four miles West of Shippemsburg, comprising 54 ACRES of land; with a Stone and Frame GRIST 2•11 I f , running two pair of Burrs, a new SAW MILL, anew two storied BRICK DWELLING. and oth er necessary buildings thereon erected. Persons desiring to purchase will please call on the undersigned, residing on the property. [nag:-3m] JACOB METZ. METALLIC ARTIFICIAL 'LEGS.- Sometlllna new. Semi for a paiiiphlet. as 2-6m] J. W. WESTON, 706 Broadway*, New York. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.- The undersigned will otTer at Public Sale, on the premises, in Hamilton township, on Saturday, the lBth of August, about 70 ACRES at highly improved wheat grow ing SLATE and GRAVEL LAND, labiate about Smiles front Chambersburg. between the Turnpike and Wiland's adjoining lands of Charles Evans and D. S. Reisher. There is a large LOG BARN on the premises and a Well of excellent Water. Much of-the above tract is watered by Springs, used for meadows and pasturage. The whole is well fenced and in good condition, and will be sold in AN bole or in parcels to suit purchasers. Possession given imramediately._ - Sale to commencytt 10 o'clock, A. M. aug - 2-2t D. S. REISHER. THE HAGERSTOWN FEMALE SEAt- INARY.—The nett Session of this Institution will commence on the First 'Wednesday (Ctk day) of stptem• bee next, under Miss Mack,im Principal. assisted by Mrs. Halm, and Mit,s Doolittle in the departments of Music., Latin, Dmating, Pa. A li4eral patronage is solicited.— Terms the same as last yeat . By order of the Trustees. D. WE/SEL, Piesident. • Mail, Hagerstown, Odd ..edloto, Boonsbore', REPOSITO RY, Chambersburg, Baron, Martinsburg, Herald, Carlisle, Civilian, Cumberland, Lutheran Observer, Baltimore, Er aminer, Frederick, copy 3 times weekly and once every two weeks to first of September, and send bill to Judge Weisel. Hagerstown. ang.24t LETTERS R in the Post 01 hydrant.% August 1, ta - ' l i3tObtrisin an, call for"Ydvertised pay two cents for of Addison John E Bauer Jonas BakerMrsCathnne Benner Maj D J Behm Samuel Blither laraßartkut Brenizerd G And Butlar Andress - Burkholder Cath Cline William Crofford Charles THE RIGHT,MAN IN THE RIGHT PLACE.—As the time is near at hand when the Union County Convention.wffil be called upon to nominate a tieket, to be placed before the people for their suffrages at the ensuing general election, the present crisis demands that none but men of sterling integrity be placed upon it ; and as the oilier of SHERIFF is one of considerable im portance, no would suggest the name of JACOB KIN DIG, of Southampton, who will be brought before the Convention, (than whom a mere iayal and patriot. - man does not exist in the county) for that office. Raving had five hens in the army fighting for the cause of the Union, (two of whom sacrificed their lives on the-altar of their country.) we know Of no other man mere deserving, or who would make a mote efficent ot➢cer. We think this end of the county is entitled to thenomination, and if pla ced upon the ticket be would add vastly to its - strength, and to its success at the coming election. (augill SPECIAL S ALE OF GOVERNMEn MULES AT PHTLADELPAIA. The United Stales still sell at Public Auction, AT WASHENGTON STREET WHARF, During the Month of August, 1865. 900 MULES. The, Mules'are all serviceable. and sold only for want of use. Buyers are invited to examine them at any time, and every facility will be given for a thorough inspection. Roomy sheds are provided for protection from sun and 100 MULES . Will be Sold on EACH WEDNESDAY and SATUR. DAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. 51. TERMS CASH, IN GOVERNMENT FUNDS. By Order of Brig,. Gen. ERIN. ALBERT S. ASILMEAD, Captain and A. Q. M. aug24t] Offtee,'No. 721 Market St., Philad'a. P A R 'P I T I 0 N.—John Slichter vs. stmau Satan, willow, and Jacob Elf°, Guardian, of rah= biloal. A.m.+ R.otte nmr Joanthan Bohm. heirs at law, of Abraham Salun, deed. In the court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, Pa. No. ill, April T, 1664. &ere do partition[ facirn. June 6, leb.3. The court order and decree a sale of the lbw Es. tate. WEEI 80 50 7 410 4 00 1. 50 Notice is therefore given by the undersigned, that in pursuant.. of said order and decree, he will expose to Pub lic Sate, en she premixes, on Saturrta , the 2d day of Sop. trrnbrr not. the following desetbed real estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Letterkenny township, in said county, containing '249 ACRES and 115 PER CHES neat niensure, bounded by lands of Jacob Rife, Michael Dice. Daniel Slichter, John Brake. Frederick Deck, John Deck and others. The improvements are a two storied LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a Stone Bank Barn and caller necessary outbuildings. :sun of. one thousand dollars to be paid at the time of and the balance on the Ist day of Au gust, 1-66. tanr2l SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. A DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE.- Will be sold by Public Ont-cry. on the 30th of Srp tanber now:, TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN ACRES of Gravel and Slate land, situate. In Hamilton bores/lip, Franklin county, Penna. about 5 miles South- West of Chambershutg. This farm is well Watered. hav ing Water in every field and well calculated fur raising stnek. The improvements area LOG LOUSE, (Weath erboarded.) Log Barn, Wagon. Shed, large Hay Shed, Spring house. Smoke house and Welsh house, with a Werra never failing Water at the door. On anntherpart of the tarn there is a Log 'louse, part Weatherboarded. and Log Barn and Wagon Shed. This tract of land is all in a good state of cultivation and all under good fence. Back Creek runs through the farm. where improved Flood Fences are put up. There is also twenty-five acres of TIMBER, andalito a good Tenant House. There is upon the farm 150 FRUIT TREES, just commencing to hear. It is well suited to divide into two farms. This farm joins lands of John Miller, David Gipe, John Grove, Jacob Picking and others, and will be cold without re serve. Persons wishing to purchase well please call and view the premises. lane] JOHN BARTER. GR E AT SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. 5000 ANIMALS TO BE SOLD DIJUNG THE MONTH OF AUGUST, in the States of New York. P,ennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. QUARTERMASTER GRNERAL'et OFFICE, WArILINGTOX, L. C., July 24,1E55. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and plates name below, viz: ' NEW' YORK, New York city, Tuesday and Friday of earl, week, 200 Flores each day. New York city, Wednesday of each Reek, 200 Mules each day. Elmira. Tuesday, August ffoo Monies. Elmira, Tuesday. August 15, 500 Mule 4. Albany. Friday. August 25, 500 Mules. Beaks, Wednesday, August 30. 500 Mule, • PENNSYLVANIA. I'lliladelphia, Murano). of earns week, orso4 eoina day. Wednemluy and Saturday of each week, 100 Males each slay. iseek, Mute. each day. Potowille, Tuesday, August 1,200 Mules, Mitllintown, Friday, August 4, 200 Mules. York, Friday. August 4. 200 'nurses. New. Ole, IA eilnesday, August 9. 100 Clore., Ness ville, Thursday, August 10, 100 Mules. Ite,uling, Friday, August 11, 2101 shiminsharg, Wednesday, August. 16, 100 Horses. Erie, Thurislay, August 17, 200 Horses. ishippensburg, :Thursday, August 17, 100 Mules AVilliamsport. Friday, August 18, 1410 }losses. Indiana, Monday, August 21. 200 Misses. Chaiabersbarg, Wednesday, August 23 1110 11ur-.•. Clunbersburg, Thursday, August 24, 100 Mules. Milton, Friday, August 23, 1(0) Hors,. Carlisle, Weiluesdax. August 30, 100 Horses. Carlisle. Thursday, August 31, Hp OHIO. Columbiana, Tuesday, August 1, 100 Horses Suleni, Wednesday, August 2, 100 Horses Alliance, Thursday, August 3, eto Horses. Canton, Saturday, Augud 5, 20:1 Cleveland, Tumlay. August e, 1000 Mules Massillon, Tuesday, August 15, 4100 Horses. CreOline, Thursday, August 17, 000 Mules. Cleveland, Monday, August 21, 200 Hones, INDIANA, Fun Wa,)ne. Thur.lav, August 1,000 InfLAWARE. Wilmingion Tuesday, of each week, 1:110 Iforvano emit day. Wilmington, Friday, of each weak.le.s each day. . - NEW JERSEY. ' Trenton. Thursday, August 10, 200 Mtriei. Trenton,-Thureiday, August 124, 200 Mules. MARYLAND i Baltimore, Wjanesday ' August 1 . and Wefteesday f emi t week thereafter. 2011 Horses each day. - WASHINGTON, D. C Eavb peek day, '..MO Mules. GIESBORO, D. C. Each week day except Wednesday, WO Horses. -An opportunity to purchase a superior class of saddle and draft aaimals, at fur less than their true taint., is now offered to the public. Though the majority of them are sound and servieesble they are th, longer required - In the army, and must be sold. . Many of the trades were 'bought in the beginning of the war, when young, accompanied the armies In all their marebes and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise. gentle and frannlar from being so long sup rounded by the soldiers. Animals will be sold singly. Hales to commence at JO A. N. I Terms — trash, in United hltates currency. JAAES A. r• KIN, Elm'. }big. Gen. in °barge, IA Div Q. PC Q:11 ME Rem abbertiiemato. A..\ - tid M. SFIATZER, Admr'x. 'EMAINING UNCLAIMED 'Tin at Cinvnabenburg, Stale of Pent• 1.865. ly of these Letters, the applicant most L Letters," give the date of this list, and dvertisipg. Faust John H !.., f Mcarow3hes,Tennie Gerhart Jacob ;Noble James Greenawalt W H I Ch - ers Mrs Harriet Grant Was Elly ( Pepper Wm Green John Boa George Haraniond - SEmLis Smith Robert B Kaufman L IStewartJas A :'. Kunkle Daniel ;Stine Mrs Frances Latie Gee 'f_ 'hailer Jacob 7. Laley S H - FOREJGN Mohler Samuel ThomasJno Adam ~, . J. W. DEAL, P. H. =I , - Rekv abbertionnento. TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPA NY OF HARTFORD, co.NN CAPITAL,' €.500,000. LiStillF-8 'AGALNST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION GENRECAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For Five Hundred Dollars, With 83 per Weekcom penta lion can be had for $3 per annum, or ANT OTHER st3t be tween $5OO and $lO,OOO at proportionate rates. TWENTY-FM DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a 'Policy for $5,000 or $55 per week compensation for all and every description of accident—traveling or oth erwise—under a GENERAL ACCIDENT Policy, at onDLN-A -EY RATE. FIFTY DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a fall Policy for $lO,OOO or $5O per week compel" sation, as above.- FOREIGN RISES Policies issued for Foreign, India, and Calll . Lina . Travel. Rates can be learned by application to the Lime° or Agencies. SHORT TIME TICKETS This CompanfilEVEANcE TICKETS for ONE or ViIIETT days' travel may be purchased at many of the Railway or General Ticket Offices and Hotels. Ten cents will,buya ticket for one days' travel, insuring $3,000, or $l5 week l y compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for 3, 6 and 13 months, in the 'same manner. Hazardous Risks taken at Hazardous Rates. No Med ical Examination required. Policies written by the Com pany's Agents. Policies issued for $lO,OOO and for . 6 co Sears. DIRECTORS. GUSTAVUS P. DAVIS, Tamus 33Ea55..1.?, JR., W. H. D. CALLEst.T.B, D'ART vs WHITE, JAS. L. HOWARD, , CORNELIUS B. Ennus, GEO. W. MOORE, HUGH HARMON J MARSHALL JEWELL, - GEORGE S. Grut.lN, _,- EBENEZER 12011Ekre, JONATHAN d 3. HUNCE. .2CODNEY DENNIS, Seo'y. J. G. BATIBBeerS, Pres% 7 ang2.4t* WE. G. REED, Agent, Clikunbemburg, I 0 D IODINE! IODINE! 1 o D I N • E ! DR. R ANDERS & CO'S 1 - O‘.IjINE WATER! Chemists and have long sought to dissolve lodine, without a solvent, so it could be ta k en into the spilt= in a part state knowing full well that if this could be.done, they would have an antidote for many diseases astir censidered incurable. Atter fifteen years of setentille research and erperknent, this most important disoovety was made by Dr. IL AN DERs, a German Chemist and Physician, and a member of the MedicalkPacalty of New York. SARATOGA SPRINGS .r r Contain °alio fraction of tho quantity of - Todine there is In this preparation, yet the -virtue of the water is dne prin cipally to.this element. - - - Its effect upon the system is indeed wonderful HER EDITARY DISEASES, "born in the system," are erad icated by its use. CHRONIC DISEASES, uo matter of bow long standing, often yield to its subtle influence. As similating at once with the Blood, It ritalL, s and purifies that vital fluid, sending strength and vigor to all parts of the borlq. The mast wonderful success has followed its useqn all forms of disease originating _ . A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, SUCH AS CANCERS, CLCERS, t SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, ALSO, LN CONSMITTION, DYSPEPSIA, HEART, LIVER AND FEMALE COMPLARITS, ICHINEY DISEASES, FEVER AHD AGUE, RHEA:MX/1834 &., It has effected remarkable cures. THE. REV. GZO. STORRs, OF RROOKLY,N, Eaitor of the Bitile Examiner, publishes in that magazine the remarkable cure of his son by the use of Dr. Anders' lodine Water, after all other remedies hadbeen tried in vain. Ile says tl "Gratitude to God, and a sense of obli gation to Dr. Anders & Co., base made us insert the fol lowing • "Sly only son, George - F. Storrs, now thirty-seven years old, huts been &glinted for some dozen years, more or less with painful swellings and inflammations in various parts o f his body: oftentimes, seemingly, he was near to death; then a respite for a season. but only for a return of the dis ease with more stolen°, For the past three years he has had iur open =ore on his breast, and latterly one near his collar bone w ith ulceration in his threat, that was rapidly increasing, so that dissolution appeared inevitable. In this condition he applied to Dlt- ANDERS & CO, By the use of the lodine Water the ulceration in his throat dis appeared in a short time. Continuing its use, in less than two months he was apparently healed, and his general health much improved." Mr. Storrs bus since fullyrecov ered. This certificate Dl rt Li, and many- others, with a treat. Ise on the nature and uses of lodine, will be sent FREE to any person sending us their name. Pnee 81.00 per bottle, or I fur saoo. sent by Express to all parts of the country•. DR. H. ANDERS & CO., Physicians and Chemists, Vt. Broadway, New York. Le- Sold by Druggists generally aug"2-6mos. A PRESENT FOR ALL' ! BONA FIDE GIFT DISTRIBUTION ! ! $lOO,OOO IN SUBSTANTIAL PRESENTS 1.00,000 BOXES STEEL PENS. 100,000 FREE GIFTS.- Each purchaser, besides receiving FULL value for his money in Pens is sure to receive a valuable gift worth from 'V cents to 85,000. The People's Pen Company, in order to introduce their superior Steel Pens to the Public in the shortest possible space of time, offer the following splendid inducements We will sell at retail 100,014 box- E., each box containing oae gross abet a certificate enti tling the holder to one share in the 'allotment of the fol. lowing ilesirable and substantial gifts. LIST OF GIFTS. 100 Acres of Land in Cattaratigith county, New ' York, in the vielnity,of Petroleum Wells, $3,00 14)0 Acres Pine and Hemlock Timber Land on • Lehigh River, Pennsylvania. 1 , 000 5 17. S. 7 2-10 Coupon Bonds. $ 5O O each. 2 , 50 0 " ' 100 " 2,000 50 ," • 503 50 Orders on a First-class city house for a com plete milt of fashionable Clothing, 8100_ 5.000 50 Ladies' Rich Silk Dress Patterns, $75. 3,750 5 Chiekering's or other good nu . 4.kt, Round Corner Rosewood Ptano--74x4pares—$500 2,500 50 Wheeler B. Wilson's Double Stitch Sewing Sled:fines, $5O. 2,500 20 Gent's Fine (told Bunting Case Watches, $l5O 3,000 Lndles' " " 6 100 2 ,tXM 50 Gents' " Silver '' " " 40 2,000 100 Ladies' " Gold lockets, large $lO, t 1,700 100 " small 7, $ 1,000 Sets Fine Gold Jewelry, Breast Pms, and Lae Rings. 813 15,000 1,001 Ladies' Fine Gold Finger Rings $G 6,000 1,400 Pairs Ladies 'end Gent,,' (told and Stone • Sleeve Buttons, 5,000 1,000 Sets Lady's and Gent's Gold Studs, 85. 5,000 1,000 Photographic Albums, $k.2.50. . 2.500 10,000 Tickets of Admission to Barnum's or Bry ant's, 30 cents '3 000 15,000 Pnekag!s Assorted Stationary, 50 cents 7,500 5,02 Fine Brierwood Pipes, (our own importation) 75 cents, 3,750 10,000 Sets Pearl and ivory Sleeve Buttons, 30 cts 5,000 50,101 Sheets Fashionable Music, 30 cents, 13.000 4 328 Photopraphig Portraits of President Lincoln and Tad, 50 cents 2.264 'The allotment will be conducted in the most honorable and upright manner. Every holder of a certificate n ill reef'lVN a present worth from 30 cents to e 3 , 0 0 0. They guarantee to distribute every article in the list. Our Pens are splendid specimens of American industry, are firer goods than can be bought elsewhere for the same money, and will stand upon their merits. Price, $1.50 per pros, 144 pens, for either of the following kinds No. I. The People's Pen (Jo. Business Pen. , So. 0. " Popular Pen, same as illott's (3a) N"" a• " Lady's Extra Eine By mail, free, to any address on receipt of price. We ran refer to parties of standing in this and other cities, as to honesty, responsibility, etc., etc. The allotment ofgifts' mill be public, and all purchasers invited to he present. Address THE PEOPLE'S PEN COMPANY, Business Office, 62 William street, New York. C. C. NEWHOUSE, Actuary, These Pens are also on hand for examination and Sale at the oilier of this paper. attg2,6m 71:9 en ttoto. DENTISTRY.--RESIoVAL.--W. B. HAYCOCK, SITRGEOS DENllsr, has removed bis nflfee to the room lately occupied by Nixon'S Drug Store. SECoND STREET, hafforay between the Methodist Church and Seller's Hotel, Where be is prepared to per form all operations in Dentistry with cure and attention. ]?ices low and satisfaction gmtranteed. DR. H. R. FETTERHOFF, SURGEON DENTIST. Office one door Welt of the Telegraph Office, Greenonstle, Pa. An work entrairted to Mm will fin promptly attended to and warrmiteal. mayl7.6m• 1111. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF lJ FICE on Second Street, one square South of the Market Rouse. align MEW YORK SILVER: MINING CO. .1.1 OF NEVADA. Office, No. 80 1 .11rdarlway, New York Capital $15(0,0f)0; Stu .rk for gale at $4O per Alutre—itloo par \ ulue. We are erecting our mill at the mine. We know posi firmly that we have a rich Silver A few thousand dollars more will bring us into a position thativeshall pay monthly dividends. Call earl}.; take advantage of Pr, eat low rates'. - A few good Agents wanted, julyl9.3t PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY:—Tbe Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will bold its Exhibition on Stpuathr :6th, 27tH, 28tA and `...DM, 1865, at WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. Any information desired by persons desiring to exhibit, applications for premium list, or posters, or by membero of the Society; will be given by the undersigned, or A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, IlarrLiburg. julys A. BROWER LONGAEER, Seey. FOR SALE.—A full c,ourso Scholanhlp lathe Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia Apply at this office. • WV- 'YOB PRINTING, in 'every style, date sky of the Oftlot of the VRANNLIN RKPOSITORY. 110tEGISTER'SNOTiCE—All-personsin- AA) tanned. will please take 'notice, that the Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Moe of Frsinklin County and that the same will bare seated to the Orphans' Coact far-cotdlitaatiort. on W"°°÷ &TY, the 16th day of Aagust,.l66s, In Chamberel...g 1%1. Fourth and final Acct. of Jacob Shank, Guardian of Man. E. Brechha, minor child of Christian Brechbill, late of Antrim 121. rust and final Acct. of James D. Scott, Adm'r of Jacob Shatute, late of Peters twp., deed. 1 172. Second and find] Acct. of James L. Bina, Eat of John Heffelman, late of Guilford twp.: deed. 123. First and anal Acct of Henry B. Mardsh, Guar dian of Colttrobtur D. Davis. 124. First and final Acct. of J. .Vl, & W. C. Dafseld, Trustees, &C., of Wm. Duffield. IZ. First and final Acct. of Henry Lcistroan, Guardian of Harrison Cluistanal, minor child ofJim.Cluistmandec'd. 126. First and final Acct. of - A. K. 31Idrwe, Adm'r of Mary IFEeehan, late csauunbvsburg. deed. 127. First and final Acct. of Thomas Popp, Adner of Healy Wallace, Wolf Fanned twp., deed. 128. First and final Acct. of ,Wm. Merton and W. G. Kirkpatrick, Aduers of James Kirkpatrick, late of Antrim twp., deed, 1.29. First and final Acct. of Geo. Seller Ex'r of Mag dalena Grear, late of Hamilton twp., deo'd. 130. Ftrst and final Acct.. of Joseph Culbertson and Pe• ter Shearer, Adners of Robert Culbertson, deo'd. 131. Account of Joseph S. Stoner, Ex'r or Agent of Maul Stoner, late of Waynesboro', deed. 132. First and Heal Acct. of Wm. 'Noonan, Adm'r d. a. n. e. t. a. of Paul Geddes, late of Metal twp., deed. 132. Acct, of Edwin Emerson, Guardian of Annie B. Witmer, minor child of J. B. Witmer, bate of Antrim twp., deed. 134. First Acct. of Geo. Yoe, Ain* of Peter Yoe, late of Peters twp., deo'd. 135. Second and final Acct. of Theodore M'Gowan, Adm'r of Dr. Daniel S. hiGowan, deed. 136. Acct. of Jucob B •Adm'r c. t. a. of Wm. Bratten, lute of Greencastle, dec'd. 137. First and final Acct. of John EL Walker, Ex'r of Mary Geddc, late of Metal tnyo.,,ked. Flint and final Acct of Wm. S. Harris, Adair of Josiah Elliott, late of Fannettsherg, dec'd. 139. First Aoct. of Wm. S. Harris and J. H. Witherow, Adm'rs of John Witherow,'Esq., late of Metal twp., deed. - 140. First ACC!. of Joseph M. Doyle, Adm'r of Conrad Eckenrode, deed. /AL First Acct. of Joseph Donglmg, Adm'r of John Me Kee, deed. N ! , . 1.42. First and final Acct. of 'Jacob D. Goldsmith and Wm. Royer, Adders of Samuel Coldsmitb, of Green ta - p., decd. 143, First Account ofJobn Wanamaker and Wm. Wal lace, Administrator of Nelson Wanamaker, late of Cbam bersburg, deed.- HENRY STRICKLER, Register. PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting: Know all ye, that in pursuance of the precept, to me di. reefed. under the hand and seal of the HON. ALEX KENO, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Sixteenth District consisting of the counties of Somerset, Bedford. Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and W. W. PAXTON. and JAMES 0. CARSON, Esqs., Judges of the same county of Franklin. Yon and. each of yarare hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances before the Judges aforexaid,at Cham hersburg, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, therein to be holden for the County of Franklin,aforesaid on the .0d Monday in August, bring the 14M day of the month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to do those things, which to your several otlices ap pertain. Given tinder my hand at Chambersburg, thel7th July, 1865. 'Jjulyl9J SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S INQUISITION.—Jona than Wrighes Estate.—To the heir, and legal representa tives of said decedent t—You are hereby notified that by virtue of a writ 41 Inquisition, tending out ut the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to me directed, I will hold an inquest on the Heal Estate of said deceased, situ ate fo the township of Peters, in the county of Franklin, on Tuesday, the Bth day of Augetat. A. 1 at 10 o'clock. A. IL, when and where you may attend, if you think proper, SAMUEL BRANDT. July 46,'61 "31 High Sheriff. NTOTICE.—The following named per k eons have Sled petitions for F f AVERN LICENSE. in the Clerk's Office, to he presented to the Court at the next term: Commencing on Monday, the 19th day of August next: S. F. Greenawalt, , Chanthersburg, D. L. Taylor, , Chantherthmg. Samuel' tlettieh - Greenewle. James Coffey, Dry Run, Samuel, Slaver, Rozbarv. ' jnlylt W. G. MITiJIIELL, Clerk. pROTTIONOTARY'S NOTI CE—The following accounts will been formmfirmation at Au gust Term, yin: The first and final waning of John Garling. commit tee of ichael , Plum. a lunatic. The separate account of Flenry X. Ifonebreals, commit tee of Jacob Wolf, a luoatie. The separate account of Jo-cpli Dpnglas, committee of Jacob Wolf. a lunatic. K. S. TAYLOR, july26-3t Prothonotary. A D MINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Et#te of Samuel H. King, late of Montgomery township, deed. have been granted to the undersigned. All perglns knowing themselves indebted it said Estate will plea. 4 make -immediate payment: and th4,..e having calms present tlaim properly authenticated for settlement. jutvdti ••• WM. ADAMS, Adnir. A DMINISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE.-No .LI nee is hereby given that Letters of Administration, on the Estate of Magdalena - Bider, late of Letterkenny township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All pereon knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and these having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. Jrtly'Ai ..17 , .:10. B. EAUFMAN, Adair. A DIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tl tice is hereby given that Letters of Aihninistratioti on the Estate of Jeremiah Martin, late of St. Thomas tottastdp, dsed, have been granted to She undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to raid Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH MARTIN, Adar. A D)IINISTBATOWS NOTICE.—No ,Li. tiee is hereby given that Letters of administration on the Estate of Andrew Ft. .31 - Clure, lute of Vannett township. deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for setttlement julyl.9 JOSEI'II 31. DOYLE; Adm'r. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTIOE.--No tics is hereby given that Lettere , of Administration, on the Estate of Jelin Omwalte, late of Wnshinaton town ship, deed, ltave.been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowiagtbemselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those bovine claims present them property athenticated for settlement. SAMUEL OMW.Alill ,(,_" re' junen HENRY OMWAKE, " ADMINISTRATOR'S is hereby given that Letters of Admirilstration, on the Estate of Mary Langheine, late at Chambersburg, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. MI persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; sad Tilt having claims present them property authenticated for settlement. June2l lIEXIW LA:X.IIEIXE, Admir. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is hereby given. that Letter; Testamentary to the Es tate of Pred'k A. Scholl, late of Greencastle, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves ladebted to said Estate 7lease make immediate payment, and those having claimspreeent them properly authenticated for settlement. jcilys REBECCA AMANDA SHULL. Rim. D 1 S S 0L U T 10 N.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has disposed of his inter est in and withdrawn from the partnership of SIMPLER, CLARK fi. CO.. conducting the Plaining Mill, &c„ to Chambersburg: The booboos 101 be conducted for the present in the name of Stapler Clark & Co, who will close up the accounts of the firm. July 191alfi.6t .fl O. 1". CULBERTSON. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under itigliNll appointed to di-it-Rowe the balance in Mods of Benjamin Barely, Executor of Peter Weastef, late of Antrim township, tlee'il, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, :id of .dussugt, ti.G.l, at the of flee Wab,n Rowe, Eng , m Gritnetotle, Pa. inlyl9-itt E. J. BONEBRAKE, Auditor. THE POURING- ROC•K AND EAST SANDY OIL COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. ' mr.r.cTOITA. J. IL TAILOR, M. D. Wm. R. ALLisCms. E , 4. 1). H. Smimorr, T. S. INtATIIFIt, C.U'ltti, • - $1,000,000. Piridrd iota 200.000 Shares, at *lOO esek. SUllst•IIIPTION PILICE, WC/rill/8 Capital Rtllerted, P. 75.10. ('rrsidcat,—..T. H. TAYLOR, M. 1). Trca.suret, - -D. H. fielutlitt, &cretary.—S. S. WALLIIIs)i, D. sllperintendent.-0. F. WAL.I.M.V. (Mier:, No. 432 iirn.L.Nl. - r SrarF:l, I'itit,AllFi.on 10. • Lands on Tice's Run and East Sandy Creek. Pine firm 0 Township, Venango Co., Pa. conshting of 1. The Crtip Farm, 683 Acre,: 2it 3. The tno Martin Farms of Sit n Vd Acres, res. pectively. Oil springs on all the fangs. Boring territory for forty wells. Coal nnderlies the whole tract. Many wells In progress in tho immediate vicinity and all have egtellent - .'silleirs." The -'Fritz" well, one mile east, oatraak oil" at ore feet, on the 11th of July. Others nil.lo to 350 ft. find strong Fas veins and other indubita ble eidabirae as of oil Superintendent at work with one of the best outfits f a the oil regions, and arming no effort to Insure rapid and satisfactory progress. Onr lands a re 8-1 . miles doe south of the mouth or Pit hole.—the Eldorado' of 011dorn, shooing that we are un doubtedly in the heart of the "Great OR Belt of America." Th o b e g.i ti d ir mot ail territory write ma, "Before mow tiles your stock will realize handsomely for you." For Min* Circulars and any information, or for Stock, address the Secretary at W1112.111' SIItHET. PIMA •IiELI,III.A. Jolr2d-11 P. w. SEIBERT, Agent, Cliarnbersbidg, • maDYSPEPTICS.—Iinving been ted for a number of years with Dyspepala, , I w as advised to try DR. WISHART'S MEDICINE for that disease. I derived great benefit and trdommensfed it to quite ti number of my friends and who were also mach benelitted by it, and whose testimonials can behad if nec essary. I hare been appointed by Dr. IVlshart esAgent for the Sale of his Medlclne, vrbalesageer IV,, ft. RE ED, meat Repesitoiy office, C am !Legal Paireo. Oil crompanies. lava astate ~Sit SHENANDOAH VALLEY LANDS!! REAL E4TATE Aor.sok A 7 EARJR:i3ONEKTRO, VA TOWN AND COV347tY PROPERTIES FOR SALE. We have ao forlesleTeri. deilraide Facing. located In the eon:Minted Ani t usta, gna t drighans, She:mind eek Page. Pendleton and Hwy,. The Farms ermtaln from 90 to SOO 46111, 4 W1U we are privileged. to subdivide large tracts of land if destredby the purchaser: Kant' of tbireenis are within an easy driver of the , county town in wtdehthey are located, thereby sconling an early market. The improvemerds are generally good, and Olathe faints are springs and running Perez= of water, aswell asp** of the very best timber. It is sufficient recommendation. f or the s e bad s to say that they He hathe-very heats of the glienandesth whichhas a world-wide reputation for fertility of soil and beauty ofacmery. For description of pivgalelee and terms, apply or address us at our office, In Hatrignalmm, Rockiniharti County, Va. Un1y20.3m7 J. D. PRICE & CO. Herald, Hagerstown, Erandarr, Frederick, Spirit and nEPOSITORY, CliataberSlSUlV, Telegraph. Harrisburg, In. telligenter, Lancaster. Compiler, Gettysbarg, copy each 3m. and send bills to this office for collectien.--liagers. tours, Mail. rpRITSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS IN L BERKELEY CO., W. VA.—By virtue of a Deed of Trust cecuted - by Geo. and Alexander Newcomer to John ewett, nod of record in the County Court of Berkeley, e undersigned, substituted Trustee, em over for see Ofi Saturday, the sth of Angus; 1865, before the Court Douse door In the town of Martinsburg, two cer tain tracts or parcels of land, in the county of Berkeley on the Opequan Creel, tipon which raid Alexander New comer resided at his death. One of said parcels of land contains 61 ACRES and APOLES, morn or leis, nod has upon it at/ A L 1: ABLE MILL AND WATER POWER. The other called the " WOOD LOT," contains 18 ACRES, more or less. The tracts constitute one body of land and the improvements are substantial and commetli. cue. TERMS .1- , -Ca B/L - julyie-It ED3I 3 D PENTiLETON, Trustee 14: FRANKLIN REPOSITORY, CRomberibUrg, copy is, and send bill to this