The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 26, 1865, Image 3

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    July 26, 1.,865.
trAnigin ";_ttpsoittal,
will be the anniversary of the burning of Charn
'bersburfit and the - day will be observed with ap-
Tropriate - peremonies. The people from the sur-
Toundimecountry and adjoining counties are re
spectfully invited to participate. It is unfortunate
that the day comes on Sunday ae it prevents the
display of fire-works which otherwise would ac
company the celebration. The programme is as
follows :
At 3 A. M. Alt the bells of the town will be
rung ; all the hotel gongs will be sounded, and all
the drums and triangles beaten to rouse the wo
men and children. The men will be expected to
be up. - To secure concert of action, the waken
ing committee will not go to bed the night before.
The ale houses will all be open.
At 5 A. M. A hurried breakfast will be taken,
standing, wherever it can be had, and the child
ren be set• to crying.
At 7 A:. M. The procession will be started from
the Public Square (by the firing of a cannon,
about a Mile and a half west of Chambersburg)
in the following order: z- - -
Ist. Band, in undress uniform, playing "The
Storm Gallop," with an unusual number of Da
Capon. •
24r. A minister on horseback, with saddle-bags
filled with half-burned sermons. A lawyer carry
ing a copy of coke on Littleton. A doctor with a
bottle shaped like a piece of putty thrown against
a rough stone wall, taken from his own cellar
after the fire.
34. Effigies of Early and Greeley. Gihnor- and
Bennett, and a half starved New York pickpocket,
in U S. uniform paired with an Adams County
Farmer; hanging in twos from lofty Ts.
4th. Thirty-four young ladies, without bonnets,
barefoot, hair disheveled, each one!leading by the
hands.a little black boy and white
sth. Nine colored men in sky blue bilk round
abouts, covered with silver stars, and pints made
of alternate strips of white and red silk, each ac
companied by a little colored girl and white boy.
6th. A little boy with a toy wheelbarrow, con
taining the relics of his mother's entire Wardrobe;
and a little girl with a front-door key of her fa
ther's house that was.
7th. Six wagon loads of brickbats and one "six
horse team of crockery souvenirs.
pith. A dray load of piano wires, out of the ru-'
int - topped by a silver pitcher containing the re
ward for "Smith."
9th. Thirteen old ladies, with baskets and bun
dles on their arms and backs; and , as many old
gentlemen staggering under heavy trunks and
10th. The Friendship and Protection, dressed
in black, following the remains of the Elope, with
the following appropriate motto on their banner:
"Hope, for a season, bade the world farewell."
11th. TwelTe lidies. dressed in black bomba
zine, with black caps and a black flag—composing
the jury that has been empanneled for the past.
year to try McCausland.
12th. Thirteen little girls selling photographs
of the Pennsylvania Legiklature, to defray the ex
penses of " the anniversary solemnization. Their
flag will beornamented in beautiful worsted work
"Blillions for defence—
Not one cent for losses!"
13th. A miscellaneous crowd of sufferers, little
Sufferers and big 'sufferers, young sufferers aid
old sufferers, wkite sufferers and black sufferers,
all kinds of suftgers, in every - stage of sweat, dirt
and suffering—all with the same expression of
acute suffering upon every countenance—will fol
low higgledy piggledy, headed by a young lady in
an old borrowed sun-bonnet.
14th. Ttie noble hearted brave bit's who have
periled life'and limb for their country, having just
returned, will march behind and gaze around
upon the ruin and desolation of their share in their
preserved country.
13th. Officers of the day—comprising the "pro
minent citizens."
• The procession will proceed to the Associate
RefOrmed Church to hear a discourse preached
by the Rev,Dr. Moore, of Richmond, from the
'Old things have passed away."
When (after marching till noon) the rear of the
column reaches the corner of 2d and king streets,
extending towards Greencastle, (this titrangement
will have the advantage of placing the officers in
front, when they wheel), word will be given by the
Chief Marshat - "Rebal" upon which each one will
rush with all imaginable'speed to the depot, where a
train will bewailing to Takebeliere to carry them
to Harrisburg. After the filling of the cars, the
multitudeNvift quietly disperse, to reassemble one
year from die to commemorate anew the day so
peculiarly eventful• hi Chamberaburgian annals.
It is sincerely to be hoped that the day will be
hot, drys and dusty, to give full effect to the ar
N. B.—We would advise visitors from neigh
boring States tobring their own water with them,
as the pumps and well buckets will be chained,
and the, springs guarded, to prevent
, strangers
from procuring a drink of water for less than 50
cents a glass. Ale, however, will be sold at the
usual price of from 5 to 10 cents a small glass.
P. S.—No one will be permitted to take part
in the ceremonies unless he or she may have lost
something on July 30th, 1864. Loss of temper
alone will not be considered a sufficient
.And now, dear gossips, that we (you and I)
have expresse - 1 ourselves for the public, let us
have "a word in private." A year has elapsed
since our beautiful town was laid in ashes, and a
hard, hard struggle-some of us have had to keep
our heads above water. We have met with many
insults and more cold shoulders; and yet, with
truth we can say, that we have also received
kindnesses and cordial sympathy. The world is
not all bad, or GOd would destroy it. After all,
your gossip speaking for himself, would prefer to
have his property - burnt up, than that his precious
'send, or even body, should experience such an un
toiVard fate. -,
A few weeks ago, walking with a D. D. (you
seal am not_ at all particular •of my company
when away from home), I met another D. D., to
whom the first D. D., with a broad grin oc•er
spreading his genial face, introduced me as " one
of the Chambersburg sufferers." A broader grin
enlarged the benevolent countenance of the second
D. D., as he eTzclaimed : "Come now, Doctor,
that's played out!" As Montezuma (I think it
was) once said to his friend, Otmtimozin, under
parallel circumstances, I calmly replied : " Am
I on a bed of roses ?"
the issue of another number of the REPOSITORY,
the anniversary of the saddest day in the history
of Chambersburg will have passed. We there
fore sells the opportunity of taking a retrospec
tive and prospective vi eW of " the situation."
Standing by the flag-staff in the Diamond—that
venerated pole, or dear!, pole, if we speak from,
the number of collections taken up for its repair,
a relic of Chambersburg as it was, having stood
there overtopping the columns of fire embracing
on everyside, flame kissing flame,—and casting
the eye from thence wtseem to be in the heart
of an old city- just Bp-living from its ashes.
Mingled with broken - Mid blackened walls' and
lOnely sentinel-like chimneys are elegant new
structures, which would be no disgrace to some
,olthome citietahich mocked us in our misery.
OfiXitirne the first to demand attention is the
Conrtnouse, which is beine rapidly completed.
so 'that wei expect to hold court in it ere long,
while ;the gooey_ offices 'WM be ready for occupa
tion in a month. The building is a vast improve
ment on the old one, those foolish columns on
Market" street= being removed, the Court Hall
greatly enlarged, and the whole building improved
in its internal Arrangements and external appear
Nest is the old Frankfm Hall lot, as our read
ers are aware lately purchased by the ." Reposi
tory Association," which has a fine building un
der contract, to be finished by the first of Janu
ary. On the next lot J. Hoke Cu. are' putting
up a fine business place, where they 'expect to
conduct the dry goods business. Gulag along the
street still farther, we pass Mrs. Montgomery's
Hotel, a very large and excellent back building
with the bar on the street, where the too dry way
farer may stop for one of those excellent—well,
next is Trestle's. (Tonal] know Dan., of course.)
With commendable enterprise he has put up a
very fine hotel 011 - the site of the old . " White
Swan," which he already occupies, and he has
also built an astonishing stable in the rear, looking
for all the world like an extensive freight depot.
No interior town in the State can boast of better
hotels than Chambersburg at this moment. It
is hardly necessary to refer to the fine house built
by Jacob Sellers on the corner of Second and
Market streets, or the excellent hotel of John
Miller on West Market street, both places being
familiar to our readers for the excellence of the
entertainment as well as the convenience of their
Staforther down Miss Susan Chambers has
built a-good two story dwelling, AlorrzaL 7 ffiy a
three-story house and Abraham Hull an excellent
back building. On the opposite side of the
Allen Smith has built a three story dwelling and
store, and John Schofield a back building, with,
preparation for a front;which are the only houses
re-built on that side north of the Diamond, except
the fine tesidence of Benjamin Chambers across
the Spring, which he again occupies. •
Returning to the-Diamond we are confronted
by the elegant new building of Messrs. Mlller,
Hamilton & Co , intended for the tin and Stove
business ,Next-. J. White has erected a very
fine building with an elegant iron front, intended
for the clothing trade. Between the houses last
named are the lots of Capt. John Jeffries and H.,
M. White, Esq., both of whom intend re-building
shortly. On the alley is the new building in course
of erection of Medsrs. Brand & Flack, who here
conduct the hardware business.
~We- like this
house, because it breaks in upon the monotonous
uniformity of style with which we are threatened.
Opposite Messrs. Etter & Eyster (stove men)
have put up a large building, now occupied by
them. Beside this Dr. Richards has reared a mag
nificent pile of pill-boxes and occupies it himself,
while Spangler, druggist, has esconsed under the
same roof. On the next lot (corner of the Dia
mond) Mrs. Gilmore , has built a good back-build
tng, and next to this the Nablirial Bank of Cham
bersburg is erecting its banking home. William
Gelwicks is also about putting a new business
house on the site formerly occupied by him, and
James Watson is getting ready for the erection of
dwelling and business stands on the adjoining lot.
We must not forget tVjmention flat A. J. Miller
is putting up new store rooms and a dwelling on
the corner opposite Hoke's, which he expects to
occupy himself with his drug store. This occu
pies the site of the stone house on the Diamond,
formerly noted as one of the older ructures in
the Borough, and now doubly f.o the place
where two rebel incendiaries the flamed
they had kindled.
But let us again pass the fine bindings just no.,
ticed and wend otir way along Main Street. The
Eyster Bro's are delving is the cellars of their old
place, we see, and are going to re-build immedi
ately. Further up we find a strong smell of buil
ding on the Fisher's Hotel property owned by
Wm. Wallace. The store room on the corner
has been finished forsome time and is already oc
cupied by Wansee & Co: By the s-riy, John
Fisher" keeps" around the corner in one of the
three new houses re-built by "Mr. Wallace on
Queen Street. If you are weary be refreshed,
kind reader, for his bar will be the first thing
you will " run against" in passing up Queen and
if you are going farther east you will find Brown's
at the top of. the bill. Lewis A. Shoemaker is
also building a fine house on Main Street, which
he will occupy with his " Candy Store."
Above Queen Dt. Lambert, Isaac Hutton and
Capt. Gilbert hhve each built fine three story hous
es with excellent business rooms to be occupied
by themselves we believe. Squire Reisher, S. M.
Perry and Frederick Spahr have also put up back
buildings on their lots. David L. Taylor is re
building the old "Indian Queen Hotel" long the.
headquarters of the " settlement." .The fine
building opposite, owned by George Ludwig has
been rebuilt some time and frs occupied by Piter
Feltman. The at present somewhat nondescript
house of C. F. Miller, next to this, has also been
partially rebuilt Further on John Forbes is
about putting up a fine house, while Samuel Ott
has already erected an excellent building on his
On Second street S. 31. Armstrong and Judge
Paxton have each put up good three story build
ings and Capt. John Dcebler a good back build
ing on the East side, while John P. Keefer has
built himself a model residence of the West side.
The last named is one of the best finished houses
of the kind we have ever seen.
Queen street has improved vastly. The resi
dences of Dr S.D. Culbertson and E. D. Reed
the three houses of Mr. Wallace before referred
to, and the back building of N. Snider, have been
re-built, making the North side from Second to
Main almost as complete as'before the fire. On
the opposite shin J. W. Reges' business stands,
John Mull's very complete back building, and the
well proportioned house erected by Bernard Wolff
are the only odes re-built; but on the same side
west of Main, six new houses have been built, viz:
J. A. Eyster's, Mrs. Clark's, Mrs. Fishers, J. D.
Grier's, R. S. Davis: and Samuel Myers' (now
owned by Hon. Geo. Chambers), as well as back
buildings belonging to Mrs. George S. Ey ster and
Andrew Banker. On the North side of WeSt
Queen street, John Huber and Abraham Huber
have each re-built their- residences, and Henry
Sierer has put up a large ware-room.
The most notable houses on Market street are
the residences of G. W. Brewer, Esq., and 1)r.
W. H. Boyle, West of the Diamond, and the fir
mer and future domicile of A. D. Caufman,Esq.,
near Second, all of which exhibit a fine style of
building. Rev. Dr. Schueck, D. 0. Gehr, C. M.
Duncan, Esq , Edmund Culbertson, Peter Brough,
James King, John Miller (hotel and private dwel
ling), B. Wolf, Jacob Shaffer and Josiah Allen
have all built excellent houses, and J. M. Wolf
kill, E. Finefrock, A. H. M'Culloh, C. W. Eye
ter, T. B. Kennedy, Esq., Samuel Etter and S.
Eckert kayo each erected fine back buildings.
Col. J. C. Austin, Matthew G. Huff, Lyman S.
Clarke; Esq., B. F. Need, Mrs. Jos. Chambers,
and perhaps some others are about building.
Ou Franklin street but three buildings have
been erected, belonging respectively to Philip
Evans, Martin Cole and Daniel Trestle. A-num
ber of houses have been built in other portions of
the Ulm, whose builders we do not know or can
not recall.
C. W. Elyster is re-building his mills, 3. B.
Cook has his tannery again in operation, ;W. F.
Eyster and Bro., have re-built a portion of their
' agricultural implement establishment, John A.
Grove, has erected steam marble works on West.
Queen street, the Lemnos Edge Tool Factory of
Messrs. Huber & Co. is also rebuilt, and Henry
Sierer, besidealds new and eitentivelnrniture
wara.ronms'on west Queen Strout. bus built a
large water-power workshop on West King, on
the lot of Upton Washabaugh. And here we re
collect that the well known breweries of Upton
Washataugh and George Ludwig have both been
re-built and that "sumthin's'brewin'."
In conclusion, we may be permitted to remark
that if the neat legislature does ita duty towards
suffering inhabitants of this unfortunate commu
nity, Chambersburg will have 'sprung up three
stories before another year is out.
_ DtPsiIAM I S PIANOS.—No Pianos have stood
the test better than those of Dunham. As a
number of our citiiens have patronized this man
ufactory in past years and have been so unfortu
nate as to" loose their instruments by the fire,
Mr. Dunham is .disposed to furnish to all such,
and to persOns in the Cumberland Valley gener-_
ally, his Pianos at reduced rates. By calling on
Dr. Schneek, in Chatnbersburg, who has bad full
opportunity of testing and knowing Dunham's in
struments for 27 years, further particulars may
be obtained and through whom orders will be
Directors of Chambersburg have made the fol
lowing appointments jar the ensuing year :
Messrs. J. R. Gaff, J. M. Richards, W. A. Hock
enberry, Jos. Eckhart, D. S. M.Tadden, Mrs.
Mary J. Stoner, Misses Mary E. Wark, Sarah
A. Reynolds, Mary E. Heffelman,,Helen 31. Sei
bert, Maggie P. McCulloh, M. F. Nesbitt, Sarah
A. Wright, Charlotte A Heck, Sadie Jeffries, Sa
die E. Henninger, Eliza Tolbert, M. M. Snider.
Tim 77111—We extract the following in refre
ence to the 77th from a letter dated New Orleans,
July 10, published in the Lancaster Express :
We have been lying here since the 26th of June,
and expect to start for San Antonia, Texas, this
evening. We are all anxious to get out of this
place, as the mosquitoes are so troublesome that
we have no rest night or day. Our camp is on
the old Jackson battle ground, on the banks of
the klissiisippi river."
. U. S. ThiEs.—Special attention is called to
the advertisement of R. G. Harper, Esq., U. S.
Assessor, 16th District Penna., published in an
other column." All personsfeeling aggrieved will
have an opportunity of obtaining a hearing and a
reduction of erroneous or excessive valuation up
to the 4th day of August. •
advertisement in tpday's paper it will be seen
that a s.ihri of twenty serviceable horses belonging
to the government will take place on to-morrow.
These animals will be sold because the govern
ment has nofurther'iise kir them.
PRESENT.—The members of Com
pany D, ; 2let Penn. Cavalry, last week presen
ted to Orderly Sergeant David Chamberlain, who
lost a leg in front of Richmond, a purse contain
ing the sum of $325.
NEW ENGINES.—The Cumberland 'Valley
Railroad Company have purchased two splendid
new freight engines, named Gen. Grant and Phil.
Sheridan. They have been received an will
soon be put on the road.
DROWNED.-A little:6r], aged nine years, and
daughter of Wm. L. Carriden, Esq., postmaster
at Shippensbnrg, was drowned on TVsday week,
by falling into a cistern; - in which tilde were sev
eral feet of water.
Wm. S. STENGER, Esq., of this Once, deliv
ered the Biennial Address before the LiternrY
cieties of Franklin and Marshal College yesterday
RELIGIOUS.—Rev. J. Aspinwall Hodge will
preach in the Presbyterian Church on next Sab
WE go to Clippinger & Thompson's to get the
truest pictured. Mr. John W. Odiorne, late of
hilpferfal arisl 7tforgan S Betiastar's Excelsior
Gallery, is operating for them. Mr. Otliorne, from past i
experience of nine years, deems himself competent to
make pictures equal to any ramie in the first riaiss
leries of New York, Philadelphia or elsewhere: therefore
they can assure their patrols to give them satisfaction In
encases. Dont forget the place, Sign of the Red Flag
Second &t -at junt7-3in
GELWICKS & BURKHART have returned from
Philadelphia and New York with a new and very heavy
lot ot goode. It is their determination to make this:buso
.ness pay them by selling great quantities of
. goods, anti
not by large profits. We; advise all who wish to be
goods cheap and to have the largest and most varied block
to make their selection from, to call with this firm before
buying elsewhere.
ticle ever known to kill off tht6P posta: certain and rheap:
only 10 cents a & - beet at 3131.t.E3t's Dnu,, STOOL. next
.1.. r west of Brown 'z lintel.
BEDFORD SPRINGS.—Bedlord Water, fresh
from the spnags, for sale by the Galion, at CRESSLER'S
Drag Store. Also Delicious Soda Water, with donee
GO TO Gelwieks and Burkharra for confec
tionary, they manufacture; have always a tine ii , ortinent
and bell cheap wholesale and retail.
informed that a horrible twigedy took place in
Madison county, about four miles from London,
last week, but our informant could not give flanks.
We recite this awful story as we heard it. A far
mer Hold his farm_to three men, who gave hini
.$15,000 in cash in part payment. In the evening
be walked to London, leaving hiq wife and child
at home.
lioine time after a peddler, who bad often stay
eirstil night at the house, drove up and asked per
nn ion to remain, but the farmer's wife declined,
because it was doubtful if her husband returned
that night, and she knew there was a large amount
of money in the house. She remarked to the
peddler that if her husband returned he would
probably meet him. 'Thu peddler drove on, met
the farmer and returned. As they approached
the house the farmer observed a light in a room
in which he usually kept his papers, and remark
ed to the peddler that there were burglars in the
The peddler' prodtieed a pair of revolvers, and
the two, stationing themselves at points where
the burglars would probably attempt to escaper
gase the alarm, and three - men rushed out. The.
peddler killed two of them, when the third r.lO
towards the farmer, who killed him. Upon al
tering the house, the farmer was horrified to find
his wifi' and child murdered. When the bodiee
of the murderers Were examined, it was discov
ered that tile) were the parties who had puiehas
ed the farm that day, one of them being Mother:
in-law to ICEIe farmer.—Dayton Journal
WOMEN_OIC A It vu.—The town of Greenfield,
*Ohio, was the scene of great excitement One day
last IN eek. It appears that, enraged by the almost
constant nightly rows arid riotous proceedings in
a number of the I%hisky shop+ of the town, the
ladies resolved to put a stop to whisky-selling in
their midst. They imprio,ised a meeting to be
held of Monday morning, met, passed resolutions,
and marched in solid phalanx to several places
where v. hisky was " sold in quantities to suit the
purchaser," mid demanded the liquors, which
were persistently refused ; whereupon, with axes
and hatchets, they made an involuntary attack
upon the doors of the establishments, went in and
rolled the casks out and spilled the liquors in the
streets. They were a most determined set of rai
ders. The male portion of the community koked
on complacently, thinking it a matter nut, com
mitted to their hands, and let the ladies have their
own way generally. The result of this raid is the
combination of the whisky sellerd, who have com
menced suit against the raiders. The better dis
posed citizens held a meetilik and resolved to
stand by the ladies, and see theM through the
matter. The best legal talent will be employed
4 -, the ladies., who bare .succeeded with little ef
fort; in raising a large fund already, to prosecute
the case thoroughly. •
ISAAC; M. VEITCH, Grand Sire of the Grand
Lodge 1. 0. Odd Fellows, has issuid his proela
=tam inviting and exhorting all Grand bodges
and Grand Encampments throughout the United
States to send representatives to the Grand Lodge
of the United States, to assemble nt Baltimore on
the third Monday of September next. For four
years the Southern Grand Lodgea.and Grand En.
campments have not been represented, and the
Most Worthy Sire expresses the hope that the
brotherW may renew its fraternal internal in
terconriiomd that " Ms great heart may ever-vi
brate in unison With the tenehinga of duay,".
-$ l 4 - 1 1 904.11sPoslotv, 414cinAltraburt, Pit
Hevxf A. WisE's ,PLAVi - erto.N.—A corres:
pondent of the New York mes, writing from
I have visited Henry A. Vise's farm up the
eastern bank of the Elizabeth fiver. The mansion,
until a few dayi — ago, was °copied by the teach
ers of the freedmen's Bureau t It is now vacated,
with the exception of ono ro.m occupied by sol
diers in charge of the farm ror freedmen. The
greater part of the furnitur has been carried
away. One broken marble-bp centre-table and
a calico-covered sofa are alfthat remain in the
parlor. Old John Brown's pture hangs against
the wall, looking down withrthe appearance of
triumph at the bare floors anj cold hearth. The
"Governor" defied the Unites States Government
when he hung Brown, whose treason, if it were
treason, was committed againjt it, and not against
POSTAL MOSEY ORDERS.—The following is a
list of the gost-Offices in PeniOlvania at which
postal money-orders may noW be drawn : Allen
town, Altoona, Bedford, Betefronte, Carlisle,
Chambersburg, Chester, Danville, Easton, Erie,
Franklin, Greensburg, Ilarrhburg, Monesdalt.,
Johnstown, Kittanning, Laicaster, Lebanon,
Lewisburg, Lewistown, Lock llave,n, Meadville,
New Castle, Norristown, Philatelptita, Pittsburg,
Pottsville, Reading, Scranton, Susquehanna De
pot, Towanda, Warren, Washington, Wellsboro',
West Ch6ster, Williamsport did York
IIEART—KINNEARD4-012 thel3th inst., in Harris
burg, at the residence of the bride's brother, John D. Rim
neard, by the Rev. E. S. Johnsen, Sr. J. Milton Heart,
of this place, to Miss Kate L. Kinneard, formerly of this
GUISE—GOLDERC—Ok the 10111 Inst., by the Rev.
Dr. B. S. Schneck, Mr. Adam Guist) of Green township,
to Miss Annie E. Golden, of Southampton township.
RI C lIARDR—ROLAND.—On Thlinshty mormng, Ju
ly Lath, nt 3tereersburg, by Rev. J. Betoton A kilts, Hr.
James J. Richards. of Buck's Valley, Fulton co.. Ita. to
Miss Callintine Roland, of Mereenbarg.
TROUT.—On the 4th inst., in APConnelbiburg, Wil
liam Mitchell, only. child of Dr. Wm. P. and Matilda
Trout, aged 10 months and 14 days.
DEAL.—On the 17th Of Jane, 1867, in Montgomery,
Ala., of Congestive Fever, Mr. Samuel M. Deal. a native
of Chambersburg. Deceased was a member of Co. E.,
:Vat Reg. 111. far...tatty.
BRINLEY.—On the Ath lust., at Spring Run, Mrs. Mar
garet, wife of John Brinley, aged 33 years. -
RAFFENSBERGER--On the 16th alt., at the "Sol
dier's Rest ,"Rarrisharg, Pa., Wm. 'Harry Raffeasberger,
Co. K. 'list P. V. Cavalry, aged 'years and 10 months.
Oh how aid! llbrterm o service just finished, yet
dead t Nobly did he do his duty. A sacrifice on his
tountry's altar, he deserves the fond remembrance of those
for whom he gave his life. Jait mastered out, he has
joined the ranks among the many heroes whose blood has
made doubly dear our liberties. Friends, mourn not for
him, he has won a name among the brave. L. W.
to be Cared If so, swallow two or three. hogsheads of
"Buchn," "Tonic Bitters," Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Anti
dotes," Se., Sc., and after you are satisfied with the
result, then try - one liox of OLD DOCTOR. BUCHAN'S Eya.
USD SPECIFIC Prm.a—and be restored to health and vigor
in lees than thirty days. They are porely vegetable,
plea ant to, take, promPt and salutary in their effects on
the broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and
young can take them with advantage. DR. BUCHAN'S
ENULLRFI SPECIFIC PILLS cure in less than 30 days, the
truest cases of Nerrotierness, Inapoteney; Premature De
cay. Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sex
ual, anitsNervous Affections,-no matter from what cause
produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent. post - Data,
by mail; on receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUT.
LER, No 420 - Broadwny, New York, General Agent.
P. B.—A box sent to any - address on receipt of price—
whirl/ is Otte Dollar postfree. A deseriptive,Cw
eular sent on application. ' jnlyl9.Bt
IF You WANT To KNOW A Lirrr. t)F Ev-
EIaTIHNG relattng, to the human syEtenblinale and female;
the causes and treatment of &cease -4; the marriage cus
toms of the world; how to marry well anti a thousand
things never. published before. read the revised anti en
larged edition of '•3lr.iticAl. COMMON SENSE." a curious
book for curious people, and a giod book for every one.
400 1 4 40 n, 100 Illustmhon, Pnre 81.50. Contents table
Bent free to any addreac. Books may he had at the Book
atoms, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the
price. Address E. B. FnoTE, B. D.,
febl.-6m 1 Broadway. New York.
residing in South America no a missionary. discovered a
safe mid-simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness,
Early De cay, Diseases (lithe Urinary and Seminal Organsl
and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numbers have been already mired
by thisnoblo remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe fur pre
paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
any one who needs it, Free of Charge.
Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your
Adams JOSF.PIL T. IntAS,
Oct 19-Iy] S-T.NTION D. BIBLE HOUSE, Neu York City.
3Ltllttmat..—Ladiea and Gentlemen: If
'yon wish to marry - you candy so by addressing tue. I
will send you, without money and withoutpece, valuable
information, that will enable you tomarry• happily and
apeedly, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This in
format-on will cant you nothing and if you wioh to marry,
I will, :folly assist yon. All letters strictly confiden
tial. The desired iyhtrmation sent by return mud, and
no reward asked. Please incluse postage or stamped en
velope, addressed to yourself. Address, SABAH B. LAM
BERT. Greenpolat, Kings Co., New York ma:et:44lm.
THE BRIDAL CHANIRER.—A note of warning
and advice to those suffering with Seminal Weakness.
General Debility, or Premature Decay, from whatever
cause produced. Read, ixindge, and rellect! Be wise in
Sent FREE to any addre , a, for the benefit of the afflict
led. Sent by roturn mail. Addreas JAMES S. BUTLEtt,
4 - 29 Broadway, New York. , April.l9-an.
THE BRIDAL CHA3IIIEII., an Eaay of Warning
and Distraction for Young Men—published by the How
ard Asaociations, and sent free of charge in sealed envel,
open. Address, Dr. J. S64LEsi trat:tiliTaN, Howard As
sociation, Philadelphia, P 4. feb-ly.
Winsiums WinskiEtts !—Do you want Whis
kers .or Moustaches Ouk:reeinn Compound will force
them to grow on the smofitheut face or chin, or Laic on
bald bends. in Six Weeks. Price, 81.00. Sent by mail
anywhere• cboely sealed, on receipt of price.
Address, - •WAnkcit 4t,: Ca, Box L3B, Brooklyn 33. Y.
• fel) 1S•ly •
A GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful indiscretion,
will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure,
(free of charge). This remedy is simple, safe, and cet.
Lain. For full particulars, by return mail, please address
Jolly B. OGDEN, GO Naval' St., New York. 4une74lm.
OW EYES MAK. NEW.—A pamphlet three
ting bow to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles,
ithout all or doctor or medicine. Sent by malt.- trec, on
receipt of 10 cent, Address. E. B. FOOTE, B. D.
feblsgm 1130 Broadway, New York.
Chanikersbnrg Itligkets.
CHAMBERSBL'ItG, July T 3, 1865.
Flonr—White es 231 Butter . 20
Flour—Red 7 75' Eggs 18
Wheat—White 1 40j Lard 18
Meat—Red 1 Z: Tallow ' S
Rye 6.-ißacon—Hams m„.2.5
Corn6o Bacon—Sides. 18
_ . .
Oats 351 Soup Beans 2 24
Clover Seed S 001 Washed Wool SO
Timothy Seed 2 00; Unwashed Wool :10
Flaxseed l 50 Pared Peaches. 700
Potatoes—Mercer.... I 351Unpared Peaches 4 00
Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 OMD l
ried Apples. 1 50
Philadelphia Mnrket4.
Pus..thutili I A, July 1865.
Flnur—Small rates to the home Cortgluners ut R.0,25@
6,75;3' bbl for superfine; 87117,2.5 far extra; and 6:7,7510
9,50 for extra family and fancy. according . , to quality.—
There Is no change in Rye }lvor and Corn Meal.
Wheat —Sales of 9000 bushels good and prime Western
and Pennsylvania red and amber at 61 Strad 83 • xvliite is
held 6.0 10t2 20. Small sales of It.)e at $llO. Corn
sales of :4100 hush. yellow at 95e., 100 bush. interior
at 93. Outs are very dull at nsc
Uldsky-- - Stuall sales at 6.0, 10.
Reba abbertisentruts.
The Union totots of Franklin comity are requested
to meet at the usual pl ores for holding Delegate Elections
to eon the hours of two and eight o'clock P. 3t. and elect
Delegates to meet in County Convention, in Chambersbiug
on TUESDAY, AUGUST Sill, nt 11 o'clock A. M.. to
nominate a County ticket to supported by the Union
men of the County. T. JEFFERSON NILL,
Chairman CAI County Committee.
GEn. Stigit,t3fEtt, Soe'y. julyt:6
HDYE S.—All - kinds of the best
I,l_ make eau be bud at NIXON'S.
1 - 1 Pocket 13onlir, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery and Bra.
eh, offnuey, ut NIXON'S.
iu end at NLXON'S a certain cure fur Sand or lichrl
n hafore the fire. for the pntper preparing nud
dte the be.t n nick., in hi, line. Stock always frellt,
fie, ('to es and Umbrellas in town, at FREY &
P(Surz's, fire doors bomb of the ARIA House.
LI AND. A S E A-NW1,131, can be
3 removed from and the face keptclean b purchasing
senf' NINOrS
).elu abertidenusts.
- PREY & Fotava.
Q.H 0 R-T PASTURE.—The cows will
begin to fail in their NIXON'S CATTLE
POWDER, a Silro thing for producing milk. _
limos has fitted up a beautiful Store next door to his
late stand. He is now prepared to furnish the best of
Iit.E.DICETES in large or small quantities.
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Samuel H. King, late of Montgomery
township, deed, have been granted tothe undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated fur settlement
juls-_ti. • Wit. ADAMS, Aden r.
tire is hereby given thaf Letters of Administration,
on the Estate - of 3lagdalena Bider, late of Letterkenny
township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immedisde payment; and thdsehaving
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
tics is hereby given. that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Jeremiah Martin, late of St. Thomas
township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settleinent
july26 JOSEPH MARTIN, Adm'r.
3 Lalia.VlcsuUna, Rt.
REV. 0. Eaz & SON.
Duties Resumed September Ist.
Charges. $112.50 per. 5 months session, in advance.
Send for circular. - jaly`26-60 - . •
B OUNTY TA_X. : —,By order of the-Sebool
IJ/ Boant of Hamilton township, the committee will
meet at the Tavern of JolOt Gonnos, on Saturday. the il9th
of July, and on the two sucteedirw Saturdays,
sth and nth, to collect the Bounty Tax due from the tax
payers of said township.
All-llonnty trot remaiuing ranrcitt after the 1•1 th of
August will have ten per Qat. added, and placed in him
hands of proper officers for collection.
following accounts will been for-confirmation at Au
gust Term, 1865, viz
The first and final account of John Garling, committee
of Michael Plum, a lunatic.
The eeperate acconntof Henry - X, tionebreak,- commit
ee of Jacob Wolf, a lunatic-
The separate account of Joseph Douglas, committee of
Jacob Wolf, a lunatic_ E. E. TAYLOR,
MOTICE.—The following named per
sons have tiled petitions for TAVERN LICENSE,
in the Clerk's Mee, to be prevented to the Court at the
next term : Commenting on Monday, the 14th ,day of
August next:
S. F. Greenawalt,
D. L. Taylor,
Sumuel Detrieh
Samuel Starer,
July 26
Dry Run,
W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk.
QHERIFF'S IltiQUlSltlON.—Jonathan
L . 3 Wrighes Estate.—To the heirs and legal representa
tives of said decedent :—Yon are hereby notified, that. by
virtue of a writ of Inquisition, tanning out of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to me'directed, I will
hold au inquest on the Real Estate of said deceased, situ the township of Peters, in the county of Franklin,
ua Tuesday„the otlt day of August, A. D. at 10 o'clock,
A. 31., when and where you may attend, if you think
July 26, To dt High Sheriff.
I(NABE & CO' - S.
Which for Power and sweetness of tone, easy and agree
aple touch. and beauty of tlabb, have been by the best of
judges, pronounced y unrivalled."
All of their large 7 octave Pi nos are constructed after
their new improved overctrung Grand Seale, with all the
latest improvements.
Second Hand Pianos at great Bargains, at prices rang
tug from E , 'ZiO to Q5O, As Agent for Realm d. Co., lam en
abled to sea at their Baltimore prices. For farther par
ticulars apply to C. HUNTING, Agent,
july-26-ly Chambersburg. Pa.
, ERNI.'" FOR .S i ALE.—The well known and long
established Paper Mill, situated_ on the Falling Spring, a
never Failing stream dal ft fall, in the borough of Chaco
bersburg, Ps.i-being destroyed by fire in - July lad, is ut
tered for sale. The stone
,foundation' of the Kill 50x150
feet is in good building condition and possesses the best
WATER FALL in the State for running, any kind of
Machinery. There is also about an ACRE OF GROUND
belonging to the property used fur preparing Straw:—
This is a rare opportunity fur capitalists or business men
to engage in any manufactoring businets. Fur particu
lars and terms address.
NATIONAL HOTEL.—The subscriber
would respectfully announce that he has so far-com
pleted his Hotel building as to be enabled to open it
for the accommodation of the public. The building is en,
Wet,. -tetr erod—imilt.: the modelignmted, plan, for com
fort and coaxer fence.
The BAR will always be supplied with the best of li
quors. j
He Inw also erected in connection with the Hotel a large
and convenient STABLE. and is now.prepared to furnish
Stabling and Psivender for any number or Ilortss.
Attached to the Stable (unaer cover) are a pair of HAY
AND STOCK SCALES, to which the especial attention
of Farmers, Drovers and Butchers is invited.
jlll3-2.6 - DANIEL TROSTLE.
in the Poll Otlice at Chambersbnrg, State of Penn.
sylvania, July 25, 1865.
obtain any of these Letters, the applicant must
call for "advertised Letters," give the date of this list, and
pay two cents for advertising.
Allen Colonel Harris Thomas 'Milk James
Ayers Anson 'Hite JW & Co. ;Oyler Susan E
Baker Samuel (2) ;Ilea*. Henry ;Ritter Jacob
Hither Andrew ;Hughes Matthew ( Russel Rev Wth H
Bisecker Henry ; Irvin Judge Scott Lucy
Brown Mollie AI •Johnson Nathan Sheets Joseph
Bunters Geo B ;Keefer E Sibley Mrs E B
Brewer Miss E !Keller Frederick ISenederMisSara B
Brooks Thomas L ;Lehman Abram HlS:toes C Ii
Brunner E Daniel, Linchen Mrs Mary; Thomas James
Crampton Mathew:Lightner John S Thomson 3lrsSara
Deeorsy.MrsMattie ;Lovers J, Wallace Elijah
llonithen Miss II C;LloydMrs(slilliner 'Wh'ealerNathaniel
Evans John j M'Erwin Miss Lou Weaver Jacob /
Fiekes Benjamin - ;Muster Balmer "Wilt Josiah
Grins Joseph 'Muller Miss Huth I
Would respectfully Thform the citizens of Chambersburte,
and the publi enerally, that he has opened '
\ s.
On 3fain St., in attar Hutton's veto bnildOg.
' • opposite ?doer 4 Tqben'tt.
His Mock embraces f complete assortment of new
and desirable GaAs, which he offers to
the public at very low rates.
He Also has a full line of
['a' Call and examine for yourselves. ~12_4,
and udisfadion guaranteed, [july26,3aL
We have now for sate very desirable Farms, located in
the counties of Augusta, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Page,
Pendleton and Hardy.
The Farms ctintam front 40 to 500 Aeres„and we are
privileged to subdivide large tracts of land if desired by
the purchaser,
Many of the Farms are within an easy drive of the
county town in which' they are located, thereby securing
an early market.
The improvements are generally griodrand on the farina
are springs and renningstreams of water, BS well as plenty
of the very best timber.
ft is sufficient recommendation for these hinds to say
that they lie in the very heart the Shenandoah Valley,
which has a worldwide reputation for fertility of soilned
beauty of scenery.
E-Ttr For description of properties and terms, apply or
address us at our office, in Harrisonburg Roekinglatm
County, Vn. aulyofeffitil J. D. PRICE,' & CO.
Herald, Hagerstown, Examine, Frederick, Spirit and
TO:nosyrouv, Cluunbersburg, Telegraph, Harrisburg, in
re/lige-neer, Lancaster, Compiler, llettysburg, copy each
in.lind send bills to this office fur collection.—Hagrra•
fora Mail.
Wm. R. si t iON, E , g. -
WM. W. W
.1. IrTAYubit, M. D.
1). H. SEIUERT, EsQ.
- - e 1,000,000.
Divided into 200,000 Shares, al es.oo end.
Working Capital Reserved, 817,0iX).
President,—J. AvLoR, M. D.
_ •
Treaseeer,—D. H. SEIBERT,
yerzetqry.—S. S. W.tia.M.t.N. M. D.
Superintendent.—O. F. 1 VALLI - FUN.
Lands on Tico's Run and East Sandy Creek. Pine Grove
Township, Venango Cu., Pa. consisting a
l. The Culp Farm, 684 Acres: -
& 3. The two Martin Fawns of 80 and 5 0 Amen, res
Oil springs on all tbolarms. Boring territory for forty
wells. Coal underlies the whole tract
- MailY wells in Progress in tho immethate vicinity and
all have excellent "shows." The "Frits" well, one mile
ca:4-, "struck oil" at 608 feet, on the tills of July. Others
_at 230 to 330 R find strong gas veins and other indubita
ble evidences of oil. Superintendent at work with one of
the best outfits in the oil regions, sad sparing no effort to
insure rapid and satisfactory progress.
Ourlands are 81 tidies due south of the mouth or Pit
hole,—the Eldorado of Oildom, showing that we are an.
doulitedly In the bear: of the "Groat Oil Belt of Atheritut."
The best judges of oil territory write us, "Before suety
tiles your stock wthrealize handsomely for you."
For Maps, Circulars and any Information, or for Stock.
address the Secretary at 432 WALSCT STREET, -PHILA
DELPHIA. Mr26.9t
W KFIIBERT, Agent. Clutm . tlobtirg. Pd.'
S .-,/tetaltitplifieutent4.
As r. QII.SBTRESOMEra OEFICE, Chambersburg,
'Pa., July 18, IS6 s.
By direction of the Quartennaster General, will be sold,
at public, Auction, to the highest bidder, at the Govern
ment Corral, at this place, on Tlor4,:log, the frith of Bay,
1861, to SERVICEABLE HORSES. These horses are
not condemned, but, being no longer required by gov
ernment. are sold as surplus. , Persdris g good ani
mals, for Saddle or Harness, will do well to attend.—
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock,-P.
TERM cash, in - United State en ency.
W.M., WOOD Cap nA.Q. M.
IQI tGISTER'S NOTICE-All personsin
lit terested will please take notice, that the following
Accountants have hied their Accounts in the Register's
Office of Franklin County and that the same will be pre
seated to the - Orphans' Cou r t for confirmation, on Wednea•
day, de 16th day of Anguat,l66,s, in Chambersburg
101 Fourth and final Acct. of Jacob Shank, Guardian
of Mary E. Bre , chbill, minor child-of Christian Itrechbill,
late of Antrim twp., dee'd.
121. First and final Acct. of James D. Scott, Adm'r .43f
Jacob Shatter, late of Peters twp., deli d.
E.G. Second and final Met. of JatnesL. Black Ex'r of
John Heffelman, late of Guilford tap.. dee',L
1Z.3. First and final Met of Henry A: Garnish, Guar
dian of Columbus D. Davis.
121. First and final Acct. of J. W. & W. C. Duffield,
Trustees. &c., of Wm. Duffield..
1 , 2.5. First ;mama Acct. of Henry Christman. Guardian
of Harrison Christman, minor child ofJno.Christman.dec'd.
126. First and final Acct. of A. K. ,31'Clure, Adler of
Mary M'Keehan. late of Chambersburg, deed.
127. First and final Aect. of Thomas Fegan, Adm'r of
Henry:W:lllll,c, late sf Fanned' tap., deed.
126. n 7 ,4411111 final Acct. of. Herron and W. G.
Kirkpatrick, AM/I'ra of James Kirkpatrick, late of Antrim
trip.. deed.
129. First and final Aect. of Geo. Sellers, Eer of Mag
dalena Grear, late of Hamilton MT., deed.
1311. First and final Acct. of Joseph Culbertson and Pe:
ter Shearer, Adm'rs of Robert Culbertson, deed.
131. Account of Joseph S. Stoner, Ex'r or Agent of
'Michael Stoner, late of Waynesboro', deed.
132. First and final Acct. of Wm. Noonan, Adm'r d. b.
n. c. I. a. of Paul Geddes, late of Metattup.. deed.
la% And, of Edwin Emerson, Guardian of Annie H.
Witmer, minor child of J. B. Winner, Lite of Antrim twp.,
134. Finn Acct. of Geo. Yoe, Ailm'r of Peter Yoe, late
of Peters twp., dee'd.
135. Second and final Acct. of Theodore M'Clowan,
Adm'r of Dr. Daniel S. M'Gowani deed.
136. Acct. of Jacob B Crowell, Aillu'r c. t. a. of Wm.
Bratten, late of Greencastle, dee'd.
137. First and final Acct. of John H. Walker, Eir of
Mary Geddes, late of Metal twp.,lleo'd. -
13&. First and final Acct. of Wm. S. Hares, Adm'r of
Josiah Elliott, late of Fanuettsberg. dee'd.
139. First Acct. of Wm. S. Harris and. J. H. Withernw,
Ailm'rs of John Witherow, Esq., late of Metal top.. deed.
]4O. First Acct. of Joseph 312-Doyle, Adm'r of Conrad
Eckenrode, deed.
141. First Acct. of Joseph Douglas, Adm'r of John Mc
Kee, doc'd. -
14'2. First and final Acct. of Jacob D. Goldsmith and
Wm. Boyer, Adru'rs of Samuel Goldsmith, of Green tn - p:,
143. First Account of John Wanamaker andWtn.Wal
lace, Administrator of NeJooon Wannmaker, late of Chum
homburg, deed. HENRY STRICKLER, Register.
PPROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner,
the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the
different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting'q:
Know all ye, that in Pursuance of the precept to me di
rected, under the band and seal of the HON. ALEN. KING,
President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the
Sixteenth District consisting of the .counties of Somerset,
Bedford, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his othee
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein end
in the - General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
W. W. PAXTON. and JAMES 0. CMISON, Fags.; Judges of
the same county of Franklin. You and each of you are
hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons
with your Records, Reeognizances, Examinations, and
other Remembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Chant
bersbrog, lit a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid
on the Id Monday in August, being the 19th day of the
month, at 10 o'clock in the.forenoon of that day then and
there to do those things, which to yonr several offices ap
Given under my hand at Chambersburg, the 17tkJuly,
12111. Uttlyl9l SA7IIJEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
the Sheriff publishes the following
At an Orphans Court, held atChambersburg, for Fran
klin County, Pa., on the 18th day of April. 1865, before the
Hon. Alexander King, Esq., President, and Jas. 0. Car
son and W. R'. Paxton. Esifs, Associate Judges of our
said Court
On motion of W. S. Stenger, Esq., the Court grant a
Rule on the Helmand legal Representatives of John Shea
der, deceased, to Appear at the Orphans' Court, to be
held at Chambersburg, for said County, on the 14th day
of August, serf, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate
of said deceased at the Appraisement valuation thereof,
or to show canoe why the mute should not be sold, accor
ding to Law.
In testimony whereof, tar, ave hereunto set my.hatail
and &fixed the seal of said Court, at Chambersburg. the
fiftefnth day of Jane, 1865.
Attest W. 0. 'MITCHELL, Clerk,
RAMISET, BITAYDT, Sheriff. julyl2-3t
AUDITOR'S NOTIt E.—The tuider
signed. Auditor appointed by the Judges of the Or
phans' courtrif Franklin county, to make distribution of
this instance in the hands of T. LBW, Esq., Administra
tor of Charlotte W. fimitb, late of he Berongh of Chatn
bersburg, deed, among the parties legally entitled to the
same, will attend to the duties of his appointment at las
office. in said Borough. On Tridery, July t.'rft next, at 10
o'clock, A.M, when and where all persons interested may
attend if they see proper. JOllN R. ORR,
j idyl 2 -
W. McCoy's Estate. To the Heirs and Legal Rep
resentatives of said deems.' , —You are hereby notified
that, iu pursuance of a Writ of Inquisition issuing out of
the Orphan's Court of •Frankliu County. Pa,, and to me
directed, I will hold an Inquest on the real estate of
whichssaid decedent died seized. situate in Quincy town
ship. Franklin County, on the' .?...Qth &Li . , of July. J f4ls, at
10 o'clock, A. M., when and where you may attend if you
think proper. Ljulyl2-3t) SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
Corer** Estate..—To the Heirn andlegal Representa
tives 'of said deceased !—You are hereby notified that,
in pursuance of a Writ of Inquisition issuing out of the
Orphans' Court of Franklin County, Pa., and to me direc
ted, I trill hold an Inquest in the real estate of which said
decedeut,died seized, situate in Lurgan township, Frank
lin county, Pn., an the Ist day of August. 1E415, at 10 o'-
clock, Al M. a-hen and where you may attend if yon
think praiser. [jalylo.3s] SAMUEL lIRANDT. Sheriff.
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Admiiistration
on the Estate of Andrew R. 3l'Clure, late of Fiumett
township, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
PAR persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment and those haying
claims present them properly authenticated fur setttlement
julyl9 JOSEPH. 3L DOYLE, Adm'r.
A'lice is hereby given that Letters id . Administration;
on the Estate of John Omu - ate. late of Washington town
ship. deed, have been grunted to the netters:sued.
All pennons knowing themselves indebted to stud Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property athentigated funsettlement
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
on the Estate of Mary Langheine, late of Ehambersburg,
deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
AlLpersons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
june2l HENRY LANGHEINE, Attar.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of key. Joseph Clark late of Chambers
burg, decd , have been grautell to The Undersigned. •
' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please mate immediate payment; and those having
claims present theta properly authenticated for settlement.
junel4 fit A. K. 111'CLURE, Adm'r.
hereby given. that Letters Te.4tamentary to the Es.
tate of Fredl: A. Schell, late of Greenea.tle, deed, have
been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate ,
will please nuae immediate payment, and
r those o sg
claims present them properly authenticated fo ttlement.
julys REBECCA Alif.tii:DA SHELL, Ex'rx.
DDI SS OLUT I 0 N.—Notice is hereby
given that theundereigned ]ms disposed of his inter
est in and withdrawn from the partnership of BIiEPLER,
CLARK & CO., conducting the Plaining Milt,. &c., In
Chambersburg. The business will be conducted for tbo
present in the name of Shepler, Clark & Co., who trill
clone up the accounts of the firm.
jab- 19166.5-iit .TKO. P. COLBERTSON.
signed appointed to distribute the balance in hands
of Benjamin Snively, Executor of Peter Wooster , late of
Antrim township, deed, will attend to the duties of Lis
appointment on Thursday, 3d of .4u0w5r, 1 .5 65 . nt the of
flee of D. 'Watson Rowe. Eeq., in'arrneastle, Pa.
jttlyla.3t E. J. BONEDRAKE. Auditor.
ileroonal Viopertp, *atrs.
SEED WHEAT.-1, 000 bushels of first
for sale. — Alpbestial S hould be tsr i l . le; . o i !A ir,Eß,
Jalyl9.2t- Near Greenvillage:
which is doing a good. business, is offered, for sale. For
particulars address
HAY PRE S SES.—Three Hand Ha
1111 PreFso, ia_good order, for Sale cheap.
jc1y19.41 . ] (lEO. A. DEITZ, Chambersburg, Pa.
Illccerstown Herald copy 2t, charge, REposrrolcT.
undemigned would respectmlly inform the public that
he has resumed the Carriage making business at the old
soma of PeilTer & Foltz, on the corner of Market and Sec.
and Streets. where he is prepared to Make to order any
kind of CARRIAGES desired. He will also keep on hand
and for sale all kinds of vehicle& such us TiAIteCCIIES,
He will also give particular attention to repaircog , vehi .
cies and as be has none but the best of workmen m his
employment he feels assured that his Work will gre'e sat
His prices will be fauna hi he as low if not lower than
at any other shop.
LIVEItY.—He keeps on head a stock of goat paddle
and driving Horses and Carriagesof kinds for
hire at reasonable rates. ,
m ny3 15 fiENR'T rEfFPRit.
. - - •
.Laaasanilalsemmts RESOURCES.
R 0641 deposited to secure
U. S. - Bontliand other U. S. Secu
rities on baud 9,900 00
Lep:o4Bl:4ex Meg. - ----- • -,--:. 14,0:0 OD
Bills of National ea t State Banks 5 m4 00
19,94. 00
7,301 52
- 079 /3
1, 2 .,39 43
Due from Banks and Beams
Remittances and other cash. iteins
Furniture and fixtures
Expense aceormt ...... , ....
Capital stock paid in $)6 400 00
Individual deposits 1.5,192 05
Due to Banks 2,014 47
Profits and earnings 3,0.....'q 38 'ls
-- -----4037,330 00
State H .
Penn:Omni,* County of Frank/fa, n.—l,
Louis . Fletcher, - Cashier-of the First National Beak of
Greencastle, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above stAte.
mentlo true to the best of mrliumledge and belie
Sworn to and subscribedbiforeme this 3d day of July
1E65. [julyl2-3t] • HENRY APPENZELLER, J. P.
v. duo Tax Payers.—Notice is hereby given that
the Annual Assessment Lists for 1865, and the Income of
1864, , In Franklin county, will for inspection
at the - Offices of - the different Assistant Assessop._ in - that
county, for Ffftern days from the date of this Notice ; and
that Appeals, if any, will be received in trTiiiliff was
4th of August, 1864, at the Office of N. P. PEARS& Esq.,
in Chambersburg, for decision by the Assessor. The Ap
peals should state clearly the error in the Assessment com
plained of, and the reasoutl for the Appeal.
Gettysburg, July 19, 1963.-9. t Assessor 16th Dist., Pa.
FLACK respectfully request all penman knowing
themselves indebted to them by notes or book aeootmts to
call and make immediate settlement The rieeemdty of
this notice is apparent to every• one, and we hope those in-
debted will report at once.
Ostate *aim
- A. BERKELEY CO., W. VA.—By ‘lrtue of a Deed
of Trust executed by Geo. anti Alexander Newcomer to
John M. Jewett, and of record in the County Court of
Berkeley, tlie undersigned, substituted Trustee, will offer
for sale on Saturday, the sth of August, 1865, before the
Court - house door in the town of Martinsbmg, two cer•
fain tracts or parcels of land, in tho county of Berkeley on
the °pep= Creek, upim which said Alexander New.
Omer resided at his death. One of said parcels of land
contains 61 ACRES and 40 POLES, more or less, and
bus upon It a ,V AL U A BLE 'MILL AND WATER.
The other called the "WOOD 'LOT," contains IR
ACRES, more or less. The tracts constitute one body of
land and the Improvements are substantial and coat me.
diens. TERMS :—Cash.
julyl2,4t EMCEED PENDLETON, Trustee.
taP RErosrron,y, Chambersbarg, copy ts,
and se • • bill to this office for collection.—Berkeley Union.
FOR SALE.—A valuable FARM of 130
ACRE S of excellent LIKESTONE LAND, 30
Acres of which are in good TIMBER, situated I of a mile
from the Welsh Run Post Office, Franklin county, Pa.,
and about 7 miles from the Franklin Railroad, in a high
state of cultivation, with A No. 1 improvements, consisting
of a new double two-story STONE DUCTS, 50x60 ;
a good new Stone and Frame Barn, 47Y80 ft. Also, an
excellent Well of Water and two largo Cisterns, which
hold from 75 to 100 hogsheads of water. There is also a
fine young Apple and Peach Orchard; lee Hope, &c. It
is also very near shops of all kinds and mills, whichnmkes
a good market for gram. Title good and clear of all in
cambrances. Possession given immediately. Apply to
the owner, on the premises,
scriber offers at Private Sale TWO FARMS and a
LOT OP MOUNTAIN LAND. Persons disposed to pur
chase will please call on the undersi g ned, residin g on the
Mansion Tract, on the Baltimore turnpike, one mile East
of Fayetteville. Junel•H JOHN D. BIGHAM.
JOIRCSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu
tion, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effectruil
remedy in the world for, (Beet., Structures, Seminal
Weakness, Pain in thrs Loins, Constitutional Debility,
Impotence,. Weakness of the Back and Linths, Affection'
of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner
vous Irritability, Diseases of the Head. Throat, None or
skin ; and all those serious and melancholy disorders aris
ing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy
both body and mind. These - Secret and solitary practices
are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens
to the mariner illy•ssus, blighting their most brilliant
hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Sic., impossible.
Young Dien especially,' who have become the victims of
Solitary Vice, thatdreatiful and destractfee habit which anl
annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young
men of the most exalted talent anti brilliant intellect, who
might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence, or waled to ecstacy the living lyre;
may call with fall confidence.
parsed persons, or young wen eentemplatingmarrlage
being aware of physical weakness.orgenic debility , delar •
misies, &e., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
lie who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston`
way religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and
confidently- rely upon his skill as a physician.
. .
- - - .
This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by those
who haya become the victims of Improper indulgences.
Young persona are too apt to commit external from not
brine aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue.
Now. who that understands the subject will pretendtodeny
that the power of Procreation is loot soonerby those falling
into improper habit than by the prudent. Besidesbeing de
priced of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most
serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise.
The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental
powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation
of the heart, indigestion, a waiting of the frame, cough,
smidoms of consumption. -
Office No. 7, South Frederick Street,
seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the steps.
Be particular in observing the name and munber, or you
n ill iriii-take the place.
No Mcrcury or Nauseous Drugs.
DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College to
Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the moat eminent
Colleges of the Hinted States, and the greater past of
whose life has been spent in the howitahr of London,
Paris, Philadelphia and elsen here, lots effected some of
the most astonishing cores that were ever known. Many
troubled with ringing in the head and ears when. asleep,
great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and
bashfulness, with faament blushing, attended sometime.
with derangement - of mind, were Cured immediately.
When the misguided amt imprudent votary of pleasure
find be has imbibed the seed of this painful disease, it too of
ten happiksthat an ill-timed sense of shame, ordread of dis
c,,very. deters him froin applying to those who from educa
ti on and respectability can alone befriend. him, delu)iugt ill
the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their
appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose
nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, ditnnass of sight*,
deafness, nobs on the chin, tomes and arms, blotches on the
head, face alfd extremities, progressing with frightful rd
pidity, till at- last the palate of the mouth er the bones at
the nose fall in and the victim of this awful disease be
comes a horrid object of Commisseration, till death puts a
period to his dreadful sufferings, by bending hint to "that
bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, there.
fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most
in - violable secrecy; and hum his extensive practise in the
first Hospitals of Europe and America, be can confidently
recommend a safe and speedy care to the unfortunate vic
tim of-this horrid disease.
. .
It is a melancholy rat that thousands fall victims to
this horrid disease owing to the ImA:fitfulness of ignorant
pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, Mercury•,
ruin the coristitation, and either send the unfortunate lo
an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable,
Dr:J. addresses those who have injured themselves by
privute and i m proper indulgences.
• These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro
duced by early habits of youth, viz :—Wenkness of the
h and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight,
L o ss of yin-cuter Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges
tive gatictimet, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump
tion, Sr.
ALENTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind. are 'much to
he dreaded; lass of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres.
shin of Spirits,gEvii Forebodings, Aversion to Society,
Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are Rome
of the evil effects.
'Thousands of persons of all ages can now jade what
is the cause of their declining health, tossing thew vigor
becoming weak, pale, have singular appeamnee about the
cough, and.symptoms of Consimiption:
By this great and important remedy, Weakneet of the
Or M ans is speedily cured. nudfullyigor restored.
'thousands of the most nervous and debilitlited, ITh.)
had lost all hope. have been immediately relieved, All
impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualiti
canon. Nervouslreitability, Trembling, Weakness or Ex-
Imu"tion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr.
who have injured therm:vivo by a certain practice, haul
god ia when alone—n habit frequently learned from evil
companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even
when asleep, and if not oiliest render marriageimposolble,
and destroys both mind andlxxly,should apply immediately
What a pity that rt young man, the ham of his country,
the darling of his parents. should be snatched from all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating Crum the path or mature, and indulging In a eer•
tale secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating
shetthl reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne
reqnisites to promote cane abial harodness. Indeed,
i t h„ o t t h en, t h e j ourne y through life,becomes a weary
Pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mini becomes shtalunvd with despair, and filled with the
melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another be
comes blighted with our mem
TO STRANGERS. --The amny,thousandscured at this
In.stituthsa In the mart fifteen years; and the numerous int •
,wriri cal Operations performed . by Dr. J., witnessed
retorters of the papers, and many other persons,
nr.fices of svhieh have appeared again and again before
ran public., is a sufficient guarantee bathe aglioteaL
N.. 11: There are so many ignorantittutiiorWeas quacks
advenking themselves a. Physicisdal, Atieteii the health
or the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems tineeesstu-v
to-say to those unacquainted av!idN laja reputation, that bri t
Disarm hangin I* office. t! •
TAKE NOTICK—An lutteta toast be post paid, and
contain a postamy stamp for the reply, or no answer will
be sent. - - (par ler
tANIX.,;-, T A full course Selipritatip
daunker qv pagans CollegeofFoadal
4 75,000 00
$137 . 33 00