*nsuratue. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRIIST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Slreets, Philadelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capita], 8500,000. Paid4;fp Capital, 5Z50,800, Philadelphia, Feh. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PERVENT, (mall premiums received upon 31p 'MAL Pc:anus during the year ending December 31st, 1883, and in force at that date, the above amount to be Credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi• dead of 1880 on Policies Issued during that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies are re ceived. OFFICERS. President—Alexander Whilldin. ' Eq;iMFE= BOARD OF TRGSTEES.—Alexander WhiMin,- J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock. Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allison Samuel T. Bodine, John Alkman, Charles F. Deanna, Isaac linzleharst. -WM G. REED, Chambersburg, Pa, is the authoriz ed Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com- PaV, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. Das. J. C. RICHARDS and W. H. 80n..4 ,Medical Ez aminexs.. REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. MClure. Rev. S. J. Nic coils. J. S. Niion, Chnmbersburg, and Wm. M. Marshall, Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please call on, or by addressing the undersigned they will .be waited on in any part of the Coubty or State. mar 23 W. G. REED, Agent. 1829 -:C HARTER PERPETUAL.-- FBA NKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM -PANY OF PHILAD-ELPHIA. ASSETS Ou January 1, 1864 CAPITAL ACCEPTED SURPLUS. INVESTED PERRUTMS —rtsßErmi..crxxs, riCOSIE FOR 1864 .8 5 ,416. 83,000,000. LOSES PAID mcz 180 I $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY ,POLICIES ON ISI3EIOIIL • TERMS DIRECTORS: 'Charles N. Baker, Isaac Leo, • Tobias Wagner„ Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales, Jamb R. Smith, Alfred Elder, George W. - Richards, • - Fras. W. Lewis, N. D. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President _,__RDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAS. W. arAttssrEn, See,r pro. tem. DAVID OARS is the authorized Agent of the Com. patty In Chambersbdig, who will furnish all information necessary to applicants. mata.tf. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL She' O,OC°. Office Mt: Walnut Street, Phila delphia. The prompt payment of Claims for Losses daring the period of nearly seventy scam that the Company has been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. This company will also insure against loss by WAR or INVASION. Persons Wishing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned- W. G. REED, Agent, Chambersburg. As Agent for this Company, T pm prepared to Cancel alt Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, returning the fall premium paid on application at my otilce. W. G. REED, Agent. REFERENCES—J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin, CoL A. K. M'Clure. febB OUR AGENT.—Mr. JOHN GROVE, of Chamber burg, is the General Agent of the Frank lin County Mutual Insurance Company. June?) ,':' usital. MASON dc HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. MELODEONS were introduced .some twenty years since, and were sweet - sled by the I.IARMONIUMS about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN was brought to its present state of perfection only in the summer of 18U. THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of the kind, is capable of inuchfiner Teas than can be prodacetl by any other, and is more easily used by the performer, and excels especially in capacity for expression. ar Please notice advance in pricei. CABINET ORGANS.--Sucur, REED. -_. No. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak, Case 5110 No. Is. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 135 No. 17. 'Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. 130 No. IS. The Sale, in elegant Rosewood Case....l.*: 160 DOUBLE REED No. 19. Four Octave, Doable Reed, In Walnut or Oak Case 140 No. 20. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 165 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 170 No. 22. The Same. in elegant Rosewood Case 200 No. 23 The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut or Oak, with Walnut Carvings. 200 SIS STOP. No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or - Oak Case - Ns. 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Cape, EIGHT STOP. - - No. 12. Case ht Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak No. 11. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. No. 24. The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut. PEDAL BASS No. 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 600 Cases of sutra finish 071 hand, or made to order. MELODEONS. No. 5. Five Octave, Piano Style, Rosewood Ca5e...8150 No. 6, The Stone, Portable. Rosewubd Case. ...... . 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case 95 No. 9. Four Octave, Portable, Rosewood Case.— 75 C3P Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the subscri. As - Agents for Messrs. Mason & Hamlin we are enabled taselkat their New York prices, and charge nothing for freight. We have sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfactory references. S. S. SHRYOCK,Agent, • aug3l • Chambersburg, Pa. MEW MITSIC.L"FTINERAL MARCH 1 TO THE MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN," the Martyr President, by Mrs. E. A. PARKHURST, the popular cot poser. The Home Journal says " This is a line composition, well worthy the reputation of its writer." Very• solemn and impressive. 1000 COPIES ARE IS SUED WEEKLY. Price 30 cents; with vignette of the President 50 cents. )failed free. Publisher, HORACE WATERS, No. 481 Broadway, N. Y. julys-2t. CHUNTING, TEACHER OF MU • SIC, takes great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Chambersburg, that he is prepared to give in. struction on the PIANO, MELODEON, or CABINET ORGA,N, and most respectfully solicits a liberal share of their patronage. Those not in he possession of Pianos can obtain instruction at his home, and the use of a Piano Residence of JOHN MULL, Queen near. Second. Terms reasonable. may3l-ly 3600t0 and *born. TO ILL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. JACOB HUTTON'S BOOT 4 SHOE STORE.— The undersignell to kis this method of retarainghis thanks to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for the very_liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes, in his present misforane in common with near ly every business man in town, that he will still continue to be remembered. He has the pleasure of informing the public that he has opened his Store in the Basement of J B. McGonaltan's ineellino, On Second Street, four doors North of the Methodist Church, where he is prepared to offer a general assortment of 311 M 's, Women's and Chi]- , dren's Boots and. Shoes, embracing hisinru and City man. _Vacture, which,"for excellece of styliand durability are Buperiur to and of his former stock, , dind will be offered at places to suit all. He is in Weekly Receipt of Goods from Philadelphia, which for beauty and excellence cannot be surpassed South of the Susquehanna. CUSTOMER WORK of every variety done with promptnesa—As he employs none but superior workmen, be feels justified in guaranteeing all work made at his es tablishment. Don't forget the Rhiee, Four Doors North of the Methodist Chumlet Second Street, East Side.— TRUNKS, of the latest style, from approved makers, al ways on hand, and for sale at a very small advance on original cost. [ang2.l) /, JACOB DUTTON. EMOVED.- y -The undersigned has the iu pleasure of informing his old customers and the pub tic generally, that M. ha removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE fo the New Brick Building of George Ludwig, owMain Street, one door south of Greenawalt's Motel, where he is now opening the largest assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to the county. His stock embra ca even- variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS & SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear,. cannot be surpassed in the county, and which will he sold at prices to suit the times. Having purchlised THE LATEST STYLE:OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer work. ut - short notice, by the best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and ric cemmodating, he hopes to Merit a liberal share of pat ronage—without a desire to monopolize, as Ids motto is, in our common calamity, to lire and let live. Particular attention pall to all kinds of Re - pnikng. TERMS CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. OUT EXTORTION. Ile has also on hand, and fur sale, cheap, Trunks, Va lises, Carpet Sacks, Linen and Paper Collars, Paper, Envelopes, inkstands, Steel l'ens, &c., may ID P. FELDMAN. N. B.—All persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and make Immediate settlement, that I may be enabled to meet my former liabilities in. the City. arn anb ,fattcp fat:lotto. RE M 0 WM. WALLACE & Co. have removed their Dry Good Store to the ptand occupied by them previous to the lire, on the Corner of Main,,and Queen Streets, and are in receipt of a large iot of Goods, bought at reduc ed prices, at the late New York Auctions, to which they invite the attention of the public. To persons in want of Dry Goods we eny now is the time to buy. To the ladies we offer a large assortment - of Dress Goods : Black and Fancy poplins, Baratheas, • Plain and Fancy. I)elanmi,.&c. We have a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, which we will sell low. r,..37 Call soon anti get bargains. Jene.2l3 WIL WALLACE & co's. TU N E 7T. H , 18 6 5 HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER! PREPARE FOIL IT, METCALFE 4 RITESHEW . ..... .. . .. lave just rehmed frotn the Eastern ethos and are ieeeit leg this day. • . . A heavy stock of hammer Goode. •1 - 4 , ••• They 1. , 11 wholetale Red rntall. litrugo, Arbitlnto. EA452849 95 9400,000 97.000 1,086,18 ANEW MOVE.—Nixon has moved in-' to his new room, one door North of the one he aced pied since December.. He has now the facilities for con ducting his business pleasantly to customers and himself, and can offer advantages in stock not to be had since the fire. He invites all his old customers and the balance of the world to visit hits. .A NEW ROOM.—A full stock of FRESH MEDICINES. with all tht:appliances to conduct the Drug business proderiv, can be found at NIXON'S, ON SECOND Sr. _N IXON'S CATTLE POWDER. The demand for this excellent article is larger than ever. No Powder sustains its reputation better. _i_INIXON'S HORSE POWDER.—Every Farmer should have it. There is nothing better for impdverished condition of the blood. TN THE WAY OF FANCY GOODS bnxi7 ; is the one to examine and purchase from. SSW S PANACEA, PURE COD Liver Oil, and all patent Medicines always on band L AMPS. -COAL OIL LAl%llloSvsat AXON'S DRUG r STORE IS ON SEC OND STREET—haIf way between the Methodist Church and Seller's New Hotel. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC, AT SPA;iGLER'S. COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR, at - SPANGLER'S. I(ELN:dN EnayDßY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, • I te.,tetter's Bitters, lf elmbelth. Baths, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Stralm'szPanacea. Germ= Bitten., at SPANGLER'S. OZOEIONT FOR THE TEETH, AT - ,/ ' SPANGLER'S. - RITRNET'f'S COCOA - 110E F 0 R THE JJ.HAIR at SPANGLER'S. SiVAIII'S PANACEA, AT SPANgLEWS. A Y NV E 'gtj ''l Pi; . S PIL L S D R UGS! 'DRUGS'''.! C. IL CRESSLER, successor to 11E1'8E11 & CREBB. LEI:. hes opened in his new room, on Second street, on.- site the Post Office, where every effort will be made to sustain the is the old establishment had acquired A coutiuustann at the liberal patronage which the Arm re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a• desirable assortment of Perfumery, • Soaps, • Pocket Books, • • Hair Thawing, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, • Cosmetics, Dentifrices, and Fancy Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LANLPS.-:—Every description of Hand Lamm Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable fur Kitchen use, Parlor use, Store use and Ottlee use. THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET F'anily - - - - Dyes of all Colon. Everything in a Druggists line of lmAinPos. r• - " Prescriptions reruive special aitentionri and are compounded With care. and skill. C. 11. (311.11¢SLER, Second Street, opposite the Peg .00Ice. attornevs at 'gab). GM. & W S: STENGER, ATTOR • N' 18 AT LAW.—W. S. STENGE3, District At torney and Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears of pny -01:11ce In James DigSeidl' dwelling, on the West side of Second Street, between Qaeen and Washington Streets. aug`24 STIIMBATIGH` & GEHR.• k.rromq.rs AT LAw.-oMee opposite the Post OR. e. Will at tend promptly to all busn less entrusted to thei • rare. - I'. S.—Authorized Agt •ntS for the collection of Pensions Bounty, Back Pay and ull other claims against-the govern- , went. sepl4 VA L ! S EVERE TT..Attorney at Law. .: Office on Mark et Street, opposite the Court Mouse, formerly occupied by Jar. Cook, Esq. All legal buginens entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten tion. sep7df. JOHN STEWA_R7 ArrouNEY A.T L-w,v °Mee on Second Street, a four doors South of the Market House. PENSION 8, BOUNTY and otherclahns promptly collected. [aug3l W H. HOOKED MERRY, Arrr. AT V • Law. Office oppts Court House, Chambers burg. Business promptly at Bonded to. junel4-35n TJ.•NILL, ATTO RNEY AT LAW. Of flee at his residence a on S'eeotallstreet. ontl9 • _ P.. KENNEDY, ATToRNET AT LAW • Office Oil Market etre( t. . oetl9 STRAY CALVES.--Came to the farm of the , ola , rlbst one rail o West of Fayetteville, on the 25th day of ]jay, rQm 0 'ALVES, two of which are red, one nearly black, Enka eve red and white, near, one size, and apparently abok at six months old. The owner can have them by prcrehn property, payik kg charges, &c. jundla :It. DOWNF.Y. II MILLI: 1 1, at his NEW DRUG STORE, one door west BROWN'S HOTEL, QM =3 PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and all the best PATENT MEDICINES, KEROSENE 011, LAMPS, PERPUNEBY SOAPS, At We End of Bro;on's Hotel Townsautra Pills, at SPANGLER'S agr_4ultutal.. AGMCULMIAL CHEMICAL CO.'S __ _ CHEAP FERTILIZERS • The Fertilizers prepared by the Agricultural Chemical Co., (a Company charter6d by the Legislature of Penns} I vania with a capital of $1.1.50" ,C 00,) hare been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit-grower, of all concentra- ed manureginniv offered in any market. Tne enmpany's ist embraces the follotsiug PABULETTE.` This Fertilizer is eoraposed of night soil and the rertiliz ing elements of urine, combined chemically and naNthanl cally with other valuable fertilizing agentsand abeorbents. It is reduced to a polvernient condition; ready for ire mediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous tilizing properties. Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can desire. CHEMICAL COMPOST This Fertilizer is largely eomposed of ahhnal matter, such as meat, hone% fish, leather, hair and 'wool, together withehemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitrogenous elements It is a very valuable fertilizer for tielacrops generally, and especially forputatees, and garden purposes. Its ei — oellent qaatilies, strength and cheapness, have made it very populai with all who have used it. 'COMPOSITE FERTILIZER 'This highly phosphatic fertilizer is parlicalarly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, Mums and Heti,. will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of uuod and fruit, and largely increase •the quantity and 44rfeet the maturity of the fruit. Fur hot-home and household plants and flowers, it will he found an indispensable arti- cle to secure their greatest perfection. It mill prevent and cure dhseased conditions of the peach ain't grape, and. is excellent for glass and lawns. It is eompos.rof such elements as make it adopted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kind , of sails. The formula or method of combining its constituent tor bilging ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific actricultnr,t, PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chemical Galva7ly ruonuLtetzue Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a new and valuable formula by which ayery superior artlele i. produced, so as to be afforded at a lostrprite Mau ether umunfar titters charge. Practical ti.sts have provssl Ural Nahtc, a% a fertilizer, is equnl to the best l'imspltate of Lime in The MEM TERMS C-ASII all orders of a Ton or heire, Avi:l bt Mein it at the Roilrood Stations and tli ' n \Vllarres-of Slripment. tree of cartage. Cartage will ib• clurg7,l 1,11- 6111: refs or less. One dollar per Tou allowance fur cartage be us: de on all sales delivered at the Works of the Company, us Canal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CILEMICAL CO.'S WORKS N - LXON S AT CANAL 'WHARF, ON 111 E DELAWARE Office, 413 A Arch St., Philadclphia. Pa. It B. FITTS, Geueral Av,ent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular. einbraeinq fun di rections for using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail, free, , whenrequested. marelm-coey/ Erect;, ITiates aub eta t;. E L s ut r u A PREVAILING ERR() COI:REcTEP. The idea has became eurre that Ityth r , nit Lis nurseries, in part from t irtqltiant.int a o'l at auction n portion of stuck hot spring, tit, aide of ti bleb were intended oulrultive the surplus 1.,:0ek of Matte leading items, and ive all an opportunity to see li,rthetn selven, and all u,„110 Were in at t endance at the eel cralmie. Wt. knourthat the stock on hand is very large and of superior (.taht.,. SeNi,ral pretending nurneryinen, coln iting ortbreS through the; coilut2. "red to wake thin ule'it bear upon the•vommunny that III:, ,h 1 out and the hltaillt, att. olltlau,l. tiler tainelitiods bav e been indulged at byloeul ' tre, •pet'illaturS tar tile !W. :ICI, 'lit of 'heal ., .1... the public are hereby informed that the ba.me, ~al will be continued us heretofore, and :ill w e‘er large or smidl, will be tilled entire from ..ur oet u grounds..., We grow a lid] 'took id evert' l'rur. Tree, Plant, (w . f.:rape Vine der.eribetl la our catalogue, and c. m . ..quently for are not dependent on other nur,riena nor vompelled to scud tdl s e veral hundred su lk s f o r Tree, to fill' the orders of out cuntomer, We are prepared to fill faders mutat! from - our flea grogrL, and twenty per cent. cheaper, 4s.n.idering the finality of the stuck, than any other eshibhsluncut in the county. All persons who wish to purchase are invitt dto call personally and examine stot k. Earn lab ation to this wrll be of vast interest to those u t tere.ted, a~ v , e ,.m .how n great satiety of fruit through the fruit sea• at. fruit fur sale at the nurseries in large or saran gn,m n m•,, Yost Olike addrek-i, Loudon Franklin Co., P••nmi. B. L. CYDER. Proprietor. West Franklin Ntmerait, ‘ on the London and ('nc.• CiLip road,. pup 24 'pRANkLIN NURSERY.—Desirous of 11 clearMgyart of my crouMs, I offer for sal,, zid,ooo APPLE TREES. These Trees are grafted with'the best and most appro ved varieties of Apples, and are grown on good surly loam. They have an abundance of fine fibrous roots, and can tie removed without risk. They can be furnished from five, feet to nine feet in height), with proportionately heavy btalks and are well north the attentlon ut person, wishing to - plant orchards. I will sell them at from 610 to 814 per WO, accenting to size amlquality of Tree, whom ordered in quantities of 100 and upward. 9. PEAR, CHERRY and PEACH TREES for lb)! plant ing alsi on MITA EVERGREEN and SHADE TREES iiiariety, with a general assortment of SI f RUBBERY. GRAPES.—IIim prepared to remits and Ell orderiln Grapes for fall planting, ninth as Cancords (tine tie.: dark now cultivated.) Diana. Itekeeea, DAylvarr, T Kalea. and all the latest varii.t:es allured. • • A ututlerate ehart.re twos er espenses fur ' , aching. Ali 4..,o4lstlelivered in Chambersburg t or dt the Rail Road if desired. Orders address." to the undersichrd a - ill receive prompt attention. J. 11 - EY - SFR, Arent, may:ll-4m Franklin Nursery, Chainlierrburc Pm % V E ST FRANKLIN NVRSEIIfES.- TREES, YL_ NTS, VISES, tc•. The subscriber would cull the attention of all persons who ha re not a full supply of Fruit on tindr premises, to the large and ROF select," assortment of Fruit Tree", ke., now offered for the fall trade. Our Mork is very large and eumprise• the best Chrietk , knOVAI t. urologists. Our collection of Fruits of eVer3. Chas, is by far the largest in the county and second to now jo the State. We invite all wbn wishtp rumba, Tree. to huy extent, to come and tee and kat 6,their nriiu. at Place, fie.; sible opportunity. 'We aunrantee that no hne ¢ill !egret tiles-hat, RS We are prepared to .how more variety la the fruit line than any hanilar establishment In the countr).. Fruit can be seen growing at any time through the fruit season. Fruit for sale at the tittreeries of all knobs in s..a cull. Address, 13. f. 121 - 1t1:11„ leourietor. London Franklin Co., Pa. West Franklin Nurseries on the London [lnd Cover:up road. innett-t-titto JIIADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES L, IN VARIETY.—Large nixed Snaili• Tree, lor , aiect planting.. Orders for Blume sliould be ...int in early. 'rimy can best b Bean and determined upon n Mb• folim-re is upon them 8.1.. ENDER. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK THE OLD CLOTHING MD HtIC3I, The undersigned, after n temporary alwenee fleece:sit:and by the destruction of Chamber,burg, has again reinnied and opened out in full blast to the Market Homee bet, can Wallace's Dry Good store and Huber ev. Lemarter's (t ra cery store, a large Assortment of I ALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every deseriptirn and quality. This stock consists of e ,Rcluly Made Clothing mfcli as Over Coats. Dress- Co* , Punts, Vests, Under Shirt, Drawers, &A, also...dr GE'NTLEBIENS' FIBINISIIING GOODS, such' me Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawl:, Handkerchiefs- Col lars, Umbrellas, &a., ske- , Ills stock of Cloths fur customer work consists of French. English and Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skill and Fancy Cassimers. Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain dad Fancy Cassimer Vest-lugs which will be umile tip to order in styles to suit the taste of customent, en nhort notice, n od reasonable terms. Having engaged a prnctienl Cutter from the Eied, lam prepared to funueb clothing iu the molt imthionaillepty and as none lint experienced workmen arc engaged per. sone may rely upon getting tiii;ir nork well done at my Store. • - Thankful for the patronage heretofore; bestowed, I re spectfally solicit a contintuuico of the tome. octl9 J. T. 110SKINSON. I.OR - SALE.—A fall.course Scholarship in the City Businese College of Philadelphia. Apply tit - tht, nitro. NTT. ebt franktin itoostett timmitatibutg, pa. 4El6ll)ing. IN THE MARKET Ilor , E ChaMbersbn re . , Pa, Groteriuf, U., GELNICKS' & 13VRKHART 'Mil' 3lesale goods at City prices, Wholesale goods at City priers. aELIVICKS & BURKHART Seep the largest assortment in town. Keep the largest assortment in town:- LIELWICKS BURKHART Have an im memo stock of fish, cheap, in nliole, half, quarter and enrhth barrets (2. 1'; L 1 CAC S & BURKHART ji Offer MO sacks G. A. Salt, American, Liverpool and patent &14:1,5, holeuile and retail, at less figures than' any oftwrbou, town. aELWIGKS 6z; BURKHART Keep a very fine selection of Pickled and Preserved Fruits, Jab:, Pickle, ready fur the table, Spiced Oys ters, Canned Peaches, Canned Corn, Canned Tomatoes, chiiiee Dried Beef, tine Sugar Cured Hams. rzt:.ELIVICKS & BURKHART Orel fine Green aud Bleck Teas, Chocolate pure S pices , ad hakieLr artieleq. prime Cheese, large assort ment Coin ken.. and Cakes. - • GELWICKB BURKHART ,Sell all grades of Scrips, Molasses, Coffees, Sugars cud idea, wholesale aunl GELAVICKS & BURKHAR'4 Have a very haze s assortment of Queensware, Btone-! ware, Turnblere, Brin.bes, - Brown% Baskets, Cords awl Twine. tiELAVICK.,S & BURKHART K.eit. a t ery_heavy stork of all kinds and gradesot Tobacco,. and is.irarn and sell lout, wholesale and. retail. 11ARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTER; EST. Go to GELIVICES & I.II:IRICEURT''S for Sail, and Groceries. ELW IC S B IIRK:14 31anufaetun. all kind - ,of Candy and (Yontectieneryi sell all kind, of Crest. Nut, Oraieres/Lernons, Figs, Prune 4, Almonds. Ralsili, iilfelesale and retail. z - BURKITART' to ga for the largest and most sasied Sin , Goods is town, and at reasoneblo GTh't: placo , :‘s.ortment vi ELIVICKS Lk: BURKHART G 5..11 Z , l i nil, C.. 1. Lubricating and Kenk (hl. 1 1 4 - IA.CTS! FACTS!! FACTSLI 4V7,- R E.' I I - ) ins! retarood from 80. Eastorn eiti, is umv opezeng a large sad general to - ,ortrnent of BESH GROCERIES. City Cared llama and Dried Beef. Pritw• N, 1 81111 Shure 3lnt•kerel barrel.% half-harrek, qudrter.4 and I,lt Harri,lea;nt, e. Smoked and Salt I luring, Pin kind Shad. (IN ith.alt 1 , 071,), Caun , •d Fruits R., J1•111..,..- Orv.uge, Li moz,,, Itarnan, Pin.• Prune, Uerrn.in Pearc. Raisins and Note Anil 111.9 t, but not leasL the largest and best asisirtnient of GLASS AND QIIEENSWARE ont of the city of Philadelphia. P It U . IT JARS ' 1 of all the improved patent patterns. Also. CORK-SEALED tiLASS AND STONE JARS, betides one th , sisand live hundred articles not above named. and all us. . alarm ,11i .1.01 ally:ice. at tla, ' Groerry on the .Syvill-enn earn, of Main and ,tricbt, Chanibminirg. Ca,i paid fin- Con , arg I',darc. june'2l A fARKET HOUSE.—The, undersigned 111_ respectfully inform their numerous customers and the puidte gencnilly that they have re-opened their (Iro eel,. Store in the room funnerly uccupwillty the Hook and Ladder COMprinV. in the .Market House, and take this method of returning their thanks for the liberal patronage heretell , re evtended to them. Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Limn, Syrup, Salt Madierel. Coffee, Sugars. Teas, To. Int, cog. lirusne , , Brooms. Buckets. Corih, Twines. Glass ware. Queensn are and everything heretofore kept at their tormer plmc of bu,i nos. They xi ill always keep a idltrl eient •doek on hand Fed to meet the demands of the conntittuity. COL NTRY PRODUCE taken in ex.- ehonge for goods at i.ash market prices. Don't forget: the place. (Market house.) three dimr4 from the corner, on Queen Street. (augil I HUBER S LEMASTER. PRECHER'S, GROCERY STORE,— J The unden.ignel has the largest stwk of FAMILY GROC ER II:5 in town. n Lich he oilers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICES. It is not necessary to enumerate, 116 eta-k is Idtge and con)).1..))). pri,s•r paid for COPNTR VPRODUCE iu exchange for god,. (augal) CYRUS SPRECHER. T. HOLLOWAY. WHOLESALE I. wzocEit AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, kahr t NI ;North sole, abase Fifth street,) aug`2l-ly IF YOU WANT GOOD GOODS AT th, hmt••t pr•rns rill at the nuttily Groitery of E. D. REM, orp.,:te Dr Soe.qerotr4. iLiquors. I'M-PORTE S WINES AND LIQVORS. LAUMAX, SALLADEI: 00., NO. 1 . 26 ,011111NINTII STREET., Bann, Chr - stu lit (Ind Jiid,ult Strom, Philadelphia. GL.o, M. L un:i.N. A. M. S.O.Ltitr. J. D. ) RIVESE, GAItDRAT 5: CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC_ BRANDY, VI.NTAGE OF &a , , Eneh ser.led with Kreen ww:Cc. ith the Initials of the 1311'01:1MJ lit L irmAx. SAILADE & CO SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY. CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND AN I RENT OF FINE BRANDS OP CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. SERI rim AND DELICATE OLD P-ORT WINE, Eueli bottle sealtaLn ith yellow MIX 0 ith the initials of the Firm. INDOU'I ED BY LAYMAN, SALLADE &CO., No. 12 South Noah Strut, Philaddphia. OLT) RYE WHISK,Y, OLD WHEAT WIIISKEY, WAIIRAVIT.II. OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, IV E lIRT'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, AND READING-WINES. LAUMAN, SALLADE & Na, 1I Sarah Ninth &met, Philadelphia. - .09 Etna; of erabo.. P E.N NS YLVANIA_ RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. ,FIYE TRINSPAILY to and from piaadeljtkia and Pittsburg- On and after Monday, October 31st ISfr4, the Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railmai Company trill depart from Harris. butg and arrive at PU3adelphia and Pittsburg as follciws: • - EASTWARD,: THROUGH EII'RESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dai ly at 2.45 A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 61i5 A. M. PAST LLVE'leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 at. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MAIL TEALS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at L3O P. IL, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 2.- 35 P. M. PITTSBURG .A_ND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at 11.55 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.21 A. 31. HARRIS_BURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM', leaves Harrisbarg. daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. Si.. and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 9.50 P.X. This train has no connection from the tree:. C OLU3IBLA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M., and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. 31.: connecting (except on 'Monday) with the Fast Line east. - - PITTSBURG AND F r RIE EXPRESS leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 W., Altoona 0.50 A. 3L, take breakfast, and arrive tit Pittsburg at 12.40 P.W. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 A. 31. z Altoona 8.15 A. 11., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 r. 31. THROUGH. EXPRESS leaven Harrisburg daily at 3.. 25 A. IL, Altoonwat 8.15 A. IL, take breakfast and} [mires ,at Pittsburg at 2.40 r. 31. FAST LINE leaves Ilamsburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. IL: Altoona at 0.10 take supper, and ar rives at Pittitburg at •2.00 3t. MAIL TRAIN leas es Ilanishurg daily (except San- - day)at 1.90 P. IL: Altoona at 7.55 r. M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. at. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west leaves Lau castel• at 11.20 A. 3L, connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy ut A. It., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1310 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TEALS' from Pittsburg, 'which arrives at Harrisburg at R3O P. M., sops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay cri - er un til 11.55 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, novit Supt Middle Div. Penna. IL R. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY FALL 17..1LE TABLE.—Frozr Trains Daily to and fromEaltimore - and Washington City. Connections made with tulips on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and Went Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern New York. -- in and after Monday, Oct. 17th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central hail way will arrive at and de4art front Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows : SOUTHWARD. 'MAIL TRAMP leaves Sunbury tinily (except Sunday) 10:25 A.H. " , leaves Harrisburg 1:20 P.M. " - - arrives at Baltimore 5:40 P.M EXPRESS TRAIN - Icaves Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday) - .- - - 11:45 P.M. .. led . es Harrisburg (except Monday) " arrives at Baltimore *HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg • SUN - BURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- bury dail4(ex. Sunday) - - PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunburyidaily (ex. Sunday) 9:05 P.M. - NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except ~•• Sundat - ) 9,53 A.S. leaves (Harrisburg.......:.l:3s P.S. arrives at Sunbury...-. P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimere.dail3 - ... 9:30 nat. arrives nt Harrisburg - 1:50 A.M. lea Vies Harrisburg daily (ex . rept Monday) arrives at Sunbury ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at •' leaves Harrisburg daily (ex rcpt Sundays) at... ...... . 12:35 A.M. , arrives at Sunbury at 3:25 A.M. HARRISBYRG ACCOMMODATION leaves ' Baltimore daily(ex. Monday 3:00 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg at 7:50 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leavesHax ' risburg daily (ex. Sunday). COO P.M. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through, trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For Rather information apply at the 011 ice, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depon out:6'64 pIiILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL -ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and. Northirest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by them. Rs entire length was opened fur passenger and freigh bnsiness; October 17th, 1864. TOM OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation. I LEArt WESTWARD. Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation 1 1:40 P. 31 Passenger Cars run through on Mail Train, without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, awl Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleepier Cais on Mail Train both Ways between Philudelphia.aud lock Haven, and on Elinira Express Truitt both trays between 'Williamsport auallaltimore. - Foe Information respecting Passenger busilnetts apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets. Philadelphia And fur Freight business of the Company a Agents : S. B. KING - SION. Jr., Cur. 13th and Market Sts., Phila. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. W3l. BROWN, Agent N. E. Lt. R.. Baltimore, Md. 11. 11. nousTos, Gen. Freight AgentrPhiladelphia. IL W. Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Manager. Williamsport febS t 5 CUMBERLAND VALLEY & FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and after 3fonday, October 31, 1864, Passenger Truing run daily, as follows. (Sundays excepted): FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND 11A124.1SBUTIG: - AALP.II. I 7:00 0:45 7:37 ' 3:35 8:17 j 4:20 Leave Hagerstown " , Greencastle. I Arrive nt Clnunbersburg Leave at. . 9:30 Leave SlOppensburg a 9:00 .Newville . ' 9:39 A.M. " Carlisle 6:30 10:10 31eebauiesburg 7:00 10:42 Arrive at Harrisburg 7:10 11:15 FOR CHASIBERSBURG AND HAGERSTO • A.M. P.M. Leave Harrisburg 0:05 1:40 " Mechanicsburg 8:47 2:20 Carlisle 0:27 2:58 " Newville 10:02 , 3:34 " Sbippenvburg 10:33 4:04 Arrive at Chambersburg 11:00 4:35 Leave Cbambersbarg 11:10 - 4:45 '.- Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hagertormi ' 12:35 0:15 F. D. REID. Making el•i>e connections at Harrisburg with • Philadelphia - , New York and 1 3 1ttbbarg, and wi for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 435 P. M. runs far as Carlisle. 0: N. LULL, IL R. Office, Chamlig, 0ct.31, 1854 Mats, antt (Eapo. BOYS' LEGHORN & BRAID N EW STYLE OF HATS THE PATENT RESORT HAT, MOS! CONIFORrABLE MAT WORN, STRAW GOODS ! STRAW 'GOODS ! has received another large lot of GREATLY REbIiCED PRICES A SPLENDID ARTICLE OF MACKINAW HATS COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. W. W. PAXTON has Just opened 4i flue aSsortment of HATS, CAPS,' Boors and SHOES. at his new Store in the docket Hollse, where he can furnish all articles in his line. mroP for Gash. Some goods arc sold at old prices. A-tine amiortmeut Of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAR PET BAGS, VALISES, dm., Ac., constantly on hand. Call mat examine our large stool: of goods. septa - NV.- W. PAXTON. Sorivarbing Pauses. UNDERLICTI --- &,* NEAD 'FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHAYN; North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Vallcy Railroad Depot, Chambernburtr, Pa. Cure run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Balti more. AGENTS.—Pearock, Zell & Hinehmitu t No. EO3 Mar ket St., Philadelphia. Lykcus Valley, Broken Egg and-Nutt COAL; (clued from the miner); Wilkosharre nod Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept eonetanny on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds putahasad at the highest '&.sh prices, Repro tn. WESTWARD 2:50 £M. 7:00 A-M. 7.00 A.M. BEM 3:15 1.3 L 5.53 A.]l. EEO] J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Supt. I=l=l 1:40 1.30 r. 5E353 of till STYLES AND COLORS at prices MAT DEFY COMEETITION, DECIIERT'S D-EC II ER T'S DECILERT ST RA HATS, which he is selling al AT DECIIERT'S IVIINDERLICH Az NEAP *tobt,4 ant itituire. G REAT lIEDUCTION IN -RRICES!! MILLER; lIASITLTOS & CO $ &LER , of their pm 25 per cent. have reduced the pri, , e best quality TIN ROOFING, They will put on (firling the Tin, Fee. or -$lO per square. •If the owner Pat it on, soldered, for .5'2 00 per fin& the Tin they w Bqllllll% I ''''' 1 to call - upon them before making People would do we, contracts or purchases elsewhere Particular attention will be paid to SPOUT4I 4 :G. JOB BING, &c., at the cheapest rates. LIGHTNING ROBS, or hest Galvanized Iron, put up strongly and cheaply M., H. d CO., bate a line wgortment of JAPANNED Ela BRASS, , AND ENAMELED WARE, land also, BIRD CAGES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS WATER COOLERS, &C., all of which they offer at short profits Give them it call and see for yourselves. (may 10 ..,.. a COOK STOVES & TIN WARE.—We have just received a new and complete assortment of Cook Stoves. which we are selling at lower prices than can be bought ly Philadelphia, and all stoves sold by us are guaranteett to be good bakers and give satisctietion. Also—A huge 10 of gin Ware, whirls we are selling at very low Tames: Persons in want of good Cook Stoves or Tin Ware are itvited to call and examine for themselves at " ETTER & EYSTEIPS, _ Main St., opposiie Eyster & Bros Store. TTEROSENE OIL AND LNIIPS.—We ix. have just received a new assortment of Kerosene Lamps.'Which we are selling at very low prices. Per sons in wont of nits and good Kerosene Lamps will save money by calling and examining our assortment. Also, all kinds of repairing Lamps done:by ETTER & ESYTER, Main St., opposite Eyster & Bro's Store. HOUSE AND -,RA R N SPOUTING.- We are prepared to do Spouting and Jobbing of all kinds with neatness and dispatch, and warranted to give satisfaction. than—"LIGHTNING RODS" put up on- Houses or Barns at short notice, by • ETTER S EYSTER, mayib Main St., opposite Eyster & Bro's Store. Riarbluate eutletp, &t. H A RD W ARE HUBER ,& TOLBERT • Bare opened their store on Main street, nearly opp.Pite their old place of business, with - an extensive stock of Hardware. Cutlery, &c. consisting in part of Iron, Paints, Nails, Oils, Spikes, Steel. Hinges, ' -.Planes, . Files. Blasting Powder, BruAles. - Grind Stones, -* Shovels, Cedar Ware, Rakes, Pocket Knives, Spades, - -• &c., Sce. Special attention is railed .. L2:SS 2:CK) Builders and Contractors, as they are prepared to famish in any quantity, - at wholesale, everything in their_ line. Call and ersmine our stock. . '2:46 3:16 3.45 N: P. 24. 4:15 4.50 5:13 COACH AND - SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that lie continues to carry on the above bnsiness, at his old stand. on Main Street. opposite the German Re formed Church, CRAMBERSBIJRG, PA. - Having enlarged his business, Saddler a . and Coach makera will find in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their several requirements, such an Fair and Country Ilogskins, Patent Leather, 'Es for trains Saddle Trees and Girtblng. Gig 'Trees, Fall Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Ilair, - Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotton: nly as .apt. Barnes, Bits and Stirrups, Plated—Tinnel a i Japanned Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frans; Hub Bands; Bridle Frouts; Roseates. Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Barnes. BUCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of other goodssultable for the trade. ALL XThDS OF PLATT G, &c.. done with neatness and despatch. [decl4] LEWIS WAMPLER. CHEAP HARDW ARE! BRAND S FLACK :Had a few gaxis under the pavement,• which were not burned. Stich as .3, Hinges, Screws and other Hard ware. Besides, they have, Just received from New York and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods, purchased lunch cheaper than they are generally sold. - They having been burned out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws Bolts, Oils, Gina', Paint Sr, atthe!owest figtue. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kindS, which We will sell less than it can be bought in the city. Also we have 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at from 6 to 10 dollars per ken. cu4rLERy. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons. Sa, just received from New York which tve.olter very low. ' sep2 CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Findings, Saddlers' Findlnge" at IiItAND & 'FLACKS. SHOVELS, Fl 25 cents each ant the fire, which ran be CEDAR, WARE.— all at the Store in the Alley.. 'BRAND &FLACk. 4robarro autt *quo. TACOBS I TOBACC - O — .AND CIGAR ey STORE.—Haring re-built my Tobacco and Cigar Store on South Maiu • street, (corner of Washington & Main streets,) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite all to call and examine my stock, consisting of CHEWING TOBACCO: - Congress, all kinds, Cavendish, Twist, all kinds, Rose Twist, Flounder, ' Old Virginia, Navy, Honey Dow, Michigan Fine Cut, Sc., Sc. Anderson Shorts Solace, Talisman, Burt's Delight, ' I 'Plantation, Sunny Side, 3,:c. - - - SNUFFS: Kappee, Scotch' • Coarse. SMOKING, _ Large Hand, Big Lick, Cut and Dry, - Danville, Lynchburg. Garabaldl, - James Ricer, Grant, Mead; Sigel sep 91 J. A. JACOBS. REMOVAL OF BUSH'S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STDRE.—The undersigned has re moved his Tobacco and Segar Store to his new room, on SECOND STREET. nett door to the Friendship Engine Rouse, where he will keep -on hand a complete stock of TOBAC(2O AND SEGARS, sliding Natural Leaf, Mich igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. aprils C. H. HUSE. FINFROCK'S, MARBLE WORKS, SECOND STREET, SOT= OF QUEEN. • CHAMTIERSBURG, PA. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES , Mannfardcued to older in the best style and or the Latest Dotter, lotyS•fin,. Boats inai Stittionnl• 1:1223 THE OL , D BOOK S.P.A,-- S. & sassiDex, Hes been removed to the new btallog opposite the Pos'a OFFICn, where a full assortment of SCHOOL AND 3 GSCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, RTO. Can be had at exceedingty.Low Prices. • WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, a bug and sew stock.. io Fairchild's Celebrated G o ld p enk - funyowarrante a . Orders taken foi goods, which milli* Rammed in the shortest possible time. The New York and Philadelphia ?Niers received dallyv for which weekly subscriptions will be taken. First Class Novels. 3lngazines and Pssi o dk a i s as i soon ns pnblished. - - We can sell Photograph Alivrns cheaper han they ea, be had elsewhere. htusie sent free of portage to any part orthe oonnty. Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods.eonstantly on hand. Our arrangementi are such that we can anpply may or. ders satisfactorily and with dispatch. 31n. J. K SURTOCK, is now loaded in New York, whi c h enahleS us to undertake the most complex Coma:M.4am Old Books of particular editions,'clates or style, huffed up at • reasonable commission. [l:=2l LILLI-Es' PATENT WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON • FIRE