Inouratue. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AIs1), TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Phibldelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter PerpetuaL Atithorizelicapital, $500,000. Paid-Up Capital, 8250,000. Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have thiS day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, orrall premiums received Upon Mu- TrAL POLICIES daring the year ending December 31st. lieD. and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies. and bare also ordered the divi dend of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on Nita Polieiea are re. ceiveiL OFFICERS. President—Alesnmier Sargarq and Trcasuret—John S. Wilson AcCuanpAlohn C. Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander lAthilldin. J. Edgar rhenium, George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberta, P. B. Mingle, Samuel 'Work. William .1. llowartL Heft Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Altman, Charles F. lienzlitt, Dam , Hariehnrst. Wm. G. BEEF, Chambethburg, Po., Ls 'the authorized Agent of the Ameyican Life Insartinee and Trust Com pany, and is always prepared to tarnish pamphlets or any itifunnation wanted, and to take imurances. C...RlClLamus and W. R. 501 LE, olhdicAl aruiners. • - REF • ERENCES—Hon. A. K. M'Clure, Rev. S. J. Nie• mils. J. S. Nixon. Chambersburg, and Wm. 31. Marshall. Cushier of the Hagerstown Banff. Persons desiring information or err:hilt to insure will please call on. or by addressing the undersigned they will be waited on in any part of the Houldy or State. marfl W. G. REED, Agent. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL.- FILINKLIN FIRE INSIIR-4 NC.E CO3I- P,I.VY OF PIfIL.4 ASSETS on Janl . lary 1, 1564 CArrrAL AccEvrin) Sunrcvs. vl.,Tk:l) PREMIUMS r•scrrtmiCLADts, 4 Ise°lit wit 1864 Sit 41& Sacco,ooo. SINCE 1e:29 ° $5,000.000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON =tll DIRECTORS: Charles N. Banker. Lome Lee, Tobias Wagner,. Edward C. Dale Samuel Grant, Gm Vales Jamb R. Smith, Alfred Filler, (;«,,rgt. Richard, Fra, W. Leis 6 :ti. D. CHARLES N: BANCKER. President EDWARD C. DALE. ViVe President. rielf, pro. rein. I)AVLO I.llliS in thr untitoriled Agour of the Com m.r in elminberbttrg. trio, will farni.h all information m•eosstuy to applimint:tr \ -,URANCE•e.OIPANY OF NORTH Inearporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. !TA L Ot'.c Wahmt Street. Phlta !, hi a. Tbo prompt payment of Claino. for Lmou, thmnir of nearly eerenty years that the Company has - boon in , IthOenee, entitle , thelo to the eonthlehee of the "Ibis company will u 1,44 i w u.e nraiwst logs by WAR or IN VA - llorr.ous autling to mute ntll plea.•o call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED. Agent. Chambereburg. Agent for tWs Company, I :up prepared to Cancel al; !terpet nal as a ell 114 Tenn pol: e te• cot ering property de•croyed by the Rebels on the:Mit-of Juty, returning the folt premium paid on application at my office. W. G. PtEED. Agent. Rra.TatErtetts—J. D. Cd;or .1 Alli•ou Ey-;er, ;olor J.C. A loth]. Cul. A. K. M'Clure. febd ritTR AGENT.—Mr. JOHN GROVE, of Cluunbersburg. i. the General Agent of ;he Fraul:- lie County Mutual lncuranee Cothpany. junel),' faimirat. If A S N H- 7 .3 CABINET ORGANS. - - . - MELODEONB were introduced SOME' twenty years' nud were , oteceeded by the munfomums about . nlue years ago. The CABINET ORG MIS brought to its present state of perfection only in the simmer, of 1862. THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advavtatits over any other invention of the kind, 172 ie capable of ,01 err effects th an can be produrea by any o th er. and` t ore easilo used by the performer. and ec,els r eentllh in capacity for expression. Pleavirrnotleo advacee in prices. CABINET ORGANs.--SINGLE REED, No. 13. Four thieve, Single Reed, in Walnut or - Oak Case duo No. 16. The , ,Same, in elegant Rosewood Cate 135 No. 17. Five, Octave, Single Reed., in Walnut or Oak Case 100 No 16. The Same. In elegant Rosewood Ca5e...... 160 =2 .No. 19. Four Octave, Duutyle Reed, in Walnut or 4.htlz Cue 140 No. 20. The Same. in elegant Rosewood Case 165 No. 01. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Cue. - 170 No. 22. The Same, iu elegant Rosewood Case 200 No. 10The Same. in Solid Carved Walnut or Oak;-will) Walnut Caningi 200 SIN STOP. :Co. 14—i:Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Cal:Case 300 ?. 7 ). 13 The Same, irk elegant Rosewood Case. MO - EIGIIT STOP. 1 No. 12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, iii Walnut or Oak Case 425 No. 11. The Same, in elagant Rosewood Case. 500 No. 24. The Sande. in Sdlid Carved Walnut 500 PEDAL 8xe.... Nu. 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case ' 600 • Cases of extra _finish on hand, or mode to order. 31ELODEONS. No. 5. Viva Octave, Plano Stvle, Rosewood Ca e... 3150 No. 6. The Same, Portable. Rosewood Case 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case 95 Nn...9. Tour Octave, Portable. Rosewood Ca5e...... 73 Descriptive pamphlets ntruished by the subs( ri- As Agents for )tests. & Hamlin we are enabled to sell at their New York firiees, and charge nothing for freight. We have-sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfactory references. • S. S. SIIRYOCK, Agent, Cluunberibarg, Pa. aug3l (1 HUNTING, TEACHER OF MU SIC, takes great pleasure in announeing to the citizens of Chambersburg. that be is prepared to give in• strurtion on the PIANO, 3IELODEON. or CAIIINET ORGAN, and most rebpectfully solicits a liberal share of their patronage. Those not in .he possession of Pianos . an obtain isztruetion at his home, and the nse of a Piano Itc,idenee ofJot-fx MULL, Queen street, near Second. Terms reasonable. mayPi-ly 33a0t0 anb eSbOts. 1110 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. T.4C08 HUTTON'S BOOT 4 , SHOE STORE.— The undersigned Mists this method of returninghisithanks to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. and hopes in Lis present misforune In common with near iy eNery brines man in town, that he will still continue to remembered. Ile has the pleasure of informing the public that he has opened Ms Store in the Basement of J Il MeLanahan's Dwelling, on Second Street,-four doers Nortli of the Methodist Church. where he is prepared to odor a general its4ortment of Men's, Women's and Clot. ren's Boots and Shoes, embracing his own and Citc man ooa-ture, which. for exeellece of style and durability are soperior to and of his former stork, and will be offered at pt „-e., to sud all. lie is in Weekly Receipt of Goods from Philadelphia, which for beauty end excellence cannot he surpassed South of the Susqaehanna. CUSTOMER WORE of every variety done with pr . - omPtne , —As he employs none but superior workmen, to' feels justified in guaranteeing all work made at his es mblishment. Pont' forget the place. Four .Qcore North -.-y" the Methodist Church. Second .ousel, .ast THITSIIS. of the latest style. front approved makers, al. ways , bn hand, and for at a very small advance on original cost. faugS.4l JACOB MUTTON..` FIAIO VED. —The undersigned has the Lk; p leasu re of informing his old custouters and the pal) Is generally, that ho has removed his BOOT & 8110 E S:1 (my, the Nstr , Brid: Buffalo.; 0.1 George Ludwig, Main Street, one door south 01 Coteenawaltit Hotel, Si here he 111 sow opening the 'largest as , coetnient of Boots ealrihoes ever brought to the own! . fl oosk embra • every variety of Youths'. Ladies' and Moo BOOTS or_ SHOES, Irish for style of lush, flanthility of wear. cannot be surpab...ed in the county, Wet mhich trill kohl at prit, , tomtit the , timer. Hat hug letreli.,ol THE, LATEST NITER OF' LASTS. he it prepa ,-, 1 e. make t ieitemer coil. at short make by thele,t woi=“ in the eority. NVith u 11t , p,3i03 in be obliglll3. 31111 ae eomisiociatini.r. he Imp, 31 merit a liberal share of pat. ninait4--witliout a desire Itt monopolize. no IV, 1131t31 no. in oar common calamity, to hue anti let lure, Particular ottcation paid to all kinds of Rrixtiriny. - TERMS CASH, AND PRICES CIIsIIFORM, WITH -01.71 EXTORTION. , • Ile be IOW; on band, anti for sale, etteap, Trunks, Ye lies, Carpet ,SuelLs, Linea and Paper Collars. Paper, Els elopes. Ink stands, Steel Pen., Sze-, Sze. may 10 N. 13.—Ail person 4 I:awning themsrl,rs indebted mill please call and make immediate settleineut. that I may Fttttbled to inset my former liabilities in the City. attantepz at Italy. a M. Iv S. STENGER, ATTOR vt KEYS AT LAW.—W. S. STENGER. District At torney and Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears of pay, Office in James Duffielirs dwelling, on the West side of Second Street, betneen Queen and Washington Streets. ang24 Q.TUMI3AUGII 15c. GETIIt, ArrouNEys AT LAW.--.)dice oppcmite the Peed Office. Will at. tend promptly to all business entra,ted to their care. P. S.—Authorized Agents for the collection of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay and all other claims ugalurt the govern. men sepl4 • O S O3,, EN o r n ER t, E rk T et T. sit A ee t t. torney t„ a t ! , Law. e.t House. formerly occupied. by Jet. Cook, CA I . All l ega l himinesss entrusted to his rare will receive _prompt atten tion. • TOH STEWART, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Second Street, a few doors South of the Market Rouse. PENSIONS, 'BOUNTY and alharrlainis pampa) , collected. taugM W H. 110CR.EI3ERRY, ATTY. AT V • Lad. 0113 e.• opprAit.. l'ourt llmtm. Chumbera _burg Basinept promptly ;Mended to. jttnel4-3m J. NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of . Bee at residence on Second Amet. oct29 TB. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW • Ofke on Market Meet. - octl9 TOTS PRINTING in every style done at fj ths Oho of the FRANKLIN RF:PrkirMRY. Brum; aim Plebitina. D' ir DRUG STORE, f',4 7,@49 9S $400.000 971.1:00 1,0e6 .)I,s West, End of Brawn's' Mill AOVNEW ME.--\ix b on Inov(q1 *0 111 . % IletV rO,lll. nor door North of the MI, la 0,11- I fiy i l sinrt Deennter. He inuy non; the facilitie‘ for eon aid int; his bit...ate:a Pleasantly to eu.douieret and binoielti nod Can etferAttrant4tes 'in stook nut to he bad hinee,the. tire. lie Invite. :di he , .0111 eustouters and the tellottee ut the trrirlit tot ISO hits • ee N E RU 0 full' stock of it I'ILIiSFI 3IEDICINES. with all the appliani.ei.rii t•imil , •et the Drag I.:;rlite., igaxigrly. (41111 N. hiuml sir NIXON'S. t,e St'irosst, Irix cA":"FLE POWDER.—Thk demand fur thi. R.seellelit ankle 1. ever No PowiTr su.min. it, rfinttahuti 1 1j1--XON'S HORSE POWDER.—Ercry 1 Fanner bhonlit have it. Tbere is nettling better for irnpeterbbed eondition oldie blood. TN THE WAY OF FANCY- GOODS _IL Nixon's stock is the em to examine and purelun.e from. GI IN" A ' 3 PAN4CEA, PURE COD ki Liver Oil, and all paler! 11ellieines always on hand at NLXON'S. y Ij AMPS.—COAL OIL LAMPS at NIXON'S. NIXON'S DRUG STORE IS ON SEC -01,a) STREET—haIt wavbeta ren 111.. Mothodid Charyll and New pate. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC. AT spANGLEivs. GOSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR, at • SPANGLER'S.- JENNEI)Y'S MEDICAL DISCOVEAZY, Lindrv's Blood Scanther. epees ntter., Bach% Ayers Sarsaparilla, ~ witim's Panacea, ilnaland's German Bitter, at SPANGLER s. QOZODON'r FOR THE- TEETH, AT SP.VNGLER'S. RIJRNETT'S COCOATNE FU R THE I_,P HAIR SPANGLER'S. SWAIM'S- PANACEA, AT SPANGLY:IC.9. AYER'S P I L L S. Wriglit's 'l'4,trt,nd'. nt SP.A.NGLER'S. Dit-UGS! DRUGS!! C. H. CRESSLER, Ancee,SFOr to HETSELL & CUSS Imappened in his new mom, on Seeonteslieet, oppo site the Post Office, where every effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment bad acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the firm re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent.?dedieines flaw offered. Also - a desirable assortment of Perozwery, Soap, Pocket BO4ft, Nair Brushes, Choh.Bro,hes, Tooth Brushes.' Osmetien Dentifrices, and Fancy Art icICS in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every derription of Hand. Lamp., Stand Lump., - "Hauglng Lan. and Side Lamps mutable for Kitchen nee Parlor axe, Store nite and Oft ee tntc. Tin: BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Fatuity Dyes of all Color,. Everything in a I)raggads line 01 . imitates,. Pre•trip7'olin leetiVe SitteritiOn ' and are ca v.: , .1 trek tare and skill. C. H. CRESS LER, Second Street, ultpo..ite "thel'ost Other. k'ELL*IAN 1392 ant fancy ogoobs. 11 E , M p has n removed their Dry Good Store to the stand meuriod by thorn Freshet. to the tire, on the Corner of Main and Queen Struts, and Are in receipt la a large let oft ioods, bought ut redue edpricee at the hate New York Aantions. lu whieh they ins he the uttention of the public. To persons in want of Dry C..),1s we say now is the tittle To the Leh., toe oiler a large e4sortri,nt or Press Goo , I•;; Black and rupee Silks. Poplins. lianitheas, Plain and Fancy. Deianes, We has e a good iissertinedd of Carpets. iilatting, oa Cloths, w loch we will sell lose. ' . .:Ter Call man tool get bartraltes,iit joneli* 'WM. WALLACI; & CO'S, JUNE 7T.11, 1863. HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER raaPARE FOR IT, METCALFE HITESWEIT (inc just returned !rem the Eastern cities and are creek lug this day, A. heavy stock et Simmer Gouda - nr"They sell wholesale aud Tema. TIR.H. R. FETTERHOFF. SUIGGEON Dmmer. Office 0014 door West or Me Telegraph office, Greenemil e , Pa. All work eutro,tetl to him will be promptly attonded to rind warrantal, nutyl7.l3m-, zit;llLossEwS DENTAL OF }ICE ou Eiecobd Street. one .hare R. 9 oth of the Martin Mom. over Mitchell'. Star* R - jJ M I L L-1, R, at Li n one dooi %rest BROWN'S -110Tt:1 l!Ti WELL SELECTED srocK PURE DRUGS I=l 11=1 PATENT MEDICINES K FIROSENE OIL. LAMPS, PERFUMERY , SOAPS, &c. IMISI VA L ! WM. WALLACE & CO agricultural. - - - AGRICULIIRAL, CHEMICAL CO.'S EC CIJEAP FEI:TILIZERS The Fertilisers prepared by the Agricultural Chemical Co., (a Company chartered by the Legislatnrebf Pennsyl vania with a capital of $.250,000,) have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best. for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit:grower, of all concentra ted manures now offered in any marki: The Company's list embraces the following: PABULETTE This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertiliz tug elements of urine, combined chemically and mechani catty with other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbent.. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition; ready for im cr 10.9 I° I .", mediate use, stud without lot , s_of it, highly nitrogerionh ler tilizing propertie.. Its universal applicability to alt crops and sotto, and its durability and actiN e qualities, are cell Enna a t,. be all that aerieultnti4b, eon CHEMICAL COMPOST This Fertilizer is largely emnrosed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, a-Lieh deeomposa the niam, and retain the nitrogenotui elements It is ery valuable fertilizer for field crops generally. and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualifies. strength and chearnes., have IN nutde it ',Ply popular with all who have li , ed it CONIPOITE FERTILIZER- Thit , highly thr the coltivatio•e treo.3, ;trults thm , i, It promotes very vigurne-ae,lll.lthy wrvlvri, or ‘verr