June 7, 1865. tranigin *qtl,sito;r4. LOCAL ITEMS GOSSIP WITH OUR FRIERDS.-IThe Pennsyl vania Railroad, you perhaps are aware, extends from • Philadelphia to Pittsburg. So if one starts from Cbambersburg at 1 o'clock for Harrisburg, and waits there for the 123 f. train from Philadel- phia, awl gets aboard of it, he Will find himself en route for Pittsburg. Should this same ven turesome passenger stop over night, as did your Gossip, at Altoona, he could eat a good supper, sleep in a pleasant room, demolish an excelleut breakfast, and ride over the Alleghenies the next morning,.reaching Pittsburg about "1 o'clock at .No one but a poet could describe the scenery , along the route, and it would require a Byron to do justice to the ,mountains. Reached. Pittsburg without an accident, and landed at the' hotted time of day in the `midst of the bustle,. dust and smoke of the busiest city I ever saw. After all, there is something in the soot and dust. of Pittsburg that is pleasant—it is a mark that. labels one and all as the came genus homo Pitts burg. The Smoky City is dirty, but nothing like' so dirty as her envious sisters would snake her out to be. The story for instance, that the Pittsburg mothers have to wash their children every night to see whose children they are, is false; and yet I mai say that the shirt I wore while in Pitts , burg " bears its blushing honors thick upon it." Heard a sermon from the Rev. Dr. Sprecher, in the Lutheran Church, on Abraham Lincoln: and 'I would that every man, woman and child in this great - Country, yea, even Fernando Wood, could have enjoyed the same treat. Arc there any Democrats in Pittsburg ? Like angels' visits, surely! The Presbyterian General Assembly was in session during my visit, and I was taken fora delegate. I could not help it, anti trust my readers will forgive me. In a former letter I referred to my experience in a sleeping car ; and this time I have something to iay on the subject For the benefit of those who have not seen or tried them I shall paint the car I oec pied from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, distance, 6 miles. The car was arranged. one half wit .state-rooms for four passengers each, with is for the occupants by day, and berths at ht, two upper single and a lower one for The half of the car is arranged like the , first with the- exception of. partitioning.— These cans are elegantly made and furnished• . with all the conveniences necessary for comfort —carpets, sPittoofis, curtains': bedding, washing arrangement, boot-black, servants, etc. There is only one drawback—you can't -select your fel low-partners. I secured a double berth, which left me only two partners, the one a Jew, the other a Gentile, in quality- so similiar,that in the expressive language of au old Chambersburger, "you couldn't tell rother' from which." Our beds were made about 9 o'clock, as we were go ing down the mountain to Altoona. The Gentile ascended the upper tier, the Jew the lower,. I ta king the double one beneath."..:o4.ll allay the ear were wrapped in the arms of n m rpheus. - did I • say! alas, there was ones exception. I dozed and dreamed I was a great', of coffee, the genuine article; thrust into a las coffee mill— then, that I was a grain of Whelpt, auiong other grains, poured into an energetic hopper—again, that I was a drum-stick, actively '/ employed by a nervous drummer—and awoke—under the im pression- that I was fulling down an immense flight of stairs, and my head striking every step. The Gentile bad a cold in his head, and snitrii..d; the Jew had heart disease, and could only lie on his right side, so he slept with his feet toward my - head. As the night wore on I smelt feet, and the fe(e)_,....tid Perfume Steaflitt, iLlCreitged. I de.v.i, -awls}-Pet,ag smelt feet,' tasted feet, heard feet, anttpalpably felt feet. A haloaf feet glared, be fore thy eye-balls, a festoon of feet lay upon my breast, a surfeit of feet_tausinted me and caused me to gasp for breatti. I -prayed that I might on ly dream that I was in Libby Prison, anywhere but where 4reaily was. I longed to have been ' born in the far East, where the people wash their feet at least three times a day. Just think ; car load of feet—men's feet, women's feet, child ren's feet, babies' feet. To make it worse, to ward morning, one lady had to use peppermint, - two gentlemen brandy, and one baby, for some unknown reason was rubbed with camphor. Two infants relieved each other alternately with cry ing, and the, mothers talked pooty-wootsy-baby _waby, talk to them. It was dreadful! More dead than alive, I arose about day.break. and rushed to the platform of the car With the'definite object of dashing myself on the track, but refreshed by the cool air I thought better of it, and merely resolved to eschew sleeping cars iMfuture, unless I could afford to hire a whole one: At 7A. 31.. we reached Philadelphia. • 110013 I saw a regiment of returned Zouaves march -throuih, the streets yesterday. Truly they looked Hie veterans, bronzed and battered, and yet they marched as jauntily as French dancers. I stood on the sidewalk, as they passed, and alongside'of a pretty looking woman, - who peeped anxiously into the dirk faces of the soldiers, obviously look mg for some one dear to her. All 'at once she cried out "There he is—Will! WILL!" A fine looking fellow—Will, no doubt—darted from the ranks and (here the manuscript is very 'touch blotted—En.) how many happy hearts there will, be, now, that the war is over! Thank God! PIIMADELVICA, June 5, 1865. A HOME FOR GEN. PHIL. SHERIDA N.-A correspondent of the Shippensburg .Weirs recom mendkthe piirchase of a home in the Cumberland Valley)for Gen. Sheridan. He says: We 'know not if or suggestion will meet 'with general ap 'probation , but we think it will not be ninifs to call the attention of your readers to it. it is hard to tell how our beautiful valley might now appear had not this noble man, on more than ono occa sion thrown his army between it and the traitor ous hosts whose avowed purpose was its desola tion, We all remember with Is hat feverish anx iety the movements of Early were watched until Sheridan had command of that departinent. He guarded and protected us. He risked his life, for as at all times and tioder all circumstances : and now it behoves us to give him sonic token of our gratitude What would better do it than a home in our midst t The place to be selected should be in Cumberland or Franklin County. The funds could be easily raised and in such a manner that all would feel as though they were doing their duty. Let a committee be appointed in each township who can collect and hand over the amount raised to the Treasurer of the fund, The two counties can work together, and if they do, I am certain that we can accomplish this object. He deserves it if any man ever did, and in our own State let him enjoy the blessings for which he has so long toiled and labored." - ANOTHER VICTIM.—We learn that Corporal William W. /Raabe, of Co. E, 101st P. V., died in the rebel prison, at Andersonvilli, Ga., in Au gust, 1864, of disease contracted while in prison. • The deceased leaves a wife and child to mourn BSir sad and untimely death Corporal Staube was a true patriot and brave soldier, end one who never failed his country in her hour of need. He was one of the firatto respond to the call at the beginning of the war, when Columbia's flag had been trailed in the duet by traitor hands. He served as a member of the Jackson Independent luas,..Co. A, 12th Regt. P. V., during the . three l eoutha' campaign , and subsequently re-enlisted in Co. E, 101st Regt. P. V., which was stationed at Flivroutli, Nortfg.Carolina, and a few weeks previous to big itopnsigumr, bad enlisted in the same regiment at Plymouth; North Carolina, where they fell into the . bands.Of the enemy. The hardships of his prison life were the canoe of his death, in a few short months. He suffered se verely until death came and opened his prison doors, and we'new hope that he is free, for whom the Father makes free are frek. indeed. We_hope that he has enlisted in that army of immortal brakes and martyrs for Freedom's holy cause, where they neither hunger nor thirst, nor know want any more. PRESBYTERIAN OFAR.AL ASSEMBLY, OLD SCHOOL—The proceedings of this body, lately in session at Pittsburg, Pa., are nut of much general interest, although considerable routine business was transacted. The report of the Board of Church Extension was read. It states that the e osent closes ten years of church extension :Work through the' Board. In that time its receipts have been $252,363, and formal appropriations amount ing to $203,316 have been made to 506 different churches, being an average of $359,22 to each. These a pprppriations have aided in securing church property to the value of one and a half million of dollars, and. providing church accommodations for more than one hundred thousand worshippers. For nearly-eleven years prior-to the organization of the present Board, the General Assembly con duct the work of church extension through a • comiiiittee of the Board hi DOmestic missions, and in that time made appropriations to three hundred and eighty r two churches, and received donations amounting to $68,544 06. Since 1844 the church has aided in the erection of nine hun dred and forty-eight { different churches, and has raised $320,910 forlhat purpose. On the Ist of Apritinst the Board had on hand, over and above its liabilities.ithe sit`m of $24,048: Awn:a. A BAR .—Quite an excitement was created at the railroad depot one morning last week in reference to a baby. It seems that an : • advertisement apileared in one of the Philade'- phia papers 'Wanting a person to adopt a child. A youlig, married lady in this place responded to the advertisement, and requested that the child he sent here. Accordingl,l the child, in care of a nurse, arrived in due time and was delivered to the lady. • Atter keeping it over night, the lady concluded the child was too young and she car ried it to the depot to return to the nurse, who intended to go buck to the city in the morning train. but the nurse peremptorily refused to take it and the lady just as peremptorily refused to t eeep it, and laying it down on a settee in the 'Passenger room, walked off,"and after some little persuasion the nurse took charge of it. DEATH - OF REW. JOSEPH CLARK.The sud den and unexpected death of Rev Joseph Clark, on Friday last, resulting from tlie,„injuries he re ceived on the Monday previous, calks gloom over the entire community. Although it was wep known that his injuries were severe and painful, yet no apprehension was felt for his safety until a few hours before his death. His condition first became known to himself, and to the great stir prise of his friends, at a time when all indications seemed favorable. he expressed the opinion that he could not recover. His loss will be mourned by a - large circle of friends, and will be sorely felt by the church, of jalrerhe had for a long time been an earnest and able supporter, and by this community, of which he was a valuable member. MORE HoME REBELLION.—On Sunday night, May 7, the stabling on the premises of Mr. William Slupaway, of Union township, this comity, was set on fire aud d totally consumed. This dastardly act, it is pOty certainly ascertained, was the work of somelp,.t.the miserable law defying Cop perhead traits and deserters who still prowl about the lower end of this county. Mr. Ships w-nr, n most genuine Union emu, has been instru mental in the capture of several deserters, bohfity jumpers, &c., in the above locality, henie this outpouring of the wrath of these contemptible mid night incendiaries upon his bead. The fate of Booth their great prototype, would be a deserving end to their thieving, burning, disloyal existmices.— Fulton Republiean. AMENDMENT TO THEZOMMONSCDOOL LAW. —By a most sensible amendment to the School Law of this State, passed last winter, the mtni mum age for children to be admitted to the com mon schools was changed from FIVE to six years of age. Nurses, cradles, rocking horses, baby jumpers and tin rattles, will no longer, of neeea sity form a part of ordinary schoOl house furni ture. much to the delight of school ma'ams and school masters everywhere. SAnifuts' Onen.mis SCHOOLS.—From the May number of the Pennsylvania Srhool Journal we learn that the entire number of Soldiers' Or phans admitted into the various schools of the State, is 623. So far fourteen Academies and High Schools,'in different parts of the State, have been selected by the State Superintendent for their reception—fthose nearest to our county being the Loysville Academy, in Perry county, and the NAllisterville Academy, in Juniata county: A SAD CASE.--Joseph Jones, a member of Co. D, 11th Penna. , Cavalry, returned to his home in this place last Week, having lost both legs from the effects of Camp Fever settling in them, ren dering amputation necessary. This is indeed a sad • ease, and we think the government should make ample provision for all such, as they are wholly unfitted for taking _care of themselves or making a livelihood. 011,.- 7 We learn from the Fulton Repnblican that a fide specimen of Petroleum has been taken from a spring near Burnt 'Cabins, that county, and that a Maryland• Company is about commen cing operations in that State, immediately on the Southern line of Fulton county, with a fair pros pect of a rpt My strike. PROMoTE3),-3fajor John S. Schultz, formerly Assistant Adjutant General on Gen. Conch's staff. and who now holds the same position on General Cadwalladeesstafr, has been promoted to Lieu- tenant Colonel. We shall have to go to Virginia for freith beef. At Lynchburg, Virginia, good beef steaks sell at twelve awl a half cents, and roasts at ten cents per pound. THE route of the Southern Pennsylvania and Connellsville Railroad is now being surveyed be tween Chambersburg and Bedford. o A Surrition__ lIEMEDY.—\Ye can couscien tlously reeommeod to those mitering from °distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Mellitloom, Cough Balsam. It gives relief almost instantaneous, and Is withal oat disa greeable to the taste. There is no doubt but the Melliflu ous Cough Salaam ie , Tme t f the best preparationsin use, and Is all that its proprietor claims for it. We have tried it during the past week, and found relief from a moist Ms- Atressing oriugh. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland's, No. 6, Emit .rourth street, Ciamnnati, 0., and for :ale by ilPtig- Oita- WE go to Clippinger & Thompeon'a to get the truest pictures. Mr. John W. Odiorne , late of (lute. kanst's Imperial and Morgan & Reusstor's Excelsior Gallery, to operating for them: itir. Odiorne, from pest experience of nine years, deems himself competent to make pictures equal to any made in the first clam Gal. 'Pries of New York, Philadelphia or elseaheth, therefore they can WISUIV their patrons to give them satisfaction in all cases. Dont forget thcrphiee, Sign of the Red Flag, Second Street. - June?-3m Gmwicxs & BURKHART have returned from Philadelphia and New YEA with a new and very heavy lot of goods. It is their determination to take this bust now pay them by wiling great quantities of goods, :and not by large profits. We advise all who wish to May goods cheap and to have the largest and most varied stock to make their selection from, to call with this firm More buying elsewhere. Alconvie CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and Cbild Relief—Tbievniunble medicine to again for sale at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door welt ut - • - _ . Brown's Hotel. It Is far superior to all Soothing Syrups', or any other preparation for ,ebildren in Teething, Cholies Diarrhea, orloward pains. ' Go TO Gelwieke and Burkhart's for coafec trossrs, they manufacture ; have always a fine assortment and sell cheap wholesale and retail. DIED. SIMPLER:C(Iu Tuesday, the 30th ult., in Mercers. burg, Mr. George Shepler, aged 73 years, 5 months and 9 days. FITZ.—On too Bth of June, 1864, near Petersburg. Va., whilst in battle, Simon Fits. of Company R. 21st Penna. Can., son of Peter and Visa Fits, of the vicinity of Way nesboro. aged 18 years, 7 months and 7 days. - BEAN.—On the :30th ult., near Waynesboro. kir& Elis abeth, wife ofJOhn Bean, aged 67 years, 4 months and 16 days. 63IPTAKE.—On the 19th ult., near Marsh Run, after a short_but severe illness, Mr. John Ornwake, aged 65 years, 4 months and 12 days, STXUBS.--in prison, at Andersonville, Georgia, in the mouth of August, 1064. of disease contracted while in prts on. Corporal William W. Stanbs, of Co. E.-101st Reg. P. V., in the thirty-first year of his age. PItEAII.I34,E and resolutions adopted by Company D, 210th Penna. Vols., on the death 'of their comrades, Wm. B. Lubber and Benj. F. Soler WIIEREsei, The mournfal state of our Country during the past four years has demanded the sacrifice of the lives of so many ofour best and bravest men, nod we are called upon to modrn the loss of our beloved comrades, Wm. B. Leisher and Benjamin F. Suter, who fell at Gravelly Rum Va., March 31st, 18115, whilst bravely battling in in defence of their country,; therefore. Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the will of Rim " Who death all things well," our hearta• are filled with the deepest sorrow for the death of those who by their amiable disposition, uniform courtesy and manly conduct have endeared themselves alike to all who knew them, and who by their duties, not only in camp but on the field of battle, and the sacrifice of their lives that the Republic might live, won the honors dne alone to the tine American Soldier, and written their name, as with a pencil of light upon the imperishable roll of the Nation's martyred eons. Resolved, That in this hour of their sad bereavement, we tender to the parents and relations of the deceased outheartfelt sympathies. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the FRANKILN ite.mdiottic and a copy of them be furnished their relatives. Capt. H. W. MCKNIGHT, Sergt. MASARIS FIUMELSINE, g e Capt. G. W. BARNES, THE LATE REV. JOSEPH CLARK.—The Rev. Jo seph Clark, whose sudden death startled our community on last Friday evening, and will sadden the hearts of too many friends abroad, was in many respects a very re markable man, and It is befitting that some public note should be made of his history, character and attainments, now that be has passed away from the earth. Mr. Clark was born near Carlisle, Cumberland this State on the Ilth day of October, 182.5. He received his preparatory education 41131°m-field, Perry Co., Pa., entered Marshall College. at hiercersburg, Pa. in 11845, and was graduated with the highest honors of his class in September, 1848. litimediately after this he entered the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian church at Allegheny City and finished his course of Theology in the spring of 1851. On the 11th day of June, 1851, he was licensed to preach the gospel by the Presbytery of Carlisle, and on the 3d day of June, 1852, Se was ordained and installed pastor of the Presbyterian congregation of Chambersburg, to which be had received a call. In this capacity he served with great acceptance until Oct., 1857, when be was absolutely-compelled by physical disabili ty to relinquish the active duties of his Holy ministry. We have been told that before be could be induced to do this, even upon eminent medical advice, his disease bad become so virulent that he was frequently obliged to stop in the midst of a discourse pod leave it unfinished, as it would have endangered his very life to have proceeded any farther. Under these circumstances be reluctantly consented to resign his pastorate, and with a view of recruiting his shat tered health and gaining a livelihood, he engaged in a mechanical pursuit, and infused into the establishment in which he was an active partner, a spirit of enterprise and a degree of energy which was eminently characteristic of him as a man, and which crowned his business operations with complete success. With this work, however, Mr. Clark perhaps never had any real sympathy. But he was conscious before God that it was a necessity laid upon him and was satisfied with that. Without, therefore, attempting before Ines getter ally that palliatian.af his action which would have been unnatural to one of his reserved disposition, and which - would not have relieved the case, he did *bat his hand found to do with all his might Whenever his strength permitted, and he was called upon to do so, he officiated In the sanctuary and always successfully. Almffiet the fast work of his life was to prepare an address for the day late ly observed by the nation in humiliation and fasting—an address which in the mysterious Providence of God he was not permitted to deliver, but which we hope will be given to the public in some other form, for although not u fair representation of Mr. Clark's abilities, an additional inter. est is given to it by the fact that the hand that penned it was crushed immediately afterwards, and the voice that should have delifered it has since been hushed in death. . . The active out-dour employment of Mr. Clark for the few past years, brought hien improved general health, and with this came an ardent desire to be relieved from has secular businesi that he might now more fully employ his talents in the service of has Lord and Master. That he would ever have been physically able to sustain the tax and strain of preaching regularly was a matter of grave doubt, and in view of this he conceived the idea of estab lishing a Theological and Scientific Review fur the de. fence and promulgation of truth. This seems to have been the darling wish of his heart, and to this end he had offered his business eitableshment fur sale. and was ma. king efforts to provide the funds and enlist the .talents of others in the new work. His immediate friends here and elsewhere know how earnestly and Amiably he spoke of the want of such a Journal in the State of Pennsylvania, and how sanguine he was of its emcees% And that It would have succeeded with him as the Editor, no one who knew , the business character and talent of the man ever doubted.' But all of these plans and projects as far as he iscconcerned, have been frustrated ty bas apparently pre mature death. • Mr. Clark was distinguished for his rare intellectual en dowments. He gave evidence of great and diversified talents when yet a boy. Even while in the lower classes ofbollege he was a brilliant essayist; and be pursued not only some tummies Masselses, but .tl the-stmllos embmemi in the course with curb thoroughness and ease as to gam for him quite a reputation with his professors and fellow students. He did not, like a great many boys, confine himself to the task assigned to him, or even to the text hoOks used, but read and studied all he could find on any given Subject, frequently wAndering off into the beautiful tleldeot science, literature anti art, and coaling back la dened with fruits and flowers; and his knowledge was not a Mere accumulation of farts, and dates, and ideas, held together by a meehanital memory, but everything was a ell digested by the power of his vigorous and well trained mind, and was available thereafter for proper use This course he pursued throughout the whole of his literary and theological curnculum, and it is not to be wondered at hat when he came to the work of his ministry he should be able '`to bring out of his treasure things new and old." Those who listened to his preaching, well know that it was characterized by earnest logical thought, and that the bloom of his mind made any subject of which he treated fresh and interesting. There are doubtless among his err. mons, and other manuscripts, many rare gems which, if gathered into a volume, would win for their author a more extended reputation than be hats and be the hulas of do ing much good. And we question whether it would be proper to leave these Jewels of piety and thought all an• strung and forever hidden from the eyes of men. It is not surprising that a universal regret should have been expressed when Mr. Clark was obliged to retire from the pulpit, for however brilliant the opening of his profes sional career, it seemed to be only the dawn of a brighter, clearer light. Bur thus it often is, that the loftiest mind is lodged in the frailest tenement of clay, and seems to have its powers of usefulness circumscribed. And yet Rev Jo•. Clark did nut cease to be a vigorous student, and this Is an evidence that he belonged to that elms of Men "a-hire mental pleasures never cloy." There are very few men Wlla amidst the awes of engriasing business Bud time or disposition to prosecute their literary' labors as he did. In the quiet of his own cottage home. when the work of the day was over, be sought relaxation among his books, gathering up the thoughts of others, and in the mountain felling trges or, on the homeward way digesting and ap propriating thig intellectual and spiritual food until it all became his ovri. That was the way he spent and enjoyed toe previous f Ours that many waste in mere listlessness. And the result of all that reading and studying was not entirely withheld from the world. Mr. Clark not only preached many good sermons, and made addresses before literary institutions, but furnished learned criticisms and brilliant essays for the most prominent reviews and journ als of the land. Into these his writings always found a ready admittance, and won for him the highest encomiums of the wisest men in the country. Those who knew Mr. Clark need not be told that he was gentlemanly in all his deportment' and kind in all ethic relations to his fellow men. If he was conscious of his su perior talents and haniing, it never seemed to make him rain, or unehantisble to others. His ill health did nor make him irritable or impatient. With all his habits of thoughtfulness he was not morose or unpleasantly ob structed. If he Was reserved it wan not the result of coldnens. Ind of modesty-4 trait that nearly always ac companies a retiring, coutetnplature mind. In the circle of familiar friends, moreover he, is known to have been exceedingly - companionable and pleasant It rely remains to be said that Mr. Clark was a chris. tiao Early in life he became a member of the Presbyte. non Church in Carlisle, where his father Was then a ru ling elder, and he maintained his relation to that common. ion to the end of his llto. This was the crowning glory of all, and is the only hope" and comfort now. For with. out a saving faith in Christ all else had been vain, With oat this there nee er could be in any case a strong healthy symetrical diameter. Without this talent and genius are dangerous gifts anti he who attempts to explore the mazes of science and philosophy aided by these alone. enters upon a dark tempestuous ocean without chart or rudder or guiding mar, and will be wrecked in the end. No one was more conscious of thin fact thee the subject of this notice him• and we nigh that we had tune and space to give some extended extracts from his owu writings in proof of this assertion. As it is, we may be 'indulged in giving a few. In an address made F. 0111.3 years ago to a literary so ciety of young men, 31e. Clark said: "We would be far frtim denying that there IS such a tlimg as natural virtue, or thilt She mere natant virtues have.made strong characters, on the whole, safe and pro lific of good deed. But all such high types of moral prin. ciple, we hold to be the result oi the indirect or reflex in fluence of the religion of Christ It or dm great educator of conscience. And the very highest type of mural prin ciple, that which will stand the greatest shocks, and may be relied on in the most perilous moral emergencies, can only be fairmi in connection with genuine personal Mfg. ion. If this be wanting there v. ill always be some points that will not tear pressure. And in the christian these points will be strengthened just in proportion as the ele ment is pervading and powerful. The strong character then to be safest and beat, must be imbued with the sane• tifying power of the grace of God. Unsanctifled perver ted power has ever been the scourge of the wortd. The developmeet of the Intellect and especially the develop• merit of those faculties which make the strong character, without a corresponding development of the moral nurture can only begot a pourer to destroy. But glorious and Godlike issanctified power. Where the development of the moral nature keeps pace with the intellectual, and the two unfold in beautiful and harmoniums adjustment, 'tie there we have the highest style of man. • The strong head and pure heart make the great man and the good Ilan combined. Force of character, when (limited into proper channels; and acting under the impulse of noble motives. gives to history the benefactors of the race and to every community the men who are its light and salt." So too, Mr. Clark, in closing a most able criticism upon the life and character of Lord Francis Jeffrey, the English reviewer, says: "With him religion was altogether an outside matter, and we fear it continued so until his death. This, we say, is the only thing in Jeffrey's character that gives ns pain. Ills moral influence, both' in society and literature, woe certainly of the purest kind, but with all his moral worth and terser of mature, he Is almost wholly destitute of the consciousness of his spiritual iviuds. And surely it is painful that so lovely a human character should have lacked so sadly the 'one thing needfuL" ' And, again, be concludes a most judicious analysis of Bailey's Festus, thus: "Religious gentile's never safe, ex cept when gazing full tuned and with a teachable spirit, upon the shining err of revealed truth. " " Oh I when will poetry escape from th e d a mp fog o f a vain philosophy, and spread Its.wipg in the pure azure of Ilea. venly truth' When will genius he baptized in 'Slloah's brook witiCh Bows fast by the oracle of God,' and sit and learn at the feet of Rim who 'spake as never Wan *aka I' When shall every Byron's head be joined with a Pollok's heart! In that dap when SliklliT.SB TO nix Low' shall be upon the bells of the horses, and when there shall be no more the Canaanite In the hoarse of the Lord of hosts." franidin qambersburg, We remember to have seen other and even stronger ex pressions of the kind in the writings alit Clark, bateau not avail ourselves of them just now. No wonder that one whose study had convinced him that no man was safe whose anchor was not "cast within the veil ;" no wonder that one who bad been accustomed to point oat the rock upon which others had split, should, although bound honestly to shrink from no investigation. come out of all the intricacies with which science has appe are d to em• harass revealed religion, and say to a venerable friend and professional brother, "Though my feet bad almost slipped when standing within the areana, they are now on stock. I have shrunk from no inquiries and will feel forever hereafter that I may firmly confide in the written word of God, and link all my hopes to the incarnate One." Thus the first net of the cbristinn's life is "I believe." The last is "I know in whom I have believed." "This it is that giveth us the victory. even our faith" At a meeting of the pastors and other resident clergy. men of Cbambersburg, held on Saturday, the 3d hest, to take some action in view ofthe death of Rev. Jes. Clark, of the Presbyterian Church, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : WffEBEAS, Goein Flis All-wise Providence has seen fit to remove from us by death Rev. Jos. Clark. our friend and fellow-minister of Jesus Christ : . . And whereas, This bereavement has a solemn lesson for as, and calls for some expression on our it; therefore Resolved, That our hauls have been tilled with unteign• ea sorrow - by the decease of Brother Clark, in whom we recognized a Christian friend. en able minister and a use• ful enizen. Rego!red, That although this dispensation is inscrutable to us, we own it as coming from the hand of a sovereign God and loving Father, Mid that we bo before it with the resignation befitting those whose trust is in One who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind. liteukcd, That in the sudden removal of a brother of such eminent talents, learning and general capacity for usefulness, we are solemnly impressed with the fact that God is absolutely independent of any of us, even es instru ments of His glory ; that it becomes us to humble our selves, and that we are admonished to work while it is day, knowing that the night cornett; when no man can Fork. Resolved, That in the triumphant death of Brother Clark we feel reassure,' of the truth and saving power of the re ligion of our Lord Jesus Christ. whose we are and whom we serve, and that we here pledge our renewed and us. faltering allegiance to Hite. Resolved, That we extend one chnstian sympathy to the family - of the deceased. with the assurance that we will pray to the God of all consolation andgraoe that they may be unstained in this dark hour. Resolved. That we will attend the funeral of Brother Clark as a body. and take such place as may be assigned to us. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the widow of the deceasgd, and that they be published in the papers of the town. B. S. SciISECK, Chairman. P. S. DAVIS, Secretary. FINANCE AND TRADE. —The following are t gales of stocks and bond CORRECTED JOS. F. YOUNG & CO., NO. U. 8. 'Bl's 1091 U. 5.,5- - 20's 1031 Reading R. R. Ink off. 441 Penna. Railroad 541 Catanissa Railroad... 11 Catawiasa LL R.—Pref. W 1 North Penna. Railroad 25 Phila. & Erie R. R. - 20 Long Island Railroad. SebuylkillNacigatien. P 2 Schuylkill Rec.—Fret 264 Susquehanna Canal. 8 Big Mountain Coal. -- Sutler Coal Clinton Coal Connecticut Diamond Coal Fulton Coal 31 Feeder Darn CoaL.... Green Mt Coal 2. KYstone Zinc Monocacy Iron. N. Y. & Mid. Coal ••• - • N. Carbondale New Creek Coal Penn Mining Swntara Falls C0a1.... Atha. Allegheny Ricer. Allegheny & Tidteuto Tank 11 Brandon Island.... Beacon Oil Bruner Bull Creek Briggs Oil Burning Spring Pot Continental Oil ... Crescent City. Curtin Corn Planter Caldwell Cow Creek Cherry Run Dunkard Dunkard Creek Oil Densmore... Dalzell. Excelsior Oil. Egbert. INFORMATION FREE.—To Nervous Sufferers. —A Gentleman, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a de sire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need It, (FREE OF cltAttGE,) the recipe and directons for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad expenence, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by address mg bite at his place of business. The Recipe, and full in. forrnfffion—of vital importance—will be cheerfully nentby return moil. Address JoIIN B. OGDEN, 130 Nassau street, New York. P. S.—Nerveas Sufferers of both sezes will find this in orutatton invaluable. aprill2.3m A THING OF 'BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER.— These who desire brilliancy of complexion, must purify and enri b the blood. which Relmbuld'sConcentrated Er in:Mt i4it parilla invariably does. Recollect it is no pat. eat m 'ne. Ask for Ileltnbold's. Take no other. 4 ------..-----.. , A C TO INVALIDS.—A_ cleruman, while p residin,g n South America as a missionary, discovered a safe sad imple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness - Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs and the whole train of disorderbrought on by banefu and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. 1 will send the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. Freeof Charge. Please inclose - a stamped envelope, addressed to your self. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, Oct 19-Iyl STATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, Pero York City. To•Ptrniry, Enrich the blood, and Beautify the complexion use Hembold's Highly Concentrated find Extract Sarsaparilla. One bottle equals in strength one gallon of the Syrup or Decoction. MATRINIONIAL—Ladies and Gentlemen: I you wish to marry you can do so by addressing me. I will send you, without money and witboutprice. valuable information, that will curable you tomarry happily and speedly. irrespective of age, Timid/ or beauty. This In formatson-will coat 3' , u CIOIIIIO{C and if you wish to marry, I'will cheerfully assiisi you. All letters strictly confiden tial. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Please inclose postage or stamped en velope, addressed to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAM BERT, Greenpoint, Kings Co., New York may24.3m. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT En- CHU is the Great Diuretic. Helmbold's Concentrated Ex tract Sarsapanlla le the Great Blood Purifier. Both are pre pared according to rules of Pharmacy and Chetsi,try. and ate the most active that can be made. IF You WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EV ERYTHING relating to the human system,*male and female; the causes and-treatment of diseases; the marriage cus toms of the wOrld ; bow to marry well and a thousand things never published before, read the revised and en. larged edition of "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a Curious hook for cations people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1.50. Contents table swat free to any address. Books may be bad at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, poet-paid., on receipt of the price. Address E. B. Foorr., M. D., febl-6m 1130 Bruzulway, New York.- BEWARE OF COVNTERFAITS and unprincipled dealers endeavoring to dispose of their own and other preparations, on the reputation attained by lielmbeild's Genuine Preparationti. EYfl AND EAR.—Prof. J. Isaacs, Al. D., Oc. enlist and Aurint, formerly of Leydon, Holland, is loca ted permanently at No. 511 Pt. Street, Philadelphia, where persons afflicted with disease of the Eye or Ear, will he scientifically treated and cured, if curable. ' ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted withont pain. No charges made for Examination. N. B.—The medical faculty is invited, as he has no se crets in his mode of treatment July 6-17 QUANTITY vs. QUALlTY.—Hernbold's Extract Sarsaparilla—The dose is small. Those who desire a large quantity—and large doses of medicine—Eßß. THE BRIDAL CIUMBER.—A note of warning nod advice to those sufrerinir with Seminal Weakness, General Debility, or Premature Deefiv, from whatever cause prvilneeol. Read, ponder, and rebeet ! Be wise in time. Sent FREE ,to any addrem, for the benefit of the afilie ted. Sent by return mait. Addresn JAMES S. BUTLER, 4..39 Broadway, New Aptill9-3m. WHY Injure the CoMplexion by Powders and Washes which choke or Jill up the pores of the slin, and in a short time leave it harsh and dry 1 It it in the hlood. and if you want smooth and sod skin use Hembold's Ex tract of S'artinpnrilla. It gives a brilliancy to the complex ion. WHISKERS! WHISKERS !--Do you want Whig ken or Moustaches i Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald beads. in Six Weeks. Price, 0 31.00. Sent by mall anywhere, clsoely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 138, Brooklyn N. Y. feb 15.1 y A GENTILE lAN cured of Nercoua Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful IndLseretion, 'will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure. :(res of charge). This remedy is simple, safe. and cer tain. Fur full partieultes, by return mil, please address JOHN B. OGLES, 60 Nassau St., New York. june7-3m. A CLEAR, Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complex ion follow the use of 'lamb°ld'a Concentrated Fluid Ex tract Sarsaparilla. It removes black spots, pimples, and all eruptions of the akin. TUE only place to get a pleasant and refresh ing drink of Soda Water. is at CHESALEVB. where the choicest fruit syrups are always kept. [HT TELEGRAPH.] Philadelphia Market*. PHILADELPHIA. June 6, 1865. Flonr--Sales of 500.bbla. choice extra family at $B, 25'd 9, and a small lot of superfin e at $6.2526,75. Small sales of Rye Flour at 251125,26 ; 509 bbls, were told on terms taut secret. Wheat-4000 bushels red sold at 81,95. and small lots of white at Eg'lo'4o9.,Z. Rye Is steady at 95at. Corn is dull at9se. for yellow and We. for white. Oats—Sales of 2000 bashels,,Penn'a. at 75e. Whisky is dull at 32,12 Z 2,15. e latest quotations of the in Philadelphia : EMICEI .12 MERCHANTS EXCHASCE. Eldorado. Farrell Oil Franklin 0i1..,. Great Western Germania Globe Oil Howes Eddy Oil Hibbard, Hoge Island Hyde Farm 21 Irwin Oil Jersey Well 11 Keystone Oil 71 Krotzer Maple Shade Oil. 15 SPClintock Oil 21 Mineral Oil a Mingo. 21 M'Elheny - 31 M'Crea Chewy Run. I I Noble Delamater... 2 ' Oil Pmek. 0rgi....... Olnistead. 11 Pennsylvania Pet Perry Oil Killed° and Tideonte. Pope Farm Oil 1 Petroleum Centre Philo & Oil Creek. Philips Recenne Roberts Oil Rock Oil ....... Rathbone Petroleum.. Sherman Seneca Oil Story Farm Oil Schuylkill 4Oil Creek St. Nicholas 1* Story Centre 'Sunbury Tarr Farm ..... Parr Homestead...... 9. Turtle Run. Union Petroleum Upper Economy Venango ..... Walnut Island 1 Watson 1 REPORT OF THE MARKETS. Chantbersbarg /Markets. F10ur....-Whhe CllOl/CERSarad, June 6, 1065. 5) $8 lißutter - Flour—Red 7 7.slEggs ' - 16 Wheat—White...... 1 40, Lard 1$ Wheat—Red 1 25; Tallow 10 Rye - 61 Bacsun--Hams. 20a...M Colo 601 Bacon--Sides. 18 Oats 45; Soup Beans.- 325 Clover 5eed......., 15 00k Washed Wool 80 Timothy 5eed....... 3-00; Ilueraebed Wool - 50 Flaxseed 1 75 1 ,Parod Peaches 7 00 Potatoes--Mercer..., 1 351 Unwed Peaches 4 00 Potatoes—Pink Eyes I 001Enied Apples 150 (nY TELEallArdt4 Plalladelpbla Cattle Market. PIITUDELPIIIA. Jane 6, 1.865. ,Bales of Cattle are making at from 19 & 40¢, for extra; 168kfte. for fair to . good ; and .1.42.15e.4 lb. for common, as to quality, 'Hogs—about 150P; . bead arrived and sold at from-$ll 2 1.3 the 1001bs, net its to quality. . Sheep-5800 head arrived and sold at from 6fi 7 fib., gross, for sheared sheep. Cows—About leo head arrived and sold at from $55 55 for pringers, and 615.7 AO f' head for cow and ealf, as to quality. J u Lbberti ement~. TREY & FOLTZ'S CHEAP HAT, CAP, BOOT and SHOE STORE, iss doors South of the Market House, ebambersburg. nISTRICT ATTORNEY.--,SNIVELY STRICKLER will be a candidate for Dtgratcr AT• XXET, subject to the decision of the next LTnion County Convention, Greencastle June 7th, 1865. - LIREY & FOLTZ'S CHEAP HAT, CAP, SOOT and SHOE STORE. is 5 doors South of the Market House, Cbamberaburg. W3l. H. BROMERTO . N WILL BE A candidate for' COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating Convention. WAYNESBORO, June 7, 1.865. PREY & FOLTZ'S CHEAP HAT, CAP, BOOT and SHOE STORE, is 5 doom South of we Market House, Chambersbw. BL. "MAURER Z 6 CO. ARE PRE B • pared to furnisb ALL KINDS of BUILDING and other LUMBER h short notice and reasonable terms. If yen Trish to build, give no arm% June: - ORM( & FOLTZ'S CREAPHAT;CAP," .1! BOOT and SHOE STORY, is 5 doors South of the Market Howe, Chatabersbum. US. REVENUE STAMPS.—Rereaf • ter no U. S. Revenue Stamps will be kept for sale at ,the Registers office, but they ean always be had, in quantities to suit thepublic. at the Book and Stationrey Store of JACOB N. SNIDER, in the Market House. june7-1t HENRY STRICKLER. ViXECUTOR'S NO tIC E.—Notice, is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Samuel B. Johnston, late of Southampton township, deed. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves iudbed to said Estate will please mate immediate payment t and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. June? , C. SELEAN CULBRTSON, Ex.r. A DMINISTRATOR'S tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration or the Estate of Daniel Geltr, late of Washington town. ship. deed. have been granted to the undersigned. Al) persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. June? JACOB S. GOOD, Adm'r. JUNE 7TH, 18',65 HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER! IPIiEPARF. FOR IT, ME #.4Z,FE It EITENIEW have just returned from the Eastern cities and are receiv trig this day, A heavy stock of Summer Goofs, ____L ggr They Epp wholesale and retaiL PHE OLD WHITE SWAN.—The sub • scriber would respectftll3 - annonnce that he has so far completed his Hotel building as to be enabled to open his, BAR. which he has supplied with a stock of fine and choice Liquors. He has also erected in connection with the Hotel a large and convenient STABLE. add is now prepared to furnish Stabling and Provender' for any number or Horses. Attached to the Stable (under cover) are a pair of HAY AND STOCK gCALES, to which the especial attention of farmers, Drovers and Butchers is invited. ES LRkNIEL TROSTLE IETTER.S REMAINING. UNCLAIMED .L 1 in the Post Office at Cbanthersburg, State of Penn syltstnia. Jane 6 1661 W*To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant must call for "advertised Letters," give the date- of this list, and pay two cents for„arls ertining. Alridge Wm 'Groff Mrs Sani . t Myers Igiss M E Balser Samuel !Hall Ira S 'Peters Mrs M E Baker George Hall J Price George Benson Wm E I Howard Jere 2 'Scott Miss Laura Bukbohler Saml ;Iluber Margaret i Simons Eli S Dangerfield MIAS! :Knoll Miss Fanny ' ShaferMasßebecca Dinhl Samuel Jr Loran Daniel StoofferMiss Alice DMIOIIOO James J3lcelellan W F ;Swangenbure J G Disc John McKee Mrs Louisa , Foust George I Moyle Matthew J. W. DEAL, P. M VOTICE-SALE OF ARMY MULES —QtAICITAIMASIEft GENT.ll.ktiz , OFFICE, 1.0.`f, D. C.. May IFra MANY THOUSANDS OF 3IULES an, tieing disr.ed of at public sale, at Waibington. The sales will continue until the number of animals to minced in proportion to the reduction of the amlies, tow gOilg on rapidly. There are in the armies of the Potomac, of the Tennes• see; and of Georgia, probably FOUR THOUSAND OF THE FINEST SIX-MULE TEAMS IN THE WORLD, - - - - - Many of them were bought in the beginning - of the war. as }feting mules, accompanied-the armies in all their mar thee and camps, and are thoroughly broken. hardened by exelacise, gentle and familiar. from being so long surroun ded by the soldiers. The whole South is stripped of farming stock, and the No Ith also has suffered from the drain of animals. taken to supply the armies. These animals are sold at public auction ; ' THEY WILL NOT BRING ANYTHING LINE THEIR TRUE VALUE ; and such opportunities for farmers to get working animals to stock them Rums. and fur drovers and dealers in stock to make 905.xl speculations, by pawl:lasing the and disposing of them in the South. will never occur again. N. C. REM& pine7-4t Quartermaster General, Brevet Major Gen. . LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. 750,000 ACRES. The subscriber, Agent for the sale of the Agricultural College Land Scrip, grunted by Act of Congress to the State of Pennsylvania, vi ill receive sealed Mils for the whdle or any part of said Scrip until the twentieth day of Jane, L 96.5. Each piece of th - e ScriP entitles the holder to locate WO -acres of, any of the publie lauds id' the United States, which ath open to private entry. in aecohlance with the Ache! . Congress. These lands are chiefly in the States and Territories west of the Mississippi. The title is direct from the United States to this Corm montt earth, and the Scrip being assigned in blank under the thand and seat of the Sanlyor General, bermes a sure anal thferepresentalive of pi operty, and nary are trans. ferred by mere delivery. The purchaser may locate his ecrip at once, or bold it without payment of taxes or other expenses, tar location or nit at any tfuture time. FORMS OF WM. I mil take -S pieces of Scrip at cents an acre on the conditions adrertierd. - Signed' with Name and Residence in full nod marked, outside "Bids fur Scrip.' CONDITIONS. 1., Bids must bO to; if,o acres or Multiples of dual:lM ber. 2.lThe blde'are to be opened on Thursday, Stinetti.t, 18E4 at the office of the Surveyor General in Harriebnrg, In the tutteenee of the Governor, Surveyor Genenil, and Auditor General. 3. One fourth of the 'purchase moony tote paid at the ocHie of the Surveyor General ten days after notice of the award is deposited In the goat Otliee, and the balance on delivery of the scrip, twrinty - days afterwards. 4. No bid of less than seventyfive cents per acre will be cousidereiL Address W3l. H. ALLEN. Agent for sale of Land Scrip, jnno7•lt Astricriltural College, Centre County, Pa CHEAT HATS AND SHOES! - STILL AHEAD! FREY`S. FOLTZ'S NEW STORE, , -Prve Doom SOUTII OF 'TUE MARKET El01:SE PRICES REDUCED! BOOTS A , ND SHOES added to filetr stock of HATS.AXD CAPS! The undersigned take pleasure in anneuming to the plth lie that they have just returned from the F_h•i tritlea large and well selec i ted stock of PASHIONABLE.HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, which they purchased at fair prices, and will be able to distuse of at' REDUCED RATES. Their selection of FUR, CASSIMERE AND STRAW, and different styles of WIRE BRIM, ROUND AND SQUARE CROWN HATS, which for bounty and durability cannot bo surpassed in town. They would, nbutinvlte the attention of crerybody to their large and varied assortment of ROOTS AND 8110 ES, embracing in part the following: • FOR MEE AIN BOYS, Men's Calf Buckle Gaiters & Baltnerals—eornetliing new; Men's Congress Buckle Gaiters, Iden's Calf Roots, Men's Ill'eant‘L Boys and Youth's Bakonorals and Getters, In embess variety; and all other styles—bne and course.—for all sizes awl condltions. FOR LADIES AND MISSES, Lattieg Markle and Tipped. Gaiters and Balmorals. Calf and Goat R ee l B a k narn is, Kid and Morocco Balmorala Grain Red-top Ralleorahs Congress Gaiters, Ladles' Elp-I3oMs, and all other styles generally kept in a well regulated es. tablishment -SW• Thankful for the patronage extended while In tho Rat business alone, they respectfully ask a continuance In the former as well as a trial In the latter. FREY & FOLTZ. OiLthilittllßlTAß, June 7. 'ARS Crew, Vines anb e*eebo. L,BAAII.LIN NUESERY.—Desirous of clearing Part of my grofords, I offer for sale, 30,000 APPLE TREES. These Trees are grafted With the best and most appro, ved varieties of Apples, mil are grra on good. sandy loam. They have an abundance of no ftbrons roots, and can be removed withort riot. They can be furnished from five feet to nine feet in beicirth, with proportionately heavy stalks, and are well Worth the attention of persons wishing to plant orchards. I will sell them at from $lO to 514 per 100, according to size and quality of Tree, when ordered in quantities of 100 and upwards. • PEAR, CHERRY and PEACH TREES for pia* ing also on hand. EVERGREEN and SHADE TREES in variety-, with a general assortment of SHRUBBERY. GRAPES.—I am prepared to receive and till oideri for Grapes for fall planting, such as Concords (the best dark now cultivated,) Dine s ; Rebecca,- Delaware, T. Eaten, and all the latest varieties offered. A moderate charge to cover expenses for packing. All goods delirezed m Chambersburg or at the Rail Read if desired. Orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. J. lILYSER, Agent, may 31.4 m Franklin Nursery, Chambersburg Pa. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. The undersigned, Agent for the deservedly popular Nurseries of Mr. George Peters, Adams coo Will bo is this vicinity for several weeks for the porpose of receivs ing orders for every variety of Fruit, Shade and Orna mental Trees. The citizens of Chambersburg find him, on the Saturday of each week, either at the Hotel of Mrs. MONVuottEar or Mr S. GREZNAWALT, where be will be happy to receive their order?. ' During his absence in the country orders left at the above places will be promptly attended to. taayl7-3t J. Y. BUSHEY. Dentists. D ENTISTRY. -W. B. farcocK, SIIR GEON DKNTIBT, would respectfully inform the pub lic that be has opened his office in REGES' BUILDING, ON SECOND STREET, South of the Market Howe, where he is prepared to perform all operations in Dentistry with care and attention. Prices low and satisfaction a-naran _ tea may:24-3m. DR. 11. R. FETTERHOFF, SURGEON DENTIST. Office one door West of the Telegraph Office, Greencastle, Pa. All work entrusted to him will be promptly attended to and warranted. mayl7.Zre DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FICE on Second Street, one square South of the Market House, over Mitchell's Shoe Store. ang2l Ural eotate *alto: - p ÜBLIC „ SALB—The undersigned will offer at Public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, She 17th daziof June. neze - it 1 o'clock, P. M.; the following described Real Estate of Martin Funk, late of the Borough of Waynesboro. deed. viz All that LOT of GROUND, situate in said Borough of Waynesboro, bounded on the front by ttie Main Street. on the East by the Town Hall lot, on the West by lot of W. D. Lechler, and on the South by an alley, haring thereon erected a two Story LOG AND FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Also, A tract of fine LIMESTONE LAND, sitnate in Washington township, near said Borough, and adjoining lands of Alexander Hamilton, John Lesher and Samuel Rinehart, containing TWENTY ACRES, morose less. The terns will be made known on day of sale, by W. D. LECHLER; Surviving Executor of mid dec'd. By Order of Court: W. G. MoritEt.r.., Clerk. naay24 I' , t eticat. BLTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.-Dr. JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu tam, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy in the - world for Gleets, Stmetures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Im - fatality.. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nara or skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders wis ing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to, the mariner 17lyssus, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Am, impossible. YOUNG MEN! Young Men especially, who have become the 4ictiras of Solitary• Vice, that dreadful and deb - tractive habit which ant annually sweeps to an untimely grace thousands of young men of the meet exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy the living lyre; May call with fall confidence. 31ARRIAGE! Married persons, or young. men contemplating marriage being aware of physical weakness organic debility, defor mities, &e-, should immediately consult Dr. Johnston, Be who places himself under the cure of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman. and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC- WEAKNESS 13131DIATELY CURED .I.ND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. - This disease is the penalty mostfrequently paid by those ho hot, become the victims of improper indulgences -1 bun-., persons are too upt to commit. EXCEISE4 from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. -Now, who that waderstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent. Bcoddes being de prived of the pleasure of healthy offspring. and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged : the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, rtyriporbia, palpitation of the heatt indigestion, a wasting of the flame. cough, Syllltol3to of consumption. Offee .Vb. 7, South Frederick Street, seven doors front Baltimore street, East side. up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place, A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS EIMIEN= DR. JOIINSTON, Member of the Royal College 10 • Surgeons, London, graduate from ono of the most eminent Colleges of the Crated States, and the greater part Id whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere. has effected some of. the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears when asleep, groat nervousness. being alarmed at sudden suunds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, n ore cured itrinNlititely, A CERTAIN DISEASE! 11 - hen the misguided and imprudent rotary of pleasure find he Lan tiOlibeil the seed of this painful unease, it too of ten happens thai an iil timed sense of shame. or d read of dis covery, deters him from applying to those who from educa tionand respevtabilitytnn alone befriend bin. deluyitur till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid diseasonraketheir appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, disecsed nine, uui•turnal pains in the head and limbs. dimness of sight, deafness, nobs on the Olin, bones and arms, blotches on the head; face and extremities, progressing with frightful ni pidity, till ut last the palate of the mouth or• the bones of the nose fall in and the victim of this au Jul disease be• comes a horrid object of commisseration. till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne from tt hence no traveller returns." To such, there fore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy •, and from bin extensive paelice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, he sun confidently recommend a safe and speedy care to the unfortunate vic tim of this horrid , disease. I+ is a melancholy fact that thou:lauds full victims to this horrid disease owing U. the nn+kilifulncss of ignorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, Mercury, ruin the conchnition, and either a«nd the unfortunate to an untimely grase,or make the re•rdae of life' miserable. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICT ! Dr. J. addresses those 'oho hate inured themselves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, vise:—Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight,' Loos. of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Dimes tive Functions, General Debdity, Symptoms of Consump tion, fko . - MaNVAt.t.v, the Ando? efilmts 1111 the miud are much to be dreaded; tux of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Sphits, h vil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Tuuldity. Ike., are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persorib of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. (cooing their vigor lewoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and svmlitoms of Consumption. .1111 - INST(iN'S DiVIIiOItATLNG REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. fly This great and Important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily cured, andfulivigor restored. Thousands of tie most nervous and debilitated., who had lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved, All impediments to Marriage, l'hysietal or illeatal Disqualifi cation. Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness or Ex. battston of the mo=t fearful kind. speedily cared by Dr. Johnston. ',YOUNG MEN(, - mho have tainted themselves by a certain practice, indul ged. In when alone --a habit frequently learned. from evh companions, or ne school, the egetiA are nightly telt, even when asleep, au,/ If not cured render marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body , should apply immediately What a pity that a young man: the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life. by tho consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a cer tain secret Lahlt. Sqell perS.ll4, hefOrn rOnte'Orbltil)g MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and hotly are the most no eelsory requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage. the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed witc(lespair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted. with our coin. OFFI CE No, I SOUTH FREDERICK- STREET BALTIMORE. TO STRANGERS.—The many thismands cured at this lustitutitm in the last fifteen years an., the numerous im portant surgical Operations performed by 1)r. J., witnessed by the reporters of the rapers, atht many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. Them are so many ignorant and worthless vomits advertising themselves as Physician. ruining the health of the :timid) . afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say-to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his Dipl om as hew in 43 °IBM. No —All letters must be past paid, and NITI(P1,1 a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will he seat.(mar 16.1 y. CCARRIAGE MANUFACTORY.—The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has resumed the Carriage rcakieg business at the old stead of peiffer S Foltz, on the comer of Market and Sec. end Streets where be is prepared to make to order any bled of CARRIAGES desired- lie will also keep on hand and her sale rill kinds of vehicles, such as, RAUOUCHESs CARRIAGES, 'BUGGIES, &c. He Will aloe give particular attention to repairing Vahi• cies and an he ban none but the bent - of workmen in his employment he feels assured that his work will give at' infection. His prices will be found to be as low if net lower;than at env other shop. • LEVElilt.—He keeps on band a stock of good saddle and driving Hones and Carriages Jr ddlerent kinds for hire - at - ressortable rates. may3.l.K% P. HENRY PEIFTER. jjinantial. 7-34- LOAN E§! TEURD SERIFS.. •f'70,060,000. By anthoritY attic Secretary of the Tieasury, the un. detsigtted, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Seercrities, oder; to•the pahl3e-the tleird so. ries of Treasury- :Notes, beating seven slat threetenth , per cent. interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN These notes are Issued muter date oUnly 15, 16 6 5, cad are payable three yenta from that date in eunrney, or en convertle at'the option of the bolder Into 11. 8. 5.9 D SIX PER Cr.ra GOLD BEARING BONDS Tbeee Bonds are now worth a hantheunz premium, and are exempt, as are 4/1 the Govemmera Bonds, from Seats, County, Afunieipat arratioa, which adds from one t.e. three per cent. Per annum to tkiir ratite, Recording to the rate levied upon other property. The Interest It payable semi•annnally by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut oft' and sold to any bank or banker. Tim INTSSRST AT 7430 l'Elt CNT. A-WWNTS TO ONE-MST MS TAT Os A .6.:k NnTY:. TWO VESTS"" " $lOO " Twi " ". " " $5OO " 20 . 4 " " " $ lOOO Notes of all the denomination! named MR be reutopti funriehed upon receipt of enbscliptione. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similar form and privileges to the Seven•TbsHes already sold, except that the GoremniPta naserres in itself the optima of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent. Instead of 7 3-10thS in currency. Subscribers will deduct the inter- est in currency up to Jnly Hub. at the time when the. subscribe The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Se, endldrtles will commence on the Ist olJune t nod wilt h.. made promptly and continuously after that date. . The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD ;SERIES affects only the matter of interest. Thepayment in gold, it made, will be equivalent to the carreney inter est of the higher rate. The returi to specie p . ayments, in the event of whiel, only will the - option to pay Interest in Gold be availed. of, would so teddce and equalize prices that purchases made srith ; six per cent. in gold . would lie fully equal to those made with seven and three•tenths per cerd in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARWFT Now opted by the Gcrvernreent, and its anperior advanta. gee met? It the GREAT pqruidat: LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Leu than 16230.000,000 of the Loan authorized by Con• grew] are now on the market. This amount, Attie rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be =loathed for within sixty days when the notes will undoubtedly Com mand a premium, ai has uniformly_ been the case on dal.; ing the subscriptions to other Loam% In order that citizens of every town and section of the country• may-be afforded 'facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State 'Banks, and Private Banker', throughout thB country hUve generally agreed to receive. subscriptions at par. snbseriben; will select their owe agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are 0 be responsible for the deliver of the notes for whirl. they receive orders. Stdveription Agent, Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received by the NATIONAL litiorr, OP CRAMBEREBIMG. NOTICE TO ALL DELINQUENT Corporations organized under any law of the State of Pennsylvania. Notice Is hereby given to all companiesineorporared by or under any lac. - of the Gomm onwealth of Pennsylvania. mid organized at any time prior to the first Monday of No vember, 1864, that have failed to make report to the Au ditor General under the Actepproved April 21, 1958, and the Act approved April 30, - 1864. that they are required/ to report to the Auditor General forthwith, as follorre,_vix 4 In case a dividend dine been declared: the Treasbier wilt report, under oath. the amount of capital mifd in/the date, amount, and rate per cent of each dividend &ming the gear ending the first Monday of November, 1004, and any previous year or, years in which the Company may bare had an existence; and in case no dividend has been declared during the year or years ending as aforesaid. then an appmisement of the cash vainest' the capital stock, as it existed - bra -sea the first and fifteenth days of No vember, must,be made by the --President, or Teetiblltre, and a-maltaity‘ . of the Directors, under oath. When an rip prniseinent is made the report should also state at cant time the Company was organized. In addition to the above report, under the act of April 21, 1050, companies not paying a tax on tonnage are ro •guired to make a separate report. under oath of the Tres,- firer, of the amount of net earning , or income received during the period from April 30, to November 1, 1864, M accordance with the second section or the ac t a pp rove d April 30, 1864. Companies incorporated by other States, and - doing business in lids Commonwealth," are wailfud that they are made cabtect to the tax on net earnings or Immo under the second section of the net of April 30, 1564, and are re quired to report to the Anditer-General the amount of such net earnings or income received betweenthe 30th of April and the Ist or:November, 1964. All delinquent Companies ,ncorpomtest by under any law:or the State of Pennsylvania 'will be aflorded a rea sonable time in which to make the several reports requir ed by law, and above esimnernuel but continued neglect or refusal will subject them to ve.feltare of charter. under the second proviso of the eecondoction of the act of April 30. 1564, which is in the following. words " Proided further, That say corporation which has failed to make returns to the Commonwealth, as required by-the art of April 91, entitled, An act for the better securing to the Commonwealth the payment of taxes due by incorporated companies. may make such re turn Lithin sixty days after the passage of this act, any iaw to the contrary- notwithstauding : and all delinquent companies failing or refusing to malts full returns and payment to the State as requi•ed by the generation's of this Cornmonweath in relation thereto shall have all their rights and priiileges declared heft-test by proclamatio, from the Governor." ISAAC SLENKER. Auditor•Geaeral. W. H. KEHBLE, State Treasurer. - Harrisburg, Hay IQ, 1565, Ortaysl.st. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF BOHEI HOLLER OF THI: CUllitENCy, Weskit...gun. April 29,tb, 1S IS. WHEREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been mode to appear that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GREENCAtiTLE, in the County of Franklin and State of 'Pennsylvania, has been duly organized underund according - to the require:news of the act of Congres.s. entitled "An Art to provide a Nation. al Currency , . secured by a pledge of I'ttited States Bontift, and to provide for the circuits:ton and redemption thereof.r approved June :id, 1f64, and has compiled with all the prueisi:ts of said act required to be complied with, before commencing the business of thinking . under sald act, - Now therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of thy Currency, do hereby certify that The Firsillatlorad Bank of Greencastle, in the Borough of Greencastle, in the County of Franklin, and State of l'enttsYlvania, it author ized to commence the business of Banking under the act afuresaa In tetlroony trheteof, witar , ri my hand and seal of (dues (4EAL.I this Viith day of April, 1865. PRERMAIsi CLARKE, No. 10,i t, (inay3-10t1 Comptroller of the Currency. 'VOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF _LI FRANKLIN COUSTY.—The Taxpayers of _ Franklin county will please take notice, that 1 alit whet theta ;tithe following Plan,: for the purpose of receiving t , the State, County and Military Tax,. for the year CHA3tBERSEIVR G—At the Trosurer's OfOce, oa Wednesday and Thitsdity, the and $lll days of June. None but PeniNtlvanin or Government funds rs• ceived for Taxes, LICENSES.—AII person ,who are subject to jar a 3feraantlle or ManufactureirlAcenso, will please take up said License at tho aboin named •plttee‘. a:I ant eon:Tell. ed by law to bring milt en allunpaid License be the lnth day of July next. JAMES G. ELbER, martial County Treasurer. A iI ONEY `WANTED.-BRAND & FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indebted to them try rietes or book accounts to call and make immediate settlement. The necessity of this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in debted will report at onto. = awri24.tf BOUNTY TAN !—Androw . Baird will meet the citizemi of Hamilton tearcebip, at the Pub lie Howe of Joe Gordon, on the three following Saturdays, viz :--3d. 10th nail 17th, fin the purpose of collecting BOUNTY TAX. reny3l..3t Veroonat Vtopertr *air 0. CATT LE.--PUBLIC SALE OF IMPROVED D URHAMS.—JAMES GOWEN will Sell at PUblle ,are, at 'Mount Airy. Phila delphia, ost irebtaday, rhi.' list of ..Ttam 1.265, a fine herd of Cows, nelfers, Yowl' Mill& Red weillrolvp Calves. bred by himself, 00d expressly to combine 000 D XILAiNG vim E,ASV nr.DINa. The Cahtlogue will embrace some 40 head of Young Cattle, which 1030111 d at this time tom mond partionlar atteutiun, when choice gram* are so mush in request fur trreeditg. Cutalognes will bir famish ed in tineauto. Sate to commence at 11 o'clock, A.M. oulyl7-5t VOR SALE.—Agood STEAgENGINE , j: six horse power, in goo' condition. Ca_ seir-l-tf be "4u by eallinf at T. B. Wond's YoFoundry. mo i warm,. FOE SALE.-A taif coats' Acholarishig 'lullte Quaker City Business College of Ptilladelri6 u , at-Shia °See. F. E Y S T. E R 0 . , • - STEM AND GAS-FIT MEE, - And Dealers w ull (cind•D[ PARMING 1211PLEMENT 8 , - 123E9.810 East ()nevi SL. EtwaltasiXagrEs: JAY COOKE. mav24-61