TERNS OF PI BLICATION _THE. Fiaristami REposrrow is pllbliMled every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at $2 SO per annum, I ADVANCE, or $3 If not paid within the year. AU subscription ac. vaunts Mi?ST be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless j;sid for in adrana, and all such siabscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expi- ration of the time for which they are Paid. ADVERTISEMENTSare inserted at k a 1 LEN CENTS per line for first insertion, and TEN CENTS per line fur sub sequent insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons Jr advertising by the quarter, half-year or year. Special nri tines charged one-half more than regular advertisements. All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual Interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding die lines, are charged fifteen cents per line. - r Legal Notices of enery kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial Sales, are r rrquired by late to be advertised in the REPOSITORY—it haring the LiEGESTCIR attiaIONof any paperpublished in thz county of Franklin. JOB PRINTING °revery kind in Plain and Fancy col ors, done arithnestriess anddiirateh. Hand-bills. Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, .&e-, of every vasiety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE has just been - re-Btted with Steam Power and three Presses. and .every thing In the Printing line can be executed irk_the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS Ei- VARIABLY*CASIL t3r Mr. John K. Shryock is OW authorized Asrent to receive Subscription:and Advertisements, and receipt for thekame. All letters should be addressed to ~.ITCLURE & STONER. Publishers. I Toal, kunibrr, M. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! AT . The Undersigned have new on band, at their PLANING AND FLOORING MILL, a large supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all d,eseriptions, from half inch to 8 inches, on hand. , Plait, and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed: Also—Wood Turning in all Its broaches. Newel Posts Banisters, Bed Posts, 6... e„ on hand. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale.. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at short notice. HAZELET, VERNON 6: CO.. feta' tf. Harrison Avenue, Chandgusburg. NOTICE TO FARMERS 100 TONS OF TIMOTHY HAY Wanted by Gao. A. DETIL 200 WALNUT LOGS • Wante4 by GEO. A. DEGi. 1 ASH LOGS Waritet GEO. A. DEITZ. 100 LARGE CHERRY LOGS Wanted by Gto. A. DEITZ. I=ll and.rdl kinds of Produce bought by GEO. A. DEiTZ, at his Warehouse above the Railroad Depot. • STOVE AND LIME COAL for tale cheap, by the ton or half ton OAK AND HICKORY rOOD by the eord or half col2l. OAK AND HICKORY 'WOOD, sawed and split for stove use, by the cool or half curd - WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS. of Oak, Walnut and Pine, always on hand. WDIDOW AIM DOOR-FRAME STU'F, arid all kinds of LUMBER, such as Oak and Pine Plank ; Oak, Walnut, Pine and Hemlock Boards; Flooring Boards, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, &o. BEST OF ROOFING SLATE always on hand, and roofs put on by the best Slaters, who have drawn medals for their superior workmanship. CALL AT DEITZ'S WAREHOUSE, above the Railroad Depot, and buy cheap. (deal LE",kRD EBERT SON, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are premed to furnish Bill Lumber to order at short no tice, till at the most reasonable terms. Our stork of Lum ber consists of White Pine '2 inch Plank, " " select Plank: " " 11 " Plank. ' " " 1. select and Culling Boards, " " " Boards, " 4 " Siding (6 inch,) " " Best River Shingles, " " Worked Floring, " " " Siding, " Joist and Assunting. sites, • vre.eirocii - isine eserScartuing, " Boards, Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling, Failing and Plastering Laths. We have also always on hand a good supply of all kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-burning. Also a supe rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lie are invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that call. Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. [2roface on Second St., In the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersburg, Pa. LEO. EBERT SON. julf27-tf. SMALL, BENDER b:. CO., York and Goldiaborough, Pa, LUMBER DEALERS Ant MASUFACTUREITS OF SA.SIT, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES', du., keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas onable Lumber, Nis—Joist and Scantling,Weatherboard• ing, dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles, palings and Fencing. igr White Pine and Oak Bills, saled,to order at the shortest notice. All coMmunications should be addressed to YORE, PA. Isep*Ly QTEAIII SAW MILL.—The undersikm - K 3 ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw 31111 at the South Mountain, near Graffenb Springs , and are =to saw to order Bilis, of WHITE OAR, PLNE, OCI: or any kind hi timber desired, at the short est notice and at tow rates. One of the firm will be at the Rigel of Sanel Greenawalt, in Cbambersbnrg. on Satur day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereat '4 for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low • EST RATES. ' All fetters should be addressed to them at Graffenburg P. 0.. Adams CO., Pa.. — decl4-tf 3ULTENBERGER BRADY. LT:MBE - IL—The under: signed is prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lam ' her at the lowest market price. IL A. RENFREW, GREEN - WOOD MILLS, , Fayetteville P. 0. dee@.ly 50.000 GOOD CHESTNUT SHINGLES for ' , ale Apply im- medistel3 . _ mayl7-4V 13oots anD ,Stogo. 1110 ALL W 13031 IT MAY CONCERN. I 1. JACOB. Hurray's BOOT 4 SHOE STORE.— The undersigned takes this metbodof returning his thanks to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for the vety liberal patronage , heretofore extended to him, and hopes, in his present ruisforuue in common with near- ly , everry business man in town, till,' he will still continue to be remembered. He has the pleasure of Informing the public that he has opened his Store in the Easement of J B. MeLanahant's Dwelling, on Second Street, four doors North of the Methodist Church, where he is prepared to offer a general assortment of Men's. Women's and Chit. dren'a-Boots and Shoes, embracing his own and City man. ufacture, fur excellece of style and durability are superior to and of his former stock, and will be offered at prkes to suit all. lie is in Weekly Receipt of Goods from Philadelphia, which for beauty tend excellence cannot be surpassed South of the Susquehanna. ' CUSTOMER WORK of every• variety done with promptness—As be employs none but superior workmen, he feels justified is guaranteeing all work made at his es tablishment. DOLet forget the place, Four Doors North of the Methodist Church, Second Street, Diet Side.— TRUNKS, of the latest style, from -approved makers, ways on hand, and for sale at a very small advance on original cost. , jang24l JACOn SUTTON. p E3IOVED.—The undersigned has the _Li) pleasure of informing. his old customers and the pub Ito generally, that be has removed his BOOT & SHOE STORE to the New Brick Building of Grorge Ludwig, on Main Street, one door south of Orminawalt's Hotel, where he is now opening the largest assortment of Boats and Shoes ever brought to the county, His stock embra ces every variety of Youths', Ladies' and Men's BOOTS d: SHOES, which for gyle of finish, and durability of wear, Cannot be surpassed in the county, and which will bt sold at prices basalt the times. Having purchased TILE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer work. at short notice, bythe best workman in the county. With a disposition to be obliging and ac emareothrting,i he hopes to merit a liberal share of put ionage,—..without a desire to monopolize, as his motto is, In oar common calamity, to live and let live. Particular attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. TERMS CASE, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. C • OUT EXTORTION. He bas also on hand,.and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va• Uses! Carpet Snake. Lams and Paper Collarcynper, Envelopes, Ink.stands, Steel Peas, &C.. &C. = may 10 P. PELTTAAN. . N, ',weans knowing themselves indebted will please call and make immediate settlement, that T may be enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL! ROPES & TWINES. i c The undersigned having purchased the entire Stock And Fixtures of the Rope and Twine I,fanufartory of J. P. Grey, decid, respectfully announces to her friends, and the former patrons of the establishment, flint she will murrain to carry on the business, in all Its various branches, at TAB OLD STAND - - - - on Franklin street, Chambensbunr, where she will be Flom ed to receive the tans and orders of the public. All kinds, an, and qualities of • vi4 OPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., al kept on hand or made to order otthe beet material, and Paraazed at reaeouabte price& la connection with the above ba'inent she la also prepared to manufacture . FIALR, HUSK, 'AHD OTHER MATTRASSES, as well Sultana Blankets and Fly Nets orsuperior gnel ity and (Vie Peneons in want of superfor articles in the above line are requested to call, or send their orders, which will be attended to roomptly. MARY E (I RA Y. *ilber4tinitig Conti:tang. THE McCLEAN SILVER MINING JACOB Hill Easton, Pa, • a OFFICE, 4V-I CEIRSTECT STREET. PIMADELP/ILL The Eaton and Aurora Silver Lodes, the property of_ this. Company, are situated on the Rattlesnake (peek, a never failing motmtain stream, which empties into the Bearer Head Elver, a tributary. or the Jefferson Fort of the Missouri, in'Beaver Head County, in the'Tenitory of Montana, and contain twelve hundred 6e - t. each The width of the Eaton Lode is fire and one-ball and of the Aurora three and one-half feet, - running to unknown depths, and increasing in richness as they go down. These two Mee are only Forty feet apart, and probably run-to- getter at some distance from the surface An estimate hereto appended- based upon - actual assays made in the ordinary form,,and is bulk, will show the km- mense yield of these mines and their great value as Silver, producing Lodes. These essays were made by Prof. A K. Eaton - , Prof. Forrgy of the New 'York Amy Office, and Prof. Gunth. of this city. Sample No. 1 Silver per ton $lO2 '33 Trate. Sample No. 2 / Silcerpee ton 93 75 Gold j " 81 72 Sample No, 3 s Silver Ts per ton 467 Trace. Snm le pxo. 5 r per ,, ton 1.677 70 . 1,251 35 Sample 24. I Sliver Per ton Gold 8198 Trace. Sample No. 2 { a i ro l j r per„thu 73 90 21 10 Sample N 0.3 LIT: I r " 201 10 Trace.. Sample No. 4 " . 11quaniity 314 50 PROF, A. R. EATON t-DE4.li . Sut: The sample of ore `that you left with me, marked. "Discovery t," pro by limy. in Silver 8164 511.100 Silver per ton. PHILADELPHIA, April 3, ie6s.—The sample of silver ore from 31ontana Tenitoly examined at your request, mutable 172,22 *unmet of Ailver in 2000 Bre. of ore ; value 81.4,22 Gold per ton. The above ore is said to come from the Caton Lode. Messrs. Adelberg and Raymond, mining Engineers. New York, say "We assume that the Lead ore will- yield 875 in Silver to the ton, and- the Silver ores $5OO. These figures are moderate enough, since, according to our ways, the Gil ver ores contain from 8913 to 89110 specie value.' GEO. FLECK, adjoining Fair Ground. From the above mays, some Idea may be formed of the Immense value of this property, and of the certainty of a large yield. But even that idea will be merely approx imative, without a due consideration of the following facto The celebrated Cometock Si' car Lode, in Nevada, wor lied by the "Gould and Curry," "Empire," "Yellow ,Taelr et," "Ophir," "Crone Point," "Savage" and some other companies, sold on the Bth of Apri1,.1865, at prices avers ging ever Two Thousand Dollars per foot. These mines yield an average Of about 865 to the too, which includes first, second and third classes of ores. Now, the average yield of the three classes of ore of the Eaton and Aurora Lodes will certainly be more than 845 per ton ; Indeed, from the large number of assays thus far made, not only here, but in the actual workinga of the mine, It will probably reach $75 or FrzO per ton. The 9,100 feet • owned by the Compani .t ould, therefore, be worth, at the price of te . cthipstairrtode, nearly Five MrlleOns of Dollars. The Company have eont u mill of twe'lay-four etampalto the mine,t, and expert returns in /direr in September. Thin will be able to crush thirty tons of ore per day, at an ex penso for mining, crushing and Smelting of ten dollars (810) per ton. Then, taking the yield at only 860 per ton, the Tema tconld be as follows 30 tons per day, at sail Cost, 810 per trm or $450,000 per annum, payable, not in currency, but in thaccAnib;6C The property of the Company is amply sufflcient for a dozen companies, and could not be exhaubted inn lifetime. ProspOetorn are also engaged by the Company, taking tip other Loden for them The operations at the midet are under the anperinten deuce of the Hon. Samuel DleLesu, Delegate to Congress from the Territory. whore thorough iteguelnMnee with. mining renders it certain that the interests of the Contra py will be pushed in the most energetic manner. Only Twenty Thousand Shares formals. may 1740 I __:. - 14'anYL..ti!'0,/tpit - 0 , .: - : . ' i - ..i'i BY M'CLITRE & STONER; t• - COMPANY OF MONTANA. CAPITAL, SI.OOMO. HICIA* SHARES AT SIO EACH Ff. 3.1. PAID UP 95 EACII. President; •, EDWARD F., JONES. .Üblltvle2Rhia_ Tice President, Cm- S. McCLEAN, Montana Territory• Secretary and Treasurer, WILLIAM M. BARLOW. Philadelphia. pireaors, EDWARD E. JONES, Philadelphia, COL. S. McCLEAN, Montana Territory, GEORGE K ROBERTS, Philadelphia, WILLIASI W. LEDIARD, Philadelphia. J. G. Gna., Montana Territory., J. C. DELACOVH, Camden, N. J. EATON LODE IZEIREMI NEW That:, January 21, 1665. Town truly, I , ;et daily profit WM. M. BAIMAW, Secretary & Tree D. D. OAKS, - Agent for Franklin Comity and vicinity. A UDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given to the creditors of Peter H. HotIA103:, late nr the borough of s3tuimbersburg, deed, that the account of John Miller, Adminlstmtor of the estate of said deco debt, has been confirmed by the Orphans' court of Frank lin county, and-that,the undersigned has been appointed by said court to distribute the „halance on said account to and among the persons entitled by law to receive the same. The Auditor will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his /Alice, in the borough of ehambersburg, on Wednesday; the 7th day of June, A. D., 1557, at 10 u'. clock, A. M. [may:24-ift) JOHN STEWART, Auditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVE` THAT the undersigned was appointed by the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Franklin, at the January Term, A. D., 1863, Committee of the-Person and proper ty of George Junes, a Lunatic, who resides in 3letsl township, k tanklin County. All persons are hereby non fled to cease doing busititni with uatd. Lonatw, and any that have settlements to make, to call tad trau.ct the saute with the committee. may 31-lit JOHN a JONES, Committee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The partnership heretofore costing between Da mm C. Brant and samuel ldetrich. udder the style, tom and name of Brant & Detrick, was dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of May. abe Books of the late firm are in the hands of David C. Brant. All persons knowing themselves , luidebted are requested to make Br; mediate payment. - DAN ID C:-BRANT, SAMUEL DETHICIL The business will be continued by the undasigued. DAylll C. BRANT. ESTATE OP DAVID LYTLE.—The :uo4lslgnedrappointeti Auditor to make distribution of the balances, in the hands of J. M. Lytle. Executor of David Lytle, deceased, to and among the heirs and lega• tees of the said deceased will for that purpose meet at his office. in the borough of Cliambersburg, on Thursday, the 15th flay of June, at Jo'clock, P. M., all persons who may think proper to atten& GEO. W. BREWED., may-4 Auditor. NOTICE 1S HEREBY G'IVFN THAT George W. Portz, of Waynesboro,' on the ..th day of April. 1865, made a voluntary assignment of an his es tate and effects: real and personal, in trust for his creditors to Joseph Douglas. All persons indebted to raid Portz will please make im mediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated fur settlement to may3-6t JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob Smith, late of Antrim township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate Will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. maydi JACOB R SHANK, Admit.. ADMINISTRATOR'S tiee is hereby even that Letters of Administration, on the Estate of James W. Lane, late of--Guilfoni town ship. deed, have been granted to the undersigned. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate win please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them property athendeated tbr settlement may 3 ELIZABETH LANE, Adm'rx. A. pMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No fie66 i;berelly given that Letters or Administration, D. B. F. C. T, Al, on the Estate of Margaret L. Camp• bell, late of Chamliersburg. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment 7. and those baring claims present them properly authenticated for settlement may 3 PATRICK MGARVEY, Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.— -Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Elizabeth Saylor, late of Greeneastle, det'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All pensitis knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and thosabaving claims present them properly authenticated forsettlement. may 3 GEORGE ILGINFEITZ, Ex.?. EXECUTOR'S NO TlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentarr to the Estate of Jacob Burkholder, late of Lur g airtotruship, deed, have been g ranted to the underi g ned residin g at Netrburg. Pa. All persons knowing theinselves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. may 3 DAVID WHERRY, Ex'r. Canbitrates' tCarbo. COUNTY TREASURER.—bias. JOHN HASSLER, offers himself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating Convention. Rr ToolL.L.l, Mta. v y 20 IPfu 110IINTY TREASURER.—At the solie kJ Ration of a number of my friends, I announce my selfa candidate fur the (Mee of County Treasurer, sub• jest to the decision of the 'Union Nominating County Convention ilatiNCY, Blarch22.l WHI FLAGILE. A. CRISWELL will be a candidate . for the offlee of County Treasurer. subject to the decision of the Union Nominating County Conveatinn. GREEN TOWNSHIP, May 3d; 1865. TREASURER.—SamueI F. Greenawalt offers himself as a Candidate fur the otUee of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Uuion Nomilia• thur Convention. t ChiantEnsucitu, March 15. SHERIFFALTY.—At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I offer myself as a Can didate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin County, suliJeet to the decision of the rnion Nominating . Convention. GLILFORD TONMSIIII , , March 21):. F. W. 0080. SIIERIFFALTY.—Encouraged by a number of my friends. I offer myself as a Candidate fur the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union :Combating County Convention. DAVID EBY. .li/MILTON ToWNBIIIr. March r. = SUERIFFA_LTY.—I offer myself as a Candidate for the race of Sherifrof Franklin county, subject to the decision of the Union "Nominating Comer, tion. TI-10.11AS -WA PEE. liErterasnunG, Pa.. March fl - 2. le'Ss. F. A. GEVITI S'ETERIFF AL T Y.—Encouraged by a number of my friends, I offer myself es a caudidate for the dike of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating County Convention. D. M. LEISHER. - CHAXBERSBUIU3. March 15. SHERIFFALTY.—Capt. Jzio. DCEBLEN, of Chamberiburg, will be. candidate for the office of Sheriff, subJect to the declaim of the Union Nominating County Convention, merchll DWATSON ROWE WILL BE A . candidate for the race of DISTRICT ATTOR NEY, subject to the decision of the next Union County Convention. may-31. EASTERN INN.—The undersigned ha ving lately purchased the large and comma:lines Brink Building of Rev. S. IL Fisher, in connection with his present place of business, on the corner of Main street and Ludwig's Alley, is prepared to accothmodase BOARD ERS by the day. week or month. He is amply provided with STABLING to accommadate the traveling public. Having a large. LIVERY STABLE connected with the Hotel, guests and the public generally can be furnished with Horses and Carriages at any mopent. Persons visit ing thambersburg with their families trill find this the most comfortable Hotel in the.county, as it has been. re fitted With entire new Furnitute, and the rooms are hinge and well centilitt.l. The TABLE is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and the BAR, which is de tached from the Brick Building. will always be furnished with choice and pure liquors. Ecery.altention paid to the comfort of grwsts. S. F. GREENA WALT. BROWN'S HOTEL-.=This Hotel. situ ated on the corner of Qu4n and Second Streets, op posde the Bank. Court Room, and County Offices, and m the immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shops, and other places of business, in cons eniently taunted for country people having business in Chombersburg. The Building bas been greatly enlarged and refitted for the riccowmoda , tion of Guests. THE TABLE will always be furnished with the lie4t the Market can produce. . . THE BAB sill be supplied with pure and choice Li quors, THE STABLE is large and attentd witha good and careful Ostler - Every attention will he rendered Cegvnake Guests com fortable while oojwuninq at this Hotet.k febl, JACOB S BROWN, Proprietor. ZION HOTEL.—This old and well lJ established Hotel to nor open for the accommodation of Guests . . The Proprietor having leased the three-story block of bull dings on Queen Street, in the rear of his former stand, Is prepared to furnish GOOD ROOMS for the traveling and transient custom. • • - • .. HIS TABLE will sustain its former reputation of being supplied with the best the market can produce. HIS BAR, detached from the main building, will al ways hare choice and pure Liquors. Good warm STABLLNG for fifty horses, with careful ostler. _ $l,BOO 300 81,,00 Every attention .47111 be made to render ghests comfort able ts bile sofoursdne at this Hotel. janlB JNO. FISHER. Proprietor. DAVID H. HUTCHISON has become the Proprietor of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at iIARRISRIIRD, PA. This populai and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished throughout its parlors and chambers, and is now reedy for the reception of guests. The traveling public will find the United States lintel the most convenient, in all particulars, of any lintel In the State Capital, on account of Its acress to the railroad, being immediately between the la 0 great depots in this city, w r- fffarrukhurg, June 17, rz.i.r. STATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE the Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad De pots, Harrisburg City, Pa. This convenient and pleasant Hotel Is now kept by the undersigned, late of the Indian Queen in Charabersburg, and he invites the patronage of his old friends and the public generally. Terms moderate. octs.tf JOILH W. TAYLOR. VOTIrE.—A certificate in my favor for 11 five shares of stock in the HARRISBURG BANK haring been lost, application has been made to the Bank fora new certificate In place thereof. ELIZABETH F. PATTERSON. Mercersbarg. May 17th. 1866.41 CHAMBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 7, 1865. Regal Ratites. potets. txantlin. grp,tfoittiv. ('LOVER BLOSSOMS There's a modest little bloss om Blooming closely to the ground, Wltile its wealth of sweetest perfume Thrills through all the air around. White and pure a field of clo ver. In the sunny summer day, Brings a calm my spirit over, , Sweet as music far away, In the rich man's terraced garden Many a fair exotic twines ; - Many a gaily tinted flower 'NeatlL-theglossy foliage shines. By the poor man's lowly cottage, Violet' sweetest odors yield; ' Yet I love the air of freedom Blowing from a clover field. ? Lilies in the Valley growing. • Rorer in their blushing pride, 4 These may wreathe their regal beauty Fitly for the youthful bride. • Laurel wreatbilutay suit ithe poet, Forest flowers may lure the I would only ask the clover, Meek Tend modest, brave and mild., Little cares my hardy flowers, Though the soil be poor and dry: Bloomiog by the dirty wayside, Blessing all who pose thereby. Let me learn the gentle lesson, -_- ~E.ven in. ray lowly way, Working bravely, like the clover. In the sultry summer day. THE SOLDIEWBRIDE. There wore wild flowers in profusion, in boquet and garland, scattered about the small but gentle mansion of Widow Stoningtai. Mirrors and an tique picture frames were wreathed with them; Windows were garlanded, and even the very gob lets—saving a sufficient number to accommodate the excited guests—were made to serve the pur pose of vase. The long table with its snowy cloth, the Side board, and the parlor oruamental-piece, bore a score of their fragrant ornaments, yet queen above them all was the pure white boquet syringas and white thorn blossoms that lay upon the dressing table in one of the neatest little bou doirs in New England. Wttat a stir! what a tumult! what a running here and there! what a pattering of slippered feet up and down the stairs! what a flying of nimble fingers among bits of ribbon and .tarleton and illusion! And why not! Sweet Lucy, the only surviving child of the widow, was that morn ing to marry Capt. Edward - Burnett, wyoung and handsome officer, who had already distinguished himself in the Union service. Lucy is not handsome but very pure and lovely in her bridal Zress of pearl white gauzy texture, looped •up here and there with boquets of the fragrant syringa; while among her golden curls peep out the white violet and moss rose-bud just opening itii petals to the light. - And Lucy looked dreamily happy - 'that morning, yet astonishingly indifferent—so that the bride maids protested—to her own personal appear ance. She had not once raised hei ,eyes to the mirror before which they were turning from one side to the other as if she were but a moving wax figure, placed there to show the advantage the gauze and laces with which they were adorning her. A light rap is heard at the door. "This is Edward—let him come in," mid Lucy, the lightest perceptible flush mounting her cheeks at the well known sound. "Oh! no; uo !" chimed half a dozen voices "not till this loop of ribbon is fastened and the veil properly adjusted." ' But Edward did come in, - though he paused for a moment on the threshold to contemplate the ,loveliness of the group. The next instan the was by Lucy's side, rumpling veil, tisanes, ribbon•, and flowers in one confused mows as he caught her rri his arms and pressed his lips to her ow burning cheeks. "Goodness me!" "Oh my!" "Did you ever!" "The bear P' The Hottentot: to swallow her at a mouthfal !" avid various other exclamations of dis gust escaped the group of bridetnaids, who looked with dismay on the havoc the sunburnt but still handsome captain was making of the bridal finery of their pet Lucy. "I beg pardon, ladies, but I couldn't resist the temptation." said Edward; "there Lucy, shake yourself, and you'll be just as •new. Who shall say the beauty of a bird is not enhanced by rill , - fling its plumage ?" Just at this moment Mrs. Stonington entered to say that "the guests had all arrived and that the minister was getting impatient." "Not more so than myself," said Edward, re signing his bnde electio her uncle, who was to give her away. While.the ceremony was being ~performed a silent prayer goes up from the heart 'At . the widow and tears drop thick and fast upon takfurrowed cheeks, for her home will uow be desolate indeed; and when at last the two are made one the moth er presses her daughter to her bosom—now hers no more forever—one, long moaning sob, which she trice to repress, escapes her, and she feels that the light has gone out from the hearthstone when the carriage containing the newly married couple rolled away from the door. 'A month had passed Captain Burnett's ab sence having expired, he joinshis regiment taking his young bride with him—much agamst his bet ter judgment—to that desolate portion of Eastern Virginia which was soon after the scene of a ter rible battle: But though the presented camplife and marches in their drearilfst aspectlfo her, her reply was: "'Where thou guest I will go' Had I thought you would refuse to let me bear you company in your perils, I would not have married you." "Lucy dearest, how eau a delicate form like yours bear the tedious marches which many a hardy soldier sinks under t and then to subsist for weeks on hard, dry, often' times repulsive food-L -what a change front the delicacies you have been nurtured on ," Let ins but try, 4dward ; I am strong and brave and healthy, aid will cheerfully bear all the privations you menti^n, nay, more so, I may be your companion. • And thus it was that the bravo captain yielded to his young wife's entreaties. The bride was for seine time charmed with the novelty of camp-life, and while listening to the stirring beat of the drum, as the different compau•. ies went through their drilla, she almost wished herself a " brave soldier boy." Na prouder, sight had her eyes ever witnessed than that of her gal lant husband as, at the bead of his brave band of cavalry he set out for the battle field. " And I am to, be left behind 1" she asked Its Edward sprang from his saddle and entered the tent to give her a parting kiss. " Certainly dearest. What could we do with w oman on the battle-field." ' "I timl s us it I could figlittoo, Edward. Pray let ute accompany you." " Not for the wide world can I consent. Some ill would most assuredly befall you; and you would be, at least, but a stumbling block in our way. I have given Stanton the charge of allhirs here, and until I return or you hear fro Mme, low implicitly his directions. Should I fall, dear Lucy,' aftd his voice trembled slightly, "go back to youriknother without delay." Lucy's eyes were dim with tears, but she. soon wiped them away to watch the little band which her husband led as they galloped across the wide The battle-field was not far distant, and soon she heard th . e roar of artillery. The loud 61111. lug of cannon and the fiendish hissing of the Shells, that sped fiercer than thunderbolts through the air, ether nearly frantic. " Stanton ?" she cried, going to the door, where he was busy putting things in marching order. "Is there a horse here "Yes, ma'am, a couple." • "Then saddle the swiftest for me. lam going out for a ride. . . "But ma'am, the captain said—" "No matte); what the captain stud, I must have the lame at once." "I have no lady's saddle." "No matter; a saddle of any kind will do:" "But, madam—!" Stamping her little foot. "Look yonder!" And she pointed to the north east. "A heavy rebel fostee is coming unexpect edly, upon Our troops. With ei swift horse I can reach my husband's column and give•the 'alarm in that time to circumvent them. Now do my bidding at once!" Stanton in fear and wonder obeyed ; and when be led truth the high ;nettled steed Lucy appeared in a regular military suit of her husband's, with her curls so nicely stowed away beneath the cloSe fitting cap, that the man in waiting could scarcely believe the boyish looking soldier before him was no other thou the captain's wife. "Shall I not accompany you madam ?" he ask ed, as she sprang lightly into the saddle. "I want no retainers, Stanton; Stay where you are, and follow the captain% orders," Lucy did not wait for him to finish the sentence, but putting spurs to her steed, took the route her .husband had taken, and was after an hours' fa tiguing ride in fail view of the battle. She paused but a few moments and looked back. The enemy were advancing rapidly. She looked before at the contending armies. Shells shrieked past, and the force of the artillery Caused the very ground to tremble.beneath':her feet. Her steed curved his proud neck and pawed the ground, impatient to proceed. She gave him the rein, for she saw -where the dense volume of smoke was slowly ris ing, the form of Edward— At all events it was a cavalry company, and she - dashed boldly forward. Nearly deafened by the roar of artillery, and stifled by the smoke, she still kept on, until hav ing reached Kilpatrick's division. she was' mounted by 'the stumbling of her horse. "Will you put me to Captain Burnett's compa.: - nv V she asked. • To the left, replied the soldier addressed, but it is impossible for you to reach him. "I Must see him or die in the attempt," she cried. And she did see him, leading on his brave but thinned company into the conflict. She called him once, twice, thrice ere he heed ed her, and tiled gave her but a passing glance. "The enemy are coining in large force from the west. Make haste and they may be-taken in the gorge; tarry till they reach the brow of the hill and-the day is lost to you." , He? Voice must have been strangely altered, for her husband did not recognize it. He lett his company in charge of -his first lieutenant, sought Kilpatrick, and in a few minutes, with his own company and 'reserve Corps, was soon galloping off in the direction pointed out by his own brave little wife, , "He did. not recognize me and it is well. It might have deterred: him from going," shesuid to herself, vet a dizzy sensation crept over her when she looked upon the wounded, the dead and dying Who lay in masses about her. She thought she heard a groan ;.she listened; yes she was not mis taken ; half buried among the slain was a form familiar to her. She removed, as well as she was able, the weight that oppressed him, and asked if he was hurt much. The soldier, addressed turned his face toward her with a groan; saying - , "I feel very faint. and thirsty. In the name of Heaven give me a drink of water, and I shall die-easy." It was a terrible task that the captain's wife ithpoSed upon herself—that of unstrapping arid opening the knapsack of the dead Several times, a miss came before her eyes, as the ghastly up turnea faces of the dead met her view; but well was she repaid when she returned and placed a canteen to his lips. ' She seated herself, raised his head to her lap, and with her own handkerchief sought to staunch the wound in his temple. A moment ,aftertud her arm dropped powerless by tier side; she felt sharp cutting pain about her elbow, then she stnik insensible by the side of the poor soldier, who was too weak to render *any serclee; nor did she recover Volleit,USDeis again until tramp of soldiery announced the. return of Captain Bur nett and his .corps, who had succeeded in totally routing the enemy. When they reached the point from whence they had started, Kilpatrick and his forces were M possession of the field. I The enemy leaving their field pieces behind . them and flyitig in all directions. ; " How did you get infortnntion of the approach Of the rebs ?" asked Kilpattick after having con gratulated Burnett on his success. "Thnt is just N hat I have been trying to make out myself General," replied Burnett. "As near as I could discern through the smoke, it was a boyish face.and figure in a:captain's Uniform. - Suddenly he paused; foals eye fell on the pal lid face of one of his own loved soldier,,, and be aide- hitn—great Hear& could he believe his eyeel-=the drooping figure of his own wife, his Lucy, her long golden: tresses, escaped from the cap, falling like a sunshine about: her, were dab bed itilbleod—a sacred baptism of the good deed she had that day done. Never had Edward Burnett's cheek paled so before the enemy, as when he raised his wounded wife to his arms, and turning to Kilpatrick he said: "General, the mystery is solved. 'This is he boy captain who warned me of the approach mg rebel force. ,L "And the boy captain lute won for you a colon- Cloy, - and for herself lasting fame, and the thanks of all the true hearted l'ilionists," ieplied the General. And being as gallant as he is brave, it is said, though I will not touch for the tfuth, that ho gave the fair lady, at parting, a kiss on either cheek as a token of his just appreciation of her courage. Lucy was placed in an ambulance, and with the soldier she had saved from death, borne to the camp where both with care and goot;nursing soon became convalescent. ' Edward Burnett is still in the service of country. Step by step he is ascending the lad der of fame, winning for himself laurels which shall neither wither nor decay. TITE LAST DAYS OF BYRON I passed the winter of Byron's death in GreLcce; and in the latt - r part of February went to'Mtisso• longhi to see him. He was then suffering from the effect of a fit of epilepsy, which occurred in the middle of February. The first time I called at his residence I was not permitted to see him; but in a few days I received a polite note from him at the hand of a negro servant, who was a Oative of America, aa whom Byron was kind to, and proud of, to the last. I found the poet iv) a weak and irritable state, but he treated me with the utmost kindness. He said, that at the time I first called upon him, all strangers aid most of his .friends were excluded from his room. " But said he, had I known an American was at the door, you should not have been denied. I love your country; sirf it is the only spot of God's green eFth nut desecrated by tyranny," In our conversation, I alluded to the sympathy at the time telt in America for the struggle in Greece. All he said at the time in reply was— , " Poor Greece ! poor Greece! once the richest on earth. God knows I have tried to help thee!" He then referred in rapturun terms to Bona ris, then just fidlen, and showed tue a letter from the chief. In.afew ;days after I had left hini, I received another note from him, requestingAne to call and bring with me Irving's Sketch Book. I took it in my hand, and went once more to the illustrious author's residence. He rose from his couch when I entered, and pressing my hand warmly. quid— " Have you not the Sketch Book!" I handed it to him, when, seizing it with euthu siasm.he turned to "The Broken Heart." "That," said he, "is 0110 of the finest things ever written on earth, and I want to hear an American read it. But, stay, do you know Ir ving ?" I replied that I had never seen him. " God bless him !" exclaimed Byron, " he is a genius ; and ho has somethmg better than genius —a heart I wish I could see him, hut I fear I never shall. Well, read 'The Broken Heart'— yes, 'The Broken Heart.' What a work!" In closing the first paragraph, I said= " Shall I contest it 7 I believe in broken hearts." " Yelt," exclaimed Byron, " and so'do I, and so does every one but philosophers and fools." So I waited, whenever he interrupted me, until he requested me to go dn, yet I eared more for the commentary as it came fresh front Byron's heart. While I was reading one of the most touching portions of the mournful piece, I observ ed that Byron wept. He turned his 'eyes upon ins, and said— "Xou see me weep, sir. Irving himself never wrote that story without weeping, nor can I hear it without tears. I have not wept. much in this world, fof trouble never Woo tears to my ey e s ; but I always have tears for The Broken heart.'" When I read'thef hist line of Moore's verses, at the close of the piece, Byron said: '• What a being that Tom is, and Irving; and Emmet, and his,beitutiful love ! What beings all sir, how many such ineu as Wastdugton Irving are there in America t God don't scud many such spirits into this world. I want to go to America for fivil reasons. I want to see Irving; I want to sec your stupendous scenery; I want to see Washington's grave; I want to see the claw. sic form of living freedom ; I want to see your government recognize Greece as an independent nation. ' Poor Greece These were the last words of Byron. VOL. 72,...WH0LE I I A STOET OF ANDRF. * JOMNSON. —..- . Mr. Lincoln told us this sto of Andy Johnson, as he was familiarly iil the bit of calling him. It was a few weeks rnior to the Baltimore Con vention, before it waslknown hat Governor John eon would be the nominee for the Vice. Preside ncy. Said he--'I had a visit last night from Col onel Moody, 'the fighting Methodist parson,' as he is called in Tennessee. He is on his way to the - Philadelphia Conference, and being in Wash ington over night, came up „ to see me. He told me,” he continued, "this story of Andy Johnson and - General - Buell, which interested me intense ly. Colonel Moody was in Nashville the day that it was reported that Buell bad decided to evacu ate the city. The Rebels, strongly reinforced, were said fo be within two days' march of the capital. Of course, the city was greatly excited. Said Moody, 'I went in search of Johnson at the edge of the evening, and found him at his office, closeted with two gentlemen, who were walking the floor with him, one on each side. As I enter ed they retired, leaving me alone with Johnson; who came up to me manifesting intense feeling, and said: 'Moody, we are sold out! Buell is a traitor! He is going to evacuate the city, and in forty-eight hours we shall all be in the hands of the Rebels.' Then he commenced pacing the floor, gain, twisting his hands, and chafing like a caged tiger, utterly insensible to his friend'sen treaties to - become calm. Suddenly he turned and said, 'Moody, can you pray V 'That is my business, sir, as aMinister of the Gospel,' return ed the Colonel. 'Well, Moody, I wish you would 'linty,' said Johnson, and instantly both went doivn upon their knees at opposite sides of the roods, As the prayer became fervent, Johnson began to respond in true Methodist style. Pres ently he crawled over on his bands and knees to Moody's side, and put his arm over him, manifest ing the deepest emotion. Closing the prayer with a hearty 'Amen !' from each they arose. Johnson took a long breath and said, with emphasis, 'Moo dy. I feel better' Shortly afterwards he asked, 'Will you stand by me V Certainly, I will,' was 66 - answer. 'Well, Moody, I can depend upon you ; you are one in a hundred thousand!' He then commenced pacing the floor again. Sudden. ly he wheeled, the current of his thought having changed, and said, 'Oh, Moody! I don't want you to think I have become a religious Man because" - asked you to pray. lam sorry to say it, but" am not, and hate never pretended to be religious. No one knows this better than you; but, Moody, there is one thing about it : I do believe in Al. mighty God! And I believe also in the bible, 'and I say I'll be d—d if Nashville shall be surrcti vdered !" And Nashville was not surrendered. A CORRESPONDENT sends us the following amu sing incident concerning "hard-tack," for the truth of which he pledges his word of honor: "Hard-tack," or army biscuit, has risen, in ordi nary American parlance, to the dignity of an in stitution—that is to say, it is talked about, and has been joked over to a degree which would fill many a volume like this, were all the Hard-tackiana collected. Perhaps the,best spoken pun—one de vised by no human brain. but strangely` modeled by nature or chance, once presented itself to me order this popular name for military bread. On brt along open a specimen of the article, I found a large iron tack which had been baked in it by accidnt, and was, I need not say, several degrees harder even than the tack in which it was imbed ded. "The tack in question is always packed in square wooden boxes, generally bearing date as well as the brand of the *maker or baker, about which the following is told: "One day a lot of boxes of peculiarly bard crackers arrived in the camp on the James. Sev eral of the boys were wondering at the meaning of the brand upon the boxes, which was as fol lows: "B. C. tin" - - Various intexpretitions were given, but all were rejected until one individual declared it was all plain enough—could not be misunderstood. "Why, how so 1" was the query. • `:011(" lie replied, "that is the date when the cracker% were made—six hundred and. Meet. years B. C." How BODIES ARE EMBALMED.—By embal ming, people generally are apt to imagine that the modern proeess consists of saturating, filling and surrounding the deady body with spices, gums and others indestructible and preservative substauees, as is understood toliave-been thepro.: ress practiced by the - ancients. Such, however; is not the case. The modern process is about. as follows; The blood is drawer off through the jugular vein. An incision ig then made upon the in side of the thigh, through which a chemical liquid is injested by a mechanical means.— This liquid permeates all the veins and arteries, taking the place before occupied by the blood, and in a short time renders the entire body as hard as stone. and as rigid as a statue. A' portion of the scalp is removed and the brain scooped out, The chest is opened a ndthe heart, lungs and viscera are abstracted. When the pro- cess is completed, the body is reduced to a mere empty shell. having only the outward semblance of the departed individual. How long a body thus prepared will remain - unchanged vve cannot say. The process has only been employed for a few years—since the war commenced, we be lieve—so that time sufficient has not elapsed to test the indestructibility of bodies thus prepared. PIGEONS ON A DRUNK.;—.i. San FraIISCO pa per reports a curious story. A fanner wing on one of the ranches in the vicinity of that city. was recently surprised to see a large flock of pigeons, after flying around his barn-yard a few moments, suddenly fall to the ground. 'Wondering at the phenomena, be concluded to ,watch them. An antiquated Thomas cat. perambulating the yard, seized one of the young pigeons and made a hearty meal of it. Soon after Thomas cat commenced staggering about like one intoxicated, and falling over, gave up the ghost with a dismal yowl. The farmer's wife, who had picked up a number of pi geons for the purpose of making pies of them, on learning of poor grimalkin's fate thought the birds were poisoned and threw them down. The far mer gathered over two hundred of them and threw them into an old out-house.. In the morning his wife found the pigeons aliie and roosting on a wood pile. Inquiries were made, and it was as certained that a near neighbor, haring been liou bled by frequent visits of pigeons had soaked some grain in whisky and scattered it about his premi ses so that the pigeons became intoxicated—in fact, dead drunk. They recovered, however, but poor puss became a victim of alcoholic stimulants, imparted by infected pigeon meat. . , A SUBSTITUTE'S OFFER.-11r. Pilkinson, a small farmer in Pennsylvania, was some time ago drafted for the service of his country. His wife, though she possesses but a small stock of general int4mation, is one of the best conjugal partners, and she is much troubled at the thought of Part ing with her husband. The oilier day' as she was engaged in scrubbing off her door steps. a rough looking - man came up and - thus addressed her: "I hear ma'am that your husband has been dratted." "Yes sir, he has," answered Mrs. Pilkinson, "though dears khowit there is few men that could not better be spared from their families." "Well, ma'am, Fee come to offer myself as a substitute for him." • "A what?" asked Mrs. Pilkinson,-with some excitement. "Poi witlit.g to take his place," said the strap ger. "You take the place of my husband, you wretch! I'll teach you to insult a distressed wonianin that way, you vagabond!" cried Mrs:Pilkinson, as she discharged the dirty suds in the face of the die. conditted and_astotti,shed substit lite, who took to his heels just irrti'tne to escape having his head broken by the bucket. - AN OIL WINDFALL-A gentlemen in Leba non county had in his employ -n e.,ok, a native of the Emerald Isle. = Some three or tour years ago she paid n visit to her sister living in Venango county, where she made the acquaintance of a re.ideut there, and after three weeks' acquaint. wire they were married. Her husband owned a considerable tract of ' Venango "county land, which was then almost worthless. But the devel opment of "oil" put a new face upon affairs and made the property very valuable. Prom indi gence, its owners sprang to opulence in the twink ling of an eye. Among the investments, a farm was bought in Upper Dublin town s hip, Lebanon county, and the family made preperutions to re move to it. As they were about making tlf'e dange, however, the husband suddenly died, and the widow is left With two small children, sole heirs .of the estate, now amounting to perbaps two or three hundred thousand dollars, there be ing besides the farm, valuable producing oil in terests in Venango, and the snug little cash ball- 4- .---, „ arum of msto7 - --thotwand delimit - An a Pittsburg bank. Tbe'widow, wbo is now administering to the estate, iteutterly withontoducation, and can not. read or' write. Verily, such is life—and SECtSH GHOSTS Ansisiiatiowno.—When Gen- Stterman'i army occupied Savannah, the citizens starvation and asked to be fed. Arno other applications, several ladies called uponPrOvost Marshal of the Western Dis trict and enfolded a horrible story of suffering and woe. 'me gallant General impress ed with - the this, seated himself to write the or der for supplies. While so engaged some rewar was made about the termination of the war. Whereupon one of the suffering applicants open upon the General its follows: "This war won't be terminated until you kill all the men. and then, we wimen will fight you, and if you kill all of ns it won't be ended then, for we'll come back as ghosts to haunt you." This sanguinary oration, delivered with-all the venom of a southern beggar, quite appalled the General, who 'quietly tore up the order he was writing, sayiag: - " If such be the case, I think you might as well die of stakvation, as then your ghosts may be too weak to come back and haunt us." And he cooly but politely bowed the lady mendicants into the street 0. 3,709. DOMESTIC LIFE,—No man ever prospered in the world without the consent and co-operation of his wife. If she united in mutual endeavors or rewards his labors with an endearing smile, with what spirit and perseverance does he apply to his vocation ; with what confidence will he resort either to his merchandise or farm; fly over hind, sail over seas, meet difficulty and encounter dan ger—if he knows he is not spending his strength in vain, but that his labors will be rewarded by the sweets'of home! How delightful it is to have one to cheer, and a companion to soothe the soll itary hours of grief and pain ! Solitude and dis appointment enter into the history Of every man's life; and he has but half provided for his voyage who finds but an associate , for happy hours, while for his months of darkness and distress no sympa thising partner is prepared! REAL ELoQUENCE.—There are no 'people iu the world with whom eloquence is so univerilal as with the Irish. When Leigh Ritchie was, trav eling in Ireland, he passed a man who was a pain ful spectacle of pallor, squalor, and raggedness. His heart smote him as he passed and he turned back. "If you are in want," mid Eitckie, with a de gree of peevishness, "Why do you not beg 7 " " Sure, it is beggiu' hard I am, your honor." " You didn't say a word." "Of course not, your honor: but see how the skin is spakin through the holes in me trowsers, and the bones cryin out through me skin ! Look at me sunken cheeks, and the famine that is star. in me in the eyes ! Man alive ! isn't it beggin' I am with. a thousand tongues r" OvEn in Jersey, daring the last Presidential can vass, a young lawyer, noted for the length of his neck, his toung and his bill, was on The stump blowing his hOm for Gen. M'Clellan. Getting on his eloquence, he spread himself, and said: "I would that on the Bth day ,of next Novem ber I might have the wings of a bird, and I would fly to every city and every village, to every town and every hamlet, to every mansion and every hut, and proclaim to every man, women and child—'Geo. B. M'Clellan is President of the United States." At this point, a youngster in the crowd sang out: "Dry up, you fool. You'd be allot for a ,goose before yon flew a mile." WHOM TO - MARRY —When a young woman behaves to her parents in a manner particularly affectionate and respectful, from principle as well as nature, there is nothing good and gentle that may not be expected from her, in whatever con dition she may be placed. Were I to advise a friend as to the choice of a wife, my first counsel would be, " Look out for a pious girl, distinguish ed for her attention and lore to her parents. The fund of worth and affection indicated by such be havior, joined to the habits of duty and consider ation thereby contracted, being transferred to the married state, will not fail, as a rule, to render her a mild, obliging, and valuable companion for life." A YEAR'S TROUBLES.--Sometimes I compare the troubles we have to undergo in the course of a year, to a great bundle of faggots, far too large for us to lift. But God does not requirel us to car ry the whole at once. He unties the bundle, and gives us one stick, Which we are able to carry today, and then another, which we are able to carry to-morrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day ; but we choose to increase our trouble by carrying yesterday's stick over again • to.day, and adding to-morrow's burden to our load before we are required to bear it: Newton: To THE PINT.-31r. President, I wish the friends in the fore part of the meeting would speak up, so that the friends in the back part of the meeting can bear what is going on in the front part of the meeting. Friends in the back part of the meeting feel as much interested as friends in the fore part of the meeting. , It is highly neces sary that friends in the fore part of the meeting should speak up, so that friends in the back part of the meeting can hear what is going on in the fore part of the meeting. A FRIEND at our elbow suggests that as Jeffer son Davis, the great leader of the Democrac%. wound up his career - of " Stern statesmanship" in donning his wife's dress, it would be appropri ate to dub the Nvorthern breed with the title of "petticoat Democracy." We would agree with him were it not an insult to the ladies to thus as sociate their garment with- the greatest traitor and criminal the world produci•d. NEVEM—Never speak of your father or mother. as the "old man," or "old woman," Never reply to the epithetx of a drunkard or foot: Never slander a woman. - Never abuse one who was once your bosom friend, however bitter an enemy now. • Never sneer at the expense of religion or the Bible. A LONG C itAsE.—An unsophisticated cont', - man, the other day, coming in town with a load of wood, saw a military °steer, followed at a res pectable distance by two orderlies—all' three mounted, and in a full gallop. "Good gracious said he, "hasn't they caught him yet? • I was in about three weeks ago, and they was a runnin' him then." * "yob say, Mr. Snooks, that you saw the plain, tiff leave the house. Was it in haste ?" "Yes, sir." "Do you know what caused the baste." "I'm not sartin, but I think it was the boot of his landlord." "That will do. Clerk; call the next witness." SHOCKING.-A young gentleman who was at one time very much smitten with a "Friend." says that during his travels through the West In dies he often felt some very severe shocks from earthquakes, but they were not a-eircumstauce when compared with those which h.; experienced from this little earth-Quaker HIJIMAISTry . .-A dry sort of genius once under took to name and classify the darted sorts of fools in this world: Ist, , the ordinary• fool. 211, the fool who is one and don't know it. 3d, the fool who is not satis fied with being a fool in reality, but undertakes. in addition, to play the fool. TttE darkey who greased his feet so that he could not make a noise when be went to steal chickens, slipped fain the hen-roost into the cus tody of the owner. He gave, as ',reason for his being there. Dat he cum dar to see of de chick ens steeped ith store eyes open. Re was coop ed, THE new handkerchief style of bonnet is the. noticed in an exchange: A sort of cup to catch the hair, Leaving the heed to 'go it bare,' A striking example of nothing to wear Is this bonnet abomination." A Ittctt petroleum worker, gaunt as a skeleton, and ignorant as a hodman, went to an artist to hare his portrait taken. - "Will you hare it taken in oil or water-colots ?" inquired the artist. "Ile, of course,"-replied be, "It comes to me more na tural: and, besides it-tuakee ale look fatter." T.`LITTLE boy at sa b a ,,4" iten called upon to reette'lls lemon ; was asked, " Of what is the German Diet composed V'; ,"Dai - boy, replied, " Sour-krout, schnapps, lager beer, and Ox.. cm . baus." . . SoFT.INVItter pBllllipe,' bai t a new bonnet pre ii t a .to . a wife will covers itiniiittaie of her husbOtre c=:iii