TEILILS OF PUBLICATION. TILE. FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is published every Wedne,day morning by "TILE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at S 2 50 per annum, IR abv.k.vcr„or $3 'lf not paid within the year. 411 sub.ssription at> eounts atuar br'settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for in &leaner, and all such subscripticrns will invariably be discontinued at the expi ration of the time for which they are paid, ADVERTISEMENTS are inverted at Firtrux CENTS per line for first insertion. and ThS CENTS per hue fur sub sequent inserticrns. .t lateral aitettunt is inttde tu - per,oat advertising by thequarter, half-year or year. Spekial no. - Mee eaarged one-half more than regular advertisements. All resolutions of ' Associations: communications of limited or individual interest, anti notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding - fire lines, are elatrgvd tirteen eeats per line. 411 Legal Nom,. of craw kind, and all Orphans Court and other Judieud . Soles, are required by lam to be advertised 'in the-REPO•ilTOlir—it nircingge I-ARGEST aft- CIMATION of lag paperpubiished in the county of Franklin. JOB PRINTING °revery kind in Plain and Fancy col on, dm* with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Banks, Cards, pamphlets, &c., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest milt*. The REPOSITORY OFFICE bas must been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses. and every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN VARIABLY CAM 0" Mr. Johty ... X. iiShryock is our authorized Agent to receive Einbseripgistis and Advertisements; and receipt for the-name. All lebers should be addressed to mcLcRE & STONER, Publisher, Coat, Cumber, &c. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! - .ArTENT 10 N! The undersigned have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORING MILL, a large Supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or matte to order. , Mouldings of all descriptions. from half inch to r< inches, on hand. Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its Itraielte, Nt,nel P 0 ,14. Banisters, Bed Posts. &e,. on liataL A large supply of Dressed Flooring for vile. Also--Winilow and Door Frames no liand or made at short notice.' HAZELET, VERNON & CO., febi tf ifttrri - 40 Avenue. Ch.unbentharz. Pa. VOTIGE TO PARMERS WO TONS OF TIMOTHY HAY Wonted by GEo. A. DErrx. 200 WALNUT LOCI'S Wanted by GEO. A. Dmiz.. I= Wanted by GEO . . A. Dm,- 100 LARGE CHERRY LOGS Wanted by GEO. A. Dam- WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS and all kftids of Produce bought by GEO. A. Derrt., at hix Warehouse above the Railnud Depot. STOVE AND LIME COAL for Kale cheap, by the ton or half ton. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD by the cord or half mrd. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD sawed and split for stare use, by,the curd or half cord WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS, I, !4')f Oak, Walnut and Pine alwart on band WINDOW ,AND DDOR•FRAML STUFF, and all kinds ein..l73lBER, suelnis Oak and Pine Plank ; Qa.k.Wainnt,.Pini, and Hemlock Board.: ; Plowing hoar Lc Joiete, Scantling,',Shingles, Paling Lath., &c. BEET OF ROOFING SLATE always on lam" and rt.& put on by, the hest Siotei.:, who bare drawn medals fur their super or o orkmonsidp. - CALL AT PEITZ'S NVAltliliousEi, pbtrie the Itailrond Depot, and buy chop. ftlev:2l LEONARD EBERT & SON. COAL AND LUMBER. We have on hand &Minch. of Coal wad Loather. :eel are prepared to forni•li Bill Limber to order at •liiirt to -tine, all at the tnrat reasonable Terms. Our -toe}, of Lum ber consists of White Pine inch Malik, " 11" .elect L'lur,6. " " " " " 1 celeet and Ciliate: Beards, " " f " Boards, " " " Siding (6 inch,/ " " Best nit er Shingles, ' " " 'Worked Rosins, - . •‘ " Salina • " " Joist and Scantling, all sizes, Hemlock Joist and Scantling,- " B -- Ter/Mr mtre 80 i15. ra.;7. - /aei4 and c.cantling, - Padinglind Plastering Lad,. We base also always on hand a pool supply of , ull kinds of Coal for sales and lne-burning. Abe a cope tior article of Broadtop Coal for blaelomiths. The pub lic are invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfadien to all that call. Coal.and Lumber furnished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. Qfdce on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersburg, Pa. LEO. EBERT & SON. july27d£ S3IALL, BENDER & CO., . York and Galdit orough, - Pa.. LUMBER DEALERS AND 11ANITACTI:RERS O SASH, DOORS. SHUTTERS, BLINDS, r DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 4c., Keep constantly , on hand a well selected stock of seas. unable Lumber, siz.:--.loist and Scantling. Weatherboard. hag, dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths. Shingles, Palingsand Fencing-. nr White Pine and Ckik. Bills, sawittarder at the shortest notice. All communications should be addressed to Yong., STEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, nehr Gratletibnre Spring', and ure pre siiel. to saw to order Bills, of WHITE OAK. PINE. HEt ,LOCK or any kind of timber dosired. nt the short est n Lice turd at low rates. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Samil Greenawalt, in Chambereburg. on Satur day the .9.4111 inst.. and on each alternate Saturdat thee iat ter lig the purpose of contracting for the delivery of luto• her. LUMBER DELIVERED.at any point at the Lott. Esr RATES. All letters should be addressed to them St Gntlifenburs , P. 0., Adams Co., Pa. decl4-tf 311LTENBERGER & BRADY. BU I DIN G LUMBER.—The undex signed is prepared to Fmn - all kiwis of Building Lan ber at the lowest market price: R. A. RENFREW, GriEwNwoOD Mims, Fayetteville P. O. deer..l3- y 50 .000 GOOD CHESTNUT SHINGLES for dale . Apply im mediately. • GEO. FLECK. mayl7-4t. _ . adjoining Fair Ground. Vooto an *loco. T„_„_„„,..„,„,..„,..„„,,„.„...,,,„„,,__ O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. JACOB HUTTON'S BOOT .5.. SHOE STORE.— The undersigned takes this method of returning Ho thanks to hilt numerous customers, and the public generally, for the veryliberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes, In his present misforune in common with near ly every business man in town, that be will still continue to be remembeied. He has the pleasure of informing the public that be has opened his Store in the Basement o.f .1 - B: MClAnsalLaris Dwelling, on Second Street, four doom North otthe Methodist Church.. where he is prepared to s&c. offer a general rtment of Men's. Women's and Chil dren's Bootaand 'lmes, embracing his own and City man• ufacture, which , for excellece of style and dur,thilitAare superior to and e -his former stock, and will be 4 oirenni at prices tosuit all. eis in Weekly Receipt ot I:cods from Philadelphia, which for beauty and excellence cannot be surpassed/South of the Susquehanna. 't CUSTOMZR -WORK of every s :triply dine with pfomptness.—As he employs none but All renor workmen, he feels justified in gmirinteeint: all work made at his Ps. tublishment. Don't forget the pia, e Fonr Doors N”rtth of the Mithodist Church, :s,onti. Strrq. Loot Side.— TRUNKS, of the lateal, rtyle, to an apt.. •...,,i 1).11.4.•r5, at ways on hand. mid - ter sale at a t err -.mall loleanee on original mgt. tang24l JAColi 11L-1"1'oN. p EMOVED.—the mider,igtied Let the .LV pleasure of inlb4rig hie old en , tund•rb and the pub lie generally, that he rooms lot ill & SHOE STORE to the Nein Nick Bei/dinz ua Main Street. one ;Floor , outh of where hr to sow the I.lrui-0 1,40,M1NA SI boot, and ;Shoes' user brotiglit to thu ot,n. ii f %to( c oo every variety o l Lailie: and Men's & SHOES, wide], terdityle of ric4 durability of wear, cannot be sufrei. , .ed in the county.jund which trill he sold at prices urmia the tunt.i. Having purchased THE, LATEST STYLI: OP LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer work, at shim votice, by the best workman in the enmity. With u di-do titian to be obliging and ac. commutating,' he hope , to merit a liberal elude of pat ronage—without a de.ire to monopolize. M his motto is, In oar common calamity, to lire and let lire. Particular attention paid to all Fronde of Repairing. - TEAMS CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH. OUT EXTORTION He has id.so on band, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va. llaes, Carpet Sacks, Linen 'and Paper Collars. Paper, Envelopes, Inkedands, Steel Pens, &c. may 10. P. FELDMAN. W. B. HlI persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and makelmmednitesetoement, that 1 may be enabled to meet my former ltabitits is the City. • WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL! ROPES S. TWINES. The undersigned having pnrehased the entire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope' and Twine 51unafaclory of J. P. , Grey, dotd, respectfully announces to her friends, and the - forms . patrons of the establishment, that she will euntinne to elaky on the business, in all its various branches. at THE OLD STAND, ' on Franklin street, Chrimbersburg, where she will be pleas ed to receive the calla and orders of the public.. All kinds, sizes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on band or made to order,of the beat material, amt !braised at reasonable prices. In connection with the above tantibess, she Is also prepared to manufactare - BAIR, HESE, AND OTHER MATTRASSES, as well at horse Blifultets and Fly Nets. of superior quid Sty and style. Persons in want of superior articles in the above line kre yew:tested to earl, ors end their orders, which • will be attended to promptly. _ ;748021 -1 y MARY E ORAN' ... . . . .. . J , ' . 4 ::: Th - - 4 •-• _, % 'v , • "'' 1 A .. '. 4 LA -. • '''. . I C t I =', , t - ... •Nkl .. . 1 ) 42 0 ' o si 1. 4 . t : l_:, I . 7 i - .. „ . 1 11 '. " -,'• ..."' " 4 ,_ lg.. \ 'R . 0- / y '4 • 1 1 _ _ BY FCLUBE & STONER. ,Q;aber:.-.seinta g (compaml. T HE McCLEAX SILVER - MINING- iMPANY OF MONTANA CAPITAL. iI.NXLOott =I FLLI PAID•UP S EACH Pwident EDWARD E. JONES. Vice President COL S., 31CP.E.,tti, 31eratann Territory SraTtary and Treasurer, WIT.LLtIf M. 13 kin nw. Directorx EDWARD E. JOSE , , Phliadetphia, S. lteCLE.ts. Montana Territory JACpn Il.tr, Easton, P. Grottac H. ROBERTS. Philadelphia WILLIpt W. LEI - WARD, Philadelphia. ..- .I. G. GILL, Montana Territory. .1. (11,1)F.I.ACOUR, Canadell, OFFICE, 429 STIZEET, The Eaton and Aurora Silver the property of this Company. are. situated on the Rattlesnake Creek. at never failing mountain stream. n hick empties into this Beaver Head Rix er, a tributary of the JetTer:on Fork of the Missouri. in Beaver Mead County, in the Territory of Mozdana. and contain twelve hundred feet each The width of, the Eaton DI& is fire and one-half and of the Aurora three and' one-half feet. ranning. to unknctrn depths. , and increasing in rich ne.FA at they go down.niese • c two lodes a r c. only forty apart. and pnclatal „ tgtl y tn. gether at come flit.tala r Gran the •nrfaee An Pst:nlatt 12,•ret, 1' .1.41, I,,ed upon :ulna' assays =i= tnense a&trkc. nun., uud :L,..r ;Treat value or prraueina Tlrei, d•:.:y , w.T.• 11•0‘1.• lry Piet A I=lllllll =I Salitplo No, I p.r t" ;1:1 Trooe Salui:ll- No. 2 ,0" sane, No. C 1., toll 1 4t17 Nhrooio No. 5 5 . Sifter per too ( ;old " I= Sample N., I {Silver per too Sample No. 51 pee rnn. Gold Sample No. 3 / " Silver " 314 :V2 Sample No. 4 /. Gold small 41=1 -nay NEW YORK, january 21, I ?ALI' ITOF. A. K. EATON:-DEAR SIC: The ample of Ore that you loft with me, marked "Discovery E," guy. by. asap. in Silver 8164 56400 Silver per tiln I nurg truly . PIIILADELI'HI.t. April 3, 165.—The silver ore from Montana Territory• examined at your refined contains ounces of Silver in :2000 If's : of ore : value 82:14.42 Gold per ton. Thoole,re ore slid to come • from the Enton Lode. F. GENTn.. Me.rs. Adelberg and Raymond. mining Engineer- ENE= We r.ittne that the Lead ore will yield :i 4 .75 in Sit er to the ton. and the Silver °ma $.500. (iglu, are moderate enough, since, according to our a.,nyr the Sil ver ores contain from 5913 to .1-2010 aperic ea Die From the above assays, .onle idea nioy be lormed of the Immense value of thic property. and of the certainty of a large yield. But e'.eu thut idea will be merely upprea imative, without a duo connitieration of the following fiket4 The celebrated Comstock Silver Lode, iu Nevada, war ked by the "Gould and Curry." "Empire," "Yellow Jack et," "Ophir," "Crown Point." "Savage" and name other companies, sold on the sth of .‘Pni. 1,415 , , t aver. ging ot er Two Tho,and Do'lly, per foot These mines yield an average, of :Nutt S;5 to the ton whieh include, ,eeond and ird ere, Now, the ylehl the three ehi,e , oif ore alio Eaton and AA t,,rn I kb., n :11i o. T:114 la nnn•', than py ton : from the a•• T.:111., of :1,13s thus fir In:AP, 114 otCy 1,1 •,,,rkirw,- , ,q . the minx, it a ill ..r per tam. M. 2400 ft-0 0wn.,1 therelim•, in worth. .0 lb, Cwn.i.ok twarly 3filhnneof Ihilh,l Tht• Com nt:t oliPof 11A ila%•toti: the Mine+, ee'd erie rf •L) 114 of ailrrr in .crynnh - c-r. Titi w ,it t•c able o• era , lt th.r.) TO, of ort per tiny. at all rs pen,- for era,ilinz and smelting t wr Ina dollars (1: , }0) per ton 7 hen. talang the ) laid at on') i 6 41 I,l`r ton. the re,elt Is mild he nn folh 31) ton. per day. at SDI C. 4, $lO per tun Net daily pn.ftt or $470000 per Annum, payable, lit in curnol e), but in = The property of the Cotniany amply suareient for a dozen eompan IPS, and could not he exllaur red in 3 I'mspeetoriati also eugu ged bg the Company, talthig up other LorieA for them The operations at the mines are under the 4uperinten dence of the Hon. Samuel 3leLean, Delegate to Corarres4 from the Territory, w,hol3e thorough niliwint2nce:vtith iiiiuing" render, it Certain that interontr or the tinitipa be palled in the MOO energetic manner. Only Twenty Thoueand Slues for sal. WM. M. BARLOW', Seeretary Trmu4 mnyl7-4t) Agent ter Frunklin County nT .. i vicinity 1 . ) EC; ISTER'S NOTICE—AII persons in ,Ted trill plusee take wale., that the following AP,,untants hare filed their Appoint*, in the Regi,ter's 01 Count, and tint: tho,..one it ill be pre -00011 d to the - Orphalis' Crtart, for confirmation. on .11/0 , 44, Chamher.,burg: h , account of \Vin 11. Little, Adm ref Win. Hayes late Of Fatinett top.. deed. 111. Fin! Acct. ofJaccoh C. Secrist. Guardian of Ameri• ra and'Charic, Waynaot, mihor tdilblren of Jahn B. imitt, lute of Quince Pvt. , 1/..! .k eel.. of Sam"! Pit ctee'r goonrihin of Abram S . Georgiamitt, S. 11 and Jo:eph Fi. Smith 7. minor Ont. dren of Jacob Smith, law of Allll,lll trip od Acct. of Daniel 'iv. Royer, E?fr George nuyer, late of Qunicytv.p. deed. at. Flout Acct. of Win. Boyd. Adm'r n. r. t. a. of Jana, late of Molllgolllery trip.. deed. !.G.44,-.oond Act t. of Milled. Eaell(“3, floArdian of Mary .1., Nancy, Eli/abeth. Martha, l'ranklin end Win. Cooper, minor children of, ',ample C. Cooper. late oft thin, deed. ' !if; . 5+14.1011 I • ei. of Abraham IITOVt• and Samuel Star. tip ut John Shartle, late or Montgomery top 'l7 Flrpz and final Act t of:Talent, I.iethtfootand Samuel Gilbert. At of Daniel Gilbert, dea'd. rir,t.and final .fleet. (It Levi I.lorst and Jun. F. Ely erNole; Ex'r 1,1 Henry first, lat. , of Soutkonetan top., deed. 181. I'ir;t and final Acet. of Jacob Shirk and Abraham Stouffer, Ex . m, of Abraham Shirk. iloo'd. 100. Final Ant of Al,raham Frantz a to.tee to tell the Il.tata of C. rrant,.. late of \C.i•hin{lon top 101: Fir , t and final Anat. at Abraham 3letz, Fo:rtd . John 3107 Into of twp r 102, Second Aoet...f Jame., 0. Snort. P 1 median of Ann E. La niter. oar eland of Shim Lean star, den it - Seemal and final Anat. ot Snw,n Brener and Solo. Mon Admit , of Frodoriok dee'd. {~ y 4-04. Avot 01 II Wmixt•rt and 11. B Win t rort, Ex'r , NV:zl,l , r htt• of Creen top., 105 Third Ai or. of PeterCt7l,el.l,ll A lttt r ..0141 Mary ,Into• Lexna , ter. A.lm'rx of Jolt. It, %IN er. late Of Petora twp . 104. First awl fatal .1(.01. of Dr J. - 1.. Soc.:m.lf anti o' li. nehr. Esq., Atltr..; llf J. P. late of Chamber, 107.. lint and foal .\ vet. of 11. W. Cartney. Atim'r of Jo-mph S,eibert. late of ranuett 10S. Aeet. of John Rowe, Athu'r of loam - , Bemisdr7fer. Lae of Antrim tw . p., dee'd. 109. Finn nod final Are I. uriTastinas Cehr, Esq.. Adm'r of Jacob W oifkill , late ,felunber , burC. deed. 110 Aeet. of Jonattrnp Stnel,ll, Adm'r with the will annexed. of Christian Stkmer- lote of Antrim loop., dee'd. 111 Aeet. of Jacob Krider• Adyfr of Henry &rider, late lit Hamilton twp,,,rive`,L 11.1 .teat of lleoiamm Snivel}•. s'r of Peter Winter, late of AllllllO top_ 11:1. Find :fret. of Goo. and Henry Slelehter, Adm'r. of John Slelehter Int 6 00 Green t wp., deed. • 11 f . So ..% ~f Dr. A. 11. se,,,eu r . Guardian of Walter. John and Jam , Wolford. minor ehddren of John Wolford dre'd. 11 - , Fint and haal Aeet. of F. S. Stunitnnr,ll. of Jamb st‘oltzt.r. late of elnunbersbtirg, dev'tt. I ot Jana 'Sill, Guardian or Elizabeth Clark, odor child ,q Mary Ann Clark, lair; of - Clintuberalnarg, anittas Atter' by Samuel Myer* and T. J. Sill, Ears den'd. 117. A eet. ilfJtd•oh L. Detrieh and A. Carhangli. Aduirs of Emanuel Detncli. late of Antrim top., deed. 118 At , er..rif George Ludwig. Ex'r of -John Goetman, late of dee'd. Fir, at.,;l fina. , ,ect. of (eo. Benedict and GeorFe Dull A of Daniel Dell, late of Quincy twp.. dee d. rt..tylU 111:\ RV STRICKLER. Register. A 17D l'ro NOT IC E.—Notice is here- A A by tr., t i . ,111141n. of Peter it. flousum, late of 11..b010•1,;'.1 4 11.1naber , buvg de,TI. that the aecouot of John i,f die e.,late of said dere. Ira. 3utrrtyra by the ()Thal. court of Frank. lin county ,1,1 thr, Ints been nvNinted by oirt ins balellee us Mid nr, ount tit . ..,Zll , l by I:tty to roooive o, , nd. 0, the ~ fhinnl, p , nut u. ' ;t,r.1.:,711 01 1.:1 , :it01,:0.b,,i.; • . el.: , {IF t it.trtut Itt t..‘ tt, ttx,tlll..; bvtwctrn 4„:'.1 , .1.1 led,. water the , n !P firm >•1 r• 11t.,1, NS, 111,,i11.11 by mutual .... )oy. 'the Itet,;.• 0 the late Lee . • 1, 11.• ttf tltti 14,0,1. Alf 1 BEE STA'I'E, 'OF I)AVID - LY'FLE.—The n0.,1 , ,,,,-,l“ lT "irt,tAuditor to mg, dis•sibutinn the hal.u.ve, m the bind., .d J. :\ I. Lytle, Executor uf L.n id 1 .. tie dint 0-ed dlni among the hen, and leer the • :id de. P,,.41 wai klr that purpose meet atlis e. 2...r0,41. elianther.burg...4,ll. 7'hier - Wddy, Ike I:.rh day n 1 .1:, .0 1 PI M.. all ' , em!. who may haiuk prupor to attepol. 10:0. W. BIIEWEIL. :S:i I)l'''. l - 1.10 - NOTAIZY'3 N O'£ I CE.—The v.lll I, f..r ennfirwation (....art., no ne. , ln t e June 13.4. cif: • T -.el otai at , amat of Christiaa Myer, Coramat,a) of Poll} Long, a Luf.atle, _Truce. 71 !.0 21 10 :201 10 Tca•e.. . The ‘1,V1.1<1.41(4 , 1f111t of henry Betz. tetoamentary Trtt+ tee of :4,11.1.1 Betz the of Conrail it. tz de eetoo.l. itozyrisit I K. S TAYLOR Vrottl'y. NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 , 11 Georze IC. Por , L. ott \Va ue3bolo, on the sth day of April, - 1,0; made a s oittntar i14 , 1g . '0111,1: of all (Si, e•u. tate :Ind °fleet., real and perwmal, in trout fqr his ereditors to Jotoepll Dough,. All peruon, mdehteul to said Portz P . t . ,aue im mediate meat. and titre has Inn t lauus prevent them properls toathenti , .0,1 for f“•1111•1/11,1 jtr mayift JOSEPH DOD:LA:4. Ausiznee. -lA_ UmixisTßA.Tows sorricE.—No-, tire 1, hereby Cis en that Letter . ; of•AdminittratioM' the Eutate of Jame: W. Lane. lat, of 1: milord ton, u.hip d hare been _emoted tllll, 1111rier,C11 7 Q. All I , enuon, ktomme:thetto,lN e, indebted to slid Eutate wt , l pleam. mal, immediate payrrro tool tho.e has ton elamo , f-re-eat them property ntbeota.ated for .ettlement. totty.l -1.1.12 A LANE. Allairx. I= A 1)1INI:•i'1.1.1.A.1(1t'S k• hr ify t: p I.l.tler-. of A.l,,,ni•tranon - 1). I: N. C. T. A . •. 11 the of Camp -1.,11. :ate deg • d 11.tst• l‘ct to • t , h.• tullier,u:ll4 ti iwr•on+ knowirt: the:r.els«qiildel•l4 , l to said Egtgte w1:1. pis•,- , 1141 , 0•1,11r1/ , I , ' W . .: d•• 11 til4l.l' —.nt then, pr,,p, rlp :ttht111,11 . .....Ltp.1 her QP:tlemisit. miy.l : , .11;AILVEY. Adore. VXECUTOR'S N (.I.T IC E.- -Notice is _.4 hgi•loy given that Lent 1, Tvshunentary to the Estate of I;lit;il,..th sayloi late or Greene:.th ,dw 'it. have been the nede-sksl, Al , p,rsons knomnz themselves indebted to saul E,oate plmisi. inimed,,Ate payment: and those having them jr periy arithenl;attslfors . ettlenient may 3 01..:011tIE 11,01.NFI1TZ. txr. • TOR'S NOT le E.—Notice is ..L.a he, eke th.,t to the Estate rl, holder I. ..of of horran mwmhip dee'd, base lwen grantiid Intim nwicraLnoMt, reiiidini; at NewburCi Pa. All persinie kt.ut tog ihemylven indebted m saidi Estate mills, Mom elide payment; and thme having . claims preiient Timm properly aullentiented for settlement. may .1 DAVID %VII ERR', tEanbibatrs' Q'artrs. (I . OUNTY IRE.-ki3l;llElt.--11AJ. JOHN t, a eantlitiate f”r the office of C,uunty Treasurer, sultj..et to the ileeiAon or the Union Nommattag (21,111e11tt0 , 1. St. 'Fil , lll.l, March ( THE.ISUIZER.—At tli solic v./ it.ttu tor:1101%01er of my friemli. I atinounee .my" ~11 a au.:ol.Lre for tho 00.11,1. of C".PtY sub. ,r..r tt,tL~• ii:• ~ ,1 1 1,1 ti f. 11,1 n COlllitN rlon M trvll \VM FLAGI,E )I. (1:1S1VEI.I, will a entalitlate A . t• 4.• Cotir,ty ,11 , i14 . ! to th , d u,r i o , NI , P( . 01.011.1g C(111%01E11111. • 1 ," • ; I • , Th IMO --.lt he .olio! )Yiou •, 011;e4 4 - ...L. .// 1)1 , 111 N.11 , 11,0111g GI II • 111 1 1-1 , u,• \V. 1,),11 Lll El: IF I.' Y.---Eiwomdg it 1011, mu. if a, 41 t .1,1111.1t0 e -1111j,,t tiro i1.1.6i/Mrif ill, Union i• , loania ( . 911St•1111011. 1./AVID EBY. Tow \ 31,tr0h:2.2. 1 F -1 illp4.ll' as a combovt, for thrndle'•nf t.Zherilra rranklin itilt3, ,kilmect 14 the 1:11011 Nominattug Cu:neu- l'a I Aip:r ERIPPA L T .—Encortraged by a rannherot toy fr,nll4, I offer myself 11, eaudidate for t. wilt I. of Slo..ra, ~ .objeet to the deeistou ot the rout (.n1,0,, 1). M. LEISIII:h. .Flarelt. I 1 :01). MEI cIIIERIFFAI.II'2".—('apt..T.N(O.I)(EBLI:it, 01 Cl n ill be a candidate forthe office of SL. rift - . a a,j..,•; to the 11l l• 1011 of the titan NOttlillittillg County Colit nntinu. nat rell 15. Ural 05tatr puBLIc sALE.—TIiv under,igited will lin junnin.,, , a;urday. flit 176 % ionr rt 1 P. P. tliti ftilltin ink de , 'n l, 4l.l , llll.4ittit of Martin Funk, lat , uftLn Boronith W1t)110 , 1“110. 114 . .. • ii, oif • All that L) I' ,•ff )i'SU , .itttat, insnid linrattgb,of was 4 , tt boat loy thy Muhl Street. Vt. 11, hr-t Iry t 0 flail lot on th.• West h) lot ot I). Lochlor, wool on tht• mu. “Iles, lortriom thereon toroortooll 1 tnu l'otory 1.0(i AND I . I:AXLE D \VELLINQ Alm , , A tract of ho. LIMESTONE LAND. F 'Mato in It panncton ton n. 1.4.. n.+ar .and Benne:lb, and ;allowing Alexander Ilarniltnn Usher and srennel Itin..l,rl.•contnilin , ,, , , lAN EN TI AEU Et , . more or less. Tll,l..rniq wib lk an a l, kunn nun lay of NIA°, It; • i W. D LECIIIOER, D. B. OAKS Sun Mug Executor of sand dee'd. nv tlrd, nt Cf.tlrt tit fru Clerk. mtv:24 CITAMBERSBUTIG, PA, WEDNESDAL-111Y 31, 1865. itegitt floticefi. MEM jIIIIN I} V A KT. Author Ii ID C. 111141. N = F. Gui-dawalt. t'l,:.:. tilE• • I Co ”I the \otntmi II = NinC l slloo ° THE RETEIt'S "Three yo.tz.! I wonder if 4 ll know me I limp a little ; and I left one arm At Petersburg, and am grown as brown 7' As the plump ehestants on my little farm:- And lam as shaggy as the chestnut burrs— v., But ripe and sweet within and wholly her, ' - The darliturl—how• I Ion:: to •ee ' ller My heart outruns the feeble soldier pace t. Fur I remember oiler I had left, A little Charlie came to take my place ; 4,11! --how the langhing three-old brown eyes (His mother's) will stare with pleated surprise. 1_ • they'll be nt the corner watching! I cent them wont that I chonld come to-night Tho hint.• all know it, %they crowd around, Twittering their welcome with a wild delight And that old robin with a halting wing; I saved her life three years ago last spring,. "Three yearil—perhaps I am but dreaming, For like tTic- pilgrim of long ago, live tugged a weary burden ut my back, - Through ,uinuier's heat and winter's blinding snow, Till now. I reneli or home, my darling's breast, Where I ran roil hander off—and. rest." Mira morahm- eame. the early' rising. sun Laid his licht Dozer on a :ohlier nleepin{r Where ti ,011rovering at bright green gram , er too Its Iy mnmutjwvan ',ally Creeping, But waked him nut; ht. Ws, the reA eternal, Whet° the brown er rs rkeeted love supernal. THE SILENT WITNESS FROM A LAWYER'S DIARY I had spent some years in the westin the prac tice of my profession, and was on a visit to my friends ill New England. Among those who Caine first•on my list of friendship, was Fred. El liott, and I arranged to visit him as soon as I could. Fred. and I had grown up together as buys; we had entered college together, and grad uated together; and when I c"mmenced the prac tice of law, he entered his uncle's store in the ca pacity of book-keepercwith a good promise ahead. And there was another between us—a near and dear one to us, who where both orphanerand who had few relatives living. Fred had married my own cousin, sweet Hattie Keene. Ile had married her since I went away, though the event had been upon the docket a long time before.— And thus I was to meet twoof my dearest friends beneath the same roof. - It was just before dusk when the carriage left me at the house which had been pointed out as the one occupied by my friend, and which lat once recognized as the former house of old Tim o'hy Elliott, the uncle of whom I hare spoken. My summons -Was answered by a light, quick step on the ball floor ; and when the door was opened I recognized the fair, fond features of lily dearly remembered cousin. She was five tears older than when I saw her last, and grown tole a little more womanly, aud a little nom,. sealii-. In fact, she had put on the holiest of chin peters —that of a mother. The beauty, the life, the an miation, the r wiles ot (iiiief years had nut gone ; hut they were elevated with. sof:tined by, and blended into, that noble character. At first she did not know me, but when I called her Hattie as I used to in the olden times, she caught me by the hand, and in a moment inure her soft. white arms were around me neck., She was a sister tin me in heart and Stud, and with a sister's love she greeted me: We went into tie parlor, -where auastral lump _was already burning upon the centre table, and where a fire was reflecting a genial warmth from a polished grate—fog Mwas autumn and the e-v -enings were quite cool. Upon a chair, may by_ the table, sat a little boy of some three years, - pitying v., ith the richly ornamented-bridle of a. soehing home: While upon the e.troet was a g le, scone child, not yet able to walk with sati-ty, en gaged in tumbling a large marten _mutt And these were Hattie's children—two as bright and beautiful beings as et er made in an earthly bonie. She told them that I was Uncle Emoih. She had neither sister nor brother, BO lIN as forc ed to be an uncle to her children. Where had I ? What . had I been doing? Slow hail I been Was I married ? Did I ever mean to be ? and a hundred more questions of like character n ere showered upon me before / bad time tip ail; ant in return. By-and-by Fred cape in.- There wm, a cloud upon his face when he entered fhe -room. I saw it very plainly; but his wile hurried to his side, kissed him, and whis pered is hie ear. at in a moment he brightened up; and 1% hen he erected tile. and held my hand and patted me upon the shoulder, he appeared the same tt arm and genial spirit as of_the olden time •At t 1 tea table he asked after my fortunes in thelistant home I had sought: and when I told i 4 hit had succeeded beyond my most sanguine e.ppec Miens, and that material wealth was fast t af.mnulating lhr me. he was not only pleasant, tint it /itn bed 'ram swill business and such pros pects would suit him. I laughed iinti•ight at what I considered the ab-. surdity of this last bleat It would do very well, I told him, fur a poor fellow, with only his two hands to help him; to-getMT into the western wilds; but for nine like-him, with an independant fortune at his commautto think of such athing was ridiculous 11, , smiled as I spoke, and turned the subject of conversation. • Within an hour after we adjourned to the par lor, 1 was sure something had gone wrung with my-friend. He tried to be cheerfid, to talk of our old pranks, and to laugh and joke as in the days of our youth ; rind as a last resort, endeavored to arouse himself by caressing his sweet children.— But it would not do—l had seen too much. Hat tie simeeeded much better than he did : yet as the evening wore'on. I could see there was a heavy had upon her he as well. At length the children were abed, and-the Mother soon followed them. I plainly heat d her pl., as she lett the room, and a smothered groan, which could not escape me, burst from her hu, 'band's bosom. Fred poked up the coals, and took two - or three turns - across the floor, atter Whidi he returned and sat down near me. "Enoch," he said his face all Wrapped in clo6ni, ••perhaps on thinkl act strangely." think soinuthing is the mutter with pot," I returned. ••s.oniething niu,t have gone wrong. - arc right ..zoniething 1111,1 gone IN rung. lu fart." he Gilded, ns a shudder crept over his fi awe, "a ,tofin has hurt upon ittc which is to ruin me." He spoke tlie: to solemnly and so steadily that_ I_ ken , : there most be some deep meaninn in it; and I asked bun if he enutd tell me his truble; Ui comb, he itould tell me. -tie Ras anxious to tell me. for I Ras not only - one of his dearest triends, hut 1 ta as a laws or: might post mi tts* hint ...You lime." said lie, "that" entunto busi it,s iamb my uncle Timothy. When I tt mar ried he made me COITIi. and lit e in this home; he tout the whole establishment into i n , hands, mid the OHM hoarded with as. I had no intineyffitt' a Millar; but when I tett kid him one ydar book keeper, he gate mu' a good share m the butinets. years ano he died, teat inn me an estate of 'about sixty thousand dollars. "There was I1(1 will left, or, at least such was supposed to be the ease: and it all eauM to inn, as I ttas the only blood relatite litiug. , Ujide Timothy had one brother and one sister. • Ile married when quite 3 minn, lint his will' died with -out issue. Ills sister married a Man maned Nam; Staffer, who had one Mal by ,a former w Mt, but he never had any children by my aunt. He died at the end of two years. her no means, and she found a home with a' brother, taking her step-sou with her. In time she died, and the boy was lett in my uncle's charge until he vials twen ty-one. So much for the bitter. The. brother married, and had our child, and that child WaR myself. 'My father died when I was a mere child, and my mother died before I was graduated. So volt see, I Ras the only represeqtatit e of Uncle Timothy's blood." "Certainly." I said, "and of course the whole property fell to you." "Yes," he replied, "and it was given to me, and 1 took possession, and opened a flourishing busi ness. Upon the strength thereof, I have entered society, and responsible offices have bean pat upon ufe." "Well," said I, as my friend paused again, "vt hat has happened . to disturb all this t" " tell you, he returned, starting froth a moody reverie into tqich he had fallen. "-You know that my father and Uncle Timothy once had a serious falling nut." " Yes." I told him. "1 Karr some recollection of it; but that was a great many years ago. We were boys then." "Ay—it was near twenty years ago," said Fred; but I remember it very well. for I recol lect how badly it made mother feel. The es trangement lasted for some years.; and during that time the bitterness was very strong. My uncle declared that he would have nothing more to do with his brother; and under the influence of this feeling he made a will conveying the great bulk of his property to Staffer, the son of his HlS ter's husband. ;You rernember that, don't your; „Yes," Isaid. And I did remember it very" wel, for it snide copsiderable talk at the time and int,tre so, beeansnStatfer, who had married Timothy Elliott's sister, had not bren considered much of a man, and it was not' generally sup ! posed than the boy, whom he bad left upon the care of his wife's,relatives, gave any promise of a valuable life. " ' And," contiuued Fred, "you probably recol lect when my father was very sick, Uncle Timo thy came to him and the Quarrel was thrown away, and from that time, wink, my father lived, their brotherly love was warm and generous." "Yes. I know all that." "Well, at that time my uncle spoke of the will he bad made, and be would deitroy it, and I believe he did. I know it as well as I know anything which I did not see with nif own eyes. Before my uncle died he told me that he should make no will, for there was no need of it. He said I was the only lawful heir, and that was enough. My uncle died and I mine into posses sion of the property; and I hare enjoyed it, and have tried to do good with it; and I have added something to the original fortune, for I have been careful and prudent. In a dark hour, however, a storm bus Inint upon me. It sbemed only a cloud at first. but itproved ti fearful one. John Staffer has returned. He - went away about ten years ago—went away bedause my uncle would not give him a home any longer—and has now come and has laid claim on my property. He claims the whole of it!" -"But haw?" I asked, as my friend stopped to take breatk.! "You remember Stephen Akers, the old law yer r, Paid Fred. "Ay." I replied,!" I know him very well. He has been ouv west and done some business there; but he can't do mere Where he is known, for he proved Mins& a villian." • " Ha! do tou kudw it?" " Yes ; bu what !has that to do with you now ?" " you. Lithe first place, he used to do business here, and my uncle employed him some." " I remember that." " And it Was he Who made that will for my un- Cle." " Yea, I recollect it now." " Well," continued Fred, " this old villain of a lawyer came back here about six months ago, and ere long he and Staffer had their heads together. In a little while Staffer came and laid claim to my uncle's property - ; and when asked what he meant, he produced a paper which appesred to be the last will and{ testament of Mr. Timothy Elliott. .And Stephen Akers swears thaLthis is the same will which thy uncle Made many years ago, and that it has bhen in his charge ever since. He says that ashen b went away to the western country be over-leek led it among his papers, and took it along with him. He furtherinore declares that lie received! many letters - front Mr. Elliott; in t;,ldeh be requested hint to be careful of the will, and keep it So that it could be brought to light in case of need," " Of eourSe." Said I, " thiS still must be a fraud -Went one'' " Most certainly it is," returned Pied. " And yet,it has been admitted to probate, and the judge has accepted it. • I,have appealed, and it goes to the Superior Court, and, moreover, the trial comes jff tomorrow. For myself, Enoch,— if I here alone in the world,—l would care little, for I couldput forth my etiagies anew; but for my wife and children, oh ! it is hard I" He hurled his face in his hands, and wept aloud; but in a little while he became calm again, and I questioned hint as I saw fit. Another witness tb _the will besidg'Stephen Akers was Axing, and ho had te-tified that he beliesed the instrument now produced wits the one to which he put his name. In short, the case Moked dark enough, and I dared not give my; found much hope. Yet I promised to think of the matter, and be present with him at the trial. ; On the following morning I got away :as soon as possible, for I could not bear to hear Hattie's grief; but I promised to come back again, and, as I held her hand pt the door, told her to keep up a good heart - Au uncle la mine, named Ansel Forbes, a broth er,ot my mother, was in town on business, and I e.t.a to see him. He was a paper manufact urer, and worth a handsome property. I found him at the hotel, and passed a happy hour With him; for 1 had been his pet ih boyhood, and it was by his generous bounty that I went through col lege. I told him about the trial whiCh was cow ing oft', and he said he meant to be present if he could. Ile had been well acquainted with Timo thy Elliott, and he was firmly convinced that the only will tt hieli Elliott had ever made had been destroyed. When the hour of trial arrived it was announc i.d that I should assist in the case. I took my seat with the c - Oansel already engaged. 'As the trial went on. irleertairily did look dark enough for my friend. Sfepheu Akers—u dark, browned, foxy looking'inau, with a hair of a grizzled red, which stood out like a-hedgehog's quills upon his small 'head—swore that this will was the will which he, as Timothy Elliott's attorney, had made eighteen years before, and that he had been iu posses sion of it ever since, until he had lodged it in the probate office. And he also swore to the receipt of letters from Elliott, bidding him keep the will safe. There was no getting around his teatime ay-it was plain and direct, and we could not break through it. An old wan named Jackson, who had been one of the witnesses of the old will, testified that he believenhe instrument now before him was the one to which he had put his band. lie could say that this was his own signature. He was an hon• est bid fellow, and admitted that he, had always supposed the will had been destroyed. • For our client we had nothing of clear, plain facts to help us. We had any amount of impress ions and opinions in our favor. It had been the impression of all Timothy Elliott's intimate friends that the will which he had made had' been des troyed. lie had talked to them in' that way. And yet not one 01 them could swear that they had ever heard him say, directly, that such was the %et. 1.0 short, though the beiief•in the des trot:thin of that will was so general and so firm, et we could not present to the jury i single fact to sustain us in the decision. Had the counsel liar the appellent any more ter Moony to produce! Fred placed his band trembling; like an aspen upon my arm, and whispered— "Oh my soul!, 1 am lost.'" , , lII' 55,th pale as death, and his cut rim; intense. As the case now stood. 'could haven° hnie. What ever may have been the opinion of the court and the jury upon the right and justice of .the thing, there could have been but. one opinion, upon the law and fact. My heart sank within me. Where the counsel for appellant ready to rest their case? I held the will in my hand. I believed it to be a forgery. I believed the only will which Timo thy Elliott ever made had been destroyed. and that Akers in consideretion •of a share in the spoils, had, from the Old draft in his hands, for ged this instrument, counterfeiting even Jackson's signature so nicely that the simple old mnu could not disown it. I was about to give the instrument up. and my last hint hope with it, when a_ditu murk in one corner of the sheet caught my eye. It was a stamp—an impression on the paper—not so large as the point of a tiuger's end, but I bent my head fini a moment, to call to mind something of the past. "What hi it I" asked I'red, who had noticed my emotion. . . I told kiln to-wait, and then arose and lOoked . around the court room. Was my uncle there 1 Yes, I saw I him clone by me. I asked that Ste 7 Own :Viers might be called to the stand again. The wretch SIM that I urns excited, and he trem bled-a little when he started to answer to the call, though he was firm enough when he bad gained the stand. "Mr. Akers," said I, controlling myself nil possibly conld,'"you made this wilt." "Timothy': Elliott made it," he replied; "I merely wrote it down for him as he dictated." "This will is dated," said I, looking at its sign and seal, "October third, eighteen years -ago this very month." • ' "Certainly," replied Akers, that i,s just when it ssus made" "And ,you swear that this is the identical Instru ment 1" "I do," "And yen swear that Timothy pliott set his • VO 72,-WHOLE N • hand and seal upon this paper at the ti, • herein mentioned 1' "I do." I looked the .witness in the'ey He must hare read in that look something of my thoughts, for his countenance changed, and pis knees actually shook beneath him. told him I had done with him. Theo I asked that Ansel - Forbes might be call ed to the stand. _ • What did I want With him 7 And my uncle was also anxious to know why he was called up on, for hel;ras well known, and stood as high as the judge himself. " Mr. Forbes," said I "you area manufacturer of paper ?" He said he was. • . - " How long have you been engaged in the busi ness? Ile thought a moment, and then refitted, "I entered the business in eighteen . hundred and thirty-one; so I have been in it just ten years.", "Now Fir," said I, handing him the instrument which I held, " will you tell me, will•you tell the j y, when that paper was made?" 0 H it e h tr i li tur it ted , an.d-Hthee gazed d e u n p t o h n is th e e y e co re rn Bten eria u nd th ,in a bursting, amazed tone, he cried -11(1 " I made it myself!" . " When 1 *heal!' I demanded. "It could not have been over nine pears ago, for here is my mark—my name=npon it as I alone have stamped paper in this country !" HeAlen showed -to the court and to the jury the mark which he had detected. It was plain enough now—s little oval impression, with the name A. Forbes" embossed in it. It was de faced and soiled, but not obliterated. - Stephen "Akers was trying to make his way from the court-room, but the deputy brought him back. Two wholesale dealers were summoned, and when they examined the paper they at once rec ognized it as Ansel Forbes's manufacttut. They knew it,-thena'cottld tie no ipiestioni And thus, almost miraculously, was the whole current of the affair changed. We gage the case in, and iu a very few minutes we had the ver dict. That'evening Hattie hung about my neck, and blessed and thanked me until I fairly cried. And Fred, when he tried to apCak of what had passed; at once broke down under the weight of joy and gratitude that was upon him. He was safe, his fortune was safe; and his wife and little ones were still blessed. Some asked me bow I happened to detect that silent witness away up in the corner of that pa per. I answered that my uncle gave me half a dozen reams of,that paper when- he commenced making it, and I had been using it ever since, so that the stamp, was very familiar to me. The forger had seletted for hie wicked puOase a sheet of respectable ige; but it had not proved quite old enough to answer the _date be had just put upon it. .1 Master John i Staffer got off to sea again ; but Stephen Akers found his way to the State prison, where for ate , of }•ears, he was forcibly res trained, from ci eating his fellow men. - THE KINDX ,SS OP MR. LiNuotS.—The fol lowing inciden , , clipped from an exchange, illus trates the kind ess of heart and the tenderness of our late esident. In November last, a Small, delicate boy patiently waited with the crowd which ad gathered in theroom of the - President. H - was noticed by Mr. Lincoln, who said, "Come h re my boy, and tell me what you want" The b y, trembling and abashed, stepped forward and p ced his hand upon the arm of the chair in which the President was seated, and said: Mr. PresideL I have been a drummer in a regiment for two years, and my Colonel got angry with me and turned me ofi; I was taken sick, and have been . • a long time in the hospital. This is the first day I have. been out. I came to see if you cannot do something for me. The President looked kindly and tenderly at ansLasked him where he lived. He replied that he had no home. "Where is your father ?" said the Pteident. "He died in ,the army," an swered the boy. "Where is your mother 1", "My mother is dead also, I have no father, no mother, no brother, sisters," and bursting into tears, the boy said, "and no friends. Nobody cares for me." The scene was very affecting. Mr Lill coin's eyes filled with tears, he said to him: "Can't you sell rurpapers. "No," said the boy, "I am •to weak, and the surgeon of the hospital told me I must leave ; and. I have no money, and no friends, and nu place to go to." The scene was indescribable tender and affec ting, and the President immediately drew from his drawer a card' on which he wrote his wishes, that the officers should care (iu his own aiteetio 2 nate - lauguage) "for this poor boy." When the card was handed to the idrummerl boy, a smile lit up his face, all wet with tears, and he had at least one good and true friend in Abraham Lincoln. , ISLA' JOHNSON SAYS-THE DEBT MUST BE ram.—We hear that Andy Johnson, who was horn poor, and raised poor, and isyet 6d the•peo pie in his property and expectations, has given the order for Retrenchment and Economy, and declared that the Nation must go right to work to pay its Debts. =Good! The National Debt has been ciphered up, and the sum total is a big - one,=but the Aifierieau People is a big one too. On the Ist of July next our Debt will foam) in round numbers Three Thousand Millions. We can pay it, and add to our wealth. -But we have got to practice ,econo my, public and private. We have particularly to apply economy and watchfulness to the Legisla tion of Copgress, and to themin.inistration of the Departments and Bureaus in WaShingion. The expenses of the Government must be shoved back rapidly and in good faith toward,the old peace footing of 1860. We may never again get quit to that,—but let us get as near to it as we can. The ablest statists in the service•of the Treas ury Department have been directed to measure the wealth and resimrces of the nation, and to calculate when it will be possible fur'us to pay, and probable that we wilt pay; that immense debt of Three Thousand Millions. They haye re ported that the "bottom dollar" of it be paid rimrenty years from 1.8701 Good - again! Let the watchword of all Poli tics be—PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT! A NOVEL SLIIGICAL CORE.—The Washington correspondent of ,the Columbus • Journal shows that the intended 'assassin of Mr. Seward per formed the work of a surgeon foi the latter, and performed it well. He sa3s: - A singular incident cOnuected with the assault on Mr. Seward illustrates how the blessings of life are sometimes mingled with our n&lbrtunes. It is that the wire used by the surgeons to hold to its place the fractured Jaw id the _Seeretary par ried the knife of the ismsslif - and that alone saved his throat from being cut from ear- to ear. It now seems that on the•day Preceding the assault, the surgeons were very _anxious concerning the in flammation apparent in, the jaw,,and had agreed on a depletion by an artificial cutting. The ope ration was to have been pertbrmed the next day. but a very unwelcome operator unexpectedly did' the work for them. It has turned -out that the cuts made by the assassin were just enough to let out the requisite blood, and what was intruded tbr a fitter thrust has in the end prtived a derided benefit, and Mr. Seward is rapidly recovering. A STRANGE STORY ABOUT MR. LINCOI2S.- Three years ago, the gentleman I spoke of told us a story of Mr Lincoln, which 1 have not thought of since, until now. When Mr. Lincoln received the news of his first election, he came home to tell Mrs. Lincoln about it. She was up stairs in the bedroom. and atter telling the news, in v,alk ing about the room his eye fell upon the bureau glass. Immediately he threw himself down upon the lounge, and - told Mrs.Lineoln he thought he must he ill, for he saw a-second reflection of his face in the glass which he'could not account for. It was perfect, but very pale. "Oh," said Mrs. Linibln,•"thaf means that you will be re-elected —but 1 don't like its. looking pale," she added; "that looks as if you Would not live through our second term." Mr. Lincoln himself told this to the friend I mentioned, and this gentleman told it to us in.our parlor, Soon after the first Bull Run battle. It made quite an impression imou me at the time, but one forgets such things. Was it not singular 2—[Corresponderice of Country Gentle man.] "Dourou, I want you to prescribe for me." The doctor feels her pulse, "Them is nothing the matter, madam ; you only want rest." "l'inn , debtor, just look at my tomMe ! just look at it; look at it! now say, what does that need 7" "I think that needs rest, too." Exit madam in a state of great excitement. A of OFFER.—A veteran refutes the follow ing: It once happened_ - that a mule driver was en gaged in leading:an unruly mule for a short dis tance, which job proved about as,much aihe was able:to - de; and gave full employment for both hands. As he was thus engaged, a newt appoint ed Brigadier tode by him in all the 'consequential radiance of his starlight, when the, mule driver hailed him as fellows: "I say, I I , ,ish that you would send leeouple of men down here to help me to manage this mule." The prigadier, indignant at being FO familiarly addressed, sternly replied: - "Do you know who I am, sir?" - ' " Yes, ' was the reply, " you are I belie Ce." . 3,718. - - "Then why do - you-mot salute me before ad dressing me ?' inquired' the Brigadier. . "I will," responded the M. D., " if youwillget off and hold the mule." . . The Brigatlier retired in good order. SOUTHERN WlT.—While the train was stop ping at a sinall' place near Weldon, a robust Georgia trooper hailed one of the many loungers about the station with: " Say. old tar heel,-got any tar for Sale 7" The native so addressed an swered rather shortly, to his gallant defender," "No, sir-ee!" " Wal,' you've got -some pitch, haven't you ?" " Nary pitch, here," answermithe sandhiller. " Well, what have you - done with 'em, for you know you live on gob stuff." About this lime the long, lean specimen of a tar-maker brightened up and replied, " Well, we sold ;awe had to 'Jeff Davis." The Georgian, thrown off his guard, could not resist asking,." Why; what did old Davis want with all thatar ?" Quoth the matt of pitch: "Why, you Georgians run so, that he had to bay something to make you stick." ONE'S NATIVE LAND.—President -Johnson, although not given much to poesy or blank verse, has nevertheless some taste for the muses. In reply the other day. to a delegation from North Carolina, his Dative State, he said : "The name of North Carolina, God bless her, is dear to me. hiller bosom rest ite - renniins of my honored father, lying in the. east of the city of Raleigh. North Carolina is my Jmother, though not my Alma Mater. Seine may have said that North Carolina is a good State to emigrate from, Mit Ido not share in that belief. I feel as the poet said: • " Breathes there a man mitt soul so dead Who never to himself bath said, - • This is my own, my native land I" - A - MELAttcritotir Tatrrn.—When a rakish youth goes astray, friends gather around him in order to restore him to the path of virtue. Gen tleness and kindness are lavished upon him to win him back again to innocence - andpeace. No one would suspect that-he had ever sinned. But when a poor, 'confiding girl is betrayed, she receives the brand of society, end is hencelhrth driven from the ways of virtue. The betrayer is honored, res pected, esteemed; but there is no peace for her this side of the grave. Society has but few loving, helping hands for her, no smile of peace,' no voice of forgiveness. These are earthly ; mortalities un known to heaven. There is a deep wrong irk them, and fearful are tne* consequences. A PARTICULAR laistiita.N.—One of the city colporteurs of Cincinnati, some time ago, when engaged in distributing tracts among the poor be nighted ones about the town, met with an amus ing incident. Coming to an isolated building of humble pretensions, he opened the door without the ceremony of knocking, saying: "Will you. accept a tract of the Holy Land ?" meaning the four pages of the letter-press he had in his hand. The man of the house instantly re plied: "Yes, be jaberg; a whole section, if you give a gond title; but I'd like to know if there be much fever'n ague there to bother a poor LW?" The colporteur retreated. PIETY QI:"AINTLY ' EXPRESSED.-At a funerai at St. Anguetine, Fla., a short time since, a color ed preacher was enlarging -on the gratitude that the freedmen owed to God for the marvelous-de liverenee that he had wrought in their behalf. -Ills climax was ~omewhat m this wise:- " My brethren, Geu. Sherman has done much for us by bringing so many of our people out of bfindagi-; Gen. Saxton has been our benefactor by defending us from being imposed on and giving us lands ; brother Lynch has deserved our thanks by his care for our spiritual welihre but remem ber, my brethren: that the Lord has don - e more for us than any other man I IN the days when Connecticut was largely en gaged iu breeding mules for the Southern market, one morning, Tracy, who was as shrewd a Tau-E kee as ever whittled a shingle or sold a dock, stood within South Carolinian on the steps of the Cap itol, when a drove of mules passed by on their k•duthern journey. "Tracy," said the _Carolinian, company of your constituents.' "Yes." was the dry retort, "they are douhtlesH going to South Carolina to teach school." A NEW READLNG.-A t a Brooklyn MSS meet-_ ing recently, a speaker told this story: • . In Sunday school, the other day, while a recita tion of verses of Scripturec was in progress, a little lad suddenly exclaimed:—"l know a, verse!" 11, was desired to-recite it, and did so, thus : "If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot" "And that," said Dr. Willctts, who told the sto. ry, "is the doctrine according to . General Dix." SIDNEY, SALITII I ww. once looking through the hot house of a lady v. ho was proud of her flowers, and used not very accurately, a profusion of ho tanical names. "Madam," said he, "have .luu the &ptennis pso riasis ?" - "No," said she, "I had it last winter, and I gave it tothe Archbishop of Canterbury:it Canto out beautifully in the spt tag." Septennis psoriasis is the meilical name thr the seven 'rear itrh. A MAN with an enormously lurge mouth called on a dentist to get a tooth drawn. After the den tist bad-prepared - his instrument, and wneabotit to commace operatimis, the man began tostram and Stretch his mouth till he - got it to a trighttid •`Stay, Sir," said' the dentist, "don't trom ble yourself to stretch our mouth any- wider, for I intend to stand outside, of it to draw r your tooth." A LETTER. from Raleigh, - N. C.. say*, that ago's) story is told of a gallant -who made a Visit to the for the r/,'•:if: and Dumb at that &et, he being ce deliAted4hat he sent hip band over the name evening - to serenade the in nudes. The fact becoming kilorn,he_was impor 7 tuned to invite the inmate:: of the Blind Asyhtni to see the next. paiode. ' - Tim savage maiden paints her body the bright eyed beauty of eivilliation paints her cheek: The one wears a ring in her nose:, the other rings in her ears. The one girdles herself with the gau diest zone he Can eommaud - f - the other array, herself in stunt of the costliest quality and richest dyes. They are the same by nature; they have been changed by circumstances. AN Irishman in describing America, said: • am told tkapyil might. r9ll England thru it ati al wouldn't make a dint in the ground t—tlwre'. fresh tratOr oceans inside that ye might dinun auld Ircland ;--an' us for Scotland, se might stick it in a corner, mi ye'd nicer at all he able to4uil it out except it might he the smell of •find whaskv. Ix the midst of a stormy discussion, a:gentle man rose to settle the matter in dispute. Wa. Nig hi hands majestically over the excited dis putants, he I,egdu, "Pentlemen all I - want is common sense." "Exactly," Jerrold interrupt• ed, "that is precisly what- you de want!" The discussion was 103 t in a burst of laughter. A PHYSICIAN prescribing syrup of buck-thorn for an old' lady, wrote his prescription according to the usual ahrenation of Ramus'Calhartiells--- Syr. Raw Cat.", Ou asking her if oho had taken, the medicine, she replied, in a great rage: "No, I ain't going to take syrup of 'rain eats for'anyhody under heaven." Irt moltom—A Chi mbersbarg coal oil Biwa lator-reeently fell asleep in church, from wthelille was waked by the Pastor'a reading: "Surely there -is a vein for the silver and a place for: the mild were they flail it. Jumping to his feet he shook his Paulo:Took ni the 3lmister, crying "111 take five kindred share" Bribby Rum' Tompkins, what's 11 widow t" - • - Bill—"A widder is a married woman what ain't Rot rio' husband, koz he's dead." Master—" Very well. What is 'a widowcil"' Bill—"A widderer is a matt what Tun .aster widders." • - - _"PAPA,"saidri =yomigstert I"what ig peietua tion •..:' = - "It art oKitittinir itopa, "Theri I wislt I. yeed'aiild*o down Into the cel lar and punctuate the eider t harrel, as the cider is running allover the floor," "there goes a