The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 24, 1865, Image 3

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    May 24, 1865.
trantliu s.9,ozittl4.
of the unseemly rejoicing over the capture of./
Mrs. Mr. Jefferson Davis, once the President of
the so-called Confederate States, it has struck your
loving gossip to sit down calmly, and have some
familiart. l chat over the affair. We have all read
what may the public history of Mrs. Mr.
Davis' arrest,--but the domestic, the inner, the
Penetralia, sanctum. sanctoruni account has yet to
be given—and we of the REPOSITORY have,been
selecled by a kind providence as the unworthy
mediiim. Reflection and experience, united to a
natural shrewdness, have confirmed us in the be
lief that male reporters . , such as those of the N.
Y. Herald. Tribune ; and Times; of the Philadel
phia Inquirer and Press; of the Cincinnati Com
mercial, and the Baltimore American, are hum
bugs and utterly unreliable in such a case as the
one I>efere as. Guided by the intention so modest
ly hinted atabove, we at once, upon receiving a
special dispatch stating that Mrs. Mr. Jefferson
D, hhd hastily left Richmond, started on his track
afemale reporter Whom we had had in readiness
for the said occurrence, with orders to admit no
rest to her feet, nor slumber' to her eyelids until
Mrs. Mr. J. was caught. We will not say
who 'auggested• to the - gorernmel* to advertise
$lOO,OOO for the arctgraitor-ess—let that pass;
but it is a duty to ourselves to say that we
know what we know, arid more too. This lady
repikter had been selected by our old friend, Mrs.
Grui9y, and the result proves that, as usual, Mrs.
G. was right. For good rmiins which we are
not yet at liberty to divulge, the name, former oc
cupation and residence of our estimable employee
must be kept a profound secret.
With this preamble, we will now give the re
port which can be implicitly relied upoia
31sT 10, 10a,i, (NEAR) Ga.
-My Dear Sirs:—The shell broken, and the
chken is spoiled. The jig is up. J. D. is no
ridire—at large.— this Morning at 3 1. M., Lieu-
Ant Colonel - Pritchard, of the 4th Michigam
Chtdry, surprised Mr. Davis and family by a l vi
sit at that' unexpected hour. t•As you directed me,
I Overtook. and joined Mr.Disis' escort at
and have participated . in his °flight ever since,
much to the derangement of .nly...gardrobe; indeed
I have not one band-bus left ; but never mind my
oivri affairs. though I may just as well here re
mind you of your promise "to make all right to
me in case of any loss." I had been very wake
ful all night, and bad just fallen into an unquiet
doze when I was aroused by a screech from Mrs.
Davis "that the Yankees were upon us." She
shook Mr. Davis, who was I) ing near me on
Wish mattfrass, withoutlicking; but the poor man
was so exhausted that it was with the greatest
!Realty that he could be aroused ; and indeed I
- heard him murmur in his disturbed sleep some
thing like "Bother!" At that moment I heard
the trthnp of a body of horse, and an occasional
p'stol shot. Mrs Davis' agitation increased fear fast, by sticking a large hair pin into
that part of her husband's body whence mortifi
cation would - be least likely to ensue, the stern
statesman (am ?town) was awakened to a full
sense of his desperate situation. His first cry
was "a horse, a horse, my Presidency for a horse !"
No one seemed inclined to risk a nag on such se
curity, and no horse "forthcame." . He then in a
gentler voice, begged for a mule. No mule ap
peared. The tramping increased. "Mr. Davis,"
exclaimed Mik - D., "what is to be done?" He,
• thus interrogated, moved his eyes restlessly from
side to side, ever and anon striving to peer into
the 'darkness,itt did not reply. The tramp of
horse nowbecame quite distinct. In an agony of
terror„Mrs. D. snatched up some of her THINGS
and.hListed„upon Mr. Davis' putting them on.
"Never!" he exclaimed with emphasis,. "I'll be
hanged It I do?' (He was right—heslid piit„them
on, and he wi ll be hanged.) H ikfarmly sur
rounded him, writing their pe ' asions with Mrs.
D's, each forcing upon him on and another arti-
cle of female apparel. Imagine a noblelOn gur
rounded by a swarm of entreed natives darting
javelins into his tawfiy sides; or a gigantic bull
baited by a bevy of matadorea; or even a bull
dog in dog-dayi bunted by a crowd -
, "Of bop
Is wild balm and brutal
The fact is, they confused him, and his mind
was obfuscated with their shrill clamor; while
they forced the Sardanapalian clothing upon him.
I myself overheard him say, in a musing under
tone; "Achilles dressed as.a woman; Don Juan
dressed as a woman; Augustus Ctesar went still
farther; The Turks all dress like their woman:
worth makes the man; be that lives and runs
away may live to fight another day; I will sacri
fice my 'pride upon the altar of my confederated
country ; the-last ditch is not here, 'tie in Texas;
I yield." Then in a loud and majestic tone he
spoke : "Do with me us you will." They im
mediately did so, and MiCmoment he stood forth
a woman from the neck down to the calves (Whin
!ego. Thiquadrupedaniial sound was now fright-
fully close
"My Dear," implored Mrs D., wringing her
hands in an-agony of fnght ; "go, run, escape, fly,
mizzle, pitt; evacuate, propel, circulate, proceed,
leave, depart, .swartvvout, hurry, haste, quit,
He clasped his wife in his flowing sleeves,
straipeld her Wide corsets, and was away, aswith
a lightning like dash the Michandera came up
reitre-a-terre. The nest was vvartn,tut the bird
had flown.
4 Spread yourselves," was ythe Captain's cry.
They spread themselves, and soon an unprotected
female withiong boots was seen making tracks
for the woods. A philosopher or cabinet .offiCilr
I would have stopped tO .consider whether Oar ,
strange creature was a man in female attire, or a
woman with boots on; but as the pursuers were
only soldiers, the hybrid was caught, and lo it was
Jeff. who made a faint show of resistance with 'a
handsome bowie-knife. Jeff. was brougnt into
camp ; was treated with all the courtesy due Ids
assumed sex, not the slightest - indignity being:of
rered his person, and as he sat in his feminine
sternness, he occasionally gave a reproachful look
at his long boots, as though saying Pulse friends,
I trusted to foil, and you betrayed me—et two
boots." At this juncture, Mrs. D. (the other Mrs.
.D.) rushed frantically upon 'the scene; threw her
arms about the captive repudiator, and after an
embrace that brought tears into the eyes of the
soldiers; told the men in a majestic tone Of voice,
that chilled toe very marrow of The bronzed
veterans, " to take care, or the President might
hurt some of them." At that moment I was watch -
iugJ. .I).nario - wly, and 1 feel assured that - Mr.
riot whisper the warning to Mrs. D._ The
iderkwas Mrs. D's entirely. Our boys did take
care; and up to the time of writing J. I). had not
hurt any one. , A telegram was instantly sent to
Gen. Wilson informing him that had secured
Davis in Wet. nati's clothing." The General under
standing the dispatch to say that we had caught
him, and secured him by swathing him in woman's
clothing, returned an angry reply, ordering Lieut.
Col. Pritchard to se/ease Mr. Davis at once.
Anotherdespatch was sent explainin g the mistake,
and we all had a hearty laugh at the General. I
wished very much t. have talk with J. D.,
something like that the New York Herald repo!'
ter had with Gen. Lee, but had time to ask him
' , IAA one question, as follows : " Mr. D.," said 1,
" are you as Episcopalian 7" " No, madam,"
' said be," I am a SecEtign." Mr. Davis is a re
tigiotte man, I know,' for I heard him whisper to
hiznaefr " The woman whom thou gayest to be
with me, she gime me and I did * '."
I was informed - by a member of his family that
air: D. refused to fix Mrs. D.'s headdress on his
own head, on the ground that "Bate desert a
siOng ship." Nu more at present, etc., etc.
P. S.—Possibly I may keep a journal of our
trip North.
P. P. S,—One of our boys sends along the fol-
Come all ynn'young Americana;
I'm going fur to sing
A song that will the briny tears
Upon your cheek-bones bring.
It is about the President,
Jett Davis and_his wire, ,
How Jett put on her petticoats
To SaNT his precious lire,
The tenth of May, yelte sixty-11Tc,
We came upon J. D.,
Near Geor•gi•a,
3f., and nearly 3.
J. D., was sleeping soundly', when
We dashed into his camp;
His wife did straightway waken him,
To start him on a tramp.
"My dear," ebe•eried,- ,, my bonnet take,
My coreete and my shawl,
_•3ly underelotbee and halmontl,
Hoop skiii and tan—take all."
As, quick as thought Jeff. donned the Mingo
And now a woman he,
Of litalwail frame, majestic pace,
From head down to his knee.
For uui to say—J. D. was tall
While Mrs. D. was not,
And as he ran, they saw his boots,
And so T. D. was caught.
He bmodixteed a Bowie Knife,
Of manufacture rare:
And Mrs. D. through loyalty,
Exclaimed: " 0 men, take car&
"I warn you all--you know him not—
O take his knife away:
surely hurt a few of you;
Beware the lease at bay."
4 They—took away. his bloodless knife,
Those laughing soldier men,
And thus they took "good rare of him
O l f chivalry the gem. -
Anti now the rumor quickly Mea—
l. do not say it—mind—
That Jefferson, in women's clothes, •
Will shortly be*confined.
John Brown was hanged, because he broke
The laws the blacks to free— _ •
Poetic justice ! Jeff. must grace
"A Sour apple tree."
Now, glory to the Northern arms!
*Hurrah for Pritchard brave!
Test thousand cheers; for U. S. Grant!
One hiss for Jeff."the knave!!
WAYNESBORO ITEMS.—We clip the following
(Neal items frou the Village Record, of the 19th
Mr. Geo. Frick, proprietor of the Waynesboro'
Foundry a-d Machine Shop, met, with an acci•
dent on - Saturday last Ora most serious character.
We have not leartied the particulars further than
that his right hand was caught in some part of
the machinery, the thumb torn from its socket,
sevl.ral of his fingers broken and his hand other
s severely lacerated Drs. Frantz and Shive
ly since been in attendance. At last ac
counts he was doing well although suffering great
Lieut. A.G. Bouehrake, of Co. 6,17 th Penna.
Cavalry, son of Mr. H. Honebrake, of this vicini
ty, has been at home for several weeks having
been awarded a medal of honor and a thirty day's
furlough, for meritorious conduct at the battle of
Five Forks, Va., on the first of April last. Lient
Bonebnake captined a battle flag on that occasion,
and on fortur ones distinguished himself as a
gallant officer.
George D. Miller, of Co. G. nth. Penna. Cav
alry was, we regret to learn, instantly killed in
the battle of Five Forks, in Virginia, on the first
day of April last. Mr. M. was a native of this'
place, where his aged mother and other relation
still reside. He was a gallant, soldier, and as
such was much_ esteemed by his companions in
James D. Fitz, Sergeant of the same company,
son of Samuel P. Fitz of this vicinity, said to have
been oneof the best soldiers in CO. G, was wound
ed in battle near Dinwiddie Court House, March
31st, and died April 9th.
L 0. 0. F.—The annual Session of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania, commenced on Tuesday
week, at the hall North Sixth street, Philadel
phia, Grand Master W. H. Trinick, presiding.
The attendance -- of representatives was large.—
The day was consumed in the admission of a large
number of new members, reception and reference
of communications, and the counting of the votes
for otricers of the Grand Lodge, to serve the en
suing year, -which resulted in the election for M.
W. Grand Master, John M. Crosland, of No, 53,
of Pottsville ; R. W. D. Grand Master, George
Fling, of No. 10, Germantown ; R. W. Grand
Warden, Richard Watson, of No. 193, Doyles
town; R. W. Grand Secretary,„ Williana Curtis,
of No. 2z,?, Philadelphia ; R. W. Grand Treasurer,
M. Richards Mackie, of No. 46, Philadelphia; R.
W. Grand Rep. G. L. U. S., J. Alexander Simp.
son, of No. 110, Philadelphia.
THE services of the Counnismoners of the
Bo* of Enrollment being no longer needed. by
reaAii of the crushing out of the rebellion and the
suspension of recruiting for the military service,
John Culp, Esq., has been honorably discharged
from the service as Commissioner of the 16th Dis
trict of Penna., a position he has filled with credit
to himself and satisfaction fo those acing busi
ness with his office.
CHILD DROWNED.—We learn that on Mon
day morning, the 15th inst., b child, f Mr. David
Brewbaker, residing near Clay Lick, this county,
aged one year and nine months, wande•ed away
from the house unnoticed and when search was
made was-found iu a spring near the house drown
ed. It was immediately taken out and every
remedy used to restore life, but in vain.
Coutt.T.—MemrB. W. S. Everett. John Stewart,
Win. S. Stenger and John R. Orr, Esqs., mem
bers of the Chamberaburg bar, were adinitted to
practice in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
last week.
&trickland's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass, of Janesville. Wis,
cousin. writes for the benefit of all whit suffer with the
Piles, that he has been troubled for eight years with an
aggravated ease of Piles, and his brother was discharged
from the army as incurable, (he being quite paralyzed
with the Pales.) Both these distressing rases were cured
with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's' Pile Remedy. The
recommendation of these gentlemen. besides the daily
testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to con
vince those suffering. that the most aggravated chronic
eases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickland's Rile Reniedy.
It is sold by Druggists everywhere.
GFILWIttK 3 & BURKHART have re*oed from
Philadelphia and New York with a new and very heavy
lot of gusts. lt is their determination to make this busi
ness pay them by selling great quantities of goods, and
not hg large profits. lie advise all who wish to buy
goods cheap and to have the largest and most varied stock
to make their selection from, to call with this firm before
buying elsewhere.
ANODI'ICE CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and
Child's Rellet—This valuable medicine is again for sale
at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door west of
Drow'n's HoteL It is far superior to all Soothing. Syrups,
or any other preparation for children. in Teething, Cho liq
Diarrhea, or inward pains. ,
CHU le the Cf%i Diuretic_ lielmbold's Concentrated Ex
tract Sarsaparilla is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are pre.
Pared according tondos of Pharmacy and Chemivtry, and
are the mat active that can he made.
Go To Gelwicka and Burkbart's for confec
tionary• they manufarture ; have always a tine assortment
and sell cheap wholesale and retaiL
THE only place to get a pleasant and refreh
jing drink of finds water, is at cassaLsa's, where the
cinema fruit syrups are always kept.
READ the very attractive advertisement of Fry
r o itz,tn another column.
Our Colored Troops Remember the Mas
sacre nt Fort Ptllow—A Plot for Revenge
—Their lienigua Frustrated—important
Expedition by oen. Farrar.
MEMPHIS, May 19,
via. CAIRO, May 9.1.
The influx of paroled prisoners has caused a
great excitement among the colored troops here.
A plot to rise and murder every rebel in Mem
phis, in revenge for the Fort Pillow massacre,
was discovered last night, and the white troops
were puton guard during the night. The uegroes
attempted to come out of the fort, but were re
sisted by the white troops, and after a sharp skir
mish, in which twenty were killed or wounded,
were driven back. They are now under a strong
Natcbetz dates to the 15th say Gen. Farrar
had just returned from an expedition to Harri
sonburg, where lie captured the entire rebel gar
Gen. Jno. E. Smith supersedes Gen. Washburn
at Memphis.
The Great Review
The city is crowded to overflowing with peo
ple. Rooms and windows on Pennsylvania ave r
nue are commanding fabulous prices. The troops
in camp about the city are also getting ready for
the grand review.
Governors Curtin, Buckingham, Andrews,
Pierpont and others are here. '
Reported CaPtare of Ex. Gov. Harris of
NEW Ytmx, May 22d.—A special despatch
from Nasheille to the Times says, it is reported
that Ishum _G. Harris has been captured.
It is certain that some of the State archives
were captured, and all the State bonds, with
$600,000 if specie - belonging to the State treas.
Kirby Smith Assassinated.
NEW OaLEANs, May 15.
The True Delta of yesterday, published a re
port that Kirby Smith had been assassinated by
Maj.ll'Kee, with whoma difficulty growing out
of cotton speculations his occurred.
The Delta of this :morning says the- report has
been confirmed by a rebel soldier from Jackson.
The Reconstruction of North Carolina.
The North-Carolina delegation ore succeeding
finely in their interviews with Andrew Johnson.
The President adheres to total abolition of sla-
very as necessary to the restoration of civil pow
er in that State._ ,
THE trial of the assassination conspirators still
continues. On Saturday Assistant Secretary of
War liana identified a rebel cipher arrangement
which he found in Richmond, and two dispatches
found in Booth's trunk were found to be in that
cipher.. One was from Richmond to Canada, and
the other rice versa. Col. J. B. Stuart, who pur
sued Booth acro i s i; the stage at Ford's Theatre,
testified that be ht have been stooppd by a man
who looked like ;..."; angler. _ The teller of the On
tario Bank, at Montreal, testified to the money
transactions of Jacob Thompson and Booth at
that Bank. The evidence of the last witness was
taken in secret session.
M'LEMORE—ROSS.—On the 9th inst., by Rev. S. H
C. Smith. Mr. John W. M!Lemore to Miss Mary A. Rom
both of this place.
MARTIN—LIES.—Onthe 16th inst., by the Rev. J. Ger
demann, Jeremias Martin to Mary Lieb.
ERVIN—EYLER —On the IGth inst., by the Rev. A.
'Bnhrman, Mr. John J. Ervin to Mrs. C. C. Eyler, both of
lit:Eil.-tiiT—GREENE.--On the 30th ult., by Rec.
Wm. M'Elroy, Mr. Jas. B. Rinehart to Mrs Jane Greene,
alt of this minty.
.MENTZER--SENER.—On the 16th inst., by Rev. Mr.
Sprecher. Capt. John M. Mentzer, late-of:Id Kansas Car.,
(formerly of this county) to Miss Katet. Sener of Carlisle.
3IACKEY.—On the 11th inst. M. Mary L, wife of
Lieut. Win. 11. Mackey, of Dry Run. agea 2i years, 4
months and 4 days.
KIRKPATRIOK.--On the 12th ult, near Dry Run,
David M. Kirkpatrick, aged 21 year's, 7 months and 11
The new 7-30's are offered to the people with .
the reservation that the, government ma t convert
them into six per cent gold bonds at any time;
and the subscriptions have fallen off very mate
rially. The general expectation that the remain
ing $230,000,000 would not be offered immediate
ly stimulated the subscriptions enormously, and
the last Week presented the extraordinary spec
tacle of nearly one hundred milliobs being taken
by the people after four years of most exhausting
war. and when the public debt had reached seve
ral thousand, millions. It shows that the people
have unbounded faith in the government, and
mean to sustain it unsparingly. There is no long
er a question as to the ability and purpose of the
people to supply the -government with all the
means necessary to close up the war and maintain
the public credit. •t•
A meeting of the stockholdersof the Pennsyl
vania Imperial Oil Company was held on Monday
of last week in Philadelphia, and authority was
given to the Board to sell and convey such of the
company's property in LaYlonia as can be sold
advantageously in building lots. We learn that
some $70,000 of lots have been sold, and the pra
ceeds will be divided among the stockholders as
a special dividend on the Ist of July. The com
pany has no need for the revenues from lots, as
most of its wells are being sunk on lease; and its
immense reserved capital of 50,000 shares of its
own stock would supply ten-fold more than is
likely to be wanted for development. It is pro
bable that after the valuable lands of the company
are developed, the reserved stock will be divided
in a stock dividend. The Sterling company is
running two.engines day and night boring new
wells on its Cherry Tree Run lands.
An association was formed in this place or
Monday Ilast called the Walnut Bend and Pine
Run Company to develope certain lands owned
at Walnut Bend on the Allegheny ricer. Wm.
D. McKinetry was chosen President; D. K.Wun
derlich, Treasurer;
. J. M. Douglas, Secretary;
and Wm. D. McKinstry, Jos. B. Loose, T. Jeff.
:Gill, C. M. Duncan, J. McD.Sharpe, D. K. Wun
_derlich, and John Shirts, Directors Their capi
tal is*so,ooo, and they do not menu to issue
stock until they develope their lands, which are
well located. ° -
Considerable stir has been produced by the dis
covery of a substance supposed to be Peti oleum
on a farm near Concord, in this county, belonging
to the heirs of the late Alexander Irwin. It is
said that surface oil in considerable quantities is
found on the water, and subscriptions are being
taken to develope the lands. We have been in
formed that a party has proposed to 'bore for oil
and give a royalty to the owners of the land. We
do not yxpeit that the effort will be very liberal
ly rewarded. The same indications are found in
half the counties of the State, and hundreds of
thousand of dollars have been expended in Wash
inton, Fayette, Greene, Clarion and other coun
ties, but in Venango alone has it proved profitable.
Four-fifths of all the oil produced on the continent
is produced on Oil Creek and its tributaries.
Gold stands steady at about T. 30, and we look
for the commodities generally to settle
cordingly.. The necessaries of life must be-great
ly reduced in price during the summer, and the
disbanding of the army will make labor abun
dant. As labor enters very largely in the pro
duction of everything, prices cannot be perma
nently reduced until labor becomes abundant;
but that time is near at Wm& Fully 200,000
gallant heroes ;passed through Washington-yester
day and to-day in review to be mustered out and
return to the channels of industry and trade again,
and quite half a million will be the aggregate loan
to exchange the sword for the implements of
peace. Thu government will thus increase the
producers of the country very largely and at the
same time diminish its demands, and we shall
loon seestrade in the old channels again.
eije'Pallidly Repository, dimmbersbut4; Pa.
—The following are the latest quotations of the
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia
U. S. 'Bl's 108 l El4:lon:id°
U. S. S-'2o's 109}i Farrell Oil
Reading R. R int. off. 45h Franklin Oil
Perim. Railroad Great Western....._..
Catawisa Rniroad.-,
Catnwisaa R R—PreL
North Penna. Ra
& Erie R. R....
Long Wand Radlroad.
Schuylkill Navigatien.
Sam:Mahan= Canal...
Big &fountain C0a1..., 7.
Miller Coal.
Clinton Coal
Connecticut }lining
Diamond Costi
Fulton .6,0a1
Fee*Dam CoaL-
Green Mt. Coal.-=.
Kystone Zinc....
Monocacv Iron--
N. Y. & Mid. Coal
N. Carbondale....
Penn Mining
Swatnra Falls Coal
Allegheny & Tideonte
Big Tank 11
Brandon Island
Beacon Oil
Briggs 0i1....
Burning Spring Pet,
Continental Oil
Crescent City...
Corn Planter
Cow Creek
Cherry Rue
Dnokard Creeledn '
Excelsior Oil
Egbert .
GENTS:—With your permission I wish to say to the read
ers of your paper that I will seed, by return mail, to all
who wish it (free) a Recipe, with full directions for ma•
king and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effect
tinily remove, in tea days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freck
les, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft,
clear, smooth and Beautiful.
I will also mail free to rho,. having Bald Heads, or
Bare Faces, simple directions and Information that will
enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thiity days.
All application s answered by return mail without charge.
Respectfully yours. Taos. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
marchl•3m 831 Broadway, New York•
INFORMATION FREE.—To Nervous Sufferers.
—A Gentleman, cared of Nervous Debility, Incompetency,
Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a de•
sire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who
need it, (FREE OF CHARGE,) the recipe and direct.ons for
making the simple remedy used in ,his ease. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad experience, and
a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by address-
Frrin at his place of business. 'Fhe,Recipe, and fall in.
formation—of vital importance—will be cheerfullyaeut by
return mail. Address JOBS B. OGDEN, OJ Nassau street,
New York.
P. B.—Nervous Sufferers of both' sexes will find this In.
formation invaluable. aprill2.3m
Those vsbo desire brilliancy of complexion, must purify
and enrich the blood, *bleb Relnibold's Concentrated Ex
tract Sarsaparilla invariably does. Recollect it to no pat
ent medicine. Ask for lielmbo'dig. Take no other.
A CARD To ISVALIDS.—A clergyman; while
residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a
safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness,
Early De my, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs]
and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
NiCIOWI habits. Great numbe7 bare been already cured
by thisnoble remedy. Prompted by a desire to henellt the
ataieted Wad unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre
paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
any one who needs it, Free of Charge.
Please inclose a stamped envelope. addressed to your
self. Address lO:APH T. INMAN,
oct 194.y] STATION D. BIBLr. HOUSE, NM' York City
TO PURIFY, Enrich the blood, and Beautify
the complexion Ilse Hemhold's Highly Concentrated Fluid
Extract Sartain - villa One bottle equals in strength one
gallon of the Syrup or Decoction.
OR HARM:in. - Ms.—Every one having any thought of pur
chasing an Instrument of this class now or at any future
time, should send for one of Mason d. Hamlin's Cabinet
Organ Circulars, which will be sent to any address free of
expense. This circular contains much information which
will be useful to every purchaser of such an instrument;
such as articles on "How to judge of a Musical Instru
ment," History of the Organ," "History of Reed Instru
meats," &c, dze. Address MASON BROTHERS,
596, Broadway, New York.
Or MASON &11A3LL`i, 274 Washington Street, Boston
MATrermonAL—Laditis and GPntletnen: If
you wish to marry you can do so by addressing tne. I
will send you. without money and without price, valuable
Information, that will enable you to marry happily and
speedly, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This in
formatson will cyst you nothing and If you wish to marry,
I Rill cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confiden
tial. The deitired information sent by return mall, and
no reward asked. Please inclose postage or stamped en
velope. addressed to yourself Address, SARAH B. IA AM
nirr, Greenpoint, Kings Co., New York may29-3rm
QUANTITY vs. QUALlTY.—Rembold'os Extract
Sarsaparilla—The dose is small. Those who desire a
large quantity—amd large claws of medicine—Eßß.
ERSTITINO relating to the human system:male and female;
the muses and treatment of diseases; the marriage cm.
toms of the world; how to marry well and a thousand
things never published before, read the revised and en
larged edition of "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious
book for cations people, and a good book for every one.
400 pages:loo Illustrations. Puce Cfmtents table
sent free to any address. Books may be bad at the Book
stores. or will be sent by malt.-put-paid. on receipt of the
price. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D., -
febL6m 1130 Broadway, Sew York.
BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS' and unprincipled
dealers endeavoring to dispose of their own and other
_preparations. on the reputation attained by Relfribold . s
Genuine Preparations.
EYE AND EAE.—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. .13.,0c.
enlist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Holland, 'is iota
ted permanently at No. 511 Pule Swat Pluladelphia,
where persons afflicted with disease of the Eye or Ear,
will be scientifically treated and cured, if curable.
AltrinclAL EYES inserted without pain. No
charges made for Examination.
N.B.—The medical faculty is invited, as he has no se
crete in his mode of treatment.
THE BRIDAL CII.OII3ER.—A note of warnitig
and advice to those sufferinc with Seminal Weakness,
General Debility, or Premature Decay, from whatever
anise produced. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wise in
Sent FREE to hay fuldreic for the benefit of the afille
ted. Sent by return mail. Addrena Teatmt 8. BUTLER
, M Broadway, New York. Aprill.B.3m.
WHY Injure the Complexion by Powders and
Washes which choke or fill up the pores of the akin, and
in a short time leave it harsh tind dry 4 It Is in the blood,
nod if you want smooth and soft skin use liembold's En
tract of Sarsaparilla. It gives a brilliancy to the complex
lIISKERS ! WHISKERS !—Do you want Whig
temor Moustaches t Our Grecian Compound will force
thenl t• grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on
bald heads. In Siz Weets. 4b - ice. 81.00. Sent by mail
anywhere, clsoely sealed, on receipt of price.
Address, Wassea & Co., Boa 138 Brooklyn N. Y.
feb 10.1 y
A CLEAR, Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complex
ion follow the nee of limbold's Concentrated Fluid Ex
tract Sarimparilkt. It remover' black spots, pimples, and
all eruptions of the skin.
' THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Eaaay of Warning
and Instruction for Young Men—published by the How'
ant Asaoclationi, and sent free of charge in scaled envel
open, Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN ii0V(111TON. ikiirard As•
sedation, Philadelphia. Pn. fel).
NOT a Few of the Worst Disorders that Af
flict mankind arise from eorruptlons of the blood. Helm.
bold's Extract At Sarsaparilla is a remedy of the utmost
caluep aprill2.3rn
WHISKERS!!!—Those wishing a fine set, of
whiskers. a nice moustache, or a beautiful head of gbsisy
hair, will please read the curd of TIPP , . F. CHAPMAN to
another part of this paper. marchl-9m.
cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor ut henith
Into the system, and purges out the humors that make dis.
Charabersbarte Markets.
Cll/011tER81URG, May 'a 10(45.
Flour—White 810 00 Butter 20
Flour—Red. - 900( Eggs 16
Wheat—White 1 40 Lurd 18
Wheat—Red I 30' Talton' 10
Rye 1 00; Bacon—Hums. 20a22
Corn 90 Bacon— Sides........ IS
Oats 40 Soup Beans 2 25
Clover Seed 14 00; Washed Wool 60
Timothy Seed 4 50 Unwashed Wool 40
Flaxseed .... ...... 2 501 Pared Peaches 500
Potatoes--Mercer.... 1 30' Unpared Peaches 3 00
Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 25 Dried Apples 1 75
Philadelphia Markets.
There is scarcely any export demand fur Flour. and
sales are only In small lots at $6.50 for superfine. 86,75 a
7.25 for extra, $7,50'188,50 for extra family. No sales of
Rye Flour or Corn Meal.
Wheat—only La* bushels red sold at pl 60, and small
lots of white at $1 SOU 2. Rye sells slowly at 87. Corn
—m a n Wes of yellow at 75280 e. Oats are in fair re•
quest at 55c. Whiskey is dull at $2 tow 2 12.
ftela) abbertiorments.
GEON DEErterE woulili.eripectfully inform the pub.
lie Unit be has opened his aloe in REGES' KUILDING,
ON SECOND STUMM, South df the Market House, where
he Is prepared to perform all operations in llentisiry with
care and attention. Prkee low and satisfaction guaran
teed. mayWirn.
A. the lowest vices, call at the Family ofeeery of E. D.
Rua opposite Dr. Suesserett's. .
p Fancyait Cassimers and Coatings at greatly reduced S.
rices, TE'
Globe Oil
flowe's Eddy Oil
Hoge Island.
Hy de Farm.
Irwin Oil
Jersey Well.
Keystone Od
_Li Sacking for Cloaks and Coats, a superior article, at
WHITE'S, 2 doors North of the Post office.
Maple Shade Oil 19
SPElheny 3f
31*Crea& Cherry• Run. If
Noble & Delamatex... 2
Oil Creek
Organfe .....
Ghost" ..
Penosy . 27tnia Pet.
the lowest market price. and DO charge for cu.ting
garments; when persons desire to have them made else.
where, at s WHITE'S.
Parry-Oil _ .
Philada and Tideoute
V splendid article, just received at a low Same. Call
and see them, at WHITE'S.
Pope Farm Oil
Petroleum Centre.
Philo R. Oil Creek
1 Roberts Oil
Rock Oil
RatAbone Petroleum
Seneca Oil
Story Farm Oil
Schuylkill & Oil Creek
St. Nicholas
Story Centre...... ...
Tarr Farm
Tarr Homestead
Turtle Run
Union Petroleum
Upper Economy
Venango 0i1....
Walnut Island..
iVI this d reeeirtng Ladies', Clentlemens', Misses',
Boys' and Chtldren's Bose—all qualities—Fancy-, Bleach
ed, Unbleached, and Blue-niLted; Ladies' Kid finished
Gloves. all colors ; Ladies', Misses' and Children's Black
Silk Mitts; zr,,new style Hoop Skirt, for which we are
agents; Lace Veils, aline assortment (Bugled); Came
I"nder-Shirtq. all sizes and qualities, and ten thousand oth
er articles, at METCALFE & HITESHEW'S.
A UDlTOR'S by,given to
NOTlCE.—Notice theit.rreteruttons it hensiaTe
of the borough of Chambersburg, deed, that the account
of John Miller:Administrator of the estate of said dece
dent has heat confirmed by the Orphans' court of Frank.
lin county, and that the undersigned has been appointed
by said court to distribute the balance on said account to
and among the persons entitled by law to receive the
same. The Auditor will attend to the duties of bin ap•
pointment at his office, in the borough of Chambersburg,
on Wednesday, the 7th day of June, A. D.. IPfa, at 10 ...
clock, A. M. (may - :4.3t] Joss STEWART. Auditor.
from 25 nand io $1 cheaper
than play
a remedy for this evil, and it is the ditty of all who are af
flicted with a "Shocking Bad Hat" to give them a call.
They have just opened a new lot of STRAW GOODS
for Gentlemen and Youths' wenn of the latest styles and
best quality. Their assortment is the largest ever brought
to Chambersbursr. and having purchased them at reduced
rams in the city, they can sell Cheaper than any other es
tablishment in town.
Their eommun Straws and Palma are going tvitlin rush,
but the supply is equal to the demand.
Also a new and varied assortment of light and . dark
Canister Hats, round and square crown—soft and stilt. of
all sizes. Light and dark, soft and stiff Fars, all sizes,
styles and prices.
.EFu. Stoidon Second Street. Routh of the town click,
sign of the Red Flag. FREY & FOLTY.
off, at Pithlle wile, on the premises. on Saturday, the
17th day of Ju ne. oral, at 1 o'clock. P. M., The following
described Reel Estate of Martin Funk, late of the Borough
,of Waynesboro. dee'd, viz:
- .
. All that LOT;Of GROUND, situate in said Borough of
Waynesboro, bounded on the front by the Main Street, on
the East by the Teal] Hall lot, on the West by lot of W.
D. Lechler, and un the South by an alley, having thereon
erected a two Story• LOG AND FRAME DWELLING
Also A tract of fine LIMESTONE LAND, situate in
Washington township. near said Borough, and adjoining
lands of Alexander Hamilton,' John Lecher and Samuel
Rinehart. containing TWENTY ACRES. more or less.
The terms will be made known on dap of nale, by
Surviving Executer of said deed.
By Order of Court: W. G. 3ftfigligt.t., Clerk. may 24
in the Post Office at Chsuttbersburg, State of Penn
sylvauirs May 23, 1865.
1[74 - To obtain Why of these Letters, the applicant must
call for "advertised Letters," give the date of this list, and
pay two cents for advertising.
Beekman David A Hansel John W Scott Marion
BraxtonM iss Sarah Hin bell &R um moll; Scott & Lee
Brown J P Illarn Jamb • !Sherman L C
Brown Mrs Samh Hupert AII ISlatum J E
Bowman Miss Ida 'Johnson John eord• Show Jacob
Carter Home., ;Keefer3lrsllutiM2 !StrockilirsSarahW
Carr 3fissElminnA.Kerling3lissJeunfe Stouffer Samuel
Colbert L A 'Eno& Oliver • Vallis J C •
Cmll Samuel , ;Lasalle Mrs Marg :WartsMrsL(eord).2
Daley Daniel , ;Lehman Miss Eliz WetlenMissMauP
Deatreeh lit is Sfarth MeCumsey J !Weiser Samuel
Etter Henry fNewbent D W Wills G W
Poster Dr Charles!NiswanderJ M ' Zaeltarins&llav er.
German E S IPunehall A W i stick
Gilbert Mrs (eol'd),' Prat Samuel ;ZentmirellissA
Geiselman John !Rosenberg Miss El
Haselman D B ;Ryder Mrs Sarah
. _
has Just received and now opening a general assortment of
at greatly reduced prices, to wit:
Good Brown Sugar at 10 cents per pound.
Prime green Rio Coffee at 35 cents per pound.
Prime City-cured Hams at 25 to IS. cents per pound.
A No. I Shore and No. 1 Bay Mackerel.
Good Syrups at 25 and 30 cents per quart
Lovenng's A No. I Syrup 35 cents per quart.
New crop New Orleans Molasses at 25 cents per quart.
FRESH TEAS.—Black, Young Ilyson, Gunpowder
and Imperial—prime articles.
Spices, Frnits, Tamarinds (preserved) for the sick, and
every other ankle in his line at greatly reduced prices.
FLOUR AND MEAL.—Ems Family Flour for sale
by the barrel or small. Also, Corn ane Buckwheat Meal.
flrghest Cash price paidfor all kinds of Country
Thanllful to his bends and the people fo the past, he
respectfully solicits a continuance of thitir favors.
Corner of Main and Washingion Strata.
Corporations organized tinder any law of the State
of Pennsylvania.
Notice is hereby gia en to all companies incorporated by
or under any law of' the Clommonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and organized at any time prior to the first Monday of No
vember, 1564, that have tailed to make report to the Au
ditor General under the Act approved April 21, 1858, anti
the Act approved April 30, 1564, that they are required
to report to the Auditor General forthwith, as follows, viz:
In case a dividend has been declared. the Treasurer
will report, under oath, the amount of capital paid in. the
Mite, amount, and rate per cent of each dividend during
the year ending the first Monday of November, 1564, and
any previous year or years in which the Company may
have had un existence; and in case no dii:idend has been
dmlartol during the year or years ending, as aforesaid,
then an appraisement of the cash value of the capital stock,
as it existed between the first and fifteenth days of No
s ember, trust be made by the President, or Tieasurrize
and a inalority of the Directors, under oath. When an ap
praisement is made the report should also state at what
time the Company was orimpized.
la addition to the above report, under the act of April
21, 1555, companies not paying a tax on tonnage are re
quired to make a separate report, under oath of the Treas
urer, of the amount of net earnings or income received
during the period from April 30, to November I, 1004, in
accordance with the, second seetioh or the act apprpved
April 30, 10+54.
Companies Incorporated by other States, and "doing
business in this Commonwealth," are notified that they are
made subject, to the tax on net earnings or income under
the second section of the rick of April 30, 1864, and are re
quired. to report to the • Auditor-General the amount of
such net earnings or ineotne received between the 30th of
April and the let of November, 1064.
All delinquent Companies incorporated by or under any
Law Of the State of Pennsylvania wilt be afforded a reit
seeable time In which to make the several reports regal' ,
ed by law, anti above enumerated ; but continued neglect
or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charter, under
the second proviso cif tine second section of the act of April
30, le-64, which is in the following words,—
'" Provided further, That any eorporation which has
flailed to make returns to the Commonwealth, as required
by the act of April 21, A. D. 1055, entitled, An art fur
the better securing to the Commonwealth the payment of
taxes due by ineorpolmted companies, may make suehneo
turn, within sixty days after the passage of this act; any
law to the contrary notwithstanding; and all delinquent
comPanies falling M refusing to make full returns and
payment to the State as required by the genemllaws of
this Commonwealth in relation thereto, shall have all their
rights and privileges declared furfeitedby proclamation.
from the Governor."
fi.eio abbirtionnento.
Sells all kinds of Hats
CHEAPER than any other House,
MI kinds, styles and qualities.
than they can be bought eNewhere
can be !xx2glit elsewbere,
Call and examine for youraelves
of all kinds and qualities,
which he guarantees to stand the rain
than they can be bought anywhere
forget the place,
nearly opposite Sellers
J. W. DEAL, P. M
E. D. liEID
ISAAC SLENKER; Auditor-General.
W. H. MIELE, State Treasurer.
liarristairg, Msy 10, 1865.
itelii abbertioements.
pared to furnish ALL KINDS of BUILDING
and other Lt73LBLR on short notice and reasonable
If you wish to build, give ns a call, usayli4
NOTICE —All persons inlbted to A. J
'White by note or Book Account ill confer a favor
by calling and settling their accounts wi out delay. Hia
books are all that he has saved out of th great fire.
may 24 WHITE,
Stone Building, 2 doors north of the Post office!.
12.4 undersigned, appointed Auditor to make distribution
of the balances, in the hauls of J. 3L Lytle. Executor of
David Lytle, deceased, to and among the heirs and lega
tees of the said deceased, will for that purpose meet at his
office. in the borough of Chambersbnrg, on Thursday, the
ISM day ofJane, at I o'clock, P. IL, all persons who may
think proper to attend. GEO. W. BREWER,
may 24 Auditor.
JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu.
film, offers the most certain. speedy, and only effectual
remedy In the world for Gleam, Structures, Seminal
Weakness, Pais, in tie Loins, Constitutional Debility,
Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections
of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dykpeisila, Ner
vous irritability, Diseases of the Head. Throat. Size or
skin; and all those serious and melancholy disorders aris
ing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy
both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices
are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syreas
to the mariner, blighting their must brilliant
hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, de., impossible.
Young Men especially. who have become the victims of
Solitary Vice , tkat dreadful anti destructive habit which mil
annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young
men Of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who.
might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence, or waked to costae). - the living lyre;
may ell with full confidence.
)tarried persons, or young men ismtemplating marriage
being 11W11/0 of physical wenkness,organie debility, difor
&c., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
lie who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston
may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and
confidently rely upon his skill as a physician.
This disease is the penalty most frequentlypaid by those
who halm become the victims of improper indulgences.
Young, persons are too apt to commit excesses from not
being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue.
Now, who that understands the subject will pretend todeny
that the power of Procreation is last sooner by those falling
Into improper habitthan by the prudent. Besidesbeingile•
priced of the pleasure of healthy offspriug. and the most
serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise.
The system becomes deratiged, the physical and mental
powers weakened. nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation
of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough,
syintoms of consumption.
'Office No. 7, South Frederick. Street,
seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the steps
Be particular in obsening' the name and number, or you
will mistake the place. '
- No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.
DR. JORNSTON,. Member of the Royal Conee to
Surgeona. London, Kraduate from one of the most eminent
Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of
whose life has been spent to the hospitals of London,
Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of
the most astonishing cures that were ever knots. Many
troubled with ringing in the head and eurs when asleep,
mat nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and
bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes
with derangement of mind, were cured immediately.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure
find he has imbibed the seed of this painful disease. it ton of.
ten happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, ordread of dis
covery, deteis Lim frum applying to those who from educes
thin and respecrabilitycau alone befriend him, delaying till
the constit talon al symptoms of this horrid disease make their
Appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat. diseased nose,
nocturnal pains In the head and limbs, dimness of eight,
deafness, nut,' on the chin, bones and ann.,, blotches on the
tread, face and extremities, progreasing with frightful ra
pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of
the nose fall in and !Ale victim of this awful disease be
comes a horrid object,of commisseration, till death puts a
period to his dreadfuWffenno, s, by sending him to "that
bourne from whence no traveller returns." 'Co such.-there
fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve this-most
inviolable secrecy; and trum his extensive practice in the
first Hospitals of Europe and America, he can confidently
recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vic
tim of this horrid disease. -
It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to
this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant
pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, 31ercury,
ruin the constitution, and either send the unfortunate to
an untimely grace, or make the residue of life miserable.
Dr. J. addresses those who have injured themselves by
private and improper Indulgences.
These are some of the sad and-melancholy effects pro
duced by early luilits of . youth, viz:—Weakness of the
Back and Limbs, Pains m the" Head, Dimness of Sight.
Loss of Muscular Power- Palpitation of the Heart, Dys
pepsia, Nervow Irritability; Derangement of the Diges
tive General Debility, Symptoms of Consump
tion, &c.
MENTALLY. the fearful effects on the mind ure much to
he dreaded; kiss of Memory, confusion of Ideas:Depres
sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society,
St•lLDt.trupL Love of Solitude, Timidity, Si-., bee ovine
of the evil effects.
Thousands of persons of all ages can now jlldse what
is the cause of their declining health, lossiat them vigor
becomuur weak, pale, have stngular appearance about the
eyes. cough, and symptoms of Consumption.
By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the
Organs is speedily cured andfull rigor restored.
Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who
had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, All
impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disgtmlifi
canon. Nervous Irritability. Trembling. Weakness or Ex
haustion of the most fearful kind. speedily cured by Dr.
who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, indul
ged, in when alone—a habit frequently learned from suit
companions, or at school, the effects are mglitlY felt, even
when asleep, and if not cured render marriage-impossible,
and destroys both mind and body,should applyimmedintely
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country,
the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the cummineorm of
deviating from the milt °filature. and indolginic in a cer
tain secret habit. Such persons, before cuntemplatingv
should r et that a sound mind and body arc tim rinistne
eessary i-isites to promote moinubial 4iiippiness. Indeed,
without these, the journey through life becomes a weary
pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the
melancholy ketlection, that the happiness of another lie
comes blighted At ith our own..
TO STRANGERS.—The ninny thousands cured at this
Institution in the last fifteen years and tiro numerous im
portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.. witnessed
by the reporters of the papers. and many other persons,
radices of which have appeared again and attain before
the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the alllieted.
N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless quacks
advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health
of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems it necessary
to nay to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his
Diplomas hang in his office.
1."" TAKE NOTICF,—AII letters must be post paid. and
contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no mist; er will
be sent. (nine 16-ly.
The undersigned having purchased the entire Stock and
Fixtures of the Rope and Twine Manufactory of .1. P.
Grey, deo'd, respectfully announces to her friends, and the
former patrons of the establishment. that she Trill continue
to carry on the business, in all its carious branches, at
on Franklin street, Chambersburg. where she will be pleas
ed to receive the calls and orders of the public. All kinds,
sixes, and.quallties of
altrara kept on hand or made to order of the best material.
and !bruised at reasonable prices. In connection with the
almve business, ebe In also prepared to manufacture
as well ns Horse Blankets and Fly Nets of superior qual
ity Persons in want of superior articles in the
abos e line are requested to calk or send their onlers. whiels
will be attended to proftiptly.
The undersigned, Agent for the deservedly popular
Nurseries of Mr. George Peters. Adams co., will be in
this vicinity for several weeks for the purpose of receiv
ing orders for every variety of Fruit, Shade and Orna
mental Trees. The citizens of Cliamberstawg will and
him, on the Saturday of each week, either at the Hotel of
will he happy toreceive their orders.
During hisabsence In the country orders left nt
the above plates will be promptly attended to _
mavl7-:it Y BUSHEY.,
The largest nntlfirtestmmortment in the city at the tot
rash 'mires. STORE SHADES made and lettered.
NOTlCE.—Sealed proposals will lie re
ceived at the Commissioners' odic e. in Chambers
bum, rt ntiPMenday, the 3th day of June. at-10 n'eles'k,-for
the 'REPAIR OF A BRIDGE aerm,s the Antietam creek,
in Mrathingtua township. Specifications of said lltidee
can be seen nt any time in the Commissioners' office.
By order of the Corninimionera.
mayl7-3t GEO. FOREMAN, Clerk.
5T,,V ARCH STREXT,- - ABOVE Firm Part,
Manufacturer and Dc ater in
march:M-3meg •
tendon of every reader of this paper, which includes
many thousand of his old patrons and aequaintances, to
his unusually large one beautiful variety _of AMERICAN
& Imported WATCHES, CLOCKS. and elegant designs
ucE , 6-ly 708 Market Street, Philadelphia.
_ -
NOTICE.—A certificate in iny favor tbr
five shares of stock in the HARRISBURG BANK
hating been hut, applieatidy hes been made to the Rank
fora new certificate in place thereof.
Meeritrabnrit, May 17th, 1855 -et
7 - 3-0 LOAN.
By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the un
deriigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of
United States Seenritier, offers to the public the third ee
rie; of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths
per cent. intere.4 pernannm, know a the
7-30 LOAN.
These notes are issued under ,late of Jct.!). 15, 1865, and
are payable three years frarti that date in currency, Or are
convertible at the option of the holder into
These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and
are exempt, as are all the Government 'Bonds, from State.
County, and Municipal samarium scAich adds from one to
three per cent. per annum to their salua, 4w:cording to the
rate levied open other property. The interest is rayon ,
semi •annually by coupons attached to ench note, which
may be cur off and sold. to any book or banker. •
TWO CENTS " " " $lOO
TEN " " " " $3OO "
20 " " " " 81000
$1 " " " " sax))
Notes of all the denoruinations named will be promptly
furnished upon receipt of eddreriptioni.
The :Notes of this Third Series are preeinely similar in
form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already told,
except that the Government reserves -in itself the option
of paying intereat in, gold coin Eif 6 per cent. instead of
7 3-10ths in currency. Suhocribers will deduct the inter.
estin currency up to July nth. or the titne when they
The delivery,ef the notes of this third series of the Ser
erethirlies will commence on the let of Rine, and will be
made promptly and continuously after that date.
The slight changemade in the conditions of this ',MIR
SERIES affects only the mutter of interest The payment
hi gold, if made, trill,he equivalent to the currency inter
est of the higher rate
The' return to specie payments, -in the event of which
only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of,
would so reduce and equalize prices thatpurchases made
with six per cent. In gold would be fully equal to thotie
made with seven and three.tenths per cent, in currency
This ii
Now. offered by the Government, and its superior ndvanta
ges make it tho
Less than $M5,000,000 of the Login authorized by Con
gress are now on the market.. This amount, at the - nate at
which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for
within sixty days when the notes will undoubtedly -corn
mand a premium, an has us:literally been tho case on dos
ing the subscriptions to other Loans
In Order that citizens of even• town and section of the
country may" be afforded facilities for taking the lam, the
National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers
throughout the country have generally agreed to receive
subscriptions at par. Subscribers win' select - their own
agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are
to be responsible for the deliver• of the notes for which
they receive orders
Subscription Agent, Philadelphia.
Subscriptions will be received by the NATIONAL BANK.
FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The -Taxpayers of
Franklin count• will please take notice, that-I will meet
them at the following places fur the purpute of receiving
the State, County and Military Taxes for the year 1865,
LETTERKENNY.—Strasburg, at the Haus? of J. R.
Wei-t, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 24th and 25th
days of May.
ST. TIIO3IAS—At the Store of Dixon & Elder, in St.
llamas, on Friday and Saturday, the 26th and iiith days
of Slay.
GREEN—Fayetteville, at the House of John_S. Brown,
mt Monday, the 29th day of May, and at the House of
C. C. Foie, is Greet. Wage, ea Tuesday, 20th day of
SOUTHAMPTON—Mt. F.teK Sehool House, on Wed,
nesday, the :get day of May, and at the House. of John
Krner, in Orrstotrn, on Thursday, the let day of June.
131:1LFORD-31arion. at the House of Jeremiah Burk,
nn Friday, the 2d day of June. and at the House of Mrs.
H. Snider, in New Franklin, on Satru4lay, the 3d day of
IWIILTON—At the House of John GOnlon, on Mon
y and Tuesday, the sth and 6th days of June.
CHAMBERSI3URG—At the Treasurer's Office, on
Vednesday and Thursday. the 7th and Eth days of Jane.
.!,* . k" None but Pennsylvania or Government funds re
•eived for TEMPS.
LlepliSES.—All persons who are subject to playa
"Mere:Mille or Manufacturers License, will please take up
said License at the above named places, so I am cornioell
ed by law to bring suit on all unpaid License by the 10th
day of July next. JAMES (1. ELDER, "
march 29 County Treasurer.
April `2t+t6, 1865.
WHERE" By sari:dachav evidence presented 'to the
undersigned. ithas been made rii appear that THE FIRST
County of Franklin and State of Pl.llllbylravia. has been
duty organized under and according to the requirements of
the act of Congress. entitled "An Art to provide a Nation.
al Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds.
and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereuf, -
npproved Juno :M. 1.864. and has complied with all the
provisims of said act required to 1w complied with, before
commencing. the business of Banking under said met,
Now, therefore 1 Fremdim Clarke, Comptroller of the
Currency, do hereby certify that The First National Bank
of Greencastle. in the Iforough 44 Greencastle, in the
County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania. is author.
ized to commence the business of flanking muter the act
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of °Mee
tsEst..) this 9.9 th day of Alml.
No. likl. (thay3.lotl Comptroller nt the Currency.
Directors of the CHERRY RUN AND PITTS
(May 11) declared a dividend of FIVE PER GENT. on
the Capital Stoek of the Company, payable on the 25th
May inst., at the attire of the Company, No. 115 Foerth
Transfer books tdose from the link tuinth inst.
mayl7.2t JOHN F. GLOSSES, Secretary. ,
DIVIDEND.—The President and Di
rectum of the Chauthersburg Turnpike Road Com
pany hare this day (May Ist) declared a Semiannual
dicidend of 2 per cent on the capital Stock, payable in de
mand at ml-store. _ J. S. NIXON, Treaturer.
Chambersbursc. May 10, ISS:islt
1 F LACK respectfalli ts request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to them y . nstes or book accounts to
call and make immediate settlement. The necessity of
tins notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in.
debted will retort at once. aug:244
throonat Vropertp *afro.
MAVEN will sell nt Public Sale, at Mount Airy. Phila.
delphia. on Wednodny, tier :oth of Joke, 1563. a line herd
of Cows. Iteifert, Young Italic , and weillcrown Calves.
bred by himself, and expressly to corabioe 044,03111.2130
WITH EASY VEEDING. The Cutaloutte will embrace some
40 head of Young- Cattle,' n bleb should at this time com
mand particular attention. when choice animals are so
much in requestior breeding. Catalounes will be furnish •
ed in due time. Sale to emumenrc nt 11 o'clock, A. 31.
OR S ALL .—A family leaving this
1: place, will eell a GRAND PIANO on very mamma=
hie terms. It can be seen by calling at the residence of
the late JAMES WRIGHT. EN.. corner Qneen and
Third streets. aftril26
J_ six horse power, in rood condition. Cmx be seen by
calling' at T. B. I,Voisrt, l'onndry.
VOR SALE.-4 full course Scholarship
j in the Quaker City College of Philadelphia.
Apply at this alike. Isep7-
81.000 .
REWARD,---The under
signed wilt pay uNE THOUS
AND DOLLARS to any party or parties who will or.
rest and deliver to the civil authodties of Franklin Coun
ty, F. W. SMITH, (sou'of "Extra Billy , ') a captain my.
der Weansland when Chambersburff was burned, and
who burned lay recideuce and born and stole VItriMIS val
uable netielealrom the howe.
The IbTosrruttv A s sochition will also pay FIVE URN
DRED DOLLARS, for the arrest of either 31'Caustand or
and their ilelhery to the civil authorities of
this county. ' - R"..M'CLURE.
}3" Richmond iiktg plmue copy 3t and attend bill to
this office.
All persons' interested aro
I N , ToLi( . E
re 'l llyni . i — tified that Stambaugh and Gehr are /I
,mad and duly authorized, nild. are now prepared to rol.
Led all claims against the United States Government fur
Gorses taken for the Anderson Cavalry or other LT atom
l'reops. as well as for.nll forage and subsistence taken by
and bar Union troops during the war. Prompt aUeatiou
whips given to all each claims and collected speedily.
maylo.3t. sTotnAmiti A: GEHL
w. PS.JA.Y.ks,,,T.ilsi BRO.
And healers in an kinds
nue•-:inti Fate Qnnen St., Cltambentitnlpl44.
- -