The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 24, 1865, Image 1

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every Wein:lmlay morning by "THE REPOSITORY
ASSOCIATION," at 02 450 per annum, L'e aDvANCE, or
$3 if not paid within the year. 411 nLbscriprion at
rounts MUST be * settled annually. Dio paperw ill be "'it:
out of the State unless paid for in actuante, end all such
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued.
_at the expi
ration of the time for which they are
per floe for stib
per line for first insertion, and TEN CENTS
sequent insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons
advertising by the quarter, half,year or year. Special no
tices charged one-half more than regular advertisementa
All resolutions of AssoCilltiMlS ; communications of limited
or Individual interest, and notices of Marriages andßeaths
exceeding five linen. are charged fifteen cents per line.
far All Legal Notices of every kind, and all Orphans'
.Court and other Judicial Sales, are required by lam to be
advertised fa the REPOSITORT—it haring the LARGEST CM.
cm/maw of any paperpublished in the county of Franklin.
JOB PRINTING °fevery kind in Plain and Fancycol
ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks,
Car*, Pamphlets, &a, of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest notice. The REPosrroar OFFICE has just
been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and
every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the
most artistic manner and at the lowest rules. TERMS IN
Mr Mr. John X. Shryock is our authorized Agent to
receive Subscriptions and Advertisements and receipt for
the same. An letters should fie addressed to
31'CLURE & STONER, Publishers.
Qroat, Lumber, &t.
The undernigned have now on hand, at their
a large supply of Sash, Shutters, Dooro and Blinds for sale,
or made to order.
Mouldings of all descriptions, from half inch to El inches,
on band.
Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.
Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posts,
Banisters, 4ed Posts, &c.„ on hand..
A lag, supply of Dressed Flooring for sale.
'Also—Window and Door Frames on hand.or made at
short notice, _ 11AZELET, VERNON & CO.,
'fob! tf Ilarrison Avenue, Chlunbcrsbarg, Pa.
' 100 rocs OF TIIIOTHY 11,A4
Wanted by GEO ; A. DEITZ.
Wanted by GEO. A. DEII7-
Wonted by GEO. A. DEITZ.
Wanted by GEO. A. DEITZ.
and at kinds at 'Produce bought by GEO. A. DEIIZ, at.
la Warehouse above the Railroad Depot.
i for rale cheap, by the ton or half ton.
by the or or half col.
sawed and split fot stove use, by the cord at half eurd.
a I:llk:Walnut and Pine, always on hand
and all kinds of LUMBER, such as Oak ar4 Pine Plank ;
Chat, Walnut, Pine and Hemlock Boards ; Flooring Boards,
Joists; Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, &c.
always on land,'‘and ro()E4 put on by the best Slaters. who
have drawn meals for their superior workmanship.
above the Railroad. Depot, and boy cheap. [decd
We have on hand all [aids iif Coal and Lumber, and
are prepared to furnish Bill Lumber to order at short no.
Bee, aB at the most reasonable terms. Our stock of Lure•
her consists of, - S. -
White Pine 2 islet' Plant,
It " select Plank.
" " a " Plank. .f . .
," I select and Culling Boards,
' f " Boards,
- " I " .Biding Inch,'
" • " Beet River Shingles,
" Narked Flaring,
"- " "Sid ng,
"-- " Joist and Scantling, all sizes,
Hemlock Joist and Scantling,
Boards . •
• Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling,
Palling and Plastering Laths.
We have also always an hand a good supply of all
kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-buroMg. Also a supe
rior 'article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths The pub
lic are Invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to
give satisfaction to all that call.
Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars to any station
on the Franklin Railroad.
rirOftlee on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard,
Chambershurg, Pa. LEO. EBERT & SON.
York and Goldsborough,
Keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas
onable Lumber, viz:—Joist and Scantling, Weatherboard
ing, dressed Fleeting, Siding, kaths, Shingles, Palings and
or White Pine and Onk Bills, sawed to order at the
shortest notice. AU communications should be addressed
to YORK, PA. (sep-ly
s,EAM SAW MILL.—The undersign
edd have erected and to operation a Steam Saw Mill
at the South Mountain, near Graffenburg Springs, and are
prepared to saw to order Bills, of WHITE OAK, PINE,'
- HEMLOCK or any kind of timber desired, at the short
est notice and at low rates. One of the firm will be at the
Hotel of Sam"! Greenawalt, in Chambersbarg. on Satur
day the 24th inst.' and on each alternate Saturday thereaf
ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivgry of lum
ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at Hte Low ,
EST RATES. All letters should be addressed ra them at
Graffeaburg P. 0., Adams Co.. Pa.
BIIIL D IN G LUMBER,.—The under-:
hignott.. u prepared to saw all kialts*Building Lum
ber at the lowest market price. R. A:RENFREW,
• EMEEZCWOOD MILLS, Fayetteville PO. dec2B-15-
SHINGLES for !ale. Apply im
mediately. -- GEO. FLECK.
ruayl7Al2. adjoining Fair Ground.
EASTERN' INN.—The undersigned ha-
Ting lately parchased the large and commodious
Brick Building of Rev. S. R. Fisherein connection with his
present place of business, on the corner of Main street and
Ludwig's Alley, is prepared to, acoommodase BOARD
ERS by the day', week or month. He is amply provided
with STABLING to accommadate the travellngpnblic.
Having a large LIVERY STABLE connected with the
Hotel, guests and the pnblic generally Can be furnished
with Horses and Carriages at ant - moment. Pewits
Chambersburg with their trallies will find this the
most comfortable Hotel in the county, as it has been so
fitted with, entire new Furniture, and the rooms are large
and-well ventilated. Tlugf ABLE is amply supplied with
all the luxuries of the seas - iiii' i a r nd the BAR, whieh is de
tached from the - Brick Building, will always be furnished
with choice and pure liquors. Every attention paid to the
comfort of guests. [ortlilf S. F. GREENAWALT.
BROWN'S HOTEL.—This Hotel. situ
ated on the corner of Queen and Second Streets, op
'riddle the Bank, Court Room, and County 0111ces, and in
the immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shops, and other
places of business, m conveniently situated fur country
people having busingts in Chambersburg.• The Building
has been greatly enlarged and refitted for the accommoda
tion of Guests
THE.TABLE will always be furnished with the best
the Market can produce. _
THE 'BAR will be supplied with pure and clinics° Li
THE STABLE is large and attended with a good and
careful Ostler.
Every attention will be rendered to make Guests com
fortable while sojourning ut this Hotel.
DOM, JACOB S. BROWN, Proprietor.
UNIO;N HOTEL.—This old and well
estaldished Hotel is now open .for the acoommodation
of Guests
The Preptietor lowing leased the three•story block of bail•
dings on Queen Street, in the tear of his Ammer stand, is
preprtred to furnish GOOD ROOMS for the traveling and
transient custom
HIS TABLE will in:IMAM its for Mer reputation of being
supplied with the best the market can produce..
HIS BAR, detached from the main building, will al
lvtays have choice and pure Liquors
Good warm STABLING fur fifty horses, with careful
Every attention wif be made to render guests comfort
able while soloaspleg et this Hotel.
janlB JNO. FISHER Proprietor.
has becOMethe Proprietorp of the UNITED STATES
HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG,
PA, This poplar and commodious Hotel has been newly
retird furnished throughout its parlors and chambers,
an ow ready for the reception of guests.
trweenag public will find the United States Hotel
the most convenient, in all particulars, of ti,ny Hotel in
the State Capital. on account of to worse to the railroad,
being Immediately between the two great depots io this
City, [Harrisburg, June 17,
the Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad De-
Harrisburg City, Pa. This convenient and pleasant
Betel is non - kept by the undersigned, late of the Indian
Queen in Chapa r sourg , and he invites the patronage of
his old friends and the public generally. Terms moderate.
VOTICE.—A certificate in my favor for
Iv- fire shares of stock in the HARRISBURG BANK
baying bin lost, application has been made to the Bank
fern new certificate ELIZABETH thereat
Mer"tilhurff,May 17th, 1865-41
- ..
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ArpoLtic ~ .
f. it , .
SLIFFRAGE,-B] reference to the Constitution of
New York; New Hailipshire, Masa en usetts, New
. rsey, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina,
J f e
armed before the date of the Constitution of the
United States, and in force at the period of its
- adoption, And also to the Constitutions of Georgia
• • ~.._--.., and Pennsylvania, funned soon after its adoption,
, .
it will be found that in respect to "the qualifica.
Lions of electors for the most numerous branch of
the State Legislatures," there was no distinction
on account of color in those nine States. Connect
ficut and Rhode Island, being under the old Roy
al charters, could have had none. Even South
Carolina, by its Constitution of
,1776, allowed ne
gmes to vote : but in '7B it restricted the privi
lege to "every white man," &e. - In Delaware,
by actrof . February 3, 1786, em anc ip a t e d s laves
and their issue were debarred "the privilege of
voting at elections or being elected." And even
this seems, like most of the laws oT slavery, a
violation of the letter of the Constitution of that
State. ' •
It is well known among informed men, that the
practice of admitting free persons of color to vote,
obtained universally at first, under the general
qualifications prescribed for electors, among all
the original "Old Thirteen." In Virginia, negroes
voted, side by side with white men, until 1850!
In Louisiana, a few blacks exercised the franchise
even later.
an: Alining Qrampattp.
CAPITAL, 81,1300,003.
103,000 SHARES AT 810 EACH
EDWAU E. JONES, Phlladelphili.
Pia President,
Col. S. Meeth.AN, Montana Territory
Secretary and Treasurer,
Wrtazut M. BARLOW,' P4iladelphia.
EDWARD E. JONES, Philadelphia,
Cat. S. MCCLEAN, Montana Territory,
, JACOB HAY, Easton, Pa, ...
GEORGE H. ROBCRTS, Philadelphia,
Waiaiat W. LEDTAED, Philadelphia,
J.-G. Gna, Montana Territory,
T. C. PELACOUS, Camden, N. T
TbeEaton aml Aurora Siker Lodes, the property of
thia,Company, are situated on - 44 e Rattlesnake Creek. a
over falling mountain stream, which empties into the
Beaver Head River, a tributary of the Jefferson Fork of
the Missouri, in Beaver Head County, in the Territory of
Montana, and contain twelve hundred feet each.
The width of the Eaton Lode is five and one-balf and of
the Aurora 'three and one-half feet, ruin:dog to unknown
depths, and increasing in richness as le; go down. These
Rn lodewe only forty feet apart, and probably run to-
gether nt some distance fmm the surface
An estimate hereto appended. based upon actual pace
made in the ordinary form, and in bulk. will show I t o im:
memo yield of these mines and their great value as Silver
producing Lodes. These assays 'were made by Prot.A.
IL Eaton, Prof. Forrey of thK'Nfur York Assay Office,
and Prof Guntb, of this etty-.,
5 Silver per ton
Sample No. 1 • $lO2 33
Gold Traci.
Sample No. 2 5 Silver per ton 9.3 75
Gold " SI 72
5 Silver per ton
Sample No. 3 40 7 23
I. Gold .Trace.
Sample No. :5 5 Silver per ton 1,677 70
Gold " 1,251 35
Sample No. 1 2 8'1, per ton 8198 21
Sample No. 2 Silver per ton l'i 00
2 Gold " 21 30
Sample No. 3 5 Silver " . 201 10
2 Gold Trace...
Sample_No. 4 Silver " / Gold • 314 M
small quantity
NEW YOKE, Jannary2l, i&5
PROF. A. S. EATON:—DEAR SIR: The eample of ore
that con left with me, marked 'Discovery E," gave by
assay, in Silver $164 56-100 Silver per ton.
Tours truly,
Run-trEL.rimi, April,3, Pifil—The sample of silver
ore from Montana Territory examired at your request,
contains 172;4 ounces of Silver in WOO lbs. of ore value
$2.Y' 1,4 Gold per ton. The above ore is said to come
from the.Eatoo bode.
Messrs. Adelberg and Raymond. mining Engineers,
New York, say
"We assume that the Lead ore FjII yield 815 io Silver
to the-tou., and the Silver ores S.SXI. These Spares are
moderate entyugh, since, according our assays, theBll
- ores contain from $913 to $3310 specie value." -
From the above assays, some Idea may be formed of
the immense value of this property, and of the certainty of
a large yield. Bnt even that idea will be merely approx
isuative, without a due consideration of the following facts
The celelirated Comeloth. Silver Lode, in Nevada, wor
ked by the "(Innld and Carry," "Empire," "Yellow Jack
et," "Ophir," "Crown Point," "Savage" and some other
cumin - mire, sold on the Bth of April, 1865, at prices avers
giag over Two Thourand Do:lors per foot.
These mines yield an e5-ernge'of aboui $6 to the ton
which include. , first, second and third Clasen OFores.
Now, the everdge yield of the three elmsea of ore of the
Eatnnarol Altrout Lodes trill certainly be more tlamt $65
per tau ; indeed, from the large number of amays thus far
made, not only here, but In the actual workingx of the
mine, it will probably reach en or FPO pen ton. The
2400 feet owned by the Company woad, therefore, be
worth, at the price of the Corngtoek Lode,• nearly Five
3fillions of Dollars.
The Company have sent, a mill of twenty-tour stamps to
the mines, and crpert returns in /direr in September. This
will boable to crush thirty tons of ore per day, at an ex
pease for mining, crashing and smelting of ten dollars
(810) per ten. Then, taking the yield at only 860 per
ton, the result would be as follows
30 tone per day, at $6 O
Coe, $lO per toa
Net daily profit
or $450,000 per annum, payable, not in coven cy, but In
the coin itself.
The property of the Company is amply sufficient for a
dozen companies, and could not be exhausted to a lifetime
Prospectors are also engaged by the Company, taking up
other Lodes for them
The operations at tee mines are under the saperinten•
deuce of the Hon. Samuel McLean, Delegate to Congress
from the Territory, whose thorough acqueintazee with
mining renders it certain that the Interests of the Compa
ny will be pushed in the most energetic manner
V FOR SALE.—A Lot on Main street, Chambereburg,
Pa., 91 It 8 inches front, adjoining loin of J. Laymaater on
the south and Samuel Perry on the north. Cellar walls
all good, and one gable wall standing in good order. Will
be sold reasonably, if applied for noon:
mayl7.ltl Agent for Franklin County and vicinity. r maylo it A , REINEMAN.
Only Twenty Thounatal Shares for sale
, WM. M. BARLOW, Secretary & TENN.
Jou terested will please take notice, that the following
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's
Office of Fraxiklin County and that the same will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, on Tuesday,
'the 6th day of June, 1865. in Chambersbarg:
90. Theaccount of : Win. H. Little, Adm'r of Win. Hayes
late of Fannett twp., dec'tL
91. First Acct. of Jacob C. Secrist, Guardian of Ameri
ca and Charles A. Wirynant, minor children of John B.
Waynant. late of Qail:l6y twp., deed.
92. Acct. of Sorrel Ph Rips sen'zi, guardian of Abram
S., Georgianna, S. H and Josephi H. Smith, minor chil
dren &Jacob Smith, latent' Antrim twp., dec'd.
93. Acct. of Darnel W. Royer, Ex'r George Royer, late
of Quincy twp., deed.
94. First Acct. of Wm. Boyd, Adm 'r tit b. n. c. t. a. of
Jame; Lawson, late of Montgomery tap., deed. •
95. Second Acct. of Pbineas Eacbes, Guardian of Mary
J., Nancy, Elizabeth, Martha, Franklin and ,IVm. Cooper,
minor children of Sample C. Cooper, late of Ohio, deed.
96. Second Acct. of Abraham Grove and Samuel Shor
tie, Ex`rs of John Shartle, late ot'afontgornery twp. deed.
97. First and final Acct of Jacob Lightfoot and Samuel
Gilbert, Adm'rs, of Daniel Gilbert, deed.
99. Pint and final Acct. of Levi Horst and Jno. F. Eb
ersole, Ex'r of Henry Horst, late of Southameten twp.,
99. First and final Acct. of Jacob Shirk and Abraham
-Stouffer, Rem, of Abraham Shirk, dent. :
100. Final Acct. of Abraham Frantz. Waitee to sell the
Real Estata of CI Frantz, late of Washintgon tap.. dee'd.
101. First and final Acct. of Abraham Metz, Ea'r of
John Metz, late of Guilford tap., dedii.
BE. Second Acct. of James D. Scott, Guardian of Ann
E. Lernaster, minor child of John Lemaater, deo'd.
103. Second and final Acct. of Simon Brewer and Solo• .
mon Divilbiss, Adm'n3, of Frederick Dicilbiss, dec'd.
104. First and final Acct. of H. H. Wingert and M. B.
Wingert; Exirs ofMartin Wingert, late of Green top.,
105. Third Acct. of Petereunkelman, Adm'r and Mary
Jane Lemaster, Adm'rc of John Beaver, late of Peters
twp. dec'd.
fad. First and final Acct. of Dr. J. L. Suesserott and
H. Gehr, Esq., Adners of J. P. Griy, late of Chambers•
burg, doe'd.
MR. First and final Acct. of G. W. 31eCartney, Adm'r
of Joseph Seibert, late of Fannet tarp., deed.
Ifß. Acct. of John Rowe, Adw'r of Isaac Bemisderfer,
lafe of Antrim tarp., deed.
109. First and final Aces. of Hastings Gehl-, Esq., Adm'r
of Jacob-Wolfkill, late of Cliambersbarg, deed.
110. Acct. of Jonathan Stickel!, Adm'r with the will
annexed, of Christian Stoner, late of Antrim twp., deed.
111. And. of. Jacob Frider, Adm'r of Henry Krider,
late of Ilamiltohiwp., deed. ,
112. Acct. of Benjamin &lively, Ex'r of Peter Winter,
late of Antrim tag, deed.
113. First Acct. of Geo. and Henry Sleichter, Admls
of John Sleichter, late of Green t wp., dec'd.
114. Acct. of Dr. A. IL Senscn7, Guardian of Walter,
John and Jane Wolford, minor children of John Wolford,
115, First and final Acct. of F, S. Stumbangb, Adna'r
of Jacob Ssveitzer, late of Chamber burg, deed.
116. Acct. of -lames Nill, Guardian of - Elizabeth Clark,
minor child orskary Ann Clark, late of Chambersbmg,
deed, and, as stated by Samuel Myers and T. J. .IM,
Ex'rs of said James Nill, deed.
117. Acct. ofJacob L. Detrich and A. Carbangh,
Adm'rs of Emanuel Detect', late of Antrim twp., deed.
MR Aoct. of - George Ludwig, Eer of John Goetmnn,
late of Cbamberebnrg, dec'd.
1,19. First and final Acct, of Geo, Benedict and George
11. Adm'rs of Daniel Dull, late of Quincy tali., deo r d.
maylo HENRY STRICKLER, Register.
Boards of Directors will please give public notice,
that examinations mill be held promptly at 9, o'clock, A.
AL, each day, in their respective districts, as follows; viz:
Chum burg, June 12th; Green township, July 24th;
Southampton, With; Letterkenny, 26th; ):,organ, 27th;
Fanner!, 28th: Yietal. 24th; St. Thomas, 31st; Peters,
August Ist; Warren. 2d ;Illercershurg, 3d; Montgomery,
4th; Greencastle, sth; Antrim, 7th; Wayneslxiro', Bth;
Washington, 9th ; Spumy, 10th; Guilford, 11th, and Ham
ilton, 12th. Teachers will be prepared with paper, pen
cils, revenue stamps and chalk. Good moral character
otlethe part of applicants, required by law. I will meet
at e public school building, in Chambersburg. on the
nic inns of Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each
we -. from 7 to 9 o'clock, all whomay desire instruction
in branches taught in common schools. No charge,
ex room expenses, I will also be at the County Insti
tute, Roxbury, the 7th, Bth and 9th of Jane. Prompt
i th
atte ce expected of aIL A. MCELWAIN,
maylo-3t County Superintendent.
—The partnership heretofore existing between Da
rid C. Brant and Samuel Detrick, under the style, firm
and name of Brant & Detrich, was dissolved by mutual
consent on the first slay of May. The Books of the late
firm are in the hands of David C. Brant .AII persons
knowiag'themselves indebted are requested to make im
mediate payment . DAVID C. BRANT,
The business will be continued by the undersigned.
following accounts will be for confirmation by the
Court, on Tuesday, Jane 6th, 1e6.5, viz:
The second eiccount of Christian Myers, Committee of
Polly Long. a Lunatic.
The second account of Henry Betz, testamentary True•
tee of Samuel Betz, under the will of Coitrad Betz, de
ceased. tmayl7.3tl , K. S. TAYLOR, Proth.y.
George W. Portz. of Waynesboro; - on the Eth day
of April, 1865, made a voluntary assignment of all hls es
tate and effects, real and personal, in trust for his creditors
to Joseph Douglas.
All persons indebted to said Portz will please make im
mediate payment, and those having claims present them
properly authontimted for settlement to
may3.6t JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee.
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Adininistiation,
on the Estate of James W. Lane, late ;4 Guilford town
ship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having .
claims present them property athenticated for settlement.
may:l ELIZABETH LANE, Adm'rx.
tine is hereby given thit Letters of Administration,
D. B. N. C. T. A., on the Estate of Margaret 1.. Camp,
bell, lute ofChambersburg, deed, have been granted to
the undersigned,
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
E XE CUTOR'S N 0 T I C E.---Notice is
herebygiven that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Elizabeth Saylor, late of Greencastle, decd, have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to emd Estate
will please make immediate payment ; and those having
claims preaent tliemproperl authen Ureter! for settlement.
hereby Riven that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
ofiacob Burkholder, late of Ltugan township, deed, hart;
been granted to the undersigned, residing at Newburg, Pa.
All perm= knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will pieta*, make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properlybuthentirated for settlement.
Canbibateo' itatto.
HASSLER, offers himself's, a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union
Nominating Convention.
St Titogns, March 22 1865.
Station of a number of my friends, I announce my
self a candidate for the, Office of County Treasurer, sub
ject to the decision of-the Union Nominating County
Convention [Qmry, march t. 2 ] Wlt. FLAULE.
CRISWELL will be a candidate
• for the °Moe of County Treamirer subject to the
decision of tho Union Nominating County Convention.
GREEN TuveSmilli% May 3d. irtr,
TREASURER. --Samuel F. Greenawalt
Offer, himself :1.4 a Cuminhap for the office . of County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the Union Nominu•
ting Convention. Mardi 15.
cIIiERIFFALTY.—At the solicitation
of a number of my (dentin, I offer myself us a Can•
it date for the office of Sheriff of Franklin County, subject
to the decision of the Union Nominntang Convention.
GellSond TOWNSHIP, 31arch 29.' F. W. 110811.
S •
HERIFF ALT Y.—Eneouraged by a
number of my !Wends. I offer myself us e Candidate
for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union
Nominating County Convention. DAVID EBY.
cIHERIFFALTY.—I offer myself as a
Li C.:undulate for the office of Sheri-ed . Franklin comity,
eubJect to the decalon of the Union Nominatingeonveu.
MERCERsuCtuI, Pa., March , 1565* ;:
SHERIFFALT Y.—Encouraged by a
number of my friends, I offer myself as a candidate for
the office of ShenlT, subject to the decision of the Union
Nominating Coanty Convention. D. M. LEISIIER.
CHAMBERBIJUItO, Starch I.i. - •
15.,7 of Chambersburg, willbe a candidate for the office of
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating
County Convention, marclals.
$1,500 Ootate *ateo.
A ,,,,,,,,
SSIGNEE'S SALE.—By virtue of a-
Deed of Assignment made to me by George W.
Ports, of his Real and Panama] Property, for the benefit
of creditors I trill expose to sale, on the premises, in Way.
neeboro, on .Saturday, the 27th day of May, 1t163, a lot of
Lumber, Brick, Sand, 1 Desk, 1 Sulky, 6Window Frames,
1 - Sleigh, 1 one-horse Wagon, I Buggy, I Heiler and sure
dry other articles. Also, One LOT of GROUND, situate
013 the west ode of Mechanics street, In said borough, wall
partly finished BRICK BUILDING thereon erected.
Sale to commence nt 9 o'clock, A. M., when terms will
be made known by
maylo.3t JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee.
"If a person feel a Verson treading on his toes,
Need a person esfik a person how a person knows
Is it any body's business,
If a gentleman should elimre
To wait upon a lady,
If the lady don't refuse
Or, to speak a little plainer,
That the meaning all may know,
Is it any body's business
U a lady has a beau
Is It any body's - business
When The gentleman does call, -
Or when he leaves the lady, -
Or if he leaves at ea/ ?
Or is it necessary -
That the curtain should be drawn,
To save ,from Anther trouble
The outside lookers-on
is h any body's business
But the lady's, if her beau
Rides out with other ladies,
And doesn't let her know r
is it any body's business
But the gentleman's, If she
Should accept another escort,
Where he doesn't chance to be i
Is a person on the sidewalk,
Whether great or whether small;
Is it any body's business
IFherc that person means to call.
Or if you see a person
And be's ruling anyit - here,
Is it any of YOUR &Glint -a
t :Mutt kis business may be there?
The substance of our query,
Simply stated would be this.,
If it is, or if It isn't,
We would really like to (Fyne
For we're certain if it isn't,
There are SOME who RAKE iT so
Hit is, we'll Join the rabble,
And act the nobler part
Of the TATTLEHIS and &foam,
Who thropg the public mart;
BM if not, we'llact the teacher,
Until each stealer learns,
It were better in tint future
To mind his oms concerns.
We have arranged a few examples in alphabet
ical order. For instance, the
Arabs are very ceremonious. If persons of
distinction meet, they embrace, kiss each other's
cheeks, and then kiss their own hands. Women
and children kiss the beards of their husband: , and
fathers. Their greetings are marked by a Ftrona
religions character, such as "God grant thecliis
favors," "If God wills, thy family enjoy good
health," "Peace be with you," etc.
Bengalese Call themselves the most humble
slaves of those they desire to salute.
Bohemians kiss the garments of the persons
whoeethey wish to-honor.
Burmese apply their noses and cheeks closely
-to a person's lace, and then exclaim, "Give me a
smell," attributable to their great use of perfumes.
Ceglone4, meeting superiors, prostrate them
selves, repeating the name and dignity of the in
Chinese are most particular in .their personal
civilities, even counting the number of their rev
erences. Of equals they inquire, " Have you eat
en your rice?' "Is your stomach in order 7" and
"Thanks to your abundant felicity."
Egyptians kiss the back of a superior's band,
and as an extra civility, the palm also. Their
fevered country• is strikingly portrased by asking
" How goys the perspiration T - " Is it well with
thee 7" and "God preserve thee."
English.—An old salutation wag, " Save .you,
sir!'" an evident abreviation of " God save you,
Ethiopians take the robes off the friends they
meet, place them round their own waists, leaving
the newcomers half nude.
French.—Comment roes apportex rows? which
literally signifies, " How do you carry yourself!"
Germans.—ln some parts of their country they
invariably kiss the hands of all the ladies of their
acquaintance whom they meet.
Greeke—The salutation among the ancients
was, " Rejoice !" Among the moderns," What
doest thou 7"
Hollanders, with their proverbial love of good
living, salute their friends by asking, "Have you
had a good dninerr
Italians, on meeting, kiss the bands of ladies to
whom they are related, with the strange inquiry,
" How does she stand I"
Japanese remove their sandals when they meet
a superior, exclaiming, "Hurt me not!"
Laplanders, when they meet On the ire, press
their noses firmly together. Why 1
Mcihomedans:—" Peace be with yen to which
the reply is; "On you be peace!" to which is rut
ded,'" And the mercy and blessings ofGod."
Manillas rend their bodies, place their hands
upon their cheeks, raise one leg, and bend the knee.
Moors, of Morocco, ride at full speed toward
a stranger, suddenly stop, mil then fire a pistol
over his head.
New Guinea people place un their heads the
leaves of - trees, as emblems of peace and friend
Pelew Islanders seize the foot of the person
they desire to salute, and rub their faces with it.
Pirsians salute by inclining the neck over each
other's necks, and then inclining cheek to cheek,
with the 'extravagant greeting, "Is thy exalted
high condition good ?" and 'may thy shadow never
be less!"
Poles bow to the ground with extreme defer
ence to friends they meet, with the significant in
quiry•, "Art thou gay ?"
Romans, in ancient times, exclaimed, "Be
healthy," or "Be strong," when it was customary
to take up children by the ears and kiss them.
The Pope makes no reverence to mortal, except
the Emperor of Austria, by whom leis kissed,
Russian ladies permit, not only their hands,
but their foreheads to be kissed by friends. The
men salute by inquiring, "How do you live en 1"
"Be well."
Siamese prostrate themselves before- superiors,
when a servent examines whether they have been
eating anything offensive; if so, he is kicked out;
ilnot, he is picked up.
Spanish Grandees \Near their hats iu the pres
ence of their Sovereign, to show that they are not
so much subject to him as to the rest of the na-.
/ion. When the royal carriage passes, it is the
rule to throw open the cloak to show that the
person is unarmed.
Swedes are by no means demonstrative in their
eourtesieju,on meeting they simply inquire, "How
can you 1"
Turks cross their hands, place them on their
breasts, and bow, exclaiming, "Be under the care
of God," "Forget we not in , thy prayers," "Thy
visits are as rare as fine days,' an ancient, greet
ing, as it is by no means applicable to their pres
ent country.
Washoe.—People here no longer say, "How'd
ye do 1" when they meet. It's" How's your suit
progressing 1" and the reply, "Pretty well than
kee--how s yours ?" A doh without a lmsuit
is looked upon as a vagrant in the State of Ne
Every one has heard of the eloquent, pathetic,
and humorous stump orator of Ohio. He was
pronounced by Mr. Clay (a most competent au
thority,) to be the finest stump speaker Ife had
ever heard; and in this opinion I moat heartily
coincide, alter having heard Clay, Crittenden,
Jones of Tennessee, Polk, Benjamin, Soule, Ran
dall, Hunt, Tom Marshall, Gen. Lamar, Bates,
Douglas and a host of others. •
Well, this great orator carried his love of fun
into every department of life. In the private cir
cle, where he knew every person, and where ho
unhosomed himself fully, he was the most delight
ful conversationalist I ever listened to. I do not
know that hallow, as age and infirmity are cropp
ing on, indulges this proclivity to humor so mdch
as he used to do. But some twenty years ago he
used to tell with great gusto, the following story:
"In early life—so early that I cannOtremember
the removal—my father "pulled up stakes," and
carrying with him the household goods, went from
Bourbon county, Kentucky, where I was born,
to Ohio. Notwithstanding a rough and tumble
struggle with the world, he had a hard time to
get on, owing to a numerous and rapidly increas
ing family Well, family matters had not muclg
improved when I had reached my thirteenth or
fobrtcenth year..
' "At this time there lived in the neighborhood
a young man by the name of Pickering. He had
inherited a well stocked , farm, was good-looking
and made a strong profession of religion. This
latter qualification caused him to find peculiar
favor in the eyes of my father, who always was
blinded by professions of extra piety.
"This fellow had a strong hankering after one
of my sisters, who• was a very pretty girL To
her he was peculiarly distasteful. She seemed
always annoyed at his presence. , Yet he was
ever at her side. She dared not dismiss him en
tirely, for fear of the paternal anger. Things
went on this way a year,or two, and as I partook
largely of my sister's hatred to him, I resolved to
get rid of him in some way. I cast about for a
plan Mr some time, but nothing occurred which
gave me the slightest hope of being successful.
At last returning home late one summer night
from mill, I found the family at their nightly de r
votions. Passing by the windows of the room in
which tlby were assembled, I saw that Pickering
was there, and pretty soon discovered that he
was nodding, and finally his bead dropped. Now
was my opportunity. I stole slily into the hill,
and reaching the hall door, which was slightly
ajar, and close by which Pickering was " un bend
ed knee," I reached in, and- quickly pulling his
chair from under him. liezrolled heavily, as a - sound
sleeper would upon the floor. The nOise alarm
ed all. The old gentleman stopped in the midst
of his almost interminable prayer, and saw the
position of Pickering. All the-fatally laughed oug
right; even my mother smiled.
" Pickering endeavored to pick himself up as
rapidly as possible, but he had touched the old
man upon his tenderest point. It was evident,
from his ebbing his eyes, that he had slept under
the old_ gentleman's ministrations ; and had not
my father a reputation far and wide for the fer
vency and strength of his ministrations,, and was
not Pickering his professing brother? Slowly
yet most dignifiedly did the old man approach
him. " .Begone hypocrite!" ht. cried, in thunder
ing tones. "Never eater m.y house again."
"Pickering was thunderstruck. He felt that
he could make no apology which would not add
to insult. He had no suspicion of the extra force
which had aided him in his fall. He at once
found his hat, took up his line of march, and com
pletely crest-fallen, passed by me as I stood grin
ning in the shadow of the porch.
"At a suitable time I entered, got my supper,
was told`by a brother in hurried whispers, what
had happened, and then I stole off to bed, affect
ing ignorance, and laughing most heartily, as I
ensconced myself in the sheets, at the complete
success of my plan. - . .
" Next day I cautiously imparted my secret to
'my sister. She was in her own room at the time,
and she threw herself upon the bed and rolled in
agonies and convulsions of laughter. She had
been emancipated forever from the obnoxithis
lover. The old gentleman did not hear the real
state of the facts for full twenty years afterwards;
but when lie did he laughed heartily."
The greatest war of modern history has ended.
in triumph. The country has demonstrated the
vastness of its power. ire knew it was great;
now all the world knows it. Our neighbors across
the water,' who said our very greatness was our
weakness—that we should never hold togetherr.
that we must fall to pieces, and very small pieces
at that—now take off theiclfats and beg to assure
us of their "most distinguished consideration."
Verily ! a young nation that can raise two millions
of fighting mu and two thousand millions of mo
ney, just for the asking, is worthy of being "con
sidered." They told ns we could not carry on
the war six months without begging for loans in
European markets. We did carry on such awar
as ,they never dreamed of, for four years, and
never asked for a dollar; and they now wish to
buy oun bonds at an advance of fifty per cent.
over last year's prices. Government stoeks are
quoted as brisk and in demand, and well they
may be - , for the time will soon come wan no more
will be offered. The national expenses will soon
he down to a peace footing, and, instead of a
Treasury budget of nine hundred millions, Secre
tary McColloCh n ill ask us fur about a third of
that sum. Mid how much easier it will be to
raise this in peace than in war! The millions Of
soldiers who have sd long made it a business to
destroy life and property will return to pursuits
of industry. and the now ravaged fields will whi
ten with new, harvests. Instead of reading every
morning that so many miles of railroad - have been
destroyed,. it will be that "so many new avenues
to material wealthint, ve been opened." The South
itself will be 'compelled to bear its share of the
burden it imposed on the country, and its cotton
—so much greater than gold, and still so much
less than king—will have no attribute of royalty
but what it pays into the revenue. A tax on
Southern cotton will be quite as easily collected
al on Northern petroleum or manufgetures, and
besides the article must be had—the world wants
=lt would take but a fraction of our property-to
pay our national debt .now ; but if we do not pay
a dollar of the 'prnciple in ten years, that traction
will be reduced one halt—by the development of
the national resources. We shall doubtless wind
up She War and square all accounts with a nation
al debt of less than three thousand millions on about
16 per cent, of the present national wealth; but,
according to its rate of increase (127 per cent.)
from 1850 to 1860,—in 1875 this debt will beless
than nine per cent. But our ability to pay the
national debt needs no demonstration ; but as
sonie - of us hair looked upon the dark side, we
may as well have a glance at the sunshine.
The national loans will soon be ont of the mar
ket-,----but fur a short time the Government will
need moneyto pay otf the army and settle up the
expenses of the war. Only about two hundred
millions more of the second .series of the 7410
I.odn'iemain to be taken, and when:it is finally
witbdiiawn, there is no doubt that it will rise to
a handsome premiutti, and at the rate -it is now
going, some-time within the next sixty days will
see tilt last of this series. Mr. Jay Cooke, the
subscription agent, announced in February "that
the first two hundred millions of 7430's will prob
ably be taken in at par from three to for months"
--but they were taken in less than two, So that
parties who desire to_ invest at par in the U. S.
Loan, bearing se - en and three-tenths annual in
terest, and in three years couvertible into a 5-20
six per cent, gold interest bond should make their
preparations accordingly. Many of the financial
authorities believe that the Ifeyerninent will he
able to Mad such portions of it> debt, as it may
not be ready to pay as it falls due, at 4 percent.
Hank the editor of the Springfield (Mass.)
Rept:Miran, has been up in Vermont, to "where
he came from," and thus sketches %%hat he should
hate been if he had nut left home and become an
editor: l - .
Your correspondent would have grown stalwart
and strung, with horny hands and a face as block
as the ace of spades. 'He would have taught
school winters, worked on the farm summers, and
gone out haying fifteen days in July, and taken
for pay the iron work and running gear of a
At two-and-twenty, or thereabouts, we would
have begun to pay attention to a girl with a father
worth $2,000, and a spit earl on her forehead—
a girl who always went to singidg school, and "set
in the seats," and sung without opening her mouth
—a , pretty girl any way. Well after seeing her
home from singing ichoul for two or three years,
taking her to a Fourtlf of July; and getting about
$lllO together, he Would have married and set
tled down. Years would have passed away, and
the girl with the spit, curl would have eleven
children just as sure us you lilieseven boyfraud
four girls.
We should have had a hard time to bringing
them up, but they would soon be able enough to
do the milking and help their mother wash days,
and 1 getting independent at last, and feeling a
little stiff in the joints, would be elected a mem
her of the legislature, having been an assessor
and a school committeeman for years. In the
evening of my days, with my.pipe in my mouth,
thirteen barrels of, oider mn the• cellar, and a news
paper in my hand, I should 'sit and look at the
markets through a pair of, gold mounted specta
cles, and wonder why should such a strange silly
piece WI this be 'published. -
A DISAPPOINTED candidate for the office of
constable remarked to us, in speaking of men wh
would Bell their votes, that they were " as base as
&sop of old. who sold his birth-right for a mess
of potash."
. 9 ' 0 .
VOL. 72,...,WH0LE NO, 3,707,
General Scott, in his interesting utobiography,
gives an account of a Robinson a rusoe, a Mr.
Pain, who lived a solitary lire of . any years on
the Island of Cape Breton. 'He says -
Mr. Pain sailed from Boston in a smack for
the banks of Newfoundland and other fishing
grounds 115 . 1774, before the outbreak of the Rev
olution. Having made_ up the cargo in. the Gut
of Canso, Pain begged his companions to let him
'remain till the return of the party the folloWirtg
season. They assisted in building him abut, and
left bins with a good supply of personal and bed
clothes, some axes and other tools, a gun, with am
munition, fishing tackle, and such other stores as
could be spared, together with a Bible, "Paradise
Lost," and the '• Pilgrim's Progress." Prayers
were said at parting, and the smack , sailed for
This was the last that our adventurer saw of
"the human face divine" for nine or ten years.
The Revolutionary war supervened. "-There was
no mom tiering and curing of fish by Americans
on those'shores—the Gut of Canso not being nav
igated at that. period except by vessels driven in•
to it by stress of weather. There was no road
and no trail across the mountains to any settle
ment whatever.
For the first year, and, indeed, till his supplies
began to fail him, Mr. Pain, then young, did not
lament his condition. But when the second and
third seasons Caine, and again and again there was
no return of' his friends it seemed evident that
they had abandoned him; his spirits drooped and
he was in danger of being lost in despair. But
man is the most flexible and phallic , of all animals
According to his own account, Mr. Pain began
soon to relish food without salt; the deer and
fleece goat were abundant, furnishing him with
both food and raiment, and which he contrived to
entrap after his powder and shot were exhatisteit
So, too, in respect to worn-out
-books and lines;
these were replaced by bones and slips of skin, so
that there was no want of the "finny prey." By
the fifth year he began to like the new life as well
as at first. His books were more than a solace
to him, and the autobiographer can testify that
he could accurately recite from memory entire
chapters of the Bible, and many of the books of
"Paradise Lost."
Finally, when at the end . of the war, his old
master in a smack came in search of him or his
remains, he had'become so attached to this mode
of existence that he refused to return to his na
tive soil. A good supply of, necessaries was left
with him. His little property at home was in
vested in cattle, with materials for a small house,
some furniture, &c., all of which were sent out to
him, with an old sister, a farm laborer and a lad
—a relative. Before 1812 some new connections
and laborers had joined him, and he had become
a thrifty' armer.
At a meeting of Southern men M Memphis,
ceutly, Colonel Grace, of Arkansas, spoke as Ml
lot% s :
;FELLOW CITIZENS: I am the man who drew
up the 'ordinance of Seccession in the Legislature
of Arkansas. I have been ini the field fighting
against the Union for nearly four years, but now
lam a conquered and whipped man. [Laugh
ter.] As I was gallant in going out to fight, I
now propose to be gallant at surrendering and
submitting to the arms of Me Government that
we cannot whip. [Laughter-]. i.I have no con
tempt for Federal authority nat , , if I ever had,
I do not think there is a manly bosom in the
South but that has' higher respect for Northern -
gallantly than when wo went into the fight.—
There may be some men in the North who may
think that the South had a hand in the death of
our lamented President, but Iknow that the peo
ple of the South mourn over his death, and feel
that they have lost a friend. The North have
maintained this conflict nobly, and the South have
nothing to be ashamed of. lam proud of the
South—there is something in the very atmosphere
that makes men great. So, I say that the South is
not an insignificant:people ; and if so great peo
ple as they are cannot whip the world, who can
not come to the inevitable conclusion that the
North is greater 1 [Laughter.] And lam not
going to stultify myself by saying I have been
whipped by somebody: Now it is our duty to re
spect and go back to this great national church—
repent, get absolution, and be baptized afresh.
[Laughter.] I know we will receive honorable
and just terms. When I bad an interview with
the President, his heart seemed to be ever over
flowing with love toward the Southern people.
We first went out of the Union and threw down
the gage of battle, and the North picked it up ; we
fired the first gun and took the first fort—Fort
Sumter—which was taken back a few days ago.
[Laughter.] The North seemed tee be unwilling
to fight; they did not think we would fight, and
so we.thoutzht of them, but, to our sorrow, we
have found out different; they seemed to spring
up like mushrooms from all parts of the earth.
&fore this War I never saw a Federal officer
hardly. I never felt the slightest oppression of
the Federal Government; in fact I nner thonght
we:had one until I went out to fight; then I found
we'did have a Government.,
1 ,
The following is an extract Alma a. ‘ speech of
the historian Bancroft, on the occasion of the re
cent funeLl obsequies of the late President in
New Tort:
The du y of the hour is incomplete, our mourn.
ing is insincere if, while we express unwavering
trust in the great principles that underlie our gov
ernment, we do not4illo give support to the man
to whom ;the people( Save entrusted its adminis
tration. (Andrew JOluistou is now by the Condi
tion the President of the United States, me he
stands before the world nit the most conspicuous
representative of the industrial classes Left an
orphan 4 four years old, poverty and toil Were
his steps o honor. His youth was not passed in
the halls of colleges; nevertheless he has received
a thorough political education in statesmanship in
the school of the people and by long experience
of publid life. A village functionary ;member
successively of each branch of the Tennessee Leg
islature, hearing with a thrill of joy the words,
"the Unien it must be preserved ;" a representa
tive in Cengress for successive years; Governor of
the great State of Tennessee, approved as its Goy-,
error by rte-election; he was at the opening of the
rebellion a Senator from that State in Congress.
Then at the Capitol, when Senators, unrebuked
.by the Government, sent word by telegram to
seize forts - and arsenals, be alone from that South
ern region toll them what the Government did
not dare to tell them, that they were traitors and
deserved' the punishment of treason. Undismay
ed by a perpetual purpose of public enemies' to
take - his life, bearing up against the still greater
triarof the persecution of his wife and children,
in due time he went back to his State, determin
ed to restore it to the Union, or die with the
-American flag for his winding sheet. And now,
at the call of the United States, he has returned
to Washington as a conqueror, with Tennessee
as a free State for a trophy. It remains for him
to cousumate the vindication of the Union.
woman in a faded shawl audlood, somewhat ad
winced in life, was admitted in her turn, to the
President. Her husband had been killed, and she
hat. tome to ask the President to release to her`
the oldest eon. Being satisfied of the truthfulness
of her story, he said, " Certainly, if her prop was
taken away she was justly entitled to one of her
boys." He immediately wrote an order / tor the
discharge of the young man. The poorlwoman
thanked him very vatefully, and went away.—
On reaching the army she found that this son had
been in a recent engagement, was wounded, and
was taken to a hospital. She found the hospital,
but the boy was dead, or died while she was
there. The surgeon in charge made a memoran
dum of the facts upon the back of the President's
order, and, almost broken-hearted the poor wo
man found her way again into his presence. He
was much effected by her appearance and story,
and said, " I know what you wish me to do now,
and shall do it without your asking: I shall re
lease to you your second son." U pon . this he
took up his pen and commenced writing theor
der. 'While he was writing the poor woman
stood by his side, the tearsrunning down her face,
and passed her hand softly over his held, stroking
his rough hair as I have seen a fond mother to do
a son. By the time he had finished writing his
own heart and eyes were full. He handed her
the paper. " Now," said he, " you have one and
I one of the other two left; that is no more than
right." She took the paper, and reverently pla
cing her band again ,upon" his head, the tears still
upon her cheeks, said, " The Lord bless you Mr.
„President. May you live a thousandyears, and
may you always be the head of this great nation."
A TOUCH of PETROLEUSI.--Close to the lands
of the Centre Oil Company there lives an old chap
worth a mint. -.lgnorant, of course, dumb luck
has made him rich. His household pets consist
of a terrier dog and stupid daughter, both of whom
engage his attention. The former provided for,
he determined to "accomplish" his daughter. To
this end he came to the city. He bought opium..
a harp, a guitar, and a car load of music books.
and so forth, winding up his business-by engaging
a first-class intellectual and music tutor, with all
of which he started for the "region." The docu
ments were of course soon arranged fur business.
The tutor set to work and toiled like a Trojan,
but with no success. Despairing of ultimate tri
umph, he went to the oil king and made a clean
breast of it.
"Why, what the world's the matter?" asked
the father.
"Well," answered the tutor, "Kitty has a piano,
and guitar, and harp, and music, and books, and
all that, but she wants capacity—that's all."
"Well, by the Lorg Harry, cried the oil king,
"if that's all, just buy it. I've got the stuff, and
if money will get it she shall have capacity or any
thing else."-
respondent of the Washington Chronicle says:
Of the women in. Richmond I might write vol
umes. They have much to answer for. They
have been severely misled by..the piess and the
pulpit. They have credited the falsehoods of the
one and been - seduced by the religious glossesof
the other. The Confederate cause got tobe iden
tified with their domestic peace and their relig
ious connections, and it is a rending of the heart
strings to see it Dill They have lost•no'opportu
nity to stimulate the 4 pride and flagging hopes of
the sterner sex. 'I hate" the Yankees,' said ,a
young girl amid her companions. 'lf I ever have
any children, even though Lee is beaten, I will
bring them up in eternal hatred of those who have
subdued us.' Our hostility,' said another,'is
; I shall never do anything but hate those
who have deprived us of our rights ; I should nev
er have been willing toyield if it bad not been
yield or starve, and life is sweet.' -But the most
violent bear testimony to the good conduct of our
troops, and the universal acknowledgement was
that they could hardly believe their own eyes,
the Yankees had behaved so much better than
they expected."
WEAR A SMlLE.—Which will you do, intik
and make others happy, or be crabbed, and make
everybody around you miserable 1 You can live
among beautiful flowers and flinging birds, or in
the mire surrounded by fogs and frogs. The
amount of happiness which you can produ6e is
incalculable, it you will_ show a smiling face, a
kind heart, and. speak pleasant words. On the
other hand. by sour looks, cross words, and a
fretful disposition, you can make hundreds,un.
happy almost beyond endurance. Which will
you do 7 Wear is pleasant countenance, let joy
beam in your eye and love glow on your forehead.
There is no joy so great as that which springs
from a kind act or a pleasant deed, and you may'
feel it at night when you rest, and at morning
when you rise, and through the day when about
your daily business.
Mrts. PARTLNGTQN has addressed us the follow
ing appeal: Perhaps you don't know Isaac has
gone to the contented field ; he was grafted last
inn in one of the wings of the army, I suppose
the flying Artillery. I wrote to Mr. Stanton tel
ling him not to put Isaac where he would get shot,
as he wasn't used to it. I know what influenza
you must, have with the -I'resident, and I write
this to you to get Isaac on a furlong, so he can
get his mended pantaloons '
for he writes me two
of their " parrots " burst their breeches, and I
think what an awful thing it would be if Isaac -
was a parrots Wk en Isaac used to sing, " I want
to be an angel," I:didn't think he would so Soon
be with the swamp angels down in Charleston.
He says the war will be over soon, and he will
come back a Victoria. I'm sure I wish it was
over now, or hadsnt commenced yet.
DAY FOR MARRYING.—There is &remarka
. Peculiarity in the Scottish people, says the
Registrar General—theft fondness for marrying
on tte last day of the year. There are more mar
riages in Scotland on that - day than in any week
of the year, excepting, of course, the week in
which that day occurs. The detailed returns for
1861 have just been issued, and the-number of
marriages in the eight principal towns would av
erage some twenty-five a day—that is to say, a
work day, for marrying is a thing not to be done
in Scotland on Sunday—but the Registrar Gener
al states that, in fact, there are betu een 400 and
500 marriages in those towns on the 31st of De
cember By another curious usage, a large pro
portion of these marriages are not registered un
til January, making that appear a favorite month
for marrying, which it is not
A LADY dressed iu as litturious fabric as e;er
fluttered from a•fairy form " before war's deadly
blast was blown," with a sweeping trail behind"
her on-the ground, of indefinite length, turned the
corner at the Wayside Hospital the other day,
and as she turned she cast a glance of anxious
solicitude back to see if the aforesaid trail was all
0. K. A crippled soldier. sitting at the corner
enjoying the sun, noticed the movement and the
look, and with the view of re-assuring the lady,
" It's all right, madam—the rest of it is coming
down the street, and will be along shortly. Yon
can sail on—the dress is all settue."
It is useless to say that the lady did sail cia
ike a threedeeker before a full breeze.
THE Ham.—Stiff hair is some times the sign
of obstinancy ; sleek locks denote patience ; a cur
ly head is alaays accompanied by wit and a love
of plea Sure. Baldness is-the situ of an active
mind, unless the bal&mati brush his back hair
thrward to cover the front; that is the mark or a.
mean and vulgar spirit, or, which is still worse,
unless he wears a wig, in which case he must un
questionably be classed among the snobs. Pre
mature gray hair denotes misanthrophj, continu
ed suffering, whether physical or moral, excessive
labor, or dissipation. With regard to these abund
ant locks which time is powerless to bleach, they
are the badge of an even disposition, .and a me
diocre intellect. -
"To was the father of Zebedee's children!"
Once Ras a question thought very bewildering;
But now since Jeff. Davis declares be 's a woman
And says his pursuit and his Capture's inhuman,
A question arises more darkly bensildcring:
"Who is the father of Davies children r
Oh, contradieto - ry Jen
A Paradoi you remain;
Had your last Shift been Bootless
It had not been In vain.
A COLORED man, so convinced of the lOwliness
of his position—that labor was his natural lot—
that, he was even indifferent as to a future state,
believing that "they'd make niggers work even
of he go to heben." A clergyman tried to argue
him out of his opinion by representing that this
could not be the case, inasmuch as there was ab
solutely nu work for him to do in heaven. His
answer Was: "Oh you g'way muse, I knows bet
ter. If dere's no work for folks up dere, deft]
make 'em shub de clouds along.
ABSENT 31iNDED.—A young man who was
very fund of a clergyman's daughter, was taking
tea at the house of his adored d short time since,
and had some finit cake offered hint Elting
somewhat absent minded, he stammered out," I
pass!" The father hearing him, and he haring
played some in his younger days, was struck will,
the infatuation of the youth, and said blkintly,
" You pass, do you 7 There's the dour; now let's
see you pass out !"
ALL bachelors are not entirely lost to the refine
ment of sentiment, for the following toast was
lately given by one of them at a public dinner :
".The ladiea—symet-briars in the garden of life"