The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 17, 1865, Image 3

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    May 17, 1866,
possu , Wrrtt OuR FRIENDS.—We have ha.,
our first spring wind, rain, thunder and lightning
storm-last evening, about 7 o'clock- It made a
great scatterment in the crowded-streets of Brook
lyn, where I then chanced to be. Men, women
and children were upset, and even blown away;
many houses were unroofed, trees uprooted, fen
--ccs prostrated, and eveiything loose was scattered
fin every direction by the tornado. A man and
his sorrwent up On Fort Green to lower the flag.
The boy wee taken' up into the air, the father
seized hold of him, and both were carried through
the air tome thirty feet, and bruised very badly.
A storehouse was struck by lightning and set On
fire. For half an hour, there was as much ex
citement iii the city of churches as though the
Shenandoah and Stonewall had sailed into the
New York is now filled with delegates and cis.
itors to the many anniversaries, in consequence
of ivbich Broadway don't look so gay as usual.
The Mexican excitement increases, no less than
ten emigration offices being opened in this thy
and Brooklyn. Should these emigrants, by acci
dent, kill any of Maxamilian's soldiers, it is to be
hoped that they will do it neutrally.
Permit me to remark that the printer, last
week, gave Captain Knight one more bullet hole
than I stated.
Four, Hat I told thee foar.'
' - "Gold is heavy" the money articles quote, ne
though any child didn't know that. There has
been - hard tugging between buyers and seller this
spring, and the buyers have come off best. Prijes
are falling, falling, and will fall yet lower. In - the
mean time, let us get along as best we can, and
by Fall we will buy at old rate.. midi taxes added.
I bad resolved to sat !to more ,about eating
houses, but I really eairEnt refrain from mention
ing that I paid to=day 40 ets. for a slice of tainted
roast beef, and 20 ets. for some asparagus that
looked like embalmed Egyptian rat tails. Strange
to say, I am hungry yet.
Have our gossips yet seen Louis Napoleon's life
of JUlias Cmsar, in which Louis tries (and-nearly
M. his attempt) to prove that his uncle was the
parallel of the said Miss, and himself of Augus
tus. The Flarpen's have gotten up the hook beau
tifully, and the celebrity of the Imperial author,
as well as the real merit of the work, has given
,it a tremendous sale. In passing, we would re
, mind the Emperor that Augustus once invested
+otne-legions unprofitably-beyond the Rhine T
the time he thumpi.4. his h'ead and made a verN
neat and pathetic remark: At that time, it is
unnecessary to state, Cortez had not yet visited
"" Yeeterday.L rode in 'a
ear between a black nada
and a black woman, and - I, thus far, have
caught no disease. neither NA ere my clothes disco
lored, nor yet has the moral tone of my general
character undergone any perceptible alteration.
The "man and brother - as well as the "woman
and sister" . behaved themselves, as near as I could
judge, fully as well as though they had been white.
A few years ago,a-friend of mine was nearly mob
bed for takingi the part of a respectable negro,
who had paid full fare on a train, w hen a fastidi
ous white (livered) man swore he would not ride
in the same car wit) m - nigger. Tcutpora
Had oeension ( to take a l run over the C. 6C A.
-- R. R. again, and suffered so much from the nand
and dust that I made. a little calculation, from
which I calculated that Jersey, in the ctmrse of
time, will disappear. Thus: Each passenger car
ries away with him. say one-half pound of dust:
three hundred passengers to a train, ten trains
both ways. three handled and sixty-five days to
tile year, making two thousand, seven hundred
and thirty-seven tons and a half in ten years.
Jersey is doomed. No wonder they charge $13,00
a head tax for the privilege of passing over their
sacred sands goldensands. They daily sell their
I had a conversation with a gentlemen. a few
days ago, who spoke so outrageously against the
governmentt - uit I said. "Sir, you are disloyal!"
"Dieluyal !" he exclaimed, "how can I be distal! ,
al to the United States t I am a BRITISH SUB
JECT." This is the secret of most - of the disloyal
CO talk we hear. I will lot hellieve that there
are many Americans who :are genuine Copper
The 7410 loan has been the lion for the past
week. Its exee:3siceouceess will make more im
pression in Europe than the surrenders of Lee.
and Johnston.
Why is it that so many of the pre unite in
glorifying Gaeta' liee. 'lt may bemean to abuse
him, now that he is vanquished: but let us "drop
him,"..and leave hint to our government. I hope
he will be punished, but the mode I am perfectly
willing to commit to the tender mereici of An
drew Johnson & Co. If Jefferson Davis only he
caught, and there is a rumor to that effect to-day,
think I could say with the old grey-headed dar
,,y.ey,.when he saw Sherman fox the first time,
"Now, Lord,lettest thou 0; servant depart in
The weather has been very fine since the storm,
and has brought out the ladies in their spring'
dresses. It is wonderful, how hoops hold their •
own—this is not intended as a joke—while the
bonnets do not. By next spring I expect that a
neck ribbon, passed over the top of the head, and
tied under the chin, will pass for a bonnet. The
spring overcoats of the fair sex are, some of them,
very pretty, but canna compare with the shawls
in gayety, richness and gracefulness; but what
can equal the neat fitting boots that go. like the.
beholder's heart, pit-a-pat, adown the shle-vvalki
aernits the gutter, strist, and then, swoop, ori
paving again. Truly, boot-ee and beatify do go
together. Beauregard was right.
It is said that all places of amusement bate been
sadly attorided since they re-opened. The public
mind seems more earnest than it tins been At any
time since the war broki.out. Even Mr. Henry
Plamde, the first of cointnedians. cannot draw•
There is a hot contention in this eit, '- hetween
the champions of the paid and the volunteer firs t
department. The firemen. as a rttlf , are of con No
in favor of the volunteer systent`' An old fire
man, however, in-talking with me on the::mhjeet,'
said: "On the whole, I guess the paid onfild ho
the hest; for I never knew a mother wild wanted
her son'to join a tire company, rod our Inntlitrs
always knew best."
Icr.w Yotus, May 14. 1F65.
O 1.1) I DR 'S CEMETERY.—We ar-e informed
that the citizens of Wayneshor' and Washington
township are moving in a matter which is' highly
commendable to them and worthy of emulation
by other districts in the county. They.propose
to raise the sum of tssooo, or more if necessary,
for the purchase of a burial ground in or about
the town, and to collect in it the bodies of all the
soldiers from the neighborhood who have died or
beshi killed in the Union Armies,during the war,
so far as they can be procured. They will then
erect a handsome monument over them with a
record thereon of their names and their deeds.
This will be an act worthy of tli . s people and of
their honored dead. Ottr debt of,:gratitude to
our brave soldiers can miser be satisfied. Dead
we should honor them, and living should never
forget them. Every State should take immedi
ate measures .0 establish a soldiers, home for men
disabled by Wounds sickness and unable to
support themselves. The people would contri
bute to such an object more liberally than any other
that could be presented to therm Every
should follow 'the example of- Waynesboro', col
lect their dead and honor them with appropriate
momorials. Let it be said that throughout, this
broad land. there is not a soldier who has to com
plain of the ingratitude of the Republic.
01i'llE BIBLE SOCIETY.—An interesting-meet
ing in behalfof the Pennsylvania Bible Society
was held in this place on Sunday night week, it
being the anniversary of the Franklin County Bi-
Society. The sermon was preached by the Rev.
S. H. C. Smith, of the M.E. Church. It was an
earnest appeal in behalf of the Bible cause. At
the close of the discourse Rev. Irvin_ IL Torrence,
Agent for the Bible Society, made interesting
statements in reference to the circulation of the
sacred volume. During the course of his remarks
he alluded to the interest which had been taken
in the present Chief Magistrate of ti l ie nation, An
drew Johnson. and proposed, that is view of his
high position, he should be made a Life Direc
tor of the Pennsylvania Bible Society. A sub
scription was immediately started, which reach
ed the sum of $.105. an amount required to se
cure to him a Life Directorship, with a framed
,CLlssts.—The 3lercemburg
elassis of the German Reformed Church, will held
its next iegplar sessions in Shippensburg, com
mencing on Fri* evening next- and eontinuifig
till Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning of
next week. It is tt delegate body, composed of
-q.,5 regular ordained ministers and two Licenti
ates; and represents :20 Pastoral charges, and
each charge is entitled to one Lay Delegate. The
membership of the classis is 5,320' adult memberS :
baptized and unconfirmed members (last
year's report;) and embraces the churches in the
counties of Franklin, Bedford, Huntingdon, Blair
and one point in Cumberladd,-Shippen.burg.
Roxuutty ciLAss—We have recently been shown
a tankard manufactured from sand obtained near
Roxbury, Franklin Co., and which is to supply
the material for the Glass works which will soon
be put in operation at that place. The specimen
shown us was as clear and beautiful as any we
ever saw, and we make no doubt that the eStah
lishment will be one of the largest and most suc
cessful in this country.—Star of the
EAXMBAL, the_ world-renowned elephant, A
hibited in this place a few weeks ago in connec
tion with Messrs. Thayer & Noyes' Circus, died
at Centreville, Pa., on the 7th inst., aged about
66 years. He was the largest elephant ever
brought to this country.
AN effort, is being made to consolidate the
Cumberland ti Oiriy and Prat Railroadcom
panies. A meetli!g of the stockholders of the two
companies will be held in this place. on the 31st
inst., to consider the matter.
DTSPEPSIA.—What every body sas must be
true. We have heard Dr. Striekland's Tonic spoken of so
frequently by those who have been benefited by it, thntat
last we are compelled to make it known to the public that
we really belie% e it effects a cure in every case; therefore.
we ear to those who ,111r,ring. . Dispepsia or Nets
volts to F-0 to their Drugtrest and get a bottle of
Dr. Striekland's Tonic.
THE B . RIDAL CIIAMBER.-4 noto of warning
and, advice to those i,ufferinnt Ishii Seminal Wy t lkne•s.
Uetikrti Debility. or Premature Decay, from whatever
eath:e!produeed. Read, ponder. and reflect! Be wine in
Sent FREE to nny addr, ,, , for the bPnefit of the TAU,.
led. Soot by 7,112 m mail. Addr,“ VIEF.S S. Br rtrg
422 Broadway. New York. Aprill9-3m.
THE only place to get a pleasaut and refre.h.
clrualaf Sala Water. 1% at cuts s .l.rx:, where the .
friiit syrups are always kept.
THE following is clipped from a letter to the.‘km . w
York World. describing tliaounlity where Booth captured: "There are dense growths uf dog-
N% ocd, gum and beech planted in sluices of water
sod hog:-and their . 1% idth varies from a half mile
to four miles. v. hiie their lenzth is upwards of six
teen miles. Frequent deep ponds dot this wilder
ness place, with here and there a stetch of dry
soil, but no human man inhabits this malarious
extent: even a hunted murderer would_ shrink
from hiding there. Serpents and slimy lizards
are the only denizens ; sometimes time coon takes
refuge in this desert from the hounds, and in the
soft mod a thousand odorous muskrats delx=e, and
now and then a tremorous otter. Not even the
hunted negro dares to fathom the treacherous
clay, nor make himself a fellow of the -slimy rep
tiles which reign absolute m this terrible solitude.
The - Shawnee, in Iris strong hold of despair in the
heart of Okeeleuokee, would scarcely have chang:
ed homes with Wilkes Booth and Harrold. hiding
in this inhuman 'country. j.
NEW idea connected with the assa ,, iinaticki of
the , President is thus broached by the ,Washing
ton correspondent of the Pittsbnrgh Commrr-M!,
ho saw z: , . .
. We hear it stated that, on the night of the assas
sination, there were in be theatre over 100 persons
v ho had direct or indirect knowledge of what was
to happen. Many of those persons had a victim
selected, but their tart of the murder failed, from
the fact that the Orson selected to turn off the
!gas at the crack of Booth's pistol, from some cane.
or other, failed to perform his part. If the gas
had been turned off Booth would. have esenped
recognition Had Grant been there he would have
fallen au easy victim. Booth did not expert the
fhil"re of the-Person to turn off the gas: and, after
the deed ivagdone, had to make the most of it.
The Hagerstown and Waynesboro Turnpike
company have declared a dividend of three per
cent,: the Hagerstown and Conococheague Com
pany have d-clared three per cent the Hagers
town and Middleburg' Company have declared
four per cent.: the Hagerstown and is:mitleiburg
Company have declared five per cent.; the Wil
liamsport and Hagerstown Company have declar
ed four per cent., and the Hagerstown Lyceum
Company have declared twelve per cent.
They are coining nettle Philadelphia mint the
three-cent pieces. which are made of nickel, and
are a little larger than the five-cent silver pieces
of yore. The new coins will soon he in circula
tion. They are enough smaller than the cent tii
he easily distinguished from it. and are 4the
or of silver. On the face is a head of Libeity'
surrounded with the legend " United ,Statei. of
America on the reverse then:moral:Hi..
with a wreath of what we take to be heads of
wheat. They are composed of equal.partsnfesijs
per and nickel, and, will not tarnish.- -
--The following are the latest .111ot:dims of the
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia :
gig, F. YOUNG & CO., No. I'2 MI.11(11AITS. Em a i cr.i .
U. S. 311'5... ... .... 10 0 Eldorado,'
I'. S. S-20's ~. .. .. UM 'Farrell Oil ....
Reeding R. R int.rd NI Franklin 0i1.... .
Penna. Railroad Greet We...i e ,„ . _
Catawiss'a Itailrond. : II; Germania . . .
car:miss:l R It—Prot 25 Globe 0i1..... -
Nortli Penna. Railroad ' Howe's Eddy Oil . i i
Phila. & Erie It. it.... ill ibbanl..... ._ . 1
Long wand Railroad I liege Island... .. : _
Schuylkill Navigntic . 20 Hyde Farm.... •
Schuylkill Nat reli :26 ;irlv in Oil _
fingquehanna C. nal 9 Jeisayfirell.... I I
Big Mountain Ceal- . ii' Rey stone 011 _ 1 i
Butler Coal Krotzer •
Clinton Coal— ..... "'Maple Shade (li I . _
Con nectieut Mining .. i , m'cl,,,i n o; I l ir
Diamond Coal literal Oa. ....
Fulton Coal ....... ~. 31' Slingo.
Feeder Dam C0a1..... -. I :311illieny ... ..
Green Mt C0a1....... 2 ArCrm & Cherry Ravi
Kystone Zinc—. •. • 'Solik & Deanne ie....
Menocacy Iron
N. Y. & Mid, Coal •• • ;Organic 0:1 . .
N. Carbondale 1 'Olmstead. . ..
New Creek Coal 'Pennsylvania Pet
Penn Mining .. •• .. !Perry Oil .
Swarara Falls Coel.. - . Ili' Philuda and Tideniiiii
Atlas. • 4.., Pope Farm (hi ..
Allegheny River. ..., • I 'Petroleum Centre...
Allegheny & Telentite_ A l'lstla 4 Oil Creek..
Big Tank — I
i' Philip.
Brandon Island 'Revenue
Bearlo I n Oil i Roberts I lib
Bruner :• Rock Oil
Bull Creek I ' Rathbone Petroleum .
Briggs Oil 2 Sbertnan
Burning Spring Pet - • iSeneett Oil ... -...
Continental Oil iil Story Farm Oil .-
Crescent City s -I 'Schuylkill & Oil C'nn.t.
Curtin • Tj list. Nicholas.. --
Corn Planter ' .2i 'story cent, .- -
Caldwell 31 'Sunbury . , ..
Cow Creek . Tarr Farm -. •1
Cherry Run 21 Tar 11.nriPxt. ad '
Dunkard I Tarifa Run
Dunkutd Creek 011... 1 Union Petroleum
Densmore 2 Upper Economy
Dalzell - 41 Yeuango Oil,.
Excelsior Oil i Walnut Inland .
Egbert.... .. . 21 Widen
MOUNT, V,EIVSON.—The editor of the Evening
Star, of Aturday,describei a visit to 'Mona Ver-
Awn, which he prefaces by saying: -.
We found the place in a good state of preser
vation none of the ravages of war having extend
ed in that direction. The scouting pirties of both
armies have always regarded it as neutral grounds,
and never violated itsprecinct. by acts of hostil
ity. The agent of the Mount Vernon Association
remains at the mansion, and is a bitter secession
ist. not having visited Alexandria since the war,
,consequence of the necessity of taking the oath.
Ilis wife, howeVer, more loyal.or less scrupulous,
sobscribed to the oath, and is allowed to come to
the city for supplies:
The house remains precisely •as it. was four
years ago. The same table and blank book for
registering the Males of visitors stands in the hall,
with the key.lto the French Bastile, presented by
Lafayette to 'Washington, hanging over them inn
little glass case, and specimens of wood and min
erals above the, doors. The agent. with his wife
.and two or three children.bccupy a suite of rooms
on-the left of The hull, and a frw'negroes inhabit
the kitchen. In the dining hall are three of
Washington's dining tables, an old, feeble-toned
harpsichord, and the tripod and compass with
which their illustrious owner surveyed the wil
derness of Lord F:airfax:s estate.
RINEHART—GREENE.—Ort the 30th ult., by Rev,
William McElrey, Mr. James Rinehart to Miss Slartha
Jane Greene, all of this rilunty.
SLICIITER—sKARPER.—LOn the 9th inst., at the house
of the bride's father. by the Rev. M. Snyder, Mr. Simon
T. Slichter to Miss Rose R. Karper, both of Letterkenny.
PAGUE—SSODDY,--On the 6th inst., by the Rev. J.
Messier, Mr. J. Room Pague. of Shippensburg.• to Miss
Mollie E. Snaldv, fbrmerly of this place,
WITHEROW—TUCKER.—On the 6th inst., at City
Point, Va., by the Rev. J. L. Kephart, Mr. :Wm. Wither
of the 21st Penna. Cavolr,y, to Miss Mary E., daughter
of Major Robert Tucker.
To CoNsumrrtvEs.—The undersigned having
been restored to health m a few weeks, by a very simple
remedy, after having suffered Fe% etal years, wi'h a Fe.
veer lung affection, and that dread dispe, Consumption—
iF to Inake known to his fellow sufferers the means
of care.
To all Rho desire it, 110 will seed ;loopy at the presenip
tion used, (free of charge,) with the directions for prepar
ing and using the tame, which they will find a sore cure
Am CoxscwrnoN, AstilmA; BRoNcnurs,
CoLDS,.&e. The only object of the advertiser in sending
the Prescription i 5 to4onelit the afflicted, and spread ki
feirnation which he conceives to be invaluable; and he
liapPs every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost
then nothing, and may prove it blessing.
Parties wishing the Prescription will please address
REV. A. WILSON, Williamsburg, "Kings COIM
ty. New York. febls-3m.
GENTS :—With your perMirriOrt I wish to say to the read
ers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all
who wish it (free) a Recipe, with full directions for ma
tting. anti using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effect
ually remove, in ten days. Pimples, Blotches, Tao, Fitch
lee, and all Impurities of the Skin. leaving the• Wee soft,.
clear, smooth and Beautiful.
I silt-also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or
Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will
enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers. ur a 3foustaehe in less than thirty days. ,
All applications answered by eturn mail without charge :
Respectfully yours. Taos. F. Cilszst.s.s, Chemist, .
marchl•t3m P3l Broadway, Hew York.
INFORMATION FREE.— - Nervous Suferers.
—A Gentleman, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency,
Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a de
sire To benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who
need it, (FREE OF roattot,) the te4ipe and directions for
making the simple remedy used In his ease. Sufferers
- wishing. to profit by the advertiser's sad experience, and
possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by address
ing him at his place of business. The Recipe. and full in
formation-0f s hal importance--will be cheerfully sent by
return mail. Address Joust E. OGDEN, 60 Nassau street.
NeN7 York.
P. 8 —Nervous Sulirer, of both sexes 'will - find this in
formation invaluable,
A Clio To INvALins.—A elergyoitui, while
residing in South Ainema no a missionary, discovered a
and situpla remedy F•”-the Cure of liercod Weakness,
Early De nay. De• ot - the Urinary and Seminal Organsi
anti the whole tram of di-orders brought on bylyanefaland
vicious habitt. Gre - ht numbers have been already cored
this noble remedy. .Prompted by a desire to benefit the
Afflicted and unfortunate. will send the recipe for pre
parind and this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
any one n ho needs it. Foe of Charge
ineln.. a s.tamped envelope. addressed to your
self. Adel,,, JOSEPH T. Lvx.,ol,
Oct 19.1y1 Sr ITION 1). 1311 LE Flout.F., New York City.
on IlMoupstustr.—F:very one having any thought of mu
11111,111W an ;n•triviloOt of this ,-lase now or at any future
xhnuid send lor . one A fars & Harnbn's Cabinet
Oman Circulars in eh will be sent to any address free of
expense This circular contains much information which
will be useful to every purchaser of such an instrument,
such as articles on' flow to judere of a Ilmical fustra
mem," History of the truran," "History of. Reed luctrn
fount,. ' &c. Address MASON BROTHERS,
- - -
59t,r. Brmidway, New York.
Or MASON & HAMLIN. 4 Washing -ton street 130.t0.
QUANTITY'S. QUALfTY.—Horabold's Extract
Sarsaparilla—The dose is small. Those -who desire a
large quanuty—and large doses of meilioin.—Eßß.
ERTTIIING relating to the human systerm'male and female;
the mimes and treatment of diseases, the marriage cus
tom, of the world ; how to marry well and a thousand
things never published before, read the revised and en
larged edition of " MEMCAL comios SENSE,': a eurions
book for curious people, and a rxxd book fur every one.
400 pages, NO Illustrations. P;tee $1,50. Contents table
sent tree to any address. I.looks may be bad at the Book
stoves. or will be ..eti* by mail, post-paid. on receipt of the
price. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. I) o
febl.6'm ' Bruturway. New York.
dealers endeavoring to dispose of their own and other
premration4. On the reputation attained by Helmbnitrg
Genuine Preparations.
Eli:: AND EAR:—Prof, .1. Isaacs, M. D.. Oc.
enli.t and A mist. formerly of I.Pydon, Holland, is !oat
permanc at 3Co. : - .11 Pine Save. Philadelphia,
wh, re per.AVlll.:.i‘d with diAeace of the Eye or Ear.
will be treat‘,l and cured, if curable.
ARTWICIAL EYE, 11.1.,t,d without pain. No
charge; mmle for Examination:
N. B.—The medical faculty invit.d. as he has no se
crtls in tor tide or treatment.
cin is the Great Diuretic. Helmbold's Conrentrated Ez•
tract Sarsaparilla is the Great Blood Purifier. Both ace pre
pared according to nth.s of Pharmacy and Cherni.try, and
are the most acute that ran he mad,.
o PURIFY, Enrich the blood, and Beautify
H. complexion use Demtwld • s Highly Concentrated Flout
Extract Sarsaparilla. One bottle 1,1,11P.1 , in strenc - th one
$c all. of tho Syrup or Decoction.
Those rthe desire brilliancy of complexion, must purify
and , ntnell the blood which Ilklmixthi'oCimeentrated
'nuit Sar.nparilla invariably dues. Recollect it is no init..
eat incAiciii‘. Ask fir Take nn other.
ANODYNE CORDIAL. the Mother's Friend and
Reher—This ILluabh, medicine i 9 again for sale
at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE. text door west or
Brown's Hotel. It is far superior to all Soothing Syrups,
or any other preparation for children in Teething. Cholie.
I thin-hen, nr Inwtod pains.
WILY injure the Complexion by Powders and
wieto, which ehoke or all up the pores of the 'skin, and
t , . n short time leave it haNt and dry? It I. to the Mood,
a,1,1 if you want smooth and t.oft ski sine Iletrthold's Ex
tiu • ,ISar,tpar:iltt It win 04 a brallanoy ie the complex•
OLD Err. M.thr Nr.w.—A pamphlet tiirocting
1„ , •c 10 f , peclily re.f ore sight end wive up spectacles, with.
out ,rd of doctor or med.:intl. Sent ie mail, free, on re
,. f l ,f .141.1re1.i. F. B. FOOTE. M. D.,'
I• 1110 Broadway Now York.
I P.K altS WHISh PAIS I—DO you want\VhiN
or m.pnhtaehr, r Our fireman Compound will force
n to cant on the smoothest face or chin, or buir on
tmln human: in Six Weeks. Price, el 00, Sent by mail
miyulicrc, ['MeV ,ertlea, nn rert-pt of pure.
.I.Mbe , c - VIA lt01:0 & Box 1:P 1.3r00\.P. LN. Y
Tin: BRIDAL CH.lSntErr,an Essay of Warning
litia I,n:ll,lkm:tor Young Men—published by the How
, u ,l A sent free of rharge in sealed envel
141.11 re,., Dr. J. SKILI3s; Howard As-
Pn. fk•b-ly.
A Cu. +n, SID ooth Skin and Beautiful Complex
ion follow the uNe ui Henlx,ld's Concentrated Fluid En.
traet Sar,aparilla. It comm ei blnek nputr, pimple,. and
ttU curt ,t of the akin.
Nora Few of tilt, Worst Disorders that Af
dirt rnaukimi ariie fr.m rorrupthor4 of the blond. Helm
,,fSP,avarilin in a -romedy of the rarne,t
aprill9 3m
WHISKER'. ! !—TliONe WiBbing a fine net of
e.libiLer. a nice inouxtuebe, or a beautiful bend of glossy
hair roP please read the rood of Tnon. F. CHAPMAN in
par. of ti k paper. marchli3m.
nod I-Put, rates the 11100 , 1,Tmaila the vigor of health
tutu ih• , t.m, at.4l purgei out Hu• humors that make die.
t'huntherebtiric Markets..
CthuIIIERSBURO, May 16, 11 4 65,
. 00: Mutter
Flour—Red. 9 WI Eg
twat —Witit, t t", 0! Lan'
- I WI:out—W:11 .. . Tacallvmime_o,cc
- I Rye B
41 Corn 1 10j pactra—Sidept.—
.. . .
Oats 50 i Soup Beans --
Clover Seed 14 00 , Washed Wool. - •
Timothy Seed 4 .50 Unwashed Wool-
Flaxseed . 2 50 Pared - Peaches--
Potatoes—Mercer. .... 1 20 Unparod Peaches
Potatoes—Pink Eye. 1 15 Dried APldel..-.
,ftattlditt illepoMtp, etytinbtrobitn, P u.
[sir tstsossra.)
Philadelphia Markets.
PRlLannyffia, May 16, 1665.
liireadstaffs are excessively doll and prices of all de
scription have an unmistakeable downward tendency.
Sales of superfine Floor at $650; extra at 56,75i3.7.0;
extra family at $7,75118,25 . . Rye Flour quiet at 85,1 X)
and COrn Meal at 84,75.
. 'Wheat selling at 81,60 &1,70 for red and $1,1&0 a 1,90 for
white. live cannot be quoted over be. Corn very dull,
yellow selling at &>'&9oe. Oats comniandsOW.s9.e. Whis
ky unseqted, ranging from 82,12 to 2,16.
ileb3 abbertisemento.
gest, Cheapest and best assortment of HATS, CAPS
and STRAW GOODS in Chambersbarg.
SHINGLES for rale. Apply
mayl7-4t* , adjoining Fair Ground.
Misses" IV ater•Fal" and *Toekey Hats, all sizes
P-Iso, Shakers.
mere, laboring men and others with - Mountain Leg
horn, Palm, and Straw Hats at lower rates than any other
`house in town.
FOR R E N T.—A desirable STORE
ROOM, on Second Street, near the Market House.
The location is pleasant. and well cal'Ettlatedtbra business
Stand. Apply immediately.'
mayl7 PREY & FOLTZ, Chambersburg, Pa
anent of fine FUR and WOOL RATS; from which
persons of the most fastidious taste can select.
DEVusT. Office one door West of the Telegraph
Office, Greencastle, Pa.
All work entrasted to him will he promptly attended to
and warranted. mayl7•6m`,
• pared to famish ALL KINDS of BUILDING
and other LUMBER on Aloe notice and reasonable
If you wish to build. give ris a call,
I\TOTICE.—A certificate in my favor for
11 fire Shires of stockln the HARRISBURG BAISB
baying been lost, application has been made to the Bank
fora new certificate in place thepoL
oarersbarg, May 17th, 1565-4 t
VO TICE —All persons indebted to A, J
I._ White by note or Book Account will confer a favor
by calling and settling their accounts wit/lad delay. Hie
books are all that he has saved out of the great Ore.
mayl7 A. J WHITE,
Stone Building, 2 doors north of the Past Otnce-.
Farley Cassimers arid Coatings at greatly reduced
prices. at WRITE'&
T . A DIE 'S ATTENTION:—A 11 wool
Sarking for Cloaks and Casts, a superior article, at
WHITE'S, 2 doors North of the Post office.
the lowest market price. and no charge for ca.ting
garments, whetipersdns desire to have them made else.
where, at WHITE'S.
V splendid article, just received at a low flguie, Call
and see them, at WHITE'S.
NOTlCE.—Sealed proposals will be te
ceiced at the Commissioners' office, in Cham*rs•
burg. anti/ Monday, the sth day of Jane, st 10 o'clock; for
the REPAIR OF A BRIDGE amass thd Antietam creek,
in Washington townshir. Specifications of said ydge
can be seen at any time in the Commissioners' office;
By order of the Commissioners.
mayl7-3t GEO. FOREMAN, ark.
Directors of the CHERRY RUN AND PITTS
(May 11) declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on
the Capital Stook of the Company, payable - on the 25th
May inst.,_ at the office of the Company, No. 115 Fourth
Transfer books close from thel9th to Ellis inst.
may'? L.
GOWEN will sell at Public Sale, at Mount Airy, Phila
delphia, on Wednesday, the :oth of Jane, 1065, a line herd
of Cows, Heifers, Young Bulls, and well•grown Calves.
bred by himself, and expressly to combine GOOD MILKING
WEIR EASY FEEDENG. The Catalogue will embrace some
40 bead of Young Cattle, which should at this time com
mand particular attention, a hen choice nnirnal4 are so
much in request for breeding. Catalogues will be furnish
ed in due time. gale to commence-at 11 o'clock, A. M.
mayliSt •
The undersigned, Agent fur the deservedly' popular
Nurseries. of Mr. George Peters, Adams co, will be in
this vicinity for several weeks for the purpose of receiv
ing orders for every variety of Fruit, Shade and Orna
mental Trees. The citizens of Chambersburg will land
him, on the Saturday of each week. either at the Hotel of
Mrs. MONTGOMERY or Mr S. Gne.E.Nawsur, where he
will be happy to receive their orders.
CT's During his absence in the country orders left at
the above places still be promptly attended to
mayl7-3t J. Y. BUSHEY.
Office at Chambersbarg, State of Penn
ny of these Letters, the applicant mast
1 Letters," give the date of this list, and
Fisher Henry I Myers Marcia
Gruver Jacob Pfoutz bibs Cath
GoffMissElizalleth Reed Wm B
,Hassler Hiss C V Reynolds James C
Hawk 3rrs Sarah i Rogers E K
in the Post
:sylvan's, May 16,
!'To obtain a ,
call for "advert...L.
isay.lsco cents for :
Allem:in Sand C
Anderson Wm (1) 1
A Ileums orthllettry
Alexander Mrs C
Baker Wm 11
Harinaa .1 Snyder - 1"
Hassler BenJ K 'Snyder Jacob G
Heagq Jacob A ISellenbergerMissL
Bank. George (v.?.)
Bettie James
'Hess Mis ,
Eliz Snyder Miss G A
Jones Miss Susan !Stoner Martha
Blubaugh 3fr R
Binekly Henry
th - .
ttner John 'Junes L M Shrike Reuben
Bush Miss Del ('3)i Kieffer Abram Trehr Lt Aaron
CurrMissßebecea I Kash!. Geo W Thomas Miss-C 'E
Colgan Edward Landis Christian TimmonsMissAM
Crider Emanuel ILittle Jesse Vernont Frank
Detrieb Jacob (2) ;Lehllg ,Jeremiah _ I Walt Samuel
Dietzler E F :McElroy Surgt H ,Waßrunt Miss Em
Edgerton Lt N H likteMusky James ;Whinier Solomon
trwan:Sfissßuhamti,Mitidower ;Willis Wm.L
Favorito Samuel , Miller MisEmrnaAt
S. 7-30 LOAN
The sale of the 1'11 , 4 .ones of $300.000,000 of the 7-30
Lean was eompleted on the 31st of March, 1865. The sale
of the second series of Three Hundred Millions, payable
throe years from the 15th Arty of June, 1865, was begun on
the Ist of April. In the short spare of thirty days, - over
Ons Hundred Millions of this series have been sold--leays
ing this day less than Twn 11 . undred &Unions to be die
posed of. The interest is 4nLyable serni.annually'in curt
rency on the 15th of December and 15th of June by Coup
on, attached to each note, ii filch nre readily rushed any
Two CENTS " " $lOO "
Rebellinn is scippre.,sed, and the Government lass
already adapted measures to reduce expenditures ne rap
idly as po.sibln to a peaea fyotlng, thus n ithdratring from
market as borrower nod purchaser.
Ti'li the ONa LOAN IN MARKET env uffered
by the thivertunent, uud uedititutes the GREAT POP
The Seen-Thirty Notes are eotivertible on theil mat❑
rity, at the option of the holder, into
I. T . S. 5-1!0 SP PER CENT. -
Which err always worth a premium. .
Th. 7,30 Notes cannot be bleed by Towns", Cate.;
Counties or States, and the interest in not taxed• unless on
a earplus of the owner's income exceethog six hundred
dollar,. a year. This tact increase', their alu. crouton°
to thew per cent. per annual. according to the rate levied
on othor property
LObd than 3:00,000,000 of the LOttn antionl2,4l hy, the
last Congress are now on the market. This amount, at
the late at which it is being absorbed. wilt all be subscrili
ed for within two months, when the notes will undoubted
ly command •u premium, as has uniformly been the ease
on closing-the subscriptions to other Loans. It note ewms
frthabk that no considerate amount bcyeed tlic pressor !t
-ries will he offered to the public. • •
Ili order that citizens of every town and section the
cmatry may be afforded facilities for tatting the loan, the
National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers
throughout the country have generally agreed to receive
subscriptions at par. Subscribers wall select their on
agents, in whom they have canfldeneefiand who on l y are
to be responsible for the delivery of the:notes for which
they receive orders. 'OOO/ire
. 2 25
_ Sutecription Agent, Philadelphia.
Subscriptions will be received by the• NATIONAL BANK
.... 1 75
JOHN F. GLOSSER, Strretary
" " 'ssoo
"- " $:,0" 00
ftew arrhatismetiM
CAPITAL. $1,000,000.
lon,Ow SHARES AT 910 EACH.
EDWARD E. JONES, Philadelphla
Vice President,
mccr.EAN, Montana Territory
6 •
Secretary and al'.siwure?,
WILLIAM M. BARLOW, Philadelphia.
ELYWAYJJ E. Josis, Philadelphia,
Cc S. McCLEAN - , 'Montana Territory,
JACOB HAY, Easton, pi,
W 11.11.01 W. LEDYAII.D, Philadelphia,
:I. G. Gn.L, ➢Montana Territory, c-
J. O. DELACOUB, Camden, N. J.
The Eaton and Aurora Silver Lodes, the property of
this Company, are situated on the Rattlesnake Creek, a
never Ming mountain stream, which empties into the
Beaver Head River, a tributary of the Jefferson Fork of
the Missouri, in Beaver Read County, in the Territory of
Nontana, and contain twelve hundred feet gash.
The width of the Eaton Lode is five and one-half and oY
the Aurora three and one-half feet, running to unknown
depths, and increasing in richness nE,they go down. These
two lodes are only forty feet apart, and probably run to-
gnler at some distance &cm the surface
An estimate hereto appended, based upon actual assays
made in the ordinary form. and in bulk, will show the im
mense yield of these mines - and their great value as
producing Lodes. These assays were made by-Prot A.
S. Eaton, Prof. Forrey of the New 'Fork Areay Office,
and Pn6L Gunth, of this city.
Sample No.l /
per ,. ton
Sample No. 3 Silver per ton
Sample No. 5 per ton
Sample No. I 5 . Silver per tun
Sample Na. 2 S
Vo lur piTion
Samplf , So. S Silver
Sample No. alcl,l.def
NEW 101t6, January 14, 1965.
PROF. EATON :—DEAR SIC: • The sample of are
that you lei with me, - marked "Dina orery E," gave by
away, in Silver *164 56-100 Silver per ten
1 our trnip,
plirtaliatytiLk„April 3, I.E6s,—The sample of silver
ore from Montana Territory examined at your request,
contain. , 172.22 ounces of Silvoi in 20M-11 , s. of ore ; value
$234,22 Gold per too. Th. alNwe ore la said to come
from the Eaton Loae,
Messre. Adelberg and Raymond, mining F.nglpe,ra,
New 1 - +l*, sa
" W. 3 170,11010 that, the Lead ore will yield t. 1475 in Silver
to tho ton g the tiilver toes SW . 3. These hives ate
moderate enough, since, according to our assays, the Sil-
von ore+ contain from 9913 to 9::040 sref:ie valor.
From tha above -assays. mine idea may be formed of
the immense seine - ri'f thi, property, and of tbk rtertalut7,.. of
4 large yield. But even that idea will be merely apprax
frnatire, without a due consideration of the following facts
The celebrated Comstock Silver Lode, in Nevada, svOr
.ked by the "Gould and,Curry," "Empire," "Yellow Jack-
et,'S "Ophir," "Crown Point," "Savage" and game other
companies, - sold oti the Fithof April, lEirA ut prices avero
ging over Poo Tkousnnd Do!bars per tool
These mines yield an average of about &i to the ton,
Which Inolude_q first. second and third eln , ,es of ores.
Now! the average yield of the three elaesee of ore of the
Eaton and Aurora Lodes will certainly be more than $65
per ton ; indeed, from the largo number of assit,)l thus for
nu*, not only hero, hut in We actual workings of the
mine, it will probably reach fr7s or irkM per ton. The
4400 feet owned by tho Compntiy would. tbemfore. be
wort, at the price of tha Colugtock Lode. nearly Fire
lifillions of Dollars
The Company have sent a mill of twenty-four stamps to
the mines,
.rtnatrpkt returns in rarer in September. This
will be able to email thirty tone of ore per day, at an ex
pens fur mining, rrpnbing and amelt!ng of ten dollar,'
(tRO) tier ton. Then, taking the yield at only $6O per
ton, the result would be as-follows
30.)m; per day, nt $6O
Cord, $lO per tun.,
or $. 450 . 000 Per annum. paya . bl.. not in currency hot in
the vain Itself.
Tll ,. propert2y of the Company is amply snifirlent for a
doien coiiipanSei, and could notl fall ouster" in a lifetime
Prospectors are also otraired by the Company, raking oil
other Lodes for them
The operations at the mines are under the iupirieten
donee of the R o e . serene' McLean,. Delegate to Congress
from the Territory, whmo thhrougt; 'acquelatacce with
mining renders it certain &a the interests of the Comps-
ny will be polled in tbb moat energetic manner.
Only TNienty Thousand Shares for sale.
WM. M. HARLOW, Secretary & Treas
mayll4tl Agent for Franklin Countyltei +Malty
itebi abegioritiettg.
following =ones sill be for camflrltudkrn by 'the
c our t , o n , Tuesday, June 6/.11, 1865,
The second accormt of Christian Myers, Committee of
Polly Long, a Lunatic. '
The second account of genry Betz, testamentary Trus
tee of Samuel Betz, under the will of Conrad Betz, de
ceased. imayl7-3t) K. 8. AYLOR, Protlfy.
..The partnership heretofore existing between Da
vid C. Brant and Samna) Detich,. under the style, firm
and name , of Brant fit. Deficit wak dissolved by mutual
consent on the first day ck. May. The Books of the late
firm are in the hands of David C. Brant. All persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to make im
mediate payment DAVID C. BRANT,
The business will be continued by the undersigned.
=yl7-fit DAVID C. BRANT.
Wholesale goods at Clty prim. Wholesale goods
at City prices..
seep the largest assortment in town. Keep the
largest assortment-In town.
Have an immense att.:kW' flab, cheap, in whole, half,
quarter and eighth barrels. :
Offer 1000 sacks G. A. Salt, American, Liverpool
and patent sacks, wholesale and retail, atiess Batmen than
any other house in tote.
kJ; Keep a verytine selection of Pickled and Preserved
Fruits, Jellies, Pickles ready for the table, Spiced Oys
ters, Canned Peaches, Canned Com, Canned Tomatoes,
choice Dried Beef, fine Sugar Cured Hama. '
Offer fine Green and Black Teas, Chocolate pure
Spices, and baking articles, prime Cheese, large assort.
ment of Fresh Crackers and Cakes.
I,JII Sell all grades of Syrups, Molasses, Coffees, Sugars
and Mee, Taiblesale and Beta.
Rave a very large assortment of Queenswsuv-, Stone
ware, Tumblers, Brushes, Brooms, Baskets, Colds and
Twine. ,
Keep acerk - stock of all kinda and grades of
Tohaccos and Sagan; and - sell low, wholesale and retail.
11M 33
93 75
81 72
Salt, Fish and Grocerier.
467 M
1,677 70
E 133
Manufacture all kinds of Candy and Confectionery,
sell all kinds of P 11248, .tuts, Oranges, Lemons, Figs,
Prnneq. Almonds. Raisins. &e., &c., wholesale and retail.
'2l 10
small quantity
Is the place to go for the largest and'most'caried
assortment of Store Geode in town. and at reasonable
k.A Sell Sperm, Coal, Willie. Lubricating and Kero
sene Oil.
•Cantritatto' etarbs.
HASSLES, offers himself a, a candidate for the office
of County Timmer, subject to the deritcon of `he rcion
Nominating Convention.
St THOMAs, March 22 )863.
V. A. A3ENTii
x.) Ration of a number of my friends, 1 announce My.
self a candidate for jhe Office of County Treasurer, sills.
iect to the decision 'of the Union Nominating County
Convention [Qulvcr, 31archt2f.1] ACM. FLAGLE..
A M. CRISWELL will be a candidate
£1 for-the office of County Treasurer. subject to :lit
decision of the Union Nominating. County Convention
GREEN Towlogilr, May 3d, 1865.
TREASURER.—SamueI F. Greenawalt
it offs him.self as a Catpitdatelar the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union Noraina
line Convention. CllaSttnatshutto, March 15.
i HERIFFA_LTY. —At the solicitation
of a number of my friends, I oiler myself n Can
didate for the °Ake of Sheriff of Franklin County, subjeet
to the decision of the Union Nominating Convention.
SHERIF F ALT l'.—Encouraged by a
number of my friends. I offer myself as a Candidate
for the office of Sheriff, sultiect to the decision of the Union
Nominating County Convention. Davin EBY.
SHERIFFALTY.—I offer myself as a
Candidate for the Ogle,' of Sheriff of Fmnklin county,
subject to the derision of the Union Nominating Cowen
_ _
MERCEIISIWRC, Pa., liarch'2-4,
Q HERIFFALTY.—Encoaraged by a
L. 3 number of my friends, I 4ereemyself as a candidate for
the office a Sherri, subject to the division of the - Union
Nominating. County Convention. D. M. LEISIIER.
of Chfunbersburg, will be a candidate for the office of
Sheriff, subject to the dee , sion of the Union Noininating
County Convention, marchls.
Veroonat fropertg *sine..
FOR SALE .—A family leaving this
place. sell a GRAND PIANO on very reason
blo terms. It can be seen by calling at the residence of
the late JAMES WRIGHT. req., tumor ( been and
Third streets. april26
six horse power, in goal condition. Can be seen by
calling at T. B. Wood's Foundry
sap:2l4f JACOB GARVER.
FOR SALE.—A full course, Scholarship
in the Quaker City Business College of Pbiladelphis.
APPIy at tills office. EiseP7—
0 0 REWARD:' Bigi ~1 will r;y—Tinhl
AND DOLLARS to any party or parties who will at , -
rest and deliver to the civil authorities of-Franklin Coun
ty, F. W. /Duni, (son of "Extra Billy") a captait un
der WCausland when Chambersburg was burned, and
who burned my residence and barn and stole various val
uable articles tram the house.
The REPOSITOHY Association will also pay FIVE HUN
DRED DOLLARS,"for the arrest of either MiCausland or
Gilmore, and their delivery to the civil authorities of
thiA ~01.totv. fapriE644 A. A. beatuß.E.
r4-!- - Richmond Whig please copy 3t and seal bill to
this office.
NOTICE.—AII persons interested are
~.bereby notified that Stambaugh and Gels are li
censed and duly authorized, and are new prepared to col
lect all claims against the United States (Arvemment for
Horses taken for the Anderson Cavalry or other Union
Troops, as well as for all forage and subsistence taken by
and for Union troupe during the War. .Prompt attention
Fill be given to All Awh claims and oollected speedily.
maylo-3t* STUMBAUGH dr. CigHlt.
Franklin Ban Road company will meet at the com
pany's ot2ce, in Chamhensinarg, on Wednesday, the 31st
day of May, at 12 - o'clock M., to consider the - subject of the
consolidation of, their said company with the Cumberland
Valley Rail Road Company. By order.
maylo-2t - E. M. BIDDLE. Secretary.
11111 w t.GBTEWS NOTlOE—:Aitilerbonsin ,
tm,ist,Na ovicl please tare max, that the *clawing
Accotmthats have *SW. their Accounts in the Register's
Office a Frazdan County and that theocrat, will be pre
sented to the Orphans Court for confirmation, on Terodae,
the Pith day of Jane. 1665, in Chambersbatg:
90. 'Theacconnt of Wm. ELLittle, After of Wm. Hayes
late of Famouttwp., decd.
9L Pint Acot of Jacob C._ Sacrist, Guardian of Arnett.
ca and Charles A. Waynant, minor children of John S.
Waynant, late oft/ninny twp., dec'd.
92. Acot. of Sam'l ph ilipo serve, guardian of Abram
S.. Gearginnua. S. and Joseph H. Smith, minor ehil
dren ofJacob Smith, lam of Antrim hop., deed.
93. Acct. of Daniel W. Boyer, Ex'r Geolgeltoyer, late
of Quincy twp., deed.,
94. First Acct. of Wm. Rapt Aitm 'r d. b. n. ct. a. of
James Lawson, late of Montgomery twp., dee'd.
95. Second Acct. of Phloem; Seabee, Guardian of Mary
3. 7 Nancy, Elizabeth, Martha, Franklin and Wm. Cooper,
manor children of Sample C. c.m, late of Ma, deed.
96. Second Acct of Abraham Grove and Samuel Sher-
tie, Ex'rs of John Shortie, late et 3 lentaceuery twp. deed.
97. First and final Acot of Jacob Lightfoot and Samuel
Gilbert, Adro'rs, of Daniel Gilbert; deo'd.
99. First and final Acct. of Levi Horst and 7no. F. Eli
exude, ter of Henry Horst, late of Sontbemeton twp.,
99. Kist and Anal' Acct. of Jacob Shirk and Abraham
.tonffer, Fairs, of Abraham Shirk, deed. -
100. Fluid Acct. of Abraham Frantz.. trustee to tell the
• Extant of C. Frantz, late of Washintgon tap., dee'd.
101. First" and final Amt. of Abraham Metz, Ex'r of
ohn Metz, late of Guilford tng., deed.
Second Acct. of James D. Scott. Goan:Tian of Ann
/breaker, minor child of John Lemaster, decd.
likt. Second and Anal Acct. ofStmon Brewer and Soto-
mon Div'hiss, Adm'rs, of Frederick Divilbitot, deed. _
10 , 1. First and final Acct. of H. H. r Wingert and B. B.
Wingert; Ex'rs of Martin Wingert late of Green
- 103. Third Acct. of peter ennkelman, Adm'r and-Mary
Jane Lemaster, Adterx of John Beaver, late of Peters %
twp., deed.
106. First and final Acct. of Dr. J. L. Suesserott and
H. Gehr, Esq;, Adm'rs of J. P. Gray, late of Chambers
burg, deed. "
107. First and final Acct..of G. W. McCartney, Adair
of Joseph Seibert, late of Funnelt twp. deed.
109. Acct. of John Rowe , Adm'r of Isaac Bemisderfer,
late of Antrim twp, den d. . •
109. First and final Acct. of Hastings Gehr, Esq.. Adm'r
of Jacob Wolrldil, late of Chambersbnrg, deed.
_ 110. And. of Jonathan Stickel!, Adm'r with the will
- annexed, of Christian Stoner, late of Antrim tarp., deed.
111. Amt. of Jacob Balder, Adm'r of Henry Krider,
late of Hamilton twp., deed.
112. Acct. of Benjamin finitely, Ex'r of Peter {Water.
late of Antrim tap., deed.
113. First Acct. of Geo. and Henry Sleichter, Adieu.
of John Sleichter, late of Green t wp., deed.
114. Acct. of Dr. A. EL Senscny, Guardian of Walter,
John and Jane Welton', minor chddren of John Wolford,
deed. •
115. First and. final Acct. of F. S. Stambaugh, Adair
of Jamb Sweitzer, late of Chambersbnrg, deO'd.
116. Acct. of James NM, Guardian of - Elisabeth Clark,
minor child of Mary Ann Clark. late of Chambersburg.
deo'd, and. as stated by Samuel Myers and T.
Ex'rs of said James Will,
117. Acct. ofJacoh, L. Detrieh and A. Carbon&
duels of Emanuel Detrieb. late of Antrim inv., den'd.
118. Acct. of George Ludwig, Ex'r of .John Goetman,
to of Cbambersburg, deed. '
119. First and final Acct. of Geo. BeneUict and George,
• an, Adm'rs of Daniel Dull, late of Quincy trap., deed.
maylo HENRY STAMMER, Register.
Boards of Directors will please give public notice,
that examinations will be held promptly at 9 o'clock, A.
M., each day, in their respectivedistncts, as follows; viz
Chembersburg, rune 12th; Green township, July 24th ;
Southampton, 25th; Letterkeany, 26th; Lurgan, 27th;
Fatmett 29th; Metal, 29th; St Thomas, 31st; Peters,
August Id; Warren, 2(1; Mercersburg, 3d; Montgomery,
4th; Greencastle, sth; Antrim, 7th; . Waynesboro', dar;
Washington, 9th; Quincy-, 10th; Guilford, llth, and Ham-
ilton, 12th. Teachers will be prepared with paper, pen.
cite, revenue stamps and chalk. Good moral character
on the part of applicants, required by law. I will meet'
at the public school building, in Chambersbarg, on the
mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each
week, from 7 to 9 o'clock, all who may desire instruction
in the branches taught in common schools. No change_
except room expenses, will also be at the County Testi:
t a te, in Roxbury., the 7th, 9th and 9th of June. ProMpt
attendance expected of all A. MCELWAIN,
maylo34 County Superintendent
George W. Portz, of Waynesboro, on the Sth day
of April, 11365, made a voluntary assignment of all his es.
late end effects, real and personal, in trust for his creditors
to Joseph- Douglas.
All persons indebted to said Portz will please make im
mediate payment, and those having claims present them
properly authenticated for settlement to
may3-6t JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee.
tice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
on the Estate of James W. Lane. late of Guilibra town
ship, deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned..
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property athenticated for settlement.
may 3 ELIZABE ,41 LANE, Adm'rx.
flee is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
D. H. N. C. T. A., on the Estate of 'Margaret L. Camp•
bell, late ofChambersburg, deed ; Lave been granted to
the undersigned,
An persons knowing themselvit indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement'
hereby.given at Letters Testamentary int the Estate
of Elizabeth Saylor, late of Greencastle, der d, have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to gad Estate
will please make immediate payment ; and those having
claims present themproperlyauthentientedforsettlement
.11.2 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to this Estate
oflarob Burkholder, late of Lurgan township, dedd, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing at Newburg. Pa.
An persons knowing themselves indebted ro said testate
will please make immediate payment; nod these having
claims present them properly anthenticatmi for settlement.
may 3 i DAVID WHERRY, Ex'r.
FRANKLIN COUNTY.--The Taxpayers of
Franklin county will please take notice, that I will meet
them at the following places for the purpose of receiving ,
the State, County and Militafy Taxes for the year 1F65,
viz. _ •
METAL.—Fannettsbuits, at the Douse of Mrs. Adalino
Ramsey on Thursday and Friday. the 18th and /MI,
days of May.
LURGA.N.—Rostatry, at the House of David Kit-Anil,.
let, on Monday and Tuesday, the _:d and 2.1 d days of
CETTERRENEY.--Strarburg, at the Howe of J. E.
Wel6t, on Wednesday anti_ Thursday, tho :4th and 25th
days al - May.
ST. THOMAS—At the Store of Dixon - Elder, in sr,
-o.s, on Friday and Saturday, the l2Sth and 27th days
.-. . .
, GREEN—Fayett ovine, at the floweofJohn B.llrown,
On Monday, the 2tlth day of May. and at. the House of
C. C. Foltz, in 'ID reenvillage. on Toe,niay, Palth day or:
SOUTHAMPTON—Ht. Rock Seltool.Honse, on Wea
nesday, the 31st tiny ot- May, and at the Howse, of John
Kyner. in Orrrtown, on Thunday. the Ist day of June.
GUILFORD—Marion, at the House of Jeremiah Bark
on Friday, the 211 day of June, and at the Hunse,pf Mrs.
H. Snider, in New Frank/in, on Saturday, the :ki day ot
HAMILTON—At the Hon, of John Gordon, en Mar
day and Tuesday , the sth Fad 6th days of June. -
- CH.IS.IBERSIII;RG--At the Treasurer's Mace, at.
Woduciday and Thursday, the Rh and Bth days of Jun..
Non. but Pennsylvania or 6 , 0C.11111 , ,, , rt 1, 1 ,1 1, en
...iced for Taxes.
LICETSES. Xll penun, who am subject le pa)
3iereantile or Manufacturer* License, will please take up
at the ulaye named placer, no I ran compel)...
cti by law to bring snit 41raa unpaid License by the 10'.11
ilay.of July next. JA3IES G. ELDER,
inarcb29 County Treasurer.
nr Commtous.v. OF The CI; tturdwA, Washington,
April ltkth, 1865.
Wil.EltEAs, By satisfactory evidence presented to -the
undersigned, ithas beer:made to appear that THE FIRST
County of Franklin and Stain of Pent:nylon:dß, has bee,
organiied under and aceording to the requirementso
the net of Corgsress, entitled ''Au Act to provide a Natiogr.
(grency, secured by a pledge of United States Bouts,
and to provide for the circulation and redemption therein:"
:Toged Jane 3d. 1864, and hoe complied rvlth all the
p r ovisions of Said act required t o be complied with, hefore
Cetllllle tieing the business of Banking under said net,
Now therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of Ilse
t ir,ney, do hereby certify that, The First National Bank
of Greenough:, in the Borough of Greencastle, in the
County of Franklin. and State of Pennsylvania, is author.
/Lea in commence the Inuit:P.4 of Banking under the act
te•thnony whettrof, winless my hard and Mal.of office
',KAT...) this 21h day Of April, IS&
(may3-llizi Comptroller of the Currency.
IVID TEND.— e President end Di-
If l,rori of the Chambersburg Turnpike tined Can:
haw this day (May Ist) declared a Semi-annum
dirtdeml ~12• per cent. on the capital stock, payable in cle A
rand at lay store. J. S. NIXON, 'treasure .
tltunitcrshurg, May 10, 161 3t
XI 0 I .;; E X W E
Iv 1 - I.ACK teepectfilliptequett all persons knotting
them:A.lN e, indebted to them by ustes or book accounts ro
c o. s,d me:e immediate settlement. The necessity of
coliee opoarent to every one, and we hope those is•
debted will report at once.
-A SSIGNEE'S SALE.—By virtue of a
£1 Deed of Assignment made to me by George W,
Ports,-of Lin Real and Perstmat Property, for the benefit
of creditors, I will espoe to sale, on the premises. in Way
neshom on s a t ur d iv , the 271 cloy of Afav, 18f,5, a lot of
Lumber, Brick, Sand, I Desk. 1 Sttlh - y, SW - indoW FrUUM,
1 Sleigh, 1 one-horsc Want . tu, 1 Buggy, I Heifer and sun
dry other ertiples. Also, One LOT of *ROUND, situate
en the west ode of 'Mechanics street, in said borough, with
partly finished BRICK BUILDUiG thereon erected.
Sale to commence at ?_o'cleek, A. 3f., when terint! will
be mode nown by •
m aylo-3 k l JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee.
y FOR SALE.—A Lot on Alain street, Clunnhersburg
Pa., 41 ft. S inches front, adjoining lets of J•lnlmamero.
the south and Samuel Perry on the north. Cellar walls
all good. and one oblo wall sounding in good order.:Will
be sold reasonably, if applied far emu. '
roaylo 3t • A. REMEMAK
R. It. COMPANY.—The Bteekheldere et this com•
play. will meet at the eempanY's °Mee, In Charablisharg,
on Wedneeclay, the 31 st day of May, at 12 o'clock M., to
take iMo oonsideratlon the subject - or - consolidating their
said company with the Franklin Rail Boltdeorapany.
ipagio.2t By eater BM. BIPDLE, Secretary.
Mid Statism.
Ufa" estate *ales.