The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 10, 1865, Image 1

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    I , tmai9or' pustail&Txoi.-
THE FiWrii.LlN REpiISITORY published
every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY
ASSOCIATIO.Ii," atit2 SO per annum, tv ADVANCE, Or
SS If not paid within the year. 411 subscription at;
counts MUST be 4/wiled annually. No paper will be sent
out of the State unless paid for in advance, sad all such
subscriptkme will invariably be discontinued at the expi
ration of the time for which they are paid.
perline for first insertion, and Isx--c.E_vrs per, line for sub.
sequel:it insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons
advertising by the quarter, half-year or year. Special no
tices charged anehalf morelban regular advertisements.
Atl,resolutions of Associations; communications of limited
or individual inest e and notices of Marriages and Deaths
exceeding five lines, arc charged fifteen cents per line.
tar All Legal ...takes of every kind, and. all Orphans'
Court and other Judicial Sales, are required by late to be
7 advertised in REE'OSITOILT—it haring the LARGEST ClR
clmmos of ny paperpublished in the county of Prem./dirt,
JOB p ING of every kind in Plain and Fancynol•
eta done wi esteem aeddispatch. Hand•Mßs, Blanks,
Cards, Paittp eta, &c., of every variety and style, printed
at the sh YiOtiCe. The REPOSITORY OFFICE hasjust
been re- with Steam Power and threii Presses, and
every thing:in the Printing Ste can be executed in the
most artistic manner and at thelowest rate& TERMS IN
-nr Mr. John K. Shryock is our atdhoriied Agent to
receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for
the same. Alt letters should be addressed to .
= M'CLUREI STONER, Publishers.
Coal, Lumber, &c.
. 4 -- •
rile ndersigued have now on band, at! their
- -
slurp supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale,
or made to order.
Mouldings of all descriptions; from half inoh inches.
on hand. _
Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing iThatly executed.'
Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posts;
Bardeen, Bed Posts, &c„ on hand.
A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale.
.Also'-Window and Door Frames on hand or made at
short notice. HAZELET, VERNON 4: CO.,
:febl tt Harrison Avenne Chambenbn ,Ya
Wanted by Gro. A. Danz
Wanted by (}SO. A. pF.rz.
Wafted by GEO. A. DErrz.
--* Wanted`by GEO. A. DErrz.
and all kinds of Produce bought by GEO. A. GEITL, at
his Warehouse above the Railroad Depot.
ibr male oheap, by the ton oTiat ton
by the cord or half cord.
sawed and split for stove use, by the cord or half cord.
of Oak, Walnut and Pine, always au hand.
and all kinds of LUMBER, such alf.tak and Pine Plank;
Oak,Walnlit, Pine and Hemlock Wards; Floonog Boards,
Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, Sc.
always on band, and roofs put on ty the best Slaters, who
have drawn medals fur their superior workmanship.
above the Railroad Depot, and buy cheap. [deo%
We have on baud all kinds ,f Coal and Lumber, and
are prepared to furnish Bill Umber to coder at short no.
lice, all at the most reasonable, terms. Our sine of Linn
i bar consists of -
White Pine 2 inch Plank, '
11 " select Plank.
" if " Plank.
"select and Culling Boards,
" Boards,
" " Sidiny (6 inch,)
• •
Best River bhingles,
" " Worked Floring,
.6 4S 61
" " Joist and Scantling, all sizes,
Hemlock Joist and Scantling,
" Boards,
Yellow Pine Boards, Just and Scantling,
Palling and Plastering Laths.
We have also always on - hand a gbod supply of all
kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-hi:trams. Also a ,supe
rior article of Brosultop,,Coal -for blacksmiths. ,The pub
lic are invited to give list call,' as we will endeavor to
give satisfaction to all that call.
Coal and Lumber furnished on the we to any station
on the Franklin Railroad"'
OPOMee on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard,
Cbambersburg, Pa. _ J.,E,49, EBERT & SON.
York and Gold•barough, Pa.,
Keep constantly on baud a well selected stock of seas
onable Lumber, vit:—Joist and Scantling, Weatherboard
ing; dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles; Palingnand
Fencing. '
Er 'White Pine and , Oak Bills. sawed border at the
shortest notice. All communications should be addressed
to YORK, PA. fsep,S'ly
Q TEAM. SAW MILL.—The undersign
ed have xtrected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill
at the South hfountainr-near Graffenburg Springs, and are
prepared to saw to order - Bills, of WHITE OAK, PINE,
HEMLOCK or any kind of timber desired, at the short
est notice and at low rates. One of the firm will be at the
liote4 of Sam'l Greenawalt, in Chambersburg. on Satur
day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereaf
ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum
bar. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the LOW
EST ROES. All letters should be addressed to them at
Gratfenbarg P. 0., Adams CO., Pa.
BUIL D IN G 1411 BER.—The un'der
igned ifprepared to saw all lands.of Building Lunt.
bar at the lowest market price. ' R. A. RENFREW,
GREF—NWOOD lettue, Fayetteville P. O. dec2Bly
ASTERN LNN.—The undersigned ha
wing lately purchased the large and commodious
Brick lipliding of Rev. S.A. Fisher, in connection with his
.E=t place of businexos the corner of Main street and
g , ,, Alley, Is prepared to accommodase BOARD
ERS by the day, week or month. Be is amply provided
with STABLIING to accOmrnadate the traveling public.
'Vng 4 large LIVERY STABLE connected with the
et, guests and the public generally can &a:furnished
:Nrithifortses and Carriages at any moment. Poisons vii;it
ing Chambersburg with their families wdl find this the
.mest - tomfortable Lintel in the county, 45 it has been re
fitted wittkentire new Furniture, and the rooms are large
- and Well ventilated. The TABLE is amply supplied with
all the luxuries of the season, and the BAR, which is de
' tached from thoßrick Building, will always be furnished
with choice and pure liquors. Every attention paid to the
•' comfort of guests. [octl2[ S. F. GREENAWALT.
111011P,RONVN'S HOTEL.—This Hotel, situ
atect on the corner of Queen and Second Streets, op
posite the Bank, Court Room, and County Offices, and In
thisimmediatehieighlimhood of Stores, Shope. and other
places of .busifeass, is conveniently situated for country
people baying business in Chambersburg. The Building_
has been greatly enlarged and refitted for the accommoda
tion of Guests.
THE TABLE will always be furnished with the belt
the Market can produce.
• THE BAR will be supplied with pure and choice Li
THE STABLE is larga„and attended,with a good and
careful Ogler. . .
- -
Everpatteation will be rendered to make Guests com
fortable while sojourniag at this Hotel.
tell JACOB 8. BROWS, Proprietor.
UNION HOTEL. -- -This old and well
established Hotel is now open for the accommodation
of Guests .
The Proprietor hating leased the three-story block alma.
dings on Queen Streatt, in the,r6ar of his former stand, is
prepared to furnish filIbl) ROO . NS for the traveling anti
transient custom. ,
HIS TABLE will sustain its former reputation of being
supplied with the best.the market can produce.
BIS BAR, detached from the main building, will al.
ways have choice and pure Liquors.
Good wararSTABLLNG for fifty horses, with careful
ostler. •
Every attention will be made to render guests comfort•
able while sotounting at this Hotel.
JanlB • /NO. FISHER, Proprietor.
bag become the Proprietor of the'ITNITED STATES
HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG,
PA. This po_ pular and coMmodions Hotel ben been newly
redtted and IWrnished throughotit its parlors and chambers,
and is now ready for the reception of guests.
The traveling pntille will find the,Llnited States Hotel
the most convenient, in all partieulas, of any Hotel in
the S ta t e Capital, on account of Its access to the railroad,
being immediately between the two - g-reat depots
. .n this
city. [Harrisburg, June 1 t,
the Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad De
p_OU, Harrisburg City, Pa. This convenient and pleasant
Hotel Is now kept by the undersigned, late of the. Indian
Queen in Cliambersbnrg, - and he Invite* the patronage of
r- his old Mondsand the publja generally._ Terms moderate.
- °cad' JOHN W. TA LOB.
TTY AGENTS lAT 810 to St2o per day, to take sub:
seriptious for or sell Sartin's beautiful engravings of Abra
bolt Lincoln, In all States cast of Ohio, Now is the time.
Samples sent-by mall on receipt of 70 cents. Address
BARTLESON A - , CO,, 2 , 4'0, 611 CHESTNUT Street (sec.
mai story) Philadelphia. • aptil26.ot
TOB PRINTING in every style
the dace of the FRANKLZPir BEfterrofcr.
Zht: Itialtgin:::---t---,e/oL4t-org
parbb3are eutlrtg, ,$ c.
Hare opened their store
on Main street
nearly opie&site their old plihe of
with an extergire stock of Hardwaie, Cutlery, &c.,
consisting in_part of
Iron, Paints;
Nails, Oils,
. Spikes, Turpentine,
Steel., Tar,
Hinges, I: Varnisk,
Planes, Glass.
Files, Blasting Ponder,
.. Grind Stones,
Shovels, Cedar Ware,
Rakes, Pocket Knives,
Spades, ' Sm., &c.
Special attention, is culled
Builders and Contradors,..
as they are
prepared to famish in any quanhlY,
at wholesale,
everything in their line.
Call and examine our stock. eprilid
The subscriber respectfully- Informs his friendi and the
public, that be continues to cam• on the above business,
at his old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Re
formed Church. CIIAMBERSBURG, PA.
Having enlarged bis business, Saddlers and Coach
makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment
of gOods suited to their several requirements, such as
Fair and Country_Hogskins,
Patent Leather,
Saddle 'Frees and Girdling.
Gig /Trees, Full Plated, Tinned - and — Japanned; Goat
Raiz, Straining Web and Worsted Rain
'Web; lower than Cotton :
. _
Hamel, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned
Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Framei; Hub Bands;
Bridle Fronts; Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron
Plated and Wood Gig Hawes.
all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale
Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of othergoods suitable
for the trade.
ALL KLNDS OF PLATING, done with neatness
and despatch. [decl4l LEWIS VAIIPLER.
Had a few goods" under the pavement, which were not.
burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard.
ware. Besides, they have just received from New York
and Philadelphian very large lot of goods, purchased much
cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been
burned mit, - therefore we offer Iron, Nails. Hocks, Hinges,
Screws, Notts, &c., at the lowest figure.
We hivezn hand about 10 Tons fro of different kinds,
which we will sell less• than it can be bought in the city.
Also we have 100 kegs gr Nails and Spikes, we offer at
from 6 to 10 dollars per k!g._
Knives and Fofts, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives,
.Spoons, kn., just received from Now York which we offer
very low. sep2B
Shoemakers' Findings,
Saddlers' Findings
9.5 cents each and many other articles• which ,cos In
the lire. which can be made as pond as new
CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in
the Alley. BRAND & FLACK.
FRANKLIN COUNTY—The Taxpayers of
Franklin countxxill please take notice, that I will meet
them at the follismng places for the purpose of reediting
The State, Cotihejlind Military Taxes for the year 1845.
3VARREN.—J. Zimmerman's Store. on Wednesday.
the 10th day of May, and at P. Cook's Tannery, on Thurs.
day. the 11th day of May.
PETERS.—Londun. at the House of Jamei Mullen, on:
Friday, the 12th day of May, and at James D. Seott's
Store. Bridgeport, on Saturday, the 13th day of May.
FANNETl—Amberson's Valley, at the House-of B.J.
Culbertson. on Monday, the 15th ; at the House of A. B.
Sieber. Concord, on Tnesday, the 16th day of May. and
at the House formerly kept by Benj. Crouse, at Dry Run,
on Wednesday, the 17th day of May.
METAL.—Funnettsburg, at the House of 3tra. Adaline
Ramsey on Thursday and Friday, the 18th and 19th
days of May.
LURGAN.—Roxbury. at the House of David Eitsmil
ler, on Monday and Tuesday, the 9:2d and days of
LETTERKENNY.—Strasbnrg, at the House of J. R.
Weist. on Wednesday and Thursday, the 24th and.2sth
days of May.
BT. THOMAS—At the Store of DISOIS S. Elder, in St.
Thomas, on Friday and Saturday, the 26th and 27th days
of May.
GREEN—Fayetteville, at the House of John S. Brown,
on Monday, be B'th day of May, and at the House of
C. C.` , Foltz, in Greenvillage, on Tuesday, 311th day of
SOUTHAMPTON-31t Rock School House. on Wed
nesday, the 31st day of May, and at the House, of John
X y ner, in Orrstown, on Thursday, the Ist day of June.
GJILFORD—Marion, at the 'House of Jeremiah Burk.
-on Friday, the 2d day of June, and at the House of Mrs.
H. Snider. in New Franklin. on Saturday. the 3d day of
HA3fILTON—At the linuse of John Gordon, on Mon
day and Tueodoy, the sth and 6th days of June.
CHAMBERSBURG—At the Treasurer's Office, on
Wednesday and Thursday, the 7th and Bth days of June.
None but Pennsylvania or Government funds re
ceived for Taxth.
LICENSES.—AII persons - who are subject to pay a
Mercantile or Manufacturers License, win please take up
said License at the above named pieces, ns I am compell
ed by law to bring suieen all unpaid License by the 10th
day of July next. JAMES G. ELDER,
march County Treasurer.
April 22311 i, 1E65.
WHEREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the
undersigned, Rhos been made to appear that THE FIRST
County of Franklin and State of Pennsylvania. has been
dory organized under and according to the requirements of
the act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a Nation
al Currency, secured by a pledge of United Bfite's Bonds,
and to provide for the emendation and redemption thereof "
approved June 3d. 1864, and has complied with all the
provisions of said act reqkdred tube complied with, before
commencing the business of Banking under said act,
Now therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptioller of the
Currency, do hereby certify that The First National Bank
of Greencastle. in the Borough of Greencastle, in the
County of Franklin. and State of Pennsylvania, is author
ized to commence the business of Banking under the act
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office
[9EAL] this day of April, 116.1
' No. 10e1. [mays lOtj Comptroller of the Currency:
FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to them by Osten or book accounts to
call and make immethate settlement The
~necessity of
this notice is apparent 1 .4 every one, and we hope those in
debted will report at once.
•Ergal gotice.
George W. Portz, of Waynesboro. on the ?ft: day
Of April, 1865, made a voluntary assignment of all his es•
rote and effect:, real and personal, to trust for his eretlitora
to Jo:with Douglas
All personindebted to mid Portz will please make im•
mediate payment, and those having claims present them
properly authenticated for gettlernent to -
may:J•tit JOSEPH DoGGLAS, Assignee.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
On the Estate of Jamek W. Lane. Into of Guilford town
ship. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. -
All persons knotting them , elvee indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property uthenticated for settlement.
tnayl ELIZABETH LANE, Adm'rx.
tme k hereby gis en that Letters of ,Administration,
D. 13. N. C. T. A., on the - Estate of Margaret L. Camp•
bell, late of Chambersburg, deed, have been granted to
the undersigned.,
All persons knowing themselves ibdebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims piesent them properly authenticated for settlement.
mayii PATRICK. 31• GARVEY, Adm'r.
hereby given that- Letters Testamennwyto the Estate
&Elizabeth Sayler, late of Greencastle, deed, have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate
will please make Immediate payment ; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for Fett lement
; herebygiven that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Jacob Burkholder, late of Lurgan township, deed. Loa e
been granted to the undersigned. residing . at Newburg, Pa.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to sold Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
may 3 DAVID WHERRY, Ex'r.
W. McLellan,
G. R. Mwoermn - .lth E.ey - febls.3ro
J. Menmsell Sharpe, Esq
tTataliu .gip t.
We eve in to-day? REPOSITORY an accurate
portrait of J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Pres
ident Lincoln. He is the third son born in Amer
ica of the eminent English tragedian, Junius Bru
tus Booth, whose Strange career abroad and in
the United States, whose alternate eminence and
obscurity, and whose remarkable gift as ae actor
are fully remembered atthis day by the theatrical
community, although he has been dead - nearly
thirteen years. The quieter part of Ins life in
thiecountry was passed upon his-farm in Harford
county, Line thirty miles distant froin Baltimore,
Md., and/ here we believe his children, several
sons and daughters were born. The eldest daugh
ter died at au early age. The first son, J. B.
Booth, Jr.. has been for many years' a popular
actor, recently appeared, in connection with his
brothers, in a performance of"' Julius Ctesar" at
the Winter Garden Theatre. The second son,
Edwin Thomas Booth, is the distinguished and
universally esteemed tragedian. John Wilkes—
named after the British statesman, from whomthe
elder Booth's mother - was lineally descended—is
the third ; and a fourA, Joseph, not associated
with the theatrical profession,l ' t present resid
ing in home one of the Southe States. Mr.
Booth's oldest, surviving daughter s the - Vvife of
the well known comedian, Mr. J nS. Clarke.
His widow f (with other daughters, resides with
Mr. Edwin Booth, in New York.
The lit — eland career of John Wilkes Booth, who
was onli,_twenty-six years old, have been marked
by few memorable incidents. He adopted the
stage as aprotession in 1856, making his firseap
pearance in Philadelphia. Since then he has
played various " star " and " stock" engagements,
mostly in Southern and 'Western cities, with con
siderable success. His acting is said to have
been mainly charaeteriz%d by extreme impetuos
ity, ,violence and t.stravagarice . , — although not
wanting at-times in the truer and earnest feeling
which is an attribute of thewhole family. Hellas
once or twice appeared befOre New York audi
ences, but only with moderath success. It is
stated that he has been very popular among Ins'
comrades a fact which his determined disunion
sentiments would not be likely to contradict, the
vast majority•of actors in this country, North and
South, being either avowed or covert friends of
theiebellion. His habits, we are told, were al.
ways extremely irregular, and his dissipations so
excessive as to interfere with his progress in his
profession ; which, indeed, he virtually abandoned
about a year ago, having since devoted himself to
speculations in. the oil stocks of Pennsylvania.
Wilke, Booth always privately appeared a cour
teous, intelligent and decorous young man, re
served and sedate excepting when stimulated by
intoxication or th e of partisan controversy,
at which time his violence passed all bounds.
We are as:lilted that a rupture occurred not long
since between him and his brother Edwin, who'
refused longer to countenance Wilkes' folly and
madness, and peremptorily forbade his presence
at the family home.
Since the commencement of the war he gas
ever infested a decided sympathy for the rebel
catse, and he doubtlesi conceived the idea of as
sassinating the Pre.ideid to complete the destruc
tion or the government and enable treason to gain
an eaiy triumph. He contemplated it formonths
beford he committed the revolting deed, and at
last'carried out his hellish purpose at the very
worst lime forthe cause he intended to serve.
We have given the details of his crime, and also
noticed his dreadful death. The correspondent of
the tiew-York Times has given the most graphic
account of the fate=of the assassin we have read.
He had been chased into if barn near Port Royal,
and stubbornly refused to surrender. The barn
Was ,fired, and when the flames were gathering
about him, lid made a movement to escape.. Ser
geant Corbeit fired air gave him the fatal wound.
He fell and"was taken out to dress his wound.
A mattress was brought down on which they pla
ced him and propped his head, and gave him wa
ter and brandy. The women of the household,
joined meantime by another Eld, j who had been
found in one of the corn-cribs, watching, as be
said, to see that Booth and Harold did not steal
the horses, were nervous, but prompt to do the
dying .man all kindness, although waived sternly
back by the detectives. They dipped a rag in
brandy and water, and this being put between
Booth's teeth he sucked it greedily. When he
was able to articulate again, he muttered to Mr.
Baker the same words with an addenda, "Tell
mother I died for my country. I thought I did
for the beet."_ Baker repeated this, saying at the
same time, "Booth, do I repeat 'it correctly?"
Booth nodded his head. By this time the grey ,
nese of dawn was approaching; moving figures
inquisitively coming near were to be seen dis
tinctly, and the cocks began to Crow -gutturally
through the barn by this time was a hulk of loze
and ashes, sending towards the zenith a spiral
line of dense smoke.
Soldiers were sent to put out the Bre, and Booth,
relieved of the bustle around him, drew near to
death apace. Twice he was heard to say, "kill
me, kill me." His lips often moved, but could
complete no appreciable sound. He made once,
a motion, which the quick eye of Conger under
stood to mean that his throat pained him. Con
ger put his - finger there, when the dying man at
tempted to cough, but only caused the blood at
his perforated urekto flow more lively. He bled
very little, although shot quite thniugh - , 4edeatli
and behind the-ears, his collar being severed
both s ide-;..
.&,toldier had bememeanwhile despatched for
a doer r, but the route and return was quite six
miles. and the sinner was sinking fast. Still the
women .ntade efforts to get to see him, but wen
always rebuffed, and all, the brandy they could
find was demanded by F the assassin, who motion
ed for strong..drink eveiry two minutes, He made
frequent desires to be turned ovei, not by speech,
but by. gesture, and .he ivus alternately placed
upyn his back, belly and side. His tremendous
.vitality evidenced itselfl almost miraculously.—
Now and then his heart would cease to throb,
and his pulses would be as cold as a dead man's.
Directly life would begin anew, the thee would
flush up effulgently, the eyes open and brigthen,
and soon relapsing, stillness reasserted, would
again be dispossessed by the same magnificent
triumph of a man over mortality. Finally the
fussy little doctor arrived, in time to be toeless.
He primed the wound to see if the ball were not
in it, and shook his head sagely, and talked learn.*
Just at his‘comlng Booth had asked to have his
bands raised and shown him. They were so par
alyzed that he did not know their location. When
.they were displayed, he muttered, with a sad leth
ergy, "useless, useless." These were the last
words he ever uttered. As he began to die the
MIL rose and threw beams into all the tree-tops,
It was at a man's height when the struggle of
death twitehed.and lingered in the fading bravo's
face. His jaw drew spasmodically and obliquely
downward; his eyeballs rolled toward his feet,
and began to swell; lividness, like a horrible"shad•
ow, fastened upon him, nod with a sort of gurgle
and sudden check, he stretched his feet'and threw
his head back and gave up the ghost.
They sewed him up in a saddle-blanket. This
was his shroud ; too like a soldier's. Harold,
meantime, had been tied to a tree, but vraillove
released for the march. Col. Conger pushed on
immediately for Washington; the cortege was to
follow. Booth's only arms were his carbine, knife
and two revolvers. They found about him bills
of exchange, 'Canada money, and a diary. A-Ma
erable old negro living in thevicinity hadthe mis
fortune to possess a horse. This horse-was the
relic of former generations, and showed by his
protruding ribs the generalleanness of the hind!
He moved in an eccentric amble, and when put
upon his steed was generally run backwards.—
To tbis oldrilegro's horse was harnessed a very
shaky and absurd wagon, which rattled like ap
proaching dissolution, and each part of it ran with
out any connection or correspondence with any
other part. It had no tail-board, and its shafts
were sharp as famine; and into this minicry of a
vehicle the murderer was to be sent to the Poto
mac River, while -the man he had murdered was
moving in state across the mciuring continent.—
The old negro geared up his wagon by- means of
a set of fossil harness, and when it was backed to
giarratt's porch, they laid within it the discolored
corpse; The corpse was tied with ropes around
"the legs, and made fast to the wagon side
Harold's legs were tied to stirrups, and he was
pineal in the centre of four murderous-looking
cavalryman. The two sons of Garrett were
taken along, despite the sobs and petitions of the
old folks and woman, but the Rebel Captain who
had given Booth a lift, got off amidst the night's
agitations, and was not re-arrested. So moved
the cavalcade of retribution,
"with death in its
midst, along the read to Port Royal. When the
wagon started, Booth's wound, till .riow scarcely
dribbling, began to run anew. It fell through the
crack ofthe wagon,iaud fell dripping upon the
axle, and spotting the 'read with terrible wafers.
It stained- the planks and soaked nu. blankets.
The progress of the team was slow, with fre
quent danger of shipwreck altogether, but toward
noon the cortege Sled through Port Royal,; whete
the citizens came out to ask the matter, and why
man's body, covered with sombre blankets, was
going by with so great escort. They were told
that it was a wounded Confederate, and so held
their tongues. The little ferry, agaiti in requisi
tion, took them over by squads. and 'they pushed
from Port Conway to Belle Plain, which they
reached iu the middle of the afternoon. All the
way the blood dribbled from the corpse in a slow,
incessant, sanguine exudation. The dead Man
untied and cast upon the vessel's deck,steam got
ten up in a little while, and the broad Potomac
shores saw this skeleton ship flit by, as thebloody
sun threw gashes and blots of unhealthy light
along the river surface.
All the way associate with the carcass went
Harold, shuddering - in so grim companionship,
and in awakened fears - of his own approach
ing ordeal, beyond which it loomed already, the
gossamer fabric of n scaffold. He tried to talk
for his own exoneration, saying he had ridden
.as was his wont, beyond . the East Branch, and re
turning found Booth wounded who begged him
to be his companion. Of his * crime he knew
nothing, so help him God, &e. But nobody lis
tened to him. All interest of crime, courage and
retribution centered in the dead flesh at his feet.
At Washington, high and low turned out to look
on Booth. Only a few were permitted to see his
corpse for purposes of recognition. It was fairly
preserved, though on one side of the face distor
ted, and looking blue like death; and wildly ban
dit-like, as if beaten by avenging winds.
The Secretary of War, without instructions
of any kind, committed to Colonel Lafayette C.
Baker, of the Secret Service, the stark Corpse of
J. Wilkes Booth. The Secret Service never ful
filled its volition more secretively. " What hare
you done with the body I" said I to Baker.
" That is known," he answered, " to only one man
living besides myself. It is • gone. I will not
tell you where ; the only man who iinoweis sworn
to silence ; never till the great trumpeter comes
shall the grave of Booth be discovered." And
this is true. Last night the 27th of April, asmall
row-boat received the carcass of the murderer;
two men were in it; they carried the body off
into the darkness, and out of that darkness it will
never return ; in the darkness, like his great
crime, may it remain forever; impalpable, invisi
ble nondescript, condemned to that worse than
' The river bottom may ooze about it laden with
great shot and drowning manacles The earth
may have opened to give it that silence—and for
giveness which man will never give to ;is memo
ry. The fishes may swim around it. or 'the dai
sies grow white above it; but we shall never
know. Mysterious, incomprehensible, unattaina
ble,,like the dim times through which we live,
and think upon it as if we only dreamed them in
a purturbed fever; the assassin of a natimi's head
rests somewhere In the elements, and that is all ;
but if the indignant seas or the profaned turf shall
ever vomit this corpse from their recesses ; md it
receives Christian burial from some one who
does not recognize it. let the last Words those de
caying lips ever uttered he carved above them
with a dagger, to fell the htstory of a young and
once promising life---usdess ! useless!
" J 91114," said a doting parent to her gormandiz
ing son, "do you really think you can eat the
whole of the pudding with impunity? "I don't
know, ma," replied young . hopeful, " but I guess
I can with a spoon."
Fos the Franklin itepoaltary.
Two vast armies has our Nation, -
On the sea and on the land;
Armies Limed for mighty protress;
Famed for prowess and command,•
Which illumes stir country's records,
Written as with pen of flame,
And through all the mists of ages
Will triumphant live in Fame.
These grand armies scarce resemble--
Yet so nearly are allied,
That a shalloti• river only,
All their mighty hosts divide.
Eager for the rush of'battle•
Where shall lead our Country's stars,
One is marching, where but conquest
Glory's portal e'er unbars.
But the other, mute and tranquil,
Bivourek'd on the shore of Life;
Rank and phalanx, file and column.
Heed no more onr Nation's strife :
Here and there, within the ocean,
On the mountains, dells and plains
Re , t the,' gallantentriot-warriors. -
Where but solemn silence reigns.
Without sentinel or kale guard.
While their legion(' are each day
Reinforced by armies meeting,
, In the hostile, fearful fray,
For the living army marching.
Soon shall'lay aside this strife,
To rejoin their comrades camping,
On the rivettshore of life
° Ifeedloce what the ethning morrow, ,
To all waiting hearta shall bring.
'When revealed, that ever dishonor—
• They have eIIOWI3 Death as King.
Thu , —two armies has oar nation
Woittli apart—yet near aided ' '
- That lme little river only
Do. their mighty ho;ts divide.
Inzglanvon. n. C., Mas. A. L. RUTtlt DCFOI:I4
The special corre.pondent of the Pittsburg Dis
patch gives the following detailed account of the
final surrender of Johnston to Sherman, after
Gen. Grant had arrived at Raleigh with official
notice that the terms of the first surrender were
disapproved by the Government :
On Monday, April 24th, General Sherman, as
directed from Washington, sent a dispatch through
Brevet Major General Kilpatrick, to Gen. John
ston, demanding the surrender of the forces under '
him, oli the same condition allowed by Lieuten
ant General Grant to General Lee and the Army
of Northern Virginia, and notifying him that
oth ra ise, within ii.,rty-eight hours from the time
the message should be received at the picket
front, ho,tilities would he resumed. In reply, the
following from Major General Butler, enclosing
thearaccompanying Erom General Johnston, was
received at Eilpatriek's post at Durham, at four
o'clolik P. Ji., on the 25th, and transmitted to
Raleigh by telegraph :
Trm FIELD, April 24.— . T0 Major Gen.
Sherman, commanding U. S. Army—General :In
'obedience to orders from Gen - . Joe. E. Johnston,
commanding army of Tennessee, I have the hon
or to transmit the dispatch, of which the above
is an official copy. •
(Signed) M. C. BUTLER, Maj. Gen.
THE FIELD, April 2.5.—T0 Maj, Gen. Sherman,
U. S. A.—Your dispatch of yesterday is received.
1 pr r opose a modification of the terms you offered
—suck terms for the army as you wrote on the
18th. They aisomodified according to tke change
of eireatustanees, and a further armistice to ar
range details and'meeting for that purpose.
(S,igne4) Jos. E. JOHNSTON, General
The following additional was received at 120
A. M , April 26, and also transmitted: IN Tiff.
FIELD, April 25, 1865,--Major Gen. W. T. Sher
man, commanding United States Forces—Gen
eral I have had the honor to receive your dis
patch of yesterday, summoning this army to sur-'
render on the terms accepted by General Lee, at
Appomattox Court House. I propose, instead
of such a surrender, terms based on those drawn
up by you on the 18th, for disbanding this army,
and a further armistice and conference to arrange
these terms. The disbanding of General Lee's
firm has afflicted this country with numerous
bands, having no means of 'subsistence but rob
bing, a knowledge of which would, _I am sure, in
duce you to,agree,to otherconditions. Most res
pectfully, your obedient servant,
.1: - E. JOHNSTON, General C. S.A.
In reply Gen. Sherman simply ~ said "Will
meet you at the same time a'nd Viice of former
meeting, and the matters of whie ',you speak will
then be considered." This replyawas carried by
Lt. Fuller, of Kilpatrick's Staff; Uho having wai
ted for an answer nll night at the picket post,.
returned in the morning with the following :
GREENSIfORO, April 26---2 a. m.--Maj. Gen.
W. T. Sherman: Through Ain:). Gen. Butler But
ler. I will meet You at .the time and place you
designate. Is armistice with status quo renewed.
(Signed) J. E. JOHNSTON, General."
-At 12 o'clock on the 213th list., Major General
Sherman, accompanied by Major General Scho
fidld: Major General Howard,: Major General
Blair, and Brevet. Major General Kilpatrick ; also
Major M'Coy and Major Andenreid, of Sherman's
staff; Lieut. Col. Strong, of Howard's staff: Col
Wherry, of Sehoffeld's staff; Major Tompkins,
of Blair's staff; and the whole of Kilpatrick's
Staff, escort, &c., arrived at the house of James
'Bennett, already described by your corrhspondent,
who has been the only representative of the press
present, a t any of these meetings. Five miles from
Durham and eight miles from Hillsboro, General
Johnston was delayed by drailroad accident, and
did not arrive till an bout later. He was then
accompanied by Major General Butler and Col.
Logan, commanding - a brigade in M'Law's
shin of cavalry ; also Major Preston, of Butler's
land Capt. Hampton, cif Johnston's staff. Gen.
iihermati, after a private interview with Gen.
Johnston, and alter the terms of agreement of
surrender had been concluded and drawn up.
called in his own and Johnston's General's to
nitness the signing.
Johnston is said to have been affected to tears.
Much freedom of discussion followed upon the
past and future, the pri'ment state of the country,
and the best policy to be pursued in Securing the
South from predatory bands, in which discussion
Johnston and Butler took equal parts, furnishing
both information and suggestions. Johnston sign
ed an agreement to surrender upon the same terms
as the Army of Northern Virginia.
Butler, iu reply to a question, answered that
probably riot more than tour thousand cavalry re
VOL, 7Q,. WHOLE NO, 3, 05.
mained to be paroled. The res had already left
for home.. Jeff Davis had fled with a large body
guard of cavalry, as soon as Sherman's dispatch
had.reacbed Greensboro, on the 25th. He had,
probably, sought the mountains. There were, in
all probability, eight thousand in the cavalry corps.
Wade Hampton had probably left, too, as he went
to Greensboro from Hillsboro on either the 24th
or 25th.
Maj. Gen. Schofield, now commanding the cen
ter of Sherman's army, will be left in command of
he whole middle district, from Virginia to the
-Savannah. Headquarters at Raleigh. Brevet
Maj. Gen. Kilpatrick, now commanding Sher
man's cavalry, will also remain to assist, report
* to Maj. Gen. Schofield, and holding the head
quarters at Greensboro'. These two Generals
will together suppress the banditti;-and promote
order. As soon as, they can be known, trusty
men will be appointed in each , county to superin
tend the :local citizen Police. `This police force
will have the countenance of the government,
and will receive arms and rations. Gen. Meigs
will also he requested to supply quartermasters
'with funds to recompense country dealers for
supplies, rind_ thus restore confidence, currency
and enterprise. Col. Wright, Gen. Sherman's
Chief Railroad Engineer, will at once repair the
railroad between here turd Greensboro'. When
the ordeal and details of the surrender, upon the
rolls now being made out by Johnston's army will
be perfected.
1 The Raleigh and Gaston railroad will probably
be in operation before this reaches you, as there is
but one bridge down; upon which CoL Wright is
already working. In consideration of the govern
ment restoring this bridge, the railroad company
furnishes locomotives and passenger cars.
The right and left wings of his army (General
Sherman) will march to Maryland to be disban
-Aed. The troops will move provisioned and with
out forage. _ '
Gen. Sherman has 'authorized paroled officers
of Lee's army in North Carolina to resist the un
licensed operations of his own bummers, who,
evading discipline, scout to the distance of thirty
miles from the army, end are an unmitigated
scourage to the country.
Your correspondent, with only two scouts, Win.
Congor, Kilpatrick's Chief of Scouts, and John
Risdon, traveled the whole distance from Durham
Station to Suffolk on horseback, not only unmo
lested, but hailed all along the route with empha
tic hospitality. The country through which I
passed has all the •appearance of being utterly
subdued. I met numbers of Lee's soldiers, most
ly paroled, some that bad escaped, however, as
they claimed, without surrendering; but all with
one voice seemed rejoiced at the capitnbitionhf
Johnston and the close of the war. Nowhere was
my progress questioned, but on the other hand,
everywhere was manifested a disposition to keep
me on my way. Thank God, was the frequent
response to my news of Johnston's surrender. I
crossed the Roanoke at Halifax Ferry, and the
Chowan at Winton's; started from Durham,
Thursday, the 27th, 94 a. mg and arrived at Suf
folk, Saturday, 29th at 6 o'clock, p. m., without
changing horses. Major Gen. Barry, Col. Poe,
Major Nicolls, and 'other officers of Sherman's
staff joined me at -Fortress Monroe, having left
Raleigh Friday night, and come up through the
canal. Also, Col. Jones, of the Eighth Indiana
cavalry, who left Durham station Wednesday
night. Gen. Sherman has started on a tour of
Wilmington, Chiirleaton and Savannah. The part
of his army destined to be immediately disbanded
were already on the march to Petersburg and
Richmond by the most direct route.
It is due to Sherman to testify that from what
I could see on my ride 'through North Carolina,
meeting citizens and soldiers of till ranks, Sher
-man seems to bare conquered twice, the second
time by his magnanimity, and so effectually that
those I spoke with already coupled a name so ha
ted by them with sincere honor and reverence.
Sherman, by the South, at least, seems likely to
be remembered next to Lincoln as a pacificator.
A prominent officer who came down on the same
car with Gen. Grant from Raleigh reports the
following: Gen. grant, glancing at a newspaper,.
coetainieg the report of Gen. Sherman's proposed
arrangement submitted to the President, accom
panied by a very severe editorial criticism, said,
I regret the publication of Sherman'a report at
the time.. Sherman has done too much for the
country to be slighted now for a slight mistake: a
mistake that instead of treachery, of which Gen.
Sherman is utterly incapable, grew alone oat of.
sincere patriotism: I. cause Sherman for the
western campaign because he was at that time
the only one who had developedsufficient qualifi
cations. ' Neither has any other since illustrated
the same ability. Sherman's success at Goldsboro
necessitated my own at Richmond. Whenlffier--.
Man is fully understood, the public tongue must
do him better justice."
The correspondent of the New York Herald
gives the following account of the surrender. -
'At air o'clock on the morning of the 24th, Gen.
Sherman notified Johnston that hie terms were
not accepted and that the truce would end in for
ty-eight hours. Later in the day he sent another
demanding surrender of his army on the same
terms accorded to Lee. Johnston replied on the
25th, asking an interview for the purpose of mod
ifying the previous agreement and surrendering,
his army. Shermari declined to discuss the sub
ject on the basis of the old agreement, but named
the time and place where he would meet him.
Johnston accepted. They accordingly met near
Durham's Station, about twenty-sevenmileiv from
Raleigh, oaths 26th. Sherman arrived on time
but an accident to the train by which Johnston
was coming from Greensboro, delayed his arrival
several hours. He finally made his appearance,
looking much worse for the past two weeks of
anxiety and trouble, but was outspoken and frank
in arranging the agreement for his capitulation.
A few minutes of conversation settled the prelim
inaries and terms. These were "soon reduced to
writing and signed, and are the same as those ex
tended to Lee, all - trough probably not expressed
in the same languag.e. The negotiations were
conducted in General Sherman's name, and John
ston had no intimation of Lieutenant Gen. Grant's
- presence at Raleigh until the final terms of ca
pitulation were signed, when Grant quietly wrote
his approval on the back of them.
During the interview between Gene. Sherman
and Johnston, the latter uniformly declared the
war was over; to continue it a moment longer
would not only be wrong but criminal, and when
the Southern people learned that his army and
Gen. Lee's had surrendered, there would be none
to counsel a longer continuance of the contest.
He stated openly that his troops should fight no
longer, and if he could not obtain reasonable and
satisfactory terms he would disband and send
them home. The armies were near sixty miles
apart at the time the terms of capitulation were
signed. Gen Sherman had moved part of his
army far beyond Raleigh beffire the tyce was
'agreed upon. After the sigeing of the famous
memoranda, this was drawn back to the latter
city, except Kilpatrick's cavalry, Which picketed
the line of country about twenty-five miles beyond
Raleigh. Johnston's troops were well back to
wards Greensboro'. The railroad between the
two armies was in running order all the time, and
the opposing Generals proceeded by rail to a point
nearly an equal distance, where their interviews
were held. The telegraph was also in working
order through Johnston's army to Selma, Macon,
Montgomery and other Southern cities. Sher
man's first news of Wilson's 'successes at these
places was received over wires running through
the of the rebel States. Johnston even
went so far as to facilitate the transmission of
news to and from Wilson, and begged Gen. Sher
man to put an immediate stop to his further de
vastion of the southern country.
The terms of General Sherman's original mem
orandtuu are reported to have had the approval
of his army commanders and many able and in-
thential officers. Generals Blair and Logan
were among the number who dissented, and are
reported to have done all in their power to pre
vent the consideration of these proposals. At the
time the surrender was agreed to Gen. Sherman
had just received the information of the general
satistliction the terms ofLee's surrender afforded
the North, and he believed that a greater spirit
o f magnanimity prevailed than at any former pe
rind. He had a copy of the Richmond Whig in
which was a proclamation of General Weitzel
concerning the rebel Legislature of Virginia.
Everything conspired to make him lenient The
same correspondent says that from certain indi
cations it is probable Jeff Davis will continue his
flight southward, and endeavor to reacli'Cuba in
sonic small vessel or fishing boat from a point on
the Florida coast. Rumor places a heavy suM to
his bank account in Havana. The story that he
has a large amount of treasure With him is con
sidered doubtful.
The Washington correspondent of the Tribune
gives the following explanation of the orriginal
terms of capitulation accepted by General Sher
ban • •
Gen. (rant , and.partYarrivedliere direct from
Newhertiin twer - ity-four hours. The. General is
re Ported to have stated thntrwhen he first broach
ed to Gen. Sherman
. the subject of the singular
conditions be had agreed to. for. the surrender of
Johnston's Army, the General instantly respon
ded that he bad been thinking the matter all over
and he believed he had made one mistake, that
was, that he did not require Johnston ,to put in
writing that Slavery should be considered dead.
But he continued. "That was our understand
ing. The permission for the assembling and re
cognition of the .13.ebel State Legislature was
brought about by the fact having wine to their
knowledge that the Virginia Rebel Legislature
had been given permission by President Lincoln
to convene at Richmond. Gen. Sherman inter
preted, in the absence of official instructions, as
the President's desire that the civil governments
of the Rebel States should be retained for the pre
serration of order and to avoid the necessity for
the maintenance of a military force in
States, as well as to do away with the irritation
likely to grow out of military government. A
question was also raised as to the extent of the
amnesty under these terms. Gen. Sherman in
sisted that the exemptions were only to cover o&
firers and soldiers. When his atteution was crit
ically called to the peculiar ptinaseolov of the
investment, he replied, with much spirit, "That
does'nt express the understanding between us "
When Davis skedaddled from Richmond he es
tablished. what was left of his bogus government
in Danville lie., hoping that Lee would protect
him there. But he had scarcely got located there
before the thunder of loyal cannon and the news
of Lee's surrender made him fly for parts un
known. A correspondent gives the following ac.
count of his entry and exit there: '
Danville, on the morningof April, 3, presented
an unusually lively aspect. The news of the evac
uation of Richmond had reached the place.—
Crowds of men, women, and children, black and
white, gathered around the depot at the telegraph
office-to hear the news. A thousand and one ru
mors were rife. Soon the overloaded trains be
gan to arrive, and the confirmation of the sad
news, with many additional particulars,. was ea - -
gerly listened to by the impatient crowd of by
standers. Soon the train containing Mr. Davis
- was announced.- As the p6ple crowded around
the car which contained him, not a demonstration,
not even a faint cheer was given, but a look of the
blackest description settled upon the features of
every one present. But, alas, for the blind de
voteee of the cause of the rebellion, the worst had
not yet come: Mr. Davis was immediately invi
ted to the palatial residence of Maj. W. B. Stith
erlin. Mr. Trenholm, and several other dignita
ries accompanied him. Here he remained until
he was obliged to leave the place a few days af
ter. Mr. Benjamin, the fat little Secretary of
State, with the air of a French dancing master,
had a smile—l should have said ifgrin—foreVery
one. By the vast- influx of strangers. Danville
was thronged; every place wall filled to its ut
most, and the departmental clerks who accom
panied the effects of the differentoffiees remained
in the cars, converting them into offices, ware
houses, kitchens, and bedchambers. The Greens
boro Extension Railroad was used to ib3 utmost
capacity in transporting people who were en route
- South—some to their homes, others to visit some
friends, under whose roofs they might tarry . until
they could shift elsejvhere for themselves.—
The greatest state Of uncertainty prevailed; sod
the people were beginning to feel really alarmed
at not hearbig from Gen. Lee's army. Six days
passed of this terrible suspense. Brig. Gen. H.
H. Walker, who commanded the line of defence
on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, was in
command of the place: He was in daily commu
nication with Mr. Davis, still no accurate infer,.
mation could be heard from Gen. Lee. It was
confidently expected that he would make his way
to the Danville Railroad, and make the Staunton
river the line of his defence. Sufficient time had
elapsed for his plans (if such they were. and such
was the general impression) to be developed, and
not one word was heard from him.
General Walker sent out scouts,' to be carried
down the railroad to Staunton river, then to make
the beat Way they could to General Lee's army.
Thif. went within sight of the armies, and return
ed With the information of the surrender, which
at first was generally disbelieved. It was kept
secret; but by the time General Walker had rid
den toltr. Davis' house the news began to spread,
and two hours afterwards every one knew it.
Nearly all night was spent by many in the discus
sion of the situation. Morning dawned, and, like
the people's heart, was dull and heavy-looking.
Then began the exodus. • Stoneman's =Mere were
reported between Danville and Greensboro; caus
ing painful apprehension to those who contem
plated flight southward. It was over one week
-'from the evacuation of Richmond before the news
of the surrender of Lee was known in Danville.
;By this time the wagon trains and those who had
'-left Richmond on foot began to arrive, and the
place was more thronged than ever. As all the
cars Were packed when they arrived in Danville,
and the wagons also, many valuable stores of
great varietywere destroyed. Mr. Davis and
Cabinet left on a train, and were fired into by
Stoneman's men just before they burned the tres
tle-work over Needy Ford creek.
The evacuation of Danville began on Tuesday
morning, and by Wednesday morning every one
who could get away had gone. Then began one
of those scenes so common in the South'in places
evacuated. The poor of the place began to plun
der indiscriminately commissary stores, quarter
master stores, medical stores:—those that had ac-
Cumulated by the blockade—of such quality That
the poor of Danville had not seen, save in their
dreams, during the war and in ante bc/lum time.
Not only did plunder fall exclusively into the hands
of the poor of the city, but they came from the
country by droves. In the midst of the excite
ment a magazine exploded, and the explosion of
the shells added greatly to the excitement.
GOOD ADvICE.—lf the body is tired, rest; if
the brain is tired, sleep. If the bowels are loose,
lie down in a warm bed and remain there, and
eat nothing until you are well. If an action of
the bowels does not occur at the usual hour, eat
not an atom till they do act, at least for thirty-six
hours; meanwhile drink largely of cold water or
hot teas, exercise in the open air to -the extent of
a gentle perspiration, and keep this up till things
are righted; this one suggestion, if practiced,
would save mynads of lives every year, both in
the city and the country. The best medicinesin
the world are warmth, abstinence and repose.—
HaU's Journal of Health.
PERSONAL AppEARAxcE..--Attention to one's
outward appearance is one of the first elements
of politeness. Want of cleanliness, slovenly or
dilapidated attire, are an affront to the persons
we approach. Anything like dirtyness—the very
word offends—is utterly unpardonable and load
minable. Man, naturally the nudest of animals,
has necessarily the greatest need of personal neat
ness. Most of the nations of antiquity bathed
daily, or oftener. Ablutions were, and still are,
in many countries, a religious practice. Perfumes
are quite gone out of fashion, being left to be used
almost exclusively by persons of questionable
RELIGIOUS LIFE—The beauty of a relig
ious life is one of its greatest recommendations':
What does it profess? Peace to all mankind. It
teaches us those arts which will render us belov
ed and respected, and which will contribute - to
our present comfort as well as our fitture happi
ness. Its greatest ornament is charity—it Incul
cates noting but love and sympathy of affection—
but it breathes nothing but the purest spirit of de
light; in short, it is a system perfectly calculated
to benefit the heart, improie the mind, enlighten
the understanding.
WITT SHE TASTED AND Slstufr.-L-The Buffalo
Courier says that a Chautauqua county M. D.,
who owns land on Cassadaga creek, near where
an oil spring has been discovered, visited the other
day:in company with his daughter, and finding no
difficulty ideloth smelling and tastingSbe real pe:
troleum. appealed to her, to knbw what success
she was sheeting with, to which the young lady
replied: "Well, yes, father, I think Ido taste
and smell oil, but I do not think I could if you did
not ownlands on the creek."
- A PRonmuurr.—Jonathan and his frien
Paddy were enjoying a delightful ride, when they
came in sight of what is very unusual in any civ..
ilized State now-a-days—an old gallows or gibbet.
This suggested to the American the idea of being
witty at the expense of his Irish companion.
"Yon see see that, I calculate," said be nasally,
pointing to the object just mentioned : "and now
where would you be if the gallows had its dues 7"
"Riding ALONE," coolly replied Paddy.
A CURIOUS LNCIDEICT.--An occasional comes•
pondent writing from the front, relates a curious
incident. A lieutenant of the rebel army deserted
and cams into our lines. On his way he met one
of our men deserting and malting the best of his
way to the rebel lines. The rebel took the Union
man prisoner, and brought bhn in to the procost
marshal where he was held to.answer for his of
fence. This incident; strange though it may seem,
se an actual-fact•