Inouvince. A=RICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia:\ Incorporated . 1850. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Cavitel, Cial3,ooo, Paid-Up Capital, 5230,000. Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trristees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon D ECAL POLICIES during the year ending December 31st; 18G3, and in force at that date. the above amount to be creditedlu said Policies, and have also ordered the divi dend oflB6o on Poildes issued during that year to be, paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies are re. ceived. OFFICERS. President—Alexander Whilldin. ,accraay an d Tratiary•—John S. Wilson. • Actuory-;--John C. Sims. BOARD OF TREWEES.—Alexandei Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert C,Xoberts, P. 13. Wangle, Samuel Work, William 'J. Ilowar Ho; Joseph Allison, Samuel'''. Bodin!), John Altman, Charles F. Hearlitt, Isaac Ilazlehurst. W.M. G. REED, Chambersburg, Pa., is the authorized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com. pany, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insmances. DRS. J. C. RICHARDS and W. It BOMB, Medical Ex aminer*. REFERENCES—Hun. A. KM'Clure, Rev. S. J. Mc lean., J. S. Nixon, Chambersbuig, and Wm. M. Marshal), Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank. Penton. desiring information or wis hing to !mm o will Please call on, or by addressing the undersigned they will be waited on in any part of the Couhty or State. rnarM W. G. REED, Agent. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. - ERA NA - LIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHLA. ASSETS On January' 1, 1864 CAPITAL , ACCEPTED SIMPLER. CIVERTED:PREIIIVMEI UNSETTLED CLAMS, I 11",c0313: I'oll 1884 $2,416. 1300,000. • Loni; PAM SINCE 1829 S 3, R. 5 000,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON rtml:rwmrn DIRECTORS: Charles N: Banker, Isaac Lee, . ' Tobias \ Vaguer, s- ' Edward. C. Dale. Samuel Grant, - Geo. Falee, Jacob R, Smith, Alfred Paler, George W. Richards, Frus. W. 'Lewis, K D. CHARLES N. BANCKER. President, EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Jas. W. IL'Atlsisma., Soo'y pro. tem. DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Coin• puny in Chambrobtirg, who will furnish WI information necessary to applicants. marM4f. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL $500,000. Office 232 Walnut Street, Phila delphia. The prompt payment of Cloture for Losses during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has been in existence, entitles them to the confident* of the public This company will also Insure against loss by WAR or MVASION. Persons wishing to insure will please call on or address the underlifgneeL W. G. REED, Agent, Chambersbarg. , As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies coveting property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, returning the full premium paid on applicition at my office. • W. G. REED, Agent. REVERENCISB J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin, Col. A. S. M'Clure. febB nIETR AGENT.—Mr. Join GROVE, of Chaithersbarg, is the General Agent of the Frank lin County bintual Insurance Company. juitel) Auotrat. M ASON •& .HAIILIh'S CABINET ORGANS. MELODEONS were introduced some twenty - years since, and were sriecemlfsl by the lIARMONIISIIS about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN was hrought toita present state of perfection only in the summer of 1862. THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of the kind, is eapeddeof arackfraer effects than can be produced by may other, and is more easily 4ssed by the performer, and excels especially In capacity forerpressirm. OF' Meese notice advance...Ts prices. • CABINET ORGANS.—Sroc.LE REED. No. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case $llO No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case' 135 No. 17. Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 130 No. 18. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.... 160 DOI:BLE REED. No. 19.1 Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak case 140 No. Z). The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 165 No. 21. Five Octave, Double. Reed. In %Valuator Oak Cs se 170 No. W.. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 200 No. M The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut or. Oak, with Walnut Carvings 500 Sts Nror.. No. 14. Six Stop i Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Cak Case :100 P. 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. ltkl EIGHT STOP. No. EL Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in.Wrilnut or Oak Case 425 Na. 11. The Same, in elegant Rosewood'Case. ..... 7400 No. 24. The Same, in Solid Carved --Walnut 500 PEDAL BAss. No. 10. Pedal Sass Cabinet Organ, In Walnut or Oak Case 600 'Cams of zara finish on hand, or made ZO order. MELODEONSI No. 5. Five Octave, Piano Style, Rosewood Ca5e...0150 No. 6. The Same, Portable, Rosewood Case 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case. 95 No. 9. Four Octave, Fellable, Rosewood Case... 75 fa" Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the subscri ber. As Agents for 31easrs. Mason & Hamlin si - e are enabled to sell at their New York- prices, and charge nothing for freight. We have add a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisthefory references. - S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent, Chambersburg, Pa. BRg 11 Eiquers. rrrrrrrrry P 'Of ; R T E R S WIRES . AiID I Q IVO . LAUMAN,i•SALLADE & CO., NO. /2S SOUTH NINTH STREET., ;Between, Chestnut and Walnut Strata, Prlitaddphia. GEO. M. Li lar.A.v, t A. M. SALLADE, . J. D. BINTINO, ; RIVESE, !GARDRAT & CO.'S SITIERIORiCOGNAC BRANDY, ' VINTAGE OF 1838, E t ch bottle healed with green'wax. with tee initials of the Brm. IMPORTED BY LAUNAN., BALLADE & CO. SUPERIOR OtD 3SIADEIRA WINE PINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK NYLNES AND kV AESORTRENT OF PINE BRANDS OP CHAMPAGNE. • OSRORNE & CO.'S , OPORTO. , , VERY %DEE AND DELICATE • OLtl POR , T - WrNE, Each bottle Seal ed with yellow wax with the initiate of the FL= )IcPciltirD BY LA1,131 , BALLADE & CO., • , No. la . .d Ninth Street, Philadelphia. . - OLD •RY-E,-WHISKEY, • OLD AT WHISKEY, • I WARRANTED. c.,, j OBEHII LTZ WHIS,KE.Y., , ? :ST WHISKEY, .' WERR 'S WHISKEY, ; . T :FEY'S WHISKEY, • - ( Aso III: A t !D IN G WISES, LAHMAN!, SALLADE & CO., • No. I^P Smith Ninth Street, Philadelphia. DlMay. 1 . Jrj anb Sancti Gooto• G 0,.i11) NE W S I.),RY GOODS' tottd.DiG AT REDI I C ED PRICES! WIA. WALLACE & CO. • Amin receipt of a largo tot of Goods, bought at reduc ed prices, at the late Nee., York A nellons, to witiell they invite the attention of Oil- public.- To persous In want of Dry (Moth we nay now is the time to buy. 'co the ladies we offer a large autortment ,nf Dress Goods : -- Black and'Fanci Silks, Spring Poplins, "llnratt e • - Plata and Fancy, Debates, Se. We have a good asworuneat of Carpets, Matting, 011 Cloths, which we n lt sell low. * Coll sal/natal get brirVius. at L.. HMO! - Will. WALLA.CE & CO'S. kEE MERE I—Staten Island Fancy Dye _ t,Establiskment!—Ttin largest and most complete • EAM DYELN(Fb...SCOU MINH ESTABLISHMENT in the World. Grand Combination of French, Herman, & y rj egee LAlmost every dt,seriptien of Bilk awl Febile, Cleaned and Dyed to give antigaelion— • GIAWEB, Cleaned Laid Dyed In the tint style of the Are. Mlle O the time. for Renotating Spring CO. BARRETT, NEPHEW:, & Philture.,. OtSee: 47 North Eighth Street, between Mar ket-b. Awl; East Side. • y or k °Mei: Nis. & 7 San St., and 718 Broad nuarcl4l9-11in (OLD 199! AND DRY GOODS AND • no tions In proportion, at the Cheep Cash Stoat of "METCALFE & HITESLIEW, where you Rill always find a 818 stock to select from. We Fume on band a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Costs. Circulars, Sacks and Shawls; Bugle Trimmings and Bottom. Corsets Hoop Skirts, Oil Cloths, &0., . apnl 5 METCALFE & lIITESHEW. lamp anDrilitetitittes. it NE:IP DRUG STORE, - BROWN'S ROT 0. 1 !, har WELL SP:6MT --m•EICK PURE DRUU-S'; 62,457,849 95 ~ €400,000 ~. 971 000 .... 1,086,24 West End of Brown's Hotel SCHENCK's SEA WEED TONIC,4T SPAIiGLER'S. OOSTAR''S RAT EXTERMINATOR, at SPANGLER'S. ENNEDY'S lIEDICALDISCOVERY, 1.. X. Lindsay's Searcher, --- • llogtetter%, Bitten+, • Helmbolerg Mackin, _ - Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Scraita:a Panacea, Roofland's German Bitters, at SPANGLER'S. SOZODONT FOR THE TEETH, AT - SPANGLER'S. BURNEFThi COCOAINE FOR IJ HAIR at SPANGLER'S. SW AIM'S PANACEA, AT SPANGLER'S. A - VER'S PILLS, Wr Pills; ' ' Toccamad's Pills, at DR — CTGSf DRUGS!! C. ii. cril:SNLEit, successor to IiEYsZR & CRESS. ;tER, hag npenna in his new mom, on Second street, oppo site the Post Office, where every effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the iirrn re ceived is respectfully solicited.' A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals. and Patent Medicines is now Mired, Ala, a desirable assortment of Perfuthery, -Soups, l'oket Books, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Coen/sties, Dentifriees, and Palley Artieles in great variety. REROSCNE LAMPS.—Every description of Hand Lamiis, Stand Lamps, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for litthen use, Parlor ass, Store use and Ott lee THE, BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. - . Family byes of all Colors. Everytaing in a Druggists line of business, la'Pres. criptlons rereicd special attention, and are compnumleil trith care and skill. C. H. CRESSLEII, S Second Street, opposite the Post Mice. MY STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF DRUGS. Sze., is very full. A full litof Patent Sfedieines ulnat son hand. NTROX. „SeriM -1.4c-EW GAIWEN SEEDS.—I am now able to supply those whU delight in gardening, with several new surtenes of Lettuce, Cabbage, Melons, &e. All other Garden Seeds in large quantities on hand. NIXON. PERSON 8 VROM A DlSTANCE'send ingg for the arm seeds will enclose stamps for return postage. Try the new Cabbage. NIXON. MELONTs.—The orange Melon parts from the that must al an Orange does. 'Me Ice Creaulatelon ham a remarkably thin rind. , THE EARLIEST CUCIIMIIER EX TANT.—Purchase your seeds from Nixon. These seeds produce cucumbers ten days in advance of any other variety. - • NIXON. SLEDS NEATLY PUT UP FOR MAlL ing to any yak of the county. fiend for new 'sureties NIXON. „t — attbierp attb Illarnego. ADDLERY! RE nOVAL!!-- .LeatExtAH OYSTER respectfully returns hie thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement reeei• 'veil from them heretofore, and he would invite then, and the community generally, who may need auy thing in his line, to give him a roll at bis new stand, on Main Street, un the same site oceupielt by 1n,,, previous to the tire, ahem he keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS a! his own manufacture, and he In prepared to eel.' the same nn terms that defy cotnpeti lion. Beery article offered fur sate is warrentod to be made of the best materiel and by- competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated on an examination there of. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also cull the attention of penteas wanting u good, neat and cheap and substuntati Trunk orValise to his assortment. aprill9 - - - GORDON KEEPS ON HA ND large aswrtment' of Saddles, Barness, Collar, Blind Bridles, Biding Bridles, ktulter% Birthing, Sleigh and :Stage ;Ashes, Lead Reins,. Halter and Hitching Strops, Wagon Lines, Wooden- Stirrup% eovered or an. covered. CARTRIDGE BOXES H. Gon g MN has a supply of Cartridge Boxes that will held furty•fiee of Henry's Repeating 'title Cartridges, Call and see one and all. TO PERSONS WHO OWI HORSES.- A. HOW to tart Corn and Oats.— ll . yourself a good.' Rome 'Blanket at C. U. (10111:10.V. and keep yonr Homes warm.' CH. GORDON'S PLACE OF BUST • Hess ix on South Main stud, onn door South of Dr: J. L. Sueaaorott's offlre. Term. CA1411.., BLINDS AND SHADES:: B. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, - mANUFACTUREtt OF VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW BFIADEA. The largest and./innowsssornnent in the eitild.the torrot. _cash prices. STORE SHADES made andiettered. •• march 29;2m D. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OP FICE on Second Street, one equare South of Une Market Rome. over MinnieWe 840 e Sax. , Lineal ISi - I R, d at his• one door west CHEMICALS I=l EXT MEDICINES KEROSENE °if, -.AMPS PERFUICEIIY SOAPS &.e. I= iranklin tlepozitarti, Chambosburg, Watiteo anb jattlxz GEO. DEMERIT dt CO._ JEWELERS, 30a BROADWAY, NKW YORK, (CORNER DVA.SE STREET.) 100,000 WA.T .O AHES CHAINS, GOLD PENS ANDYPENCILS WORTH $500,000! TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITYIUT REGARD TD v. And not to be paid until you knotelhat you will receive! SPLENDID LIST OP 'ARTICLES ALL TO BE SOLD iDR ONE DOLLAR EACH 100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches MO Gold Watches - 500 Ladles' Watches 35 00 :500 Silver Watches 815 00 to 8.25 00 600 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 CO to 13 00 1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 5 CIO to 15 00 30CY1 Vest and Neck Chains 400 to 12 00 4000 Solitaire Jet and 001 d Brooches... 403 tc.! 800 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, Se., Brooches, 3 00to 800 7600 Gold, Jet, Opal, &a, Ear Drops._ 300 to 800 5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 300 to 1 800 6000 Oval Band Bracelets- 4 300 to 800 2000 Chased Bracelets 500 to 10160 3530 California Diamond Pins and Rings. 9. 50 to 800 :2000 Gal Watch Kois rAXX) Solitaire Sleere Buttons and Studs. 200 to 800 3000 Gold Tbimbles 400 to 6CO .5000 Miniature Lockets 3000 Miniature Lockets, Magic 400 to t) 00 zocrGolit Toothpicks, Crosses, dze 200 to 600 3000 Fob and Ribbon Sliges 200 to 5-90 soul Chased Gold Mogi 200 to 500 4000 Stone Set Rings... 7. 200 to 600 6500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet Gold sal to 15 00 6000f8Cts Ladies' Jewelry.-raried styles .3 00 to 15 00 eOOO Gold Pens, SilveaGase and Pencil 400 to 800 4000 Gohl Pencils, Ebonkiloider S Case 6 CIO to: - .40 00 61450 Gold Pens, Mounted Holder 2 00 to - 0 00 All the goods in the above List will be sold, without re eervatton, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Ceridtleateant all the rarioug article% are placed in similar env eloka sealed and infixed: These envelopes will be sent by reall, or de livered tit our office, - wittiout veglinl to choice. On reeeiv ing a Certificate, you will sae what article it represants, ataritTioptional with yoti' to sendana dollar, and receive the article named, or any other in the list of same value By this mode we give selections from a varied Mock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, and of in trinsic worth, at a nominal pirCe, while all have a chance of:securing articles of the very highest value. In all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the basin er,a, 25 cents each. Fire certificates will be sent fm $1; Eleven. for 82; Thirty for 85; Siitytfire $10; and One Hundred MEM REASONS WHY ' We sbotilrl supply your wants; otlr fueilities are unsur passed ; our work of unrivalled exeollenee ; our promises punctually observetL Our central location brings us near the most remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacturer, and of the late,4 and most desirable styles. The goods must be sold. and the terms are unequalled.— All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail IVe guarantee entire satisfaction iu every instance, and if there should be auy person dissatisfied with any article they may theeive, they 'vigil immediately return it . , and the price trill he refunded. AGF.Yrs.—We allow tho, acting as Agenni Ten Cents on each Certificate ordered, provided their remittance amount to One Dollar. f They will ealleet 25 cents for every Certificate, and, re taining 10 rent., remit to no 15eents for °ltch. tddrewt, (4EO. DEMERIT & CO., ma Broadway, New York march] lm IVATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c fraving‘ just opened a.vrell selected assortment of goods io my line, directly - Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street, - where my old and I - hope many new customers will find me during biisineos hours. My old stock having been re duced very suddenly on the 30th of July last, I was com pelled to buy an „Entire Now - Stock of Goods, will/ 11 are of the latest styles and patterns, consisting of Gold arid Silver (Imported and American) Gent's and Ladies' Watches, Jewelry of fine and medium qualities, Silver Thimbles, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Gold Pens of fine quality, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Strops and Brushes, Silier Plated Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives, Jett Goods, T Pocket Books, • ' Ladies' Parses, • . Nail and Tooth Brushes, Redding and Pocket Combs, Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels, Large and Small Willow Baskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Flutes, - Fifes, Banjos, • Tamboriaes, Accordeons, • Flutirtas, &c. The assortment of CLOCKS is large and of every va ri ty. e I have on hand the lIENRY REPEATLNG RIFLE, which can be fired fifteen limes in that many seconds. Everybody should have one for self defence. publid are invited to cull and examine them. PISTOLS on hand and orders fillpti for any kind that Mdv be wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on hand., - -140 m long experience I can adapt Spectacles to the sigVt of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver and Steel Frames al ways on hand- Having the agency for the salubf the celebrated BUR GLAR AND Flltg-PROOP SAFE. manufactured by Farrell, Herring & Co., I will till orders at the martufac• tures price. All Information In regard to.them given. The publin are invited to call and examine the stock. Watches, Clocks and 'Jewelry repaired at low rates to suit the times. decl4 EDWARD AUGHINBAUGH. HENRY HARPER, No. 520 Anal - StREET, ABOVE FIVTII, ISannfactnrer anti tinnier NIT4TCHES, _FINE JEWELIIY, • SOLID SILVER WARE. , AND SUPERIOR SILVER PLATED WARE marcht?•2•3lnos= ULI HOLDEN, INVITES THE AT juj 'oration of every reader of this paper,- which includes many thousand of his old pairons and artpiaintaneets, to his unusually lai g e ane beautiful variety of AMERICAN Imported WATCHES, CLOCKS, and elegant designs of JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, _ • ELI HOLDEN, 708 Market Street, Philadelphia. IE2I tobacco aub eecgais. TACOBS' TOBACCO. AND CIGAR it, STORE.—HavIng re-built my Tobacco and Cigar Store on Sonth Main street, (corner of Washington 4 Mal 13 streets,) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite all to call and examine my stook, consisting of CREWING TOBACCO: Congress, all kinds, Cavendish, Twist, alt kinds. , Rom Twist, Flounder, Old Virginia, Navy,• Roney Dew, Michigan Fine Cut, dua., &C. Anderson Shorts Solace, Talisman, Hart's Delight, Plantation, Sunny Side, &e. SNUFFS.: Rappee, • Scotnb, Coarse. - Large Hand, j 'OICI BiiI RINO: Lick, Cut and Dry, ' Danville, Lynchburg. -. Garabaltil, James River, - Grant, Brad, Sigel. sop ‘..'l A A. JACOBS. EMOYAL OF B U S T H ' S TOBACCO flu AND SEGAR STORE—The nruiersigned has re moved his Totweo and Segar Store to his new room, on SECOND STREET, nett door tothe Friendship Engine Honer, where he will keep on hand a complete stoek of TOBACCO AND SEGA ftB, suellas Natural Leaf, Mich igan and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. aprils C. H. HUSH. JACOBS & S ysE R. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In ' TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 310 A'arth Third Street, abore Vine, West Side, PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. D. JACOBS, late of Chamb'g, Pa, ARNIM E. Ssirsg --- LARGEASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO and BEGARS, wholesale and retail, at SHAPER & STUART'S, on Qnsen street, East of tholfetlxxllst (March.' OtOettieS, Su. GELWICKS -oz; BUR,KHA•RT S E L L Pickles by the Dozen, and in jars, readilor the table, Pickled and Preserved Fruits, Spiced 03-Aters Canned Peaches, Jelly at all kinds, each $lOO 00 60 00 Fine Ground Coffees, and Prime Teas, Fine E`heese, Water, Buda, Ginger, Butter and Sugar Crackers, Also—Carry Galas mannfacture of all khufslut Confer cr tianery•, sell Itsilisi(ns, Alnionda, Filberts, Figs, Walnuts 2SO to 600 Oranges, Lemons and all _kinds of French and imported Confectioner• and Fruit& Call and examine fur yourself. 200 to 900 No - Charge fur showing Koala march:. ) F AR ME RS:L K 1 'lO GELWICKS BURKHXRTS, WHOLESALE: AND RETAIL DEALERS,' ° 1,000 Packages of Na 1, N'o: 2 arid N 0.3 Mackerel FRESH AND CHEAP, in is iole, half, quarter and Eli Bring along Potatoes, Bacon, ,Lard, Tallow, Butter, - Eggs, Soap, Dried Fruit, Bags, &., tite., and get the high est rash price for them. We bought our Fish in large onuntity,direet from flrat hinds, sod will sell them CRAP. MI Fiat guaranteed as represented, or no see. THE PEOPLE'S FINE GELWICKS X. BURKHART Have the largest stock of goods in town. This is acknowl edged by all. They do not confine themselves to The Gro- eery and Provision business alone, but bay and sell almost every description of goods, from the suardleqt Yankee °a lion up to hogsheado Of Sugar and sfolaases,. ,Goods sold wholegtto to Country• Merchants as cheap as any house in Philatlell hi k GELWICKS & 43URKHART, WHOLESALE-AND RETAIL DEALERS Bellgueenr,Ware, Stone-Ware, - 13insbes, Brooms, Bed come, Wash Lines, Sperm Oil, Whale Oil, Coal Oil, Fer iiewne Oil, I.lll3rimitisig Oil, Horse Cards, Curry (limbs, Haltes, Twines and Cord& NEW ARRIVAL AND - A FURTHER decline iri prices at tlig-family GROCERY, GLASS. AND QUEENSWARE STORE OF E.-D. REID, Corner of Main and Washington streets, , consisting in part of Prime Green Coffee, 'Peas, Sugars, Syrups, - New drop Orleans Baking 3tolasses, Fresh City Cured Dams (warranted prime), Dry Beet Rounds, Pickled Salmon, - No. 1 Shore Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2 Bay Mackerel, Canned Fruits dad Jellies,_ Fresh Ground Spices. Cedar Ware, Willow Baskets, Stone Ware, • • - Rockingham Ware, &c, Also--A large and general assortment of s GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Full sets of pure Granite Ten and Dinner ware, Fall Granite Chamber sets, COMITIOIi Chamber sets, A large assortment of Granite and Common Ware by the piece or dozen. Glass and Granite Frail Stands, Kerosene Lamps, Chimneys, &c., &c., on of which have been bought for nett cash and will be sold at a small advance for the same. The pe plea' hum ble servant. alai/26.1 E. D. REID. • MARKET HOUSE.—The undefsigned respectfully inform their numerous easterners and the public generally that they hare reopened their Gro cery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Company, it the Market House, and take this method of wanting their thank' for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to theta Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting. of Ham, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, To baccos, Brushes, Brooms, Buckets, Cords, Twines, Glass ware, Queensware and even-thing hetetollite kepat their former place of business. They will always keep a Buff• dent stock on band to be enabled to meet the demands of the community. COVNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex. change for goods at ooh market prices. Don't forget the place, Market House,) three doors from the earner, on Queeh Street. laug3ll HUBER & LEMASTER. PRECHER'S GROCERY STORE.- The undersignedbas the largest stock of FAMILY GROCERIES in town, ;which he offers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICES: It is not necessary• to enumerate, as bin stock is large and complete. Highest prices paid for COUNTRY PROI)tCE in exchange for pods. [augilli CYRUS SPRECH ER. CT. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE • GROCER AND , ° Commssros MERCHANT, 505 MAItRET STREET, (North side, above Fifth street.) Phriadelphia. atat2.l-ly ' 13oot0 cutl3 *Doti. Bool.' SHOE AND VARIETY STORE. P. FELDMAN, having disposed of his entire stock of Boots, Shoes, .fcc„ at whelsiter, on the 30111 of last month, and finding it ineonvenient - to resume business at his for mer place on - Main street, I have just returned from the City with n A LARGE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, to which he respeetfully the attentioh of his old monomers, and as many new Ones as will be pleased to give him a call, at HIS NkW STORE .ON SECOND ST., in CII4RLEY KLINE'S brick building', nearly op posite the Post Office.. His stock embraces - every variety of Youths'. Ladies' anil Men's BOOTS SI. SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, Cannot be sue passed in the county, and which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Having;purolanied THE LATEST STYLE OP LASTS, be is prepared to make Customer work, at short notice, by the inist workman In the county, With a disposition to be - obliging and neeammodating, he hopes to merit a liberal shale of patronage—without a desire to monopolize, as his diottn is, In our common calamity, to live and let lease. Particular at:maw:Laid to all kinds of Repairing, • TERMS CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, wail. OUT EXTORTION. - He has also on band, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va lises, Carpet Sacks, ILlnnen and Paper Collars, Paper, Envelopes, Ink-standa, Steel Pens, dze,, she. - N. persom4 knowing themselves Indebted will please call and maketimmeiltate settlement, that I may be enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City, ang24 mo AL r L WHbM IT MAY CONCERN. JACOB HUTIIOiV'S ROOT 4. NIDE STORE.— The undersigned lake this method of returning his thanks to his numerous custbmers, and the public generally, (pt the very liberal patrpnage heretofore extended to him, and hopes, in his present misfinrune In cinnamon with near ly every usiness man In town, that he trill still continue to be remembered. He has the pleasure of informing the public that he has opened his Store in the Basement of J B. McLane/ion': D;ro//ing, on Second Street, four doors North of the Method st Church, where he Is prepared to offer a general anisov.ment of Men's, Women's and Chß dreo's Boots awl Shoes, embracing his tin nandCity man nfneture, which, for lexcelleee of style and durability are superior to and of hlt former stock, and will be offered at prices to suit all, Ile Is in Weekly Receipt of Goods from Philadelphin, which for beauty and excellence cannot be surpassed' South of ode Susquehanna. CUSTOMER WORK of every variety done with promptness.—As he fimplovs none nit superior workmen, he feels Justified in pinraniecing all work made at his es- tablishment. Don't ;forget the place, Four Doors North of the Methodist Church, Second Street, East Side.— TRUNKS, of the latkst style, from approved makers, al• ways on hand, and fur sale at a very small advance on original cost. I faug24l JACOB HUTTON. Dried-Appies, PfMate!, Prunes, Beanx, limniny Itarle) Yeas, Fancy Cakes and Crackers, city baked. GELIVICKS - a, BURKEART.'4 YOUR. IIs'TEREST uo TO FOR YOUR FISH GELWICKS & BMK:ILT FAMILY GROCERY. Lines. of iCrabrl. P- EIk,*SYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE MINS DAILY to and from PlitadtlAio add Pittsburg. On and after Monday, October list, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Itailroa I Company will depart from Harris burg and arrive at Pt ladelphia and Pitt.hurg as follows: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPRESS TRALN leaves Ilnyriburg dai ly as 2.45 A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. X. • " FAST LINE leaves Hamsbnrg. fly (except Monday) at 8.00 A. it, and arrives at West. Philadelphia at 12.40+ P. X. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. 'MAIL TRAIN leaves. Harrisburg daily' (except Bun day) at 1.30 P. - at., and arrives at Ws.‘,4 Philadelphia at 5.- 3.5 P. M. PITTSBURG AND 4 tßyr. EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daft). (except Sundays) at 11.55 P.M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.:31 A. Sr. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harrislrarg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. X, and ar— rives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 F. N. MI train has no conneaknn front ar c West.. COLUMBA ACCOMMODATION TRALNleareallar risburg dailikexcept Sunday) at 7 A. it., and arrives at. Lancaster a t 9.15 .t. it.: connecting (except on Moriday) with the Fast Line east. . WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.35 n. 31., Altoona 6.50 A. 31., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 Pat. BALTI3fORP, EXPRESS TRAIN. , leaves Harrisburg daily (except 111onday) at 2.25 A. X; Altoona 8.15 A. M., take breakfast, and amves at Pataburg at 1.40 Y. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.- 23 a. 3f.. Altoona at P. 15 A.m., take breakfast and arrives Pittsburgxt at 2,40 P. 31. 12121 • FAST LENE leaves liarnsburg dully (exeept Sunday) at 4.(X) P. X: Altoona at 9.10 p. 3L, take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. n. StAIL TRAL`i leaves Ilurrisburg daily (except Sun day) at IAO P. M. Altoona at. 7.55 P. st..; take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. M. MOUNT JOY ACCO3ISIODATIONviTst leaves LaD. - caster at 11.20.1. 31, connecting there with the Mail Rest; leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A. 31, anilarrivesatllarrisbuig At 1.00 I'. SPECIAL NOTICE. - - THE HARRISBURG ACCUZIODATION TRAP,{ from Pittsburg-, trioeh arrives :It Harrisburg at 6.30 P. ht., stops there, pal...congers for East of Harrigburglav over no• til ILL. Y. M. KA.IIITEL D. YQE.ND, not tl Elm% Midale Div. Penna. H. H. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY FALL= Mt, TA BLE.Faur Trains Daily 'to and front Baltimore and Washington City. Ciaineetiono made with trains on Pentery•lvaniaßailruad, to and from Yituburq and the West. I' ft U R TRAINS DAILY to and frorwthe North and Wett Branch Sutemebanna. Elmira and n)) of Northern New York. • 9n and Via Monday, Oa, 17th, 1.841, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Raißray will arrive at and depart from Ilarrinburg and Baltimore as follows: SOUTHWARD' MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10:25 A.R. " leaves Ra.rtisburg 1:201.3!. " arrives nt Baltimore 5:40 P.M. _ EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday) 11%45 ex. " leaves Ha r r 1 s burg (except Monday).— - - . 5:50 -ix. " arrives at Baltimore 7:00 A.M. HARRISBURG ACCO)L'sIODATION leaves, Ilarrigburz 7:00 A.R. SUNDITHT ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun• Unry daily (ex. Sunday) .. 7:30 A.N. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbdryddaily (ex. Sunday) 9315 n:d. ..N 0 nrrx W A It H. „ MAIL TRAIN leaves- Baltiniae daily (except Sunday), '-' 9:90 - aid. 'leaves Harrisburg' ' 133 1.31. arrives-at Sunbury—. .., ..... 4.05 P.M. EXPRESS TRAM leaves rialtimere-dally... 9:50 rm. arrives at Harrisburg 1:50 a.m. 0 leaves Harrisburg daily (ex it eept Monday) ...... ..,...,... 3:15 aati. a artives at Sunbury ' 5.53 A.N. • IMIE EXPRESS-THAD.: leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at.. 7:30 P.M. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex relit Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury ..... 3:25 11,ARRISHURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore dullt(ex. 'Monday 3:00 P.M. unit. at Irarrisliurtr at 7:50 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOSLMODATIONIeat CnOistr• risbarg daily (ex. Suuday). 4:00 p.3r. Tize'Erie Express and l'hiladelphin Exprespre through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains ran through to Elmira. For further infortnatlon apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. 0ct. , 6 . 6-1 T. N. DuBARRY,'Ren. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD,—This great line traver,e, the North(wn and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany., and Is operated by them. •Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business. October 17th, 1564. == I== Mail Train Look Haven Accommodation. LEANE Mail Train Lock Haven Accommodation Passenger Cars run through on Mail Train, without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cam on Mail Train botlcivays between phlhµl e irbia and Lock Doyen, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamworr and Baltimore. For informatam respecting Passenger bu.sinet:s apply at Corner 30th and Market Streeta, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents S B. KMGSTON. Jr., Cnr. 13th and Market Sts., Phila. .1. W. REEAOt.D.4, Erie. J. M. DRIL, Agent N. C. IL It, Baltimore, :dd. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. GWINNER. Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphii. JOS. D. POTTS. tabS,6s Gen. Manager, Williamstort. OLTMBERLAND VALLEY &:- FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CILING.E OF lIOURS. On and after Monday, October 31, IStk, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): FOR eR;I3II3ERSBURG AID 11-ARRISBITRO Leave Hagerstown Greencastle (Arrive nt. Chatubersburg / Leave at. I.eave Shiprensborg " Newville A.3.L " Carlisle 6:30 10:10 2:46 " Merhatiiesbarg ' 7:00 10:42 3:16 arrive at Hamsburg 7:30 11:15 3:4.1 - FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: 4 A.ll. P.M. P. 31. LINAVO Harrisburg ••05 1:40 4;15 " Mechaaiesburg P:47 - 0:20 4:50 " Carlisle 9:27 2:5 .., 0:15 " Neville- 10:00 3:34 - - " Shipper: gnu; 10.33 4:04.:_: Arrive at Chambersburg 11:00 4:35 - Leave Chambon.burg. 11:10 4:45 = " Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hagertou•n 10:35 0:15 Making citric connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. i The Train leaving 11arrinbuitc at 4:15 1 N. runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. N. N. 0:1lee, Chalulfg., Oct. 31, 1864. ,ffliorellancous. NiANHOOD: HOBS LOST HOW RESTORED.—Just pubitbed. a new edition of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical rare (without medicine) of SetIRMiToIibIIDE,L or seminal weaknem, Involuntary Seminal Losses, 131ParrEN-. CY, Mental'nnd Physical Incapacily, Impediments to Mar riage, etc.. also, CONstIIPTION, - EMIXINY, and Firs, in. stored by self-indulgence ur sexaal extraVaerce. Ere - Price, inn sealed envelope, only - six cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years. suceessflpractiee. that toe alarming consequence of self-abuse tna be radically cured without the dangerous use of intents; medicine or the applicatiOn of the knife—painting ant a)rnolle of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by . nutins of which eyery sufferer, no shatter what Isis rnirir - he, may cure himself cheaply, privately, mil rad 7.. m." This Lecture should be in the if every pinta and e‘ cry man in the laud. Sent. under Feta, in a plain envelope, address. ptiAt.paid, on receipt of sis.,ents, or tool pg. Aii• stre s s the pal idle IN, CI I AS. .1. I K I CO. 1:27 limvery, Neu York, Post 01 mart..llot D YSPEPSIA, NERVOUS mittnaTy DR. STIZICKLIND'S )1 - 0 can reeonmend .uttering of Appe• Nen•nu• Nen tillA T)obility, to use Nh-i kland •.node. It'l., able pre. parAtion, free from ahoholie liquors ; it ,tiongthens the n hole lien .ynh•ta, it etritli, a good appetite, mai 1/4- 1 n,arranted to torn Dyspepsia, and. Nen on. Debility, For sole by I)rogost4 generally, at $1 per bottle, Pre• pared by Dr. A. Strickland, ti F.n.t Fourth *Wet. Cmeitr Ohio. (;render, AgKnt, Chambemburtr, Pa. o U (;;;11 N u MORE! TRY STRICKLAND'S MELLII,I,IIOI,S COUGH BALSAM! Dr. Strickhind's3lellidnous Cough Balrian is num - toted to cure Couglo4, Colds, lloartent , s, Abilimn. Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Coasumption, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by C. H., Crecslor. Chainbersburtr. General Depot, NO. 6 Ettst Fourth Street, Ciurinnati,.ol6o. I A It It HCEA! 11 All the medical men and the Press recommend 1)11. STRICKLAND'S ANTI4IIIOLERA MIXTCRE us the imly certain remedy for Diarrhcea nail Dysentery. It 14 a contbinatam of Astringents, Alenglionts, Slinta lents and Carminatives, and is harrented to el et a cure after all other means have failed. - • For ,&e by C. H. Cressler, Champernhurtt. General Depot, 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ohio. 0 T RICKLANIY'S ' p I E,l: It E , :ff EnYr Dr. Strickland's Pite Remedy bne °D M{ thousands of he worst eases of Blind and Bleeding Piles: It gives ini• mediate relief Mal' effects a permanent cure. Try it di rectly. It is warranted to cure. For sale by C. 11. Cressler. Chambershurg. Cenertil Depot, G East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. r[lo DYSPEPTICS.—Having been afliie -1 ted for R untidier of years with Dyspepsia, I WITS advised to try DR. WISEART'S MEDICINE for that disease. I derived great benefit and refonnoended it to quite a number of my friends and who were also mach benefitted by It. and whose testimonials can be bad If nee essarv. I have been appointed by Dr. Waduirl asAgent fur the Sale of Ids Medicine, wholesale or retail.: . _ 14'. G. REED. Repnattary nflioe. Chambensburg Pa. CM JOB PRINTING, in every style, done at the elfies of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. EI • GRItULIJRAL r cxERICAL CO.'S _ , , CHEAP FERTILIZERS • - The Fertilizers ' , preps by the Agricultural Chemical Co., (a aompaiiy ,chfirte . by the Legislature of Pennsyl- Vania with a caPital of 250,C00,) hare been proved in practice to be the eh toast profitable awl Duct, for the Farmer. Gardener an FruitgrOwer, of all Concentra. , tea. manures 110 N offerml, any market The company's list embraces the following: lABULETTE. This Fertilizer is oompieed of nighisoil and the fertiliz+ ing elements of urine, combined chemically and machani earwig' other raluahle fertilizing ggetdeand absorbent& It is reduced to a pulcerulent condition; ready forint modiahibuse, and without toss of ILI highly nitrogenous fer tilizing properties. Its universal applicability to all crops and soil's, and its durability and active qualities. are Well known to be all that agrienituristacan desire. Prize $.30 per Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST This Fertilizer is largely composed of- animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mate, and retain the nitrogenous elements. Lt is a very• valuable fertilizer fur Held rznps gonerally, and especially for tsnatoe , t, and garden purposes. Its excellent qaslilies, strength and elteapness, have— made it very popular with all who have used it. Price ..4 , 40 per ran, CQMPOStITE FERTILIZER This highly phosphatic fertilizer is particularly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity' of the fruit. For hothouse and bousebold plants and dowers, it will, be found an Indispensable arti cle to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and `cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. The fofrnula or method of combining its constituent-fort Mining ingredients hare received.the highest approral Of eminent chemists and scientific agriculturists.- . Price $5O per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chetaical Company manufacture a Phosphate al' Lime in accordance with a new andvalaable formula by which a very superior article is produced, so as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tents have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in tho market. Price ,Sti.s per Tan. All orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered at the Railroad Station; and the Wharves of Shipment, free of cartage. Cartage sill be oharged on all orders of , t 3 bar rels dr Jess. Onehalm - per Tou allowance frt cartage mill be Made on altrales delivered nt the Works of the Company, on Canal Niliarf. 1:40 3L 1:30 P. U. 1:15 A, M. 1:40 P. M AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL cp.'s WORKS Office, 41SA, Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ~, To Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full di, realms for using the above Perillir-as, sent by mail, free when requested. marebd-Gmos 'Mato, (taps anb_furs. THE ,HIGHES T PRICE Red and Grey Fox, Elal l'.lt. 7:00 2:45 , 7:37 3:35 8:17 4:20 8:30 12:55 0:00 9:32 • 2:00 J. L. D E C H E R T'S HAT, CAP ANT) pUR STORE, - SECOND STREET, ' Still keeps up the reputation of the old stand. .LV Call and get bargains. COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE. HATS CAPS, BOOTS, WOES. W. W. PAXTON has just opened Oita assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, at his new Storein the Market House, where he can furnish all articles la his line, cheap for cash. &me goods are sofa at oft/prices. A fine assortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAR PET BAGS, VALISES, &e., &a, constantly on hand. Call arid examine oux large stock of goods. seprill W. W. PAXTON. etotbing. NEW QUARTERS MW NEW STOCK. THE OLD CLOTHING EXPO/HUM. The undersigned, after a temporary absence necessitated by the desithytion of Chambensburw, has again returned dad opened out in full blast itOthe Market House between {Wallace's Dry pond store and Huber S Lemaster's Oro• eery store, a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every description and :tun • Tins Mock consists or Ready Made Clothing such -as Over Wids, Dress Cads, Punta, Vests, Ender Shirts, Drawers. Re., also . EKE HENTIAINIENS' FURNISHING GOODS, such as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Slumls, Handkerchiefs, Cot. Jars, UmbrelLus; &e., ace. His stock of Cloths fur customer work consists of French, English and Domestic, manufitcture. Mark Poe Skto and Fahey Casslmers, Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and, Fancy Casailiner Vestings which will be madeup to order in styles to suit the taste of customers, ou abort notice, and reasonable tetllll3. Having engaged dpraetiral Cutter from the East, lam prepared to furnish clothing in the Meat fashlonableAtyles, and as none hat experienced workmen are engaged per sons may rely upon getting their work well doWe at my Store. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, Ire speetfully solicit a continuance of the ram. oetl9 .1. T...Hosgibi son WHOLESALE ROPFRe... TRINES. RET AIL! The undersigned hieing purchased theentire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope and Twine Manufactory of J. P. (Frey, dec'il, respectfully itnnotthee, to her friends, and the former parsons of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on the business, in all its variousbninches, at THE OLD STAND, on Franklin street, Chambersburg, where site will be pleas. ed to receive the colts and orders of the publi& All kinds, sizes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on hand or made to order of the beat material, avi. !cruised at reasonable price& In connection with the above business, She is also prepared to manufacture HAIR, - HUSK, AHD OTHRR, SIA.TTRASSES, as well as Horse Blankets and Ply Nets of superior qual ity and style. Persons in want ofenTerior_artieles In the above line are requested to call, orsend their orders, which will be attended to promptly. deeP.l y MARY E DRAY.• STONE -WARE!! STONE-WARE!!- The subscriber ie now mannficturing a complete as sortment of Stone-Ware, of alt kluda, and in prepared to fill all °niers - promptly. Price lists sent on application. S. I. IRVINE, aprill9 ilmort Newville..Ctonberland Co., Pa. apiattitrai. TERMS CASH AT CANAL WHARF, ON THE DELAWARE IL B. FITTS, General Agent IN CASH IS PAID FOR Coon, Opossum, Rabbit and Muskrat Skins, at DECHERT'S OPPOSITE TAB OLD JAIL, TIIE MARKET Chamberaburg, Pa. May S„ t 864. Marbb3are 'Cutlet"), Ikt. HA R D W ARE ,RUBER & 'TOLBERT. Have opened their store on dtahr Street, nearly opposite their old place bssineA ! , • ; with an exlensifistook of Eardwate, Cutlery. &c, ec'usW'ug in WO of - Paints: Iron. Sptk a, Stea Planes, Blasting Powder; cirind tone - Cedar Wake; Pocket knives, daa.. - FSlea Biiksbes, - Raft, Spades, Speelal attention Es calla 'Builders and Contractors, as they are prepared to furnish in any quantity, at wholesale, everything in their Itner Call and examine our stook; •COAC-11 AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscriber respectfully informal& friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the above business, at his phi stand, on Main Street, oppodte the German Re formed Church, CHA_MBERSIIURG, PA. Having enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coach makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their several requirements, such as Pair and Country. Hopkins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girthing. Gig Trees, Pull Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotton; Mimes, Bits' and Stimms, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Coach Handle*, new styles; Curtain Fnunes; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts; Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Flames. BUCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wonden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of other goods stoluble for the trade. . . ALL KINDS OP PLATING, &c, done with neatness and despatch. [deal4). LEWIS WAMPLER. CHEARHARDW ARE! BRAND & FLACK , Had a few goods under the pavement, which were not burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard- ware. Besides, they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a verylarge lot orcrocgis, - Firchesed much cheaper then they are generally sold. They having been burned out, therefore we offer - Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Oils, Glass, Paint, at the lowest figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We have on baud about 10 TOLIS Iron of different kinds, which we will sell lees than it can be bought in the city. Also we have 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at from 6 to 10'dollats per key - - CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, &e.. just received from Nee York Which we offer very low. sep2l3, CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Firulingi% Saddle& Findings at BRAND & FLACK'S. QHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT . ts cents each and many other articles which[ was in the fire, which can be made as goo d as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in the Alley. BRAND &FLACK. Booko anb tetatione4. T .11E OLD BOOK S T AND OF -- • - S. S. SRRYOCK, Has been rembeed to the new building opposite the POST OVFICE, where a full assortment of SCHOOL AND 211SCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBL'IIS, ETC.,• Can he had at exceedingly Lacv-Priem WALL PAPER and WLNUCIW SHADES, a large and new kook. Faiithild's Celebrated Gold Pees, fully, warranted. Orders tnkeu for goods, which will be Expressed in the shortest possible time. The New York and 'Philadelphia Papers received daily, for which weekly subscriptions will be taken. - First Class Novels, Magazines and Periodicals received as soon as published. Wotan sell PhotOgraph Albums chimperthan they can be had elsewhere., Mniic sent free of portage to any part of the county. Gilt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on hand.. Our arrangements are such that we can supply any or ders satisfactorily and with dispatch. Mit. J. K. SFIRTOCK, is now located in New York, which enables us to undertake the most complex commissions. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style, bunted up at a reasonable commission. fuov2l IRO ital. WISTAR'S BALSAM TV_ WILD CHERRY, ON'S OF IRE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES ri TRE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Dif• acuity of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Thros‘, Croup and every affection of TIII; THROAT, LUNGS .AND _GUEST, =9 CONSUMPTION WISTAR'S BALSAM OE WILD CHERRY. So general has the UM of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that It is anneces• sary to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and thad utterance In the abundant ararvoluntarytestimcroy of the many , who from long suffering and settled dis• ease have by llama been restored to pristine _ v Igor and health. ,We can present a mama ev• idencehiproof of our assertions, that cannotbe discredited. From Mr. Henry Keller, Mereersburg, Pa. Gentlemen: I do hereby certify that during the last ten years I have been subject to frequent severe Coughs and Cads. Whenever I have experienced one of these attacks I have immediately resorted to Dr.Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and the result has always been to afford me speedy toilet I would recommend this valuable article to all those who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Pain in the Breast, or any Plano:mm-5' Complaint, feeling conSdent that it will prove itself totes the best remedy in any of these asses. I would, however, cantina the public against a worthless counterfeit, a bottle - of which was once forced upon me. The use of this spurious Balsam did me more harm than 1 .4 t The gamtiee Dr: 'Ulster's Balsam of Wild Cherry Ipared by Seth W. Fowls & Co., Boston, add has their printed name, as well as the written sigradttre of "L Btrre upon the outside wrapper of each bottle. From Jesse Smith, Esq., President of the Morris County Bank, Morristown, N. J. Having used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for abold fifteen years, and having realized its beneficial re sults in my family, it affords me great pleasure imrecom mending it to the public as a valuable- remedy itiorisese of weak lungs. colds, coughs, &c., and a remedy irhich I consider to be entirely innocent,' and may be taken with perfect safety by the must delicate in health. Frontlian. John F. Smith, a datinguis.hed Lawyer in IPcsaninster, I have on several occasions weed Dr. I'Visth's Balsam met Wild Cherry for severe Colds, and allays with decided benelit. I know of no preparation that is more effiefteions or more deserving of general use. The Balsam has also been used with excellent effect IT- T. B. Elliott, Merchant, Cross Roads, Md. WEST:/VS BALSAM OF WILD CiIERRY. None genuine unless signed "I. Bt;Tre on the wrapper, FOR SALE BY J. P. DENSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N. Y. S. W. FOWLS & Co. , Proprietors, Boston. and by all Druggist& Ipsly‘X‘eow4y REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores. REDDING'S_RUSSCA SALVE - Cures Bums, Scalds sad Cute REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Brntses and Sprains. • , REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cum 'Bolls, Ulcers and Cancers. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Piles and Erysipelas. REDMING'S RUSSIA SALVE Curesßingaura; Corn, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE NYITBOUT IT Mr Only 25 Cetus a Box.. FOB SALE at J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N. Y. S.W.FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Tremont St.;Bortrukarl/ by all Druggists and Country Storekeepers. 11.407..eu5r-ly BLOOPED - - STOCK.- -The subscriber has the following THOROUGH BRED STOCK, for service, which can be seen at bin Form (the oldititehlb property.) GEORGE—A Thorough Bred Stallion, 6 years old, bred by Judge Kennedy, of Chork s town , Va., from aLex. t eg t oo n oir e by Sky-Lark, from imported Sky-Lark This stock iodescended from the very best four.mlle stock o reeordt Tema EM DURHAM BUM toed by Mr. Greenalt, of Fay etteville, fleas celebrated 2,200 lba Bull and from an imported min' of the late Wm Homer. Terms $2. • CHESTER COUNTY WRITE BOB,A now near 7 months old; and weighs nearly 300 lbs. This animal needs only to be seen to be appreciated. Terms, $2,00. aprlll2.2m WZd. H. BOYD. JOB PRINTING in every style done - at the office of thetRANKLIN RZPVITTORT. Turpentine, • Tar, • Yenta, alms. 10111