The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 03, 1865, Image 3

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    - May 3, 1865,
trantlin Stpoittivg.
4 GOSSIP WITH. Oust .FRIENDS.—I wish I had
the ability tmdescribe in becoming language the
incidents of &le past week in New York,-partieu
larly twit lairday till Wednesday. AA day and
all night of Tuesday two long lines, four deep,
extended far far away from the City Hall, where
the remains of our loved Presideht reposed in
state. Immediately about the Hall was packed a
solid mass of thousands of men, women and thil
died. Cars, stages and vehiclespf all description s
were stopped, and it was only by.making a long
detour that pedestrians could get past the crowd,
All business was entirely suspended, there not
being a desire to attend to the usual avocations of
life. People patiently awaited their turn for
bears, and there did not seem to be even a show
of impatience from any one., Awe had fallen
upon the multitude, and a solemnity pervaded the
vast assembly that death • could only produce.
There was no confusion, no excitement, no strug-..
gling. At quite an early hoffr Weditesday
morning, the cars and ferry boats began to empty
into the city crowds of people from the subUrbsf
and the surrounding towns and cities, and by ten
o'clock Broadway was lined from the Park up
with a dense mass. I had sufficient foresight to
hire a - coach the night before, and from the top
of it, stationed at a cross street, had a fine oppor
tunity to See the fiineral cortege as it passed. I
have seen crowds, but never such a one as on that
day. There was positively room for no more to
see, and as it was many could not see at all.
From house to curb was a solid body, so compact
that there appeared to be no individual move
ment.—The Dailies have spent all their powers in
noting the procession. Enough for me to say that
its magnificence and extent surpassed all I could
have imagined. New York paid all the honor she
could pay to the dead President; and wher. we
recall to mind the immense majority given Geo. It:
M'Clellan, and the opposition to the administra
tion', the honor seems all the greater. The sol
diers, horse, foot and artillery, the sailors and
marines, the societies of all kinds, the various
nationalities, the foreign officials, all seemed .to
vie with ono another to do honor to the mournful
occasion And then the Lookers on were so quiet,
so solemn. As the funeral car approached, each
citizen took off his bat, and bowed in reverence,
amid it was not until it hail fairly passed that be
replaced it, and that too with the air of one stand
ing in a sacred place. The day was bright and
beautiful, the air balmy and exhfferating, but a
cloud hung over the hearts of the true and honest
throng like a pall. I gazed at the passing pageant
until that brain was almost dizzy, and 'then left
from sheer inability to look any longer It will
be a day long remembered in New York.
HOW little, how inconceivably small seeing the
destruction'of Chambersburg to the assassination
of our chief magistrate ; and how trill; has the
heart of the nation been struck by the slime bul
let that deprived Mr. Lincoln of life. The north
is once more united, the south has succumbed,
the war is practically ended!: leace is near at
band, and in slew short years w will again be
a great, penaceful, prosperous country.
Booth has died a dog's death,'his accomplice
has been taken, and other arrests are speedily sue
ceding. Jeff and his stelenibooty may be maid - ,
France and Englaud repent of their sins.--"tet
N,EIV YORK, April 30,
TAKEN Ftitt Btiorn.—Our townsman'J.
Eyster, Esq., , narrowly escaped arrest in
Huntingdon last week on the suspicion that he
was the veritable J. Wilkes Booth. the murderer
of the President. He had gone there on a visi t
to his brother-in-law, Hon. John Scott, mnil
went into a barber shop to get shaved. He or
dered the barber to shave off bis moustache, w hick
Waslone, and afterihe operation was performed
Mr. Eyster walked out to the house of his rela
tive. As soon as he left the shop, the barber di.;-
elared that he was Booth; that he knew Booth
well and had shaved hint in the oil regions. Of
course an intense excitement Was aroused. The
news spread through, the town with lightning - ,
speed that Booth had, been in the place. The ho
tels were all examined, but no such person had
stopped at any of them, and suspicion was con
firmed by the fact that the suspected individual
must be secreted somewhere about the town.
Mr. Eyster was not out of the house during the
evening, mod was fherefore ignorant of the excite
ment he had created ; • and it was not until the
next morning when be appeared on the street
with Mr. Scott, that the blunder was dislovered.
NOiyi.that Booth has been captured and killed, we
presume that Mr. Eystet will feel safe in venturing
from home again.
TIORSE TVEVES Ano u T.—We .learn that
Washington and Quincy townships iu this county
are infested by a gang of home-thieves, and a num
ber of horses have seen stolen there recently.
Prompt measures have been taken by both the
eivil.and military authorities to break up the bu
siness and capture the 'parties engaged hi it-
There is little doubt that some of the thieving re
bel guerillas have creased to this side of the river
to prosecute their trade. On Sunday last the
people of Hagerstown settled a gentleman of‘that
cloth by shooting him down, and if such depreda
tions continue, our people will doubtless do like
PAY OF DRAFTED • MEN.—A correspondent
at Carlisle writes us to know whether one year
drafted men are entitled to the $lOO bounty paid
volunteers, and whether they are on equal footing
ae regards pay- aud_bounty . from the government.
All soldiers, whether volunteers, or conscri4ts, are
on exactly equal footing as regards clothing, rations,
pay and pensions, but only volunteers are entitled
vibe bounty provided by the act of Congeess.
WE have heard a numbeFol l eompluinbltif
eider on our streets at night. It has become un
safe fora lady to appear on the 'streets
We trust that the officers will see that soldiers
cease annoying citizens, and the civil authorities
have their share of the work of reformation to
perform also. There can be no excuse for disor
der in Chatnbersburg.
TUE Anniversary of the Franklin County Bi
ble Society will be held in the Lutheran Church
on next Sabbath, May .7th, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
The annual sermon will be delivered bylfev. S.
H. C. Smith, of the M. E. Church. .Addresses and
Reports read. The State Agent, Rev. I. H. Tor
rance, is expected to he present.
BENJ. SEVERS, a Member of Company K, 210th
Penna. Vols., noticed a few weeks since us having
been wounded in the campaign against Richmond,
has since died from his Wounds. His remains
were brought to his home, in this place, and in
terred on Sunday last in Ce l li!. Grove Cemetery
with' military honors.
PROMOTED.T-Our old friend Col. W. W. Sel
lers, formerly of 'Fulton, and now F,ditiir of the
Pekin (1118.) Republican, has just been promoted
to the Mayoralty of the city by 35 majonty.
ColtßEcrturi.-I..evi Lochbvin was chosen
Constable of Green township at the late election,
instead of Jacob Zuck as reported in our columns.
A Summon REMEDY.—We can conscien
tiously recommend to those suffering from a distressing
%.ough, Dr. Strickland's Mellifinbus Cough Balsam. It
gives relief almost instantaneous, and is withal not dim
greeable to the taste. There is no doubt but the MOWN.
our Cough Balsam is one t f the best preparations in use,
and is all that its proprietor claims , for it. We have tried
it during the phst week, and found relief from a moat dis
tressing cough. It is_ prepared by Dr. Strieldand's, No. 6,
East north street, Cfnetnesti, 0., and for sale by drag.
GARDEN SEEDS.—A (mat deal of lalior and
care is bestowed in rain by lovers of fine vegetables, by
planting worthless seeds. This can be avoided hy get
'flog- fresh and genuine seeds. raised in Pennsylvania. and
put up for market by C. H. CitEssw.illt, Druggist. lir
FARMERS and others in want of Fish, should
not fail to go to ClsoiricKS & BURKIIAAT'S, who beep an
immense stock, bought from trot bands and offered ebeap.
GELiVIQK'S & BIIRKTIART sell the finest Teas,
Spices, Baking Articles and Syrup'.
GI:LW - WKS & BURKHART have a htavy stuck
of gond....rind-stkil cheap.
GELWICKS & BURKHART keep everything and
are selling goodsut greatly reduced prices.
The Liking and the Dead -Assassin in Washington.
From the Washington Chronicle, April :9th
The city yesterday throbbed with fierce excite
ment when the news reached it that the murder
er of the great President had been captured, and
had met a fate in every way suited to his charac
ter and to his-crime. The anxiety for his capture
had become a very mania with otfrlPeople, and
when the news of its'aecomplishment had reached
them there was a general satisfaction. a feeling
that a duty v , ibieh it was a solemn obligation to
perform had been accomplished at last ,
The details of the flight and the pursuit will
suggest to every reader the sum of punishment
that met the assassin between the committal of
crime and its, final retribution here. He died like
a coward, burned out of a trap like a rat; armed
to the teeth, but fearing to-use his arms, either
on his pursuers or even on himself lie showed
be could be a bravo before a theatrical audience,
but failed to show that he:could face death with
the common courage of a bandit. Like many
another actor, he could not act to a poor house.
His misled accomplice, the paltry partner of
his flight, and approver of his crime, shared his
sufferings, but nut hi& nerveless apathy, for he
surrendered without any attempt at acting, and
now lies awaiting the sentence that he has bought
with so much recklessness, so much guilt and so
much suffering.
Booth and Harrold left here together after the
assassination, and made their way into Maryland,
remained in the swamps until the 2 . 2dinltaut, and
then crossed over into Virginia, via Swan's Point,
landing at Bluff Point. They then took the road
to Port, Royal; and 'finally to Bowling Green.
Harrold, however, is the only one of the two who
went so far as Bowling Green, Booth stopping at
Garrett's, where Harrold rejoined him. Their
evident intention was to reach the mountains of
East Tennessee, by the way of Orange -.(2`ourt
house. •
It appears to be pretty well ascertained, that
when Booth alighted on the stage at the theatre,
as he jumped from the box, he broke the lesser
hone, of his 17 a little above the ankle, and,
though the excitement of the moment drowned
the pain, when he began to ride, the broken bone
must have caused him' most excruciating pain.
The leg was clumsily reset tor him, and with the
help of crutches made his way through swamps
and over roads, :With death for rotick-o'-lantern
lighting him to the barn at Garrett's With a
party of Confederate soldiers whout they met. he
pa.,,ed himself off as a uounded Officer, °being
ashamed to MN n even to a rebel that be was but a
murderer, fleeing from buinarolaw and national
Booth stopped at Garrett's. Harrold went to
Bowling Green; returned-to Garrett's there they
had suppei. . Before thek had supper, a party of
cavalry Luau, whose apikaranee there the reader
will understand from our account of the put-hint.
passed the house, and Booth and lfarrold, as the
,cavairy disappeared. made for the WIN nil I, is
hich they remained till they came in to supper.
They evidently had no idea that that cavalry
would return there in the night, and believed
that in- the balm, if not in the dwelling, they
would be as safe as in the woods. To this con
clusion they were in all probability driven by the
strong logic of physical suffering and unrest.
in that barn Booth had his crutches, rendered
necessary to him by the fracture of his leg, and
one seven-shooting rifle, one revolver, a carbine,
and a bowie-knife ; but not the one 'he had on the
6ventful night of the 14th April, for tint knife
was not a bowie at all.
Col; L. C. Baker, chief detective ui, the War
Depsitinent, has the honor of having planned the
pursuit which has 13 weeded'in the capture of
Booth and Bartok' into consider
ation the fact that s absent from
the city when the
had all to learn e
there was no clue
self, it is impossible not to admire the skill he dis
played in obtaitiMg it.,.tbe rapidity and confidence
with wine/Ilia-Retell upon it. -
- To the pirtiewietMg under Col. Baker's orders
no little credd Is due for the faithfulness, industry
and endurancelithich they display ed in the expe
dition. For the sixty-two hours occupied in the
pursuit no flagging, was permitted. The work
was continuous, aed so worn were the physical
powers of the men by this lengthened exertion
that it was with the utmost difficulty that they
could be kept awake at its closing hours.
On Monday, the 24th, a detachment of the 16th
New York cavelry,wei - e - ordered by General Han
cock to report to Colonel L. C. Baker, special
detective of the War Department. The detach
ment numbered 25 men, under the command of
Lieutenant Dougherty. On the afternoon of thy
same day, Colonel Baker detailed Lieutenant
Colonel E. J. Conger and Lieutenant Baker, .05f
his detective force, to go in pursuit of - Booth,
pliteing the aforsaid Way of cavalry in their charge,
and under their implicit command.
At '2 P.M. the force left this city on the Jno.
S. He, and at 10 P. Methey disembarked at Belle
Plain, and took the road toward Fredericksburg.
travelling thereon three miles, and then turning
in a southeasterly direction, toward the Rappa
hannock. They stopped at all the houses on the
route, inquiring for any Mary land men of Lee's
army who might be travelling in that section.
They continued their"ourney through the night
y ti
and the next dant' 1 noon, when they reached
Port Con 9 way, on the Korth side of the river, op.
polite Port Royal.
There they toned a man, who, upon seeing the ,
photographs/of Booth, Harrold, and Surratt point
ed out the two former as two men whom he 'was
. positive he bad seen the day before, at one P. 31.,
at Port Conway. He said these men endeavored
to hire him to convey them to Bowling Green, but
that they could not agree in the bargain : and
that, subsequently, lisrrold came to him and said
th 4 had met friends, and did not wont his still/-
res. 'Their information also stated that he saw a
party,of conceder:lth soldiers convey the t%i'o men
whom he, had recognized by the photographs
across the river.
Lieutenant Colonel
. Couger and Lieutenant Ba
ker decided to take this man as a guide. They
commenced crossing the river with their force nt
2P. M. Having a boat which could holy carry
seveir at once, they did not finish the crossing till
5 o'clock. They then proceeded hall-way from
Port Royal to Bowling Green, where they _found
snare women, who stated that the party' of Con
federate soldiers had returned on Tioidny, one'
less in number and that neither of those who Came
,Lack was lame. They subsequently aseeitained
that the soldiers went three miles w ith Bootb, to
the house of Mr. John W. Garrett, and that Har
rold continued on to Bowling Green on Moudoy
night, also that Harrold returned to Garrett's on
Tuesday afternoon.
The pursuing force'passed Garrett's, house a few
i moments after Harrold's return to it, andwent on
! some fifteen miles to Bowling Green. There they
captured one of the Confederate soldiers who had
been with Booth the day before. He mode a
statement to them as to the whereabouts mid -
Movements of Booth and Harrold, fully confirm
ing that above given. This was at 11 o'clock on
Tuesday night They then went back to Gilt....
' rett's which they reached at 2 A. M., surrounding
'the dwelling and out-houses.
it° the first inquiry as to the whereabouts of
Booth and Harrold, the family gave no satisfac
tory reply ; but soon alter the son of one of the
Garrett brothers, confessed his knowledge of their
both being at that moment in the barn.
The force, which bad been extended in loose
cordon around the whele.premises; was then form
ed in heavier line around the barn alone, with or
ders so to remain. The line was at an average
distance of thirty feet from the barn walls. •
Lie*. Col. Conger sent Garrett's son into the
barn to tell the fugitives to surrender to him their
arms, and come out deliver themselves up. Booth
threatened him, saying that he had betrayed them,
and be must leave the barn. Lieut. Baker then
went to the door and again demanded them to
surrender, upon which a long parley ensued,
Booth fiPitively refusing.
(201. Conger then pulled some hay through
a crack iu the wall, ignited it, and pressed it back
into the mow.. The thunes rose rapidly, firing the
whole - building. Booth canie to the corner where
Conger.stood to shoot the party who had fired the
building. He stood with pistol raised, peering
into the darkness, but seemed unable to perceive
any one. Ile then turned, gazed upon the flames,
and suddenly started for the door.
Sergeant Corbett, of the eavalryforce, in viola
thm of orde+L's, left the line, and going close to the
wall before him, fired his pistol through a crack,
shielding Booth ;in the neck.
Booth fell as soon as shot. The ball had sevef
ed the thorax. Lient. Col. Conger and
Baker, with two soldiers, then entered the - barn
and carried him iati; the yard. At first he seemed
as if life had left him, but he soon revived and en
deavored to speak. Lint. Col. Conger, placing
his ear to the mouth of the dying man, heard him
say, " Tell mother I died for my country."
He was then carried to the porch of the house,
and the Lieutenant Colonel despatched a me4en
ger to Port Royal for a physician. When the
doctor arrived Booth was too exhausted to be re
vived by human skill. Booth was also heard by
Lieutenant Baker to say, " I thought I was doing
the - best for the country. Kill rue, kill the !" and
other expressions seemingly a the same purport,
which were not continually audible, and while
Lieutenant Baker was rubbing his paralyzed
Lands, he said, " useless, useless!"
Ife'was shot at fifteen minutes past three, lait
Tuesday morning, the twenty-fifth instant, and
died at ten minutes past seven, twelve minutes
earlier than the great soul of his august victim
left earth to bear witness against him, at the bar
to which fate was hastening him.
The dead body of Booth, and the living one of
Harrold, were soon after conveyed to Belle Plain,
placed on the steamet• Jno. i. Ide, which still re
mained awaiting the return of the little com
mand and the coming of the assassins. •
They arrived at the Navy-yard at l o'clock yes
terday morning. Harrold was then transferred
to a - secure custody, while the body of Booth was
landed at the Navy-yard, and an autopsy held by
Surgeon General Barnes and several assistants.
Bowling Green, near which place Booth was
killed, is a post village, 4e capital of Caroline
county, Va., on the road from Richmond to Fred•
ericksburg, forty-five miles north of the former,
and is situated in a fertile and healthy region. It
contains two churches, three stores, two mills and
about 300 inhabitants,
Port Royal is a post village in Caroline county,
Va., on the right bank of the Rappahannock - river,
.2 . 2 . nailes below Fredericksburg. It has a popu
!lotion of 600, and there is a good steamboat land
ing -near the-place.
Harrold, in company with others, also connec
ted with the conspiracy, was photographed at
5 o'c kick yesterday afternoon. Harrold is a youth
well known about the Navy Yard and* vicinity.
A druggist by profession, "a sport" by choice.
He was fund of horses and fancy arms. The hor
ses he could seldom keep long, selling them to pay
their board.. He was foe a time employed as clerk
by Mr. Walsh, and left opthe limp of his father's
death, which occurred stme months -ago.
• He has since that time led a reckless life, living
carelessly, without visible income. He was born
in this city seine twenty-two years ago, and did
nut possess either literary or artistic tastes likely
to have made him an agreeable companion to a
Booth before the contemplation of murder had
transformed his nature. Harrold - was a boy in
everything, easily led and moulded by a common
will, and so given To bragging that-few of hie in
timates ever attached any importance to anything
he said. I iarrold always talked "chivalry," and
all his empathy, as thr as he had any, went Dix
ie-ward. In convert.ation he was obscene to such
a degree is to render him loathsome to evenhis
own associates.
His arrival at the Navy Yard, with that of
Booth's body, attracted inononse crowds thither,
anxious to obtain a view of all that remains of
ftheAssassin and of Harrold, Ni‘lio in that neigh
borhood, w as well known to 'verybody ; but none
'wen; admitted hate those holding passes signed
by tOSecretary of War and the Secretary of the
ih tnuu•iarhe had been cut WE apparently
With aei•sors, and his beard allowed to grow,
changink his appearance considerably. His hair
had been cut somewhat simper than be usually
wore it.
Booth's body; which we have before described,
was at once laid out on a bench and a guard
placed over it. The lips of the corpse are tighly
compressed, and the blood has settled in the low
er part of the face and neck, Otherwise the thee
is pale and wears a wild, haggard look, indica
ting exposure to the elements and a rough time
generally in his skulking flight. ills hair is dis
arranged and dirty, and-apparently bad not been
romped since he took his flight. The head and
breast is alone exposed tO view, ° the lower por
tion of his body, including, the hands and feet, be
ing 'covered with a targannt throwrroVer it. The
shot which terminated his accursed life entered
on the left side at the hack of the neck, a point,
curiously enough, not far distant from that in
which his victim, our lamented President, was
From the Wash:egtou Republican. -
•cured;'that be
in t 6 act; that
•t find for
The legal identification of the body of Booth,
asLiassin, took place, and an autopsy of the
body Was bath The shaving off the moustache,
the out-cropping of tive beard, the untidy and dia..
ordeyed appearance of the body had so changed
the assassin's looks that his stage and street an
quaintanecs would hardly have recognized the
Corpse as being that' of J. Wilkes Beioth. There
were a plenty of evidences to establish his identi
ty, however, amongst which was the testimony of
a surgeon who once removed a tumor from Booth's
neck. The wound, when partially well„ brake
out again, and on finally healing left a peculiar
ridgy scar, which was easily recognized by the
An autopsy was hela by Surgeon General
'Barnes, who reports that death was caused by a
ball from a pistol. It appeared that the spinal
column was about half cut in two by the bullet
about the • third or tourth joint from the top of
the verts,brce.
Booth's identity and the cause of his death
having been established, we suppose that nothing
was left for the Government but to put his car
case nut of bight, and we,presume the place of
his interment \vitt not be Made known.
wAsniNovos, April ib?.--3 P. M.
To Maj. Sur YOTk
A despatchlron) General Grant, dated Raleigh
10 I'. M. April '2Xith,just received by this Depart
ment, states that Johnston ban surrendered thd
lorees in his command, embracing all from here
to tliP ChaVahoochie, to Gen. Sherman on the
basis agre . eil upon between Lee and myself for
the army of Northern Virginia.
E. 31. STANTON, Sec'y of War.
Thy thrall's Newheni correspondence of
April 27th says : The lamentations of Sherman's
anny over the assassination of President Lincoln
were suddenly changed to rijoicings at the ap
pearance of General Grant. his old Army of
the Tennessee were wild with joy. The terms
grunted ,Johnston embrace in the surrender four
armies of the Military Division of the West, but
excludes the fifth, that of Dick Taylor, lying west
of the Chattalmochie rivet . . Among the generals
surrendered ir, Beauregard. Principal among
the lieutenant generals is Hardee. Bragg having
lately Vern relieved of his command wax nut sur
rendered. Wade Hampton refused to be surren
dered and is reported. to have been shot by John
ston in an altercatioh, but a more trust worthy
report us that he fled in company with Davis.—
The number actually surrendered is 27.400 al
though more names are given. All the militia
from South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
and the Gulf States are included* Gen. Grant
returned to Washington on Saturday.
THE World, editorially, says : In the grave of
our President just men of all parties and shades
of opinion this day bury their bitterness and ex
travagance, born of political conflict, about his
mermiresand his policy. They remember only
that he loved his country ; that he earnestly and
bravely labored for its salvation. With such
memories and with the fame which springs from
them, green and undying, the name of Abraham
Lincoln passes to-day into American history.
That history remains with us to love our coun
try as well as he; to labor as earnestly, as hum
bly, as bravely, for its salvation. Each of us, ac
cording to his light, to maintain all 'duals dent to
qht Siqnktift iltviogitarn i IfbainbitebUtgi Pa.
ha as citizens and as men, is a lesson which this
day reads t,) us, that out of this cloud of sorrow
the nation may pass on and up again into new and
nobler peace, prosperity and glory. The Herald
•• vs that Sumter and the stars and stripes that
vini. • above it wore•tiired upon and the nation
rose . ne man, for evtry one felt how deeply
and e." , fly that flag was the type of the nation.
As the a tack on Sumter sumulatedthe nation to
a war tha it would have chosen to avoid, so this
second ass, It must and will stimulate it to go on
against the rebellion until it has extennmated the
very spirit in which their damnable atorcities
originated. •
The surrender of Johnston to Sherman and the
destruction of the-lost vestige of military power
of treason east of the Mississippi, did not Affect
securitied materially. Gold receded to 144 and
the upward tendency of stocks was arrested for a
few days, , but no sensible change in prices was
effected. We have now reached a point when
military events must cease to influence trade, and
business men can calculate with reasonable ,cer
tainty as to their operations We look for amp
id revival of trade, and very likely a strong specu
lative tendency.
The First National Bank of Greencastle gives
official notice in oin ( ci&dumns to-day of its organi
zation. It will now be open for business.
JOS. P. YOUNG & CO., N 0.12 Mr.activcra EXCIU2cGE.
U. S. 'Bl's 108 i !Eldorado.
U. S. 5-20'a. 106-} Farrell Oil
Reading R. R 5.1 Franklin Oil
Penna. Railroad 59i Great Western...
Catarrisaa Railroad...o 12i Germania
Catawissa R. R.—Pret 1.17 Globe Oil
North Penna. Railroad 251, Howe's Eddy Oil
Phila. & Erie R. I Hibbard.....
Long Island Hoge Islan.
Schuylkill Narigatien. 24 Hyde Farm.
Schuylkill Nu - v.—Pref. 314 Irvin 011._
Susquehanna Canal... 10 Jersey Well:
Big Mountain C0a1.... Keystone Oil
Staple Shade OiL Is
Irelhatack Oil 9}
- -
Butler Coal
Clinton Coal
Connecticut Mining
-atamond Coal
Fulton Coal
Feeder Dam Cool.
& Cberry Run. 11
Noble & Delamater...
Oil Creek
I Pennsylvania Pet.
Green Mt Coal..
Kystone Zinc....
Monocacy Iron—
X. Y. & Mid. Coal
N .Carbondale.....
New Creek Coal
Perry Oil.
Philada and Tideoute.i
Pope Farm Oil
Petroleum Centre
Phila k Oil Creek....
Roberts Oil
Rook Oil 3b
Penn Mining
8 tratara Falls Coal— .... 51
Allegheny Ricer.
Allegheny & Tideonte
Big -
Brandon Island '
Beacon Oil
, Rathbone Petroleum..
Seneca On
Story Farm Oil 11
Schuylkill 4 Oil Creek 11
ISt. Nicholas - 3},
Bull Creek
Briggs Oil
Burning Spring Pet
Continental 0i1....
Crescent City.
... 41
... 41
Story Centre
Sunbury ..
Cara Planter
Caldwell . .
Tan Firm .....
Tan Homenteed.
Turtle Run.
Union Petroleum.
Cow Creek
Cherry• Run
Dantazd Creek OR
Upper Eeorrny
Venango Oil,.
Walnut Island
Daze .
Excelsior OP
RALEY—G . ORDO.N..—On the 20th ult., - by D. B. Rim.
Bell, Esq., Mr. Henri Raley, to Mrs. 3lary Gordon. all of
Washington township.
EVERETT--SHEARER.--On the 15th ult., by the
Rev. Wm. A. West. Mr. Moses Everett to Miss Maggie J.,
daughter of Mr. Elias Shearer, all of the neighborhod of
Spring Run.
KELLErt—On the 14th nit, near nercershurg. Mita
Catharine A.. daughter 01 - Peter and Nancy Keller, aged
19 years and 2 months.
To CONSIYMPTIVES.—The undersigned having
been restored to health in a fk* weeks, by a very simple
remedy, alter having Suffered. several years, with a se
vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—
Is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means
of cure. -
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescrip
tion ased,(free of charge) with the direction!, for prepar
ingand using the same, which thiT will find a rare care
Ihr CoNsustrrtoN. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Couttis,
Cows, Se. The only object (lithe advertiser in sending
the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread In
formation which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he
hopes everls sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost
them nothing. and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription Will please address
REV. EDWARD A. 'WILSON, Willillinsbyag, Kings Coon.
ty, Kew York. 7 febl,s4m.
GExis i—With your permission I wish to say to the resid
ent of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all
who wish it (free) a Recipe, rlth full directions for ma
king and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effect
ually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freck
les. and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft,
°leer, smooth and Beautiful.
I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or
Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will
enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers. or a Moustache. in less than thirty days.
All applications answered by return mail without charge.
Respectfully yours, Topa. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
marchl-am C:11 Broadway, Nets- York.
L.:FORMATION FRF.E.—To Nervous Sufferers.
—A Gentleman, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency,
Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a de
sire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who
need it, (FREE. OF cllmmE.) the recipe and directions for
making the simple remedy need in his ease. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad expertence, and
possess a sure and valuable remedy. can do so by address.,
ing him at his place of business. - The Recipe, and full in:
formation—of s nal importance—will be cheerfully sent by,
return mail. Address JoriNl3. 061. EN, 60 Swett street
New York.
P. S.—Nen - ons Sufferers of both sexes will find this in
formation • invaluable. aprilP2.3m
A CARD TO INVALIDS:A clergyman, while
residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a
mire and simple remedy fur the Cure of Nervous Weakness
Early De cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal 0
and the whole train of disorders brev et on by banef z iel
vicious habits. Great numbers havg been already cured
by thisneble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre.
paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to
any one who needs it, Freer!, Charge.
Tiease inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your
self. Address JOSEPH T. IN MAN,
oet 19.1 y) SIATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, Nem York City
MII7IIINC relating to the human systemAnale and female;
the causes and treatment of diSeases; the marriage cue
toms of the World ; how to marrtwell and a thousand
thiaga never published before, read the revised .and en
larged edition of "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious
book for curious people, and a good book for every one.
400 pages, Ilk Illustrations. Price 81.50. Contents table
sent free to any address. Books may be had at the Book
stores, or will be sent by mail. post-paid, on receipt of the
price. Address E. B. DAM:, M. D.,
febl.Em IMO Broadway, New York.
EYE AND EAR.—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D., Oc.
millet and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Holland, is tom
ted permanently at No. 511 Pine Street, Philadelphia,
where persons afflicted with disease of the Ey e or Ear;
will he scientifically treated and cured, if curable.
:7-479 , ARTIFICIAL El Rs inserted without pain. No
charges made for Examination.
N. 13 —The medical faculty Is invited, us he has no se
crets in his mode of treatment. July-Cely
cat: is the Great Diuretic.. Concentrated Es •
tract Sarsaparilla is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are pre.
pared according turtles of Pharmacy and Chemistry•, and
aro.the most active that can be made.
THE BRIDAL CIIAMBER.—A note of wattling
and adv i ce t o thecae suffering kith Sernimi) Weakness,
General Debility. or Premature Decay, from whatever
cause produced. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wise in
Sent FREE to any address, for the benefit of the afflic
ted. Sent by return mail. Address JAMES S. BUTLER,
429 Broadway, Few- ork.
To PURIFY, Enrich the binhtl. and Beautify
the complexion use Ilembold's Highly Concentrated Fluid
Eletraet Sarsaparilla. One bottle equals in strength one
gal/on of the Syrup or Deeoction.
of President Lincoln and his son Willie, taken from life,
25 cents; Card Photograph of the President's body lying
in state in Harrisburg, 25 cents; the name, large size, $1
50. Sent to any direction un receipt of price, and 3 cent
stamp. J. Rosen)Aix..
may3.3t Optician, Harrisburg,..Ta.
Those who desire brilliancy of 'complexion, must purify
and enrich the blood, which lielmtiold's Concentrated Ex.
tract Sarsaparilla invariablyßoes. Recollect it Is no pal.
eft medicine. Ask for Relnibold's. Take no other,
ANODYNE CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and
Relief.—This valuable medicine Is again forlaale
at MILLER'S NFAY DRUG STORE, next door west of
Brown's Rota It is Far superior to all Soothing Syrups,
or any other preparation for children - in Teething, Cliolig
Diarrhea, or inward pains.
WHY Injure the Complexion by Powders and
'Maims which choke or fill up the pores of the skin, and
in a short limo leave It harsh and dry t It isle the blood,
and if you want smooth and soft skin use Hetabold's Ex
tract of Sarsaparilla. It gives a brilliancy to the complex
-- OLD EYES MADE NEW.—A pamphlet directing
hair to speedily restore eight and give up spectacles, with
out ald of doctor or medicine. Sent by mall, free, on re•
calpt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTS, M.D.,
febl-6m 1.130 Broadway, New York.
13EWARE OF CouvrEß FErrs and unprincipled
dealers endeavoring to dispose of their own and other
preparations. on the reputation attained by Helrabold's
Genuine Preparasims.
WHISK ens ! WHISKERS T .---Do you want \Vida
kers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Compound Will force
them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on
bald heads. in Six Weeks. Price, $l.OO. Sent by mail
anyirhere, ebooy sealed, on receipt of price.
Address, Wail:sac S Co., Box 138, Brooklyn N. Y. .
A CLEAR, Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complex
ion follow the use of liembold's Concentrated Fluid Ex
tract Sanapatilla, It remotes black spots, pimples, and
all eruptions of the Skirt.
. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of Warning
and Instruction for Young 51en--published by (bellow
ant Asaociations, and sent free of charge in sealed euvel
open.,Address, Dr. J. SKatri liotininoN, 'Howard As.
sociaton, Philadelphia, Pa. feb-ly.
QUANTITY TS. QUALlTY.—llembold's Extract
Sarsaparilla—The do se is small. Those 'who desire a
large quantity—end large dos4i of medicine—Eßß.
CllasiaEuSßLlta, May 2, 1865.
Flour—White 811 00 Butter 30
Flour—Red 10 50 Eggs 16
Wheat—White 2 00 Lard 18
Wheat—Red .. 1 75 ,
:Tallow 19
Rye 1 051 Bacon—Rama. ' 23ta2
Corn_ 1 10 Bacon=—Sides. 18
Oats ' 70 Soap Beaus 225
Clover Seed 14 00 Washed Wool - 60
Timothy Seed. - 4 50 Unwashed Wool . 40
Flaxseed 250 pared Peaches. 500
Potatoes—Mercer.... 120 Capered Peaches 300
Potatoes—Pint Eyes 1 15 Dried Apples A 200
Ptilladelpbia Markeis.
There is no shipping demand for Flom• and the sales are
confined to the wants of the home trade at $7,2527,75 for
superfine ; $8'68,50 for Extra, and 929,50 for Extra fami
ly. No change in Rye Flour or Cora Meal . .
Wheat comes in slowli and is dull at 82"41.10 for Red;
82102 , 2.30 for white. hales of 1000 bush. Rye at $1.30.
Corn is MIMe and is in rod demand at 81308132. Oats
are steady at Enc. Whisky sells at t 2.15e2.2t
tar meampa.l
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Stocks dull. Penna. fives, 90! Mario Canal, 95 ; Long
Island, - --;-Rcading 5111 Penna. R. N., ; Gold 140; Ex
ctianke In New York par. ,
AM. CRISWELL will he a candidate
. for the Grace Of County Treasurer, subject Ea the
decision of the Union Nominating County Convention.
GREEN TOWNSHIP. Slay 3d, 1845.
undersigned is now ready to eqntraet with any that
is desirous of re-building for the finest kind of PRESSED,
PAVING and HARD BRICK, made of the very best
material told by Philadelphia wort - men.
maylim W. H. WANAMAKER, Agent.
J. WRIGHT being elected and commissioned a Jus
tice of the Peace in. and for the hamlet of Chambersburg,
teould respectfully inform the public that be will attend
'to the duties of said office at hisstore room, under Brown's
Hotel, opposite the Market House, may3-4t
the National Funeral, A Nation Mourns, Sherman's
Bonny Boys in Blue, and oar - late President's Favorite
Poem, free to any addres, on receipt of 10 cents.
Address -CHARLES JONES, Lamborton St.; S. Trenton. N. J.
hereby given that Letters TestamentatT to the Estate
of Eliralieth Saylor. late of Greencastle, deed, have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment ; and those having
claims present them proporly auth entilmted fur settlement.
tier is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
D. 1:1 N. C. T. A., on the Edate of 'Margaret L. Camp.
bell,)ute ofCluttnbersburg, dee'd, have ben grunted to
the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those haring
stomayreSept them pmnerly authenticated for settlement.
Bee is hereby given that Lettets of Administration,
on the Estate of James W. Lane, late of Guilford ante
ship, deed, have been a.runtiNl to the undersigned.
AU persons kenning themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property athentidated fur settlement,
maul ELIZABETH LANE, Atim'rx.
EXECUTOR'S NO TICE.— 'oiice is
hereby given that Learn Testamentary to the Estate
of Jacob Burkholder, late of Lurgen township, div'd. have
been grunted to the undersigned., residing: it Newburg. Pa.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will Please make inimediate payment; and those having
claims present them propetly authenticated for settlemint.
may 3 DAVID WHERRY, Ez'r.
. George W. Portz, of Waynesboro, on the Pth day
of April, 1865, made a voluntary assignment of all his es
late and effects, real and personal. in trust for hiscreditors
to Joseph Douglas.
All persons indebted to said Portz will please make im
mediate payment, and those hosing claims present them
properly authenticated for settlement to
may.l-6t JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Assignee.
Mourning fiats at DECHERTS.
the greatestaf the rebel
sprats, with thirteen millions in
unit kegi mAing 'onward to Texas, is tiy
lag to avoid the Income Tax.commissioners. we
suppose. If Jeff could' only get a quantity of FREI' cf,
k'OLTZ'S Cheap and Good - Style HATS, CAPS .
and STRAW GOODS, we have no doubt
he would readily pert with a keg
or two of his precious
3 cargo.
Store on Second St., opposite Soule's Photograph
Gallery. Look'put fur the Sign of the Red S White Flag,
undersigned would respectfully inform the public that
ho has resumed the Carriage making business at the old
stand of ?Miler & Feltz, on the corner of Market and Sec
ond Streets. where he is prepared to make to order any
kind of CARRIAGES desired. He will also keep on hand
and for tale all kinds of vehicles, such as BAROUCHES,
He nil) also give particular attention to tepairing
cles suirras he has none but the best of workmen in his
employment he feels assured 'that his work Rill give sat.
His prices will be - found to bons low if not lower than
at any other shop.
LIVERY.—He keeps on hand a stock of good saddle
and driving Horses and Carriages of different kiwis fir
hire at reasonable rates.
teay3, 186.1 ' P. HEZCRY PEIFFER.
In the Thlat Office at Chambersburg, State of Penn
sylvania. May 2, 1555.
WTo obtain any of these Letters, the applicant mast
cull for "advertised Letters," give the date of thislist, and
pay two cents for advertising.
Bonebreak Henry[Foreman Fted'k Reese[ Edward
Hastier W i n II [Foust Witty 'Scott Mrs Mary
Berry Mics E IlartmenElizabeth Shirk Harry
Brindle Peter Han Mrs Carolineleighter E
Cutchew William Hoover Joseph iSnively Mrs Ann
-Crider MissMaryE , Humber MarySiturbec k John
Cramptim Miss M Hoover 'Miss _,,
J I Sny tlerMkßuham
Crider Peter • Karper Jobe S'outheet Henry
I/ice Mrs Barb it Landis John Straley William S
Dengler Charles Landis 'Mi.. Amy Young Mrs M. A
Unnkle Jacob Markle Bel/ecru iYoung Theo F .
Fleck Daniel Perry Ilildebert IYounge Mrs Eliza
Flakes Benjamin Plunkett Mrs
WhenEss, Bysantisfactory eviilenco presented to the
undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE FIRST
County of Fmnklitr and State of Pennsylvania, has been
duly organized under and Recording to the requirements of
the art of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a Nation
al Currency. simgred'hy a pledge of United States Bonds,
tied to provide for the circulation rind redemption thereof."
approved June 3d. if fel, and has complied with all the
provisions of said net required to he complied with, before
commencing the business of Banking under said act,
Now therefore. I, Freeman Clarke, Comtroller of the
Currency, do hereby eerhfy that,The .V irstNational Bank
of Greenetuitle, in the Borough of Greencastle, in the
County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania. is author
ized to commence the' business of Ranking under the act
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and sea of office.
ft‘EALI this `:9th day of April. lEida.
Na 1041.. tinay3.loo Comptroller of the Currency.
Fancy Cassimers and Coatings a t greatly* reduced
prices, at
'ATTiNTION.—A 11 woo
LI Sacking for Cloaks and Coats, a superior article, a
WHITE'S, tl doors North of the Post office.
l_A tAo lowest market price, and no charge for eihting
garments, when persons desire to have them made*lse•
where, at WH/TETI.
ir splendid article, just received at a loos 'flgare, Call
and lee there. at • WMTE'S.
• ptuvd to fondsli ALL HINDS of BUILDING
and other LL'SPEIt an abort notice and reasonable
Ryon wish to build,
NOTICE - -All persons indebted to A. J
White by note or Baal Account mill oonfer alarm
by calling and settling their ante without delay. His
books are all that he bas say out of this great
may 3 WHITE,
Stone 13uilding, 2 doors no thoi Post Office: _
rg Market*.
the most fashionable lylea
DECHERT can sell the beat quality of gwda and cheap
er than any other house in this place.
FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The Ta.rpayers of
Franklin county will please take notice, that I, will meet
them at the following places for the purpose of receiving
the State, County and Military Taxes for the year 1865,
WASHlNGTON.—Waynesboro', at the Hodes former
ly- occupied py F. Bowden, on Wednesday and-Tbnrs.
day, the 3d and 4tb*days of May.
ANTRIM.--Greencastle, at the House formerly kept
by Foreman & Gilds, on Friday and Saturday; the sth and
6th days of May.
MONTGOMERY.—WeIsh Run, at the House ofJacolt
Elliott, on Monday, the Bth day of May, and at the House
of Thomas MAfee, inMercersburg on Tuesday, the 9th
day of May.
WARREN.—J. Zimmerman's Store, on Wednesday.
the 111th day of May, and at P. Cook's Tannery, on Thurs.
day, the 11th day of May.
PETERS.—Loudon, at the House of James Mullen, on
Friday, the 12th day of May, and at James D. Scott's
More, Bridgeport, on Saturday, the 13th day of May.
FANNETT,—Amberson's Valley, at the House of 8.J..
Culbertson, on Monday, the 15th ; at the House of A. B.
Sieber, Concord, on Tuesday, I. le 16th day of May, and
at the House formerly kept by Beal. Crouse, at Dry Run,
ore Wednesday, the 17th day of May.
METAL—Fanuettsburg, at the House of Mrs. Adana
Ramsey on Thursday and Fridayo the 18th and 19th
days of May.
LURGAN.—Roxbury, at the House of D avid Eitzmll
ler on Monday and Tuesday, the VA and Rid days of
LETTEREENNY.--Strasburg, at the House of J. B.
Waist, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 29th and 25th
days of May.
ST. THOMAS—At the Store of D IX= & Elder, in St.
Thomas, on Friday and, Saturday, the 26th and 27th days
of Mn
GREEN—Fayetteville, at the House of John S. BroWn,
on Monday, the 29th day of May, and at the House of
C. C. Foltz, In Greenvillage, on littaday, 30th day of
SOUTHAMPTON-3ft. Rock School Rouse, oa Wed
nesday, the 31st day of May, and at the Home, of John
Kyrie' r, in Orratown, on Thursday, the Ist day of June.
GUILFORD—Marion, at the llonse of Jeremiah Bnrk,
on Friday. the day of June, and at the Noose of Mn.
H. Snider, in New Franklin, on Saturday, the i3d day of
HAMILTON—At the Haase of John Gordon, on Man
day and Tuesday, the sth and dth days & June.
CHAMBERSHVRO—At the Treasurer's Office, on
Wednesday and Thursday, the ith and Bth days of gine.
None but Pennsylvania or Government funds re
eels ed for Taxes.
LICENSES.—AII persons who are subject to papa
Mercantile or Manifacturers License, trill-please take rip
said License at the 'above stained places, as J are compell
ed by law to bring suit on all unpaid License by the 10th
day of July next. JAMES G. ELDER,
march:hi County Treasurer.
FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to them by notes or book accounts to
call and make immediate settlement The necessity of
this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in.
debted will report a, once. aug244f
COUNTY TREASURER.—MAJ. Joan, offers himself as a candidate for, the office
of Coan7 Treasurer, aultect to the decision of ihe Union
Yominating Convention. w - •
- St. TIIO3(AS, Starch 2.1186,5.
itation of a number of my friends, I announce my
self a candidate for the Ottice of County Treasurer, sub
ject to the decision of the Union Nominating County
Coacention [Qlitscr, March WM. FLAGLE.
TREASURER.—SamneI F. Greenawalt
offers himself as a Candidate for The office of County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union Nomina
ting Convention. CIIAXIIEWILTG, Marcia 15.
4HERIFFALTY.—At the solicitation
of a number of my friends, I offer myself as'a.Can
-didate for the office of Sheriff of Franklin County, subject
to the decision of the Union Nominating Convention.
GVILFORD TOWN - 8111P, Munch Z. • .F. W. DOM.
cIIIERIFFALTY.—Enconraged by a
40 number of my friends, I offer myself as a Candidate
for the office of Sheriff, subject to the dbcieion of the Union
Nominating County Convention. DAVID EBY.
QHERIFFALTY.—I offer myself as a
Candidate for the office of Sheriff - of Franklin county,
subject to the decision of the Union Nominating Conven
Ma=Etteutlau, Pa., Marches, 18(15'
SHERIFFALTY.—Encouraged by a
numberof my Mends, 'offer myself as a candidate for
the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union
Nominating- County Convention. 31. LEISHER.
CHAMBER-41313M March 15.
►Li of Chambersburfc, will be a candidate for the pffice of
Sheriff, subject to the - decision of the Union Nominating
County Convention, warcidS.
tue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin
county, - Pa., I will expose to Public Sale, on the premi
ses, on Saturday, the 13th day of May, 1865, at 1 o'clock,
P. IL, the following described Real Estate, situate In
Peters township, in raid county, belonging to Samuel
Davis, decd, to wit n Tract of about SEVEN ACRES
OF LIMESTONE LAND, adjolning lands of Thos. B.
Kennedy, Joseph - Shatter, George Clapsaddle and others.
having thereon erected a lt story LOG DWELLING
HOUSE, Log Stable and other necessarYontkuildlags.
Also, a thriving Young Orchard.
Terms made known on day- of sale.
april 19-31 WIL STITZEL, Adner.
£1 and Directors of the Franklin Rail Road Company,
will he held at the Company's otlice, in Harriburg, be
tween the hours of 19 A. It. and 4 P. M., of ,Wednesday,
thr 3d day of May Cart. E. M. BIDDLE,
april.264h Secretary.
NNOTICE.—An election for Director of
the Franklin county Mutual Fire Insurance Compa
ny. will be held on Monday, the drk of .Ilay, nett, at the
mike of the coThiliany, in Chumbersburg, betwern the
hours of I and 4 o clock of said day.
April26-2t WhL 31.'CLELLAN Scc'y.•
V. DEAL, P. 31
0 R• ce ' , SALE .—A family leaving this
will sell a GRAND PIANO on very reasona
ble terms. It can be seen by calling at the residence of
The late JAMES WRIGHT, Esq., corner Qneen and
Third streets. april26
six horse power, In good condition. Can be seen by
calling at T. B. Wood's Foundry.
5ei.11.41 JACOB GARVER.
TL'OR SALE.—A full course - Scholarship
lathe Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia.
Apply at this office. IneP 7- •
- 1 , !, 0 0 0 ai ßE gne4 W wi lD p. . ; -- o T ri h:
T un ao tr s :
DOLLARS to any party or parties who Will ar•
rest and deliver to the civil authorities of Franklin o:nut
ty, F. W. &gait, (son of "Extra Billy') a captain an
der NlTansland when Clunnberaburg was burned, and
who burned my midence and barn and stele various val
uable articles from the hours, _
.'llleltr.roarroWlC Association iviU abo pay rIVE HUN
DRED DOLLARS, for the Wrest of either 31Tansland or
Gilmore, and their delivery to the civil authorities of
;Vs county. rapril264] A. K. 3.I.'CLURE.
ArWr Rmhmond Whig please copy 3t and send bIU to
German Reformed Church, having accepted a call
from the Grind Stone Hill Charge, and having 10(.2161
himself in Fayetteville, would most r!speetfully offer his
services to all who may call upon him in Visiting the Sze*
and, Attending Pon,rals or„Weddinge. Address
ap26.20 REV. E. B. WILSON, Fayetteville, Pa. •
PROPOSALS.--Seald proposals will be
received until the sth day of May next, at the Nation
al Bank of Chambersboorg, for the ere c tion. of a NEW,
BANKING HOUSE on the site of the old Bank, in — tie . .. •
cordance with plans and specifications, now in the 'mike
of the Cashier.
aprill9.3t G. R. NESSFataiLTIX, Cashier.
r V 0 as acall,
Spring and Sommer styles now ready, a tgreatly re-
A large assorEmeot oflassta' and Chfidre4's Hats, all of
Come and examine our goods and be oosivineed that
Remember the place, Second Street, Iwo doors north of
Qtcinbiliateo' Cubs.
Ootate 55ales.
(Mutton Jloticeo. ,
Veromiat Iltopertg *Meg.
Rebel Rain Webb Minns up.
Como, Arel 30.
The steamer Ifississippi, from New Orleans;
reports that the rebel ram Webb passed New Or
leans in broad day, displaying the stars and stripes.
..She hoisted the rebel flag a few miles above Fort
Philip, Her =denser got out of order, and
she was deserted and blown up. AS far as known
she inflicted no damage save cutting the telegraph
wires. A portion of her crew have arrived at
New Orleans. The remainder have left for parts
Movements of/etl: Davis.-. Hampton's
aliT Escorting lEilin. l .-General Wilson
will. Probably Prevent His Escape.
NEW YoRS, Aptil
The Herald's Newborn correspondent says the
last positive information of Jeff. Davis move
ments was that he passed through Charlotte on
his way southward, escorted by a brigade of cat,.
airy, probably Wade Hampton's, on the 23d in-
stant. As Gent Wilson was at Macon on the
20th, and virtually held allionthern Georgia, the
chances are that Davie cainot escape,
105 Officers and 1,000 Nen of Morgan's
Old Command Nurrender—Others anr•
Lixn:GroN, April,3o.
One hundred and five officers and one hundred
men of Morgans old command surrendered to
General Hobson, at Mount Sterling, today.
Twelve hundred rebels also surrendered to
Hobson's troops. Several hundred deserters from
the rebel army took the oath of amnesty, and
eastern - Kentucky is now clear of rebel troops.
barman's Army en route for Washington..
- General Sherman's army is en .route for Wash
ington, overland. The Government today tele
graphed to Baltimore Philadelphia and New York,
for fifty bakers from each place, in order to be
ready for the army. . •
Legal fotireo.
ttoe is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Sarah Struabangh, late of Antrim town
ship, deo'd, have been granted to the undenigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present themproperly authenticated for settlement.
march 29 WM. STITS/ItAtiGH, Adm's
hereby given, that Letters Testamentary to the Ee•
tate of Andrew Oil, late et Peters township, deo'd, have
been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to mid Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claimsresent them properly authenticated for settlement,
J. C. HlClLittiig, M. D. • JNO. KON'TGOMERT, M. D.
AA' associated themselves in the Praaice of Medicine,
and have opened an office in Dr. Richards' new building,
on Main street, a few doom South of the Diamnd.
All persons indebted to either of the alma will please.
make early settlement of the same. fatlif24-tri
services as a Physician and Surgeon to the citizens
of St. Thomas and vicinity. Promptness at all hours.
Residence opposite the Post Odice. apritl9.em
DR. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt
ly to all profeeclonal calla. Office in the Vestibule
of the New School House near the Jail. iattg9.9.
8 ,,,,, ,
JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Tristan.
lion, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effectual
remedy in the world for Gleets, Structures,. Seminal
Weakne4,i-Pitin in tie Loins, Constitutional Debility,
Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affirtione
of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner.,
vous Irritability, Diseases of the Heart, Throat, Nero of
skin; and all those serious and melancholy digorders axis
ing.from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy
both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices
are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens
to the mariner Ulytsus, blighting their most brilliant
hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &e., impossible.
youy MEN!
Young Men espeaially, o have become the victims of
Solitary Vice , that dread(' and destructive habit which and
annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young
men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intellect, who
might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre;
may call with full confidence.
Marriea persons, or young men contemplating marriage
being aware of physical weakness,organic
debt ity, defor—
mities, &c, should immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
Re who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston
may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and
confidently rely upon his skill as a physician.
This disease is the penalty most frequently those
who hava become the victims of improper indulgences.
Young.persons are too apt to commit excesses from not
being aware, of the dreadful consequences that may ensue.
Now, who thatunderstandsthe subject will ptetendhadeny
that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling
into improper habit than by the prudent Besidesbeing de
prived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most
serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise.
The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental
powers weakened, nelsons debility, dyspepsia, palpitation
of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame,- cough,
symtoms of consumption.
. Office No. 7, Scud, Frederick area,
seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the. steps.
Be particular in observing the name and number, or you
will mistake the place.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.
DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Rs C hags of
Surgeons, London. Frutunic from one of eminent
Colleges of the United Strifes, and the greater part of
whose life has been spent in fhe hospitals of London,
Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of
the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many
troubled with _ringing is the head and ears when asleep,
great nen-ousntss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and
- ,bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes
-with derangement of mind, were cured immediately.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure
find he has imbibed the seed of this - painful disease, it Woof
ten happens that an ithtimed sense of shame,
or dread of dis•
covery, deters him from applying to those who from eduest;
Lion and respectability can alone befriend him, delaylsgtill
the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their
appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
nocturnal 'pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight,
deafness, nobs on the chin, bones and arms, blotches on the
head, face and extremities, progressing with frightfal m•
• pidity, till at last the palate of the month „or the bones of
the, nose fall in and the victim of this awful disease be
comes a horrid Object of comrnisseration, till death puts a
period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that
bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, there
fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the moat
inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the
first Hospitals of Europe and America, he can ctinfidently
recommend a safe and speedy oure to the unfortunate vic
tim of this horrid disease: ;
. _
It is a melancholy. fact That thousands fall yiotims to
this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant
pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, Mercury,
ruin the constitutwo, and either mad the unfortunate
an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable,
Di. J. addresses those who have injured themselves by
private and Improper indulgences.
'These ore some of the sad and melancholy effects pro
duced by early habits of. youth, viz:—Weakness of the
Buck and Limbs,Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight,
Low of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye
pepsin, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Diges
tive Funetious General Debility, Symptoms of Consump
tion, &e.
MENTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are ntleeh to
be dreaded loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres
sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion to ffociety,
Self-Distrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ice., are some
of the evil effects.
Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what
is the cause of their declining health, leasing their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance about the
eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption.
By this great mal ixnportantiremedy, Weakness of the
Organs is speedily cured, andfall vigor restored.
'Phousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who
had last all hope, have been immediately relieved,' All
impediments to Marriag Physical or Mental Disqualifi
cation, Nervous irritabilit e,
y, Trembling, Weakness or Ex
haustion of the most fearntl kind, speedily cured by Dr.
_ _
who have injured themselves by a certain practice, 'Tidal.
god in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil
companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even
when asleep, and if not cured reader marriage impossible,
and destroy - 81*th mindandbody,should apply immediately
',hat a pity that a young man. the hope of his comitty,
the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a oer•
Lain necret habit. Suchpersons, before contemplating
should reflect that a sound` mind and body.are thernietne
cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness Indeed.
without these, the journey through life becomes a weary
pilgrimage, the prospect hourly delimit to the view the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the
me l anc h o ly reflection, that the happiness of another
eomes blighted with our own,
TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands cured at this
Institution in the bast fifteen years; and the numerous im
portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed
by the reporters of the papers, and many other persons,
notices of which have appeared again and again before
the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
N. B. There area° manybrziOnuit and worthless quacks
advertising themselves as. Ph as, ruining the health
of the already afflicted, De Johnston deems it
to say to those unacquainted with his brpnbitiOn t that g
Diplomas Altn,g in bis dike.
TANS NOTICE.—AII letters must be poet pold,ltad
contain 4 postage stamp for the tdpty a , ex no answet
be sent. - boar 161 p.