Ensurance. A WIERICAN LIFE INSITRAIS:CF, AND TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, beerporated 1.850. Charter Perpetual. Authorized c ap i ta ], .;e.,01,000. Paid-Up Capital, $2:I0,000. Fhiladeiptda, Feb 4, 1864. • The Trustees have this 'day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER GENT, on all premiums received upon Ittt- Tem. Potactss during the year ending December 315 t, 1853, and in force' at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and hove coo entered the dirt, dead of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to be paid, as tile annual premiums on said Policies are re. ceived. • OFFICERS. President—Alexander Whilldin. secuudary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. Adeary--John C. Sims. - BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George 'Nugent, lion. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle; Samuel Work, William J. Howard. lion. Joseph Allison. Samuel T. Bodine, John Aatiaan, Charles F, Reazlitt, Isaac Ilatlehurst. Wit. G. REED, Chambersb . urg, Pa, is the authorized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com pany, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any Information wanted, and to take Inansoneca. DRB. J. C. IticuAßDs and W. D. BOYLE, Afediea/ Es au :afters. REFERENCES—Hon. A. K MClure, Rev. S. A Me ccas, J. 8. Nixon, Chalabersbrirg, and Wm. M. Marshall, Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please call on, or by addrwing the undersigned they will be waited on in any part of The Conhtv or State, Par'- 3 W. 4. REED, Agent. 1829CILIETER PERPETUAL.- FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS On January 1, 1E41.. CAPITAL ACCEPTED SuiteLts. INVESTED DREXILUIS Uramnizn Clams,l , IscomE rim 1864 • 88,416. ' , 80,000,000. 1 Long PAuk Brscz 1820 - -- 85,000,000 PERPETUAI, AND TEMPORARY POLICIES Old LIBERAL TER3IB. DIRECTORS: Charles S. Banehei, Lazio Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant. Ceo. Pales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Filler, George W. Richards, Eras. W. Leticia, IL D. CRADLES N. DANCKER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Jes. N. IrAtilsrEa. Seey pro. tern. DAVI/X OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Com• puny inhambersburg, who will furnish all information necessary to Applicants. nanea-tf. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AItER.ICA. Incorporated rig. Charter Perpetnal. CAPITAL esoo,ooo. Office = Walnut Street, Phila delphia. The prompt payment of Claims for Losses during the period of nearly neventy years that the Company has been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Thiscompany mill also insure against loss by WAR or lITVASION. Persons wohing to Insure will please call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chambersburg. As Agent for this Company, I am prepared te Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the IZtebels on the 30th of July, rethrning the full premium paidson application at my office ' W. G. REED, Agent Rr.FEllv:ce-s—J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eyster, Esq., ILsjor J. C. Austin, Col A. R. IVClare. febB L IFE INSURANCE A-THOME THE PENN MUTUAL Llrh INKTUNCE CO. 921. CHESTNUT STILEET. PHILADELPEILS. insures Lives on Farorable Tarns, and rill holm-Policies on any of the approrcd plans of insuranci. Assr.rs LIABIX, Ton LOSSES, $1,376,435.3.. SuaeLus Drvmr,9 ANNUALLY. LossEs PAID PEOHYTLY, Dividend, January, /E 65, fifty per cent., and the Scrip , up to September, 1839. ; inclusive, received in payment Of premiums. The members in this vicinity are hereby notified that the Certificates of .Scrip Dividend ate now reedy for de livery. SAII . L. S. STIRS OCR., Agent, Charabersbarg, 3. L. SrESSE' ROIT, 3L D. 3ledical Examiner aprl2-3t OUR AGENT.-14: Jour: GROVE, of Chambersburg, ietlie - CFeneral Agent of thf Frank lin. County Mutual Insurance Company. June]) iftuoiral. MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. MELODEONS were introduced some twenty years since, and were succeeded by the HARMONIUMS about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN was brought titpresent state hf perfection only in the summer of 1 TEE AUTO3IATIC BELLOWS SWELL Lae great advantages over any otheritiventi on Oltbe kind, Is capable of moth finer effects than can be produced by any other, and 1.4 more wally used by the perforates, and excels especially in capacity for expr,tbision. Er Please notice advance In prices. CABEcET ORGANS.—SCWLE RaED. ho. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak. Case 8110 No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 135 No. 17. Fire Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. 130 No. 18. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.-.... 160 DO1:B - LE REED No. 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. . 140 No. 20. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 165 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 170 No. 22. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 200 No. 23 The Same! in Sad Curved Walnut or Oak, with Walnut Carvings. ' 200 Siz Sror. No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 100 N). 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 100 EMU? ATOP. - . 12. - Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, In Walnut or Oak Case. 4Z 'o. 11. The Same, In elegant RoL..e.ood Case .500 !No. 24. The same, In Solid Carved Walnut. 500 PEDAL Sass 'No. 10. Pedal Base Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case. 600 Cases of utra finish on hand, or made to order. MELODEONS. No. 5. Five Octave, Pion; Sty le. Rosewood Case-8150 No. 6. 'The Same, Portable, Rosewood Case. 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case. 95 No. 9. Four Octave, Portable, Ro.errood Case.-- 75 . 15r Descriptive pamphlets , furnished` by the subscri ber. Aa Agents for Messrs. Mason & Hamlin we are enabled to sell at their New York prices, and charge nothing for freight We have sold a number of their Instruments, and can give ntunerons satisfactory references. S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent, ang3l Chambers, ERR ant gang Goolrss. G 0 0 .D N E W •S DRY GOODS ME= REDUCED PRICES! WAL WALLACE & CO. Are is receipt of a large lot of Goods, bought at rednc• ed prices, at the late tiew 'York Auctions, to which they Invite the -attention of the publie.• To persons in want of Dry Goods weeny now is the time to buy. To the ladies we offer a large assortment of preen Goods Black and Piincy Silks, Spring Poplins, Baratheas, Plain and Fancy, Delanes, We have a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oil ClOths, which we will sell low. 4fi Call 80012 and get bargains, at olrelkin WM. WALLACE & CO'S. S " !—Staten Island Fancy bye in'E Faith fishmant '—The lamest and moat complete STEAM DYEING & SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT in the World. Grand Combination of French, German, Yankee SkIlL Almost every description cit Silk and Woolen Fabric, Cleaned and Dyed to give - satisfaction , — KID Gl.owta, Cleaned and Dyed in the Ann style of the Art. Nov is the time. for Renovating Spring Apparel. BARRETT, NEPHEWS A; CO. Oftlee 47 North Eighth Street, between Mar. ',et& Arch. Eat Side. Nor York Office.: N 0!... 3 te: 7 John St, and 778 Jirond Way. marcir29-3m aOLD 149! AND DRY GOODS AND Nil :Notions in proportion, ut the Cheap_ Cash Store of tIETCALFE & HITESHEW, where - you will always and a full stook to select from. We have en Land a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Coats. Circulars, Sueke and Shawls Bugle nitntnlngs and Buttons, Comets, Hoop Shirts, Oil Cloths, &e., at aril 5 \ METCALFE & lIITESHEW. Manta, I, FORMATION WANTED.—Relations 1. of CLARA REYNOLDS, supposed to be formerly of Lama:utter comity, %elm ttairmsd HIRAM WITMELL, of Winchester, Va., and subsequently lived at Chesterfield Va., will confer a favor by sending their address to me, at Lock Boz No, 15, Iforrusburg, Pa. - avail's:it LAURA WITCIIELL. A GENTS WANTED—To sell tho great 11 work, "LIFE ANI) DESTa IN REBEL WILS ONS." Soldier.. Ladies, any ono Can Bell it apri.ll23t* , L. STEBBINS, Hartford. Ct, BLOODED STOCa.—The subscriber Sas the following THOROUGH BRED STOCK, for service, which can be seen at his Farm (the old Ritchie property.) GEORGE—A Thermic!, 13red Stallion, 6 years old, bred by Judge Kenneth-, of Charlestown, Va., from aLez. mom mare by tilt:v-I.3th, from imported Ske , Lark fhisstock Is:descended than the c try best fottr•mife stock on record. Terms, 6,20, DURHAM BULL, bred by; Br. Oreenawalt, of Fay- Atmille, from lAA celebrated BA. Bull and from an •inporlcd cow of the IM,, Tem. 82. CRESTF.R COUNTY WHYYP, BOAR, now - near :nontlas old,-,and weighs nearly :JOU Pm. We animal reeds only to en to he appmcinted Towns, 82,00. nprlhl2 Lm. B. BOYD.' B LINDS AND'SHADES.- B. WILLIAMS, Su. 16 NORTII SIXTH STREFIT, PHILADELPHIA, ZIANITAerunEic 01? vENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largrxt aud.fiessr ars.rortni cut iu the city at tjae Racist cash. pricer. STORE SHADES wade and lettered mirth 29.2 m arligo mai ifteVicitteo. D x! MILLI $, NEIV DRUG STORE, WELL SELECTED STOCK PURE DRUGS, $9,457,849 95 1,086,Mi Weft End of Brown's' Hotel SCITENC,K'S SEA WEED TdNIC, AT SPANGLER'S. COSTAR'S BAT EXTERMLNATOR, at SPAMLER'S. jj EistillEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, it Lincfray's Blood Searcher, Rostetter'sßitters, 0 Bachn, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Rwaira's Panacea. Hoofland'a Gerraari Bitters, at SPANGLER'S. SOZODONT FOR THE TEETH. AT SPANGLE R'S. BRNETT'S COCOAME F 0 It THF NAIR at SPANGLER'S, • SWAIM'S PANACEA, AT SPANGLER'S. YVR'S P I L L S. Wright's ring, Tocnsaaci's Pills, at DRUGS! D It U , G S ! ! C. CRESSLER, successor to HISSER d CRESS. LEO, has opened in hit new room, on Second street, oppo• site the Post Oahe, where every effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage which the item re• oeived is respectfhlly solicited. A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of Perfnimery, Soaps, Pocket Boola, Hair Brushes, . Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Commodes, Deattfrlces, . . and Fancy Articles in great variety. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every description of Hand Lamps. Stand Lamm Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable-for Kiteben use, Parlor use, Store use and OMee THE -HE&T COAL OIL IN TEE MARICRT. Family DAIS anti Colors. Everything in a Druggists line of hasiners. . _ 'Prescription receive speehd attention, and are compounded with care and skill. C. H. CRESSLER, . Second Street, opposite the Poet Office. ry STOCK OF. ALL MVP'S OF DRCGS, Sc., is very full. A f of Patent Medicines always on hand. 131 R.O.E T ANT I 13 V A-L I D S, IRON IN THE BLOOD' It IS'well known to the medical profession that IRON is the vital principle or Life Elemeatof the blood. - Tbr is derived chiefly from the food we eat ;'but If the food is not properly digested, or if from any canoe whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken Into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system salters. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the, brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all parts of the system, and every one will gaffer in whatever organ tituy be pre disposed to disease. The groat value of - IRON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. The difficulty has been to obtain inch preparation of it us will enter the circulation and assimulate at once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes, Massachusetts State . Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP DIP PROTECTED lotion of the PROXIDE OF IRON, A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE that strike, at the Root of Disease by supplying the blood %nth r= Vital Principles or Life Element—lron. . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Clumptaint, Dropsy, Fever lintl • Ague, Lel et Ettergp, Leer Spirits. TIJE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the system and builds up an "Iron Constitution. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cares Nervous Affections, Female Complaints and all diseases of the Kidnap] and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a SPECIFIC for•aill diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF _THILBLOOD, or, accompanied by Debili ty or a Low . 6tato of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Phpictana, Clergymen and others, will be sent }'JtEE toanyarldresa. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, Esq.. President of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. ABEL. STEW:NB. Late Editor Christian Advocate & Janney Rev. -P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., Bey. Arthur B. Puller, N. K. Kendall, M. D., Rev. Gordon Robbing, W. R. Chisholne, M. D. Rec. Rylvanus Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D., Rev. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. D., Rev. Epbrain3 Note, Jr., Jose Antonio Sanchez, M.D. Rev. Joseph IL Clinch, A. A. Hays, IL -D., Rev. Henry Upham, Abraham Wendel, M. D., Rev. P. C. Bradley, J. R. Chilton, X D.; Rev. John W. Olmstead, IL E. Kinney, M. D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK dr. CO., exclusively An. J. P..DINSMNRE, 491 Broadway, New York. • Bold by all Druggists. [jo/yl3-eow.ly EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. AA/ , FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE has fully onatilLthed the superliaty of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparations. It cares all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Rolls; Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &e., removing the pain at mice, and re. dating the roost angty.looking Swellings and Inflamma• tionsmebymagla e , ONLY CENTS A BOX. FUEL 1W J. P. 'DINSMORE, No. 49t Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLE & CO., No. 413 Tremont street:, Boston, and by ull Ecnirgibts. julyl3.eow-ly at hts one .loot wed BROWN'S HOTEL'' has a— CHEMICALS, and an the beet EI , TT MEDIU/Nt.S, KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, , - PERFUMERY. SOAPS, &e SPAGLER'S. fiXtbital. E 223 Mateo aril! Zebultg. ('CEO. DEMELIT_ & CO JEWELERS, 30 BROADWAY, NEW roils, (cOaNts. kREET) 100,000 WATCHES, CIIALNS, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, &c., &c., WORTH sso9_ 3 000! TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOtiEACIL WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. did sato be paid until you know what you wz7l receire SPLENDID LIST OF .14TICLES ALL TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOUr t AII EACII! 100 Gold Bunting Cases Watches lcKt Gold Watches 0:/0 Ladies' Watches 500 Silver Watches 030 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 00 1000 Cbatelain and Guard Chains 5 00 to 15 00 300 D Vest and Neck Chains 4 00 to 12 00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches... 400 to 9OO 4000 Coral, IltTa,Gontet, &a, Brooches 300 to 800 7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, .k.a, Ear Drops— 300 to 800 5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 300 to 800 6000 Oval Band Bracelets. 300 to 800 2000 Chased Braceletss 00 to 10 00 3200 California Diamond Pins and Rings. - 2 50 to 800 2000 Gold Watch Xeys 250 to 600 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs. 200 to 800 3000 Gold Thimbles 400 to 600 6000 31h:datum Lockets 200 to 700 3000 Miniature Lockets, Ma& 400 to 900 230 q Gold Toothpicks, crosses, 6:c 900 to, 600 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 5000 C 1114,1 Gold Magri 200 to 500 4000 Stone Sq . /tags 200 to 600 6500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet do Gold 500 to 15 00 0000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry'-varied styles 300 to 75 00 8000 Gold Pens, Silver Case and Penell 400 to 800 1000 Gold Pencils, Ebony Holder & Case 600 to 10 00 0000 Gold Pens, 31onnticd Holder 2-00 to 600 All the givds.in the above List will be sold, without re 6ervation, fur ONE DOLLAR EACR. Certificates of all the various articles are placed in similar envelopes sealed and mixed. These envelopes trill be sent Lyman, or de- livered at our office, without regard to choice. Oa receiv- ing a Certificate, you will see What article it represents, and it ia optional with you to send one dollar, and receive the article named, or any other in the list of name value By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the bent make and latest styles, and of in tainsiO worth. at a nominal price, while all have a chance of .ecuring articles of the very highett value In nit transactions by mail we charge fur forwarding the Certificate, raying postage, and doing theba,inesa. '25 cents each. Fite certificates will be rent for Si; Eleren for 612; Thirty for e 5; .57/y -fire 810: rtnel One Hundred ECM „ REASONS WI We ,hould supply your wants ; our facilities are uusic “as - .11 ; our work of anris ailed excellence ; our promises rimetually observed. Our central location brin gs us near the most remote points. Our Dowd. are nem from be manufacturer, una of the latest and most desirable styles. The good., must be sold, and the terms are tmequallecL— All articles ordered are forwarded bs - reran, mail guarantee entire iiattidartion in every instance, anti it there i.bouhl be any per on ilie.atislie3 with any article they Mly reeeiN'e, 'they will imme,liately return it, and the price will he refunded: Af;ENTS.—We allow those acting as Agen to Ten Cents on each Certificate ordered. provided their remittance t • ztrnottut to One Irolhar, • They will eolleet 2L eras for every CertAlcate, and. re Mining 10 cents, remit to 11415 cents Tim each. OEO. DEMERIT & CO. TEE 30.3 Broadway, New York. inarrhl-lm lATATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c Having just opened a well neleeied assortment of goods in my line, directly Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street, where my lad and I hope mapy new customers will Illnd me during bruhuem hours. My old stock bating been re. 11u..m1 eery suddenly on the 50th of July lust, I was corn rolled to bay an Entire New Stock of Goods, whid., are -of-the latest styles and patterns, consisting of 11.4.1 and Silver (Imported and American) Gent's and Ladies' Watches, Jewelry of fine and medium qualities, Silver Thimbles, Napkin Rings, Frnit and Butter Knives, Gold Pens of flue Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Strops and . Brushee, Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives, Jett Pocket Books., - Ladies' Purses, • Nail and Tooth Brushes, Redding and Pocket Combs, Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels, Large and Small Willow Baskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Flutes, Fifes, Banjos, Tamborines, • Acconleons, Flutinas, &c. The assortment of CLOCKS it large and of every vu. riety. —.I have oa hand the HENRY REPEATING which can be fired fifteen time, in that many' seconds. Everybody should have one fur self defence. The public are invited to call and examiFfe them. "PISTOLS on hand and orders Ailed for any kind that onto be wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on hand. - }.`roin hag experience lean adapt Spectacles to the eight of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES iu Gold, Silver and Steel Frames al• ways on hand. Haring the agency for the sale of the celebrated BUR. GLAR AND PIRE•PROOF SAFE. manufactured by Farrell, Herring & Co., I will till orders at the mannfac. Wires price. All information in regard to them given. The public are invited to call and examine the stock. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at low rates to suit the limes. . EDWARD AUCIIINBAUGII. HENRY HAIRPEII, nn • Alall r. t'a're. PHILA.') 3lunukuuvs•T and Do,lt r in FINE :JEWELRY, - a11,,1) SfINER WARE: , AND SI - PEIZIOR SIINER PLATED_WKRE ELI lIOLL)EN, INVITES THE AT- Ontion of evert• realer et this paper, which includes many thmunud of Ilia old patrons owl acquaintances, to his unusually large rine beautiful variety of AMERICAIc &Imponel WATCHES, CLOCIiti. and elegant designs otJEWELRY, SILVER. IV.A.ILE, &e. ELI TIOLDEIg, 0et..'6.1y 708 Market Street, Philadelphia. eabacco auD ,Segaro. TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR e y STORE.—!facing re•bullt my Tobacco and Cigar Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington .1, Malh streets,) two squares from the Diamond, I would Invite all to call and examine my stock, ctmsisting of - - CHEWING TOBACCO: Congress, ail kinds, _ Cavendish. Twist. all kinds, Rose Twist, Flounder, Old Virginia, "'Navy, Honey Dew, Michigan Fine Cut, &c., &o. Anderson Shorts Solace, Talisman, Hart's Delight, Plantation, Sunny Side, &e. SNUFFS : . - Rappee, Scotch, Coarse. - SMOKING: - Large Hand, Big Lick, Cut an L d ri D e r} h ' b , urg. • • Danvil le, Garaba ldi, James Ricer, ' Grant, Mead, Sigel. sep 9.1 J. A. JACOBS. REMOVAL OF BUSH'S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—Tbnuriderslgued has re. moved 1,1 , 1 Tobaecoonti Segar Store to hie new room, on SECOND STREET, eeot door to the Friendship Engine House, whore he will keep on lumil a complete stook of TOBACCO AND SEG.4.RB, t u rban Natural Leta; Mich. gnu and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, be. epriG C. H. BUSH. JACOBS SMYSE R. Ifannfnetnreri and 'Wholesale Dealers in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 310 North Third ntrete-fibere rine, Wean Side, (ocflii•ly) PHILADELPHIA, rA. JACOBS, late of Chflmb'g, PA. BENNY E. S.ll itart. LASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO .X. 41 and SEGARS, wholesale and retail, at SHAFER ‘5,! STUART'S, on Q tme u etsuet, Eng of the Mettuxlist arca. e:1)e franklin ilepositorti, et)ambersburg, pa. G ELWICKS & BURKHART §E L L Pickles by tle Dozen, and in jars, ready for the table, Pickled and Piiserved Fruits, SPleed ORters, Camel Peaches, each $lOO 00 . GO 00 35 00 915 0010 $z 00 Peas, Fine Ground C!ffees, and me Toni, Fine Ghee*, Also-Carry Q the tnannfacture of aII kinds of Cenfec ti . 011C27, Bell Ral;ns, Almonds, Filberts, Figs, Walnuts, Oranges,:l.emors und al kinds of French and imported: Contectioury ani Frollia Call and examine for your elf. do Charge for showing goods. marchZ 200 to 500 F ARMERS LOOKT 0 EZI 1,000 Packages of '_co. I, -No. 2 and No. 3 Mackerel, FRESH An) CHEAP, to whole, bag quarter and elgth barrels. Bring along; Potateea, Bacon, Lard, Tallow, Butter, f.ggs, Soap, Dried Fruit, Rags, 64, &c., gold get the high* eSt cash price for them. We bought our Flab In large quantity,dixect from first bands,tuid will sell them CHEAP. All Fish guaranteed as represented, or no sale. OKLA - ICM I BURKHART THE PEOPLE',S FINE Hare the largest stock of goods in town. This is-aeknowl edged by all. They do not confine themselves to the Oto• oery and Pruvision business alone, bat bny and sell almost every description of goods, from the smallest Yankee no. tion up to hogsheads or Sugar anti Molasses. Goods sold wholesale to Conway .Merchants es cheap es any hcrasoin Philadelphia. G ELWICKS Zz. BURKRA4RT, WHOLV,SA.LE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Sell Quetna-Wore, Stone-Ware, Bromben, Brooms, Bed cords, Wash Lines, Sperm Oil, Whale 011, Cold 011, her °sent. Oil, Lubricating Oil, Hone Cards, Curry Combs, Halters, Twines and Cords. MARKET HOUSE.—The undersigned respectfully inform their numerous customs - a and the publio generally that they have re-opened their Gro cery Store In them= formerly occupied by the Hoak and Ladder Company, In the Market House, and take this method of returning their V. ,,, ke for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Their stock is complete in every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Ham. Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars,. Teas, 4lfo baeeos, Brushes, Brooms, Buckets, Cools, TWIINN, Glass ware, Qneensware and even-thing heretofore kept at their former place of bonnet's. They will always keep a sal dent stock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex change for goods at cash market prices. Don't forget the Awe' ("Market Rouse,) three doors from the corner. on Queen Street. (aug3l) HUBER S: LEMASTER. Q PREMIER'S GROCERY STORE. - The undetalgnesi,has the largest stock of PAISELY GROCERIES In town, which he offers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICE'S. It is not necmsztry to enumerate, BA his stock is large and complete. Highest pricespaid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in excUngelor goods, fauglll CYRUS SPRECHER. COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS—Just re ceivedat E. D. - MINCEMEAT.—A. freshsupply at REID'S, HA M S AND BEEP.—A lttrge lot of fresh enred city Rama and Dried Beef, at REID'S. ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CUR rants, Citron, Dried • Apples, DAN , eherrieß, &c., at I S H .—N o. 1 Shore Mackeral, Dried 1 ,7- Halibut, Dried Cud, Shad, &a., at REID'S. BUCKWHEAT AND HOMINY.—Just received a lot of New Jersey fresh around Bud:- wheat Meal; pure white Burnley, Soup Beaus. &c., at REM'S. ONIONS .--Wetherfield and Country Onions, a, Large supply, at REID'S.. VEROSINE OIL AND LAMPS.-_;,Sn ix. perior Kerosine Oil, Chamber and Parlor Lamps, Shades, Lantern., &c., at FtEtD'B. CT. HOLLOWAY, WHOLES4LE . GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 505 MAILRET STREET, (North aide, above Fifth street,) Philadelphia. auekly ROOT SHOE AND VARIETY STORE. P. FELDMAN, having disposed of his entire stuck of Boots, Shoes, &e., at wAnlrsale, on the 30th oflast month, and finding it inconvenient 11l resume business at Ins for mer place on Main street, I have putt returned from the City pith a A LARGE AND ENTIRELY, NEW STOCK, to which he respectfully invites the attention of his old customers, and as many now ones at will be pleased lngive him call, at HIS NEW STORE ON SECOND ST., to CHARLEY FELINE'S brick building., nertriyfall posife the Post Office. His stock embraces every variety or Youths. Ladies' and Men's BOOTS & SHOES, which for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be sur passed in the county, awl which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Having purchased THE LATEST STYLE OF LASTS, he to prepared to make Customer work, at short notice, by the best workman hi the county. With a disposition to be obliging and accommodating, be hopes to_merit a liberal share of patronage—without a desire to monopolize, as his motto is, in oar common calamity, to live'and let leave. - Par:feu/dr attention paid to ail kinds of Repairing. TERMS CASH, AND PRICES UNIFORM, WITH - OUT EXTORTION. - - Re boa also on hand: and for sale, eheap, Trunka, Va- Uses, Carpet Saeks, Linnen told Paper Collars, Paper, Envelopes, Ink•sttulde, Steel Perm &e, &e. It persons 'knowing themselves indebted, still please call and make immediate settlement, that I may be enabled to meetmly former liabilities in the City, aug9.4 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ' JACOB HUTTON'S 'BOOT 4 SHOE STORE.— The undersigned takes this Method of returning his thanks to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes, in his present misforune In common with near ly every business man in town, that he will still continue to be remembered. He has the pleasure of informing the public that be has opened his Store in the Basement of J McLanahan's Dwelling, on Second &ma, four doors North of the Methodist Chrivh, where he is pPopared to offer a general assortment of Men's, Women's and Chß. dren's Boots and Shoes, eultracing his own and City man ufacture, which, (or excelled, of style and durability are superior to and of his former stock, and will be offered at prices to stilt aIL Is to ltTeekly Receipt of Goods from Philadelphia, which fur I.eutty trod excellence cannot be surpassed South of the Susquehanna. CUSTOMER WORK of every variety done with promptness.—As he employs none but superior workmen, he feels justified in guarantettng all work made at his es tablishment Don't forget the place, Four Doors North of the Methodist Church, Strand Street, East Side.— TRUNKS, of the latest styli, from approved makers, al ways on hand, and fur saw at a very email advance op original coat. Caugtlil JACOB IftITTON. obroterizo, fie. Slip of all kinds, thied,Apiles, Peach*. 14rmel, ( I=§l Water, Soda, Ginger, Batter and Sugar Craclcera Fancy Cakes and Crackers, city linked. pELWICKS S BURXTIART ]OCR LNTEREST ! ISE GELWICKS & BURKHARTS E.ALERg SALE AND RETAIL D FOR YOtR FLSE FAMILY GROCERY. GELIVICKS & BURKHART 13tiato anD *Dons. Lines' of &abet. MI p ENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD WMTER ME TABLE. RIVE TRISS7).4LLY to and from Pinadclphia and Pittsburg. On and after Monday, October alta: 1564. the Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroa 1 Company trill departfrau( Harris burg and arrive at n ladelpLia and. Pittsburg EASTWARD: f THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisisrg dal' ly 2.45 A. M., and arrives at %Vest Plailadelphi at 6.55 -FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except hronday) at SOO ;t• M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.90 P. M. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. • MAIL TRAIN leaves - Harfisbure daily (except Sun. day) at 1.30'r. M., and arrives at West Philadelptua at 5.• 35 P. 3L PITTSBURG AND-EItIE EXPRESS le,.ayes i Harris burg dab). (except Sundays) at 11.551'.,3L, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. M. HARRLSBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4,W P. sr.., and ar• rives at Wfsf:Philadelphia at 9.30 14.31. This train has no contredicityrOns she Wes& COLITSIBIA ACCOSLMODATION TRALN leaves Har risburg daily- (except Sunday) at 7 A. M., and arrives at Lanmster at 9.13 A. connecting (except on Monday) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD - - - PITTSBURG AND ERLE. EXPRESS leaves Harris. .burg daily (except Sunday) at 15.35 A.' 3t., Altoona 6,50 kt. M., take breakfast, and. arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P.m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) . at 2.25 A. Xi Altoona 5.15 A. M., take breakfast, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. M. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at R :5 A. 31., Altoona at 5.15 A. M., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. ac. PAST LINE leaves Ilamsbarg daily (exeept Sunday) at 4.00 P. st.: Altoona at 9.10 P. IL, take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 200 A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1.40 P..af.: Altoona at 7.55 P. M., tafte slipper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 e. st. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION went leaves Lan caster at 11.20 A. IL, connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy at ILSI A, at., and arrives atHarrisburg at 1.00 P. If. Rice, SPECIAL NWLICE THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 r. M., gaps there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over an. til 1L35 P. 11. SAMUEL D. YOUIsiG, nov9 • Sap't Middle Div. Penna. R. R. IVORTHERX CENTRAL RAILWAY FALL TIME TABLE —Four Trains Daily to and from Baltimore and Washington Day, Onineetions made with trains on Pennsylvaniaßailroad, to and from Tzttsbarg and the West FO 1.7 Ft TRALVS DAILY to and faun the North and West Branch:Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern New York. 9n and after Monday, Om 17tIt 1864, the Tr:Amager Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from liarrisbamand Baltimore as follows SOUTHWARD.' _ . MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1025 A. m. leaves Harrisburg 1:20 P.M. • " ' arrives at Baltimore 5:40 Par. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex. • cept Sunday) 11:45 P.m. " ' leaves Harrisburg (except )donday).— 2.50 am. _ arrives at Baltimore 7:00 .Lit. HARRISBURG, ACCOMMODATION leaves _ Flanisburg 81,1NBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (ex. &middy) sl? 7:30 PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAM leaves Sunburndaily (ex. Sands)) 9:05 P.M. NORTHWARD. 'RAM TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) Dm A.IL . t leaves Harrisburg 1:35 9.. t d. arrives at Sunbury 4:05 rm. EXPRESS %RAM leaves Baltimore daily... 9:30 P.M. .. arrives at Harrisburg 1:50 A.m. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 3:15 A.M. " arrives at Sunbury 5.53 .n.x. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily ii (except b Sunda d z y ( s) at. ex 7:30 rat. •'l. cept Sundays) at 12:35 A.M. '.. - arrives at Sunbury at. 3:25 a.x. HARRISBURG ACCO3I3IODAT/ON leaves, .., Italtimciredaily(ex. Monday 3:00 F.M. arrives at Harrisburg at. 3:50 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOM3IODATION leaves Hdr. risburg daily (ex. Sunday 4;00 p.m. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Expres? are through trains to and from Erie and nil intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. Porfurthei information apply at the Odlce, In Pennsyl• vania Railroad Depot. oct2 J. N. Dr . kt.ARRY, Goa. Supt. PIIILADELPHIA ANDERIE RAIL ROAD.—This grant line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania tO the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It bus been lensed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by them. - Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, October 17th, TIME OP PASSENGER TR.ACCS AT frAnntsnuto Sfafl Train '1:40 Lock Haven Accommodation 1:30 LEAVE WESTIYAFX. Mail Tram Lock ilaven Accommodation. Passenger Cars run through on Mail Train, without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cap on Mail Train both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For Information respecting. Passenger business apply at Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents S. B. Ele:Gwros, Jr., Cor. 13th and. Market Sts,,,,Phila. J. W. ItyAtiouis, J. M. Dutra., Agent Ni C. R. R, Baltimore, Md. R. B. 1301:STON, Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. R. W. GW/liNER, Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS. - febS,6s , Gen. Menagef; Williamsport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY di FRANK RAILROADS.—CIIANGEE OF HOIMS.— On and after Monday, October 31, 1564, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows. (Sundays excepted) FOR CHA3IBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: A.M. P.X. Leave Hagerstown 7:00 0;45 " Greencastle ' - 7:37 3;35 8:17 4:20 Chamberslnuit 5 Arrive of i Lease at. ...... ... 8:30 12:55 Lease Shtppensburg 0:00 1:1 Newrille 9:.,V 040 Carlisle ' 6:30 10;10 2:46 litlechaulcsburg -- 7;00 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Harrisburg - 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR CIIAMBERSSCRO AND HAGERSTOWN: a. t. P.M. -.IX. Leave Ffarrisburg - 6:05 1:40 - 4:15 •• Mechanicsburg 8:47 2:20 ' - 4:50 if Carlisle.... 9:127 2:58 5:15 'l l lietrvillelo:o2 3 . ,34,. _ • ` Shippelisburg ~ 10:3;1 4:04 Arrive at Chanthersbarg 11•S0 4:35 Leave Cbarnbeetburg 11:10 4:45 Greencastle 11:55 5:35. Arrive at If agertcurn - 12:35 6:15 Making dune connections at Harrisburg with trains for , Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points Went. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:15 P. at. runs only as far as Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Supt' R. R. I re, Chumblg, Oct. 31,1854. faisallattrous. NIA NHOOD: HON LOST HOW RESTORED.--Jost otibished, a new edition of DR. CULVERWE,L,L'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medieine) of SEEttIitATORattOKA, or seminal weakness. involuntary Seminal Losses, Diromx. CT, Illental and Physical Incapacity, IMpediments to Mar riage, etc., also, CONst:StPTION, EPILEgsv, and Fns, in duced by self.indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price. in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author in this admirable wear clearly demonstrates, from a thirtyyears. buccessful practice. that fete alarming consequence of stilf.abute may be radically cured without the dangerous nor of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing oat a :node of cure at once simple. certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure (imei ifcheaply. privately, and null - rally. This Lecture should be iu the bands of every )00th and et ery man in the land. Sent, under -toil, in a plain envelope, to any address: por-paid. on receipt of six errici. or two soot stumps. Ad them the publi.hers, (III.V. J. C KLINE A. CO. CJI" Bowery, New Turk, Pont Other Ilox 4,M6: inar2o lot ‘WEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AN D DrAsuAT DR. STRICRIAND'S TONIC We can recommend those suffering with Mils of Appe tite, Indigeetion. or 'Dyspepsia. 'Seri quidies,s had Nereeus Debility, to use ItricklittufsTimic. It is a vegetable pre-- pitration, free frUm aleolVilic liquors ; it strengthens the whole nervous eystetn,.it creates a good appetite, andqb warranted to cure Dpipepsia, and Nervous For qalo by Dru f tista geuentllP, at $1 per bottle. Pre pared by Dr. A. Strloklatol, 6 East Fourth Street,,Cinci nail, Ohio. 0, H. Creasler. Agent, Chantlrenthorg. Pa. CQUGH,N . QMORE! STRICK.L AND'S 'MELLIFLUOUS COUGH B.IL S A ! Dr. Stricklaud's Mellifluous Cough Balsam is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds, floatseness, Asthma. Whooping Cough. Sore Throat, Consumption, and all affections of the Throat mad Lungs. For sale by C. H. Craggier, Charnbersborg, General Depot, No. 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ohio. lARRH (E A ! D All the medical men and the Prose moon - mend DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI•CHOLL'ItA MIXTURE AP the only certain remedy for Diarrhira and Dysentery. It is a combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Salmi ,tents and Carminatives, and is warrented to effect a cure after all other means have failed. For sale by;C. Cressler, Cbamperthorg. General Depot, No. 6' East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohtn. ST AICKLAN.D'S 'PILE- REMEDY! Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy has -Cured thousands of the worst eases of Blind and Bleeding Pile& It gives ins. mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it di rectly. It is warranted to cure. For sale by C. R. Crtualer. Chamberaburg. General Depot, 6 Ban Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. nov96ly TO DYSPEPTICS.—Haring been tof fur n number of years with Dyspepsia, I n-rel advised to try DR. WISHART'S BIEDICRiII for that disease. I derived great benefit and recommended it to quite number of my friends and who were also much benefitted by It, and whose testimonials can be had if nec. , esiotry. I have been appointed by Dr. Wlshart as Agent for the Sale of his Medicine: - wholesale or Tetra. W. G. ItEtD, Repopatory ~fllre. CharabeMbarg Pa OM J 0 B PItiIiS;TING, in every style, done at the Office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. li=d3 I= 1:15 A. M. 1,0 P. 31 - agrituittiral. AGRICULURAL CREMICAL CO.'S CHEAP FERTILIZERS. The Fertilizers pre by the Agricultural Chemical 1 - Co., (a Compaty by the Legislature of Penzuryl vania with a capital ... of ,000,) have been ploved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable emd . best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit-grower, of all concentra- ted manures now offered M anfmarket. The Corapani's list embrace the following P A B If L E This Fertilizer is composed of night sOO and the fertiliz ing elements of urine, combined chemically nad mechani cally with other valuable fertillzMg agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pulvernient condition; ready for im mediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fer tilizing properties. - Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, anddts durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can desire. Price: $3O per Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST This rettilizer is composed of withal matter, such simeat, bone, ash, leather, hair and 'wool, together with chemleaLt and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the tense, and retain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crepe generally, And especially forpondoes, and garden purposes, Its excellent qcudilies, strength and cheapness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. Price €4O per Ton. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphatic fertilizer is parlicalarly adapted fur the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowere. It will promote a very vigorous and 'healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the frult. For hot•houtse and household plants and flowens, it will be found an indispensable arti cle to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. It Is composed - Of such elements as make ft adapted to the growth of all kinds of crepe la all kinds of soils. - The formula or method of combining its constituent fer. tilizing ingredients have received the highest approVal of eminent chemists and seienntleagtkenitarista . Price $5O per Ton. PROSTRATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chemical Company maanfacture a Phosphate of Lime In accordance with a new and valuable formula by which a very superior article is produced, ea as to be afforded at a tees price than other manufacturer); charge. Practical tests hate proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime In the market. Price $65 per Ton, TEEMS CASH Al! orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered at the 'Railroad Stations and the Wharves `of Shipment, free of cartage. Cartage Tvill be charged 1113 all orders of 6 bar rels or less. One dollar per Ton allowance for cartage will be made on all sales delivered at the Works - of the Company, on Canal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO.'S WORKS AT CANAL WEIABF, ON THE DELAWARE. office, 4131, Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. R. a FITTS, 6ectera.l Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full di rectioos for using the Aare Fertilizers, seat by mall, free, when requested. , marchB-6moe Mats, eapo aub Sum.- T , HE HIGHEST -PAIC'E IN CASH. IS PAID FOR Red and Grey Fox, E BE 1 Rabbit euld Muste4. Skim, j: L. D E-C ,lI . E R T'S EMT, CAP AND FUR STORE, SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE THE OLD JAILT SO keeps up the reputation of the old stand. Call and get bargairui. COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. W. W. PAXTON has jut opened a fine assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, at Ms new Store in the Market House, where he can furnish all articles in his line, cheap for cash. SOME goods are said at old prices. A fine assortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAR• PET BAGS, VALISES, &c., h‘a, constantly ou hand. Can and examine our large stock of goods. sept2l W. W. PAXTON. Qrfotting. TEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK i 1 THE OLD CLOTHLNG EMPORIUM, L MAIISItr„ . 13.0V8E, Chamberaburg; Pa. The undersigned, after a 'temporary absence nersemitated by The destruction or Cbambersburg, has again returned and opened out in full blast in the Market House between - IVallace's Dry Gyod stare ansl Huber & Lem/miter's Gro cery store, a large assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every description 'and quality. Thiß stack conaista of Ready Wade Clothing snob as Over Coate. Drees Coate, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawer..., SC., aleo GENTLEMENS' FURXISHING GOODS, such as Crnvats, Sugpericrs, (.11oves, Shawls, DandkerchieS, Col. tars. Umbrellas, &c., Szc. _ . tits stock of Clutha for customer work consists of French, English and Domestic manufacture. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimers Black Satin, Figured Bilks, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestings telaich all be made np to order la styles to suit the taste of cturtomers, on abort notice, and reasonable terms. Eating engaged a practical eller from the East, lam prepared to furnish clothing in the most fastdonablestylery and as none but experienced workmen are engaged per sons may rely upon getting their ,work well done at my Store. Thankful for the yetrortage heretofore bestowed, I re spectfully solicit a ouutibuance pf the same. 00t.19 . J. T. HOSKINSON. TSOLESALE AND RETAIL! ROPES & TIVECES. The undersigned having purchased the entire Stock and Fixtures of the Rope and • Twine lilannfactory of J. P. Grey, deed, respectfully announces to herfriends, and the former patrons of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on the business, In ell its various branches, at THE OLD STARTS, • on Franklin street, Chtunbersburg, where she will hapless ed to receive the calls and orders of the public. All kinds, sizes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C., always kept on hand or made to order of the best material, and &rased at remonable prices. In connection with the above business, At, is also prepared to manufacture HUSE., AND OTHER MATTRASSES, as.well as Horse Blankets and Eli' Nets of strperior qual ity and style. Persons in want arsurrerior itztfeles in the above line are requested to call, or send their orders, which will be Attended to fworapay._ dee.2l.ly MARY E GRAY. _ STONE -WARE!! STONE-WARE!! The subscriber is now manufacturing a complete as sortment of Snme•Ware, of all kinds, and is prepared ti fin all orders promptly. Price lists sent on application. S. I. IRVINE, &nos Newell's, Cumberland Co., April 26, 1865. 3axtbate Cutlug, &c. IT A R D 4V A B E 11 orBER & TOLBERT Have opened their stare on Main street, nearly opposite their old place of business, with An extensive stock of Hard - ware, Cutlery, am., emulating in part of Iron,Paiute, Nana Otis. • ' Spikes, Turpentine Steel Binges, Vara* Planes, - Glass, • Piles. • ' Blasting Powder, • Brushes, Owed Stones, - Shovels, Cedar Ware, Rakes, Pocket Knives, Spades, dm, feu. Special attention is called to Builders and Contractors, es theY are prepared to furnish in any quantity, at wholesale, everything in their line. Call and examine our stock. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscriber iespeuthdly informs hit friends and the that he continues to carry• on the above breams, at his old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Be fbnned March. CIIAMBE.TISIMIG, PA. Having enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coati,- makers will fled Inide Blare Room a general ziowitramil of goods suited to their several requirements, such as - Pair and Country Hogskins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girthing Gig Trees. Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Gnat Hair, _Straining Web and Wallted Rain Web, lower than Cotton: - Barnes, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Banda: Bridle Pleats; Roseate% Swivels raid Ornaments; Iron Ptatedand Wood Gig Flames. BUCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of others/Ix:desalt:able for the trade. ALL KENDS OF PLATING, &e., done with netitnear and despatch. (deel4] LEWIS WAMPLER. CHEAP HARDWARE! LBAND' & FLACK Had a few goods muter the pavement, which were not burned.. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard Mee. Besides. , they hare just received from New Tort, and Philadelphian very large lot annals, purchased mua cheaper than they are generally sold. They having boor burned out, therefore wit offer Iron; Nails, Hocks, Hinges Screws, Bolts. Oils. Maas, Pals!, &c., at thelower flgure TO BLACKS3LITHS AND FARSLERSI We have on hand about ltf Tons lyon of different kinds which we will sell less than it can be bought in the oil) /Use we have 100 kegs of Z.:alls and Spikes, we offer at from 0 to 10 dollars per keg. CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Raters, Pocket Knives Spoons, &a, Just received from tiew York which we offe very low. , , CARRIAGE MASERS' GOODS Shoemakers' Fled] Saddlers' Fin at B n al L ND & FLACK'S. HOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AI S `2.5 cents each and many other articles 'which was h the tire, which can be made as good as new at BRAND & PLACE'S. CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store the Alle7. BRAND & FLACK. 43nots ant stationerg. T HE OLD BOOK STAND S. S. susrocg, Has been removed to the new building opposite the P 097 OFFICE, where a full assortment of - - SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALELMS, ETC., Can be bad at exceedingly Low nines. WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, a largr and new gtock. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pens. fully warranted. Orders taken for goods, which will be Erpressed in the shortest possible time. The New York and Philadelphia Papers received daily for which weekly subscriptions will be taken. First Class Novels, Magazines and Periodicals received as soon as published. We can sell Photograph Albums cheaperthan therk can be bad elsewhere. Slnsic sent free of portage to any part of the county. Gilt Frames, 'Worsteds and Fancy Goads constantly ou band. Our arrangements are such that we can supply any or ders satisfactorily and with dispatch. MB. SHRYOCK, is now located in New York, whicl enables us to undertake the most complex commissions Old Books of particular editions, dates or style. littntee up at a reasonable COMMISSIOD. [naV2] P.; etaral. ISTA'R'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY, on OF THE OLDEST AND )106T nuarrui RENEW= L TIIE WORLD FOR I ,3ongba, was, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Hit /Malty of Bresthisg, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and every affection of VTR THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, ISCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION WLSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD MERRY. So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular Is It everywhere, that It is unneces. eery to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and End utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering mid settled dis ease have by IMMO teen restored to pristine vigor andhealth. We cell preseat a mass of ev idence in proof of our assertions, that cannot be discredited Front Mr, Henry Seller, Mereersbarg, Pa. Gentlemen: I do hereby certify that during the last ten y ...eng I have been subject to frequent acme Gauges en. Colds. Whenever I have experienced ono of these attack& I have immediately mauled toDr.WistesDalsam of ilo Cherry, and the result has always been to afford me speech' relief I would reccanmend this valuable article to ail those who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Pain In the - Dream . or any Pulmonary Complaint, feeling confident that it will prove Itself to be the best remedy in any of these cases. I would, however, caution the public against a Worthless counterfeit, a bottle of which was once forced open me The use of this spurious Balsam did me nacre harm that. good. The genniee Dr. Whstar's Bats= of Wild Cherri LT prepared by Seth W. rowle d Co, Boston, and has thef. printed name, as well as the Smitten signature of " L Burrs' upon the (mast& wrapper of each bottle. Frees Jesse Smith, Esq., Praident of the Morris county Bank, 21forrigatee, If J. Haying ased Dr. Wistar's Balsam of ,Wild Cheivy rot about fifteen years, and -having realized its beneficial re sults ih my family. it affords me great pleasure in recom mending it to the public as a valuable remedy in easese of weak lungs, chid., coughs, &e., and a remedy.Ahleh consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most deheate Sn health. • From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished Lawyer in Wekminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. Mit:iris Balsam at Ch'e'rry - for Severe Colds, and always with decided beneht. I know of no preparation that le more efficaciota or more deserving of general use. The Balsam has also been used with excellent effect by J. B. Elliott. Merchant, Han Cross Roads, Md. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. None genuine unless signed "L Burrs" on the wmpper. FOR BALE or J. P. BD:B3MM, No: 491 Broadway, Y. S. W. POWLE & Co., Proprietors, Batton, and by all Druggists. pu1y.9.0-cow•ly R EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores. REDDENG'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Emus, Scalds and Onto. REDDING'S RUSSIA. SALVE ' Cures Wounds, ,Braises sad Sgralus. REDEEM'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Boils, Moors sad Cancers. REDEEM'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Seas Eheum,Piles 'aud. Evaipgai REDDRiG'S RUSSIA SALVE • Cures Ringworm), Cams, ha, NO nsa,D,LY SHOULD BE WITBOUT IT. t 04.25 Cents a Box.. FOR SALE ST .1. P. DIESBOR.E, No. 491 Broadway, N. T. ' 8. W. FOWLE F.:. Co., No.lB Tremont SG &ego+ Igad tie &ll Druggists and Cotudry Storakeepara Irdy2o-eow-Iy NOTICE TO hrILLERS AND MA.NII - FACTITB}MtB.—The rnsdensigned, having been en gaged for a number of years in the business of BUILDUSO. and REPAIRING t'rotraLvo, SAW, an , Yana Mills, is prepared.' with a regular Carps of practical workman, to execute all work {n hietine o baAittes. embracing all use, rat and modern improvements. MILL MACHINERY °feral' description famished to order. Cast Iron Submerged Water Wheels, Bolting Cloths, Mill Thus, &c., ftarnished at short notice. Contracts taken to furnish all material if desired. All orders allthoul to Efereersburg Franklin county, Pa, will receive prompt attention. Ifebl•Snal M. HAYS: DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FICE 013 Second Street, one square South of Me Market Hotute, over 'Mitchell's Shoe Store außsa apttll2 IM