TURBO OF PUBLICATION • THE FRANKLIN' REPOSITORY is published every 'Wednesday morning by' "THE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at 82 30 per annum, LS spvANcE, on 83 if not paid within the year. .411 subscriprion ac co sem be settled annually. 'No paper nih be sent out of-the State unless paid for in adrue.v and all such subscriptions will invariably be diseor.dnued at the expi ration of the time for which they are l ptid-- It • ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at PIPTEEN axis per linnlor first insertion, and s tEN ≠ Per 'lir, for cub sequent Insertions. Adibend discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, hulf-year or year. 9 8,.pecial no nces charged one-ball more than regular advertisements. All resolutions Of Aasocialions; cominitnications of limited Individualor interest. and notices of Marria Ims and Deaths 'exceeding five lines, are charged fifteen cents per line. r 4, All Legal Notices of entry kind, and all Orphans' tours and other -341slicial Salto. are required by Zinc to adneetised in i gheßEPosivOßY—it haring the LARGF,T CIR CULATION of any paper publiahtel in the county of Franklin. JOB PRINTING of every kind in Plain and Fanny col ons, done with neatness and diApatch. Hand.bilhg; Blanks,, Cards, Pamphlets, &c, of every variety and style, printed at the shordstt notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE , hasjust been re-fitted with Steam ;Power and three PreSSES, mai every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN. VARIABLY CASH. fae 34r. John K. Is our authorized, Agetato receive Stubsoiription4 and Advertisements, and ret'oipt for tho same. alt letters should be addressed to 11'CLURE3r. STONER, Publisher, Coal, iLumba, CARPENTERS AND BU IL DER S! TT E 0 The undersigned have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORLSG MILL. a large supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Mods for sale. or made to order. Mouldings of all descriptions, from miff loch :o h inches, on band. Main and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its brunehes. Newel Posts, Banisters, Bed Posts, Sc., on hand. A largo supply of Drtsseil Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or nmde at short notice. IfAXELET, VERNON A: -CO.. febl tf Harrison An eine, Chausberslirg. N',OTICE TO FARMERS IC* TONS OF MIOTHY IfAY Warded by GEO. A. DEITZ. 200 WALN't:T LOGS Wanted by GM. A. Dent 100 ASLI LOGS Wanted by 11E0. A. DEITZ. 101 LARGE CHERRY LOG:,. Wanted by GEO. A. DIM. WHEA - 1, RYE, CORN.-OATH and all kinds at Pruduce•bought by (i'EO. yEITZ, at hia Wanlouae above the Railroad Depot., STOVE AND LIME COAL lof ealo'cliesp, - By the ton or half ton. OAK Alii; HICKORY WOOD by the eOrd or.balf ecud. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD, I= cawed and split for stove use. by the cord hat' cord. WLNDOW AND DOOR SILLS. ,at Oak, Walnut and Pine, alwayx on hand WINDOW AND DOOR•FRADIE STUFF: and all kinds of LUMBER, rich as Oak and Pine Plank; Oak, Walnut, Pine andiletalock Boards; Flaoringßoands, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling. &a' _BEST OF ROOFLSO SLATE always an hand, and roofs put un by the best Slaters, who have drawn medals tor their superior workmanship. CALL AT DMZ'S WAREHOUSE. 7-- above the Railroad Depot, ova bui rhur.. [4ec2l LEONARD EBERT & S:ON, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kinds of Coal and Lumber. and are prepared to runtish BM Lumber to order at short no• tice. all at the mutt re ble Mims. Our sr•rek of•Litm ber consists of White Pines inch Pia k, " "118 " sel t Plank. - • " " Plaot. " " I 1 select and Culling Boa raa " " I " Siding pi inch. " !Best River Shingles, . " " Worked Floring, Siding. " " Joist and Scantling. all sites, _ Hemlock Joist and Scantling, cc ilanais, Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling, Palling andlPlastering Laths. We bane alacalrrays on band a good supply of all kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-beaming. Also a supe rior article of-Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are Invited - to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that-call. Coal and Lumber furnished on the ears to an) elation on the Franklin! Railroad. 00'7f/file') on Second St.. in the rear of the Jail Yard, Charabemburg.Pa. ' LEO. EBERT 6: SON SMALL, BENDER dr. CO Yinlc and Goldsborough Pc., LUMBER DEALERS , Awn MANUFAC , r7,7BEIL4 OP SASH, MORS, SHUTTERS, HLL'DS. DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. 4c., _ - - }Keep constairtly on hand a well seleeted atri•k of seas• rumble Lumber, viz:—Joint and Smalling, Weatherboard ing, dreasell Flooring, Siding, Laths. Shingles. Palings and Fencing. White Pine and Oak Bills, mwed to order at the shortest notice. All enminihnieritions should be addressed In YORK, PA. • iferit3-ly STEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mom m. near Gmffenburg Springs, and are prepared to saw to krder Bills of WHI'L'E OAK, PINE, H 1 LOCK or an} kind of timber desired, at the short est notice and at low ratan. One of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sain'l Greenawalt, in Chaenbersburg nn Saner• day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereat . , ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of turn. ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Lbw- EST RAMA. All letters shilleld be addressed to them at Graffenhurg P. 0.. Adams Co.. Pa. deel4.tf MILTENBERGER Sa. BRADY. BUIL D IN G LUMBER.—The under **visa 4 prepaiedvo saw all kinds of Building Lam. ber at the lowest market price. R. A. RENFREW. GREENWOOD MIAs, Fayetteville P. O. dee•-tint Cuba= aub *mato. JACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE.—Having re-built my Tobacco and Cigar Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington s Main streets,) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite all to call and examine toy stock, consisting of , CREWING TOLIACCO: Congress, all kinds, Cavendish, Twist, all kinds, Rose Twist. —Flounder, Old Virginia, liavN Honey Dew, Michigan Fine Cut, de., &c. Solace; , Al44%wrdi Shorts SNUFFS: Scotch, SittOKING : 131 g Lick. _ - Dam Mc. Bappee Lure Hand, Cut sad Dry, Lyncliburi. James River, MPad, sep 21. REMOVAL OF B U S H' S TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—The natiemigned boa re. moved his Tobacco and Segal. Store to his two . room, On SECOND STREET, not door to n'te Frirpriehip 4,7virE House, where be will keep on hand a comp'ete stock of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, auebas Notaral Leaf Miele • Iran and Smoking Tobacco, pipe., &c.„ aprits C. !CRUSH. jA.COBS SMYSER - . Minctfaeturers and Wboleasle Dialers in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 310 North. Third Sirres, above rine. Weer Side. toetl2.ly] PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. D.JACOBB, late erChamb'w, Pa. Ila.Xo'r E. ISHYdEIL LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO aorISEdARe and retail, at SHAFER dc STUART'S, on Queen street, tart of the Methodist Cbtarb. 43#N0irtarts. J. C. ILICItAmIxs, M. U. JNO. MONTGOMERY, m. U. RICHARDS -&-. MONTGOMERY have associated themselves In the Praaice of Recliner, and haveopened an office in Dr. Richards' new building, on Main street, doors doo south of the Diamond- AU persons indebted to either of the sbove, will please snake early settlement of the fame. - [augt24-tt) pH. W. H:BOYLE will attend prompt ly to all pnatessionnl calls. (Mice in the Vestibule of the New School Nome near the Jail. taug24. MILLER, HAMILTON. ISt CO. , Eaveyist received a flne assortment of ArOVES, TIN. JAPANNED AND OTHER WARE. They are determined to la tower than anybody vise. They - put on TIN ROOFING, let quality mr.terial for it cents per square root ; 9,d quality 16 cents; rid quality 14 oe +M. They do SPOUTING cheaply, well and promptly. They toe beat Iron for Stogy e Pipes, and charge but IP e• as per lb. LAque and see it you cannot do better with titern than wltVany other establishment. - Prices reduced to fait the timer, Imo' TIMMS CA 1411.. A-1 2 a CENTSf—Best quality KEROS EN only 20 MO PerAnark ate cheap Family Oro eery, ootrier of Main and Washington Streets. R. D. RVID . . . - . . .. . .. ! ' - ' :,---,. . . . • \ - iv • , n ..:..„, ....,_,_....._. . , ~: \:,.. . 1: : All.: I, .. itn .ie Ic:2:iv" 4 • -,-, BY iii'CLURE . &S+ONER. Till SHERIOAN :X.1.; 1) CHERRY 1:1_7);•: • • _s — 7 I PRICE OF FILL PAII) UP SHARES Si EACH! • 650.000 RESERVED AS WOHiciANG CAPITAL! Jo it'Critnx N. \V. SOLLEI!:IIEILGF.a, IL 31 t 4 ly _ The property of this company C0n.16.30. of one hundred acres fee simple, situate it) Cum J'lnater townshlp, l•enango irunty Tonnsylvanin. within one•fourth of a mile of the town of Phunea and within onedtalf mile o the celebrated Ilumbolt property. one of the mont prtAue- tine Companies in nxisten,•ei • --- The property tilA on one of,tlw main bra n4l. of the rel pbmtedChen"-Ruo, and ir r ithinont..fourtfc a Lnle'pf that stream. The land has an exePllont forinsinnu for lloring'succesnreilly. and : th e uutupany ha,l:, airetuly 4- prolu.itions to utnlt well', ou flip prokrty ot, 10,,,.. gismk the company one-half of the Oil fre hf charge. t ..orn as theorganizatikm of tho Oompany zs--t:omplotal.loa,e, will be exocated at owe, sad detielupment cushwi with vigor. The property la rash n•ithSa one and a bait nallea from Pit Hole Creek,—a stream that it now producing. feelight, Sunny Side, &c Oil very largely El=l Ece7 effert at develoytent on the property around. thin land has I.ca surregli.ful. The Colulnta. Oil Qom Garninbli, Grant. Sigel J. A. JACOBS. pang tvithua a nide of It and At stock is wiling for CKI per 'hare. Then Ci em. lion. earth, and Imp., eat' Companies are also :u ti>r ;mane immediate motion, on conch the name formate , 4:1,1 their stocks all rank high o; the market, Pncl are, itrtrin.iray 't7a. ME Th e Company na. 1, 1 ,6 0rwe.0.4,4 tOßcuorrltte r 4 bct and 4t,wl.ltokierm can rel:, upon rigor • ou and diorough d.r..lopap•at. A limited alma bcr ni ',butes can be badat 62 per abare Shame ran he had fur a .hurt firm. frmn ,Forwarding and Commission Houle, EMT] spit (Eonipang., OIL CO3 PANI. ~ ,~ CA P TA Li 4t1,000,0oo! 1)00,000 SHARES, AT t. 5 EACH! =1 PRFAIDiNT, JOHN 3CCURDY MEM= A. K. rel.l-RE ti: b. C+l'F.uv. I 'IRE ..11iF.11 M. DAVIS. tIY.CkFTAIS) JA3111:4 .I:LLlnts OFFICE OF TVF. COMF.ANI tr 24 SOUTH YnyitTH STREET = PHILADELPHIA, PA PROSPECTUS 'OAH W.,sOI,ENBERI:ER D. BRAINERD OAR& BOORS - OPEN OEM COV:iTTIIG ROOM OAKS Ahl) LINN'S Nmrn MM STHEVT CHAMBERSBURO, PA., - 011 Q",.ompanirs. RVLE O,IL G OLDEY MINING CO3IP'ANY TEN CENTS. PEE FULL PAID WORKIN., 11 i1.5,14i. 110 l(k) SHMT, This eompauk - ownb, in fee simple, One Hundred and Seventy-five Aj re of land. It i& FituaTed on both siiles of Horse Shoe Ittin. about two miles from West 1:Mon. Pros ton tvunt3, WeA Virginia and about four tuna th.• 'Baltimore am] Ohio Ra:lroml. It NI as ell one n fot its strung indications of Oil, and from its close pranimity to tha Glade," whielt has I..en known n, 'Oil Wade ^ long be fore Coal Oil came into q.•neril eo. r .my before the pubii, hrtl4.r . pt0+1,...1.". than th - Golden Mlle. - Tito object in makine Thl, 11 too eent l comprtav in to onnble'evor'y Oil. :0 ..tlioy Cbt‘ profits, and - not, ars! companion do. pormit tfiecrfifinamrstornal , fortunes. ' The will be pained fer.vani with rigor. Pelaions desiring to make a psditable investment are requested to apply either in person or by mail to the .it• tiro of the, company. No. 619 WAISUT STREET, Room PailadOrin.t. ;shin, the moks are now open for SlltKeriPtd, ,I 1 7% 1 ;31. 11. WOLFF, Prest Apri 5. - WM. B. CRAWLEY, Eee'y &Treas. Variquarc crutterp, &T. A - R D W R E ;. HUBER & TOLBERT Have opeaed- their More • du Main ntreet, nearly opposite their old pluce of I:diaineo, with an extensive stock of Hardware. Cutlery. eke. consisting in part of - Iron, Paints. Nail•, ON, .- Siiiirt, , - Turpentine, Steel. 0 Tor, Hinges. ...- Varnish,- Pinnies Glastt, File*. , 11:o•zirr Powder. 8r10.he.., -a Ctn:lci Stones. Shuvelx. Cedar Wars., Risk*, Pocket Knives, Si isder ..:.- &e., &c. - Sp,el.ll atteutvm ;s called 1:3=IIIII as they sm. repan3d t faraiill id a - u 3 quantity at wholesale. ever3 - tlung in an IT, ant. -Call and t nunine v ar apnll2 COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscriber re.peerfully infonus his friends and.•the public, dud he-vonunne., to carry on the above business, at hi, to Main Street. opposite the German Re formed Church CHAMl3l:ll..slititti, PA. , ni“cged Saddlers and Coach ntake7s tint in his Stor.- noon" eeneral assortmen of gout!. Suitml to the, ...'t crul rot Aprnnents. such .pair and Country I.ll*.lonc. l'atknt Leather. Saddle Trees and Girdling. G , Trees, I'llll Plated, Tinned and Japans.] Goat _ Hair, Straining WPI, and Wonted Rain WO). low, than Corton : Humes. Bits and Stirrup, Plated. Tamed and Japanned Coach Handles, nen - styles. Curtain Frame+; Hub Bands; Bridle fronts; Roseate:A. Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Hume.. BUCKLES—BRASS. SILVER AND JAPANNED. nll Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stamp Joints, and a variety of oil - lei-goo& suitable tor the trde. ALL KIND'S OF PLATING, &c., done with neatness_ and despatch. " ,[deol4l LEWIS WAMPLER. (111EAP WA-RUM' ARE! BRAND s FLACK. - Had a few goods under the, pa. swept; whit 11 a ere not burned. Such an LOAF.. Hinges, Screws and other Hard ware. Besides, they have jubt rec., ad- from Nerd. Cork and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods purchased n7fiFh cheaper than they are genendly sold. They his tog been burned out. therefore we offer Iron. Nails, 110 x -k, Sesawa. Bolts. Oils Min.. Paint, Sr., at the lowest figure. ' TO IILACK.S3iITIIS AND FARMERS t We have on band abut 11) Taus Iran of ditfereot kiudn hich_nc will sell le,s thane can he bought in the city: MS. sea ha , . 100 hec, of gaih, and a e .fifer at tram 6 ta JO dollars per keg. MEDI Knives. and Fork:, Puel..•; 6IIIN NrHl4Oll d r.. jaq rwvived from New York wbi,ll ne offer • ser:B CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Slivemal,Pne Saddl,rsMEW% RI BRAND & FLACK'S. QHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 2; crnt.4 each and many rnbfr artudPg n n I, mac in tip; flit', ahl.•6 ran bo madr gs...d POW ,t BRANT) 6: C'LACK'S f IED AR WARE.---Call at the Store h) V. the Alley. S.. FLACK. Esti) anb Sang Goobs. 0 0 D NEWS! DRY GOODS • • ,F,I.T.T.Nr; A r REDUCED PRICES! W3I. WALLAtE & CO: Are in receipt of a large lit of floods, bookhr at redue ed prices. ut the lute Neu York Auetions,,to a htehthey int its the attention of the poblic. 'l'u per..us m aunt of Dry Goods sse say non Ist]. time to hat. To the Indies tre offer a large assortment of Dress Goods !Rack nod !'easy sprint; Poplins Baratheus, Pl.llO and Funey. Uel,mtrs, St . We lints e. good msertment of Carpet ..IlaPiuq, Oil otioi a hie.; tre aril 2,11 lore. :Jr"' t oon.ool gui bm . C,1111.. ul W 31.: WALLACE & COT. (+HEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES.— krr w, ..ould en eau] the attention of 01e pull. lie to the folio, lug tit of Gooth, ,lust. received, purl lno.od at Alain. durum. the late panic to New York Excellent Cali, 10 ream; lately sold at 371 cents. Best .. " .111.0 . ..ni0l White Cali,. Y " fA licet no.. /ay:// Del..oneb ' " Mw,1111.•.:5; " 45 Bent 4.4 .• „ " 311 , "Ga " Bro.. n 1111,1 ins. ail price,, but t itle over one hell wit at they recently sold at. - 601 .11.1„-,Cotton Cants JtnlT. 2i. Ghtrdhin tied Lancaster Ilinglauns. rio. All-Wool Delrone, 50 Stella and other styles Spring Shawls, from .F;1,11(1 7u (fl—as diem. as he:/re the war. Alton, a lull assortment of c.ery thing in the DRY WIIWS Hue at greatly reduced priors. We intend to e g identnb our stook frequently and sell nt We lowest rate the. roorLet trill uflonl, and in all eases sell n. cheap, if not elan/per, than any other Inane• in the County. Cull arid SPQllll,ll.tat dine to th.. Pint umeo. mai( h`......141t .1. 110KE !EE llERE!—Slaten Island Fancy Dye .ng F..qablidtment:—The largest and most complete STEAM DYEING & SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT in the World. Grand Comtinatlon of French, German. & Yankee Skill. • Almost 00 , 1 . 11 . deseriptiou of Silk lard Woolen Fabric, Cleaned and Dyed to glee ,utldartlen— Atu Cleaned and Dyed in :the time kyle of the Art NOW is the time. for Renovating; Spring Apparel. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO. office: 47 North Eighth Street, ket & Arch,, East Side. New York (Met": Nos. 5 & 7 John St, and 715 Brood. nay. nnuclrrrani ( - . 01,D 149! AND DRY - GOOD: , AND VA Notion+ in prtiportiitti, at the Cheap Cash tool , (4 . METCALFE S.. HITESIIEW, %%her.. you n. l 0 ,, + , p, and a full stock to lelvot from. We have op hand a hrautiial tunortmcnt of LAte.' Coots. Cirrnin ,, Sank , and Shawls; Bugle Trinunlintv and Buttnun, Corsets, IIgIIIIISVOrN, q 4 Cloths. Le., at tipril 5 'METCILFE a WITESIIEW. OR SALE.—A full course Scholiuship F the Quaker City Bueiiiese COliege of Philadelphia. Apply et t 1,4 &Jim. CHAMBERSBURG. PA.. WEDNESDAY; HEIL 12. 1565, eteCs, Vino . a.nb *rebs. TREES FOR SPRING -PLANTING! We r,peotfuliy invite attenlion to nur LARGE AND COMPLETE AS:-,ORTMENT VIf;OROUS TREES, for sale the present 4eastiu, ernbruth.g. for O - RGBARD P.LA-NT.ING, :"T.INDAP.I) APPLES. o to S fret high. do - PEARS, 5 to 7 do `7 4. do cti}:mur.s, dtoS do do _ PEACHES. to 4; do do PLUMS.. too Pintn)i - ' to in largo A ariety and of thrifty growth: alF.o for YARD AND GARDEN Pt-AMIN/4. DWARF APPLES, on Parrli"e 44 +' DWARF PEARS, on QUiLlev- DWARF CHERRIES. PLUMS, nn Plum stock, APRICOTS on Plum Stuck, QUINCE. GRAPES.—Delaware. Diann atawny, ecu., aim • • RASPBERRIES, boil varieties. . CURRANTS.—Cher y, White Grape, and addition varieties GOOSEBERRIES.---Amerivan and English. ' STItAWBERRIES.—Triomph de Gand, Wi Al bany and other.leading kinds by 1.1100 and 10.000: also new Belgian Varieties, (see special 16t) A;so in tit. ORNAMENTAJ. DEPARTMENT. . _ a large Flmk of i - • SHADE TREES, FOR STREET PLANTING embrathig in pert SILVER-LEAVE 6 MAPLES, S to 10 feet high, SUGAR do NORWAY do SYCAMORE du do LILAC LEAVED CATALPA do . ASH. several varieties do . EUROPEAN - MT. ASH, 7 to 9 feet high, EUROPEAN LINDEN Bto 10 do AMERICAN do Bto 10 do ENGLISH ELM Bto 10 do - AMERICAN do Bto 10 do FOR LAWN PLANTING, upwards of 60 itrHeties of DECIDEOUS.TREES, WEEPING TREES IN VARIETY, embracing• White, Bine. HemMA and Norway SPRI: CES, Chinese, Golden, Nepaul. American, Siberian AR ISORNIT...E, CYPRESS iu variety, Irish, Swedish. Saw in, and common JUNIPERS, Austrian. Corsican. White. Scotch, kc., PINES, &c., Sm. HARDY FLOWERING ORNAMENTAL suizr BS in great variety, including Althea, beautiful single and double varieties, Box' in variety, Fluttering Curniots. Forsythias. Jessamines Lilacs Mahonlna ergreeti.) Mock Orange. Purple Fringe or Mist Bush. Spinieti.. a large and line assortment. Tunntria. Viburnum., Wiege. I Has, In variety? Herberries, White Fringe, Dew feJs 4 -1 Enonymbs or Strawberry Tree, thianothus, Fart...rain Honeysuckles. & a dcc HARDY CLIMBING SIIRCI3:i. embracing Dignoniss. or Trunweti Creeper. Clernatii, in viriety, Cissos, (variegated teat ed,i, lionei suckles in ca riety, Lvys, Lyciums, Wistarias. 4, 4 D W A •R- B 0 X.. for edging., by yard_ br 100 yards.' AMERICAN ARBOR VIT.E. hedging . nail en•er.s. HONEY LOCUST. Osage Orni;ge. de. ROSES, liwiding Piano. &v.., 3c. Ilesenprive priced cataloguespailed so applie-mts. Par- Les purchasing in quantity will be supplied at a iltwrtil reduction from retail rates, All trees taken 'up and pack ed with care, and shipped promptly as directed. flaying a Large and superior stt:k We are, prepared to offer esps. end inducements to - parties planting largely, Cemetery comparies, planting associations, Sc. Address J;EVANS & CO., Central Nurseries, • marchth2-1m York. Penn'a WARRANTED FRESH GARDEN SEEDS NVe invite atlPnt;on to our tamp and compleq.• wsgort rri.nt of I,IRDEN S - E E TY - S , p it up'v .mmelvPs with embraclogover titto of !hi. Cb.irest vurietio,, iveluditg the glowing. viz I)lAltrf 14 variPtio , 31.1 n Musk 3 varieties. do Polo. 3 do , do Wido.r 6- do Mu4'grd, 2 do - 1ing.,.11 31d5br -n Spat Asn.q.ll, do 31o5irixan Spawn, &losers Sf.ronts, Isiasturtoun, ' - Cabbage. 10 varieties. Okra or Gumbo, Carrots. 3 do Onion. • 2 carietieiß. Caidilinn er 6 do Parsley. 2 do Celery. 7 ,do Parsnip, 2 do Colonae. . Pine , . 16 do GIME IBIMIEM Chwer). (for mi 11...) Cress, Cu.'umber. s•S \ finch,. Spivach, :.; do Egg Ilan!. I di. Squash. 8 do End iI..P, Y. 40 Tolllllto. 8 do Kale. 3 do Turnip, 8 do Kohl Ha 1.4. '2 'do Herbs. 13 do MEI ECIESI LAWN GRASS SEEDS. 4-c., De c Wc• grtUitimig di.4tributina a which can be had on application. Parties at a distance can obtain reeds by mall withgut deltic ; when hrdertsl to,arriount of 50 cents or upwards, they will be tent poxtage j :frre. Corn, licans, and Peas ea , opted. w 1;40, a tit rerpore 15 rents per quart additional fOr poong.a. "Cfr Drugg..4l,, Stortitepms, and Dealt, Artncr9lty supplied, On largo or bmall qnaatitiagi,) at Wlwl.•sule rata. EDWARD .1. EVANS A. CO., No. 9 ort 11 George Stre i t. roan-1:22.-in} lima: Pa. ..ff otharbing Ilt!itzeo. NEAT)r voimmti.ssi; AND COMMISMON MERCHANTS Ygrtft Se and Stree! oppoette the Cumberland Valk Itaiiroad Liepot, Chumber.burg, Cars run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Bahl more. AGENTS —Peaeo4.l:, Zell & Ilinelman. N Al?, Mar knt 9t.. I'hih,delphin. Lykenn Valley, Brukun Egg and Nutt COAL, idnunt (rin the mines), Wilkesburre and Pine Grove Ft tusi)p,y COAL, LUMBER, SHINCILES, SALT, PLASTER and llitneoek CEMENT. kept constant's• on hued, Ftoun, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purehnscd•nt the highest mat piens. Sept 9, Sl. • WUNDERLICH & NEAD. = G . „ ILLESPIT, ZELLER & - CO., PRODUCE AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND IVHDLESALE GROCERS, - North•WP,t .inthor of Sixth nod Market Streets. Phi lp delythia. - QTEAM TO AND FROM THE OLD GOUNTRY.—Ttie well known farina.: Cliule-Built Inm Steamers of the ANCHOR LINE of st,,,,,„ s bi i " - HIBERNIA," "CALEDONIA," 'BRITANNIA" and "rNITED KINGDOM," are intended to sail fortnightly to and from New York, currying iaisengers to and from Liverpool, Glasgow., Belfast, Dublin, Watarford, Cork, Listens*, Galway or Londonderry. These steamers were bola specially for the Atlantic trade. are divided him wa• ter and staisht compartments. RATES OF PASSAGE. • . Frets N. a Yo k to any 'of the above plac.“ : Cabin.% 81'-'0 and *100; steerage, 845, payable in American our. To Nen Von: from any of the above places: Cabins: sii payable in gold or equivalent in American currency. Those who rokh tossud for their ; friends ran birjr tlek els at these rates from the Agents. ' FRANCIS MACDONALD & CO.. 6. Bowling (trees rem York. 01 EVERGREENS, FRESH .AND GENCINI, ramplau, 2 do EMI =I do lio4loll, 10 do, 504.1), Scoraknera Sugar Cane, 4 do EWE! ISPI7I DESCULPTIVE LIST JL SEEDS BY MAIL MMM 11.rgat Rotices. A USIINIs'FRATOR'S XOTicE. given that Letters rot Administration with tbe u ill unnexed en the Eutute nri , Jarob Wolff, lute ni Waibibuten teemulni, d, s d, Luce been grunted to tbe untleruiguell - All poisons k - nowing.thewelves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and dude baring claims pr, , ent them properly au themiewed tar settlement. march" J66EPIT DOVGLAS .tdtu'r. A DM 1 N IrS NOTICE.--No -1- rice is hereby xi, en that Letters of Administration: on the E+torte of Jae, at Kaufman. lute of LetterkennS. town ship, drefd bav'etteen granted to the undersigned. Aif penults Aunt ing them...elven indebted to said Estate will pirase make immediate payment; and those taring eliduie present them property athentieuted for settlement. JOHN B. ;KA MIAN, t mare-M.5 r .1.1.(,:OB M. KA UFBIAN, DMINISTRATOk'S NOTICE-No tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration uu the Estnieof Sa,aL Sinitobaugh. lute of Antrlin town. ship. dee'd, have been granted to the. undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly atithenticated for settlement. marctra , W3f. STEMBAIiGH, Adnir EECUTORS' N 0 T I C E.—Notice is heretic given that Lettere Testamentary to the Es mte of War. Van Dyke late. of Montgomery township, deed. hare beeh quoted to the undettugned. A' personc indebted to mid Estate are requested to make immediute pli3 - inent. and titoie having claims will please present lion properly authenticated for settlement PATTERSO*, WILLIAM BOYD, -• 13531 EXECUTOR'S NO T ICE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of• Henry 31. Stsiu4r. late of Autrimlormithip deed, hnve been grunted to the itndersigned. Ari persons }mowing themselves indebted to said Estate ss iii please make immediate payment t and those having claims present them properly anthentivuted fur settlement. mares DAVID 3!. STONER. Ex:r. ENECUTOR'S NO I'd C E.- -Notice herabi given that Letters "I‘estamentarytothe Estadi of Daniel Batik, late of liietal tuk nship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All pemons knowing themselt ealndebted to said Estate wEI please make hp:fled:ate payment: and thiae hiwing preiiout theM poinerly authenticated fur gettlefflent. marehEi DAVID BOCK, Ex 'r. NECUTOR'S NOT I C E.—Notice is E hereby given, tha: Letters Testamentary to the Ea tate of Andrew (lift. late of Vetoer pnrn , hip, dnftl, hat been grantecrto the undersigned. • All persons knowing - Themselce, indebted to rani Estate pill plmaoe Make: immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. marchtfid 701174 MULLEN, Ex'r. DISSOLUTION 0 F C 0-PARTNER-. SHlP.—Notice 6berebv given that the co.partners'''. ship heretofhre 'existing; antler the style. at Shaffer &. Stuart, hr tire Grocery iinSinms. was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist Instant. The business still be carries! on by I.lr.'JAcon SHAFFER, in whose hands the books have been placed rot collection. JACOB SHAFFER, march...P.9f JOqN B. STUART. IISTRAY.—Carne to the resident e of the 1.14 undonna - ned, in Gnilfordtownship: - uhout TWO miles $.llll 4 , 1 Kbambenburg about the but of March last. a ISA C 11,1' about two years old, with a white bald, and thasr.l mull in front toot, having a loather intheron. vier is hereby notified to enll and prove property and pay charges or the colt will be dbposed of acoordthe to laprille3tJ '\M. VUNDEROW. jilatrlo. • I\N.—The under:.ig.iitsl ha ‘,.t,g lately parch...eel 'the and cotatouthous linnk Budding of Rev. S. li. I eonnection - ,lth l pre•ent place of business, ou the comer of Slam street and 'Ludo ig's Afley. in prepared to accoultuodu, BOARD. I ItS in the ninny. week or month. - He in ample provJ,led ith S 7 :OILING to :meocuuTdate the travectrigyibltc. tinning in lame LIVERY S 1 ABLE connected tenth the liaeSts until the public gt.nerally can be farmahed 11.1, II - and Carriage+ at ant' tilinalellt. rt,RIN lug Chantlawalairg With their &Indies will find thi, the unnfortalde Hotel in the county, as has been re fitted in MI entire tier Furtntnre, and the . rooms are large and in ell ventilated. The TABLE is amply supplied with ',tube litxuries of the sewn, and the BAR, n loch is de. ta;•hed firm the Brick Building, will alwaya be furnished with chowe anal pure l alm,. Ever, atteation jtaid to the comfort of gueNts. ',NAM S. F. -GREENAW.ALT. B"'lyN's IloTEL.—ahib Hotel. situ ntrti the eilrlOtr orQlteen o.l . ,_Seeothi Streets, op p.a.. the Bath, C01111 , R.01.11 and Ggunty Offires, and in the holllvtil.tte ut.)51.5,11,4 of Store., Shoff, and other plaet , 4 rune enwntly sikaated for country people tuition busture, m Cbehtiviehrti The Buildiug has been greatly eel.tiged and retitled for the kteftuamotta: 1 tioa of I: uct•ts always be furiliiheii with the best the Marl Pt earl priiiliwe, - THE BAR will he •uppl:ed with pure and choiee Li THE STABLE l% large and attruled with n good and careful Ogler. Every attention will he rendered to make Guests corn &rtabitk while noloarnink at this ilutel. JACOB S. BROWN, Proprietor. TNI(IN HOTEL—This 'old and n-cll est:11)11;1nel Hotel is now opou for the ancommodatitni of Guest The Proprietor hut-mg leaseilth etr ove-story block of buil. dings on Queen Streer, in the rear of his former stand, is repared to furnish Goon ROOMS for the traveling and transient custom. HIS 'CABLE will stn,tain its fernier reputation of being supplUsl with the bsist the market can produce. HIS BAR, detach's' Irmo the main building, nib al. ways bate ' , tinier and pure Liquors. flood learnt S'f ABLING for - fifty hornos, with careful 0016: E% ery attention will bo made to render guestA comfort able while s•journing.pt alit. Hotel. .! effra - , JNO. FISHER, Proprietor. AT, ONTGO3IERY H O TEL.- 1, -The tif piped has the pleasure of announcing fc her old patrons, and the public generally. that she hae furnish tat her CIIAMBEInt WIIL entirely_new Furatture. Bed nod Bedding, and is amply prepared to necommodute all her former t ustotners and as Many new aunt at will be pleas rd to give her a call. The TABLE will always be suppii4 plentifully nfth the bee; the marl:et can produce. The ATABL,E is large and commodious, and attended by a careful bottler. The BAR trill he supplied With pare hquers, and every attention renderest to limier guests condonable white step ping tit her house. - marel.'2ll.3t, - MRS. M. StONTGOMERY. DAVID H. RITTCHISON has become the Preprietor.of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the IL:tamed Depoi at HAERISIHIEH, PA. This popular and eomra odious Hotel has twen newly retittettand furnished throughout its parlors and chambers. and is now ready fur the reception of guests. The truveliug pablio will find the United Staten Hotel the most convenient, la all particulars, of any Hotel in the St:eel:spite, on account of its access to the rulli-oad, being immediately between the into great dews in this city. {Harrisburg, June 6:1-tf. STATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE. the Lebanon Valley and Permsyhania Railroad Dee pots, Hamburg City. Pa. This convenient and pleasant Hutel is nod kept Ey the undersigned, late of the Indian Queen in Chambetnburg, and he invites the ratronege of his old friends and the public generally. Terms moderate. octs-tf • JOHN W. TAYI,OR. q. ,, abblerp anti Aartteso. Q , ADDLERNI - SADDLERYP.— ; L.) JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully Maras his Thanks to ha patmns fur the liberal eneattranemotit recei• ed from them seretofore. and he would invite theta and the community getter all, who may need any tbing'in his hue. to give ban a t all at h 6 new ssand. an East Queen street. near the Franklin Railroad, Chambersbarg where he "keeps constantly on hand every variety of SA DDLE• RY ANJ) HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared,to set'. the same on terms that defy eompeti. tin. Every artmte odered (Jr sale wan ented to be made. of the best matliriol and by competent workman. itivb a 111 in, fully thnnunstrated lin an examination there of TRUNKS AND ,vm,isEs.—lle would also call the attention of persons wanting.za good neat and cheap and tmbstanttal,Trunk or Valise tolds assortment. junel7,63: H.DOItDON K 1 PS ON HAND C large assortment. of Saddles. Harness, Collars, Blind Ilridlnt. Halters. Gasbing. Sleigh tthd Slam. I,a,hes, Lead Reins, Hailer and Hitching titnip's Wagon Lte+, Wundrn Stitrups, eovertd un• eos,rtd, CARTRIDGE BOX H. GO-- !lox has a napply Of Cartridge Boxes that willetold forty.tive s Repenting BIHo Cartrid g esi‘Peall anti see one and al!, 910 PERSONS WllO OWN HORSES.- itor to earn Corn and Oata —Boy yourself 41 good Hone Blanket a', C. 11. OORDON'S and keep your n - : no 11. GORDON'S PLACE OF BUSI-_ Gnets is on &nth Main street, one door South of J. h. Suesseroteg office. Term, CASH. LEWIS COOPER EVA'S. H. GRAFI. N. if.TEVIS COOPER .6r. GRAFF / STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS: No. 11 :)ll.:)tuitAND, fHILADELPILEA, PA • , BEFEit W. 31eTlx.l!an. Err{., ,r, 3Iel)owell Sharpe, G. I!. Measenn.ity , Eftq' FOE SALE.—A good STEAM ENGINE; itx horse power. in goal condition. Can be seen by Calling at-T. B. Wood's Foundry. 'era at' TACOR AARVIM. VOL. 72,...W110LE ffianhlin Expmitort. Prom the N. Y. Tribune. RICHMOND IS OURS! Richmond le - Ours ! Richmond is ours! hark !to the jubilant chorus! - Up, through the lips that no longer repress it, Up, from the Heart of the People ! God_bless it! Swelliiig with loyal emoti o n; - Leapegh our joy, Eke an ocean ! Richmoneis ours t Richmond is ours! Babylon gdisOind her temples and towers Crumble to ashes before us! Glory to Grant! GlCory to Gmht! - Hark! to the shout of our-Nation! Up, from the Irish Heart, up from the German— Glory to Sheridan;—Glory to Sherman Up,troM all Peoples uniting— Freedom's high loyalty plighting— Glory to all! Glory to all! Heroes who combat, and Martyrs who fall ! Lift we our joyous ovation! Fling out the Flag! Flash out the Flag ! Up, from the turret and steeple! Up, from the cottage, aiM over the mansion, Fling out the symbol of Ffeedom's expansion!: Victory crowneth endeavor! Liberty seals us forever! Up from each valley, and out from'each crag, • , Fling out - the Flag! Flash out the Flag! Borne on the breath of. the People! ; - Richmond is ours! Richmond is ours! [Hark! how the welkin is riven!' Hark ! to the joy that our Nation convulses, Tiuiing all hearts to the cannon'S loud pulses; Voices of heroes -ascending, Voices of-martyred ones-blending; Mingling like watchwords on Liberty's towers, Richmulal is ours! Richmond is ours 5.! Freedom rejuiceth in Heaven! A. J. H. DCGANICE. REJOICING IN 11V,ASIIINGTIIN. _ The news of the capture of Richmond was of Course - received, in Washington with the lieveliest manifestations of joy. The War Department was crowded to hear the latest news, and when the captor« of Richmond was officially- confirmed, Secretary Stanton was called out and be made theefollowing-sPecch: FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS: In this great hour of triumph, my heart as well as yours is penetrated with gratitude to Altuighty God for his deliverance Of this nation. [Tremendous and prolonged applause.] Our thanks are due to the President (cheers), to the army and navy (cheers), to the gallant Officers aud"men who have periled their lives upon the battle field, and drenched the soil with their blood. [Great cheers.] „ Henceforth our commiseration and our aid should be given' to tho wounded, the maimed and the suffering. who bear:the marked-et their great sacrifices in this mightystruggle. - Let us hum bly offer 'up our thanks to Devine Providence for his care' , over us and beseech him that he will guide and govern us in our' duties hereafter as he has carried us ffuwaril to victory in the past, that he will teach us how to be humble in the midst of triumph, hoe, - to be just in the hour of victory, and that he will enable us to secure the founda tions of this republic, soaked as they have been in blood, so that it shall live for, ever and ever. (Cheers.] Let us also not forget the laboring millions iu other lands, who, in thisstruggle; have given us their simpathics and their prayens; and let us bid theui rejoice with us in our,great tri umph. lien having done this, let as trust the future to 'God; who will guide us as * heretofore, according to his +ANa good wilL SPEECH, OF SECRETARY SEWARD A large crowd collected in front of the State Department, Which wasi)roperly decorated with dap, and called out Secretary Seward, who, after the cheers had 'subsided, spoke as follows: I thank my fellow-citizens for the honor they do me be calling to congratulate me on the fall of Richmond. [Cheers.] _I am now about writing my foreign despatches. What shall I tell the Emperor of China 7 I shall thank him in your name for never having permitted a piratical flag to enter the harbors of the empire. [Applause.] What shall I say to the Sultan of Turkey 1 I shalt. thank him for always having surrendered rebel' insurgents who have taken refuge in his kingdom,. [Cries of - that's it," and cheering.] What shall . I say to the Emperor of the French 7 [Voice—i To get out of Mexico.] I shallsuy to the Empo: ror of the French that he can go to-morrow to Richmond and get his tobacco, to longheld under blockade there, provided therebels have not used it up. -[Laughter and cheers.] To Lord John Russel. I will say that British merchants will find the cotton exported from our ports under treaty with the United States cheaper than cot ton obtained by running the blockade. As for Earl Russell himself, I need not tell him that this is a war for freedom and national independence, and the rights of human nature, and not a war for .empire , ; and if Great Britain should only be just to the United States, ,Canada undis turbed by us so long as she prefers, the authority of the noble Queen to voluntary incorporation with the United States. [Cheers and exclamations of "that s" the talk, your right!"] What shall I tell the King of Prussia.? I will tell the King of Prussia that the Germans have been faithful to the standard of the Union. as. his excellent Minister,. Baron Gerolt, has:been con stant in his friendship to the United States during his long residence in this country. To the Em peror of Austria I Mall say that he proved him self a very wise man 'for he told us in the begin ning that he had no sympathy with rebellion any. where. Ido not doubt felkiw-citizena, tut that at last you accede to the theory by which I have governed myself during the`-liar, viz: that the re bellion will end in ninety days. [Laughter and Cheers.] I - have thought this a true the'ory be c.iuse 1. never knew in physician able to restore his patient to health unless be thought he could work a cure tinder the most improbable circum stances in ninety days. _Finally, if the American . people approve, I will say that our motto in peace shall be what our text has been while in war— even' nation is entitled to regulate its own domes. tic affairs in its own way and all are bound to eon• duct themselves so as to promote peace on earth mid good 1.01 l to mankind. Upou the conclusion of the Secretary's speech the crowd dispersed, cheering yeciferfously for the Pres.ident, the Secretary . and the. UniOD. 31ajor Generul Butler, Senator Nye anitothers also gratified the auditory with apeeches:= :Gen. Butler said: fELLoW:CITIZENS: Nothing could give me a greater pleasure than to meet you at any time, much more to mingle my, congratulations with gurs upon the glonous triumph of the American arms. All honor to the brav e soldiers who: hat , f , purchased by their blood this success to our arms and assurances of peace: In the hour of triumph let us remember that the deluded masses of the South are and must be a portion of our country men and of ourselves, but let us also pledge our selves that:the leaders of the rebellion, who hate cost the country- all this blood em.d treasure, shall never he'reatter have any political privileges or power—(the General was hero interrupted by loud' and king continued cheering)—again to tear down the glorious flag which waves over us. The God of justice workS by means, and perhupsthere can he no inure suggestive iniftance of His visita tion, than a corps of colored troops under the gal lant Weitzel. who was the first to plant the flag of freedom over the rebel capitol. Let us, iathis hour of high congratulations, with the eye of a good God upon us, joy on our lips, speaking glad; um each to each other, hands formed in union, ourlearte filled with joy, our souls with gratitude, tit ffitn,who has protected us He aid, our fifth: era, swear to each other that our country, thus regenerated and disenthralled, shall be forever the home of liberty, freedom, equality of rights to, all in the Union—one and inseparable [Applause and cheering.] Let us. thank God that we have obtained peace, not by negotiation or' compromise with treason, and rebellion, but by the right •arms of our sol diers; and the terms which we shall give -will be consonant withthe dignity, clemency and justice °lithe nation. [Rehewed and long coutiuued ap plans.. - EMIIMI Or-bit. On,nn evening preceding_ Thantsgiving, many yeariago, two stivients lett the colle,ge ,tyr.r.i the most foul intent of procining same of the doctor's fine and fat chickens, that roosted in a tree ad joining Urbane. When they airived at thi3 spot. one ascended the tree, while the i other stood ,with the bag,' ready to receive the Plunder. If en happedefi that the doctor himself had just Lift house, with the ciliw of securing the same" chic-t -ea for his Thanksgiving dinner, , The rogue un der We tree hearing some one approachin,g, im., mediately, crept away, without notifying hie cod:- pinion aalong the branches. ThedootorvameuP silently, and was immediately saluted froni above as follows: ,701. "Are you 'readyl" ,l‘ Yes," responded the cirtor, disseinbling . liir voce as much as possibles The other immediately laying his haw on th e old rooiter, exclainied —; - "Herne is old Prez, will you have-him Pass hi m along," was the reply, and he mitts soon in the drictor's bag. ; , " Here's =arm Prex," said the unconscious student, grabbing a fine old hen, "Kill you bare her 7" " Yes," said the doctor., " Here's son John, will, yon have bit6l" "Yea," again responded the doctor. • • "Here's daughter Sal; take her?" and so on until he had gone regularly through With the dOe toes family and chickens, • The old man walked off in one direction-with the plunder, while the student, well satisfied with the night's work, came down and streaked it for the college, Great was his astonishment to learn from 'his companion that he, had not got any chickens, if he gave them to any one it -must have been to Dr. Nett. Expulsion, fines and grace were uppermoit in their thoughts until the next forenoon, when both -- rice — ived a polite inVita tion from their president requesting the presence of their company - to a Thanksgiving dinner. To decline was impossible, so with hearts full of anx iety for the result they wended their way to the house where they were pleasantly received by the old gentlemaniand with a large party were 8008 seated around the festive board. After ask-, ing a blessing, the doctor rose from hitraelt, and' taking the carving knife, turned with a smile at the rogues and said: " Young gentleman, here's old Prez, and. warmi Pres, son John, and daugh ter Sal," at the same time touching successively the the respective chickens : to' which Will you bo helped I', • The, mortification of the fitudentA may be imax ioed. 'A GEORGIA WEDDING. The preacher was prevented from taking his part in the ceremony, and a newly created justice of the peace,who chanced to be present, was cal. led upon to officiate in his place. The good man's knees began to tremble, for be had nBver tied - the knot, and did not know where to begin. lie hail no "Georgia Justice," or any other book Trom which to read the marriage service. The com pany was arranged in a semicircle, everyone bearing a tallow candle, He thought over every: thing he had ever learned, even to "Thirty days bath September, Apn.l, June and November," but all in vain, he could recollect nothing -that suited the occasion. A suppressed titter all over the room admonished him that he mast proceed with something, and in the agony of desperation he be,gan— "Know all men by-these presents that I"—here he pawed and looked up to the ceiling, when an addible voice in the corner of the room was heard to say: "He is drawing a deed to a tract of land," and they all laughed. . "In the name of God, amen'." be began again, only to bear another voice in a loud whisper, say : "He's making his will. thought be could not live long, be looks so very bad." "Now I lay me down o sleep, I praY,"—was the next essay, when q.orne erudite gentleman rs marked; • _ " He is not dead but skepeth." "Oh, yes' oh, yes!" he continued. Some person out of doors sung oat, " Come into court l" and the laughter was general. The bride was near fainting, and the Squire was not far from it; being an indefatigable man. however, he began again. -•- • " To all and singular, the Sher---" " Let's run ; -he is is going to levy onus," said, two or three at once. * Here a gleam of light dashed scion the face of the Squire. He ordered the bride and.grooin to hold up their hands, and in a solemn voice said: " You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, in the pmieoce- uf. ibis company. that you will per form toward each other all andsingniar, thotirac tions of husband and wife, as thr case may be, to the best of your knowledge and ability, so help' you God r "Good as wheat!" axcla 4 uned the father of 'the bride —Stanford Advocate. PARENTAL TEAciaNG.---If parents would not trust a child on the back of a wild horse. without a bit or bridle, let them not permit them ;to-go forth into the teorid unskilled in self-government) It a child is passionate, teach him by gentle mean to curb his - temper. If he is greedy, cultivate li berality in him. If he is selfish, promote gener osity. If he is sulky, charm him out of it by en: Couraging frankness and good humor. If he is ignorant, accustom him to exertions and train - bun so to perform even onerous duties with alac rity. If pride comes in to made obedience rigue taud, suboth"e hittr. either by counsel or discipline. -In short, give your'.children the habit of trier : - -coining their besetting sins. Let them acquire_ from experience that confidence in, themselves which gives security to the practiced' horseman. even on, the buck of a high-strung steed, and they" will triumph over difficulties and dungen: which beset them in the paths of life.. THE dear people of Nassau havaverysuddenly ;discovered that there is such a Government as , -the United States, and that they have'always greatly admired and respected said Government. It may be mentioned in this connection, that there are thirty-four fine bldekade running eta mere lying idle in Masan harbor, and more are arriving daily from England, only to be fie nt book without discharging. The warehouses are full of goods intended for the' Rebels, that are now scarcely worth paying insurance upon.' A few supposed pirate steamers are lurking around the Bahamas, but thus fur they ,have done nothing: Young „ Locke. 'one of the captors of the Chesa peake, is in prison, on charges of forfeiting-lis. bail and: captured goods, contrary to law. It is gratifying to know what interest theßritish Islanders bike in us—since the capture of Char. leston and Wilmington. IF( a , recent letter to his father at Covington, Kentucky, Geneml Grant says: "'we are now haW ing fine weather, and I think will be able towirid up matters about Richmond soon. lam anxious to hare Lee bold on where heis a short time longer. 'so that I can get him into a position where he must lose a great portion of his army. The re 'hellion has lost its vitality, and if I am not mis taken. there will be no rebel army of any great dimensions a few weeks from hence. Any great mitnstrophy to any of our armies would, of course, revive the enemy for a short time, but I expect no such thing to happen." PuoPosms.—.Josh Billings' advice to a young lady as to how she shall receive a - proposal will snit this latitude as well as any other: You ought to take if kind, looking down bill with an expresshurf half tickled -and half *cart. After the pop ix srver, it youre luvyer wants to kiss you, I dont think I'd say yes or no, but let the thing , kind er take its course. There is one thing I alwtui stuck tew, and that ix, give me long courtship and short engagements. THE cheapest telegram evq sent was by an Irishman. said he to the telegraph operator, "Do You ever eharg n 7 anybody for the address in a ra&isage 1" "No, replied the operator. "And de' ye charge for signing his name sir 1" "No sir." 'Well, thin, will you plase send this? Ijist want me brother to know I'm here"—handing the fol; lowing:. ”To John McPlinn----at New York —(signed)—Patrick Meiling." The mes sage was emit, and no charge made. 4- NOT king alum a married couple. in Van Buren county, lowa, early one morning found soow and calf in their lot; the cow had a collar on mitt; a note att ac h e d, requesting that she should be ta ken care of till called for. Some nights - ' wards a basket was found at their door contaiti: ilia an infant, about a week old, and a note say ing that the baby was the onmer.of ttic cow. - • THE Missouri State Convention on the :6th gk. - adopted an article providing that after theist of January, 1676, no person shalt be allowed to vote in the State who in unable to read, except through' 'physical .disability. Another article adopted pre• vides that foreigners may vote one year atter de elaring their intentions to become citizens. • . AT so one time ha& the Won't:lye evr r eagg . nized Jeff Davis as the hetedole:Govennitent,"and therefore it is easy. to inter that; no such-Meth 411 I conferring with that traitor in chief has ever tirx mortomplated,—PhiledelpAia Pro,: ' • =MM===l