The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 05, 1865, Image 1

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THE FRA,NKI,OI RePrOurroßY is published
every Wednesday morning-by "THE REPOSITORY'
ASSOCIATION," at 82 139 per annum, is ADTINCE; or
83 if not paid within the year. AU subscription ac.
GMISLI MUST be serried annually. No paper will be 'rent
out of the State unless paid %'r in advance, and all such
"beeriPtkrus will invariably be discontinued at the expi
ration or the time for which they are paid
ADVEitTiSEMENTS are inserted at FIFTEEN Ms'lS
per line for first insertion, and TEN cents per line for sub
sequent insertions. A liberal discount is made to perm=
advertising by the cinarter,halfyear or year. Special ho.
tires eharged one.itelf mare than.regilar advertisements.
All resolutions of Associations; communications of fimPied
or indlitdaal Interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths
exceeding live lines, are *urged fifteen cents per line.
AR Legal Notice-, of every kind, end all Orphans'
Court and other Judicial Saks, are required by law so be
advertised in the Rtroarrotty—it having the Lemur CIR
CULATIONof any paperpublished in the county of Franklin.
• JOB PRINTING of every kind in Plain and Fancy
done with neatness anddispatch. Handbills, Blanks,.
Cards, Pamphlets, ,&c., of everivariety and style, printed
at the shortest notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE has just
been re-iltted with Steam Pow'er and three Prows, and
every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the
most artistic manner and at the lowest rate, TERMS IN
Mr. John K.:Siuyock is oar authorized Agent to
receive Anbccriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for
the same: MI letters should be addressed to
M'CLUitt &,STONER, Publisheia.
Lumber, *Scc.
The undersigned hare now an hand. at their
alargo supply of Saab, Strutters, Doers and Blinds fer sale
or made to order.
Mouldings of all descriptions, from half inch to S raches,
on land.
Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.
Also—Wood Turning in all its brunches. Newel Pont.,
Banisters, Bed Posts, dr.c., on hand. .
A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale.
Also—Window and Door Frames on lfind or made at
short notice. HAZELET. VERNON & CO.,
felBl tf Harrison Avenue. Chambersburg. 'a.
VV:aated. by GED. A DEnz.
Wanted by GEO.' A. DEITL.
SiVented by Geo. A. ()Enz.
Wanted by 6EO. A. DElrt.
and all kinds of Produee ' bought . by GEO. A. DErrz, at
his Warehouse above the Railroad Depoe
for gale cheap, the tun or half toil. ' T
by the cord or ball cord
sawed and split for titove use, by the cord cr:a cord.
Oak, Walnut and Pine, always on'hand.
and all kinds of LUMBER, such 6s Oak and Pine Plank
Oat, Walnut, Pine and Hemlbek Boards; Flooring
Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Faling, Laths, &c.'
ways on hand, and roofs put on by: the best Slaters, who
e drawn medals fur their superior workmanship.
above the Railroad Depot, and•buy, cheap. Ideal
H' e e have on hand all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and
are prepared to furnish Bill Lumber to 'order at short no
tice, all at the moat reasonable terms. Our stock of Linn.
ber consists of
White Pine 6 Wet Plank,
• " " " select Plank.
" 13 " Plank.
1 select and. Culling Weida,
. • " " 3 " Boards,
f " Siding (6 inch,)
Best Riper Shingle*,
" Worked Floring, .
",- " . sfding,
• " " - Joist and Scantling, all sizes, -
Hemlock Joitt and Scantling,
Yellow Pine Limp, Jost and Scantling,
Failing and Minden:4; Laths -
We have also always on handlt 3 good supply of all
kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-ba mg. Also a supe
rior article of Bmadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub•
lie are invited to givens a call, as we will endeavor to
give satisfaction to aft - that calk •
Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars to any station
. on the Franklin Railroad.
far Office on Second SL, in the rear of the Jail Yard,
Chambersburg, Pa, " LEO. EBERT & SON.
- York and Goldsborough, Pa,
Keep roristantly . on band a well selected stock of seas.
usable Lumber, rrz —Joist and SCantling, Weatherboard
ing. dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles. Palingsand
Mo* White Pine and Oak Bilis, • sawed to order at the
shortest notice. All communications should be addressed
to Yottlt, PA. [SecW-ly
STEAM SAW MILL—The undersign
ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill
at the South Mountain. near Graftenburg Spring!, and
PINE, Lre red to saw to ordert imber Bills. of OAK. PINL,
'X or any kind of dewed, at the short
eat notioe and at low rates. One of the firm will be at the
Hotel Sam'l Greenawalt, in Chamberoburg, on Satur
day the 24th lust. andon each alternate Saturday thereaf
ter for the purpose of contracting for, the deliver} - of lum
ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low-
EST RArsa. All letters should be addrested to them at
Graffinburg P. 0., Adams Co.. Pa.
30.000 FitTE.R7.II-1.,14,T)000 White
glee, tor aisle at Fayettevilla, by
matth2!..3t . .1. B. M'ELROY. & BRO'S.
RUI LDI N G LUMBER. -'The uncle
.'" signed is prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lum
ber at We lowest market prier .R. A. RENFREW,
GREENWOOD Blue, Fayetteville P. O, dec"43.6ai
Cobacco,aub ,Segaro.
el STORE.—Having re•built my Tobacco and Cigar
Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington a Main
streets,) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite all
Si call and examine my stock, consisting of
Congress, all kinds, Cavendish,
TWist. all kinds, Rose Twist,
Flounder, Old Virginia,
Navy, - Honey Dew,
Hichigin Fine Cut, (ro••
Anderson Shorts
Big Lick,
Large Hand,
Cut and Dry.
• James direr,
sep 21
& SEGARS.—The undersigned has Just returned
from the City with a complete wok of Tobacco and Sa
gan, such as Natural Leuf, Michigan. Smoking 'Cohan.
coo and Pipes. Store 011 Queen Street. three doors from
the M. E. Churoh. Come. give him a Lift.
aug24 C. H. BUSH.
3fanurtudurers and Vrehotesale Dealers in
We. 310 North Third Street. oboes Vine, ;Pon Sidr,
•Coctl2.lo . PHILADELPHIA, PA.
J. D. JACOBI+, late of elstnb'g, Pa. II Ls ay B}lT6Eit.
and SEGARS, wholesaleand retail, nt
- on Queen street,.East of the Methodist Church.
J. C 100 1101 .D 8 . M. D. MoYroo3teitY, M.
associated themielves in the Praaice of Medicent,
and have opened an office in Dr. Richards' new bra:ding,
on Idain street, a few doors south of the Diamond.
All persons indebted to either of the abas e, mll3 pleae
make early settlement of the same. -
DR.W. H. BOYLE `rill attA;nd prompt
ly to all professional calls. 011 Ice lu the Vestibule
of the New School House nor the Jell. f mlO.
Harelust received fine aisortznent of STOVES,
determined to sell lower than anybody else.
Theymnt my TIN ROOPING,Ist quality material for 18
enta per square 6mt ; 2d quality 16 cents; ld quality 14
They do SPOUTING cheaply, well add promptly.
They use best Iron for Stow Pipes, and charge but 18
data per lb.
Onue and see if you cannot do better with theta thee any other establishment.
Cr reduced to suit the times.
. air TERME; CASH. .:401 , •
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Jam: M'CI:RDr, I A. K. M'CtuE.P . ,
N. W. Sou.k.m.3ratd p ; H. M. DaVls.
A. L. CA1.731.1.N.
The properiy of this c i inmpa..ny consists of one hundred
aerso in fee simple, sltnato in Corn Planter township,
Venango county Pennsylvania, within onolourth of 6
mil. of the town of Pl*ner, and within one-half mile o
the celebrated If arobol property, one of the too tprodue-
tive companies In existence.
The property :eon one of the mein brelfehee of the eel
ebrated Cherry Rua, itud within one-fourthief a mile of
that stream. The Land ham an excellent formation for
boring euccemaully, and the company bayp cireudy
propositions to rink wells on the property on lease, giving
the company orie•half of the Oil free of charge. An soon
as the orgauftation of the compAiny ie completed. ,
will be executed at aloe, and itinveioprnent ;ladled with
vigor. The property in also within 1,1:1b and a half toilet
from Pit Bole Cresk,—a stream that le now produeing
Oil very largely
EN fly effort at development on the prop,rty around
Hart's Delight, •
Sunny Side, &c
bin land bas been 'sueeessful. The Columbia Oil Cum
I , anY Is locatft: mil,' of it, and itt.skyck iv 'wiling
CcutnE , ..
- - -
fdr 850 pp: nhnre. Th.n 01,7-Run, Curtin, and Dope
D.n%l I
rial Companies are alxo .a the same immediate
section, on much the same thrum lee, and thetr s , oeks n
rank high on the market, and are iutrimutally very rthist
The Company Ilan been ' orgtulizsd to proneent, the bu
I.gitimately., and ganknuldert can rely upon rigor
ous and thorough. development.
A limited number of !hares can be •had r at s2por &rare
Slum, ruin be hod for o short time from
vaamb Lit
i Ik
CAPITAL tt1,000,000
900,000.81IARES AT it.s EAVI!
- I
I .
Joni t i xicupr
' I
ezothro STORY,
D. intAINF,RD OAKfi.
ronearding and Commission House, .1
ID it if omp antes.
'3".),n(10 SHARES; ut .$2.00 y , Ptr Value.
50, Cents per Share, fur lull Paid Stae
60,000 Shan-s, nr 'itlo,ooo Re,erved for Working Capital.
In forming . the above mulled company , great rare hag
Toren taken in jJo selection of propertif.i, so as to offer
none hut those well known to the public, anti which,have
been tried. and found to be the best yet developed. The
sysfem of the otgalizating la ill be on the muttigl plan, the
C,OMPANY, wbieh waxen soon token and nom ~enger4
sought after. The working capital into be Cio,ooO ahich
will be a verphandsome farid fur commencing the level
opment of the property, aud it is the intention of the runs
gels to push the Rolf; energetically. and with confidence
hf the great success Of the undertaking. The subscription
has becra placed at thelow tigars 5 . 0 cents per rbare, so
as to enable alt to hat'e a ena*.e fur, int - istment in this
profitable bminew.,Nthere so many fortune.. hose been
made. , The propertie+ having taken up s. vie time
since, at low priers, makes the .in,stment rinnblT
ble, on aomunt of ebenpnes,
No. tree; of SO acrgs in fen grnplo, of uroonpaos-
*doll terriwrF, on F.a.s,t. tittady ADJOINING the
ADAMANTINE WELL, or rather the Property on
which thin lambus well is,bituatod. It we track about
ten days ago, and is reported as doming .100 liarreis of bekly
each barrel of which is equal to 3 barrels
such as is obtained from Oil ere*. There is mom fu a
large number dwells. This property has eighty rods of
desirable boring territory, fronting on the Adamantine
Lands,: with two good Coal Veins in the Bluffs
No 2.—A lease for 14 years of 2-3d,s of all the oil ob-
mined on three Lewes, on Pithole Run, a hundred rode
from the mouth, as it empties into Allegheny Ricer.—
These are very finely locatild on the rue, and fine selec
Liens. A well. is in progress, and willbe ootnpletedvvith
out oxpaPfm to the Company
Nu 3.—ls 5 acres in fee simple, upon U celebrated
stream *hick' bas attained a notoriety possessed by no
other section, for prr,lueing PETROLEUM, nn wells
basing been put &um upon ite borders, base failed to nl,-
min oil, and among tbrme now flawing and pumping are
he I,„llowing
Reed well,
Granger Well,
Raker We 11..... ....
Auburn We 11..... ,_
Denney Well -1U
Phipps Well. (just rtr;dok) 300 '
Rynd Farm ..
Breyart, '
No. 4.—:1,4,5i le,, a of f.'o years, of sacres, (7-Bths of the
Ito thr Cowan}) immediately on tho Creek. and trot
ihurtillistanee from the :APR' Well of SO Itil:rn—.lgLubriCa
reeentlyetruck by the Slippery - Reck Company',
1:Old which sent their stook from 81,00 psi - share, to
ooe day.
The character of the above Idtere.Ag, eitu.aited ra , they
are in the centre of what is known asthe " Great Oil Bo
sin," should ozrtninly commohd thsmislve,; to the solaous
attention of thou who,comtemplateinven ing fd Oit corn
panics, and are unsurpassed by any as a basin for an bun
orablo and' energetic petroleum organization, and with
that energy *hich the management are demmumed to in.
fuse into it, it certainly naust.prove a god investmont. ,
The Books are now open at the °filo. of the Treconor,
No. 20 'S. Third Street.
President. CHAS. W. REEVES,
Treasurer. C. - T.. TERRE& JR.
B,,retury. WM. 11. RICHMOND.
re- Orders fig stock received by mail reari...2-1.
erg anb Sang 4Thoo
Are in recsipt of a large lot of Goods. bought at reno.
ed prates, at the late New York Auctions, to which rhoy
Melte the attention of the public. •
To persons in want of Dry Goods we say now is the tint
to buy.
To the ladiee we offer a large assortment of Dres
Black and Pann:„. Silks,
Spring Poplins. Bantling",
Plain and Fancy; Delanes, Se.
We bare a good assortment of Carpets, Matting, Oi
Cloths, which we will sell low.
:3" Call soon and get bargain'. at
marchZ) WM. WALLACE, .to
We would respectfully call the attention of the pub
lie to the following lint of Prices of Goods just received.
purchased nt Auction diiilng the late panic in New York .
Excellent Calico, 20 cents; lately sold at 371 cent,.
Black and White Calico, 55; ' • 50
Best new style DeLalnes, 50 "
Good I Bleached Muslin, 25; '• 45
Good 4.4 " " 0 0." 50
Beat 4-4 , " 3U ; " 62 "
Brown Mnilins, all prices, But little over tine-half rob a t
they recently sold at.
Good Cotton Pants Stuff. 23.
Glaze ow and Lancaster Gingham!, 00 eta.
All• Wool IteLaines, 50
Stella and otlitlrsty : Spring SLawls, front
1.1.i5 ; 00--us cheap as hieore the war t
Also, a, full assortment of every thing or the DRY
GOODS line at greatly reduced prices. We intend to
replenish nor stook_treiptently and sell at the lowest rate
the market sill afford, and in all cases sell as heap, if
not cheaper, than any other house in the county. -
Cull and see on, next door to the Poat. Ottice.
nurch29.3t - J. tiQKE: J. CI I.
4EE HERE!—Staten Island Fanny Ai&
lk-7 tag Este/tits/Intent '—The largeot and moot eornpleto
to the World. Grand Combination of Freoeh, German. do
Yankee Skill. Almost , every detteriptiott of Stlk owl
Woolen Fabric, Ciotti - Mid anti Dyed to give ,ntiifar,tionkr
NW GLOVES, Cleaned - and Dyed in the boot elt 1F of the
Art. Now• In the time, for lienovnting Firing Apparel.
_ .
Philad'a., Office: 47 North Eighto Street, bettr*enfa.
ket Arch, East Stdc.
New York-011ices: Nos. 5& 7 Joha St., and 71Eilitow
attorney at Late.
GM. & W S. STENGER, Arrote
. NEys - AT LAW.-W. S. STEW.EIt. District At.
torney and Agent far procuring Pensions, Bounty Money
and arrears of puy.
Men In James Daneld's dwelling, on the Went tide of
Second Street, between Queen and 'Washington Sttcets.
AT LAW.—Office opposite the' Post Office. Will at
tend promptly to ell busthess entrusted to their care.
P. B.—Authorisea Agents for the collection of Pcnsion , „
Bounty. Back Pay and all other dal= ttiptpt the govern-
113 tit.
AT EV ERETT. Attorney at Law.
0111 co ea Market Street. opposite the ICone,
Hone, formerly occupied by Jer. Cook, Emi. All legal ,
imsirieiro entrileted to hls ran• %ill receive prompt atter,
tioe. eet.7-tf..L. 2 1
OtEe on Second Street, a fete d o ors South of the
Market House, PENSIONS, BOUNTY and other eluilue
promptly collected. Rtue3l.
. flee at his residence on Second street. octla
. Offtneote Martetstreet map
EGISTER'S personsiu,
AA) Wrested will please take notice, that the following
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's
Ottlos of Franklin County and that the mine will be pre
sented to the Orphans Court for confirmation, on Wednee
de y, the 12111 day of 1865. in Chambersburg
tat. First and final account of T. J. Mclllienny and Sam
uel Holliday, Ex'rs of Catharine 51cIntenny, late of Fan
-nett twp., dee'd.
67. Final account of David Keller and Henry Bruba
ker, Ex.`rs of Henry Brubaker dec'd.
08. FirSt and final account of S. O. MsCurdy. Adm . : . of
James H. Alexander, late of Fannett tap.. deed.
69. Find account of Joseph Gilmore and James Gilmore
Ex'rs of Laabella Marshall, late of Strasburg, dee'd.
70. SeeklUlt and final account of Jacob Brcelibill and
Jacob Wiland. of John Wiland. deed.
71 First and final acct. of Joseph Fritz and Leonard
Fritz, Adnfrs of Fred'it Frig late of Warren twp., deed.
72. First acct. of James A. Cook, Adm'r, and Ann
' Hershman, Adnirx of Samuel Harshman. deed. - •
73. First and final. acct. of Samuel Shartle, Ex'r of Ja:
cob Seibert, late of Montgomery twp., deed.
71. Furst and final acct. of Michael Ebersole, Attuir of
Jacob Ebersole, deed.
77. First and final acct. of Peter Kerlin, Ex': of John
Kerlin, deed. -
76. Second arch of Simon Lecrone, Guardian of Martin
Funk, minor child of Jacob Funk, late of Washington•
township, dee'd.
77. First account of Simon Lecrone, Guardian of Sarah
C. Mirowell, minor child oftslahn IE-Dowell, late of An
trim township, deed:
78. First and final acct. of George and John Zullingert
Ex'rs of Fredl Zullinger, late of Letterl‘enny tap... deed.
79. First and final acct.; of N.H. Brumbrfugh and H. V.
Ilarttnan Atim'rs of Charhts Hartman, late of Greeneas
EO. First and final acct. of Michael It. Winger, Adm'r of
Geo. Lehman, late of Green tw, deed.
81. Account of T. B. Kenney, Guardian of Mary C.
Beaver, minor child of John Beaver, decd. •
82. First acct. of Jos. McClelland, Guardian of Thos.
A., Samuel 8 0 . Joseph, Jennie A, Margaretta J. and Wm.
C. McCiellanu, minor children of Su, McClelland, late of '
Letterkenny twp., dec'd.
83. First and final acct. or Henry Finefiroek, Adler of
Nancy Finefroek, late of Guilford two., deed.
W. Aect of Milton Shirey, Ex'r of Adam Shirey;late
of Greencastle, deed, as stated . -by J. C. McLanalaan,
Adm'r of said Milton Shirev. dec d.
87. Flint and final acct., of Emanuel Kuhn, Ada: rof
Henry Hinkel, late of ilatniltoatwp., deed.
86. Final neat of David Gilbert, Adnfr of John Gilbert,
hate of Waynesboro, dec'd. -
87. Elms acct.. of John W. 'Coon, Adm`r of Josiah Be
rate, late of Waynesboro,
88. The account ofJohu,Carper Guardian of Marion J,
John E. and Aug tine IM, 'Poe. minor children of Isabella.
Pce, late of Letterkenny i toscuship, deed.
89. First and final a*t. of H. W. Lion, Adm'r ofJas t 47
Linn, late of Fannett' township, deed.
marchtEJ ,HENRY STRICKLER, Register.
, _
NTOTItE.—Tbe following named -per
il sons bave filed petitions for License, in my ogee
be preshntedio the (Jourt at next' term, . commeuclogin
Monday, the 10th clay of April nest, to wit:
Jobs Fisher, Chambersharg.
Daniel - do
Margaret Montgomery, do
Jac. Brown, do
Adam Wolff, do
Jacob Sellers,. do
'David L. Taylor, do
John Gordon, Hamilton township.
Susan Elliott, do
J. R. Tankersley, St. Thomas.
John Hassler, • do
Charles Onion, St. Thomas tov.-nship.
John Mullen, do
James Mullen. Loudon.
John Trehr, do
Thomas McAfee, Mereersburg.
Charles Lowe. do
Jacob Elliott, Welsh Run.
Brant & Detrick. Greencastle. t.
John H Adams, do '
John W a ll ac h, do
L. B. Kurtz, Waynesboin'.
V. R. Gilbert. do
H.M. Sibbett,i % do
David Miller, Washingtorf toaitship
A. C. Funk, do
H. 11. Jones. e Quiney.
Andrew Shank. ' Funkstown. - .
Margaret Holland, ' Greenwood_
John S Hemel; , Fayettoille.
Benjamin Zook. do
Elizabeth Filson ; Marko,
Christiho Foltz. 0 reetivillage.
John Kyner, Orrstown.
Abraham Keefer. Pleasant flat
. . .. ..
John R. Weis!, ' Strasburg.
Jeremiah Zollinger, do .
David Guyer, Rome Talley.
Adaline Ramsey Fannettsburg:
JigneS Coffee, Dry Run.
Harmon tinvornangt, do
John Gt./torn. Doyiesburg,
/3. I', Culbertwn. Amberson't Valley.
31illerdt. Croft, '. ,Chambersburg,
S. F. Greenawalt . do •
mareh.3t W. d; MITCHELL, Clerk Q. S
50 It
Jurtun drawn - for a Court of Oyer and Terminer,
Court of quarter Smerions of the Porter. and a Court of
Common MILS, to be held at Chamber:Marg. on
the Itch day of April. A, D.. 1845:
Joseph Clark. Chambersburg; David H Bonebreak.
Guilford •Denton Brewer, Warren.; Solomon Creamer.
Letterkenuy James C Eyster, Chambersburg ; Samuel
Eider ' , lumen. Joseph Ender, Fanuett; Matthew Gordon,
fireencustle - William Hewitt; Peters; Cyrus Hazels;
Lurgan ; two W hamlet. (Wilton' ; John K Keyser, Mont
gomery James Little. Fannett; David Miller, Quincy;
W. S. McAllen, Mora"; Wm A 3tackey, Pannett: Casper
Bets, Peters- John Ore. Sowilmmplon; Samuel Peckman,
Letterkenny; Thomas Pomisliiir.r.umrsin; Wm Pomern . i . .,
Funnel;. It C Small. Guilford; A K Weir Greene:title ;
Christian Whitmore, Antrim.
John Aslinay, Green; S. G. Bret•kenntlite; Southamp
ton Ahruni Baker. Quincy; John Croft; St- Thomas;
'Janie! colde, du, Geo Carbaligh, Washington; Jno E
Crawhyrd, flatiron' : William Clark.. Green ; Joseph G
Criei,ler send:ammo: ; C W Eyater, Chatoberaburg;
Natrinei Etter, Green; , ob Eberly, Guilford; Henry
Grove. Antrim ; Benjamin Grove. Green ; Jacob Garl n
ger, Moutuoinery, Daniel Gehvix, hetterkeany ; Lewis
Gilbert. Antrim, William Hershman Quincy; Henry
Hoffman, Antrim Hannoinci, Pannett ; Martin
Ileintzelinan Guill - rd; Willinth Hater. Hamilton; Her
man Mercershuric ; Thincuts Henneberger. Chem
berelmr‹; Benjamin Huber, St. ThAins ; William How :
ChandeaL, Peter Kreighliartm. ilb; Robert Kirkpatrick,
Greer. , Andrew Lehman, do; linnon Leekrone, Wash.
4 inglon ; Lewis Lilekitme.. Antrim , John Miller.-flhamblr,
Robert Mahon. Green; Robert F McElroy, do:; John E
MeClay Limon ; Thomas McGuire, Peters; Barnet Plek•
big.; Hamilton • Beulanun Palmer, Antrim; Henry Pen
singer, , Jam Belly, Greencastle; Samuel Secrist,
(Infer): , Henry Snyder of J, Guilford: Noah Seller:l,f•
ger, do; Samuel B 'bnively, Antrim ; Christian Shoekey,
liVashinanon Snivel, : Antrim George Umbrell,
Metal ; James 1% allace,Sonilitimptim. rdircle2-2
/LA U s E S 1.,' 0 It ThIAL AT APIIIL
Term, P - 415
kioliiii.M'Curily and wile vs. Andrea - M'Curdy,
SauM _vs., David Vance.
ITi l i i ' ili T I
S vi nY g l e . r s ' r vs. L B. Ilienner.
vs. Williain Keyser.. ,
J Bo Berge: ..... vs. Froderirk %Valk.
Phili 'arper , i -vs. Re
becca Cook. et.- al.
Davi 'itherspoon vs. Rebecca Currey's Ex.
Wink Stumbaugh ' vs. tirials P. Sniiila
John, " ntsou vs.. Join-Pluni
Wrigley & Bouebreak, t vs Wunderlich Seed & Co.
Hougliwout & Co.
'Elm Jane Trindle • vs. Mary Anil Clark.
.lamp S. Lynn vs. Jal.ol , Riney A. Wife.
Morrow R. Skins', vs. Samuel Hisser,
.Jacob S Breen VS. Samuel .M.Worleyet. at.
Geo. Gairs use vs. John H. Tritle.
John 'Miller et. al vs. Wm Skinnlir. et. al.'
Morrow It. Skinner vs. Samuel Bitner.
IVin. Wilhelm 7S. D. E. Reisher
Mary C Miller vs. Joan H. Hartle.
Jacob Glass ',s Henry Kyle and Wife.
Sirook Bitncr vs, John Waldsmith,
Henry Kyle Si Jaeoh(llass. _.
Luther Spellman vs. J.C. It. Itekrnat. -
R. C. McCurdy vs John S. Conan.
!mirror, , K. S. TAYL(Ht. l'n•thi;._
PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner,
L the Jut:tiros of the Peace. and the Constables of the
different Ttestashir in the Count' of Frankhu, Greeting
Kth.W ally c. that in parhaanee of the precept. to me Ill•
rectisl, under the hand and seal of the Tiny. ALFA KiNr.,
Pr,'stdcnt "t the Prat Coorts ..1 Common Pleas, in the
S,i.stet ntikliist ter ente.o.ttug of the °natio of Somerset
todford, Tul ton and Franklin. and by N IMue of his office
~1 the I t o .irt of (Ix er anti Terminer and General Jail Deb,
t ry for tho trial te - vapita , nod other offenderi therein and
In eat tl enc.:o (Wirt of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. and
rtAXI ON. andd.lStreb. CAlth( , ;, Engs„ J u dg e s of
the same candy of hankliu. Yon anti each of roa are
hereby required to be and appear in tour proper-porsons
A ith your ittratra, I{Peognintnrce.t. P.xittninations, and
~they It ern einbran yes before t ho .1 udges aforesaid. at Chant.
hor,lntrg, at it Court of ()yr.r and rer,ain., and General
Jail lb livery. and General Quarter tioesions of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid
on for 2.d Monday in April, bring the 10th day of ohs
month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and
there to do those things, o hieh to your several offices ap•
ivon ipderinV hand at Chambershurgthe 17th March,
J bll3 rrinarlii . ) SAMUEL BRA ' NUT, Sheriff.
Q IVERIFF,'s.NoTicE.-,T4) Nancy
and George Shaffer. and Mary:his wife.—Yea
are heroic Minified to ?Wand appear before the ludgesof
our-court of rilninlint at Clialithersbtirg.l'tnuklin
loamy. Ya., on the 10th day of April A. P.. IE O IS, to show
cause if any you has e, satintiletion fihnuld not be en:
tension a certain roortgnge, :nails and executed be Sum.
uol Stro+ k, on the '2Bth day of March. A. D.. IB3ti, to the
heir; and legatees of Ludwig Petttrit It, for die pay meet
of fourteen hundred and Nventeen dollars and fifty cents,
.1111 rreorded in t Ohmic "C." pig.' 7r4 'if the n.aords "f
the county of F-aek , ln, aforesnld. By order of the court.
marole'Zl•lt n.'t tUEL ISILNN DT, Sheriff.
Arm TOWS NOTlCE t —Nfitiee is here
by hdtven n, dlo creditors of Charlee Hassel, late of
Southanipfito ten nehip, deed, that the account of P. N.
llofTman, lineable of said decedent erne Confirmed by the
Orphans' Court of Franklin county, and that the under.
signed, was appointed - Auditor to distedinto the balance
said account amo n gst the treditors. The A nditor, will
Imo the eredine4 mai ell p.m les interneted, at his °file%
' dn. the 3lst day of Ifedal, IFtiS, at 10 o'clook, A 11.. to
' marshal and upportlon said finals arnonot the eraditons.
J. W. DOUGLAS. Auditor.
- - -
SHIP.—Noticee Is hereby given Oa the ed.purtner•
ship heretofore existing under the style of Shaffer &
Stuart, in the Grocery- business, was diemired by mutual
consent on the Istinstant. The businmi will be carried/
on by Mr. JACOB SHAFFER, in whose hands thi boat
have been plated for oollevtiqn. JACOB SHAFFER,
tostrebrZet • _ B. 1fT7144R7. '
IL egg jlotires.
Legal _goitres.
AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notteeis here-
by given that the undersigned has been appointed ••
by the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, Auditor to
make distnbution of the balance in the hands of•Atchisor.
Ritchey, Executor of the last will awl testament of Jane
3lilligan, deceased, wand among the Legatees named. in ,
said will, , according to Law, will attend to the duties of
his appointment. MM.* offlek in the Brongh of Chambers
burg. on Saturday, the 8:1, day of App.!, 1065, at 10 o'clock,
A: K., of told d..Y, when and where all persons interested
are requested to attend.
rnarebV2 LYMAN S. CLARKE, Anditar.
ner friend. Phillip Ludwig vs. Michael Harmony.
—4ll the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, Pa.
Sub. in Divoree to October Term, 120 N 0.51. Alias Sob.
tm April Term, Mtil, No. 17, Returned tilkil,Flabet.
Michael Harmony t—You are hereby notified to be and I
appear before the Judges of our Court of Common
at Chatnbersburg, in and fur the County of Franklin, on
thr orcond Monday of April, A. D., 1865, to answer the
marten charged against you in Said libel for divorce.
marl ;I•4t SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. •
_ _
-11 Anditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of •-^
Franklin Co., Penn., to distribute thebalance in the hands
of Christian Lesher, Executor of the .last will and testa
ment of Magdalena Street, late of 'Washington township,
decel, to and among the legatees named in the mid wilt,
will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office,
in the Borough of eliambetsburg, on Friday, the 7th day
of Apnl. 4. D. 1865. when and where persons interes.
ted mayTtstend 1mar2.2.3t1 T. J. NILL, Auditor.
Hagerstown Herald (Vl' and charge.REPoscrottx.
—ln the Court of Common Pleas or Franklin County, Pa. !
Sub. in Divorce to January Tenn, 1565. No. B. Alias
Sub. to April Term, 1865. No. 11. ReturnetllVikil
. .
Joseph \Vbite -.—You are hereby notified to be and ap
pear before the Judges of our Court of Common Pleas, at -
Chambersburg, in and for the county of Franklin. on die
second hionaay of April, A. D., 1136,5, to answer the mat- .
tors charged against you in mid libel for divorce.
marchls-4t SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. !
iv friend. John Si. Reges, yr. Phillip Smith.—ln tha
Court of Common Pleas for Franklin County ; Pa. Allan
Sub. In Divorce to January Term. 11465, No. 10. Post.
Sub. Ice 73, October Term, 1864. Returned ,Whil Baba.
Philip Smith :—You are hereby notified to be and ap
pear before the judges of our Court of Common Pleas, at
Chamberabarg, en and for the County of Franklin, 01 the
reroneljlonday of April. A. D., 1861 th answer the mat
ters charged against you intsaiff libel fd divorce.
. marls-4t SANUEL BRA.NDT. Sheriff.
- Shruder's Estate.—To the heirs and
legal representatives of said deceased. You am hereby
notified that, in pursuance ef.a writ of inquisition, issuing
nut of the Orphan's Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to
me directed, I will bold an Inquest on the Real Estate of
which said decedent died seised. situate in Montgomery
township, County aforesaid, on theSth day of April, A. D..
1E 1 65. WO o'clock A. M., when and where you may at.
tend if you think proper.
marchteAt • SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration
with the will annexed on the Estate of Jacob Wolff, late
of Washington township, deed, have been Wanted to the
All persons kndwing themselves indebted to said Estate
ail/ please make immediate payment ; and those having
claims present them properly authentienteel for)settlemenr.
match`.:.'. - JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Adler.
tine ie hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the gstate of Jneol Kaufman, tate of Letterkenny torn
ship, deed hbve been granted to the undersigned-
All persont, knowing themsels es indebted to said Estate
trill plea - se make immediate payment; and those basing
claims present them property aihentimtesl for settlemen , -
marehlb f JACOB N. KAI
her, is hereby given that Letters of, Administration
on the Estate of Sarah Stumbriugh, late of Ardzim town
ship dee'd, bane been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will ph•rise make immediate payment; and i those baying
claims present them proper/3 - authenticated for sett7ement.
.W 7M. STUMBALtGIi, Adm'r
12.4 , Thereby given that Lottery 'Testamentary to the Dv
tate of 'Wm. Van Dyke late of. Montgomery tOwnship,
dce'd,have been granted to the undersigned.
A' persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
mitke immediate payment. and those having claims will
prense present t 0.,,, properly authentitNated for settlement
J Is O IL HN LI P A IT B T O E y Ii b SO , N.
PXECUTOR'S TIC E.-=Notice is
bereby , given Mat Letters Testamentary to the Es
tate of senry M. Stoner, /ate of Antrim towmthip, deed,
have been granted to the undersigned.
AIL persOns•know ing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
maribl DAVID M. STONER, Exr.
VXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.- -Notice - is
LA hereby given, thaijAtters TrAtameroau T to the Estate
of Daniel Bock, late orlletal township, .dee'd. have been
granted - to - the undersigned.
All person. knowing themselves indebted'to said Estate
rtill please make immediate payment; and those hav,ing
claret present them properly authenticated fur eettlement
:- DAVID :BOCK, Els-
hereby given. that Letters Testamentary to the Es
tate of Andrew- Gift, late of Peters township, deed, have
I been granted to the undersigned.
Al! persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
wilt please make immediate payment, and those having
Maims present the= properly authenticated for settlement.
marchil? MULLEN, E'er.
E A STERN INN.—The under4ignesllm4
clog lately purchased the large and conuarxiiumi
Brick Building of Rev. S. U. F:shett in connection with hid
present place of business, on the corner of Main street and
Ludwirfo Alley, in prepared to mmommodase BOARD,
ERS by the day, week or month. He is amply provided
with, STA BLIND to accommodate the traveling public.
Having d large LIVERY STABLE connected with the
Hotel. guests and the public generally can be furnished
with Horses and Carriages at any moment. Persons visit.;
ing Clitiinbeniburg with their families will find this the
Mont comfortable Hotel in the tonnty as it has been re ,
fitted with entire new Furniture. and the moms are large
and well entilated. The TABLE is amply supplied with
all the luxuries fif the season. and the BAR, which is de.
Inched from the Brick Building. will always be furnished
with choice and pure liquors. Every attention paid to the
comfort of guests.._,loctl2l S. F. GREENAWALT. ,
BROWN'S HOTEL.—This Hotel, situ,
uted on the airtur of Queen-und Second Streets, 0,p 7
petite the Bank, Court Room, and County Ottices,and
the immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shops, and other
places of business, is conveniently situated fur country
people having business in,Chansbersburg. The Building
has been greatly enlarged and refitted for the acconintoda
tion of Quests. ,
TilE TABLE will always be fun:hilted with the beet
the Market can produce.
THE 13.111 will be rapplied with pure en& choice Eli
TII} STABLE Is Arge and attended with a good and
careful Ostler.
Evert• attention Kill be rendered to wake Goillts'eoto
fer•.able While aolaurning at this Hetet
!obi, JACOB 8. BROWN, Proprietor.
ITNION HOTEL.—This old and well
establiehed Hotel is 1:10•X open for the accommodation
of Guests.
. .
The Yroprtetcrr having leasidtho three•story block of buil
dings on Queen Street, in the rear of his former stunt], is
prepared to furnish GOO I ROOMS for the traveling:out
trutisient custom.
HIS TAIILE wilt strain its runner reputation orbeing
supplied with the best the market run produce.
HIS BAR. detached from th.. undo building, will al•
ways have dunce and pure Liquors.
Good warm STABLING for fifty horses, with (ireful
Even• attention will be matte to render guents
able %Lilo sojourning at thin Hotel.
Ito) IF JNO. FISHER, Proprietor.
111 (INl:n4li g . GnedOil‘litsElhileYpleasuOrel:fEclLbu'uuerl
tirta g l'e --tolihne;
old porous, and the publicgeneral/y, that Rheims furnish
ed her CII.OtIIF.ItS with entirely new Furniture, Bed unit
Be4ding, end is amply prepared br accommodate all 64
former customers anti as many new cues as will be pleati - ..
ed to give her a call.
The TABLE will always he supplied, plettifinly with/
the-best the market can produce.
The STABLE is largo and commcdioue, and attended
by u careful hostler.
The BAR will he supplied with pure liquors, and-every
attention rendered to make guests comfortable while stop
ping nt ber house.
nittrelat.R MRS. If. MONTGOMERY.
hag bemoan the Proprietor Of the UNITED STATES
119 TEL, :War the Ttailrodd Ilopot at HARRISBURG,
PA. This popular raid commodious Hine' hoe hero newly
refitted nod fit rnblied throughout its parlors nod ehambers,
audio now ready for the reception of guests.
The: traveling public will find the United. Stater Hotel
thy 'most convenient, in all portiCulars, of any Hotel in
the State Capital, on account of its access to the railroad.
-being Immediately between the two grout &pots in this
city, , (Harrisburg, twin 17, al-tf.
AAJJ the Lebanon Vatter and Pennsylvania Railmad lle.
pota, Harrisburg City(ita. This convenient and pleasant
Hotel is now kept by the undersigned, late of the Indian
Queen In Chamheriburg, and he malted the patronage of
his old friends and the public, generally. Terms moderate. / JOHN W. TAYLOR.
_ .
Verona Vropertg *ales,
ei-x hale power, So gipod 00.1 1 ditlen. Can be Been by
cAlitag at T. B. Wood's Foundly. -
sar2l-tf JACOB GARVER.
,VOR SALE.—A full course Scholarship
1• in the Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia
ARAI at thin alms. -
V0L.,7%,...WH0q NI, 3,700.
ill:Min p,tositertir.
From the worth America.
O I mother I bare longed for this
Phave so longed fur this!
To be in my own bed'again
le unexpected bliss
To - feel the soft touch of the sheets
Your own dear hands haye prest ;
To gaze upon your face—sometime? .
To lie upon your breast; '
To count the old familiar squares
Upon the patclework spread. ,
The colors of our own dear tiag,
The white, the .blue, the red. -
0..! mother let the hold your hand;
I rent be dreaming! see,
*My fing. , roiare so thin and white
sure that It is me/ -
Seurtimes I doubt : I did today,
- And not until I heard
Your voice in dear old "Antioch,"
Sweet as a singing bird,
And saw our Winnie bending down
And wondering at my face,
Could I throw off the fettering ler& -
-Of that old prisoir place,
Those erystal still they grow
-Down by the garden Wall;
How the ofd - sweetbrier's fragrant smell
Comet drifting through the hall
0 ! home, dear home, and beautiful I
I never dreatled before
How sweet it it to feel the breeze
throngh one's cottage door.
O t mother, still my thoughts go back;
- That hell l I seem to see „
The ghosts of men who wail andtveP
And why shOuld I be free /
. Hold hard upon my baud again
Stroke back my hair; and lay
Your soft cheek closer to my own,
- And let me hear you pray
For my poor brain is wandering yet ;
I smell the mouldy straw,
< 0 ! will God help me to forget -
• The fearfnlsights I saw
There was a little child among
The ghastly crew, and he
Sang merry songs! and was the life
Of our sad company,
'Until the hunger fever drank
The moisture from his heart
And his small, shrunken face grew wan,
, With blue•white lips apart.
If you had heardlim cry for home,
And call the dear ones 'there; - •
',lf you had seen his piteous eyes,
C row stony loth despair ;
If yon Lad felt the cold arms draw
_ Your head upon his breast,
And heard him sob, his mother's name—
, I cannot tell the reit.
Yon bid me Sleep. I wish I could: •
But wheril close my eyes,
Comes all tliat staring'crowd again.
tinder the sullenskies.' :
Poor Murphy! the old color guard,
With banging lip, aid thighs
Through which the bones break hideously,
I bear his moaning sighs.
And Frauk—you know' him—he who throw
A kiss at Wingie when
We all marched by the old farm'gate
He was a soldier then ;
But now, oh, mother! when you reed
Of wretched Lazarus,
Who was not half so cursed as he.
= Your tears will fall for no.
Y., lam calm,. Winthe looki
As gentle as of old.
Poor Frank ! he used to call 'her hair
A tangled skein of gold.
Ilishair has fallen out, his eyes
Are corpselike in their stare
And how these devils taunted us
And laughed or our despair!
Goa bless you mother t Oh f to tie
In this sublime cotkent,
Though sweet ambition, joy anil hope,
Even life iutelf is spout;
For what this - wastett shadow was
'Twill never be again; _
Min. it: starvation's legacy,
I.7nendipg, wearybitg paid!
.# considerable' portion of our early life was
passed on the shores of the Upper Mississippi ri
ver, about .ear hundred miles above St. Louis.
It was in the primitive times of that country—
thr we are now considerably apart the " days of
our youth"—consequently St. Louis was our near
est and only trading post. This being the case,
we, the settlers, had frequent occasion to make
voyages between the two points—that is, between
our settlement at the village of Hamburg, now in
Calhoun county, and - St. Louis: _
I remember, when a mere boy, of accompany
ing my father on tine of these voyages, which was
made with a raft load of barrel staves for the St.
Louis market. Near the then little village of
Alton, Illinois, we were forced to lie up for
bad weather, and I recollect we made our camp
h kind of cavern Which may now be seen in
the high.cliffs just above Alton.
While we were waiting for the weather to
change, two canoe loads of Indians passed down
close to our side of the — river; an occurrence so
common that we paid no attention to them until
they had reached a point some two hundred yards
below us, when they attracted my - attention by all
suddenly rising to their feet and discharging their
rifles situultaueowily at the face of the cliff. My
father, who was near at the time, in reply to my
evinced astonishinent, told me they were shooting
the Pirasan, and if I desired, he would give me a
sight of it.
Reaching the place where the Indians bad fired
at the cliff, my father pointed upward and there
upon the smooth rock beneath an over-sheltering
ledge I beheld the picture of some frightful look
ing monster, done in red paint, and having the
appearance of being a veryancient piece of In
dian workmanship. Time and tens of thousands,
of rifle balls had considerable defaced it, yet its
outlines were clearly ,traceable. The monster
was represented in two views—one as flying, and.
the other as lying ;Upon its back With ite feet
- turned upward, as if dead. Its general shape was
somewhat-like that of the vampyre bat; and the
painting madelis size about equal to the size of
- an ordinary horse. From its mouth protruded
immense tasks—in short- it was, taking it, all in
all, a truly frightful repiesentation, well calcula
ted to make a deep impression upon my youthful
nerve,;! *
" This,".said my father, " is the Pirasan : these
arethe Pirasan Bluffs, and that narrow shoot we
ran yesterday was the Pirasan 5h00t,..--each tak
its name from what .you see before you, and the
Indian tradition connected_ therewith. Perim,
let us sit down upon the rucks here and I will
tell you the story as I have heard it from the In
diana many a time.
"Very, v er y king ago there lived within a cav
ern high up among these cliffs, a monstrous flying
beast known to the Indian tribes of the Missis
sippi Valley, as the Pirasan. It fed upon_men,
and 'was so formidable thut all tai skill of the an
cient people brought to bear with a view of its
.destruction.availed them nothing. It continued
its ravages -year after year, sailing like an eagle
through the upper air, and pouncing down upon
its helpless victims, until whole tribes disappear
ed to feed • its hungry maw. It spread terror
through all the nations to such a degree that no
one would, finally, venture forth from his hiding
' p l ace to provide for the necessaries of life, - and
consequently, until famine bade fair to meet it
half way in the total destruction of the human
" At length a mighty chief by the name of We,.
hen, bethought himselt of fsoing and prayer.—
For two whole moons he fed ou - .bitter roots, and
prayed to the Great Spirit to deliver them from
his wrath ; and at last the Great Spirit h e ard his
petition, and visited him in n dream; teiting
yo rise on the morrow and select from among bi
people two of kis most skillful bowmen. Baring
placed them in concealment in a designated clump
of bushes, be was to place a man near them, man
'open space, to attract the Pirauan., it would de.
wend for its intended prey, when tho ncwtnan
were to.discharge their arrows. which arrows the
finger of wisild — guide iiithe
heart otthe monstrit,pd_ thus a hopeless enemy
would he placed within-their power..
" Withboisrese in the worn and the
good news . among his people. .The wildest joy
prevailed, in the -midst of which all thePrepars,.
tions were made is: :d-4 archers were
in the cluMpi:d 'Widow; and the' m an wan stand
ing out. Soon a faipt spit was seen in the sky,
passing round and round inn oircW. Presently
it stood still for' a =mid; and then with th e
velocity of a " fallen star" dawn it'came to
the earth, An awful rushing through the air, a
of mighty wings, the sullen twang of two bo
strings, the eries of a doomed victim as be Ava.
borne off towards the'Pimsan Bluffs, and all • •
over.' -The bowmen had missed theiitaark,
" That day a sadder gloom than ever hung over
thii tribe of 'fflahoo. Added to the evident fact
that it must shortly pass away, then mach esteem
ed chief had deceived them and caused a growl&
less tuipeto Mate for a moment bleach heart only
. to out and,make the darkness more visible.
Many were the imprecations uttered against him,
but still Wahoo , despaired not. Ho contained to
pray to the Great fully convinced that the
vision had been real' and that the fault tvas owing
to some - misunderstanding - of his own. So it
seemedjor in. the next night the Great Spirit
again aPpearedoreiterated the same commands,
making no mention oftvh at had happened the day
before. . - -
" When morning was coma Walla) arose to re
peat hie preparations ; but this time he found him
self thwarted in the fact that hie people had lost
confidence. The bownufn were ready to act their
part, but no one could be found who was wilimg
to risk exposing his person for the purpose of de
coying the Pirasan. But Wahoo had faith, and
so he at once settled the matter by taking the
dreaded position himself. ' •
" Suspense on this occasion was short, - A
little while and the Pirasan came - down to—rise
no more. The fatal arrows pierced ite vitals, and
it fell upon the kneeling Chieftain: With a rend;
lug yell the warriors leaped upon it, but Rot in time
to save their much loved leader—in its dying
throes the monster bad crushed him to death.
"Wahoo was buried amid lamentation and teen,
and as a monument to hie memory and d symbol
of his usefulness while living, the Great Spirit
caused a healing shrub te spring up from his grave;
and to spread throughout the great Mississippi
Valley bearing his name and bringing _ blessings
to all hie rising people. The litissanwaliconvey
ed to the Pirasan Bluffs and there painted_ upon
the nicke—as you see it. So says the tradition."
In conclusion we any add that it haabien usage
of passing Indians to discharge their guns at the
picture of the Pirasan from time oat otdate—that
is, fat back as thetime when the location was first
known to civilization. When we last vilited the
the spot we noted a space forseteral yards round
the picture which was literally battered with
bullets. The painting now is entirely gone, the
rock having been removed to Alton and St. Louis
to be used for building • purposes.
A. HORRIBLE AFFAIR Di 01110.-T-The Cleve
land Limier tells a story ofa horrible affair which
oceured last week in Stow township, Ohio. - A
wealthy copperhead farmer named William Gra
ham bad promised to give one hundred dollars to
the draft fund, in order to fill the quota of the
town; but afterwards refused to pay. The young
men of the district determined to hold him to his
promise,' and It was resolved that a company of
twenty of them - should call en trim. They accord
ingly mounted, and were riding over to his farm,
*heti, 4t some distance from it, they - Were sud
denly ordered to halt by Graham, who had beard
of their intentions, and armed himself with two
revolvers-and a double-barrelled rifle, and plant
ed himself in a covert near Stow Corners.—
The Cavalcade halted, when Graham fired and
brought down one of the meu with a shot in - the
left side. He immediately shot another through
the, head, killing him instantly; The young men,
as . they were defenceless, scattered AS dashed
away. Graham approached the man first shot,
who was still living; and dispatched him with a
shot through the forehead. A surgeon was sum
moned by the young men, but Graham stobd over.
the corpses and would not mllow:hins to come
near, threatening to kill him if the made he at e _
tempt. He declared that would give himself -
up to the trustees of tbe town, if they woubl o come -
witteaflag of truce and pledge him proteetion.—
Presently the sheriff of the county, with a posse,
arrived ,from Akron, but on their approach Gra
ham ran, and was captured only' alter - receiving
a shot in his right arm, which completely disa
ble&han. He was arrested and taken to Akron.
WONDERS OF GEOLOOX.—More th 4 nine
thonaand different kinds or animals - - have - been
changed into stone: The races or genera of more
than half of these are now extinct,- not being at
present known in a living state. From the re
mains of some of these ancient animals, they must
have been larger than any living animals now
known upop the face-of the earth. The Megath
erium, (Great Beast) says Buckland,from a skel
eton nearly perfect, in the Museum. at Madrid,
was perfectly colossal. With a head and neck
like those of a sloth, its legs and feet exhibit those
of the armadillo and the anteater. Its fore feet
were a yard in length and more than twelve
inches wide, terminated by gigantic claws. Its
thigh bone was nearly three times -as thick
as that of the elephant, and its tail, nearest the
body, was six feet in circumference. Its (Mike
'were, admirably fitted for cutting vegetable sub
stances, and its general structure and strength
were intended to fit it for digging in- the ground
for roots, on which it principally fed.
THE BRAVE Boy.—The youth that has the lack
raLcuarage to say 1 will not do it, because it is
wrong; is brave enough for a generaL It he can,
eveirthough taunted, rebuke bin fellows for evil
acts, lie is truly brave. Such a characteralways
moulds the elements of mind around him; cam--
ing almost unlimited sway, and is respected by
even the worst of his playmates. It requires an
effort to stand for the right at times, but, if it is
successfully done, the road to honor and tenth is
easy to travel and by his example many are in
duced to walk in it. This kind 01 bravery givesevery
boy a conscience that stamps in bold characters,
parity- of thought, highness of purpose and integ
rity of heart, upon his open brow. One of the
world's renowned. one whom we love and cher
ish, George Washington, was a brace boy.
OLD Ricicerrs wait' man of labor, and had
little or no time to devote to ipeouititiona in the
future. He was, withal; rather uncouth in the
Be of language. One day, while engaged in stop
ping hog holes about his place; he was appraisal
.ll by a colpurteur, and presented with a tract.
"Whatis this about?" demandedßicketta. "That,
sir, is a book describing the celestial state," was
'the — reply. "Celestial state l" said RiCkette.-
- Where the deuce is that?" "My worthy friend.
Hear that you have not—" "Well, nevermind," -
interrupted Ricketts, "I do not want to hear
about any better state than old Pennsylvania. I ---
iutend to live and die right here, if I can only
:keep them darned hogs out," •
A Comscutunoutt GENTLEMAIL•L-Att - Iriehnian
being recently On trial for some offence,..ideaded
" not guilty ;" and, the jury being in the box, the
State's Solicitor proceeded to call Mr. Furkieson
as a nitnetL With the utmost innocence, Patrick
turned his face to the court, and said: ", Do I un
(lerstainl yer honor that Mr. Furkiattori is to be
witness feint* again t" The J adge said, dry.
iy, it seethed so. " Well, thin, yer honor, I plade
guilty, sure, an' yer honor blase, not. because I
am guilty, for I'm as innocent as yerhonot's suck.
tug babe at the brist, but jilt on the account of
saying 3listher Furkisson's soul."
—A letter from Charleston to the Washington
Repub/ican says :—Ex-Gev. Aiken is one of the
largest slaveholders and wealthiest men of the
South. Since the occupation of Charleston by
our forces he has 'reported the names of - all his
slaves, seven hundred and fifty in number, to the
commandant of the post, and given each frtmily . a
thrni on one of the most fertile and productive /*-
hinds on the roast, placed them on it, and all are
well started in life. Such a deed deserves to be
- ,
GONE ITp.—Bin s—_ i s a good accountant,
but like all Men, will sometimes-make mistakes;
and in one of his bills figured up that! 8 times 8
are 68. The debtor was not slow in discovering
the mistake and demanded an explanation: 811
examined the account and saw thatho was' - down,l
but did not like to admit it ; M. putting ou,a bold
thee, he said
That's all right." - " How se I"
of the currency,' said Bill, " the multiplication ta r the inqairy. " Ws all owing to the inflation
ble, like e vorythint else; has gone up !,'
A ( 311111ESPONDENT of the London Timis,
writing from Charleston, nays — that Fort Fisher
felltweause "its garrison was inexperienced, in:
coherent, and loosely coupled, and filially, because
die Confederates in 1865 do not fight with the nig
or and etan of 1862 and 1863." In other words,
this rebel qmpathizer tidmits thatthe &tithe:us:Ol
dies hre tired of the war eon auziia.s u) Re 4, iota*.
"I w.irt to buy a beOnnituautune." 'lila au
old !Ay entering a shop •
"Do you wall a maehine with a• faller !!!,:s.
blandly; inquired the clerk.-, ,
" &thee, no, don't went ang ibtait