The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 29, 1865, Image 3

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    March 29,. 1865.
„frailltlia' . ,l4;orAtoll).
Gomm. Wall OtatFßlENns.—March, March,
March ! ..This is not written with the slightest
refereiMe to the Wandering Jew,_but to the cal
codar month of that name. I'do lint like to cont
.plain anybody or anything, particularly by
name, bntyeally this Msacts is abominable. Here
for some three or four days..liave I been rusticat
ing, reeraiting from the labors and fatigues of
city life, and what has been the result? Sore
throat, cold /11 the held, rheuinatie pains and all
the ills of influenza. In a single
,hour we have
snow, sun-showers, balmy breezes, hail and sleet,
warm gnu and ice-cold winds. At one time this
yedestrian scuds before the wind, closely wmpped
up; and five minutes after suffers from extremely
sensible, perspiration. The old charred units
throughout the town have been falling with sad
crashes, one after the other, us though preparing
for a spring resurrection. Will there be much
re-building this season 7 orWill our citizens hoard
up the. monies appropriated by the State Legisla
ture 7 13y the while on the subject, let us
have a little confidential talk about that august
body. Primo, we believe Vast MeSsrs. M'Clure
and Sharpe. exerted themSelvea to the utmost in
our behalf. 714:condo, we don't wonder that they
did not succeed. You scf. my friends, Legisla
tures are very queer things. Individually they
- tire composed of very upright, clever men, but
, collectively—le hew ! (imagine tk. prolonged w
tle.) 1 fear we 'made a mistake in asking all tor
Otionrves. It - would have been far more polo le to
go smacks with thelegislature: beeau'e our rep
resentatives, ie both houges are nut paid enough.
They can't live ou their salaries: and like all large .
bodies, what they can't beg or buy they must—
kraybe this is ill-natured, maybe it is
slander, perhaps libel. We dual mean it so, but
surely we have made a grave mistake stoney, here.
We don't complain, gentleuam of the Penusylva-
Ma legislature. We give heartfelt thanks to the
noble men and. women who have s) mpathized
,with us, and have aided us pecuniarily and other
wise, and do not think all the world cold and
mean; but, gentlemen, we humbly think you might
have tried to help .us jug a little, to show that Ton
don't consider us outeiders. Some of you said
we are not loyal, setae that we exaggerated our
losses. Welt, your humble servant claims to he
loyal, and knows that he lost all he had, aid yet
he keeps a sturdy front, is willing to try it again,
voted for Mr. Linel , l//, is in favor of a vigorous
prosecution of the war, hopes that Lee will be
whipped and Jeff. hanged, is opposed to slavery,
and forgives McCausland and the Pennsylvania
legislature, and Horace Greely. God b1e,.;511e
old flag! There now. .I did purpose mentioning
the fact of your voting yourselves some $45,000
'extra, to which you were not entitled, and which
the Representatives from our immediate distriet
donated to their more unfortunate friends, and I
had almost written that you voted down 'the
propositionto appropriate . 4;75,000 to educate the
orphans of soldiers who had 'sacrificed their liVes
to uphold the government, even though you bad
grace enough to reconsider it. But what is the
use, or wherin consists the propriety of flouting a
nun-who bsou his way to the gallows ? '
3ha tumble in gold is talked of a great deal.
It 2is a aerioua tastier for New York, and cannot
fail to prove a great calwgity if it continue, par-
Jicularly with such. rapidity. However, it-is n
great comfort to know that our merchants along
the border, especially those, of C., will not be
caught with heavy stocks on hand. M'Causland's
fdrtunatevisitlast July has placed us in aposition
to be effected but little by the fluctuations in the
gold market.
• The floods have been the absorbinz ti)pic for
• ten days back. I cache up last . Tuesday to /Jar
rbYbdrerom Philadelphia on the first Penn ° R.
R. train that ran directly through, and was shock
. ed at the desolation on the line of road reaching
from Middletown to Harrisburg. The destruction
of property was immense :Upon reaching H. I
• found Mr. Lull, the Superintendent of the C. V.
R. R., just about starting on 3 construction train
to C., with some heads who had been employed
in repairing the bridge over the. Sitequehanun.
1.7p4u my giving bonds for good behavior (this
was because I hailed from New York) he kiudh
permitted me to come along. Such a favor is nu
" I moie than-could be expected of a, man whose en
ergy and efficiency in all probability saved the
huge bridge. •
A gossip has as good aright to give his. opinion
me fitancea as well as upon any other gubject, su
"he says that the people who build thelf IMPes upon
a general smash up ; and who hope, by waiting,
to buy all their goods for the next six months at
Sheriffs' sake, will find they have built me a sandy
foundation. All revillsiona try, bend or break-the
weak, but not the strong ; and our business men
wete never stronger flow now. Neitha i do we
see any reason for a roild fall in gold. Theluwer
and fasferit declines the higher and more rapid
ly will it rise. 4 1 In the former case, our solid men
will be the losers; and in the latter the specula
tors only will!be the gainers. That our currency
may reach parwe devoutly hope . and believe,, but
the time 'is far distant; and if the American peo
ple allow themselves to be frightened and fooled out
of their hater -earned Mang, they will have none
but themselves to Wald?: We eau see why cot
ton goods should become much cheaper; why
some hnportant products should fall; why all ar
ticles beld,at 3 a fancy price should tumble down,
down; but we do not perceive any 'substantial
reason for a general rapid depresaion_of pritel.
We shalLsee what we shall gee. In addition,
your gossip-intends to stand up for old Teensy'-
. vanin .and her _resources; and would this day
(nptirt from patriotism—for the meaning of this
word, enquire of thi - LegisinfOre) his
money, if he had any,iii coal, iron omod, in pref
erence even to C. S. hoods, for -any one of OM
three investments represents '• bind, lidoir and
; , Whatever disturbs the value of thi-40
will equally'tnjure that of goveniment seeuritie:
.ruF; SPRING El.EcTioNs.—Tht , spring elec
tions show the following rehtit itt tlw county for
Judges-of Election:
• . llntou. Dem.'
Norm ward. 1— Ilifereersliorg
South Ward.... 1 -- I Weigh Run.
Antnm..... .. • 1 'Poore.
Greeuvilhme ... 1 London
Fayetteville.... 1 Quincy....
Guilford. IFit.Thoutus.
. .„
1 1 Southampton
, Warren
1 11 - imh ingtori.
Dry Run 1
Fiulnbar Spring. - -- - -
31etal 1
The fullowingis a list of the township and bte
rough officers chosen., .
• Antrim.—Judge, Melcbi Solvely, U, 2.50; Jacob W6tur,
198. Inspectors, 'A Shirey, Samnel Fisher •, School
Directors, Abraham Hassler, A A Miller; Supervisors, Jo
seph Martin—Jacob Nicarry and Jacob Lesher a tic; As.
sewer, John Smith ; Constable, A J Brewhaker; Auditor
Samuel PhiUippy • Township Clerk, Lemuel Stuveln
Treasurer, Henry vi
Justice of the Pence, Thom.
as LemasOu.
Greencastle—School Directors, T G Ajrple, Will Kul's:.
punka Of the: Peace, Henry A ppenzeller ; Constable,
Daniel Hawbeeker-; Assessor, Jacob 13 Zuck
Green.—Assessor, Jacob Yeast; School Direr ors, Geo
Dice, John Hoover, Henry Greens, alt ;Supervisors, Wm
Berry, John launell; Justice. C W Lego; Auditors. Ja
cob Bollinger, Henry Sleinider ; Clerk, Josiah Dice:
Constable, 'Jacob ZOOk. Ber<lieillog,judr,,
Criswell,ll, 98 ; Santini liockertmith, H. Fayno
p ar e ,_.,hui go , C /3 Woldy, U, 92; Peter MePerren,D, 75.
Ouliford,--Judge, Samuel Bender, D,110;
Henry S
Miller, U. 02. Inspectors, Jacob C Snyder, Jacob 13 . ;i
„ nee; Justice, B-E , Snyder; School Directors. 'noses
13trsey, Charles Thompson ; Supervisors, John Metz., ba- '
old Wenn!, Elijah Deter, Christian Weaver; Assessor,
s am yei MeHenzio ' • Auditor, Hiram Snyder; 'Pressure!.
Samuel Grossman ;Clerk, Jacob Hockersudtb ;
Wni 8 mod '" 61; Simon P
Hantittes.—dodge, Hee' Hoover, IT,
D, 56. inspectors, Samuel West, Remy Loll r;
Justice , J o 11.ot:city; Constable, Andrew Beard: A,
sensor, R A Moore; School Directors, Woo Hassell. Itenj
johmsoct, "F Nish; Supervisors & %%mewl Keefer, Jakob
Krider • Auditor, Fred'k kWh; J Andrews.
LessAsinv.—.Trulge, Win Gillen Sr, H;—no opposition.
Inspectors, - NSebulas Sigh, John H Kaufman; Justice,
Daniel Deltsig; Constable, Sol n Creamer ;_A smssor•
Ge•o WI/eseir" , Auditor, John Brake; &meniscus, s
Gabler, Wmillitn4ersonf Sell . birectbn, Sattil Bran•
mum; micime Millar, Jucob T.: u . :gider ; Clerk. La•
ylil Tanner.- -
Fln )etti I.lStiees Thos Taylor, Wui Piles ; Constable,
Harris Finley; auditor, Taos Feßira ; School Directors,
'rhos .1 Ipilhenny. Daniel 1) Stuke Wm Prim John -1.
Elder; Supers hors, John Goshom, Peter Piper Wm 11
Wilsou ; Assessor Jniuistou Widnes; Tisulaner
Hurl,. p r y Ron—Judge, Henry Miller. I:, 59; il'itbuir
:Nether, 1).. I. Inspectors (ivo Meredith, Jumei_Bogas.
Concord—Judge, Edward B Doyle:Al , James Han-is,
U, 4. c In John Kell, John 31Clure. .Fpring
—Judge Robert Frites.. D N.Talt Steward, U. 21. lu
!pesters, W D Funsinn, CB Dunce% •
Luriater-- - Joil4e, Dan'sßurkholder D, Ell; Elias
pioge.:lnspectnrs Isaac It Wm MOM err ; Ac.
6.0,01 W. L I . OIC - 1,11;ii .10t1
Burk; r,do.olDrecha's'-'lrns L0nc . ..1 I' Grose, Jolla
Sanders: Auditor, Henry Thomas • Clerk. Wu, Shoema
ker; Treasurer, Samuel Pislee, lunticc. F. Li NVV.3I er;
ConstablerD R :Shoemaker.
31.raL—Judge, Chas Campbell. U. kV; W S M Allen,
D,lnspectons, A C Typer, NV Batch.) Justice, N
M NVitlenws ; School Directors. J S Skinner, J Lessig.•
W simmer; Supervisors, John E Joues, W Elliott.
Wm Scriba; Auditor,.. Win Wilson; Clerk, Jim W Skin
ner; Treasitrer, .1 J Basore, Constable, John 31 Miller.
Moureosary.—Assessor, JOllll C Robison ; Sapers
J o hn t.osi, S N Bollver; Township Clerk, Jacob Bram
well; Audttor, C Daley;' Schdol Lineups. \Val Angle,, Magri. J S Brewer; Conitable, Jiro McGlaugldin.
Alcrecr , barg.—Judue. It S Browusou, U, in; C Louder
bangh. U, GL 'aspect - ids, S A :Bradley, A It Rhea
School Directrs, S A Bradley, ATJ North. Wash Rers
Judge, William Reed, D, OS; Robert .Jlloyd. U. 44. lo•
spe..tors, John Pry. Joseph Wingert.
Purrs.--Justice, Jacob Snyder;
,„Constable, Jam b !laid
n;au ; ..lssessor, Jno 31cCulliiugh; School Directors_ Wm
Burgess, Adam Smith; Auditor, 11P McFarland; Super.
visas John Coffey, Jon S Hassler; Clerk, P
Laudenc.—Judge, J D McDowell, U, ; Fred k smith,
11, Inspectors, David Vance,' Robert Gold, .1/. rerrs
/ave.—Judge. James Patten, U, 33; David 'Trout, D,
Inspectors, Peter Kunklemun, Jacob Lantz.
qui/sq.—Judge, John Bushman; D. IS3; J W
Berger, U, Lei. Inspectors, Wm Ogle, .7 B Cook; Justice.
Erimuttel )rover; Constable, Jacob 3lann; Aseseadr, J
Smith; Supervieors, Levi iLleeker, Jacob Heller, Joseph
Rock, Win Rank; Auditors, John Clark, GW McCleary;
School Directom, Wm Hayirmu. WaiSlaughenkaupt, Jun
A Cook; Clerk, Henry Shiery. •
Si Thouses.--Judge. Julia A Sellers. D, /11; dosepb
Crider. U. Si. Inspectors. Francis Peckman, John Gil.
Jr.: Sch o ol Directors, John Br an, B A Connally, A
G Shuman; Aescssoi.. Albertit clicks; Supervisors, J
Newcomer, . /Livid Keller; Flnetrock; Core
IVni Bra ten ; Clerk AlesantleoLartin.
..temilanaptast.---Justiee, George - - JOhnstou ; Ass,.or,
A Itituerci Supervisors Emanuel Stavel: Jacob Gordon;
School Directors, Wm Orr.tJ G Banisher; Auditor. W A
Linn; Clerk. Limes Blair; Constable, Hugh Smith. Mt.
Rar.4..—Jnelge. C Plasterer, D, 47: Michael CrBseler,
18. Inspectore, Jacob Reber, Thomas E Fuller. Orris.
town.—Judge. S G Brr,kinridge,D, ; David Hays, LT,
37. Inspectors, David McCreary, Samuel Haar.
Warren —Judge, P Zimmerman, IL 48; no opp. Its.
speetors, Isoiall Brewer, 0 1: .McCulloh; Justice, Simon
Brewer,: AbSeS,Or. Deuton Brewer; Constable, Denton
Brewer: School Diroctore, Samuel Zimmerman. leaac
Winger; Supervisors, Jacob 'Bear, Abraham Yeakts ;
Clerk. Soli•mou Cook ; Treasurer, - .Titcob S
gW/I.—Judge. John 'IV Coon, U. 113; Jacob
Curbuugh. D, 138. Inspectors. Henry Walter. John,
Wt.:son; Assessor, George W Foltz: gchool Directors,
Simon Leelmme. Joseph Ripple, Joseph Elden 7 Supers i•
sure, Id Detrich, C Shockey. George Saar/I:nigh, Sr.;
Auditor, :Matthew A Gordon ; Constable, Jacob H Hour:
fraylit.fboro . .—JoAiee, George Bender; Constable, W
F Homer; Assessor. Geo 3lorgantbal; School Directors,
John Bell, DB R Dusid "Hahn; Auditor, Geo W
LOCAL LEGISLATION.—II is ittipoeSiW fit a
few days to procure certified -copies of the bills
pawed by the legislature, ais the clerks are crowd
ed day and night, and it e.AI require a little time
to get order restored in the departments having
charge of bills. Several acts of the late legisla
ture directly inteiest i the people of Franklin
county, and we will prfSent an abstract of Wm.
The general bounty law, although not local in
its character. is the most importmt to our people,
and there is grim' misapprehension. as hell
wide-spread diversity of opinion relatit I! to its
plevisions. It authorizes, bur does not :we/wife,
the School Directors or other heal authorities' of
boroughs, N% arils io ton isships to levy and collect
bounties for volunteers aid drafted men not ex
ceeding $4OO for each loan. The per capita tax
of twenty dollars, in addition to the tax upiin
property, imposed-upon all men subject to draft,
and all aliens between and 4s y eats cannot be
collected in addition to the .tl)n. The par capita
tax Ise. part of the revenues by which the S4W
iv to I.>raistal. In Franklin and other counties
in the State, the two per cent. restriction is re
pealed, and the distiiets of thie county may col
lect any part or the it hole of their tax in one
,ear. A.Special law authorizes the levy and col
lection of a tax to mice the s'2oo paid as bounty
list year, in excess of the limits of the law.
Special lan Was passed for Franklin COUTIth
imposing a fine urn, every person icier permits
horses. cattle, sheep or hogs to run at large in
the county. It is made the duty of the constable
to take up and return them to the.owuer on pay
ment of from $2 to $5 and expenses, but it •ttie
fine and charges are apt paid the stock must be
gild. The law is quite imperative and we trust
that. it will be rigoroudy and general enforced.
Wawtll proctire a Complete. copy of it shortly.
Another special law authorizes the,appropriation
if,Z , i , rtnin Nowt fines and fbrfertures to ilw pur
chase h law library, to be
kept in the court tans , . and to belong to the
conary. 4
A .41plement to t),e zeneral militia bin
taorizEs the llo%ernor to Maori,' site!' wilAtu
eourpaa.•= in the border 4:1)1111tirs a'm tt ill organize
utler the gen,ral militia law for local defi nce.
ruder this act Franklin cimuty , should have at
least 1,000 men uniformed organized, equipped
and armed to protect our bbrder agatust small
'Aiding parties. We hope to see the companies_
organized last tall all revived :aid perfected, and
bought under the provisions of the new,law.
COMICFED OF MOH)Em—During the excit. ,
went occagioned by the rebelslast August, a strum
ger was overtaken on the turnpike between
Waynesboro and Leitersburg by several individ
uals claiming to belong to General Averill's com
mand, and there rubbed and murde 7 red. The
guilty parties—Abraham Coon. Lindsey Forney
and Jun. Riley—were promptly arrested, and last
week were tried by the _Quirt sitting at Hagers
town. Forney and Cooti have been sentenced to
be hung, and Riley to 'the Penitentiary f0r...1
years. The deceased wa6 Emma Gladfelter, a
harmless young maw only 20 years old, and was
MI his way. Di his Lorne at 'Hanover Junction, lea
ding several horses, the property of an officer in
the army.
GEN. -Coucit.—A gorregyondent ot 'the New
born Timis in giving an accent et the march to
Kington, glues the following ineidenti.:—
Gen Couch was applied to by a widow lady to proteffit
he? property during the march. ,The fienerol replied
" 1 lave prUtetltoll n great deal of proper
t) .0 the' South daring our Inarehes, but wh , •t9the
burned my hotn, nt I.ll.ortbcrthorg, 1114 Fllll,ll,er. I wore
ent.reance. lhar r 1401 found it nt roy Ite4rt to Taite it,
hut%er er, and I 11111 “fitiiit I u ill tone toy t 1 our
property shall be protected. 11,.ep thinking that I over
get into South Cnroitna 1 tt ill, tike my vengean e there,
bat I guess It would to' about the there."
At tine time alaree barn WOp t in of mot and uth.
er stores. Enough - was taken to -i,pply ,be ‘O.Oltri of,the
arum•. and a large amount lett. A le•t miles further or,
the General and staff stopped at a lei I,e a bere,She lave.
twunl wen err in the Rebel army. Ho (1):111d . 020 11 1 en
tirely out e f provisimet. ' " We cao't hate you guile. it
you ore Rebels, ' roil lie ; " 1 have got it nbote [rum full
of corn bark here, and will divide wlth you." Acet•nl
melt' their tt nut', tt err eupp:3o
Uuion Den
- -_
• JESTICEs of TIRI er,Act:. 7 —Sealy elected Jus
tices ut the Peace ale
,regolreil by I.tW to notify
the Pridhonotary v.jailathirty • dayes he.ther they
are going to Aceept the office or not; also, whether
they elected for a hill term or to fill a vacancy
If in the latt,r caee, they west date whether the
iic.roe.) , %ca., eausad by the death Air reloorul of
the bdi Incumbent,
13 10
MATO OF PRISONEIO , ..—Jameg Ritkely, of
Hamilton township, and John Danfelt, at Cham
bersburg, both members of Company K. 107th
Prune. Voln., died in the, tallith] y prison at Sails.
[wry, N. C., the former on the 31st of January
and the latter on the_3,d 4 the saw, month.
Buua'rl TO MAFFEI) MEN.—The Town,
Couoeil of Wayu'esboio' has decided to appro
prim*. the cum of $3OO. for each man hrld to'ser
vice under the bolt call for troop& .This will he
cool newwto " conAeriiitg."
(Jr:mit:Ks & Bunmum. sell the finest Tens
Spir en flaking Articled und,S37ups.
• -
Ge. Liv Leh . & Butui livary
id goolt. and n 4,11 cheap•
I;l3,wicKs & 134.7itii.11.%Yer keep rwrytiling an
or , Irw , l , ut greatly reduced prices.-
SPECIAL attention is invited to• the Staten Is-
Inorl Fonev flyrior. Estahlighmant —ark , in thi•
014-7Rearl the prospectus of the Great Republic unt,uo
Oil Company, In this paper. - Sham fifty mats.
Fikenicas ant others in I,Viint of Fish, should
aat 4111 to go to GELIVICKi i BURKILA It rs, Avho ep Sll
tunneeg• stt bought froth haudi:ui °Pored cheap.
There I,kiok a ellutintied decline in gold until
Friday of last weelt, and nearly everything ueett
inputhized with the depreicidon in the
precious tonal. Gold touched km as 137, hut
oa Friday it rallied again, and yesterday it closed
at 154. _
Stocks of all kiwis declined, particularly the
thomes—Oil keeping firmer mull most s ob e rs; but
the wait depression 's as in merchandise and pro
duce generally. The Press of-Saturday aays that
the dry goods trade was especially affected, and
xu anxious were holders to realize that they had
scarAdy any fixed prices, to ask, and showed a
dittiO•litiOn to allow lures to fix tsstes rather than
do 5.0 themselves. Conuiners, and in this word
O include everybody, are withholding their pur
chases, for the present, -esolving either!. do with
out supplies altogether, or make shift with what
tiny alrefidy Rive until affairs assume a more set
tled mtpecl . . The retail dealers, therefore t are
under no necessity of hating ample stocks, and
are - thOless disposed to purchase. The anxiety
to realize, on the part of the wholesale dealers,
arises kw n no, stringency iu the looney markets
Tor the banks are willing4o furnish capital with
out stint to those in good. standing anstWho can
furnish the proper collaterals. We cau s 4ittribute
the decline its prices to no other circumstance but
the belief tin the part of thi al - shrewd business
men that for the futor'Llow prices are to be the
rule; that the rebellion has mg spent its iiirce,
there is now no material obstacle to the rentora
tkm of peace and union which cannot be reunoed
iu a short tune by our allows, and that • the coun
try is fast drawing to a spevie basis Every day's
experience strengthens this conviction in the po
pular mind, and hence, with every day, time
to record a fall in all till kinds of commodities.
Yesterday', calicoes sold at 13 cents, which fifteen
days ago brought :23; yard-wide bleached insisting
ht 28 cents, which two weeks ago; brought 43.
The fall in woolen goods is not. so decided, though
the reduction is considerable. Jeans have declin
ed at least fifty per cent. from the prices ruling
two weeks ago.
It v;ould be a blessing to the country indeed if
the theory of the Press shall be realized; bat if
on the coutptry prices shall again advance to any.
thing like the old standard, then Kill the present
reduction prove a•positive diAster to business and
finance generally. We shall bale realized all the
disadvantage of a decline without its advantages;
confidence will be keasurahly destroyed and all
business operations dill be restricted by theappre.
bensioa that a teinporary eoutraction may occur
au) d 4. •
Tbclr is ill b. s'griit so,reit.i of Looney this
spring in the country;' but it will not be perma.
neut. Thirty day = s hirer the spring paytneuty are
made; it will he abundant us usual again. '
—The tiylloWing are the latest quotations of the
Kilt, or 441:14.:i and bonds is Philadelphia:
C. - 105 i Farrell Oil..
Reading it 'R. ir..a 47.1! re.inktiu Oil
Cr him 1.4.. lC .11 —Prot. t. , 3 Gkbr (pit
North penra.tita.lroitil Eddy Oil
Long Island Railroad • Hogs Island • 1
Schuylkill Narigatlen .Hyde Farm
Schuylkill Nar.—Prof. t Irwin 011 ... ...... •
Susquehanna Canal.— 9iLlersey Well 3.94
Big AtountalapoaL4.. Jlieystone 011 li.
Butler C,OaL , 1 ;Kritzer
Clinton Conili. • - . !Maple Shade Oil. .. • . 19+
Connertimq ) llM'Clintoek Oil ... . . - 4i.
Diamond Coal Mineral Oil ... 11
DC Elht ny
Fulton 0,11
Feeder I/am Cold
Cherry Rut.. '4l
1 'Noble e, Deiauuater...
,0:1 elvek. ..... Si
ICfrgarne .....
- t;rt,tto M.
- biol.. Zino
11ococittry Iron..
Q. Mid. Lii.d
N .Carboodale
Penni).lrunta Pet
l'hilada and Tideoute 4
,Pap.. Farm
Penn Alining
Swat PalletC('a.
.NieghenY River. ,Petroleum Gems
Allegheny Sr Tideoile er. 011 Cteel;
Big Tanh.. ..... 3 "Philip.
Brnadon Wand 'Revenue
Beacon .... . übertspil
Etta Mal
Rainbows Petroleum...
'Seneca 011
Story• Farm Oil . 11
& Oil Creek 11
Story Centre
liutl Crekk
• Beggs Oil • • - •
_Burning Spring Pet
Continental Oil
Crescent City...-. .
Corn Plantel•
.- • .
. ti
EsTarr r•:uvi
2 Tarr lionitumd
Turtle Rau
Cherry Run
.Dunkard Creek 0i1... d Union Petroleum
Densmore 3{ Upper Economy
- Venal:lgo Oil,
Excels', (111— 1.1-16 Walnut Inland
DYSON--SIiEARER.—On the Bki Est the rezi
deuce of the bride's father. in Dillsbunt. Pa_ by the Her.
Daniel Reigel, Logan Dyzim, U S\., to Mies Marin if .
eldest daughter of Dr. Geo. 1.. Shearer.
BUSH—BOHN.--On the 26ah inzt, in BIN place, by
the Rev. S. H. C. Smith, Mr. Wiliam Bash to Misz Mar
garet Bohn. both of Franklin county.
MI.L . EI2—COLIIMAN.-011 tho 9th of March, near
Orrztown. by Rev. H. M. Rebuck, John A. J.
Elizabeth Coleman, 'both of Lurgan Township.
- .
Cia.tolEMßUßs3, 3farcli`4, 1365. '
.410 11 OQ Bu
E ttei 30
. 50 • .; 15
. 2. 00 Lard ggs 20
.... --- 'L.OO Tallow , 13
. - 1 40 Bacon—Raw . 204'5
1 30 Baoon--Sldel. 13
'75 Soup Beans 2 25
.. 14 00 Washed Wool 60
.. 450 Unwashed Wool .. . 40
Rye '
Timothy Seed.,
Flawee.a 5D Pared Penchr.s...
Poratofs—Mercer , 1 301Vripttred P..s'in
Powtooa--Pink Eye; 1 , 251 Dried Applev
Let 173.EGskrit.]
,rhilattelphta. Markets.
! PHILADELPHIA, Mardi 28, 1f...65
Trade has dried up. There is no shipping detract for
Flour and the sales ure (unlined to small Iris fur bomb
eunsumpdon at 68Z8,50 for saperfine ; - 89 a)9.5n for ex
tra and $10^a)11 for extra family and fancy, 1.500 bblr
tra lionily sold at 510.50. Sales of Itye Flour pad Corn
Meal are nominal. Wheat is dull ut .t 2 2.:r5 ti lard and
62.35 Z 02,45 for white. nye .sells at 01,58. Corn in fear
request and 5000 bushels sold at 61,3ti501.37 in;store nod
at 81,40000 at Oats are stedy at 55. Whiskey is flwm
tool Fell jog to a woad Hay at $510210„M).
111 - TELF.GRAPif,
Philtalelphist Stock Market.
PanADELriaA, 3imela
SeeeLsllea%) • prele~ firer. di! ;XlO9- Carel, ;
I•iumi, :4); Read reg-1.3 ; Peiu.e. IL L, 3:4; Gold 154. Ev
..henge it; New Yerk. per.
itclu atbrictioemento.
EIERIFFAL'E'V.—At` the solicitation
1.3 of a monitor of my friends, I offer myself as a Can
didate for the Once of fiteriff of Franklin COunty, saltiort
to the decision of the Union Nominating Conyennon.
(11:11.101cD Tosriallir, March 29° P. W. DOSH.
MOTICE.The following named pet o 1
lum filled a petition for a Hotel License iu my of
fice, to be presented to the Court at next term, cominem
ring on -Voodoo, the 10th dog of April cut viz
_David D. Taylor, Chambershurg.
u 9
TOTICE —All persons indebted to A. J
White by note or Book Account will reefer a tat 41t
by call:ET:and settling their SCCollati e ithout dela), lb•
beaks are nil that he ha.p paved out of the great het•.
ninrch29 A.. 1 E
tic. is hereby given that Letters of Admiutstratien
on tho Estate of Sarah Stambaugh. late of Antrim loam
ship, dee'd; have been granted to the undersigned.
All perrons knowhig themselves indebted to said Estate
a ill ple.we ynniu- immediate paymeld . end those haviiig
chduu prevent tl ent properly authentleuredlor settlement.
man Mtn - W3f. STUMtkr(H, Muir
den,w.ed has the pleasure 'of announcing to btu
old patrons, and the public generhily, that she hot furnish•
ed her CITA:OW.IIi with entirely new Furniture, 144 and
Bedding. tied it, tunply prepared to accoutnesittio all her
fenner ensteniers and us ninny new ours as nail lie pies.,
ell to git e het a call.
The TABLE will always be, supplied plentiful]) v.llll
:be beet the market eau produce.
The STABLE is,large titel eliminc,dicus, and attended
by a earefillheNtler. - • .
The BAR will be supplied With pure liquors, und et ery
attention rendered to map guests oosilartablo while stop
ping ut her house,
• nutreb.29 ' MRS. If ItfOrGONIERY,
ilepotitioctj, tlittinbecbitug, po.. k.
411 p; 1
iletn alpertistmentO.
POR RE:ST.—Two second-floorltoonis,
oultable k (dices, imtnocilately opposite the Coral
House on MatietStrert. Apply to
martlif.`9 , 9: JNO, STEWART. Atty. et Law.
. lured to foruish ALL ,li:LNLIS of !WILDING
urd other LI - 31.11Eft nn short Lotice tool reaAniable
lf pito crivh w build give Ulla call, warch29.3e,
E XE CUTOR'S NOT IC E.—Notice is
hereby given, that Letters Testamentary to the Es
tate of Andrew Din. lute of Peters township, deed, have
been granted to the undersigned-
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them pniperly authenticated for settlement.
m.trot&O JOHN ]TULLES, Ex'r.
QEE HERE ! —Sta tea Island Fancy Dylb-
Establid 'ern r!—Tbe largest and nus.t. emuplete
l e th e werld. Grand Cloubiumion of 'r..inch; Gtri.Vit
Yankee Skill. Almost every di seriptiou of Silk anti
Woolen Fabric, Cleaned and Dyed to give - &wit:Suction:l—
GLOVER, intoned, mai Dyed in the trot style of the
Art Now 1,-the time. for Retiovuting Spring Apparel.
BARRETT, Nill'ilEN\ a & CO.
Plaindia., Mee 47 North Eighth Street, between Mat.
ket & Arch, East Side.
New York Offices: Nos. 5 & 7 John Sr., and 718 Broad
way. Maratr.443Ui
On Friday, the :list of Mardi, )865,
100,000 Apple Trees, 5.000 Cherry Trees, 10,000 Strrw•
berry , Plants, 1,000 Ehrubbery and Mere, 100 Sweet
Quince Trees.
Also, a choice lot of fine EVERGREEN TREES, Just
ordered, expressly for this Rale, from r hiladelphia.
The above comprises the Rest Stook yet offered.
F„,if Sale tonommence at 10 o'clock, A. M., preelbely.
whys attendance and a credit of Months will he
given on all stuns over SlO.
. .
Tiro .4m:don-err" trill brie amodanee.
B. L. RYDER, Proprietor:
Wee Franklin Nuricrizi,
N. B —Persons Ito are not prepared to plant their TIVQS
thin Spring. elm let theth renutiu until VIAL
G 0 .0 D
Are in reoript of a large lot of Goads, bought at radar
ed prices, at the Lute New York Auction; to which they
invite the attention of the public.
To persons lu want of Dry Goods we say mite lathe time
to bay.
To the ladies we ulfet a large assortment of Dress
Goods t
Black and Fancy glib,
Spring Popllnaliaratheas,
Plain and Fancy, Delores, '
We have a good assartnient of Carpets, Matting, Oil
Chahs,, which we will sell low.
U - 7 " Call swan and gat bargains, at
marcl49 __ WM. WALLACE A CO'S.
We would reepectfully call the attention of the pub.
lie to the Raining list of Prices of Goods Just received.
purchased at Auction during the late panic in New York :
Excellent Calico, 20 cents; lately sold nt 374 cents.
Best " 25 .. 50 "
Black and White Calico, 25; "50 "
Best new style DeLaines, " 50 "
Good Bleached Muslin, 25 ; " 4 i "
Good 44 " " 2s;
- " 50 , "
Best 44 " " 311; " 64 "
Brown 3fusliu.s ail print, but little over ivied:law' t
they recently sold at.
Good Cotton Pants Stu& 25.
Glascon - awl Lancaster Ginghams, 30 eta.
DeLaines, 50
Stella and other styles Spring Shawls, from $3,00 to
85,00—as cheap us before the war.
Also, It fall assortment of every thing la the DRY
GOODS line at greatly reduded prices. We Intend to
replenish our stock freiptently and tell at the loa est rate
the market will afford.. and in all eases sell no cheap, if
Pot cheaper. than any other 'lonie in the county.
end see no, next doer to tin, P.. 2 Office.
raurch29-3t J. HOSE & CO.
IIIESTORED.—JuA pubis'ned,. a new tdition of
radical cure (without medicine) of SeEttstairollittioEs. or
seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal tonnes.
CT, Mental' stud Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Mar•
tinge, etc., also. CoNantritos, Eroxesi. and Ftn, in•
duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance
M . Price. hits scaled envelope. only sax cents.
The celebrated author in this adminible essay clearly
demonstrates. from a thirty yeirs successful practice, Cuit
too alarming - consequence of self-abuse may be radically
cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or
the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure
at once simple, certain, cad effectual, by - umlaut of which
every sufferer, u 6 ;antler what his et ndnion may be. may
'cure himself cheaply, privately. and
This Lecture s homid be in 9,us halal/. of et cry
youth, and every man in theloud. •
Aunt, ender anal, inn plain, to wag .klrma
psi-paid, on receipt of six cents, of tamps:4 stn. ps _ Ad.
dress the pahlishers, CHAS. J. C. KLIN E s t, CO.
Bowery, Bevy York, Post Ottism Box 4 :hitt
runr29 lot
iu the Po.t ()eke at Claimberaburg. Sao. of•
nylvania. March 28, LSO.
f-V - To uhlairs any of these Letters. the appfieant rend
call for "ativertissei Lettere." give the ante of thib list, and
pay one cent for utiverasing.
Anner Miss MaryEl Heixnel Miss 31 A IP/caner Mrs Ellett
Anderson Mrs . !Jones George ;Plank Dr JateibM
'Christian. iJehtlSoti Sidney ;Ramsey Henry
Burnet Jonathan ;Johnson &Co illeaee Miss Kate
Burley Nieholis 'Kean J Armstrong' Berenhury JohnJr
Bear Mrs Char 2 Kenmd Mrs J P leiyer SC •
Bear Johu ' It:antrum Abram i Simpson Mrs Faielt
Bell Charles S B ,Slinernaker Thee!,
Bell 'Mrs Mary .\ KtiollMbis Bartrare Stela: Rev Wm
Berry John Law William Soleuberger 8 W
Brown Miss-knot:X. Lantz Simnel Sollenbergeridts K
B arlthard David 2 Lewis EVI , IIIIO !Snyder Mrs Maria
Detwiler Thomas Leitlig - Elcrt :Snyder John
Elm Mice C A Lou el T M Ifitontfer MissHivalt
Fteman lies Sar 3tanin Wei ;Stooks Miss Mary
Finney William ',Martin Mrs Sally I Stever Mrs Mary
Fisher .11enniiiih 'Marshall Jain, ,Walker3lissFanny
Fry Jao es q Miller Henry ',White Mrs Mary
fielnicki. Mrs BliziMoust B F i Wilten Will W
Cower Samuel 11 'Murray Thee A (Wilson Lucinda
Harbert 3115... 31 A 'Nightie. Mrs Her Wolfasherger S
'lis t ener 31i ,NlarylOverca..h Miss Eiv ' Young Samuel P
Hartley Eustace ,Hyli.r3in•AnaJanoiTentig Robert G
J. W. DBAL, P. 14
kj Louisa Douglas, Trenturer of the Lndiea' Aid Socie
ty, Match 25 ie63.DIL
Augt., Ifo. Balance in treasury $ll6 13
Feb'y, 1864. Rev. John Warner's lecture . 76 53
Donations from gentletneu of Chant.
' beralnarg,
C R.
Avt., 1363. Mrs. Lovitt, fur washing... 1 1 1 (0
Sept, 1863. Boots for soldier 2 00
Feb•y, 1864. Mr. Huts. for calico 8 25
' • " Mrs Forbes for washing... 300
" E. P. Hawley, soldiers Bnn.
" 3futerial- for soldiers fair—
Christian Commission....,
''. Mrs. Schwa, by Express
and 'Plastid 1 03
Woodall 11irkin for butter.. 03 #
April E. P. Hawley, soldiers thaw
" Freight.
May " btantp, Ink and Express...' 900
" " Sexton's Foes ' SMI
" " Orange's fur Hosintal 100
Feb'y " .Ir. White, for nun an&
" Eyster & Bro.. 2, urn.
" "W. Wall:lee &
_Li FRANKLIN COUNT Y.—The Taxpa:,•ers of
Franllia county will phase 41. e nutter, that 1 a ill meet
theta td the taint in.; places t s , the pavan' or torch ing
'he htate littartry and Stilitarl Taxett fur the yearlsls,
tie: • -
Q 1 t Mt. Alto at the 11.01144 of Andrew Shank,
on Mouthy, the tot day td May, and at the House of H.
M. Joni:, In Quincy, on Tottitli.3, the 2.1 day of May.
WALIIINCiTON ---lVayarshunt'. ltt thoHomeformer
ly outlined by F. Bandon, OD WYdll44dity and T l / 1 24`41
tl ty, the 3d ant hh days of May.,
ANTRIM.,-(tieencat-tle ut tat, House forn,erle kept
by Foreman It (tibia on Eriday tool hatutday, the sth and
nth days of May.
MUNI GOMERT —Welch Run, at the House of ,liu-01i
Elliott, ou Monday. the Fat dray of May, and at the House
of Thomas W-Athe, in Mrreeroburg on Tuesday, the 5113
day of Man':
WARBLII Ziutmerante's Store on ntednesday.
the 10th day of May, and at I'. COOL'S 'tannery, on Titurc
hir, the 11th day of )fity.
ELK—Laudon at the Hauer of Jllllll , Mullen. ou
Friday, the 12th day of Stay, and at James' D. Sentes
-here Bridgeport, ou Saturday, the 13th day of May,
FASNET .—.lmberettf Valley, at the How, of It J.
lltilbertsou, att Monday, the 15th; at the House of
Netter, eoueord, ou Tuesday, the 16th day of May, mud
Lathe llnuitt formerly kept by Benj. Crouse, at Dry Rum
on Wedue , dny, the nth day of May.
MET AL.—Faingetthusg, at the Mathew Mrs, Athdine
.haonset on Tiftlottley and Friday, the teth and littb.
days of a'ay.
LVRBAN.----littitturnut the House of Dan ill Kitzmil
ler, on Monday tool Tuentlity, the 3;:d Mid 2,k1 thq aof
. .
CETTERKENNY.-4.lnOntrg, at the House of J. It,
West, on Wedneedor and Tlinosdity, the 24th and 2.3 th
taco of Mac. -
, . .
ST. TH6st As—At the Stotaif Dtadu S. Elder, in Bt,
Thnuatf, on Prid.i3 and Saturday, the 2tith and :nth dap
of May.
tattiEN—Fuvelto‘ll , e at theMotae it John S. Brouii,
ou Monday, the ttath due or May., and at the How of
C. C. }Vt.:, iu Siltgte , ou Toeiday, 3Uth day of
. SOUTHAMPTON—Mt. Ronk Sehm4i House, on Wtot
notelny, the 31st day of May, and at dna House, of John
Jtyner, to Orptoun on Thursday, the ist day ntJuae.
WI:ILFORD—Marion, at the thaw ef Jeremiah liurk,
un "daY.-fla , 2tl day of Jima, and Milo: Hun. of Mrs.
H. 8 aider, in N. 117 Fran4lia,oa tha 34 day of
iusiwroN—At the tinthie of Julia Our,h,o, on 31on•
tlar and Tliesday, the sth utol'fith 1, , r - Jono.
CHANIBERSISURU—At- the Treu.3urera Mee. on
Wedneeday nod. Thurpelay, the 7th un4 Nth days of Jane
Nona but tacnerament funds re4:4a s ed • for Tsxe.,
ILENSES.—AIt ?crams who are! uuteet to lay a
3lercantile or diantefiwtorers I,tooneu, utll plewe take up
iald License at the above nume.d places, as I an , eolal*U'
ott by law to bring slot on ell unpaid License by the 111th
day of July next JAKEEI G. ELDER.
menal:A Ceonty Tretvotrur•
DRY 900D8
- $261 69
ftelß Dberttsengnts.
prepeze:d to igapply GROUND PLASTER topziu at
the nw,rt rim/Au:Able trice at wiz' min. Send in your up
dem et ono*.
2 marC:4l3-it? 3.IOSTGO3IERY & BROUGIL
The largest andfinest agoortment in the eity at the /Lewd
cash prior. STORE SHADES made and lettered.
' march 2:. 2m
A a: H. M. WHITE
Ha opened their
In the Stone IhnitHug, 011 Second Street, APor
north of the Post Office, and ofrpuoit..
and a general assortment of
Give as a call.
Queen.-Wore, Stone-Ware, Brukm Brooms. Bed
conie Wash Lime, t 4 perm Oil, Whale 011, Cfiel Oil, I+er•
tsene Oil, Lubricating 011, thaw. Cartb.. Curry Combs,
Halters;, Twines - and Conte.
flaw- the larrst stock of coeds in town. Thi! ie ucknow
cited by .vll. They d not oo it. tbeintolves to the Ott
req - ;/13,1 Pmt isiou busineess aloor, hat buy andi.ell almost
every gleAcrtptlon of goods, from the .tztdltstt Yaulteo nu.
tiou up to 114sheistis of Sokipir and Ifoiasses. Goods sold
whole- slo to Country ,deteltuts an cheap ts% any house in
F : 41 R 31 E R S EqoK TO
1.000 of No. 1, N0. , .2 and No. 3 Sktaere
FitEND AND CHEAP, io schul,, 11,43 (inarter :trot ettll
13u1,.ng Poiatorc, Bacon. Lard. Tallow, Bu%r,
84,4, Dried }nit. Rags. &., kt., and get the high
uot east. prim for them. We bought our Vish 113 large,
quantity dir,t from fir it hands said will tell them CHEAP.
All It G7i.trahliwl as represented. or nn silo.
A E L L '
Pickl , s by the Oren. and in jig, Frady tAr
Presen - ed
Spired 03 viers,
Canned Piaalies,
Flue Ground Cofree4 Add Primo Teas,
flue C/e se,
Wutcr, Soda, Ginger, Butio
and Sugar Cnu.kers,
Also—Catty on the inanufooture of all kinds or Conk°
tionery. sell , Itribotls, Almonds. Filberts, Figs, Walnuts,
()rang**, Lonvne and ullsinda of 'French and Impoited
WO 50
Confectionery and Fruit+. Call awl examine for yourself
$494 23
No Charge for showing goods
- .11 SHAY, SIMENTII Drxralcf PENXA., Members
burg; March '4,18M
20 OQ
The following Opinion of -the Athirney General of the
United States 15 published for the Information of the pep•
pie of this District. (4EO. bIYSTER, •
Capt. & Provost Marshal lGth Dist. Pa.
ArfoRNEI GEICEILtI;S OFFICE, March 13. 1865.
HON. EllwEl M. STANTON, Brenta ry of War r—Siit:
Upon the 14th rertion of the 'Act entitled "An Act to
ronend the several Acts bernt.fore passed to luscride for
the enrolling and culling nut of the national forces," which
provides as follows
"That hereafter all persons mustered into the military
or 04001 sedice' whether at volunteers, substitutes,' rept
resentatires, • r °themes,. shall be credited to the Stole,
and to the ward, township_ precinct, or tidier multi - tient
sob-district. where such persons belong by actual rest.
Bence (if moth persons have an sotithlreridenee t. ithin the
United Slates) and where such persaus were or attain be
enrolled. (if liable to enrollment); and it is hereby made
the duty of the Pro. sot !deniml tienelal to make such
rules 111111 give such in•tructioor to the nl”.. rap Provost
Marshals. Mounts of Enrollment, rind Mustering °dicers,
an shall be necessary for tire faithful enforcement of the
pravisitein of thk section, to the curl that lair and just reed•
it shall be given to every section of the country : Prodded.
Tiud it; any call for troops hereafter nn county, town
towaship, wand precinct or election diartit, shalt hare
eroilit except for men 'Malady furnished on raid rats, or
the isremaling mill:by said coutak, town. township, word
precinct, or election district. mustered into the military, or
naval - Advice on the quota thereof."
Vota, - in .your letter of 12th of Mareb. ask nay opinion
on the hillowing points: •
First. As to the meaning of the words "octant rest.
dente." ustemployed In the starve section, and the prober
mode, according to law. of determining the actual rem.
deter of men offering usrecreirs
Second. Where the "actual residence" of the'reettilt to
In one subniistrict. and be is enrolled in it different subs
district. where Phial the credit be given I
, Third, In eases where the reeraitlais ,no legal domicil
Or actual residence in any enrollment subdistred. shall he
he credited to the sub.district - ser district where he is ete
rolled., or shall he be allowed tar 'elect his locality t
4 00
1O) 50
1..:Th0 neat of the above questions may be divided into
two vertu : First. cc to the meaning of the words "actual
rosidoece;" nod secondly ' no to the proper tondo of neCer•
taininer the •'oetual resitlenee." _
Its very Elitheillt to glvr a tent by e - hioli the qllestion
at netu4l tonhltnee uLty re. tletertnitoq in *moll partiouler
care A feu, kpm.rd title 4 May tr given, however, by
WA.II tCrast tneJority of de easel can dvter
nantlL '
1: - IiVery person must be unearned to have an actan ,
residency sunnealcers.
.2: A taw , hart. but ow maidonot at ono awl
tho game time.
• •
3. A residence dace acquired reautna midi another Ir
4. no 1 , 1 rept' a swan's , origin Rua of Ida Actual red:
denecuutil be nioqulras Pudica% . •
5. :dinars have their nettle: residence with their parents,
gua minne, or, if npprentinee, with their ingtitees.
ti. A dolt, reside at the of their dwelling. A Min's
.twelling is hi contradistinction to hie pine business,
crude or eecuptitlon. He dwelh. no the place he habitually
sleeps or N 5.... Ilia nights. _
7. in every conittry there L mote or less,ropnintian
floating like drift. They uvt Pr exp.:: to rendliu long et
any piece, and go thence whenever end nborex , r the hole ,
of employment may invite, or fancy dictate. Bach per
hate their neat-al residence in the community in Which
they may dwell ut the nine of the enrollment
As to the mode olascertaiaing the octant resideuce of a
recruit, the Ftutute gives authority to the Provad "Marshal
General to make such roles and give such instructions as
will enable the Boards of llarollatent nod Blustering od•
ads to ascertain the feels: and online the credit "e' T r'll e g
to the truth of the case• In must eases, though:tined efthe
enrolled 1/11113 would determine din matter. But an it Ie
question in which the tnitHilAtrlats 'have an Interett as
the CountyJa,
a Imo , ' assartmont of
Dried Applet..
Hominy, '
Fancy Cukes and Crackers, city baked,
well cis the reeratta, and narectutta alai, for . Of
brrhe . s, &elate ,Mitts!) , loft feat , dots pace of ti•
deuce, ihe rules to be
_prektaleti shatild. adroit of counter
pr...A -•-
11,..3te opinion is, that where the tenni re
one .Ilb:district, mid the wan iaenrotled In a'
tliettlet, the credit shonhl be given to the dish
nal tnAidettee.
The. .. . .
f whole object und purpose of ibis se9l
rule be which places are to receive credit
men- It gives a rale of credits to the drat
want township, precinct, or other enrollment
for enrolled men only. It is silent as to how
tintita not enrolled, or liable to be enrolled.
iced. In order that the credit may be made
the - rule to this section prescribed. the man i
lame an netted residence, but he must be el
words of ti "eclion, "and where such peer-out
be enrolled." relate to the fact of
the place of enrollment Those words are
announce the fact of enrollment an net to
trot the question as to the Theca of credit
fest from the context, and elpeciall. l from the
renthesis, just folloWing those above quotes.
liableto enrollment")
PL.:Nothing else appearing, it must be taken for gran
ted , that the actual residence tt the place of enrollment,
and the credit given aceotdingly. If, however. it should
be trade to appear that, though enrolled in a particular
sub-district, the person has no actual residence, then this
statute furnishes no rule by which the credit can be given.
In such case, the credit must be given under the law, or
according to the role in force before and indepondrudly of
Able , Act. I inn, Sir: very respectfully,
- Your obedient ea vast
JAMES SPEED, Attorney General.
barborg, Moreh. V.l 1865.
The forho fkinion °fil) Attorney General of the
United NW..., int'6ishell for the infonmition of the pee.
Capt...andyro. Mar. 16th Dist. P.
ATTORNEY GENERAL s OFFICE, 3fardia 14, 1863.
EON. ELWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War:—Slß:
The first quesson propounded in yintr letter of the 10th
Inst., is, whether the 23d section of the Act of March 3d.
1065, "Enpercedes" the 4th section of the Act of February
04th, 3804
The 4th seethe( of the Act of rebruary 240, 1854, ena
bles any enrolled person, before a draft, to furnish " an
at ceptabie substitute who is dot liable to draft, nor, at the
time, in the military or naval service of the United States?'
and prow idesthat the person so furnishing such substi
tutes "skit be exempt from draft during the time - for
which surA pulictitute shall not be liatacto draft, not exceed
ing the time for which suck substitute skald are been'ae
Under this enactment, any person enrolled, and liable
to draft. may saga% exemption from the draft during the
whole period of time for Which he shall procure a substi
tute to be enlisted. provided the substitute shall be 60 long
not to draft: It is nut a "mere credit for a particular
draft which such person obtains by furnishing a substitute
before the anticipated draft, but it loan absolute 'exemption
which be acquires from liability to be drawn at any anti
every draft which stay occur during the entire time for
which his substitute has been accepted by the Govern
ment, provided the sitbstitute be so long sot liable to draft.
If, fur example, his subetitate is accepted as a three years'
olunteer, and remains so long not liable to droll, the
principtil, by the provision of the law of 1864, just refer
red to, is insured against the risk of being drafted during
the whole period for which his substitute enlisted, no runt ,
ter hew many drafts may occur between the enlistment of
the substitute and the expiration of his term of Service.--
Bat the Government, under this provision, is to be at 1113
expense in consequence of the authorized substitution- of
one individual for another in the draft. l'he !nut) , who
desires to anvil himself of the benefit of the privilege con
ferred by thelaw, is properly and justly required to cam
pensate the substitute. --
Such being the provision of the law of 1864 on the sub
ject of " suletitutes" furnished in anticipation of a draft,
the law of _March 541, 1865, provides (in its 23(1 section) as
' "That any person or persons enrolled in any sub-dis
via may, atter notice of a draft, and before the same shall
have taken place, cause to be mustered into the service
of this United States such number of recruits, not subject
to draft, as nazy way deem expedient, which remits shall
stand to the credit of the persons thus causing them to be
mustered in, and shall be taken as subetittaesfer such per
sons, or so tuanfof them as may be drafted: to the extent
teethe niiinikir of such recruits. and in the order designa
ted by the principals at the time such • recruits are thus as
aforesaid ne.,terod
It is clear that this enactment provides for quite another
ease than that conteafplated by the provision to which I
have been adverting in the statute of 1e64, and content
upon an enrolled person a privilege entirely distinct from
that given to him by that statute, of which he may avail
himself at his option, in preference to the privilege con.
fermi by the Act of lea
Ceder the provision of the Md section of the Act of ftd
March. 1865. he may. in advance of a draft., "cause to be
mustered into the Serried' a "recruit not subject to draft,'
cs bleb "recruit" will "stand to the credit" of the enrolled
nelson, causing him to be mustered in, in the event of the
principal being drafted, and be taken, MS the happening of
uutt contingency, as a subaituta for such 'principal. But
the "mulls" shall avail hire only for the particular draft
iu advance and anticipation of which ho may laave.secur
ed the "recruit.'
There is no provision in the Act of 1E63. that the person
furnishing a' recruit." ender the Md section, shall be
" eumpt from draft" during the time for which the recruit
may have been accepted and enlisted. But the catty hen:
eft ;Odell a person so tarnishing a recruit derives, ender
the Act of 1863, is
the securing, in the event of his being
draftssi. of a " credit" on the particular draft in unteipa
lion of which the reernit"may base been furnished.—
The " recruit" may be mustered into the service for three
years, and yet, no a substitute, he can only avail the per
alto caused Imo to be mustered in for, and with res
pect to the one draft lathes, and in anticipation of 'which
he ;au obtmned. The liability of the principal to be draf
ted at arty other drafts torturing after the mustering iu of
t reeriet,'• endearing the term of his service, IS not at
. all atirszemb There is manifestly, therefore. no conflict
betweeit the respective sections of the Acts of 1864 and
I etii to which gnu have culled my attention. One does
not impinge upon. nor even. cross tire path of the other.
They give illfferent and distinct rights and privileges to
the citizen LablePl draft. He has the alternative coarse
to pursue before any draft, either to bay n "subnitutr,"
nod secure lain to be mustered in, and thus 'obtain exemp
ting from the draft daring the entire term of enlistment of
the substitute, if the latter be no long not liable to draft, or
he may procure for the Government as" recruit'' not liable
to draft, and obtain credit forsuch recruit incase he should
be drafted, subjecting himself, bosses er, to the liability of
being eempelled to repent the operation ut every succeed
ing draft that may be ordered by the President.
Chiefly, I suppose, the design of the provision of the net
of 1661, under consideration, was to offer inducement and
present a stimulus to numbers or asssociatims of individu
als in any subdistrict, before the liability tif any of them
became fixed by a draft, to obtain volunteer recruits for
the army. Congreas, In this law, offers such associations
a premium to use their exertions to fill up the armies. It
saws to the residents of the multitudinous counties, town
ships, vrards,-and precincts. throughout the country, "Or
ganize yourself into recruiting societies ; Minim velutiteens
to enlist iota the service before the draft ; pay them such
amounts of twenty as you may be able to raise by your
.contributions to the reereiting funds of your several dis
tricts; and when they base been enlisted into-the service,
the volunteers v MI may have raised will stand totbe cred
it of aslmany or you us may happen to be drafted, to the
extent' f the number of recruits. *in the orderclesignmed,'
at the time the recruits are mustered in."
Such is the declaration, and promise of, the new law.
Its policy, is to encourage reeruitag. not the
. procuration
of substitutes ; to induce the people to org-amue e-ssocia.
lions for the advancement of volunteering, rather than the
purchase of substitutes. -
In enacting this new lan - , and inaugurating this nen
policy; Congress, however, has not taken awaF, the right
of the enrolled person, before the draft, to furnish a substi
tute, With the qu.inecAtion before stated. Lod thus secure
his exemption from draft during the time for which his
substitute shall have been accepted. He still has in his
power fo exercise that right in preference to the right con.
forted by the 23d section of the Act of 3d March, 1865, of
obtaining a " recruit" previous to inch draft AS it may sc
our; and securing thereby u credit in the event. nanny oc.
casino; of his belngdrafteti.
1 am of opinion, therefore, that the flit section of the Act -
of March 3, 1865, does not supersede the 4th section of the
Act of February 24. 1864. -
The second question which you ha referred to me, is.
whether the "recruits," which are "(,o be taken as sule
statutes,", are to be considered and borne upon the muster
rolls and records of the °trice of the Provost Marshal Gen
eral, as other volunteer recruits wh'oh are obtained at the
expence of the United States, or us substitutes which are
furnished at the cost of the principals. ;
I am of opinion that the "recruits' whom persons en
rolled in any sub district may "cause to be mustered, into
the service of the United States," in pursuance of the 211
section of the act of 3d March, 1865, are to be considered
and treated as other volunteers who are obtained at the
expense of the United States. It will ;be observed, from
the analysis of-the law cram acil iu theforegoing remarks,
that the idea involved in the law of 1864 is substitation,
while the Idea - of the law of 1865 is crediting. The sec..
Lion of the Act of 1865 under con.skterailou does not speak.
of the recruits" in gumboil as " substitutes," but declares
that they "sheitibc trkct rev substitutes” for the -persons
who nurse them to he nausttced in. They are not imbed
totes, but only of the nature of ltostaides. Their prima.
ry and essential character, under the law, is that of credits
for their procurers or principals; an& this description is
the first description gives of them in the section in ques
tion. for. after saying 'which recruits, skill stand to the
credit of the persons thus cousin; newts be mustered in,"
the section proceeds , " and shallbe rain as subsatutesfor
such pa-mu, or so =my oldest or may be drafted, to the
talent of the stuftber optuch - recruits."
A critical study of the words atlas petite thus devel
opes the fundamental ides which I leaVe suppposed, from
other holiest ion., was intended to be embodied in the law.
The •' recruits" who are to "stand to tAs credit" of the en
rolled persons, causing theta to be mastered in before the
occurrence of a draft, I an; of opinion, then, are to be con
sidered as other volunteer recruits which are obtained at
the expense of-the United State, and nbt as " sulatitutes,"
in the ordoutry senseofthut term, whiili are furnished at
ILe coot of the principals. - '
Very respecthilly, veer obedient servant,
JAMES SPEED, Attorury General
IIST OF T A ILE RS.—Notice is
J hereby given to an Wholocale amt lletail Denten
vbgaged in the selling of Menchatidity, corymodiri" or
Effects of wltutever kind or - lattere, whether of the growth,
pfteluot and manufactory or the United Slides or of an,
Foreign States, and to all Dbeillers, Ste, re:tiding within
the county of Franklin and. State of Illeun.ylvanlm that
they are olumitied and °AFC'S/PRI by r: undersigned,
praaner of Mereautdo Tuvet, in raid i;vtlrlty; for theyeur
lily, as followa
Cll.l MBE 1 tSIII7IIO-, Clatv. .r.l. oti
Cyrus Sprecher, Grocvryl4 7 CO
.1. ILthe Se Co., Afore. ..... ........ :. .. 10 2 0 10)
A. J.. 1 11. M. White, Clothing t ... 13 10 00
E. Aughintotogin Jewelry, 14 7 10
C. U, Cresder, Drugs... s, . 14 700
S. s: Shry4pk, Books 1,. 11 15 00
Motta 4: lf Biteshew, Store 10 20 1:10
1`• tt r / '
pinyon, Shoo; L.... 14 7Od
J L Imhert, Halo - 4.. .14 701
John Goettinan, tirocery 14 , 7 00
Eyster SL 8r0.,' Store L....: ff 50 0)
Brant S.', Flock, Hardware .- 10 20 00
J . ,,.. 0 1, spongier, Drop . ' -4.... 14 700
Miller. liamiltou4 Co., Shores ...... ..... 13 10 00
E t t er 4:Eyster Stoves • .. 14 ' 700
John Litly,-F, : , '• ' 14 ' ' —too
John Schofield; G rocer y ~.... 14 '4,00
D. 11. hittly, Confootiottery 14 ,7 00
L. A. Shoemaker Contoctionery ........14 7 CO
ilehriolts ,5;.. Bortthart, Grocery ... I. •.. 13 10 IX)
Wm. C. McNutt.). Sepr. ' - 14 —•7 00
J. A. S. (*miner, 'Variety Store 3 - 14 70 0
1) S. lointronvir, 4. Son, Grucery....4. . /4 7,' 00
WCltutook I.t, Son, 113,1 s ' ' • 14 • 700
.Inool t Solleio Sagas ' _'• ' , 14 , - 7 00
J. S. Motto, Drop 13 10 00
In to .t.ll-odea. Hardware - .„,„.1..... 13 : 10 00
Jacob Rotten,. Shoes ' .i.."... 14' 700
Wallace 6: Co.. Store - 8 , 30 00
vv. W. P. sten, flat. and Shoe, .. 1 . 11 7 °V
Oda a►bertioemrnt%.
Snyder, Books.
Bender, Grocery
atten, Shoos
c.• Soul Albums
John A gari
_iehberger Grocery
""• rahamtookGrocery '
Johnlr. - I, l = ,
LewisM. WamliCri, l Pliier •
S. Perry,
H. E. Daviedm, Haig 811 d. Caps
F. G. Dittman, Jevetrg
E. D. Beid, Grocery
J. A. Jacobs. Tobacconist -
Joseph Dectelmyer, Grocery
S. F. Gmenawait, Segura
A. Heineman, Jewelry
Michael - Koss, Jewelry •
George Lehner. Shoes
Huber & Tolbert, Hardware
John Has, Grocery
P. Frets, Segura
John W Dittman, Grocery
Conrad Wagner, Grocery... -
Isaac Stine, Grocery
Upton Washahaagh, Brewery
George Ludwig, Brewery
Gottlieb Seel, Notions
Conrad Miller, Shoes
J. M. Woifkiq Store
Henry Politer. Segue
Hoary Feliman, Segars
-John Sheets, Clothing
-A. J. Miller. Drugs
T. J. Wright, Books
J. S. Brown, Segars...-
4. T. Hoskinson, Clothing
Huber & Lemaster, Grocery
J. L. Black, Store
H. Bishop, Albums
Marks Felbeimer, Clothing
Frank Elliott, Clothing
Jacob Haber; Confectionery
C.H. Bush, Tobacconist
Jacob Shaffer, Grocery
Jacob Shafer, Grocery..
Moses Greenawalt, Grocery
Joseph Winters; Grocery
Wm. Richter, Begets •
T. B. Wood, Foundry.....
W. T. Mathews, Began
Leonard Ebert & Son, Lumber and Coil
Wunderlich & Nead, Warehouse
Adam Wolf, Segura
Grier & Co., Warehouse
George A. Deita Warehouse
Oaks & Linn, Warehouse
Washington Nitterhonse, Notions -
G. L. St iles, Confectionery
Margaret Montgomew, Segata
John Miller, Seger!, - -
B. L. Bruner & Co., Lumber '
Greve & Bro. • Lumber
D. S. Bonagardner, Lumber ~.
Miss P. Bache, Yancy Store
Peter Hides, Carpets •
'deuce is in
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to be ere&
acconling to
übt not only
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were orsholl
rather than
:ntroducid to
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to wit . c if
F. B. Solvely, Store 90.
'Eli Fuss, Confectionery
J. Hostetter & Co., Grocery '
C.intner & Burt, Clothing
B. Eby, Grocery
W.-hi—Carl, Drugs.. ............
H. Appenzeller, Grocery
Christian Hoover, Segos
Adam Goetz, Grocery
J. Newoortser, Segura
C. H. Kunkel, Hats and Shoes
John H. Hostetter, Drugs
A. W. Welsh & Co, Hardware -
'Samuel Hostetter, Confectionery
Fetterhoff & Atherton, Books
Samuel Hammel, Boots and Shaul.
Sheffert, imbrie & Co., Warehouse.....
G. W. Zeigler 6: Co., Store '
G. A Goetz, Stores
Goetz A: Wilt, Shoes -
J. A Hans. Clothing
E. P. Humerickhouse, Confectionery...
Ervin & - Bodes, Hardware
Prather & Kreps!, Store ; •
Karla Morton, Confectionery •
S. H. Prather & Co., Store •
George llgenfdtz, Factory... .......
Corwell & Davison, Foundry
Philip Goetz, Grocery
James Barr, Stoves.
Wm. McCrary, Jewelry
John Hertel, Flour
Joshua Tens, Grocery
John Burk, &gars
John Adams, Segall
George Eby, Confectionery
Peter Smith, Shoes
D. S. Barnhart, Store '
Henry Spickler, Store -
C. D. Laker, Serge Mil
Storer & Storer, Drugs,...,
J. W. Miller, Store.
W. A. Tritle, Stoves
T. J. Filbert, Clothing
E. W. Wtialnabaugh.
J.,Beaver, Variety Stare.._
Pius Wlndorff, Confectionery
Ambensan, Benedict, &
J. P. Kurtz, Drugs -
H. Storehouse, Hardware.
J. 8.. Welsh & Son. Hats & Shoee,..t.
G. & J. Bender. Clothing
D. B. Russel, Stoves. '
Geo. Stover, Store,.
F.,Eorthman, Drugs..
C. W. Logan. Jewelry
Isaac Long, Sigare.
Price & Hceflick, Store....
Walter & Fan* Flour & FIRM
A. G. Nevin, Segars.
Geo. Frick, '
Samuel Frantz, Salt
Hoover S. Sharkey, Salt. - '
A. Sbockey. Distiller
Peter Renner, Store
E. S. Bear, Factory •
Peter Heckler, Store
Mt. Alto Iron Co., Furonce....
Mt. Alto Iron Co., Store.
Et. Alto Iron Co., Rage
Mt'~►lto Iron Co.,
E. J. Smell, Store.
Peter Meßeit, Grocery
Koepper & Elden, Store
Henry RnlerY, Grocery
Lewis Elliott, Store ' ..
Elliott & Minter, Store.
Starer & Winger, Store.....Z—
Rock & Summers, Store
J. M. Cook, Store
Danielßenedict, Sorgo MIR...
S. E. White, Factory - -
Jacob Harekeirode, Ware Monte
Stevens dc Ahl, Furnace. .....
Steven & Abl, Forge
Stevens & Ahl, Store
Jno. P. Wallace, Store,— .....
Embich & Son, Factory
Joseph Dice, Stem
Harriet. Piper, Grocery, - .,:,.._,,„
Samuel Shively, Drum
Samuel Etter. Grocery
Mary Ann Adair, Confectionery.
J. B. Cook & San, Store
Robert Black, Store
D. M. Long, Sop MTh
Jacob Garver, Ekago Mill
Michael Good, Factory
J. F. Ebersole, Sorgo Mill
J. A. Eyater, Paper 31 - fil
Eyster & Heyser; Paper M
Stouffer & Strickler, Paper Mill.
C. H. MOKAArbt, Store
Jan H'KElght.
Brunei & Son, Warehouse
Daniel Stouffer, Sorg Miff
Christian Fronts, Salt -
Christian Fronts, Scirgo HIS
E. B. Winger dc CO.. Sane
David Newcomer, Drugs -
Thomas Bowles k . San,- Store
John Rummel, Salt
John Shirts, - Hardware -
Wm. D. McKhurtry, Store
D, X B. Shannon, Variety Store..
Conmdfreshols, Grocery
Thoinm. R. Sheller; Drags
Mathew Smilb,'Shoes and Hoes...,
T. C. Grove, Store
A. L. Coyle, Hardie= ' '
Tohn Hock, Confectionery "
F. E. Smith, Stationery -
C. 0. Low, Segars. -
Thompson & Beaver. Stare -
Ferdinand Senseny, Store:
Jacob Barger, OreeerT
A. L. Shoop, Rrocery
McGuire & Hassler, Store
Joo. Holler. Salt. & Syrup
Cook & Hord, Store._ -
James D. Scott, Store ,
H. L, Ryder, Sorge NAIL
Dixon &Elder, Store
D. Al Pohl, Store
Wm. Polsgrove,
Susan Forty,
WA.EatEN ,
John Zimmerman. Store
Wm. Ma:teary Store --
John Grass, Distiller -
'Fleury Labile; Store
B. dr.W. Orr, Store
/inept' Kowa, Coateoticmery...
Samuel KoLsely, Drugs
J. B. 7...arfoss, Clothing
Joseph fliveler,
John 014 Sow 31111..-.•
- Samuel ZLICk, Swgo Mitl
Wm. Klirper, Stare' ..
Philip Karper, Store
James P. Speer. Store
Win. G. M'Ciellan, atom
A. A. Pomeroy 6r. Bra, Store.—
Tr.: - Sliliner, Store
H. W. SuitFtwi, Centbetionery...
John Crenmer, Store
I. W. Everett &Bra, -Scorn.
Forgumn & Mutts" -
J. 31. Ranl.3o, Confectionery
Hammen &Clugston. Soolol MM.
S. B. Iloelseuberry. store
Ximous & Blerly. CorAtetionety..
W. R. penrer:o-, Store
William Johnson. S,tere '
W. A. Ainekro", State .
bane poirston, Store -
. 'METAL. .
3_, W. skinner, Store , 13 10 00
wtronly 4... blontrrotnery, Store ,I 3 1.0 00
w, .9. McAllen, Store' , -14 7 00
J, a Walker, Shoes = 14' 700
Carrick inmate Co., rtirnooe -13 - 12 50
Csatok Irtiroaoia Co.. Forge - 14 7 OD
Carrie% Voroltee Co., Store 14 - 7 COA
AN APPEAL will be Laid our .8W 0116 7, - a. oti aeli
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te l3 u lh a Ss it e th o i r i dMirur 44 , 132 L a rni 3 1 11 43,9thrlel
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