TEMA 'or PilitietriON. THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY 18 - published Welnm,dny morning by ”THE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at $2 50 per alumni. ra AuvANca, or $3 if -not .d within the year. AU subscription (m -eans(' HIM be settled annieally. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for in admire. and alt such ..bporirtions will invariably be discontinued at the expi- . ration 'of the thrie for which they are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are incited at FIFIEEN CENTS -per line for flat insertion, and GENTS pdr line for nal' seqnent insertions. A liberal discount iS Made to persons advertising by the quarter, half-year or year. Special no tices charged one-half more than regular advertisements. AB resolutions . of Associations; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages andpeaths eleeeding five lines, are charged fifteen cents pihily. AU Legal Notices of every kind, and al Orphans' Court and other Judicial Sales are required by lam to be adecetfrai in the lIEMSITORT-:-it haring the LABoxe - r_ cut. mixihis Of a:4mo? published In the &quay of Franklin. JOB PRINTING of every kind in Plain and . ,Faney col ors, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks, Cards,- Pamphlets, neat_ of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The nErOSITOLLY OFFICE bas just been refitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and every - Wag in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN. VARIABLY CASH. LW' Mr. John X. Shrsoek is our authorized Agent to receive Subscriptions and Advertinments, andreeeipt for the same. All letters should be addressed to I arar.Amts tk, STONER, Publishers. (Coal, Rumba, &-e. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! 4TTEN-Tl2:11! The undersigned have now *TAMA at their PLANING' AND FLOORING MILL, a barge supply of Saab, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale, or made to order. Mouldings of all descriptions, from half inch to 8 inches, on hard. Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.. Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Posta, Banisters, Bed Posts, &e.„ 'tin band. A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on band or made at short notice. RAZELET, VERNON & CO.. febl tf Harrison Avenue, Chambersburg, Pa. NOTICE TO FARMERS 100 TORS OF TIMOTHY HAY Terl.nted by GEO. A. Dirrz. 200 WALNUT LOGS Wanted by GEo. A. DEng. 100,AS i 8j.OGS Wanted by G Eo'.. A. DEITZ. 1® LARGE CHERRY LOGS Wanted by GEO. A:DEITZ. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, and all buds' of Produce bought . by GEo. A. DEEM at hfx Warehouse above the Railroad Depot. STOVE AND LIME COAL for cale cheap, by the ton or half ton. OM( AND HICKORY WOOD by the cord or half cord. OAR .AND HICKORY WOOD, sawed ;lad split for stove nse, by the cord or ball cord WINDOW AND DOOR SELLS, of Ciaty — Walnut and Pine, always on hand. VMDOW AND DOOR•FRA3LE STUFF, and all kinds of LUMBER, such as Oak and Pine ]'lank; - Oak, Walnut, Pine and Hemlock Boards; Flooring Boards, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, ,ko. BEST OF ROOFING SLATE alwaystm band, and mob; put on by the best Slaters, who base drawn medals for their superior workmanship. CALL. AT DEITZ'S WA.REHOLTSE, `above the Railroad Depot, and bay cheap. , [deea 'LEONA-RD EBERT d. SON 1.11 COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are mepaind to furnish Bill Lumber to order at short no. See, all at the most reasonable terms. Our stock of Lam. ber consists of . White Pine 2 inch " select Plank. lt - "—Plank. " " 1 select and Calling Boards, " " I " Siding (6 inch,) . • " Best River Shingles, • ' " Worked. Flthing, Siding. • " joist and Scantling, all Bernina Jots' t and Scantling, " - Boards, "'Yellow Pine Boards, Joist and Scantling; •PaWng,and Plastering Laths We have nbso always an hand a good supply of all kinds of Coal for stoves and lime-burning. 'Abn n sops. rlor article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are invited to give tout call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction W all that call. Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars 'to any station on the Franklin Railroad. tgrOfßoe on Second St., in the rear of the Jar? Yard, Chambersbmg, Pa. • LEO. EBERT 4, SON.• .11421.t.f. BENDER - & CO., York and Galdsborougk, Pa, • LUMBER DEALERS L . AND ILAWFACTIIRERB OF SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLD:DS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 4c., Seep constantly on halal a well selected stock of seas• onableLcumber, vir.:--.Toist and Scantling, Weatherboard. lag, dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings and Fenchnr. riP" White Pine and Oak Bills, sawed to order at the shortest notice. All communications ohoald be addressed to YORK, PA. (setf-ly STEAM SAW liIILL.L-The undersign ed have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, near Graffenbarg Springs, and are yv=a saw to order gills, of WRITE OAR, PINE, It or any kind of timber desired, at the short est notice and at low mtes. One of the arm will be at the hotel of Sarcel Greenawalt, In Chansbersburg, on Satur day the 24th fast. and on each alternate Saturday thereof .. ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low stir 'UTE& AA letters should be addressed to them at Graffernburg P. 0., Adams Co., Pa. dee/44f 3IILTENBERGER & BRADY. 3 . 00 0.1 00FT. WHITE Pth'E HER, also 10. White Pine Shin gles, for Bate at Fayetteville, by march22-3t" , J. B. SFELROY, & BUO'S. 813 IL v 3 N G LUMBER.—The under signed is prepared to saw all_kinds of Building Lc= bar at the loNiest market price. R. A. RENFREW, GREENWOOD Mars, Fayetteville P. O. deck'-Gm , tobacco aub TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE.—Having ye•bnilt my Tobacco awl Cigar Store op South Main street, (cnrner of Washington &Main greets) two squares from the Diamond, I would invite alt to, call and, examine my stock, consisting of CHEWING TOBACCO: Cavendish, • Rose Twist, Old Virginia, Honey Dew, Congress, all kinds, Twist, all kinds, Flounder, Navy, Michigan Fine Cut, Solace, 'Anderson Shorts Talisman, Plantation, SNUFFS; Scotch, SMOKING Big Lick, ,Lar g e Hand, Cut But Dry, Lynchburg. James River, • , Head, map 21 BUSH STILL ON HAND.—TOBACCO & smomes.—The undersigned has just returned from the City aft a complete stook or Tobacco and Se ger!, Such as Natural Leaf, Michigan, Smoking T4.ao: cos and Pipes. Store on Queen Street, three doors from the M. E. Church. Come, give him a Lift. sag' 2,l _ - C. H. BUSH. TACOBS & SMYSER EP Meaufactarers and Wboleae Dealers in TOBACCO, VIM , AND CIGARS, No.:310 Narih'T.Lird Street, abate Vine, West Side, tact 2-Iy)PHILADELPHIA, PA. J.DI!..IACOI3a, late of Chamteg, Pa. .HENIII E. SIIICBEIL LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO Jul and SEGARS, wholesale and retail, at SHAFER h STUART'S, olz,Qooon street, East of the Methodist Church. tgsitiitus. J. C. RICSABPS.M. D. J7:O. 110:CrCOSLECY, M. U. ICHARDS & MONTGOMERY have -I.IU APOCEStect - themselves - in the Practice of Medicine, and have opened ad office in Dr. Richards' new building, on Main street, a few doors South of the Diamond. All persons Indebted to either of the above, Ts ill plepe make early settlement of the erne . jaug24-tfi_ DR.W. IL BOYLE: will attend prompt ly to all professional calls. Oilice in the Vestibule of the New Behuel 3lotun near the Jail. leugta, l'a IX LE R , ILTON & Co , , .131. Itawnicurt received a nearsortmentof STOvEs, TIN, JAPANNED AND TRER WARE. They an , determined to sell lowerttut anybody else. They put on TIN ROOF 'O, Ist quality material terlB mots per Nur° foot; Id q zality 111 cents; Sd quality 14 cents. 'They do SPOUTING cheaply, well and promptly. They sabot Iron for Stn Pipes, and charge brit le cents per IS. . Come and see if you cant do better frith them than with any other establislunent. Prices reduced to suit the tiknes. ocN6 - . lar TERMS tril..El ' -:, - • ; . . . . :•...-• •--: . "." ~: _,.,. i . . _ . . -__..., . . ~ -. 1 - `‘l' --'.- . * - ' -- : . r . t 7. . . . '' -•,, . : - - - ',C -- -1:. ...t :-, - .F• anl i .' -: • 1 ':-- : - . 40 '". . ' -'.. "—__„,' ---. , ":- ':".::;*:, -' ' . ~,,:.:, ;-.. .'-':,-: ::..,.--. ,-*.:: : ,i- ..., _ ... . _ . I _ _ - • - I'N ,--,, ~... J '... - . ~ , P 1 . 1 j ....k: ----", . . - . - ' \ _ 7:L. —.....____ , ~. .. . r-. - . - _ . . . ' ... - a.= BYJII'CLURE & STONER. tllre6, ant *tells. • TREES FOR SPli& - 6 :- FI7:6TING ! ! LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT HEALTHY, VIGOROUS TREES - , to; sale the present season, erabraelisgili; ORCHARD PLANTING, STANDARD APPLES, 6 to 8 feet high. ' do PEARS, 5 to 7 do. do CHERRIES, 6toB do do PEAlait,S, 3 to4} do do Py.12 , 18, (on Plum) l to 6 feet high, in large Tariety ;ma of thrifty growth; also for YARD AND GARDEN DWARF APPLES, on Paradise stock „ DWARF PEARS, OA - Quince do DWARF CIIERREES, PLUMS, on Plum stock, APRICOTS on Plum stock, - 441ILSCE. GRAPES.—Delaware,,Ditina, Concord, Rebecca, Max atairay, &c. RASPBERRIES, best varieties. CURRANTS.—Cherry, White Grape, and 2D addition al varieties. GOOSEBERRIES.—Amerierui and English. STRAWBERRIES.—Triomph de Gand, Wbecrn's Al bany and other' leading kinds by 1,000 and 10,000; also new Belgian Varieties, (see apeelol list) ~ • Also in the - - ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. • a large btockof SHADE TREES, FOR STREET PLANTING, embracittgla part . . SILVER•LEAVED MAPLES, 8 to 10 feet high, SUGAR NORWAY do do SYCAMORE do do LILOF,LEAVED CASALPA • do ASH, sevend.varieties do EUROPEAN 24T. ASH, 7 to.ifeet high, EUROPEAN LINDEN Bto 10 do AMERICAN •do 2 todd do ENGLISH ELM Bto 10 do ' AMERICAN do Bto 16 do • :&c., , FOR LAWN PLAIN - TING, upwards of 60 vai:lttios of DECIDUOUS TREES, WEEPING TREES IN VARIETY, EVERGREENS, • embracing White, Blue, llemlock and Norway SPRU CES, Chinese, Golden, Nepant, American, Siberian Alt- BORNIT.E, CYPRESS iu variety, ]fish, Swedish, Sar in, and common JUNIPERS, Austrian, Corsican, White, Scotch, &c., PINES, &c., HARDY FLOWERING ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS in great miriety,,including Altheas, beautiful single and _doable varieriez, -Box in variety, Flowering Currants, Forseythias, Jessamines. Litacs, l / Mahonlas (Evergreen,) Mock Orange, Purple-Fringe or Mist Bush, Spinier's, a large and flue as%ortment, Tamarix, Viburnum', Wiege lias, in variety, Berberries, White Fringe, Deutzias Enonymns or Stwnwberry Tree` Ceanothus, Tutorial/ Honeysuckles. &e., ' I HARDY CLEARING SHRUBS, embracing BignOnda, or Trumpet Creeper, Clematis, in variety, Ciasus, (variegated leaved), Honeysuckles in mt. riety, Irys, Lyerulna, Wistaria* ac., 6x. DW ARF for edging, by yard, or 100 yardi AXE:RICAN ARBORVIT.E, for hedging and screens, HONEY LOCUST, Osage Orange, &c. ROSES, Bedding Plante , ' . 17 ., i(c. Descriptive priced catalogues mailed to applicants. Part ties purchasing in quantity will be supplied at a liberal reduction from retail rates. All fives taken up and Tack ad with care, and shipped promptly as directed. Having a large and superior stock we are prepared to offer espe cial inducements to patties planting largely, Cemetery companies, pilanting associations, dra., C. Address - EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., march 22 1m V - ABRANTED FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. We invite attention to our large ana complete wort meat of put np by onreelves with eepecial care. embracing over :O.) of the choicest earietiwt, including the following, Beans, litarll2 varieties. Melon Musk 3 varieties. do Pole., 3 do do Water 6 do Beets, 8. do Mustard, 2 do - Brocoli,i,„,a do Mushroom Spawn, Bruasers " Sprotits, Nasturtium, Cabbage, 10 varieties. Okra, orOurnbo, Carrots, 3 do Onion, 3 varieties. Cauliflower, 6 do Paisley, 2- do ry Cele, 7 do Parsnip, 2 do Celeriac, Peas, 16 do Coleworts, Pumpkin, 2 do Corn Salad. Pepper 4 do t Corn - 5 do Ra d ish,, 10 do Chicory, (for ouitee,) „Salsify, Cress, ' Scorsonera. . Cucumber, 8 varieties Spinach, 3 do Eggylant. 4 do Squash, - 8 do - Endive, - 2 do. Tomato,. ,8 do -- Kale, .3 do Turnip, 8 do Kohl Rabi, 2 do Herbs, 13 'do Leek, - - Sugar Cane, 4 do Lettuce, 11 do Tobacco, 2 do -c LA IFN GRASS SEEDS, kc., ire DESCRIPTIVE LIST, ichich can be Mal on application koi • l'arties at a distance can obtain Seeds by mail without delay; h hen ordered to arnount of 50 cents or upwards, they will be sent postage free, Corn, Beans, and Peas ex cepted, which will require 15, cents per quart addition for postage. • F,:j" Druggists, Storekeepers, and Dealers generally supplied, (in large or small quantities) at Wholesale rates. • EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., No. 9 North George Street, march.92.lm YOBX, Pa. Bart's Delight. Seem. Shie, he Course. Danville, Garabalth, Grant, RYDER'S FRANKLIN COUNTY NURSERIES.—Facer Join onksstrxrrst. TRZEg. GE %YE STLIAWBEURY ETC.—The largest stock to select front in the county. Everything In the FRUIT TIME and PLANT line that to ut utt desirable, can be supplied from the commonest standard Fruit Tree, to the rarest and moat choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Oar Standard Apple Tree's are unusually fine, stout heavy thinks furnished with fine branching - heads. from three to five feet from the ground, as may be desired. Our aim is to grow the best of every• thing, pruning and cultivating upon scientiflo principles, eonsequertly, our productions aro not offered in competi .cn with Trees grown upon the old let-alone system. An Invitation is extended to all who are interested in fruit cut. sure, to come and see for themselves. A large stock of Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Roses, &e., in pots, will be ready in April and May. En close a three cent stomp for descriptive Catalogue of rildt and Ornamental trees, - Address B. L. „RYDER, - West Franklin Nurseries, max I,G--tf Near London, Franklin Co, Pa, J. A. JACOB. Bootto anti ,Stationetr. T IPE OLD BOOK ST AND OF S. S. SIIRYOCK, Has been remored'to the new building opposite the POST OFFICE, where a fall assortment of SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC., Can be had at exceedingly Low Prices. WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, a large and new stork. Fain:Whig Celebrated Gold Peon, fully warranted. Orders taken for goods, which will be. Expressed.% the shortest possible time. The New York and Philadelphia Papeil received daily, for which weekly eubscriptisms win be taken. First Oloss Novels, Winger.lnes and Periodicals received as soon as published. We can sell Photograph Albums cheaper tban they can be bad ehtetthefe. Music sent free of portage to any part of the ionnty. Gllt Frames, Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on hand. Our arrangements are knob that we can supply any or• dell satisfactorily and %kith dispatclt .litt. J. K. Blip:m:1c, is now located in New York, which enables us to undertake the most complex commissions. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style, bunted up at a reasonable commission. [nav2] We respectfully Iriyite attention to our - Central Nurseries, York, Pentea. FRESH AND GENUINE GARDEN SEEDS, We issue, for gratuitious distributiou, a SEEDS BY MAIL MAP OF THE DIRECT ROUTE AS TRAVELLED BY GENERAL SHERMAN'S VICTORIOUS ARMY. Showing Railways, Rivers • and Locations_ of Atlanta. lslilledgville, Sa'vainlah: Augusta, Columbia;- Winnsbord i,. - ' Camden, Charlotte, Wilmington, Raleigh ? , Danville, Weldon and .Riehmonti - - t: . : : :`,4, e;' c ' ot%er ~,,ev,:- , ..., •— 5 , „,,,„_ :, ,,0pe. ;_j- .4.4i,, )I f. : 1 ; 7., _ • • ' '; V: :''''' 'fil - F,r,1 4 .Z - Xne . x " -Of . .-4:';l•P'. IRE= Ci r ii OD f • trgal itotires. REGISTER'S NOTICE—AII persons in terested Will please take notice, that the following Accountants have Merl their Accounts In the Register's Moe of Franklin County and that the same will be pre seated to the Orphans Cann fur ronfirmnti"n, on Jr.lnew day, use 12th day of April, 1865, in Chambersburg : - 66. First and final account of T. J. Mellhenny and Sam net Holliday, Ex'rs of Catharine Mclllienny, Lite of Fan nett tarp, deed. 67. Final account of David Keller and Henry Bruba ker, Ex're oflienry Brubaker. deed. 6b. First and final account of B. 0. McCurdy, Adm'r of James If. Alexander, late of Funnett twp.. deed, 69. First account of Joseph Gilmore and James Gilmore Ex'ss of Isabella Marshall, late of Strusbarg,deekL. 113. Second and final account of Jacob - Brechbill and Jacob AWand, Ex.'ra of John Wilanct. deed. 71: Finland final acct. of Joseph Fritz and Lt.sonard Fritz, Admits of Fretrk Fritz, late of Warren twp. ' deed. 72. First acct. of James A. Cook, Adm'r, and Ann Harskunan, Adm'cr, of Samuel Harshman. dee'd. Fird and anal acct. of Samuel Shortie, Ex't of Ja cob Seibert, late of Montgomery twp.. deed. 74. ,First and final acct of Michael Ebersole, Adm'r of Jacob Ebersole, deed- 75. First and final amt. of Peter Kerlin. Kir df John K,erlin, deed. 76. Second acct. of Simon Leanne, Guardiaan of Martin Funk, minor child- of Jacob Funk, late of N l . l ashingtun township, deo'd. 77. First OCCOLUIS of Simon Lecrune, Guardiin of Sarah C. 3FDowell, minor child of John 51',Don eIL late of An trim township, deed. 76. First and Snal acct of George and John Zapinger, tiv:re of Freirk Ziallinger, late of Letterkenny twp.. deed. 79. First and final acct. of N. IL Brumbaugh and 11. V. Hartman, Adafra of Chagos liartman, late of Greencas tle, dee'd. i". 80. First and fatal acct. of Michael B. Winger. Adel r of Geo. Lehman, late of Green tsv deed. 8L Account of T. B. Bennedy,' Guardian of ?Lary- C. Beaver. minor child of Jolsojteaver, deed.. E 2. First- acct. of Jos. McClelland, Goanlinnef Tho 3. A.. Sam:MIS., Joseph, Jennie A, Ma recta J. nudWm. C, McClelland, minor children of Jno. McClelland, late of Letterkinny to/v., deed. 83. First and final acct. 01 Henry Ftnefrock. Ailmr of 'Sonny Finefrock, late of Gtrilford tap., deed. $4. Acct. of Milton Shirey, Fa"r of Adam Shirey, late of Greencastle, dec'd, as slated by J. C. McLanahan Adm'r of said Milton Shirey. deed. 85. First and final acct, of Emaunel Kuhn, Adler of Henry Hinkel, late of Ilamilkm hop.. 86, Final acct of DacidGilbert, Adnir of John Gilbert, late of Waynesboro, deed. -- 27. First acct. of John W. Conn. Adm'r of Josiah Re. sore, late of 'Waynesboro, deo'd. 88. The amend ofJohn Carper Guardfan of Marion J, John E. and Angeline M. Poe, minor - children of Isabella Poe, late of Letterkenny township, deed. 89. First and final Sect of H. W. Lino, Adm'r of Jos W Linn, la 4 ofFaimett Wu-whip, died: mnrcb22, HENRY STRICKLER, Register. NTOTICE.—The following: named per- A. filed petitions for License io my of Ce,lo be presented to the Court at next term. commencing,: n Monday, do 10th day of ,elyrel next, to tt , FOIL TAVERNS John Finher, • . Charnbenkurtr. Daniel Trostle, j I du hlargaret Montgomery,- do Jacob 8. Brown, do Adam Wolff, do Jacob Sellere, . do John Gordon, * liamilton-lownship. Swan Elliott, • do., J. R. Tankersley., St. rho/nail. John Hassler, do Charles Giltan, St. Thomas township. John Mullen, do James 31n11en. Loudon. John Trehr, do Thorrms Sit.kree, - litemersburg. Chnrles Lowe. do Jacob Elliott,' Welsh Ron. Ttrhat & Detrick, Greencastle. John 11 Adams, di) ' John Wallach, do L B. Kurtz. Waynesboro. V. B. Gilbert, -- do H. M. Sibhett, 7 .. do . . Vl'aahingtrrn townFitip. do David Miller, A. a Funk; H. M. Jones, Quincy., _ Andrew Shank. yunkstna-n. . - Margaret Holland, CreenwooiL John S. Brown, - Fayetteville. • _ s Benjamin Zook, do . Elizabeth Filson, Marion. Christian Foltz, Greenvillage, John Ityner, Orrstown. . Abraham Keefer,( Pleasant Hall. John R. Want, • Strasburg. Jeremiah Zollinger, do David Guyer, Horse Valley. Adeline Ramsey ‘Fannettsburg. James Coffee, Dry Ron. Harmon Unvorsaugt. - do John Goshorn, Doylesburg. B. P. Culbertscm, , Amberson's Vaney, FOR WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORES. Miller & Croft; Chambersburg, S. F. Greenawalt, do march:M.3 t W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk Q. S ENAECUTOR'S hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the EP tatelot Henry If. Stoner, late of Antrim towwhip, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. E MI perions knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those hdying claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. acar22 . DAVID hL STONER, Ex'f. EXECUTOR'S N 0T I C E.- -Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Daniel Bock, laic of Metal township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims prescatthern properly authenticated forsettlement. marthß EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of David Everett late ofidetal township, deed, toive been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves Mdebted to 4EAtate will please make immediate payment, and thot4having claims present them properly authenticated for settlements feb22 W. S. EVESET'4i.,Ex'r. CHNBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY,V3CIi 29, 1865. ATLANTi. :- - !EV= • INI --,-' N ,,... .?„....e. ~H, „: „ - L,- . ....,-;1-....A....0, _...xv , , "- v .---.{N - ..-.4 -, 4 i.,.....,,, -, , s ... i , . ' .4,....,----... , -- --,?...,..,„, 5.„ '7-2 t ....:::, .., ~vv ' iy.rf u r 4., - 4-, \ ---A., If's 3 , '-Vq , -1 - .. '_• ' ', L I". ,f_. -,... ~.-„_ ... . : ' '•,, ' a , •,,.. - 1, 4 ,i', :: , .41: -i,'-';' . .!':%;-?...r.fqttr— - • CAUSESF OR TRIAL AT APRIL Term, 1..F1Z. John 31'Cunly and wife ye.' Andrea- M'Cunly. • Same David Vance. . vs. i Al,rlabmn Saylor vs.. L D. Ilaltaanor, William Rdger, • vg.; WillintriKev,er. .J.Bomberger va: Frederick Walk. 1 Philip Karper . vs Benjamin Ceok, ekj al. David Witherspoon we. Rebecca CUITey'S ES% NVilliansStumbaugh ye. Uriah P. Smith. . John Richardson . vs. : John Plum. Wengley & Boimbreak, j vs. ' Wtmderlich Send Ss Co. Bought , . yid S. Ale., i Ella Jane TrAdle ; • vs. Mary Ann Clark. Jacob S. Lyon ' • vs. Jacob Ilisey sis, Wife, Morrow R. Skinner y - cc. Samuel Bitter, Jacob S. Brown TIC Samuel M. Worley et al Gee. Coln use vat John H. Tritle. Jotin 31i11er et. al. vs. Wm Skinner. et. al. Morrow R. Skinner v 4 Samuel Biteet. Win. Wilhelm vs D. 8. Belcher Mary C. Miller ce John H. Hartle. Jacob Glom vii Henry Kyle and Wife. Simon Miner ye. John Waldsmith. lienry Kyle Lather Spellman R. C. McCurdy marebls PROCLAMATION.,—To the, Coroner, tile Justices of the Peace, and the Const.tbles of the different Townships in the County of Frunklin, Greeting Know all ve, that in pursuanVe of the precept, to me reefed, under the hand find seal of the lioN. Aux KLNG, Pee-dent of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the "sixteenth Golrict consisting of . the counties of Somerset, Bedford_Pulton and Franklin: and by virtue of his office— of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Siessiou% of the Peace, and W. W. PAYTON. and JAMES O. CamiON. Estes, Judges of the same county of Franklin. You and each of yon are herelty required to be and appear in your proper persons with sour Records, Rerognizonees, Examinations, and, other Remembrances before the J edges aforesaid, at Chant ta-rsburg.. at a Court of Oyer atui'Verminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Se. l4llo s of the Peace, thereinto be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid on the 2d -Monday in.9prd. 'brung the 111th day of the month, at 10 Welts.): inktite toretesin of that day then and there tt; do those thugs. Welt to year no, eral otne , s up- Given under my hand t CharnbiTsburg, th , .l3th .31ureh 166.1 [triarl3J SAMUEL, BRANDT, Sheriff. StIER IF F'S NOTICE.—Th Nancy Steel, and George Shaffer, and Maly. Ids wife.—You are hereby notified tole and appear before the judges of Our 'mart of Common Pleas, at Chmnbenburr. Franklin county. Pa., on the 10th day of April 4. D., 1E65, to show cause if any you hare why hatulaction should pot be ea toted on a certain mortgage, made and executed by Saul. net Struck, on the 211th day of March. A. D., 1tt.36, fi, the heirs awl legatee, of Ludwig Deatrioh, for the payment of fourteen hundred and seventton dollar, awl fifty cenili, and re. orded in uhune -E," pace 'le of the lteoord.4 of tine (muds of Franklln afore, 11,1. By tauter of the emlet., maraldfieft SA2I EL 1111.RANDT, riff. A UDITOIt'S NOT - ICE.—Notiet , is Ito•e -, by r iven that tir nndrrvigoe 1 boo been appointed by the orphans' Court of Franklin County, Auditor to make distribution of the balininne in the hands of Atehi son Ritchey, ilzenattor of the lest will and tebtarneut ofTane Milligan. niecca.ed, to 11114 atoning the Legatees named in said will, according to Law. will attend to the duties of his 11.11.0111i111111t. Whin. attire, in the Borintigh of Ch.ttNwrs• burg, on Saturday, Mr Erh day of. pril. 1555 , at 10 o'clook, A. M.., of raid de). when annt'where all perWIR interested are regnested to attend. raarclai ''LyifAN fi CLARICE, Auditor. UDITOR'S NO'FlCE.—Notiee is here by Oen to the en dito, of Charles SlMa‘el, I ate of tilmthatoptpn 1.1{11'44. deed that the account of P. N. II ottenut, Executor of said dct ,'dent, wax confirmed by the trphfun.' Court of Franklin county. and that the uUder• 1.1 - fined, was appointed Auditor to dultribute the balance on said aceolint amongst the creditors. The Auditor will meet the creditor's and all parties intere.ted. at hls °Mee, °Tithe alit day iy Mar, h, Mt ,r,, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to marshal and apportion cold fund% among* the creditors. no -1N J. w. DOUGLAS. Auditor. ANNA MARY HARMONY, By HER Evil friend Phillip Ludwig, VA. Mirloud garintiny. —ln the C ou rt of COIIIIIIOO Plena of Franklin County, Pa. Sub. in Disorre to October Term, 1t , t7l No 51. Alias Sub. to April Tenn, 1861, No. 17, Returned Slid, Habit Michael Harmony hereby 1110ted to be 1111,3 upponr bolore the Judgoi or our Court of rimen ph j a.., at Clunhersburg, in and for the County o Frnalslisi,' on the errand Monday of April, A, ft., 18th, to er rnattera charged against you in mild libel for diroreo marls-41 -- SAMUEL BRANDT Sheriff. AI.7DITOR'S NoTIC E.—The under _ signed Auditor appointed by the, Orphans' Court of Franklin . Penn., to distribute the balance in the hands ef Chrhaian Lesher, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Magdalena Street, late of Washingion township, deed, to and ttntunte the tepttet'S named is the said hh will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his °Mee, in the thorough of Chambersliarg, on Friday, the ith day Am - n. A. P., )5,65, when and where nll pn nbn , interen tot may attend I mar7:2.ltl '1'..1. ML.L. Auditor. Hagerstown licredd ropy aunt chargeßEPo,llollY. NARY CATHARINE WHITE, BY her next friend Franklin Huber, vs. Joseph White. —ln the Court of Compton Pleas of Franklin County, Pu. Soh. in Dirorre to Jmnutry Term, 184;5. No. N. Altars Sob, to April Tenn. 'Soil. No. 11. Return...l:Whit 11,,1.t. Joseph White .--You are hereby notified to be find fip• pear before the .I,velged of our Court of Common ark Clinmbersharg, m and for the county of I'rtinldia, on that iwonif Monday of April, A. D., ierla to answer may tyre charged against you in sithnibel for divorce., marelds-1t ,- SAMUEL IMANDT, Sheriff. KAIpRAIIriTp,BZIIERNEXi fr : ajcan p teges„iiipsmiihinth : (goad of Common Pleas for Franklin County, Pa. Alim Sub. in Divorce to January Term, 1865, No. 10. Port. Sub. No. 73, October Term, 1864. Returned Nall Hebei. Philip Smith t.--You are hereby notified to be stud up• pear before thu Judges of our Court of Common Pleas, at tiniunhendmrg, in and for the County of Franklin, on the ieeherl Monday of April, A. D., 1865, to answer the mat. tem charged againgt you in raid libel for divorce. nutrls-41 SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. V, 0 .. 4 =I BEI `~ ~ ~1~ iLegal fLotires. vs! Jacob Glass_ , , vs, J. C. R. Eckman. VS. John S. Cowan. . K. S. TAYLOR, Prutliy \ -... --A 7 lIM tqat I),ottreo. ► QHERIEF'S NOTICE OF TION.-4John Slander's Estate.—Z>. the heirs and legal representatives of saidideeemed. You are hereby notified that, to pursuance of a writ of inquisition. issuing sow or the ()gen. - ill Court of Franklin county, Pn_, and to me directed, 1 will-hold an Inquest on the Real Estate of which said decedent died seized. situate in Montgomery township, Cointy aforesaid, on the Bth day of April, A. D., 1805. at 10 oiotoek A, M., when and where you may at. tend if you think proper. • mart SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. I)IIINISTRA r TOR'S NOTICE.-No -11 tire is hereby giien that Letters of Administration with the still annexedrra the Estate of Jacob Welt late of Washing - Ma townerldit, deed, have been granted to the undersigned.: All penonai kthowing thenistdves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and, those having claims present them properly . authenticated far settlement. mania?. ; JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-No tiee is lereby given that Letters of AdminbMation on the Estate of Jaeoh Knatnan, late of Letterkenny ship. deed have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knoninithemselves Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims prevent them property athenticated for settlement , , JOHN B. KAUFMAN, t mareld.s JACOB 3.4 KALTMAN, 5 - E'CIITORS' NOT I C E.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Wm: Van Dyke, late of Montgomery township, deed. have peen grantbd to the undersigned. . —,A.' persons indebted to saki Estate are requested to trutke immediate payment. and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement JOHN . PATTERSON, j tmar:: WILLIAM 80113, - $ 'E.'. r DISSOLUTION 0 F C 0-PA_RTNER SHIP.—Nchice ishereby given that the copartner. ship heretofore existing under the style of Shaffer & Stuart, fn tic Grocery business, was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist instant. The business will be carried on by Mr. Jaclut SHAFFER, in. whose hand* the books have born placed for collection. JACOB SHAFFER, inarch2`24 „ , - ,JOHN .13.STILART., Ural. Gotate ,Satro. A FIRS:I' R A T MILL PROPERTY - F 0 R S • A L E, Situate near Burnt Cabins, FtiWm - County, Pcnnsy/rania. This Mill liar, done a large amount of business for a long tinic,`nrl It in a rich seltletnent of country. It was baitt in 11 , 44, and hos recently been fully repaired. Also. a hap.. , 'FRAME DWELLING- HOUSE, A S A W 311 L L, togetherNvith a S3IA L L FA R M of fk) AertEs, on n hid Mere it erected a small Barn and Tenant House. Thertlllll, also on the ptembses an Oroh• and of some two hundred tine Fruit Trees, good Water, 6.e. This property 55 on the mute of the late surveys of on expected Railroad, 'which doubtless will pass through the neighborhood in a short time. Terms will be made knotrwby the subscriber, residing on the premises. tiato33moid Pi DUBS. ÜBLIC SALE.—By virtue of au order of the OXplian's Court of Franklin Comity, Penna., the undersigned will expose to Public Sale, on the prem. isot in the Borough of Chnmberaburr ore Thursdny the nth day of April, A. D., 1165, the following described Real Foote, bounded by Main Street on the East, by an alley ou the West, by another alloy ou the North and by lot of John Smith on the South, having thereon erected a too story BRICK IICUSI3, with frame attachments suit able for dwelltngs, which wilf be tot sepemtely. Pos session \ given immediately. Terms made on the Any of the • Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 151. CATHARINE HARTLINE. martli!-;It • Adm'x of John Massey, deed. ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK YARD.—The undersigned, Administrator, tarei. at Public Sale, an Thursday, the alith. day of ,Ifdrolt, 1911, on the premieres, all that LOT OF GROUND, lit note in Borough of Chatubcrsburg, bounded by lands of - -William G. Reed, Bon. George Chambers and the Fal ling Spriug, vent/lining Five Acres and twenty-three Per ches. 'rho Brick Yards Sheds, , will be sold with the lot. Sale to confluence at 1 o'clect,-F, DI-„when terms will be nettle knee n by NVlLLrilif WALLACE, Inurrs-31 Aduirs of Nelson Watunnaker, deed. CIOT'FA:6-E FOR SALE.—WiII bo sold nt 'Private Sale, one of the NCI,. White Cottagesbuilt by A. K. kleelnre. situate no the Carlisle turnpike, in Chninber.ling. -Possession sr 111 be given let of April next ~fchl-uJ Apply to AIeCLU.KiI & STO SFR. Vrrzonal. Viopertg fAtro. volt SALE.—A good STEAM ENGINE, nix hone power, in good condition. Can be seen by calling at T. B. Wotxre Foundiy. sele.)l -tt JACOB GARNER. VOlt SALE,—A Four-Year SCHOLAR I - SHIP IN DICKINSON COLLEGE, Carlisle, Pa. Apply at taullEi•OsrlOßY Office.. marehl. S'ALE.—A fill course Scholarship in the Quaker City Business College of PhlladelplAn. Apply at this office. NV AN Re3b E i,, D, C..A., nsserin T' PEscary t.R 111wn 21N,Llity, forik the Nurse and Spy, the most interesting =derailing book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in be Union army as Nurse, Scout and Spy, giving a mad sis Id inner picture of the war. We have Agents elearing 8150 per mouth, which we will prove to any doubting app-. pileant. Seed for cireulars. Address "JONES, BROS. le. CO., 600 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa." timarit.it voL, 72 .—WIKE ►Q. ;699* 3LEZTQrt== - -= _ - -=_. EOM By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the un dersigned has assumed the General Subscriptions Agency for the sale of United State Treasury Netes,bearrn' g sev en and three tenths per cent. interest, per annum, known as the ' • - " SEVEN-TEURTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, 1864, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into GOLD-BEARING BONDS These bonds are now worth apremiam of nine per cent.; including gold Interest from Nov., which makes the adz. an the 7.30 loan, alcurrent rates, including inter est, about ten per cent per annum,. besides its exemption from Stare and municipal taxation, which adds from one to arm per cent. more, acotading to the rate levied on oth ar property. The interest is payable semiannually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker.- Tile interest ntnonnts to On CENT PER RAT ON A $5O NOTE. - Two cvas " " " $ l6O TEN " " " " SSW " " $10(0 " " " " " " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly famisbed. upon receipt of subscriptions. This is now offered by the Government, and it 3s confidently ex peeled that Its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TEEE PEOPLE. Less than 5200,000,000 remain unsold, which will prob ably be disposed of - within the next 60 or 90 days, when the notes will Undoubtedly command a premium, Is has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptionfto other Loam. In order that citizens of every town and sealon of the country maybe alfcmied facilities for taking the loan, the National Batiks, State Banks,and Private Bankers through out the country have generally ' agreed to receive cab• scriptioits at par, gubscribeisuill select their own agents, In whom they have confidence, and wheezily are to be res• ponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they re ceive orders. cIAT. COOKE,. Subscription Agent, Pbiladelphia Subscriptions wilt be received, by the National Bank of Charnbersbn4. , marcbl•2m , o L E cK y re W AN Tspectfully rnE .I)nest ; — u BRAN t p wia & g themselves Indebted to them by notes or persons s aoconnts to call and Make immediate settlement. The necessity of Ode notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in debted will report at once. - •• - . ange44f, COUNTY TREASURER.—MAJ, Joan Hamm; offers himself as a candidate for the once of County Treason; subject to the decision of the Union , IConlinating Convention. St TUGuss, March 29. 1865, _ COUNTY TREASURED.—At the Solle itationotantmtiev of my VW:1411.4 . autumn°. niy self ft candidate for the Office of County Treasurer, sub. Jet to the decision of the Union Nominating County Convention [QuEi c y , m arc hir2,J Vat FLAGIX. TREASURER.—SamueI F.-Grtpeaftwalt offers himself as a Candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subJect to the decision of the Union liomifla• tin. Convention. - CHAStar-IlantraG„Marh 15. Lt HERIF F ALT Y:—Eneottraged by a number of my Mends. I offer myself as a Candidate for the ( moo of Sheri 4 subject to the doision of the 'Union Nominating County Convention. DAVID EBY. HAMMON Towson'', Mardi 29" VRIFYALTY.—I offer myself US a didote for the ofker of Sheriff of I'maklitt oottaty, subject to the olecisSon of the Union Nominating Carmen. tion. THOMAS MAME. i)tEncEmounG , Pa., March 1865. HERIFT ALT . ! .—Encouraged by a number of my friends, / offer myself as a candidata kg. the oace of Sheriff, subject to the iteeisiori of thg litdon Nominating County Convention. D. LL LEISTIMM. - Citanaignantatn, March 15. SHERIFFALTY.--Capt..7llo. of Chambersburg, trillbe a eattahlate for the Oka of Sheriff, subjeot to the decision of the Union liominatiug contit,yeormention, ' marehls. W. F s . Tgui r- AtrI T 6AI3 B RFT4t B , R °. And Dolma la all kinds of E A-RN /3; G 2,14. P L EKE TB, mars -:um] East Queea st,Chambersbotrg, Pa. JOl3 PRINTING, in every style, done lry at the Offize of dm pRANIELPN REPOSITORY. =I I a . . : • : - ••••••• r • ,financial. 7- 3 0 L 0 A N! 11. S. 5.2) SIX PER CENT. THE ONLY LOAN IN-MARKET granbiliates' (garbs. - c frintlia tositoq. LET as BEARE Two REST'OF U.. Life if bat a fleetrwidiWWw, , Oftw Cfstfors the west of ; - Swift it efiderth Me a l‘tmil.t:D— Artwd Yea =lathe - best ofitl TalleaoS of iota - weary woes, Tronbles, at the rest atit; ' Uwe have laM . taied moss,' Let as tru4v, the best &it I If your friend bas got a heart, ' There Is camel - I:4 fine in hisn ; Cast away bin dart* Park - - Can to wbat's divine inlikn. Friendship is our best relief' Make no baritlessjeg of it: It wipleieden every grief, Ifwe 'snake thibest of It! Happiness despises state: no sage ,txpetizooal, 8141 y that the:wise and great • May have joy and nvinimeit Rank is not itsspell refined— , Money's not the test of It, • Bat a eabn contented - That vat make the beet of It. Trusting in the Power above, Widely anstaloing all of as ivilineoovalnon bond of love, . . B3ndeih great, and Jana of no Whatsoever may befall -Somas oe the vial of It— We shall overcome them all, we .P*S. I .I I P I 1r OI'INIONOFTHS WAR. F.nrgpxs =— l s'pose_l hers° mach rite to say something as some older men who pays bis taxes ark: stinks up by the constitution. I g(l4 in for de Union altogeder, and don't haf -noffing-to 'do mi tem old Copperheada dat gore around bum bugeng de peeples. Retie' not my styks..,-0 ne I tells you vot dci. Von disk war begins to broke out, ..1.,ca1b3 my son 'Shine: "Come here, yea Shorge,"..l sex. Re-Combed. "Shor.ge "yen you MS a little pay I gives You de name, of ShergeiVoshington because be wasra goad -Man vat fites suit A/13 country. Now, herkish annad der mos pegun between Uncle Sam and some more old - makes, and - I vent you to put your win actom year pack and denshoulderyonr knapsack, and -0 and fite tee:. and be so goat a".taers as be van." Veil, off be goes and bretty soon dey makes him a gorporal and no* he titesi a letter on'ine and sez ke lief a good chance to.pe raadiaOptain so soon as his turn gomes. My Slime is no gowart. Itell yet( be,vil rite s° as to tuyie, I see him lick a poy more as half aibigailamself. Vet, yen be goes mit de,sogers I tell Ifeihall rite home on.me and let me -bow vat, lie does, and how many patties dey fite, and how many reliebi del don't kill andlow many rebels kill deli and how many men de rebels haf t and vat de,Sheaer els are spout, and vat de goperals ish spout, and vat Shoff Davis ish spout, and all'aponteferyting. Of gorse, I reads some of dose tinge Or de bapers, but dey is all lies. • I peeves not more dogs from the whole of dem, I see them make it all up ,down in der teller. I tink dey do not know more about it as I do.. • , - hfy Shorge is dere rite on de shpot, and sees it mit his own eyes; dat id; better, ash Wm Ma. cellar; and if he rites some tinge !share its shear, ' Veil py and py hc-writes me a letter. "My dear (adder," he sez, "I got nothing to eat."— All rite. send him a pox so pig - ms a parn; mit sourkrout and poloimies, and bretrels and lase, and all vat ish goat Veil, breety samba writes another letter'." My dear fodder," he sez, " I hef no clothes.'" All rite: , I tells my old woman, and she sent him shirts and stockins auddrawers; and baPer - callers more ash two men could Yell, I vast, a letter comes. "My dear adder," he sez " I haf no money." Dish is all de news I got from him so fur: Ikm see how flogs go on bratty yell myself, and I talk you how I link dis war .1811 - managed. Some feller shumpa up and yards to be a SheteiraL rite! , Yell, Ala ghat round ,to his friend—Congressman, contractors and under thieves, and sez, 'I goes' mks' a Shen, eral.7. All rite! Vero well. ''"Now- you, must shpieak to Olt Abe, and tell - him. vat J.:Tad/Or-- All rite again ; and dea - dey goes to. ,colt Abe and sea, " Olt Abe, here tisk a linty allittatVialta; 'and you shtillmake hinifini a ShetteraL , #.l.lofirtore Shenerals es I knows vat - to- do wit," I'm Olt Abe. "Never Mind"' &SY son, " dish" ,feller iith shtnarter dan all of dem ;" and der bodder isnd bodder, .014 Atoilusaer, :‘A.Gcs to deluyvel and make him-a Sbeneral." All rite again, Pep, so soon as he gits to pe a Sheneral, he phi" Olfenine new clothes, wit a kuppel pounds of Wags on de alionMeni; and gita some more feilatli Ai* new clothes and gSdhled brass, dem ish de-410ff —and fey ride all down togedder, arid takes din. mans of de army. Den, its deneztting bide MR has to pack up dere tinge, and off dey goes. .Yell, dey marshes till fey come to' plans sere dere is plenty of whiskey- and den the , Sheneralici, "Halt! I links We sthop here; disk ish, a good position." So dey sthop dere till the whiskey is , gene, and so dey-keeps a bobbin round, tMpy and py (ley comes near de enemy. Veil, as soon as de Shernal hears dat he sends out some ten to see Tare day ish and - how Many dare ish of 'ern. So one man goes a little tv and comes pack, and sea dare a about a hundred ton sand; den asunder goes a Eddie .nearer and sees spout fifty tonsand ; and maunder goes near on dem and see)) awynsick tom:and; den van day, all comes pa ale Sheneral comas up all togedder 'vat fey bar seen, and if de whisky is nearly gone, he Res; "De enemy lab in grate force—l dMk we change onr base." But if de whisky. lab bratty blenty he sea : "Go long! ye lick (less lbw rascals all to bleces !":arid. den he prings his Bogert; shin one piliMultella dem, ." Come along my NY's! ye gifis dem rebels lead t" and dam -he pets some wit dere pig guns on a bill, and orders dem to fire off like do myth' !--and - dey fire offhand, all arnong de trees:, Veil, bresently de rebels hettr.de noise, and dey come up and fi re off- bang,:hang !. too; and ven de Sheneral sees de smoke; he says; ",Pot's, go in done I" and dey go In dere too. Den de rebels come around de, corner, and if dere isit enny more payw left dey go in dere, and so dey go on fighting tilt it OM- dark; and:if - day lick'de rebels dey call it victory, and if de rebels fish dem' dey call it sthrategy.. , But if de rebels,fithilefre gittin licked. fey sends mita man - vita little Bag, and he hollera;." Sthop t I ratite te-see, your- Shenertd, and he speaks unit him, timEgives him Sheff Davis'a..gompliments and he hopes -he ish yell, and his madder ish vell, and hisgrandmadder ish veil, and all de udder family, and asks him if he peso good as to sthop fitin' a little till he pu -riee some ted men, den dey go 013 agin. Und den de Sbeneral sea', "O, yes."' end fey takes a trial' all round, and he sends his gompliments to Shell' Davis and his mudder, and his grandmudder, and de rest of dein; and py and py de rebels leaves der dead used to pray' demselvea, and goes °nue his pack; had paggage, and army, , ,and all be can if tea - Den de Sheneral rites home a long letter , on Olt,Abe, undoes ve lick de rebels shut no*,. and cuts dem all to pieces, and takes do udders for-prisoners. But if dey don't lick de rebels he sea, " Yesterday de enemy come in front of me, about twomillions more as Isms; I Ste mit him, and drive him away, and now Igo off and git be. hint him, and lick him so as he never vas !" And so he goes and gits a goot vays betint loin in de front_ Veil, now I sthop. I haf dell vat I links about war, and braps I am so much rite as udder deeples. GoTLIEB KLOBCXEROES. PRINyERS AM Doc ORS.—An Eastern paper. very justly comments on newspaper and medical credits : ___. "It is a notorious fact that doctor's bills ana newspaper bills are the last accounts in the sum of almost - every man's indebtedness which he thinks of paying.. Whatever may be his ability t o pay, ootheerence if his chest be filled with Old rusty dolla rs, he thinks some indefinite time will do to settle the aforesaid acconnts. People some how have a traditionary notion that the practice of a physician and the publishins of newspapers are mere ameteiir profession s , co o wedfor amuse meat's sake, and for the "cost of which little or nothing is expected. Yet there L.; net in the whole round of business, as far as we know, a more ex pensive employment than that of a newspaper." IF. you 80e half a dozen faults in a woman, you may rest assured she has, a half dozen virtues, to cOunterlialance them. We love your faulty women, and fear your faultless women. , When you sea what is termed a faultless women, dread he r a s y ou would a beautiful snake. The bower Of concealing the defects which she must have, is, of it se lf a serious vice. THAT was au excellentreply of Tonnes when he_had cut a customer on the chin. Tenhot knielt of whiakey, and the customer inaignantll said, "That horrid drink !" "Yea, air," said Tonaor, "it does make aOme.facea dreadful tender." A WAG kill told that an, acqUaintance Wok =tea t exclaimed, 4 , Tam gladto.beerit,!' But reflecting a moment be added, in a tone of com passion and forgetfulness, " and yet I don't know why I should be—be never did me any harm." • RI E