*nourante. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE Ant' TRUST - CO., Ciener Fourth and Walnut &aids; T A .b nadelldtlit. Inoarpore. aced 1850. Charter Perpettai, "'Ad espital, ssocooo. Paid-Up Capital, $250,000. Feb. 4 ISM The TiUstees have this dap d ade Iphia, eclared a Dividend O:t FIFTY FER CENT, on all p2¢mluma roodved upon MU SUAI.POLICIDS riming the year ending December 21st, lS$3, and In force at thee date. the mine amount to be predited to cold Macs, end bone alsor d ere d the diet dead of 1.880 on Policies issued de , rir that }'car to be paid, as the annual premiums o e ee fOt Poling, are re- OFFICERS. Pnraident—AlezanderWhilldim Secretary end near - um—John S. Willem. .deducey—John C. Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alesander Whißriin , J. Ed4r Thomson. George Nugent. Roy Jamey Pollock JOhott.g. Roberto, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Weds, Wllliata J. Howard Ron. Joseph Allison, Sanspel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charlea F.. lienzlitt, Isaac Mleharst. Ulu G. REED, Cha b the awhorized rn eis urg„ Agrpt of the American We Insurance and Thud Cory puny, and is always prepared to furniA pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. Dite. J. C. IticaAtans and W. H. llonE, Mediae! a - cmintro. REFERENCES—Ron. A. IC. nrClare, Res. 3.3. etas. 3. B. Nixon, Charnbersbarg, and , Wm. 31. Marshall, Cashier of the Dagerstanva Bank. Persons desiring information or visiting to insane icif please call on, or by addressing the undersig - oed. they will be waited on in any part of the Couhty or State. • mnfM W. G. REED, Agent. I'B2 9 CHARTER PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN EIRE INSURANCE COLT. PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. MALTS On January 1, 1864 tA?ITAL ACCEPTED SCEPLTIP. INVESTED PESMIX9 U1"171331) CLAM, 7.6 COME POU .le6l 0,416. 93,000,000. Loam Ram Eimcs IRZ9 0,010,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON • LIBERAL TERMS! _" • - DIRECTORS: Charles N. Banker, Laze Lee, - - Tobias Wagner,' ' Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant,, - - C-eo. Fales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Filler, •george W. Richards, Fr as. W. Lewis, 3L D. !- - . CHARLES li. BANCXER, Pro.laali- EDWARD C. DALE, Vie, President. 'Mi . ' ' , W. WALLMTEP., Sec); pre. tem. - DAV/15 - OAKS is the authorized Ag'eat of the COM• pa:ly in Chanibersburg, who edit funiilk all itligination neeeNtaisllo applicants. nnu23-tr. - INK:TRANCE COMPANY OF JL AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. CAPIT,AL esoo;000. Ottice 11,T2 Walnut Street, Phila. Tbsprompt payment of Cluizns for Losses during the period of yearly Seventy years that the Company has been in existence entitleq them to the confidence of the - public." • - This company will also insure against lose by WAR ,or INVASION. • • ' • '- PeTIKIII3 wishing to insure will please mill on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chambetaborg. As AgentSar-tkls Company, prepared to Cancel ell Perpetual air -well as Term policies coveting property destroyed by the Rebels on thelliklibf Xtily, returning the Lull premlom paid on application at My tiEcix • • , • .. W. G. REED, Agent. ItziiNKVIS. D. Grier, - A AVM', Enter, Esq., Major J. C. ASsitin, Cot. A. E. &Velure. febB (n AGENT.—Mr. Jou - N GROVE, of Cltumberabpv, la we Gotry*Agettol tine „Eptuk• lin County Mutual Insurance Company. June) ittuoird. it,IASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. MELODEONS were introduced some twenty yeats sinee, and were eueeeeded by the HANMODOVMSnbobt ulna years ago. The CABLNET ORGAN wen brought ltd precept state of perfeettee only in the etunmer of THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL , • has great advantages over any other invention of the kind, is capable of saucy finer effects than can bo produhed by any other, and is snore easily used by the p.n-jbrma., and excels especially In capacity for erpression. SaP Please notice advance in prices. CABINET ORGANS.--80IGLY. So. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, In Walnut or Oak Case /1110 No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 135 No. 17. Mee Octave, Single Reed, In Walnut or Oak Case. 1:10 No: 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood 100 • DoutuZREED, No. 19. Pour Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. -- 140 Na 29. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 165 No. - 21. Five Octavo, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. - • . 170 No. 2.2. The Same, in elegant Rosewood 200 The Same, 103 solid Carved Walnut or Oak, with Walnut Carvings. 200 SIX STOP. tin 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Cak Ca5e.,..., 1300 13 Theßsuire, in elegant Rosewood Case 360 BIGOT STOP. No. 12. Eliat Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Casey 425 No. 11. The Same, In elegant Rosewood Case 500 No. 24. The Same, le Solid Carved Walnut. 100 PEDAL B.tss. No. 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case. 600 Cases of =yes _kaiak en head, or made to order. • MELODEONS. No. 5. rive Octave, Piano Style, Rosewood Care...slso No. 6, The Same, Portable, Rosewood Case. ...... . 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case 95 No. 9. Pout Octave, Portable. Rosewood Case..- 75 Dediiptive pamphlets furnished by theshbecrl. her. As Agents for Messrs. Meson & Hamlin we are enabled to sell at the4r Now York pnices, and charge nothing for freight. . o- We havdaold a nutaber of their hatruments, and eau "rite numerous satisfactory references. S. S. SILRFOCX Agent Chtehlkirs - littre Pa " CM elotbing. VEW.QUARTgKS AND NEW STOCK 11 , THE OLD CLOTHING EMPORIUM, LY ma MAPK - r HO L'aE, , Chamba 01 , , Pa. The undersigned, after a t. nip ,wary absence temositated by the desfruction of Chambetsburg, has again returned sod opened ant in full blast in the Market UMW] between Vgglaoe's Dry Good store and Huber & Len:taster's Gro• eery store, a largo assortment of - FALL AND VINTER GOODS, of:every description and q ty. uali This stock consists of Ready Made Clothing such as Over Costs. Drew/ Coats, Pants„ Vests, tinder Shirts, Drawers, &c., also GENTLEMEN'S' PcaNssta:o- GOODS, each as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, 04. tars. Umbrellas, Bm, &c. His stock of Cloths for customer Werk . consists of French, English and Domestic mannfricture., Black Doe Skin and Fancy Casein/en, Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vesting; will be made up to order is styles to snit the taste of cuomers, on short notice, and reasonable terms. ' HaWng timed a practical Cabe ten= ib4 East, X tun prepared to famish clothing 5.4 the CLo.32fashionablestyles, and as none but experlenewl workmen are engaged per. none may rely upon getting Tholr work, web doze at my Store. ' Thankful for tho patronage thretofore herb:med., Ire spectrally solicit a continuance of the carc.rt octla - • •'' f' • Ergo, Plants anti Vim. RYDER'S FRAKLIN COIJNTY N NIIRSERIES.-Fittn ANT , 010;4117STAL TEEM GRAPE. Vflige, Broxignehes PL Noe, ETC—The largest stock to select from in the county. Everything In the FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that Is at all deelmbto mm be supplied from the commonest standard Fruit Tree, to the rarest and most choice native or foreign speelei or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees are unusually tine, stout heavy trunks, famished with fine branching heads, from three to five feet from the /nuked, la may be desired. i i Oar ainwir, to grow the ha=t of every thing, pruning andThultivating upon relential principle*, ronseqam - tly, our productions are not offered in emoted.- ..on with Trees grown nron the old let-alone system. Ah invitation is eitsraded to alrivho are interested-fa fruit cut mre, to come And see fur themselves. - , A large stook of Greenhouse , Lind Bedding. th ts, Rises, &e., in pots, will he ready iu Apnl cod May. }la ctose a three tent stomp for descriptive Catalogue off rrat :Lod Ornament bow, ,foe. . Address B. L. RYDER, Rut Franklin Nuitierier, Near LouLlna, YrunkrineA; am: le-tf ccrEAfti TO ANI) FROM THE OLD corNTßy.—The ate l kncrcra ftrsorite Chyde•BnYlE Lou Steamers of the AVCIIOIt I„LNE, of Stun -whips, ' "CALEDONIA," ''BRITAN'NfA".itad 'UNITED XINGOOII, - •..mecroadca to at fortaigttly to * aud from New York, carrying pamougom to and from Lierrpmg. Otaxgow, Ildfost, Dublin, Watarfoid, Cork, Lin. frick, Golr..vy or Londonderry. These steatuert were built spec!ally for the Atluutic trade, are divided iota 113- tor nod air-tight comFartmente. RATES- OF PASSAGE. From Tess York to any of the Thoyo I,ltoes Cabiar, bl~ll and 4:00; rternige, p.iyable in Aruericzzi cur- 14, New York from a:3y of the abvx places: Cabins; iso; ,t,r,ge, 1p26, payable• to gold or evjvaleist ia Awe Jean currzay. hose who,m4h, to send for : fite# friend; cza buy tie: at those rates from the Agents. FRANCIS MACDONALD & CO:, C, Rossllng Greets, Now Verb; jarkllAmos VOTICE 'TO MILLERS AND -MAN FACTURERS. The amb.migned. haring been en for a number of yoara in the talsitiess of 1111:Thin.::a. IlLotatitiG, HAW, ,1,17) pArr. rrpared, with a *gala . Cilir of practical eorMnar., tv; all.tiorti in his one embraemx •,,# and modern improveinerar. r MILL MACHINERY of every dercription faint:7ll;d toi .crier. Coat Iron Hulimerimd Water Wheels, Bolting (Joao, Mill Itura fornltbed id than Contracts-taken to famish all material it desired,. Alt orders address to Hercersharz Franklin conuiy, Pa, till receive prompt attention. [41,1-3ml H. HAY/3. W.ll. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF AJF FICE ea Second Ntreet, Kama South - at. the Market Wage over btttti oll'e 13120 e km , attel TPRINTING in every style dace a Iv the oftno of*. rpArstr , RrenFrrnin, ig..A.4 Enatebeti ant 3elntlnj. 0 DEIMEB _ i 1 &CO suEIyELERS, 303 ISHOLWAY, NEST TbuK. (COBI'BII DI:An Errnier.) 10 0 , 0 0 (') WSTCHE.S , 'CHAINS; GOLD PENS AN D • Sze, OR i , 13 $506:,00M TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACE, WTTHOEPT REGARD TO VALUE., dad itot ee be paid uttil ra know chat Yon uitt reaire: SRLENDIE LIST OP ARTICLES • ALL TO BE .od , FOR ONE DOLLAR FACII 1 100 Gold licattfag Cates - IVatchet each .1. 1 100 Ott 100 Gold Watches Y 60 00 200 Ladles' Watches.,.- 35 (10 50U fiTt:r Wstebes 415 00 to etti 00 600 C o ld sad Vest Chaim!, UN) to 15 00 10t0C1dteloat and Guard Chainsoll 10 ( x) Vest end tisck. 4 06 to le 00 4t - e),1230.11-11re,Jet and; old Brooches— 400 to .1 00 .tuw Coml. /Ana, Garnet, Eat, lirwlte.. 3po to 800 760) slokl, Jet, Optl, Sw, Euc Drops... 300 to 800 6000 Gents' Brest and Sold 300 to BGO (1300 Oval Band Bracelets 3co to Bco 2000 Chased Bracelets 500 to 10 00 3500 California Diamond Pins anal:Buss. 190 to 800 2000 Gold Watch Reps 250 to 600 5000 Solitaire Sleeve:Buttons and Studs. 200 to 500 3000 Gold Thimbles 4'oo to - 6.00 5000 Miniature Lockets 200 to 700 3COO Miniature lockets, Magic 4 00 M. - , - . 9 00 :1500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, &c 2oa to 600 3000 rob andßibbati Slides 2OD to 500 V 2,457,849 !,,,5 V 00,00) 9'71,000 1,C66,4S 5900 Cboxe. Gold Wogs a f! CO to 500 4000••znet Ketßlogs • 0. 00 to 600 6500 fiats Jetrelt3--,-. Jet & Gold •500 to 25 00 6000 Mats Ladled' Jeirelry.—mrina 11l le: 3 IXJ .13 00 8110 Gold Peed - Bilver Casa and Pencil 403 W 000 4000 Gold Peuello, O)ony Golder &C.n.R. .4ioo to JO 4)0 6900 Gold Pe . us, Alountvd All the goods is the above List a 111 be sohl, without re .servaticr, tar ONE DOLLATt EACH. Certincutei"ur the various artlales are phieri h. Alai envelvel and mired. These envetores will be rent livered at our oftee, 'without regaztl to choice. On receir log 3 Certilliate, you will see artir3e it reprex•nts, and it Is optional with you - to viol ono dollar, nuil receive the article =reed, or ary other iu the 11d cf vame value. By ih. riodege gi* e oeleotioni from s azied 9:otk of flue yo ocis, atthe'kentiaake and !Myra stylen, and of in• trinslc worth; nt atithnind price, while all hove u vbarce of 4ecusing artieles of the very hlglati vdicte. In el) trtuwegoz , by mall we chance furtvardimr the Certificate, payinF pt , iage, and &Aug' thibuiltcsi, cents ma- Fire eatintetvz trill be sent for 81: Elreci for $3 ; far f ; 5; 8:22y -five SID; ai d One Haltered Pr 315. ai4ISONS WHY urply Tour wrarut ; our ure 111,11:- passed ; our work dominated excellence ; our promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us near the moot mratfa Ors goode are nay from the manufacturer, and of the latest and mot deeirable stylet. The goods mart b 9 sold, arid the terms are tmequalleci— .All articles ordered are forwarded bi - ketarn maiL We g - mtrantee entire Lai/faction in eVery hrtutre and if floe should be any person dise4fiafied with any article they-may receive they will immediately rotutit it, and 'the price will he refunded. AGM - S.—We allow thane acting as Agnate Ten Cents on each Cortine4te eindered, provided their ',military,. amount to One Etollar. They v.-.4lcolleetai oats for every Certireate, ard. re taming 11/ co,t4 rercit u 3 15 cents for eaell. Arta, s raLrehl-3sz IATATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c Having:3nd opened a 'sell selected asiurtnient of gads in my line, - directly Oppc'the Post Oifiee. on Second Street, where my old and I Lope many new customers will Ectl me daring business barns. My old stock Living LT.'S! re duced very suddenly es the •..:1,51.1 of July I,t , t, I ',ens com pelled to Las, an • 4 • ntire New Stock of Goods, _ it are of the latest etylenand patteres;co n eisci, Gold and Si] vex, (Imported and American) Gent's and Lail, Wa•che. Jewelry of due. and a edium antditles, Silt er ThiMbles Napkin; Mugs, Prrit anti littler 1111:voi Coll Pens of floe quailti, Pocket Cutlery Romrs, Stropo and Silver Plated Sperms, For:F . and Bee,: N:rth.•/- Se:t Geode, ; • rocket Books, Ladies' Parses, Nall and Tooth Brushes, Redding and Pocket Combs, Lend Pencils, • Morocco Satchels, - Large and Small Willow Baskets, MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS, - Flutes, i Fifes, }anjos, Tonibodues, Accordeons, Flutings, Ste_ Thu assortment of CLOCKS is large and of every va• /have on hand the HENRY REPEATING RIFLE, which can be flied fifteen /Una' in that many seconds. Everybody shoild have one for self defence. The public are invited te - enll and examine them. • PISTOL» on hand and Orders filled for nay kind that may De wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on band. PrOm long experience I can adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as Well as utiddloved. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Sliver and Steel Frames al ways on hand. ; Having the agency far the sale of the celebrated BUR GLAR AND FIIitI,PRIN)F SAFE. matufaettged by Herring will fill orders at the !malefic. tures price, All infeinhatlon In regard to them given. The public are invited to call and examine the atori,. Watches. Clot:lts and Jewelry repaired at low rates to Snit the times. decl& EDWARD AUG lIINBAUGH. HOIJDEN, INVITES THE AT -1,124 teutital , ery reveler of Vans lupus, wtviels ineludvs many thuusand old patrons and unriumnumeisc, ibis unusually large ane Iseuutiful variety of AMERICAN & Impurted WATCHES CLOC6I4, and f,legAut 11,, , -or JEWELIIY, kr. 7 - 1 - 101;DEN, y 70e Musket Stria; WlnclUlphitt. Moots anb *tationerg, ITIHE OLD BOOK STAND OP S. S. BIIRYOCIE, Awl been remot ed to the naw:tralldlDg -oppostto the PCST OrvicE, where a full usmstmeit of SCHOOL AND MISCELLAN2OI.7)II3OOIO3, BTiTIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH 1 - tiaftl:kiS - , ETC - Cal be bade exceedingly E.AiW Priam '• ALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, u Lap and new stock. Pulichdd'a Cielutme.tod Gold Pent, fully warranted. Orders taken for goods, whicb will be Exyrefged in t2w , libortert porOblii time. Tl,e N We,. and Pliilwielphin Papers noceivorl daily, Gar I.PI . kIV fillbScriptitaL3 will be taken. Put* Claw Noven , bingualnes and Perinatal*, received ea 310011 ISA j Ulaii,ilOti. We can an Pleenzraph Albums cheaper then they me be heel HiMl, here. Minic rent freil of portage to any part of the county. -Gilt NVorst.!in and Fancy oimh.‘ comountly te) hand_ OM' 1111,1 VI:III , 3CM are stair that wit uan tupply ar,y dets satisfactorily and with dispatch. Mit. J. K. guns OCK, is row located in Nen York, whir ,anablek im to inatertuke the mitre complex coirmonions Old Books of particular editions divas 'or style, hout.l op at a reaticnahic commission, - - - fnrn3f•- UrHOLESALE AND RETAIL! ; ROPES et TWINI.7i. - undo:silo:led flaring purebased thoentfro Stock end Fixtures of tho Rope and Twine Manufactory of T. P. Grey, droit , ropectfully announces to her fr.rods, and tLo !armor I'arone of axe eextblishatent:thit, tho will COI:04GO to carry on ThobusinOss, in all ib various brtlirAn9, THE OLD f3TANI>, • On nil:Alin stiset, Chatnbandtrit,"wthere she will !.:pleas. 'oci to renetve fits calls and orders of tho Ali saes, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES. &C., s a lm is topt on band or made to order of the best miternd, and ft• Diced at reasonable prices _ln connection with the Above bane", ebs Is also prepared to manufacture RUSK, AND OTHER • • 1 MATTRASSE4, as w ill ea Heise Blankets and - Mylieta of surtior goal 10 sad itylo., Pare ms,iti Ant ottaperior Srtales in the 6 0 , 0 Bus are repeated to call. °timid their s TRAIN, I,:avP4 Baltimore i cto:! 'except Sand.Ars) at.. ! 7:30 P.3L . , -ore+ Etarri.burg clads - (ex ,pl.l z•nnaa ~) Lt 12::I5 .k.bL .v"4 -. ,.1. at SIII*III_, !A. . .... t 3:2:. A.M. Il %, p, , ,tiz...its7ltt 1. AGeIniIIO3IAYION I.fr.irri ; Baltimore di..llneX.NioadSy . 3:9.1 . 0 PZI. nrtires at littrti;harr at. 7:50 P.M. S XIII, It? 12 comi ()I).t /lON 3r..vrd4 Bar. j ri.hurg daily (at. Sunday) 4:00 The Erie I:Zarr44 and l'hilade r iptda Express aiethrough train', 10 ant. Ind" aad Un inter.lll , lllBlo poihts. ?Mail awl Expr.,. Irvin% Illto 1/11,616110 Ellatra. Ftr .tp . .:y at the ()dive, it Pe'allFyt. San t & Itadrd.td I J. D. DcRAIJtY, Gen- Supt. lIIIIL.WELI'DIA AND ERIEI RAlL great hi, trarerxes the Noithent anti Nor - th west m, tietl oi Penh%) ivatat to the city of Erie, on L. ice Fri, ti hee beret leased Le tilt Pcrinsylviinia Sailiaad Coca. Ic , ny. ani is operticil b 3 di. In. it s s ,tire t•ng - 1 . “ ' operlod for leuieenger !Ina freight ().•.A.— 17:e, TGIF. Ib.AS'iIiNGER TRAINS AT IfAIRRISHUiIIi . LE.* Vt. E _ lfp,l Ili,von A4,n2miociat!on. ..... LEAVE 11 ESTIVA Train - ..... L.ck linnm A,',olrtnoiintion CJ - 4 thr.ath oti Dlail Trp.ia. withoul en - mg.: Nab ways bettrr,, Philadelphia :tad Erie, &Ili Bilititnori . Mid E.,:e Eloirant Skr-fire Car; on Mall Train both craps bettreon Inhic Haver.. and on Elmira Expreaa bob Cott Willta.n.port and llal mare. F.. al ~,,, rony.,ti aft Paso.ng , briAta.. apply at t`or 001 S•ree, And for Froitia brone , , Agent 3: \ Jr. 13th :and Mailvt SIN, Phila. .1 W. 12. - EIMIT Ds Err. N==IMMIN 11- , -1 - U - NIIIERLAND VALLEY 3: FRANK LIN IttlLßOADS.—citAtvai: OF HOURS— tat ater n•:01,, 31. lEr.4.,Passeagrnr Trains w:11 run chill, r c A/11 , 4113 (Stifidays excepted): FOR C/12,3t111 , 111 4 8URG HARRTSBCRG: Leave illigerateirn Greelleasile .1 Anrie at Cbanitretiburg 6.30 12:10 Leave Sbippeasbarg .. 9:00 1:24 • ,NewviPA ~ .. 94 . H 2:00 A.M. . ' ' Varlielli• 030 .10:10 2:46 ,Meellauivelairg ' 7:00 10:42 3:16 Arrive a; Harris::re' 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN : ..- - A.M. P.M.. P.M. Lexie IlloTislairg• . p.OO 1:40 4:15 " Meehauieabur t ; 6.47 2:20 - 4:50 " Car/1,14 9 97 2:50 .5:15 " Newville 10:02 -0:34 Sliippemburg 10:33 9:01 - Arrive at Cliambereburg 1. , •00 4:35 Leave CballAxmburg. 11:10 9:45 .... Greet rifle ........ '.. - —11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hagertawn 12.35 6.15 ' . . __ . . 'Making! emiti.N.tifilis tit Ilurrisburg with trhhis for Phi110(.10) . 4, Sec, York awl Pitt burg, and with Ming for nil rtAr.i6 Are St. TLo Train leaving . Harrisburg at 4:15 P. NS. rung only 138 far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Office, Cliamb'g, 0(1.51, 1E 1 64.1 ; GNI: .5, Iv, S. STENGER, ATTOR • KEYS AT LAW.—W. S. STENGER, District At• tome". and Agent fir procur:vg. Pensions, ',aunty 3faney and arrears of pay. Office in James Dlffield's dwelling, on the Wed aldo of Second Street, bef„"en Queen and Washington Streets.. ang24 CITUMBATIGH GEAR. ATTORNEYS k) oppohlte the Poet Office. Will at. tend promptly to all buemeee entrusted to their care. , B.—Autboriz• tt Agents for the collection of Penslone, Pttfity, Back Pay 4..,1 aii other claitostignast the prem. mew, sepl4 S EVEIIE'rT. Attorney at,L:Lw. ,T• °ate ott Market Street opposite th o Court .11,,e, formerly weopted Jer Cook. Liq. All le.tal hit coutitted to his care rpt,viVa prompt tote°. • , 110[1. trep74f. TMIIN STEWART, Ai - Tom:EY AT LAW Quire olt Set ,ond Str.nt, t',4 for* Sontli of flit , )I,.rket HOU3V. PENSIONB, In - d*.',ll - and otherclaims ) ,. o .oly collffdad— (ang.3l Tr 1 ' ll A N S. CLARKE, ATToIiNEV AT 11'i.,AW. Chuml - wrqalrg. Ofl (at the old Owe) on Street, neatly uppvdt , thq Coda. 1i0n5...1t,ep21.-dm TJ. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of 80. at hi. rea;.lPliCe ~n Serond strrot ortlQ - ?II 13. KENSEIIIt ATTORNEY_ AT LAW. Office on Market .trees.octltr ( C OUGII NO MORE! TRY STRIOELA,RI)'S 1 F L 0 1 . C 0 r; it B .1 L .4 .1I ! Dr, :, , rb . l:lanc.l's3lellitluou , Co , icril v , i - ruuted to roir, Coogt.4. cold, 11.,iNeur,I, W 11001141( Cougb, Sore 1 bruat, Col••uutittiuu..ini p al/ it7Fectioniol the ihmet ;Ind Imam. Fi r sal°. by H ehambeiAbiar. (bnaPral Dip 4,_No.ll . Eiot Fourth Sfri C in. is rl7i tits ‘i11 , 41,:1 1 111 ,, 1111 d rt-r.,u,irrpiad i l ll. hTINFKLANIY:, N'l'l C110111:11.4 IkIIXTFRE 00'.3 tin ri 1 ) , u. d DpeoterY. It ,41‘ . .1” A,r10g,14, Al,orbtr,t4 !butt, Carsn.w s, .• ..at ••-', e,l 1,4 vibt , t a can. after ,111 utberna•unr, truce 11.11b•ri, For talc oy C. 11, C re ,..l, q 21.uM1.ersbUrg. General D , pot, No h East Fourth strevt, ento•niunli, Olio: , QTRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY! Dr. Str,ekland's Pile Remedy has eared tbowandsof the worst eases of Bhnd and Blot-ding Filen. It gives lai mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it di reetly. ft in warrantrxl to cure. For lain hy C. H. Crean ler. Cluunbershurg. Genetul D,nput, f; East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. noe3o.ly D YSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEMIFY _ - - We can re,ommend those entering with loss of Appe tite, intlißeeltt n, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness and Nervous Debility to 000 StrieMand'sTonic.. ,it is a vegetable pre. par:llion freo from alcoholic liquo; It strengthens the a hole net, ous system, it ereatta a good appetite, and le ii•arranted to cure Dyspepsia, and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally. at St per battle. Pie. pared by Pr. A. Strickland, 6 East Fourth Street. Mein. ".6. Mar N. er•War. A went elnuathemTntrg Pit Lines - of EASTWASD: =MUI=I Gen. Freight Agent Philadelphia. IL W. OWINNER„ Gen. Ticket Agent. Philadelphfa. JOS. purrs. Gert. Manager. Williamsport. Rttotneps at -li.alrt. DR. STRICIaNDIS TONIC. Drugs anb tactician. D 1111 NI L'L}, R. NEW DRUG. STORE, o IsROWN'S tIOTEL, I= PURE 'DRUGS, CHEMICALS ENT MEDIC6TEE, KEROSENE OM, LAMPS, PERFUMERY West Ead of *owes: Rotel. es , RIP PLES.—Joiniston's Rheumatic compound, at NIXON'S. ; • QCRATCHE,* ATTENTION, ! L 7 and mez style Itch eared by - t • KsON^e3 OINTMENT. REBEL ITCH RAPIDLY CURED BY MICON'S TM NT. O_ROUND ITCH. YIELDS RAPIDLY NA to the curative power of NIXON'S OINTMEtit. "TOW IS THE TIME TO ,HAVE A supply of NIXON'S CATTLE. POWEER. for, aII kinds of titorl. 1:10 M. 1..1.1 P. H. VIXON'S DRUG - STORL JUST• half-wap between the Methodist ChurelipaielSellefer Hotel. name aide, Second Street A fell eteei: always on hand. 1:15 A. H. 1:40 P. It RUG S! DRUGS!! CRESSLER, successes . to HEUER & lies opened to hid new room, on Second street, oPIPo• fee the Poet errace, where every effint , win be made to ilmfaln the mitt-hi:ity the old establishoieot bed acquired A contitibation of the liberal patropage which the firm re eel% ed is 1..,,tfu11y solicited. A fior rock of tows, Chemical's. and Patent Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable assortment of Perfumery, Save, Pocket Books, Bair Brushes, Cloth Itnashea•. Tooth Brusb,es, Cosmetics, , pad Fancy Articles in pew variety. Dentlfrieco pcimoARNE IL.A.MM*-Evety deouriptimi of Band temps, Stand Lamps, lEfaigise amps trud Side Lamps suitable far Kitchen use, Paaer use, Eitore use and Ofice use . 7 , 00 215 7:37 n. 35 8.17 tail THE BEST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Family Dyes of an Colors. Everything in a DrugLlts line of butinees. ' • = • . • Prescriptions receive si)eela) attenticra, mid are eorepouncied with Cate :zed CRESSLER., ' ' - ' SeezerdStreetcorpoelte the Post 0f8°8.7. 131.P0 - RTER S or NINES AND LIQUORS.. LADMAN, BALLADE 100., KO. 103 souni sttancr, r Behocen Mustnut and Frainuc Strtea, Phitraerptia. • GEO. M. LAMAS, t A. K BALLADE, J. D. BrraNG, itIVXBE, GARDRAT 4 CO,'B SUPERIOR COGNAC BRAIi'DY, VINTAGE, OF IP,' lEach bottle Reeled with green wax with the tuitiele of the luvago"'l LAUXAIq, EMMAUS do CO. , Xi SUPERfOR.OLJ:I4ii - „ FINS SHERRY,Ieta4/11,STAND ECI 4IIL W MP 3 . FIDE tiatttridk' S , OPO P 08BORTiE OPORTO. - ' • VERY FETE ANA DRLICATE OED PORT WINE, Each bottle sealed with yellow was with the fattish' ofthe Wri.Orrn BY LAIMAN, SAL-LADE C 0.,& No. 1t South Ninth. brut, Philadelphia. OLD RYE WHI - SKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISSEY, WAIOLLVTEO. . , OBEBHO I,TZ WHISKEY, FOIST WHISKEY, W RRI"S WHISKEY. TAPFEY'S WHDIKEY, AND 'tREADINII• WINES. LACMAN, SALLADE & CO., F e . pi, scAtit /nal . 11 . 14 t. " abbterp ant Varneos. - QADDLERY! SADDLERY!!- kJ JEREMIAD' 'DYRTER Crespeeifalll3•7iPit6ls • his thanks to hie patrons for the liberal encertrage , Me rt el• tect from them heretofore, and he woraliatte:thetuttut the community generally, who may need say :Phil' Whit , line, to give him a 011_4 his btAr *dt1:9 1 . 3 rt.ottlAtUan street, near the Pranklin Rai Chambersharg where he keeps constantly oat hasad every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS of his own , umnufachere, and he it prepared to sec. the samit ou terms thatilefy ebrapett, ton. Every article offered tar sale to wrtrrented te be Made of the best material and by eampetent *Mauna , which will befall, - denim:nitrated on an examination them* 1 - 0 E - . 711171CKS AND VALISES.—tiIe would also call the atteuOnt apenrena wnnting,32 goad neat and cheap and ,abstorial Trunk Dr Valise to lila aasontznent. junel7,t3. -H. GORDON REPS ON HAND h large assortateakif EistaTie, 14711rittitsrV61liik - Blind Brldtes Hiding Bridles , Halters, GirthinlB44l Oat Saw Lea 4 Heins, Halter Rad Mitching fitrapeJ Wagon Meg, Wcodert Stlmps covered or un. covered. CARTRIDGE BOXES .—C. H. GOR; , C./ vim us supp ly of CoitridgiSO.tes that Ali hold fdrty•ttire of Henry's - nopeating Rte Cartridges, Cidl and we, one and till. rpo PERSONS WHO OWN HVRSEj.—I• Hot, to ease Cant and Oats.—Thry youttelf a good Bone Blanket at O. 11. GORDON'S and keep your Down warm " CH.GO OF BUSI; . at•• 1$ •D So AM* ang, oa• door South ofpr. J. L. linamerotrs 7•rro, QA SA. XI , G cea one door west CM and all the best ROAPE4 err Etquaro. - vat te. II A. - , B D W .R E TTB Hyre openvl theit.Ftore $ - : I or' "Itch; &net, nearly oppotte Mel: old plats of business, stkk an exteasicet Stock Hazdsterst, Clattery, des., consistin in past of • N f all; Spikes, SteeL Planes, -• Oils, • Turperedue, Tar, Vxmish, CM Brushes, ; navels, , Rakes, ades. Blasting Powder, Grind Ston% - Cedair Ware, Rocket Baines, Su . Special attention N called Bill Men aati ' as they ars - Tia riaspiissi to forniali in Mir quaatits; at wholetkate;'' everything tothri c tinol Call and eUrninb our rtork. no 16 (OACT-1 .- AND •SADDLERY , )e irWARE. , The subeeeiber respechhlly intime his friends and the public, that he wutinues to carry ..un the above - bl.l.sillea, et his old stand, on Main Street opposite the German Rr termed Church, UHAItBERSBI..IIG,,PA. !laving managed -hie I,4I3iTitTIL Saddlers wed Coach stokers will rind la his Story Room a general assortment of goods Fttitett to their several recialremeista. much as Putt and Country• liogskina Puteot Leather, • ' _ Saddle Trees raid Girthinsr. fig Treeii, Pall PLite4, Tinned and Japanned; Gout Mar, Stntiaing IVeb and Worsted Rain - Web, lower than Cotton .1 Dames, Bits and Stirrups, Plated. Timed and Japanned Coach Handles, note style*c Curtain Pruin; Hub Bands; Brldio Franca; -Roaentos, tiltriceta aUt.Orstasuents; Iron Plated and Wood UL Humes: BITCKLES—BRASS, SILVER AND JAJ'ANNED, all Styles and Pattetns ; "soh- and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and tr varlety ofothergoodssuitable for the trade. ' ALL KINDS OF PLATING, dt.c.., dmo with neatwas and ?Antall. [4 14 s LEWIS WAMPLEIL CHEAP .11A11.13'W A R,E! BRAND Sri FLACK Hndnfew goodd under the pavement, which were not burned. ,' Such av Locthe,..Hingeo, Screws and other Rath :sure. Sevidev, they have jot received front New York and Philadelphia a very largiilot °foots, purchased much Mealier than they are generally sold. They haying been burned iiut, therefore -re otter true. Nails. Hinges, Sere at theloweist figure. I=o2lll We bust, uu hand about ld Tons Iron of different kinds. irkith tre will f•ell !trim that it tun be bought in the city. Also wo knee 100 kegs of Saks and Spikes. we offer at Teen) to 10 debars per keg. Cti Tr L'ILY. Kni - rea and Prtrks. Scissor., Rcizara, Packet Kaivvs, •Sixsens, jass recoil ad frank New 'York which we otter Very low. sep3 CARRIA GE MAKERS' GOOl5B, • SboertuakeriFindings, Sulellere Filutino • at BRAND dz. irLACS!S. QIIOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT kJ .15 cents each and many other attialee which was in the fire s which Carl be made as good as new at BEAM) ia FLACK'S: CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in tbel.llq. BRANTrigarIiACK:- SoTaTbtn( UNDERLICH &. NEAD FORWARDWO AND - COMNISAILIN MEnctWti North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valle Railroad Depot. Chambersburg, Pa. Cars run re4pdarly to and from Philadelphia and.Balti. More. AGENTS.—Peacock, Zell 6. Hindman, Na 8O Mar ket St.. Philadelphia. tyke,. Valley, Brulten Egg and Nati COAL. (duvet &nen the, mines), Wilkeebarre and Ma Grove FOUNDRY COAL LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and ,Ilanenek CEMENT, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all mrds purcimsed at the- Intest Cash.prices. - pt 9. n.l. tlttl2 DERLICH & READ: THOS. L. Grutarre... JAcouZiux.e. TIILLESPLE, ZELtER'&, CO, AA PRODUCE AND PROVIRON MERCHANTS, AND trif0LE.9.4.12 GROCERS, Nortll•West corner of Sixth and Bitiriet Streets: 19 WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHEESY, ONE OP VID OLDEST AND YOST uguanry =HEVES IN- Cough', Colds, licl:u Cough, Bronchitis, Of .of Astkni, lioarsenest, Sore Throat, Croup and every • affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS .A.Ap CREST, OCLIMI.iG EVES • CONSUMPTION WISTARE BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY So general boa the use of tbia remedy become, and so popular IA it everywhere, than it Is unneoee sery to recount its virtues. Its Narita speak for it, and And utterance in theabundant and voluntary testimony Otter many vrbo from long suffering andsgled dia. ease have by its use been restorto pristine vigor and health. We can present a roam of ev , idenoe In proof of our ainertions, tbnt cannot be discreditel. From Mr. Henry Eater; l'ilercoraborg, Pa Gent/men Ido hereby certify that during the last ton years I have been subject to frequent seem Coughs , and Colds. Whenever I have experienced one of these attacks have immediately resorted to DrWistarls Balsam of Wild Cherry, and the result has always been to afford MS/speedy relief I would- recommend this 'valuable article to all those who suffer from Coughs. Colds. Pain in the Breast; orally Pulmonary Complaint, feeling conSdent that it will prove itself to be the best remedy in any of these Cases. I would, however, caution the public againstear*arthless counterfoil. a bottle Of which was once fumed upon me. The use of this spurious Balsam did me more harm Than good. The geuuieo Dr. Wiktar's Balsam of Wild Cherry LS prepared by Seth W. Fuwle Sc. lkstiou, and has their printed name, as well as the scrintek signature or "L Strive" upon the outside wrapper of each bottle. From Jesse Smith„Ess, c prrsident of the Morris County itani;,.ifonietasen:k J. Basin used Dr. Wistar'e 'Balsam of Wild Cheny for about tideeu and having realized its beneficial te• sults in ray family, it affords me great pleasure in recom. mending it to the public as u valuable remedy in casese of s vale lungs, colds„ coughs, &e. and a remedy which I consider tobe entirely Innocent and may be taken with perfect safety by the must debate in health. From Hen. John E, Smith, a distinguished Longer Md. - !Wive un several oexasious usetl Pr. Wistar's Ralston of Wild Cherry for seven, Colds, and always altb decided benefit. I know of no preraration that is more etticacions or more deserving of general tree._ The Balsam has also been used with expellent - effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Han CAW Roads, Md. W/STAR'S BALSA)! or JVILD,pIIERRY. None genuine unless signed "I. tiL'i7B" - on. the wrapper. FOR BALE ItY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491. 13roothtitY, N. Y. H. W. FOIVLE d Co., Propel:mom, Batton, and by all Draggiga. (July`h)-eow•ly REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Saris. • BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Sams, Scalds andErds. REDDIIki'S RUSSIA. SALVE Cures Wounds, Bripusand Sprains. REDDING'S RUSSLI SALVE . • Caresl342s, Uleensaad Damns. REDDDIG'S BURMA SALVE • • Cares Bolt latent, files and Erysipelas. BEDDING'S HUSSLA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Cons, &c, &o. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE iVITHOUT /T. riP 0 2 4 25 oats a Son. A/ roe eats HT L P. DRII9I,IORE, NA 491 Broadway, 'll, Y. B. ya.POWLE h Ca,lCo. lB Tremont St., Baotou, madly all Draitgists amiCouatly Stortkespam inly2Assurdy March # rlricaL AI A_LTIS3.OIiL LOCK. HOSPITAL.-:Pr. JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu tion, offers the most certain. speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Illeets, Structures, B =4' lo 'Weakness, Pain in The Loh*, Constitutional Debility, Impetenee, 'Weakness of the Book and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner• vows Irritability,. Diseases of the Dead, Throat, , Nem vr skin; and all those settees and melancholy dismders ads. ing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both'body and mind.. These secret and solitary practices are route fatal to dielr.sietims than the song of the Spew, to the mariner Illysstis,, blighting their meet bnMen, hopes ornuticipatioaa rendering marriage, &e., inrpoedble. YOUNG .MEN! Ilea espec who have beeome the victims Of Solita • that drud.ht and dosttnctive habit which ant annuany sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted taloa and Manisa: intellect who might otherwise have enuunced listening Senates with the thandem of eloquence, or waked to eestaoy the livilar lyre; may- Can with fan confidence. MARRIAGE: - - - • Married persons, or yroung men contemplating being : J.lwatt of physical treaktiesnarganic &hi= mien, &0., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. no - who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as o gentleman, and confidently rely,upon his shill no a physician. ORGANIC NramoEss EIthiEDLATELY CURED - AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. This diseMte& the_penalty meet flrgaentty paldby these' who have become the victims of improper Indolence,. - Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the consequences that mmaayp ensue. Now,Nrito that iudersrandsthe subjeot willprettodeny Oust Me power of Procreation in lost soonerby those !idling into inaproperhabit than by the prudent. Besides beingde prived of the pleasure of hes/thy OfriVrialf , and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the Alined mid mental powers weakened, nervous drPePtda, Palpitation of Me heart, indigestimi, a wasting of the frame, cough,, symtems tif conswnption. Office No. 7, South Frederick Sou; mra seven doom from Baltimore greet, East side, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name tund number,, or yen will mLitake the plaez. - • A BU 88 . WARII.ANTED IN TWO DAYS. No',lfercery or Nauseous Drugs. DR JOHNSTON, 'Member of the Itoyal College of Surgeons. London, gradnato from one of the most eminent Colleges of the - United States, and the greater part of saw life has been spent in the hospitals of Lillith P. 11.1 1 ,, Philadelphia nod elsewhere, has effected - acne et the most astonishing cures that were ever known. 'Many treithied witty ringing in the bend and ears when asleep, great nervonsttess, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mild, were cared immediately. =1 When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find helm., imbibed the geed of this painful disease, it too of ten happens that an 111-timed sense of shame, or dread of dis covery, deters ham from applying to those who from educa tion and respectability-can alone befriendhim, deln)ingtlll the conStitudunal symptoms otthis horrid disease miketheir appearance, such as ulcerate sore throat, diseased mate, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight deafness, Dobson the chin, bones and arms, blotches on the, head,-face and extremities, progressing with frightful 'rs, pidlly, till At last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in and the victim of this awfid disease be• tames a horrid object of commisseration till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, there. fore, lir:Johnston pledges himself to preserve the matt inviolable secrecy; and hum his extensive practice to the dent RoSpitals of Europe und America, he can confidently recommend a safe =I speedy care to the unfortunate vie. tins of this horsid. disease. ft is a - melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid dliense owing lathe unskillfulness of Ignorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, Memory, ruin the constitution. and either send the unfortunate to an untimely' grave. - or make the residue of life miserable TAKE PARTICULAR IiOTICE.I Dr. J. addressee the who-owe injured themieltee by private and improper indulgences Tam are nonce of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz r--Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Fame in the Heed, Dinmess of Bight, LOU of ular Power, Palpitaelon of the Heart, Dye pepela, :Nen 'at Irrit'ability, Derangement of the Digo dee ranctiot.s, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump. Lion. Ste. MF-XTALLI, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; loss of Memory, changer& of Ideas, Depose sion of, Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Bodety, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude; Timidity, d:c., am .91,1131) of the evil effects . . . Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, lasting thew vigor, becoming weak, pale,. have Moguls:appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOIANATON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS - - - By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily cured, andhill rigor rottener). Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, AU impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental DisqraßK. ration, Nervous Irritabdit , y. Trembling, Weakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. YOUNG MEN, who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indul ged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly Pit, even when asleep, and if net cared render marriage tmpossible, and destroys both mind and balk, should apply immediately What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should, be switched from all prospects and enjoyment& of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In a eel', rain secret habit. Such person s, before contemplating MARRIAGE should reflect that a eonnd mind and bodyare them:stag vestry requisites to pnamoteconnubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK. STREET BALTIMORE. - - TO STRANGER&—The many thousands cured at this Institution in the last fifteen years; and the numerous be- , pertant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the reporterspf the papers, and many other persdna, notices of which bare appeared again and again before the public; is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted, N. B. Thorn are so many ignorant cad worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems it aeceasary to ptsy to those unacquainted - with his reputation; that Lie Diplomas bang in his office. TAKE NOTICE.—AIi letters must be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent [mu My,. Sire::proof ,Safeo. T HE GREAT FIRE AT CHARBERSBITRO. VICTORY VICTORY! FOR ‘:. garkasovs SALAMANDER SAFES. HEAD TIM FOLLOWMG CERTIFICATES: CIWCIEBBOURG, Ang IS, 1864 Mrs**. Roam tr Watson Gotacians, This is to inform you that the Sok par- , chased of you some thue since was subject to the great , Ike sridCh s consunied our store during the rebel Invasion, of the 30th of July last. We are happy to say that after ore had taken our safe , from the ruins where it had laid fora period of three: excel days, 3eat oontlitlo and n. openk it,- we found our books and papers In an, We would recommend yorre Bated to all porsons-wbe wlek a good article. Yours, Only. MILLER, HAMILTON d: CO. . . Cnausaasiunto, Aug. 15, 1864. Merits: Emu* Way= I Gersamen withpleasure WA= youthatou opening . ray Saksurebased from you some time since, on Sato? , day evening last, Just two weeks after the buming or odi town bythe rebels, I found my books and papers in teucb better condition than lexpected ; 013 opening the Wain and papeers Ibund them perfect. My Safe was 01110IKki great seat, on account of the comity of oils and °tick oomburdbie matter I had in my °eller. 1 write you on some of the ' , apex that was in my Safe during the the, that you may see how weli it was preserved. I soon want my Sate repaired, or a new one in exchange. 'Very respeonnily, yours, L. B. EYSTER. ' CII.OII3EttS2I3IIG, Aug. 15, 1864 Aftstr... er Watsrm Genth•mr., In the dreedild fire which destroyed my store and to, • ptniter portion of this town, Which was - done by tile IChNif• on the 30th of July Lest, I had one of Sour Fire-Proof Saks, purchased from you some time since, which contained !fly books, papers, dm. After un dergoing the violence of the flames, ned falling some ten feet and remaining in the heated ruins fur a petiod of set' entree days, it eas recovered from the burning =SS sad opened. I bare the gratification to inform you that its contents were presen-td in an excellant condition, and as thin is one of the many instances wherin your Safes have fully sustained the good qualities atributed to them, I feel it an afrr reable duty to render evidence of ate fact. - Respectfully, yours, J. L. DECHERT. CFLAMVERSIIIMG, Aug. 15, 1861. ErJno fi Wigton: Get/man : This is to inform you taut the Safe we purchased from you some time ago was subjected to the &e Attach consumed our office during the rebel invasion on the 30th of July last. We are happy to say that the Safestood the test of the Are well, and we recovered our papers nom it uninjured. Very oespectfallY. KEG` NILL. Ca. tasm.reo, Aug. is, IEOI. MUST. Er 4714 4. Watson : Gentle/me: I take this opportunity to infon'nyou dust my Safe, which Is a No. 5 of your make, wain the great ere which destroyed this town co the 30th of July. I now have The pleasure to state to you that after I had, taken the Safe from the ruins, where it - had been fors period of 10 clays exposed to an Interne heat. on the Safe I was pleased to find that all nay papers, and valuables came out uninjured In the least, thus attest ink the fireproof qualities of your Salamander Safes. - Yours, respectfully, Cf LF. S. STLIKBAIJOR. More Sales of the 6=o /Ma . qtaatY an baud sad for sale. Also, S • a7amander, Fire, and Barglar.Proar, Nation• al Bank. Metrantile end frirellt House Safes, Vann- Doors for Hanka and Stems, Sauk Locke, Lao. EVANS & WATSON, 16 South 4th St., Plu7adeipaia, Pa. L. B. EYSTEII. Agent for Chamhessanzir, Ys. iFeO3, LILLIES' PATENT ' WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON:: " FIRE AND BURGLAR•PROOF SAFES. vAtrur DOORS AND LOCKS` Every safe of thiamanufbcture Is from ens Inch to imbes thick