The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 15, 1865, Image 3

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    .Mgrch 15, 1,505,
granitliu `4l l, tpoliforg.
GOSSIP Wrrn OUR FRIENDS.—A lady of re
flpement sent me the following moreean, With the
requeit to publish it, adding that she hoped it
would." do aome good:"
."My husband slept—be dreamed a pleasing dream,
Fbr sunny smiles across his face did tresm:
11efireand of me, for oft he murmured !Pet I"
Premed him to my heart, close, closer yet,
To drink into my ear the precious word—
Alas. It was Prr.rate•tan 1 heard I"
It trill "do good," though perhaps not - in the
way our esteemed correspondent supposes.
we have had wretched weather lately,end.if
any of our friends visit us, we advise them to
bring along waterproof boots and overcoat, and
a Large amount of patience. Saw _ a sprucely
dressed gentleman fall this morning in full three
inches of thick tarry mud, He looked like a
stranger, unused to the uncertain character of
Nets-York mud or morals; and as his feet went
upaad hialtody doom; he extended his hands into
vain since so absolutely despairingly that—l
laughed, though I had soul enough to turn away.
To see his eyes cast upwards " into alien skies"
was 'a sad warning to each passer by, us to what
might be his own fate before night.
I have a piece of news that Will place the RE:
PosnorrY in advance of all or any of the New
York dailies. I actually saw two omnibus horses
start off of themsdres. I implored the driver,
who came running up, to inform rue Kith regard
to the pedigree, age. etc., of his hoes, but he
only 'swore at me. I told him I was a public
character, that I was a votary of science. that
-the World was interested in the questions I had
_ -
propounded - . in fine that I was an editor of the
Pitawfit.jts REPosrronv . , Chamberibug, Pll.,
- but the fellow only swore the more, and indeed
spoke in a very flippant and irreverent manner of
our Paper. But then what can ono expect from
an omnibus driver!
I paid a yery pleasant visit' to the Five Point
House of Industry, formerly under charge of Mr.
Pease, and-now conducted by Mr. Halliday, The
good done by this institution is perfectly marvel
lous, and_the House of Industry is folly as effirient
as it ever wag in Mr. Pease's time. While there
I saw an old gentleman, who bad been shown
around ;the establishment, sit down and write a
cheque, to show that he was pleased. Mr. Halli
day, seems to be the right man in the right place.
I was very much interested in looking over a
collection of cartes de risite of some of the poor
children - belonging to the house—the plan being
to have the portrait taken when the child first ar
rives,.and then after he has been fed and clothed.
It is slot entirely a house of charity, for many pa
reate'keep their children there, on payment of so
much per week, sometimes beOuse of one of the
parents being dead, or on' account of absence.
For instance, I met it.fine looking sailor, belong
ing to one of our gunboats, who had come to see
his children whom he had placed in Mr. Halliday's
care, while he serves his country wherever he may
be sent. He knows that he leaves his darlings in
safe hands. A little German child was toddling
about my chair, who, I was informed, was one of
three'chndren who haiibeen deserted hy their fa
ther, leaving the mother to earn her living as beet
she etuld by scrubbing out a Lager beer saloon, m
Greenwich street. The poor woman had strug
gled long and well to support her family, but was
at last obliged to give this one little fellow to Mr.
Halliday.,, You must know that the transfer of a
a child to the House of Industry is done formally
and apeording to law, in - :such a manner that the
parent has no further control of the child. It is
sometimes an agony for the poor Mother, and she
seldom decides till famine and want compel her.
This little fellow had learned two English words,
and 4i3 9 -es brightened as he pronounced them
far me--" Bean 1 soup." A little fellow named
"Jack" was passing through the room. He was
not a 'boarder, only a . scholar. Jack was called
on to make a bowl He placed the palms of his
handti together in front of his breast, and inclined
his curly head till it almost touched his ragged
knpes. Jack's pants wore torn from his ancle to
his waist, which made his oriental manners quite
atoning. Mr. Halliday told me that Jack's um
ther was a miserable drunkard, and had already
sold the little fellow's clothes three times for rum.
She strips and beats and starves him, and yet he
loves jibs home and his inhuman mother. Thse
children, so far as practicable, are provided with
"situations in diffe n tentparts of the country. What
a change for these pour out-casts, to get into some
decent, comfortable home, fiom the filth aad
wickedness of the kennels of New York. 0 there
are many, ninny good and noble men and women
in thiS great city Iyhe - spend nearly all their time
"in 'going about doing good."
In the beet spirit imaginable I express a pro
fonnd'hope that in a year or two the Devil of the
REPOSITORY may [cow up to be able to read my
writing, for at the. present" year, 1865, he makes
some hard work of my cacography. How do you
tbinkllyron woald'have liked his Maid of Athens
to commence thus: "
"Maio] of Athens eve ne past '
(Maid of Athens ere rive part)
Gin ole gin nie hash 4ing heart
(Give, oh give me track my heart.")
1%1E4 Toss,' March 11, 1865.
011,4DBATED.—The name of John B. Lindsay,
of this plat*, appears in the list of graduates of
Plilladelphia;Collego . orPharmaiy. He com
menced his 9oUrse in the Drug Store of Mr. Wm.
Heyser, of this place, afterwards was in the Drag
Store'of Fredericli‘Brown, of Philadelphia, and
alter this thorough preparation entered this col
rege, where'he graduated a short time since with•
honor to himself: Mr. Lindsay has spared no
meansin qualify himself thoroughly fur the busi
ness he has -chosen, and fronitis eNemplary 'Oar.
aster and naliabits, we can well predict
a life ofesefulnessind success to him. '
We notice with pleasure the name of S. S. Ha
ber among the long list of graduates at thelpom-'
mencement,held the 10th inst., of Jefferson 3led
ieal College, of Philadelphia. Mr. Huber took
Ide,preparatory course under the imtruction of
Dr. A: H. Senseny, of this place. It is but little
morellum three years since. he commenced-his
Studies, and by close attention to his profession
he hats in that short space graduated with honor.
We Wisli - the Doctor abundant success In hisipro
INSTALLATION OF REV. S. J. limeons.-,-On
--Sunday evening, March 4th; Roy. S. J. NiCCON,
late pastor of the. Presbyterian Church of this
place, was installed pastes of the second Presby
lerioit Church of St. Louis,Mo. ' We learn from
a St.,Lonis paper theta large concourse of people
attendedihe services, Which were very solemn
and impressive!' The installation sermon was drs ,
livered by Rev. Dr. Lord, of Chicago, and was an
able.; logical and eloquent discourse, admirhbly
tinted to the occasion. The constitutional ques
tion wore propounded to the pastor and people
by Bev. Mr. Page, who afterwards delivered an
excellent charge to the installed pastor, and was
followed by a similar.address to the church l and
congregation by Rec. Mr. Coe. The new pastor
has already won the, confidence and affection of
his people by his unaffected but earnest piety,
coupled with the manners and address of a Chris
tian gentleman.- These characteristics combined
with distinguished_ ability as a pulpit orator, seem
Ott himlbr Sie wide field of usefulness opened
in this church.
lFi. E..CONFEREsca..nahe East Baltimore M.
E. confilenoe mat in Danville, Pa., on the it
ine_t, Md. after a bannonknte session adjinuned on
- Widnealay: of litet week. The next Conference
von meet in sviltiiiiopri, N. We give the. -
pointnientn of the Catlnde Distfict and a portion
of t.hp Frediricli and Juniata pktricin
Cordiale B. MeMorraY, P.. E. Carlisle,
Thomas Sheilock ; Emory
Si Li -Borman ; Carlisle Circuit
0. Graham, one to he supplied; Mechanicsburg, J. Stine,
0. Ego, sup.; Mt. Holly Springs,G.T.Gray; Shippensbarg,
H. S. Mendenhall; Shippersburg Circuit, J. G. Moore, T.
M. West; Chambersburg. S. H. C. Smith ; York Springs,
W. G. Ferguson, E. P. Filcher; Hanover, I. C. Stevans ;
• York, J. C. nosh ; York Chapel, W. W. Evans
Wrightsville. E. Bachman;
_Shrewsbury*, G. Warren, I.
Maxwell Lanft; Duricannon, James Brads; Newport, J.
W. Clever, J. Donahue; New Bloomfield, F. B. Biddle,
Wm. H. ; 1111111 n, F.: W. Kirby; Mifflin Circuit,
G. W. BOUSr, one to be supplied; Concord, J. R. King,
W. R. Whitney; J. A Gore, Chaplain Y , )rk, I.T. F. Hes
pin.] ; J. A. Ross, Chaplain carieJe Barracks; G. D.
Chenowith, Agent of Dickinson College; E. Butler, Tract
Frederick District —Wm. Harden..F. E. Hagerstown,
J. F. Ockerumn ; Wavnesborti7C. F. Thomas, John Lloyd
sap.; Quincy. J. 111. A. Clarke; Mereersbmg. J. Benson, one to be supplied.
Jan iota Distria.--Thomas Barnhart, F. E. Bedford,
W. M. Shen alter; Bloody Run. J. B. l'olsgrove, one to be
supplied ; M'Connellsburg, A. E. Taylor, T. Greenly.
NOMLNATIONS.-At a. meeting of the
Union wen of the Borough of Chnmbersburg, at
_Thlinn's Hotel, the following nominations for Bo
rough and Ward officers were made, to be sup
ported at the election on Friday next:
Bergas---T. Jefferson Nill
Torn Council—George Palmer, Snail F. Greenawalt
&hoot Directors—James Hamilton, Jacob S. Nixon.
wiltor—Enutnue I Kuhn.
A•otorsor—George J. Manley.
o,ls:ebb—John Caternatt.
J..tiec of tic Ponee—Thcrinas J. IVright.
/iirfranr—D. Brio:nerd Kirby.
Cen,rehk—George W. Snider.
of at. Prate—Hugh B. Davison.
Judgc—Jacob Jarrett
in:ector—S. Boyd Wright.
Cwogeble—Refit K. lirtilellan.
Oun Cirris.N PRISOKERS.-By a felegraphic
dispatch received this place, we learn that Mr.
Charles Rimier, onti of the three remaining citi
zen prisoners at Salisbury, N. C., has been ex
changed, end is now MPhiladelphia. Of the orig:
inal number captured but two now remain —in
rebel hands, viz: r-. Geo. S. Heck mid A. C. Mc-
Grath. Dr. JasAlamilton, John P. Culbertson,
Thomas H. McDowell and 'Charles Kinder , have
been exchanged, and J. Porter Brown, D. M. Bi
ker and George Cauflnan hare escaped, but of
whose whereabouts no tidings have yet been re
GUILFORD NommaTioNs.—The Union men
of Guilford present the following ticket to be sup
ported at the election on Friday nest:
Judge—Henry 8. Miller. .•
Inspector—Charles B. liege.
Consgabir—George Solvers,.
Assessor—Joseph S. Hpover.
ScheN Directors—Martin Hein tzelman, Wrn. Vanderan.
Supervisors—Samuel Lantz, Jacob Nicking, Michael
Ebersole, Solomon Solienberger.
Auditor—Henry Smalt Jr.
Treasurer—Andrew Staler.
Justice of the Peace—C; IL MiKnight.
Township Clerk—Abraham Lehman. '
ORPHANS' SCAOOL=A school, with a eurps of
able instructors, has been organized in Bridesburg
for the education of children of deceased soldiers.
The instruction is comprehensive, and calculated'
to qualify' children f 4 business life. The enter
prise is commendable, and speaks well for the
patriotism of our people. Any instructions de
sired in regard to thiS school can be obtained by
addressing the Rev. R. S. Davis, of this place.
FATAL ACCIDENT.---An accident occurred on
the railroad near Harper's Ferry, one day last
week, which resultediih the death of Mr. Jacob
Butler, a citizen of Ws place While engaged
in coupling cars, he '111.3 caught between them,
crushing him so badly, as to cause death. His'
remains were brought home for interment Mr.
B. served three•years in the llthPenn'aCavalry,
and was honorably discharged in August last.
DEGREE ColiFLPar.E.D.—At the late commence
meet of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadel-
phia, Johnston M'Lanalsaut, of this place, fimahed
his professional :titdies and graduated with the
degree of M. D. We congratulate the Dr. upon
his success thus far, cud feel assured that from
his gentlemanly deportment and crone atteation to,
his profession, he wall receive, as he will merit, a
large proportion of public confidence.
EXCI . IINGED.—Joseph W. Michaels, of this
place, and,Johniantz, of Greencastle, members
of Com. IC, 107th Penna. Vols., captured on the
Weldon Railroad some time during last summer,
have been exchanged ? and are now home on a
furlough. Mr. Michaels states that Geo. S. Heck
and A. C. McGrath i-ere in Richmond when be
left, and would probably come up with the next,
lot of prisoners.
ROBBED.—The Waynesboro Record states that
Mr. H. F. Stover. of that place, had between $9OO
and. $1,1./00 hiOleu from him recently in George
town, D. C. Mr. S.had bee'n in the city with a
load of marketing. ;The money appear; was
taken from under his pillow in the night. All ef
forts to discover the ,Ilerpetrator of the theft fail
ed up to the time he%left the city.
TURNPIKE ELE.t.4lO2.l.—An election for five
Managers of the ChainbersburgannedfordTurn
pike Company was field in M'Connellsburg on the
6th inst., and resulted in the election of the fol
lowing named gentlemen, viz 7.—John S. Hassler,
John C. Fletcher, John Ml:train, Samuel Davis
and Thomas B. Kennedy.
LAWSON W. LLOYD, the rebel spy, was tried
before a military ,commisaion at flarriabarg and
acquitted, but, as the accused was shown to have
come "within our /fines from the South under sus
picions circumstances," he has been , eturned to
Fort MitllitOuntil farther orders."
-. OOWARE.—The Provost Marshal gives notice
that men who enlist' after they are drafted are
considered deserters from the draft, and must be
credited to their enrollment places, no matter
whether they receive local-boirntiei on their ille
gal enlistments or not. •
Re.3iovm...—Those of our subscribers who
purpose changing their places of residence on the
Ist of April, will please notify us of the plaCe to
which they removed, as well as where they for
merly received their. paper.
The noticeable feature of trade during the last
week was the'steady decline of gold, which rece
ded '4 , 185, and was quoted it 184 esterday. This
decline is attributable to seveial causes. The
success 'of our arms at various points, and the
bright pron.:die of early and decisive success in
the motements centering on Richmond, have been
the btrongest element in depressing gold ; but the
avowed policy of the new Secretary, and Ris in
creased resorces by the capture of large quanti
ties of rebel cotton, render dabbling in gold most
precarious. In an address to the subordinates of
the Treasury when about to assume the' charge
of the Finances,3lr.llcCulloeh bald:
Sty chief aim will of course he to provide the means to
discharge the claims upon the Treasnryntthe emilestday'
practicable, and to institute measures to br i ng the business
of the errantry gradually backs, the specie basis. a depar
ture from which, although for the tune being a necessity,
is no lees dangerous and demoralizing to the people than
expensive to the Government.
Mr. M'Culloch can attempt a gradual return to
a specie basis only by a contraction of the curren
cy and an increase of the volume of gold. To this
end the captured cotton will probably be sent to
Europe to bring the preeigiis metal to our shores,
and lie will doubtless attempt to restrict the Cur-,
reucy as rapidly as possible. How tar he will be
able to succeed, time,maatdetennine. To main
tain the credit of this government in the prosecu
tion of a war now costing not less than four mil
lions per day, Mr. M'Culloch mint rely entirely
upon the sale of 7.30 bonds ; and iu addition to
current expenses, be has betweeii two and three
hundred millions of 1 nuiiiid requisitions on his
table. As long as there is a Frost volume of cur
rency in the country , i investments will be made
freely in government securities, but whenever
Mr. M'Culloch begins to cancel his legal.tender
/24>tes41 he geta-lhem in for bonds; the saleof his
securities will begin to diminish; and wheneier
there comes a pressure in the money market-,the
sale of government , bonds veil cease. Mr. Me -
Oulloch!s idea of restriction; therefore, is at pres
ent simply impossible unless he would cut off his
own resources and bring about a contraction with
its evils only to be followed by a greater expan
sion. ~Just now the credit of the governnuaent is
good--the bonds are selling freely; but if, with,
out a reduction of actual;expenditures, a contrac
tion is attempted, the - government credit will
suffer seriously, and 7-30's will become a circula
ting medium among the people, while the govern-.
meat will be compelled to exam: itself needleSsly
to recover from its own blunder. While the ex
pense of the war is increasing rather than dimin
ishing, better let well enough alone. When the
war shall cease, or in its proportions,
then can contraction be enforced without detri
ment to trade or the government ; but not till then.
All securities excepting government and Oil
Stocks, sympathized with the decline of gold.—
The operations in Oil seem to increase' daily, and
stock in new and old companies are sought fur
with singuhir avidity.
Mr. Wifil H. McDowell, Superintendent of the
Penaylvalda Imperial Oil Company, has been
here for seVeritle days, and gives a most flattering
account of the value of the lands of the company.
Over filly Wells will be sail for thecompany du
ring the early part of the summer, and on buds
which have already-proved most productive. The
Sterling stalk has been quickened by the devel
opments on 'Cherry Tree Run, where a large well
has just been struck, establishing the value of
that hitherto untested section. Both the Im
perial and Sterling have lands in fee on Cherry
Tree Rpm, m ad the existence of Oil there in large
quantities iaclearly established. The Sterling is
now sinkinglfive wells on Cherry Run, and will
at once deve l lope on Cherry Tree Run.
We learn that Messrs. Gehr and Sharpe, who
went to Pittsburg to look.into the Pittsburg and
Cherry Run ICompany, are satisfied that - the stock
under judiciOns management must be a good-in
vestment. The well sold by the company was
sold for all it was worth, and the land sold with
it brought a large increase to the - company; but
we understand that the officers contemplate pur
chasing again with a portion of the funds', instead
of dividing it among the stockholders. Directors,
have no authority to buy and sell real estaterwith%
out the express consent of the, stockholders, and
the sooner they are restrained the better . The
remaining holds of the company are confessedly
A considerable amount of Sheridan and Cherry
Run stock was taken in this section, and the books
will close shortly.
Persons who wish to invest in government
7-30's should do so promptly. Those on sale now
are convertible into gold-bearing six per cent.
bonds ut maturity, while the new $600,000,000
authorized by the late bill, are not convertible into
gold securities. The government has resolved not
to issue any more gold securities of any kind. The
National Bank of Cbnmbersbnrg can simply these
securities '
—The following are the latest quotations of thei
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia:
JOS. F. YOUNG & C 0 .., N 0.12 MERMAN - is EXCII.L3CIE.
U. S. 'Bl's 110 ;Eldorado. It
U. S. 5-:..11's 1101! Farrell OR II
Reading R. R. int WI •54 ;Franklin OIL 2.1
Penns. Ralingui s:4lGreat Western
Catawissa Railroad.. 10 !Germania I
Catawissa R. R.—Pref. 26::Globe Oil
North Penna. Railroad 26i1Howe's Eddy Oil ~.. 1 44
Phila. & Erie R. R.... 21 Hibbard. 181
Long Island Railroad. —. 111(0 - Juana.
Schuylkill Nacigatien. '25 Illyde Tarn.
Schuylkill Nay.—Pref. MI I Irwin 0i1....
Susquehanna Canal... 11 IJersey Well.
Big Mountain C.d... 4 2 1. , Keystone OR
Rutter Coal 10 i Krutzer,
.11.uple Shade Oil
3rciintock 0i1. ..
kteral ...
Connecticut Mining
Diamond C0a1. .....
Fulton Con!
Feeder Dum
illyr e el s, ,i Cherry Rim. 1.1
Organic , 71
. 1 Olmstead_ -----
;11'emz,sYlyahia Pet
' 2
Green lit Coal .. Zinc
N. Y. & Mid. Cal
N. Carbondale....
New Creek Coal
Philada and Tideoute.
Pope Farm Oil ...... .
Petroleum Centre....
Phila & Oil Creek...
Philips ..........
Penn Mining
Swatarn Fells Conl • • 7 :
Atlas. iE
Allegheny Ricer...
Allegheny & Tidechite
Big 'rank 5:
Robert Oil
P.ocl. Oil.
Beacon Oil
Rathbone Petroleum.. 1 31
Seneca Oil
Story Farm 011 21
Schuylkill & Oil Creek 11
St. Sieboloq 4+
Story Celan, 8
Sunbury .81
Tarr Farm
Tarr Humestimd..... Si
Tuttle Rua... .....
Union Petroleum. I:
Upper Economy .
Veuatigo 01L... ... 1 , 4
Walnut 151 and.......
Watson 2:
Bull Creek ' '3l
Briggs Oil 31
Burning Spring Prt 21
Continental Oil 21
Crescent City. 11
Curtin 13
Corn P1anter.........51
Caldwell - 61
Cow Creek li
Cherry Brun 37
Drinkard 11
Dunkard,Cretk Oil
Densmore 5
Excelsior Oil It
Egbert 3}
GREENA.WALT—HARMONY.—On the 9th lust, by
the Key. Dr. Schneek, Capt David B. Greenawalt, - of
Fayetteville, to Miss Annie Harmony, of this place.
LEISHER—STORK.—On the 9th inst., by the Rei.
Dr. Conrad, Mr. David F. Leieher to Miss Mary C. Stork,
Loth of this place.
TROXEL--MILLER.-On the let instant at Martica•
burg, by the Rev. W. D. Hanson, Maj. E. S. Tread, `..'211
Penn'a Cavalry. to Mrs. Juliet B. Miller, of that place.
WEST—JOHNS.—On'the 9th Met, in
_Harrisburg, by.
the Rev. T. H. Robinson, Mr. Max. West,-of Camden, , N.
J.. to Miss Nettie Johns, of Harrisburg, Pa. ""
YOUST—BAKER.—On Meath Mat., by the Rev. J.
W. Bard, Mr. Adam Yeast, of Greenvillage, to Mrs. Mary
A. Baker, of Southampton township, Franklin Co., Pa.
ZEJGLER—KELLER.—On the 25thult, by the Rev.
F. Dyson, Mr. W. Pause Zeigler to 3.1 M. Anna Keller,
both of this place.
FINLEY—SWITZER—On the Ith last, by the same
Mr. Melmacthcon N. Finley, of Erie, Pa., to Kim Emma
J. Switzer, of this place.
UMNICH—WILDERSON.--On the 9th lost, by the
same, .31r.Geol A. Munich to Miss MnryA Wildemon,
both of Guilford township.
SKINNER—IWOODS.—Ou the Met ult., by the Rho.
J. C. Bliss. Mr. John W. Skinner, of Ftinttetteturg, to
Miss Emma S. Wooda• of Blaid, Perry county.
ISABELL—MAINE.—On the 7th lust., by the Rev.
D. Gudemaan, of Christ Church, Sergt. Louis N. Isabel!,
of the United States Army, formerlyof Port Huron, Mich/
igen, to Miss Catharine Heine, of this place.
BLATENBURG—HAUL3IAN.—On the title lost, by
the Rev. S. Irlienzy, Mr. James Blateitharg, of Mt Car
roll, ill., to Mize Sarah Ass Houlihan, of Upton, this coun
REJSITER—MILLER.--On the same day, by the same,
at the residence of the bride's mother, In St. Thomas top.,
Mr.,SamuelS. Belabor, of Chambersburg, to Miss Borah
Miller. •
BIGEIA3L—On the Bth Inst., in Franklin Co„ Pa., SIVA;
Grizelda Bigharn. widow of the late David Bigham, In
the Stith year of her age. for end was peace.
WBAGLEY.—On the sth Mot, in Baltimore George
F. Weagley, formerly of Waynesboro', aged 51 years, 2
months and 11 days.
GROVE—On the sth inst., in Mercersburg, Mrs. Elia.
abeth Grove. formerly of Waynesboro', aged DO years, I
month and 12 days.
PHILLIPPY.—On the 22d ult, near Greencastle, Chas.
Victor, son of Jacob R. and Sumo Phil lippy, aged 8 mos.
and 2.2 days.
CALDWELL—Op the 861 lust, In this place, :ire. Re
becca Caldwell, in the 92d year of her age.
SNIDER.—On the 7th lost, Mr. Peter Snider, aged 12
years, S months and 20 days, Mr. S. was beloved by all
who knew him, and leaves a bereaved mother to mourn
his lees. We hope he has gone to a better world, where
we hope to meet him again.
HAYS.—Ori the lathist., in Darnestown, Md., Mrs. Sm
sae, wife of'3l4Mariot Rays, In the 32d year of her age.
Thu deceased had been sojourning with her husband in
Darnestown for the lastyear. Her death was sudden and
unexpected. She was a worram beloved by her friends
and much esteemed by all ivho know her. She had pat
her trust In her Lord and Savior, and death did not find
her uppreppred for the great change. Pier remains were
brought-AX, Alercersburg, and were intoned in the come.
tery of aka I>resbyterlan Cltch, amid a large concourse of
friends andscqunlntances. " tie yo also ready, for in such
an hoar nays think not the Son of Man cometh."
Chambersbarg Markets.
Cliaidagardwau, March 14, 1865.
Flour—White 811 00 flutter 35
Flour—Red 10 50 Eggs 30
Wheat—White 2.40 Lard ,20
Wheat—Red 235 Tallow 'l5
Rye 1 40 Bacon—Hume. 20a25
Corn 1 40llacon-LSides. 20:
Oats •• • • 50 Soup Menne 525
.Clover Seed 14 00 Waahed•Wool 60
Timothy Seed 450 Unwashed Wool 40
Flaxseed 2 50 Pared Patches. 5 00
Potatoes—Meurer...: 1 30 Unparod Peaches "3 00
' , curved—Pink Eyre 1 45 Dried Apple ' 075
Pktladelphta ?Markets.
Flour--only small lots sold it i9tZlO for superfine; /AO
littlaitha I . l eVilsgat 4l / 2 ei/ambrokiirg , Pit
'2lO 50 forlMtra. Saudi miles ai r /lye flour atand.
. _
Coro meat at $7- 75 :
Whentis dallatid - raage; from 52,40 to 2.50 for red and
white from $2.55 to 2,55. Rye 'mile at 51.75. Com--mdea
$1,50£11.,53. Oats scroo buzli. 9311
Whiskey istdall at $2 27.
Phihulelphia Stock Market.
Stocks beam Penny fives. 97; Mari. Canal. 89 ; Long
Irdend,2B • Reeding 54; Penna. R.' R., 53: Gold re 4; Ex
change iu New York par. . .
Attu bbeefisententu.
of Chambershurg, triribe a candidate foithe office of
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating
Coanty Convention, marchls.
CENTS!—Beat quality KEROSENE
only 20 cents per quar!„ at the cheap Family Gro
cery, corner of Muin and Washington Streets.
.E. D. amp.
111REASITItER.—SaXel F. Greenawalt
offers himself as a Candi e for the office of Chanty
Treasurer. snbJect to the deeisi of the Union Nornina ,
ting Convention. CHASn 1:11511li7G . March 15.
QHERlFALTY.—Enconrageil by a anal-
L.) ber of my friends. I offer myself as a candidate for
the ales of Sheriff, subject to the. decision of the Union
Nominating Comfy Convention. D. 3L LEISITER.
Cwarirensßna, Marchls.
NOTICE —All persons indebted to A. J
White by note or Book Acedinit will confer a faro':
by calling and settling their accounts without delay. His
books are all that he has saved out of the great fire.
niarchl.s A. t WHFIT.
Stone. Building, 2 doom north of the Post 0111ce.
OTICE.—The day designaWifor hold
ingg the exemption from Militia duty for Quincy,'
Washington and Waynesboro, will be on Tuesday, the
28th day of March, instead of Monday 2011.,
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Jacob Kaufman, late of Letterkenny town
ship, dee'd have been granted to the undersigned.
An persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property athenticated for settlement.
Adm rs.
BRICK YARD.—The undersigned, Administrator,
will offer at Public Sale: on Thursday. the .10th day of
Mara. lef.s. on the premises, all that LOT OF GROUND,
situate in Borough of Chambersburg, bounded by lands of
William G. Reed, Hon. George Chambers and the Fal
ling Spring. containing Five Acres and twenty-three Per.
chea. The Brick Yard§ Sheds, will be sold with the lot.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 1d,.-when terms will
be made known by WILLIAM WALLACE,
marls.3t Adn'rs of Nelson Wansuradter, dec'd.
Lev friend Phillip Ludwig, vs. Michael Harmony.
—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, Pa.
Sub. Sri Divorce to October Term, 1863 No. 51. Alias Sub.
to April Term, 1861, No. 17, Returned NOR Haber.
Michael harmony •—Yon are hereby notified to be and
appear before the Jedges of our Court of Counsels Plea;
at Chambersborg, in and for the County of Franklin, 011
the second Monday of April, A. D., 1865, to answer the
matters charged against yon in said libel for divorce.
4 marlsAt SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.'
her next friend Franklin linter, ya. Joseph White.
—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County. Pa.
Sub. in Divorce to January Term, 1865. No. 8. Alias
Sob. to April Term. 1861 No. 11. Returned Nihil h•bet.
Joseph White:—You are hereby notified to be and app
pear before the Judges of our Court of Commop Pleas. at
Chambersburg. in and for the county of Franklin, CM the
second Monday
. of April A. 33.. 18(15. to answer the mat
ters charged against you in said libel for divorce.
,utarchls..4t SAIRTEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
ix Mend John W. Reges, vs. Phillip Smith.—ln tho
Court of Common Pleas fcr Franklin County, Pa. Alms
Sub. is Divorce to January Term. Itto3, No. 10. Post.
Sub. No. 73, October Term, 1864. Returned Nihif Haba.
Philip Smith :--You are hereby notified to be and ap
pear before the Judges of our Court of Common Pleas, at
Chambersburg, in and for the County of Franklin. on the
second Monday of Apra A. D., 3865, to answer the teat.
tern charged against you in said libel for divorce.
marls-4t SAMUEL BRANDY. Sheriff.
in the Post 07
Sylvania March 14,
To obtain an
call for "advertised
pay one cent for ad ,
Abderson Mien 3T.Ti
Blackwell rdisPoly
Bowman Mrs Jos
Bowers Geo
Beaten Win
Boey Thomas
Campbell James
Carroll Miss Em M
Clunk MissLitzieS
Cort Miss Anna
Cone W 0
Cross James
Fieher Hey O L
Uhing Thane
PROCLAMATION.-=-To the Coroner,;
the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the
different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting . '
Know all ye, that in pursuance of the precept. to toe dl
'meted, under the hand and seal of the HON. ALEX Krxo,
President of the several Courts of Common Pleas. in the
Sixteenth District consistiog of the countica of Somerset, j
Bedford, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his office,
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and
in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and;
W. W. PAXTON. and JAMES 0. CARSON - . Esqs., Judges of j
the same county of Franklin.. Yon and each of you are
hereby required to be and appear in vour proper persons
with your Records, Reeognizances Examinations, and,
other Remembrances before the Judges aforesaid. at Chum
bersbtug, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery. and. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid.
CM the 'ld Monday in April. bring , the 10a - day of de
month, at 10 o'clock so the forenoon of that day then and ;
there to do those thing's, ultieh to your several offices ap•
Glyn under mylraarlat Chambersbarg. thel3fh Ma.relt,
1865. [marlsj SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
J. & M.: W H I T-E
in the Stone Building, on Second Sheet, two doors
north of the Post Offiel, and opposite
j a good asm)rt:l4ent of
and a general amortment of
Give ail a call.' ,
V Term, 1865. •
John M'Curily and vrife \ Vs. Andrew M'Cludy.
SamevF. David Vance.
,Abraham Saylor s-n. L. B. Brenner.
William Rodgers v< William Keyser.
J.Bomberger vs. Frederick Walk.
Philip Karper VP. Benjamin Cook, et. al.
David Witherspoon VS Rebecca Currey's Er.
William Stambaugh ' vs. ,Uriab P. Smith.
John Richardson " vs. John Plum.
WeaSie.Y In Bonobreak, 1 v.. Wunderlleh Nead & Co.
Houghwent & Co..
Ella. Jane Trinille vs. Mary Ann Clark.
Jacob S. Lynn YA. Jacob Hisey & Wife.
•Morrow R. Skinner vs. Samuel Hither.
Jacob S. Brown • • vs. Samuel M. Worley eta'.
Geo. Gaffs use . vs. John H. Tilde.
John Miller et. al. ye: Wm Skinner. et. al.
Morrow R. Skinner vii. Samuel Dither.
Wm. Wilhelm vs. D. 8. Reisher
Mary C. Miller - vs. John H. Hartle.
Jacob Glass vs. Henry Kyle and Wife.
Simon Miner vs, John Waldsmith.
Henry Kyle ye. Jacob (Hasa.
Luther Spellman ve J. C. R. Eekinan.
R. C. McCurdy ' • VII John 8. Comm.
marchls • - ' . K. 8. TAYLOR, Prothiy.
Re d nod Croy Fox,
-:orwurrzins OLD JAIL.
Still keeps up the teleteiS on of th* old itat2d.
ceram get bargains.
PI IMADELViLL :iamb 14.
1 ttlee at arenbersberg, State of Penn
, 1865.
ny of these Letters, the applicant must
Letters," give the date of this list, and
Grove George 'RaymondMiaAßce
Gray Rachel 'Rock John
Rave Nisi Maria Skinner Gee
. . . ..... .• ... -
Huber J i Shatter Emanuel
Hager Mrs S E !Shaterliistisbeeta
Jones George I StivelyMissSaraE
Mimes Rmse!Shetronlitisallianey
; King Dr Wlf 2 (Snyder Solomon -
'Lane Miss Mary !Taylorliliss Susie -
McDonnell Pines !Thompson Miss Ch .
MeGreag Mrs It Thompson Mis MD
Miller Daniel Walborn Miss Ern ;
Noel Chruistrfr . white James • I
Prim /I.IIEI, Mary WoUkill .1 N ,
Pieffer Carl Aog 2 Wollt.lll.7aelleni
Reed W S . !Woods Chorles
J. W. DEAL, P. M.
Rave opened their
the County Jell,
Opo sum
Rabbit and
Muskrat Skimp, ,
Reth abbettsenusts.
p EGISTELR'S NOTItt--All persousin
iv (crested win .please takenotice, that the following
Accountants have Iliad _their Accounts in the EtKister'a
Office of Franklin County and that the same-sr:II be pre.
Footed to the Orphans' Corm lot confLonatiou, on Wcanas
dc.T. the day of April. .1565, in Chuanhershuar
66. First and final account of T.. 7. Mcllhenny and Sam
uel Holiday. Ex'rs of Catharine 7.fcEbenny, Into of Fan
nett top., deed.
67. Final account of David Keller and Henry Britta
leer, Ez'roof Henry Brubaker. deed.
CA- First and final amount of S. p. 'McCurdy, Aduir of
James H. Alexander, late of Fannetrtmp., dee'd.
&J. First account of Joseph Gilmore and James Gilmore
Eicirs of Isabella Marshall, Into of Strasburg. deed.
70. Second and final account of Jacob Brechbill and
Jacob Wiland, Ea'rs of John Wiland, deoict
71. First and final acct. of Joseph Fritz and Leonard
Fritz, Adm i rs of Fred'k Fritz. late of Warren twp., deed.
72. First acct. of James A. Cook, Adm'r, and Ann
Harshrnan, Admirz, of Samuel Hershman, deed.
73. First and final acct. of Samuel Shartle, Ez'r of Ja
cob Seibert, late of Montgomery tn - p., deed.
74. First and final acct. of Michael Ebersole, Adler of
Jacob Ebersole, iteed.
71. First and final acct. of Peter Kerlin, Ea'r of John
Kerlin, deed,
76. Second ffeet. of Simon Lecrtme, Guardian of Martin
Funk, minor ehila a Jacob Funk - , late of Washington
township, deed.
77. First account of Simon Loorone, Guardian of Sarah
C. 3.ll:totvell, minor child of John M'Dowell, late - of An
trim township, deed.
78. First and final acct of George and John .inllinger,
Ex'rs of Fred'kßinger, late of Letterkenny twp.,de&d.
79. First and final sect. of N.H. Brumbaugh and H. V.
Hartman, Adneni of Charles Hartman, late of Greencas
tle, deo'd.
80. First and final acct. of Michael R. Winder, Adm'r of
Gee. Lehman, late of Green tvrp., deo'd.
8L Accoant of 'l'. B. Kennedy, Guardian of Mary C.
Bearer, minor child of John Beaver, deed.
82. First acct. of Jos. McClelland, Guardian of Thos.
A., Samuel 8., Joseph Jennie, A, Murgarctta J. and Wm.
C. McClelland, - minor children of Jae. McClelland, late of
Letterkenny twp„,. deed- •
83. First and final acct. of Henry Finefrock, Ather of
Nancy Finefrocki late of Guilford tsvp., dec'd.
84. Acct. of Milton Shire); Ex'r of Adam Shirey, late
of Greencastle, dec'd, as stated, by J. C. MeLarsbAu,
Adler of said Milton Shirey. deo'd.
85. First and final acct., of Emanuel Kahn,' AdMer of
Henry Kinkel, late of Hamilton tsvp., deed.
86. Final dect David Gilbert, Admir of John Gilbert,
late of Waynesboro, deed.
87. Firer acct. of John W. Cohn, Atlm'r of Josiah Be
sore, late,of Waynesboro, deC'd.
marchlri HE:s.:RY STRICKLER, Register.
. ,
Atßm.% Gr.N . F.rat's OFFICE Waohington,,D.
Mare 6 8, VO.
The following Act of Congress h+ published for Ike infor
mation and guidance of all concerned :
"AN ACT to amend the central Acts heretofore passed to
provide for the enrolling and calling eta the -national
forces, and for other purposes.
" Srril f OS 13. And 5c it furtherinacted, That where
any revised enrolment ',in any Congressional or thrift dis
trict loss been obtained ar made, prior to any actual draw
ing of llama from the enrolment lists, the quota of such
district may be adjusted and apportioned to such revised
enrolment instead of being applied to or based upon the
enrolment as it may have stood before the revision.
" - SECTION 14. And be it further enacted, That here
Odell persons mustered into the military or naval ser
vice, whether no volunteers, substitutes, representative%
or otherwise, shall be &edited ' to, the State, and, to the
ward, township, precinct, or other enrolment sub-district,
where such perions belong by actual residence, (if mach
persons have an actual residence within the United Sta
tes,) and where such persons were or shall be enrolled, (if
liable to enrolment) and it In hereby made the duty of the
Provost starshat General to make such rules and give such
instructions to the several Provost MiushaLi,,Boards of
Enrolment, and Mustering officers, as shall be necessary
for the faithful enforcement of the provisions of this sec
tion, to the end that fair and just credit shall be given to
every section of the country Provided, That in any call
for troops hereafter no county, town, township, word, pre
duct or election district, shall have credit except for men
actually furnished on said call, or the preceding call, by
said minty, town, township, ward, precinct, or election
district and mustered into the milit''ry or navel service
on the quota' thereof. •
" SECTION 15. And brit further enacted, That in com
puting quotas hereafter, credit shall be given to the sever
at States. districts and sub-districts, for alt men furnished
from them. resis•Cively„ and not heretofore credited, din
ring the present rebellion; for an' period of service of not
less that three months, calculating the number of days
far which such service was furnished, and reducing the
same to years; Praridect, That such credits shall not be
applied to the call for additioniil troops made by the Pres
ident on the twenty-first day of D•icsraber, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-four.
SECTION 16. And be it ferther eroded, That persons
who trace been, or may hereaftei be drafted. under the
provisions of the Several acts to which this is an amend
ment, for the term of one year, and who litive actually fur
nished, 'or may actually furnish, acceptable substitutes
(nut liable to draft) for the term of three years. shell be
exempt from military duty during the time for which
:inch substitutes shall not be liable to draft, not exceeding
the time for which such substitutes shall hate hem, mus
tered into the service, anything in the act of February
vvetity•fonrth, eighteen hundred mad sixty-four, to the
contrary notwitligandintr.
• SECTIoX 17. And Ire it furtkereaacted, That auy re
cruiting agent subs - dude Wolter, or ether person who, for
pay or profit, shall enlist or eun°e to be enlisted, non vol.
unteer or substitute. any insane remit, or convict, or per
son under indictment for a felony, or who is held to bail to
an iwor for a felony, or personin a condition of intoxica
tion, or a daserter from the military or naval service, 0 1
minor betvren time 4ces. of sixteen Etna eighteen yeses,
without the tansent of his parents or guardian, or any mi
nor under the age of sixteen yetins, knowing him, in either
case bef ire mentioned, to 'wench, or who shall defraud or
illegally deprive any volunteer or substitute of any portion
of the State, local, or United State' bounty, to which he
may be entitled. shall upon - conviction in any court of
competent jurisdiction. be fined not exceeding one thocts•
and dollars, nor less than two hundred dollars, or impris
oned not exceeding two years and not less than three
months orludh. in the discretion of the court aforesaid. -
" Srirnox 18. And be it further enacted, That any of-
Seer who shall muster into the military or naval, service
of the tailed States any deserter from said ser vice, or in
sane person. or person in a condition of intoxication, or
any minor between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years,
without the consent of his parents or guardian- or any mi
ner under the age of sixteen years:fringing him to be
such, shall upon conviction by anytogrt-martial, be dis
honorably dismissed the service of the United States.
Serrtort 19. And be it Ara& elaged. That in every
ease varre a substitute is furnished to take the place Oran
enroll filif or drafted seen and it is shown by evidence that
shall be satisfacsory to the Secretary of War that such
substitute svas at the time of his enlistment. known by
the party famishing him to be n aa•compos TACIiIi9, or in a
condition of intoxication, or underconvietioe or indictment
for any offence of the grade of felony at the common law.
or to have been guilty of tx previous act of desertion unsat
isfied by pardon or punishment, or by reason of any exist
ing inArnaity or ailment, physically incapable of performing
the ordinary duties of a soldier In actual ervice in the
ranks, or minor between the ;sari of sixteen and eighteen
years, without the consent of isle parent or guardian, or n,
miner rmderthe age of sixteen years. it shall be the duty
of the Provost Marshal General, on advice of the fact, to
report the same to the Provost Marshal of the proper dis
trict; and if such person be enlisted and incapable shall
have been, since the passage of this act, mustered into the
se - mire as a Substitute for a person liable to draft, and not
actually drafted, the name of the - person SO liable who fur
bished such Erahstitute shall be again placed on the list, and
be shall be subject to draft thereafter, as though no such
substitute had been furnished by him ; and if snob substi
tute so enlisted, and incapable as aforesaid. shall leave been
since the passage of this act, mastered into the 'service at
a substitute for a person actually drafted. then it shall be
the duty of the Pmvost Marshal General to direcithe Pro
vost Marshaliof the district immediately to notify the per
who furnished such substitute that he Is held to service
in the place Of such substitute, and he shall stand in the
samirrelatlon and be subject to the same 'liability as be
fore the furnishing of suckuthstituto.
"szcnoNi2O. And be it further enacted; That in case
any substitute shall desert from the army, and it shall ap
pear by evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of War,
that the party, furnishing snob substitute shall bare, in
,any way. directly or Indirectly, aided orabetted such de
sertion or tolave been privy to any intention on the part
of such substitute to desert then such person shall be ha
rnediately placed in the army. and shall serve for the pe
riod for which he was liable to draft. such service to com
mence nt the date of the desertion of the sultititute.
"Sr.crioN And be it f err &Av. enacted. That, in addi
tion to the other lawful penalties of the crime of desertion
from the military or naval service, all persons who have
deserted the solitary or naval service of the United States
who shall not return to said service, or report themselves
to a Provost Marshal within sixty days after the praclaina
tea hereinafter mentioned. ;half be deemed and taken to
havevoluntsitilv relinquished and forfeited their rights 'of
citizenship and their rights to become oitlzemi and such
deserters shall be forever incapable of holding any eittoe of
trust or profit under the United States, or of exercising
any rights of citizens thereof ; and all persons who shall
hereafter deiert the military tit:naval service, and all per
grins who.. being duly enrolled. shall depart the jurisdiction
of the district in which ho is enrolled. at go beyond the
limits of the United States. with intent to avoid nay draft
into the military or naval service, duly ordered, shall be
liable to thepenalties of this section. And the President
Is hereby militarized and required forthwith. on the pas
sage of this act to issue his proclamation setting forth the
provisions of tills section. in which proclamation the Presi
dent is requested to notify all deserters returning within
sixty days as aforesaid. that they shall be pardoned on
condition of returning to their regiments and comp anies, or
to each other, organizations as they may be assignor( to,
until they shall have served for a period of time equal to
their orleinallterm of enlistment.
, .
"SEcTION V.. And be it funhtr sunned, That the third
section of the net, entitled "An act (further) toregulate and
provide for the enrolling and milling out the national for
ces. and for tither prposes," approved. July fourth. eigh
teen handred and Baty-four, be. and the same la hereby,
repealed. -
"SECTION And he ((farther enacted, That any per
son or persons enrolled in knysnb.clistrictmay. after notice
of a draft and before the same shall hare been taken place,
cause to he mustered into the service of the United States,
such number of recruits, not subject to drag as they may
deem expedient, which recruits shall stand to the credit of
the persona thus causing them to he mustered in, andslaall
be taken as substitutes fer such persons, or so many of
them as gang be drafted. to the extent of the number of
such recruits,, and in the order designated by the princi
pals at the time such morn its are thus as aforesaid muster
ed in.. •
“ftiimoN 24. Ararbe it - further enacted, That section
fifteen of the Act approved February twenty.fourth, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-fonr, entitled "An act for enrolling
and calling out the national forces. and for other purposes.'
be. and the same is hereby, amended by inserting after
the wools "any civil magistrate.” the words "or any per
son authorized by law to administer oaths,"
" SECriON 5.5. And hr. it enacted, That the Se&
relary of. War Is hereby authorized to detail one or more
of the employees of the War Department for the purpose
of administering the oaths required by law in the settle.
'mentor Officers' accounts for clothing., camp and garrison
e aotploste. quartermasters' stores, arid ordnance, which
oaths shall be administered without execase to the Par
ties taking them, and shall be, as binding upon the per-,
sons faking the same, and If falsely taken, shall subject
them to the same penalties, as if the same were adminis
tered by a magistrate or justice of the pence. -
"SfteTTOri26. And be ;it further muted, That Acting ;
Aaslatant Surgeons. Contrast Someone , and Surgeons nod
Cotantittainnere on the Enrolling Bearde,ofhlle
!toy serviee.of the rafted States, hereafter be ex
empt from all liability to be drafted under the provietaet
of any eat for enrolling and calling out the national for.
9116en01177. Akerker enacted, Tkat caveat
Bbstrt take effect bow OW Vaesaeara: Protdial ,
That anthleik berth ed eleeTl operate bo poetpaee
the: poodiOr 4raft? bdtrftre - with - Itte ttebton utAgned
- ,„ • -
" Apprared - Mattl23,, 1865."
' fSeodookfroxia one - idtwqyey indospie, do tat relate to
duo Bureau, and ore' aid .3 zgairid - 8. FitY, Provost Menial Georred.
Mara liliA,-1865.
The following Opinion the At t orney 'General of the
United States is publishe dor the htformation of the peo
ple of this District. ! GEO. EYSTEE,
Capt. and PrO. Mar. 16th Dist. Penna.
ArrbiestEr Gn - rilkt's OFFICE, February 9, 1..
Sra ,In Your letter of the 9 8 th jantum, , , yen ask my,
opinion on the legal points presented in the letter ofGcm'el , L
nor A. GI Curtin, to yen, of date the _,sth January.
,Governer Curtin's letter Is In relation to the construction
of the Act of Congresseapproved 3 d Mare -14 1863, com
monly' called the Enrolment Act. He insists—
Ist That the words ', period of service," since thecom•
mencement of the rebellion, as used in the 12th secilon of
the Act, do not require the President, in assigning the
quotas to the several States to take into consideration the
whole term of enlistment of the volunteer and militia man;
53.. That that part of the Act of the 3d of nunb, 1E63.
which makes the period of service an element lathe eaten.
halm neeemary Codetermine the number of men due from a
State, district, county, or town, has been repealel by the
°..d sectionof the Act amenclatia7 of the Enrolment Act,
approied 24th February,- 1t64. .
It will bemore convenient to eszasider these questions in
the reverse order, inaimuoll as if It shall be found that the
repeal has been made, as contended for.the first point
made by the Governor need tot be consldernd.
The great objects of the Enrolment Actors:
Ist. To declare *ho shsllconstitate the national foten3;
2d. To,,c a Idea by which the naticraal forces can
be made avalit.'de
Subordinate to the purpose °Liaising and organizing the
national tosree, theplan adopted by.,Congress shows a de•
sire that the draft upon the .indastrial population of the
several, States, and the communities thereat Ovoid be
equalized as nearly as pracficable_
By the 4th section (tithe Act of the 3d a ar...iich,
the United States is divided into districts, of which the
District of Columbia shall constitute - one, each Territory
a the United States shall constitute one or mere, as the
President.shall dime - toy - MI each Congressional District of
the respective States. ,as fixed by a law of the State next
preceding the enrolment, shall ebristitnte one. The th
section provides, that there shall be a Board of Bnrolm7st
in each District By the 9th section, it is provided, that if
the Board of Enrolment shall deem itnecemary, a District
may be divided into two, and, with the assent of the Sec ,
retary of War, into any greater number of Sub-divisions,
By the 12th section, itismade the duty of the President,
in assigning tithe Districts thenuraber nf men to be firr
nished therefrom, to take into consideration the number of
volunteers and militia furnished by and from the several .
Stcats is which said Districts are situated, and the period
of their service since the commencement of the present re
bellion; and shall so make said assignment as to equalize
the numbers amcMg the Districts, considering and allow
ing for the nunibeis already furnished as aforesaid, and the
time of their service.
• It is 'evident, from the face of this Act, that the several
States and Districts had furnished a number of volunteers
and militia, and for periods of service.
The first duty of the President was to have the national
forces enrolled; his next duty was to ascertain what mull
ber of volunteers and militia had been furnished from the
several States, and the periods of their service since the
commencement of the present rebellion ; andthen, from
wind. Districts in the several States they came, that be
might equalize thenumlars among the Districts of the
several States, coasiderldt, and allowing for the numbers
already furnished as aforesaid, and the time of their set ,
vicar' Under the Act of the 3d of March, 1863, it is plain
that fie hod "no right and power to cot up a District into
counties, towashp, precincts or wards, in order to eqal
tie the draft therein. The authority given in the 9th sec
tion to sub-divide n District was far the purpose of facM.
tiding or expediting the enrolment, and with no reference
to equaliiation. might, and,doubtleas did happen in
many Districts, that one well defined portion of a District,
nu a county, township, or ward, had famiShed greatly more
thanthe number due therefrom, whilst other parts of the
same District, equally well defined, had - farmslied few or
none, thereby making a draft upon the District necessary;
and yet, under the Act, it was not in the power of the
President to make the draft otherwise than equal over the
whole District. This was unjust and oppressive. In or.
der to correct this flagrant hardship and injustice, Congress,
bY - the 2d section of the Act of 29th Pebreary,lB64, and
which is in amendment of the Act of 3d March, 1863, de
clared that the quota of each ward of a city, town, town:
ship, precinct-or election district, or of a county, where
the county is not divided into wards, towns, townships,
precincts or election districts, shall be, as nearly as possi
ble, in proportion to the number of men resident therein
liable to military service, taking into account, as far as
• practicable, the number which has been previously fur
nished therefrom. 4
It is earnestly insisted, and most ingeniously argued,
that this 2d section of the amendedAet repeals so much of
the 13th section of the Act of the 3d of March, 1883, es
makes it the duty of the Precedent to take into considera
tion the period of servieeof the volur.teers and militia from
the several States The argument in favor of the repeal
rests wholly upon the words of the amendatory Act—"the
nmsber which has been previously furnished therefrom."
It is insisted that "number," used, means an
arithmetical count. I cannot so understand it.
The Act of the 3d March, 1863, had prescribed a mode
by which the number of mon due from the several Stales,
and the Districts of the several States, should be ascertain
ed ; and that mode required, not a simple count buta con,
sideration of the period of service of men previously 'fur
nished. Congress used the cord member in the 2tl section
of the amendatory Act, understanding that the mode of
count prescribed en the original Act would be preserved.
There are many evidences upon the face of the amenda
tory- Act which show that it was not the intention of Con.
gresa to change the mode of count prescribed in tilt origi
nal Act
The iunendal Act dam not undertake to say how the
qoota of a Stare cot District is to be ascertained, In asaer
'taming what number is due from a State or District the
President must pursue the mode pi=mibeil in the 12th
seetiou of the original Act—he must take into cctdderation
the period of service ; and yet, under the eansametion in
sisted upon, when he comes to equation the draft, as an•
tharized to do by the amended Act, in the Districts, he
roust be controlled by simple numbers. It mama be that
Congress intended one mode of count for the States end
Districts, and a different and wholly inconsistent one for
the -Sub-divisions of Districts. Inextricable confusion
would result.
From the haagnage used in various parts of the amends.
tory wet it is evident that Congress did not intend to dis
turb the mode of count prescribed in the original act.
For instance. in the Bth section of the amendatory act, it is
said that the town, ward, or township shall be credited by
his scrrices, and in the 7th section, "the peried7cr which
the shall have been enlisted," and "the peribtl for which
he shall have been drafted,' all going to shout that time
ctsenice was held to be an element in the count- -
Nor do I think that the argument in favor of the raped
is aided by the language of the let section of the act, end.
tied "An set further to regulate and provide far the c.rlllng
out the national forces," approved 4th July, 1E64. The
act says, that "any such volunteer, or in case of draft, as
hereinafter prOvided, any substitute, shall 're credited to
the tom.," de. Congress meant that' the credit should be
given according to the mode of count prescribed in the
set of 71,1 March:lB63.
The whole pale of the 2d section of the amendatory
act was to enable pus President to equalize the draft in
the several districts, surely not to have one mode of count
in ascertaining the quotas - hi — Theiseveral States and dis
tricts, and another mode for eqtralizing the districts. 'ln
sides, it is hardly to be ctinsidere d that Congress would
thus incidentally sttikelrom siTlmportant a statute a fea
ture so prominent and equitable. •
I am, therefore, of the opinion that the mode of aseer
timing and ass; gning IJ States and districts their respective
quotas, as preseribed in the 12th section of the act of the
3d July, 103, is not repealed, and that tho same mode
must be pursued iu egnalL-ing the draft , the sub
divisions of each district.
Next comes the question, what is the mode of counipre
-scribed in the 12th section of the not of 3d March, 1863 1
It is very plain that Congress reganied that a considera
tion of the period of service would change the role from a
merely numerical one. Some credit was to be given for
the period of service as well as for the man. Congress his
died various periods of service, and Stat,.s and districts,
and fractions of districts, had furnished memfor those pe ,
nude of service. Now how is the credit to be , givent -
Before - proceeding to answer the question, it may be
proper to slate, that it Is insisted that the words "period of
time" and ' time of service," as used in the 12th section of
the not of Morel 3, 1861, mean something different from
tern of ferric:. It seems to me that the phrases mean one
nod the sama.thing. - When 'the word term is used in ref
erence to time, it is, according to the lexicographers, very
nearly the synonym of period. The difference betwixt
them, If say, is too uncertiin and shadowy to believe that
Congress meant by the use of one, something different
from what is - understood by the other. But the wordepe
end arm, both occur in after parts of the nets now under
consideration. In the 18th section of the act of 1863, the
term of service is spoken of and the term of re-enlistment,
whilst to the 7th sealer' of the amended not, it is the peri
od for whirls be shall have enlisted, and the period for
which he shall have been draftmL Thus it will be percei.
ved, that upon the very face of these acts, Congress used
these words as meaning the same thing. It happens to in
the net, that neither word may be used and yet the same
idea intended, as in the Bth section of the amended act,
where the language is "shall be credited by his seremna"
Itegardiog then "period of service,"ar.d, " term of ser
vieB." meaning. the same thing, any argument predicated
upon z dif f erence must be disregarded. And thus we are
broupt back to the etnestien, how Is the credit to be giv
en 4 Unst.the credit be for the time, of actual service, or
the period of enlistment!
I think that Congress intended by the wards "period of
service," to give credit for the time of his enlistment When
a martenlists in the service of .the Government fur one, two,
or three years, his -services ere due to the Government for
that period. and during that period his services ate with•
drawn from the indesuial pursuits of life. The not spei,sks
as though there was a certain and died period fol. - the ger.
; ices of each man, and yet, if any ported or time is taken,
other than the term of enlistment, by some system of aver
ages or gues;ed, a rule roust be tied. To do so would
violate the certainty oontemplated by the act.
I ern, therefore, of the opinion that the President mast,
under the act, give credit by the whole period or term for
which the mart enlisted,
Wbether this is the rule which sliptild have been adopted
by Cour ess, whether it does not apemte unequally, and
hether It is exactly Just ornot, are questions that cannot
now be considered. It is troilism to Mt that special cases of
hardship wilt occur bythe -application of any general rule r
nevertheless the bnse, as written, most be puratted and ea,
forced. Very respectfully, your obedient serrant
(signed) 7 JAISES isPErtEt. Vterney GeneraL
To the President. Inaareh 151 t
LEva3 corun I _ p. CROP, I W.ll. TEVI9
C'o,o P E. & GRA - F F
tio. II 3.[Eaciane. Excl!.a.nGr,
Esq., J. McDowell Sharpe,
iessersmith, Esq. • fe1.457m.
,ANI - ANTED, AT $l5O RED •101NiT11, A
yy Rellable,amvaaserba every town and conntf, foe'
the Nurse and Spy, the moat interesting and exciting bc , ble
ever published, embracing the udynntnres of a Wpmep
the Labe army ae Name,
Seont and Spy, giving a WOO
Vivid Inner picture the was. We have Ageutgolearlog
$l5O par mouth. which we wilt prove to any doubting ap
plicant. Bead for droulam Addrom - "JONNS,..BKOS.
& 600 Chestnut St., Phi £a,"
Ntr F
Alai Malaria Olind a o f:
mareltni Nan gnotto CC
St.. Sligr bilinettsr; N
_J. . i
. --, 1, _, k
=sway FOR FlitaketPOSMlßt
sithe west= two veltcp p iii fild
iet tt,-
LaOt Sims alli
win on-Dowo
WABlitillTo7, pitch 14,11 £ M.
11faj. Gen. Dix :—Dispatches direct *DM Gen.
erals Sherman and Schofield 'have'rteen received
this morning by this Depaitment -
Gen. Sherman's dispatch is dated March Sid), at
Laurel UM, N. C. He says we are well andhavo
done finely. Details are for ,obviMXl±!:reastms
General Schofield in a dispatch dated at New
bera, March 12th, states that on the night of the
lOtli near, South-west Creek, Bragg was fairly
beaten and • that during themight -he .retreated
acme the Neuse at Kinston, and now holds the
north balkof the river at that place. -
E. M. STANTON, See'y of War. ',
Amended General liatintY ,BM—Bounty
Limited to/WOO—BM Passed Finally.
Correspondence of the Franklin Repository.
Rearm:lmm; Iliarth
The report of the committee of conference on
,general bounty, bill was adopted by both
branches this evening. It limits .the bounty to
$4OO, and fixes the. per 'cOpiteg tax at .0 I, to be
paid , by all persons littble to draft, and by all able
bodied men between 21 and 45 not subject to
draft, excepting discharged soldiers. This clause
applies to aliens.. HORME.
Sittaleial. 0
S. 7.30 LOA N!
By, authority ef the Secretary of the Treasury,thenn
detsigned has eesnmed the General Subscriptions Bonny
far the sale of United State, Treasury Notes, hearing see:
en aid three tenths per cent., interest, per annum, 'hasp
as the
Theso Notes are tatted ender date of : August 15th; 1864,
and are payable three yews , 'from that time,- in carzeley,
or are convertible at the option of the holder WO ,
11. S. 5.20 81$ PER CENT.
These bonds are now worth a premium of Ampex cent,
including gold interest from Nay., which makes the actea•
alpinfat on the 740 loan, at current rated, Including Inter
est, about ten per cent. per annum, beside its ezernption
fram'State, andmunicipla taxation, which adds from nee
to three per cent. more, according to the rate levied on oth.
or property. The filtered in payable semiqumnally by
coupons attached to each note, which may be mat/rand;
sold to any bank or hanker.
The Interest =wide to
Two. cm - r 5 " " " $ lOO "
Tit " "u " $5OO n ,
20 " $lOOO .
Noiee of all The denominations named mill beprotajetly
fande:hed upon receipt of enlaseriptiorw. This Is
now offered by the Government, and it is eordldeittly ex .
peetvid that its superior advantages will make it the
Legs than 6030,000,000 remain nasal, whlOtfirfil prob.
ably 6e disposed of within tho next 60 pr_9o days, , when
the notes trill undoubtedly command a premium, ea bee
unifo'rm ly been the rase on elogag the unbeetiptions to
ether Leans.
In'order that citizens of every town and section elites
country may be afforded facilities for takingtheloan, the
.Notionalßanha, State Eanks,and Private Bankciathrungh
out the country have generally agreed to receive aub
scripticas atpar. Subscribers will select their own agente.
in whom they have confidence, and who only are to beres
ponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they re.
Subscription Agent, Madelpidn.
Subscriptions mill be received by Theliationalltank
1, I GUILFORD TOWNSIM—Notice is hereby giv
en tonu Tax-payere of Guilford township, who have not
-paid their BOUNTY TAX for 1861, that the same has
been placed in the hands of the proper officers, fag *Alec.;
ton, 'who will be ut S. F. GICEEIZAWALTS, in Chambers-_
burg; on Friday and Saturday, the 10th andlltd anitl7thr
andlta of March nag, to attend to the same. By giving
this attention the per ventage will be saved. By order -itf
the onrinnittee. .1140. REINZDIOT, -
misachil • MICHAEL RFortin
FLACK respectfully request all persona knci
themseltes indebted to them by notes or book aeomistui to
call dnd make *mediate settlement. The necessity ot
this notice is apparent to every one, and We hope those in-
debted will letwt at once. . aug49•tf
P. FELDMAN, having disposed of his satire gook
of Boots, Shoes, &d, et !that.4ale, on the 30i4 o f l am =ax e,.
and finding it inconvemeut to - resume Miami athhOr far,
mer place on 'Main steet, I bare just returned from the
STOCK, to-which he respectfully invitee the attealion of
his old eustomars..and ns many new mice as Will be pleesed'
to give rhim a ca 11,914 MS NEW STORE ON SECOND
ST.. in CHARLEY.XLINkrB brick bulldiMg, nearly op•
pestle the Post Office. His clock embraces every tfariety
of Youths'. Ladles' and, then's BOOTS dr..BlloEB,:whiels
for style of finish, and. durability of wear, name - Alto 5111'
passed in the county, and which will be sold at phone
suit the times. Having purchased THE LATEST Srlasr.
OF LASTS, he is Fared. to make Cue - tomer .wortn
short notice, by the workmen in the county. V. 0 4 4--
disposition to be obliging and accommodatiag, bts hoossi
to merit a libmal share of patrenage--Without F 4:01* -1
to monopolize, as his motto u, in our common nOlinity;
live and let leave,
Particular attentionraiii to all kinA or ROM/4746r
B e has a l so on hand, and for sale, cheap, Ttyysa , v
lines, Carpet Sacks, Llanea and Paper -Colin" p al "
Envelopes, Ink-stands, Steel Pens, &a., &A •
N. persanS knot ing . themselves lailetteitwlß
please callattol make immediate settlotamat, Unit I nao- be
enabled to meet my former liabilities to the City, sag:74.
The undersigned takes this mettodef rettumingbiatiorodu
to his 'masters customers, and the public generally, Att.
the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to hilt.
and ham In his present relsbarune tnentomonwith %Ma
ly every badness man in town, that he will say continuo
to be remembered. - Ile has the Pleasure of Informing the
public that he has opened his Store fa as Basco= of./
B. blatintaltan's Dbiettfs t ir, cm Second Slaw; four doors
North of the Methodist Church, where he toptepared to
°Tern general assortment of Men's, Weentra's and Chil
dren's Boots and Shoes, embracing lida awn bad MIT man.
ufacture, whielt, for excellece of (o.3'llBnd d'allilittf ara
Superior to and of his former stock, and will tie offered et
prices to snit aIL Re Is in WeatlY,Reoektot of Geode from
Philadelphia, which for beauty and excellence cannel be
surpassed South of thp - Sus.gudimmit, , •
CUSTOMER, WORK of every variety done Sti th
promptuclx,,ashe employs none butsaperiamorkuten,
he feels justified in gunrantecitrall stork mode tabs' es
tablichmerit. Don't forget the place, Four Doors' art,
of toe Afittbodist CLurcii. -Samuel BniTA. East Sidi,—
TRUNKS, of the latest style, Ikon approved makeare, at
ways or, Wad, and far sale at a wry small advinse or,
original cost -tang:;] SACCO BUTTON.
W. W. PAATozi has pa, crud, a &6
meat of
HATS, u o ips, 800 TS, SHOES.
RATS OAPS, BOOTS - and SIMS, at Ms new &area
the Market }louse Where he ealt .# 11 11912 all aiticka in Id&
line, cheap f„ cfa i, Bo= 4144 f are gad atoidtirka/.
A fine ei,cayined of CA 4, IMISRE,f444 cwt.
PET BAGS, VAURM cdosta.ntly on tatd..
Call and annadat our Inrgestott of goaU
sepal. - • S" , PAXTON.
sturiumn DAYttari Ft.:FAS, Maa --
b vi g l i rj r, Feb. '27, 3.8 M.
platted teen who eehatNtlirt- they am..o.ratteti. are col—
wawa lks deserters wad' omst be treat*
to tbeirereAlitietttb"4tontairVlvbeT4rotart they.
received Mearpoi,ntioOpok Veretaallifteatt
inaiebAt SCA letunot.Pcumi.,
TO ,4I FARN". wrpratovus—A,
bon t i M I LT 81 4 1 4 1 Uar
%14.arittle;etce it/O.:4 6 01 _