,~~:~~~ AtCogi , 5_1481 .. I ta? Phitadelphle- - 'ClV ti tetattl: Authorine4oll2ltOPOOPO. MAI& COO. Tlie Prniteeibsn4 this dikv Dividetur... - at Yirre:Aall CENT, on an premiums rozel Mr. Ponca:iv ftipi Sea eliding - 1) " ‘ 044 31 4 Ztaxiik ftwe' de that date, the abows ustenuiCio tit) !Said Polienek and have also tweeted Cie dtol; dead ttnittOcat Folfetet -Wood - atilbng tbat year to be paid, 'as tie innuat:leotenktnk , d Pollees are "re. oe4n4. • OFFICERS. &away alurnensoon-John fkyviL,-n. deinare.-Jotm E. Sims. BOARSP OF •TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whlddto 3. uglier/ mu" George Nugent; Rom James-Pollock, Athereo,ltoberte, P. B. Seigle, Oameei werl4 William J. goerant - Ron: Soneph Albson, SasinelT.E.Aine, John Aikmka, Marlin F. ReaSltt, Is= ' Wit. charm enamberibtire, „, Pa.; le tbee_.titharfred,, Agent•oF the American Life Instannne and " 3 ° l * jowly, nadir alwayepeeperea to furnish pamph l ets Ar s ay , --- iufinnuitiouftianted, and to take Insurances. • " • DOLL. C. SIMMS and W. H. BOTIA • Medical Er.; REFERENCES—Rm. A. , N. Brelore. Rev. 81 J. eeneis.Lll: Nixon; Clarabereburg, and-Wm. N. Marsha, Cos.ldetbf the Hagerstown Hank. PerscN~desiringinformationor wishing to Itantre cvlll fi....atati an, or bY addressing the undersigned Hui: WEI be Mdtedm in my - part of the Conhty or State. - " • inao23 - W. G. REED, Agent. , . • sgp FBA AKI T AL7S I :I ETU CLE cI)M. PA" r 444.PRAPHId. , --A§S4P Orilari s ixiti'l,ll364 CAPITAL Accurrrs &litmus. 'westlsS PREMWMS 3E' rLED CLOMEg'I 000 LWOW. FOR 1864 $8.416. $3,,000.. LOSER PAIDSIXCE 1829 - 86,000,000 PERPETUAL Ap;r 3. OII74) ,E R I A I K POLICIES ON , " ' DMECTORS i - Charles N. Smoker, • Isaac Lee, 'Tobias Wagier, • Edward 0. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales . Jacob &Bail% Alfred Fitter,_ - George W, Richards , Fran W. Lewis, N. D: , - CRARLES N. BANONER, President. EDWAILD - C.: DALE, Vice President. - JAB. W:WALLisrEtt, Sec'y pro. tem. • DAVID OAKS is the authorWhi Agent of the Com pany ht•Ohambersbarg, who r.lll furnish all.laformatlon necessao th Ilkslicants.' . marM-tf. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH 1 AMERICA. 'lncorporated 1794. Charter Perpettlai. CAPITAL-5.50,0K Office 2:12. Walnut-Street, Phila.: delplda: -- The Ft-omit paythent of ClaimsW,r Lome' s during the period oVissaily serenty•yeare that the Company bus been in exhiterum, eatitlesthem to the confidence of the Thieccompany will also insure against loss by WAR or INVASION. Peiionsmithing to Insure will please call ea or addressthe undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Cbtunbersburg. - As Agent for this Company, - lam preparedlio Cancel ull Perpetual as well as Term polioles covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, retarning the full premium paid on application at my °Moe. W. G. REED, Agent. REFERZICtS-4. D. Grier, J. - Allison - EYster, , , Esq., Major J. C. - Ausem , CoL A. K. MCbue, febB Wfrit •POLICIES TIM PTIOE:NIX FIRE INStritAIktECCiMPANY, BRocigitx. have emanated to lost= a limited. amount of property ' Real and Personal - • . - AGAINST LOSS BY WAR OR INVASION. Persons wishing to Insure their ore trj against .. destruction by IiEBEL ammiroN should make eutly application to CHARLES 11. TAYLOR. NatiOnal Bank; Chambersburg. ded3l4tra AGENT.—Mr. JOHN aRoyE, of l."Ohitinbersbmg, is the Genetal Agent of tit, Prank , lin County Mutual Immrance Company. jizne7) . _ - • •.11)7tAisical. MASON & A. L N . 1 S CABINET ORGANS. _ • MODEONS - meta- Introduced some twenty years ,since, an 4 were sacmeded by the HARMONIUMS about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN Wall brought to Represent state of perfection only In thesammeer of 184 M. , 'WE AIITO3IATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of the hind, is Capable of =uch fine". deers than can be produced by any fair, acid iimore easily used.. by the performr. r, and excels especially In eciaelt y for expression. Or Please notice advance in prices. .regt.INET - ORGANS.-=S6c= REED, No. 15. Four: Octave,. Single_ Reed; in Wahnd or Oak OW $llO No. IS.- The Same, inelegant Rosewood Cate... 8. 125 No. 17. Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case..t. 130 No. 18., The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... —l6O No. 19. Four octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case • 140 No. 20. The• Same, in Rosewood Case 160 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, la Walnut or Oak Cam... . 170 N0."4.; _The Setae, In elegant Rosewood. Case. 200 Na 23 The, 'Same, in Solid Carved Walnut or: • Oak, with Walnut Carvings. 200 j • - 811 STOP, Na, 19. Six-Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut of Ca. Case 000 Y.). 12. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. 360 EIGHT bTOF. No. 12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case., 425 No. U. The Same, in elegant Rosewood CaSe..... • 500 Na N. Magadan, In Solid Carved Walnut. 500. PEDAL BASS, No. 10. Pedal Beres Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case. 600 _Cases of zetra finish on hand, or made to order. MELODEONS.. No. 5. Five Octave, Piano Style, Rosewood 0nEe...5150 No. 6. The Same, Portable, Rosewood Case 110 Na 7. The Same, Portable Walnut Case, Na. 9. Four Octave - Portable. ItasewoodCase.- . 75 Er' Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the sul*cri-_ ber. As Agents fur bieme..llasan !darnlin Ire nilr, enabled to .Ell at their Ne* York prim, and charge nothing - fur freight. We bare sold a number of their instruments, and. eau give numerous satisfactory references.. S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent. Chumbersburg, ang3i 010001 g. VEW QU ARTERS AND NEW STOCK. THE OLD CLOTHD) EMPORIUM, It THE ULM= HOL - 51:, • . Chamberefiurg, Pa. • Tloiandelsigned, alter a temporary absennTnetessitated by Oradea:ration of Chambersbarg, LW again returned ' and opened' oat in full blast In the Market House beta en Gocsi store and Ilaber'd; LernaStefs'aro: cerk Store; large tistortraent of , FALL ,AND WINTER. GOODS, of every deiscriptfon and quality. - This - stock consists of ,Ready Made Clothing such as Over Coats. Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts,. Drawers, dca, also ' GENTLEMENS' FURNSIILNG GOODS, Mall I as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, HandkarebleS, Col lars, limbrellag, eze 'Restock of Cloths for customer work cansists of French, - 11411ara lin9. Domestic manufacture_ Black Doe Skin and Fancy Ca:3Blmm. Black Satin, !livered Sills, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestings which will be made up to order in styles to sult.ltbe taste of ens:topers:, on short notice, and' reasons - Miler:ea' - Having engaged a practical Critter from tlie East, lam prepared tottrlmlsh niothlng in the punt fashionable styles, and as none bat experienced workmen are engaged per. oohs may relf upon gettlng'fficir work well done at my Store. • Thankful foithe patronage heretofore bestowed Ire. evectfully . solicit a continuance of the same. • - oetl9 • J. T. HOSKTNSON. &Ego, 'lnuits anb Viati• I.I).Y.tiKR'S FRANKLIN COUNTY'', kap NERSERIEB.—FitUfr AND ORNAMENTAL TREMN,'• GRAPE VI tirttAWBERUY PLANTS, ETC.—The largest Mack 'to select from in the County. Everything in the FREaTtTREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable, mu be supplied from the commonest standard Fruit Tree, to the unrest tool mast choice native or foreign species on visrieD• of Fruit or Flower. Our Stamford Apple Trees are anusruilly hue, stunt turavy trunks, furnished with flue • branching heads, from three to - tve feet from the grouud, ro may be desi r ed. Our alto is to grow the best of every thing, pruning and cultivating upon frciontific principles, cotstequeetly, cupproductions ere DOI offered in =Ted ..on with Tres, grown upon the old let-ohnio - systein. An invitation is extended bairn who are intereded it !ma eel. lore, to mine and Pee for themselves. , A large stock of - Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Roses, do,, in pots, will be rwuly . in April atalliltiy., En clotie a three cent stentp for d , Nonptis e eatihre 'OF L eft .led Ornamental Sri es. 6:e. • Address B. L. BYDEIt, west Franklin Nurseriee, Near Loudon, Emuklin (gin., Ya mar IG-tf flikilTtAll - TO Alit/ ~ 110 M THE or,p, knownfavolite Clyde-Bunt Iron gteamere of the LINE of gteam . ehipe, ' I IIII3/11INIA',". "CALEDONIA," "BRITANNIA" arel "UNIITIU KINCIDO,It."are intended to eau f o rt u tgl i tli, to unkfromNew York, carrying passengers to and from Masgthe, Belfast, Dublin, Wertarrord, Cork, Galway or Londonderry, These stearnerd were built specially forthe Atlantic trade, are divided into wa. ter ' ind air.tigklernapartments. • . RATES OF PASSAGE. From New Yuck to any of the above places Cabins, $l2O c og $160; steerage, $45, payable inAmericiut CUT. - . - To New Teri from any 'of the above places: Cabin, $65 and 1930;-etee,re, payable in gold or equivalCnt in American mareney., The ino 'wish to send for their friends can buy tick ets at theearistes front the Age.ail. PBANCIS MACDONALD & k -0,,-DOW Green, New Yuri:- jiud4rools TOB iti :ate 'at irrautras ' 101M0*440td0ORP* EIIIII "' • D El.-`,! 1 1 qq, JEWE.LERs, 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORE," 10'0,000 WATCHES, GUAM'S; GOLD PIM AND PENCILS, WO.wra qroo.,000! TO 43E SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITIiOI'T And not to be paid until qax• know what gon will 'Terkel SPLENDID LIST -9P ARTICLE:, ALL TO LE LOLL FOll OtiELDOLLAIt EACH /00 Gold Hooting Gmes Watched /00 Gold Widebes 200 Ladies' Watches 500 Silver Watches Sl5 00 to 225 00 '6OO Gold Neck and VestChiiins - LI 00 fo 15 00 1000 Chatelain and Guard !Chains 5 00 to 15 00 3000 Vest and Neck Ctlidus - 100 to '.j.2-00 4040 Solitaire Jet aad Gold Broochc4—. 400 to BOU 40(X) Coral, Lava, Garnet, Fec,, Brooches. 300 to 800 7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, &a., Ear Drops... 3 0016 800 5000 Gents' Breast and Scatf Pins 300 to 800 6000 Oval Band Brarelet& ' 300 to Bik tlt'As7s9 es ...1 9n,000 7,coc,szes 'AM Chased Bracelet., • 500 to 10 00 3500Califirmiapiamorul Plus and Rings; 250 to BOD 2000 Gold wath Keys 250 to 600 WS! Solitaire Sleeveputtuus and Studs. .11 00 to 800 31;XX1 Gold Thimbles... 51)O Minbitare Lockets 3000 Micrinture Lockets,. bec' 400 to 000 4500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, 200 to 600 31500 Fob and 11.11)1xm Slides 5000 Chased Gold Riugs 4000 Stooe Set-Rings Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet fi.• Gold 500 to 15 00 6000 Sets Ladiee'Jewelry.—varied !Styles 300 to 15 00 eOOO Gold Pens, Silver Cane and Pencil ' 400 to Bto 4000 GoldPeaeos, Ebony Holder &pace 600 to - 10 00 '6OOO Gold Pen.% lil/anted Holder.— 200 to 600 All.the goods in the above Lit will be said, witiwut re servation, Etr ONE DOLLAR EACIL entßicutP ,, of ail the rations articles are plotshl is similar envelopes sealed and mired. These envelopes will be sent try• mail, or de livered at our ottice,rwithout regarito choice - S .- On ing a Certifiwto, you trill spa vsluit artiele it reprekuus, toad it i optional with you to spot one &ilia, and receive the urtlele named, or any other isithe list:of same value fiy this mode we giveselectionifrom a varied tine tumds, of the best make .sedlatest styles, and of in trin.,ie worth, ut a nominal ',flee, while ail have a ellauce of 'wearing attieles of the rep• Ligheet sable In all trauntetiong by mail ne eitarge ror totvartling the Certificate,- rayiulz ~‘o:,iage, and. di)ing the hubitleNs 25 centi each. , Fire AVtifietile3 WM le rent far 81; Elite', for 84; Tkirty for $5; alorfireslo; and Oar Hundred for $315. RRASONS WHY We should dupply your wiluti ; our fiumlitirs are uitier passed ; oar work of pazicalledecelleace ; oar prom6es punehnaly 4 ubserc . ed. Our ceutra I location brings us near the most remote points. Our k geol. , are now from the ruannfactgree, and of the lutest sr4 moat desirable style, The goods tausibe sold, and the 'terms are utesthilled.— All articles ordered are forwarded by. return We guanizitee entire anii,faction in every itisiatuce, and if there should be any perr•ina dimatisfied with any article they may receive, they will immediately retiirg it. and the ptiee will he tetaudiel. AGENTS.—We allux those acaug en each Ccra,,aate ordered, prmided their remittal:it amount to ove 1).11,r. They will collect cents for every Ceitirleate. and. re training 10 cluu, mush to us 1v cents fur ea.!li. Addr,rtr' marchl.3m WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c. Having just upeued a well selected assortment of gcsais iu my line, clirealy Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street, where my old and I hope many new customer, will Mel me during bIISIMISei hours. ,Xy old stoc]: has, ing been re duced very suddenly on the 34h of July lust Iss es. 0.- pellnl buy an Entire New Stock of Goods. which ure of the latest styles and patterns v:ed.:Si. sr ..1 Gs.dd and Slit, (Imported and Amerlege) ttent'u and Ladle. Jewelry - .4 fine and medium qu'diti, Silt Thinshice ' Nrspkiss Froir lord Butter Kniv...„ Gehl Pen of fine spudity. Pocket Cutlery, • Paa.rs, Stmt.: awl 13ru510..., Silver Plated Spoons, Forks tout Butter Knive, ' J:iitt Goods, Pocket Books' . Ladies' haloes Nail and Tooth Brushes, Redding nod Pocket Conde., Lead Pencils," Minnow Satehels, • • Large and Small Wilk - Bv Baskets, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Flutes Fifes, Banjos. - Tamborines, Asscordecms. • FlittivaS, The assortment of CLOCKS is large and of every vei -1 have on hand the lIENRY TtEPEATIM; RIFLE, which wan be firsts] fifteen linen in that many seconds. Everybody 5h...,1.1 Lore one for self defence. - :The pubis! on• t»sited to tall and examine them. 'PISTOLS on hand and noises tilled fur any laud that May be svalutsti. Curtridars of all sizes kept on hand. Fmm long experience 1 eau adapt Spectacles to the sight of the old as well LIS middle aged.. SPECTACLES EYE GLASSES iu Gold, - Silver and Steel Fran. • Ways on hand.'' 'Having the agency for the sale of the celebrates] BUlt.• A (ILAR ND FIRL-PROOF .SAFE, manutactured by Farrell, Herring Sr. Co., I will fill orders ta the manure, tures price. All Information in regard to then, given. ; The public are Inv Ited to call utul examine the stock. Watches, Cluck. and Jer. - elry n.l ailed at low rates to suit the times. .de l 4 ELYWAIIIi Art MINI.] AUG 11. PLI,HOLDEN, INVITES THE AT tentiutl of every reader of tins irsper, which ii•elude, many thouriand of his al Initrons - nod ottittolotuoce... ttp hI unusually large ono bountiful variety of A2.IERICAIi. & Importecl•WATCßES, CLOCKS. owl elegant ofJEW - ELAY, SILVER WARE. &e. ELI 1101,D.EN, oerN:ly ' itl Market Street, Philadelphi . Mcloks anb ,*Otioutrll• T DE OLD .1001 i STAND OF 8. 8. SHRYOCK, HIM beep retUuced to tho new buildlug oppbsit” rite Pura OFFlCS.veinve u fu l (inurement . SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEot% IWOKS. wrxriosEßY, merroGnarn ALBums. LTC., Cant* bad at exiovdtugly Low Prices. WALL FAITH and It'lNDirW SHADES, itterso and new stook. • Fairchild's Celehrutt4l Cold Pen, fully warranteL Orders taken for goods, which will he Expric:ed is the shortest pre•sible time. York t.od Philado!pbre Paper revived dully, fur •cliken weolily subscriptions nit% be taken. First Clam Novels, Marir.incs and Poriodicebs rocol%tt at published. ',Vo can soli PinitorttPli Albums ettelpor (lair thee ern be bud ehoos here. Mtniu tent free of Fortogr.....uutuy. lure of the county. Frinies, Woriteds eluoriNiuuy Goods euustautly - bond. Our arraluremente ere such that WO Mai BU PP I Y any- "r• dery satisfactorily uud with dispateb. Silaftala, Is nine Planted In Now 'York, widen otlablCll,a4 tolideriake tho luostecomplex euomm - boo, Old Books of potticular edition., date's or .tylo. Itonte,l tp at a rea;i4mble cononts,loo. toot 2] WHOLESALE AN - L! D.RETA - I _ ItOPES & TWINF,K. 'he undersigned having purchas,' th ee othe Fttek end Fixtures of the Rope und , Twine ltonufte•tory of J. P. Grey, dec'd, respectfully announces to her friends, and the former patrons of the establishment, that she Si 11l confined to carry on the business, in all its %arious bnwcl o at THE OLD , STAND, on Franklin street, Chambersberg. obese she will be plc:l9- nd to receive the culls - and orders of the public. All kinds,. sizes, and qualities of -4' ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C. Itiwaye kept ca, hand or made in order of the best taderisit, and fonasea et ressonak4e prices. In connection with the above business, she is also prepared In tratuufactinss RATR, HUSE, AND OTHER, MATTRASSES, well as Hors. Blankets tuxl Fry Nets of superior anal ity imd ityla Perm In wain of superior artteles In the above Mike ay reqoasred to voll, prOettcttbeircisletvorbich wigAm4.o to promptly. oPtWrly- ARM% lcoin7a,Duan, smErr.) &c.., &a, REGARD TO VALUE. cacL $lOO 00 400 to GOO 200 to 700 200 to 5' 00 f.: 00 to :i 00 200 to sou OEM niniERIT & 303,13roculwwy. New York 4W4=4oi4m . • (40 KB, • & 1J 101,_ H T AltiD RET,AteIi.EALEas, Late reeeired a Fm•h and Lar ry NEW GOODS Fire 8.1114*, k'ine flaking -WhttA, Sngare., 60VERNMENT COPE} E &um erliN per pound up I= tuo Ghee. MEE Ca'ep 10213 Split PeaE, :4, Pearl Barley, Hominy, Pickhnt, c. full and complete sleek of fresh, pore HOME GROUND SPICES RAKING ARTICLES A large assortment LAMPS, GLOBES, SHADES AND WICKS, brmght direrffrom the inithufacturer, and will'hp offered for le:. nionPy than any other holt, in town !ieop cont,fiLutly ou !laud the fiuest quality of KEROSENE OIL Imre white, free from smell or smoke. A fine uses or Qn.ermvrire, Tamblerg, Brnulieh Broom.. Eneket4, Wivh•Mmnl. &e.. hr LUBRICATINU AND SPERM OIL for greasing machinery and leathio FIVE. THOUSAND ARTICLDS po • all of which will be offered rrrp Grtn I=l In addition to the Or. Provision, queenssraro general variety e c,un• on the mautilheturintr of all !siiiil4l4 CONFECTIONER Y, e pledge our-els e, to = than any hone :P d.•fiver Ku .le *o uo , ,ntry merely, nn in Ilefter o rd e r. in -, akag , and at 1.,' N. 11.—Col:N MY MI:11ra %Nl' , ant{ perfonl wi+4iniz to ►T at WHOLESALE 'oak t 3 our iot," , trod call 11 till =I Mtn F• UITS, SPICES. 8,-.4-' : Ora , es and Lemont, Onioua, Bunch Ha in., °Prets.ervvd Gum,. ' Seethes Fb.., Glrkina. ' I...yer 'LW, : Pineapple Pre-er, re., Prun'.; , l',..per 411e111-1 Almobil. - lituralo, :. Hard 51A.11,1 do ME Turk v Fig Malaga Fig s. Fru4-, grail re 26 Wilion( 'UTNII 'f Ati,dl ..n.L do . 4.11 , ' , :.t14, do =EI in linter do / LO, Chu Worvil..tPrsbirt. sun, Pepper, C10y..., canuallen, .11.pirr• tNnud Lead Pencil , . expre.oly for fannly me, Caqll, Soap, /ledue, Toilet do Chow Chow Ihc,le, Rohr do Cauliflower do Mixed do Start h, MaCP, Gineer Wrappinir Nutmeg, Nl:t4. inn t. Vermieelli Nonpareil Capeiei', Lentolit, Yreneb Mustard. Coleman'', lltirit.ird. Dmiinin Jo 12E23 for sale at SHA Flat STFAIFfS, On Queen Street, East of-tlie Methodist Unveil. GROCERIES WIIOI:ESALE AND RE TAIL.—SHAFER 1r STUART, on Queen Street East of the Methodist Church, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Charitbersburir and vicinity to the varied untLextetwito assorttnant of GROCkIRIEH, FRESH FIHHT, QCEENWARE, CEDARWAIIE, mid u wetter-Al Stack of blir.•etlauenns Articles which they are now offering, arid constantly reeeicing: from New York, and Baltimore. tit their Store Room, on (211 , f.11 Street. East of the Methodist Church. It i. Elicit inna‘tion to Leepnm•h uu wt.-nutmeat al. the de mand, of the eouitannity require. They bare the bent families for the purchie,e of gamin, on the ninat advautu geolin ti tire, anti having their oltn Can on the Road, and one of the firm being Unnebt constantly to the city, afford. them every advantage in purchasing goods in the tthurtest time, end at 1,, expeusetlmn ustud, u•Lieh enahke, them to Nell rery fine foe calth SUGARS. CUI'F'•E ES AND TEAS of ullgrades, from the higlie42 'att., ion ent prices by the barrel, wu•k or pound. SYR]; I' AND MOLASSES, by the Hogshead, Barrel or retail tbr fatuity tote. Sugar Curd Ftum3, Course and Fine Salt, Fiflt and Cheese. We d'ontd ..all e•SlMrhd uticuthdi of country dealers and others, whiting to purchase at wholesale prtee•d, us We are prepared to eel! el cry thing in the :Tovely linen"; cheat' ua ran be purcha.ed in the Eattoco tit lea The highest price paid in cash fur inatatry prolate or taken in exchange for godq. SHAFER & STUART. :MARK_ET HOUSE.--The undersigned tespeetfully inform their Ultlllerol/S eoetotnen uud the pubs,. s ,•nerttily that they have rooopenod their Oro. eery Stirs ID the room foftnerly occupied by - the Hook and Ladder Company. Iu the Market House, and take the method. ot returning their thauko for the tilseral patrimage heretofore extended to them. Their stock is complete in every variety of FNMILY eunobrting of ii,m. syrup+. so, 31,,e14.°101, Coffee, Sugars, Tone, To boveos, Ilroonet. Ilueketo Conk. Twiner+ (lom. ware, Queenswure coal ever) thing heretofore kept at their former One,. of buoine... They nill alsvuo cheek on hand to he enabled to meet the ilentauda of tho ‘ominunity. COCATILY PRODUCE Lafert in so. Attar,e for gamin at rash market prieeo. Mal forget the 11,, (Market Houne,) three door+ from 'The corner, on ..2neeu Street. biag:lll lICIt Elf & L AST ER, QPRECHEWS GROCERY :SToRE.— k 7 The lunleinigued flastho largest stoeL 4IrpCEI2II..S iu town, which h« ;diets to ;he pitohn at the lut,n‘t CASH. MILES., it is not uncoalury to ontunemte, :.1:44;;;;1 , 14 how:del complete.. CTir Highest vivo for COUNTRY YRODITE in nxrlionqo for 14innir. [it CYRUS SPRECIIEIt. T. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE C _GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, h I (North ,hle, above - Fifth Mreot.) angt.N.ly lIESH FISH AND " OYSTERS RE ov,•ryy week at; AJIAPER 8 TUA on loon ntrovb Cnnt or t llr. Mi.tboolist Chola. FAMILYFLOUIi, NI) Corn Meal, by tbr Ware] sm - zilroautiors, Tor,* .it fiTIAFER & STUAIn'S, Quern rtreet. IvIAN'' , OF A THOUSAND.—A Cox stiNINTVE emu:O.—Dß. H. JAMS, a Retired I tysiclun of great eminent.. discovered. while lii the Indies, a certain mire for Cousumptlon. Anthem bronchi. tat, Coughs Colds and General Debility. Thu ninedy was discovered by hint then his only shill, a daughter, was gluing tip to die. His child t ry... , egn .,i, „,,,t i ty sow alive stud well. Re•ironit of henehtissw his fellow mortals, he will send to those who tp i.ll it the recipe, vont:lining full directions for making and sitc,ssy, i ti s uxhrr, tats remedy, ace on receipt of their names, witli Rte stamps to Rey expenses. There is tint a Angle CUM. of COIOOIIIII , tiOII that It does not at 011,P take hold of mot dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness, irritation of the tierve, failure of memory. difficult expectoration, sharp petits In the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations, nausea at the stomach, Mae• lion of the bowels, wasting away of thtionuseles. ris • The writer will please state the name of the paper they seen Vale advert - Fewest In. Address. CRADDOCK dc. CO., mseg, I.ly') .OP't North 9.d fit Philadelphia. Po. Iratildin-Upoiiitonj, Oamtiffeburg, Bro-vt Enpri, Green Ter, BL el Tcu Catgup, Pepper Sallee, No. 1 3fackerel, No. 1 Herring., CM Frenh ckern together with = WM Pecan Nuts," Cocos Nutt, Eligl Welnnt. We!lint , Sl,elll IV;•,ter Crnek., Sugar .do 31.xtelle-• Stole Paii.ll, ok. llueket.4, • Brouni, Coft,o. Stone ware, Preserving Towl,lors Scrubbing Bnili, Sweeping, do Shoe, do Shoe Blacking, Silver Sand Bath Brick. Tripoli, eroterito, COFFEES, TEAS,. SUG.AES - -,—Just re ciird at E. D. DEWS. ATINCEVE• 'l' .—A fresh supply a t 1~1 REites. H.A.MS D .BEEF.—A large lot of ..I....ireAt .arzed city Itunri and Dried 13. at , (LRANGES, LEIONS, CUI?- V" milts. Vitre,n. Dried. Appi ,, f..- Dr.:Eil) 'Merrick Sc., ac REID'S. F IS H.—N \ u. I Shore - Ainellend. Dried !It, DTIId OA. Shai3 s - 4:e.. at 21 . ETD'S. BUCKWHEAT AND 110M1N1. , --,lnst. receivtal a lot of New Jeteey !halt %multi thick wheat Pure white Hotnitty, Soap! lhanut...ite.. at REID'S. . • ONIONS .—Wetliertield ;61d. C(ituitry °aka,. a 1.. i L•r• •Uppiy. RMWS. TTEROSINE OIL AM) LAMPS.-Sii x. prior Keibbille Oil, elmllahn and Parlor Lamm, Shades. Lamer , . Le.. Kt - _I9IID'S. - iut of &abet. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER. Tl3l}l TABLE. FIVE ;TRINS DAILY to and /rem Miladelphia and e Pitt burg. Vn and 'after • 2ifirday. October:llFt, leer& rho Passenger Train; of the Ponn.ylvaiiie Mania f Company will deiriwt troth ill knit , - Imre and moo PI larlelphin and Pittilern; ue folhiwi: EASTWAR D:' THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbarg dal. ly :a 2.45 A. si., ..71.1 arrives al \Tett Philadelphia at 6.:15 A. M. . . FAST LINE Ivxre, 'Harrisburg. tlaily'except Atcndayi at ROO M., and itnive , . at West Philadelphia at 12.40 C. M. Passenntcr , take breakfast at Lancaster. . - . MAIL IN le h ence-, Ilarrisbnur dully (exneint, , stilt day) at Lan v. fit. and .trrivfn at West Philadelphia id .i.• :15 v. hi piT7'slll .kNI) ERIE EXPREIRI leaven. Harris• burg daily (eveept Sundays) at 11.551•. 1.4., and urriveoi at Went Phiiadnaphia at 4 20 A. N. lIARRISBUICti A GCC/11:111)1/ATI()IS TRAIN, leaven Harrisburg' daily (ex...1.i Sunday) a.' 4.00 t•. At., and ar• rives at We4t Philadelphia at 9a.. v. M. rhio trahrla. as COottlaliF/11 from tlcs Weat. COIX2.IiII.A A C(1.5151.01 / A'11(/N TRAIN 16.51 en Har• rishnrg daily (eV...et Sunday) at 7 A. tt.: andarrives at Lai easter .att-9.15' A... 1.: ....meeting (ekn'ln on Mandan.) with the Fast Line east. IX E 8 T %V A R D - PITTSIBUItIi AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Barris. lairg daily ;except Santlay) at A:: 8., Altsatal fi.so A. 8., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12440t.8. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hanish:Leg daily (except Monday) at 2.23 A. M. Altman R. 15 - A. 8., lake atalßrrives at Pitt Matte at 1.10 V. at. 11+11441'1:11 I: X PREAS lem e. Ilarrisbarg daityla 9.5 A It Alloop:: ;LT 0.15 A. B. taße ars,ll:ll..f awl arrives at pitt...barz at 2:10 1. N. FAST ANE leave, lintracburg tlinly (except Stutany) at COO e. 11.: Altoona at 200 n. Me, tutee supper, and art rive, an Pitt:ultra -at 2AI ,I.:S. TII.AIN leave. Ilarri , hurg , daily (except Sire flay) zit L4O v. IL: Altuuna at 7.53 1. to capper, and arrive. at Pittnieum at 13t m. 3 1 0 1' 14 1'1 0 1 - ,ACCC/31340DAT10.741“4 - leaw:e . .s Lan. caterll..f. , l M.. Collitevting there with the'Mnit west; leaver Mute' .1,2 y u t 11.51 M., anti nr,rives at Hurenntung - it 1.00 1...51. SPECIAL NOTICE R II . RI: I, BURG CCOM3if iD.LT los TRAIN from Pi:Wpm.r. arris en. tit Ifurrisfpuit at 6.30 y;)L. Qpiri: there, leap+•nnPr fin. Elm! of Iturrisintrilaportnno til 11.55 it. 31. - RRSIUEL D. WNW°, noN 31tilitio Dlr. Penna. It. R. VORTHERN CENTRAL: RAILWAY' .77.N£ TABLE.—Forr, Trahm 2),jl t and front ii. , 7thnore and i)aeningt•nt City. cottoethosn madowith tiainson •Poiaisslvania Railroad, to and Irmo PitSborz and the Woe. FOUR I.Nr, DAILY to mot - from the North and Wool Brunei, Stooitiehriona,'Eltnira and all of NOrthero New York. ,„ :hi and ttrler Mendao Ort. ,IK4. the Panseuger Twiuc of the N,rtliern Control Hallway will arriro 7 nt dud ,leper. trom flarrisburt and Baltimore tn , followb e. SOL`•TII NV A P. I) MAIL TRAIN kuvt•V Sunbury &Hy (vreopt Sunduy) ..,..,,a,-) , __, 4 A.... leave.. liarrisbarg j IP.M. arrive- at Baltimore 't - 5:40 1. - .3L 1: X PRESS 1 BAIN trues Suabury daily (ex, ....:( Smalay) ... .1 ....... 11:451.3. _ Imo,. Harri bar al (smeelt, Hataluy) 1 s.:ei, A.it. " ,trriN es at Ililtintaie r , 7:00 A.M. liAtlltßilit 'lt( l ACCOMMODAI'ION leaves Harrisburg . .... . . ...... .7:00 A.I. SVNI3I"II.`i Aert..3l3l.oDA'llol; lea•es S. lub • bury :tarty (ox. 5u11i , 1 , 44') -• ' P HIL. t I :BLl'll IA EX PRESSTHAI 'leaves .. . .. .. _ . StitAntrveduily(m N 0 It '1"11 WARI MAIL Tit AIN Baltimore Sunday) -tPaVes Harrisburg... . " rri ves at Sunbury 1 4:1.15 F.N.I`RESS TRAIN leave!, lialtinane lily !hal r.m. .triva,.af Ilarribbariz: / :50 - - Pnitt :Hominy) Jrris 0, Ai S anbtiry . ERIE EXPE ENS TRAIN leave,. I 4104 (exeapt Snnd Harrielarg 41 eet.t Savilay&) at.. Natulalry II Alt R181:I lit ACCIIMNIOI/A'L I() more , tillv(ex, ...TriVl.4 at Hrimitotril 5U51311.2.1. 1.31.10,101..)1T14).5!eqLr,11.1r ri+1,1u-g Mutt (es..finehty) 4;4t) }.'d. The Erie Ex; k:1111 Ext.reys.rp th ro w t h trail. to nod trot . :1101 nil iliteill:Tilate• 1101104. Mull 11111 ECrIT,S tr.,, no threuch 10 E.hurn For further n , :unt..ti. n apnfy to thef(Otr,.. In P 01111.) aniu Ithilroatt eet.26 ti! .f. X. I itA PAW, Gen Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND EltIE 'RAIL ROAM—This Kreotiine troveres Northr ru mot Northwest ramifies of Penesylruninqthe cite of Erie, en Late Erie. it It has bera leaned by the Penusyhlims linnogul Co, puny. and is by them. ir . . ITN entire length mi.opened. ihr .Intl freight bnbiue,l. October 17/h, 1t44. 3. TIME , OF- I'ASSIIN(;EIL TRAIXS 'AT HARRISBURG 11=!11111 Truitn Loa Huveu Advonamdation I= M:6l ......... , 1 1: 40 11 Lod. Hoven lerommiabitlon Pa,seuiter Cars run thneete, on Mail Train, without ehange laith mays between - Phi111,1.41 , 111a and Erie, and Baltimore mai Erie. Elegant Sleeping Carson Train both ways between Philadelphia and Ittek "fovea anti' no Elmira Exprew, Train both trays between Willianolpirt laid Baltimore. For Information re.pectmg Preaenger ltuAlnea3 apply, at Corner 31.10 Land Market Streets. Philadelphia. , And for Freight businew of the tlompieres Agent. t S. B. K iNtew orr, Jr., Cor. 13th otel:tiar - ket St•_ Phila... J. W. 13.F.vh131.nti, Erie. J. M. Ilan t., Agent N. C. R. N., lialthttre, R. If. HOltri Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. IL W. dWINNER, Gen. Ticket - Agent, JOS. fnbp,63 Gen. Manager, INilliatasport. (I_73II3ERLAND VALLEY tt FRANK LIN RAILROAD:S.—CNA:V(IE OF 110L1S.— On and ailer )lot:tiny, „Orrober 31.1Ferl. Put,engpr wilt run Unity. is fiillous , (Sluolays excepted): FOR CHX3111ERS111:10: A3ID .11AltRIKBFRO : . L.V.IVO IlagvrAtowl..... ..... .. 7:IW :!:4:1 " Grequcuile ~. 7:37 3:35 Arth ... at ... .. • P:l7 4:::.`0 Chamber•iburg{ ll . Lem,. at. .. ... , g:3O 12:55 Lear., filliplamslairg.. ..... .:....,.... .; 9:00 1:2l ... . , ' ' II:4 2(X) .. •Nell t illu " • earliule /..: ..... :0:))) 10:10 2:R m e d.ut e .bu tir . , 7:00 10:42 - 1:1)1 Arrive at Morin : 7:30 - 11:15 3:45 FOR CHASII3ER:4I3I . RO AN)) 11AGERSITOIVN : A Leave liarriuliargr P:115 1:40 r 4:15 " Meelianieeliur g . P:47 2:20 4:Zit " (Air nle . . • . 2217 2:5P 5:L5 " ville.. ...... ' to 05 3:34 " Chiplwaisburr .. . ..; 4:04' Arrive ut.tnituuttemliurg : 11:00 4:35. Leave Chumberelairg / 11:10 4:45 " Greenswile .11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hdgertatra ..... 11:3.5" 0:15 eluLe nnmeq tinli: ut wall Olu: for Philadelphia, Neit,- York and Pittsburg. and \Atli Indus lur all poius W er t: Tnilu leaving' /larri , hurg at 1:15 P. N. runs only q far tan Carlini, N. LULL, npr. R. R. CilaniliV, Oct. 31, 264. -7------ - 7 ----- 6 - --- C OTT GH N MORE! Tint , ST B. i c K LS N 1) 's' : - Nk.L.I. I I' L 0I: ti COU a ii BAI L—SA M! )r. 5tr,041,111,1', illelhiloons Cough Bulsato is warm uted ro our. Coughs, Colda, llacgrom-, Aarliow Whoop:Jur Cough. Sore ThrOat, Cinieumption,i an , l 01l aireotio,h, of the 'throat and Lung... , , 1 Fur sale by C. H. Cmisior. Chinni ..rshrtrer, Goa, , ral 1)..1Ot, No. 6 Fart Fourth Stn.m. , 6'bo t iop.ol (1;3, I A - kr R ;H CE A ! D„All the medical filet: and the , Itre,t. recommend STRICKLANIYR." - ANTI.CIIOI.IiII A MIXTURE e. the only certain ratneq co, Itiitrrhu, and Dysentery. It a 4n , robinahun ui Astrlt.zent:, Altgmbents Stirou• ien4 and Canufnativa,, and us nintrente,r to eff”et u cum after all othormean. hate Gated. 1 For Faio by C. 21. (,it- 14-r. Chnroper4burg, General DePttt , Nit. C East Fourth S;rect,lCinennuti Ohio - S TD ntricklund's Pile Remedy lots cured thousands of the worst Buses of Blind and Bleeding Pile& It glees isti• mediate nod effects pernutnent corp. Tiy it di. reetly. 'lt is.warrauted to cure. For sale• by C. H. Cre.rler, Clutother , thurg. (leuend Depot. f East Fourth Street, Cincinnati Ohio. not-304y D YSPEPSIA, NER-VOUSNESS AN D DEBILITY We can recommend tibiae .aufferitur with love olAppe• tits, Indiaostion, or Dvslseria. Nervousness end Marron, Debility, to use Strict:haul sTonie. IS is a vegetable - w pre vs paratiuu, free from alcoholic liquors ti en bens the whole nervous lystran , it creates a gnat a fe,And is warranted to cure Dyspepsia, and Nervous *VEIT. ' Forkala by Druggists generally, at C per bottle. itrie paredbl, Dr. A. Btricklatid,6 East Fourth BThit.-Cluolti:' ~,,,i, Able : ;V, A, flrnsorr A goat, ehstsnbershitry Pa. Jingo aititlft.iiiines. riiiiii vrrr DRti,G PUR - E DRUGS, West End of Brame, Rohl. CR I P PIE ,S .—Jobuston's .ruptitlttd, at NIYO B: Q.CRATCHEIISt ATTENTION !-014 io yl4 fl,v, Itgi:Leh Opeittir Cll7Oll by ' , NINON'S OINTNE*T. 101t.A.Bpl, ITCH jaPIPLY CURED ;By SLXON'SOINTMEINT. Ilt)e ROUNti ITCH YIELDS RAPIDLY to the'entutive power of NIXON'S OIN • EMI VOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE k '..LNI iamb- onaxoN's 4,i FIE POWDER fot.all kinds of LXON!S STORL, IS JUST, /1 - ILairlfak between die Methodist Clitu:eh etfdsi* . e, Hotel, same skle;Seeimd fitti.et A full eloek alwtiye BM! taulaty) 9:135 I".M. 9:5.1 I:3t. I%M. MEI - 34 E• - M () L t tAi - , • 1) R- i; S T •E . •. • - 1•••• • • • • • •O t. 1) sT- A N I - • MAIN STRE4IT, in Pr. liOlitrtre New Bidldirig. / • next door to Miller, ilainiltun TiteyVtere Store. 3:15 A.M. 5.53 ..31 31timor... ivs) at. 7:30 P.H. ih (rx P 2.33 A.,i 825 A:9 irate ' I. 24. •}t. . ..... 1:40 A. x. P. RGSID .R G S _us - C. H. citEsswa,..ucreur to n.ErsER 3c cics.* LER, au opted Mill: mail , new, on.fleeend street, opil site the ,Foot Office -there' every effurtuill - -made ter 811FtaiLl the porattilty the old estahlishni4i3Thadackdired A codtimmtiou of the Jiberal piatrmage 'Bich the Erin rri.; talved N raToctfully solicited. A fair stock of Thum, Chemicals; and Patent Medit new altered. 'AN& Si deshuble assariaternt of Perfumery - , Soape, Poeket Boob, ~ - Hair Brushes, ' • Cloth Broth's, Tooth Brosbes, - • . . Cometici, Dentifriara, and rawly .Irtieles in great carietj,'. KEROSENE LAIIPS.—:Every (16erifaion of Rind Lampe, Stand Lumps, Jlatufing Lungs and aide Lamps .t.atable for Kilahen use 'Parlor uwStore use and-Office. 'CIIE HEST COAL OIL IH THE MAREET. Fmoily Dyrt , of all Coley,.- ETerything in a DraireEt, Ilnetaf Misinets. rP - Prr;rriptions rective upoclut attention, and ore compounded with cnre mot ukill. ¢ U. - Second Etrect, opposite the ymt °Mu& P S WINEB•NNI) 1.11 . Q170118. LAU,IIA3I, S.A.LIALIE &CO., . No. la , U ,t.Oriiix n Between Chute:wend Walnut Streets, Philadstpketa. tit:o. M. LAC%LI.N, A. M. f3,41..tirt., 5 S - J. I). BITTING, ItIVE3E, GARDRATIS: CO:S SUPgRIOR, CCiGNAGBRANDY VINTAGE OF, Ig3e, Erich q•aletl with green wax with the lui~lnJe N' tiie • 13IPO irrElfla - LAUXUN, BALLADE 4 Co. SUPERIOR OLD 11,11)EIRAMINE PINE SIIEBILY, CLARET AND' 1 HOCK WINES _ . . , AND AN AmottrgEN-r Op • FINE BRANDI.; OF CRAIWMON.E. OSBORNE ef,„ CO.'S -. . oPoliTp. , ' VERY ME ANDDELICATE - OLD PORT WINE, Eno, &thi0, , ,,,,1,,i With yellow Vlat.2 with tln. illtlalgotthe Firm. ' - . . INMATE() iIY . LAU.SIAN, SAELADE 44 e0., , /`10,412.8 MA Ninth Sheet, Philoddphia. OLD RYE WHISKEY .HED WHEAI' WHISKEY, WAIMANTED. . "(»nntHOLTZ.WBIi.KEY, FOUSt WHISKEY, - WERRT ' S Nr 11.18 K E Y,. TAiTEY'S WHISKEY,' HEAD,ING WINES. ,LAUK.A.N, -BALLADE & DO., N 0. 1 ,4 &tug - Ninth stmt. I:Agaoetf It ~fiLLl: II IM=l Otl✓ dour WP97 itßowm's ticrrri., has a WELL '3ELECIED MOCK CHEMICALS, and all the befit EMC MEDICINES • BEROSENB OIL. LANDS, PEILZUSI&R.Y ROAP4, • _ 71 1-• LLi4uoxo: 4 100)4gar , siAtt16-84T: WE it A A :it, - uswilf: Have opeiail-tlatili eture uri Main street, • thFlYiulTethe their idd Ithos of husinaz. With w~. exCel Celt'Raid iiardware, dnilfr36 "mr in vart.of CEE IrcH net, so ireet. Plebe 9, I f'ileg. • tuts, typentittr. 'tar, , - Varnisb, I IBM Bru , 3ly*_ ' •-•• • ' , :„Slumtle, • • - • - - •Itakes. . _ . PI atir-v. ttiustlng, ; Yuwdes (Mul - .sl4;cm+,: • • - Picket EniVP4. Sr.t. Speetal attention 1a raped Buii4Urocadqinim* - en4 um they are , geeparrpelfarniAh in any qtaintity. at wholeaalo, evithing In tbett Call ma '..stitutivr. oar !aoek. novl6 COACH AND SADDLERY . = A nil WARE. The euhaeriber reepeetinlis intorno, hie friends and the pu 11e, threfite oontittued .any on the dove business, ut 01.11th:intl. on Main Street. olipoeite the Gertuan Re formed Mech. cIiA3IIIERSBUIt.G, PA. Ifiteini;eularged hie ligatures, Saddirrx anti Coath ttakaii ai i ndiu hie Store Room a general asiortinent ofgoOds united ti 'their etiverahrequiremente. elicit 136 Fair and Country llogskins, 'Patent Leather, Saddle Treeiond liirthing. Gig Treee, Full plaied, Tinned and Japanned; Oval Ruh', Straining Web and..Wigabzil Rain Web, luster than Cotton: Modes. Biro and Stitrnyn, Plated. Tinned U.Eti igiginned (;meb Handiest neWStSie 4 4 Curtain Frames; Hub Bonds; Eadlti - - Frouto; Rotten:co. Swivels and Ontontents; Iron Plated turd_ - Wood Gig Humes- - BTXR.LES,-BRAbi, SlLVkit ANJ) 3APAsxED, nll styl,-) 01,41.1'1dt/trot.; Ivory . and lifurtingstio Ringo. fittunitJoisito,'nud n vonety of other goodirouituble for the bode. ALL 'KINDS OF PLATT G, &tr., dime with neatness and deslutch. (duel+) LFWAS WAMPLEII.. 11 E A. l' H A R D .W ARE VV BRAND & PLAt K. flatd :stew goods under the pavement, which, were not finch us Locks. Hingea, Screws aid other Hard. irate. Besides. ;bey leave just received frum Hew York • and Philadelphian very large, lot of goods, pnrchnsed trateb eh:super than they are generally sold. They haling been burned out, therethre we offer hon. Hocks. Hinges, ricrew.., Bolts. Olin Glaze, yainn, rec., at the !wrest ligure. I=OMMMMMM= Wr lawn on hand about 10 Toils Inca of different whieh.A. - e will sell lees than it. eau be limorht.in the city. Alen we have Ito kegs of Nails aud Spikes, We nlferat from 60,10 dollars per keg. CIiTLERT.. knives and Forks, t3tissors, /towns, Pocket Knives, Siss.us, &c.. Just ret*ived from 3iew York which we offer very low - . -` • • 1 ' set& A_R R G E, MAKERS' GOODS: vv Shoemallors' Findings, Saddleta' Pinatas at SItAKII & FLACK'S. gcli, HOVEY S. FORKS AND•SPADES AT, 1...) 25 vent@ each and many other tanning which wee In the Bre, which can be made as gnat Um new - at BRAND & FLACk'S. C WAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in * BRAND &FLACK bPav WUNDERLIPH NAD &g, VoseWAII11) , .:(; AND COVOSSION MELCIIANTS North Second Street, opposite the Cumberlatid. - Valla Railrcad Depot Chandersburg, Ps .art run regularly to and tram Philadelphia 'and Bald more. AGENTS.—Peacock, Zell & Ifinchman, No. 888 Mar ket St; Philadelphia. Lykens Talley, iirokeu Egg mid Nutt COAL, (duect from the mince). WilketAbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL, LIMBER. AILDMLES, SALT, PLASTER and. Hancock CEMENT, keptvonstantly on band. , FLOUR, GRAIN wandPRODUCE of kinds purchased at the ,highest oash prices. - - • bept9, WUNDERLICH &NEAD. 'nos, L. GILLESPIP- JACOB ZELLER. ZELLEIC6c CO., W PRODUCE AND PROVISION MERERANTS, AND •WHOLESAiE GROCERS Mirth-West ecruer of Si%tla and 31 arket Streets. -Phila delphia. • [ll+lB, t3•tL ' ~gbixai: f BALIS AM , WILD CHERRY, i OSE OF THE OLDEST .6.2:1,1106T 'RELIABLE BElrtinggri THE .WORLD FOR Cooglis, Cold?, 'Whooping Cough; Bronchihn,-Dif &cult). of Breothin4Aithroa, Hoorgen€4 - Sore Throat., Croup aodhyery ' - affection of THE THROAT; _WHOM AAD CHEST ' DiCIXDCCG 1,1 m. ' CONSUMPTIONI WISTAR'S 11AL9.31 OF WILD . CHERRY, So general has the use of this remedy beats:lie, mid so popular is it every where, that it is nnimees wry to recount its vlrtues Its works,speskt for it, and find utterance in the aburityMt and voluntay testimony-of the many, who frmn long suffering andsetiled • ' ease leave by its u.se beisirestored to pristine tigogimd health. We cuirPreseit a niusi'itif es- Ideate in proof qc our assertions, -that cannot be discredited. From Afr. Henry Seller, Mercer!burg, Gentlemen: I do hereby certify that during the labt ten years 1 have been subject to frequent severe: cokgis: asd Cold,. Whenever I haveexperieneedollo ofthess attacks I have inunediattly resorted to Dr.Wistor'sßalsam of Wild . Cherry, and the result has always born to afford , rblieL L would recommend this valuable asti r = • that, who miter-lEOm Coughs, Colds, Pain in 4:hell:vast, many Pulmonary Complaint, feeling confident that it will peeve itself to be the best remedy in any theie cases. I , 1 would, however, caution the public aguinst wortblora ' counterfeit, a bottle of which was once forced upon me. The Awe of this spurious Balsam did me more hanuttuto I good; The gentilee Dr. Wistar's Bulbanaof Cherry prepared by Seth W.Ponin dtCo.„'BoSton. ma. has their printed name, am-well as the trriUen signature of L MTN . ' upon the outride wrapper of each bottle. From Jeme Snack; Ev.,Praident at tbe .6forris County Beak, korrisprn, iV. J. Having used Dr. Wistaes Beisfun of Wild Cherry• for about tifteeu y ears, and having realized its beneficial re sults In my fatally, it affords megreat pleasure is Teem mending/I to the public as a valuable remedy in casese of weak lungs colds, coughs, Se., and iv remedy which / milder tribe entirely innocent, and nuay be kaken with perfect safety bythe melt delicate in health. • From Han. Joka mdiatinguisked largo in Wesnazder, JUL I bare on several occasions need Dr. Wistar'ißalttath of Wild,Cherr.t.lor secere Colds, and always with decided liodefit, I know of no preparation that Is more _efficacious or niirti deserklng of general use. - Vie Balsam has also ben-need with excellent - effect kv r. 11.13liott, Xeiebluit, Mars C 1124 Itaeds, WISTAICS DALSAX OF WILD C/IDDRY lione4eaulas unless signed "1.-Bt; rra" on the wrapper. I.llli HALE I j`' II". DINSMORE, No. 491 Brontlway. Y. - W,FOWLB tt. Co„ Troprietors, Boston. and by all Druggists. ' fjuly`X. t-ecriste ' D tDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores. - REDDDIG'S RUSSIA SALVE - cures Burrs, Scalds and Cuts. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises and Sprains. REDDING'S RUSSIA:4,3* • Cams and REDDING , SnI:7 StiLVSALVII Cures Salt Rheum, Piles and Eryalpelas. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE , Cures Ringworm, Corns, &c., 40. NO FAMILY SHOULD 13E WITHOU'i riou oaki 25 caw, a f ia..4l FOR slim P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, W. Y. - ' S. W. FPWLE d5d042i0.113 TresOut SL, Boston, sod by aUDeuggfßr`aodConntiyS • 44;',41, , t.?,,, , , , fg.0: - 19/ALTIMORE LOCKHOSPITAL.-Dr: 1.1 . JOILNSTOV, the fautder ofthis Celebrated bealtu• that offers the nicat certain, speedy, and only effective! remedy In the world for Gleete, Structures, Searhot Weakness, Pain; in the Loins, - Comitutiottar Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affelulone of file Kidneve,, Palldlntion of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritabilify, pireases of the Head, Throat- );,g4 Ain; and all those retinue end mehincholy - diSordere ittg" frum thethstruativeleablts of Youth, which destroy both body and. ruind. These secret and solitary proctiees are mere faint fe Bleft r. victlros than ,the song of the gyms,. to the nratiner:Tflyasue, blighting - their roost hrillitdo boles ot ratitieittions, retalenspnarridge, hippo-4101.. GE N 1 Younealen especially. who have become the viethus of tluil dreadful ondileatruetivelinbitwhichmil annually sweep -3 to an untinnly g nrre thou trade or Y9"g men of the - taw enaltAl talent and brilliant intellect, * llO- Might otherwise have eutuncod listening.Senates,sitla the thunderinf eloquent*, or waloNl toliv, - tan the living lyni; Mayndl with NI confidence. - - - , AGE: • . • Harried lona, or Young men contemplating numinge being aware of physical weaknelo....,organte debility, defor mittat,, &e., should immediately consult Dr. Jobnaten. - He who Owes himaolf under the cure of Dr. Johnston may 'relfgwouilyeonade in his honor a 4 a gentleman. -- aud euntideatly„ - tely.npon bts.skill as a phr-.leian. ORGANIC WEAKNESS 1313IEDLITEILY . wisp • AN - 15 PULL VIGOR RESTORED. • • This IiiBVAIRP is the penalty most frerynentlypold by those Who lutvojx,voitte the vietims of improper indulganeex Young versals 'are too apt to tx,mmit excesses from' not being awnre'Of the dreadful consequenotm that may ensue. Now, who that understandathe subjeet stillpmtendtodeny that the parer of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the londeut. Besidesbelogde faired of the pleasure of healthy othiprlng, and the mod serious and destrciettreSympatby to mind and body - arise. The system becomes deranged, tlan physical and mental powers weakened, - nerrotta dyspepsia - ralphatloo of the heart. holigettion; a trawling o tho - ftatae, rattail. syndoms of consumption. o .9ke No. 7, Ptah Frederick &rat, oeceir doom (rout Baltimore street, East side, up the steps. 'Be , particular in °Nerving the aurae and numbex, - ui pet trili mi , telte the place. - -- A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAY& aicre - nry or 1V4111 , G011-1. Drags. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal _Cu ut Singeuus. Louden, krruilintle froth one of the wort eminent Colleges of the ILtrated States, mud the greater prat of triage life bus been spent in thelbielpitals af—Lemb Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, bar *dialed F-Utiae, ut the most astonishing cares that were el er .Many troubled with ringing in the heed. nod ears when asleep, great umwousbeip, being alarmed at sudden ionntlb, and bustiftibess, with frequent blabhing, attended sometimes with deraagenient of tided, were tarred immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE! _ . Then the mielraided n u t Inipradent voittry of pleaeute find he has imhibedlho 14,1 of tixlslailnfoldiz.enee, It too of• ton hap pen. that an illaituedeen4e'of shame, urdread of di, covery, deters loth from applying to those WIIO fume educe* tion and rovet tabilitycan alone hetriend him, delQ ing,till the rototitutlongleymptome of thishouiddieense rual.etheir aimearance, multi as ulcerated aura throat, dlEetteet' I nose, nocturnal pains in the held and Mille, dinaut... Of tight, deatucem, nubs on thenbin. bones and anns, blotchoe on the Lead, lace and extremitiee, progre.ing n ith frightful ra ',Miry. till at Pod the palate attic mouth or the bone: , of the ;tune fall to and the victim' of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of conindEserutiou, till death puts I* period to his dreitilfol sufferings, by svudink him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." Tit ;such, there- fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the 'must itrflolable seeteey; and from his extensive practice fa the timt Iloepitals of Europe and America, he eau confidently reonnineud a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vie tint of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy Dot that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders who by use of lineal.' poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution, am! either send the unfortunate to an .uutlaWly , friore„ .,. ormake the residue of life miserable. 'PIKE 'PM:MI:LAE NOTICE Dr. J. addresses those who have injured themselves by prix ate and improper indulgences, • - These ore SUMO of the sad and; melancholy effects yro• dueed by early habits of youth, via :—Weaknem of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Heal, Dimness ofFilght, Less of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart,' Lys pepsin, Nervous In - itabllity, Derangement of the Diges tive Functions, Gchetal Debility; Symptoms of Consump dou, &e.' 3Ls.n.uxr, the fearful effects on the mind are muchno be dreaded . ; loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of 6puits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Lave Of Solitude, Timidity, &o, are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages cats now judge what is the cause of their declining health,, bossing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, have singular appearance abgut the ejos, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY, FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. ' _By this great and imporMnt remedy, Weakness of iite Organs's speedily eure andfull vigor maimed: Thonsands of the most nervous and debilitated„ who had led all hope, have been' immediately- relieved, All impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disgvalifi• cation, Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness or EX haastion of the most fearful kind, speedily cared by Dr. Johnston. YOUNG MEN, Wliu have injured themselveii by a certain practice, lath& ged in when alune=a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render marriage Impossible, and destroys both mindandbOdy,shottidapplyimmediatelY What a pity that, a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging is a eel% lain secret habit. Such perms, before contemplating MARRIAGE. abould -reflect that a sound mind and bodyane themosine eessary requisites to Ermmoteconnubtal happinesa Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hoorly darktms to the liter the mind becomes shadowed with despair, andlltledWith the melancholy reflection, thatf the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK. STREET BaungtoßY—. • TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands onre4 at this Institution in the butt fifteen Yeats; and the uttmennts Im portant surgical Operathms performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again Itefare the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the'atilicted. - N. B. There are so many Ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, Dr{ Johnston. deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with hls reputation; that Lr. Dipbanas hang in his office., tW" , ' TAO. NOrinE.—Albletters must be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for!the reply, or no answer will be sent. (mar 16.1 y. Stitztloof *deo. THE GREiT FIRE A- T CH & VRSBURG. ' VICTORy! VICTORY!. ' Iva , EVAN dr, WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. • . - -READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATES: CHAMEttaßtraz, Aug 15,164 Maws. - Deans 4,-Tratsoh Gentlemen r This is to Inform you that the Safe pm chased of you somd thine since was snbject• to the greAt the which consumed our store during the rebel invasion of the Petit of July last. I - We are happy to say that after we Lad takes our safe from the ruins, where hilted laid Fora period of three days and opened it, we (mind our books and papers in an excellent condition. . _ . , We would. recommend' your AfifeatO all parsons who wish n good article. Yliars, truly. MILLER, HAMILTON & CO.' Cniwirnsaulta, Aug. IS, 1864. Mum. • Bran* 4' Watan 1 - Gentle:mot : I with pleasure inform you Unit on opening my Safe, purchased from yeti some time lino% on Satur day evening last, just two. weeks elleri* the bbummmmer otoor town by the rebels, I found my boots and papersia much better-condition than I expected ; on opening the books and papers furred them perfect. Ity Safe was exposed to great heat, on account of the quanity of oils and other eqmbustible matter' had in my celler.- I writeyon on - some ef the paper that was in my Safe during the tare, that you may see how well It was preserved. rwill am want my Safe repaired, or a new one in exchange. Very respectfully, yours, EYSTEIt. C.n.tuniteßitlito, Ang.15,1864. Messrs. irons Watson: - - Gentkmen: In the dreadful the which destroyed my store and the greater portion of this town,- whidt . was done by the rebels ou th.i3Othof July last, Iliad one of your Fim-Proof Safes, purchased from you , ince :thae since, which contained My hooka ptidm.. Alter no.. dergoing the violence of the flames, and falßa -lonia ten feet andrentaining in the heated ruins for a perWd of sag enteen days, it was recovered from the burning num arid opened. I have the gratification ' to inform you that:lts contents were preserved In an excellent condition; and as this is one of the many instance isherin your Safeshava folly sustained thegood qualities atributed to Medi, I fedi! an agreeable duty to render l evidence of the fact. Respectfully, yours,. J. L. DECIIERT: Marrs. Er= frourra Cl 37 l""l4B"l4;;‘ Aug. 14 Mi. &Tato= : This hi to inform you that. _the Safe we purchased from you some time agh was subjected to the tire which consumed our office during the rebel hwashm cra thel3Otlt of _Juty last; We are happy to say tharthoi hiafestocal the test of the fire well, and we recovered= paperalrem it ocinjured4 Very respecthlty, - -EV,KNEDY WIZ. • Caam - nensurno, Ang.26, Mawr , Frans . Watson: Centlance :" I take this opporicmity to Worth you that my Safe, which is a No.-,5 , of your make, was te the great fire which destroyed thistown on the 30th of Jzdy. - 1 now have, the pleasure to state to yon that aft:lliad taken the Safe; from the ruins, where it hadbeeu for a Period of ID days eaPraed to an intense heat, on the Safe I was pleased to - find that all my' papers= and velnables came out uninjured in the least, alto attest ing the fireproof qualities of your Salamander Safe& Yours rerpug:folly, = COL. F. 8. - STUVIS.AUGH. _ Nore Soles Or the same good qtfalityonholng and far_ rale._ Alto, Salamander. Fire, and Borgiar•PrOof, Nation al thstk, Mercantile nod Dwalllng4lonse Safes, Vann! Dooirs for Banks =id Stoma, Bank Uoke,. - • . ' EVANS ar. N,. .1 71 . 16 South 4th 4.; WATSO L 8. - EVSVER, Agent for Obamberstnarg, l eF 2 x, . • I L L.' E:-S"' PATEN T WROUGHT AND Mum) LOON FIRE ANIVIRIROLAR-PROOERAPES. VAULT Dooßs, , A.NIEL9CKB:" -"_ - ETCry safe Of - IWe maatcheture Is from one loch to two_ Inches Wok (ocCorelleg to site,) of solid iron, ckitlki rby easNin to netteorVot Wrought iron burst and tened LIM& Caabliation Look, whiehbas no Nets"' Fe 7 .11 e. Zoe mildertag it secure agattdu,bargints. and: Inside tends Iran wall is attached-the hesktire•prontake,, known. The great thickness of. Iron In, tit 'ladesMaa* dap roans la a llre from being warped or dream oct lthjor beat, or hoot being washed bithe_fell ot ...waits • or=oars or Ito own fall. Tbe Vanubwm are U lade", think Ilad alachee thlakot chilled alai WiteightlrOstdiP°'4, are &eft* Zees' celebrated Look;:Senkior.ic*4- lazs:ar palm to the subscriber, erho:litolle - . eentrarMwetaalt, • - -OM. Joarehrroi - Iliarlmt St, Iforrielmir N 81151