The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 08, 1865, Image 3

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    Maich 8, 1865 j
go . #llli4-1 - `_,oitorg.
half of the world knows ofthe other half has been
said afi4 thought over and ttver again ; and how
little tog &WS the comfortable reader know of the
difficulties of the poor writer. Here; for instance,
is your 'unfortonate gossip without ink or a table.
He site on a stiff chair, a-book for a desk, and a
lead pencil for pen and ink. May the Amerietua
eagle lend the compositor a moiety of his eye
sight! ,I have been looking over the news of the
week (in the Sunday papers) for the past hour,
and have encountered such a mass of crime, and
wickednes4 and licentious gossip that, as Mr.
Cowper bah it, "my soul is sick." What delicious
news to read that Col. A. has eloped with Mrs.
B.; that Ifilly Mulligan has beaten hie wife to
death; the* a certain bar-tender has poisoned his
mistress, Or that George Jones, the Count :Man
tles, has sued Horace Greeley, for exposing him
as an impostor! How delightful to read all about
the Liederkranz ball; such as how two men
dressed respectively 2103 a stork and a frog enter
tained the crowd with a pas de deur.; how the
newspapers were represented—the Herald by a
man blowing his own trumpet, the Times by a
peripatetic boor-glass, till. Tribune by "a man
and a brother" astride of a seeming brass cannon,
the IVOrgtand Sun by the Heavenly bodies from
which they take their names, and the Zeitung by
a weather-cock ! But never Mind, the genial in
fluence of a talk with old friends has already
cleared away the clouds •of ill-nature. Come., let
us have one of our old-fashioned home talks.
The - Rirosrronic coulee to us regularly every
Friday morning, and no one but an exile can judge
how welcome it is. I read it from -page -one to
tinge four, and comment mentally upon,each and
every item. News' from Waynesboro', Greeneas
tle,Mereersburg, London, St: Thomas, Strasburg,
Greentillage or Fayetteville are equllly welcome;
and even Marion, Shady Grove, Cashtown, Ree
fer's, Scotland, Upton and Turkeyfoot, as small
as they are on the map, come in for a share of in
terest,'for are they not part and parcel of our
Own county of Franklin 7 The deaths and mar
riages too are sad and pleasant to read. A letter
from home is pleasant, very, but for news give me
the locatnewspaper. Even the editorials on Gen.
Coffrottijwith regard to his late vote in Congress
are quite readable, though I must say I don't
know from them whether us a Republican I am
called upon to admire or despise the Hon. Gent.
Don't tell me, either, that I don't read the adver
tisements. Don't I read weekly that Aithe RE
POSITORY is published every Wednesday morn
ing by . Tnz. ReptisnottY AssomAttow, at $2.50
per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $3.00 if not paid
within the year;" that Harry Strickler is Dr. to
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the sum of
$1,211-68, and Cr. by $1,24l 70, leaving the
balance due him by the State to be two cents;
_that Sam. Greenawalt and John Fisher "know
bow to keep hotelif; that Jerry Oyster makes
saddlery r trunks and valises; that Sam. Shryoek
lost his-account books by the late destruction of
Chamberahnrg, notwithstanding which "he will
be glad to fin Orde' as before ;" that Aughinbaugh
bpi the match for customers as of old ; that Nix
on can cure totter yet; that Feldman and Jacob
and LiaaoHutton are booted and spurred .on to
renewed exertions ; that Bush and Jacobs still
administer to the necessary wants of (Franklin
county) mankind; that George R. Mbssersmith
invitee his friends to come and take therr 20 per
cent in gold; that C: Hunting and Miss Mull
were married; that dried apples are worth $2.50
per bushel; that Lyman S. Clark-has lost a cer
tificate for 800 sharesof Cherry Run ; that Wun
derlich & Read are,yet in the coal business ; that
Judi Garver offers for sale a good six-horse
power steam engine; that F. Dobbs, (who is F.
babel) eters a-mill property to the mill-ion ;
that W. 6. Reed is authorized to receive sab
*riptions to a limited amount for the Httsbnrg
and Brooklyn Petroleum company ;
surely I hate convinced even Mrs. Grundy 7 Has
the old lady'done talking about the fire yet, and
has she returned to her usual occupation of at
temfmg to the minor affairs of her neighbors ?
Does she yet go from house to house, to find out
whose cat hate kittened, and so fourth (meant to
be sixenstic)7 Dear me, I would be glad to see
the obi lady—what a bundle of news she would
. Tlje other day, in an_ eating house, I ordered
corned beef:" The waiter brought me corn
beef Sind cabbage. Told him to tale away the
cabbage (no extra-charge for the cabbage): He
demurred, and insisted that eabbage always went
with corned - beef. In spite'of his remonstrances,
I made him remove the odoriferous vegetable, for
a few minutes. I ordered pie. " Perhaps," said
" he, with a meaning smile, " you don't want a
pietas of cheese (he said cheesi-just like old Ben
toffee Sadden used to say San-ga-rfe.e-e) as you
have only ordered pie." (Cheese always goes
with pie.) Chambersburg was ready for him.
‘' Yea," d answered blandly," I want cheese with
my pie, but no impudence."- I now dine at an
other place, for I saw POISON most legibly writ
tenon the, dark scowling brow of the baffled
I took occasion last week to visit Butler &
Co.'s, the gentlemen who advertise to procure
substitutes, and for the benefit of ray friends re
port " daft my right thumb placed • at thiS tip of
my nosegwith the fingers gracefully extended—
thus—expresses my convictions." I fear Mr.
Bhint bas_marle them share-
The snows of the past mouth have made our
streets perfectly horrid. Broadway is bad enough
for foot passengers, but it is an outrage to permit
horses to be abused as they are in the Broadway
stages. In one trip up Broadway, from six to ten
horses can be frigid lying prostrate; and if the
fortunate beast dies, a human beast hoists him On
a cart and the poor creature gets the first ride he
ever bad, just at the time he cannot appreciate it.
No wonder we call painful and disturbed dreams
"night-mare." Were I the owner of a line of
stages, I would not dare tosleep—" perchance to
Retired last night, humming the old chorus
' "Bankrupt in heart,
Ruined in purse ;
Let ne be gay, boys,
Times can't be worse
I Crooned it over and ever again in bed, and had
reached "Bonk'"""" for the flifteth time, when
I fell asleep and dreamed that I was rich, (sup
pose the word" bank" without the rapt did it),
that ! had rebuilt Champersburg-exactly as it bad
been before the fire, and that Squire called
roe a fool for my trouble.. Well, the dream
was pleasant, anyhow.
NEW You, February 27, 1865. .
Ter. DRarr.—,The Board of Enrolment has
been engaged principally during the laid week
examining draftettmem and only drafted a por
• • - -
Berea totonship.-13am7 A Wertz, Amoe Sterner, Pa
ter Odin; AM.... 06 Lally, Wm Null, John Richter, Abdiel
1 60= 611 9 , roclolsa Henry, Bea) Laughman, Emanuel
Istaglrms.n, Abraham Soarers, John Bowerman, David H
Blair, John Grim, Daniel Loughman. James Fenix, Hen
zi.rari,bort, Jame Rehlbangh, Daniel B Bala.. John Nan,
Bern ; ilk Borp4A—Chao F Dash. Ambrose Hair, Ewan
- ail It. Willa James Brown, Wm Hair, Henry Molliston,
ohi t ajo exan d er , Endoiph Brown, Garay It Honer, Mich
ael Helsel..-10
. -
Haerihonbon township.—Drivid B Blythe, John Coat
'ran, Alfred Staley, Daniel Bensbolt, Jobe Watson; Jos
marshal, Peter Eppl, Ebenezer titalinlelt John Wag'
;man, Wm O'Brien, Win Sbindledecker, s rri McCleary,
Alex Benshoot Jno tdcE Bennett, David Baker, Daniel
3lnagebatn, Geo C Cress, Wm Culp, Jacob Woodring
Trani* linCleat Jaoob Mussleman. Jno W Sullivan, As
Binders; David R Itasseltnart; Washington Ayer,
Castftgan, &rather Bamford colt, a V Danner, Jobn M
.fiar4l. naxl- nal Sanders, Henry Di Landis, John W Gould.
sralk.Z. Thomas RiDahken O&M Sprinkle, Geo M Fowler
Jails "TFAAT , Win B Mohle, James Moon, JR Banat:
Rattner, Win newt win Row. Jobs 011007,-42.
Hrottiqx/on Ztmmihirt . ...-Jere Wilson, Jacob F Cline,
&mac/ Kennedy; Geo Sou*, Eli S Myers, Bansisel Fitz
gemld, Waittinfton Petuler, n John A-Dixon, T A R Mc-
Bride, James Nickel, Mr. Hammen% James M Sidislttp.r
Jacob B Meals, Was Ickes, Theo G Neely, Albert Christ,
Albert Hartman, Jnmes Davis of E, Hiram Albert, Jere
Beam, JOs.Yohe, David Clever, John 0 Gardner, John
Snyder, Eli Goo - Miner; Geo Slaybaugh, Absalom Clea
ver, Washington Myers, Stephen Duties, John H Caul
man, Geo W Meals, A B Dill, Emanuel Craig cord, Sam
uel Wolff, Jas Clark, 'Adana A Myers. Geo W Wierman.
Wm T Brandon, George Fiches, George W Welsh, Obed
Jacobs, John Yohe, Henry 'Merman, Geo Smick, Gllsoa
Metcalf, David Asper, Wm A Finkel, W W Hockey, Jar
Deardorff, Goo Reiggle, Peter Gross, Was Dude a, Peter
Penner, J W Pearson, John W MeNew, Hiram Junkins.
Alfred Hurnmelbaugh, Dual Miller, Wm Brougher, Levi
Smith, Cecil Trestle, Adam Asper. J F Slaybautrh, C
11 Simpm.t, Francis Mullen, Juhn Stephen, Jr. Henry
Jumkins, Jacob Bream, C U Mu lct. B F Lishey, Joseph
Galloway. Jos Wieman, Philip Snyder, W G Ferguson,
John Shannfelter. N L Wieramo, - John Weidner, Noah
Scliriver, liezekiah Gulden, Jos Bonner, Lewis Myers,
Geo M Miller. Ii A Sheeler. Jae Howe_ Ephraim Fickes,
H A Meal's II A Wolff, Wm B Elmyers, ins .1 Metcalfe,
Jas H McElwee, Daniel Albert, John Gardner of B, Levi
Bumper, Jacob Miller of C. David Howe. Danl H Mark
ley, Jos Shurth, Anthony Deardorff, Jacob Mikan, John
C Miller. Peter Fry, John E Plank, James Dothan.% Ed-
and Duttera. Biehard W Sadler, Amos Little, 'mac
Kennelly. Win B Lishey, Sam'! Miller Jr, David Beam,
Alex Belgium, Lewis Hamilton, David Myers, Boreal
Smith, .lere Siuybaugh, Howard IV Group, Henry
Martin Speck, Dan'l Buret, Jun II Zinn. Jetiathaz
Miller. Geo B Miller, Abraham Bream-124
Liberty totmship.—Wm E ()brine, Rain'l Cline, Som . (
Miller, Casper - 3lyers. Jno A Ripe- Geo W Hardman,
Thus Cook, Benj Shriner, Henry C Taylor. Joseph R
Scott, Sam'l Sanders, Alex It Hunter, Wm E Riley, Dan
iel Eck, Jacob Topper, John N Linn, Isaac Pecher,
James 31 Thompson, Henry Hoffman, Peter Neill,
John Irving, JohnO Felix, James Obrien Jr, Ruben Sho
ver, Wm Smith, John A Pedditurd, Geo Fowler,
James Bowling, Saint Weitzel, Augnotns Florweddle,
Chas Sri/liner, "IVm Sanders.--sW
- • -
Letimore tortaship.-Eli H 'Croup, Galbraith M Venget
Jesse Lerew. (Edson Smith, Gee Ai Enders, John Dotter,
Geo Deardorff, Gee F Myers, Henry Anderson. John
Hoff.,.an, Geo Detter, Adam Hollinger, Howard Snyder,
John Hoopert, Jacob L Coulson. David II Myers, Ephraim
Winand, John Chronister, Fred'k Winand, Daniel Arnold,
Henry dbarbold, John Kopp, Geo A Wolff, Peter Erb, Ja
cob Livelsperger, Geo Smith, Nicholas N Bushey, George
Fickle, Adam Chronister,4muiretv Myers. Howard My
ers, John Coulson, John C Hoffman, Albert Shafer, Wm
Brougher, Samuel Albert, Henry Burkholder. Samuel B
Clutpuster, John Hamilton, John Myers, Howard Miller,
Amos Peters, Peter Brough, Washington Hess, Franklin
Albert, John Blauser, Hiram Jacobs, Adam Brenernan,
Josiah Aluminum Solomon Gen Wier, Lewis P Walker,
John Albert, Andrew L Coulson, Adam Burtner, Dav d
Hoffman, David P Lerew, Christian Cauffman, Daniel W
Harbold, Samuel A Miller, Wm Fickle, John W Fickle,
Jesse J . Chn sister, Jacob Hoecht, Warne Townsend,.
Joh& Leathery, Eli Smith, Michael Ebersole, Ammon
Wirainck Jno W Lerew, Jacob R Plank Isaiah King, Dann
•Afendlen retenship.—John Heller, 'Wm W Blocker, B
C Miuntna. Henry Wigle. Henry Crist, John Eppelaman,
Amos Pohl, Howard S Yeah!, Noah D Snyder, Thadde
us Smith, lirm Starner, Arnold Rice, Lewis R Taylor,
Henry J Meals, Amos .Cmtn, John A Miller, Eliacum
Watkey, Jacob Crum, Augustus Carbaugh, Peter Itiehel,
Henry C Rice, Corneliu's Bender, lone It Peters, Geo H
Cook, Amos Bittinger, Francis Cole, John Hoffman, Ed
ward Brough, Was N Heiler, Jesse Peters, Theodore
Jones, Emanuel Brown, John B Cline, Andrew Brough,
Chas Edward, Henry Carbaugh, Bolden Moren, Daniel
Crum, Edgar McKim, Amos Stoehter, Gibson Ross, Amos
Orner, Abraham Dull, Wm Weidner, James Candag
cord, David Cline, Jacob F Crouse, Absalom Conrad,
John B Heffernan, Kersey J Cook, Edward W Mummaw,
Henry J Haner, John Peters, Jacob A Clem, Rezekiah
Mullen, Elijah Irvin, Edward Warn, John Warn, Solo
mon Reamer, Geo Thomas, Johia - Reamed, Jacob Omer,
Zccbatials Oyler, Franklin W Cook, Theephilus Eppeta
man, Geo Bush, Jacob Hoffman, Daniel Omer, David
Borrow, James Gardner, Geo Ad. , s. Christ EPPelamera
Henry Solvers, Daniel Livingston, Amos Vets. Emanuel
Brown, Wm Frond, Alex D Taylor —ll3
Oxford Borough.—John Getz, John L Smith, Cornelius
Miller, Josiah A Aulabaugh, Alovsius Marshall, Aaron
Hengy, Charles Shillen, Philip al Slagle, Israel Blair,
John Stock, Edmund C Gilt, Jerome E Basalt, Henry - W
Smith, Samuel Siferd, HenryKehm, Wm McClain, Phil
ip A Myers, Emanuel Reed, Jones Mummert, Alex Shra
der, Andrew Wolf, Edward Stealy, John Mowrey, Ham
ilton D Hettaer, Francis Lawrence, John Haines, Jolla W
Buff, Soldrnonßear, Alxliel F Gilt, Wm Carbongh. John
F Take, John Riokroad, John Bnpp, Joseph It Diehl,
Edward T Colgen, John Senift. Michael CMgen, Francis
Wisensale, Conrad Nagle, Francisßreighner, Anthony
Shanabrook, Henry Lingg, James M. Robison, Joseph
Shane, David Palmer, Chas F limes, Martin Heltzet,
John S Brady, Henry W Tont, John.' Fink, Allen Bergh,
Henry T Lawrence, Austin A Staub, James R Gitt, Solo
mon Brown, John W Hershey, Amos Meekley. Abraham
Hoke, Peter Timmons, ° Emanuel A Noel, Jacob Netzeli,
Adam Wolff.-62
TyTont township.—Jno B Hersh, Philip Cooley, Henry
MOmert, Jesse Wei s le, Geo Walter, Frank Sluser, John
Spangler of P, John Wolf, Jere Weigle, Jacob C Pitten•
dorf, James Baren Abraham Young, Lewis Camplain,
Jesse R Droop, Jan Spangler, Geo Wilkison, Jno
Solomon Sterner, Andrew. Brame, Samuel Sadler Jr, (leo
I ,Vitters, Jacob E Herman, John 31 Pittendorf, Charles
Yetis, Geo R Harman, Jacob Bolen,•Washingtoa Breni•
zed, Howard 3lcCans, James Williams, Alfred M Wertz,
Samuel Spangler, Levi Oise, IsaadKnus, Danl Dietrich,
John Shetron, Levi Baffenspereer, Peter Trimmer, Jacob
C Neely, David T Cooley, Stewart M Neely, Emanuel
Fissel, Peter Miller, David Meals, Daniel Chronicler. Le
H Group, Wm Wert, Wm B Fisiel, Wm Sterner, Dan,
ielG Ausbom, Michael Kemper.-50.
AT HOME.—We are gratified to announce that
Thomas H. McDowell, one of our citizen prison
ers, who has been imprisoned in Dixie since‘the
6th of July, 1863, reached home on Tuesday of
last week, having affected hie exchange by trick
ing the rebels: Mr..McD. was confined at Salis
bury, N. C., and being unwell, was 'placed in the
hospital attached to the prison. On the evening
of the 20th uit the military prisoners ere taken
out for exchange, and thinking it a opportu
nity to effect his escape, he passed inffelf off for
a New Hampshire soldier, who h en dead
some three months. The rabs not disco ring the
trick, he was taken to Richmond and regularly
paroled. Mr. Melt states that on the 18th of
February J. Porter Brown, D. M. Eiker and
George Caufruan made their escaps from prison,
and, us he supposes, will try to make their way
to the Union lines in Tennessee or Western Vir-
Geo Heck. A. C. McGrath and Charles
Kinsler were still in prison, and in good health.
CAPT. JAMES R. GILMORE.—We have recei
ved a copy of the New South, a loyol paper prin
ted by our soldiers at Port Royal, iu which the
staff of Gen. Gilmore is officially given. Capt. J.
R. Gilmore, of this place is on the staff as Supt. of
Military• Telegraphs. He has been in North Car.
olina for two years past, and has won a just dis
tinction by his effieency and fidelity in the man
agement of the telegraphic communications of the
UNION MEETNG.—The Union voters of the
Borough of Cl2ambersburg are .requested to meet
at Brown's Hotel, on Saturday evening next, for
the purpose of nominating a ticket to be sufflart
al at the ensuing . election. By an act of the leg
islature the time of electing Burgess, Town Coun
cil, School Directors, &c!. has been changed from
May to the 3ci Friday of March.
PROMOTIONS.—ftie following promotions have
been made in Company G, lith Penna. Cavalry,
formerly commanded by Capt. (now Major)
Kurtz:-First Lieutenant Daniel Shively, to be
Captain; Second LielfeneSst H. G. Bonebrake, to
be 'first Lieutenant; Sergeant Jacob Porter, to
be Second Lieutenant.
that the 77th Pennsylvania Regiment, under com
mand of the gallant Col. Rose, has been mounted,
and, together with many other regiments in Gen.
Thomas' army; are preparing for a grand cav
alry nithement, at an early day.
WE Were shown a few days since two brick
tat.enfrom the walls of Fort Sumter, and several
minnie balls and part of a shell picked up in the
Fort, sent home by Capt. Jas. R. Gilmor. They
can be seen at Nixon's Drug Store.
Gox2 TO I'FIE FR 0 N T.—Company D, 2Jet
Penna. Cavalry, Capt. Hollinger, which hag been
doing provost duty in Schuylkill and adjoining
counties for about a year, left Pottsville on the 4th
inst. to join its regiment at the front
SLCOEIts, and all suffering frOM Irritation of the TA gat
and Hoarrenets will be agreeably ourp , riaed at the almost
Immediate rellefaffonied by the use of • litsmn'e Bronchial
Trochee." Their demuleant InagedientVallay Pulmonary
irritation, and, after public gpeaking or sineng, When the
threat is wearied and we,,lceued by too much exercise,
their use will give renewed strength to the vrieal (wpm
ANODYNE CZYRDIAL,the Mother's Friend and
Child's Relief—This valuable medicine is again for sale
at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door west of
Brown's HoteL It is far superior to all Soothing Syrups,
or any other preparation for children in Teething,,Cholic,
Diarrhea, or inward pains.
GELWICRH & BURKHART have much thelark
eat and most carried stock of Store Goods in town. It is
impossible in their advertisement to give a list of goods
or the prices, but it is their detertnination to keep up the
largest and best assortment of goods, and to make this the
most desirable place for Family's to deal at In the town.
DESIRABLE GOODS.—A good Hair Brush, a
serviceable Pocket Book, a piece of line Soap, a box of
highly scented French Pomade, a bottle of Nlgta•Dloomlng
Gemini, a box of Lip Salvo, a stick of Black Cosmetique,
a good Tooth Brush, and sato Dentifrice, to be had at
CriXesizaa Drug store.
REMEMBER Gelivieks & Burkhart sell none
but the beat and punkt Spices, and Baking Aril°lea. All
liplena put up by themaalvea and ground on dna own
on Wassioit_taa fittest, 2 doors mat of Ilocead .fitrest, ea
Tueutai.l'ab 14, at 2 n'olnalt E, C. (Atom
—Roger A. Pryor has been sent to City Point
to be exchanged.
—Gene. Crook and Kelly, it appears by a
patch from Gen. Lee to the rebel Secretary of
War, were captured by Lieut. McNeill and thir
ty men, and have been taken tollichir,ond.
—Gen. Joseph E. Johnston bag been at length
appointed to an active command, and report - has
it that he has superseded Beauregard in command
of the armies opposing Sherman.
—Hon. George Dursie died in Allegheny coun
ty on Friday, aged 65 years. Mr. Darsie was for
some years State Senator, at a later period,of his
life was' Canal Commissioner, and, afterwards rep
resented that district in Congress.
—The veteran hero, John Burns, who distill,
guished himself at the battle of Gettysburg, has
been most comfortably provided with a situation
by Col. Eakin, Chief Quartermaster of the Cin
tuislary Bureau at Washington, D. C.
—We have, by the Moravian, arrived at Port
land, the not unexpected tidings of the death of
Cardinal Wiseman, the most prominent champion
of the Catholic faith in England, and one of the
most influential of all the Catholic hierarchy. He
died on the 15th of February.
-The telegraph brings us the melancholy tidings
of the death of the Hon. William Cannon, the able,
distinguished and patriotic Chief Magistrate of
the State of Delaware. No event of recent date
will be more sincerely deplored than this, occur
ring, top, at a time when his services we're of so
much importance to the progress of the State in
the great pathway of the future. He was a tho
rough Union man, elected by the Union party
when the country was in the crisis of her destiny
—Advices from rebel show that there
is considerable fear and alarorat Richmond. •
The report of the commission to .investigate
theqhilure of the Petersburg mine was communi
cated to the Senate on Wednesday. The failure is
attributed to Gen. Burnside and other officers.
—Govomor Brown, of Georgia, in his message
to the Legislature, complains of not having been
properly supported in his efforts to prevent the
march of Sherman through the State, and also
adimadverts severely upon Jeff. Dais and the
rebel congress.
—Gen. Gilmore reports to the War Depart
ment that in the rebel defences of Charleston over
four hundred and fifty pieces of ordnance were
captured. Eight locomdtives and a greit many
'passenger and platform cars were in the city.
Eteserters report that Hardee's army was to have
crossed the Santee river on Saturday last, bound
to Charlotte. The knit of Hood's army pasSeft
through Augusta on the 19th ult. to jom Beattie-
Bard. Georegtown has been e l m:noted by the
rebels and is now in our possession.
—An expedition under Admiral Dahlgren
moved rm the Santee river on the 25th
and after taking several important points and
batteries, captured Georgetown, South Carolina.
after a bombardment of several hours, among--
the tropbies are eighteen pieces of artillery in good
condition. As a portion of the fleet was return
ing, Admiral Dahlgren's
,flagship, the Harvest
Moor:, was blown up by a Rebel torpedo. For
, tuuately, only one person was lost by this :loci-
Atlent. Several others were injured in various
ways. Admiral Dahlgren escaped without any
serious injury. The capture of Georgetown do
ses up another rathole heretofore opeh to block_
ado-runners and will entible us to communicate
with and send stores to Gen. Sherman's army, if
such a course should be deemed necessary.
Congrorto has p0e5....1. t 1 Lill for o uuw loan of
$600,000,000, to be issued at a rate of interest
not exceeding 7:30 per annum,and the law express
ly provides thfit no part of the same shall be made
legal tenders'.,, The 7-30 loan is just now 'im
mensely popular, and t is probable that the new
loan will be continued on the market in the same
form of the 7-30's now on sale. We believe that
the present sales, under the skilful management of
Jay Cooke, reach from ten to fifteen milllions per
Congress has Wisely guarded against any addi
tional indrease of currency. In ;addition to the
vast volume put in circulation directly by the
government, the National Banks are daily adding
very largely to the currency of the country,
and even the. 7-30 coupon notes not unfrequently
pass from hand to hand in individual transactions
as currency. Should the war cease within a few
months, of fen be contracted in its now vaStop
orations, the volume of currency that must neces
sarily be thrown into the legitimattichann'qls of
tOde would produce immense inflation. The
government, banks and all individuals who are
interested in guarding against violent expansions
and contractions, should unite to prevent a need
less volume of currency.
Ttie first - National Bahk of Greencastle was or
ganized-on Saturday last. James C. McLanahan,
Esq.; wilrbe the President, L. H. Fletcher, of
Lancaster, Cashier, and Jas. C. McLanahan,
Jno. RathrautT, Melchi Snively, Jacob Shook, Jno.
Rowe, - Geo. W. Zeigler, Jno. Wilhelm, A. B.
W4igerd, Jacob B. Crowell, Jesse Craig and S.
A. Bradley, Directors. 'The new institution will
start with the confidence of the commifuity ttuit
its business will be discreetly and honestly mana
ged. We wore surprised to hear that our re
marks a few weeks ago, were construed by some
of the friends of that Bank into a purpose to de,
feat its charter. Nothing was fiirther from our
intention. ' What we said applied with equal per
tinence to the Bsy.k of Chambersburg and every
other Bank in this section of the State. 4.11 must
guard moat arefuny against expansion of their
business in the present "flush" times, for the rea
son that when reaction comes,
- while individuals
may claim extension and indulgence, Banks must
ever be ready to pay. The issue under the three
Banks now organized in this county will not be
as large as was the issue of the Bank of Chambers
burg alone under the State laws; and it must be
borne in mind that three institutions are now to
be sustained on the same business formerly done
by the Bank of Chnmbersburg, for however busi
ness may be increased just now, the, timynust
come when all channels of trade will imirtistet to
the old standard. The three Banks in this county
are limited m their-issue as follows;
Bankg.. Capitol. Isioo
Notional Bank of Cbranbersburg. ... 260,000 201,000
" " -- Waynesboro 541,000 45,000
Greencastle 100.000 ' 00,000
• These institutions under the National law emit
but 369,000 of notes, whereas the old Bank of
Chambersburg has circulated nearly double that
amount ; but now the general government has
circulation of font times the amount of tho old
bank issues, and it must continue for years to
come. The Franklin County Banks can all pay
fair dividends to their stockholders, but the same
capital would pay much better hi one institution.
However the local interest which attaches to such
institutions 'fully compensates the stockholders
for the difference in profit. They are of undoubt
ed and positive advantage to business men in h.-
gitimate trade in their immediate locality, and the
just pride of the citizens will contribute largely to
sustain them. •
Gold has falletrbolow 200 and now o , eihttes
about that figure. Should our military operations
prove half as successful as is confidently eipect
ed, it will doubtleisi recede still farther u ithiu the
next thirty days.
Stocks generally have been active during the
last week, and especially Oil stocks and Oil oper
ations gerierslli. Civl Ocrhr and Teir. SharPP wenn
,foutiditt_itqiiisitorti 4 Ittutberilburt).Va.
to Pittsburg last Friday to inquire into the Cherry
Run and Pittsburg Company ; but we have not,
heard from them. The company have sold thei
interest in their producing well, but it is alleged
that they thereby realized More than by keeping
it. It is conceded that that the company owned
good lands, and with good management the stock
should be profitable. A large amount of it is held
here, and we shall be glad to hear thiii the oper
ations of the Board have been properand accept
able to the stock-holders.
The Hopewell company under the direction of
Maj. Rowe, has sold sufficient stock to develope
the land, and we learn that the directors mean to
push. operations vigorously this spring.. When
their maximum working capital is realized, they
will not offer additional 'stock for sale Until the
property ie successfully developed.
•A party of our citizens have purchased a small
tract of land on 'Walnut Bend, and mean to de
velop it at their own expense and risk. IT, is
well located and can scarcely fail to produce. It
was organized by Col. Shirts and Mr. McKinstry
of Mercersburg, and several citizens of this place
are interested in it.
The stock of the Sheridan and Cherry FOB
ComPany.has been selling rapidly in this county
during the last week, and we learn that the books,
wiil be dosed in a few weeks as large sales have
been made in the East.
—The following are the latest quotations of the
sales of stocks and Bonds in Philadelphia :
JOS. F. YOUNG & CO., N 0.12 MERCII,Orre EXCI-11Nnr.
U. S. 51. ts um , Eldorado
U. S. s.tlo's 1101 Farrell Oil
Reading R. R int. off 561 Franklin 0i1...
Penna. Railroad 60 Great Western
Catawissa, Railroad.. 10-1, Germania
Catuv.issa It R.—Pref. W Globe Oil
North Penna. Railroad 9.6/ Howe's Eddy Oil ... - 11
I'hila."6: Erie R. R. .901 Hibbard - 194
Long Island Railroad. Rage bland 21
Schuylkill Nnvigatien. 27 Hyde Farm
Schuylkill Nay.—Pref. 341 Irwin Oil -91
Susquehanna Canal .. 141 Jersey We 11.......... 4 -
Big Mountain Coal. ... 4r Keystone Oil - 21
Butler Coal 10 Eraser. 11
Clinton Coal - Maple Shade 0i1..... 2.61
Conneetie , d Mining' .. 1. M'Clintock Oil 6
Diamond Coal Mineral Oil 21
Fulton Coal 61 Mingo. 41
Feeder Dam CoaL.... 4, sFElheny
Green Mt. Coal - 3111FCrea & Cherry Run. 5+
Keystone Zinc ....... Noble & Delamater. - 61
Monocacy Iron. Oil Creek. 71
N. Y. & Mid. Coal -• . !Organic Oil-- - ..... 1
N. Carbondale. -......21-16 Olmstead. - - 21
New Creek C0a1..... 7 .-. 1 Pennsylvania Pet 2
Penn Mining .... Perry Oil. 31
Swatara Faits C0a1.. -- .. 71 Philada and Tideoute:
Atlas. 11 Pope Farm Oil 1
Allegheny River. -..— 'etroleum Centre , 3
Allegheny & Tideoute. *ll P lana & Oil Creek.... 11
Big Tank 3 Philips
Brandon Island Revenue
Beacon Oil '1 Roberts Oil 2
Bruner - • 11 Rock 011 31
Bull Creek 31 Rathbone Petroleum_ 1 31
Briggs 011.-a 34 Sherman li
Burning Spring Pet... 21 Seneca Oil - 41
Continental Oil 21 Story Farm Oil ' 21
Crescent City ' 11 Schuylkill & Oil Creek If-
Curtin 13 St. Nicholas 41
Cerro Planter 51 Story Centre 8
Caldwell ......... -.. 71 Sunbury - .81
Cow Creek 11 Tarr Farm 21
Cherry Run - - Tarr Homestead.— - 5 l 5l
Dunkard ' 1 31 Turtle Run.
Drinkard Creek 0i1... 1 31 Union Petroleum • 1i
Densmore 5 Upper Economy
Dalzell. 9 Penang+, 0i1.........
Excelsior Oil . If Walnut Island ' 21
Egber 31 Watson
HOOVER—RHODES.--On the ind ult., at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Wesley Howe, Mr.
John Hoover, of Greenvittage, to Miss Elmira Rhodes, of
Hopewell township, Cumberland county.
NOGGLE—DOUSE.--On the '22th ult., by the Rev. F.
Dyson„ lir. Jacob Noggle to Mien Catharine Douse, both
of Quincy township.
KIMBLE—WA RDEN.—On the sth inst, by the same,
Mr. John Kimble to Miss Margaret Warden, of this place.
WEIGHT.—On the 6th inst.. in this place, James
Wright, Esq., aced $5 Scare. His funeral will take place
from his late residence, East Queen Street, this (Wednes•
day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. P. B.
..KAUFFMAN.—On the Ist inst.. near Upper Strasburg,
Mr Jacob Kauffman, aged 64 years, 1 month and 7 days,
[Lebanon papers please copv.l
SACKMAN.—On the IPth ulr., in St. Thomeo, Mrs.
Catharine Backman, aged 39 years, - 5 months and 22
rTVALia.—Published for thp benefit, and as a CAUTION
TO VOITNG MEN earl craters.. who staffer from Nerve.
Debility, P 1 ornallzre Decay' of 2dantlood. sc., sopp)ytag
at the-same time THE MENN6 OF SELF•CURE. By one
who has cured himself after undergoing considerable
quackery. By enclosing a post paid addre.sed envelope,
single copies may be had of the author
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co.,
N. Y. de014.3m
THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Eaeay of Warning
and Instruction for Young Men--publiahea by 4 the DOW
erd Asanciationa and sent free of charge in sealed envel
open. liddr—n, Dr..l. SSILLEI HOtioBTON, Howard As.
soelation, Philadelphia, Pa.
OLD EYES MADE NEW.—A pamphlet directing
bow to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, with
out aid of doctor or medicine. Bent by mail, free, on re
ceipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,
febl-6m 1130 Broadway, New York.
- *
WHISK F.RS ! !--Those %Visiting a fine set of
whisker's. a nice moustache, or a beautiful head of glossy
halr, will please read the card of Tuba. F. CHAPMAN in
another part of this paper. marebi
tliambersbarg Markets,
CETAXIIERSRUNO, March 7, 1505.
flour—lb - bite 511 00 Butter 30
Flour—Red . 10 50 Eggs" 30
Wheat—Whit,' 2 40 Lard — . 20
Wheat—Rod . 2 35 fallow 15
Rye 1 40 Bacon—Barna 20aa
Corn 1 90 Bacon—Bidet. 20
Oath . 50 Soup Beane 225
Clover Seed..
Timothy Seed
Potatoes--Mercer.... 1 301
PotltuPs—Pink Eyes 1 25'
Philadelphia Markets.
YMLADELNIIA. March 7, 1855
Salon bf 5,000 bbls. good extra family Flour at swan
50 ; small lota ofauimidne at $020,50. Rye Flour is held
at $8.75 and Corn Meal at $B.
Small salecof red Wheat at 82.50'; white ranges from
CZ to 2,85. Sales of I_6ooo bush. yellow Com at 81,58
Z 1.59. Oats dollar 98e.
Whisky FCrling is a eanall way at $2,30"&f!,n..
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Stocks steady. Penna.. fixes. Erii; Reading Railroad, 59}:
Moms Canal, 90; Penal. R. R. 110; Gold, 199; exchange
on New York liar.
eto abbertiorments.
waN i T i.b E r, p, c.. A .c.a. T .se?! s! ,,l P . E tow ß n 3 a l . o d N co T un H, A
, for
the Norse and Spy, the meet nteresting and exciting book
'ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in
the Union army an Nurse, Scout anal Spy, giving a most
vivid inner flcture of the oar. Wo have Agents clearing
8150 per month. which we siVirove to - any doubting are
plmint. -Send foricireirlare... !dress "JONES,'BSOS.
le. CO., 600 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa." [maiB-9t'
Commirriosers nfFrc,;k lin County -ill meet at the
following titre and places, for the purpone of hearieg ex.
en:talon:, Erwin tho enn: led Mdttia for State Sen - ice
At WAII,NESBORO, on Monday, the Zlnit day of
Mach, for Quincy, Washington and Wayneboro.
At GREENCA:STLG, on Tuesday. the 21st at March,
for Antrim and Greencastle. 1
At MERCERSISURG, on Wiulnepalay, the Mal day f
31arrin for Montgomery, - Peters. Mercersburg and War
%At STRASBURG, oil Thursday, She 234 dayof March,
for Letterkenny, Lurgau, Southampton, FanaettttndMet
At CHAMBRRSBURG. on Friday. the :Nth day of
for Green, Guilford, Hamilton. St. Thoinas and
N B —Pp . rsons can attend in the Township or Borough
ro.cmcnt to th e m
HENRY ' GOOD. Coffin.
io this Post Oilier. at Clianiberiberg, Stat,, of peen
s) isreria Slur i h 7. 12115.
71,z - 1 - obtain imy of tbssi• I,etiers, the applicant must
call tor "oils ertiscil Letiers, ' gisip Cae date of this list, and
pity me cent for advertising.
Andrews Q W ;Fry J It
Andrews George ;Gibson William I
Arnbrige Mrs. Mary ;Owen Jacob
A ruistron, mism y.ove itjta Martha ,
Baltimore )Ire 'Harmon MrsMarthl
Hear Sathuel ; Harmony John '
Bender - Miss Ellin; Hess Miss Eliz.'h
Bear Missllduttie :Midi°, John
Bi t ogerMiso lazy !Loos er Abraham
800 firs PID 'Moan 3tiss Sarah
Ilnicke Richard I.loneslllissSusanna
Brindle George Kaufman Miss Fan
Ittryd Joseph ' - Kane Frank
Bri;wn C Kr tier Jacob
Buttueks Hiss W ; Roane Mordecia
Cook Q Lehman Marinh
Crider John A ILeidig Christian
Cook lilts; I Leap Miss Mary
Cooper Philip Lee Horace
Coat Miss;Marg ILetty Miss
Cook Miss Eliza I Miller /Michael
Craig Henry IMiller Miss Emmul
Crider MrS Mary Miller John
Dulls Mnr Emma Miller Miss Ella It
Downey Mr Miller Peter
Dunham 0 W Miller Miss Sarah . 1
Eaton Lennard H INiewander 31101 A
Fexoy.bliOmanda Pagua-Samuel '
14 00 Washed Wool..
4 50IPnwashed
2 50 Pared Peaches.
ilinpared Peaches 3 00
, IDried Apples 2 75
Parkei Ellen
, Reid Dr J K
Rims Mn Harsh A
',Richardson Wm
, Reiber F
!River James '
Reffenbanch Kiss
neared t'
Rots Peter sr 2 I •
Rohrer Miss Elia%
Row ltirs Remora
Rath-ger A
&mist Jacob I
Shaffer !dies K L
Schafer Junes -
Shelter Mary C
Smith Idiss'LldistA
Solenberger Henry
Snider Miss Id
Stouffer Jacob •
Treher blisabfaryJ
Titreans Mies Mars
Thorns Andreall
Werner Francis
Wending Jacob
DEAL. P;11.1
,hem EllibertisettMits:
NOTICE—Au persons indeliteatokj-
White by note or Book Account will confer a ftivoi
by Calling and settling their acootads will:iota delay. Ms
hooks are all ttat he has saved ont of the great fire.
marchS A. J VirlliTE,
Stone Building, e doors north of the Post Office.
hereby given that Letters Testamentasytathe Estsh ,
of Daniel Mock, late of Metal township, deed. have been
granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make Immediate payment; and thcee having
claims preaent them properV authenticated forasttlemeut
march& DAVID BOCK, Ex'r.
.11 GUILFORD TOWNSHIP.—Notice is hereby ert
en to all Tax-payers of,Grulford township, who have not
paid. their BOUNTY TAX for 1864, that' the same has
been plabod in the hands df 'the proper °Dicers for collect
tiOn, who will be at S. F. GIIEENAVirALTS, in Chambers
burg, ou Friday and Saturday, the Jea and 11th and 17th
and 12th of Mated net, to attend to the same. By Siring
this attention the per eentage will be saved. By order of_
the committee. . • ,IRO. BENEDICT.
AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by given to the creditors of Charles Hegel, late of
Southampton township, dec'd, that the accormtof P. N.
Hoffman, Executor of raid decedent, wee confirmed by the
Orphans' Court of Franklin county, and that the under
signed, was appointed Auditor to distribute the balance
on said account amongst the creditors. The Auditor will
meet the creditor's and all parties Interested, at his office,
on the lilst day of March, 1865, at 10 o'clock, A. H., to
mar-shal and apportion said funds a t the creditors. • J. W. DOUG S, Auditor.
TREE PLANTERS.—Trees at Pub&
be sold at the Nurseries a ECL. Ryder, near London, on
the Loudon and Cove Gap road. on Friday, the'Ath day of
dfarcd, sat, an unrivaled collection of FRUIT AND
and in large and small lola 'to snit purchasers. Also—At
the same pme and place, One ROAD WAGON, and Bed
and Bows, 100 extra LornstPosts, 10,000 oux and Chest.
tint Shingles.
Sale to commence at 10 dolock, A. IL, , when the terra
will be made known,by B. L. RYDER, Proprietor.
marchB.3t [C. HAIMMAX, Anat.
110 lIBLIC SALE.—The undersigned Ex
centers of the last , will and testament of Elizabeth
Barnhart, late of Antrim township, deal, will sell at Pub
lic Sale, at the residence of Henry Barnhart, in Middle
burg, on Saturday, the 11th day of March, 1861, the fol
lowing Property, to wit: I.BED AND BEDDRiG, 1 Ta
ble, - 1 Safe, 1 set of -Chairs, 1 Rocking do., I Clock, 1
Stand, 1-Brass Nettle, I Ten-plate Stove and Plpe, 1
Looking Glass, 1 Coffee Mill, 1 Axe, 35 Yards of CAR
PET, anti a great many other articles, such as Wits,
Comforts, Coverlets, Sheets, Table Spreads, Basket Win
dow Blinds, - Flat Iron, Doughty, Broom, Tin, Queens
and Earthenware, Pots, Pans, Meat Bench, Buckets, Tubs
Spinning Wheel, a lot of APPLE BUTTEft,,,andat great
many other articles, not mentioned.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, on said day, when the
terms will be made known by
PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber; h*
tending to relinquish Farming, will offer at 'Publio
Sale, at his residence in Guilford township, on the road
leaditig from Chrunbersburg to Waynesboro,' (2 miles
from hew Franklin and one•half mile from Jackson Hall,)
on Thursday, the 16th day of March, 1865, the following
Personal Property, to wit 7 head of good HORSES, (all
good draft animals.) 3 of which are fine Brood Maras—two
with Foul; 1 two-year old Colt, 1 yearling Colt, 10 head of
Cattlo--5 of which ore Mich Cows. 10 head of Sheep, a
number of Hogs. &c. Also. 2 Good Wagons, 1 a Broad-
Tread and the other a Plantation; 1 one-home Wagon; 1
Spring do.; 1 Sleigh; 1 Wheelbarrow; 2 seta -Hay Lad
ders; 3 two-horse Plows, 2 three-horse Plows; 3 Double.
Shovel Plows; 2 Single do.; 1 Cultivator; 2 Harrows; 1
THRESHING MACHINE, and Horse-Power; one Grain
Reaper, one Strock's improved Grain Drill, 1 Wire-Tooth
Rake, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Field Roller, one Corn Sheller,' one
Fodder Cutter, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Corn Coverer, ice. Also,
Single„ Double and Tripple Trees; 1 Fifth-Chain; 2 Log
Chains: "3 sets Brdechbands; 4 sets Fro'kt Gears; 3 sets Plow
Gears; 4 Nets; But; Breve:slid Cow Chains. Also, a
lot of FURSITURV,, cot:shine in part, of 3 Bedsteads
and Bedding, 2 Bureaus, Cook Stove, Kitchen Cupboard,
and a great many articles,not necessary to mention.
Egir , Sale at 9 o'clock. A. M., when attendance will be
given and terms Made known by JACOB LEHMAN, Sen.
• 4
... Have opened their
in the Stone Bnitdinf,,oti Second Street, two doors
north of the Post 0414:*, and opposite
the CotmtyJail,
a good amortmenst of
and a genera) amartmont of
Giva as a caIL
The Fertilizers prepared by the Agricult:lre - Chemical
Co., (a Company chartered by the Legislature of Pennsyl
mania with a capital of $250,000,) have been proved In
practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for
the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit•grower, of all conoeuira
ted manures now offered in any market. Thilpompany's
Piet embracos the following
—This Fertilizer is composed of night mail and the 'faqir"
ing elements of mine, combined chemically and meohnal-
cally irith other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbents.
It is reduced to a pulverulent coddltion ; ready for im-
mediate use, and without loss' of its highly nitrogenous ter-
tilizing properties.
Its universal applicability to ail 'crops and soils, and its
durability and active qualities, am well known to be all
T c .
that Npicultaristican• mire. -.
Price $)3O per' Telt. _.
This. Fertilizer is largelycomposed of aniaHts 1 mater,
such as meat, boas, ftstyleather, hair and wool, Swami
with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose
the mass, and retain the, nitrogenous elements.-
It 13 a wry valuable fertilizer far field crops generalli,
_and especially for potatoes,' and garden purposes.
Its 'excellent qualilies, strength and cheapness, haVe
made it wry popular with all Who have used it.
Price 840 per Tun. -
• -
This highly phosphatic fertilizer is parlieularly adaPWXI
for the caltivation of trees, units, lawns and flowers.' t
will Promote a 'very vigorous and healthy growth of wood
and'ruts, and largely increase the Auantityitud perfect
the maturity of- the fruit. For hOt•hotuse and household
plants and dowers, it will be found an indispensable aril•
cle tb secure their greatest perfection. 'lt will prevent and.
cure diseased condition& of the peach and grape, and
excellent for genes and lawns.
It is composed of 'such elements as snake It adapted to
tha growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils.
The formula or method of combining tta constituent fer
Wiling ingredients Mite received the highest approval of
eminent chemists audsideoUile agriculturists.
rrice - $5O per Tat.
Tao Agricultural Chemical Company manufacture a
Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a new and valuable
formula by which a very, superior article Is proda'cecl, so
CZ to be afforded at a leas price than other manufacturers
charge.. 'Practical tests have proved that its value, as a
fertiliser, Is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the
Price ,565 per Ton.-
Allordets of a Ton oytoom, trill Jr delivered at the
Railroad Statimis and the lirdtrvee of Shipment, free of
enriage. Cartagg will be charged on all orders of fi
ml s or less. '
One dollar per Ton atom:ince for cartage will be Made
an all sales d4ivered at the Works of the Company', on
Canal Wharf'.
Offer, 413 h, Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
B. FITTS, Genial Agent.
The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing fuf di
radices for using tba &bur! Fertilizers, 'sent by mil, free,
when requeettd. marcbEl-foon
- ••••• •,e •
Fuzz BouN27Eg AND NO CalithiSSlONs.
4 1 '0 Star on our .Flag shall ever' Dimmed.
The aet pay of a Veteran Voltmteer in liaseoek's Corr
la viz: ,
Par One Year, Government Bonntr $4OO
City of Philadelphia Beauty - 400
Monthly pay fromiTalted States Government, $l6
per numth lft2
Clothing account yearly. 42
Ward Bounty, (average) ' 25
City relief for families of volunteers, $6 pei month... 72
The net poy of a Veteran' Volunteer for two years in
Hancock's Corps is, viz :
Government Bounty $5OO
City of Philadelphia Bounty - 450
Monthly pay from United States Government, .$l6
per month. 384
Clothing amen% $42 per year
Ward Bounty, (avenge),
City relief for ftunily, $6 per month. ,
The net pay of a Veteran Volsmteer for three years in
Thincock's Corps le,,vir : , ,
C Gove
of P rnm hiladelphia.ent Bawdy VCCI
ity 5OO
Monthly pay from United States Government, .Al 6 '
per month. 576
Clothing account, $42 per year 126
Ward Bounty, (average) , ' - 2$
City relief for families, .S 6 per month. • 216
The Committee who have ob*rge of the orgatiuSion of
the Brigade are •
Chief of Detective Police of the City of Philadelptils.
Cashier oftbe First National Bata.
One will be raised under the direction' of the Corpora
flans of Philadelphia Prom time Corporations the Com
mittee will consist of
Pce•President of the Peansylverda Railroad Company.
Preshieut of the Sellnyllrill Navigation Company.
President of the Reeding Railroad Company.
President of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Company.
President of the First National Beal of Philadelphia.
will be raised under the direction of the Manttfactarers,
Merchants, and Brokers of Philadelphia. The Committee
will coneist of
—_ (of C. L. S. H. Bode.)
(of Jay Cooke & Co,)
THE THIRD REGIMENT will be raised under di-
rection of the Corn Exchange. The Counnitteeeppointed
Presidentoi the Corn Exchange.
Come and join no. whether you live in Blaine or Michi
gan, New Jersey or lowa. All who know the gallant
Hancock, and all who ever served under the Muse Bir
ney, need no inducement to Join no after they have made
up their minds to return to the front, Besides this, make
yourselves recruiting officers, and talk the matter over
with the "boys." Bring all you can with you, and you
shall be put in the eamecompany, and we will have a Bri
gade withoutjealonsies or strife. Thirik of this, and don't
take much time 'to decide. We want to put the thing
through before the grit of May;
will be appointed by General Rannoch. Nc rue need ail
ply to any one but him. The Committees cannot take
the time to deckle upon such questions, or to answer let
ters. We want to get the soldiers and attend to their com
Chief of Deteaire Police, Mayor's afro, PAgatielzhia.
From the great mass of official correspondence, We se.
left the following - , as exhibiting the manner in which the
Veteran Recruits have been 'received and provided fbr.
Circulars, giving falrpartictdars, may be bad at thin once,
or at recruiting stations, (about to be organized,) in differ
ent sections or the country , :
WABIMSGTON, D. C.. Feb. 16, 1861
Benjamin Franklin, Erg., Chief of Detective Polka, Pill/.
XV DEAR tint:, Your detachment of veterans ter the
Ist Corps arrived yesterday. The men, without exoep
don, have been mustered into the service of the (Tutted
States. lam very much obliged to you for the exertion
you have used toward tilling up my corps, and I trust
that the success you have thus far met with may be as
canoe for greater mom 41 the fuhirs.
I nm, very reepravtfully, itatr obedient servant,
Major General S. Army, Commanding Corps.
Aim Coals.,
WaallniavoN; Feb, 13, 1965. SS
iLmj. Franklin, Chiyfof Police, Corn= of Fifth and Char
on; , -
Substitutee for enrolled men do tot receive the Govern
meatßounty. . Pi .. .111421s are elempted from draft. Rep
team:dative recruits receive the Government bounty. Vol
=Were, substitutes, and representative recruits residing in
Philadelphia are' that aity to coming drafts.
Pay commences from dathe - enlistment is perfected.
Letter by maiL W. B. 'HANCOCK, Major Genera-
It Is to be expressly understood that Veterans, either of
RY, or NAVAL, .may be credited to the City, Town,
County. or TOwnship, Where they reside.
The following isfilinvit will exhibit at Once the admire
bier demeaner'or 'the recruits when they ardired nt Virosh
ington, and hew they were mustered in.
Weauvaros, D. D., Feb. 19, 1865._
I hereby Certify that as allotnryPublio I was required
be present at 'Camp Stoneman, yesterday, the Bth, on the
oecadon of matted in of Twenty•eir:a men rocrultedby
BENJAMIN F Esq., Chi -f of Detectives of
Philadelphia. That they were all sworn in and uniformed
in my presence, , and they acknowledged that they bad
been paid all of the A pountlea -promised them by Mt
"I farther state, that an of the above men expr e ssed
themselves 43 eel:idled with.-the eenduct of Mr. Franklin,
I farther say, of my own knowledge, that efforts were
madeby persons abottr the Baltimore depot in Washing
ton to induce the men to violate their engagements with
Mc. Franklin, but to no effect. I say this fur the credit of
the non whcee names are given above." See Circular.
A. G. LAINT-ZnE, Notary PUblio.
All Veterans who desire to have their irderests looked
after without being swindled by, sharpers are directed to
the Recrulting.Agency, 106 South SLKTIi Street, "Ben.
ry's-Merwuee," where the Rifle, is to be teen daily which
the Veteran is entitled to keep at the expiration of his term
of service, which discharges sLltewiahots per minute.
All' eenunonicationa on this subjict after thin explanation
meat be brief and to the point. be promptly answer
eel by addressing
Chief Detective Departeten Ps/ice,,Mapor'e,Oftcs, 14 .
N. a—No Loa en, Bounty Jumper., or Commies
Men need apply, nano dealing will beamed with them.
" Remember, that each veteran will be supplied
times pee minute: - - maclo4/
By ' 8
Byauthority of The Secretary of the Treason the ttn•
dersign ed has assumed the General Subscriptions Agency
for the gate of MAWS State' rinurary. Notes, besting sec
en and, three tenths per cent. interest, per annum, knovna
TE s f ne the
. V,043
/Obi IltdbliThwitatto.
E r.
it in 1N.,. benbaX V . •
mit% Sts Cbaln
DUC C MI ) :Vat o
lAtiv-wiatiedd, *Peak Balit, a tlat ate
residenee ofitto -- 0 - loDeacra, deed; InHionliteaToenthip,
e i t l i zA W tie Mete ftifer 4 l4 184 the folloodat Lott cf
LAND: No 1, containing4,Aurati No, 2,
mutating , Acne ; 3,'oontalnirig *era; Na 4,
containing 23 Acres ; No. 5, is a lot eontaining rAttscs,
with a DOGHOUSE arelStable, we I.dpplied yrielFluitv
each as Peaches and Apples. Thew Lobsadileto la of
'Wiz Bowed, Henry Weis t, Satell I( tt .‘l).;l4lDet
triter sad J. a Palmer . Eo. 6,11 a of Mountain
Ltual,L part in Harnßton and part le Lottetitenny teautdara,
ototalaingl7 ,
'7 ACE19.14, and 18 Perches , resatirutiannet
-ad A d ri tt 'S I of ' Rmenben3", Jacob Eberly raid Her
fez's. Tae picperty, will be shown, by calla lather of
the Executors any Sum before the dal of sole. Alto, 11
Shane of Charnberstortw TUBED= STOCK,
HOHSEHOLD GOODS.—At the mos time autlphtee,
all* Household Puna= of said. Jacob Deatriek, deo'd,
viz: 4 Bedsteads, Beds and Betiding; 1 Blum ; 1 Case of
Drawers, 2 doz. Main ; 1 Cupboard 1 Urger mew Ta
ble.; 3 small do.; 2 Stands; 2 Looki ng Glasses ;- 1 • eight
day Clock ;1 twenty-four hour do.; -100 yards
Oil Cloth by the Yard; 1 huge Map ; 1 Cook titoe e, Pips
and Apparatus; 3 ten-plate Stover, 1 Patent Washing
thine"; a lot of Tabs; 1 large Copper Kettle: 1 made ;
- 500 Rounds of ,Ilacto; 23 lba Tallow : - 19 Crocks Apple
batter, &I, &c. Also, 1 Cart; 2 sett Hamm ; 30 Bags;
-4 Barrels ; 1 Cross-cut Saw, and a great many other .artl
cies. • • •
. • ,
• Br Up at 10 o'clock, when the team" IVY UtAtade
kocrgn, by WILLIAM BOASERT, t Evik
7- 3 0 L 0 A N
Thee itiotoe are Lamed under date of Mind 15th, 1864,
and mappable three years from that time, ;In currency,.
or aro *male at the option of the holder into
11. & .5.20 NIX PER CENT.
Tplesehozeis are now worth a premium albino per cent.,
including gold Interest frord NOT., which mattes the acti
al profit on the 7-30 . low, &torment rates, including inter
eit, l ebtral ten per cent per swum, besides its brisepthrs
*Ss Bats and seiniciput taxation, whisk adds frois,.•ne
to creeper Sento:ore, according to the rate levied on oth
er giopertsj: The •interest IS payable sesal•annually by
conivens atiadhed to each nettt, which tray be i*ottand
sold to any bank or banker.
The interest exacrunts to
ms s
TTiO czmis " "- - 'IROO -
Iraa u 11 asx,
1 St
0 4$ 4$ stow • U
, 46 14 gm 44
htotee of ell the denomination named will be protiaptly
famished non receipt of inteerlittons. Thie is t -
nod offered bythe Government, and it isoonedently ex
pentad that lie superior advantages will =Omit the t
Leas than 41200,000,000 remain unsold, which will prob
ably be &Posed of 'within the nett 60 or 90 days; when
the notes wig tunianbtalliccraanand a premium, as has
twAirsnly beaa the 'ease an closing the subecatitians!a
other Loans
in order that citizens of every town and maim of the
ewantry may be 'afforded Willies few taldhg the loan, the
liiitimmlßaalre, Step Beakkaad Pifeate Bankerstkroogh
mit the country have generally agreed to wells iali
wWipeona atperr, gatearlbdtvwdolleot their omitted!' 3,
in whom they have confidence, azd who only are to he zee.
ponefble for the delivery of the FL atm for widoli they m
otive cede= /..- JAY CoOYE,
SubscriptlowrAgeat, MOW!.IVA&
Subscriptions will be :noel! ecl' by the Natianallhroiof
dhambersburg. nutrobi2cia
FLACItcw, r+equest&lpemoas mewing
themselves Indebted to them by notes or book aooSunts to
cell and make immediate settlement. The aseatalty of
WI make is apparent to every one, and we hope those
debted Wail Tort at ones. . - aty24•tf
Vooto anti , *bon.
P. FELDMAN, having disposed of his entire stook
ofßoots, Shoes, &c., at wholesale, on the 30th of last month,
and finding it inconvenient to reenme badness at his for
mer place on Mahn street, I Miyajima returned from the
STOCK, to Which he respectfully invites the attention of
Ids old customers, and as many new ones as will be pleased
to give him a call, at HIS NEW STORE ON SECOND
87,, in CHARLEY KE,DIE'S brick building, nearly op
*elm the Piet Office. His stock embraces every
of Youths': Ladles' and Men's BOOTS Jr SHOES. , v is a =
for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be Nur-
Passed in the county, and which will be mld at micas to
anit the times. Haying purchased THE LATEST STYLE
OF LASTS, he Is prepttred to make Customer work. at
short notice, by the beet workman in the county. With a
disposition to be obliging and accommodating, he hopes
to merit a liberal share of pa tro nage—without a deeLre
to monopolize, as his motto is, in our common calamity, to
live and let leave. ,?
Particular attastion paid to all ktittis of
_Rcksi!ri . rt.r:
• He has also on hand, and for sale, *heap, Trunks, W..
rises, Carpet Sacks, Linnen and Papa Collars, Parer,
rivelopes, Ink -stands, Steel Pew; &0., &o.
• N. persons knowing themselves indebted will
please call and make immediate settlement, that I may be
enabled to meet my former liabilities In the City, sag%
The undersigned takes this method of returning his thanks
to his raimerons customers, and the public) generally, for
the very liberal patronage heretofore
,extended MIMI;
nd hopes, in his present trbefortme lIICOMMOD with near
ly every business man, that ho vat still continue
be rernembervl. He has the pleasure of informing the
üblio that he has opened his Store in the Basenteet qf
Mel nnaltan's Dwelling, on Second Strut, four dome
,North of the Methodist Clorreh, where he it Prelarad to
bffer a general aatortment of Men's, Women's and chn
pliesin Boole and Shoes, embracing his own malCity man
ufacture, which, for excelloce of style and durability are•
evertor to and of his former stock,,and will be offered at
Pncee tem& all. Re is In Weekly Receipt of Goode boat
Philadelphia. which for beauty end excellemse cannot be
Intrpassed South of the Susquehanna.
CUSTOMER WORK of every variety dune with
promptneee.—As he employs none but superior workmen,
he feels jusetled in guaranteeing all work made at his 0,1.1
tabliabonent. Don't forgot the place, Fbur Doors Hera
of the Methodist Church, Second arca, East Side.—
I TRUNRS, of the latest style, hum approved makers, al.:
ways on hand, and for sale at a very email advance on
;original Mat' tapg24l JACOB MUTTON.
attonteri at Lab.
. NETS AT LAW.—W. S. STVWER, District At
;tansy and Arai far procuring Pensions, Bounty Money
and arrears of PY.
'Odes ire James Datifird's'divening, - obibirWeit rdde
Second Street, butireca.Queen bad Wbeirisuptom Streets.
sue :4 • • , -
vjUMBAUGII & GEAR, Arrowrrar
AT Lnsir.—Office opposite the Past •Ottlee. Will at;
tend promptly to all beldam, entrusted to their care.
P. B.—Authorized Agents for the collection or Pensions,
'Bounty, Beck Pay and all other claims agninert the govern
ment. .014
W S EVERETT. Attorney" at Law.
v • (Aloe on Motet Street, opposite the Court
House, formerly occupied by Jer. Cook, Esq. All legal
'tnthuesse entrnemdio his care rill moire prompt eke.
Market Btre:et, a few dams Saatb of
!protaptlyetMeetal,' th ra4 lBlma
T, Y MAN S. CLARK, krroruczy AT
1,/ LAW, Chamberobt4g. Once* the oldp i lo as
Mask•it Street, nearly oltratite the Ccrost Hoare. 41o:
j - leo at his sesidance ofrasecolatreet.. 04t19„
_I. . Office on Martet Meet.. :Ootl9-
CLAIM AGENCY.—Persioas prohoreed for withers
of the present war who are disaMed D 1 ration of wobade
rentsed, or disease corm:weed. while In the serviesof the
Caned States; and yodels , . $lOO Bounty, aid Anima
of Pay (destined for widows or heirs of those who hate
died or hesms EMI; whne In sexvioe. JOHN R. ORR,
1311129-Iy. T Mg= Afiefat. 0/ambentwir, Pa.
N tl l ICE
p4rties bolding original
gtoptscCisssign =Ma for Stack in the Cherry Bun
and 15ttateug Patrolman Company,' are rearrested sof:a
scot the sane at the office of the Company and ham , Prof , .
er b i osfent, mtulo and Certlecateo of Stock Weed to the
re do§ entitled thteteto JOHN F. GLOWER , Sec y.
feb22-3t Par* St.
_IL 'large and impurted IROX, IXVER SCALES bin
been ended In the yard. of tneleSan Qum Rotel Sur
wetting cattle, etee gsy, 6 ; 4, by
•-• • - D. L. TAiLOIS.
R. N. 3Q 3 / 4 1145E1 DgliTAI, OF